#StoryTime Precure
soleilequinoxstories · 8 months
Soleil's Fancuries For Your Consideration post
Oh boy i didn't see the Fancuries coming back in my 2024 calendar, but here we go! Welcome to the Soleil Equinox FYC post!!
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Rina Amano has started her 2nd year at Nanairogaoka Middle School, reuniting with old and making new friends. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, she has a deep love for fairytales and gushes about them whenever she can! But now, she has the fate of a kingdom resting on her shoulders! A fairy known as Pachi was sent to Earth in order to recruit the new age of Pretty Cure, because a new and powerful evil has erupted and is taking control of Märchenland! Now, it’s up to the Pretty Cure to defend Märchenland once again, or the entire kingdom will suffer from an unhappy ending!
And that's just the synopsis, i'm proud to intorduce you to my children
And now, please welcome to the stage:
~~The Cures~~
Rina Amano/Cure Joyful
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Haruhi Yoshimoto/Cure Royal
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Seiko Konya/Cure Glacial
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Sakoto Matsumoto/Cure Spark
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Taeki Bamba
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I also have the Fairy Mascot!!
Patorikku Chinen/Pachi
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As for the villains…they’re kind of a work in progress, but I can give you information on them
The Dark Knights
The successors of the Bad Time Trio, these three serve to fix what they had started. Believing that it’s possible to revive Lord Pierrot, their goal is to take the Happiness of others and use it against the people, hoping to reignite the world into darkness
I have two of the Three Knights finished however!!
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An energetic jester who specialized in puppetry - she’s the 3rd in command, using electric strings to control her targets and making it easier to monitor their behavior
(She was previously nominated for Worst Villain in 2022) Red
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A spoiled young man who sees himself as a prince of the Knights, although second in command. He utilizes his card abilities as his main source, but doesn’t mind using them to keep his targets at bay…
and that’s all there is to my fanseries!! It’s currently still being worked on with Volume 3 in development - it’ll be posted here alongside Volume 2. I really do hope you guys give my fanseries a chance and good luck to everyone else!!
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dreamnotefancures · 1 year
Story Care Time Pretty Cure
I originally wrote this for @salsasprecure during the Fancure Artfight (an unofficial Artfight for Pretty Cure Fanseries where you create whatever you want!). However, because the Fancure Artfight ended and I got pretty far on this fanfic I decided to make this a fanfic gift for Salsa.
Hope you like this Salsa! Also, be sure to check out Salsa’s stuff on @salsasprecure she has amazing art!
Also big thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader.
Mio was humming and skipping to meet her friends at the park. “What a lovely, sunny day!” Mio sang. With how gorgeous today was and how she and her friends have been busy fighting Careless, this was a perfect way to relax and recharge.
She had her whole day planned, first a picnic at the park with food provided by Tomoko, then checking out this new craft fair, ultimately ending the day with some crepes.
As Mio made it to the park, she heard rustling in the bushes. She turned around and shivered in fright. “Okay, Suzu. This isn’t funny! You can come out now.” Mio said.
However, to her surprise, it wasn’t Mio but a little swan. Mio was at awe at how cute and little she was, but saw something was up with it. The swan was little and wore a glistening crown and a multi-colored jewel necklace. Though it looked like the swan was injured by someone or something judging by the injuries the poor bird was limping from.
“You poor thing,” Mio whispered. “Who did this to you?”
The bird didn’t reply, just slowly opened her eyes and something flashed the second she saw Mio. The latter felt the same thing, almost like the two were destined to meet. Opening her bag, she took out a small handkerchief and wrapped the little swan to keep her safe before heading off to see her friends, hoping one of them could help the little bird.
Meanwhile, Tomoko, Suzu, and Fuaffu were sitting down on a bench with snacks in tow, just waiting for Mio to show up. . 
Suzu’s stomach rumbled as she let out a yell. “Where is Mio! I’m hungry!” She whined.
 Fuaffu’s stomach started to growl. “Me too…” She whined.
“I’m sure Mio is on her way.” Tomoko reassured her friends. Soon enough Mio came running and Tomoko smiled, “See she’s here.”
Suzu sighed. “Finally!”
Mio skidded holding on the handkerchief close. “Sorry I’m late.”
“Where have you been? We’ve been starving!” Suzu yelled.
Mio caught her breath and showed her friends the little swan that she held wrapped in her handkerchief. Suzu and Tomoko gasped in surprise. Fuaffu jumped on Suzu’s shoulder and gasped at the sight of the swan's injuries. She then felt the same odd spark the swan and Mio felt earlier.
“I found her injured on my way over here,” Mio explained.
Tomoko looked at the bird and saw that there was nothing broken and that the bird needed rest and food. “The poor thing.” She whispered. “What happened to them?”
“I don’t know. I found her like this and I figured I'd bring her here. I thought maybe you guys would know what to do.”
Tomoko held her hand out as Mio put the bird into her friend's hands. Tomoko examined the bird and saw the injuries on her. “She looks a bit bruised, and maybe hungry.” Tomoko examined a little more. “Looks like it’s nothing serious, but let’s keep her with us for now, if she doesn’t improve we can take her to the Tenderheart Veterinarian after this.”
“Okay!” Suzu and Mio agreed. Mio picked up the handkerchief and wrapped it around the wing of the swan. “For now, until we get you proper help.”
The swan smiled and snuggled up close. “Thank you.” She whispered. Mio paused and looked down at the swan who rested beside her. She looked at her friends who were already opening snacks and eating. Weird I thought I heard something. Mio shrugged and went to eat with her friends.
The group ate, all they could do was stare at the swan. The four nodded in silent agreement and handed a small snack to the little swan. The swan looked up and slowly ate the snack in Fuaffu’s paw. Her eyes sparkled as she ate the rest of what was offered to her. “So good!” The swan beamed. Soon the swan turned into a puff of smoke and appeared human.
The swan’s human form was of a young girl with blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. She wore a long red floral dress with puffy sleeves and over the dress was a white apron and brown shoes.
Mio and her friends stared in shock as the swan girl landed on the seat looking happy and healthy. “Thank you!” She beamed.
The girls couldn’t utter a word. Sure they’re Pretty Cure, and have seen some wacky things on their adventures, but this was the first time they saw a swan fairy turn into a human. “Y-you're human!” Suzu shouted.
The swan nodded. “I’m Dottie by the way! It’s nice to meet you.” She beamed.
Mio smiled and shook Dottie’s hand. “I’m Sasaki Mio!” She replied. “And these are my friends; Yoshida Suzu, Shimizu Tomoko, and Fuaffu.” When Mio introduced her friends they each gave a wave to the swan girl. Dottie smiled and waved back to Mio’s friends.
“So Dottie, what happened to you?” Tomoko asked.
Dottie frowned as she recalled her memories. “Well I was visiting here and suddenly this monster attacked me. I was too weak from traveling so I went in my swan form to get away.” She explained.
“What monster?” Suzu asked.
Suddenly, the girls heard screaming from a distance and went over to its source. The group got up and saw a Careless attacking a group of civilians at the park. Suzu let out a frustrated yell. “COME ON! ON OUR RELAXING DAY?” She yelled.
“Relaxing day or not! We have to defeat this Careless.” Fuaffu said.
Suzu sighed. “Fine.” She and her friends pulled out their transformation items and transformed.
With love and care, Pretty Cure Heart Activation! 
A Rainbow of encouragement, Cure Cheer!
Energetic playfulness, Cure Shine!
The Dreams of the Stars, Cure Wish!
Care!! Pretty Cure!
Dottie’s eyes glistened as she gasped in delight seeing Mio and her friends as the Pretty Cure. “Let’s go!” Cure Cheer beamed. Her team members nodded and went off to fight the Careless.
The monster took notice at the three Care Precure and a fight ensued. Cure Cheer jumped up and did some cheerleader flips before going in with a powerful kick.
Cure Shine and Cure Wish then came in throwing punches and kicks on the Careless before blocking their attacks and pushing them away. Cure Shine and Cure Wish used a wall to protect themselves from crashing. Then going back in and throwing a few more punches.
Cure Cheer came by quickly and swooped in to attack by throwing punches. The Careless was about to knock out Cure Cheer, but the pink cure made her pom poms appear and used them as a shield, blocking the punch. She then used the pom poms as punching gloves, but the Careless found an opening and knocked Cheer down.
Cure Shine and Cure Wish came in and started to attack the monster by throwing even more kicks and punches, but the Careless knocked them away, crashing into Cure Cheer.
The three pretty cure groaned as the Careless marched over them. Before the Careless could strike the final blow, the monster was kicked in the face and knocked to the other side of the park. The Care cures were in confused shock, wondering where the mighty kick came from.
“Look!” Cure Wish exclaimed. She pointed at another Pretty Cure in the distance. 
This Pretty Cure had long blonde hair with a peach ombre, a part of her hair tied to a bun, feather hair pieces, and a crown. She wore a pale blue dress with a pink ribbon on the front with a swan shaped bottle in the middle, gold accents, and white feather sleeves complimented with a feather skirt on the bottom. She sported white wings on the back of her outfit, white arm bands, and blue toe shoes with little wings on them.
“Is that?” Cure Shine asked.
“A Pretty Cure?” Cure Cheer finished.
The new Pretty Cure glared at the monster. “I won’t let you attack this world, or my new friends.” She promised.
The Careless growled. The new Pretty Cure was able to dodge and fly missing on all of the Careless attacks. The Care Pretty Cure team were in awe seeing how agile the Pretty Cure was.
Not wanting to keep missing for any longer, the Careless went for a punch, but the mysterious pretty cure used her legs to block it before kicking the monster away and causing it to knock down a few trees.
“Now finish it! Care Pretty Cure!” The mysterious cure commanded.
The Care Pretty Cure team nodded and got ready to do their finisher attack.
“With Great Care… Pretty Cure, Purify Blast!” 
A multi-colored blast filled with hearts and stars came flying out and purified the Careless. The Pretty cure sighed and collapsed on the ground relieved they were able to stop the monster in time.
“Thank you for your help!” Cure Cheer beamed.
“No problem. I’m Cure Crown by the way.” She introduced herself.
Cure Cheer’s eyes lit up as she shook Cure Crown’s hand. “I’m Cure Cheer! It’s nice to meet you!” She beamed in reply.
Cure Crown smiled as the two Pretty Cure let go of their hands. “Well I wish you luck Cure Cheer,” Cure Crown said before flying off into the sky.
“Same to you, Cure Crown,” She replied as she went back to her civilian form. “Same to you.”
 Cure Shine and Cure Wish transformed back into their civilian forms and smiled seeing Cure Crown leave. Fuaffu jumped up in Tomoko’s arms and looked up at the duo. “You know, she did look familiar.”
“How so?” Suzu asked.
“You mean that she looked like Dottie?” Tomoko answered.
“Yep!” Fuaffu replied, but soon her and Suzu’s eyes widened as they faced the green cure. “Wait, how did you know!”
“Because,” Mio spoke up, causing the trio to look at the leader. “I felt it. The second I saved Dottie I felt this weird connection. I didn’t know what it was, but now I know.” Her friends smiled and walked over to her as they looked up at the sky. “It makes you wonder if there’s more Pretty Cure out there of all kinds.”
Fuaffu put her paws on Mio’s hands. “Who knows Mio? Who knows.”
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letsudraw · 6 years
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I did a collab with @salsasprecure!
Turns out, they have a fairy tale themed cure series like me!
They drew my Once Upon A Precure’s Cure Hoodie, and I drew their Storytime Precure’s Cure Crown! Please Support both of us!
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greyfalter · 3 years
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🎁Cure Gift!🎁
If you give an American a gift, they’ll accept it! But, if you give a German a gift, they’ll reject it!
Why? Because ‘gift’ in German is ‘poison!’
Design notes under the cut:
This is a redesign of an old parody-fancure I made, and her name was ‘Pure Posion’ or something like that. (I didn’t write the prefix for some reason, so I’m relying on memory here)
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^^Here she is!^^ (circa 2014, I think?) Very edgy. I wanted to re-design it and make it more Precure-like because I’ve been slowly getting into Precure over the last few years, so I did just that!
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This was my first stab at it, and I kept a few things from her old design (such as the cowlick and the necklace... that got turned into a bow of some kind, somehow) and scrapped everything else. I suppose she’s still edgy what with the poison theme and all, but now she’s cuter! 
Now, to explain the gift part... I thought it might be a problematic issue for children to say they want Cure Poison merch, so I wanted to change it... but I didn’t quite do that, either, because gift is poison in German. I only changed the language!
And, that actually ended up working out as a part of her re-design! She has quite a few ribbon and gift-wrapping motifs here, and I like it a lot! (I guess it’s also a little punny? I told my siblings the American-German thing above and they groaned, lol... but it was a real thing they told us in my German class so that’s how I was able to remember it)
I’ll probably embellish/alter this design later on, but I feel fairly content with it right now!
And speaking of the future: I’ll be redesigning another old fancure of mine next. She’s paired with this one, technically! (There’s a third one and fourth one with this group, but I never finished drawing the third and the fourth one never went to paper, so, uh... they’re technically lost. 😰 Whoops)
Also, is there no official poison emoji? Boo, I kinda wanted to use it...
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nemoboi · 5 years
Currently at the barber’s getting my hair died blue and at first they cut off my hombre cuz it eventually turned green & gross. When he bleached my hair, it turned strawberry blond like I sat there looking like cure flora for a moment. Am I a princess?
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I litterally had this ^^^ hair color when it got bleached, and even the baner was like ”??? What ???” And took pictures cuz it was so weird
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fancuries · 2 years
Worst Villain
A tall, but opposing lady walks up to the stage, her scarlet red coat flowing behind her.
“As I don’t see the point of inviting us to your… pathetic little get-together to celebrate your 'achievements,' I suppose it’s high time for us to get the Worst Villain award out of the way. It’s practically hilarious how you came up with that title…” She pulls out two wanted posters, and displays them in her hands. “Our first villain is one of my own. Miss Marionetta of the Dark Knights from our series Storytime! Precure. Truly incredibly how she’s scored to the top this time. And out second villain is Peony from Flora Pop! Pretty Cure. I must say, they do look rather imposing. Now, with that out of the way, let’s reveal the winner…"
Lady Hook pulls out the envelope and tears the cover with ease. “And… the winner of the Worst Villain award is… Marionetta! A spectacular job to you. May you continue your pursuit of villainy and take over the Pretty Cure…” And with one more swoosh of her cape, she left the stage.
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sailor-cresselia · 6 years
Zi-O 21; both raw AND subbed~!
Advance Warning: I have never seen Ryuki, and it’s probably going to show. A lot, if only because I have no connection to whoever the Guest Characters are, and what any issues they bring in could mean. I’ve seen Marcosatsu’s History Of Ryuki though, so that should help a little. (three links, because he wound up doing it in three parts)
Starting off with watching the Raw!
BlackWoz’s Storytime Vault doesn’t have much to offer, aside from a worrying angle at the end.
I’m impressed by Uhr’s control with reversing the damage he’s doing to that mirror. Of course, he’s paying almost zero attention to Schwartz in the process, but there’s a method to his being a little brat this time.
He’s trying to get the attention of some guy in Ryuki’s mirror world.
Sounds like his idea is “So, my new candidate? He’s from another world. Remember how that Tsukasa guy traveled? It’s kinda like that, but not.”
(What was going on in Ryuki?! Also, how many endings is this going to make for that season? Because I seem to remember hearing that there’s like, five? At least?)
I like the touch with Another Ryuga’s name and year – they’re backwards, like you’d see in a mirror.
Sougo’s DEFINITELY using Gun Mode a lot more recently. I like it’s finisher with Double, though – it’s basically a smaller scale version of the CycloneTrigger Memory Break. … What was that one called? Ah, there it is. Trigger Aerobuster.
Names are important. I’m doing my best to get them right.
But it’s basically that, with purple shots in the center of the wind bursts.
… of course, it gets reflected right back at them, because MIRRORS, but still. Points for fighting at a distance, especially with that dragon arm – that was doing some damage, it looked like.
Geiz’s Drive armor is back! (I’ve missed the shift cars, so it’s nice to at least see Max Flare, Funky Spike, and Midnight Shadow’s tires again.)
But again, mirrors.
Tsukuyomi: So, you lost him?
Sougo: Well, yes, but also we had to help the injured construction worker.
Geiz: And everything got sent back at us, so…
blah blah, ‘whats the deal with the time jackers’ blah…
“What IS this Day of Oma you mentioned, anyway?” Good question, bud.
“Well, in our history, it’s the day that Oma Zi-O took over the world.” Geiz, I get that you’re upset. But. Um. What did you just do to that chessboard?
As far as I know, you’re not able to cause shockwaves. Not just by symbolically slamming a chess piece down. ...I don’t know anything about chess, but I’m assuming that piece is the Black King. Wiping out all of his opposition in one strike… along with all of his allies.
Sougo retaliates with “And the one WhiteWoz is from, says that you stopped that from happening.” He uses the White Knight to knock down the Black King, leaving the Knight alone on the board.
And then we have the Time Jackers, trying to get someone else altogether in charge. Black Bishop takes out the White Knight. The Time Jackers are from the same timeline as Tsukuyomi and Geiz, after all.
That day is when the world’s future is decided… ooh, ominous.
… drat, have to skip the next bit of exposition, but while they’re outside talking about… victims? I think?
I hear that same sound that heralded Geiz’s Time Mazine arriving back in Episode one.
Okay, so the victims are all connected to the magazine/journal/website from Ryuki? Makes sense.
Oh man, Shinji’s already dead?! Welp, that’s it, arc over, time to go home. (dusts off hands)
Hm. He covered up all the reflective surfaces – which would include windows and vents. Because Mirror World.
Of course, that poses a problem when you use a gas heater.
Okay, so at this point, while I was watching, Over-Time posted their subs. So I just got the script, went back to the beginning, and started over.
Well, at least BlackWoz is going along with the nicknames for now. I guess he understands the need for the distinction.
Hm. Schwartz seems to think that Geiz is going to be trying for the throne on the Day of Oma. But, sir, have you met this kid? Yes, yes you have, we’ve seen you interact with him. There is nearly no way that Geiz would ever want to be in charge.
...I say nearly, because time travel and predestination and all of that jazz. WhiteWoz is screwing with the kids head.
HUH. Uhr’s logic isn’t even “it’s kinda like that Decade guy”, he was specifically told about the Mirror World by Tsukasa. (insert a certain 10-year-old meme here.)
And what’s even more interesting than that… is that Schwartz didn’t know about the Mirror World.
And we’ve already seen that Schwartz can go to other timelines, as per when he created the Another Shinobi Watch.
Hm, looks like we’re in for another variation of ‘not the Another Rider you think he is’, aren’t we? Another Ryuga has the last portion of his name covered by what appear to be burnmarks. Much like how Another OOO’s year was cracked, so it could appear to be 2016 while actually being 2010.
Oh dear GOD they’ve been fighting Another Ryuga for a WEEK. He just keeps showing up and disappearing. (Because mirrors, not that they know that.)
“Why do they keep getting harder to fight?” Well, Sougo, it’s probably largely because we’re about out of Phase Twos, and the Earlier Heisei Riders were pretty brutal, from what I’ve heard. Plus, you keep getting teleporters involved, so that doesn’t help in the slightest.
Thank you for finally asking what the Day of Oma is, though.
(Low INT, high-ish WIS.)
“Well, what future do the two of you want?” Asks the noodle with a pretty decent Charisma stat. And neither Geiz or Tsukuyomi actually have an answer for him.
(Ow, my heart.)
Okay, all the victims followed Ore Journal online, but it has since gone completely under, since it just couldn’t keep up with the times.
I was right on the money about Shinji, though, he clearly knows full well about the reflection teleportation, and now so do The Kids.
“Beat him in the time before the attack returns.” Because there’s a lag before the mirror shield shows up, so there’s a brief window of time. But an attack that would take it out that quickly would return just as powerful… directly at where it came from. Also known as the Rider who launched it.
And also also known as Geiz, if he gets his way.
Because a soldier who can’t defeat his enemies isn’t much of a soldier, now is he?
(Thanks a lot, eps 15 and 16. Thanks.)
Aaaand Uncle Tokiwa doesn’t actually know Woz’s name! All he could do for the Watch was clean it up… oooooh...
Sougo’s next powerup has an awful lot of that burnished gold on it. The same, or almost the same, tone as Oma Zi-O’s.
“Hello, my overlord~!” “Not. Now.”
Good boy, Sougo. And you even met this weeks tribute, and didn’t realize it!
I still don’t buy the “he doesn’t remember” thing, by the way, especially given the mirrored surfaces – how would he have known without having been Ryuki? Does he know about all the other victims? I don’t think you’ve actually talked to him yet. But I’ll let the memory ‘detail’ slide for now, since it looks like BlackWoz is actually being straightforward at the moment…
Aaand Sougo’s desperately trying to ignore him. Fair. Since that second Zi-O watch is tied to him becoming evil and all. Decent WIS stat, and also BlackWoz’s idea of ‘subtle’ is very much not so.
Meanwhile, with Geiz and Tsukuyomi… Yeah. He doesn’t plan to come out of this fight. Because what good is a soldier who can’t win?
And also, he, too, knows he is being stalked by his own personal Woz.
“What’s your end goal? If I come out on top, what’s your future like?”
“Just like this, a peace as if time has stopped.”
… Hi, yeah, not here for that phrasing at all, actually. Having just come out of HUGtto! Precure, wherein ‘stopping time so that despair can’t happen’ was kind of the villians whole thing, I’m trusting you even less than before.
Nothing can disturb the peace if nothing moves again, now can it?
But for Geiz and Tsukuyomi, literal veterans who have seen armies destroyed in the wave of an arm… they don’t have that frame of reference, now do they? They might just hear the “a time not unlike the one here” aspect.
“Hey, think I can use that notebook?”
“Nope, nuh-uh, OP reality warper powers are mine and mine alone.”
OOF. Right. Uhr contracted Mirror World Shinji, didn’t he? Which, of course, means that his existence is tied to Regular World Shinji’s existence. Can’t defeat the Another Rider? Take out his other link to living.
WhiteWoz and his “Obstacles are for killing” attitude does not sit well with Geiz.
“Hey, other me! You want revenge on that guy, right? The one who attacked you? Of course ya do! Why not!”
Meanwhile, Regular Shinji looks like he’s having thoughts along the lines of “I’m not going back to the belt! I’m out, man! I finished! I’ve finished like FIVE times already! Let me retire!”
Huh. The smudge over ‘Ryuga’ is gone. Neat. (aaand at which point I realized i’ve probably been spelling it wrong, and went back to fix all the places I used two ‘u’s on instinct.)
Clever, clever Uhr. “You can’t get a watch from a person who never existed, from a world that no longer ever was.”
...well, Schwartz could go to alternate timelines, so… Hey, Geiz, Tsukuyomi, Sougo, did any of you happen to get Tsukasa’s contact info?
Also, Tsukasa, did you have to clue the Time Jackers in on the ‘other worlds’ thing? I’m just saying, that might come back to bite you.
You are coming back, right? You don’t get to drop cryptic ‘I’m destroying this world first’ comments, and give tips to the assorted groups, and then just never come back.
It’s rude.
We need some sort of follow-through on this stuff, at least.
Geiz attempts his suicide attack… but Sougo knocks him out of the kick before he can gain momentum…
“I’m not letting you die, damnit! You still need to make sure I don’t go evil, and I’m definitely tempted by this watch right now...”
and then said watch doesn’t even try to activate.
Aaaand then Sougo gets wrestled into the Mirror World.
(Isn’t that place supposed to be super fatal if you don’t have an Advent Deck?)
Aaaah! The backwards writing, and the fact that some of it is glitching is bad enough. But the lack of sound? Nope, I’m not here for that at all. That’s never a good sign.
Although Kudos to O-T for getting the subtitles for some of those signs. Well done.
So, yeah, sorry Sougo, it’s not 3-Days-From-Now You this time. (But seriously, what happened to him?) This time it’s Evil You.
Not even 50-Years-From-Now Bad-Ending Evil You.
We’re talking a “Terran Empire Enterprise” type of Evil You. … well, at least he doesn’t have a goatee.
Distorted belt effects are not okay! Agh! NononoNO!
Oh, and uh... Hey! Remember literally yesterday? When I said I’m loving the ‘parallel self’ juxtapositions that Zi-O’s been doing?
I should probably have remembered that the Ryuki tribute was next, and that I’ve seen the preview screenshots with Mirror Sougo being super creepy.
I may have changed my mind a bit on that juxtaposition love.
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digiconjurer · 6 years
Secret Santa - Kirakira Tamers
I don’t own digimon or Precure. But do have a merry Christmas, @junnichiedesu. For it was I, who was your Secret Santa! 
Rika Nonaka’s day began much  like any other day normally did.
She would wake up, get dressed, and try to find something for her partner to do for the day. Unlike most days, it was a weekend, making the last task irrelevant. Of course, that didn't stop her partner from making suggestions.
“You should take me and Ryo here.” Renamon explained and held up a poster. “Sure, it’s a bit out of the way, but you said the other day you wanted to travel. So here’s your chance.”
Rika let out a deep breath. While sure, she had wanted to get out of West Shinjuku and see the other parts of Japan, this wasn’t what she had in mind.
“Isn’t this from a show that aired last year or something?” she continued and got a nod in return. “Then how the heck are we supposed to get there then?”
An answer was not given to that question. Instead, Renamon held out what looked to be a purple cat thing.
“Please~” the vulpine digimon cooed, giving a wink right after. “Outside of a kiss, I won’t ask you for anything else.”
But all that remark got her was a look.
“We both know you’re going to break that promise.” Rika answered as Ryo poked his head through a nearby window. How he even got there is a good question. Probably jumped the large fence that surrounded the Nonaka’s property. Instead of you know, going to the gate.
“I heard my name. What do you need from me?” Ryo inquired and jumped on through. “Card game? Some kind of trip? A storytime, perhaps?”
Rika shot him a glare.
“None of the above.”
Ryo’s gaze fell to the floor, not really liking that answer. But you know, life sometimes isn’t that fair. Just ask Jeri. I bet she would love to remind you of the whole D-Reaper mess.
Of course, it would seem that Ryo's focus was more on Renamon's poster rather than the shouting of the narrator.
“So you were thinking here?” he remarked and got a nod. The pulling out of the D-arc followed. “Millenniummon might know a way to get there. Though, I'm not sure what his price to get us there would be.”
Right on cue, a ball of dust floated in. Though, it didn't look all too happy at the moment. He would probably prefer to appear as the weird gold dragon thing. But then he wouldn't fit.
“Silence!” the dust ball announced and turned their attention to the trio. “What is this about using me? I am the lord of time, not someone’s playtoy.”
No one answered. Instead, they were too focused on trying to decide whether or not this was the real Millenniummon or just some weird copy that Ryo was trying to pass off as the real McCoy. Which if you ask me, seems like a whole lot of work in the grand scheme of things. Better yet, where exactly was he going to get such a thing as a dustball.
“We get it!” Rika shouted and took a deep breath. “We were hoping to go here. Can you possibly take us here?”
She then pointed to her partner's poster. Millenniummon floated on over, making a brief pit stop to give his master a stink eye. Which I guess Ryo deserves? He did try and kill him at one point. Though, that was under the orders of the sovereigns, so I guess I can give that sort of a pass.
“We don't talk about that.” the dustball remarked as he gave the poster a nudge. The poster then disappeared, leaving behind a portal of some sort. I was expecting something more along the lines of a train, maybe a trailmon/locomon. But this works too. “Ready to go then?”
Renamon and Ryo gave a nod, but Rika didn’t respond. No, she was just confused by what the fuck was going at this very moment. But eventually, she gave a nod and they were sucked on in.
On the other side, the three found themselves subjected too to a rainbow void. It reminded two of the four of that one time that they went to the digital world. Except it was less hard on the eyes and there were more of them taking the trip.
Eventually, the rainbows faded away, giving way to a world similar to the one that they had just left. Except everything was all pastel and cel-shaded.
“Okay…” Rika whispered as they looked themselves over. Sure, looking like an adult was kind of cool, if not for the racing suit she was now wearing. She wouldn’t have minded something a bit more practical, especially if this was what she was going to be walking around in. But this, felt like something for some other time.
Carefully, Renamon put her hand on her master’s shoulder, watching the racing suit get replaced by a bigger version of her old outfit. With the outfit, came a slightly higher viewpoint and a slight bust increase.
“Better?” Renamon inquired and Rika gave a nod. After, she let her focus turn to Ryo. Who like Rika, had gotten both a clothing and height change. Except it wasn't as drastic as hers, nor did it apply to his metal arm. That can just be put back in later. During editing.
Or why Renamon was now attempting to be a human around their age. Though, with her blouse and skirt, she looked like she could possibly pass. Millenniummon on the other hand, not so much. He still looked like a ball of dust with little change. Which is a complete waste if you ask me.
But that’s beyond the point. At the moment, our heroes found themselves in a forest. Just barely, they could make out the town below. And just beyond that, the harbor. Of course, that didn’t really tell them where they actually were.
“So where is this bakery you wanted to see?” Rika remarked, only for her attention to focus elsewhere. “Wait. Do you guys hear that?” Her teammates gave a head shake, only for a nut to hit one of them.
“Who threw that?”
More nuts followed. And by nuts, I mean stuff like peanuts and pecans. Which don’t really do that much damage. Maybe they should try walnuts? I heard those hurt a whole lot more. Or why settle for nuts? There’s got to be some sort of fruit that can be thrown as well. Thankfully, their attackers did eventually stop their assault upon them. Well, long enough that our heroes could move somewhat closer.
“Are the intruders still there?” a voice announced as what looked to be a cross between a fairy and a squirrel poke its head out. “Oh I guess they are still here.” “Uh… Could you tell where we are? We’re kind of lost.” Renamon announced and got an acorn to the head. It didn’t really hurt though. So I guess that’s nice. “Biomerge time?”
“I guess?” Rika whispered, feeling her partner become a part of her. “Wait. No transformation sequence?”
It’s a quick change. Tomato, tomato.
Whatever the case, Sakuyamon and Justimon now stood guard against the onslaught of weird fairy creatures. Which is complete overkill if you ask me.
Whip Decoration!
A ball of what I hope is whipped cream shot forth, covering both Rika and Ryo. The latter also attempted to get a mouthful of, which didn’t taste good. At all. I’m not sure why he thought it would. But oh well.
“What does it taste like?”
“Magic?” Thank you for that truly helpful answer. Not. Like seriously, that tells the viewer nothing. Bad Ryo! Bad! You should be ashamed of yourself.
“I’m not sure what I did wrong here.” Ryo remarked as a pink haired girl came into view. “Uh… can we help you here?”
On closer inspection, the pink-haired girl appeared to be wearing a pinkish white dress with a dark pink bow near the middle of her chest. A pair of dark pink high heeled boots covered her feet, with little tufts of white thrown in for good measure. Short white gloves cover her hands, while what looks to be shortcake head ornament (sadly, not edible) tries to compliment a pair of bunny ears. Interesting outfit, I guess?
“Maybe.” the girl answered, her attention split between both biomerged tamers. “I am Cure Whip. What brings you two to Strawberry Hills?”
Rika shot Ryo a glance. As tempting as it would be to just out him in the hopes of getting a trip back, it would mean also having to admit that she was being a complete buzzkill. Which didn’t sound so fun. Especially since they hadn’t thought of a way back to West Shinjuku. Oops. Probably should’ve thought that through before heading through an untested portal.
“Shut up!”
“Uh… Who are you even talking too?” the girl remarked, only to be joined by an orange-haired girl. Unlike her friend, she has gone yellowish dress with white opera gloves and a yellow ribbon. Yellow socks compliment an orange set of slippers, while a pair of cherries hang from a red choker. A flan head ornament sits right in front of a pair of squirrel ears, with a tail as well to boot. Points for theming I guess? Not what I would have gone with, but this isn’t one of my calls.
Custard Illusion!
A pair of cherries appear above squirrel girl, shattering into many small balls. Which homed into our two heroes. They did look quite tasty though.
Fox Card!
In response to that, Rika flung some sort of seal towards the projectiles. While clever thinking, it wasn’t enough to prevent either of them from getting hit. Not that it really hurt all that much.
“Ow.” Ryo whispered and got helped up by his companion. “What made you think that would work?”
Rika just shrugs. Right as squirrel girl runs on over and tries to send her little squirrel thing to attack. It isn’t too effective. Which begs the question of why that was her attack. Especially since her opponent countered with a series of kicks and staff swings.
“A little help here, Whip!” squirrel girl announced as she made a hand motion. ‘Whip’ just gave a nod and made her way over. “Thanks!”
The two then pulled out what looked to be a cross between umbrella rods and a wand. And that’s just ignoring the similarities to the previous team's sticks. Not that they would really know. Or care, for that matter.
Spirit Strike!
Four fox spirits appeared and attempted to do some damage to their opponents. But all that really happened was their opponents spirit things attacking them in the hopes of stopping them.
“We're here!” a voice announced as three more girls ran up.
“Great.” Rika whispered as duo were pelted with weird flavored silly string. “Could you I don't know, leave us alone? We don't mean you any trouble.”
The fighting stopped, as the attention shifted to the ‘digimon queen’. So she took a deep breath and reverted back to her original form.
“We just got here.” Rika explained. “I'm Rika and the woman beside me is Renamon.”
After saying that, Rika gave her other companion a slight poke. Which managed to revert him back as an added bonus. Even though he didn't help Rika at all during this fight. Which was quite rude of him, I might add. But whatever his reasoning for not acting when he did, the cyborg cleared his throat.
“I'm Ryo.” he announced and pointed towards the dust ball beside him. “This is Millenniummon. Just ignore him.”
Their opponents gazes shifted towards the dust ball.
“You sexy things.” the dust ball remarked. “Any of you available?”
That remark got him a barrage of attacks. Attacks that he most definitely deserved in that moment. They finally stopped when a girl dressed in cyan approached with a girl dressed in orange following right behind. For cyan girl, she had gone for a pegasus motif. Her companion had decided that dinosaurs were more her jam. Not that there's really a wrong answer in all of this. Just a difference of opinions.
But whatever the case, rabbit girl approached our duo. Once she was close enough, she let her outfit disappear in favor of more casual clothes. Which looked to be a halter dress and shoes with strawberry socks.
“I'm Ichika. Welcome to Strawberry Hills.” she greeted, a smile on her face. “Sorry about the trouble we may have caused you.”
Yet, Rika shook her head.
“Not at all.” she answered. “Is there anyway that we can get back?”
Ichika shook her head. Though, the attention of miss dino was now squarely on Rika. Who decided that now was a good time to approach the tamers.
“You’ve sealed your fate.” dino girl remarked and took a deep breath. “Sooner or later, your powers will be changed and you’ll no longer be able to be the same as before.”
Both Rika and Ryo gave her a stare.
“Just kidding.” dino girl remarked, getting a punch to the face. Which she responded with a series of her own. They hurt a lot more too. “Do you people take everything at face value?”
Both Rika and Ryo looked away.
It’s going to be a long day, isn’t it?
Thankfully, the rest of their opponents reverted back and revealed themselves to be teenage girls as well. Which our dustball decided that now was a good time to put on a pair of 80’s shades and blow a wolf whistle.
He got his ass kicked. Again. You would think he would have learned his lesson by this point, but no.
“Fine.” the dustball muttered and floated onto his master’s head. Once there, the group headed off down the mountain. Eventually, they reached a large park.
“What’s it name?”
Strawberry Park.
“That’s a bit on the nose.” Renamon whispered as she looked the sign over.
Yeah. But it does the job nicely. You wouldn’t want the place to just be called ‘park’ or ‘greenspace’. That would be silly.
“Would you like a cupcake?” Ichika inquired and watched their guests perk up.
“That would be nice.” Rika answered as a large building came into view. It looked like a facade from an amusement park. You know, like the stuff that they used on Main Street for Disney Parks. Except here, it was an actual building. More specifically, a bakery.
“Patisserie.” squirrel girl remarked. “There’s a big difference.”
Inside, things were decorated for the Christmas season. You know, sleds, Christmas trees and of course, snow.
“What do you guys think?” Ichika continued, cracking a slightly nervous smile. “Yukari did the decorations.”
A purple haired girl walked over to Ichika and gave her chin a slight tickle. Which resulted in the ‘bunny girl’ erupting into a giggling fit.
It also got the purple-haired girl a glance from the gal who looked as if they could pass as a guy. Probably purple haired girl’s girlfriend or something. It wouldn’t be that surprising, but you know.
Whatever the case, they headed on in.
“Could you give us a second?” one of the girls (a blue haired one) announced and the group scurried to the back, leaving our heroes to their own devices.
“Huh…” Rika answered, taking another look around. It felt almost like someone’s home, the sort that one could pack up and take with them.
When the girls finally returned, they were now clad in white apron dresses with little tints of their respective color powers. They were also carrying platters of various sweets.
“Bon Appetit.” one of them announced as they set the trays down, joining the trio at the table. What followed, was a feast of Christmas sweets. A well deserved one, at that. Maybe after that, they could find a way off of this rock.
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awwishfulthinking · 7 years
Storytime about the “age of consent is 13 in Japan!” idiot that I happened to encounter: (read more because possibly skeevy and uncomfortable):
I shouldn’t be surprised that the Precure series brings out the biggest fucking creeps, because most of the main characters are pre-teens but that doesn’t stop people from making lewd fanarts of them.
(and oh man, I’m reminded of the two “no-pantsu” incidents but I won’t delve into that unless someone asks me to. Anyway, I digress)
I remember during Happiness Charge’s airing (so 2014 if I remember correctly); where there was this one woman who kept posting lewd fanarts of Cure Honey (age 14). Of course people in the fandom tags were upset, because most Precure fans hate that shit. They asked her to tag her stuff as “nsfw” at least, although some others weren’t as kind and started calling her a pedo.
This grown ass woman retaliated by posting official screenshots from the anime, where Cure Honey’s butt happened to fill the screen (it was a non-sexual, brief moment where Cure Honey was crouching down to jump forward); and she said something to the effect of: “LOOK AT HOW SEXY MY GIRL IS. MMMMHHH WHAT A NICE ASS. Also I’m allowed to find Cure Honey hot; the age of consent is 13 in JAPAN! You’re all just mad because I’m a lesbian!”
Noooo, people are upset because you’re acting like a freaking creep. :/
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Storytime Precure Volume 1
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Volume 1: A New Story Starts, Cure Joyful Is Born!
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The night was as dark as a crow's feathers, but little nightlights shone above. A small house rested atop a hill, with the second-story window shining brightly. A young girl was winding down for the night, by reading a story.
As soon as the enchantress finished casting her curse, the masked knight burst through the window and threw the enchantress off her balance!
“Yes! Give her a piece of her own medicine, Blue Star!"
As usual, the maiden sat in her bed, nose buried in her book. She’d always loved to read fairytales, the lessons learned are what shaped her today. Her soft dark chocolate hair rested over her shoulder as she flipped through the pages.
"Through a long and painful battle, the enchantress was slain by the masked knight. The spell wore off and soon the prince woke up from his eternal slumber. The masked knight soon revealed herself to be the handmaiden who served him since childhood. They embraced passionately and left the castle to return home. The end."
After shutting the book, she sighed and fell into a swoon. Staring at the ceiling, with a bright smile on her face 
"That story never gets old! I mean, who comes up with the idea that a simple handmaiden is a KNIGHT?! That's incredible! More people need to know about the tale of Blue Star. I mean, she's a strong and incredible fighter and such a role model for others. Y’know, that’s my goal in life, to be a role model. Not just for my school, but for millions! I want to be someone who can make people happy with what I do. Small steps, Rina. Small steps."
Rina turned off her nightlight and soon ventured down to the land of dreams. Her eyes fluttered open and she found herself lying on top of a mushroom house! As strange as it seemed, her pajamas had been replaced by a cute blue dress tied together with an apron. Her feet were covered up with striped socks and black Mary Janes. Her hair was tied in buns and resting on her head was a cute black headband.
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'So...Alice in Wonderland for tonight. Works for me! Hold on...what's that sound?'
She overheard a fanfare-like noise in the distance. She stood up and saw a castle surrounded by colorful balloons, and fireworks bursting all around. She just had to investigate the noise, what could it be? so she began hopping over the mushroom houses, admiring the scenery around her. Bread and Butterflies flew over her head and animals walked along a checkered path towards the palace. She continued to hop along until she spotted a familiar boy. He donned an all-green suit accompanied by a matching hat with a red feather. His messy red hair and chocolate eyes gave away who he was.
‘Peter Pan? What’s he doing here, this is Wonderland!’
“Peter! Hey!”
He saw who was calling him and flew to meet the maiden’s eyes, wearing a mischievous grin.
“Little Dreamer! You’ve come back!”
“I have, now answer this for me. What’re you doing in Wonderland, and on that note. How do you know where Wonderland is?” Rina asked.
“Don’t worry about those small details, this is your dream after all!”
‘That still doesn’t answer my question…’
“But you came at the perfect moment! The Queen’s about to host an event at the palace and all are invited!”
“Everyone! Now, take my hand. We’ll be there in a jiffy!”
He extended his hand out to the maiden and she happily accepted. In a flash, she felt her feet leave the mushroom and sway in the air. It felt so refreshing to fly in the sky, the cool gentle breeze in her face, the clear and happy sky was hers to explore. And what’s more, is that she’s flying with Peter Pan himself! This dream is getting better and better by the second! The castle was becoming clearer the farther they flew.
“Well, we’re getting close...now’s my cue to let you off the pixie dust train. Thanks for riding, passenger! Enjoy the celebrations” The boy chuckled.
“W-Wait, hold on! Peter don’t-” 
She reached out desperately.
It was too late, Peter had already let go and flew off towards the plaza.
“Peter you didn’t teach me how to LAND!” She hollered. 
As if it was answering her prayers, her dress formed an umbrella-like shape and she floated down with relative ease. She landed right by the plaza entrance, how convenient! She walked past the gate and immediately saw so many classic faces. Puss n’ Boots was chatting with the Seven Dwarves, Rumpelstiltskin was selling golden fabrics to others and gingerbread men were being chased by baby wolves. Trumpets started to play and everyone’s attention shifted. A tall and elegant lady with golden hair and golden eyes walked out of the palace, her presence made everyone gaze in awe. She extended her hands as her voice rang out towards the plaza:
“My people, friends from all over the kingdom. Our land has been protected for more than 1,000 years under my protection but since the uprising of Pierrot, we had to take matters to the extreme. I had to send out my daughter to find aid, and she delivered marvelously. I will be forever grateful for those who sacrificed so much to help us when we were in need. Because of their bravery, we can live peacefully again. And with that, I am pleased to announce your heroes!”
She lifted her hands to the sky as 5 beams of light shone from the palace
Then five girls flew from the palace and began to color the sky. Their movements were swift, yet synced up perfectly. At the end of the performance, they landed in front of the queen and posed for everyone. Applause erupted from the plaza, people whistled and shouted in joy for the five heroes. The young maiden was amazed, she had always envied them but in a positive way. They were what she wanted to be, a hero that everyone can recognize and trust, someone who can be seen as “special”, someone who’s recognized for what they stand for. Those are the goals the maiden wants to achieve.
“Everyone! Thank you so much for the warm welcome! It feels good to be standing here today!” The pink-haired leader exclaimed
Her enthusiasm ringing throughout the plaza
“We came out here today to commemorate your amazing work in rebuilding this kingdom after recent events. It’s incredible to see how all of you persisted and kept your heads up high and now, you’ve found the happy ending you’ve been looking for! It’s been quite a wild ride, but it was one we’ll never forget! Now, for the important stuff and I’ve never been all that good with words so, Beauty, you’re up!”
‘Important stuff? Wait, what does that mean? Did I miss something since the last time I came here?’ Rina pondered.
These questions continued to puzzle the poor maiden. Hopefully, the blue-haired hero, or Beauty could answer those questions.
“Thank you, as you all know we’ve defended your home from Pierrot and we’ve adored your progress in rebuilding your homes and helping each other out. But more specifically we want to shout on one specific individual who’s been the most persistent in these times.” Beauty stated
Murmuring and whispering arose from the crowd.
“Is it me?”
“No, it has to be ME! I’m the one who rebuilt those houses!”
“No no, I think they deserve the recognition.”
“WOAH! Hold your horses, everyone! Settle down!” The orange-haired hero exclaimed, causing a hush to instantly fall over the crowd.
“Much better! Anyway... We loved your community-building throughout this recovery process and you all deserve an equal amount of praise, but we wanted to shout out one person. They’ve probably been a part of this community for the longest time and you all probably know them well. They’ve shown nothing but kindness and are always willing to help everyone out. Our very own, Amano Rina!”
The five heroes all extended their hands towards Rina. She stood in shock, overwhelmed by the outrageous applause. Everyone was clapping for her, cheering her on! She decided to run towards where the heroes were as everyone was chanting her name.
“Rina! Rina! Rina! Rina!”
Voices merged into one, all Rina could hear was her name and the excitement! All of a sudden, she saw her mother? Ebony hair and hazel eyes, chanting along with everyone. The images of teddy bears, fairies, and the kingdom started to fade from her vision as her mother appeared in front of her.
“Rina! Rina, wake up!”
She slowly lifted from her bed and rubbed her eyes. Amano Fuka, Rina’s mother, was dressed in her yukata with her hair tied up in a bun.
“Mmm, morning Mom. What… what time is it?”
“I’ve been trying to wake you up for the past 5 minutes. It’s already 8:14, you’ll be late for school.”
“Huh? I thought it was 7?”
Rina glanced at her alarm clock and saw the time. It was exactly 8:14. Her eyes shot up in shock, making her jump from her bed.
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“I’m heading out! Bye Momma, bye Dad!” Rina shouted
As Rina shut the door, she hoisted her satchel up to her shoulders and headed to school. The sun was shining bright, basking Nanairogaoka in its warmth (and getting into Rina’s eyes). Her dark chocolate hair was swaying in the wind and her smile was so big that it could blind millions.
‘Another day, another fun week of school ahead of me! I don’t think there’s much on the agenda, but student elections are coming up! Aoki-san did such a good job as student vice president, surely she’ll run for student body president! Oh, why am I getting distracted? Gotta get to school!’
She kept running until she saw the entrance of the school. Students were walking and chatting in small groups, just as how it’s always been. Rina stopped to catch her breath and didn’t notice the blonde walking towards her.
“Sometimes I don’t know how you manage to get that much energy, but I guess it paid off in the end. Nice to see you again, Rina”
Rina looked up from her position and saw her closest friend, Yoshimoto Haruhi. Her buttery blonde hair and sky blue eyes could instantly be recognized by anyone, from the tone of her voice to her natural beauty. Rina straightened and immediately hugged Haruhi, both being overjoyed to be reunited over the weekend.
“Good to see you two, Haruhi!”
The bell rang followed by the noises of students chatting and rushing to their classes. It felt surreal to be back in the school, so much could happen within the span of one weekend. The two friends were nearing their homeroom when a familiar voice called out to them.
“Yo! Rina, Haruhi!”
Both turned their heads and saw the hot-headed 3rd year, Hino Akane, energetic as ever. She made her way towards the two and tackle-hugged them. All 3 of them fell on the pavement laughing.
“Aki, it’s good to see you too!” Rina exclaimed, in mid laughter. 
Akane helped the two up while blushing over the nickname. It wasn’t particularly common for Rina to use nicknames, but it meant she deeply cared for them when she did. Akane offered to walk the girls to class since her homeroom was only a staircase away from theirs. Both agreed and they all headed to room 2-1. Haruhi was the one leading the conversation, talking about how there’ll be new transfer students in the school increasing the diversity. Rina strongly encouraged the idea, but soon shifted the conversation about clubs. The sign-up posters seemed to start their spread across the school, so it’s about time they picked one. After walking down the halls, passing the other 2nd years, they came face to face with their homeroom. It was time they said goodbye to Akane. They hugged each other and soon departed to class. The classroom was already divided into friend groups; the girls in one corner, the guys in another but by the class’s doorway was a dark-haired boy looking over notes. Haruhi knocked on his desk with a mischievous smile. He looked up with stern eyes, but his mouth formed a comforting smile.
“Haruhi, a pleasure to see you here.”
“Oh please, Ryuu, the pleasure’s all mine. But...you should start waving that white flag.”
Ryuu scoffs at her claim, closing his notebook and standing to meet Haruhi at eye-level.
“Why would I have to surrender to you? Besides, I have nothing to admit defeat to!”
“Remember our bet last week?”
Haruhi glanced at Rina, the latter enraptured by her book. She turned back to face Ryuu, a confident glint in her eyes.
“Rina made it to school before the bell, which means YOU owe me some chocolate from the convenience store downtown.”
Instead of looking defeated, his face remains the same. Calm and collected, but with a sense of wit. Those were the main aspects of the Oshita family. Both Ryu’s and Haruhi’s families were well known across Nanairogaoka, both for their business and ranking. Both families have high reputations, but their fights suggest otherwise...
“It doesn’t affect me as much. I had a hunch your friend would make it. So for now, I suppose that’s a win for the Yoshimoto’s. Congratulations” Ryuu said, extending his hand to Haruhi
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She took his hand and both shook firmly. Even if they were junior-high schoolers, their families’ future’s rested on their shoulders. They soon let go of each other’s grasp and started discussing the details. Ryuu planned to go to the convenience store after class today, so he’ll give Haruhi the chocolate tomorrow. After settling on an agreement, both returned to their respective seats, waiting for their teacher. Soon, Ms. Anzai walked into the classroom followed by another student. Braided hair drooped over her left shoulder and she wore a pink lotus hair clip. Her hands clasped together behind her back.
“Good morning class. I’m sure that you heard about the new students. Well, I’m pleased to announce that one of them will be joining our class! Now let’s all give a warm welcome to Ramya Bakshi.”
Ramya walked in front of the teacher’s desk and faced her new classmates. She was a bit nervous, her right hand was messing with her braid. She took a deep breath in and spoke out:
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“Pleasure to meet you. I hope that we can have a great school year, so it’s nice to meet you all!” Ramya meekly announced.
She bowed in front of everyone. Rina stood up from her seat and extended a greeting to the new student.
“It’s nice to meet you Ramya, my name is Rina and I’ll gladly give you a tour around the school! I hope for a great school year as well!”
“T-thank you, Rina”
“Yes, thank you, Rina. That’s very sweet of you. Ramya, you can sit next to Ryuu and we’ll get started with today’s lesson.”
“Y-Yes ma’am!”
Ramya took her seat next to Ryuu and class began.
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Now it was lunch hour! A time to socialize and regroup. Everyone was meeting up with friends from other classes and the schoolyard was riddled with middle-school students. Rina, Haruhi, and Ramya made their way to the sports field, bento boxes in hand when a voice called out to them:
“Hey! Over here! Could you lend a few hands?”
All three of them turned to see third years Midorikawa Nao and Aoki Reika, walking towards them with hundreds of fliers in their hands. Some were sticking out from the stacks and you could barely see their faces! Nao was the one who called out to them, as she was both waving and balancing the stack of papers under her arm. Rina and Haruhi beamed when they saw them, but Ramya’s expression remained the same.
“Aoki-san! Midori-san! How’ve you guys been?” Haruhi asked
“Could be better, but hey! What more can you do when you have fliers to post around the campus? We could use some extra hands on deck.” Nao replied, gesturing to the stacks of fliers. 
Haruhi grabbed half of Nao’s stack, looking at them with a smile on her face.“I could help out! Speaking of which, what’re these fliers for anyway? I don’t think we have any major events going on, especially since we’re only two weeks into the new semester and all.”
“Well, a lot of clubs are starting up, so the Student Council has started making these fliers for sign-ups. There isn’t a  lot right now, but hopefully, more will open up” Reika answered, with a determined look on her face. She was aiming for being Student Body President, after all, so she had to set a good example for the juniors.
“D-do you mind if I lent a hand? I-I may not know too much about the clubs, but I wouldn’t mind! I do want to make a good impression here, s-so helping out could be a start for me” Ramya chimed.
She then glanced at Rina, unable to read her by expression. Rina gave her a thumbs up, comforting Ramya. She took half of Reika’s stack and gave a meek smile. The third years smiled back and started to share the plan:
“Alright, so Haruhi and I will take the third floor & Reika will take the new student down here. We’ll group back on the second floor and then we can have lunch in the student council clubroom, sounds good?”
“Sounds good!” The three exclaimed, the determination ringing in their voices.
“Alright, let’s split!”
Reika and Ramya started to make their way to the school’s east side while Haruhi and Nao headed west. Rina trailed behind Nao to have a quick chat with Haruhi.
“You sure you don’t mind this? I mean, it’s only the second week.”
“Rina, I’m sure I don’t mind. Helping others is practically in my nature and I honestly enjoy it... by the way, I owe you a trip downtown. I promised we’d go last week, but my parents needed me. So after school, we can head down to the new boba tea shop, my treat.”
“R-really? Sweet! Do you think we can do a quick snack run on the way? I want to grab myself some chocobars for myself”
Haruhi smiled. “Yes Rina, we can. Anyways, go have your lunch! I’ll see you in class!”
“See you in class!”
Rina sprinted towards the courtyard, bento box and book in arms, and dashed out the school building. The courtyard was huge for the small campus, with an open area for sports. The field was usually crowded with first-year students gawking at the male sports teams, but it’s barren with still freshly painted running tracks. In the middle of the courtyard was a gazebo with a maroon red roof. This spot was often called “The Compass Checkpoint” due to the 4 bridges connecting it. Rina crossed the west bridge and was immediately greeted with shade, perfect for reading. She placed her bento down by a nearby bench and sat down, opening her book to reread it. This has been a natural habit of Rina’s, reading the same story and revisiting the world she’s grown up with and always loved.
A branch suddenly snapped, making Rina jolt. She closed her book to see who it was. Her expression changed upon seeing a familiar face.
Magenta hair tied in buns, yellow bows for accessories, and a bright smile spread across her face. Hoshizora Miyuki, her older cousin, and a fellow transfer student.
“Lovely day, isn’t it?”
Rina dropped her book and hugged Miyuki, spinning with joy and delight! These two have been inseparable, always talking to each other over the phone and sharing pictures. The feelings always remain just as exciting as when they first met, nearly 13 years ago. They stopped spinning and continued the embrace.
“Miyu! Oh my gosh, it felt like FOREVER! I missed you so much!”
“I missed you too, this weekend felt SO LONG!”, Rina laughed. 
“I know! Even after we last talked, I couldn’t stop thinking about you!”
“Same here! Guess we love each other that much, huh?”
Finally, they pulled away and sat down. They started talking about what they did over the weekend, any new stories they read, but eventually, the conversation shifted.
“I know this isn’t like me to ask, but how come I didn’t see you earlier today?”, Rina asked.
“I know being a third-year must be a lot since you’re supposed to set a good example for the juniors, but today you weren’t even by the gates like you usually are.”
“Oh, that? Yeah, this morning was especially long for me. Yayoi emailed me about helping with ideas for the Art Club, so I went to her house for breakfast. And after that, I had to help my teacher set up the class, which meant I could hang out in the class afterward.”
“So, you took a break before classes? That’s fair I suppose, besides it sounds like you worked up a storm!”
“Yep, that’s the life of a third-year! I’m 100% gonna take a nap after school, I deserve it!”
Miyuki began to stretch, which accidentally sent her bag tumbling to the ground. It fell with a loud thud and out flew a pink compact. It rolled by Rina’s feet and she picked it up.
“Uh, Miyu? You mind explaining why you have a compact in your bag?” Rina asked, pointing at the compact. As Rina was messing with the compact,  Miyuki immediately snatched it from her hands. Her face glowed bright red as she shoved it in her bag.
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“Y-You didn’t know about my make-up addiction? This cute face isn’t natural! I thought I told you, whoops!”
The atmosphere quickly grew tense. Rina wasn’t used to seeing her cheerful cousin so embarrassed. Something seemed wrong, and Rina couldn’t ignore it: 
“Is everything ok? You know you can tell me anything, right? Besides, we’ve shared a bunch of weird secrets and I’ve never told a single soul, so you can trust me.” Rina said with a calm smile on her face. Miyuki took a deep breath but was still hesitant.
“Well, this is a compact and it’s funny that I brought it with me. But, it’s not for makeup. I...I don’t know how else to explain it, but...”
“Miyuki, it’s ok. I’ll understand, I promise.”
She held her cousin’s hands and met each other’s eye level,
“If you say so...well, I’m a magical girl”
There was a brief moment of silence between the two, Rina let go of Miyuki’s hands and stared blankly at her
“I’m sorry, what did you say?”
Miyuki sighed. “I said I’m a magical girl. Y’know those rumors going around, they’re true. All of them. And, I’m one of them, Cure Happy actually!”
“Cure...Ha- Wait, like THE Cure Happy everyone keeps talking about?! THAT CURE HAPPY?!” Rina exclaimed
Her face conformed from calm and collected to bug-eyed confusion. She sat up from the bench and stared in disbelief.
“Y-You’re joking. Y-you have to be! There’s NO way! IT’S NOT POSSIBLE! All this time that I’ve been collecting magical girl toys and now you’re telling me you are one?!”
She started pacing around the gazebo in utter confusion. Her words started to become indistinguishable... Miyuki tried her best to explain but Rina wasn’t paying attention. 
‘I knew this would be weird, but I wasn’t expecting this!’
“R-Rina! Calm down! People are gonna notice!”
Miyuki quickly stood up and held her cousin close. Rina started to calm down, as she accepted this embrace. Both locked eyes and smiled,
“Everything ok?”
“Y-yeah, I guess. But you have to clear things up for me, how come you didn’t tell me? I’m your cousin after all.”
Miyuki let go, yet kept her eyes locked with Rina’s,
“That’s the thing, I couldn’t tell you. I had to keep it a secret, which sucked, but it was to protect you and everyone I care about. If you knew, then you’d be in so much danger than you are now! ”
“I-I feel honored, really I do! But, this seems so sudden and I still have questions-”
“L-LOOK!” Miyuki shouted, pointing to the now moving book
Rina’s book began moving on its own and flew above them! Suddenly, a squirrel popped out and hit his head on the roof! It fell in between the two of them and landed with a loud thud, the book landing on top of its head. Rina screamed in horror. Miyuki was trying to calm her down but it was hopeless. The fairy slowly stood up, lifting the book from its head, and looked at the pair. Its eyes glistened when it saw Miyuki.
“Cure Happy! It really is you! The Queen wasn’t lying about your buns~chi.”
Rina looked at Miyuki with extreme concern.
“M-Miyu? Why is there a talking squirrel in front of us and HOW DOES IT KNOW YOU?!”
“I-I don’t know! I haven’t seen any fairies in a while.!”
The fairy spoke out to the pair, not shifting its field of vision
“Happy, there isn’t much time to explain. You have to come back to Märchenland, the queen needs to see you right away~chi!”
Miyuki quickly stopped the fairy, “W-wait! Why do I have to go back? Is there something wrong? Is Pierrot back?”
Questions began to flood Rina’s head. Why is there a talking fairy? What is Märchenland? Who is this Queen? What is happening? All she wanted was answers and she wanted them now!
“There’s isn’t much time~chi! Grab my hand! I’m taking you to the palace!”
All eyes were now on Rina. She rose and looked at both Miyuki and the fairy, her eyes showing worry and assertion. She grabbed hold of Miyuki’s hand and spoke with authority in her voice:
“You told me a secret I never learned and to just leave me behind? No way, I'm going with you. Besides, isn’t two better than 1?” Rina said confidently. 
“Right, let’s go!” Miyuki’s face returned to her normal cheerful grin. 
The fairy looked at Rina for a moment but returned its attention to the book. It tapped the book and the words started glowing. It looked at the girls and gave a small nod, grabbing Miyuki’s hand and leaping high in the air. The book sucked all three of them in, closing as soon as Rina’s shoe was sucked in. There it was, on the gazebo floor, leaving no evidence behind.
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The three flew through a colorful tunnel, safely contained in a bubble. Bright lights flashed before their eyes, blinding them. The end of the tunnel was getting clearer the further they traveled. Outside was a tall castle with colorful balloons surrounding it. All seemed clear to Rina when she saw the palace.
‘Wait...that’s the castle from my dreams! Hold on, it’s real?!’ Rina pondered. None of this made any sense to her. 
The questions started to rack up in her brain like a witch’s cauldron. The bubble started picking up speed, as the ground got closer and closer.
“Hold on~chi! The bubble is gonna pop any second~chi!”
The fairy exclaimed, standing close to the girls. They reached the ground and the bubble popped, causing the trio to roll in front of the palace. They sat in a triangle shape, looking at each other in silence. Miyuki couldn’t help herself and started giggling, soon everyone caught them! Sure, it was for a dumb reason, but it was a funny one at most. As the laughter died down, Rina helped Miyuki up which incidentally made a gateway for the fairy. It started running, yelling at the two
“Hurry up~chi! The queen needs to see you!”
“H-HOLD ON! WAIT FOR US!” Miyuki grabbed Rina’s hand and followed the fairy to the palace. The place looked so vibrant and colorful, but Rina noticed someone by the castle. And then, they vanished.
The palace gates opened up. They were greeted by tall pillars draped in gold embroidery. A small child with bright blond hair and wearing a white dress came into view, gazing longingly at the stained glass windows. It loomed over the throne and seemed the size of two giraffes. The glass depicted five heroines grasping at a clock each donning colors of the rainbow.
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‘This has to be a joke, right? I mean, that stained glass has five heroes, my dream had five heroes. There’s NO way this is just a coincidence!’ Rina thought to herself. 
More puzzle pieces have fallen into place, yet she still couldn’t quite put this puzzle together.
“Your Majesty! I brought Cure Happy, just as you asked! She decided to bring someone with her, I hope that isn’t troublesome for you.” He shouted to the child.
The child turned and saw the trio and her eyes lit up with delight. She hopped off the throne and ran towards her old friend.
 She latched on to her, causing them both to tumble to the floor. As their eyes met, Miyuki’s face lit up. 
“Candy! It’s so nice to see you again!”
“I missed you so much~kuru! It’s been too long~kuru!”
Rina knelt beside Miyuki. Even if she had just learned about the secret, it was really cute to see her hugging a small child who she held dear. Miyuki lifted her back from the floor, Candy still hugging close, and introduced the two to each other.
“Rina, this is Candy. She’s the one who made me a magical girl and is the queen of Märchenland. Candy, this is my cousin Rina. A fellow story lover and one of my dearest friends.”
Candy looked at Rina and gave a bright smile.
“Rina. Welcome to Märchenland! It’s very nice to meet you~kuru!”
“It’s very nice to meet you too, your Majesty. Or is Candy better? Regardless, it’s very nice to meet a good friend of Miyu’s!”
Familiar voices rang throughout different corners of the halls, making it difficult to track each one down
“Man, has this place gotten bigger since our last visit here, or is it just me?”
“It might have. I don’t seem to recognize some things, but t-that could be my memory not serving me right.”
Out of the corner of Rina’s eye, she spotted several familiar faces.
Her seniors were exploring the palace and they were all together? Noticing them, Nao broke out into a run, the others trailing behind her. Miyuki saw them and broke into a smile.
“Everyone! You’re here! Boy, am I glad to see all of you!” 
“Guess the Smile team is back together! Wait... why’s Rina here?” Akane asked, a bit confused.
Miyuki explained what happened only moments earlier.“I-I hope you guys don’t mind! Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone!” Rina chimed in, looking slightly flustered. A question suddenly popped into Miyuki’s mind.
“Hold on, how did you guys get here? The last thing I remember is that you could only get here with a storybook. This isn’t making any sense…”
“That’s what we thought too, but I guess some rules changed since we last visited.” Nao exclaimed, sharing her story. She was looking at a recipe book before Home Economics class started, then she got sucked in and landed in the kitchen. One by one, everyone shared their tales.
Reika was looking over the student council schedule and landed in the conference room. Akane was studying and found herself in the Royal Library and Yayoi was drawing scenery and landed in the Royal Garden. None of this was making any sense! The logic seemed to be all over the place! Everyone started to talk over each other to try to make sense of it, but Candy spoke out.
“Hold on~kuru! Let me explain, please~kuru!”
Everyone stopped talking and turned their attention to the queen. Candy let go of Miyuki and stood to face everyone.
“After you defeated Pierrot and I became queen, we began making some changes- like unlocking parts of the Royal Library~kuru. No matter where I was, all the books here have a connection to Earth. So it made everything a lot easier! Everything has been normal, but recently Pop gave me a report from one of the villagers. He said that someone was trapped in some sort of dark jelly which can only be removed using light. We managed to free them, but there was a message left behind~kuru”
“What did that message say?”
Rina asked, invested in this new situation.
“Uh…’Darkness will shadow over Märchenland again, Pierrot will be reborn!’”
Everyone looked at each other with fear, Yayoi huddled close to Akane
“T-that’s s-scary!”
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Akane began to rub her to help comfort the yellow-haired maiden. Candy nodded in agreement.
“It really is~kuru! So that’s why I had to take action and asked Pachi to head to Earth. I knew that the locks were unlocked, so that’s why everyone else landed in the palace~kuru.” 
“That makes sense, but that thing could still be out there! We gotta deal with this now!” Akane exclaimed, pounding her fist against her palm.
“But, where do we even start? We don’t seem to have enough evidence to track its behaviors” Reika asked.
“What we do know is that it’s just a blob of...something. All we gotta do is find the core, break it and the problem’s solved.” Nao suggested, putting her hand on Reika’s shoulders. All of a sudden, the ground started shaking. Everyone clung to each other for support, but as the shaking grew more violent, the balance was lost. A dark goo-like substance collided with the stained glass, cracking the center and shattering glass everywhere. It lunged towards the queen, morphing itself into a cage. The cage sprouted created wings and flew out of the palace. Tears rolled down the queen’s face, her hand reaching out to her friends.
Her voice growing softer as each moment passed. The palace was covered in shattered glass, the once beautiful windows were no more. Everyone quickly rose and followed behind the cage but it was far from their reach.
“CANDYYYYYYYY!!!!” Miyuki cried out, reaching towards the newly grey sky.
She let her hand drop as she looked at everyone with determination
“Everyone, we have to save Candy!”
Small balls of light formed and out popped their compacts. All five looked at each other and 5 rays of light shone in their positions. Rina and Pachi both shielded their eyes from the intense light. Their eyes fluttered open and saw the Smile team in place of the five third years. It felt so surreal...to think that those rumors were true! Happy looked over at Rina and smiled, which comforted her a bit. Then, all five heroes flew out of the palace and towards the cage.
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“I’m sure the Precure will fix this, I know they will~chi!” Pachi told Rina.
“But, what if they need help? I’m not going to let my friends get hurt, not now!”
She raced towards the doors, but Pachi blocked her way out, “Are you crazy?! You could get hurt, this isn’t something to take lightly~chi! That’s the Precure’s job~chi!”
“But don’t you want to save the queen too?” Rina exclaimed.
Her words rang in Pachi’s heart. He’s always been loyal to the queen and his home, so why was this any different? Pachi eventually gave in and hopped into Rina’s arm. She looked at the fairy with a comforting smile and as they ran out of the palace. The goo had split into two entities, the cage holding Candy and a giant cat. It began swatting its paw at Peace and March, while Sunny, Happy, and Beauty were trying to unlock the cage. It was a disaster, Peace and March were knocked straight down, so Happy went down to defend them. Beauty closed her eyes and concentrated all her energy. A bow of ice formed in her hand as she aimed it at the lock.
“Precure! Beauty Blizzard Arrow!”
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Sunny barely dodged the attack, but it seemed to do the trick. The young queen started falling towards the ground and the cage reformed back to a blob. Sunny caught Candy just before hitting the ground. She flew to where Rina and Pachi were and placed her down.
“Take care of her, we’ll settle this soon!” Sunny assured them, flying back into the battle. 
The trio ran behind the palace, as they were watching closely. The goo soon melted on the cat as it grew in size, its claws and teeth sharpening and its eyes glowed a vicious red. It seemed too powerful to the table.
“Everyone, it’s time for Princess Mode!”
The group nodded and they began to glow. The lights vanished and the heroes were in Princess Mode. All of them charged the behemoth cat with their attack
“Precure Royale Rainbow Burst!”
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A bright phoenix targeted the cat but it shifted into a mirror, bouncing the attack back. The Cures flung backward, reverting to their original outfits, and hit the ground with loud thuds. The debris cleared and everyone was covered in dirt and bruises, Rina dashing towards the group.
“Rina~chi!” Pachi called out but to no avail. 
Rina was already on the battlefield in disarray. She went around nudging the fallen heroes, hoping they would wake up.
“Come on,...please, wake up! Please!” She meekly said.
The tears were building up in her eyes. When she got to Miyuki, she fell to her knees crying. It pained her to see her cousin and friends hurt and in this state. Her tears fell on Miyuki’s face, repeating herself.
“Please….wake up...please...I just want to help...please.”
Soon the goo began to advance towards the unaware Rina, shapeshifting into a raging horse. Her voice rose to a wail:
A bright blue light shone from Rina’s position, blinding the giant horse. Pachi and Candy stared at the light in awe. Pachi looked at the young queen, unsure of what she thought, but she gave a reassuring nod. He gave a determined smile and ran straight to the light.
All Rina could see was light. She wasn’t sure where she was or how she got here. She was met face to face with Pachi, his face brimming with joy! She jumped when she saw him.
“P-PACHI?! H-how did you get here?! W-Where am I?!”
“She was right, the queen was right all along~chi!”
“What do mean Candy was right? I’m so confused!”
A small ball of light appeared between the two, revealing a small blue book and calligraphy pen. Rina grabbed the two items. 
“What are these things?”
“It’s your Storybook and MagiPen! You’re one of the legendary Precure~chi!”
“Wait, hold on! I’m still confused-”
“The queen will explain later! Now, just say ‘Precure! Story Start!’ and write ‘Once Upon a Time’ in the Storybook~chi!”
“I still don’t understand what’s happening, but if it’ll save everyone I’ll do it!”
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The Storybook opened up and the decals glowed.
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“Precure! Story Start!”
The MagiPen started lighting up with power. It ejected from the book, Rina snatching it in midair and wrote:
“Once Upon a Time”
“Go go! Let’s go, Joyful!”
With the pen in her hand, Rina began to play around. Drawing hearts around her feet and arms, arm cuffs, pale blue garter thigh highs and white Mary Janes materialized. Waving her pen like a wand, her dress began to gradually materialize. A light blue checkered uniform with lap over sleeves and a golden winged emblem were created! Her hair began to glow, as it changed to a navy blue. It twisted around, creating 2 cute cat ear pigtails, the tips fading to a prominent blue. She tapped her hair, ears and neck creating a choker, winged earring and a frilly headband with a bow on her left. Finally, she drew a light blue streak across her bang, as her eyes also shifted to that similar hue. She placed the MagiPen back in its slot, as it appeared on her skirt seconds later
A shining light shone from above, as the now transformed Rina landed with such precision. Tiny blue flame spark were made when she met the ground
“The glowing ray of positivity! With a bright smile! Cure Joyful!”
She exclaimed, giving her final pose!
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“Cure Joyful is here~chi! The Precure have returned to Märchenland~chi!”
Pachi was dancing happily, while Cure Joyful stared dumbfounded at her new form. She poked and messed with herself.
“W-what the?! W-what happened to my clothes?! Why is my hair-”
A loud neigh erupted, sending tremors through the ground. The giant horse charged at Joyful and Pachi. Without thinking, she grabbed Pachi and started running, except she was...in the...sky. It was a murky color like paint water. There weren’t any balloons in sight and no cheery melody playing in the distance. She started flailing around like a wild chicken, while Pachi was trying to calm her down
Gravity already wasn’t serving in Joyful’s favor, as she was falling from the murky sky. Pachi clung to her arm, falling with the frightened hero. Her body collided with the giant horse, creating a giant crater in the ground. Both were dizzy from the fall but the horse started to rise, causing both to slide off its back. Their faces met the ground as the horse prepared to smash them, but Joyful immediately rolled away. She grabbed Pachi and threw him back to the young queen, instructing him to stay. Joyful ventured back to the battlefield.
“Alright, time to saddle up!”
‘God, that was terrible. Never say that again.’
The horse began lunging towards Cure Joyful, to which she dodged gracefully. The vigorous wind in her face, her whole body dancing an unknown rhythm, this battle was her stage and she was the main act! The hooves increased their speed and power, but she spun in the air and charged straight for the incoming attack!
The horse began to fall to the ground and shapeshifted into a griffin before impact. It increased in size as it charged Joyful into the sky. She was sent tumbling like a wingless fairy but soon regained her balance. A shiny gem appeared under her feet, which gave her enough momentum to sucker punch the griffin.
‘Not bad, me! Not bad at all!’
After the griffin regained its balance, it started viciously swiping at Joyful. She dodged with grace, giving her room to aim for its paw. Joyful looped around the griffin’s head, making it dizzy enough so she could charge-punch its paw. It roared in pain, its crying becoming more distorted as it reverted to a miserable blob of goo. Joyful was panting from how much energy she used. She couldn’t keep up fighting forever!
“There has to be some way to get rid of this thing. But, I don’t want to end up like my friends...”
She sent a barrage of punches to the blob, which either absorbed the attack or flung her back. It felt like a never-ending cycle, one she wanted to get out of quickly.
“Uh, Pachi? I could use some help right about now!”
Suddenly, she felt something. It was a shining red orb with cracks in it. Could this be the blob’s center?
‘No way…’
“Pachi! I found the core of this thing!”
Pachi started to jump with enthusiasm.
“That’s great! Now use your special to shatter it~chi!”
“Hold on, my what now?”
“Your special attack! You have to use your Storybook and MagiPen for that~chi!”
“Still a little lost, but let’s give it a shot!”
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The MagiPen ejected out of the book, Joyful catching it with a swift motion. She drew the emblem in the Storybook, as a bright blue aura appeared in front of her. She placed the now non-lighted pen back in the slot and grabbed the aura with her hands
As the energy was charging, her hair began to glow a bright blue. Locking her target, she pulled her arms back, ready to charge
“Joyful Raindance!!”
Joyful blasted the aura creating a meteor shower, striking the blob in every corner. The glass ball shattered into pieces, as the blob melted away, till nothing remained. Sparkles decorated the scene.
Cure Joyful looked back and winked exclaiming, 
“And that’s the end!”
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The sky changed back to its bright blue hue, the clouds returned to a pearly white. The two fairies began happy-dancing as they chanted at Joyful’s success.
“She did it~kuru! She did it~kuru!”
“She really did~chi! I was rooting for her all the way~chi!”
Joyful slowly drifted down to the ground and landed on her knees. She needed a breather from that fighting.
“Who...who knew that...fighting could take up...all that energy...I’m taking a 5-hour nap after this! Mark my words!”
She fell onto the newly green grass and stared up to the sky. She did all of that, she fought a giant blob, in heels more or less, and saved a kingdom she dreamt about. Now that’s what we call a fresh start! She extended her hand out at the sky, trying to grab the soft and fluffy clouds but something fell in her hand.
‘Huh? What’s this?’
Joyful brought the object close to her face, it was a small blue and yellow lollipop with a ruby red ribbon on the base. She could feel the grooves of the thing in her thumb, it felt both relaxing and strange. Joyful got up and looked to the side, her friends were all ok, chatting with each other. She got up and ran towards them, brimming with joy. Without thinking, she jump-hugged her cousin, crying tears of joy that she was ok. Miyuki didn’t know who this new girl was or why she was hugging her but went along with it. Joyful let go and locked eyes with Miyuki, it was that moment when the pieces fell together. Those light blue eyes still held that childish youth, it couldn’t be...
“Miyu! I’m so glad you’re all safe! Don’t scare me like that again!”
Joyful hugged Miyuki back, whilst the others giggled at them.
“Guess we have another Precure sister, huh?”
Yayoi exclaimed, looking at the two cousins
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“So, these are Toppers? And they have the same function as a ‘Cure Decor’ if I’m even saying that right...”
Rina asked, holding the small item. Everyone was sitting in a circle talking about what happened and what’s to happen in the future. Candy started to explain everything that happened after the Pierrot incident
“Right~kuru. Pop and I made them together since we put the Cure Decors away~kuru. But, when I last checked they all vanished~kuru!”
“Bet that blob had something to do with it!” Akane exclaimed, she was already fuming even after the fight. Yayoi piped in with an idea: “I-I mean, it does seem possible. But, w-why would a blob serve as a distraction, if that meant that-”
“A new evil is coming!” Nao interjected, continuing the thought. Everyone looked at each other with dread in their eyes. Pachi soon cut the silence and changed the topic
“But that means that Apple is ‘the next generation’, in a sense~chi.”
“That’s right~kuru! But that means the other cures need to be found, so Rina has to play ‘Hide-N-Seek’ to find them and the rest of the Toppers. And it means training for you~kuru.”
“T-training? I thought this was it for me~chi?”
“Pachi, you need to think about this. I know you’ve been passionate about the Precure, so why not let you help the new team~kuru?”
“R-really? Y-you mean it? T-then I won’t let you down~chi!”
“That’s incredible! We can get started tomorrow. But, I need you to be more cautious. We don’t know what to expect with this new evil, but we need help and now~kuru!”
Rina looked at Candy with determination and swore a promise to her:
“Right, I promise I won’t let you down, Candy!”
Akane gave Rina a thumbs up with a bright smile.
“Welcome to the Precure life, sister!”
Everyone started to giggle and it soon turned to laughter. The tension and stress seemed to fade away, as everyone started smiling and thriving again.
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Everyone was bidding farewells to Candy and Pachi. After, everyone entered a giant book, returning to Earth. Miyuki and Candy exchanged one last hug, before looking at Rina and taking her hand.
“Ready to head back?”
“Y-yeah! I’m ready”
Rina exclaimed, she quickly gave Pachi a small smile, comforting the fairy. Both fairies waved goodbye to the cousins before entering the book, returning home. The bright light cleared and the school bell rang in the distance. It was time for them to start their afternoon classes. The two started collecting their things and walked out of the gazebo, heading to their next classes. Rina took a moment and reached for the sky, thinking about what new challenges she’ll face along the way and what new adventures were in store
‘Even if I’m not exactly Blue Star, I’ll still fight for everyone’s happy endings! Mark the world of my words, cause here comes Storytime Precure!’
“M-Miyuki! Wait up!”
She ran towards Miyuki, catching up to her and sparking up a conversation. It was a brand new story that was about to begin. Starting today, another chapter opened in Rina’s life.
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Preview of the next chapter: 
Who’s this new kid in school?
I don’t know, but he’s so dreamy!
Hold on, is that-
Next time on Storytime! Precure: Sudden Heartthrob! Cure Royal Takes the Stage! 
We’ll soar high for a happy ending!
Art made by myself (@soleil.equinox), @squid.arts on Instagram and @JustAMelonPan (they don’t have any socials) respectively!
31 notes · View notes
ringalingring7 · 4 years
me: watches over a million precure videos
youtube recommended: nah
me: watches a single subway surfers storytime comp
0 notes
Master Post
Hi everyone! my name is Soleil/Neige Equinox! I’m a digital/traditional artist who is making fanmade and oc content
Here you’ll find my stuff for my #precure fanseries #storytimeprecure, and my SunRose (OC x Canon Queer Platonic Relationship) fan content
If you wanna follow and find more of my content, I have my fanseries on AO3 and an Art Instagram (soleil.nebula). I hope you have a great stay here!
Storytime! Pretty Cure
Volume 1
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Volume 2
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SunRose Content
I also have commissions open here!! Please consider commissioning me if you can afford it!
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fancuries · 2 years
A girl with light orange hair walked gracefully onto the stage, her hands gently clutching her speech she had written weeks prior.
“Hello everyone, my name is Chiyo Asahina, the leader of Daybreak Pretty Cure and I’m excited to be presenting the award for Most Leader-Like Cure at tonight’s Fancuries!”
An echo of cheers came from a small section of the crowd, her teammates waving happily from their seats.
The third-year let out a small giggle, turning her gaze out into the audience.
“As some may know, it takes a lot of work to be a leader of a group, especially when magic abilities, varying personalities and skill sets come into account, I have come to know of these struggles myself.” She paused for a moment, the beams of overhead lights shining brightly against her body. “However; these set of cures in particular defines what it means to be a Pretty Cure in the heat of battle and a confident, empathetic leader to friends and teammates alike.”
Her words were genuine and motivating, her own struggles as a leader seeming to pay off in this moment. “The nominees are as follows: Cure Sonic from Game On! Precure, Cure Ignite from New Super Precure, Cure Joyful from Storytime! Precure and Cure Sweetie from Joyful Pretty Cure.”
The crowd went silent for a moment, staring at Chiyo with anticipation for the reveal. “Without further ado, the award for Most Leader Like Cure goes too… Cure Sweetie! Congratulations on winning the award, we all can’t wait to see what you, and the other applicants, will show in the future on your Pretty Cure journeys!”
A graceful bow finished off her speech, a round of applause resounding in the room as she exited the stage with a smile.
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fancuries · 4 years
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A girl with amber eyes donning a sunset-inspired suit and a flustered boy donning a sunset-inspired dress with their arms interlocked made their way to center stage.
“Hello everyone! I hope you’re having a good time so far!” the girl exclaimed, waving to everyone. The room was dark so everyone’s faces weren’t as visible, but everyone was enjoying their time at the event.
“I’ve been having a lot of fun so far, me and the other Storytime gals had a blast on the red carpet!”
“I felt so stupid on there~chi…” the boy muttered. His face glowed a bright red, making his freckles more prominent
“I know, but this will be over soon. We can have Haruhi make some tea later”
“Alright alright. But I’m taking this off as soon as the event is done~chi!”
“Right, let’s get started!” the girl said. She let go of the boy’s arm and fixed her suit up. She looked out to the audience with confidence, as her voice rang throughout the event room.
“My name is Sakoto Matsumoto, libero of Nanairogaoka’s girls’ volleyball team - also known as Cure Rose, the team’s strategist. And this flustered mess is Patorikku Chinen - also known as Rikku or Pachi, our fairy companion”
“And, we’ll be presenting the Ideal Best Friend award. Following the protagonist in their story is fun, but I think the bonds with their friends make the stories stronger~chi!”
“Our nominee list is quite incredible and tonight, we get the chance to thank them for their kindness, loyalty, and generosity to their team and our protagonists! Our nominees are…Hikaru Kishi or Cure Coral of the Oceana Precure team, Yuanfen Zhao or Cure Fĕn of the Love Sent! Motto♥Motto Precure team, Akio Kagome or Cure Crown of the Brilliant Prince Pretty Cure team-”
“Lemme help you out~chi,” Rikku offered. Sakoto gave him a nod and he continued to list the nominees.
“Um, there’s also Jun Izanama or Cure Hope of the Immortal Friendship Precure team, Ellie from Charge Up! Precure, Taul Hanley or Cure Vrisha of the Tentai Senshin Precure team. Hey, our creator knows them! And lastly, Penny Polter or Cure Elysium of the Zenith Precure team. You all sound super nice and I know that your friends adore all you’ve done! You all are winners in our eyes, but we have to pick one true winner tonight, so let’s get started~chi!”
With that declaration out of the way, Sakoto pulled out an envelope from her pocket. The wax seal had the logo imprinted on it.
“And the winner of the Ideal Best Friend award is…” She paused, opening the envelope.
Sakoto handed the flier to Rikku, the results waiting to be revealed
“Oh, the winner is… Cure Coral from Oceana Precure! Congratulations on this award! Give them a hand everyone~chi!”
Applause erupted from the audience, echoing across the hall. Both walked off the stage to join their group
“I swear, this outfit is going off immediately this event is over~chi…” Rikku complained. His face grew redder the more he thought about it.
[Sakoto Matsumoto / Cure Rose, Patorikku Chinen, and Storytime! PreCure belong to Izzy Love]
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fancuries · 4 years
For Your Consideration: Compilation
Hi everyone! There’s one week left to nominate for the Fancuries, so we’ve compiled a list of fanseries for anyone who doesn’t know who or what to nominate. These are grouped alphabetically by author, with links to each post here or on Amino.
If you think this list is missing anyone’s FYC post, don’t hesitate to ask!
aceaeite: banban! Hero⚡Precure!, Siren Precure, Teletubbies Precure
Aile/starbelles: Love Sent! Motto💕Motto Precure!
Aresd: Pretty Cure ad Astra
Blue-and-Dog: Pocket Monsters Precure
Bubble: Game On! Precure, Transform And Roll Out Precure, Precure: Project Dream, Future Tone Precure
CandyEcho: Nature-prived! Precure!, KiraKira Precure! Gleaming Heart Style!, Precure! Drawing Splash!, Futari Wa Precure! Fire ‘N Sunlight!
Celestial: Legends Memory Precure, Solstice Crystal Precure
Cure Dreamer: Heartstone Precure, Redemption Precure
Cure Pearl: Oceana Precure, Shining Lites Precure, Hibike! Marching Precure, Flowering Royals Precure
CureUp_RaPaPa: Heavenly Precure!
DreamNotePrincess: SweetHeart Pretty Cure, Amulet Pretty Cure, Believe Pretty Cure, Rubberhose Pretty Cure
Heartly: Past to Future Pretty Cure!, Season Pretty Cure Floret Orchestra!, Virtue Pretty Cure!, Justice Pretty Cure!, and others
Imagination: Happily Ever After! Fairytale PreCure
Izzy Love: Storytime! PreCure
Kaetly: Olympic Precure☆Summer de SHINE!, Wa-Ku Wa-Ku! Planet Precure
Kazuko: Tidal Song Precure, Regalia Precure, and others
Lulu Ruru: Welcome to Animal Crossing PreCure
MonoTheMonochrome: Prime Pretty Cure, Oyasumi Pretty Cure Z, Happy Haunt Pretty Cure
Peach: Nintendo Precure
Pixie Shmixie: Flyin’ Friends Precure
PrismAnimations: Let’s Animation! Precure Power!
Ryta: Toychest Pretty Cure
Salsa: Care!! Precure!, Story Time Precure, Tea Time Precure
Shadow Candy: Patched Up Precure, Dramatic Virtue Precure, Nebula☆Coral Precure
SingMeloetta: Friendly Pretty Cure, Feather Shine PreCure!, and others
skittyfan1991: Sucré Parade Precure, Prism Heart Precure, Miracle Idol Precure
Soleil: Loyal Aid Precure
Squid: Tentai Senshi Precure
Strawberry Sunrise: Zenith Precure
Taco: Horror Precure
ThePotatoGod: Magi Magi Precure
Tiffany-Chan123: Magical Melody Precure, Wonderful! Kaitou Precure
Veroniquemagique: Joie de Vivre Pretty Cure, Flora Pop! Pretty Cure, Sweetheart Pretty Cure, and others
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digiconjurer · 7 years
AWC Ch 60.5
This was inspired by that one scene from Kirakira Precure. As such, I can’t really post it on Fanfiction.net, so it’s going on here. Enjoy.
Characters: Marcus/Grave
Universe: Data Squad/Kirakira
Notes: Takes place a couple years after the end of Savers and between episodes 33 and 34 of Kirakira Precure.
He still remembered that day.
It had been a thursday in May. The weather had been bright and sunny, with not a cloud in sight. For Marcus Damon, things were looking up for him. He had just gotten his first job and was ready to start another day of work. If he had the knowledge of events of this particular day, maybe he would’ve called in sick or not shown up at all. But hindsight is twenty-twenty sometimes.
The job in question had been at a local grocery store, where he stocked shelves and helped the occasional old lady find something.
“You there!”
The teenager turned around, finding a much larger man standing before him. The man had chosen a crimson red suit for this occasion and boots of some sort
“Uh… me?” Marcus had responded and felt a swift kick to the groin, only to kneel down to the ground.
“Yes, you.” the man announced and allowed Marcus to get up, only to grab hold of his neck. From that particular vantage point, “What a pity. I was actually hoping for an actual fight after destroying that supermarket.”
He then slammed Marcus into the ground and walked away, unaware of the fire burning within his battered opponent. It was the sort that set their sights on something and worked their hardest to reach that goal, no matter the odds or the circumstances.
And in this particular case, he found himself within grasp of an answer.
“Is this the place, boss?” his partner, Agumon inquired while Marcus gave the picture one more glance. Currently, the two found themselves in the middle of some unnamed desert. Against the dunes and the blinding at time winds, a phone booth had been left by an unknown entity.
“Yep.” Marcus answered and took a deep breath. He had been waiting for this day for some time, his training culminating in this one moment.
He pulled the door of the booth opened and carefully dialed the number, only to have his partner squeeze himself in. Bright light then engulfed the two, emptying the booth out in the process…
On the other side, the two found themselves in a place unlike anything they had ever seen before.
Everything had been stained a weird shade of whitish purple. While there was some variance within the color, it was quite disorienting to some extent.
“Not exactly what I expected.” Marcus remarked and took a deep breath, fishing a pocket telescope out of his pocket and gazed in.
Most of the terrain out in the distance consisted of ovalish hills and flat ground. The only real landmark of sorts appeared to be a weird-looking house that was the same color as everything else here.
“What do we have here?” a familiar voice called out as a large figure approached. While he was no longer dressed in the red business suit, he had chosen a red and yellow t-shirt with a torn black pair of jeans. Finishing off the look was a pair of black boots and the man’s signature spiky blond hair. “Wait. I remember you. Never did ask for your name.”
“Marcus Damon.” the ultimate fighter announced as Agumon walked up. “And that’s my partner, Agumon.”
“Hi there!” the dino digimon greeted. “What’s your name?”
“Grave.” their opponent announced and cracked his knuckles. “And it’ll be the last thing you’ll ever hear.”
He then charged right at Marcus, who stepped to the right and responded with a punch to the back. Orange sparkles formed around it, which Marcus deposited into his digivice.
Agumon warp burst digivolve too… ShineGreymon Burst Mode!
Gone was the orange dino, having been replaced with a larged armored titan.
“Well, color me impressed.” Grave taunted and was served a kick to the groin by Marcus. “Two can play this game! Nendos!” A trio of weird-looking clay figures galloped forth, only to be stomped to pieces by ShineGreymon.
“Uh… Was I supposed to be impressed by that?” ShineGreymon announced and got a shrug from Marcus. “That’s what I thought too, boss.”
Of course, Grave used this moment in order to grab hold of Marcus and fling him towards the ground. Marcus responded with a kick and followed it up with a punch to the face.
“Diable, Elisio, help me with this intruder!” Grave screamed and watched Elisio pull out a lawnchair along some popcorn.
“Deal with it, you big baby.” Elisio responded as he sat down, only for Diable to lay down beside him.
“How cute.” Diable added as he was offered some popcorn. “I hope your ass gets kicked!”
“Truly helpful associates I have here.” Grave responded, getting a shrug from Marcus in return. “What do you even know? It’s not like you’re some big hero with all sorts of friends…”
Marcus didn’t answer, choosing instead to climb his way up onto his partner’s head. Outside of the handful of stories he had heard about Grave, the ultimate fighter suspected that his opponent still had a couple tricks up his sleeve. That, and it would probably be rude to compare his own friends to Elisio and Diable.
“Is that really the best you got?!” he taunted and jumped, somehow managing to land himself on Grave. What followed was a cross between a bullfight and a brawl, with Marcus wailing on Grave’s back as he hung on for dear life.
“Get off of me!” Grave screamed and tucked his head in, only to do a roll. “Phew. Much better.”
His gaze refocused on Marcus and ShineGreymon, who were still standing in his view.
“In all seriousness, what do you people even do here?” Marcus responded and watched Elisio open his mouth. “Outside of being evil and taking over multiple worlds.”
“Wait, other worlds exist?”
Silence fell over the area as both Marcus and Elisio shook their heads. For the moment, it was probably best to let Grave believe that misconception for the moment.
“Yeah.” Marcus responded as he swung at Grave. “How did you think I got here?”
“Magic. Lots and lots of stupid magic.”
After saying that, Grave knocked Marcus’s hand away and grabbed hold of the ultimate fighter’s neck.
“I should’ve completed the job of humiliating you when I had a chance.” Grave snarled as his grip tightened. “It’s people like you that our my most dangerous competition.”
Shine Hammer!
For some reason, this resulted in a kick instead of the usual punch, not that Marcus would really complain in this particular moment. He had gotten what he had wanted to some extent. Grave had technically given him a reason for what he did.
Instead, he made a quick glance around for a way back. Out in the distance, a telephone booth awaited use.
“Thanks for the brawl!” Marcus shouted and made his escape as agumon reverted back. Elisio and Diable just sat there, somehow using their authority to keep Grave from continuing this petty arguement for better or for worse.
A quick number dialing later, everything went black for the ultimate fighter and his dino. When their vision did finally return, the two found themselves hurtling towards the earth. Which as a way to go, didn’t rank too high on Marcus’s list.
“Boss, grab hold of me!” Agumon shouted and Marcus complied, clinging to his partner as best as he could.
“Kira Patissiere, open!” a voice announced and a large rectangular building appeared. Of course, this was then followed by a loud crash of the duo landing into the building. “Uh, are you alright?”
“Yeah.” Marcus announced and poked his head out, giving his audience a wave. “This is happens sometimes.”
He turned his attention to his partner, which he pulled up with a light tug,
“Sorry about the building damage.” Agumon added and the two jumped down.
Yoshi Fujieda wasn’t entirely sure what to make of this.
On one hand, it was nice to know that her former teammate was at least alive. But on the other hand, that didn’t explain why the ultimate fighter and his digimon had managed to get themselves into a magical girl cartoon of all things.
“Thomas, are you there?” she shouted into her phone and listened
“What is it, Yoshi?” Thomas responded, seeming quite confused by Yoshi’s sudden call. “This is impossible…”
“What do you mean, impossible?”
“This is a cartoon made by Toei Animation. One would think that their animators would notice such an element and just remove it.”
“So what’s our plan then?”
Silence fell over both adults as they pondered what they should do next. For the moment, it was possibly best to get together for one last adventure...
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