#career mentorship
mitsdedistance · 2 years
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My Mom when I was 17: You should be a teacher
Me Then: I don't think I'd like that
My Mom now: you should be a teacher
Me now at 28 if I was a teacher: hey kids I'm gonna teach you some stuff that in ten years you will remember NONE of, okay let's waste some time.
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manavvyas3012 · 3 months
eKal Academy is a digital learning initiative of Kalorex Group (29 years of legacy in education), eKal Academy – a Digital teaching platform enabling LIVE & interactive classes, offering Individual and Group programs.
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ozmatippetarius · 1 year
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Kate’s relationships with other women >>>>>>
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cantstayawaycani · 9 months
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roywhitehead · 1 year
10 Unpopular Tech Things you NEED in Your Life | I Tried Them
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nationallawreview · 1 year
Legal News Reach S3E1: The DEI Dialogue: How Feedback Fosters Inclusion and Diversity in the Workplace
Welcome to Legal News Reach Season 3! We begin the new year with a conversation between the National Law Review’s Social Media Manager, Crissonna Tennison, and Bracewell’s D&I and Community Outreach Director, Monica Parker. By now, most firms understand that diversity and inclusion are nonnegotiable foundations for a successful organization, but feedback conversations remain a commonly…
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globaleducareer · 4 days
Our virtual internship opportunities provide an immersive and practical experience designed to enhance your professional skills and build a compelling profile. These programs allow you to work on real-world projects, offering you the chance to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting. Gain hands-on experience in your field of interest, developing essential skills that are highly valued by employers. You’ll receive personalized guidance from industry professionals, helping you navigate your career path effectively. The internships offer valuable networking opportunities, connecting you with experts and peers in your field. Our tailored feedback and mentorship ensure that you’re not only gaining experience but also growing strategically in your career.
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aditi2987 · 10 days
"The Role of Mentorship in Addressing Onboarding Challenges for Fresh Graduates"
Onboarding fresh graduates into the workforce comes with a unique set of challenges. Many freshers face difficulties in adjusting to the professional environment, learning their roles, and integrating into the company culture. A structured mentorship program plays a key role in helping fresh graduates overcome these challenges. By offering guidance, fostering confidence, and creating a sense of belonging, mentors are critical to ensuring a smoother and more successful onboarding process.
1. Providing Guidance and Support
Fresh graduates often enter the workforce with limited practical experience, which can make the transition from academia to corporate life overwhelming. They may struggle with understanding their roles, managing tasks, and fitting into their team. A mentor provides ongoing support, serving as a reliable resource for advice, feedback, and encouragement. By offering a safe space for questions and learning, mentors reduce anxiety and help fresh graduates build confidence.
Moreover, mentors provide fresh graduates with clarity on company expectations. Whether it’s breaking down complex processes, explaining industry-specific jargon, or guiding them through their first projects, mentors ensure freshers have the tools they need to perform well in their roles.
2. Fostering Cultural Integration
Understanding a company’s culture—its values, work ethic, communication styles, and social norms—can be challenging for new graduates. Without proper guidance, they may feel out of place or isolated. A mentor acts as a bridge, helping fresh graduates navigate the subtleties of the workplace culture and establish meaningful relationships within the company.
Mentors can also demonstrate how the company’s values are applied in real-world scenarios, providing freshers with role models to emulate. This helps fresh graduates quickly adapt, ensuring that they align with the company’s mission and vision. Additionally, by facilitating introductions to key colleagues and organizing informal meetups, mentors help fresh graduates integrate socially, creating a sense of community and belonging.
3. Accelerating Skill Development
While fresh graduates may bring academic knowledge, they often lack the practical skills required in the workplace. Mentors can help bridge this gap by offering targeted learning opportunities that align with the graduate’s role. For example, mentors can coach freshers on problem-solving techniques, project management, or industry-specific tools and software.
Through regular feedback, mentors can help new graduates improve their skills, identify areas of weakness, and build on their strengths. This personalized guidance accelerates professional development and prepares fresh graduates for future responsibilities. Mentors may also share their own career experiences, offering practical insights that freshers wouldn’t gain through formal training alone.
4. Building Confidence and Leadership
Entering a new work environment can be intimidating for fresh graduates. They may hesitate to share their ideas, speak up in meetings, or take initiative due to a lack of confidence. A mentor provides positive reinforcement and constructive feedback, empowering fresh graduates to step out of their comfort zone and take ownership of their work.
Mentors can also guide fresh graduates in developing soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership. Through one-on-one interactions, mentors foster a sense of self-assurance that fresh graduates carry into their professional interactions. Over time, these skills help freshers not only contribute more effectively but also position them for leadership roles in the future.
5. Offering Career Development Advice
For many fresh graduates, the first job is often a stepping stone to long-term career goals. However, without proper guidance, they may struggle to envision their career trajectory or identify the skills needed for growth. A mentor offers valuable career advice, helping freshers understand the industry landscape, set achievable career goals, and plan for future development.
Mentors can introduce fresh graduates to learning resources, suggest courses or certifications, and recommend networking opportunities that align with their career aspirations. By helping fresh graduates map out their career path, mentors ensure that they remain motivated, engaged, and focused on their professional growth.
6. Providing Emotional Support and Encouragement
The transition from student life to a full-time career can be emotionally challenging. Fresh graduates may experience feelings of self-doubt, imposter syndrome, or uncertainty about their career choices. Mentors play a crucial role in providing emotional support, offering encouragement during difficult times, and sharing their own experiences of overcoming similar challenges.
By fostering a relationship built on trust, mentors create a safe space for fresh graduates to discuss their fears and concerns. This emotional support not only boosts morale but also helps fresh graduates build resilience, which is essential for thriving in a demanding work environment.
Mentorship plays a vital role in addressing the onboarding challenges faced by fresh graduates. By offering guidance, support, and career advice, mentors help freshers transition smoothly into the professional world. Mentorship not only accelerates skill development but also fosters confidence, cultural integration, and long-term career growth. For companies, investing in a robust mentorship program can significantly improve employee retention, engagement, and overall productivity, making it a win-win for both the organization and the fresh graduates they onboard.
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turenneteddy · 11 days
Teddy Turenne: The Importance of Mentorship in Business Success
Teddy Turenne: The Importance of Mentorship in Business Success"explores how mentorship plays a vital role in professional growth and long-term business achievement. In this episode, we dive into Teddy Turenne personal experiences with mentors, the key benefits of mentorship, and actionable advice for finding the right mentor. From accelerated learning to strategic insights, discover how mentorship can fast-track your business journey and elevate your leadership skills.
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rashmi04 · 18 days
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Connections that Count: How Networking Can Transform Your Career
The Significance of Networking Events When you think about networking events, what comes to mind? Perhaps it’s the image of formal gatherings filled with professionals shaking hands, exchanging business cards, and wishing everyone well. While that’s certainly a part of it, the reality is much richer and varied. Understanding the different types of networking events available to you and how to…
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monsterkong · 1 month
The Role of Gender in Strategic Thinking and Planning
Exploring How Men and Women Approach Long-Term Planning Differently
Hello, insightful readers! 🌼 Today, we're tackling an intriguing aspect of strategic thinking—how it differs between genders and what we can learn from these differences to foster better planning in all areas of life.
It's fascinating to note that men and women often approach planning and strategic thinking with distinct styles. Research and anecdotal evidence suggest that women might be naturally inclined to think more long-term and are possibly better at detailed, strategic planning compared to their male counterparts. This isn't to say one gender is better than the other, but rather that each brings a unique perspective to the table that can be incredibly beneficial in various contexts, from corporate strategies to family planning.
The conversation highlighted that these differences might stem from evolutionary traits or societal expectations. Women are often seen managing not just careers but also familial responsibilities, which may require them to juggle multiple long-term considerations simultaneously.
Furthermore, the discussion shed light on how these gendered approaches to thinking can be cultivated from a young age. Parents and educators play a crucial role in this by encouraging strategic thinking through games like chess, which requires foresight and planning, or through discussions about future goals and how to achieve them.
In conclusion, understanding and embracing the different strategic strengths that men and women bring to the table can lead to more comprehensive and successful planning in both professional and personal realms.
Let’s continue to learn from each other and leverage our unique strengths! How do you see these dynamics playing out in your own life or work? Join the discussion below! 💬💪
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varunrajkalse · 2 months
14 Reasons: The Need of Management Education in Life
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ksm1313live · 3 months
The Power of Mentorship: Kam's Tech Talk Leads the Way
Mentorship stands as a cornerstone in navigating paths to success, offering indispensable insights, unwavering support, and crucial encouragement throughout the journey. Inspired by the influential mentorship efforts of prominent YouTubers, Kam discovered firsthand the transformative impact of personalized guidance. In 2021, Kam launched a dedicated mentorship program under the banner of Kam’s Tech Talk (#ksm1313live). This initiative was crafted with a singular mission: to empower aspiring Salesforce professionals with tailored mentorship experiences. By harnessing the collective wisdom and real-world expertise of seasoned industry leaders, Kam's Tech Talk aims to pave the way for future successes in the dynamic world of Salesforce.
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awesomelifestyletips · 3 months
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Learn how to use mentorship for career advancement. Learn effective ways for finding an ideal mentor, developing lasting relationships, and maximizing your professional progress and success through guided mentorship.
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