welele · 4 months
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folkfashion · 2 years
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Caretos masker, Portugal, by Charles Fréger
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bluberimufim · 3 months
The Caretos of Podence
Happy Carnaval!! Time for another cultural ramblie because I haven't done this in a while!!
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(I just think they're cool)
This was originally gonna be about multiple Carnaval traditions in Portugal, like my Halloween post, because I wanted to talk about a really beautiful festivity in my city but then I realized it was related to an entirely different holiday and I wasn't gonna scrap this idea (I'll do that one in August, I guess??). So I decided to make a post about the Caretos of Podence because I just really vibed with them.
disclaimer! None of this is from lived experience, just online research (although I tried to use sources directly related to it, specifically the Casa do Careto website). I am not from Trás-os-Montes at all and have little contact with this. Just like in my first cultural ramblie, this is just me trying to better connect with my own culture and sharing what I find with anyone who's interested. If you see any errors or want to add anything, feel free!! I'm always happy to learn!
Okay, but before we begin: what exactly is Carnaval?
You might have heard of Brazil's Carnaval. Portugal's is way less hardcore but still culturally important (although some brazillian-style Carnavais are celebrated here).
The actual day of Carnaval is the day before Ash Wednesday, but it usually lasts about a week or 3 days in more urban areas (Carnaval break is a real thing that schools have). The general objective is to have an all-out celebration before Lent starts because, after that, you're not supposed to celebrate until Easter rolls around.
The Caretos
The village of Podence is in the middle of Trás-os-Montes, somewhat between Mirandela and Miranda do Douro. It is mostly known for this celebration, which lasts for about a week.
The name "caretos" means something like "big faces" and comes from their very recognizable masks. They're made of either leather or metal and are meant to completely obscure the identity of the wearer. The costumes are made of rows of coloured wool and are usually made by the community. The red, yellow, and green pattern is not mandatory and it can have many different colours, but it's the most common since it's the colours of the flag. On top of the costume, they wear a lot of bells: smaller ones attached to the straps on their chest and 4 to 8 bigger cowbells tied around their waist.
During the celebration, the caretos dance through the town, accompanied by the jingling of their bells. Traditionally, the caretos were young men who chased after single women, but today anyone can wear the costume and chase after anyone they please. They also go around stealing any easily grabbable chorizos left hanging from smokehouses, and use wooden staffs to propel their jumps higher.
On the last day of Carnaval, the Entrudo (a giant figure of a man) is burnt to draw away the bad things of the old year and let in the next. Like this:
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This celebration has pagan roots, although none really know exactly where its origins lie. People seem to point to it being a pre-roman festivity, but we have few sources to go from. The most probable explanation is that it was a fertility ritual connected to the agricultural cycle, since this is generally the time in which farmers can start planting again after the winter.
I hope you enjoyed this little ramble. Because I very much did. Here's some more pictures:
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sr-roto · 7 months
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mountainbrixta · 1 year
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Careto de Lazarim
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Do you know about Caretos (from Podence, Bragança)? They seem similar to the Momotxorro from Alsasua. Caretos are pre-Celtic, not sure about Momotxorro.
Btw, for the readers, these are the Caretos from Podence:
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And these are de Momotxorroak from Altsasu:
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We're sure Momotxorroak are pre-Celtic too. They're half man and half bull, they have their faces covered by tassels or horse manes, and they cover themselves in true goat blood.
We can guarantee you that there are few things scarier than finding a momotxorro in that winter night -when the festivities take place - and feeling they're looking at you. It's atavistic fear. Then any of them start chasing you with their hayfork and you can't help but start screaming immediately. We got chased by three of them that wanted to corner us and we're sure we broke some speed record.
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Charles Freger | Caretos de Podence, Portugal, from 'Wilder Mann' series, 2021 | portrait, color photography
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inestheunicorn · 3 months
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This little donkey is dressed as a Careto de Podence ready to celebrate Carnival 🎉 you'll be meeting him and his friends on my Mini Shop Update next Friday, on February 2nd ✨ it's a small but exciting shop drop and the theme is Valentine's and Carnival traditions from all over the world 🌟
Shop here <3
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welele · 7 months
Parece el niño japonés de Scary Movie
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victorino53 · 1 year
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De “Caretos” en Bemposta, Portugal. 2 (en Bemposta, Braganca, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoscSwPLZRN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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folkfashion · 5 months
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Portuguese Caretos masker, Portugal, by Ashley Suszczynski
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sr-roto · 8 months
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mariabeatrizmalta · 3 months
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mountainbrixta · 1 year
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Careto de Lazarim - Sketch.
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profesor-javaloyes · 1 month
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En mi “molesta” opinión.- Perdonen que insista.
“Soy marica, puedo hacer lo que quiera” (escuchado en una conversación el mes pasado en un restaurante de Santa Cruz de Tenerife)
La lección de hoy queridos niños se construye en modo de homenaje ponderado a estos/as/es héroes de la lucha “por la igualdad, la libertad, el anticapitalismo, el ecologismo y contra la islamofobia, el sionismo y  la entidad sionista genocida (Israel)” que “ha utilizado al colectivo LGTBIQA+ y de las mujeres frente al mundo árabe e islámico, todo ello desde “una perspectiva” Transfeminista “construyendo movimientos de solidaridad con Palestina para frenar a la extrema derecha enfrentándonos a esos discursos y prácticas racistas y misóginas que niegan nuestros deseos, nuestras identidades y nuestros cuerpos”.
Ya lo ven pequeñas criaturas, héroes, sí héroes que se enfrenta valerosamente no desde Gaza,  o Beirut en donde mandan los piadosos ayatolás de la República Islámica de Irán (Hamas y Hezbolá mediante) y porque si tomamos por ejemplo el Artículo 104 del Código Penal de Irán: “Lapidación  por homosexualidad - <Las piedras deben ser como las palma de la mano, no demasiado grandes para causar la muerte muy rápido y así prolongar el sufrimiento, ni tan pequeñas que no sean consideradas piedras>” sería muy sencillo y nada heroico y efectivo. No, ellos eligen para esa lucha hacerlo - con grave riesgo para sus vidas y libertad - desde las profundas entrañas de la monstruosa bestia de nombre democracia liberal, el demoníaco capitalismo desarrollado y esa aterradora hidra con centenares de cabezas llamado Estado de las libertades. Horrible dictadura ésta en donde pueden manifestarse libremente (incluso en contra de la misma democracia), tomar la calle con cientos de miles de personas para celebrar el Día del Orgullo LGTBIQA+ y que por cierto, el que se celebra en Tel-Aviv - Israel es el más numeroso, libre, diverso y popular del mundo. Regímenes represores que han implantado leyes en contra de discursos de odio y discriminación que les afecten a estos mártires, en donde  pueden gestionar su identidad de género apoyados por una ley que les permite percibirse (y obligar a los demás a percibirlos) como hombres, mujeres, no binarios, media y media, cuarto y mitad o buitre leonado por la mañana y lirón careto por la noche. Represoras democracias liberales que colocan la bandera del arco iris junto a la nacional, autónoma, regional o de la ciudad  que toque, contraviniendo en muchos casos la Ley en la que el Tribunal Supremo ha establecido en una sentencia firme que sólo las banderas oficiales deben ondear en los edificios de las administraciones públicas españolas.
Mientras tanto “Feliz Ramadán” con luces y mensajes oficiales en todo occidente. ¿Han visto algo similar sobre la Navidad, al año nuevo hindú o chino en alguna nación en donde impere el islam?. Las fiestas judías ni pensarlas porque son anatema. Se han podido ver en estos pasados días grandes grupos de musulmanes que han tomado el centro de Londres o Time Square en Nueva York para sus rezos. Intenten queridos, queridas y querides a rezar un rosario en las calles de Riad (en donde está prohibida la construcción de iglesias cristianas), Kabul o Islamabad. ¡Claro que no!, eso no es luchar por la libertad, la diversidad y la igualdad de las personas ante la ley. Eso para ustedes es… provocación.
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nevenkebla · 2 months
Mucho mejor
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Fantastic Four #584 Jonathan Hickman (Guionista), Steve Epting (Dibujante)
— Ben Grimm: Reconózcalo, Sr. Grimm, ha visto días mejores. Vale, Reed, esto ya huele. Hace una hora que, según tú, la radiación de la máquina del Alto Evolucionador debería haberse agotado… agotado… Ahí está el careto guapo que tanto quiero. Mucho mejor.
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