#caritodorito rambles about life
carito-dorito · 4 years
Me, in a better state of mind and more determinated to be alive in 2020: yay
Me, two days after being in online school, having a small cold, being scared to death to fall asleep bc you feel guilty and unproductive: still yay
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carito-dorito · 4 years
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So my watercolours are covered in fungus and stuff now even tho I haven't used them until a week ago... And I guess I'm not going to paint traditionally for a long while and it was the only thing I wanted to do after all the shit I've been dealing these weeks.
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carito-dorito · 4 years
Me: *messages my bff bc of pride* HaPPY PRIDE AJDJSJDJSHDSKHDJAK
BFF and me:
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carito-dorito · 4 years
I decided to listen again to The Suburbs because quarantine (duh) and bc how many things that are happening in my life
And I'm like this:
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carito-dorito · 5 years
w e l l My internet connection and my family life is a mess right now, so if I die of coronavirus or being stuck in a forced lockdown tell my friends and fictional crushes i love them so bad
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carito-dorito · 5 years
"Nothing wrong can happen with some weeks isolated with your family, so relax!"
-Your toxic, boomer relative you're forced to stay with because your country is getting into curfew:
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carito-dorito · 3 years
so uh it's been a year and about one year and 4 months since I stopped smoking (started at 15-16) and idk why but I've been so low and now I just remembered it and I'm like: "bitch is this you!?!?"
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carito-dorito · 5 years
M o o d:
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carito-dorito · 4 years
Mom, who often calls me "ignorant bitch" just said:
"Vaccines causes mental illnesses, autism and mental retard"
But the worst thing is that:
She's a d o c t o r.
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carito-dorito · 4 years
July 1.
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carito-dorito · 4 years
*my everyday routine since quarantine and online school*
wake up
prepare for class
do class
being wildy knocked on the door
explain I had classes
being yelled at not answering the door and face them
classes are over
mom yelling at me that I can't miss class even when they're over
between her vocabulary she uses the word "bitch" and "lazy" "I only hope you're better than me in a future but at this way of being depressed and sad you won't do anything lil' bitch"
do chores
cry in my room
have to connect again for another class
brother arrives from his day out (like nothing)
knocked on again
explain I have class and being ignored/insulted on
showers and leaves everything like a mess
need to leave my class again to clean
I explain I need to do homework
being told "it won't take you more than a minute"
spends more than an hour doing chores
specially the ones my brother or my mom left for the next day
go to my room again
try to do homework
realise I can't complete it
cry again
also draw why not
mom calls me to rub her back or give her tea
tell her I'm busy
again ignored and/or insulted
finish pampering
go back to bed
cry myself to sleep or spend until 4 am bc insomnia
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carito-dorito · 4 years
So basically my dad is being tested for showing COVID symptoms and I'm feeling worried and anxious because he's a doctor at ICU in a hospital that never had anything because my goverment has a really bad healthcare system. Even when he wasn't exactly a role model this affects me because he's almost 60, he's dealt with high pressure, asthma, anemia and more. I wasn't able to contact him since I don't have a working phone to text him (adding the fact he doesn't likes social media) and still he managed to treat cases here (while my mom being a doctor just decided to stay) Two days ago was my birthday and I luckily arranged a videocall with him, he told me he had small headaches but now the symptoms have increased a little he had to take the test, but now I'm worried. I'm begging if someone reads this to manage to talk with relatives or friends that are working in healthcare, markets, etc. To thank them because you don't know what's going to happen or if the virus hits.
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carito-dorito · 4 years
So besides from being called a whiney little bitch, that supposedly "has so much free time for nothing" (because, you know when you cry everyday curled up in your bed and then being forced to do everything for everyone in this house and then being fucking insulted because you show signs of sadness is a whiney bitch attitude) I'm said I didn't improve a fucking shit because of an old sketch I made when I was back in highschool.
Like it wasn't enough from my brother and my mom saying all what I've dealt when I was studying animation was NOTHING and NOTHING WAS WORTH IT because I got depressed and sad and I didn't learn or improve a thing because I quit and I deserve the worst.
I need to be reminded by my mom that I'm selfish, spoiled, etc. for relying on her money since I didn't get a job, I need to be reminded by my brother that I don't have a fucking voice and NO PRIVACY I need to be reminded how much my art sucks.
Thanks for reminding me something that I already know, that I'm worthless.
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