#carl in the background kills me
covid-safer-hotties · 11 days
Also preserved on our archive
By Jessica Wildfire
Our friends and family think they understand their immune system because George Carlin explained it to them in the 90s:
"Where did this sudden fear of germs come from? What do you think you have an immune system for? It's for killing germs. But it needs practice. It needs germs to practice on. If you kill all the germs around you, and lead a completely sterile life, then when germs do come along you're not going to be prepared. What are you gonna do? I'll tell you what, you're gonna get sick and you're gonna die and you're gonna deserve it because you're f-ing weak and you've got a f-ing weak immune system."
George Carlin was right about a lot of things, but he was wrong on this one.
(He got plastic wrong, too.)
Unfortunately, this part of his 11th HBO standup special became permanently lodged into the American cultural memory. I only saw it once as a kid, but it stayed with me for the rest of my life.
Not even AP Biology could dislodge it.
I, too, used to think you built your immune system up by exposing yourself to harmful germs. How could the great prophet George Carlin be mistaken on something that made so much intuitive sense, especially when you dropped a few f-bombs in there? I also thought it was a good thing to exercise your way through a cold. Then I opened myself up to the possibility that I was wrong.
In the words of Carl Sagan, I'd been bamboozled.
In early 2020, this Carlin bit inspired countless reaction videos that still litter the internet. Anti-science zealots have used George Carlin's monologue on disease thousands of times over the last four years to ridicule masks, vaccines, and clean air. Everywhere you look, that piece of standup looms in the background, and it's getting revived again for bird flu. But even George Carlin got the idea from somewhere else.
You can trace this misguided notion back to hygiene theory, proposed by David Strachan in 1989. Strachan argued that a whole range of health problems in the late 20th century had roots in "a lower incidence of infection in early childhood." Basically, our immune systems weren't getting enough exposure to bacteria and viruses. He was mainly talking about the rise in childhood allergies as the result, but the media began printing loose interpretations of his studies and jumping to conclusions that less exposure to disease was a bad thing in general. So the public developed the idea that somehow getting sick was good for you. So began the myth of the "bored immune system" that needed practice in order to stay healthy. Gurus and quacks latched onto this idea. So did talkshows.
And then comedians...
It wasn't until 2003 that Graham Rook offered a more accurate description of the situation. As he explained, "microbes have evolved into an essential role in regulating our immune system... the microbes involved are not infections, but friendly microbes which make up our human microbiome. These are acquired by exposure to other humans or animals and microbiota from our natural environment."
This became known as the "old friends hypothesis."
The old friends hypothesis now serves as the dominant model for how microbes work with our immune system. According to immunologists, kids need to be playing outside more and eating fresher, healthier foods. That's what helps their immune systems.
Getting sick all the time just hurts them.
Like many debunked ideas, hygiene theory and the myth of the bored immune system have become entrenched. A couple of years ago, hygiene theory got repackaged as "immunity debt." Now Americans, Canadians, and many Europeans think they need to get sick to stay healthy. The elites have absolutely no problem with that. It saves them countless billions to let everyone continue thinking they're better off letting diseases run around in their cells.
Your immune system doesn't work like a muscle. It doesn't get stronger the more it's exposed to different harmful germs.
It doesn't need practice.
Phillipp Dettmer gives a vivid, accessible breakdown of the immune system in his 2021 book, Immune. You can show it to any internet troll who brags about their knowledge of the immune system. Dettmer destroys misinformation, explaining how your adaptive immune system actually works, as well as your gut microbiome.
As many articles and books explain, your body has an innate immune system that already knows how to fight off pathogens. You can help your immune system by feeding it the nutrients it needs. (That's an entirely different article.) You can protect your immune system from pollution, cigarette smoke, and other toxins. But genetics determines a lot of your immunological makeup. You can be born with an immune system that doesn't work the way it should, and it's not your fault.
You also have an adaptive immune system that stores chemical blueprints of pathogens in memory T and B cells. According to a 2024 article in Nature, these cells respond better to specific pathogens your body has seen before. Those blueprints last only as long as your memory cells. Sometimes those cells mature and stay around for years, even decades. If they don't, then your body won't remember the pathogen.
Your body doesn't need exposure to viruses.
Your immune system responds to harmful microbes and it can develop memories from previous infections. Most of the time, those memories apply specifically to that specific strain, variant, or clade of the virus. For example, immune memory to one type of adenovirus or rhinovirus doesn't confer automatic, guaranteed protection against all of them, and there are hundreds.
Sometimes, cross-protection can happen, but it's limited and hard to predict. When it does, like with the original smallpox vaccine, it's a big deal. If that were easy, we would already have a universal coronavirus vaccine and wouldn't have to update flu shots every year. Most of the time, getting sick with one virus doesn't train your body to respond any better to other viruses, especially when those viruses aren't related.
Victoria's state department of health puts it very plainly:
"The immune keeps a record of every microbe it has ever defeated, in types of white blood cells (B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes) known as memory cells. This means it can recognise and destroy the microbe quickly if it enters the body again, before it can multiply and make you feel sick. Some infections, like the flu and the common cold, have to be fought many times because so many different viruses or strains of the same type of virus can cause these illnesses. Catching a cold or flu from one virus does not give you immunity against the others."
You can add Covid to that list.
Some research has suggested that because catching one virus activates your innate immune system, your body's broad layers of defense offer brief protection against other pathogens. Viruses also compete with each other, meaning that infection from one virus can ward off others. That's called viral interference. Neither option means your immune system benefits from exposure to viruses.
We can't explain all of the human immune system in a single post, but here's the point. It's way more complicated than George Carlin explained. There's a lot more going on. It's not as simple as training your immune system by giving it practice.
That's not how it works.
It just sounds good.
No credible doctor or immunologist recommends building your immune system by welcoming viral and bacterial infections into your life. The costs far outweigh the benefits. Many viruses exact a price on your body and your immune system. Getting infected over and over again makes you weaker, not stronger. Vaccines don't work because they give your immune system practice. They work because they allow your body to develop a memory of a pathogen without all the risk.
Many viruses, like the flu, often leave lasting damage even when your immune system fights them off. Your immune system actually does some of that damage itself by attacking infected cells. In the wake of flu, your entire body including your immune system needs time to recover. During that stage, you're vulnerable to opportunistic infections. Other viruses, like measles and ebola, disable your immune system and even wipe out memory cells.
That's also what Covid does, among many other things.
You can't develop full immunity to viruses that evade, attack, and disable large parts of your immune system. Sometimes you can develop partial immunity, but the virus still invades and still does damage every time. Just because you can recover from these infections, that doesn't mean you're better off afterward.
Think of it like this:
Your body already knows how to heal its skin and bones. You don't have to teach it how to do that by cutting yourself or breaking your arm.
As it happens, many westerners also think bones grow back stronger after they're broken and scar tissue is tougher than normal skin.
That's also false.
Scar tissue remains functionally deficient in many ways compared to uninjured skin. Broken bones form a temporary calcium callus that's stronger than ordinary bone, but it's eventually replaced.
These misguided ideas fit in a culture obsessed with tough love, the idea that abusing someone somehow builds their character. And while it might make you interesting, it's certainly not "good" for you.
Sometimes I wonder what George Carlin would think about having one part of a standup special used to endorse bad science and eugenics. I'd like to think he would have a problem with it.
There's a lot you can do to boost your immune system.
Getting sick isn't one of them.
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gardenoflilys · 2 months
A Full Run Down of the Show (From my memory) :
The show opens with Prologue (or, a Conjunction of Drones…) On stage we see Henry and Douglas sleeping peacefully until Henry eventually awakens. He gets up and walks over to a few things hanging up I believe and starts putting on his clothes, occasionally looking over at Douglas to make sure he’s still asleep (that’s just what I picked up from the moment) before finally leaving and leaving Douglas sound asleep and alone. (I also remember my sister literally getting so upset over this moment and being like “he just left him:(“ and her boyfriend having to calm her down, she was NOT having it)
We move into Three Stars (or, Concerning the UFO Sighting near Highland, Illinois.) which is Henry being haunted of the thought of Shelby, Carl, and Douglas. They had taken over and absorb his mind so much that the thought of them scares him and just makes him sick. Especially Carl and Shelby I believe. They move around him and he just stands there helplessly and it’s a chilling moment and I don’t remember the rest but I do remember that vaguely.
From there we move onto the Long Hike where each character comes up from the long journey and walks towards either center stage or right stage and just looks around in pure amazement at the journey they just did and eventually take a photo together which was so cute to me.
From there we move into Come On! Feel The Illinoise! which I must say WOW. (elijah vocals r crazy can we all agree on that???) This number was a mixture of amazement and silliness. The choreography in it is just WOW and im sure we’ve all seen a clip a couple of times. But there is some silliness!! Once they get camp set up, the dancers in the background walk around and act all silly while meeting other people in the background while Henry doesn’t say much or interact, rather just standing there and looking out. (I had to stifle back a giggle or two watching the dancers though.) There is also moments of Henry being haunted by the thought of Carl, Shelby, and Douglas (this is in my opinion and how I interpreted it.) They have lights held above their head symbolizing the ‘three stars’ (which is also made clear in Henry’s journal that they ARE the Three Stars) and approach him slowly while he just looks at them in this horror because he just can’t stop thinking about them and the thought alone haunts him. And WOW. It was definitely a little crazy
From there we move onto the storytelling bits! I believe it was either Marion, Knox, or Jeanette who picked up the journal first and held it out for the others. I think they tried Henry but he refused immediately. Just shaking his head and they moved on a moment after until eventually Morgan picks the hook up and there we start Jacksonville.
Jacksonville is described by Henry in his journal as ; a shared story about the attempts to understand a lineage, and find the lessons left by those who came before (or ; ancestry is more than DNA, it’s how we see, how we move, and how we talk to god.) He also describes Morgan as a griot & expert debater to which I think fits her PERFECTLY??? We already know a lot about this number and how it looks from their performance on The Late Show. But every-time Cass (Byron) started tapping, the crowd was CHEERING. It definitely got everyone hyped up. And I didn’t see Rachel play her role but I must say Tyrone absolutely KILLED IT!!!!!!! We love our swings 🩵
Next, Jo Daviess takes a turn in telling her story about ZOMBIES!!!! Henry describes her story as ; a shared story about the hood the founding fathers have on American imagination and also describes Jo Daviess as a historian and horror enthusiast. And let me just the say, this number brought me CHILLS. Jeannette absolutely KILLED it in her role and from the running in place from the zombies, fighting them, and I believe even crawling away from them was AMAZING and she displayed it PERFECTLY. I was in SHOCK after the number and was just like HELLOOOOO????!!!!! She did amazing and I just love her even more for it. 🩵 The number is crazy and when I heard Zombies I didn’t really like it as much and preferred Sufjan’s version but after seeing the show, I absolutely LOVE the number.
After Jo finishes her story, she tries to get Henry to tell his story, bending down in front of him and placing a hand on his shoulder, holding the book to him but he refuses just like before and Jo backs down and holds the book out to everyone before eventually Wayne takes it and decides to share his story.
Wayne shares the story of John Wayne Gacy Jr. but Henry described it as ; the damning cycle of exclusim borne of outcasts forced to sympathize with monsters to which ive stated I LOVE because it ties with the song so much. He also describes Wayne as a poet and murder balladeer. I believe Craig Salstein played Wayne and was dressed in a clown costume while Wayne traveled through the stage with the flashlight. They made the story very clear and anyone who knew about John Wayne Gacy knew what was going on. The dancers played families and kids and eventually each dancer was killed and it was definitely chilling! I expected it to be a solo dance and just told through movement from Alejandro (Wayne) but it wasn’t and it was still good I just WISH the number was longer!!! Everything happened really fast and I couldn’t fully absorb it.
Towards the end of the number, Wayne spirals out of control while Henry is present on stage (I believe he was present throughout the entire number or majority of it and was watching the entire thing) and once he sees Wayne start to spiral he is quick to jump into action and starts to calm him down. Becca did amazing with representing the panicked and rapid breathing that comes with panic attacks and then slowly calming down. Everything was just in sync and it was such a heartfelt moment, I wanted to CRY!!!!
Next we move onto Clark who shows his story through the Man of Metropolis which is described by Henry as ; a shared story about a Vulnerable Superman ( or ; the seductive fiction of the individual hero ), again this is another number I won’t get into too much as it was performed on the View and a majority have already seen it. But the number was definitely a crowd favorite. Brandt did amazing with the dancing and getting everyone hyped up. Each time the picnic blanket was brought out to represent the cape, everyone was laughing and when he threw his shirt out into the crowd, everyone was literally LAUGHING and CHEERING. It was AMAZING and such a beautiful number!!!!
Clark finishes his story and eventually turns to Henry and gets him to share his story and I think only Clark could have done this. They interact a lot on stage and it seems like Henry was really comfortable around Clark and definitely considered him a friend.
Act 2 starts here which is all about Henry’s story.
We start with Decatur which introduces a younger and more energetic Henry with his best friend and love, Carl. They did amazing with representing the friendship which also was most likely easy and fun for them to do considering Gaby, Ben, and Ricky are all close friends in real life. It starts with just Henry and Carl playing around. Skipping rocks across the lake, balancing on logs, looking up at the stars, and just playing around and having fun!
Eventually, Shelby comes onto stage and immediately Carl is drawn to her. It’s clear they like each other as they flirt on stage and the believe kiss once or twice or a couple of times. Very sweet moments while Henry just watches and tries to be supportive but definitely has a hint of jealousy and loss. I know and remember a moment where Henry and Carl are resting for a moment and Carl gets a little close to Henry, leaning in and it was LIKE they were going to kiss before Carl just moves away which I don’t know if it was because Shelby came on stage or because he was just teasing and messing with Henry.
My personal belief of what goes on between Henry and Carl and why they never got together or could’ve worked is because :
1). Henry stated in his journal he was always afraid to tell Carl about his feelings from him. Scared he’d freak out on him or throw fists.
2). Some people have said there could be religious trauma within the show and have said Carl is bisexual in denial and just some of this to which I could see how it works but don’t believe it’s true as much. I think Carl was just never aware of feelings or how he felt with Henry. He might’ve felt something there but never brought it up. He just was unaware of all this and such and didn’t think much into it and just brushed it off. He understood his feelings with Shelby but not with Henry because it was different. I don’t think Carl was ever homophobic or anything. He was just lost and never knew how he felt about Henry.
In Decatur I believe, Carl goes up to the set and spray paints NYC next to Chicago and taps the set. Showing they want to travel from Chicago to New York and Henry lets out this little cheer that was SO SILLY and made everyone laugh. They try to convince Shelby to come with (mainly Carl, Henry stands back and just watches.) Trying to guide her over and talk with her to which eventually Shelby gets tired of and pushes him away before storming off stage. Leaving Carl and Henry alone. Eventually though, we transfer into Chicago.
I’ll try my best to piece up Chicago in my mind from my memory. I believe it started off with Carl holding out the wheel to Henry and they start their journey, driving and talking and being silly as the dancers form a car with props and have these lights to represent headlights and everything. It was SO COOL. There is so many sweet moments throughout the number and represents more of their friendship and it’s just BEAUTIFUL. I absolutely love it. It was a great number. On the Instagram there is a clip of Chicago and that’s the main repeated Choreo that happened throughout Chicago.
Eventually, I believe they arrive in New York. This is where we meet Douglas, an artist who was trying to sell some of his art on the street. He starts to place it back in his bag while talking before him and Henry bump into each other. The art falls and scatters everywhere to the floor and Henry is quick to start helping him pick up the art. They touch hands I believe and I think it was right then and there Douglas fell in love. I’m unsure with Henry and I think he sensed the love coming from Douglas and decided to just take it and try it out. I don’t think he fell in love with Douglas right away, no, but I will explain this eventually.
Meanwhile, while Henry and Douglas are interacting, the focus shifts to Carl who gets a phone call from either Shelby or the hospital and is told about Shelby’s diagnosis with cancer. Immediately, Carl wants to go home. He needs to go home. He needs to see the love of his life and help her. She needs him. He quickly goes to Henry and tells him they need to leave and starts the car. Holding his hand out to Henry. Henry stands there for a moment before walking over to the set and pointing where New York is spray painted and stomps his foot on the ground too. He wants to finish the trip. He wants to finish what he started. What they started. But Carl doesn’t side with that. He offers one more time I believe but Henry refuses again, being stubborn and I do think he probably later on regrets this.
Carl starts the car and drives away, heading back to Illinois.
We transfer into to the Workers of the Rock River Valley Region, I Have An Idea Concerning Your Predicament. This is Shelby I believe after getting her diagnosis. Being unhooked from wires while doctors and maybe her mother or father comforting her while she gets up and just has this hopeless sense like she’s already given up. Eventually she sits down in a chair and that’s when Carl comes in and we got into Casmir Pulaski Day and immediately when I heard the switch. I started to cry because that song makes me SO emotional it ruins me.
Throughout Casmir Pulsaki Day, it shows Carl’s support for Shelby. Being there with her every step of the way and desperately trying to keep her going while Shelby just pushes him away each time and it’s clear she’s already given up. She’s accepted that she has this and she doesn’t think anything can be done. Carl doesn’t give up though. He keeps and keeps trying. Doing everything for his girlfriend, the absolute love of his life. Nothing works though and eventually, Shelby passes. There’s this moment and I think when Shelby was dying, she didn’t realize she wanted to give up. No, she wanted to keep fighting but she couldn’t now. She’s torn away from Carl and once she passes, Carl spirals completely. People try to help him but ultimately he pushes them away. He doesn’t want help. He wants his girlfriend. He wants his love back but she’s gone and he can’t get her back.
We go into Prairie Fire That Wanders About and im not 100% sure what happened but I know it was something to with Carl, either driving to Seers Tower or something. I’m not 100% sure.
We go into Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is Out To Get Us! which is a duet between Douglas and Henry and really shows the love they have for each other. Douglas is gentle and sweet with Henry. He’s what Henry needs and wants and I believe Henry started to fall in love with Douglas. Whether it was him or the idea of him, he started to realize he loved some part of him. And he feels guilty at times because he doesn’t know if he’s taking advantage of Douglas love or not. Is he what he wants? He doesn’t know but with Douglas. He feels content and safe. He loves him. The duet shared between them is beautiful and I absolutely bawled like a baby. But diving more into the number.
I remember it starts with the two sleeping before Henry eventually wakes up, grabs his journal and starts writing while Douglas wakes up and stops him. Then the dance carries on from there. And eventually Douglas heads back to sleep. I believe (I could be wrong) either Henry sees Carl or he calls him and says some sort of goodbye message and it panics Henry and he starts having this panic attack. And Ricky does so well with representing the movement through dance and I was just wow. It was crazy. Douglas wakes up and quickly rushes over to Henry. Calming him down and breathing with him, comforting him sweetly just like Henry had done for Wayne earlier in the show. He learned through Douglas. Douglas has helped him so much and has never once given up on Henry and I love him so much for it. It’s a clear message that despite the struggles someone has, we can still love them and help them through it. Don’t give up on them. Be there for them and love them through and through.
Eventually, Seers Tower comes along and starts with a dancer I believe to be Alejandro first leading and coaxing Carl up to the top of Seers Tower. Luring him in before dropping which caused a gasp from the audience. More and more dancers come, each luring him in before eventually dropping. Carl just watches. Debating. Is this what he should do? Is this his fate? Will he finally see his love if he does this? And eventually, he jumps off. Henry comes into stage right after and stands there in horror. His best friend just did that right in front of him. Then, we go back to the beginning of the show.
We go through a Conjunction of Drones, again which shows Henry leaving and the Hike all over again.
We then go into Act 3 which starts with Chicago (Reprise) which I took as Henry explaining the story to his friends and I believe eventually they all gather around and comfort him because they realize this story is real and how tragic it is. It’s a heartfelt moment.
Eventually, we shift into a more happy setting. Douglas comes on stage and once Henry sees him, he seems different. He’s happy. I think that’s when then and there, Henry realized how much he loved Douglas. Not the idea of him or the thought of him, he just loved Douglas. As a person, as his lover. He loved him.
We go into The Tallest Man, the Broadest Shoulders which is a silly and playful number and I don’t fully remember much but it IS a fun number and kinda that stress reliever!!!
We go into the Epilogue which is just the dancers moving around and dancing on stage with the lights from my memory and that is truly all I remember.
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lakesouperior · 11 months
🐻🐤🐰🦊 just some thoughts on the fnaf movie
🐻the attention to detail that was put into it, with all it’s little details and easter eggs. the posters in the background, (and i haven’t seen anyone bring this up), the guy who got face-mauled by the cupcake wearing a midnight motorist t-shirt. the spring lock scene. the fact that scariest of all the jumpscares (of which there weren’t a lot but it’s kind of for the younger demographic ig they can’t make it too bad) was freaking balloon boy. the highest kill count going to MVP Carl the Cupcake. this is what i mean when i say movies from established franchises should be made by fans, for fans.
🐤 you can tell they put a lot of thought into the child actors. abby is phenomenal. the five missing children? properly creepy and sad looking.
🐰 characters were all really well written and entertaining. the karen aunt, for all that she is an antagonist and very much hateable, still manages to be funny. even background characters are hilarious, like Doug for example, and don’t even get me started on the friggin matpat cameo i nearly screamed in the movie theater.
🦊 vanessa and mike are naturally each other’s narrative foils (and stand-ins for respectively Michael Afton/Elizabeth Afton (MichaElizabeth if you will) and Charlotte Emily imo), and them saying the same line, the “that’s two jobs”, mike at the beginning, and vanessa at the end, TO THE SAME CHARACTER?? TO THE BIG FUCKIN BAD HIMSELF??? WHO THEY BOTH HAVE DEEP HISTORY WITH???? literally this is good writing. i’m not saying the movie is perfect because it isn’t, but this is good writing.
🐻 and vanessa, as much as she kind of is, doesn’t feel like a coward because her worst fear does come true. her own father, the person who she thought the world of, tries to kill her as soon as she steps out of line. her fear wasn’t unjustified. she spent her entire life under his control — has literally never known anything else, and to still rebel after so long must’ve been the hardest, most terrifying thing in the world but she still did it because she’d grown to care for mike and abby.
and this is what i mean when i quote that one post: “strong female characters ≠ characters who are female and punch good, but strong female characters = well-written female characters” like yeah, vanessa’s an antagonist, or an anti-hero i suppose, but she’s still, once again, likeable and mysterious and funny. and the “bring her here again and i’ll fucking shoot you”?? that was probably her first act of true rebellion, aside from telling mike more than she should’ve about the pizzeria.
🐤 mikes arc is a very obvious “let go of the past and learn to cherish the present” which isn’t exactly revolutionary, but i think it’s done quite well though it could be improved a bit. and as much as you think he is an absolute cabbage head for telling them they could have abby for even a second, but you still, once again, get it.
our man’s running on like two hours of sleep and also meds, finally getting to see his baby brother up-close and even touch his face for the first time in probably more than a decade of blaming himself, and then getting told he could go back and see his parents again, the grief over who he probably hasn’t been able to process since he had to take care of abby when they died (possibly even took his own life in the father’s case if he’s supposed to be a henry stand-in like i think and doesn’t that just make it fifty times worse)
and it’s set up that he wants that perfect family back, the kind that he had during his childhood, that abby never got to experience.
and maybe he feels guilty for that. maybe he thinks, in his sleep-deprived and grief-ridden mind, for only a moment, that she would be better off, since she seems to like the animatronics and their ghost children better than him and he still feels like he doesn’t know how to raise a kid.
🐰 speaking of abby, for once Child Character in the horror movie isn’t just there to do some stupid shit for Plot Reasons (cough, The Curse of La Llorona, cough cough). i mean yes, she does go with them at the climax, but she has been given no reason not to trust them and considering the fact that they are other children, it would honestly be more suspicious if she didn’t trust them (also we’ve been shown she doesn’t really have friends before the end, so they’re also her first and only friends, no wonder she’s clinging to them) plus she’s been left alone with the aunt she does not like, possibly still believing mike is abandoning her. you get it.
she’s also very entertaining in her sassiness. like “are you here to arrest my brother?” or “yeah, love you too bro, kinda don’t wanna die tho, can we leave?” literally i can’t stand kids in general, but especially so in in horror movies, but i would give my life for abby.
🦊and the drawing thing? it’s beautiful and sad and really hammers home the fact that these monsters, however scary they have been made by their brutal and cruel deaths, they were, and are, just children who didn’t deserve to die and communicate the same way children like abby do. it also makes abby herself relevant to the plot and actually useful.
🐻and about abby; i have my own Theory there. we know she wasn’t in the picture during Garrett’s disappearance, which means she’s at least twelve years younger than mike. it’s actually quite common for couples who are going through a rough patch to have kids to try to fix it, which i think is what happened here, made even more possible if they also had her as a sort of replacement for Garrett. this, as i said earlier, makes mike’s indecision all the more understandable — if abby doesn’t just look a lot like Garrett, but was actually supposed to be him and would’ve never existed if not for the tragedy.
but that’s Just A Theory. 🐻🐤🐰🦊
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totallyradicalmucky · 2 months
I rewrote the entirety of ATHF Plantasm at midnight in my notes app and now my discord is making me post it. So here it is completely unedited.
Rewritten Plantasm
Same concept of split up team
Frylock and Shake talk a couple times. Shake is having nightmares about freyja and plants and Frylock assumes it’s about his fuck up with her again- Meatwad is missing.
Shake stumbles upon the plants displaying life signs earlier than the ginger does because he went to go harvest Meatwad (who was chewed up into little bits by dogs and then comically found in the plant food)
They both try and tell Frylock who isn’t having none of it.
Meatwad has Freyja’s faceplate or something inside him but is too congested to cough it up. Shake beats him to try and get it out but it doesn’t work
Carl has the rest of her and she’s creepy asl- he doesn’t mind and doesn’t even do anything explicit to her at the moment. The robot actually getting hacked and the red LED’s changing to a neon green color and saying something ominous before it cuts back to Frylock making some kind of power suit for the short Elon musk dude to wear and make himself taller.
They bicker going back and forth, Shake and Meatwad are seen banging on the windows in the background- the ginger laughing at him before Frylock eventually has a break to go outside and whisper yell at them. To which they forget why they were so adamant about getting him out. Meatwad mumbles something about plants, maybe dogs, robot ladies, the moon. Shake harps on about Freja- but Frylock stops him when he mentions the plants, the fries indeed noticing the bigass greenhouse he’d never been inside..somehow.
The ginger lets himself into the conversation and talks about it for a bit, nobody gives af. In fact they cut him off halfway and tell him that. The ginger tells them all to shut the fuck up as they go back inside, to which the little musk guy is dead and covered in roots. They all freak out. The ginger guy tries to talk to the plants but the plants proceed to go up inside him and turn him into the tree guy that isn’t outwardly sentient, unless it’s funny. The teens book it, but not before Shake’s greedy ass nabs the power suit.
They book it all the way to carls place because of course they do. Frylock yelling at Shake that the power suit isn’t even done yet. Carl telling them to go away- except he doesn’t even know what’s going on. They go in anyways. The mooninites have hacked into the old robot of freja (big lame reveal). Shake (now in the power suit that’s hardly working and much too small, but still kinda sexy) didn’t notice this immediately and had gone up to hug and or kiss the robotic woman- who responded in a duo of male voices. Shake didn’t care actually.
Carl laughed. Frylock was gay. Meatwad was meat.
They explained the plant thing and somehow came to the conclusion of just jackassing it would work. The mooninites were just going to prank Carl but halfway through they were like man this is pretty fun. Frylock does a “we’re going to need everyone we can get for this.” Moment and the only other person to show up is Willie Nelson who peeks out of the attic and slowly walks down.
Anyways they get their shit rocked by some trees and take the big weird spaceship with everything on it into space. The plutonians are there- they’re like seen. In fact Carl signs help me to them and those mfs blast off as soon as they see what’s going on in the ship. Shake has a badass moment.
Alien reference. One emotional moment where they get back together. Willie Nelson hard carries most likely. They kill the thing? No not really they just dump it in the Arctic Ocean after like 20 minutes of fighting and watch it freeze to death while flying above the water.
The ending is them going home in the ship and then in their house like nothing happened.
Shake gets diagnosed with some disease in the after credits scene due to the suit with Frylock being like “I fucking told you so” and Shake doesn’t bother to take it off even though he looks like a wrinkly ballsack
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darkbluekies · 4 months
Every time I read Dr. Karl Kry’s first name, my mind immediately jumps Carl from Llamas with Hats
yeah...i have had that sent to me before lmao. Funnily enough i had never heard of that before i got it sent to me!
let me tell you the background about his name, why i chose it, because it certainly wasn't because of a meme. I had some other candidates for his name: Jonatan, Sebastian, Johan, John, Markus, but none felt like him. Only Karl did.
The reason I chose "Karl" specifically is because the word in swedish literally means "man". Like ... a man. You could say "en man" in swedish, but "karl" usually is more in the sense of "a real man" "or "a manly man". Even though they mean the same thing, they feel very different. It is an old fashioned word, used more in the 1900s, but have existed since the viking age. It is the nordic equivalent to "Charles".
The name is one of the most Swedish names you can find and that's one of the reasons I wanted him to have it. The name just feels like him, because he is extremely swedish, old fashioned, manly and ... plain. Everything that the name is. He IS the human version of that name.
i choose the names for my characters very specifically lmao
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Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [23]
chapter twenty-three, act three: so far (it's alright)
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September 10th 2014
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Ads, I’m sure.” She hears him sigh through the phone as she holds it to her ear, “It’s fine, I’m a big girl.”
“I just-” He sighs, “I don’t want you being alone, that’s all, you could’ve moved in with me-”
“Ads, I don’t want to impose,” She carries on before he can interrupt and tell her she won’t be, “Besides, everyones moving out, getting new places-”
“Yeah, but they’re doing it together. I mean, I have Carls, Ross is with John, George and Matty…”
“Ads, I’m fine. I think if I have to have another roommate I’ll kill myself.”
He sighs, “Don’t stay stuff like that.”
She hears a voice call out in the background questioning who's on the phone, then she hears little bickering as the phone is pulled away from Adam.
“Hey, Tom, how are you?”
“Hi, Carls, you making sure he’s being good?”
“Always.” She promises, “How's the house? Need help moving?”
“I’m alright, it’s uh, it’s coming along… I think.”
She hears Adam attempt to take the phone back in the background and then Carly shoos him away, “We’ll be down to see it when you’re done, yeah?”
“Alright, I’ll host a party or summat so everyone makes an effort to come.”
“Alright, give it.”
She hears her complain as Adam takes the phone back, she can imagine him with one arm around Calry pulling her to his chest so she can still hear the conversation.
“Are you sure you don’t need help? I can drive down tomorrow morning help you out.”
“I’m fine, Ads, promise. But, if I want to sleep tonight, I'm gonna have to start unpacking.”
“Alright, I’ll let you go then. Call me tomorrow.”
“Bye, Ads.”
She sets her phone down on the little kitchen island and looks around the little house she’s gotten herself about an hour drive from her home village in South Wales.
It’s just outside of Brecon, a little detached two bedroom house that stands alone with some land around it. It's a fifteen minute walk from a village nearby, a couple minutes drive away from some shops.
But her favourite part is that she’s only a ten minute walk from a pub that stands at the end of the long lane to drive up.
The house is small, and content for just her and Button.
The outside is run down and covered in ivy leaves but she likes it. The reason she was able to get it much cheaper than it should've been was due to the age and the amount of years it's been inhabited.
But for the past two months she’s been coming down here and working to get it fixed up. Now all she has to do is unpack her belongings from the flat and fish off a few decorative touches.
When the guys had made the announcement they’d all be moving out she panicked for a while. She’d never be able to afford the three bedroom apartment alone and worried that they’d abandon her in other senses too.
But that wasn't the case at all, Ross and John happily offered up her moving in with them, with George saying she could bunk with Matty (claiming after almost three years it was time he finally had a room to himself as he was ‘tall and needed the leg space’)
However she quickly found a cute little house that stole her heart and moved in instantly. 
The house is small, with a cute little back garden full of flowers and trees to protect from any onlookers outside.
There’s only a few other houses dotted around in the fields, two are owned by the local farmer and her family, one by the pub owner down the lane and one by a family who she’s learned lives abroad and rents it out as a holiday home.
She’s proud of the house and what she's done with it.
There’s a little hallway where she’s put coat racks and a little bench that holds her shoes, along with a nice mirror to do last minute outfit checks before she leaves.
The hallway leads right into the living room with a little fireplace, above the fireplace is her TV and to the right of that a little bay window where she’s placed cushions, blankets and a coffee table stacked with some of her favourite books.
The bookshelf she ordered sits unmade in the box, which is tomorrow's task, and beside that four boxes full of her books (and a few of Matty’s).
There's a green three seater, an armchair and then a two seater around the coffee table in the middle of the room, more books piled on top with little trinkets that she owns, like .
There’s an open doorway that leads through into a kitchen, beside that a sunroom/ conservatory that leads to the back garden.
The kitchen’s got a small breakfast bar attached to the island with three chairs that fit there.
The conservative has been turned into Button’s own little room, toys scattered around and her own two seater settee.
Upstairs there’s two bedrooms and a bathroom, she’s kept one room as her own turning the other into an office/studio with her instruments, some more books, records and even a recording set she stole from George.
She settles onto the mattress that's on the floor since she hasn't gotten around to buying a bed frame yet, Button jumps up beside her and they curl up under the blankets.
She finds herself smiling as she looks around, kissing her dog on the top of her head, “You like your new home, Button?”
The dog does nothing, only shifts to rest her head on Tommie’s curled legs, she smiles as she looks around the room, “Me too.”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
September 15th 2014
“It’s nice.”
Caleb nods as he struggles to move his suitcase through the hallway, she takes it for him and pulls it to the bottom of the stairs leaving it there ready to go up.
“It’s cute.” He adds on afterwards. “You did a good job with it.”
They stand in the middle of the living room and she rocks awkwardly on her bare feet trying her hardest not to pointedly stare at his shoes on her rug.
She purses her lips to avoid calling him out on it, she knows it's something he doesn't like. Her clean freak controlling behaviour but she can’t help.
Everything needs to be perfect.
It’s too tense. This air between them, no longer filled by his questions of studio days and his prying into her childhood life she’s yet to completely unveil to him.
She clears her throat and wets her lips, “Drink?”
“Uh, sure, what do you have?”
“Cider, wine, ooh, Ross got me a Gin-”
“Do you have anything else? Non-alcoholic.”
“Uh, council pop?”
His brow raises as he follows her into the kitchen and she grabs two glasses, “What's that?”
“Oh, please.”
She smiles as she hands him the glass, “I’m on a cleanse.” He tells her as he takes a sip.
She purses her lips not to laugh, “A cleanse?”
“Wow,” She mutters quietly, “LA really got to you, huh?”
He chuckles, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
She shakes her head with a timid smile, “Nothing.”
It's silent again then and she taps her fingers against the counter top as he looks around.
“Um, you uh, want to go down the pub later? Have a bit of food?”
“Yeah, sure.”
She lifts her chin in a simple nod and crosses her arms over her chest.
“When did it get like this?” He asks, placing the cup down on the counter, “Awkward, like we’re treading on eggshells?”
She sighs and leans back against the island, “I’m not sure.”
“Have I done something?” He asks, “Anything, anything that makes you feel this way?”
She shakes her head, “No. No, please don't think that, it’s- it’s me.”
He nods and turns away, “Which one?”
“Of the guys, honestly, I don't think it’d be George. So, Ross or Matty, which one are you in love with?”
She snorts, “I’m not in love with anyone.” She says, then quietly adds on, “That’s the problem.”
His shoulders fall and he grips the counter a little harder, “You’re not in love with me?”
He steps away, more towards the door as if ready to make a getaway, “Wait, please, can I- Can I just have a couple minutes to talk to you? Because we,” She sighs running a hand through her hair, “We can’t keep doing this Caleb, hoping whatever this is will fix itself without talking. I don’t- even know what the problem is.”
He nods, “Okay.”
She leads him to the living room, sitting him down on the settee and taking his hand, “When you said to me, on my birthday, that you loved me, I… I freaked out a little, I mean, no one’s ever said that before and honestly, I didn’t think anyone ever would.”
She looks down at her knees and sighs, “This isn’t an excuse and is not me trying to gain pity, but you wanted to know about me so let's do that.”
“Do what?”
“Get to know me.”
She clears her throat and lifts herself up a little higher, “When I was a kid my mother wasn't around, you know that, my grandparents raised me but as I got older they started working more, living the lives they had to miss because not only did they raise two daughters but their granddaughter too. My dad was… a difficult man, he considered himself a father enough to try and control me but not enough to be there.
“He was only around when convenient for him, he didn’t like me cause he wanted a son, and I wasn’t that no matter how hard I tried to be. He was a harsh man, very harsh, and his saying was always ‘boys don’t cry, if I had a son I wouldn’t have to deal with this, boys don’t cry’. I hated it, hated that I wouldn’t be good enough for him solely because of my gender. 
“I remember once, I think I was nine, maybe ten, still in primary school, he sat me down after a football game that he’d made the effort for- I was so happy just because he turned up and it just all came crashing down when he said to me, ‘Caroline, I’ll never love you like a son, not like your little brother’. I didn’t even know his new girlfriend was pregnant, that's how I found out.
“I guess that just messed with me, I mean, if the man who created me couldn’t love me, couldn’t love, full stop, how could anyone love me and how could I possibly reciprocate it? You know?”
She sighs and risks a glance up at him, “But I think, I know, that I can love you. I can. Not right now, but I will. I just need time, Caleb, that's all I’m asking for.”
He reaches forward slowly, hands cupping her face to swipe away the tears before travelling down to smooth his thumbs over her knuckles.
“You’re full of love, your heart is so big, too big even. You were born to overlove, Tommie. Please don’t blame yourself for it.”
He kisses her cheek gently and she leans into him as his arms wrap around her, “We have all the time in the world, babe.”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
“Don’t you think that’s enough?” Caleb asks quietly, trying to take her sixth, or maybe it as seventh, drink away from her mouth.
Her hands anxiously grip the neck of the gin bottle trying to balance the alcohol and the sprite.
“Tom…” He says quietly, “The party’s barely started.”
“I’m fine.” She tells him, grabbing the drink from him, eyes casting one more glance around the room trying to spot the mop of brown curls that is yet to arrive.
Caleb sighs and nods, “I’m going to talk to Squire.”
“You do that.” She mutters into her glass, awkwardly leaning back against the counter and watching him leave.
Adam’s brow raises from across the counter top, “What?” She snaps and his brow goes even higher.
She moves to add even more gin but a hand is wrapping around hers on the neck of the bottle.
“Ross…” She whines trying to shimmy out of his hold.
“Just coming to warn you people out there aren’t hanging their coats and bags up together.”
She scurries off, drink forgotten as she starts her rant of keeping their belongings together on one hanger.
George sighs, taking a swig of some whiskey from one of those mini gift set bottles, he grimaces and places it down as the three watch her pick up people’s belongings.
“Where’s Matty?”
Adam shrugs and Ross runs a hand down his face, “Was supposed to be here hours ago.”
“They haven’t talked since the fight.”
The three watch her have a hushed conversation with Caleb as she downs another drink before she’s pushing him away and heading outside.
Once the cool air hits her shoulder she sighs, hand dropping down and drink spilling over her bare feet.
“Watch yourself there.”
She turns quickly, that familiar scent she’s come accustomed to meeting her nose as a gust of wind pushes past them.
“You’re late.”
“Was right on time,” He tells her, “Got here at seven. Like you asked.”
“You’ve been outside for three hours?”
He shrugs and she looks down around his feet where eleven cigarette butts lay.
She reaches out, clenching her fist in a ‘give me’ motion and sets her drink on the steps out the front of her house.
He sighs, handing over the box of cigarettes, his lighter fitting tightly inside with the rest of the cigs.
“Why won’t you come in?”
She puts the cigarette in her mouth and lifts the lighter, eyes moving from the flickering flame in her hand to the one in his eyes as he steps closer to her.
His hand cups the flame, his other resting his half smoked cigarette between his lips as he flips it so the one on her mouth is the right way around.
“Your house is beautiful.”
“You haven't seen it.” She tells him, smoke blowing into his face as he takes the lighter back and tucks it carefully back into his pocket.
It's a cheap one, one of those ones you buy from a petrol station. She wonders where the lighter she got him is.
“Still pretty.”
“Still haven't seen it.”
He raises one eyebrow, pushing his long hair back over his head, “How much have you had to drink.”
She rolls her eyes, turning away, “God you sound like Cal.”
Matty steps back at that and she follows his movements, stepping closer to the front door. “Is that why you won’t come in?”
“Then why?” She asks. She tries to sit on the step but ends up spilling her drink, the glass smashing all around her bare feet and Matty moves forward quickly when she hisses at the pain of stepping on it.
“Don’t move.”
“Why, Matt?”
She looks up at him, “Why won’t you come in? Why won’t you let me in? Why won’t you talk to me anymore?”
Matty ignores her, brushing his hand on the pavement to get rid of some glass before he kneels and takes her foot into his lap.
His thumb brushes the trail of blood and she tries to bring her foot back, but his grip is strong. Long slender fingers locked around her ankle, holding her there in place.  “Let me help.”
She rolls her eyes, “You’re mad thinking you could ever save me.” She tells him in a slur. Leaning forward and looking at him through her lashes, he forces his eyes away and back to the soul of her foot.
He nods to himself, carefully picking the shard out, he takes his phone out the back pocket, turning it on to shine the light on the cut, checking for any other shards that could be hidden.
“At least not looking like that.”
“Like what?” He questions quietly, trying to keep her chatting and her mind off of the pain.
She gestures one hand up and down him, “Some socratic junkie greaser wannabe.”
The door behind them opens, Caleb steps out.
“What happened?”
“She needs to get to bed.”
“I can handle my girlfriend, Healy, thanks.”
“Shouldn’t need to handle her.” Matty mumbles. Grateful that both George and Adam have also come out after seeing Caleb head outside.
“I’m fine.”
She pushes both of them away from her, standing with a slight limp and walking back inside, a bloodied footprint being left on the wooden floor as she makes her way to the living room.
“I’m going to bed. Button, come.”
The dog perks up from the settee where an old friend of hers from school was petting her, “Nigh night.”
Adam sighs, gesturing with a nod for George to watch the two men who are standing chest to chest outside as he follows Tommie upstairs.
He watches her shrug her button up off and pull a hoodie on, curling up on top of the covers, foot staining the white bed sheets.
Going to the bathroom he grabs a washcloth and wets it, dabbing at her foot as she lays still, eyes following Maty through the window as he moves down the long path towards the main road where a car is waiting.
“What’s going on?”
“With you? You’ve been acting weird past few days.”
“I told Caleb the truth.”
“That I probably can’t love him.”
Adam sighs, moving to look through her draws until he finds an odd sock that he puts on her foot over the little star wars plaster he'd put on her foot.
“You can love him, if you want to,” He tells her, “Don't force anything.”
“In Georgia, his mother called me a whore, want to know what he said?”
Adam looks up at her, her eyes are still following Matty and his head of curls, “What did he say?”
She looks down, raising a brow as if to prove her point and he lifts his head in understanding, “Nothing?”
“Not a single word.”
Tommie shrugs, “I might not love him but I like him… care about him… maybe too much. Maybe that's why it hurts. I feel like he loves me, but he doesn't care about me.”
Caleb moves backwards, away from the crack in the door and looks down at his feet as he moves.
Ross claps him on the back and he flinches as the large hand stays on his shoulder for a few long moments, “You alright, mate?”
“Yeah... yeah, gonna head to bed.”
Ross nods, “Don’t wake me until after eleven, or I’ll bite your dick off.”
He nods, “Noted.”
He turns back to the bedroom door, watching Adam who is now sitting on the edge of the bed brush some hair from her forehead to place a kiss there and a whispered goodnight.
The Hann boy pauses when he notices Caleb, his finger still hovering over the light switch by the door.
He steps outside, closing the door behind him, “Tommie’s different,” Adam decides to say, “Be gentle with her.”
-let me know if you want to be added :)
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sssm1l3 · 1 year
Let's talk about SA in the walking dead.
tw// talk of sexual violence/sexual assault against a minor
Spoilers for the walking dead ahead
In this I'm going to focus on Carl Grimes and the incident with The Claimers in 4x16 "A"
While I understand that this was mainly used as a way for Rick to go a little wacko and show how far he's willing to go to protect Carl and also probably loose like that last little bit of faith in humnaity.
However, it needed to be addressed. Carl is, what, fourteen? In season four, and so they put in sexual violence against a child and then just...left it be.
In issue #58 of the comics, after the whole claimers thing, Rick and Carl have a discussion about it, even if it's short. I don't know if it's mentioned again after that or not, but I know in #58 Carl speaks about how he liked watching Rick kill that man.
Which you know fair enough, we all enjoyed it too.
However, in the show, it's never brought up again. Because in the next episode they almost get barbecued. Which, can distract them from addressing that at the moment, but once they get to Alexandria and that little bit of peace before it gets over run, and everything else, they had ample time to have Carl sit down with literally anybody and talk about it.
We get a single parallel, that being Dan (I think that was his name?) Push Carl on the ground, and then Negan push Carl on the ground during the lineup.
Carl could have freaked out. He could have. He could have freaked out, or at least done something to indicate that he was not a big fan of that at all, in a different way to an aversion to having his arm cut off.
And, if we wanna go cynical with it, when Carl decided to star in a shoot em up western and murder two of Negan's dudes, and Negan was like "Oh, sing me a song" and made Carl talk about shit, he could have asked about it.
Could have made Carl talk about his sexual assault as a way of mentally breaking him down.
And even though Negan is a rapist via coercion, he doesn't think he is, and has a strong hate of like, violent rape, basically anything besides coercion.
And while I would have much rather Carl talk about it with Rick, Michonne, hell Daryl, or even Glenn before he kicked the bucket, maybe Maggie since she was also SA'd and they actually talked about it, Carl being forced to talk about it with Negan would have been interesting.
When one of the Savior's runs his finger down Enid's cheek while she's begging for her balloons back, you can see Carl seething. That he's uncomfortable with it.
Because of fucking course he is. Not only is that Enid that he cares about deeply, but you can not tell me that that didn't bring back memories of that Claimer sniffing his hair.
There's another opportunity. To have Carl and Enid talk about their shared experiences, even if the details of the situations are different, they're sill under the same category, and that thing with Enid isn't ever talked about again either.
If AMC had them speak about it, it would have been 2 birds with one fucking giant stone with the word "COMMUNICATION" written on it.
And no matter who Carl ended up talking about it with, it didn't have to be a big sit down conversation in front of a window while it rained with dramatic background music.
After the balloon thing with Enid, he could have gone with her, sat with her and been like "Hey. I get it." and her look at Carl while he looks at her and they both sort of have the same expression of understanding.
Hell, that's realistic.
It just...any way it could have been talked about, it should have. But it wasn't.
And I will forever be bitter about it.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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little-reader · 7 months
"The Son of A Monster." Ch. 7
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Warnings; Graphic Gore, Death, blood, Slow-burn, Sexual tension, Gay awakening (For both), Cursing, Negan is the Readers dad, Enemies to lovers story. Fighting. Zombie Apocalypse.
I was more than pissed when I found out what happened under my nose. He played me and kept me away from the group so they could go against the rules. I sharpened my knife, hearing the metal scrape against each other. I left my bat at the Grime’s home. It was thing after thing. I messed up too much. I was messy. I was never, ever messy, not like this, I haven’t been in a while. They're gonna throw me off the job. He’ll kick me down a level.  Damn, damn… “Damint!” I shouted, throwing my knife at the wall in a quick motion. I felt my chest heave. My fingers twitched in their gloves, and the river ran down my face as I felt my eyes sting.
Crying. I was… crying. I got up, and walked into my bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. What am I? Was I mean? Cruel? Or had I finally changed? I wasn’t allowed to change. My mind ran with thoughts as I stared at myself in the mirror. It was like I was breaking down for No. Damn. Reason. And after all these years? This is the time?
I wiped my face quickly. But they kept coming until I was looking at myself sobbing. Disappointment. That was the look he gave me. “Fuck.” I ran my hands down my face, they left a mark. I turned the handles and let the water spill into the sink as I slashed my face. 
I took a quick breath in, then out. I was aiming to calm myself down. 
I ended up on my bed. Staring at the ceiling as my TV buzzed in the background. I sighed and closed my eyes. Knowing tomorrow can’t wait.
The cars shook my body. It was like the first time I came here. With a rifle in my hand, and a pistol in my belt. I sighed, cracking my neck as I looked out the window. I wasn’t allowed to bring my bike. My dad told me, “It’s punishment.” and left it at that. The silence was too quiet. It gave the atmosphere a slightly awkward tone. I didn’t sleep much; you could see it in my eyes. The redness from crying showed from a mile away. Though, he said nothing and barely spared me a glance.
I could feel the drowsiness go through my body as time skipped and we were already here. I was standing in front of the car, staring at the walls. I wasn’t sure what he had planned, but I would only have to see. I sighed. Waiting for this to just pass by. A coffin was beside him, Negan, and so was Eugene as Rick stood at the top of the gate with a gun to his head by a woman.  It wasn’t the right Grimes. Not the one I wanted to see at least. I sighed at my thoughts. I dug my foot into the ground.
Finally, I see Carl lift his head about the gate, string at the coffin as Negan talks. I raised interest. I look over, finally tuning into what he is saying. “-and not killing all of you, could get complicated.” More people from the top gate started rising. Guns to their head. I felt my heart flutter with anxiety. Negan pointed at Rick for just a second and kept going. “See, I know there's a lot of firepower left in there, Rick.” He took a quick pause as Carl glanced at me, his eyes narrowing at my state as I clenched my jaw and looked at my boots. “So imma make this simple. I want all the guns you’ve managed to scrape up…yup, I know about those too. I want every last grain of lemonade you’ve got left, I want a person of Your own choosing.” I watched him point to his bat and flick his eyebrows. “For Lucille.” I was tuned back out, as I looked over the people. He started to talk to Daryl, the man that got out. He flicked his bat around and motioned me closer. 
“C’mon rick… Just because I brought her in a casket, doesn’t mean she has to live in it.” I stepped up, placing down my rifle. He sighed and rubbed his eyebrows. “You know what.” He called, looking up at Rick. I could tell he was getting frustrated. “You suck ass, Rick, You really do. I don’t wanna have to kill her, but that's exactly what your gonna make me do.” 
“Let me see her,” Rick spoke up, hands on his hips. I Peered up, looking at Rick, then Carl. Carl looked pissed but had no fear whatsoever in his eyes. \\
Negan smiled and laughed. “Alright. Just gimmie a second. I might have to get her up to speed, can’t hear shit inside this thing.” He grinned, before motioning for me to pull it open. I grabbed onto the rim as he tapped twice with his bat. I started to open it. “Sash, you're not gonna believe this crap.” 
“Holy, godamn.” I what I heard as my dad fell off of the truck, with Sasha, who’s dead and now a biter, on him. My eyes widened as gunshots went off. Carl started shooting. Then when Daryl and the rest of them. I felt one whiz by me as I climbed down and covered my head, I grabbed my pistol, but there were no openings to where I could peer out and shoot. 
“Fuck.” I cursed. Some of the shooting calmed down but continued as I crawled over to the edge of the truck. I was able to run over to the car that was at the gate of Alexandria. I could hear screaming. It was either my dad or one of his men. 
The shooting hadn’t stopped. My eyes started to ring as moved in, shooting a few of them down. I was able to hide behind a brick wall for a while. Checking myself for any bullet wounds. My adrenaline was high enough to not feel it. 
Another mistake. I felt the barrel of a gun press against my head. “Drop it.” I wasn’t sure who it was, but it wasn’t one of us. I slowly slid my gun to the ground. There was no more shooting that I could hear. I Felt my gun belt be flicked off of my hips, and my pistol be thrown. I could move. But that could cost me my life. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out.
I felt my head hit the ground sharply, the rocks dug into the side of my face, and I could almost feel my skin ripping. I groaned and closed my eyes again. “You're gonna pay for what they did to us. You're his stupid son.” The man sounded hesitant as I gave him a side look. “Maybe he’ll stop when you're dead.” That made me laugh. “What, you're about to die, and you're laughing. Fuckin’ psycho, just like you Dad.” I sigh and my laughing comes to a stop.
“Who the Fuck says I’m dyin’?” I stated, grinning at him. The butt of the gun hit my shoulder, making me groan. 
“Me, you gonna die, for them, fo-” I interrupted him. “Alexandria, blah fucking blah. Do you think you're the only dumbass to tell me this? You think you're the only man I’ve killed?” He looked confused as I smiled. He was pulled down in a matter of a second. My hand had a firm grasp on his ankle as I pulled him over. His gun was knocked behind him when he fell. I quickly grabbed the knife hidden in my pants and stabbed it into his ankle. 
I heard his scream as he looked down at his leg, and groaned. I pushed myself off slowly as he started to crawl for the gun. I huff, and pull him closer, now climbing up on him. I lifted my knife and went for his head. 
He grabbed my arms, one of his hands going for the knife as I started to push down. I barred down, my teeth grinding together. Shit. Shit... SHIT. This could be where it ends for me. I could be dead. A Seventeen-year-old vs. a man. I was shoved off of him, his strength overpowering mine. I flipped over, screaming as I fell onto the knife I held in my hand. I plunged through my side. I groan loudly, and that turns into a scream. I felt tears run down my face as I stared at the knife. Blood started to gush out from around the knife as I tried to control my breathing. 
It wasn’t too bad. Was it? I don’t think it pierced any arteries. Get the fuck up. I felt everything go in slow motion. Things started to move slowly as I tried to look around. 
“Where is y/n?” Negan asked, already having Carl on his knees. Rick was approaching, with Judis, her gun to his head. Negan motioned to right beside Carl.
“Hello again.” He said, standing behind Dwight Rick held his side as Judis told him to get down. “Well, shit rick.” You could still hear a few shots going off. “You just couldn’t stick with us, huh... You had to go with these… Filthy garbage people.” He paused and looked at Judi's. “No offense. 
“Deal is for twelve, yes?” Judis asked. 
“Ten… People are a resource.” 
“Twelve.” It was more of a whisper when she said it. Negan sharply stared at her and she gave up. “Ten.” She backed away from him. Negan smiled and chucked, then looked straight at Rick and sighed. “Rick… This is just gonna make you sad. Broken. Your gonna wish you were dead.” He sighed, walking around them. “I like having fun, I do. But maybe you think that the guy that did what he did to your friends wasn’t me.” He looked at them, disappointment was clear in his features. “Like that was some sort of a put-on, Like I’m not the guy with the bat, I’m just the guy that makes your kid spaghetti!” He raised his voice, tilting his body as Rick shifted his seat.
Rick looked at him, there wasn’t much to say. “Oh, h shit.” He paused, dramatically touching his brow. “Maybe this is on me, maybe this is all on me.” He laughed a bit. “I gotta make it right. I guess I gotta start ALL over again.” He gave a slight gesture to Carl, who looked at him through his hat... “Now my son… I would want him to be just like your son... They're like the same person… Which makes this, so much harder.” 
That's when Carl spoke up. “You're not gonna win.” He glared at negan. 
“Carl.. It is over.” Negan said, leaning forward slightly, “Why don’t you point your one ball down the street there, and take it all in.” He said, motioning to the blank street. There was a scream from a building like someone was thrown off of it.
Get the fuck up. Get the fuck up.
I screamed as the fire grew around me the camp started to grow with flames, some attaching to the trees. “I’m sorry.” I pleaded as I was shoved into a tree. “I-I didn’t mean to, I swear. Please-” The back of a hand hit my cheek, leaving a burn, I fell face-first into the mud as people tried to put out the fire. 
“Little Shit! Look at what you fucking done now! Always with you.” I was kicked as I screamed in pain. “Always whining to your daddy about someone or something. You goddamn baby.” Another hit. I felt Bert climb onto me. I felt a knife slice through my shirt and dig into my skin as I cried for help. People only spared glances my way. I tried pushing him away but his knife slit down my arm. “After I'm done slicing you up, I’ll leave you for the biters, tell yer daddy you ran off and found ya dead.” Another cut. 
I slightly opened my eyes, and the knife was plunged into my stomach as someone was on my hips. My mind started to replay. The pain. Bert. The fire. And the goddamn knife that threatened to go into my skull. I felt pain as I ripped out the knife in my stomach and plunged it into his neck. Blood started to spray out of his neck and all over me as he fell over, blood choking him and spilling out of his mouth. I held my side and heaved.
I left a handprint on the side house I was at. I made my way inside and into the bathroom before raiding their towels and alcohol. I made it to the kitchen, holding my would with a towel as I searched through the drawers. I put a knife over a lighter until the metal turned red. The knife didn't hit anything too bad. I lifted my shirt as I placed another towel in my mouth and breathed in and out. I shouted through the towel and closed my eyes tightly, before throwing the knife to the other side of the room and gripping my side. I poured the alcohol over it and wrapped a bandage over my side. I took out the towel and sighed, keeping my hand on my side. 
To any normal person, I looked insane. Blood covered my face, and hair, and stained my clothes. I was clutching my side slightly, letting the pain subdue from the pain medication I took. I chugged water before pushing myself off of the counter and made my way out of the home. Where am I going? Dead bodies were scattered everywhere with blood dripping from them. There were a few people on their knees, with my people looking down at them. I looked like death as I approached them. “Hey,” I called out, they looked over, and their eyes widened a little. ”My dad alive?” I asked. 
“Yeah… uh, he’s in that direction.” One of them pointed and I only nodded, making my way there, a little slower than I would have liked. “Damn… one strong fuckin’ kid.” 
As I approached, I could see my dad from a distance. I heard a scream from a building, and I looked over quickly. Someone fell off. “Goddamn,” I mutter and continued. I got quite a few stares, from all sides of the damn feud. Including Carl, who furrowed his eyes at me, ignoring what Negan was saying. 
My dad raised his bat as I was a few steps away from him. “Dad, what the hell,” I yelled, making him stop as he was about to swing. “ Dad, stop, please.” I heard him say and motion with his fingers.
“Sorry kid, Punishment has to be in order.” He raised the bat again.
“Dad no. Please, he’s only fifteen, he’s younger than me.” I shouted, trying to pull myself out of the man's grip. “You fucking dick, I fuckin’ hate you” I cried out, my face now turned into an aggressive snarl. He goes to swing. A roar sounded behind him as I fucking tiger sprang out and grabbed one of Negan’s men. The men grabbed me and let me go in shock as people started to come out behind the house with guns, shooting their way through. The screaming from the guy was loud and my ears began to ring. Loud. My eyes became blurry. Shit. It wasn’t supposed to go down like this. 
I could hear yelling, both pain and hardship. I looked around. It was all slow motion again. Just like before. I was shutting down again. It was just too much. The two men beside me were dead. I didn’t bother sparing a glance their way. My dad managed to get cover. My eyes moved around the scene as I covered my ears. Will I die here? Where's Iris? Who are these people> It's all falling apart. Just like home. Just like Bert's camp and that stupid  fucking pot. Why couldn’t I spot it from the beginning? How did he do it? It’s my fucking fault, it's always my fault. If I just did my job right and stopped being a goddamn kid, this would have happened. If I could just lock my feelings away... If… 
I felt numb. I lay there on the ground, with my hands on my ears and staring at the sky. “Why is it always my fault?” I whispered to myself. I feel myself almost sobbing as I grip my ears. I felt my body ache as I tuned out the screaming and sun whizzing by my head as I stood. People pushed past me as I made it to a gun on the ground. I cocked it and rubbed my thumb over the handle. “I’m not built for this world.”
I placed the gun to my chest. The front touched my chest, where my heart lay. My thumb stayed on the trigger as I looked down at it. It pushed into my clothes. I sighed, turning the gun sharply and shooting. One of His men. One after another, I took them out. Watching the look of betrayal on their faces. 
“God damn assholes,” I muttered.
I saw him. It wasn’t that hard. Carl had a rifle in hand, shooting at Negan's men like he wasn’t about to die. What I also saw. My dad drove off with his middle finger out. Motherfucker.
“They retreated,” Rick said, looking at his group. They searched the area in a matter of seconds.
“Hey, Rick.” The group turned to see Carl with one of Negan's men, his arm wrapped around Carl's head. “This is for Negan.” He cocked his Gun, 
I limped around, I saw him leave, most people were at the gate. I could feel the burn in my side and the ache of my body. I cracked my neck. A man was standing in the middle of the road. Carl's hat was in the grass, where I stood, beside the road. I grabbed the hat, running my hand over it. Blood splatters caked the leather and gold print. I looked over. Carl. With one of Negan’s men. Grimy asshole. I cocked my gun. 
“This is for Negan-” A shot rang. The man's brains were blown in a matter of seconds and Carl stood in shock. Wondering if he were dead or not. My hair was thrown over my eyes as they pointed their guns at me. I stared at Carl, my gun smoked from its rim as it still pointed at the man on the ground. His blood sprayed on the concrete and his brains spilled from his head. Something I’ve seen often.
“Fuck. Negan.” I started as I kept my hand on my stomach. I felt the sharp pain from my side as my adrenaline started to fade away. “And fuck you all,” I pointed the gun around at the group, then at Carl. I was coughing slightly. My stomach was turning into a building pain as I flinched. Carl looked… worried, possibly, and pissed. “You're a little shit.” I pointed at him. I held three fingers up. “You almost died three fuckin’ times. Three.” I said, heaving in the air. I blink at him. People looked confused. They weren’t sure what I was gonna do. Their guns stayed trained on me. God, my heart hurts. My head hurt, damn, my everything hurt. He was okay. A few scratches though, on his arms where his flannel was rolled up to his elbows. His eyes held wonders that bloomed in between the lines and colors.
“You look like you’ve done the same.” He says, basically a whisper. He gave me a good look over, mainly staring at my hand that covered a blood-stained patch. I wouldn’t be able to stand for much longer, It already felt as though I was gonna slip. I looked at his hat in my hand, and I tipped over to him. I placed it on his head. 
“I think I’m… I…” I paused as I looked down at him. “You… just.” I sighed, dropping my gun. I placed my hand on his cheeks and rubbed them. They were soft under my hard calluses, giving a soft tone to the rest of his face which was scattered with freckles and thin strands of hair. “Why can’t I just…” I couldn’t spit out the damn word to save my life. It felt like the words I wanted to say were choking me, leaving me with little breath and tears. “I just want you,” I whisper, my face has a saddened look. I ran my finger down to his jaw and watched his eyes. They bore into mine as I tilt my head. His hands were now on my wrists. I dipped my head down and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. I felt his hair cover the tips of my fingers as I cupped his jaw. It was then, Rick motioned for the guns to be lowered, seeing no threat. “Fucking.. Woody.” I mumble, pushing myself away from him as I feel my body start to slip in and out of reality. 
I was five years old. My mother grasped my hand as we walked around the river in the woods. I looked up at her with a gleaming smile in my eyes. 
I was six when I hit the first ball my dad threw at me, he lifted me onto his shoulders and started dancing around. 
I was Seven when I built a baseball bat out of Marconi for my dad, with help from my mother's gentle hands.
I was eight when I entered my first baseball game. My team didn’t win, but I was still given ice cream that day. My dad and mom gave me their cherries.
I was nine when I and my mother started walking to the beach every morning.
I was ten when I ran my first home run. My teammates lifted me into the sky as my dad clapped.
I was eleven when I started making comics for my mom.
I was twelve when I played family games after supper. They let me win sometimes. 
I was thirteen when my dad was in a Jail cell, I had to quit baseball.
I was fourteen when…things fell apart.
I was fifteen when I watched my dad turn into someone else. He killed Bert.
I was sixteen when I saw him kill over and over.
I was seventeen… I am seventeen. 
I cough a little before opening my eyes. The room felt bright. My eyes strained. I felt empty. I looked around the room, as my eyes adjusted to the lighting. The same room where I had met Carl. The reason I had to look after him. I groaned and Held my head with my eyes now closed. It pounded lightly, I could feel the pulse on my temple as I rubbed them. My memories guided me through how I got here. A few flashes as I tried to remember what happened after I passed out.
“Shit,” I mumbled, my voice barely working as I sat up. I pushed myself into a sitting position, where my back slid against the back of the bed, but comfortable enough to where I wasn’t in pain. My wound was wrapped nicely, treated, and hadn't caused as much pain as my head. A water bottle stood short on my stand as I grabbed it and chugged, feeling some water slip down my cheeks. I wiped it with my cheeks and breathed slowly. 
I must have not been passed out long, considering I could still stand and move my legs. I was wearing a stupid blue gown and boxers underneath. The room was awkwardly silent and I could hear my every footstep as I tried to look for new clothes. I found some jeans, mine, in some drawers and yanked off the gown before slipping them on. My body was bandaged, and treated as I moved the IV out of my arm and removed the pulse thing off my finger. I forgot the name. 
I started to look around, in drawers, counters, the office they had placed there. Until I finally found a gun. It was loaded and ready. I heard footsteps outside the office. They panicking voices. 
“He's not here?” 
“What the hell do ya’ mean he's not here? Rick told you to have eyes in here at all times.” A gruff voice said to the other panicked man. Daryl and Toby. If I wasn't wrong. “Check the office, I'll check outside.” I heard him huff and a door shut as I stood behind the door. I could hear the beat of my heart as Toby checked the other office first. He didn't look for long, or wait to see if anyone was in there. My best guess is he must have thought I left. I wasn't stupid enough to leave without a weapon or clothes. I watched his shadow go under the door before he pushed it open more. I flattened myself against the wall, still hidden behind the door, as he came into the room. He was in front of me with his back turned. I had the very thought to hit him there and then as he checked behind the desk. 
I had the gun pointed at him the moment our eyes made contact. His eyes widened slightly, his eyebrows raised with them, as I stared with a glare. Did I want to shoot him? No. Would I have to? Most likely not. But will I? Yes, absolutely. I’m positive he knew that, the way his arms waved, showing his hands, and the sweat that formed from his hairline. He’s seen what I could do and tried to form himself to not be a threat. 
“Hey, kid.” He said, letting out a breath he must have been holding in. I hadn’t dared to speak back to the other man. I already know my voice was torn out of me, and I would sound like shit if I did. Or maybe the water helped. Still, I wouldn’t look weak in front of someone I didn’t trust, and neither would I let my guard down. 
I had a great grip on the handle of my gun, staring at the man. “We're not gonna hurt you. I don’t think we would after saving you, now would we?” I continued to stare as He moved slowly to the door and near to me. He tried to grab the gun, but I moved it and shot at the wall. His eyes widened as he moved quickly out of my perspective and out of the room. His foot slipped over the gown I left on the floor, and he fell on his ass, staring at me with his hand out.
The door opened, and people came in with concerned and spiritful looks. I stood, across from them, with a gun pointed straight at Toby. My heart raced. Was I supposed to be in chains after waking? I should be after this. Negan's son. Their monster, their destroyer, and the one they ought to have killed. I was the son of that. My dad. 
My jaw clenched. 
“Boy.” Rick the prick. As my dad loved to call him. Rhymes, and makes sense. I didn’t dare look at the man, for now, he had the power I lost. I was nothing here, and my dad would soon be nothing. Would I now make myself like their Monster? Would I fight against them, or with them? Either way, I betray someone I’m close to from either side. My eyes burn into Toby’s forehead. The spot I could shoot at the point. “Put it down, “ He said, rather calmly. I could hear whispers among the group, two of them leaving the room, Aaron and Tara. There leaves Rick, Daryl… and Maggie? Yes, that’s her name. The dead widow who’s not actually dead. Another reminder of my failure.
Rick tried to step closer but I gripped the gun handle and he stopped. Footsteps shifted, eyes burned into my head. “He ain’t gonna put it down.” Says Maggie, who looked at me with a burning look. If looks could kill, I’d be dead in a matter of seconds. She pointed to me. “Why don’t we… why hadn’t we just let him die on the pavement… things I’ve heard, what that kid has done, he’s just like his father.” She whispered as if the dead room would cover her words. 
Exactly. The things I’ve done, killed in cold blood. It wasn’t something I could just walk away from. What could I do in the mad situation? Die by Rick Grimes, by them, or myself? Or what, run back to Daddy? Like I hadn’t killed my own men? Or cursed him and his dumbass bat that he named after my mother. We both were broken men. Or is he dead, like I should be? How many days has it been since the fight? How many days has it been since I killed my own men, or lost the power I was afraid to lose, or when shall I die by these people? How many days has it been since she died and he became a shadow of a man? A cone in a deep world. 
I wasn’t sure how long I stood with the gun pointed, or how long they whispered and spoke to me, trying to get the gun away from the man on the ground. But it must have been a small while.
Aaron and Tara came in, both looked out of breath. I continued to point and wait for another to shoot at me. It never came.
“What going… oh..” The familiar voice had me shifting my eyes for the first time. I gave a harsh glare to the group. 
Speaking was now, or never. “You…” I pause and cough, letting my voice loosen slightly. “Think I would put this damn gun down because he’s in here?” I question, tilting my head slightly. Carl looked confused slightly, he was analyzing his surroundings, letting himself play out the situation. I grip the gun harder. 
Rick looked at Carl, obviously not knowing what exactly to do in this situation.  Maggie started to whisper this time, I couldn’t make out any words, but the expression on Carl's face told me everything.
“No,” Carl said blatantly. “I… only if he shoots. He won’t.” He sounded sure of himself as he stared at the two. Our eyes connected, his look, pissed and confused with his furrowed eyebrows.  I watched his foot move slowly, Rick moved out his hand and shook his head, but Carl only pushed his arm away, staring straight my way. I felt a hand rest on my wrist and I flinched, moving it slightly away but keeping it trained on Toby as he started to stand, slowly. 
Carl grabbed the top of the gun and slowly slid it out of my hands, before emptying the gun. He looks confused. “There were no bullets?” He asked, looking at his dad and back to me.  I huffed and reached into my pocket, pulling out the shells and letting them drop to the ground. 
“So?” Daryl said, squinting at me. “Kids dangerous. We all can agree on that-” Rick interrupts him. “We’ll discuss this somewhere else… but he’s right. You can’t be allowed by yourself.” He states, looking at me with hands on his hips. “Looks like you rested up, and you can walk… I’ll have you back in my house, under my supervision.” He points at the two of us. “That means you stay inside at all times, I’ll have another bed to move in Carl's room. We’ll talk later tonight.” His last sentence was pointed at Carl as he waved his people out of the room.
---- Chapter 8 ----
A lot happens in this chapter. I haven't read over it, but I will soon, so excuse the mistakes, they will be fixed later on. Any questions, please ask.
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faggotwalkwithme · 2 months
here are the pictures from when i visited twin peaks!!!!!!!! (part 1)
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explanations for if u dont recognise the places or what im referencing LOLS:
1: the exterior of the laura palmer house (as seen in the pilot, the return, and fire walk with me) 2: the table and couch with accurate crochet blanket as seen in fire walk with me and the return (for the scene in the return where laura's homecoming picture gets smashed, they used mary reber's framed copy so they gave her a new one and she got sheryl lee to sign it!!! she keeps the cigarettes and stuff :) ) 3: laura's bedroom from the pilot, mary reber put the This Would Look Nice on Your Wall and also has a lot of laura stuff in there 4: laura's bedroom from the pilot, she keeps a BOB mannequin in there and it jumpscared me like 3 times 5: the bathroom that laura washes her hands in and cries into when leland tells her to go wash her hands (scariest scene ever imo) 6 and 7: the ceiling fan... need i say more 8: the kitchen from the pilot, mary reber also keeps a very similar phone to the one sarah uses in that scene. her daughter also made biscuits and they were really good :) 9 and 10: the living room from fire walk with me, the return and the pilot. i tried to recreate that one shot of laura smoking in fire walk with me but i stood on the wrong side of the room lmao 11: my parents and i recreated that one pic of sarah, laura and leland :) 12: took a pic with mary reber!!! shes super sweet!(and she let me get a print for free :3) 13: my mum just took this picture of me taking a picture of the ceiling frame but i thought it looked a bit like one of the shots in fwwm. this is the front hall :3 14: donna's house exterior!!!! 15: mary reber answering the door for my dad hehe 16: just me in front of the house lol 17: the roadhouse exterior as seen in the pilot and fwwm!!! (maybe the return too i dont remember lol) 18: i'm being sheriff cable bending steel in the back of the deer meadow sheriff station and where the shed was in fire walk with me 19: this is where teresa banks' body was found and where leland pushed laura into the water after he killed her. i was collecting water for my science experiment lols :p 20: jack rabbit's palace from the return!! 21: my mum and me where donna and james were when they hid the other half of laura's heart necklace 22: the other half of laura's heart necklace (the tour guide put it there and it hasn't been removed for 8 years lol) 23: this is the area of the motel thingie where leland saw teresa, ronette and laura together (apparently if you stay in room 9, they've made it all creepy and burnt up and stuff and they call it the david lynch room) 24: same motel, but its room 8 which is where mr c like knocks on the door to go meet phillip jeffries 25, 26, 27, 28: the double r diner!!! i think we sat in the same booth that bobby, shelly and betty were sitting in the return, and i sat on the same (or like at least very close to) the stool bobby sits on in the pilot!! it was super cool, they had all the signs up and the menu and stuff and i bought an audrey magnet and laura sticker and we had coffee and cherry pie :) 29: nadine's silent drapes shop!!! the shop keeps a golden shovel and the drapes!!!! 30: me at carl rodd's bench with the titular twin peaks in the background :3 the tour guide provided a prop RR2GO cup for pictures lol
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spamtoon · 2 months
DCRC Week 8. In week 10.
This is normal at this point, but this time I have an excuse for being late! Vacation! But everybody else is taking naps so like come on now's the perfect time to read Dangerous Disguise by Carl Barks, obviously. Oh wait hold on let me get on Club Pengui.n
First thought I like how they phrased it that the only reason he'd send them on a vacation is if he NEEDED them out of duckburg at the moment. alright donald your bad luck is only going to make things worse here lets get you and the boys out on holiday. Here, go ruin the mediteranian
im so mad i just like. looked down a textbox and thats literally what donald confirms help
Okay there we go I'm in now we can REALLY read this story, which I've heard is generally bonkers but I'm unaware of the extent
Lord the humans are uncanny. by now i've gotten used to some of the basically humans with dog noses but these are just. kinda humans. 50s comic style humans yes but they're sitll humans
i love how the triplets' gut reactions to remembering that spies exist is accusing every single person around them of being a spy. shoutout to that guy with a long beard though he's just here to have a good time
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needed to include the picture actually. he deserves to stand on the shore and gaze wistfully into the ocean
no don't worry guys donald flirting with real human woman is par for the course right now. for context i just came back from gran fiesta tour featuring the three cabs, a ride where like the movie donald goes after real human women
it might be cliche but madame triple x might just slap as a spy name. i thought about a certain friend's certain duck oc for a split second. you know the one
i like how the spy and the counter spy are complimentary colors. donald just sees a man shaking at the thought of a lady and he's like ok. i get it you don't even wanna deal with this right now
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i know this joke has been done to death but the fact they all have the same gun got a good chuckle out of me
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what if i started using this as a reaction image. maybe not because of the me but oo la la and that pose is speaking to me right now
chiliburgeria. chiliburgers probably are a thing but i've never exactly thought about one actively before
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tied with beard guy this is the best background character
THEY JUST KILLED A GUY OKAY we're not even that many pages in and the triplets have already killed a guy that they don't even know--that guy could have been working for the US government and they would have absolutely no idea because you literally cannot tell
donald just got a power rush after killing the guy he's like HELL YEAH . im a REAL SPY NOW no you're not
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this guy's fit slaps. i like to think the nevermind in his declaration speech means that he un-countered at some point. a rogue counterspy that decided to counterspy for a different spy organization.
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donald's fucking luck i'm giggling so much in public i'm so. this comic is great i think i needed a dumb fun read today
IM SO MAD great excuse to save him. labor unions saved donald duck everybody
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the way the stakes are escalating in these old cartoons i just. taking a concept and running with it
IM SO MAD the way donald is like "my bad luck! when are you gonna kick in!" and the universe was just like "lmao time to spend your vacation fighting a bull"
THE VERY SMALL PANEL everyone is utilizing the very small panel but its. the single best part of the comic they're so little. they're so teeny. carl barks knew it. the secret secret service. i'm so. this comic got my grandparent to ask me what i was laughing at so that's a really big compliemnt. im excited to read more of these random little duck stories in the future
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izunias-meme-hole · 21 days
One Villainous Scene - "As You Can See, I'm A Lot Happier"
Tim Burton's Batman is not a perfect adaptation of the source in the slightest, but as a movie? As a movie its entertaining, its structured well, the direction is great, the set and costume designs were pretty good, and by god Jack Nicholson's Joker is almost perfect. Between his colorful exterior against the darker colors of Gotham, his terrifying nature being contrasted by how hilarious he can be, his over-the-top yet functional arsenal, the consistent showcases of both his insanity and his brilliance, and just how damn quotable he is. Overall, Nicholson's Joker is just an icon who steals the show, and that's shown perfectly in just One Villainous Scene.
For context, before this clown ever got his wide smile he was Jack Napier, a psychotic gangster with an expertise in chemistry and art. Napier was the right hand man to local mob boss Carl Grissom, though he had zero respect for the old man and fully intended on backstabbing his boss at some point in the future (and taking his girl too). Though unluckily for Napier, Grissom would set his ass up to be killed in the Axis Chemical plant by some corrupt cops. While the cops didn't succeed in killing him, Jack had a run-in with The Batman, which ended with a chemical bath and a face lift that we don't even see yet. Long story short, Handsome Jack had a really. Bad. Day.
So while Grissom is just preparing to sit on his ass and have a drink, Jack appears right in his room, covered in shadows. At first the old mob boss tries to fake innocence, but Napier already knows that he set his ass up and points his gun at Grissom before he could grab his own. Grissom then threatens Jack, but he's unfazed, saying that he's been "dead" and that it's therapeutic. And after Grissom tries negotiating with his former right hand man, Jack steps out of the shadows. With the way this scene has been shot, you would expect Napier's face to be completely deformed, but instead of a hideout and monstrous appearance, we're shown something far more unsetting as he shows himself.
"You can call me Joker... and as you can see, I'm a lot happier."
After Joker reveals his chalk white skin, green hair, blood red lips, and permanent smile to both the viewer and Grissom, he proceeds to gun his old boss down as if he's showing off in a shooting gallery while a mixture between a waltz and carnival music plays in the background. And once the deed is done, he throws his hat in the air, laughs to himself, and just treats it like it's another day in the office.
This particular Joker has a lot of memorable scenes, but in terms of setting the bar and giving viewers a small insight into the fun menace this clown is going to be for the rest of the film, its a perfect introduction that's stayed with me for a long time.
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hiro--aoki · 4 months
Quotes from my classmates pt2:
(We had exams so there's not many.)
Ron: Let’s prank call someone!
Mikey: Hell yeah!
Enid: Bet!
Carl: Okay, okay, okay. How ‘bout this one?
*Shows walkie talkie channel. *
Ron: Ye!
Mikey: Ye!
Enid: Ye!
*Calls in on the walkie talkie*
Daryl: What’d ya want?
Carl: Hi!
Daryl: Hi? What’d ya want?
Carl: Yes.
*Background laughter from Ron and Mikey. Confused noises from Enid. *
Daryl: Carl, I know it’s you.
*Stops transmission. *
*Carl, Ron, and Mikey start to panic. Enid facepalms. *
Judith: Revenge is a dish best served with glitter.
*Empty’s glitter tube on Negan’s head. *
Michonne: What is the grammar in this statement?
Carl: Who put a grandma in the statement?
Henry: Get away from me, you hunka dunka chink.
Hi pookies :3, my next Rosita fic is almost done then I'll start my Daryl and Carol one, oh my gawd this is taking forever and I soccer today so my shins are killing me -_-
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deeptrashwitch · 2 months
Ok. Here is something bizarre that I was wondering of how your OC reacted to this.
Your OC is the one who's taking orders in a fast food restaurant. Like McDonald's, Carls Jr, Starbucks-ANY.
And once they're about to take their LAST order before taking breaks.
They recognize a familiar accent from someone. A SAMOAN accent and you can hear BUNCH of people and kids in the background. (It was Kanoa and Tiala's family by the way-)
This is gonna take a LONG time for you to take their orders. What are their reactions?
(Because I saw this on TikTok that the guy was taking SO many orders from a SAMOAN family and he was looking TIRED.)
Ohhhh, Taro, this is a great scenario 🤣 let's do it with Alicia, Luke, Jackson and Edward!
Alicia: She will smile before excuse herself to the back and laugh like a maniac for a minute before sighing, then will come outside again and take the massive order. (Alicia will complain later xd A LOT)
Luke: He will sigh and continue, trying to keep the nice attitude as he took the order.
Jackson: "I'm on my break, come later". Then walk away to let someone else take the order.
Edward: He will take the order with a face of 'please kill me' and the moment the family walks away to wait, he'll close the order taking and will ignore ANY customer calling him while he prepares the food.
Thanks for sending this in, Taro 💕💕
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cdyssey · 11 months
The Fall of the House of Usher (1.01 Reactions)
Starting this show because everything I’ve seen about Tamerlane Usher specifically convinced me that there was a new overworked cringefail girlflop out there for me to adopt like a feral, little kitten.
“If pain and suffering were like the kiss of Jesus, then he kissed the loving fuck out of my mother.” AKWJEJEJW
OH, the actor who plays teen Madeline was young Shirley in HOHH.
These poor kids are burying their mother in a wooden box. 😭 Also, Bruce Greenwood’s voice is so stately and complicated, churching and churning like gravel. His voiceover as he recites “For Annie” is perfect.
Lol, it’s not a Poe story if someone wasn’t buried alive.
The shadow of Eliza moving in the background behind Dupin aughdnehshs. The way the dialogue makes you pay attention to what’s behind him so you can’t miss that ghost.
“That day was the last day we were all in the same place.”
And then the text flashing two weeks later is effective too. Six people dead within two weeks.
I’m sorry. I can’t take madeline’s bangs seriously. QKQKWMDNWN what. why
obsessed with how hot all of the usher children are. I’m sure they’re all human cesspools and everything, but they’re sure serving cunt in the courtroom
really appreciate the gravitas carl lumbly is bringing to auggie—whether it’s his righteous rage in the trial or his various reactions to Roderick in the living room. In the latter especially, he gets to embody so many complicated emotions: his disgust at roderick, his horror at what happened to the usher family, his reluctant curiosity as roderick goes on and on…
“I don’t think it can be true. If it is true, it’s Perry.” AQokqqkoqsk. Henry Thomas is wonderful.
Oh, god yeah. Tamerlane Usher is gonna do it for me. Love when women are ambitious and horrible and definitely have intergenerational trauma that they repress under a paper thin veneer of being put together: “I don’t give a shit about the world. I care about what my dad thinks.”
“Fuck Blippi.”
T’Nia Miller. Audhehwngnrnwjjwjejw.
“We just have to keep it away from Perry or it’ll end up in some co-ed’s drink.” ALL of the siblings have bagged on Perry so far. This line is so eurgh, though. Says a lot about who Perry is before we meet him in earnest.
Usher being so casually queer is wonderful.
the sibling introductions are doing a nice job of shading their definitely fatal flaws, lol.
PLUTO!! love a good black cat
“Hannity knows which side his dick is buttered on. He’ll be friendly.” GOD WKWNENSNSKN
“I want you to start with Perry obviously, but I don’t think he’s clever enough to keep it off TikTok.” AAfjwkwoama
Kate Siegel can murder me. Love the white hair.
The difference between present day Madeline and Roderick and their teenage counterparts is stark. They were jaded, yes, but they weren’t cold and callous, neglectful and disdaining.
“Freddie, marrying this woman might be the one thing you didn’t fuck up.” MAN WOQMWNWNDJJSNSSKA
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Freddie.”
Love the whole toxic family being together. <3
“Neutralized. Like dead.” WLQLQLQLQKDJNDNS. GOD
“I’ll have to sue the bloody puddle of gore in the designer shoes.” slay
“To the rest of you, happy hunting.” Fascinating and horrifying. The way the Ushers are so insular—they’re expected to defend the family, the company, with their lives, but Roderick also sees no problem with turning them against each other. Before they’re ever killed, they’re already cannibalizing themselves.
Roderick claims responsibility for all of the children’s deaths.
Carla Gugino is so hot aufhwikqlwkwkakwkw.
good on usher for playing with the incestuous vibes of the original story with Maddie and Rod. Fun and fucked up.
Madeline wearing sunglasses to the funeral is soooo Alqkqkwsmakma.
OH THE GHOSTS OF ALL SIX. SO FUCKED UP. AUOUGHDNDJS. AND THE LINE BEINg, “… the sweeping precipitancy of a fall from such a height.” YEAH
Lenore reaching out to place a hand on Roderick. 😭 also, bruce is so good in this. His agony as he looks upon all those condemning bodies and wounds is chilling
yeah okay. I’m into this show QKQMQKQKKSN
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iwonderwh0 · 11 months
Completely unnecessary lore for vampire au on Connor's story
His twin brother got bitten when they were 12 or something, got his antidote to be cured, but unfortunately didn't make it (allegedly vampirism itself has a low survival rate). What actually happened is that he was given poison to die quicker. Bitten children almost always get "mercy killed" because it's practically impossible to hide a kid who doesn't age. They won't get to live a normal life and their families don't want to carry the stigma and ruin their lives as well as the lives of their other children. Some, however, do decide to hide them indefinitely. But if they bring them to be "cured" sometimes they never get to know that healing was never an option and they brought them to be legally euthanized instead). His parents divorced soon after that.
His father was a hunter and Richard (Perkins) was his younger colleague. When he got killed by some revengeful vampire (maybe about 4 or 5 years before the main plot) it was only natural for Connor to come back to his hometown and follow his path and from his own understanding, "do the right thing" + Perkins promised to teach him everything Connor's father previously teached him. Richard however is quite insufferable to be around and Connor tolerates him for only about 2-2.5 years before parting ways.
Markus's lore is a lot more difficult for me to come up with (the only thing I know now is that he has some medical background behind him and Carl is involved. Perhaps he was adopted by that rich man who happened to be closely related to local vampire circle (not sure about being part of it tho), but I hope it's cooking as well.
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murdcrofcrows · 8 months
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full name: sebastian 'bash' ashley owens nicknames: bash, baz, zebby gender / pronouns: trans man, he/him age & birthday: 27, december 27th occupation: dealer, con artist, thief gang affiliation: the jade tribe, soldier orientation & status: bisexual kinsey scale 3, single strengths: witty, bold, resilient, charismatic weaknesses: mischievous, reckless, manipulative character inspo: ziggy sobotka (the wire), ashtray (euphoria), jesse pinkman (breaking bad), stiles stilinski (teen wolf), carl gallagher (shameless us),
diving deeper -
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*     ◟    :    〔   elliot fletcher ,      trans man  +   he/him   〕  SEBASTIAN ‘BASH’ OWENS,      some say you’re a  TWENTY SIX YEAR OLD  lost soul among the neon lights.      known for being both   WITTY and RECKLESS,  one can’t help but think of  CHOKE  by   I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME when you walk by.    are you still a    SOLDIER, DEALER    at    JADE TRIBE ,     even with your reputation as the THE DIRTBAG?     i think we’ll be seeing more of you and    PICKING FIGHTS THAT HE CAN’T WIN, A HEALTHY DISTATE FOR AUTHORITY, QUIET CONVERSATIONS AND TRANSACTIONS IN DARK CORNERS,    although we can’t help but think of ZIGGY SOBOTKA (THE WIRE), ASHTRAY (EUPHORIA), and JESSE PINKMAN (BREAKING BAD) whenever we see you down these rainy streets.   
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tw: death, drugs, body dysmorphia
he crawled straight out of the trash piles of fresh kills landfill in staten island, new york. at least that was the running joke in the family. it wasn't a broken home, nor were his parents bad. his sister was normal. as far as he knew, his father was a good guy firefighter until he passed away. anytime bash thinks about it, he has to wonder what the hell was wrong with him.
from the moment he could walk he was causing trouble. constantly doing stunts, climbing things, fighting with whoever was available, making messes, etc. this only got worse as he got older, constantly exhausting his widowed mother even more. he loved her, don't get him wrong, but he couldn't help it - he lived for the rush of it all and he loved to party.
to their mother's benefit - she tried to get him some help and it worked for something. he found out why he'd always felt wrong in his own skin and one of the reasons he felt off all the time. that counselor helped set bash on the path to come out and begin hormone therapy and puberty blockers. however, that didn't change his rebellious and overall mischievous nature - though it did give him confidence and esteem where he didn't have it before.
eventually he graduated high school, the one thing he promised his mother and he had to admit he wanted to give her at least one thing to be proud about. it was likely the last thing. for his eighteenth birthday she gave him boxes, wishing him the best but it was time for him to be his own problem and learn some responsibility (that's yet to be seen)
he fell in with the jade tribe quick, to be honest it was the first place he felt like he fit in. bash loved it. he feels like he's on the top of the world and every time he does a job it only adds to the rush.
bash is good at pushing product, he's been doing quick change transactions with cash since he was a teenager so he's only gotten better at that. he's always trying to take it to the next level, constantly out and about, at social events, making sure he's always available.
he still does a lot of stupid stuff to get laughs out of people. also has a bad habit of picking fights with people that he won't win. he's a scrappy kid but he's well aware that he looks like a sick victorian child on the best of days - that's why he's gotten really good at running. he's often cracking jokes, he's aggressive when it comes to selling product, and he loves to push buttons.
currently he doesn't have an end goal, he just wants to do his job well and keep having a good time. he still drops by to see his mom, give her some money when he can but she knows it's coming from somewhere suspicious so she often turns it down. other than that he's living his best life and trying to raise a little hell everywhere he goes.
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people he annoys
people to get in fights with
childhood friends
casual relationships
platonic sleep buddies
places he crashes when he doesn't want to be alone
party buddies
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doesn't like to sleep alone so if he isn't able to get someone home with him (platonic or not) he will sleep on the couch or try to crash at a friends house.
not great at fighting but he tries anyways - part of this comes from struggling to build muscle mass consistently due to a high metabolism
in the same breath, he is almost always eating - talks about food a lot
more to come
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