#carlando soulmates
cars-on-the-moon · 1 year
The Carlando AU you chose!
Soulmates AU
(Everything written is imaginative. Nothing is true)
He remembered his birthday and he did actually remember the moment he felt that excruciating pain right on his left thigh. He had exaggerated his intolerance of pain, but he hadn’t felt like this before. As if he was being scratched; marked. Well, he was being marked with the hope that somewhere, someone was made for him, had come to this life to be with him.
Lando’s mother was a good woman, a great one that had explained to all her children what soulmates were and how it worked. She brought them up to be hopeful but not sure. She had broken down her luck with their father but had made them promise to never obsess over finding their soulmates because perhaps karma had decided to play a game with them and made their soulmate be Australian or Siberian or whatever country Lando had no idea about.
Thus, he grew up almost forgetting about his little scar, he started running around in cars, left school, joined McLaren and became an F1 driver at the age of 19. By then, he was completely unimpressed when it came to soulmates.
When his brother had announced that he was marrying his? Lando was unimpressed. When Alex had strutted in and announced that he had found his soulmate in Lily, he was unimpressed then too.
And suddenly, he was 23. The season had started poorly, to put it lightly, and his spirits were descending into dark places by the day. It had been almost a year since he had broken his relationship off and his little adventures here and there weren’t enough to make him forget-
“It’s so busy, mierda.” Carlos plopped down next to him on the step.
Lando smiled, nodded in absolute agreement, as Monaco was busting with crowds of people and celebrities and kids and everything.
“I like Monaco, but Dios, it’s crazy.” the Spaniard continued. “Alright?” he turned to Lando.
“Fine. It’s very hot too. I think I’m going to the beach in Barcelona.” he faked an exaggerated accent.
“We should!” Carlos rounded his stupid eyes widely.
“Who invited you?”
Carlos then kicked his heel with his foot, making him giggle.
“Ay, don’t be rude cabrón.” the Spaniard protested. “I thought you wanted the local guide. Good luck finding a secluded beach.” he shrugged his shoulder and turned to George, who was greeting the little group.
Lando raised his fist to bump George’s but quickly disregarded his presence to speak to Carlos. He scratched his irritated leg and suppressed another little yawn.
“Fine, you can come. Spill the secret locations.”
“Nah, I got over it, I’ll go to my hotel’s pool.” he stood back up, fiddling with his suit knot. “Have fun in Barcelona.” he threw his way a wink and started walking the other way.
Lando blew an obnoxious raspberry and steadied his head on the wall behind him. He shut his eyes for a few seconds, thinking about Barcelona indeed. Waters, ice-creams, Carlos. Lando opened his eyes and straightened his head. No, not Carlos. Just waters and ice-creams.
His affection for Carlos had its ups and downs. Or that’s what he told himself all the time. For example, when he left McLaren, Lando was mad at him. When /that/ happened in Brazil, Lando was awkward. When Carlos decided to join him and Zak in their exclusive golf trip, Lando was happy. Up and down. But mostly up. Mostly.
“…I have a thousand interviews. I’m so sorry.” Carlos huffed from the other side of the line, clearly frustrated. “I just-I just wanted to stay and just relax for an hour. One hour, Lando.”
“It’s okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Lando replied him, internally weeping. He needed that hour of relaxation too.
On Sunday, he finally saw Carlos in the club and then in his hotel’s bar for a last drink with Caco and Rupert.
“It was an exhausting weekend. I want Barcelona out.” Carlos said, downing his beer. “Don’t tell anyone.” he then turned to Lando.
“I will tell Domenicalli.” Lando wiggled his eyebrows scratching idly his irked thigh.
“Idiota.” Carlos grinned then and finally Lando was able to feel at ease again.
He had no idea why Carlos’s feelings had an immediate connection to his. Although, of course when Max wasn’t good, Lando was sad too. His mum always said he was empathetic.
“…one more?”
Lando realised Carlos was talking to him.
“I said, the bar’s closing. Do you want one to go? You can come up to mine.”
“Sure.” Lando shrugged, collecting his phone and camera from the counter.
Carlos opened the door of his room, letting Lando in and turned the light of the night table on.
“View’s sick.” Lando remarked. “It’s similar to mine.“ he said, taking a photo of it. A bit blurry, a bit move-y, a bit not professional, but still fine.
“Here.” he handed him the beer. “I owe you a swim lesson.” he clinked his bottle.
“Oy! I know how to swim!” Lando furrowed his eyebrows.
“I’m not sure. You always seem like you’re drowning-ay cabrón, that hurts!” Carlos protested after Lando had pinched his upper arm.
They talked about a bunch of random topics other than racing, racing before the balcony door.
“Lando,” Carlos mumbled at some point, after a long conversation halt. “Isabella wasn’t my soulmate.” he said out of the blue.
Lando averted his eyes from Barceloneta and looked at Carlos with raised eyebrows.
“I know it doesn’t matter, because, who finds their soulmate, no? But yeah.”
Lando shuffled on his chair.
“Um, is that why you broke up?” he asked, having nothing to offer really.
“No, we couldn’t lie to each other anymore.” he replied solemnly.
“You’re being a tad bit sentimental and I’m scared.” Lando tried to lighten the mood.
Carlos’s lips quirked up and he let his head fall bag, hang from the back of the chair.
“You’re right. Sorry.”
“No! It’s not bad. But I don’t know what to say.” Lando immediately said. “I’m just a loser in this area so…”
“Only in this area?” Carlos teased.
Lando reached for his upper arm to pinch him once more but Carlos was quicker and he grabbed his wrist harshly, causing for Lando to tumble down, inches away from his chair.
“Oof, that hurt.” Lando groaned but chose to remain spread on the floor.
Carlos chuckled obnoxiously loud and sp laced his beer on the table in front of him. He then stood up and extended his arm to Lando.
“Come on cabrón.” he said.
Lando took his hand and pulled with force, making Carlos yelp and fall flat on Lando.
“Lando!” Carlos grumbled on Lando’s chest.
“I had to.” Lando laughed, shutting his eyes. His right arm enveloped Carlos by its own accord, while he continued laughing his weekend exhaustion away.
He only stopped when he felt Carlos moving on him and opened his eyes to find him standing on his elbows looking down at him.
His hair was falling over his left eye and his lips were parted. Lando focused on the bottom one that was full, pink and absolutely delicious.
And there they were. Those odd thoughts, feelings he possessed of Carlos. Those ones that whenever they entered his mind, he tried hard to push out or away again.
“Am I heavy?” he whispered.
Lando opened his mouth to reply him, but nothing came out. Nothing at all.
“Should I get up, Lando?” Carlos asked again, almost pleading him. Was he pleading?
“N-No.” Lando stuttered.
Slowly, painfully, Carlos lowered himself even more and only when his lips were a breath away from Lando’s, the latter understood. He couldn’t wait anymore. He wouldn’t wait anymore. So, he took the leap and kissed Carlos. His teammate. His golf partner. His ex-teammate. His friend. His very good friend.
The moan that left him was a result of a jolt that traveled down his very core, having never felt like this. He contemplated for a moment if it was because he was a man or because he had a familiar, solid foundation with him. However, the contemplation stopped when Carlos’s tongue traveled on his upper lip, asking for entrance that the Brit immediately granted.
“Fucking hell.” Lando breathlessly remarked when they stopped for air. “Fuck. Fuck.” he repeated a few times. His hand was still in a tight fist, gripping Carlos’s t-shirt.
“Am I hurting you?” Carlos asked him.
“No, come here.” Lando pulled him back in.
They ended up on the bed after Lando’s back started hurting and they ended up falling asleep, just as the sky had turned bordeaux.
Lando woke up through a rude phone call with Jon and after a three-second contemplation, he placed a quick kiss on Carlos’s cheek and fled.
I didn’t take you for a man that runs away.
Lando rolled his eyes exaggeratedly to his screen, drawing Max’s attention. He was already in Monaco, after an 1-hour and 15-minute flight to Nice and a 20-minute car ride.
He took a picture of the waters and his brunch and sent it Carlos’s way to avoid embarrassing himself with a stupid respond.
He received one back with the view of Barceloneta through Carlos’s hotel room. Yes, the same one they had /kissed/ in.
He closed WhatsApp and refocused on Max, who was talking a mile per hour to his girlfriend. Well then.
He opened Instagram and tapped on F1’s new story that had something to do with Charles and then Carlos popped up on his screen. He squinted and placed his thumb on the story in order to stop it from changing.
Ruffled hair, white t-shirt and that view. That bloody view.
A non-Ferrari post? I’m shook.
Got your attention, didn’t it? and yeah, Lando was flushed all over.
Carlos, are you flirting mate? he had to ask; better be safe than sorry.
Am I allowed?
Lando grinned widely then. So widely that Max finally remembered that he was present too.
They texted here and there, mostly photos or memes. Carlos had a heavy schedule that week before Canada and Lando had arranged a little trip to New York with Martin before arriving in Montreal.
Lando could not lie; everything was so awkward in his head. He had kissed Carlos Sainz. It sounded awkward. It was awkward. But as time paced away, everything was a blurry dream and when after Monday before the race they stopped communicating, he was rather sure that indeed it had been a dream.
He had caught a glimpse of him somewhere in the paddock and on the track, zooming around in his red car, but they had yet to talk.
Kevin was a great guy. He was surprisingly funny and so much younger than he looked and was perceived of. He was saying something about Nico when Lando grasped that Carlos was walking towards them. He chose to ignore it and scratch his leg out of an awkward habit of doing something with his hands.
Carlos pinched him right on his chest and Kevin could only laugh after finishing his utterance, a moment later.
“Don’t do that.” Landon said.
Carlos fiddled with his suit on the thigh and turned to him, leaning.
“What?” he asked.
“Don’t do that.” Lando repeated. “In front of cameras. I look Iike a child.”
Alex said something about something but Lando talked to Carlos again.
“I don’t like being teased.” he reminded him his relationship with touch.
“Oh, you don’t?” Carlos asked, openly mocking him and raised his hand to cup his cheek.
Lando slightly rounded his eyes but thanks to his reflexes, he quickly swatted Carlos’s hand away.
They both laughed, even Alex did and Carlos returned to his spot, gazing forward.
He wasn’t going to lie. Lando wanted to say more; be touched more. On the cheek? Whatever. On the cheek.
After a very good race per his opinion, he started his media duties and hang around in the media pen for a while, waiting for his turn. He tightened his suit around him and scratched his leg again before Carlos arrived too.
“Yes, you are very unsportsmanlike. I always said.” Carlos remarked. “They see you looking all cute and they think you’re a marshmallow. They don’t know like I do.” he added playfully.
Lando chuckled at that, shaking his head.
“I am a marshmallow.”
“That could kill you.” Carlos finished for him.
“I am cute, mate.” he insisted.
Carlos raised his right eyebrow up high.
“That, you are.” Carlos admitted.
Lando found his eyes that were already looking back and for a moment he wondered if he should laugh or-
“Mate, good racing, no?” Esteban Ocon approach them and -well, damnit Ocon.
Are you out? he received as he was watching Quadrant’s video he had yet to watch, while he was brushing his teeth.
No, too tired. he replied. You? he added just for the politeness of it.
We are close. Do you want to come here? he received. His heart immediately responded by beating harder than before, but Lando was not easy. He would never be.
What part of ‘I’m tired’ you did get?
Ok. We’ll talk in two weeks in Austria then.
Lando huffed. So, he was easy.
Send me your address.
He fixed his hair, as if he could tame it and readjusted his jeans, patting his thigh, which was a bit fuzzy tonight.
“You look good, despite the exhaustion.” Carlos remarked when he walked in.
Lando scoffed, taking his jacket off. “You don’t have to playboy me. I have already snogged you-”
He didn’t manage to finish his sarcastic utterance, as Carlos was already on him, having captured his lips, holding him in between his palms by his cheeks.
He let go only when he pulled back.
“Sorry. You don’t like being touched.” he whispered, almost on his lips.
“I like being touched by you.” Lando replied him, reaching for his back.
“You said otherwise.”
“Shut it. Kiss me again.” he commanded and Carlos listened.
“Lando,” he said. “I cannot stop thinking about you. What are you doing to me.” the Spaniard revealed.
“Do you say that to everyone?” Lando asked.
Carlos tightened his grip on Lando’s lower back and slightly shook him.
“No. Mierda, no.” he replied.
He took a step back and ran his fingers through his significantly longer locks.
“I-I turned the hot tub on. Come on.”
“I owe you swimming lessons.” Carlos smirked.
Lando rounded his eyes and followed him to only find a massive tub that overlooked Montreal and for a moment, he wondered if Carlos had changed rooms and requested for it.
When he turned to him again, he had removed his shirt and even if Lando had seen him like this again, he felt his throat drying instantly.
“Come on,” he urged Lando and reached for his own t-shirt. Lando let him, raising his arms up.
“I don’t have trunks.”
“It’s fine.” Carlos smiled and reached for his buttons.
Lando’s breath hitched. He wasn’t embarrassed or something about the prospect of being naked in front of the other man, but the way Carlos slowly unbuttoned his jeans and looked at him was almost too intimate; too private.
Carlos started pulling his jeans down and tapped on his right leg and then on his left, disposing the trousers somewhere behind him. His palms slowly ran upwards, only squeezing the meat over his knee. Lando shut his eyes, diving into the incomparable feeling of being touched by Carlos. He was on fire. Up in flames.
But Carlos had stopped.
“What happened?” Lando asked him, lowering his gaze to find Carlos gazing at his leg. “Do I have something?” he curiously looked himself.
“Lando-” Carlos breathed out heavily. “What-what is this?” he asked.
Lando furrowed his eyebrows in utter puzzlement and crouched a bit to find out himself.
“That?” he pointed to his mark. “That’s my soulmate mark. I know it looks like lightning hit me, but it’s a soulmate mark.” he chuckled momentarily.
His scar was intricate. Inside his head, he always called it beautiful because he hadn’t seen anything like it before. It was in a convenient location, not visible for just anyone, it was intricate and very unique. Hard to miss. Its branches were small and white and all over the place, but perfectly cohesive and aesthetically pleasing.
“Carlos?” he called for him again, getting antsy.
He reached for his jaw, getting frustrated and when finally Carlos looked up, Lando parted his lips in surprise. A single tear had left Carlos’s left eye.
“What happened? Are you okay? What is it?” Lando asked, lowering himself on his knees too.
“L-Lando,” Carlos panted. “T-enemos-tenemos la misma m-marca.”
“What? Carlos! In English. Hell.” Lando tightened his grip on his jaw.
Carlos pushed his hand away then and jumped up, pulling on his waistband with trembling hands.
Lando fully, really, exaggeratedly gasped.
That was it. That was the mark.
On Carlos’s right thigh, mirroring his own perfectly. He reached for it, he crawled forward, reaching for the scar and when his thumb brushed through it they both groaned. Lando felt a jolt, a /lightning/, exactly as his mum had explained. As his brother had explained.
“Bloody hell. B-bloody hell.” he stuttered. “Is it the same?” he raised his gaze to Carlos.
The Spaniard only nodded, his turn then to wipe Lando’s tear away.
“Carlos, this is insane. This is mad.” he sobbed, letting his head fall on Carlos’s abdomen.
“This can’t be. Can it?” he heard Carlos asking in a pained voice.
“I don’t know, Carlos.” Lando mumbled on his skin. “Can I see?” he asked.
Carlos pulled on his curls, literally urging him to see again, make sure that it wasn’t false.
Lando ran his fingers on the scar again, making Carlos shiver to the mere movement.
“Shite…” Lando whispered, recognising every little branch and line. He leaned forward, gripping Carlos’s knee to hold himself and touched the spot with his lips.
It was.
It was the mark. The moment his lips touched the scarred skin, his heart stopped beating. It skipped a few beats, making him lose his breath, mind go up in chaos.
Carlos couldn’t hold himself up, he lowered down, carrying himself on his knees and immediately taking ahold of Lando.
“Mi amor,” he said and looked at him through beautiful, glossy eyes, full of tears and surprise. “This-this can’t be.” he said, kissing him stupid.
Lando gripped the sheet into his fist and let out a harsh moan. He opened his eyes and found Carlos looking at him with rough eyebrows.
“Carlos, I’m-I’m- going to c-”
“Por favor, mi amor.” he urged him.
And yes. Yeah, Carlos was his soulmate.
Fireworks were meaningless in front of the feeling he felt the moment of completion.
When finally Carlos laid next to him, panting and struggling for breath, Lando could see clearly then. It had always been Carlos.
Budapest was a figurative tragedy. The car updates were good but the heat was impossible to handle. His FP was oddly bad and he chose to relax in the hospitality, going through his phone with no purpose at all.
“Hola! Lando?” a familiar voice made his core shiver. A few moments later, Carlos appeared, holding two bottles of water. “Here amor.” he said lowly and plopped down next to him.
It had been a weird, quick change that none of them had to work hard for. Fate had done so and they had no problem going with it.
“So, what are you doing after Spa?” he asked him. “Any plans?”
“Oh, Max is pestering me to go to Mykonos.
Carlos pursed his lips, nodding.
“We could go. Although, I would prefer something more private. But if you want to go, we’ll go.” he said.
Lando squinted.
“You want to go?” he asked him.
“What do you mean?”
“With me?”
“Are you joking, cabrón?” Carlos asked him confused.
“I didn’t want to assume-”
“You should always assume.” Carlos cut him off. “You’re my soul. I want to be with you all the time.” he simply stated.
Lando felt his breath hitching. His heartbeat ascending and his eyes watering, all at once.
Carlos must have felt all of those things and he quickly took ahold of his hand, having no care in the world about anything.
“Mi alma…We’re each other’s, no?” Carlos whispered.
Lando nodded, sniffing. He wiped a stubborn tear with his other knuckle and coughed.
“Don’t be so cheesy, Carlos.” he mumbled.
Carlos laughed loudly then.
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carlos55inz · 5 months
carlos sainz in 2013 on the red bull junior team competing on the GP3 and racing with a car with the number 4 in it.
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lando norris formula 2 car having a chili symbol on it.
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they are soulmate in a very "and isn't it just so pretty to think that all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?" coded way.
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liverbird87 · 3 months
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In which universe are two mates like this with each other? I mean I always try and let it make sense and watch my friends and guys I know and I don’t see that. The only time I see that insane behaviour is when you’re seriously having a crush on someone so so bad you can’t look at him without blushing or giggling because your whole insides start so spasms when around each other. The only thing Lando could do was giggling, the way he hold so tight to the microphone at times because he didn’t know what to do with his hands, licking his lips and stuff. At some points I thought he didn’t even breathe. Carlos totally enjoying himself. Don’t know if getting that out of Lando makes him proud but I don’t see them like this with anyone else. It’s so unnormal and so intimate that sometimes I cannot even watch them because I feel like I watch something I shouldn’t. It’s like being a voyeur and because they seem to forget everyone else around them when together it sometimes is hard to describe it any different. I hope they never lose what they have. Whatever it is. I hope they stay this close and we have many more years to gaze at their special bond. That’s soulmate stuff right there. It makes me so happy ❤️
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sunny-sainz · 1 month
the way the sainz’s love lando means so much to me
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sainzinnorris · 3 months
Carlos freely admitting he wants Lando in his life basically forever and not just as someone he hangs out with from time to time but as a true friend you’d do anything for was not on my bingo card 😵‍💫 and add to that “Lando is always my first choice”. If I was in Lando’s place, I’d be on the floor in a puddle of tears, like, clearly their bond already goes deep if Carlos has such confidence in their relationship, so how much deeper can it actually get 😭
no because it's truly so pure and honest. they're literally soulmates?? they openly like each others' company because they both put in the time and effort required to maintain a friendship in this sport where it's easy to just be acquittances with your teammates or see them as only your rival. but to actually inculcate a healthy rivalry and yet be such honest and compassionate companions for one another is truly applaudable! ♥️🧡
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escapemodeon-blog · 1 month
Going absolutely feral that it was CARLANDO that broke Max's streak. I swear I live for that homoerotic bromance 😭
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chaossurvives · 1 month
Once again Haas proving that what Carlando did with the DRS only worked because it was *them*
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f1-birb · 5 months
honestly this 🤏 close to writing another norrix fic bc of those vietnam pics like
did they get married and tell no one and this whole break of them being inseparable has actually been their honeymoon or
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verssainz · 6 months
do you ever stop and think that carlando both got their first podiums after a penalty for lewis for crashing into alex
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fandomchaosposts · 10 months
the carlando soulmate au is here!!! ill put the link in the reblog so tumblr doesnt bury this
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wolfiemcwolferson · 1 year
Carlando - Soulmate AU + Character in Peril
Hi anon 💙 I love the Carlando prompts
It’s a bit bullshit, Lando thinks, that Carlos has spent 2 years rejecting their soulmate bond only to accept it about half a second before he puts his car in the wall, thus forcing Lando to feel all of this.
Lando knows he’s okay because he can feel that he’s okay, but he can also feel his panic and his self-hatred and his - God, if this is how Carlos feels about himself, no wonder he rejected Lando.
He does what he can to soothe him through their invisible tether and then he strides over to Jon when they get the 10 minute warning and he says, as quiet as he can, “gonna need a blocker, mate.”
Lando ignores the shock on his face and he swallows down the blocker, angry at Carlos for putting them in this position. That Lando has to get in his car and drive when he only wants to go to Carlos - that Lando has to take a pill and cut off the bond (even temporarily) when he’s been aching to feel it for two years.
The loss hits him harder than he thought it would and he has to take a deep breath and stop walking. “Give me my phone,” he demands.
It’s places in his hand and he pulls up his text thread with Carlos and types, I’ll find you after the race and we’ll talk. And then he adds, I love you and I’m so happy and I’m glad you’re safe.
He hands his phone back over and then he gets in his car and he lets it all fall away and he drives.
Carlos looks small against the couch in his driver’s room. Lando’s blocker is slowly wearing off and Lando is glad that it’s fading into focus instead of snapping into place all at once like it had a few hours ago.
He’s got tape on his shoulder and his arm and his knee and Lando can see all of that because he’s in shorts and a sleeveless top and Lando really wants to kiss him.
“I am sorry,” Carlos whispers before sucking his lower lip in between his teeth. “It was wrong.”
And Lando can feel that Carlos feels it’s wrong. Like it was a weakness to want to feel the bond with Lando.
“It wasn’t wrong,” Lando sits down beside him but doesn’t touch him, not yet. “It’s not wrong because we both want this.”
Carlos turns his head slowly - eyes full of tears. “I can feel that you mean that. That you’re happy it’s me.”
Lando does touch him now. Just a brush of fingers over his cheekbone. “I’ve been trying to tell you for two years. It’s the happiest I’ve ever been.”
And then Carlos does cry and Lando holds him and says a hundred times, soulmate you’re my soulmate.
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racingseries · 2 years
today i woke up thinking about baby Lando asking Carlos Sainz why was he penalized on twitter and answering his tweets like the CS55 fanboy he's always been :)
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sainzinnorris · 7 months
i fully believe that carlando physically cannot be away from each other. they have to cross paths, a push, a playful punch on the shoulder, a quick tug, ass slaps, somehow bloody reach for the other person and be around each other. like, it's a necessity more than a want .
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55szn · 1 month
always and forever - cs55
carlos sainz x fem!reader smau
summary an instagram timeline of carlos and yn’s 8 years long relationship warnings too much fluff fc dua lipa taglist @jaydaaasworld notes i have more requests to get to but i’ve had this idea for a while and let’s just say i needed to write some carlitos fluff🥲
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liked by pierregasly, yourusername and 10.302 others
carlossainz55 Always a good time with this one 😜❤️
tagged yourusername
view all 52 comments
yourusername t quiero Carlitosss (love you)
carlossainz55 te quiero más ynnnn (love you more)
user scrolled all the way down to carlos first post and of couse it’s yn
user he’s always been so in love with her is so cute
user so pretty
april 20, 2016
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liked by carlossainz55, yourbsf and 4.291 others
yourusername Feliz cumpleaños a mi persona favorita 💕😘 #birthdayboy (Happy birthday to my favorite person)
tagged carlossainz55
view all 43 comments
carlossainz55 muchas gracias preciosa 💓😘 thank u so much beautiful
yourusername por muchos más cumpleaños juntos 💘 here’s to many more birthdays together
yourbsf feliz cumpleaños!!
user so we are all just stalking their instagrams after their last post, right?
user how can you not
user and they posted each other sooo often it’s so sweet
user i’ve been a fan of carlos for so long and they’ve ALWAYS been there for each other i love yn
september 1, 2017
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liked by yourusername, fernandoalo_official and 24.289 others carlossainz55 Quick getaway to celebrate two years and counting with my soulmate by my side 🌅❤️
tagged yourusername
view all 98 comments
yourusername oh carlitos 🥺
yourusername you sure know how to make a girl swoon
yourusername i’ll love you forever <3
user his caption and her comments i might die 😣
user they’ve been together for a lifetime oh my god
august 15, 2018
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris and 12.210 others
yourusername my boy and his new boyfriend 🙄
tagged carlossainz55, landonorris
view all 73 comments
landonorris sorry i’m just that charming 💁🏻
yourusername he was mine first 😠
carlossainz55 don’t fight i’ll choose yn anyway
landonorris damn 💔
user bro was so down bad he couldn’t even play along to the joke
user omg i never knew it was yn who posted these iconic carlando pics
user well it makes sense she’s carlando’s no. 1 fan
user supporting her boyfriend’s boyfriend iktr 😌
may 22, 2019
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 368.291 others
carlossainz55 i would have gone insane without you during this crazy year, feliz año nuevo mi amor😘💘 (happy new year my love)
tagged yourusername
view all 1.308 comments
yourusername gotta admit quarantine sucked a little bit less with you by my side
carlossainz55 just a little? 😏
yourusername okay maybe it didn’t suck at all 🤐
user oh to be carlos a be able to lay on yn all day long
user she looks so cute in the third pic 🥺
user from when they were FINALLY (yn’s words) able to see each other after spending two weeks apart 😭
user most in love mfs i’ve ever seen
december 31, 2020
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liked by carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari and 15.291 others
yourusername already knew he looked good in red but thanks for the confirmation @ scuderiaferrari 😝
tagged carlossainz55
view all 119 comments
carlossainz55 you’re making me blush ☺️
scuderiaferrari you’re more than welcome yn! 😌
user this pic is so sjdiaq
user i don’t want to speak of the things i would do if carlos looked at me like that with those big ass eyes 🫠
user yn is such a lucky girl
user SHE is lucky??!?!? have you seen her??? carlos should be thanking every god above
user i’m pretty sure he does that everyday 😭
march 12, 2021
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1 and 456.412 others
carlossainz55 guess i’m a tatted man now, i just can’t say no to that face 😶
tagged yourusername
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yourusername you have to admit it’s pretty cute
carlossainz55 whatever you say🫡
user oh my god carlos get up!!
landonorris i don’t think that’s enough ink to call yourself a tatted man mate
yourusername maybe i should make another appointment 🤔
carlossainz55 don’t give her ideas you muppet 🤦🏻
user i didn’t know they had matching tattoos that’s so cute 😭
user sleeping on the highway tonite
october 17, 2022
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liked by carlossainz55, lilymhe and 732.819 others
yourusername how could i say no when my date looked like that? 🤭
tagged carlossainz55
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carlossainz55 can’t wait to spend forever with you mi amor ❤️
maxverstappen1 congratulations you two! 😘😘
carmenmmundt so so thrilled for you both! love you 🫶🏻
yourusername i love you my girl, get ready to try on a loooot of dresses 😅
user EVERYONE remembers where they were when this post dropped
user i remember dropping my phone on my face when i opened instagram
user i cried happy tears, had been waiting for that day for years 🥹
august 15, 2023
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liked by yourusername, georgerussell63 and 3.281.819 others
carlossainz55 can’t believe i finally get to call you my wife. just you and me, always and forever, te amo yn ❤️
tagged yourusername
view all 10.371 comments
yourusername te amo y te amaré por siempre, mi carlitos (i love you and i’ll you forever, my carlitos)
user “mi carlitos” oh god i’m sobbing
landonorris congratulations, you two were made for each other ! 🥰
yourusername your boyfriend is now my husband 😜
landonorris don’t even remind me about it.
charles_leclerc so happy for you two ❤️❤️
user can’t believe i’ve been following carlos since the beggining of their relationship and now they’re married
user omg don’t even talk to me abt it i feel like a proud mother
september 28, 2024
the end
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fourtyforever · 2 months
Get in losers were making a fic rec masterlist
Hi y’all it’s me, your local multishipper, and I’m about to be the change I wish to see in the world by putting all the best f1 fics in one place.
cool things to say to your soulmate by @powerful-owl (E, 14k)
A collection of shorter soulmate stories by the great em powerfulowl. Essentially the maxiel thesis as far as I’m concerned. If you ever catch me talking about the goose fic, this is what I’m talking about. Fun story: this was actually the first F1 rpf I ever read and I blame it for why my standards are so fantastically high.
Thursday girl by @boxboxlewis (M, 3k)
Max is outed by the press. Shocking emotional impact to word ratio and off the charts tenderness. Short and sweet and low key a comfort read to me.
the being unknown by anonymous (E, 12k)
Body swap with really unique and emotional vibes. Ngl this one hurt me (in the best way). A fantastic and heart-wrenching take on the horrors of 2022.
win or lose (it’s how you play the game) by @f1-stuff (E, 18k)
Hickey bet between charles and carlos. Cannot get over this fic for as long as I live: the silliness is off the charts, the vibes are literally the most perfectly balanced tenderhorny I’ve ever read and the writing is just really that good. I think about this fic minimum once a day.
last night by venerat (E, 24k)
College au. Ngl this one is just especially spicy, but also very very funny and fully captivating top to bottom (see what I did there? haha). Also a great ensemble cast here, which I always love.
Once more (before we die) by @f1-stuff (M, 6k)
Fantasy AU where charlos are princes of warring kingdoms. I love this AU and I love the tenderness between Charles and Carlos that we get out of it. I’m usually not really an AU type of gal but this one really did change my mind.
Playing games by @vegasgrandprix (T, 4K)
Gay chicken. WIP, but I can already tell so clearly exactly where this is going and that is delightful to me. Honestly this really is how they act like 90% of the time already.
match made in heaven by venerat (T, 4K)
Pierre is yuki’s matchmaker. this one is just so sweet and sooooo silly. Comfort read 100%
Are they gay or European? (the answer is both) by periwinkle_bumper_cars (T, 30k)
Logan keeps walking in on other drivers in compromising positions. 100% balls to the wall silliness from beginning to end and just completely delightful the whole time. Background carlando, kmag/hulkenberg, brocedes, maxiel, and honestly the ensemble cast is what takes this one from great to top tier.
By a thread by @mctwinkdom (E, 32k)
The classic Australian thongs misunderstanding (gone sexual). Incredibly silly, amazingly hot and honestly a top-tier character study of both Oscar and Lando. A great study in unreliable narration as well (probably part of what accounts for my previous point).
carried away by orphan account (E, 22k)
Fake dating. Honestly this one got me in my feels so much more than I expected from the premise. Sweet and a little bit angsty and just a delightful read all the way down.
green light, red wine (and I don’t feel fine) by @vicsy (E, 19k)
Mafia AU where lance is the son of Fernando’s arch nemesis. THEE strollonso fic of all time I tell you. Unparalleled characterization on the part of both nando and lance, fantastic ensemble cast, FANTASTIC writing, and off the charts unreal spiciness. If you haven’t read this yet then what are you doing
El dick plan by @waddlingpenguin (E, 800)
Lance says ‘daddy,’ both Fernando and Lawrence answer. Short, sweet and SILLY.
camera roll by @penaltyboxboxbox (E, 5k)
Sexting/sex tapes. Overall nice and spicy and just fantastic characterization. Also absolutely crucial is the companion art also by dave penaltyboxboxbox which is literally like the ice cream on top of the cake for such a wonderful fic
silver platter by @wewentcarracing (E, 10k)
getting together fic featuring long suffering estie bestie. Honestly the fic is amazing and spicy and just so well written but Esteban’s ever growing dismay is lowkey my favorite part. Works as a pretty great lance character study as well.
Roseberg’s vs haminkton by @jean----ralphio (E, 16k)
Tattoo artist versus flower shop, except they’re rivals. This is like…just how they are honestly. Absolutely stunning ensemble cast and absolutely hilarious buildup to lewis and Nico finally getting together. Side order of seb just being a massive shit stirrer which honestly I think is the role he belongs in
The real reason nico rosberg retired by periwinkle_bumper_cars (G, 3k)
Secret Santa (gone horribly wrong). This is…..also just how they are unfortunately. The rancidest of vibes but also screeching-out-loud funny.
will be updating this on the reg so stay tuned for more good fics. also maybe if I am very lucky someday I will have my own fics to add to the list. definitely I need to become slightly more insane before I can start writing for this fandom but believe you me I’m well on my way.
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formulacherry · 1 year
a carlando instagram au
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liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc and others
landonorris april dump 🗑️
fan1 uhhhh is that who i think it is
fan2 wtf! did he just soft launch carlando?!
carlossainz55 💆🏻‍♂️
fan4 oh my god carlos???????
lnfour we spy with our little eye…
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liked by scuderiaferrari, landonorris and others
carlossainz55 Recharging at home with family 🔋❤️
landonorris i’m still better on the jetski than you
carlossainz55 You wish cabrón
fan2 screaming, crying, throwing up
fan3 “family” *posts a picture of lando* 🥹
carlosonoros Get ready for @carlossainzoficial and I to beat you at padel tomorrow
landonorris added to their story
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liked by landonorris, pierregasly and others
carlossainz55 Apparently this is called a ‘hard launch’😜
landonorris love ya ❤️
carlossainz55 Love you too 🧡
fan1 I’m literally bawling my eyes out
fan2 I KNEW IT
lewishamilton Proud of you both 💪🏾🏳️‍🌈
liked by carlossainz55
mercedesamgf1 what is life?!
charles_leclerc 🤍
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liked by maxverstappen1, carlossainz55 and others
landonorris decent golfer, better boyfriend
danielricciardo Finallyyyyyy
liked by landonorris
carlossainz55 Still better than you mi amor
landonorris you’re lucky i love you
mclaren Our boys 🧡❤️
fan2 i’m literally never gonna shut up about this
maxfewtrell 🤢
landonorris 🖕🏼
fan3 They’re soulmates, you can’t change my mind
carlossainz55 added to their story
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55 and others
daniel3.jpg Photos I took of the boyfriends while they weren’t looking
landonorris creep
daniel3.jpg 😘
fan1 i’m genuinely in tears
fan2 danny ric captain of the carlando ship 🫡
maxverstappen1 How did they not notice you taking the third one?
daniel3.jpg They ignore me whenever I’m around
carlossainz55 @daniel3.jpg Why I would look at you when I can look at him?
pierregasly Cuuuuuute
carlosonoros added to their story
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liked by daniel3.jpg, carlossainz55 and others
lando.jpg my muse 🌶️
carlossainz55 You should tell everyone how you did not know what a muse was until I told you
lando.jpg 🙄
fan1 the fact that lando is carlos’ biggest fan is so cute
scuderiaferrari Smooooooth operator…
fan2 thank you for the carlos content
fan3 He is literally the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen
liked by lando.jpg
team_quadrant boyfriends of instagram
638 notes · View notes