#carpe astra
carpe-astra · 1 year
The North Star Hotel
The North Star Hotel occupies the open space next to Embraced.
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In the vacant lot beside Embraced, construction had been underway. The exterior and landscaping had been taken care of first, followed by the interior.
The outside is a brick hotel blending in with the rest of the buildings nearby except for the sign that boldly proclaims itself as the "North Star Hotel." One notable thing is that there are no windows at all on this building, preventing anyone from peering in at any level, or most likely as intended, light cannot enter. The landscaping is minimal, a great deal of the plot of land taken up by the building and parking lot. Shrubbery and a few hardy but pretty plants ring the building and outline the plot, with a few lot lamps interspersed throughout the parking lot with sections of curb made of gravel and greenery.
Entering through the lobby doors (wooden, not glass), patrons are greeted with the scent of freshness, and of the calming aromas of white tea, sandalwood, and jasmine. To the left is the lobby desk, typically manned by two front desk workers at all times, along with a front desk manager.
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The Blue Eyes Lounge
To the right is an open archway that leads into a lobby bar. This bar is manned by up to three tenders as needed and serves a variety of blood liquors and other blood infused drinks for Kindred to partake in at any time of the night/day.
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The other half of the bar turns into a sitting area with piano included. A pianist is available nightly and takes crowd requests, or Kindred can play the piano themselves when the pianist is on break or by request.
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The Rooms
Straight ahead from the front doors is both circling stairwell and row of elevators to go up to the other floors. Each hallway is designed similar to the lobby and bar area, with patterned ceiling, chandeliers, comfortable chairs and blue and red carpeting. Each of the rooms on the five levels are styled almost exactly the same, but feature different artwork purchased from Liliana Rousseau, or curated from the Galleria d'Arte on loan. The most notable thing about the rooms is that as noticeable from the outside of the building, they have no windows. In replacement of windows, they each feature a large screen on the outward facing wall, where scenery can be selected, or used as TV.
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The Rules of the North Star Hotel
While it is located within the Red Light District, claimed by Valentino Darling, the hotel and property is to be considered neutral ground. Business that cannot be conducted in territories of others may be conducted here when neutral meeting grounds are required.
No hostile actions may be taken on hotel property and grounds.
Loss of control or Frenzying is grounds for immediate removal and excommunication from premises.
Any agreement, contract, or oath reached on hotel property and grounds is considered binding and must be completed.
There are no wards (aside from structural wards meant to keep the building from falling down during a Hellifyno apocalypse), so these rules are considered formalities and good manners. Lack of adherence to these rules is grounds for suitable penalty as decided by first: General Manager, second: Concierge, third: Owner.
Current Residents
General Manager: Elaine Fox
Concierge: Gabriel Briggs
OOC Note: Because the wards do not exist, shenanigans can happen. If word gets out, IC results will occur.
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Best trio ever:
•The secret history "Cubitum eamus?" ❤️‍🔥
•If we were villains " Per aspera ad astra" ❤️‍🔥
•Dead poets society " Carpe diem" ❤️‍🔥
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txna-blxckthorn · 6 months
seafoam (/j), lemon, lilac for the ask game thingy :3
there is something wrong with me heheh😌
everyone keeps saying i have funny tags but i dont remember any of those 😭
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virromanus · 10 months
20 Latin Phrases And Their Italian Equivalents Still In Use Today
Latin: "Carpe Diem" - Seize the day. Italian: "Cogli l'attimo" - Catch the moment.
Latin: "Veni, Vidi, Vici" - I came, I saw, I conquered. Italian: "Venni, Vidi, Vinsi" - I came, I saw, I won.
Latin: "In vino veritas" - In wine, there is truth. Italian: "Nel vino c'è la verità" - In wine, there is truth.
Latin: "Aqua vitae" - Water of life. Italian: "Acqua della vita" - Water of life.
Latin: "Caveat Emptor" - Let the buyer beware. Italian: "Acquirente, attento" - Buyer, be careful.
Latin: "Homo Sapiens" - Wise man. Italian: "Uomo sapiente" - Wise man.
Latin: "Ad Astra" - To the stars. Italian: "Verso le stelle" - Towards the stars.
Latin: "Ars longa, vita brevis" - Art is long, life is short. Italian: "L'arte è lunga, la vita è breve" - Art is long, life is short.
Latin: "Tempus fugit" - Time flies. Italian: "Il tempo vola" - Time flies.
Latin: "Amor Vincit Omnia" - Love conquers all. Italian: "L'amore vince tutto" - Love wins everything.
Latin: "Memento Mori" - Remember that you must die. Italian: "Ricorda che devi morire" - Remember that you have to die.
Latin: "Alea iacta est" - The die is cast. Italian: "Il dado è tratto" - The die is cast.
Latin: "Verbatim" - Word for word. Italian: "Parola per parola" - Word for word.
Latin: "Vox Populi" - Voice of the people. Italian: "Voce del popolo" - Voice of the people.
Latin: "Mea Culpa" - My fault. Italian: "Colpa mia" - My fault.
Latin: "Tabula Rasa" - Clean slate. Italian: "Tavola rasata" - Clean slate.
Latin: "Non sequitur" - It does not follow. Italian: "Non segue" - It doesn't follow.
Latin: "Per se" - By itself. Italian: "Di per sé" - By itself.
Latin: "Status Quo" - The existing state. Italian: "Stato Quo" - The existing state.
Latin: "De facto" - In fact, in reality. Italian: "Di fatto" - In fact.
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dykrophone · 8 months
guys I'm thinking of organizing an online clue hunt on the hellsite, interact with this post if you'd be interested! I have it all fleshed out, I'll post details if enough people are in (you don't have to have read the series to participate, it'll just have fun easter eggs if you do)
inspired by the 39 clues girlies going insane in the notes of my old ass posts on @/nataliekabra
tagging some of yall @the39cluesian @iankabra @yakalll @angelkat-x @icamebackfromnarnia @39addict101 @manicpixiess @bilhert @mediodedios @toiletpotato @39starrygurl @gaslighting69 @nimonaaaa @dinatela @amianislovely @fandom-oracle @sarasanddollar @carpe-astrae :)
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rannadylin · 1 year
rogatio de sententiis antiquis
propter diem linguae nativae loquendae, rogationem sententiarum praebeo: quae est sententia antiqua optima?
(For Speak Your Language Day, I present a poll: Which is the best Latin saying?) (Inspired by the German quotes poll I saw earlier! :-D)
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theemotionmachine · 9 months
50+ Motivational Latin Proverbs to Elevate Your Thinking to New Levels
- Acta non verba ("deeds not words")
- Ad meliora ("towards better things")
- Ad victoriam ("to victory")
- Audere est faucere ("to dare is to do")
- Astra inclinant, sed non obligant ("the stars incline us, they do not bind us")
- Bono malum superate ("good will overcome evil")
- Carpe diem ("seize the day")
- Calamus gladio fortior ("the pen is mightier than the sword")
- Cogito, ergo sum ("I think, therefore I am")
- Cras es noster ("tomorrow, be ours")
- Dictum factum ("what is said is done")
- Duc, sequere, aut de via decede ("lead, follow, or get out of the way")
- Dum spiro, spero ("while I breathe, I hope")
- Ego te provoco ("I challenge you")
- Est modus in rebus ("there is a middle way in all things")
- Faber est suae quisque fortunae ("every man is the artisan of his own fortune")
- Familia supra omnia ("family over everything")
- Fons vitae caritas ("love is the fountain of life")
- Fortiter et fideliter ("bravely and faithfully")
- Gladiator in arena consilium capit ("the gladiator is formulating his plan in the arena")
- Grandescunt aucta labore ("by work, all things increase and grow")
- Humilitas occidit superbiam ("humility kills pride")
- Igne natura renovatur integra ("through fire nature is reborn whole")
- Incepto ne desistam ("may I not shrink from my purpose")
- Magna est vis consuetudinis ("great is the power of habit")
- Memento mori ("remember you must die")
- Memento vivere ("remember you have to live")
- Memores acti prudentes future ("mindful of what has been done, aware of what will be")
- Morior invictus ("death before defeat")
- Non ducor, duco ("I am not led, I lead")
- Omne initium difficile est ("every beginning is difficult")
- Ordo ab chao ("order out of chaos")
- Palma non sine pulvere ("no reward without effort")
- Pax vobiscum ("peace be with you")
- Praesis ut prosis ne ut imperes ("lead in order to serve, not in order to rule")
- Praemonitus, praemunitus ("forewarned is forearmed")
- Primum non nocere ("first do no harm")
- Qui non proficit, deficit ("he who does not advance, goes backward")
- Qui totum vult totum perdit ("he who wants everything loses everything")
- Sapientia potentia est ("wisdom is power")
- Si vis amari, ama ("if you wish to be loved, love")
- Sic parvis magna ("greatness from small beginnings")
- Sic vita est ("such is life")
- Suum cuique ("to each his own")
- Tempus fugit ("time flies")
- Tendit in ardua virtus ("virtue strives for what is difficult")
- Ubi concordia, ibi victoria ("where is unity, there is victory")
- Vacate et scire ("be still and know")
- Veni, vidi, vici ("I came, I saw, I conquered")
- Verba volant, scripta manent ("words fly away, writing remains")
- Vincit qui se vincit ("he conquers who conquers himself")
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emelkae · 9 months
Last Line Tag
Thanks for the tag, @delusionisaplace @writingrosesonneptune @ashfordlabs @avrablake (forever ago 😅) @cat-esper @halleyuhm @chauceryfairytales Maybe more??? My likes are a hell of my own making and I have like six months of tag games to catch up on
Proto finally glimpsed a familiar human male wandering toward the casino's rear entrance, his expression dazed as he trailed after what must have been Ragga. She abruptly switched directions and squeezed through the throng after him - but someone slid in front of her, grabbed her by the hip, and started rocking to the music.
"Wanna dance?" they slurred.
She reeled back and smashed her glass into the side of their head. She had not wanted to dance.
I love her, your honor
Leaving an Open Tag, but also tagging @worldbuildingwanderlust @vodkabread @lifeandloveliterarythings @horrorheroesandlore @carpe-astrae @the-flower-faerie @w4nderingdreamer @revenge-of-the-assbutt @enigmalynne @fallinginlovewithbeingaliveagain
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whyareweherereally · 1 year
41 latin phrases our favourite prick Daniil Dankovsky would use
Acta, non verba: actions not words
Acta deos nunquam mortalia fallunt: mortal actions never deceive the gods
Ad astra per aspera: to the stars through hardship
Ad kalendas graecas: never going to happen (the kalendas were only roman and not greek days so the greek kalendas could never come)
Ad malioria: to better things
Ad vitam aeternam: to eternal life (used to my knowledge as a wish)
Alea iacta est: lit. the dice has fallen meaning an an action whose prospects were previously uncertain are now known
Alterum non laedere: do not harm others
Amor vinsit omnia: love wins all
Barba non facit philosophum: the beard doesn’t make the philosopher
Bellum se ipsum alet: war feeds itself
Carpe noctum: seize the night (play on carpe diem)
Carpe diem: seize the day
Carthago delenda est: lit. Carthage must be destroyed (used to indicate you agree strongly with somethimg)
Cogitationis poenam nemo putitur: no one is punished for their thoughts
Defeadit numerus: safety in numbers
De gustibus et de coloribus non disputandum est: lit. the tastes and colours are not disputed
Errare humanum eszt: to make mistakes is human
Et tu, Brute?: even you, Brutus? (indicates unexpected betrayal)
Ex nihilo nihil fit: from nothing comes nothing, meaning you have to work for something to happen or everything comes from somewhere
Faber est suae quisqui fortunae: every man contrlors his fate
Fiectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo: if I can’t reach haven I’ll raise hell
Haec olim meminisse iuvabit: one day, this will be pleasing to remembering
Hora fugit or tempus fugit: the hour or time flees
Logissimus dies cito conditur: even the longest days end soon
Memento mori: remember you will die
Memento vivere: remember to live
Medice, se ipsum cura: ehysician, heal thyself
Ne puero gladium: do not give a boy a sword
Omnia mutantur, nihil interit: everything changes, nothing dies
Pauca sed bona: few but good
Post tenebras lux: after darkness light
Primum non nocere: first do not harm
Quae non prosunt simgula multa iuvat: what is not useful alone helps when multiplied
Quid pro quo: something for something (a favour for a favour)
Quod vides perisse, perditum ducas: that which you see to have been lost, may you consider lost
Sed magis amica veritas: part of the full phrase “amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas” said by Aristotle for his short of mentor Plato meaning Plato is my friend but truth is a better friend. (οrig. “Φίλος μεν Πλάτων, φιλτέρα δ’ αλήθεια”)
Sapere aude: dare to know
Scripta manent verba volant: what is written remains what is said flies
Ubi dubium, ibi libertas: where there is doubt there is freedom
Vulpes pilum mutat, non mores: the fox changes its fur not its habits
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sleepy-vix · 2 months
my favourite thing ever is when sevro and darrow talk to eachother right before they plunge into a war because they're so silly and relaxed, and they speak in latin which i actually understand sometimes!! "per aspera ad astra" iwwv reference? "carpe diem" dps reference? i love them
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yugiohcardsdaily · 2 months
Posted Cards Master Post - 37.0
July 2022, 1st thru 14th
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ogre Dance
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Amazing Dragon
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Rising Carp
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Sharakusai
Exosister Arment
Exosister Asophiel
Exosister Carpedivem
Exosister Elis
Exosister Gibrine
Exosister Irene
Exosister Kaspitell
Exosister Mikailis
Exosister Pax
Exosister Sophia
Exosister Stella
Exosister Vadis
Exosisters Magnifica
Alba-Lenatus the Abyss Dragon
Alghoul Mazera
Amphibious Bugroth MK-11
Ancient Warriors - Savage Don Ying
Ancient Warriors Saga - Deception and Betrayal
Backup Team
Battleguard Cadet
Beyond the Pendulum
Branded Banishment
Branded Loss
Changshi the Spiridao
Chow Sai the Ghost Stopper
Colonel on C-String
Crow Tengu
Curse of Dragon, the Magic Knight Dragon
Devouring Sarcoughagus
Dinomorphia Frenzy
Dinomorphia Rexterm
Divine Dragon Titanomakhia
Endless Engine Argyro System
Extra Pendulum
Haunted Zombies
Heroic Challenger - Knuckle Sword
Heroic Challenger - Morning Star
Heroic Champion - Claivesolish
Heroic Champion - Jarngreipr
Heroic Envoy
Icejade Curse
Ichiroku's Ledger Book
Immortal Dragon
Libromancer Bonded
Libromancer Displaced
Libromancer Fire
Libromancer Fireburst
Libromancer Mystigirl
Libromancer Prevented
Libromancer Realized
Light Law Medium
Mad Mauler
Materiactor Annulus
Motor Frenzy
Musical Sumo Dice Games
Navy Dragon Mech
Odd-Eyes Pendulumgraph Dragon
Odd-Eyes Wing Dragon
Omega Judgment
Parasomnia Pillow
Patissciel Couverture
Pendulum Scale
Performapal Gentrude
Performapal Ladyange
Predaplant Ambulomelides
Predaplant Bufolicula
Predaplant Byblisp
Predaplant Triantis
Primitive Planet Reichphobia
Psychic End Punisher
Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord
Reverse Jar
Scareclaw Acro
Scareclaw Alternative
Scareclaw Arrival
Scareclaw Astra
Scareclaw Belone
Scareclaw Reichheart
Scareclaw Sclash
Scareclaw Tri-Heart
Skeletal Dragon Felgrand
Starving Venom Predapower Fusion Dragon
Sunlit Sentinel
Supreme Sea Mare
Surprise Chain
Sylvan Dancepione
Symphonic Warrior DJJ
Symphonic Warrior Guitariss
Symphonic Warrior Rockks
The Weather Forecast
The Weather Painter Moonbow
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carpe-astra · 2 years
Ain't No Grave
"Do you actually want her dead at the end of this?"
"He has killed for less. And she deserves to die.”
Valentino planted the spade into the freshly turned dirt next to him, leaning on the handle as he stared into the yawning darkness below. Scuttling grey clouds covered the moon, bathing the entire area in shadows. During life, it might have made him uneasy to be surrounded by the black with no way of knowing when an enemy might appear and put a bullet in his brain.
Shadows had become a refuge since his death, however. A melding between the physical and the spiritual that settled the Beast in his bones in a way nothing else could. Except for blood. Thirst burned in the back of his throat as if he’d swallowed battery acid, and he wondered not for the first - and not for the last - time where his wife was. Bitter anger gnawed at him, but he forced those thoughts aside before he did something drastic, and focused on the matter at hand.
Exhaling a rough bundle of smoke, he stubbed his cigarette out in the dirt, then leaned to jump down into the open grave and straddle the back end of the coffin. It was blue, like her favorite color, like her magick, like the lights of Embraced. Hesitating, he rested his hand on the edge where it was sealed shut. It wasn’t the first time he had been privy to the decay of a body, but the sight - and stench - was something one couldn’t quite prepare for no matter how many times they’d experienced it.
“Dad! Wake up! It’s time to wake up!” 
Childish shouting rang tinnily through his ears while the molasses of Torpor began to ease away from his limbs and minds in sluggish drips. He couldn’t move just yet, couldn’t speak, but he could feel a tiny hand shaking his shoulder. 
“Hurry! I wanna show you what Miss Britta bought me!” Another shake of a small hand punctuated the words.
He felt the prick of his fangs against his lips, a deep hunger rooted in his chest that accompanied the sensual murmur of his Beast. The little creature disturbing him would make for a good snack - 
The dull shadows of the ceiling greeted his gaze as he opened his eyes, turning them down to catch sight of the small blonde girl bouncing at the edge of his bedside. Warm and alive with suntanned skin, gleaming gold hair braided back and still the chubby cheeks of youth. She clutched a pair of thin books littered with foliage and butterflies on the cover, thrusting them at him. 
“My apologies, Mr. Bellerose. I looked away to ensure the door was locked, and she scampered off,” Britta’s voice sounded from the doorway. Looking contrite, she gestured at the little girl to come back. “Come along Alicia. Let him wake up first…” 
“No, it’s alright,” he answered, pulling himself up to sit against the headboard. 
Alicia bounced on her toes, then scrambled onto the bed to spread her books out across his legs. “Miss Britta took me to the butterflies at the zoo today, and they had these there. There’s lots of pictures, but there are facts too!” 
Valentino picked one up, examining the glossy cover full of monarchs. It still held the scent of cotton candy from Alicia’s sticky fingers, and the aroma of ink on paper. 
“Mr. Bellerose, he will be arriving shortly.” Britta reminded him.
Valentino felt Alicia stiffen where she had tucked herself beneath his arm, quieting immediately. 
He sighed. “Have Isaac entertain him for a few moments if I’m not out by then.” 
Alicia lit up beside him as Britta nodded, and departed. 
He cracked open the first book to examine the first few pages absently.
Half listening to her chatter about her day, it took him an extra second to realize she had asked him a question. 
“Will you read these to me? For my bedtime story?” Alicia asked again, looking up with hopeful blue eyes.
“You don’t want Isaac to read to you tonight like usual?” Valentino moved at a mortal’s pace, easing out of bed.
“No! I want these ones!” Already pouting, Alicia huffed at him.
He silently assented, hauling the little girl up to balance on his arm, collecting the books with his other hand. He could read to Alicia for a little while, until she fell asleep. Then he could ready himself for Jean-Pierre’s arrival, with Alicia safely out of view and awareness of the elder LaSombra.
“Just one, Alicia.” 
Inhaling, he pried open the coffin. Despite not breathing, he could still feel the wave of foul rot and decay brush his skin with a putrid humidity as the air rushed out. Blinking away a sting, he stared down at the coffin’s contents. The flesh had turned a sickly brown and black, like old bruising before it turned a nasty yellow. Reasonably he knew it was because the veins were deteriorating, and it would be only a few short years before the grave wax would fill the coffin.
“You poor bastard. Wonder where she picked you up.” Whoever was in the coffin, he didn’t recognize them. It could have been someone Alicia had plucked right off the sidewalk one day. His grip on the coffin door tightened. 
The day he and Isaac had buried Alicia had been a bleak one. Her broken body made to look beautiful and untouched again, tucked away in the white satin of the coffin Britta had chosen because he hadn’t been able to.
Fighting the urge to rip the corpse out that was spoiling the final resting place of Alicia, he relaxed his grip on the coffin’s lid. He was surprised to find numerous splinters buried in his fingers and palm. It brought him back to reality.
There was a body in the coffin, but it wasn’t Alicia’s. Despite having buried her in that coffin, and in that grave. 
“Looks like you’re missing something though,” he remarked as he pulled out a small amulet from the pocket of his coat. 
It didn’t look like much. A simple river pebble, with markings etched onto it. It looked like something Alicia had been using to practice her glyphs on, like she’d used to do as a child. Yet, he’d found it on the corpse masquerading as Alicia the night they had finally killed Nathaniel, even though the last time he’d seen it, it had been in the pocket of Alicia’s body when he had buried it.
“Always the clever one. Stealing corpses to make them look like you so you could be everywhere at once,” he spoke, stowing the stone away. He would have Yelena look at it later on, when she had time to spare from the other tasks he’d set her to. “Too clever.”
She was playing the game with a masterful stroke, pressing her advantages and cutting her losses when needed. Exactly as she had been taught. Maybe if she had been allowed to be more of a child, rather than being forced to grow up so quickly, things would have been different. Or if he had managed to stop the fire that took her parents. Or, had simply been better. 
His world, the world of the Kindred, was no place for a mortal, let alone a little girl he’d taken in because she’d looked so much like his own dead daughter.
“Everyone has a weakness, Val.” Old words from his Sire echoed in his head.
He had too many, and the girl he’d raised was one of them. He’d killed for a lot less, but he couldn’t kill this one.
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treeofliferpg · 2 years
Ideas de rol: Hechizos
Recordamos que el siguiente texto no ha sido redactado por el staff de ToL, solo lo hemos traducido para que pueda llegar a más personas. La autoría pertenece a @goodbyedearfriends. Su tumblr está desactivado, pero podéis leer el post original en nuestro tumblr bajo la etiqueta "idioma original".
ab intra - desde dentro
ab origine - de la fuente
absit iniuria - “que el insulto esté ausente”
absit invidia - “que la envidia esté ausente”
absit omen - “que el presagio esté ausente”
ab uno disce omnes - de uno, aprenden todos
abyssus abyssum invocat - el abismo llama al abismo
a capite ad calcem - de pies a cabeza
acta non verba - acciones, no palabras
ad altiora tendo - “Me esfuerzo por cosas más altas”
ad astra - a las estrellas
ad fontes - a las fuentes
ad meliora - hacia mejores cosas
ad oculos - a los ojos
ad undas - a las olas
ad victoriam - a la victoria
adsum - Estoy aquí
a fortiori - desde la fuerza/fortaleza
a mari usque ad mare - de mar a mar
audeamus - atrevamonos
audentes fortuna iuvat - la fortuna favorece a los valientes
audi, vide, tace - escuchar, ver, callar
beatae memoriae - una memoria bendita
bona fide - de buena fe
bono malum superate - vence al mal con el bien
capax infiniti - sosteniendo el infinito
carpe diem - aprovecha el día
carpe noctem - aprovecha la noche
cave - cuidado
ceteris paribus - todas las cosas son iguales
circa - alrededor
citius, altius, fortius - más rápido, más alto, más fuerte
clavis aurea - llave dorada
cogito ergo sum - Pienso, luego existo
compos mentis - en control de la mente
concilio et labore - con sabiduría y esfuerzo
concordia cum veritate - en armonía con la verdad
concordia salus - bienestar a través de la armonía
coniunctis viribus - con fuerza conectada
consummatum est - estar/está completo
corruptus in extremis - corrupto al extremo
crescit eundo - crece a medida que avanza
de novo - de/desde lo nuevo
de profundis - de/desde lo profundo/profundidades
dies irae - días de ira
dona nobis pacem - danos paz
ego te provoco - te desafío
esse est percipi - ser en lugar de parecer
esse quam videri - ser es ser percibido
esto quod es - ser lo que eres
ex animo - desde el alma
ex luna scientia - de la luna, conocimiento
ex scientia tridens - del conocimiento, poder
ex silentio - de/desde el silencio
ex undis - de/desde las olas del mar
experientia docet - la experiencia enseña
fac et spera - hazlo y espera
fac fortia et patere - haz un acto valiente y aguanta
faciam quodlibet quod necesse est - haz lo que sea necesario
faciam ut mei memineris - Te haré recordar
facta, non verba - hechos no palabras
fortis et liber - fuerte y libre
fortis in arduis - fuerte en las dificultades
gloriosus et liber - glorioso y libre
hic abundant leones - aquí abundan los leones
hic et nunc - aquí y ahora
hic sunt dracones - aquí hay dragones
hinc illae lacrimae - por eso las lágrimas
hinc itur ad astra - desde aquí el camino conduce a las estrellas
igni ferroque - con fuego y hierro
in memoriam - en la memoria
in nocte consilium - el consejo llega de la noche a la mañana
libra - balance
littera scripta manet - las palabras escritas perduran
locus standi - derecho a estar en pie
luceo non uro - Brilla, no te quemes
luctor et emergo - lucho y emerjo
mare liberum - mar libre
memento vivere - recuerda vivir
more ferarum - como bestias
natura non contristatur - la naturaleza no se entristece
nec spe, nec metu - sin esperanza, sin miedo
noli me tangere - no me toques
ophidia in herba - una serpiente en la hierba
pro se - por uno mismo
propria manu - por la propia mano
quaere - buscar
quod abundat non obstat - lo que es abundante no obstaculiza
resurgam - me levantaré
semper ad meliora - siempre hacia cosas mejores
semper anticus - siempre adelante
semper apertus - siempre abierto
semper fortis - siempre valiente
semper liber - siempre libre
stet - dejaló descansar
tuebor - protegeré
vera causa - causa justa/verdadera
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txna-blxckthorn · 11 months
pear, sunny d and cellphoney for the ask game!!
want me to do the same for you?
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p7agu3 · 1 year
*hands you Oughhhh.txt*
it's technically ao fanfiction because it takes place in ravenna even though it follows none of the game's plot, s'just dumbass Player (Astra) & their Rival (McKee) bonding platonically through fishing
might post on ao3 when i finish a few more chapters, also i havent edited it yet lol
pt. 1 of ???
The fish must be biting pretty well today.
Astra hums as they reel in yet another fat pond fish, their bronze rod creaking disparagingly with the effort. It's a carp, not quite giant, but impressive enough. The mage tosses it in the bucket like the others, and casts out again, blissfully unaware of the enemy hiding nearby.
Briefly, McKee wonders how many fish are inside of the container by now. The rock formation they've crouched behind doesn't offer a good view of anything that isn't their rival's astonishingly unguarded back. Seriously, by this point the mage should have learned better. They could probably launch a spear at maximum velocity from this spot, forcing the mage to fight with a debilitating wound. Victory would be all but assured, and they could finally add another tally to their record.
But they don't.
Maybe it's the smell of fresh fish. McKee has always liked freshwater fish, they're objectively superior to saltwater fish in their rather strong opinion. There are so many good recipes that they haven't had in years, what with being a notorious criminal and all.
The Grand Navy rarely lets up for long enough to even visit a pond, much less fish and cook there. They've already gotten lucky with their latest disguise, a gray cloak that covers their face, clothes, and trident enough to stay off civilians' radar.
Letting out a quiet sigh, they sit, back against the boulder, and trace circles in the dirt. Splashing comes from the pond as their rival presumably reels in a struggling fish, then a faint 'plap' as it falls into the barrel.
They should really go fight Astra already, it's literally the only reason they even came back to Ravenna. A circle turns into a crude rendition of a smiling mage, and they huff audibly before scuffing it out with their boot.
As the Sun rises higher into the sky, the temperature gradually increases. McKee retreats under a shady copse of trees, sulking beneath their cloak, and watches sweat build on the mage's brow. By early afternoon they seem to just give up and dive into the pond, clothes and all, leaving the bucket unattended.
Now, McKee is a professional criminal. They have standards. And petty thievery is definitely not beneath them, so they casually approach the bucket.
Astra is still facedown on the bottom of the pond when they peer into the fish bucket's depths. To their delight, it contains multitudes, and even a few golden fish.
To their dismay, the mage resurfaces before they can make a hasty escape. Slapping the fishing rod onto the ground besides the bucket, Astra heaves themself halfway out of the water before their good eye catches sight of McKee.
A confused noise escapes their lips, and they tilt their head, shaking some water out of their flattened hair, regarding the criminal curiously. They're not smiling, but seem more confused than hostile.
McKee blinks. Right, they should probably distract their rival before any recognition sets in. "I, er. You have many fish in this bucket. It is.. impressive."
The mage visibly relaxes, and hops out of the water with an earsplitting glass shattering noise. How, Why? McKee is unfamiliar with the ways of mages, and decides then and there that they never wish to learn.
Ignoring the criminal's sudden frown, Astra gestures at them and makes some kind of unfamiliar hand signal.
What could they mean by this.
They make it again before shaking their head and shrugging, seeming a bit disappointed, and gesturing more transparently for the criminal to sit, picking up the rod again.
As more fish find their way into the bucket, McKee finds themself enjoying the amiable silence. They don't have a fishing rod of their own, but it's oddly alluring to watch the bronzed bobber dip up and down in the pond's waters. Astra stops every now and again to pour water on themself, or on the fish, but doesn't go swimming again, and as a result McKee gets to watch their hair slowly poof back up to its normal state.
It's a soft grey color, all the way down to the roots. They had always figured that the mage had dyed their hair after the Talos incidents, but this actually looks natural. Absent-mindedly, they reach out and ruffle it.
Astra starts, dropping the fishing rod, tensing immediately at the unexpected touch. McKee hastily removes the offending hand, muttering an apology, but they brush it off, exhaling a shaky laugh as they reach for their wayward rod. Though they haven't moved, the mood has soured, and McKee takes it as their cue to leave.
"I'll.. come back tomorrow. Same time?"
They don't get a response, but they can feel the mage's gaze on their back as they walk off into the trees.
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Phrases already submitted :
Ad astra abyssoque
Ad astra per aspera
Ad infinitum
Ad nauseam
Alea iacta est
Amicus curiae
Amor patrie nostra lex
Amor vincit omnia
Arbor mala, mala mala
Audio, video, disco
Aurora borealis
Caecilius est in horto
Carpe diem
Carpe noctem
Ceterum (autem) censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
Cogito, ergo sum
Cubitum eamus ?
Damnatio memoriae
De omnibus dubitantum
Disco Inferno
Dulcet et decorum est pro patria mori
E pluribus unum
Et al.
Et cetera
Et tu, Brute ?
Formatia trans sicere educatorum
Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit
Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres
Gaudeamus igitur
Habeas corpus
Hic sunt dracones
Homo homini lupus
In loco parentis
In sæcula sæculorum
Ipso facto
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet etc.
Magnum opus
Memento mori
Mens rea
Non, si male nunc, et olim sic erit
Omne ignotum pro magnifico est
Pax romana
Pulvis et umbra sumus
Que sera sera
Quid pro quo
Reductio ad absurdum
Semper fi(delis)
Serius est quam cogitas
Si quæris peninsulam amœnam circumspice
Si vis pacem, para bellum
Sic mundus (creatus est)
Sic parvis magna
Sic semper tyrannis
Sic transit gloria mundi
Sine qua none
Sus cum morbo ius ?
Tamquam Alter Idem
Ultima forsan
Ultima latet, ut observentur omnes.
Utere, non numera
Veni, vidi, vici
Veritas temporis filia
Vita brevis, ars longa
Vivamus, moriendum est
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