#carpenter for furniture
furnday · 2 years
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gammija · 4 months
musing about what a translation of the silt verses would sound like and immediately running headfirst into the problem of whether and how to translate 'Sister Carpenter'
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dreamersbcll · 1 year
“Ikea” - inspired by @krikeymate
“Ten bucks that one of them quits within the first thirty minutes?”
Tara grinned, sticking her hand out. “You’re so on.”
Mindy took her hand and shook, both smiling giddily. The two girls were about to watch Sam and Chad attempt to assemble the brand-new couch the sisters had bought. Tara couldn’t crouch down for long periods, and Mindy flat out refused to help, so it was up to the other two siblings. Chad was happily willing to help, while Sam was more reluctant to work with the boy.
Tara and Mindy took their places in the living room, sharing the la-z-boy chair. As Tara set her phone timer for ten minutes, Mindy pulled her onto her lap, and the two prepared to enjoy the show.
And boy, did they get one.
“Chad, hand me the screwdriver. No, that’s the wrench. The other screwdriver,” Sam asked through her teeth, clearly trying to keep it together.
Chad was lost, holding all the tools in the Carpenter’s toolbox like playing cards. Sam kept taking deep breaths and rubbing her face to curb her annoyance. Tara giggled behind her hand, hiding her face in Mindy’s shoulder.
“Maybe if these were fucking labeled, I wouldn’t be looking for random tools like an idiot!” Chad muttered, unceremoniously dumping all the tools in front of the older girl.
Sam took another deep breath, reaching to grab the screwdriver daintily. “Okay, now hand me two screws. The little ones with the curvy middle.”
Chad reached over and grabbed two nuts, tossing them to Sam. He instead hit Sam in the head, the nuts rolling underneath the kitchen table. He winced at the action, slowly backing up.
He stood up, shuffling over to the kitchen. “Sorry, Sam.”
Mindy looked at the timer. Twenty minutes left. Tara turned red, not to laugh, burying her face into Mindy’s shoulder. Mindy patted her back, trying to contain her laughter.
“Are you sure you’re reading the directions right? Half of it is in Swedish. Holy shit, are you bilingual?”.
Sam put down the instructions with a huff. “Maldito idiota. I am bilingual, and you know that, cõno,” she swore, putting her head in her hands.
“Sam. Be nice,” Tara chided, smiling despite her firm tone.
Chad looked up and grinned at Mindy, giving her a thumbs up.
Mindy just gave him a thumbs-up back.
Tara looked down at the phone timer. Eleven minutes before she was ten bucks richer.
Chad twisted the last screw into place, satisfied with his work.
“There. Easy. I told you I was Handy Manny!” he said, a smug look on his face.
Sam rolled her eyes and very gingerly sat down on the couch. It collapsed underneath her, the pieces scattering across the floor. Sam fell to the ground with a small oof, Chad wincing at the sound she made as she hit the floor.
“Chad. Does this look like a put-together couch?” Sam slowly said, her teeth gritted.
He looked down at Sam on the ground with the random nuts and bolts. “I mean, Mindy says abstractness makes things appear-.”
Mindy and Tara’s laughter could be heard across the world.
“Are you even lifting? Flip it over! Jeez, I thought older people were supposed to be stronger!” Chad puffed, setting down the couch.
Sam slammed her end of the couch down onto the ground. “What did you just call me?”.
Mindy clapped a hand over her mouth, her lungs aching to laugh. Tara had given up and laughed so hard that she was in tears. Sam looked incredulous, her eyes darting between Chad and her laughing sister. It was as if she couldn’t figure out whether to beat Chad with a hammer or enjoy the fact that her sister was cracking up.
Instead, Sam chose the couch cushion, smacking Chad in the stomach with it. The boy fell back, a surprised look on his face. He popped back up, snatching a pillow and hitting Sam with it.
Mindy sprung up, dumping Tara off her lap. “Pillow fight!” she yelled, grabbing the nearest pillow to clobber Tara with.
Before she could, Sam got in front of her sister, smacking Mindy with her cushion. Tara smiled, hugging Sam around the middle. Chad laughed at Mindy’s betrayed face, giggling until Tara hit him in the stomach with a spare cushion.
The core four danced around like kids, smacking each other with pillows and cushions until their lungs gave out.
The timer went off for about twenty minutes, the kids too involved in bashing each other to notice.
Neither girl got ten dollars. But they did eventually get a new couch to lounge on.
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satimbers · 5 months
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Happy Labor Day! Here's to celebrating the hardworking folks who make it all happen. Time to relax and recharge!
Marina Hospital road near Kerala Bank,
Ambalavayal Wayanad
7559894205, 6238654968
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voidmountain · 3 months
(Me after getting my PhD) I should go to trade school
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impossible-seabird · 3 months
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ed and stede btw
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krikeymate · 1 year
Sam gives off such dad energy, idk how to explain it
Protective, loving, strong of will, heart, and arms. Working on dealing with her problems and opening up to others. Would do anything for her family. Can give real good hugs.
Is that not what we all want from a father lmao.
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wyn-n-tonic · 5 months
Why does all furniture have to be either flat white or matte black or zombie gray and made out of cardboard but also the price of my left arm?????
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neutymes · 5 months
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kartoshinki · 1 year
On my way to a job interview, wish me luck and send calming, harmonic vibes
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furnday · 2 years
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like-this-post-if-you · 7 months
Like this post if you do woodworking
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celestial-sapphicss · 7 months
why have i been MIA you might ask?
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i was busy measuring my new room inch by inch and making an excel layout (and then a hand drawn one because i couldn't figure out ½" on Excel) to find the perfect fit for new furniture. I'm having so much fun moving. /s
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turtle-ly · 8 months
*slowly succumbs to the evil aura of wood finish that my dad reapplies on all our furniture every year* ah the smell of new year
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