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Taken 10 seconds before disaster
To: @cartoonkoopalings
From: @askboompom
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cartoonkoopalings · 5 years
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A thing that ended up happening on da after TheFroggyQueen drew Wendy in blue, honestly blue is a most luminous hue. Plus pink might be her default color but damn she can pull off any color if she wants. Heck I might draw her in all colors of the rainbow.
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redqueenmiku · 6 years
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Someone needs to stop me from being bored right the heck now.
Hey, @ajunkersgamble. Your Koopalings are neato and your askblog, @cartoonkoopalings, makes me remember every day that I have my own cartoon Koopalings I literally never do anything with for some reason. Bless.
Also expect to see a lot more pencil doodles in the near future because it’s always when I can’t do proper digital art that I want to do art so whoops.
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axewchao · 6 years
(Askthecartoonkoopalings) Hey dally! One of our chimps had pups and we wanted to give you one! *either one of the boys or the large girl*
Dalex: “’Chimps’? Ehehe, I’ll blame autocorrect for that on-…… oh.” 
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“s-so… cute….” 
Broham: “………” 
Dalex: *ahem* “I mean… Well, I’d love to take one, but I uh, don’t know much about pup care… I know a thing or two about adult chomps thanks to Broham, but that’s about it… Actually he himself raises another problem.” 
Broham: “…?” 
Dalex: “I don’t know how he’d react around pups. He doesn’t get along well with other dogs, except girls for some reason… Then again, I doubt Broham’s ever met any pups; he was never around any of the ones in the shelter I got him from. And he isn’t the ‘fight on sight’ type, thankfully… Maybe he’d be okay with them?” 
Broham: “………” 
Dalex: “If it’s alright with you, I think Broham should see the pups first. If he freaks out, then I’m afraid I can’t take one.” (personally I’d want the girl… she’s adorable…!!)
Broham: “………” 
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asktehkoopz · 6 years
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Ttly not plotting anything to take the throne in their respective worlds. Nope just eating snacks and watching stuff on tv. Koopz if these two ever met it would either be awesome or suspicious af.
((OOC: I’m DEFINITELY gonna lean more heavily to “Suspicious”. 😂
I can see Larry trying to teach Cheatsy the art of being sneaky but he’s already got it down pat, which is INCREDIBLY impressive.
Anyways THANK YOU!!! ;v;))
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koopanasmol · 6 years
(Askthecartoonkoopalings) hey zoeya? Hop here, think we could hangout or something? Things are getting abit crazy over here.
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“I live on a travelling pirate ship I’ve never even shown you before. How in the Minigames did you even FIND me???”
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mycooooooolart-blog · 6 years
Ummmmmmmmm first actual post wooow. Well hi guess this is my art blog(?) so I drew some of @cartoonkoopalings characters! I love that it's a smb3 account so, here's Kootie Pie, Kooky & Hop because they're my favourites and they're great! Hope you like them!
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Merry Christmas!! I hope you enjoy it!!!
To: @cartoonkoopalings
From: @prodigiesandpyromaniacs
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cartoonkoopalings · 5 years
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K.v.K: Good stars we've been away for awhile, sorry to our watchers for the delays.....But rebuilding castles take time. Royce took this picture while the ensuing chaos happened. Truly a happy day...despite the rampaging lavamonster. Also good on Royce for taking the picture...despite all the fire...
Boom: yeeeeah, not the best day in terms of a wedding...But the best when it came to being with you Vic. But uh....since when has ANY wedding your dad planned went well.
K.v.K: ah good point love, actually this is the first where someone ACTUALLY got married despite the...unfortunate events that transpired.
K.v.K: yes....there was a kaiju like fight....BUT no need to worry about pyre, their....fine? Well if being the size of boom's hand is fine, then yes pyre is ok. Their core is not damaged, when Jack punched him he used his magic to take his core out of his body They just need time to sort things out and relax with my brother. 
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cartoonkoopalings · 6 years
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@asktehkoopz lemmy
@askdarkbowser 's lemmy
@askdarklandheirs lemmy
@se7en-siblings lemmy
@puglover1990 's version of hip
And them my version of hip, sorry if it's not colored I felt like inking it and ill color it at a later date. 
Up next I think is roy
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cartoonkoopalings · 6 years
Headcanon time
• Kooky is the ONLY member of his family to actually graduate from some form of university/ higher education, and to top it off he was 15 when he graduated.
•kooky is also the first in his family (next to koopa) to get married.
• Cheatsy has a bad habit of making counterfeit coins (he makes them with fools gold) and spreading them out in the mushroom kingdom. With that he also has control over his family's treasury (kooky will never understand why koopa let him do that).
• Cheatsy also knows where each of the secret entries to the secret passage ways the castles have, one of which is in his old room in his closet. He used them when he was younger to spy on his family to gather info for later blackmail use.
• Cheatsy is pan and genderfluid 
• as shown right before kamek joined the group, big mouth is still holding a grudge against bully for taking his string, Bm can hold grudges for years since his memory is spot on. Til he gets an apology he's gonna be salty at Someone for something.
• kootie pie was the first girl in the family....And the first to DEMAND to become koopa's daughter. 
• Koopa is a huge pushover, and more so since Jr came to live with them. Despite his "evil" attitude, he's a pretty great dad.
• Bully and kooky are biological half-brothers.
• hip and hop can speak chainchomp (it's a given since they were raised by them)
• They also have the strongest magic out of their family, but being so young they use wands to manipulate it easier.
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cartoonkoopalings · 6 years
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I had the urge to draw my favorite nerd and all around prankster iggy, so I drew all of them from the askblogs or blogs with alternate versions of him that I know.
From the left
@se7en-siblings iggy with the snoot of one of his chomps
@puglover1990 's version of hop
My hop with scruffy 
@asktehkoopz iggy (poor guy couldn't catch a break on Halloween.)
@axewchao 's iggy sticking his tounge out at scruffy
@askdarkbowser 's dark iggy 
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Secret Santa - CartoonKoopalings
(I’m sorry it’s not a drawing, but I hope you enjoy what I made. I really enjoy your blog and want to wish you a merry Christmas, Cartoonkoopalings)
To: @cartoonkoopalings
From: @ask-queen-rosalina
Raking a hand down his face, the blue haired scientist groaned as he poured himself another mug of coffee. Taking a sip of the bitter liquid, he slowly shuffled back towards his lap, scratching his scalp. The large door closed with a click as Kooky placed his mug on a nearby table, quickly moving to squint his mismatched eyes down at the blueprints that had been tormenting him all week. He couldn’t quite place his finger on it, but something was off about the design for the next attempt to sneak into the Toad Kingdom. The concept was for a pipe that only went one way and would trap the Mario Brothers long enough for his siblings to slip in and out.
Pulling the paper back to his face, he was too distracted to notice the door open behind him. Dropping the paper back onto his table, Kooky snatched up a white pencil, scribbling notes on the little remaining space on the paper. He figured that if he could at least find what’s wrong with it, then he could try to improve the idea!
Kooky was snapped from his thoughts as a hand gently touched his elbow, stopping him from writing. Spinning his head around, he met the tired eyes of Big Mouth. How late must it be if his brother was quiet enough to sneak up on him?
“…you’ve been at this for days. Maybe you should take a break?” The normally loudest Koopaling mumbled, blinking slowly.
“Big Mouth…I can’t stop now, can’t you see?” Kooky insisted, gently brushing his brother’s hand off. “I’m so close to a breakthrough. If i just work a little longer I can try to-” He was cut off by the other grabbing his arm once more, tugging him out of the lab.
“Tomorrow.” Big Mouth yawned, guiding them to the T.V. room. “You don’t have to sleep, just focus on something else. ”
Forcing his older brother to sit on the couch, Big Mouth shuffled back towards his room, coming back with his blanket and plopping down beside the older man. Grabbing the remote he switched the T.V. on, which was currently playing a regular Koopmas special.
Slowly, as the sound of the beloved film filled the castle walls, the rest of their siblings made their way to the room, dragging pillows and blankets behind them. Each claimed their respective spots on the floor, silently watching the film. It wasn’t often that they shared moments like this, so each stayed silent as if a single sound would break the magic surrounding them.
One by one, the others began drifting to sleep, until only Kooky remained. Surrounded by the soft snores of his siblings, the scientist slowly relaxed against the couch, a small smile gracing his lips. Maybe a small nap wouldn’t hurt.
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koopanasmol · 6 years
Hello this is Victor(...)kooky from the party, I recently had a incident that lasted for 2 months and its fixed except I have a tail now, how does one get used to it. (Askthecartoonkoopalings)
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“treat it as you would any appendage you want to improve & track your progress.”
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Merry koopmas , I FREAKIN love their designs and think your blog is super cute, merry Christmas and a (hopefully) a happy New year! Sorry if blecks face is abit hard to see.
To: @bleck-n-crew​
From @cartoonkoopalings​
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I couldn’t find the correct color for his stomach or muzzle, so I blended a lot of similar colors to get something close, it was fun drawing this guy! Happy holidays, Nerdling, and a have a happy New year!
To: @askthenerdling​
From: @cartoonkoopalings​
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