#casinos ocs: sale
insertsona · 1 month
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ive been making pagedolls recently :3
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duckapus · 3 months
Had an idea for what to do next with Ozymandias and Garyboy... they're gonna join a cult!
Well, okay, they find a cult dedicated to Ozymandias so now they have a bunch of zealously loyal henchmen and a place to stay but that's not as funny.
I figure that with his whole "ancient world-destroying serpent sealed in a prison of his own making who still has enough influence to tempt passing programs into potentially freeing him" schtick he'd have the mythic status to draw in zealots. Leto not so much since it's "That One Overpowered Program Almost Everyone's Been Screwed Over By At Least Once," which doesn't lend itself well to gaining a Godly reputation.
Anyway, don't know what to name the cult, but I do know that its leader is a server Admin (not one of the Adminspace ones, just a standard one like the one in charge of the Veggietales server) named Roulette, and her server is the Snake-Eyes Casino, the biggest, most popular casino (and hotel) outside of the Dark Web. It's all above-board, even their most...controversial attraction.
...Yeah, they have a Professional Fighting League. Not a fight club, they don't let any random pop-up ad off the street waltz in and get themselves killed by the freakshow of the week, it's more like the Glitz Pit where it's basically professional wrestling but with any form of combat allowed (within reason, there are certain rules and regulations to keep the fighters as safe as possible, hence why this is legal when fight clubs aren't). The fighters are all under contract as casino employees, and receive extensive training and medical benefits to keep their skills sharp and prevent as much lasting damage as possible. They're here to compete and draw in a crowd, not kill each other.
Speaking of the Glitz Pit, the manager of this attraction just so happens to be a version of Mr. Grubba himself. Considering his reputation, many are wary of him being in charge of yet another combat arena, but the lack of a Crystal Star and having Roulette as an overhead seem to be keeping him in line.
He's one of the few non-initiates aware of Roulette's life outside of work, and while she doesn't exactly trust him to keep it a secret, she trusts he knows what she'll do to him if he tries to tell anyone while still indebted to her. It's not exactly cheap or easy to smuggle someone out of Computer Hell and get rid of their Inmate code flag without anyone finding out, after all, and as a Character-Level who got in by dying he didn't exactly have a way to pay with money when he hired her for that job, so instead she basically owns his code until his arena makes enough money to cover his tab. And she makes damn sure he remembers it.
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chunghasweetie · 4 months
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— pairing | femceo!oc x ceo!pjm
— summary | two rival ceos competing for years. famous for their rivalry and hatred for one another. always arguing. she hated him. he couldn’t stand her.
but why was he hard after every interaction?
— warnings | bad writing (i’m doing my best) slow burn (i’m annoying), secret relationships (oc’s bsf has the hots for jk), cruel humor (oc acts hard to get), fluff, cheating (jimin won’t give up on this girl), relationship abuse, abuse, light stalking (oc’s bsf is NOSY), alcohol, angst, lying, toxic relationships, toxic love concepts, aggression, irrational behavior, misogyny, derogatory comments (oc’s bf is a DICK),
— word count | 7.4k words
— song suggestions | confident — justin bieber
Park Jimin.
One of the greatest names in South Korea. One of the greatest names in the world actually. His face was on everything. Street signs, billboards, cars, even school lunch pails.
He was a prodigy. A genius. Although his parents were successful, he needed no help from them. He owned car dealerships, clothing brands, shoe stores, etc. Anything you could name, he owned 3 of it.
All at age 28.
No children, no spouse. All of his achievements done single-handedly.
How did he become so successful? We'll never know. He's a very a secretive man.
Although there is not much known about him, he is the definition of "the female gaze."
He is an incredibly handsome man. He trends daily for his sharp jawline, his beautifully carved lips, and his beautiful siren like eyes.
He could charm any man or woman with his looks alone. His voice was like a pied piper, seducing anyone who listened.
Park Jimin was a mystery.
Yoo Jangmi.
CEO of YooMi Beauty. The title coming from her surname and her first name.
YooMi Beauty was an incredibly  popular beauty brand ranging from makeup all the way to high toothbrushes.
YooMi Beauty had makeup, jewelry, women's clothes, men's clothes, heels, maternity wear, children's clothes, even kitchen wear.
Everyone was wearing YooMi. Custom designs from Ms. Jangmi herself. She was a self made entrepreneur who turned her small business into an empire.
She was an inspiration to many women. Being an independent woman and making a name for herself all on her own, many people looked up to her.
Unlike Park Jimin, Jangmi was very interactive with interviews and customers who supported her. She admired every bit of feedback she received and was very transparent.
It was no secret that Park Jimin was her rival, and with her coming out with a new car accessory line, she knew there would be talk.
He owned a lot of different branches similar to her, so the two were constantly competing against one another.
Tonight they were both invited to a gathering at a casino in Las Vegas hosted by one of his competitors, Yoo Kihyun.
Jangmi's brother.
Jimin wore a more business casual outfit. Since it was being hosted by Kihyun, he could care less how he really looked. No one there would peak his interest enough to really make him want to stand out.
"Nice to see you, Park. Champagne?" Kihyun offered.
"Don't mind if I do." He answered, watching the bartender pour them a drink. "Surprised you invited me. Especially after I made your sales plummet last spring." He smirked.
"Surprised you remembered." Kihyun chuckled lowly, taking a sip of his drink.
"How could I not? I'm making it a marker of my many successes." Jimin thanked the bartender, turning back to Kihyun.
"You enjoy your night, Park. Do contact me if you need anything else." Kihyun and Jimin waved their goodbyes as Kihyun went to greet other guests.
Jimin held his chin high as he drank alone. At gatherings like these, he didn't talk to many other business owners.
Not to his surprise, he was viewed as a very arrogant man. Which he was, in moderation.
He wasn't a total dick, at least he'd say so. But he definitely was a sassy man. He was a bittersweet person.
"Sitting alone like always." A low female voice was heard behind him. "Get me something with vodka and strawberries." She ordered to the bartender, taking a seat beside Jimin.
"Ms. Yoo." He turned to her. "How lovely is it to see you tonight. Alone." He mimicked her. "You order your drinks like a toddler."
Tonight she was wearing a lilac maxi dress, sparkles reflecting off the many games and neon lights around them. Her hair was long, jet black and parted to the side.
"At least I'm not drinking boring champagne. Don't you like to try new things?"
He shook his head. "Nope. You can never go wrong with champagne. You already know what to expect."
She rolled her eyes. "Yeah. I can expect to be face deep hurling over the casino toilet."
"How ladylike." He fake smiled. "No wonder you're alone too."
"I actually chose to come alone, Mr. Park. You have no choice." She thanked the bartender as he slid her drink over to her. "Be a doll and pay for my drink?"
"As if." He scoffed. "Why should I do that?"
"Because I'll be the only woman you've bought a drink for since you've been able to purchase alcohol." She fake smiled back to him, taking a sip.
Friendly fire is what their relationship would be described as.
They could be civil with one another yes, but they had every reason to not be.
They were in constant competition. Who could sell more in a certain amount of time. Who could please their consumers more than the other.
She couldn't stand him. He couldn't stand her. Every little thing the other did, set them off.
What made it worse was they were neighbors.
Jangmi and her brother looked so alike. The evil smirk they shared ticked Jimin off.
One thing Jimin and Jangmi both agreed on, was their rivalry against Kihyun.
Kihyun and Jangmi were siblings, but he was also her competitor.
He was shady, a cheat. He used his looks to his advantage when it came to business. He lied to a lot of his consumers and he often made false promises to them.
Although there were a few instances where he was exposed for his doings, he easily paid off reporters for their silence.
He overshadowed brands that had actual good value. Honest brands. Such as YooMi and Park Enterprises.
No one with a high power dared to ever challenge Kihyun, knowing damn well he could crush them instantly. So many remain silent.
"Aren't you just peachy to be around." He fake swooned. "Go hang out with your brother. I miss the silence before you got here."
"You know damn well that's not going to happen. I'd rather sit and drink with you than talk to that idiot." She took another sip.
"Don't tell me you like me Ms. Yoo— Awe! I'm flattered." He put his hand on his heart. "You have a boyfriend, but I'd understand why you'd want me more."
"You fucking wish. You'd have to pay me to like someone like you." She shook her head. "Especially more than him."
"I don't know. That's how they all start out. Pretty soon you'll want to sleep with me when you become a married woman. That's how captivating I am." He winked at her.
Jangmi almost gagged. "Captivating or cocky? Either way I'm going to be sick."
"I think you mean lovesick." He corrected her.
"Alright enough of that." She downed her drink, placing the empty glass on the table. "Thanks for the drink. Goodnight Park." She waved before exiting the bar.
"Goodnight Ms. Yoo." He bid his goodbyes, watching her as she walked off. He looked down at his aching lower region once she was completely out of his sight. “Shit— Am I hard?”
"Finally." Jangmi threw herself on her couch.
"How was it? How was he?" Jangmi's best friend Yeri came out of the kitchen, a bowl of oatmeal in her hands.
Yeri and Jangmi had been best friends since the age of 8 years old. The two were almost like sisters. They did absolutely everything together and they knew everything about each other.
Yeri knew the code to Jangmi's penthouse, so she'd go in and out as she pleased if she didn't see her boyfriends car in the driveway. She only lived a few buildings down but according to her Jangmi's home felt "comforting"
"You ask me that every time. Just apply at his office or something." Jangmi replied, face down into the pillow.
"You know it's not that simple!" Yeri whined. "My dads money can only do so much for me." She pouted.
"Work for it." Jangmi suggested.
"I'd rather die. Hey! Do you think Kihyun might want to—"
"I'm going to stop you right there! My brother is off limits!" Jangmi shot up from her couch.
"Are you jet lagged or something?! I meant offer me a modeling gig! You didn't let me finish." Yeri rolled her eyes.
"Thank goodness. I almost died." Jangmi laid back on the couch. "I don't get why you even think he's cute. He's a cocky bastard."
"You don't see the vision Jangmi. Jimin may not have the best personality, but you've got to admit he's very handsome."
"You call him Jimin like you guys are close." Jangmi brought out her phone. "Look, I have to run to his office anyways for a pick up tomorrow. You can say you're one of my assistants and take my place."
"Are you serious?!" Yeri gasped.
She nodded.
Yeri set down the oatmeal and ran to her best friend. She gave her a huge hug, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She squeezed her.
"Don't make me regret this." Jangmi grumbled.
Lee Minhyuk, Jangmi's boyfriend of over a year.
The man was about 179cm and just a year younger than Jangmi herself. She didn't usually go for the younger ones but this one specifically caught her eye.
Their relationship was very public. Everyone knew about him.
He wouldn't shut up about her. Although he hasn't nearly as famous as she was, whenever he'd be interviewed or featured on television he'd always manage to bring her up.
Jangmi this. Jangmi that.
He was a romantic too. Surprise roses here and there, dates outside the office.
His world revolved around her, as she was what he gloated about the most.
The media adored him, waiting daily for the man to pop the question, "Will you marry me?"
He originally was one of her Kihyun's business partners, so they met through him.
She'd say it was love at first sight the way they instantly connected after some simple phrases back and fourth.
Their relationship seemed so perfect. Barely any fighting or bickering between the couple. They were on the same page about their futures and they could communicate well.
Their relationship was perfect. As in it used to be. Out of nowhere, Minhyuk turned away from her. Pretty early on too.
Fights between the two would break out often. He'd leave and disappear for days on end. Weeks even.
She couldn't pinpoint where exactly they went wrong. She was nothing but devoted to him and treated him with nothing but respect.
He was controlling. Didn't like her daily habits. Didn't like how she ate and how she dressed.
His boasting about her was usually about her physical appearance. It was appreciated but she just wished he'd bring up something that wasn't about her face or her body.
They could be just a bit more intimate, thought Jangmi. At least towards her. They had sex often but, it didn't go down in the way she'd like to.
Often when it would come to them 'getting it on' it would only end up benefiting Min-hyuk.
"I don't want to try anything new." Minhyuk would argue, leaving a frustrated Jangmi to finish herself off later when she was left alone.
Eventually she stopped fighting it, seeing that she wasn't going to win anyway after time and time again of her trying to explain.
Maybe it's just an obstacle they'd have to overcome in the future, all couples have something they need to work on.
For Min-hyuk, the main obstacle in their relationship was her not wanting to settle down.
She didn't want to be married just yet. The girl loved to party, loved to travel. She was a drinker and she loved to explore and feel free.
She loved looking pretty. Dressing up. One of the main reasons she started her business.
Daily she'd wear makeup and "girly" outfits. She was a very feminine woman who couldn't stand looking overly simple.
Here and there she'd like to expose skin. Nothing drastic but she loved to feel comfortable in her body. She went to the gym daily. She didn't work hard just to not show it off.
Her looks weren't for anyone's gaze. Just for her and her only.
Minhyuk wanted to domesticate her already. Make her the perfect housewife and give birth to their many children. Combine their companies.
He didn't like that she loved to party. He hated that all she wanted to do was try new things and travel.
Do not get him started on her outfits. How could such a woman show off so much?
He didn't understand any of it. He loved her but at some point shouldn't she stop?
"Don't you think you're getting a bit old to be wearing outfits like that?" He asked, leaning against the doorframe
Jangmi wore a simple floral pattern dress. It was long sleeved and flowy at the bottom.
She never wore flats but today she decided to. She dressed so plain today. For once she didn't dress for herself but she dressed for him today. Her outfit was the exact opposite of what she usually wore.
It was one of of the most modest outfits she owned.
"Considering I'm still in my twenties I don't think so at all." She laughed.
"Late twenties might I add." He folded his arms. "Shouldn't you be thinking about your future just a bit more?"
"Uh I think about my future every damn day. You forget I run an entire empire." She scoffed.
"I'm just trying to help you out Jangmi. Nows the age to start thinking just a bit more about the future of us. I want kids. A marriage." He held onto her waist.
"I don't understand why my outfit is stopping us from achieving that." Jangmi tilted her head.
"Just forget it." Minhyuk sighed, a sad expression settling on his face.
"Wait— I'll change." Jangmi exhaled.
She just wanted the best for the two. Minhyuk was all she knew, so she couldn't just give up on him.
Minhyuk's pout turned into a smile instantly. "Thanks Jangmi! I love you."
"I love you too." She smiled, heading back up the stairs.
"Breathe Yeri. Breathe." Yeri calmed herself down before entering the elevator of Park Enterprises.
She was really there in the building. After using Jangmi as an excuse to see Park Jimin up close and in person, she was finally able to do it.
The smoking hot man she had seen on so many billboards and TV screens she was finally going to see in person.
She was filthy rich and her dad could get her to meet anyone she wanted but for some reason, Jimin wasn't within reach.
He was a busy man who was always traveling. And unlike an idol, he couldn't just do meet and greets.
I guess you could say she was a bit of a fan girl.
The elevators made a "ding" noise as soon as she reached the top floor.
"Okay. You just put them on the desk and leave. Easy." She reminded herself as the elevator doors opened.
Before her plans could be fulfilled, she slammed right into someone.
"Ow!" She winced as she immediately dropped to the floor.
"Oh my goodness— Are you okay?!" The man immediately stooped down and helped her up from the ground.
"Y-Yeah." She struggled to get back on her feet.
"I'm so sorry!" He bowed to her before the two made eye contact.
'Who is he?' Yeri thought.
Little did she know he was thinking that same thing.
The two simply stared at each other for a few seconds.
She felt as if she was in some kind of drama. When she looked at him it was like cherry blossoms and lovey dovey music played in the background.
Forget Jimin. She needed this one.
"Are you here to see Mr. Park?" He asked her as he pressed on the elevator button.
She nodded.
"He's not in his office at the moment but I can take those. You're from YooMi. Correct?" He asked her as he took the files from her hand.
She nodded once more.
Damnit, why can't you speak? Yeri thought to herself. No way she was this pathetic in front of him.
"I'm sorry if I've frightened you. I'm Mr. Park's secretary." He bowed to her, her bowing back. "And you are?"
"Ah— I'm Ms. Yoo's assistant."
"You must be new. I know all of Ms. Yoo's assistants." He adjusted his glasses.
"I'm still in training unfortunately. She's just having me run some errands." She explained before the elevator came to a stop.
"I wish you luck. I know she's a pretty tough woman. But this is my stop. Sorry again." He waved goodby before getting off the elevator.
"I need him." She mumbled to herself after waving goodbye to Mr. Park's assistant.
"Jangmi, please."
"For the last time. Hell no! What are you even on about?! You didn't want a job period now all of a sudden you want to work for me? You're out of your mind." Jangmi walked past the pleading girl.
"I'm so desperate here Jangmi. Can't you find it in your heart to—"
"No." She shook her head. "Not until you explain to me what the hell you're doing this for."
Yeri had spent the last few hours researching Jimin's secretary.
There were images and videos but there were no names. Nothing to work with at all.
She needed to see him again. He introduced himself as Jimin's secretary but didn't even give her his work name. Did he not want to tell her? Was he secretive? What kind of person wouldn't even say their own name?
She figured since Jangmi and Jimin hated each other, she had to know.
"What's his name? Jimin's secretary." Yeri asked.
"Ohhh. That's what this is for." Jangmi smirked. "Finally seen Secretary Sexy up close."
"Don't ever call him that again." Yeri gagged. "That was hard to even hear."
"Whatever. It could be worse, I could like Mr. Park's secretary."
"You don't get it! Jangmi you just had to be there. He was so tall. His shoulders— Oh don't get me started. And he's polite! When we locked eyes it's like..." She trailed off. "Love at first sight!"
Jangmi simply stared at the girl for a moment. Then burst out laughing. "Whew Yeri!" She threw herself on the couch. "You can not be serious!"
"It's not funny!" Yeri began to throw a fit, stomping her feet. "It's like the whole world literally stopped for us! Music started playing and the colors in the elevator became so vibrant like in the movies!"
"The elevator is literally silver and brown!" Jangmi laughed. "Girl he's cute but not that cute!"
"You're childish." She mumbled. "You're just jealous because you're in a generic relationship. You're not in a drama like me okay!"
"And what am I supposed to be in if you're a drama?"
"Those really boring slow silent historical films that only old people watch!" Yeri immaturely pointed at her.
"Well that was just rude. But I guess that's what love at first sight does to you." Jangmi giggled, causing Yeri to huff. "Okay okay that was the last one!"
"Just tell me his name. Oh my gosh- Do you have his number?!" She jumped on the couch.
"How close do you think I am to Mr. Park?!" She exclaimed.
"I have an idea!" Yeri shot up onto her feet.
"Let's hear it." She sighed.
"Buy him."
Jangmi rose an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"
Yeri smirked. "There must be a reason Park Enterprises runs so well. The secretary. We buy the secretary we buy all of his secrets. Poor guy was overworked. I don't even think he has his own office. Let's march down there and let's buy his secretary!"
"That's..." Jangmi exhaled. "The stupidest idea I've ever heard of. And you just talked about love at first sight. You're an actual idiot."
Yeri whined. "Come on! It's a good idea. Don't you want to know his secrets?"
"As much as I do not like Mr. Park, you're not thinking about this logically. His secretary is bound by his contact. Equally meaning he can not say a damn thing about the Park name. We have no idea what kind of contract he even signed." She took her hair out of her ponytail.
"And to be honest. I don't care about that secretary enough to hire him. I'm not wasting my precious time on some crush that may be loyal to his company." Jangmi shook her head.
"So that's it? Me and him are through?" Yeri dramatically stuffed her face in the pillow. "I thought money could fix everything!"
"You should know very well by now it does not. At all." Jangmi rolled her eyes. Hearing how distraught her best friend was, she caved in.
"His name is Jeon Jungkook. Do you want to go drink and get BBQ?" She asked her.
"She's perfect isn't she? Beautiful face and a beautiful body. What more could a man want?" Minhyuk boasted in front of the press, arm wrapped around Jangmi's waist.
Tonight they were attending a fashion show in Seoul. The main models were wearing various designs by YooMi and Jangmi couldn't be more proud.
She hand picked the models herself years ago and now with their experience, they'll be walking their first runway.
YooMi wasn't the only brand making an appearance that night.
Park Jimin was only a few feet beside them, waving to the press.
Surprisingly he wasn't alone, but not in the way you'd think.
Secretary Jeon was beside him, answering some questions for Jimin.
It was a bit surprising considering he never really spoke up, so they got a bit more attention than usual.
She paid no attention to them, focusing on the interview in front of her.
"I'm sure he loves my persona too." Jangmi added on, laughing.
Once the interview was wrapped up, Jangmi and Minhyuk made their way to their seats after going through security.
Jangmi happily checked out the area, the room being set up perfectly as she envisioned it.
"This is going to be so good!" The girl rubbed her hands together in excitement.
"Yeah." Minhyuk mumbled, feeling unsteady.
Truth be told the guy didn't want to be here at all. If it was up to him he'd be at home with a cold beer and a porn website.
The show started once everyone took their seats, and Jangmi didn't take her eyes off the runway.
"Oh my gosh!" Jangmi clapped loudly. "Beautiful! That was so amazing! My girls and boys did so amazing! I'm so proud."
"Yup." Minhyuk looked around. "Do you think the open bar is still available?"
"What's your problem?" She questioned him.
He'd been aching to go since the interview. What could've possibly made him this uneasy?
"You can tell me Minhyuk."
"Earlier. Why did you have to say that?" Minhyuk turned to her.
She looked at him. "What are you talking about?"
"I'm sure he loves my persona too" He mimicked her. "Don't you think that kind of makes me sound like a dick? You should've been more considerate."
"Well I mean all you've done is talk about my looks all night. It was just a harmless joke so relax." She fanned herself.
"I don't need your shit right before a show." He crossed his arms, anger slightly rising.
"You act like it's your brand who's modeling. We came here for me." She scoffed.
"Whatever. It was a shit show anyway. The clothing you submitted wasn't good for shit." He muttered out, clearly ticked off.
"Are you fucking serious? You're acting like a fucking child. If you want to be a dick right now then just fucking go. I have a ride home anyway." She rose her voice.
"Fine. Didn't want to be here anyway." He stood up from his seat and stomped off childishly.
Jangmi breathed out, fanning herself some more.
She needed to calm her nerves before anxiety rose or this wasn't going to end well.
"What's wrong with Captain Hothead?"
"Not now Park. I can not deal with you right now." Jimin eyed her. Analyzing her body language and emotional state.
He didn't see the entire situation go down, but he seen enough to where he could make a good assumption.
She looked stressed from their previous outburst at her boyfriend. Uneasy.
But damn did she look good.
Jangmi had on a steel blue suit with a corset top underneath, revealing some of her cleavage and her stomach piercing which matched the rest of the jewelry she had.
She paired the outfit with diamond jewelry and 4 inch platform heels.
Jimin couldn't help himself but to take a good look at her. Sure she was his rival. But it couldn't hurt to just take a peek.
"You clean up nice." He eyed her once more. "And so did your models. Not bad Ms. Yoo."
"Thank you Mr. Park." She stood up from her chair. "Did you come here to make fun of me because I caused a scene?"
"It's not a scene if no one cares." He smiled. "The world doesn't revolve around you Yoo."
"Whatever." Jangmi was about to push past him but he grabbed her wrist, stopping her.
"Let me take you home." He said suddenly, making her look up at him.
Oddly, Jimin couldn't help himself but sympathize for her. He knew well she didn't like to look vulnerable in front of him, but he wanted to stand before her with open arms.
"You said you had a ride. I know for a fact he took the car you both came in. Let me drive you home, neighbor." He reached his hand out to her.
Honestly, she didn't have any other choice. She didn't like the guy but she knew for sure Yeri would be knocked out sleep and there's no one she could depend on to take her home.
Jimin lived right next door, so he's all she got. But why was he being so friendly to her?
It was silent in the car. Who knew they'd be so awkward around each other.
There was small talk between the two in the beginning but it ended up dying down a lot sooner than they both anticipated.
She already thanked him many times for his offer, so not much could be said about that. Jimin didn't mind hearing the praise but she definitely could've said much more.
"You don't seem to shut up any other time. Why the silence now?"
She looked up from playing with her fingers. "I'd figure I'd be nice to you considering I would be stuck at the show without you."
"Always knew you'd need me one day." He chuckled.
"What was that?"
"You're arrogant." She repeated.
"You don't like that? All the ladies do."
She scoffed. "I'm not apart of of all the ladies then. And I have a boyfriend so you don't phase me."
"Some boyfriend you have. He's a bit of a boy don't you think? Kind of toddler-like." He raised his eyebrows as he pulled into the gated community they lived in.
"You don't know him. He just had a bad night that's all. It was my fault." She shifted in her seat. "It doesn't matter anyway it's none of your concern."
He chuckled as he pulled into his driveway, turning off the car. "Yeah you're right."
She unbuckled herself and picked up her purse from the floor of the car. "Anyway, thank you Mr. Park for taking me home."
"Anytime." He unbuckled himself.
The two waved their goodbyes and Jimin watched her enter her home safely.
He locked his car and entered in the code to his home before entering.
"It is my concern Ms. Yoo."
"I'm coming!" Jangmi raced down the staircase, making her way to the front door.
The girl had her pajamas on paired with her froggy slippers. She finished her hair and makeup already for the day 'just because' since she'd be staying home.
Yeri was asleep upstairs, and Jangmi knew damn well Minhyuk wouldn't talk to her first.
So who'd be ringing her doorbell so early in the morning?
Jangmi opened her front door, seeing the very last person she thought would be ringing her doorbell.
"Hey neighbor." The charming man leaned against the doorframe, one ankle crossed over the other.
"Uh hey." Jangmi stared at him, taken back. "Didn't think I'd see you this morning."
One thing about Jangmi, she always avoided eye contact with Jimin.
For him being dressed so casually, he didn't look bad at all.
Why am I checking him out? Shit. Jangmi wondered to herself.
Something about those siren eyes always threw her off. They made her feel distracted.
Was she seriously checking out the guy she couldn't stand in the least? When she had a boyfriend at that?
"I just wanted to check up on you after yesterday." He parted his lips, licking them.
"Like I said, it's none of your concern." She snapped out of his trance. "Why does it matter?"
Why was he still on about it?
"You're right. Can't help but stay curious I guess." He chuckled before his face turned serious. "Eat at my place for breakfast, Ms. Yoo."
Jangmi practically choked on air. "What? Don't you think that's kind of inappropriate?"
"I don't think it is at all. Two CEOs just grabbing a bite to eat." Jimin stuck his hands in his pockets. "Boyfriend won't let you out or what?"
Jangmi huffed. She'd be damned to have anyone think Minhyuk had some sort of power that determined what she'd be doing with her free time.
She was starving, and she knew well Yeri would not be awake in time for the local breakfast diner to be open by the time she woke up.
"Fine, let's go eat. Give me time to get ready."
"You look fine now. We're both in our pajamas and it's not like we're going out somewhere nice. Just my dining room." He smiled.
"Okay." She stepped out of her doorway, walking beside Jimin as they walked over to his home.
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lunastars21 · 2 years
More hooligan and now shoplifters headcanons! :D
Fang does play call of duty when given the chance too, mostly if he has no work on certain days. Hell, he may even team up with shadow if he's down to play some rounds as well, they both obliterate on the battlefield (Yes my shadow plays call of duty too lol)
Although Karl, Konor, and Jeff are very overprotective of Nic, they have their own sexualities. Konor is gay so he sees Nic as a sister, Karl is straight but knows he has no chance with nic ( he tried it backfired) and Jeff is asexual, he isn't interested in anyone.
Bark rather prefers to write poetry alone, because if he tries with the other hooligans they would try to hover over his shoulder and read it.
The Marvelous Queen gained sentience by an odd glowy orb fusing into her, that orb was a small part of Fang's mother, her personality. Although Queen is her own being and has her own goals and intentions, she acts as a motherly figure to fang because of this.
Corsen The mouse (My oc) is the newest member of the Hooligans, her brush was stolen by Eggman one day and she rushed to get it back, succeeding and taking a golden broach she found as well, but getting captured by Eggman as she was escaping. She ended up in a casino like zone and was a live prize to any winner with enough cash to buy her. But fang noticed her golden broach and broke her out to steal it, in the end she simply gave it to him as a thank you for saving her and mentioning having no where to go, this made fang feel irritated and guilty so he brought her along, he still got his money so whatever lol.
Even though they are Rivals at first, the Hooligans and Shoplifters do get along after working together to break out of prison, once out Fang covers his end of the deal by helping Nic get her memories back, after trial an error she eventually remembers her brother and both teams have a permanent friendship.
Honey The cat is not a member of the hooligans but does make deals with them in order to expand her brand, plus going on adventures with a buncha idiots is always fun!
Konor, Karl and Jeff cannot eat lunch with fang, they just get an uneasy feeling. Unless nic Is there, then it's fine!
Nic does own the millennium Falcon like her Archie counter part, but she got it from a garage sale for a cheap price, plus she's a bit of a star wars fan, she binge watch the whole series with fang.
Nic: "okay so the First three prequel movies suck ass but the next three are fuckin badass"
Fang: "what about the recent three"
Nic: "suck ass but it's important for the lore"
Fang: "mother fucker-"
But hey if Fang can cosplay as Luke and nic as princess Leia that's a win win gents, also ya know damn well fang is gonna love the mandolorian that's a good shit.
Bean is asexual as well, he doesn't want cooties, "DISGUSTANG" says bean.
Bean is a pro gamer, he has all the recent gaming consoles...NOOO he didn't steal em or anything.
Bark does pushups with both fang and bean on his back and they just count how many he has for him, Fang sometimes has a megaphone and bean waves pom poms.
Team Hooligan and team shoplifters do have videogame nights, so far they've finished Mario RPG together, 100% (Bean had to fight culex and he was having such a hard time he almost threw out the television)
Corsen spray paints and vandalizes many buildings in a ton of city's, most of them being the hooligans together and eventually she adds the Shoplifters with them as well.
Nic has no idea who Fiona is in this universe, and she's only heard of mighty from other people but never met him properly. (Same for bark and bean)
Fang took Corsen on a first date to a fancy restaurant, Yes bean and bark we're watching undercover, undetected, using newspapers to hide their faces, fuckin sneaky.
Yes Nic made the other shoplifter members watch star wars with her, ya Wana be Nic's friend? You're obligated to watch star wars, ALL OF EM.
Bark does hibernate, but not a very long time, can't leave fang and bean alone for too long they'll start a fire!
And that's all for now :3 may update with a few more things before making another headcanon post lol
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stellarstarcelios · 14 days
🎈 Updates | 9/10/2024 🎈
🎈 Hiiii, everyone. I usually do these kinda updates on other sites I'm on, but I figured I should start doing some here too. :)
🎈 Well, the job hunting has stopped for now. For those who don't know, I got a new job in June at a supermarket next to a small casino, and I started as a cashier. However, due to discrimination towards me and my mom for working on the sales floor and our ethnicity, I was moved to another department, the meat department. It's been very physically taxing on me, and now, I have to have wrist braces for my job. I'm not very fit at all and it's been a strain, but I have a backup plan for if it ends up not completely working out. I'm getting used to this new job in the meat department, but I don't know how well my body will be able to tolerate this much physical work with my weight and lack of muscles.
🎈 But, since the market's casino is a sister casino to a larger one, me and my mom are planning to move to the bigger casino when we hit our 3 months of employment. I think it'll be a lot better, because they won't let me be a cashier at the supermarket, and that was the only thing I knew how to do for a long time.
🎈 Life wise, I had to drop a bunch for bills this past two weeks, but I'm slowly getting back to a healthy habit of saving. It's been hard when I don't get paid more than my state's minimum wage for my experience and that barely covers living here. :(
🎈 But I've been making paper dolls, playing video games, and drawing to try and keep my mind clear so I don't freak out. I've had a couple of meltdowns due to being overwhelmed in my job in the meat department, but I'm starting to get used to it mentally. I just wish my body was physically used to it.
🎈 With my art, I'm mostly working on drawing some new OCs and putting them where I post my OCs. :) I have a bunch of new ones I've been meaning to post here and on my Toyhouse and CharacterHub. I'm also just trying to do simple, slice-of-life doodles for them so I can draw what makes me feel better and makes me happy. I'm doing my best to take care of myself, so I'm hoping things will get better within the next few months. :D
🎈 I think that's all I have for now, guys. :D I hope you have a good timezone, and please take care of yourselves, my friends!
0 notes
jeongyunhoed · 2 years
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Past-Present-Future Black Dahlia RED: Rogue, Extremely Dangerous
The fourth and final installment to the (ever-expanding) superpowers AU. San’s past comes catching up to him as he is targeted by an old colleague turned foe. With everyone else caught in the crossfire, San is forced to reveal what happened to him in the years before going on the search for his sister.
group: ATEEZ member: San pairing: yunho/oc, san/oc (in flashbacks)  t/w (in this chapter): violence, use of weapons, possible gore, blood, character death (but not major, more like very minor deaths), some cussing
things to note: we have reached the climax! I think...
Chapter 6
Junhong pulled up in front of the hotel. San could feel his heart pound again. He would settle the score between him and Jungwoo once and for all. The taller male tried to think as he got down the van and squeezed inside the back, looking at the laptop that finished unlocking all the information they needed. 
“See anything?” Yunho asked, watching the taller scan the information that was on the screen. 
Junhong shook his head. “Nothing new aside from transactions - wait,” He saw a folder full of video clips. “Security footage. Your friend must have installed cameras in the apartment, San, it was probably connected to this laptop,” He looked over at him. He opened the footage and San got down, looking over from the door to see the video. The video showed Jungwoo confronting Jisung. 
“Hyung? Long time no see, what happened to your face?” Jisung said, backing away to return to the couch, the television was on. 
“Oh, you know, it was from a run-in with someone we used to know,” Jungwoo said, taking out a poker chip from his coat pocket and tossing it to him. 
“...San hyung,” Jisung seemed to figure it out as he caught the chip. He looked at the taller male, almost a little suspiciously. “I’m guessing you’re still sore at us for trying to stop you in that Salvi job.” 
“Not really, bygones be bygones, and that chip is more of a peace offering, from my casino,” Jungwoo said. “I heard you came to play often.” 
“Are you sure? You weren’t exactly the most up front from all of us,” Jisung raised a brow, placing the poker chip on the counter. “You put everyone in danger at that job, we did what we had to do, you know that right, hyung?” 
Jungwoo’s expression seemed to stiffen. “Yeah, yeah, I know, teamwork, right? The sales pitch Miryo parroted at most of us. It was very seductive…once.”
Jisung turned off the television. “Have you met with the others?” 
A small smirk crept up on Jungwoo’s lips. “Oh yeah, well, not everyone yet, I’ve yet to meet San again, at least face to face, and Jaehyun hyung too.” 
Jisung stared at him. “Coming for the rest of us doesn’t prove you’re the best, you know that.” 
“Do I?” 
“Yeah, if you want to go on jobs on your own, fine, you’re the best, but you don’t need to come for the rest of us. This world is big enough for all of us to thrive in.” 
Jungwoo paused. “Really, though?” He took out a butterfly knife from his pocket. Jisung made a break for it, only to be pinned against the door, several blades from the knife Jungwoo was holding pinning him to the surface. What was left of the blade was floating above his hand. 
Jisung stared at the older male in horror. “You-you have powers too?” 
“A lot has changed in the time we never saw each other,” Jungwoo approached him. “I told you, all of you before, that you were going to regret getting in my way, and now you really will.” 
The blade Jungwoo was holding floated toward the younger. “Even with that power of yours, you won’t be able to get to San hyung, he’s still too powerful for you…” Jisung sputtered. 
San looked away for a moment upon seeing the exchange play out in the footage. The sound of slashing later, and he heard the body hit the floor with a thud before the footage ended. The rest of them turned to him. “Jungwoo really was coming for you,” Hongjoong muttered. 
“And yet he didn’t even mention how he got those powers,” Junhong frowned, the rest of them sitting back with sighs of frustration escaping them. 
“That’s all I picked up too,” Wooyoung closed his eyes. “That guy isn’t going to say anything about how he got those powers if we asked.” 
“We could still give that a shot,” Yunho suggested, hearing what Mirae was thinking. “There’s a casino within the casino. Only Jungwoo and his guys play there, and if you’re an even higher roller. They saw him go inside.” 
There was only one thing left to do, San thought to himself, and broke into a run, rushing to the back. “San!” Hongjoong called out, seeing the male disappear upon turning a corner. 
“Huh, he’s a lot like Mirae than I thought,” Junhong said. 
“Should-should we follow him?” Seonghwa turned to them. 
Yunho got out of the van. “She’s inside, in the casino right now, we have to follow him.” 
Wooyoung exchanged looks with Junhong. “I think we should, even when I’m sensing something else might happen.” He said. 
“What’s going to happen?” Hongjoong asked. 
Wooyoung didn’t know if he could bring himself to say it. It was the same kind of feeling he got when they dealt with the Ose cult, when they dealt with Ino, Baekhyun and his clique, but somehow it felt a lot worse. “Pain. Heartbreak. And it doesn’t feel like last time.” 
An ominous feeling came over them. Yunho looked back at the hotel. “We don’t have a choice but to go in there. It’s not like we haven’t done things like this before.” 
“I’ll wait here,” Junhong understood what Yunho meant. “The rest of you, go.” 
San climbed up the fire exit steps. It was a long way to go, but he wanted to get this over with. He would find the casino somehow. He would always find it, even if it meant he had to go back to his old ways. He needed to go back if he wanted to find Jungwoo and settle things once and for all. 
It made him think of Jisung’s last words. Jisung believed in him, believed that he was unbeatable, told Jungwoo he could never beat him, and San wanted to think that it was true. He was a mutant, his powers came when he hit puberty, he had it longer than Jungwoo had his. It also made him think of Jaehyun and what he said to him, asking him to kill Jungwoo for him, for everyone they worked with. 
San continued the climb, moving as quickly and as quietly as possible until he stopped in front of a window. Glancing inside, San found that it was the restroom of a hotel room. Scanning the details, he knew the room it was in wasn’t occupied. He punched a hole through the window, breaking everything until he could squeeze himself inside. 
San brushed off the bits of debris from the climb and rushed out of the bathroom, out of the room it was in and went out and down the hall. 
It was fairly quiet, save for some muffled voices in some other rooms. San figured that children were likely getting rowdy in some of the rooms, even at this hour of the night that was already spilling into the morning. Once he got to the elevator, he saw someone else get in, tapping his hotel keycard on the small screen as he rushed inside in time. 
San looked at the buttons. He remembered what Yunho told them. The way to the casino was to use the executive elevator. He wondered where that would be. He turned to the man next to him. San contemplated on whether or not to do what he was thinking. The surveillance camera was above their heads.
He looked down, picturing the camera installed above them as his eyes and fingertips began to glow. The camera suddenly crackled and short-circuited, causing sparks until it shut off, some smoke coming out of it. The man next to him hissed in annoyance as he took his phone out. 
“Faulty camera,” San mumbled, the man nodding disapprovingly. “I’ll make sure to tell my colleagues, it’s the third time this week.” 
“Third time? Then it should’ve been replaced,” The man said, seemingly realizing what San was trying to make himself out to be. “What if people get hurt here? What if criminals suddenly come in and rough someone up in the elevator? What if-” 
The man fell to the floor, San clutching his keycard after a few maneuvers to knock him unconscious. “What if you talk too much,” He muttered as he quickly got off another floor, realizing that he was on the floor where the executive cafe was located. 
San looked around for a way that would lead him into the casino. He slinked toward the group of businessmen coming from the cafe and entering what looked like a hidden elevator, getting in just in time as the door closed behind him. He felt a slight chill in his senses, knowing that the men all seemed to be looking at him. 
“Casino?” He broke the silence. 
“Oh yeah, you play there?” One of them replied. 
“Yeah, I know who owns this place,” San said quietly. He was in the elevator with three other people. “I gave him that scar on his face.” 
“Oh, is that so?” Another said, making the two others look at him, their expressions changing. “Then it means you’re the one we’ve been looking for-” 
San punched and kicked one, sending him toward the two others as the four of them got in a rumble in the elevator. By the time he reached the floor of the casino, the three men were dead. San stepped out and opened the door. He immediately spotted Mirae by the baccarat table, already bringing in double the chips and plaques that she bet on. 
San also spotted Jongho and Mingi, both of whom came from the slot machines with giant cups of coins. Before he could take another step, he saw that everyone else seemed to be looking at him. San realized they knew who he was. 
Mirae immediately kicked one of the stools toward the group of poker players as another group of gamblers charged towards San. Jongho and Mingi dropped their cups to join in the fray, as did Yeosang, whose eyes were turning red whenever he caught one or two people, absorbing the life force out of them. 
“Where are the others?” She called out to him, taking out her staff to hit several others that were coming toward her. 
“Back in the van! But they’ll be here,” San knocked a few more people out. “I think.” 
“You go in there, we’ll take care of the rest!” Mirae said to him, throwing her cards at those who were attacking San in time to knock them out.
“Are you sure?!” San called out, taking his harpoon out to shoot a group of blackjack players, including the dealers themselves. 
“Yeah! Go in there! Behind the slot machines! That’s where he is!” Mirae nodded, seeing Jongho, whose spikes had already come out of his arms and legs, stab the guards that were about to come for him. Mingi had his lighter out, throwing flames at some while kicking and punching others. 
San fought a few more off, watching Mirae, Jongho, and Mingi, even Yeosang, attack and buy him some time to get to the secret room. San saw the doors that were painted the same as the wall and walked inside. 
It was a bare room. Compared to the casino, the room was all white, and in the center of the room was a large metal case, big enough to fit a person. There was a desk with a computer and several monitors. The closer San looked into the monitor, he saw that it was taking someone’s heartbeat. 
“San?” A familiar voice broke the almost-deafening silence that was in the room. San felt his heart sink for a moment, knowing who the voice belonged to. He turned around, seeing the face of the woman he loved looking back at him. 
“Miryo,” He said, expression crestfallen and feeling his heart sink. He felt jolts of electricity on his body before he could register what was going on. San fell to his knees, seeing a crowd of guards prod him with electric batons. 
“Finally, both of you are meeting again, hmm?” Jungwoo also appeared, a smirk across his face, looking over at San. “It feels like a whole reunion, isn’t it?” He chuckled. 
The guards continued to prod San with their electric batons until he fell unconscious.
Wooyoung’s shadow form slinked into the entrances of the hotel, as Hongjoong sped up to catch up to them, observing how everything was so quiet, save for the soft music playing all over. “Something’s happening in the casino,” Yunho looked up, hearing Mirae’s thoughts. “We need to get there now.” 
“Wait,” Wooyoung said, scanning the area. “We need to go through the back,” He said. 
“What do you mean?” Seonghwa asked. 
“I don’t have a good feeling about this,” Wooyoung shook his head. “We have to go through the back, it’s the only way.” 
“But the casino is through an elevator, we need to find that elevator,” Yunho argued. 
“It’s not the time to figure out which way we go-” Hongjoong said. “Uh oh.”
“I’m afraid that wouldn’t be possible,” The clerk who was standing by the front desk overheard them. “Operation sonic,” He said, pressing a button that emitted a loud sound that seemed to reverberate throughout the room. 
“What the-” They covered their ears as the sound seemed to be pulsating. 
Yunho, Hongjoong, and Seonghwa felt lightheaded, until they fell to their knees and onto the floor, unconscious. Hongjoong was becoming blurry, writhing on the floor, while Seonghwa’s eyes were flickering. Yunho’s form was also in between appearing and disappearing until he was fully knocked out. Wooyoung was switching between his shadow form and his human form, trying his best to resist the sound until he collapsed. 
“Bring them to the storage, where we’ve kept the others,” The clerk at the frontdesk said, with the guards and other employees carrying them off. “Mr. Kim would want them nearby in case his target doesn’t cooperate.” 
“It’s a shame, they’re all so handsome, and they’re quite strong too,” The woman who was holding onto Seonghwa said, glancing at his features. “Weird though.” 
“Yeah, yeah, Mr. Kim wants them stored. Those who are in the casino are doing a piss poor job at taking down the other four,” the clerk said. “The security protocol worked here after all,” He glanced at the button he pressed. 
The clerk led them down the hotel and into what appeared to be the restricted bar, named The Cocoon, but was actually a store room that contained trap doors. They each opened the trap doors and dropped them inside, all of them sliding down into a pit. 
“Guys? Guys?” Junhong’s voice could be heard from the communicator that fell out of Yunho’s pocket. “Guys? What’s happening? Hello?” 
He looked at the monitor of Jisung’s laptop, hacking into the systems of the hotel until he saw the security system. “Shit,” He muttered, typing furiously as if to disable the protocol. “How in the world did they develop this tech?” 
Junhong kept typing, tracking down where the four males went until he found their location. He took out a pistol from the compartment that he filled with extremely potent sleeper rounds. He fitted the pistol into his belt and covered it with his jacket. Junhong got down the van and ran towards the entrances of the hotel. 
He followed the path that he saw from the map of the hotel, freezing when he felt a click. Junhong could tell there was a gun pointed to his head. “We saw you from outside, we know you’re with them.” 
Junhong turned around, seeing the clerk from the front desk. “Oh, me?” He said. “Who’s them? I heard the Cocoon serves the best drinks,” He said, mentally sizing up the situation he was in. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” they said, taking the gun from his belt. Junhong stared at the pistol, hands raised. 
“Bring him into the other room, Mr. Kim probably has some use for him,” They said, and two more people grabbed him both by the arms. “Aren’t you the tech guy?” 
“Perhaps,” Junhong muttered, trying his best to stay calm. He knew where they were, he could only hope that somehow Mirae, Jongho, and Mingi could get to them. 
“Great, bring him into the room, then, where the magic happens,” They laughed, their grips on his arms tight. “Mr. Kim would definitely get him to be useful.” 
Mingi, Mirae, Jongho, and Yeosang were staring at the bodies and piles of ash that were scattered on the floor, some of which were draped over the tables and stools. A few others seemed to be impaled on the chair legs. The four of them were covered in bits of blood from the carnage. 
“This was Valentino,” Yeosang hissed, looking at the stains on his blazer as he bent down to the body of a man who was barely moving. His eyes turned red as he drained the male of his life force, turning him into dust. 
“San’s in trouble,” Mirae said, looking at the door. At least it was what she had a feeling was going on. “He hasn’t come back, I haven’t heard anything.” 
“What about your beloved?” Yeosang asked. 
Mirae paused. She tried to get to Yunho, but she couldn’t hear anything. She shook her head. “He might be in trouble too.” 
“They’ve got us cornered,” Jongho said. 
Mingi took out the communicator in his coat pocket. “Junhong hyung,” He said. “Hyung? Hyung?” He put the device down. “He’s not answering.” 
“Could they have gotten to him too?” Jongho stifled a look of panic. 
“Alas, we truly are cornered,” Yeosang said. 
Mirae shook her head. “Not quite. Junhong would know where Yunho is, and if they took him,” She glanced at the corner, where the entrance to the more private casino was. “He’d have been brought to where San is.” 
They heard a slight commotion from the private room. The four of them approached the entrances, Mirae leading the way. As they opened the doors, they saw Jungwoo, a woman, an unconscious San, and Junhong, who was being strapped to the chair behind the desk of computers. 
“Ah, right on time, remind me to hire new people,” Jungwoo smiled. “You must be San’s sister dearest. Oh, and hello executive Kang, it’s been a while.”
“You know, I didn’t expect the new owner of this hotel to have such a connection to that man you’ve beaten unconscious over there,” Yeosang spoke.
“Where did you take the others?” Mirae asked. 
“Mirae! I can tell you!” Junhong spoke, only to be smacked at the back of the knees with one of the batons that the guards in the room were holding. He groaned in pain. 
“They’re safe, somewhere in this place. Besides, I need them,” Jungwoo said. 
“Taking their powers away?” San was slowly gaining consciousness, only for his expression to fall when he saw Miryo standing next to the man he now called his enemy. 
“There’s nothing wrong with that, is there? You scar my face, I take your powers, it’s a simple thing,” Jungwoo said. 
“Was your face your best feature?” San slowly got up. He couldn’t find it in himself to speak to Miryo. “I always thought your ego was more noticeable.” 
Jungwoo smirked. “You were always the comedian, weren’t you, Sannie?” He wrapped an arm around Miryo. “You might as well surrender, it’s over, I’ve won. I killed your colleagues, I got your girl, and now I’m about to take your powers away too, and theirs.” 
“You’ve never had powers, how did you manage to do that?” San eyed him. 
“You see, when I looked you up again after all these years, tracked you down, I hacked into this guy’s files and research,” Jungwoo glanced at Junhong. “Your encryption was a challenge, but I got in nonetheless.” 
Junhong stared at him, unable to hide how offended he was. Mirae also stifled a look of surprise, as did Jongho and Mingi. “Let me guess, you found a way to trigger your mutant gene, didn’t you?” San questioned. 
The scarred male chuckled. “It’s a little more than that, Sannie. I found a special place that sells those kinds of things. You know, under that meat-packing factory?” 
“The Esteholm…” Mirae muttered under her breath. Junhong also seemed to look surprised. 
Jungwoo looked victorious. “Take them away, Sannie too. We’ve got a lot of preparing to do, and I need you,” He turned to Junhong. “To help me do it. Oh, and keep them in separate rooms, will you? I don’t want them all clumped up together. Activate the button once you’re out of here, I don’t want to get affected by that.” 
The guards seized the four of them, as well as San, shoving them out of the room and back into the casino where the bodies and piles of dust lay. Jungwoo turned to Miryo and kissed her, almost sloppily as she reciprocated the action.
Junhong looked at what was on the screens before him, the gears in his head turning as he immediately realized what the metal slab in the room was for . It was for Jungwoo. 
Meanwhile, San was trying to wrap his head around what was revealed as they were brought up to a secret floor that had what looked like a series of cells. Miryo was alive, and supposedly with Jungwoo. Did it mean that she was in league with him the whole time? Did she fake her death?
His mind was buzzing with questions, but the feeling of guilt and frustration was sinking in. Jungwoo had everyone of them cornered and it was possible that not everyone was going to make it. He hated himself for allowing them to tag along with him. They were now in the way, and Jungwoo was going to hurt them if it meant it hurt them too. 
The guards prodded him with the electric batons again, making him fall to his knees as he was pushed inside one cell, doing the same to others, even Yeosang, and locking the doors. 
The cell was cold and empty, and San pounded his fists on the walls and on the floor. He didn’t want to admit it, even to himself, that this was a time when he felt so helpless. It was impossible to see a way out, whether or not he used his powers. 
“Well, isn’t this convenient,” Jongho spoke with a groan, getting up from the floor as he tried to look out the slot that served as the window. “What’s the game plan now?” He called out to them. 
“We’re dead either way,” Mingi chimed in, looking out the slot of the door as well. 
“Mingi, Jongho, this is a familiar setting, isn’t it?” Mirae was trying to look over to the other doors to see where San was. “San? San? San, are you okay?” She called out. 
San looked up upon hearing his sister’s voice. “We had better come up with a new tactic, god knows what’s going to happen next,” Yeosang spoke as well. 
“All we can do is try and bust out of here,” Mirae said. “But we need to figure out where Yunho and the others are too.” 
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thebiasrekkers · 5 years
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]
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Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
Rating: NC-17 // NSFW
Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff
Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Smut, Slow Burn
Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 3,316  
Chapter 20: Silver Spoon
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"They say it shouldn’t matter since we’re coming from the same place."
© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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Seoul – Hannam; Yongsan District South Korea
Jungkook cradled his glass of whiskey in his hands, his rings clinking against the crystal surface. There was a heavy atmosphere permeating throughout the house; thick and suffocating. So thick it could have been sliced open with a knife. Outside the occasional shuffling of house shoes on the polished floor, there was no other sound. Everyone either sat around nursing a drink or were moving around because they couldn’t keep still.
No one spoke.
Every so often, Jungkook’s eyes met Yoongi’s and, for a moment, all they could do was stare at each other. But it was always Yoongi who averted his gaze first, his body moving to occupy a different space in the main living area. Jungkook’s eyes followed him, watching and waiting for him to speak up about any part of what happened the other night. Nothing was said, however, because Hoseok’s aura practically bled out over the entire room – silencing any discussion before he could speak first.
No one had to say a thing. It was clear that something big was about to happen. Jungkook looked at his phone, waiting for the screen to light up but it never did. He hadn’t heard from Eden in a few days and there was a part of him that wondered if she’d already written him off as someone insignificant. His brows furrowed and he had to resist the urge to reach for his phone to message her.
Is she still angry? he thought, his fingers curling tighter around the glass.
The beep of the electronic lock at the front door alerted everyone. Those who weren’t already standing stood from their seats as Jimin entered the foyer. They waited for him to get into his house shoes while shaking off the cold from outside. He paused as he entered the main room, looking around at everyone peering back at him.
“Am I the last one?” he asked, looking to Namjoon.
“You are,” Namjoon replied easily while shaking his head, “but we all know why, so don’t worry about that.”
Taehyung approached Jimin, offering him a drink with his good arm. Jimin declined, making his way toward one of the couches just as Hoseok exited his office. No one made a move until he was seated, all of them falling into their seats soon after.
“Seokjin Hyung,” Hoseok began, looking straight at him as he spoke, “status report.”
Everyone watched Seokjin set a briefcase on the table, opening it and then handing out several manila envelopes to Hoseok. He quickly pulled out the paperwork inside, scanning it quickly before slipping them back inside. Namjoon turned the briefcase toward him so he could set them back inside.
“Good. Have the funds been transferred after our shares were sold?”
Seokjin nodded, closing the briefcase and setting it back down onto the floor. “They were transferred yesterday morning. I made sure that the members of the board would be self-sufficient since we pulled out from the company completely.”
Hoseok shifted his gaze to Yoongi. “And you, Hyung?”
“We reached a deal with our key broker in Chicago. I liquidated all of our assets in New York, LA and San Antonio.” Yoongi set his drink down on the table, reaching over Taehyung to hand him the tablet he always carried with him. “The funds were transferred this morning. Hard copies of the contracts were placed in our safety deposit box.”
Hoseok nodded, thumbing through the tablet before he handed it back to Yoongi. Jungkook met Yoongi’s gaze once more, but only for a split second as Hoseok spoke up again.
“Taehyung-ah,” he said, and everyone’s eyes shifted to look at Taehyung, “how are you holding up?”
Taehyung scratched the side of his nose and flashed his trademark boxy smile, shrugging off his injuries as if they were minor itches. He was on the mend, but his arm was still in a sling and he had to wear the brace around his chest for another week.
“Were you able to get your assignments finished?”
He nodded, handing Hoseok a thick manila envelope. “The clubs we owned in Incheon and Seoul were turning a big profit, so it wasn’t hard for us to make the sale. I even upped the price for the clubs in Seoul to get a little extra cash. The money was wired last night.”
Hoseok nodded, setting the envelope on the table. He clasped his fingers together as he turned to look at Jimin and Namjoon. “And you two?”
Jimin reached into his pocket and handed his phone to Hoseok. “In exchange for selling our spots in the casino, we’ll receive forty percent of all sales made for the next year. After that, it will be twenty-five percent for the next five years and then the contract will be fulfilled.”
Finally, Hoseok turned to Jungkook and he shifted involuntarily. “What about you, Jungkook-ah?”
Jungkook sighed, brushing his fingers through his hair as he set his glass on the table. “Construction is set to be completed in two months. We’ll be ready to unveil the new building in the coming new year.”
“And the boys? You reminded them to get their affairs in order, yes?”
“Yes, I did,” he said, his voice shaking a measure, “a few weren’t too happy about it, Hyung.”
Hoseok frowned. “They were told from the beginning about this happening eventually.”
“But Hyung, can’t we wait a little while longer?” He rested a hand on his knee. “For some of them, this is all they’ve ever known.”
“They’ve had five years to prepare. Some longer than that. They’ll be compensated.” Hoseok’s tone was cold and matter of fact. It was clear that he wasn’t in the mood to hear any talk going against their original plan. “That’s why we went to all this trouble to gather up so much money.”
“I’m done waiting, Jungkook-ah!” He cut him off and Jungkook leaned back slightly. No one moved and no one spoke.
“H-Hyung,” Jimin offered, reaching his hand out to grasp Hoseok’s wrist only to watch him wrench it away from him.
“No. We don’t have the time to waste anymore. We have to move, and we have to move quickly.”
“Is it because of the Jade Fangs?” Taehyung’s question tore over the building hostility, bringing everyone down to a certain level of calm.
Hoseok took a breath, sinking deeper into the cushions of the chair. Jungkook never saw Hoseok like this. He was usually the calmest out of all of them; the one who had his shit together ninety-nine percent of the time. The one who was trying to keep everyone in line when fights were on the brink of breaking out. For him to react in that manner meant that something was really wrong and the desperation in his eyes was hard to miss.
“Is that the reason, Hyung?” Jungkook asked, feeling the vein near his throat pulse.
Slowly, he rose to his feet and Jungkook stood with him. Everyone else remained seated.
“They’re making their move, Jungkook-ah,” said Namjoon as he stood up, placing a hand on Jungkook’s chest to stop him just as he took a step forward, “and they’re not fooling around about it either.”
A sharp burst of anger split across Jungkook’s chest as he glared at Namjoon, then to Hoseok. “So, we’re just going to run away? We’re going to expose our backs just when they’re ready to attack?”
Hoseok didn’t answer. Instead, he watched his older brother, their leader, folding his arms across his chest.
“That’s such bullshit, Hyung!” he shouted, throwing Namjoon’s hand off his chest. “We don’t have anything to fear from those toothless tigers! They’re all talk! Every last one of them!”
Seokjin rose to his feet, his brows knitting together with concern. “Jungkook-ah, settle down.”
He cut his eyes toward the oldest of them, teeth bared, and his fury clearly expressed. “Jin Hyung!”
“It’s true. They’ve gotten bold because they’re sure of themselves.” Seokjin pursed his lips together as he looked away, visibly turning things over in his mind. “We’ve tried to keep our activities under wraps for as long as possible, but this close to the end, they know there’s going to be a hole in Seoul’s defenses soon.” He met Jungkook’s gaze. “Gangnam and Yongsan are going to be a warzone.”
“Then let’s wipe them out,” Taehyung interjected, rubbing at the back of his neck, “then there won’t be anything to worry about.”
Jimin smacked his shoulder, causing Taehyung to hiss as he rubbed at it gingerly. “Would you shut-up? Just fucking look at you! Do you think you’re in any condition to be shit talking?”
Taehyung scoffed. “I wound up like this because of who, hm?” Jimin frowned and a smug look passed over Taehyung’s face. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
“You wound up like that,” seethed Yoongi, “because you don’t know how to mind your own goddamn business.”
Taehyung’s eyes narrowed at Yoongi. “We wouldn’t even have this problem had we stomped those bastards out five years ago.”
Hoseok turned slowly, rounding on Taehyung. “That’s something a blithering idiot would say.”
“He’s not wrong, Hyung,” snapped Jungkook, causing the others to look at him, “we had the perfect opportunity to destroy them, but we held back. You held us back!”
Namjoon grabbed Jungkook by the front of his shirt, but Hoseok knocked him out of the way. As Namjoon stumbled a few steps to the side, Jungkook saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He saw Hoseok move and he held his hand up to catch the older man’s fist. So focused on his angry expression, something that normally didn’t rear its face in their home, Jungkook failed to see the second attack until it connected. Pain exploded around his solar plexus and the breath was knocked clean out of him. His vision blurred in and out of focus and the world fell on a tilt as gravity won out, his legs collapsing under him. Tears brimmed his eyes and he coughed hard, the urge to vomit at the forefront of his mind.
“Have you forgotten what kind of hell we were living in back then, Jungkook-ah?” Hoseok’s voice boomed, echoing inside his ear canals and his hand fell to the floor to steady himself. “Did you forget how many Jackals died to keep us alive? Because they believed in what we were trying to do for ourselves, for our families.”
Jungkook coughed again, the pain in his stomach mixing with the fire that churned inside of him. He half-growled, half-snarled as he lifted his head to glare into Hoseok’s icy stare. “No,” he groaned, “you did it for your families, Hyung.”
“Jungkook-ah,” said Yoongi, crouching down beside him. He reached around him to try and help him up but Jungkook shoved him off, causing the older man to blink down at him in surprise. “Jeon Jungkook!”
“You think money is some kinda substitute? You think that’s gonna make up for everything?” No matter how hard he tried, the tears leaked out from Jungkook’s eyes. “Toss an envelope at them and send them on their way? You’re abandoning them! We’re all they have and you’re just gonna throw them away like garbage!”
For a moment, he saw Hoseok’s icy expression melt and it seemed like he was coming back to himself. He looked at Jungkook for what he felt like was the first time all night. But there was nothing that could be said to calm the anger burning through Jungkook. Yet he watched Hoseok try; watched his boss, their brother, start to lean forward toward him.
“J-Jungkook-ah,” Hoseok stammered, but Jungkook was already on his feet.
He wiped angrily at his face, bumping shoulders with the others. They called for him, but he was past the point of listening to them anymore. Jungkook snatched his coat off the wall and slipped into his boots. Throwing the door open with a loud bang, he all but ran down the stone walkway that led to the main entrance gate to their house. His brothers were yelling for him, and he even heard a few trying to give chase. But Jungkook knew he was faster.
He’d always been the fastest.
His feet ate up the concrete as he ran toward the parking garage, hopping onto his motorcycle and revving the engine to life. Jungkook reached behind him and slammed the helmet on top of his head, the back-tire squealing, no – screaming with the rage that he wished he could have unleashed in the house. The headlight flared and he peeled out of the garage – the world speeding past him in a blur of motion and he didn’t look back.
Seoul – Cheongdam; Gangnam District South Korea
Jungkook parked his bike and ran. He didn’t care that he’d left his bike in some random parking lot. He just ran. He ran until his legs burned, until his lungs screamed in agony, and then he continued to run. He turned down one street, sweat soaking his shirt and slipping down his cheeks. The cold air stung at his pores, filled his mouth and shredded the inside of his esophagus.
Down another set of streets, he ran through crowds of pedestrians that were crossing the streets, and he jumped over benches and the dogs that people were walking. His legs pumped into the ground and the world grew dark around him. Streetlights illuminated the sidewalk and the headlight beams from cars almost blinded him. There were even a few close calls as he was almost hit by oncoming vehicles; their expletives matched with his own that he threw back at them.
He headed toward the residential area, past a children’s playground, and then for two more blocks he continued. Jungkook’s body protested, begged him to stop, but he pushed on and ignored the signs of misery that pulsed all over him.
Reaching a building, he blindly ran up the stairs and he stumbled forward, his elbows crashing into the stone, but he forced himself to crawl back up onto his feet. He jumped the last few steps until he was on the rooftop – her rooftop.
Jungkook staggered toward the door, almost losing his balance in the process. He dragged his feet forward, his body all but slamming into the door. Lifting one arm, he knocked on the door’s window until he lacked the energy to continue. Resting both his palm and cheek on the window, he could see his breath fogging up the glass.
“Noona,” he said softly, his voice barely audible from all the running he’d done, “open up. Are you there?” He turned his head so he could rest his forehead on the glass. “…please be there.”
After a few minutes, he slumped to his knees. His hands were pressed to the door, the will to continue pounding on it lacking within him. The only sound he heard, aside from his own ragged breathing, was the wind whistling harshly from that high up. At some point, the pounding of his heart drowned even that out until the darkness began to creep around his eyes.
“…Jungkook-ah, is that you?”
The voice perked him up, causing him to crane his neck so he could look over his shoulder. Standing there, holding several bags, was Eden. Her beanie was half on her head and the thick scarf she wore was wrapped several times around her neck. There was a grease stain across her cheek, stretching all the way to the bridge of her nose. Her breath came out in soft clouds as she scrutinized him.
Jungkook shakily got to his feet, his legs crying out from the abuse he’d forced them to withstand and took wobbly steps toward her. She remained standing where she was, not saying a word. He must have been a sight for her not to yell at him. He hadn’t seen her in days; hadn’t heard her voice in what felt like years to him.
Dirty, wrapped in a heavy coat, and annoyed. Just like when he’d first met her.
She’s so goddamn pretty…
Jungkook gave a weak smile. Then the world spun. He heard Eden gasp, the loud rattle of bags hitting the ground a muffled sound in his ears. He fully expected to hit the ground, but gravity was not granted its quarry for the second time that night. Small, but strong, arms held him upright – cradling him so that his weight wasn’t overwhelming her.
“What the hell, Jungkook-ah?!” Her voice held a mixture of aggravation and concern. Her hand slid over his forehead and he heard her hiss. “Jesus, you’re burning up!”
As she forced him to stand more by himself, Jungkook rocked back with all his weight – nearly falling backwards. She yelled and he felt her hands gripping onto his wrists. His legs were going to give out on him any second. Twisting his wrists, he tried to get her to let go but she held tighter.
And as the world zipped by him, Jungkook brought her down on top of him. For the second time that night, the wind was knocked from his lungs – both from impact and from Eden’s weight crashing onto him.
“Goddammit, Jungkook!” she bellowed, punching him in the chest, “What the hell is your problem, huh?!”
Jungkook let out a laugh that was soon followed by a small coughing fit. He closed his eyes and felt the tears slipping from the corners and into his ears. He heard Eden’s grunts stop and she fell completely silent. Still laughing, albeit weakly, he managed to open his eyes to look at her through his tears. Her brows were knit with worry.
“Hey, Jeon Jungkook,” she said, her cold hands touching his cheeks and then his forehead, “snap out of it, will you?”
He looked past her for a moment to gaze at the night sky. They were in the city and it was hard to see the stars. Especially from this high up. The city always drowned out the stars. For the first time in years, he missed the numerous stars that littered the vast expanse of the sky he once could see in the countryside.
For the first time in years, he missed his hometown…
“Are you listening to me?”
Eden’s voice cut through his nostalgia and Jungkook turned to focus his attention on the woman who continued to occupy his thoughts these last few months. Was it almost a year now? Was the year almost over?
She pursed her lips together – a deep expression of concern etching her features. Funny. He didn’t think he had ever seen her look like that.
He reached up to cup her cheek with one of his hands and she shrank back slightly, but not moving completely away from his touch. The pain he felt earlier seemed to fade with that realization.
“…goddamn, you’re beautiful.”
“W-What?” she stammered, blinking rapidly at him.
But he was done talking. And with what strength he had left, he slid his hand from her face to rest at the nape of her neck before pulling her down so his lips could meet hers. He felt her grip onto the front of his shirt, as though she were going to tear herself away. The muscles in his bicep grew taut, holding her in place until he felt her relax under his hold.
He kissed her slowly; carefully. Jungkook didn’t want to cross the line further than he already had. When her fingers loosened from his shirt, he took a chance and lifted his head to get a better taste of her. There was a moment when she stiffened, hesitated, before relaxing into the affection he was attempting to give her. 
More tears began to fall.
Her lips were soft, warm, and inviting.
They felt like home.
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more tea on nicole/casinos
While not as serious as the whole "engaging in NSFW with Farn" shitstorm, here's more on casinos:
First off, she tends to make characters which are very heavily based off canon/existing characters. This wouldn't be a problem if she didn't constantly sell these characters once she's out of the fandom!!! Seriously idk what's up with this habit of hers, every time I see a new forever homed character I roll my eyes so hard because I know they'll just be up for sale in no time.
Also it's so ironic that she has the do not copy disclaimer when she does this lol. Now I'm not saying all - or even most - of her designs are copied, just that she has done this before yet people still think her designs are like, godly or something.
Some examples i can think of off the top of my head are Nono (most recent, brought up on this blog); Karuma (bootleg Kaoru from bandori down to the personality originally written for her); and several dangan ronpa characters who are literally just the drv3 characters turned into "flat faced anthros". Re: the dr characters, the ones that i remember are miu and shuichi but there could be more. I believe miu was sold and shuichi is currently owned by crosse, another mignyan mod and one of casinos' inner circle. Crosse has, however, tried to trade the shuichi rabbit multiple times.
Sorry I don't have links to most of these charas but I know a lot (if not all) of them have been sold for rlc. You could probably find them in her credited designs if you have the time to look.
The dainty mods and casinos herself have also given myos a hard time for being too similar in concept to casinos' dainties. IIRC there was a debacle about "jiangshi" designs which are apparently owned by casinos since she popularized them in the (WESTERN) CS community. Even though jiangshi have been a legend since heaven knows when *eyeroll* This took place in the dainty discord server. casinos has also been known to lose her shit over anything she perceives to be "colour picking", as if you can own a colour or palette.
Finally we need to draw attention to the fact that she gave tsuyeu shit for having military themed OCs, when she herself was called out for using Nazi themes with Aum. Aum, who is named after a literal death cult! :^)
Don't get me wrong, I disagree that Aum is nazi inspired just because he as a vaguely military outfit, but you think she would be more careful about making these accusations towards someone else after she herself was falsely accused of such things. (She covered this in a DA status some years back but it's been deleted iirc. I should probably start archiving these things...)
tl;dr: casinos is a massive hypocrite with no self-awareness.
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silverscribbler · 4 years
My Obey Me! Original Characters!
Greetings! This is the introductory post for my OCs. They will have more detailed sheets eventually and I will link to those on here as well as on my Obey Me! Masterlist. I hope you enjoy my OCs and welcome any feedback you’d like to give! 
I have three demons, one angel, and four vampire OCs as well as a Cat OC:
Desmond - The Majolish Sales Associate; has always played hard to get with Asmodeus. The two are rather close and have not been intimate with each other, but Asmodeus usually asks for him if he needs to be fitted for something while Desmond is working. Even if Desmond is at the register or doing back stock, he gets pulled away to help Asmodeus. He’s got a tail like the Solomon Islands Skink.
Axel aka Axolotl - The Librarian; has amphibious traits and speaks with both Satan and Leviathan the most often. He got his nickname Axolotl from Levi even though he's a speckled black salamander. He loves manga more than anime, reads scifi and fantasy, and enjoys black teas.
Lucius aka Red - The Casino Dealer; is always dealing for Mammon when he wins and no one can catch Red cheating for Mammon or catch Mammon cheating when he's playing at Red's table. No one knows, but Mammon swears Red is his Lucky Dealer. Lucifer and Red get shit for having similar names and get along amicably. Red usually takes the check Lucifer writes for the casino after Mammon's debt takes a toll on them. He has wings below his shoulders, but his horns are similar to a Scimitar-Horned Oryx, just smaller.
Boston - Angel of Choice; Boston is his nickname and he refuses to use his God given name. Everyone expects him to fall, but he's actually the Angel of Choice. He works closely with humans and serves under the Archangel Metatron, the Heavenly Scribe. He only has two wings below his shoulders and they have silver/gold feathers mixed in. Think Snowy Owl.
Lord D’Angelo - Master Vampire and Head of House; An Italian business man, but used to be a doctor. He knows how to Frankenstein's monster people, but he doesn't do that because he's actually super chill. He just wears Italian suits and works late as CEO to a Biomedical Engineering company. His manor is on one of the natural gates between the Human World and the Devildom so he's used to demons passing through, but makes it challenging for them. He's Mammon proofed his home so a lesser demon getting through the manor and leaving to the Human World without his say so is NEVER going to happen. Other than that he's friends with Diavolo and Lucifer, but incredibly close with Barbatos. He's Gay Daddy to the Extreme and is the oldest at 2,057 years old.
Nikolas - D’Angelo’s First Sired and “Oldest Son”;  a young 19 year old who was taken to the hospital for drug overdose. D'Angelo actually took pity on him, but spoke with the boy for weeks before they came to the decision for Nikolas to become a vampire. He's only 100 years old, including his human years, but he's really responsible and mature especially if you just see him as a 19 year old. He's into rock music, but secretly loves JPop and KPop groups. He's Aromantic, but has had sexual relationships with men and women so he says "Bisexual, just don't do relationships" and makes it work. 
Dante aka Danny - D’Angelo’s Second Sired and “Second Son”; was picked up by Nikolas at the club after being drugged by a creep. Nikolas kept him safe and as hidden from D'Angelo as he could before Dante woke up screaming. D'Angelo was actually proud Nikolas kept the symptoms from worsening and kept the boy safe, but was pissed he hadn't been told because drugs can do serious damage even if identified. In the end Dante is incredibly grateful and wants to repay both of them. He stays on as human servant to "work off his debt" but after his 21st birthday asked D'Angelo to turn him because they were a family now. Is currently 65 years old, including his human years.
Julius aka Jules - Rogue Vampire Turned Servant; broke into the manor while trying to hunt a demon that owed him. He swears, he's hot-headed, loves cats, and was distracted by Pixi while chasing the demon. Pixi ended up getting hurt while Nikolas chased the demon into the direction of Jules and Pixi. This resulted in a very pissed Jules beating the everlasting fuck out of the demon and then cooing and crying over Pixi who merely had a broke leg. Nikolas was floored, but brought the Rogue to D'Angelo who determined he now has to serve the household for "bringing a demon into our home and leading to Pixi breaking her leg" which would have pissed Jules off if he wasn't worried about Pixi. He's a veterinarian, 25 years old when he turned, but doesn't "act his age" as Nikolas often grouses at him. He is currently 167 years old in total.
Pixi - Devildom Shadow Cat and “Queen of Shadows”; she’s black and silver in coloration, but has deep sea green eyes. She’s a shadowmancer and commands a small army of the Devildom’s shadow creatures which includes arachnids/beetles/wasps. She’s a tiny terror and looks like a 12 week old Human World kitten. D’Angelo uses her as a courier between the Human World and Devildom because she can shadow travel. She’s sent important correspondences to the House of Lamentation and Diavolo’s Castle/Academy during important wars and territorial expansions. This means he’s had Pixi for at least 1,500 years. It’s believed that her jewel encrusted collar, a work of art crafted by Asmodeus and enchanted by Satan, increased her already naturally long lifespan, but no one knows by how much. She’s immune to fall damage, cannot be physically damaged by vampires and humans or their weapons, and cannot be harmed by fire. This cat is Queen and knows it.
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bearcina · 4 years
Fallout OC Seven Day SPECIAL: Day Four - Charisma
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Welcome to Day Four! I’m excited to get into this one.
What is your OC’s Charisma stat without modifying perks, clothes or chems/alcohol? 10, a perfect score. Elisavet has charisma for days.
How persuasive is your OC? She’s rather persuasive, she finds it easy to pull up secrets and uncover the truth. 
How easily can they obtain information that others may be less willing or inclined to share? Very easily. All she has to do is put on the doe eyes, and start sweet talking her way right where she needs to be. No secrets can hide from her. 
How much verbal charm do they have? Elisavet knows exactly what everyone likes, espically those in charge. She knows what accent they like, what sort of partner they’re looking for, and what demeanor they prefer. She can instantly put on the charms and get what she wants. Before you know it, the sweet girl you throught you had has already gotten the password for your computer, all your savings, your alcohol and managed to get you wasted beyond comprehension- all within just an evening. 
Can they carry themselves with confidence? Absolutely. She can do it all, she knows just how to carry herself to scare away others, and she knows how to be sweet and look like an easy target. Ruling over New Vegas requires a chertain charm that not everyone has, and she certainly has it. Confidence and a sweet smile can get her anything she wants. 
Anything else you want to share about their charisma? Elisavet obviously carries a charismatic partner with her, Yes Man. He’s the intimidating backup, but she likes to lay on the smooth and easy, a whole sorta good-bad team. She’ll butter up whoever she wants, and get all those sweet secrets out, right before flipping back into her natural demeanor and they find out she was the one to be scared of. 
Elisavet is a complex character, I love writing about her, my AO3 fic is centered around her and Yes Man’s escapades. Check it out Here.
"Your guests are out there waiting on you." Yes Man smiled, helping her button up the last button of her suit top. "You look stunning, as usual." "You're super sweet… Like usual." Elisavet blushed, giving an affectionate pat to the large claw. "You'll be watching, right?" "Of course, it wouldn't be any other way." "You're a sweetheart." Elisavet finally pushed the elevator call button, her companion sighing in worry.
"Hi there!" Elisavet smiled, patting the shoulder of a guest at her party. She slid another lukewarm beer down the bar, smiling while she leaned over the bar. A camera whirred as it turned to face her and tune in. "How are you? Are you having fun yet? It's going to be New Year's soon!" Elisavet giggled, tucking away some of her hair. "It's a great party! I can't believe you've got all this alcohol just flowin' for free!" The partygoer hooted, cracking open another bottle of beer, while there were already three half-empty and a bottle of scotch emptied out half on his lap, a quarter on the floor, and hardly really in him. "Wouldn't be much of a party without the alcohol, would it?" She smiled, internally cringing as she had to remember that it would all be worth it if she could get this guy to fess up to his plans, and hopefully hand over the key to the shady shack outside of Freeside, and hopefully his wallet too. "Now, I heard somewhere on the grapevine that you had some big plans?" Elisavet sat herself up on the counter, wiggling her shoulders just enough that it popped the top button undone on her coat. "I know you've always had real big plans, I bet this one is better than the rest." "Well- well o' course I do!" He chortled, spilling beer all across his stomach again. "I done got that still set up-" The man stopped for a second, almost coming to his senses. "Honey, looks like you done emptied that beer already- why don't you take this bottle of whiskey! It's even a little cool." Elisavet giggled, pulling a half empty bottle out of her pocket- she had been drinking on it already, it was a headache and a half to deal with half the partygoers here. "Well- I can't say no to some whiskey!" He opened up the bottle and took a swig. "Tell me about your still? Did you get it running yet?" She giggled, feigning interest in the little details of the setup. "Oh yeah! Just distilled my first batch of moonshine- I even brought it with me to my hotel room!" The man cackled. "Got five whole pints of the stuff already ready for drinkin!" Elisavet twitched in frustration, that’s why the prices on her alcohol had been going down. She had been supplying all the casinos with her own alcohol, and had been making a good bit off of what it took to get it going. That won't do, not at all. "That's wonderful! I hope you can spare some for me! I haven't had any good moonshine in a while!" She giggled, wiggling her breasts up a little more. "Why don't you take me down to go get some, hm? I won't even bring my guards." She was definitely going alone. This was going to be her kill.
His body was found in a pile of plasma just outside the front doors to the 38. No one was messing with her plans, and especially not someone who wasn't even doing alcohol sales through her.
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fumikomiyasaki · 4 years
Ooh 11 and 1 for the OC Mafia Ask game please! :D
Who would They kill first?
Leroy: Either the people that bullied him in the past or Riddle If He exists here because He pissed him off.
Henry: He normally lets Others do the dirty Work, so I can See it was the first worker that disobeyed him to Show an example of what Happens when you cross him.
Mellow: Hasnt killed anyone so far. But If probably Out of desperation an enemy that tried to kill Leroy or Henry.
How would their Life Look outside the Mafia?
Leroy: Works in a Casino as Bartender and scams people with drinking Games of their Money.
Henry: Still managed His company trying to get more Sales in and Check the Marketing Department.
Mellow: Still a Student, tries to become a programmer.
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insertsona · 2 months
So! Do you think all the addisons are able to make the tiny versions of themselves, or is it specific to spamton?
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i like to think its actually a pipis thing tbh ! spamt is just the only one to discover the wonders of them
though that does mean in theory .. the others could
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smutmylifeup · 6 years
I Want To Play.
Eisuke (KBTBB) x Rose (OC)
Authors Note: Rose is a character I created for a series, I was a part of with @hifftn @whatdoyouexpectthistime @smile-smile-ichthys called MJS Marriage Match Making agency . She is one I feel comfortable writing at the moment although some of her characteristics have changed to fit the circumstances of the KBTBB routes, so she is the MC in this idea. I thought I had a solid idea but since coming up with it and writing about seven different ideas have branched off of it. I may possibly re-write/write alternate characters depending on how well I think I can write it. Anyway, this is the first bit of writing I’ve done in a while, so I hope you all enjoy.
Tagging: @sweet-n-smexy @rockingbrooklyn @elaera23
Rose had been watching the bidders play poker in the penthouse ever since she stumbled across their auctions that “fateful” night.
It had become a tradition for them to play after every auction. Whether it was a successful one or not - well they were always successful as if Ichinomiya would let it be anything less. 
She’d never been asked to play however - despite her position, which was basically being forced to be in their world whether she wanted to be or not. She never really gave them much of herself by being part of their shenanigans. 
Despite having access to her history - from the success of her parents, friendships/relationships, schools, grades, jobs etc. She never really allowed any of them to have anything other than that. It’d been nearly a year since they bought her and only recently had she told them the story of why she was called Rose instead of her actual name.
Although she wasn’t close to any of them, she got along best with Mamoru and Baba. Ota was the type of person she just couldn’t tolerate but she managed to avoid punching him...too much. 
Mr Oh was a lot like her, a closed book. One she wouldn’t mind reading but couldn’t muster up the effort to bring it down off the top shelf and dust it off.
And Ichinomiya was beyond her comprehension of mankind, purely because he was more robot than human.   
She was his personal maid. Not that she chose to be, it was decided. And honestly, despite his unreasonably high standards towards punctuality and making the perfect cup of coffee, he was the easiest to deal with because he barely acknowledged her unless completely necessary. 
Especially after she proved herself by keeping silent about the secret on-goings at Tres Spades. 
And that was mainly due to the threat of her parents hard earned careers being completely destroyed. For a while, that lingered in the back of her mind as she watched the depravity of the black market auctions grow and profit.  
Unfortunately for Rose, she’d come to learn they weren’t total scumbags. Even King Asshole himself. Although, she was still on the fence about him though, he reminded her of Patrick Bateman from American Psycho.
One day, he’ll announce he’d got to return some video tapes. 
In front of Ichinomiya’s guests at VIP parties, Rose played the role of his girlfriend/lady friend a lot. One of the ‘perks’ of her role as Tres Spades Penthouse maid. 
She’d been dolled up in fancy clothes, her hair and makeup professionally done and forced to attend one of said VIP parties and then the auction after. It wasn’t often the bidders attended in person, they usually watched from the TV in the comfort of the penthouse but they had to oversee certain items up for sale.
Rose didn’t focus too much on that, the less she knew the better. It wasn’t her first time attending one...or even being part of one. Something she wished she’d never have to go through again.  
It was business as usual for the Auction Sponsors, their profit growing ridiculously since the last one and when it finished, the regular game of Poker was started in the penthouse after. 
Somehow, Rose was still in their presence. Ichinomiya hadn’t requested for her to go home yet and ‘she wasn’t allowed to leave without his permission.’ So she sat back into the luxurious sofa and watched and listened intently.
She figured out Mamoru, Baba, Ota and even Mr. Oh’s tells fairly easily. But she was still trying to find Ichinomiya’s. He gave nothing away physically, his face never changed, he didn’t twitch or flinch. 
As expected of a robot. 
For a moment, Rose closed her eyes disgusted by the fact she had been staring at her boss and captor for such a long time. It wasn’t like he was bad to look at, but she would NEVER allow him the satisfaction of knowing that she found him attractive. The palpable sexual tension on her end was bad enough to deal with when his arm was draped around her waist earlier that evening at the VIP party.
She had to remind herself of who he was, how she came to be in that position and that his physical body was the outer layer of all his robotic parts so he could climb his way up to the top of the business ladder. And that his touch was just him conforming to the standards set by society of how a couple should look and act together.
There was nothing more.
Internally shaking her head leaving her final thought on the subject ‘I should get laid’, she tuned out of the background fog of her mind and back into the room as the familiar flamboyant and dramatically whiny voice of Baba filled her brain and her eyes naturally opened and focused on where the voices were coming from.
“Boss always wins, it’s so unfair.”
“Why d’ya play if ya just gonna complain every time ya lose?” Mamoru groaned, followed by the sound of ice clinking against his glass as he finished the auburn liquid inside. 
“It’s fun hanging out with my besties.” Baba practically sang, his theatrics never ceasing in any situation. 
“You’re so gross, old man.” Ota grimaced. 
“Have you not learned by now that I always win.” Ichinomiya said. 
It wasn’t a question that needed an answer and no one gave one as Mr Oh dealt the cards again. 
Everyone looked at their hand and Ota and Mamoru immediately folded. Ichinomiya raised the bet and Mr Oh and Baba matched it.
Rose watched the twitch of Mr Oh’s ears - which she found totally adorable considering his completely sinister expression. Funnily enough, she figured out his tell first. It was hard not to notice something like that on a face that rarely moved. She then looked to Baba, the inside of his left cheek had sunken in slightly, she was surprised his tell wasn’t a wink or a kiss face. 
“Shouldn’t you both just fold. Why’d you both raise when you’re aware that I know your tells.” Ichinomiya said. 
Then it hit Rose like a frying pan to the face. She knew EXACTLY what his tell was. 
“We’ve been playing poker with the boss for years and none of us know his tell, even Sor!” Baba threw his cards into the middle to fold shortly followed by Mr Oh who more delicately placed his cards in front of him face down, agreeing with Baba’s fold.  
Ichinomiya revealed his cards and from the reactions he had a royal flush. 
Rose smirked, validated by his bluff and the fact she’d worked it out. She wasn’t sure why she wanted to know this information. It’s not like it was particularly useful. 
“Why are you smiling to yourself Koro? Did you manage to catch your own tail?”
Her smirk fell from her face, Ota’s voice nothing but a headache to her. But now the other Auction Sponsors were focused on her. 
“I want to play.” 
Was all she said. Her eyes staring at no one in particular but focused in their general direction.
There was a pause in the air but of course Baba filled it. 
“Princess, you continue to amaze me! I never took you as someone who understood poker.”
She wasn’t really sure how to take that, was it compliment or an insult? Well with Baba it was most likely a compliment. 
“The kid worked in the casino right? Course she’d have some sort of understandin’.” Mamoru added in her defence. 
He wasn’t wrong, Rose had had several shifts in the casino prior to that fateful day but that wasn’t where she learned how to play.
It wasn’t an interesting story, she used to play with the people she travelled with to kill time when they had no money to go sightseeing several years ago. She managed to win 9/10 times when her cards were right, although she never really played for money. They were all students, none of them had any money to play with.
“You have nothing to offer.” Ichinomiya stated. 
And that seemed to register on all their faces. Rose didn’t have the kind of money they were betting, nor did she have any possessions that were worth anything.
But she did have one small thing to offer. 
“I may not have anything you want,” Rose stood up from the sofa and walked causally towards the table, the diamond coloured dress flowing gracefully with her movement until she was stood next to his chair. “But I know for sure I have something the rest of them wants.” 
Rose didn’t really do sexy, but in that moment, the power she felt in her words came out sensually and teasingly. Possibly the most feminine any of the men had seen her be other than her physical appearance.
Baba’s eyes sparkled like a kid in a candy store and Rose was certain she didn’t want to know what he was picturing in his head. While she didn’t linger on his wandering gaze, she knew she had their attention. 
“Spit it out, Koro.” Ota whinged.
She grinned, again, possibly the first time any of them had seen her act almost natural with them. 
“I know, the great Eisuke Ichinomiya’s tell.” 
She said smugly waiting for all their ‘like fuck you do’ comments, especially from the man himself. 
“I do not have a tell.” He stated. 
“Of course you do.” Rose countered. 
“How did you notice it from so far away Princess?” Baba asked.
Rose just smiled and tapped her nose, if she said too much she’d reveal her hand before she was able to get an acceptable deal struck.
“I think Koro should play, every puppy needs some fun.” Ota grinned back at her. 
And while she really wanted to take off her six inch heel and throw it at him, she refrained. If they all agreed to letting her play, she could have not only a nice wad of cash, she might ruin Ichinomiya’s winning streak. 
That was temptation enough.
With no protests from the other bidders, this went in her favour. Ichinomiya nodding his head in acceptance - not quite defeat but more absolute arrogance that a mere maid would be able to beat him. 
“Damn, kid. Ya got us all intrigued, but what are the stakes? What d’ya want if you win?” Mamoru enquired, more lively than his usual demeanour. 
“If I win, I want all of this,” Rose circled her hand above the money placed in the centre of the table. “And, one of you has to be my maid for a day.”
She wasn’t going to miss out on an opportunity like this, the money was great on its own but why not mess with them in the same way they mess with her on a daily basis? 
“Fufufuuuuuu, this just got extremely interesting.” Baba smirked, his eyes wide and his mouth almost salivating.
“And if you lose?” Mr Oh asked.
“I share Ichinomiya’s tell and whatever else you want - within reason.” 
She wanted to make sure it was abundantly clear that she would not do anything illegal - more so than she was doing by being involved with any of them and that they didn’t take any kind of advantage of her. 
“Deal.” Four out of five said in unison 
This was going to be either be a blank or a royal flush. However, Rose liked her odds, she was severely underestimated and her tell was just as obscure as Ichinomiya’s which meant it was a battle between the maid and her king. 
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cskyan · 4 years
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With sale of the Venetian, Las Vegas Sands exits the Strip  FOX5 Las Vegas
Las Vegas Sands sells Vegas properties for $6.25 billion  CNBC Television
Leaving Las Vegas: Sands is selling its casinos in a $6.25 billion deal  CNN
The Venetian and Sands Expo to be sold in multi-billion dollar deal  News3LV
Las Vegas Sands sells the Venetian, Sands Expo for $6.25B  Fox Business
View Full Coverage on Google News
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spreadshotnews · 5 years
SpreadShotNews Podcast 379: Esa es mi opinión, basada en… nada - Situación de besitos y abracitos Edition
¡Ni el basamento vacío del criterio emitido podra salvarlos!¡Porque es martes y SpreadShotNews Podcast ya esta aqui!
En este episodio:
Maxi se despacha con las opiniones finales de Luigi’s Mansion 3, y Nico arranca Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age.
En el Rapid-Fire, Valve le baja el pulgar a 1000 juegos, Facebook sale de compras navideñas y Google se sigue mandando mocos (pero los intenta arreglar) con Stadia.
Para el Hot Coffee, charlamos sobre las declaraciones de Phil Spencer sobre Xbox y VR de cara a la proxima generacion de consolas (Gracias por la sugerencia a Gastón Berezagá)
En el Special Move, Nico nos recomienda la serie de Watchmen de HBO, y Maxi nos recomienda un mini documental sobre Pascu y Rodri, de Destripando la Historia.
Por ultimo, recuerden que ahora nos pueden escribir preguntas directamente a traves de google forms en el siguiente link: spreadshotnews.com/preguntas
Para “Jamon en Trozo” (y todos los que quieran saber), aqui estan todas las cortinas de SpreadShotNews que se han usado hasta ahora:
SSN 000 - 029 Intro - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Quinn Fox - How Machines Fly (OC ReMix) Outro - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Quinn Fox - How Machines Fly (OC ReMix) Now Loading - Megadeth - Duke Nukem Theme Rapid Fire - C&C Red Alert - Frank Klepacki - Hell March Hot Coffee - SA2 ...Main Riff for Sonic Adventure 2 Main Quest - Chrono Trigger - Battle Theme by Carson Mauthe Special Move - T's Music - Title Screen
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taylormadeteamdmv · 5 years
Looking to move to Maryland? Here’s why you should.
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Whether you are looking to move to Maryland permanently or just for a short time, it is important to do your research to determine if it’s the right move for you. Here is a handful of things and benefits to consider when moving to Maryland:
Job Market
Although the cost of living in Maryland isn’t cheap, it is considered the wealthiest state in the United States. Maryland’s unemployment rate has been on a steady decline since 2010 with it being 4% as of 2018. The states minimum wage is currently $10.10. However, the state is increasing its minimum wage to $15 by implementing gradual increases each year until January 2024. The first increase will go into effect on January 1, 2020 bringing the minimum wage to $11. If you are interested in working in the health/medical field, Maryland would be a great place to reside. Some of the fastest-growing job fields in the state include: translators, home health aids, occupational therapists, and personal trainers. There will be more job opportunities opening as a new project in Largo, MD is underway that will include entertainment, shopping, residential units, office space and a new University of Maryland Regional Medical Center.
There is plenty of housing available in various parts of Maryland, whether you’re looking for a house or an apartment. As of 2018, the average home value is $283,549 with the average on the market price of $295,900. However, home values have increased by 4.3% over the last year. Although it depends on where you look, apartments are at an average price of $1,591/month. Additionally, there is a ton a new construction being done in the Maryland area.
Culture & Proximity
Maryland is very diverse as everyone comes in all shapes, sizes, and tones. It is also a place where the unique flag design is appreciated and shown off through bumper stickers, t-shirts, hats, etc. Maryland is also known for its many seafood lovers as it is the place where you can find the tastiest blue crabs.
Along with the diversity, the state is in close proximity to some of the states’ biggest cities – Baltimore, Frederick, and Rockville, and also the nation’s capital. Therefore, you are a short drive to all of the major monuments, restaurants, concerts, sporting events, museums, and even the annual Cherry Blossom Festival.
Attractions & Activities
There are plenty of activities and attractions to partake in regardless of your interests. Here are a few popular attractions:
    1. National Aquarium:
The national aquarium, located in the Baltimore Inner Harbor, is a popular attraction for all ages. With 660 different species of animals, there is a lot to see and a lot to do. The aquarium offers a dolphin show, petting stingrays and giant three-legged tortoises.
    2. National Harbor DC
The National Harbor, located in Oxon Hill, MD is conveniently located near Virginia and DC. The area offers a lot of activities and attractions such as shopping, entertainment, restaurants, and outdoor activities. Enjoy shopping and sales at the Tanger Outlets which include stores such as Coach, H&M, Nike, and more. The area also has a few delicious restaurants such as Cadillac Ranch, Succotash, and McLoone’s Pier House which is located on the water. Speaking of water, you can also enjoy a boat ride across the Potomac river to Old Town Alexandria or a ride on the Capital Wheel with a beautiful scenery over the water. The National Harbor is also best known for its location right next to the MGM Resorts which has a number of tasty restaurants, a casino, and an outdoor area with beautiful scenery to enjoy during the day and evening.
   3. Six Flags America
Maryland is home to one of the many Six Flags America amusement parks. Located in Bowie, MD, the amusement park offers 40 rides and attractions for all ages including SUPERMAN: Ride of Steel and the new Firebird Floorless Coaster, along with a separate water park open during the summer season. Six Flags America offers themed attractions during particular seasons such as FrightFest during Halloween and Holiday in the Park from November 23-January 1.
   4. Ocean City Boardwalk
Ocean City is Maryland’s most popular beach town located across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. The boardwalk is a main attraction in the beach town. Located right on the beach, it is filled with tons of things to do such as eateries, shops, bars, rides and more. Located on the boardwalk is Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Museum which offers a lot of fun and interesting things to see and interact with.
All in all, Maryland is a great place to live with many attractions and benefits that would suit a number of people. This is just a handful of what Maryland has to offer; there are many more things that the state has. Whether you are planning to make a move to Maryland short term or long term, it is up to you to weigh your options, pros, and cons to determine whether Maryland is a great fit for you.
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