#casper hawthorne
garthcelyn · 2 years
I'm lowkey putting together ships that may or may not end up being canon purely because I like the vibes.
Like Aiden or Noah Fowler and Sioni Pen Rhosyn, the bastard children of the Queen and the woman who married their missing brother
Casper Young and Finn Hawthorne, the two men in love with women who'd never love them back finding what they wanted in each other.
Alek Cooper and Raelyn Godrick, the descendants of two women who hunted each other for decades out of love, who never found each other in the end.
I may never set them up, but they're fun to think about
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romanrhodes · 2 years
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relationships | wanted connections | wanted & ongoing plots | aesthetic | home - rhodes farm
Hey, look! It’s [ ROMAN RHODES ] at [ THE DIRFTWOOD DINER ]. Did you know they work there as [ OWNER & CHEF ]? I guess they’re from [ KISMET HARBOR, OREGON ] and have been in town for [ PREVIOUSLY TWENTY YEARS, NOW ONE YEAR ], living in [ HAWTHORE HIDEAWAY ]. I also heard they’re a little [ STUBBORN & IMPULSIVE ] but also very [ PASSIONATE & FEARLESS ], which makes sense. [ LEE PACE | 43 | CIS MALE | HE/HIM ] 
full name: Roman David Rhodes nickname(s)/goes by: Ro, Chef, Chef Rhodes, Tomato-Head, The Moose pronouns & gender: He/Him & Cis-Male sexuality: Bisexual age: 43 birth date: April 19th, 1980 birthplace: Kismet Harbor, Oregon arrival in East Haven: 1 year (previously 20 years from birth) housing: Rhodes Farm, Hawthorne Hideaway occupation: Owner & Head Chef workplace: The Driftwood Diner, Driftwood Haven family: Eric Rhodes - Father (70), Pamela Rhodes - Mother (43, deceased), Ryan Rhodes - Older Brother (45), [Wanted Connection] Younger Sister (38) relationship status: Recently Broken Up with Andrew Jackson (36)
eye colour: hazel with blue and green hair: warm brunette, wavy, growing longer facial hair: between stubble and a short beard height: 6'5 | 196cm body type: tall, lean, athletic
positive traits: strong, bold, fearless, confident, energetic, passionate, driven, creative, artistic, romantic, observant, loyal negative traits: stubborn, selfish, reckless, impulsive, sensitive, idealistic, emotional, sarcastic, distant, hyper-independent
astrology: Aries Sun | Cancer Moon | Capricorn Rising
hobbies & interests: baseball, wild swimming, fishing, sailing, hiking, camping, cooking, baking, vegetable gardening, orchardry, foraging, cider brewing, gin distillery, raising chickens, road trips.
character inspirations:
Carmen Berzatto, The Bear (2022)
Carl Casper, Chef (2014)
Julian Slowik, The Menu (2022) - but with a lot less murder and insanity. 
pinterest board: https://pin.it/5ArUK31 
trigger warnings: mentions of cancer, death, homophobia
Roman David Rhodes was born on April 19th, 1980, the second child and son of Eric and Pamela Rhodes. His childhood was a happy one - he grew up at Rhodes Farm, in a gorgeous farmhouse and lots of land, and spent a huge amount of time at The Driftwood Diner. Owned and run by his grandparents, Roman bounced between the farm, the diner and school. He was the yin to his elder brother Ryan’s yang - while his brother was the extroverted, popular kid who went on to become the captain of the baseball team and Prom King, Roman was the introvert who preferred growing vegetables and herbs with his mother, searching the land and nearby woods for mushrooms and wild garlic, and baking with his grandmother. Being young, he didn’t understand he ‘wasn’t supposed’ to like doing those things, because he was a boy and boys liked sports, fighting with sticks and causing trouble. His father tried to encourage him to try sports, and practice throwing and batting baseballs with his brother - and Roman enjoyed it because, despite their differences, he looked up to his brother and enjoyed getting his attention. He knew from when he was young that Ryan was the golden child, that his father favoured him and overlooked Roman’s accomplishments for Ryan’s… he didn’t care, as long as his brother was good to him. 
While his father overlooked him and struggled to connect to him, his mother was close to him. She encouraged his un-boyish side - the cooking, the baking, the vegetable growing, the mushroom harvesting. She spoke to his father, and made him see it as an asset - Roman could grow to be interested in the farm and the diner, and work with his brother when Ryan inherited. Roman was given a job at the diner when he turned fourteen, as soon as he could. He was just a Saturday busboy, clearing tables and wrapping cutlery - but it meant he could learn about the diner, and how it was run. He could watch the cooks, and his grandmother encouraged his knowledge of her recipes and processes. As he got older, he progressed to a server, and finally, a cook. To some, a job flipping burgers was an insult, but to Roman, it was great. He understood that cooking a great meal could be fulfilling and that people appreciated the work. By this time, he’d hit his growth spurt and being 6’3 at fifteen meant that the guys at school stopped bothering him, but it did cause a weird tension with his now shorter older brother. 
Roman’s simple life suddenly got a lot more complicated when his mother was diagnosed with cancer, very late stage, and very terminal. She was old enough to see Roman graduate high school, but a year later, she was gone, and it hit the family hard. Roman put off going to college to be able to stay with her as long as he could, and after she died, he was lost, adrift. His dreams and ambitions had outgrown Kismet Harbor and the diner - he wanted to go to culinary school, to travel to Europe and learn and work there. His father was against it initially - his son leaving so soon after his wife - but Roman’s grandparents talked him around… and Roman had the money to fund himself, as he’d been saving since the first day at the diner. And so, he left. He went to culinary school, and he went to Europe to train and work. Over the years, he would come home for holidays and as many birthdays as he could afford. And every time, his dad asked when he was coming home to become the head chef at the diner, and Roman asked if he would own it. This surprised his dad - Ryan was the oldest son, so he would get everything. That wasn’t enough for Roman… if he got the diner, he wanted to make changes. He wanted to keep the heart and soul of the place, and take care of it because people loved it… but he wanted to make it his own, to leave his own mark, to serve his food. His grandparents didn’t want anything to change, and after their death, his father wouldn’t allow it either. And Roman knew that if Ryan owned the diner, he would keep things exactly the same… 
Over time, Roman started to learn more and more and worked at various restaurants across Europe until he returned to America, to work in New York. He worked from place to place, until he found himself at Michelin-star restaurants. His work had transformed from traditional home cooking to high-concept, avant-garde menus reserved for the rich and affluent. He was an award-winning chef, primed to become the head chef of a Michelin-star restaurant, and he thought he’d finally done enough for his father to be proud of him. But every time he went home, his family felt further and further away. His mother was gone, his grandparents had died, and no one understood his work or his passion. They poked fun at him becoming too big for his boot, high and mighty, wondering who he thought he was… And he realised unless he contorted himself to fit into the small box his father had always had in mind for him, he would never be accepted - and he would never be praised and thought of like his brother was. They had a huge fight - Roman, his father, and his brother. Painful and hurtful things were said, and Roman left, going no contact. He honestly thought he might never go back to Kismet Harbor. 
Of course, there were things he was hiding from his family. He’d known from a young age that he was attracted to more than just girls. His first love had been a boy in Kismet Harbor, but he’d been raised Catholic. His family had always talked about him getting married to a woman and having children, and even though that was a possibility… Roman hated suppressing another part of himself, so he could never tell them. 
After five years of not speaking to his family, Roman reached the end of his rope. His career had reached incredible heights, but the mental and emotional burnout was taking its toll on Roman, his relationships and his work. After a disastrous review from a revered, infamous food critic, Roman was given a verbal strip down by the owner of the restaurant, and he was fired. Untethered and unemployed, Roman didn’t know what to do… when he got a call from his father’s lawyer. His father was too ill to continue living at the farm and running the diner, and his brother had left Kismet Harbor two years previously, leaving only a letter behind. Roman inherited everything. It was a shock to the system… Everything he’d always wanted, and now he had it… he wasn’t sure he wanted it anymore. But he had to leave New York, and so he went. It at least gave him something to do. So, in January 2023, he moved back to Kismet Harbor, to restart an old life.
Since his return to Kismet Harbor, Roman has turned his life around and settled into Rhodes Farm as his home. He's slowly worked, thanks to the help of his neighbours and friends, at fixing up Rhodes Farm - repairing the barn, putting in new fences, and building a chicken coop. He now has chickens, a herb and vegetable garden and he's growing new saplings for the orchard. He has plans for ducks for the pond, a butchering shed and potentially goats, and taking on a farm hand and seasonal fruit pickers in the next year.
At The Driftwood Diner, Roman has successfully integrated a new menu, pulling inspiration from his grandparent's original menu and his own tested recipes. He's opened up the old food truck, taking it out to town events, and has plans to set it up for full-time residence. The diner was closed for renovations in January-February 2024. He's built a great team at The Driftwood, some of whom he would consider his friends.
Roman has rekindled old friendships and built new ones with various people. The most significant relationship he's developed is with Andrew Jackson, a man in his mid-thirties who appeared one day at his rundown farm and offered to help, free of charge. Roman gratefully accepted his help, fed him, and had the biggest crush on him. Out of his own fear, he never told Andrew or approached the subject of same-sex attraction due to his own religious, family and teenage trauma, but his feelings grew into something more. Around Easter, Roman followed Andrew into a chapel after witnessing an argument between Andrew and Andrew's father, where Andrew told him he liked men. Roman confessed and they kissed, but Roman was trying to deal with the issues from his past that living in East Haven had brought back. On his 43rd birthday, the grief of losing his mother came rushing back, and he knew he needed professional help.
Roman and Andrew started dating a month later, and their relationship developed quickly. Roman injured himself to protect Andrew from a firework at the Kismet Harbor 4th July disaster, and to aid his recovery, he asked Andrew to move in with him. After his recovery period, Roman realised he didn't want Andrew to leave, and asked him to officially move to Rhodes Farm at the Wagner wedding. Andrew left him in early March 2024, telling Roman he wasn't happy living at the farm, and that he couldn't make him happy because he didn't want to have children. Roman has been heartbroken since.
Around Mother's Day, Roman decided to reach out to his father through a letter. The older man reacted with a telephone call, asking Roman to visit him. The two have slowly rebuilt their relationship, acknowledging the damage and hurt done on both sides. They are both in a good place, spending Thanksgiving together as a combined Rhodes-Jackson family, and reconnecting with his son has even bettered his father's health.
Roman reconnected with his younger sister, in October 2023. Their relationship has become strained and painful, but Roman is determined to rebuild his connection with her.
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ivebentaken · 2 years
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It isn't Hogwarts without a little chaos.
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siegelst · 3 years
good news: lisa casper is just a psycho lady -  still not buying it. could be parasite aliens?  harry did mention people did land on the moon but aliens took over them.
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ember-prime · 6 years
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Designed a Ghostie friend today. 
Percival Hawthorne (red boi) be mine and Casper Darlow (blue boi) belongs to @starlight-avenue Check out her art and OCs! They’re great!
Some prelim information on Percival below the cut.
Percival Hawthorne grew up in the middle of nowhere MA. Living on the land and teaching themselves the ways of witchcraft. Never quite getting down the spells but excelling in the herbal side of it. Overjoyed with his work and wanting to share it with the world he moved to a bit more populated of an area.
Unfortunately for him, he moved to the small town right before the witch hunts came into light. Percy became a ‘doctor’ in the town wanting to keep his self proclaimed position of Warlock a secret until he knew that this town was trustworthy. However, the town soon found out, but instead of burning him right away they chopped his arm off at the elbow to stop the witch from pursuing his craft. 
Percy didn’t care and continued his work with only the use of one arm, Beginning to fall sick, he began to further pursue the spell side of witchcraft in order to cure himself. A single citizen of Salem, overheard his chanting. Leading to his trial and execution by beheading. 
He awakes one day as the form that he knows now. Lost limbs back, partially, and a ribbon around his neck holding together the cause of his demise.
Name: Percival Hawthorne
Gender: Non-Binary (He/him)
Occupation: Warlock
Species: Ghost (Vengeful)
Family: Elaah Hawthorne (Great Grandchild)
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Sleep meme for whoever! 💖
under the cut
Who is a night owl:audrey!!!
Who is a morning person:matthias is totally a morning person and its annoying 
Are they cuddlers:yah!!
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon:she’s the lil spoon
What is their favourite sleeping position:either spooning or facing each other and her tucked in his chest
Who steals all the blankets:audrey
What they wear to bed:lmao re: the ‘real men sleep in silk’ post but matthias probably just wears something comfy and no shirt and she wears something Lacy n Sexy or one of his shirt w underwear!!
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt:audrey wearing his shirts is a Thing
Who falls asleep mid-conversation:probably audrey?
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares:maybe audrey? but idt its anything serious? 
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep:..audrey
Who can’t keep their hands to themself:neither of theMMm
Who is a night owl:umm both of them?
Who is a morning person:daisy maybe?
Are they cuddlers:yeah!!!!
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon:i think both of them would be both tbh
What is their favourite sleeping position:ummm facing each other and cuddling mb? 
Who steals all the blankets:vivienne!!
What they wear to bed:something lacy and fancy probs loL
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt:viv loves dressing her up!!!
Who falls asleep mid-conversation:viv probably
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares:neither of theM
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep:neither of them lol
Who can’t keep their hands to themself:also neither of them
Who is a night owl:both of them!!
Who is a morning person:neither of them but they have to get up early often :(((
Are they cuddlers:i mean… eventually probably
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon:she’s the lil spoon
What is their favourite sleeping position:in the beginning when they sleep over they do Not Touch after sex but probably reach for each other in the night and wake up all tangled in each other but later its spooning maybe? or they might like their own space tbh hmmm
Who steals all the blankets:josie!! then dom pulls them back!!
What they wear to bed:this question is so… annoying… he probably wears like sweats and she wears something fancy or something sexy depending on the Mood
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt:dooommm
Who falls asleep mid-conversation:josie probs lol
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares:josie maybe? sometimes? 
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep:josie
Who can’t keep their hands to themself:neiTHER of them but shhh
Who is a night owl:both of them but cas THRIVES *night time my time by sky ferreira plays in the bg*
Who is a morning person:neither but he’d be TERRIBLE in the mornings
Are they cuddlers:yesss especially after like a fight or smth
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon:she’s the lil spoon
What is their favourite sleeping position:spooning or like her head on his chest
Who steals all the blankets:cas 
What they wear to bed:he wears sweats and she wears some shirt of his thats oversized on her
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt:cas
Who falls asleep mid-conversation:probs both of dem have at some point
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares:cas
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep:neither lMAO
Who can’t keep their hands to themself:neither
Who is a night owl:charlie!!!!
Who is a morning person:holly!!!
Are they cuddlers:hell yah they are
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon:both of them at diff points
What is their favourite sleeping position:tbh i feel like charlie moves A LOT in her sleep so theyd start off with spooning and then w her facing holly and like her draping an arm over her waist and honestly so many positions lmAO
Who steals all the blankets:charlie probs
What they wear to bed:charlie probs wears like a tank top or a crop top and those sleep shorts and holly wears… something comfy or like a satin night slip or smth idk???
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt:both of tHEM
Who falls asleep mid-conversation:i mean neither but also charlie
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares:charlie sometimes but like notherin serious
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep:neither of them?
Who can’t keep their hands to themself:ive said the same for all the past ships but… neITHER lol
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kwebtv · 2 years
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Resident Alien  -  Syfy  - January 27, 2021 - Present
Science Fiction (18 episodes to date)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Alan Tudyk as Captain Hah Re / Dr. Harry Vanderspeigle
Sara Tomko as Asta Twelvetrees 
Corey Reynolds as Sheriff Mike “Big Black” Thompson
Alice Wetterlund as D'arcy Bloom
Levi Fiehler as Mayor Ben Hawthorne
Judah Prehn as Max Hawthorne
Meredith Garretson as Kate Hawthorne
Gracelyn Awad Rinke as Sahar
Kaylayla Raine  as Jay
Elizabeth Bowen as Deputy Sheriff Liv Baker
Linda Hamilton as General McCallister
Mandell Maughan as Lisa Casper
Alex Barima as David Logan
Jenna Lamia as Judy Cooper
Gary Farmer as Dan Twelvetrees
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warofroyalsrpg · 3 years
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Thank you for an amazing two years of War of Royals. Most rp’s don’t stay open for two months, let alone two years. You have made being an admin an absolute joy of a time and i’m forever grateful.
Below is the ending of this roleplay, how i’d like the time in Khatanga to come to an end. This account focuses on the rebels who were hiding within the area and all of their muns weighed in on their finales. Under the cut contains triggers of violence and death. It’s rather glossed over but warning anyway!
The hostage situation might have felt as though it lasted for an extended period, but it was only a few hours. When the rebels finally put their plan into effect, they did it well. The entire area was shut down, with complete control over the power and internet. As far as they were aware, there was no way for anyone to get word out about what was happening in Khatanga. No phone call or text message would easily get out. The rebels surrounded the partygoers wielding weapons. Each time a guard attempted to stand up, they were easily disarmed, beaten, and thrown back to the sand. Over time, everyone was corralled into a small circle, far easier to control. In addition to handling the guards, anyone who attempted to stand up for themselves and their fellow hostages was quickly taken care of. The rebels made a point not to kill anyone but there were plenty of bruises, slashes, and broken bones among staff members and even some royals.
When the situation seemed to be under control, James Brixton reached out to the Council. It had long ago been decided that once the plan was thrown into action, the Council would decide the exact steps. They had a list of demands and would only reach out to the reigning monarchs with those demands once they were sure that the situation in Khatanga was under control. Everything that had been done in Russia had been done to show the monarchs that despite what they thought, they were not truly safe. More than that, they were not in complete control as they thought. No, the rebels were certainly capable of slipping in even where they thought they were safest. From now on, the monarchs would be forced to question who around them could be trusted.
The demand from the rebels was a simple one for the effort that went into the two-year siege. But it was not about the demands, it was about the message being sent. Throughout the globe, rebels were in holding waiting execution. They were all to be released, given modes of transportation so they could remove themselves safely, and they were not to be followed. Once that was done, the younger royals in Khatanga would be let free. It was an exchange, a way to show the reigning monarchs that the rebels stuck together and truly cared very little about the young royals.
The message was sent by the Council themselves and word was quickly received that the monarchs would work towards meeting those demands. Perhaps the rebels got cocky at that point, believing that the monarchs would never risk their children in the attempts of a rescue mission that could end in disaster. Without worry, the rebels in Khatanga continued to watch over their hostages, only knowing through James that the monarchs had given into their demand.
What no one realized was that the monarchs were willing to risk a rescue mission, knowing that there could be a loss of life. While the Council promised to release their children if they met the demand, they were not sure what was going on in Khatanga. How did they know that their children were not already suffering? Between the rebels and the changes to the technological infrastructure they had made for the social experiment, it was impossible to get a gauge on the current situation. Knowing they were flying without sight; they made the decision to take the risk.
The rescue mission was truly launched by the Russian monarchy as they could move the quickest. Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and China sent in back-up as they were the three countries closest to where Khatanga was in Russia. The rescue team moved swiftly when they finally touched the ground in Russia. First, they swept through the village. There were only fringe rebels there who were quickly silenced and any villagers who had not attended the lake party were taken to safety.
With the help of the darkness, the rescue team was able to sneak through without any of the Khatanga rebels knowing what was coming. Before making it to the lake party itself, they spread throughout the palace, knocking off any straggling rebels and making sure that any staff members of royals inside were safe and sound. Finally, finally, they reached the party, moving swiftly and silently.
The bonfire was kept burning so that the rebels could keep a good eye on their hostages. By the time the rescue team arrived, the royals, staff members, and visiting villagers were sitting in clumps. Some had their hands tied, others had clearly been dealt with physically, and there were a small group of guards who had been silenced indefinitely. Spreading out, the rescue team came up behind the dense line of rebels before they even knew what was coming.
And that’s the thing about fights. In the moment, they seem to last forever. Weapons fire at astronomically loud decibels, leaving people monetarily hard of hearing and in shock. Fists would fly towards faces and abdomens, each moment feeling like a lifetime. While it felt as though it was going in slow motion the rescue took only a few minutes. Despite their training and their planning, the rebels were no match for those coming to rescue the royals.
To make one final stand, Claire Darby went after a royal, but her attempt was quickly thwarted by Klaus Von Bulow. While the rebel guard did his absolute best to protect a princess from his former rebel friend, a brave Russian soldier approached the woman to take care of her once and for all. However, Oleander Hawthorne stepped in to protect her, leading to the two of them being restrained and pulled away from the scene. Both rebels were forced to join the group being carted away to jail for imprisonment, interrogation, and eventual execution unless the two could figure out how to escape. The two were thoughtful and cunning, they never doubted that they would figure it out. Meanwhile, the rebel that turned his back on his friends to protect a princess had her holding on and clutching to him for safety, refusing to let him go. It was her word that could keep him from being carted away in the same way the others did, her word that he should be by her side, keeping him from the same fate as many of his friends.
The Trulson siblings found themselves at an impasse. Casper Trulson attached himself to his royal best friend, not one for fighting. The fight simply was not in him and when it came down to it, he wasn’t interested in fighting for the cause his family put so much into. Therefore, he sided with the royals, knowing that there would be a punishment for keeping his knowledge hidden but also seeing that there would be a light at the end of the tunnel. His sister, however, was different. Solveig Trulson was a hell of a fighter, taking her stand there and then, no matter what her brother did. Like other rebels, she was restrained and pulled off, with her future bleak. Imprisonment, interrogation, and eventual execution was in her future as well. But the blonde, like Claire and Oleander, was a thoughtful and creative woman. Like her friends, she could figure out an escape before being taken to the gallows.
During the hostage struggle, Lilliana Carlisle stood with the rebels, fighting with all of her might. Though she and her dog had presented themselves as friends to the royals, when push came to shove, the woman had made her choice. She would stay with the rebels, come hell or high water. Unlike some of the rebels before her, however, Lilliana preferred to focus on her words, knowing she would find a way to talk herself out of execution. Could life in prison really be that bad? Lea Wolf had originally frozen when the rebels sprung into action, finally realizing that it was time. Not every rebel lived and breathed the mission, some joined up for their own personal vengeance against the royals. What truly ended up saving this rebel was that, like Klaus, she felt the need to do something heroic when push came to shove. Lea stepped up to save a prince, going against the rebel cause to keep him safe in the scuffle. Her actions earned her life in prison without the chance of execution. And Avery Sawyer? She went kicking and screaming, fighting with everything she hand in her. The guard stood by her fellow rebels as opposed to the royals she said she would protect in the short term. She wasn’t an easy one to take down but soon enough she was pulled and carted off for imprisonment and whatever the reigning monarchs felt fit best for punishment.
But what really ended the rebel siege in Khatanga was the death of James Brixton. As fiercely as the rest of the rebels fought, none of them compared to their leader. This was his mission and he refused to be taken alive. He worked to take down as many soldiers as he could, fighting as fiercely as he could muster. But James was only human and even he couldn’t survive a barrage of bullets. As he went down, so did the morale of the siege.
Over the next few hours, more and more soldiers came into the area, cleaning it out of rebels and bringing all royals to safety. The social experiment in Russia had come to an end, those who participated in it having been changed forever. Whether they be royal, rebel, staff, or villager, the last two years would stand as a change in their lives that would make waves for years to come.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 years
Miscellaneous OCs
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Name: Ginevra ‘Ginny’ Watson. Title: Bumblebee: No Rest For The Wicked. Fandom: Transformers. Summary: TBA. Faceclaim: Sofia Wylie.
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Name: Princess Ruth of Camelot/Morticia of Ravenbow. Title: The Prophecy of Camelot. Fandom: The School For Good and Evil. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Princess Helen of Camelot. Title: The Prophecy of Camelot. Fandom: The School For Good and Evil. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Eva Anderson. Title: Kick Ass Lives On. Fandom: Kick Ass. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Dawn. Title: Seldom All They Seem. Fandom: Maleficent. Summary: TBA. Faceclaim: Malina Welssman. 
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Name: Luna/Willow. Title: Seldom All They Seem.  Fandom: Maleficent.  Summary: TBA. Faceclaim: Millie Bobby Brown. 
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Name: Samantha ‘Sam’ Tennyson. Title: Young Plumbers. Fandom: Ben 10 (Classic Continuity). Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Rook Shing. Title: Young Plumbers. Fandom: Ben 10 (Classic Continuity). Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Skye Thordottir/Sky Foster. Title: Princess Protection Program: Beyond Earth. Fandom: Princess Protection Program. Summary: TBA. Faceclaim: Millie Bobby Brown.
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Name: Tess Carmen. Title: Princess Protection Program: Beyond Earth. Fandom: Princess Protection Program. Summary: TBA. Faceclaim: Peyton Elizabeth Lee. 
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Name: Cecelia ‘Cece’ Ross.  Title: Welcome To The Owl House. Fandom: The Owl House. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
Children Of The Moon: Summary Of The Story: When the Guardians defeated the Boogeyman, they believed they had defeated him for good and that it was over. How wrong they were. Soon, fear is being risen by Pitch Black somehow despite him being dead last they saw of him, and nightmares are growing as darkness threatens the world once more. The Guardians aren't alone in this fight though, as the Moon appears to have decided to take matters into his own hands, and chosen new guardians to be trained to be the new guardians. But can they be trained in time to defeat the darkness, or will the world finally be taken over by fear once more? Fandom: Rise of The Guardians. Quotev Link
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*Alix- Eventual Guardian of Freedom- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Puck- Eventual Guardian of Mischief- Voiceclaim: TBA.  *Isleen- Eventual Guardian of Illusions- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Noelle- Eventual Guardian of Laughter- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Hyacinth/Hya- Eventual Guardian of Will- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Lavernia/Nia- Eventual Guardian of Wisdom- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Jemma Bennett- Child of Jamie- Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Upside Down: The Power Within: Summary of Series: TBA.  Fandom: Winx Club. 
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*Lilith/Lily- Fairy of The Shadows- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Pandora- Fairy of Myths and Legends- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Holly- Fairy of Snow- Voiceclaim: TBA.  *Sonata- Fairy of Music- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Juliet- Fairy of Stars- Voiceclaim: TBA.
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*Aurora- Witch of The Sun- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Lucine/Luci- Witch of The Moon- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Beryl- Witch of The Jewels- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Fauna- Witch of Animals- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Cinderella/Ella- Witch of Fire- Voiceclaim: TBA.
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*Alexandra- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Charlotte/Charlie- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Grace- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Elijah- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Oliver- Voiceclaim: TBA.
The Next 9th Grade Ninja: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja.
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*Wendy Burton- The New Ninja- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Mildred Watts- Best Friend- Voiceclaim: TBA.
Rising From The Ashes (Hunger Games What If): Summary of Book: TBA. Fandom: Hunger Games.
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*Willow Hawthorne- Middle child of Prim and Rory- District 12 Tribute. *Fern Hawthorne- Eldest child of Prim and Rory. *Avina Barry- District 11 Tribute. *Grover- District 11 Tribute. *Elena and Finley- District 10 Tributes.  *Knox and Anya- District 9 Tributes. *Winter and Andres- District 8 Tributes. *Harlee and Damien- District 7 Tributes. *Tanner and Joelle- District 6 Tributes. *Mallory and Jensen- District 5 Tributes. *Jack and Lizzie- District 4 Tributes. *Daxton and Charlie- District 3 Tributes. *Roman and Clarisse- District 2 Tributes. *Quartz and Jasper- District 1 Tributes.
The Tale of Two Avatars: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Last Airbender/Korra.
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*Anzu- Twin Fire Avatar. *Yuina- Twin Fire Avatar. *Minato- Firebender- Ally of Yuina.  *Silla- Waterbender- Ally of Anzu. *Xia- Earthbender- Ally of Anzu. *Dawa- Airbender- Ally of Anzu. *Youta- Airbender- Ally of Yuina. 
The Path of The New Avatar: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Last Airbender/Korra. 
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*Gui- Believed Earth Avatar. *Cuifen- The real Avatar. *Arya- Jinora’s and Kai’s Child- AIrbender. *Yua- Korra’s and Asami’s Adopted Child- Firebender. *Panuk- Waterbender. *Rong- Twin Earthbender. *Suen- Twin Earthbender.
The Legacy of Magic: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Wizards of Waverly Place.
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*Jenna Russo- Child of Justin and Juliet. *Sara Russo- Child of Justin and Juliet. *Kyle Russo- Child of Justin and Juliet. *Zoe Greyback- Only child of Alex and Mason. *Parker Beakerman- Child of Zeke and Harper. *Cooper Beakerman- Child of Zeke and Harper. *Harry Russo- Child of Max. 
Star Wars: The Force Lives On: Summary of Story: TBA. Fandom: Star Wars.
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*Ailyn Skywalker- Adopted child of Rey and Finn- Jedi. *Solia Skywalker- Adopted twin child of Rey and Finn. *Vera Skywalker- Adopted twin child of Rey and Finn. *Tycho Skywalker- Adopted child of Rey and Finn. *Mide Skywalker- Adopted child of Rey and Finn.  *Daro Dameron- Child of Poe and Zoe. *Darth Rel/Crix Harend- Sith- Bad guy. 
Prime: The Next Geneation: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Transformers Prime. 
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*Joseph ‘Joe’ Darby- Eldest child of Jack- Guardian: Arcee. *Jane Darby- Youngest child of Jack- Guardian: Arcee.  *Randy Esquivel- Only child of Raf- Guardian: Bumblebee. *Markus Lelung- Twin child of Miko- Guardian: Bulkhead. *Maisey Lelung- Twin child of Miko- Guardian: Bulkhead.
The New Mystery Gang:  Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Scooby Doo. 
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*Dominic Jones- Eldest child of Fred and Daphne. *Frances Jones- Middle child of Fred and Daphne. *Donald Jones- Youngest child of Fred and Daphne. *Samantha ‘Sam’ Rogers- Child of Shaggy. *Stacey Rogers- Adopted child of Shaggy. *Vincent Dinkley- Child of Velma. *Vivian Dinkley- Child of Velma. *Swiper- Pup of Scooby. 
Once Upon A Time...: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Regal Academy.
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*Felix Snowwhite- Eldest child of Rose and Hawk. *Lily Snowwhite- Middle child of Rose and Hawk. *Hugo Snowwhite- Youngest child of Rose and Hawk. *Suyin Beast- Twin child of Travis and Ling-Ling.  *Juan Beast- Twin child of Travis and Ling-Ling. *Nicholas Beast- Child of Astoria and Shawn. *Casper Beast- Child of Astoria and Shawn. *Hope Frog- Child of Joy and Esquire.  *Rickey Broomstick- Child of Vicky. *Mary Broomstick- Child of Cyrus. *Emerald Stepsister- Twin child of Ruby. *Jasper Stepsister- Twin child of Ruby. *Donna Ugly Duckling- Eldest child of Gerald. *Linda Ugly Duckling- Youngest child of Gerald. *Luke Whale- Child of Finn. *Hanna Tom Thumb- Child of Leene. *Rosette Swan- Eldest child of Odette. *Paulette Swan- Youngest child of Odette. *Pinocchian- ‘Child’ of Pinocchia.  *Ivy Ogre- Child of Violet.
Beyblade: Battle X: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Beyblade Metal Saga.
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*Niko Goto- Female lead. *Asahl Sakurei- Computer user friend. *Sakura Tamura- Friend. *Emiko Imar- Rival.
Beyblade: Heirs: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Beyblade: Metal Saga.
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*Pegasau Hagane- Eldest child of Gingka and Madoka. *Runa Hagane- Twin child of Gingka and Madoka.  *Seisho Hagane- Twin child of Gingka and Madoka. *Hoshi Hagane- Youngest child of Gingka and Madoka. *Ririsu/Yuri- Only child of Ryuga. *Reon Tategami- Eldest child of Kyoya.  *Shibere Tategami- Youngest child of Kyoya. *Unmei- Only child of Hyoma.  *Kayo Tendo- Only child of Yu. *Ajun Hazama- Eldest child of Hikaru.  *Demetora Otori- Only child of Tsubasa. *Heza Yumiya- Twin child of Kenta. *Maku Yumiya- Twin child of Kenta. *Deruta Kadoya- Twin child of Masaume.  *Jemini Kadoya- Twin child of Masaume.  *Evurin- Child of Doji- Leader of Nebula- Villain.
A Different Kind of Normal: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Lab Rats.
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*Viola Davis- Bionic Girl. *Benjamin ‘Ben’ Jones- Bionic Boy. *Mariana ‘Mari’ Gonzalez- Bionic Girl. *Levi Owen- Crush of Ben. *Evelyn ‘Eve’ Tee- Crush- Friend-later-Crush of Viola. *Cameron Jackson- Friend of Mari. *Bella Newman- Best friend of Ben. *Milo Kingston- Bully of the three. *Wyatt Watson- Later villain. *Juliana Parker- Villain. *Trinity Stark- Main villain. *Hazel Reilly- Neighbor. 
Welcome to Sky High: Summary of Story: TBA. Fandom: Sky High. 
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*Azalea ‘Aza’ Peace- Eldest child of Warren and Layla. *Florian Peace- Youngest child of Warren and Layla.  *Rachel Stronghold- Only child of Will. *Zane- Twin child of Magneta and Zach. *Seth- Twin child of Magneta and Zach. *Paige- Only child of Ethan.
Legacy of The Charmed Ones: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Charmed (Original). 
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*Wyatt= Matthew, Pandora and Poppy Halliwell. *Chris= Penny, Pamela and Prudence Halliwell. *Melinda= Petra, Arthur and David Halliwell. *Peyton= Carter, Paulina and Patience Halliwell (all adopted). *P.J= Pearl, Hayden and Primrose Halliwell. *Parker= Jackson, Chase and Bailey Halliwell. *Tamora= Imogen, Maxwell and Lilith Mitchell. *Kat= Reed, Luke and Skylor Mitchell. *Henry. Jr= Simon and Jane Mitchell. 
Maddie 10: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Ben 10 (Classic Continuity). 
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*Cameron ‘Cam’ Tennyson- Eldest child of Ben and Julie. *Madeline ‘Maddie’ Tennyson- Youngest child of Ben and Julie. *Roxanne ‘Roxie’ Tennyson- Only child of Gwen and Kevin. *Rook Quill- Eldest child of Rook Blonko.
The New Ninjago: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Lego Ninjago.
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*Aine- Child of Skylar and Kai. *Ruth- Only child of Lloyd. *Frtiz- Robot child of Zane and P.I.X.A.L. *Orion- Eldest child of Cole. *Terra- Youngest child of Cole. *Clara- Eldest child of Jay and Nya. *Miles- Twin child of Jay and Nya. *Tobias- Twin child of Jay and Nya.
Danny Phantom: Next Generation: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Danny Phantom.
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*Freddie Fenton- Eldest child of Danny and Sam. *Regan Fenton- Middle child of Danny and Sam. *Spike Fenton- Youngest child of Danny and Sam. *Harley Foley- Eldest child of Tucker and Valerie. *Roxy Foley- Youngest child of Tucker and Valerie. *Harper Fenton- Only child of Jazz. *Poe Fenton- Only child of Dani. *Martin Baxter- Eldest child of Dash and Paulina. *Victoria Baxter- Youngest child of Dash and Paulina. *Hunter- Only child of Star and Kwan. *Joey- Only child of Mikey. *Aaron- Only child of Tiffany and Nathan. *Dylan Shaw- Friend of Freddie. *Wyatt Roberts- Friend of Freddie. *Ace Hyde- Friend of Freddie.
Zombies: Next Generation: Summary of Story: TBA. Fandom: Disney Zombies. 
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*Zadie Necrodopolis- Twin child of Zed and Addison. *Zayne Necrodopolis- Twin child of Zed and Addison. *Zayla Necrodopolis- Youngest child of Zed and Addison. *Winona Zambi-Lykensen- Only child of Eliza and Willa. *Whitney Lykensen- Only child of Wyatt. *Wayne Barkawtiz- Only child of Wynter. *Bucky Buchanen. Jr- Eldest child of Bucky. *Briella Buchanen- Youngest child of Bucky. *Braxton- Twin child of Bree and Bonzo.  *Bryce- Twin child of Bree and Bonzo. *Kacey- Only child of Lacey. *Macey- Only child of Stacey. *Dacey- Only child of Jacey. *Gracey- Only child of Tracey. *Doris Dumpson- Villain. 
Winx Club: Next Generation:  Summary of Series: The Magic Dimension has long since remained to be safe ever since the Winx Club moved on with their lifes, a few becoming queens, a few becoming rich and a few remaining happy enough with their families. It is now a new year for schools like Alfea, Red Fountain, Cloud Tower and even one of the known Wizard schools, Boderra. Attending the schools are none other then the Winx's children, and many of their allies children too. But so are the Trix Children. Just as the new school year looks ready to be another typical one, the new generation finds themselves suffering under legacies, and most of all, the wrath of the new Trix. The Winx Children will have to reform their parents teams, gain allies and stop the Trix Children once and for all, before Magix turns into something its not.... Quotev Link Fandom: Winx Club.
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*Aideen Daphne- Eldest child of Bloom and Sky- Fairy of Fireworks. *Ember Vanessa- Child of Bloom and Sky- Fairy of The Dragon Flame. *Kadence Martin- Eldest child of Musa and Riven- Fairy of Music.  *Luciana Luna-  Twin child of Stella and Brandon- Fairy of The Moon. *Azalea Miele- Child of Flora and Helia- Fairy of Art. *Maxima Musa- Child of Tecna and Timmy- Fairy of Technology. *Halzea Marion- Child of Daphne and Thoren- Fairy of Air. *Eva Morgana- Child of Roxy and Nex- Fairy of Mythological Beasts. *Nimue- Only child of Selina- Fairy of Snakes. *Rosabeth- Eldest child of Krystal and Roy- Fairy of Nature.  *Aurora Stormy- Child of Icy and Darko- Fairy of Snow.
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*Kyra Bloom- Twin child of Stella and Brandon- Witch of The Sun. *Ursa Darcy- Eldest child of Ivy and Darko- Witch of Ice. *Tove Icy- Twin child of Stormy- Witch of Lightning. *Ophelia- Only child of Mirta and Lucy- Witch of The Burning Stars.  *Lilith- Only child of Diaspro- Witch of Jewels.
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*Castor Mike- Child of Bloom and Sky. *Skylar Elizabeth- Child of Bloom and Sky. *Blair Tecna- Child of Musa and Riven. *Neron Radius- Eldest child of Stella and Brandon. *Lazuli Saladin- Eldest child of Flora and Helia. *Linux Jako- Eldest child of Tecna and Timmy. *Ethan Nex- Child of Daphne and Thoren.
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*Kai Teredor- Twin child of Aisha and Nabu- Wizard of Waves.  *Musa Niobe- Twin child of Aisha and Nabu- Wizard of Healing. *Vulcan Oritel- Eldest child of Daphne and Thoren- Wizard of Fire. *Uri Sky- Child of Daphne and Thoren- Wizard of Legends. *Dillon Klaus- Eldest child of Roxy and Nex- Wizard of Animals. *Valhalla Riven- Only child of Darcy- Wizard of Illusions. *Raiden Crow- Twin child of Stormy- Wizard of Thunder.
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*Hayden Thoren- Youngest child of Bloom and Sky. *Riya Flora- Twin child of Musa and Riven- Fairy of Sound. *Jaron Sky- Twin child of Musa and Riven- Wizard of Sound. *Thea Musa- Youngest child of Stella and Brandon- Fairy of Twilight. *Gale Rosabeth- Youngest child of Flora and Helia. *Zeno Nabu- Youngest child of Tecna and Timmy- Wizard of Electricity. *Corventina Ligeo- Youngest child of Aisha and Nabu.  *Jorck Aidan- Youngest child of Daphne and Thoren. *Lyall Thoren- Child of Roxy and Nex. *Kefira Nebula- Youngest child of Roxy and Nex. *North Valtor- Youngest child of Icy and Darko. 
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Name: Clara Heafley. Title: Bodyguard: Prey. Fandom: Bodyguard. Summary: In a constantly changing world, the need for protection grows. A teenager is the least likely suspect for a protector- but that's exactly what Clara Heafley relies on to do her job. Her job? Being a professional bodyguard trained in surveillance, anti-ambush techniques, hostage survival and unarmed combat. When she's given the task to protect the Prime Minister's daughter, her protection skills face the ultimate test. Carla however, doesn't want protection. She just wants to have a normal life. Unaware that Clara is her bodyguard, she tries to hide from security while taking Clara along for the ride. But unknown to her and Clara, her father's rival is not willing to accept defeat. And with a common tactic being to target enemies loved ones, this anger slowly morphs him into a vulture, with the Prime Minister's daughter being his prey. Quotev Link Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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aceattorneyevents · 4 years
Ace Attorney Character Ages - 2020
*SPOILER WARNING (particularly for 3-5, 4-4, AAI case 5, 5-3, and some others)
0 (born this year): Clonco
1: Ahlbi Ur’gaid
4: Armie Buff
6/7: Rayfa Padma Khura’in
8: Machi Tobaye, Jinxie Tenma
9/10: Trucy Wright/Trucy Enigmar
10: Myriam Scuttlebutt
10/11: Cody Hackins, Pearl Fey
11: Athena Cykes, Betty de Famme, Bonny de Famme, Juniper Woods, Robin Newman
12: Bucky Whet
13: Ellen Wyatt, Rheel Neh’mu/Puhray Zeh’lot, Vera Misham, Wocky Kitaki
14: John Marsh, Marlon Rimes
15: Alita Tiala, Luke Triton, Olga Orly, Sasha Buckler
16: Azura Summers, Clay Terran, Sorin Sprocket, Wesley Stickler
16/17: Apollo Justice
17: Dumas Gloomsbury, Nahyuta Sahdmadhi
17/18: Paul Atishon
18: Cameron Show, Daryan Crescend, Hugh O’Conner, Pierce Nichody, Russi Clover, Selena Sprocket
18/19: Kay Faraday, Klavier Gavin, Regina Berry, Sebastian Debeste
19: Ema Skye
20: Candice Arme, Espella Cantabella, Gale Cyclone, Uendo Toneido
20/21: Franziska von Karma, Lauren Paups/Lauren Devorae, Maya Fey
21: Lira Wolfe, Simon Blackquill
21/22: Nicole Swift, Penny Nichols
22: Darklaw/Eve Belduke, Manov Mistree
22/23: Lance Amano
23: Beh’leeb Inmee, Luna Marsh
23/24: Ini Miney, Juan Corrida, Karin Jenson, Matt Engarde, Max Galactica/Billy Bob Johns
24: Julie Henson, Paht Rohl
24/25: Bat/Sean Dingling, Desirée DeLite, Maggey Byrde, Richard Wellington, Ron DeLite
25: Eddie Johnson, Emi St. Cloud
25/26: Adrian Andrews, Cammy Meele, Cindy Stone, Horace Knightley, Lotta Hart, Mike Meekins, Rhoda Teneiro, Simon Keyes
26: Bobby Fulbright, Florent L’Belle, Geiru Toneido, Solomon Starbuck
26/27: April May, Dahlia Hawthorne, Iris, Kristoph Gavin, Larry Butz, Viola Cadaverini, Will Powers
27: Flip Chambers, Kara Giamani, Roger Retinz, Shawn Southern
27/28: Justine Courtney, Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright
28: Kevin Hattori, Pees’lubn Andistan’dhin
28/29: Acro/Ken Dingling, Doug Swallow, Shi-Long Lang
29: Brock Johnson, Norma DePlume, Romein LeTouse
29/30: Akbey Hicks, Bellboy, Glen Elg
30: Aura Blackquill, Ava Sylent, Iris Suffield, Milt Nelson, Risa Iko, Spark Brushel
30/31: Buddy Faith, Calisto Yew/Shih-na, Jacques Portsman, Ka-Shi Nou, Mia Fey, Valerie Hawthorne
31: All-purpose Tengu, Milo Kent, Samuel Stylent
32: Neil Marshall, Todd Havara
32/33: Dustin Prince, Jay Elbird, Lana Skye, Manny Coachen, Terry Fawles
33: Buck Montana, Herman Crab, Princess Tengu
33/34: Benjamin Woodman, Dick Gumshoe
34: Lamiroir/Thalassa Gramarye, Power Tengu, Tahrust Inmee
34/35: Angel Starr, Godot/Diego Armando, Jill Crane
35: Clive Fortuna, Ga’ran Sigatar Khura’in, Ted Tonate
35/36: Katherine Hall, Luke Atmey, Sal Manella
36: Amara Sigatar Khura’in, Arnold Balboa, Casper Sly, Plum Kitaki
36/37: Ethan Rooke, Jake Marshall
37: Bobby Wolfe, Cullen Underhill, Dhurke Sahdmadhi
37/38: Dee Vasquez, Turner Grey
38: Aristotle Means, Damian Tenma, Datz Are’bal, Inga Karkhuul Khura’in, Raymond Shields, Valant Gramarye
38/39: Colias Palaeno, Patricia Roland
39: Hershel Layton, Karl Powers, Rex Kyubi
39/40: Bruce Goodman, Raymond Spume
40: Charles Toynbee, Constance Courte, Guy Eldoon, Pal Meraktis
40/41: Jean Armstrong
41: Jack Hammer, Mack Rell, Theridia Wolfe, Zak Gramarye/Shadi Enigmar
42: Tucker Toynbee
43: Bright Bonds, Henry Biden, Phineas Filch, Redd White, Robin Wolfe
43/44: Furio Tigre
44: Brodie Toynbee, Tony Granier
44/45: Jack Cameron
46: Drew Misham
46/47: Joe Darke
47: Hope Aubergine
48/47: Frank Sahwit
48: Gaspen Payne
48/49: Moe/Lawrence Curls
49: Byrne Faraday, Carl Caesar
49/50: Bikini, Kane Bullard
50: Jack Shipley, Misty Fey, Winfred Kitaki
51/52: Colin Devorae/Oliver Deacon, Robert Hammond
52/53: Ernest Amano
53: Chase Clink
54: Gregory Edgeworth, Nate Jiffy, Thomas Spitzer
54/55: Russell Berry
55: Yuri Cosmos
55/56: Dane Gustavia, Winston Payne, Yanni Yogi
56: Archie Buff, Marco Swindell
58/59: Pierre Hoquet
59: Jeffrey Master
59/60: Di-Jun Huang
61/62: Bonnie Young
62: Deid Mann, Taifu Toneido, Tyrell Badd
63/64: Zinc Lablanc
66: Sergio Youngport
67/68: Marvin Grossberg
68: Buck Wheatley
68/69: Damon Gant, Magnifi Gramarye, Manfred von Karma
69/70: Blaise Debeste, Victor Kudo
73/74: Quercus Alba
77: Ives Shineto
78: George Braden
79/80: Bruto Cadaverini
129/130: Iris Watson
131: Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond Ormstein
135/136: Nikomina Borschevic
136: Haori Murasame
137: Susato Mikotoba
138: Gina Lestrade
139: Maria Goullolyne
140: Viridian Green
141: Adam Redifast, Rola O’Malley
142: Duncan Ross
143: Patrick O’Malley, Decargo Mieterman
144: Kazuma Asōgi, Ryūnosuke Naruhodō
145: Jezail Brett, Marco di Gicho
146: Connette Rozaic, Maurice de Quilco, Nemmy Tinpillar
147: Robert Crogley, Tully Tinpillar
150/151: Satoru Hosonaga
151: William Petenshy
152/153: Sōseki Natsume
153: Barok van Zieks, Benjamin Dobinbough
154: Oscar Fairplay, Sherlock Holmes
155: Enoch Drebber
156: Anna Mittlemont
157/158: Mitrov Stroganov
158: Heita Mamemomi, Joan Garrideb, Mrs. Altamont
159: Courtney Sithe
159/160: Taizou Uzukumaru
160: Everyday Mittlemont
162: Rumba Marmatch
163: Klimt van Zieks, Seishirou Jigoku, Yūjin Mikotoba
165: Tobias Gregson
166: John Garrideb
167: Elyder Meningen
168: Cosney Megundal, Hatch Windibank
168/169: John Watson
171: Harry Barricade
172: Taketsuchi Auchi
173: Hart Vortex
174: Morar Milverton
182: Beppo
188/189: Sonmon Sonohigurashi
200/201: Alexandrina Victoria
Older: Ihmsan/Lady Kee’ra, the “Holy Mother”, Lang Zi
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garthcelyn · 3 years
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Yeah, I think that sums up the squad well.
Credit to @jezifster for the template
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allxthingsxglxtter · 4 years
Connections #1
Pairing and Connections Post!   1 out of 2
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Derek Hale || 27 || Teen Wolf || Full Memory || Bartender at Club Loophole
Fake Family: None.
Wanted Connections: Arcadia gang buddies, work friends, friends in general, other werewolves.   
Pairing: Athenadora
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Dean Winchester || 35 || Supernatural || Full Memory || Mechanic at Balmain Auto Repair
Fake Family: Two younger sisters, an ex-wife
Wanted Connections: Any of his fake family members, other mechanics to work at the shop, friends, enemies.  John and Mary would be fun additions as well as anyone else from Supernatural.
Pairing: Castiel
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Triss Merigold || 24/45 || The Witcher || Most Memories || Potions Professor
Fake Family: Possible siblings, still open
Wanted Connections: Fake Family members, other witches to be buddies with, students she can teach, friends, former lovers, other teachers.  Yennefer would be fun, or any of the other witches in Witcher.  Ciri. 
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia
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Percy Jackson || 20 || || PJO || Full Memory || Bartender at The Phantom
Fake Family: Ted Tonks is his older brother.  
Wanted Connections: Co-workers at the Phantom, other demigods, friends, former fake lovers, pretty much anything.  I’d love someone to bring Poseidon, as well as Grover, Hazel and Leo, the rest of the Seven. Pretty much anyone from the Riordanverse. 
Pairing: Annabeth Chase 
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Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir || 25 || Miraculous Ladybug || Full Memory || Actor 
Fake Family: None.
Wanted Connections: Other Actors/work buddies, superheroes, maybe someone to mentor?  Some sort of familial figure would be nice.  His father would be a wanted character, as well as anyone else from Miraculous.  
Pairing: Marienette Dupain-Cheng
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Diego Hargreeves || 30 || Umbrella Academy || Full Memory (up to season 1 end)  || Vigilante/Odd Jobs
Fake Family: A lot of siblings and both parents are living,
Wanted connections: Fake family members, farmers/people he’s worked for, friends, maybe a therapist.  Pogo and Reginald Hargreeves would all be fantastic connections 
Pairing: Eudora Patch
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Dick Grayson || 26 || DC || Full Memory || Detective 
Fake Family; Younger brothers and a sister
Wanted Connections; Fake family members, other colleagues at the police department, criminal frenemies.  Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Alfred, and any of Batman’s rogue gallery would be wanted!
Pairing: Jasmine
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Will Herondale || 20 || Infernal Devices || Some Memory || Waiter at Central Kitchen
Fake Family: None.
Wanted connections: Other members of the non-magic gang, enemies, a mentor of some sort who did their best to make sure he hasn’t died in the past 3 years, Tessa Grey, JEM CARSTAIRS.  And anyone else from the London Institute.  
Pairing; Casper
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Robin Hood || 25 || Legends || No Memory || Fireman
Fake Family: fake siblings, 
Wanted Connections: his siblings, coworkers, friends, Little John, Alan-A-Dale, Will Scarlet, pretty much anyone from any version of Robin Hood.
Pairing:  Marian
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Carmelita Spats || 23 || ASoUE || Full Memory || Student
Fake Family: An older brother
Wanted connections: Fake older Brother, Friends, former lovers, potential gang connections (either side), someone who wants to plot some trouble.  Isadora Quagmire would be welcome, as well as any other ASoUE characters!  
Pairing: Single- Bisexual
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Lemony Snicket || 35 || ASoUE || Full Memory || Journalist
Fake Family: A couple younger sisters
Wanted Connections: Some fake family, coworkers, anyone else who loves literature and mystery to be his buddy, maybe a therapist.  Jacques Snicket would be AMAZING. As well as any other members of VFD.
Pairing: Beatrice Baudelaire
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Nile Freeman || 25 || The Old Guard || No Memory || Waitress at Whiskey Chef
Fake family: None
Wanted connections: People who have met her before while she’s travelling, old ex’s. maybe some enemies.  Gang connections likely (either side), ANDY would be awesome, as well as BOOKER.  Give my girl her old Guard family.  
Pairing: Jasmine Zabini
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Carl Grimes || 20 || TWD || Full Memory || Factory Worker
Fake Family: Maybe a fake uncle, or cousins or something? Nothing uber close.
Wanted connections:  Friends, maybe a mentor-like relationship, probable gang connections (likely magic side), somebody to help him with his magic research.  MICHONNE, anyone from TWD would be great.
Pairing:Primrose Everdeen
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Merlin || 27/1,000+ || Merlin || Full Memory || Tailor
Fake Family: fake siblings
Wanted connections: Fake siblings, friends, magic users he can help, maybe teach, Anyone from the Merlin TV show would be fantastic.  Morgana :D
Pairing: Arthur Pendragon
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Nil || 30 || Horizon Zero Dawn || Full Memory || Hitman/Bodyguard
Fake Family: A sister
Wanted Connections: Fake sister, coworkers, someone who has hired him as their bodyguard, Gangmember/crime friends, friends who will be patient with his crazy.  anyone from Horizon Zero Dawn
Pairing: Taken
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Thalia Grace || 23 || PJO || Full Memory || Bartender at The Phantom/Thief
Fake Family: Leonard Snart
Wanted Connections:  Friends, coworkers, other lightning-powered people, Zeus, the gods, other demigods, anyone else from PJO. 
Pairing: Selina Kyle
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Barry Allen || 27 || The Flash || Some Memory || Science Professor
Fake Family: Coraline
Wanted Connections: Coworkers, students, other meta/superhumans, anyone from the Flash, Joe West and Cisco especially.
Pairing: Leonard Snart
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Thomas || 24 || Maze Runner || Full Memory || Student
Fake Family: A brother and sister
Wanted connections: Fake Family, college friends, someone to explain magic to him, maybe a therapist.  Any of the other Maze Runner peeps.  Maybe Chuck for extreme angst :D
Pairing: Newt and Minho
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Uma || 21 || Descendants || Full Memory || Bartender at Club Loophole
Fake Family: Siblings
Wanted Connections: fake family members, criminals and gangmembers she can organize, enemies, someone to teach her magic, friends.  Any Descendants characters would be awesome, Gil, Mal.  
Pairing: Harry Hook
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Jeremy Gilbert || 27 || TVD || Full Memory || Fireman
Fake Family: A brother
Wanted Connections: Fake brother, Coworkers, people to train/spar with.  Alaric would be awesome, as well as any other characters from TVD.
Pairing: Anna
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Albus Potter || 20 || Harry Potter || Full Memory || Store Clerk
Fake Family:  Fake siblings
Wanted Connections: Fake family, coworkers, enemies.   Anyone from HP really, 
Pairing: Jack Frost
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Peeta Mellark || 23 || Hunger Games || Full Memory || Owns a bakery
Fake Family: Fake siblings
Wanted connections: Fake family, maybe some of his real family too?  Coworkers, Friends, maybe a therapist.  Gale Hawthorne would be interesting.
Pairing: Katniss 
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Jace Herondale || 22 || Shadowhunters || No Memories || Bouncer for Lotus Casino
Fake Family: Two siblings
Wanted Connections: Fake siblings, criminal buddies, someone to spar/train with, perhaps some ex’s.  Izzy, Simon, Valentine would all be fun. 
Pairing: Clary
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Michael Scofield || 37 || Prison Break || Full Memory || Waiter
Fake Family: One brother, Joe/Yusuf Al-Kaysani
Wanted Connections:  Linc, anyone else from Prison Break, anyone who needs help breaking out of places, doctor connection to help him, Friends. 
Pairing: Sucre
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Peter Pevensie || 25 || Chronicles of Narnia || Full Memory || Works at City Hall
Fake Family: Fake brother or sister
Wanted connections: EDMUND PEVENSIE, Aslan, Mr.Tumnus, any other Narnia characters.  Coworkers, old exes, anything really. 
Pairing: Edith
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Hades || Immortal || Greek Mythology || Full Memory || Entrepreneur
Fake Family:  None
Wanted Connections: Other Greek gods, employees (he owns a lot of businesses), friends, enemies, ZEUS OR POSEIDON.  Demeter.
Pairing: Persephone 
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Sokka || 25 || Avatar: Last Airbender || Full Memory || Training Instructor
Fake Family: Fake older brothers/sisters
Wanted Connections: Fake Family, Aang, Azula, any other Avatar characters.  Coworkers, friends, enemies, people to spar with.
Pairing: Suki/Zuko
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Avad || 24 || Horizon: Zero Dawn || Full Memory || Caretaker at Food Bank
Fake Family: Younger sisters
Wanted connections: Fake family, any other Horizon:zero dawn characters, coworkers, friends, people he helps.  Anyone really.
Pairing: Aloy
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Alicia Boyd || 22 || Teen Wolf (OC) || Full Memory || Bartender/Dancer at Embers Club
Fake Family: None
Wanted Connections: Friends, old flings, old relationships, criminal connections, people to show her magic and stuff.
Pairing: Satana
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Jason Todd || 25 || DC || Full Memory || Bartender and Mercenary
Fake Family: Various siblings
Wanted Connections: Fake siblings, BRUCE WAYNE, friends, enemies, criminal connections, any of the other batfamily, Talia Al Ghul.
Pairing: Naivera
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Bucky Barnes || 30/104 || Full Memory || Hotel Concierge
Fake Family: Siblings, Parents, anyone.
Wanted Connections: Any sort of fake family, SAM WILSON, Any of the Howling Commandos, Hydra people to be mean.  Pretty much anyone.
Pairing; Caitlin Snow/Frost
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Sirius Black || 27/36 || Full Memory || Heir to Family Fortune/Landlord
Fake Family: Younger Siblings (very well off family, haven’t decided what they own)
Wanted Connections: Fake Family, Anyone from his real family, PETER PETTIGREW, HARRY POTTER, Albus Dumbledore, anyone from the Order.  Enemies, friends, tenets, employees...I’m down for anything.
Pairing: Marlene McKinnon
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Ahsoka Tano || 23 || Star Wars || Full Memory || Owns a farm
Fake family: Older brother or sister
Wanted Connections: Padme Amidala, Obi Wan Kenobi, Rex, Anyone from Clone Wars or Rebels,  friends, other farmers, up for anything.
Pairing: Anastasia Krum
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Gawain || 31 || Cursed || Full Memory || Factory Worker
Fake family: None
Wanted connections:  Anyone from Cursed, other fey buddies from the same universe or other ones too.  Friends, enemies, anything.
Pairing:  Lancelot
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Dof || 29 || Cursed || Full Memory || Fisherman
Fake Family: Three siblings
Wanted Connections: Fake siblings, coworkers, friends, other vikings to be buds with.  Anyone else from Cursed, Red Spear
Pairing: Pym
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Finn || 27 || Star Wars || Full Memory || Factory Worker
Fake Family: An older sister
Wanted connections: His older sister, coworkers, other Star Wars buddies, perhaps a roommate and someone to love.  
Pairing: Poe and Rey
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Sara Lance || 34 || Arrow/Legends || Full Memory || Mercenary
Fake Family:  Older brother
Wanted connections: Older brother, gang members she’s worked for/is connected too, friends, other Legends, Laurel Lance, Oliver Queen.  
Pairing: John Constantine
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Jacen Solo || 29 || Star Wars || Full Memory || Bar owner
Fake Family: Some siblings
Wanted Connections: Fake siblings, JAINA SOLO, friends, people to care for, Anakin Solo, 
Pairing: Bree Tanner
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ivebentaken · 2 years
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Andre my love
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siegelst · 3 years
but when we get a showdown of Gov. Casper and Max? he would on purposely drive her mad just by giving fake information & she be a fool to believe the kid.
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that-nico-diangelo · 5 years
Muse Wanted Connections List
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Nico Di Angelo || 20 || Unemployed || Percy Jackson
Paired: Casper
Connections:  gods/goddesses, he needs a bestie.  Maybe a therapist.  Someone to spar with him/train his abilities with
Specific: Jason Grace, Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
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Jason Todd || 25 || Fight Club/Bartender || DC
Paired: Jean Grey
Connections: Coworkers, One night stands, more friends (takes some work but he’s loyal), fellow antihero/vigilantes
Specific: Dick Greyson, Tim Drake, Talia Al Ghul, Joker
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Stephanie Brown || 21 || Bookstore Clerk || DC
Paired: Robin Buckley
Connections: Friends, Friends with Benefits, A mother-esque figure
Specific: Dick Greyson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne
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Ruby || Ancient || Stripper || Supernatural
Paired: Faith LeHane
Connections: Coworkers, regular customers, friends, people who wanna make deals with demons, Friends with Benefits, One Night Stands
Specific: Sam Winchester
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Luke Castellan || 22 || University Student || Percy Jackson
Paired: Cecily Herondale
Connections: Enemies, One Night stands, sparring partner, other demigods
Specific: Hermes, Thalia
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James Potter || 21 || Waiter at Benbow Inn || Harry Potter
Pairing: Lily Evans
Connections: Coworkers, friends, enemies, troublemaking pals
Specific: Voldemort/Tom Riddle
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Jace Herondale || 25 || Cab Driver || Shadowhunters
Pairing: Johanna Mason
Connections: Friends, coworkers, regular riders, a therapist
Specific: Lilith, Maryse Lightwood, The Owl (if you’re feeling creative/mean)
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Harry Hook || 23 || Hitman at the Continental || Descendants
Pairing: Gil Legume
Connections:  Coworkers, Boss figure, friends, One night stands, enemies
Specific: Captain Hook, CJ Hook
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Irene Adler || 35 || Philosophy Professor || Sherlock Holmes
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes
Connections: Students, Friends with benefits, colleagues, friends, partner in crime, people she’s robbed/conned
Specific: John Watson
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Diego Hargreeves/Number 2 || 30 || Fight Club || Umbrella Academy
Pairing: Eudora Patch
Connections: Other fighters, budding friendships.
Specific: Luther, Vanya, Allison, Five, Reginald Hargreeves
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Clint Barton || 39 || Bouncer & Fight Club || Marvel
Pairing: Laura Barton
Connections: Coworkers, fighters, enemies, Therapist
Specific: Thanos, Nick Fury, Kate Bishop
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Geralt of Rivia || 94 || Nurser || The Witcher
Pairing: Yennefer 
Connections: Co-workers, random people he’s helped, One night stands, friends with benefits, enemies.
Specific: Zoltan, Iorweth
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Valkyrie || Ancient || Commander at LCPD || Marvel
Pairing: Kassandra
Connections:  Co-workers, one night stands, friends with benefits, friends, sparring partners
Specific: Thor, Bruce Banner
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Morgan Stark || 22 || Student at UNLV || Marvel
Pairing: Lila Barton
Connections: Fellow students, friends, colleagues, professors, enemies
Specific: Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson
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Ben Hargreeves/ Number 6 || 30 || Counselor at UNLV || Umbrella Academy
Pairing: Shuri
Connections: Students, people he’s counseling, friends, fellow people with powers.  
Specific: Luther, Vanya, Allison, Five, Reginald Hargreeves
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Arthur Pendragon || 26 || Owns Amagi Inn || Merlin
Pairing: Gwen
Connections: Employees, friends, enemies, fellow former rulers.
Specific: Merlin, Lancelot, Percival, Uther
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Jack Frost || Ancient || Student at UNLV || Rise of the Guardians
Pairing: Toothiana
Connections: Classmates, teachers, friends, enemies, one night stands
Specific: Easter Bunny, Sandman, Man in the Moon, Pitch Black
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Maleficent || 38 || Professor at UNLV || Disney’s Maleficent
Pairing: Conall/Diaval
Connections: Students, Co-workers, Friends, friends with benefits, enemies, fellow fae she’ll want to protect.
Specific: Prince Philip, Stefan, Any of the dark fae/fae in general.
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Illya Kuryakin || 32 || Head of Security at Wayne Enterprises || Man from UNCLE
Pairing: Gaby Teller/Napoleon Solo
Connections: Employees, enemies, one night stands, friends with benefits
Specific: None
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Jughead Jones || 20 || Journalist || Riverdale
Pairing:  Shock
Connections: Coworkers, friends, enemies, 
Specific: Literally anyone else from Riverdale
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Stiles Stilinski || 23 || Police Officer || Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek Hale
Connections:  Coworkers, enemies, one night stands
Specific; Malia, Theo, Erica, The Nogitsune, 
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Lady Death || Ageless || Mortician || Marvel
Pairing: Currently unpaired
Connections: Friends, coworkers, friends with benefits, one night stands
Specific: Thanos
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Regulus Black || 20 || Student at UNLV || Harry Potter
Pairing: Steve Harington
Connections: Friends, classmates, teachers, one night stands, people into dark magic
Specific: Kreacher, Walburga Black
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Jade Nguyen || 34 || Hitman at the Continental Hotel || DC
Pairing:  John Wick
Connections: Coworkers, enemies, one night stands
Specific: Roy Harper, Artemis
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Eris || Ancient || Owns Seven Devils || Sinbad
Pairing: Currently unpaired
Connections: Friends, Enemies, people who’s lives she’s ruined, people who love chaos, one night stands
Specific: Sinbad
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Madzi || 20 || Student at UNLV || Shadowhunters
Pairing: Josie Saltzman
Connections:  Friends, classmates, one night stands, fellow magicians
Specific: None
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James Rogers || 24 || Dojo Instructor || Marvel
Pairing: Bella Swan
Connections: Other Superheroes, coworkers, students, friends, frenemies
Specific: Ultron, Torunn, 
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Carl Grimes || 19 || Student at UNLV || Walking Dead
Pairing: Nina Gursky
Connections: Classmates, Teachers, maybe a therapist.  Friends
Specific: Rick Grimes, Michonne
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Atreus || 23 || Citadel Clerk & Fighter || God of War
Pairing: Jenny
Connections: Sparring partners, fellow demigods, coworkers, friends
Specific: Freya, Mimir
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Finnick Odair || 25 || Tailor Shop Manager || Hunger Games
Pairing: Annie Cresta
Connections: Coworkers, friends, therapist, enemies
Specific: President Snow, Mags, Peeta Mellark
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Blossom Utonium || 22 || Student at UNLV || Powerpuff Girls
Pairing: Brick Jojo
Connections: Classmates, Teachers, friends, enemies, 
Specific:  The professor, HIM, Mojo Jojo
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Magnus Bane || 400+ || Owns The Screaming Cat || Shadowhunters
Pairing: Alec Lightwood
Connections: Employees, fellow warlocks, enemies, clients both magical and otherwise
Specific: Camille
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BD-1 || 20 || Student at UNLV || Star Wars: Fallen Order
Pairing: BB-8
Connections: Fellow droids/androids, Classmates, teachers, friends, jedi and sith
Specific: Cere, Greez, Trilla
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Raphael Santiago || 79 || Owns Medical Clinic || Shadowhunters
Pairing: Simon Lewis
Connections: Other vampires he can assist, friends, enemies, fellow downworlders,
Specific: Camilla
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Leta Lestrange || 24 || Public School Teacher || Fantastic Beasts
Pairing: Queenie Goldstein
Connections: Students, Colleagues, friends, enemies, other witches
Specific: Theseus Scamander, 
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Will Herondale || 18 || Citadel Clerk & Fighter || Shadowhunters
Pairing: Princess Aurora
Connections: Coworkers, Sparring partners, friends with benefits
Specific: Jem Carstairs, Tessa Grey
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Katniss Everdeen || 18 || Fighter || Hunger Games
Pairing: Koriand’r
Connections: Friends, sparring partner, fighters, rivals, therapist
Specific: Peeta Mellark, Gale Hawthorne, Cinna
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Poe Dameron || 32 || Fighter & Firefighter || Star Wars
Pairing: Finn
Connections: Coworkers, enemies, fellow rebels, one night stands
Specific: Chewbacca, Zorii 
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Lucy Pevensie || 20 || Doctor || Chronicles of Narnia
Pairing: Currently Unpaired
Connections: Patients, coworkers, friends, magicians of any sort, fairytale creatures
Specific: Peter Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie, Eustace Scrubb, Mr.Tumnus
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Steve Rogers || 95 || Owns Hawke’s Gym || Marvel
Pairing: Bucky Barnes
Connections: Employees, clients, fellow heroes, maybe a therapist
Specific: Sam Wilson, Thor, Bruce Banner
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Ahsoka Tano || 20 || Owns The Sanctuary || Star Wars
Pairing: Emily
Connections: Employees, friends, jedi, enemies, 
Specifics: Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Commander Rex
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Adrien Agreste || 25 || Bartender at Seven Devils || Miraculous Ladybug
Pairing: Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Connections: Coworkers, friends, one night stands, sparring partner, superhero buddies
Specifics: Gabriel or Emilie Agreste
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Toothless || 23 || Student at UNLV || How to Train Your Dragon
Pairing: Lightfury
Connections: Friends, classmates, teachers, tutors, people who like dragons
Specifics: Any of his kids, Stoick, Stormfly, Grimmel, Drago Bludvist
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Pietro Maximoff || 25 || Bartender at Lux || Marvel
Pairing: Kara Danvers
Connections: Superheroes in general, friends, coworkers, regular customers, one night stands
Specifics: Vision
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Isaac Lahey || 24 || Motorcycle Specialist || Teen Wolf
Pairing: Vernon Boyd
Connections: Friends, packmates/fellow werewolves, enemies, coworkers
Specifics: Erica, Cora
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Ezio Auditore || 25 || Bartender at The Eagle’s Perch || Assassin’s Creed
Pairing: Leonardo Da Vinci
Connections: Friends, Coworkers, fellow assassins, templars, enemies
Specifics: Bayek, Desmond Miles, Caterina
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Katara || 20 || TA at Xavier’s School || Last Airbender
Pairing: Bianca Di Angelo
Connections: Friends, coworkers, other benders, enemies
Specifics: Aang, Sokka, Toph.
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Arwen Udómiel || Ancient || Director at the Medical Clinic || LOTR
Pairing: Aragorn
Connections: Other elves, friends, coworkers, patients, sparring partner
Specifics: Elrond, Legolas, Gimli, Frodo
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Kaa || 24 || Stripper || Jungle Book
Pairing: Kidagakash
Connections: Friends with Benefits, One Night Stands, clients, friends, enemies, people she can hypnotize/con
Specifics: Mowgli, Bagheera, Shere Khan
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Peter Pettigrew || 25 || Clerk at Mr.Gold’s || Harry Potter
Pairing: Petunia Evans
Connections: Friends, a therapist, personal trainer, anyone willing to be nice to him
Specifics: Voldemort/Tom Riddle
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Eddie Brock/Venom || 30 || Journalist || Marvel
Pairing: Cassidy
Connections: Friends, aliens, a Therapist, Enemies, sparring partner, spider-people
Specifics: Anne Weying, Riot
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Aslan || Centuries || Counselor at UNLV || Narnia
Pairing: Amalthea
Connections:  Friends in general, patients, enemies, everything really.
Specifics: Peter Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie, Eustace Scrubb, Jadis
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T’Challa || 35 || Civil Rights Attorney at City Hall || Marvel
Pairing: Jessica Jones
Connections: Friends, Coworkers, more family members, clients, enemies
Specifics: Kilmonger, Nakia, M’Baku
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Jacen Solo || 28 || Fighter at Fight Club || Star Wars
Pairing: Mitchell McKinnon
Connections: Other Jedi/Sith, friends, rivals, other fighters, enemies
Specifics: Ben Skywalker, Anakin Solo, Tenel Ka
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Damien Wayne || 20 || Student at UNLV and Assistant at Wayne Enterprises || DC
Pairing: Currently Unpaired
Connections: Friends, other DC heroes and villains, classmates
Specifics:  Tim Drake, Dick Greyson, Talia Al Ghul
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Matt Murdock || 32 || Lawyer at Beaumont Law Offices || Marvel
Pairing:  Sidney Prescott
Connections: Friends, Clients, enemies, you name it.
Specifics: Foggy, Karen Page, Electra
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Pamela Isley || 33 || Head Caretaker of LC Gardens || DC
Pairing: Harley Quinn
Connections: Fellow plant enthusiasts, people who want to cause trouble, heroes, friends,
Specifics: Joker, Dick Greyson
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Zatanna Zatara || 35 || Owner of The Black Butterfly || DC
Pairing: Currently Unpaired
Connections: Other magic users, friends, enemies, clients
Specifics: None currently
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Mipha || 68 || Doctor at Limbo City Medical Clinic || Breath of the Wild
Pairing: Currently Unpaired
Connections: All of them.  Mipha loves/cares about everyone, good or bad alike.
Specifics: Ganon, Urbosa, Daruk, Revali
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Fili || 82 || Cab Driver and Fighter in Underground Fight Club || The Hobbit
Pairing: Pippen Meriadoc
Connections: Friends, co-workers (he’s been here for nearly a decade, so feel free to assume any connections you like
Specifics: Thorin, any of the other Dwarves, Tauriel
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John Winchester || 45 || Manager at Mr.Gold’s || Supernatural
Pairing: Mary Winchester
Connections: Other Hunters, friends, enemies, supernatural people he can be nervous around.
Specifics: Bobby Singer 
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Trixie Espinoza || 24 || Manager at Seven Devils || Lucifer
Pairing: Currently Unpaired
Connections: Employees/coworkers, friends, other supernatural beings
Specifics: Danny Espinoza, Mazikeen
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Raven Darkholme || looks 27|| Manager at Limbo’s Bimbo’s, Underground Fight Club Fighter
Pairing: Irene Adler/Destiny
Connections: Xmen, other mutants, enemies, new friends
Specifics: Charles Xavier
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Scorpius Malfoy || 23 || Teacher at Limbo City Public School || Harry Potter
Pairing: Primrose Everdeen
Connections: Former classmates, other teachers, friends
Specifics: Draco Malfoy, 
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Ygritte || 25 || Security at the Eagle’s Perch || GOT
Pairing: Jon Snow
Connections: Friends, warrior buddies, other free folk
Specifics: Mance Rayder, Tormund Giantsbane, 
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Peggy Carter || 27 || Lieutenant at the LCPD || Marvel
Pairing: Daniel Souza
Connections: SHIELD personell, friends,  enemies, pretty much everything.
Specifics: Howard Stark, Jarvis
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Thomas || 20 || Student at UNLV || The Maze Runner 
Pairing: Newt
Connections: WCKD people, Other gladers, new friends, people to prevent him doing self-endangering shit.
Specifics: Minho, Gally, Chuck, Alby, Theresa, Ava Paige
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❤ for anyone plz
 ahhh i just went w where they are now + what we’ve talked abt but some of this is just me winging it, im not sure how accurate all of this is tbhhh but anyway! under the cut!
Send a ❤ and I’ll fill in the form of what my character would do with yours.
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA  (or like not a Lot probs?) | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection (i mean… none right now but all of this eventually lmAO)
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates;Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach!!!! | No dates
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes!!!!!! | No Have sex on the first date? Yes | NoConfess their attraction first? Yes | No Have children/adopt? Yes!!!!! | No Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes | No Cuddle after sex? Yes | No
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling (like a Soft Mood mb?) | Hand kiss | PDA  | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection 
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates;Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates (the only dates they need is killin people together!) 
Would my character…
Marry them? Yesss he steals her a ring!! romance!!!  | No Have sex on the first date? Yes | NoConfess their attraction first? Yes | No Have children/adopt?  | No (lol)Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes | No Cuddle after sex? Yes (again, a Soft mood?) | No
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling  | Hand kiss | PDA  | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection (like.. rn yanno)
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates;Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates (i mean not yet)
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No | i.. don’t kNOW like maybe but also they might be all like “a piece of paper means nothing!!”Have sex on the first date? Yes (lol)| NoConfess their attraction first? Yes | No (idk if he Would tbh what are feelings!)Have children/adopt? Yes | No (like at this time aries is so neutral abt kids but then they’d be great w amelia so maybe they’d talk abt it, you know what! idk!)Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes | No Cuddle after sex? Yes (like mb eventually lmao) | No
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA  | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection (like.. eventually probs)
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex (livin dangerously!!) | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates;Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates Would my character…Marry them? Yes | No |Have sex on the first date? Yes (lol)| NoConfess their attraction first? Yes | No Have children/adopt? Yes | No (idk i mean probs not? but idk??)Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes | No Cuddle after sex? Yes  | No
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA  | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection (i mean when theyre alone tho theyre v affectionate)
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites (not yet… but yk charlie wanna) | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates;Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates Would my character…Marry them? Yes | No Have sex on the first date? Yes | NoConfess their attraction first? Yes | No Have children/adopt? Yes | No | idk?? maybe??Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes | No Cuddle after sex? Yes  | No
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA  | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection (i mean not when shes his sisters best fried) 
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates;Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates Would my character…Marry them? Yes | No Have sex on the first date? Yes | NoConfess their attraction first? Yes | No Have children/adopt? Yes | No | idk?? maybe??Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes (… mb tho he has Problems) | No Lie to them? Yes | No Cuddle after sex? Yes  | No
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA (maybe Lite)  | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates;Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates Would my character…Marry them? Yes!!!! im still not over it!!!!! | No Have sex on the first date? Yes | NoConfess their attraction first? Yes | No Have children/adopt? Yes (ok but… what if… they do…) | No | Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes | No Cuddle after sex? Yes  | No
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA (lol i mean first they HAVE to and mb after that too)  | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair |  no display of affection (aLL the displays tho EVENTUALLY)
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates;Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates Would my character…Marry them? Yes | No Have sex on the first date? Yes | NoConfess their attraction first? Yes | No Have children/adopt? Yes| No | Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes | No Cuddle after sex? Yes  | No
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