#castiel is jack kline’s father
strawberrryangel · 2 months
cas and jack sitting in the kitchen slow blinking at each other. dean walking in, grabbing a beer, and walking back out. sam is like what the fuck are they doing. dean is like yeah they do that. they’re bonding. leave them alone.
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supernatural-case · 2 days
one thing I never ever see us talk about is that jack is his son, and losing him would absolutely ruin cas. it did wreck him.
I think, when cas comes back and learns what jack did, what he gave up, he would be torn apart by pride (in what jack sacrificed to save the world) and grief (in jack giving up his life, in jack being only four and losing out on his own life).
cas loves dean. it’s canon, it’s romantic, it is likely requited, but if the end of the world came down to jack or dean, cas would choose jack over and over. it’s shown in season 14’s final episode alone. neither love outshines the other, certainly — but that love also does not disappear.
they are different kinds of love, absolutely. this post is basically in response to a lot of destiel fics focusing on dean and cas (which is fair!), but I would love to see more fix-it fics with jack (and sam), and I would especially love to see more fics with jack where he maintains the role that he chose as god, but where cas grieves him while he and dean sort out their issues. (there’s a wonderful fic that exemplifies cas’s grief — highly recommend “fenario” by ftmsteverogers on ao3.)
I think the only thing the finale may have gotten right (entirely by accident, as it was a cover-up as to why they wrote misha out of it) was that cas might choose to stay a little bit longer with jack because he loved him, and he was his son. he might not go rushing to find dean because of his concern for his child in that child’s new, massive role.
give me more cas grieving the child his son could never be.
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spikespeaches · 13 days
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Happy Fathers Day to Dean and Cas!! 💙 💚
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My boys being present when they only ever had absent fathers 🫠
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shedontlovehuhself · 1 year
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When Jack said "my father is Castiel" he meant it!
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soullessjack · 4 months
Also just since my one jack-psychosis post made its rounds i’d love to add on these things for extra salt in the wound:
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-> “jack smiles, so happy to be so needed, so loved.”
-> “they’ll never want to be friends again.” [“and that’s important to you?”] “they raised me. taught me to be who i am.”
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scrabble-apple · 9 months
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Supernatural 14x08 and 14x18 // Mother, Father by Journey
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eggchef · 10 months
Jack Be Nimble
For the @dadstielminibang—coming August 23!
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Rating: Teen
Author: @imbiowaresbitch
Artist: @eggchef
Castiel is a divorced single father to his son, Jack. Both of them are healing from the trauma Jack's mother put them through with her refusal to accept Jack for who he is. One healing step for Jack is getting rid of the prom dress he never wanted. Another of Jack's goals is to try to get his dad to stop worrying about him and stop putting his life on hold. So when they bump into a friend of his from school and her dad, it might just be fate.
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runraerun · 8 months
‼️please help‼️
does anyone have any Jack-centric fic recs, or at least ones where Jack plays a central role?? Surfing through tags is hard because sometimes he’s just in it for like a split second but he’s still tagged.
Gen or Destiel are both okay👍 please nothing where Jack is in any kind of romantic relationship, I’m mostly just looking for gen stuff with him or parent stuff with the boys.
Please I need it! I love that boy and I know there must be fics out there with him but i can’t find that many🥺🙏
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swampsovereign · 1 year
I think there’s something to be said about the true nature of Jack coming into the world. The horror and the despair that shook the world with his birth.
Dean, for instance. He’d lost the love of his life, and there, standing in front of him: his love’s child, forced to grow up too fast. Humans seek out patterns— they fall so easily into them— and suddenly, Dean was John, and Jack was Dean. A father who’d lost his partner; a child who’d lost their childhood.
And none of this was Jack’s fault. Never. Most of it was Dean’s, actually, despite my love for him and his character. Dean needed something familiar in this cruel new world. In this harsh turn of events. So he turned to his old family dynamics. He was his father; Jack was not his son. The same as it had been before, for himself, all those years ago. Jack was a soldier, in his eyes, never more.
And Jack never had a younger sibling (not one that he ever got to know, anyways) but that didn’t stop him from caring. And did he ever care. He cared for everyone— the whole world— but all Dean could see was his childhood self, with his unending love and hope, and all Dean could be was the boot his father was, the boot that crushed that hope and twisted it into hate.
Sam, of course, didn’t have the connections Dean did. Never had. He saw a child, forced to grow up too soon, and thought, ‘I need to care for that.’ Same as Dean would, under any other circumstance— we’ve seen how he is with kids in past seasons. But once again, Dean was destroyed, and fell back into those hurtful, terrible patterns. And Jack and Sam were dragged into it.
A toxic family, that could do little more than stand each other. A toxic family, that wept for the lives they could’ve had together, if only they had the strength, and that one, missing piece.
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perplexed-angel · 28 days
Jack and Cas both first appearing on the 18th of the month
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uh-ohspaghettio · 10 months
I think Jack and Cas would enjoy photosynthesizing together
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cas-coding · 1 year
[dean and jack in the impala]
jack: wait, dean, turn it up! it’s lizzo!!
dean: who ? what??? this car is a pre-2000s only zone, kid
[later, washing dishes]
dean: i just took a dna test, turns out, im 100 percent that bitch-
cas: oh, i see jack has introduced you to this “lizzo”
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babygirldilf · 11 months
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fountaincas · 2 years
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like father, like son 👨‍👦
- for @dadstielweek’s prompt: father’s day
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strangenewgirls · 20 days
if you're giving castiel a legal name after jack is born and it's not castiel kline, you are wrong
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