#casually slides this in here...
sovereignjojoz · 4 months
Jumping into Bucci gang’s arms (sequel to Bucci gang carrying? Kinda????)
Pairings: Bruno x reader, Fugo x reader, mista x reader, Abbacchio x reader
Warnings: Bizarrely short?
Bruno Bucciarati
don’t even worry, rest assured 99% of the time this man will catch you.
The 1% is for times where such actions are not appropriate.
He’s lean, tall, and muscular, meaning he most likely won’t stagger back or anything even if you jump into his arms with such force.
Doesn’t love nor hate it but he thinks it’s cute.
Particularly enjoys it when you’ve spent time away from each other or when you just want to be extra affectionate.
Thinks it’s cute when you throw your arms around his neck and jump into his arms.
Pannacotta Fugo
When you said “Fugo, catch me.” He didn’t take it literally, he shrugged thinking you were bluffing about jumping into his arms from such a steep height.
So when you actually did it, he reflexively stepped to the side.
And alas you crashed into the cold hard floor, you literally watched him realise his mistake in real time and grasp for air.
“[name], I’m so sorry! I thought you were kidding but more importantly your stupidity actually astounding.” He huffs.
If you’re an easy crier he’ll cup your cheeks and wipe your tears.
Will make it up to you by offering a SAFER repeat.
Leone Abbacchio
Oh my gosh
He already “hates” carrying you
And now you want to jump into his arms too…you are such a hinderance.
Leech onto him like a koala.
He probably will catch you honestly, but then drop you after.
Then he’ll snigger at your incredulous expression.
just for the lolz he’ll let you fall.
Then he’ll laugh at you as you look up at him from the floor, he might even take a picture too.
The pistols (not number 5 but especially number 3) may join in his laughter.
“Sorry babe, the opportunity was just too good.”
After though, he’ll pick you up and kiss your face after, you won’t be able to get out of his arms.
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ninunque · 11 months
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Excuse me please, I’m just feeling myself. My links
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lil-vibes · 1 year
hc that dazai only eats food that 1. came from a can that he just opened or 2. food that he can confirm was made by chuuya. sometimes he'll wait until chuuya takes a bite out of dazai's food because he is paranoid enough to think that it's poisoned
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neep-neep-neep · 5 months
the first time Auden kisses Frey's cheek while they're chatting on the roof of the tower of Binnoi and Frey falls 200 feet before Cuff does the balloon thing to break her fall again and yells at her and she is just staring at the sky immobile
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teafiend · 3 months
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A show I rewatched every decade or less for the main romance and relationship. I love, love Maggie Cheung Ho Yee and her character here (and her short hair was stunning), and while the stories could be much better, they were still okay. The show aged quite well. I learned a few useful things from this show.
The main pairing here is still one of the healthiest, most mature and egalitarian (modern) relationship I have had the pleasure to feast onscreen, and some of the tropes are my favourites too, e.g., the main male character feeding his lady love with his excellent cooking skills, relatively straightforward commmunication/confession etc. The visuals were gold too (though am/was not much of a fan of Gallen Lo, they made for a beautifully striking pair).
The main pair’s dynamics were made even better by their contrast with the somewhat - not particularly healthy and often annoying - ‘stereotypical het’ relationship of the second leads.
A favourite which stood the test of time.
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smithology · 2 years
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a list of things remaining:
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in-death-we-fall · 5 months
Public service announcement: if you feel it necessary to put "please send someone with 4wd/awd" in your delivery instructions, you should not be ordering delivery ❄️
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thedandeliondyke · 4 months
Whats the best dating app that does not require you to pay out the ass in order for it to be useful
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paperlovesadness · 1 year
(I do hope setlist.fm isn't lying though 🥹)
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wolfkcst · 9 months
❤️ for a spicy ask - not rly selective as long as we have at least interacted! one night stands are 100% okay
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dutybcrne · 6 months
Forever love the idea of Kaeya and Diluc just. Hogging Jean to themselves every time the Knights or especially the Ragnvindr and Gunnhildr families had Special Events to attend to, so she didn’t have to dance with anybody else unless she REALLY wanted to.
#//Also bc THEY really wanted to dance with her and don’t like sharing with errbody else-#//Jkjk; that’s more self-indulgent lmao#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Nah; fr tho; thas their special gal right there; they would be MENACES abt it#//Casually gatekeeping her from the very moment she admitted how frustrating it was to handle all that Decorum & spare dances#//Luc deffo Got It; had plenty personal incentive to agree bc he UBDERSTOOD having to deal w that shit#//Kae was just more than happy to conspire/help & spend time with his two favorite people in the world#//They absolutely would switch off so smoothly throughout the evening#//Kae taking her for a few songs; before Luc swoops in and spins off with her#//Couple more songs; and Kae’s sliding in to bring them refreshments & an excuse to leave the floor#//Rinse; lather; repeat#//And nobody can really complain abt it either#//It ain’t just ANYBODY gatekeeping Jeanie; it’s the RAGNVINDR HEIR & the WARD/ADOPTIVE SON they’re talking abt here#//Though lbr Diluc alone is enough to keep other folks at bay; esp if they play it off as him showing interest in her#//Could be; could not be. Of the two; he’s the one with greater importance/precedence to the ppl’s eyes as potential suitor#//Either way; they’re her No1 bodyguards against the unwanted suitors; and will always happily be such#//Would 10/10 cover for her & back off if she DID find sb she wanted to dance with outside of them#//Well; prolly would still steal her away for a quick dance; just for tradition’s sake—they ARE her besties after all#//but deffo would leave her to it and keep an eye on her the whole time#//To either offer encouragement or utterly Tease her from afar#//Or if they need to intervene; that too#//I like to think Lisa and Kae took over doing that for her in their present day#//Letting her briefly dance with whoever if she REALLY needed to; before either would sweep her away at her silent signal#//If Luc still wanted in like old times; Kae would be more than happy to let him back in on it#//It’d be far more justified in people’s eyes if the Uncrowned King stole her away from ppl than the Head Librarian & her Cavalry Captain#//Unless either/both of the latter two decided to declare intentions to court her/relationship; but whatever bfbfb#//Thinkings; thinkings; can you tell I LOVE my Mond big three trio
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zealctry · 10 months
back on my bullshit, vague posts about Hidan again but
Hidan's parents (and coworkers, teachers, fellow students, actually pretty much anyone he meets) would probably think him a walking disaster, and when you boil it down to its core, it's pretty much because he's 99% 本音  (honne) and only 1% 建前 (tatemae), whereas the opposite is true for the society he grew up in (and by extension, most people around him).
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lunaetis · 1 year
▸▸ [ @tenkoseiensei || eden starter call ]
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─「エデン」─  " it hurts, but i know how to hide it. " the TRAILBLAZER looked out into the endless darkness beyond herta space station. the other had stumbled into one of the rare moment where she was clutching at her chest. seemingly, the SCAR from having the stellaron shoved right into her was throbbing slightly. she saw little to no reason for her to hide it from him. not like he was going to tell on her to anyone. at least eden didn't think he would. golden hues blinked at him.
                " what ? do you want to see it ? " it wasn't like she minded it, either way. this one had no shame whatsoever.
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mono-chrono · 2 years
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yueebby · 8 months
12:03 pm  — gojo satoru
synopsis. gojo tries to convince his first years that he was able to pull you.
contents. fluff, crack??, whipped!gojo, mentions of having a kid, he is SO in love with his wife it's disgusting, the first years are sick of their teacher
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“[name] sensei is a good looking woman, isn’t she?” yuji remarked, nonchalantly propping his feet up on the desk. “you think so too, right gojo sensei?”
a sly smile played on the corners of gojo's lips, eventually blossoming into a wide, dreamy grin. “good eye yuji! she's undeniably the most beautiful woman on this planet.”
megumi, seated at the desk beside yuji, couldn't hide his grimace.
nobara's expression mirrored that of a disgruntled sea urchin. “dream big, you two. she’s way outta both of your leagues.”
“she is, isn’t she?” gojo sighs dreamily, his gaze far away. a dopey grin settles over his face; like a man walking on air. it was deeply unsettling to the first years to see a grown man behave this way.
megumi rolled his eyes and muttered his disapproval, choosing to ignore his sensei, who had casually seated himself backwards on a chair.
gojo propped his chin with both of his palms, leaning closer into the first years students. “do you think i’d stand a chance with a woman like her?”
megumi buried his face in his hands, audibly groaning in response.
“a sensible woman like that and you? fat chance.” nobara deadpanned, squinting disapprovingly at her teacher. her negative comments elicit a grunt from the snow-haired man.
yuji’s eyes flit nervously from kugisaki to gojo. 
“sensei! i think you have a chance with [name] sensei!” yuji tried to reassure his white haired teacher, offering a thumbs-up. gojo responded by affectionately ruffling yuji’s hair.
megumi couldn’t help but speak up. “she’s a married woman, you know,” he mutters to his friend.
yuji’s eyes widened,  “you’re kidding! who do you think got the honor?” 
“but she’s so young!” kugisaki exclaimed, slamming her hand on the table. 
their discussion is cut short when the shoji doors of the classroom slide open abruptly.
with hands on your hips, you stood sternly before your first year students and their teacher, an air of authority about you.
satoru couldn't help but gulp; you were indeed captivating when you were upset. it’s not his fault that you look so cute when your eyebrows furrow and you puff up in anger.
“i waited for half an hour in the courtyard to start today’s lesson and yet here i find my students, along with their sensei who should be in kyoto for a meeting.” a wry smile graced your lips, sending a chill down everyone’s spine. the three first years bowed their heads in shame.
yuji thinks this is the first time he’s seen his teacher nervous. a bead of sweat appears on the side of gojo’s face.
“honey!” he quickly stands up and walks towards you. with every step he takes, nobara’s face scrunches up at his disgusting conduct. 
“don’t.” you warned, raising a finger up to keep satoru at an arm’s length. he respected your wishes to some extent, grasping your hand and placing it within the hold of his own. the diamond on your ring finger glistened as satoru toyed with it.
gasps filled the room as yuji and nobara observed the display of affection. just how inappropriate could their sensei get, and why were you allowing it? what would your husband think?
satoru tenderly caressed your hand in his, cradling it as he leaned in closer. “please forgive me; it was an honest mistake.”
“honest mistake my ass. yaga told me that this is the second meeting you’ve skipped out this month,” you stated, peering fiercely into his blindfolded eyes. satoru’s cocky demeanor wavered, replaced by a nervous chuckle.
“the first time was when i took you to naha, remember?” he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “and if i remember correctly, you enjoyed our night out,” your eyes widened, recalling the romantic trip satoru had organized. 
feeling the heat rise to your cheeks, you attempted to pull away, but his grip on your hand tightened.
“forgive me?” his voice softened, lips curving downward, giving him the appearance of a dejected kitten.
a sigh escapes your lips. he was going to be the death of you.
“fine. but this is the last time,” you warned, “and you owe me for covering for you.”
satoru straightened up, nodding fervently. “have i mentioned how much i love you?” wrapping an arm around you, he placed a kiss on the top of your head, despite your futile attempts to stop him.
“this is…” yuji’s jaw dropped.
“so inappropriate! shame on you!” nobara’s chair makes a harsh screech with how fast she leaves it to come to your aid. 
“kugisaki–” you attempted to calm her down, but she clung to your elbow, desperately trying to pry you from satoru’s embrace.
satoru’s hold on you tightened as he wrapped his other arm around your frame, pulling you close. he plops his chin on top of your head and resists nobara’s attempts to free you. like hell he’s letting anybody take his girl, not even his own student.
“crushing on a married woman is one thing, but to openly flirt with her– ” kugisaki struggled. you tilt your head in confusion. 
satoru’s strong arms flexed as he fought to maintain his hold on you. he nuzzled your neck. “’m fine right here,” he inhaled deeply, as if trying to take in as much of you as possible.
“[name] sensei! how can you stand there and let this man disrespect your marriage?!” nobara implored, wide-eyed, disregarding all respect she had for her teacher.  “how will your husband react when he finds how gojo sensei behaves around you?” she looks desperate, and you want to laugh at the sincerity behind her actions. you get it now.
only your idiot husband would pull a stunt like this.
“i hope your husband can fight because i’m willing to fight him to the death for your hand,” satoru mutters from your neck. you take your hand from nobara’s shoulders to shove the six-foot-three giant away.
“you seriously didn’t tell them, satoru?” you ignored his whiney protests as you created distance between the two of you. 
“tell us what?” kugisaki demanded. yuji was on the edge of his seat, nervously watching the unfolding scene, while megumi put his head down in embarrassment.
satoru looks at you with a deep frown on his face. uncertainty clouds your mind as his silence forebodes something. wetting his lips with his tongue, he quickly closed the gap between you, too fast for you to escape. a secure hand rested on your lower waist as your husband dipped you down to deepen the kiss. 
had you not been so absorbed into the kiss, you would have heard the scandalized gasps from your students.
you managed to place a hand on his chest to separate yourselves, “satoru, stop.” his eyes remained fixed on your lips, but he complied.
“yuji, nobara.. satoru and i are–” you hold up your ring finger for display.
“happily married!” your husband finished for you, a triumphant smile on his face. he squeezed you close, throwing up a peace sign. “been madly in love since i met her!” 
“what– no way! you pulled her?!” nobara spluttered, head whipping from satoru to you, unable to wrap her mind around the revelation.
yuji’s jaw is still on the floor, “megumi, you knew about this?!”
the sea urchin looks the other direction, avoiding his friends’ judgemental gazes.
“they… raised me.. sorta..” he mumbles under his breath. your heart melts at his confession. unlike you, the other first years don't take too kindly to his comment, as they start shaking him by the shoulder and starting their own interrogation.
“and we did a good job too! don’t you think we’re ready for our own?” satoru smiles down at you jokingly, his hands snaking around your waist and his hands sneaking onto your stomach. he leaves a couple of soft pats. 
“you’re cuter when you’re quiet, y’know?” you whispered. taking advantage of your students' attention on megumi, you place a single finger on his lips, hoping your husband does not notice the way your face feels like it is on fire. 
he does.
“no need to be shy now,” satoru said, grinning wolfishly, “we’ll continue this at home.”
your face flushes even deeper.
unbeknownst to you, the first years had fallen silent, observing how gojo whispered in your ear, successfully turning you into a flustered mess. perhaps they should give more credit to their sensei.
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notes. not proof read (oh no). this was just a random scenario that has been plaguing my mind during halloweekend so i typed it on my phone at a party LOL this is me desperately trying to get out of my writing slump
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pneumonic-screamers · 5 months
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