brawlite-archive · 6 years
some short f/f rule 63 harringrove + blue
It’s a quiet afternoon, sky dusty grey and air heavy with the weight of an oncoming storm. Stevie’s window is open wide, sheer curtains blowing lazily in the occasional breeze. Her room is sparse and modern, white walls and minimalist furniture punctuated with pops of neon color -- bright pinks, flashy yellows. There’s a photograph of the ocean above Stevie’s bed, saturation dialed up to a hundred, water teal and bright and as inviting as can be. It makes Billy thirsty, excited -- she always wants to jump right in to that endless blue.
Everything is so clean in Stevie’s house. Not just her room, but everywhere else, too. Billy, with her mismatched flannels and torn jeans, struggles every time to not feel a little out of place.
“Your hair’s a mess,” Billy says, glancing down at Stevie, who is sprawled out on her bed a couple feet away, legs propped up on the wall and crossed at the ankles. Her hair spreads out in a messy halo on her white duvet, dark in contrast and looking soft as ever. Billy is sitting at the head of the bed, sprawled out on Stevie’s pillows, taking up the space like she owns it.
“Your face is a mess,” Stevie says, eyes closed. Smile wide with hidden teeth.
Quiet bass and synth thud along in the background, just low enough that Billy can hear it, but still can’t quite make out the words. She thinks that Stevie put this on for her, even though Billy’s never heard it before. Thinks maybe it’s a new remake. Kind of likes it, anyway.
“Pretty sure I’m not going to take any criticism from someone wearing overalls,” Billy says, reaching out so that she can pluck at the denim shorts riding low on Stevie’s upside-down legs. Underneath, she’s got a canary yellow shirt on with blue lettering. Something about a school car wash. Probably from before Billy moved to Hawkins.
“Yeah?” Stevie says, cracking those doe eyes open like a cat. “Pretty sure I’m not going to take any fashion advice from someone who’s wearing a band tee that is threadbare and pushing thirty.”
“It’s vintage,” Billy says.
She slaps Stevie’s thigh and Stevie squawks.
Stevie, never the delicate flower, twists and slaps back, getting Billy right in the stomach with a flat thud. She ends up in a half-curl around Billy, torso propped up on her elbow . “What the hell, you’re so muscular that hurt me more than it hurt you.”
Billy can only laugh.
“You could come with me to the gym after basketball sometimes,” she offers.
Stevie makes a face. “Ugh, I think I’d rather do cotillion again.”
“What, you don’t want to wear mommy’s fancy pearls and stand around in high heels for hours? Weird,” Billy says.
“That’s a joke. My mom won’t even let me touch her fancy pearls. It’s only the casual pearls for me.”
“Oh my god -- your family’s like a parody of itself. Are you sure you’re real?” Billy asks. She pokes at Stevie’s stomach, like she’s checking. Stevie just laughs and twists around on top of the now wrinkled-to-hell duvet, but doesn’t bat Billy away.
“Shut up,” Stevie grumbles, kicking at Billy with her legs. “You’re just jealous you didn’t get to learn how to ballroom dance with me.”
Billy had come around one time when Stevie had been getting ready for cotillion. She had been dolled up in a pretty white dress -- nothing like anything she’d normally wear, but stunning all the same. Perhaps more stunning, given all the pent up fury inside of her -- she’d looked about ready to swing at the drop of a hat, blue corsage pinned to her wrist and all. And yeah, maybe Billy had wanted to dance with her, had wanted to slide into that prissy event and steal Stevie all away for herself, hands on Stevie’s hips and Stevie towering over her in heels. It’s the stuff of fantasy, right there.
“Not a chance in the world, baby” Billy says, sticking out her tongue. “Not a chance in the goddamn world.”
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you were asking about prompts i saw? so how abouut... billy and steve playing a game where they try to give each other inappropriate erections in public. billy gives his bottle of beer a blow-job at a party. steve deepthroats a banana in high school, etc
ohhhhh man, i do love me some competitive boys!! and could so totally see them trying to one-up each other
but yes! just imagining for a party scenario that steve has a bunch of people over on a saturday night. he’s got his parent’s new sound system blaring in the living room, set on some top 100 radio station. steve is in the kitchen with a group of people and billy’s leaning against one of the counters drinking a bottle of beer. steve keeps sneaking looks over at billy, watches how his lips wrap around the bottle as he takes every swig. billy knows steve’s watching so plays it up a bit because no one is paying much attention to him.
steve is trying to pretend that he cares about whatever rumour amanda is droning on about but his eyes keep darting over to billy, watching the way he starts taking the head of the bottle a bit further into his mouth. and jesus fucking christ steve knows exactly how billy’s mouth feels on his cock, how his mouth looks the same exact way when he stares down at billy while he blows him. and is he freaking getting jealous of a beer bottle right now???
steve can feel himself getting hard in his jeans, sees billy peek down at his crotch, the delighted gleam in his eyes at his evident effect on steve. and steve wishes he never started this stupid game with billy because he’s sure someone is going to notice the bulge in his jeans pretty soon and -
then latest hit comes up on the radio and everyone shouts in glee, quickly migrating out into the living room to dance and drunkenly sing along to it. billy and steve are the only remaining ones in the kitchen.
steve gives a quick flick of his head toward the stairs leading up to the second floor, leading up to his room. billy doesn’t acknowledge it but when steve turns away towards the stairs, he knows billy is following.
“it’s rude for the host to dip out of his own party, isn’t it,” billy snarks once steve has shut the bedroom door behind them.
“shut up,” steve growls, grabs at billy’s shoulders, presses down.
billy braces himself against the pressure for a moment, meets steve’s hard gaze with a cheeky grin before sinking down to his knees. he undoes steve’s jeans in record time, pulls out steve’s cock and takes him in his mouth.
steve fucks his mouth just the way he knows billy wants him to, billy never has any trouble keeping up with what steve gives him. steve whines as he comes down his throat, his hands tangled up in billy’s curls.
when they’re back downstairs 10 minutes later, no one seems to have even noticed they were gone.
billy will take his time in the showers after practice when he feels like it. he likes the feel of the hot spray on his weary body after he’s pushed himself hard during scrimmages. there are a few other stragglers at some of the other shower stations on the way out to the lockers, but billy isn’t paying them any mind.
billy closes his eyes, suds up his hair some more, then washes it out, and when he opens them, steve is sidling up at one of the shower heads next to him. steve doesn’t really say anything, just nods his head and lathers up a washcloth with soap from the dispenser. 
steve scrubs under his arms, then drags the washcloth slowly across his chest then down, wipes at his cock a few times, gives it a tug because he knows billy’s watching at this point, and goes down further still. he bends over and starts intensely washing at his ankles like they’re caked in mud. 
and steve’s ass is on full display now.
billy can’t help but think about what he would do to steve’s ass if they were truly alone in here. he’d love to sink his teeth into the meat of steve’s ass just so he could hear steve whine out like he always does when billy bites at him, spread steve’s ass open just so he could lick into him.
“low freaking blow, harrington,” billy hisses, then flies out of the showers, a hand loosely covering the half-chub he’s sporting, not even bothering to shut the water off. steve pops back up to see billy grab a towel that someone left hanging at the entrance. billy wraps it around himself, ignores the annoyed “hey” from mark.
steve quickly wraps his shower up, goes to get a fresh pair of clothes from his locker and sees billy’s almost ready to go.
billy’s all dressed a minute later as he walks by steve. steve meets the downtown of his eyes as he passes.
steve leaves shortly after him, a triumphant smile on his face because he’s edged himself way ahead of billy in the game at this point. he schools his features though as he falls in stride next to billy as they walk the rest of the way to the parking lot together. 
“you’re going to pay for that little stunt later, harrington,” billy says when they get to their cars, voice full of dangerous promise. he slides into the camaro and peels out of the parking lot.
steve doesn’t doubt it. in fact, he’s looking forward to it.
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Billy feels like shit. He doesn't talk about it, but Steve can /see/ it--and in a way that's worse. He tries to help but whenever he brings up the idea of /talking/ about it, Billy withdraws from him--and that's /worse/. That means Steve can't take care of him at all. So instead he hugs him a little more often, kisses his cheek or his forehead or his eye, just to make him smile. The corner of his mouth, because it's not about sex but the little muscles pulling his lips into a little smile, (1/?)
because it's about making his day a bit easier. Let the sun shine a little brighter. The little things--they're only temporary fixes, but Steve thinks they help. Billy folds his arm around Steve when they hug, he sighs when Steve kisses his face, he hums when that little sad smile appears. And from there, he starts to do better. Sometimes he mentions it to Steve--"I feel like shit today". Sometimes he goes to him just for a hug. And sometimes he takes Steve for a drive, wordlessly, out to (2/?)
the woods. Grabs the blanket from his trunk, spreads it out, and Steve gets to hold Billy while they look up at the clouds; Billy sees knives and spears, blood and tears--so Steve insists they're flowers and vegetables ("did you eat your greens last night, babe?" to which Billy will always shake his head "no" but mean "yes"), insists they're hearts and roses and all the words he'd like to say to Billy but doesn't feel he can, not until one day the sunset colors the sky purple and (3/4?)
Billy says them first, mutters a quiet "I love you" and Steve jumps on the chance, says "I love you too". That night he doesn't need to kiss the corner of Billy's mouth, of his eye, to make him smile. That night Billy is grinning brilliantly with no more than the effort of four words, a reciprocation of sentiment; he crawls into Steve's bed and holds his hand, and falls asleep still smiling. (End)
Aww, this was really sweet, thank you so much!!
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4x01main · 6 years
FUN FACT! I found some oooold South Park merch from the starting years on which their birth dates were listed as being in 1989. Let that sink in. 1989. (They were some sort of fake ID cards?). There's also an epsiode in which Kenny's gravestone is visible and the year on it was 1994, and I reckon that was a episode from 2002 or so... TL;DR, their birthday changes accordingly to the year in which the season took place so they'd likely be listed as born in 2008 now.
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drawacharge · 6 years
2, 13, 15
what’s next on your ‘to-read’ list? ( fanfiction or otherwise )
i’ve been trying to reread the lemony snicket’s series bc the netflix show made me realize how much i’ve forgotten but im such a lazy reader lmao.
as for fics, i’m pretty caught up. i just need to read @hoppnhorn’s billy in rut fic, but her smut is always so good i like to save it for when im in the mood to get messed up lmao
exes or established relationship?
answered !!
post the last line you wrote without context.
oh god uhhhh
Placing the joint between his lips, Billy takes a deep breath and drops his gaze to watch Steve explore with heavy eyes, "You seem pretty fuckin' hungry for a guy who just ate, y'know."
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chaoticnico · 6 years
Tumblr media
@casualtornado replied to your post: Coffee is spelled wrong in your description.
omg and here i was thinking that was on purpose
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asktheboywholived · 7 years
Hey dude, about the masterpost! If you're linking stuff and you're looking for a more reliable method (aka circumventing a Tumblr screw up): use HTML code (as you can put up posts in HTML code on Tumblr) for the links and create the list in microsoft word or any other text editor that has file formatting that you can save frequently. (Actually this may even work with instant links, idk)... That way, if Tumblr messes up you'll still have the list you compiled and you can just copy/paste :)
(( OOC: .............................. *inserts everything you just said into google translate* )) 
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hatchetmode · 6 years
15, 32, 33
15: what is your favourite kind of gum?
cinnamon! ppl hate me for it but i love it 
32: what are you looking forward to in the next month?
No fun june plans, but im heading down to boston in july >:)
33: are you wearing jeans right now?
absolutely not. im in comfy ass sweat pants
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anarchist-billy · 6 years
billy or steve? (i know, i know, that's super mean)
Alright, listen…
I’ve loved Steve since the very beginning (like when everyone was losing their minds over him “suddenly” being great in S2 I was just like ??? wtf what Steve were you watching in S1??) so I’m inclined to say Steve. Because I have loved him the longest.
Also a lot of the things I love about Billy are things I’ve read into his character, things that are not explicitly canon, so if we’re just basing it on canon alone (no fanon or hc’s involved), Steve 100% wins my vote.
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Marcus hangs out in Tomas' church a lot but sometimes he randomly appears or disappears in the middle of a service, and there are times where Tomas just ignores him altogether, leading to rumours that the church is haunted. Marcus is the church ghost. The parishioners call him 'Bob' and Marcus thinks it's hilarious.
“He’s a living human man named Marcus,” Tired Parish Priest Tomas informs everyone on multiple occasions, while Marcus in the background teaches a child how to secretly eat snacks in church or changes the church bulletin to say something offensive about the Baptists down the street told Marcus he couldn’t keep stealing printer paper from their office because Tomas needed a refill.
“He’s lying,” Marcus tends to shout back. “I’m a poor soul named Bob who was murdered in the grips of a horrible passion.” 
“You will be!” Tomas shouts back. 
“I will be named Bob?” 
“You know I meant murdered.” 
“That’s not very priestly.”
“Please stop interrupting my sermon.” 
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humble-althemist · 7 years
yeee man im dat drug dealer delivering you guys your fics... (that sounded better w/o the difference in spelling haha) for real can't wait till i have time to also READ your fics again man
i can’t wait either! we miss your presence, love. you nail that schoolwork so you can come write us more drugs. or. something. 
and we’ll have plenty of that good shit for you when you come back ;*
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church-boyfriends · 7 years
1, 9, 10
Hey! :D Well…Since you didn’t tell me any fandom, I’ll go with The Exorcist (because I mostly post about it…I’d go with V01tr0n, because my amount of salt for that fandom is too great, but I’m guessing it’d be long af)
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? I actually like all of the ships the fandom ships. There aren’t many, so there’s also that.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why? The Pope. Okay, maybe that’s because he represents the Church and I have personal issues with it as an institution. He almost didn’t appear on the show, so. Also, he was pretty stupid if he didn’t know what was happening. If I have to choose other people, I go for the demons and Cardinal Guillot.
10. Most disliked arc? Why? I think that’s obvious...The whole Mouse/Marcus. I don’t like how it was executed. I remember Ben saying he’d like Marcus to be bi before season 1 ended, so it wasn’t a surprise. I just wish Mouse was introduced in a different way, not just the past romantic interest. She is so badass, I wish she wouldn’t be tied to the story for some kind of revenge plot involving a love story (I know the last two eps showed that she was looking for Tomás, but the rest of the season made it seem like she was hunting Marcus down...or at least I got that vibe). Besides, I’m a hoe for human pettiness, so I’d have loved to see Mouse playing as Marcus’ friend, only to learn from him and use his knowledge, wishing to see/hear from God. A means to an end.
Thanks for asking♥
Send me a number and I’ll tell you...
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atalienart · 7 years
45, 46 (also ps i love your art)
What is your most used emoji?xD
What is your favourite season? Why?
Autumn! Because of the smells and light and colours, it’s not too hot, you can wear all you want underneath your big coat! It’s pretty! windy and rainy and lovely! ^^
(Thank you! ;))
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billys-hard-grove · 6 years
That raw meat fucking thing. I . mGmg. I'm not sure how to feel, I am torn between laughing and crying oh my gGOD.
AhahHAHAhahha... man, i get it. it can stir up some pretty intense emotions. 
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4x01main · 7 years
im glad i gave u life with that post because i fuckING KILLED MYSELF these boys will be the end of me i swear
THAT’S a mood
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whitetigerdemoness · 7 years
casualtornado replied to your post: So my psych class this semester had a grad student...
tbh i dont care how hot a teacher is i would be mad too
Ugh, right? I hate how everyone’s mentality seemed to be “He’s hot so it’s ok”.
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