#cat discourse annoys me sm like omfg
nightcolorz · 6 months
why is the woke left (tiktok and tumblr) so weird about cats
“ppl who don’t like cats r red flags” this, “the way people treat cats gives insight into how they are with boundaries”, “if you are not respectful and emotionally considerate of ur cat ur a bad person” that, I smack my cats ass when she knocks my drinks off the counter everyday bcus she takes pleasure in hearing big noise and big spill like a sadistic toddler and she purrs and nuzzles me as I beat and berate her cuz she’s fucked up in the head, so when my physical abuse of her (light ass slapping) fails to communicate my disdain for her I chase her around and laugh maniacally as I take joy in her fear. To leverage some control in my life when my cat is embarking on a quest to inconvenience me I like to grab her suddenly and shake her around as her huge eyes pop out of her peanut sized head and shout “FAT GIRL FAT GIRL FAT GIRL” so that she may feel a semblance of the humiliation and public shame that I do when I am forced live at her mercy. A typical healthy normal cat and human dynamic would be that of enemies seeking to torment each other bcus cats r not human children they r tiny trash goblins that feed off of suffering and if u think I am probably a bad person for this mindset then I don’t think u have ever interacted with a cat before in ur life
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