#But that applies to any animal
nightcolorz · 6 months
why is the woke left (tiktok and tumblr) so weird about cats
“ppl who don’t like cats r red flags” this, “the way people treat cats gives insight into how they are with boundaries”, “if you are not respectful and emotionally considerate of ur cat ur a bad person” that, I smack my cats ass when she knocks my drinks off the counter everyday bcus she takes pleasure in hearing big noise and big spill like a sadistic toddler and she purrs and nuzzles me as I beat and berate her cuz she’s fucked up in the head, so when my physical abuse of her (light ass slapping) fails to communicate my disdain for her I chase her around and laugh maniacally as I take joy in her fear. To leverage some control in my life when my cat is embarking on a quest to inconvenience me I like to grab her suddenly and shake her around as her huge eyes pop out of her peanut sized head and shout “FAT GIRL FAT GIRL FAT GIRL” so that she may feel a semblance of the humiliation and public shame that I do when I am forced live at her mercy. A typical healthy normal cat and human dynamic would be that of enemies seeking to torment each other bcus cats r not human children they r tiny trash goblins that feed off of suffering and if u think I am probably a bad person for this mindset then I don’t think u have ever interacted with a cat before in ur life
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What's this? A post about a ship other than NUzi? On MY blog?
It's more likely than you think.
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piffany666 · 7 months
Ok controversial opinion
Friends with benefits to lovers is better than Friends to lovers
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ghoulishtomato · 1 year
You know what? I kind of like the allure of a ship not being explicitly stated as canon. I love the chase. I love wondering. I love getting to see small moments and getting to Pepe Silvia my way to an explanation about how that small moment means the ship is totally definitely canon.
The reasoning for a ship being canon being as easy as, "They said 'I love you' and kissed" will never be as enticing as having to explain why "I ain't Quittin' you" is, in fact, secret code for "I'm gay and one day we will have a bond so strong that every little moment between us means 'I love you' without us ever actually saying those words"....
...among other things.
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tothesolarium · 28 days
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A Look at the Planetary Layers of Edoen
Holy Host: known by the public
BrambleThorn: ? Who’s that ?? Never heard of her ??
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synthient · 6 months
I think the thing about “John Wick is a blank slate protagonist as long as you separate him from his Keanu Reeves-ness, which is his one source of characterization,” is that you can’t separate him from Keanu Reeves. Maybe even more so than standard for the medium (where the performance is always as, if not more, important to the character than what’s “on the page"). This is a character precision crafted to be The ideal Keanu Reeves vehicle. Made in a lab to play to all of Keanu’s strengths. Which mostly lie in nonverbal acting, and include “guy who is stiff and socially awkward and doesn’t say much, but radiates some sort of wisdom/melancholy/unspoken complexity;” “guy who combines strength with delicateness;” and “guy who is fed up with this and would really really really like to go home now.”
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thagoldennugget · 3 months
"..How bad is it?"
"Surprisingly, with that long hair of yours, I only got five fleas off of you so far."
"Alright, just make it quick."
"Rodger, you told me to get every single one out of you and fleas are nasty jumping little freaks, I can't rush it dumbass. You're so impatient sometimes, I love that."
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jaguarys · 1 year
Elaborating on the Sannin ask. I'm just enamored by relationships that cross those lines between platonic and romantic and sexual. Relationships can be anything you want! And I think the whole teammate triad thing in Naruto lends itself quite well to that. What's more romantic than giving your life–– not just your training, not just your youth, but your life–– to two other people. What's more romantic than declaring that you will protect them with whatever you have, whether you like them or not, whether you grow together or not, no matter what happens.
Of course, there's this unspoken aspect that at least one of you will likely die. You're soldiers, and you're going to fight more than anything. You're leaving your life in their hands specifically because you expect to die. But at least you'll have them with you, and at least they'll fight for you.
At the end of the day, you're giving your life to two others. Fighting beside them as you grow. You're going to know them better than breathing, any form that takes
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every-sanji · 4 months
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homucifer-ryotan · 9 months
I don't know this gonna make me sound overdramatic or not, but I honestly think leaks of unreleased media (like tv show episodes) should be illegal and anyone who leaks them should get some kind of charge.
I don't care if the original material that gets leaked was produced by a big company or a creator you don't like, there is no reason to leak someone else's hard work of the media before said media is ready to be released before the public.
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tormentum-ab-intra · 3 months
skeledog Leander WIP
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the skull here is actually modeled closely after a deer skull, just compressed to fit a dog's overall face shape. also tried to make the eyes a little less wide-set than a deer's without making them completely front-facing like a dog's. here's the rest of the (still un-rendered) body:
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i'm testing out the screen recorder i just downloaded so if that ends up working the way i want it to i'll have a timelapse of this piece when it's done :)
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originalcontent · 8 months
Given the bajillion different interpretations of vampires out there, in your opinion which flaw is the most fundamental to them and should be present in every adaptation?
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solarpunkani · 8 months
Good evening homies
Its almost 5am
Have I finished my sunflower bag? No but I’m kinda close. I just have to sew shit on and I’m done but the problem is sewing SUCKS ASS so I’m lollygagging.
So I’m starting a new project. And getting incredibly ambitious about it. Possibly combining several patterns into one creation that’ll either be a monstrosity or the best creation known to mankind.
A green hooded cloak
Made of dragonfly stitches
With pockets
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The test/video tutorial follow along is going pretty well (the dragonflies are offset so the holes at the top are the next dragonfly heads)
Also an added note. I have further edits to make to the sunflower bag pattern doc but I WILL post the finished product photos and reshare the doc as well. I don’t feel right sticking it on Ravelry because its 80% someone else’s pattern with some changes and another pattern added in but yknow. I also just. Don’t have a ravelry account.
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Feast your eyes, its the pieces of the bag but not sewn together
I made the bag like way more than 16 rows tall maybe even 20 rows tall because uhhhh I forgot that crochet stretches so uh. Yknow. It fits an ipad now but its gonna stretch like hell. Oh well.
Its 5am I am going to shut up now but I will keep you posted on my Crochet Adventures
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Are people allowed to request more than one creature?
If so please consider sham hatwitch from the dragon quest series ^^
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Yes absolutely!!!That is 1000% okay as long as it doesnt become spam (my definition is like ~5 requests for 2 or more of the same guy in the span of 1-2 days)
Ok review time
From @spoofsies
Design; 9/10 - stub legs!! he's doing a little dance!!! He reminds me of lechonk from pokemon but that might just be me idk. One of my favorite character design tropes is "little guy hides under disguise"!! Also I love the hats scary face!
Purpose/Effectiveness; 8/10 okay i still dont know anything about dragonquest but i did a lot more research this time!! The wiki said that it was a monster with a low-level attack, making me think that it's probably one of the first you encounter in the game. Honestly this is really good low-level enemy design! It isnt that scary or imposing, but still enough to let the player know it is gonna attack you. Also wizard hat + using magic! We stan magic boars here!! From what the wiki also said it looks like it has other varients?? So as you go into more dangerous places you encounter more dangerous hatwitches?? That is actually really cool if it's true
Overall; 9/10 - this little piggy cursed your entire bloodline
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msburgundy · 8 months
it is simple. if you complain about your cat, you are a misogynist. if you tell me not to complain about my cat, you are enabling my toxic abuser
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