tianablackwell · 6 months
So…I saw a post about whipping (because I’m such a sucker for pretty boys being whipped 🙂) AND I got to thinking…..One Piece?? Zoro?? Ehehhehehehehehhee
Trigger Warnings: not much just some intense fear and yeah whippings and some cursing
Usopp’s face contorted in fear as the commander talked.
“If you were pirates, we would have to simply hand you over to the Navy. But fortunately, you’re not. And oh, that makes it so much better.”
It was supposed to be so simple. Grab the poneglyph and run. Why did they have to get caught? It was just a stupid normal rock anyways. Stupid decisions. Stupid idea. Stupid stupid stupid -
“According to the rules of the country, any thief caught stealing confidential government information shall be punished with 500 lashes. However, as there are five of you…”
Usopp glanced at the others. Sanji, Nami, Brook, and Robin’s faces were all filled with fear in some shape or form. The guard stepping forward holding a cat-o-nine tail whip was NOT helping.
“Oi, if you dare touch the ladies I’ll kick you back to where you came from, you tete de noeu-”
There was a smack when Sanji’s head slammed into the floor, and then a quiet drip as blood began to trickle down the cook’s head. The man’s insulting foot tapped impatiently on the floor.
“Since you clearly haven’t learned the severity of the situation, an extra 50 lashes for this one.”
Sanji lunged at the man but he was caught by the thick chains encircling his hands.
“Fine. 50 more for each of them. Maybe that’ll make you keep your mouth shut, hmm?”
Sanji let out a sound that sounded like an angry mother bear, but he obeyed nonetheless. Usopp could hear Nami choking back a sob while the commander chuckled.
“We didn’t steal it, I swear! We just got lost. I swear I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”
“You got lost? IN A COURTYARD?” The man’s blood began to boil. “Let me get this straight. You expect me to believe that you got lost in a courtyard at the same time a copy of my poneglyph, my information, was almost stolen right from under my nose?! You have no proof of your innocence, and I don’t even need a confession from you good for nothing thieves, you hear?!”
Usopp thought that if they put the copy back or at least threw it into a similar looking room, they wouldn’t have enough evidence to prove that an actual thievery attempt was made. Clearly he was wrong.
“Sir!” A servant appeared from an outside door. “A samurai is waiting outside for you.”
“Tell him to wait.”
“But sir…”
“I said to tell him to wait!”
Another servant scurried up to him and whispered something in his ear.
The commander spun around with eyes red as scarlet. “Then why didn’t you tell me sooner?!” The man strode out of the room before he snapped his fingers at some guards. On his command, the five crewmates were dragged out the door into a guarded square. The barred fence was strong but still allowed anyone to look in and watch. It was like a scene from a horror movie.
Some curious children tried to be onlookers, but their parents dragged them away quickly without glancing back.
Usopp felt tears coming to his eyes as he was taken beyond his crewmates tied up behind him and to a triangular platform with thick ropes hanging from above.
It hurt. Tears were threatening to start pouring down his cheeks as he felt his upper clothes stripped off and his back made bare. His shoulders burned from the amount of pressure - his feet could barely touch the ground and refused to hold any weight.
It seemed like ages before a guard came back and untied him.
“There’s been a mistake. Your sentence has been removed. You’ll be moved immediately.”
Time seemed to move in slow motion as the group was thrown out of the courtyard and into the safety of an abandoned road that Usopp knew would eventually lead home. Even though he knew now that they would be okay, he still felt himself bawling with relief. The small group of pirates shuffled their way home, each comforting another until they finally reached the safety of their beds.
Chopper greeted them with worry and enthusiasm, having been absolutely terrified upon hearing they had been captured and also bawling with relief upon finding them virtually unharmed.
With everyone else gone (the rest of the pirate crew was on a different island at the time), save Zoro who had gotten lost on his walk, again, he had been unsure of what to do or how to react and had spent all of his allowance on a variety of medical supplies just in case.
It was hardly dark but the group of pirates snuggled in close next to each other and began to sleep safe and sound.
And they were.
Until there was a loud noise and Sanji heard the door open with a thud.
“Oi, Marimo, maybe keep it down for the rest of us who didn’t get lost?”
There was a loud and annoyed grunt before he heard something drop and a dish clattered to the floor as a result. Sanji rolled his eyes and got out of bed as he searched for the source of the sound. He glanced in the kitchen and placed the dish back in the cupboard before peering into the living space.
Unsurprised, he found the swordsman laid oddly against the wall, presumably asleep. He mumbled some incoherent curses towards the swordsman before catching the glimpse of the finger. The cook snorted and crawled back into his bed, ignoring the man altogether.
It was morning when Usopp heard the loud yelling of Chopper.
And……if you wanna find out next you gonna have to read the next post
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kaleidoru · 4 months
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tell no tales
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Il gatto a nove code (1971) - Pressbook
AKA The Cat o' Nine Tails
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ltwilliammowett · 5 months
"Let the cat out of the bag" and "No room to swing a cat"
We know these two terms today in a different context, but we'll come to that later. First of all, we are dealing with both terms in the area of punishments, whether at sea or on land, but definitely with a military background. However, it can be said that they have been used in nautical language since the 1600s. But what exactly is meant by it, well when it was said let the cat out of the bag it meant that someone would be flogged.
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Now not every warship was a space wonder and had a lot of space available and since all of the crew had to attend this event, the space was even tighter, and the " kitty cat " (not a cat in the true sense of the word but the cat o nine tails - the whip) we are talking about here was very long in the 17th century (later much shorter) and in order to swing it reasonably you needed space to hit the person to be punished reasonably. Hence the expression when it was too narrow - there wasn't enough room for the cat.
This expression is also used today when there is simply not enough space and it is quite crowded around you. When you say let the cat out of the bag, this is a colloquial expression that means to reveal previously hidden facts.
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play-my-game · 28 days
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erstwhile-punk-guerito · 10 months
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schlock-luster-video · 2 months
On April 18, 2015, The Cat o' Nine Tails was screened on TCM Underground.
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Here's some new Dario Argento art!
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weirdstrangeandawful · 9 months
TW: flogging
This came up in A Good Man's Heart but I think it deserves to be a prompt:
A lot of ships in the Royal Navy (and probably other navies too I've just done less research) would keep both left- and right-handed boatswain's mates on hand so that the cat-o'-nine-tails would leave criss-crossing marks on the sailors' backs which hurt more than marks in only one direction.
Carroll was that left-handed boatswain but had it trained out of him once it stopped being convenient.
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kaleidoru · 2 months
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Il gatto a nove code (1971)
AKA The Cat o' Nine Tails
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ltwilliammowett · 10 months
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Cat o'nine tails, English, probably for naval use, 1750-1900
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movieposters1 · 9 months
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moominofthevalley · 7 months
just remembered that whipping scene from crimes of passion that literally comes out of nowhere LMAOOO. what the fuck was that for 😭😭
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michellemisfit · 8 months
Kinktober Bingo / Gallacrafts
Sex Toys, Whipping, Collar, FREE (Pet Play - Gallapets. Literally lol)
(Digital, GIMP, MS Paint)
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Who’s up for a little bit of @gallacrafts after dark this fine Sunday? Have a @gallavichthings crossover!
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Click the ‘Mys Art’ tag to see more of my stuff, or check out my work on RedBubble and AO3
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theersatzcowboy · 1 year
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The Cat o' Nine Tails / Il gatto a nove code (1971)
Director: Dario Argento
Cinematographer: Erico Menczer
Starring Karl Malden, James Franciscus, Catherine Spaak
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splatteronmywalls · 4 months
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