#catherines 2019 style files
world-of-wales · 5 months
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22 JANUARY 2019 || The Duchess of Cambridge launched Family Action's National Support Line at Family Action Lewisham.
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cjp-film · 6 months
48 Hour Film Challenge
On the 13th - 15th of October 2023, I was asked to help out some friends with the Glasgow 48hr film challenge. They were in need of a production designer, and since I had been showing interest and wanted to develop my production design skills further, I agreed.
I was working alongside my friends at Shermer Productions, Alana, Casper and Kushal. The idea of the challenge is to make a film from scratch in only two days, using an assigned genre, character, prop and line. We were assigned:
Genre: Comedy/ Spy
Character: Ali Silver, Life coach
Prop: A lemon
Line: ‘Here’s Tae Us’
The story that the group decided on followed the spy Ali Silver seeking out information on some wanted criminals. My job as production designer was to create a top secret FBI document which contained information on the wanted criminals. As I only had the morning before the shoot to source this, it was a bit of a rush. I had to create 7 pages of document, take photos of my ‘criminals’ (each a member of the crew), and print it out. I am terrible with technology so had a nightmare figuring out the printer at the post office. I did, however manage to find a brown filing envelope which I could use as the folder. I secured the pages together with paper clips, and put a big ‘classified’ sticker on the cover. Once I had finally finished this prop, I dropped it off to them on set, where I found the crew freezing cold at Harrison Park. Then I returned to create the poster!
The poster was really fun to create. I used the software ‘procreate’ which I have been using since 2019. I knew from the start I wanted the poster to have a pop art style, and began playing around with some images I took of lemons. I like experimenting with the features that procreate offers, such as using ‘halftone’ and different blend modes. It really was very experimental, but I liked how it was looking so far. I was messing around with colours, layers, shapes and shadows, but it wasn’t until I was choosing a font when I realised that the lemon was only a really minor part of the film. The two characters meet when a bag of lemons falls to the ground. The crew seemed to be fine with this however, as the lemons indicate their meeting - a butterfly effect kind of thing. The font was tricky to find, I wanted one that was like a newspaper print, but matched the spy theme and the pop art theme. When I finally settled on one, I added the cast and crew names, as well as the title ‘Auld Acquaintance’ and the tagline ‘Read between the lines’.
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The final film!!! Very well done to everyone involved.
CAST: Stuart Gray - Jack Sherlock @jack_sherlock Ali Silver - Lorna Calder @lornacalder Schemey Dan - Josh Knowles @joshknowles__
CREW: Director - Casper Galbraith @casgalbraithfilm @shermer_productions Producer - Alana Robertson @robertson_media @shermer_productions Writer - Joseph Olanklokun @joseph.olans 1st AD - Esther Elbornova @esther_elbornova DoP - Kushal Dhingra @kushaldhingra_films @shermer_productions Editor - Krisztián Kajtár @krisztiankajtar03 Production Designer - Catherine Paterson @cjpsmedia Production Assistant - Hannah Comrie @hannahcomriex
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ingek73 · 4 years
Here Are 20 Headlines Comparing Meghan Markle To Kate Middleton That Might Show Why She And Prince Harry Are Cutting Off Royal Reporters
Over the years, Meghan has been shamed for the same things for which her sister-in-law, Kate, has been praised.
Ellie Hall
BuzzFeed News Reporter
Last updated on January 13, 2020, at 12:00 p.m. ET
Posted on January 13, 2020, at 10:40 a.m. ET
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (aka Prince Harry and Meghan Markle) didn't just shockingly "step back" as senior members of the royal family this week — they gave the UK media a big "fuck-you" for years of what they said was biased and unfair coverage.
The couple's new website on breaking up with years of royal protocol laid out — among a lot of other things — their media strategy, stating that they will no longer participate in the traditional royal press system that grants exclusive access to a select group of UK outlets.
Britain’s royal correspondents, they said, are seen as reliable sources of information. "This misconception propels coverage that is often carried by other outlets around the world, amplifying frequent misreporting," they wrote. Removing themselves from "royal rota" coverage has sparked an outcry among UK media and drew a protest from the National Union of Journalists.
This isn't a new complaint from the royal couple — they just took an unprecedented step to do something about it. Harry and Meghan have said publicly that they believe they have been treated unfairly by the UK press since the moment news broke of their relationship — that they are bullied, that there are racist undertones to coverage of them, and that they have been held to a different standard than Harry's brother and sister-in-law, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (aka Prince William and Kate Middleton).
The UK media outlets that currently make up the royal rota are the Daily Express, the Daily Mail, the Daily Mirror, the Evening Standard, the Telegraph, the Times, and the Sun.
Here is a look at 20 stories from these outlets that appear to show a double standard between press coverage of Meghan and Kate. BuzzFeed News has reached out to all of the outlets featured below for comment.
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Kate: "Bumping along nicely! The Duchess was seen placing a protective hand on her tummy as she exited the event." Daily Mail: March 22, 2018
Meghan: "Personally, I find the cradling a bit like those signs in the back of cars: Baby on Board. Virtue signaling, as though the rest of us barren harridans deserve to burn alive in our cars." Daily Mail: Jan. 26, 2019
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Kate and William: "Prince William was given one of the green fruit – wrapped up in a bow – by a little boy who's mother is suffering during her pregnancy too... 'He said he'd take it to [Kate] and see what happens – and said good luck for [the boy's] mummy.'" Express: Sept. 14, 2017
Meghan: "The pregnant Duchess of Sussex and so-called 'avocado on toast whisperer' is wolfing down a fruit linked to water shortages, illegal deforestation and all round general environmental devastation." Express: Jan. 23, 2019
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Kate: "Royal sources said yesterday that the Queen understood and endorsed William and Kate’s decision not to spend Christmas Day with her. One said: ‘Her Majesty understands that it is a dilemma that many young couples face and acknowledges how close Catherine’s relationship is with her family." Daily Mail: Dec. 16, 2016
Meghan: "The fact is the Queen expects to have the family around her for the festive season... to the Queen, for whom the tradition of the family gathering is a key date in her calendar, Harry and Meghan’s absence will be a matter of great sadness. It will also be a source of frustration." Daily Mail: Nov. 13, 2019
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Kate and William: "Creating their own companies will allow William and Kate to bring out, should they ever chose to, myriad items of officially-endorsed merchandise from tea towels to coffee cups... Kensington Palace officials said they were doing the ‘sensible thing’ in protecting the couple’s rights." Daily Mail: Jan. 17, 2014
Meghan and Harry: "The Sussexes want to stamp their name on dozens of products including T-shirts, hoodies, journals and gloves for their newly-created foundation Sussex Royal... Experts said Harry and Meghan were actively preparing to quit the Royal Family months ago by filing trade mark applications to commercially protect their brand." Daily Mail: Jan. 9, 2020
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Kate and William: "Prince William yesterday backed brother Harry’s brave admission of his mental anguish — and blasted the monarchy’s 'stiff upper lip' tradition... William said: 'There may be a time and a place for the ‘stiff upper lip’ but not at the expense of your health... '
"'Catherine and I are clear we want both George and Charlotte to grow up feeling able to talk about their emotions and feelings. Over the past year we have visited a number of schools together where we have been amazed listening to children talk about some quite difficult subjects in a clear and emotionally articulate way, something most adults would struggle with. Seeing this has really given me hope things are changing and there is a generation coming up who find it normal to talk openly about emotions.'” Sun: April 19, 2017
Meghan and Harry: "Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have bucked royal tradition once again with their latest TV interview — in which they claimed they were 'existing, not living.' The couple ditched the stiff upper lip of previous Royal Family generations and flew the flag for 'Generation Therapy' as they revealed their emotions to the world - but were they right to do so?
"What you make of 'fragile' Prince Harry and Meghan's comments may depend on your generation. Sun parents and kids reveal what they think of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex airing their emotions in public - and whether they have the right to moan in such positions of privilege..." Sun: Oct. 23, 2019
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Kate: "It was reported that new Duchess of Cambridge requested her favorite scented candles and toiletries from luxury fragrance brand Jo Malone be delivered to scent the Abbey. A selection of candles, handwashes and lotions was requested, specifically in citrus spring scents including Orange Blossom, Grapefruit and the ever-popular Lime, Basil & Mandarin." Daily Mail: May 4, 2011
Meghan: "'Meghan wanted staff to go around with these atomizers, like spritzer guns, and spray the chapel with scent before anyone arrived. Royal Household staff stepped in and told her office politely, but firmly, that this was the queen's chapel and it simply wasn't appropriate. I don't believe they said no because they thought it could affect the chapel in any way. It was simply the principle of the thing. This is a place that has held royal weddings, funerals and even contains the royal vault. I don't believe a request of that nature had been made before.'" Daily Mail: Nov. 30, 2018
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Kate: "As far as bridal bouquets go there was nothing particularly regal about Kate Middleton’s modest arrangement of simple, seasonal flowers. Like the bride herself the bouquet was effortlessly elegant and understated.
"Yet behind that modest posy lay a secret story. Kate, the commoner-turned-duchess, had painstakingly selected blooms with real meaning. She is evidently well-versed in the language of flowers, a little-known romantic relic from the 19th century.
"Hence the use of lilac in her bouquet, which signifies the first emotions of love, the lily of the valley meaning a return of happiness, hyacinth standing for constancy, myrtle meaning love and the ivy, which represents fidelity. Then of course there was the suitably named Sweet William, which is shorthand for gallantry." Express: Aug. 29, 2011
Meghan: "[Meghan Markle] was holding a wedding bouquet which flowers were replicated in Princess Charlotte and the other bridesmaids’ flower crowns. Express.co.uk can now reveal the children’ crowns were made of flowers that can be deadly, especially for children. Meghan’s bouquet was made of forget-me-nots as well as sweet peas, lily of the valley, astilbe, jasmine, and astrantia...
"Lily of the valley is a highly poisonous woodland flowering plant and ingestion could be deadly... As Meghan’s bridesmaids were so young, having this flower on their heads could be considered a dangerous decision. Other brides have also used this flowers including Kate Middleton, Princess Eugenie and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall." Express: Oct. 13, 2019
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Kate and William: "The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh missed the small family affair. The decision is understood not to have been taken on health grounds, and to have been mutually agreed by the Queen and the Cambridges some time ago. The Queen, 92, has a busy week ahead, with high-profile celebrations in central London marking the centenary of the RAF on Tuesday, and a visit by US President Donald Trump in Windsor on Friday." Daily Mail: July 9, 2018
Meghan and Harry: "The situation has surprised some senior staff at Buckingham Palace, who feel that the duke and duchess should have planned the day better. ‘There is huge support for the couple in not wanting to conform to tradition. They are young, they are striking out on a different path from other members of the Royal Family and there is enormous goodwill for them. But they shouldn’t do that without regard for tradition,’ said one. ‘Her Majesty was already scheduled to be in Scotland for her annual Holyrood Week and had a prior engagement at the weekend. There is a feeling amongst some that they should have been more accommodating about the date.’" Daily Mail: July 4, 2019
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Kate: "It is a fashion conundrum not many of us will ever face, but what exactly does one wear for tea with the Queen? The Duchess of Cambridge met this challenge head on yesterday by co-ordinating her outfit with the Queen’s powder blue ensemble... The Queen, on her first ­official event to mark her Diamond Jubilee, was dressed in a pastel hat and two-piece coat dress with military-style rows of gold buttons designed by Angela Kelly. Looking relaxed and elegant, her outfit was perfect for what looked like a fun official engagement with the girls." Mirror: Feb. 14, 2013
Meghan: "The Queen's aides had told [Meghan] she would be wearing a green hat as a mark of respect to those who died in the Grenfell Tower fire. The Queen is said to have been 'baffled' when Meghan turned up without a hat as she didn't realize she was supposed to wear one too. A senior aide said: 'I don't think the Duchess fully understood. This was not a request. Those are for others to make, not the Queen.' The Queen's staff are said to have noted the Duchess's mistake or 'lack of deference'" Mirror: Oct. 29, 2018
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Kate: "We see a woman in her prime: stylish, confident and positively radiant, nailing outfit after outfit in the style stakes — and it’s a joy to witness... That old uniform of girlish dresses, tan tights and nude heels has been replaced by dazzling super-chic outfits to satisfy even the most exacting fashionista." Daily Mail: June 16, 2019
Meghan: "Proper royalty is about tradition and duty, self-effacing service and loyalty — year after year after year, season after season... That is not to say that a monarchy cannot or must not move with the times — simply that it has to resist the temptation to be buffeted by passing cultural trends. Fashion is the exact opposite. And as fashion’s most famous bible, Vogue exemplifies the transient nature of the beast." Daily Mail: July 29, 2019
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roamanov · 4 years
Class 1: The social aesthetics of confession.
Required reading 
Confessions by St Augustine (extract): Found here:  (Book 4 - http://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/augconf/aug04.htm)
Confessions by Jean-Jacques Rousseau (extract)
Reality Hunger by David Shields (extract)
Recommended reading
Shannon Keating, “Am I Writing About My Life, Or Selling Myself Out?” https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/shannonkeating/personal-writing-social-media-influencers-caroline-calloway
Sarah Ahmed, The Cultural Politics of Emotion – introduction’: available in PDF on Blackboard and online via Google Books: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=QT8YAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA1&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=2#v=onepage&q&f=false
Marshall Berman, ‘Goethe’s Faust: The Tragedy of Development’ and ‘First Metamorphosis: The Dreamer’ from All that is Solid Melts into Air (on Blackboard)
‘But Enough About Me’ : what does the popularity of memoir tell us about ourselves?’ by Daniel Mendelsohn, New Yorker https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2010/01/25/but-enough-about-me-2
Class 2: The stylised self in the world. Aesthetics of the insertion of the self in the story. Style and world view
Required reading 
The White Album by Joan Didion (PDF provided)
Extract from The Birth of New Journalism by Tom Wolfe (PDF provided).
Recommended reading
'Gonzos for the 21st Century', http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/20/books/review/the-new-new-journalism-gonzos-for-the-21st-century.html
Tom Wolfe, The Birth of New Journalism: An EyeWitness Report: http://nymag.com/news/media/47353/index6.html
Martin Amis on Joan Didion’s style: https://www.lrb.co.uk/v02/n02/martin-amis/joan-didions-style
Class 3: The writer’s subjectivity and physical space. Melding Interior/Exterior worlds.
Required reading
A Field Guide to Getting Lost by Rebecca Solnit.
Recommended reading
Anne Carson – Plainwater (extract provided)
Anne Carson – The Autobiography of Red
Fernando Pessoa – The Book of Disquiet (extract provided)
Ian Sinclair – Lights Out For the Territory (extract – chapter 8 Word doc provided)
Italo Calvino – Invisible Cities
Olivia Laing – The Lonely City – extract on blackboard
Review of Lights Out for the Territory: http://www.nytimes.com/books/99/08/29/reviews/990829.29hoffmat.html
Class 4: Writing Nature/Nature of Writing.
Required reading
'In History' by Jamaica Kincaid - PDF supplied
'Findings' by Kathleen Jamie - extract provided
'Landmarks' by Robert Macfarlane - extract provided
'A Claxton Diary' by Mark Cocker - extracts provided
Recommended reading
'The Kusi' by Jean McNeil
'Soil Turned to Song and Dance' - the TLS on Mark Cocker's nature writing: https://www.the-tls.co.uk/articles/mark-cocker-naturalism/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1574952085
'The Thoreau of the Suburbs' - feature article on Annie Dillard
'The New Nature Writing' by Jos Smith - extract provided
'The Anthropocene Lyric: an affective geography of poetry, person, place' by Tom Bristow (book)
Class 5: The self, anxiety and history – the non-novels of Sebald.
Required reading
The Emigrants by WG Sebald
Recommended reading
Reviews/literary criticism of Sebald:
André Aciman: https://www.nybooks.com/articles/1998/12/03/out-of-novemberland/
Cynthia Ozick – The Posthumous Sublime (on The Emigrants) on Blackboard
André Aciman: https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/w-g-sebald-and-the-emigrants
Jonathan Coe: https://www.lrb.co.uk/v19/n06/jonathan-coe/tact
Class 6: Politics, alienation and self-displacement in South African and South American writing
Required reading
Summertime by JM Coetzee
Resistance (extract provided) by Julián Fuks
Recommended reading
Roland Barthes – The Death of the Author (on Blackboard)
Donald Powers, ‘Beyond the Death of the Author: Summertime and J. M. Coetzee’s Afterlives’, Life Writing, 2016. (on Blackboard)
Review: JM Coetzee, a Disembodied Man - https://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/27/books/review/Dee-t.html?pagewanted=all
Damon Galgut’s In a Strange Room - Galgut is a South African writer of the next generation. I've given an extract of this book, which is made up of three long novellas, here. 'The Lover' is the middle section in Galgut's trio of novellas.
Class 7: Walking and writing the city in fiction and non-fiction.
Required reading
Teju Cole – Open City
Recommended reading
Walter Benjamin – Berlin Chronicle (extract), One Way Street (extract) and Naples.
Joanna Walsh - Hotel (PDF provided)
Lauren Elkin – Flâneuse
Review of Open City: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2011/aug/17/open-city-teju-cole-review
James Wood on Teju Cole: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/02/28/the-arrival-of-enigmas
Class 8: Irony - Unreliable and self-critique as narrative drama.
Required reading
10:04 by Ben Lerner.
Recommended reading
Ben Lerner: Leaving the Atocha Station
Review of Leaving the Atocha Station https://www.lrb.co.uk/v34/n16/sheila-heti/i-hadnt-even-seen-the-alhambra
Jenny Offil - Dept of Speculation
Sheila Heti - How Should a Person Be?
Zadie Smith – Two Paths for the Novel (from Changing My Mind) on Blackboard
Zinzi Clemmons - What We Lose
Colebrook, Clare. Irony. New Critical Idiom.  Routledge, 2004
Alejandro Zambra – Multiple Choice (extract on Blackboard)
Class 9: Contemporary autofiction - two texts.
Required reading
Rachel Cusk – Outline
Amit Chaudhuri - Friend of My Youth
Recommended reading
Rachel Cusk  – Transit (extract on Blackboard)
Rachel Cusk, Kudos
Marcel Proust - A la recherche de temps perdu
VS Naipaul - The Enigma of Arrival
Geoff Dyer – Out of Sheer Rage
‘Rachel Cusk Gut-Renovates the Novel’ – profile in The New Yorker: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/08/07/rachel-cusk-gut-renovates-the-novel
Class 10. Shame and the self in auto-fiction. Domesticity. The Japanese I-novel.
Required reading
Karl Ove Knaussgard - My Struggle (in whole if you can buy the book, or in extract) provided here. My Struggle: book two, a man in love, introduced by James Wood: https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/the-birthday-party
Recommended reading
Extract from Yuko Tsushima's Territory of Light (to be uploaded soon).
Rowan Hisayo Buchanan, ‘The Careful Craft of Writing Female Subjectivity’ https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2019/03/territory-light-yuko-tsushimas-vital-i-novel/585832/
Amit Chaudhuri ‘I am Ramu’: https://nplusonemag.com/online-only/online-only/i-am-ramu/
Review of Final volume of Knausgaard: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/aug/29/the-end-karl-ove-knausgaard
'How Writing My Struggle Undid Knausgaard': https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/11/knausgaard-devours-himself/570847/
'Each Cornflake' - Review of Knausgaard by Ben Lerner in the LRB: https://www.lrb.co.uk/v36/n10/ben-lerner/each-cornflake
Class 11: The aesthetics and politics of the sexual self
Required reading
The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson
Recommended reading
Chris Kraus – I love Dick (extract on Blackboard)
Emilie Pine - Notes to Self
Catherine Millet – The Sexual Life of Catherine M. (extract on Blackboard)
Hélène Cixous – ‘The Laugh of the Medusa’ http://lavachequilit.typepad.com/files/cixous-read.pdf
‘Virgins or Whores – Feminist Critiques of Sexuality’, in Veronique Mottier, A Short Introduction to Sexuality (on Blackboard)
Henry Miller – The Tropic of Cancer
Sarah Ahmed – ‘The Performativity of Disgust’ from The Cultural Politics of Emotion (PDF here)
Chris Kraus ‘The New Universal’ https://sydneyreviewofbooks.com/new-universal/
Vivian Gornick http://bostonreview.net/books-ideas/vivian-gornick-good-feminist-solnit-rhode-cobble-gordon-henry
Kathy Acker – Blood and Guts in High School
Class 12:  Using 'real' people in fiction.
Required reading
Megan Bradbury – Everyone is Watching
Zachary Lazar –  I Pity the Poor Immigrant 
Recommended reading
Zachary Lazar – Sway
James Wood in The New Yorker on Lazar – The Punished Land: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/06/23/the-punished-land
Miranda France in the Guardian on Everyone is Watching: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/jun/22/everyone-is-watching-megan-bradbury-review-novel
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection - 20
129: Nov 30
MM ANON ……… “Darling’ please pass the Wrinkle cream” ………”she’s on this blog I read”💜……… “ we’ve been invited to the Boxing Day shoot” …… WoW ‘ that’s a beautiful photo Kate …… “he’s to young ‘ good grief William!!”…… ‘This cobra has no fangs ……… “The service, maybe bring C&G.” ……… “ The spring diary ma’am’ was thinking they could do The America’s and Canada” ……… “ the Children too”…… “what say you Philip?” …… “indubitable , old thing” …… “ Settled!!”……” Sidney’ more refreshments”
November 30/2019 Riddle #128
1325 hrs CST
“Darling’ please pass the Wrinkle cream” “she’s on this blog I read”💜
I AM SQUEALING WITH EXCITEMENT OMG!! Catherine is doing her skin care, which every woman of beauty, style and substance MUST DO REPEATEDLY, “” Don’t cha know!” (sorry MM ANON l had to pilfer those last three words from a riddle few days back because they are so unbelievably exciting and significant!). She asks William to hand her the wrinkle cream. William looks dumbfounded because there are about 35 jars on the counter, wondering which one she wants and asks, Catherine why do you have all these? She replies, the woman recommending the creams is on the blog she reads! PURPLE HEART!!💜💜💜💜💜 KIDS I HAVE MADE IT, I AM A CLUE IN AN MM ANON RIDDLE WHICH MEANS CATHERINE AND THE GANG READ THIS BLOG AND READ OUR CONTRIBUTIONS! From the 💜 lady on the blog you read, Catherine, whatever you’re doing, it’s working, but if you ever do want to talk skin wrinkle cream, you know where to find me💜💜💜💜😁😁😁😁
“ we’ve been invited to the Boxing Day shoot”
Lots of us have surmised for quite sometime now that Harry has a lovely partner, and a few of us are dead certain on who it is. He completed his tour of duty at the culmination of the SA trip and RS services. She is now fully out of his life, the public just doesn’t know yet. I am certain an annulment will occur. Anyhow it sounds like they have been invited for Boxing Day. She will be perfect and everyone has always wanted Harry happy, after all he and the family has been through, 2020, at least for him will bring a brand new start!
WoW ‘ that’s a beautiful photo Kate”
I can hardly wait for the Christmas photos, Catherine is such a phenomenal photographer, and as l said the other day, she snaps her children through the loving eyes of a mother. Someone is complementing her one of her photographs. It’s not William because he calls her Catherine. I think those in the field have really taken note of yet another skill she has. Sounding like a public exhibition of her photographic works is in the works!
“he’s to young ‘ good grief William!!”
Back to the shooting day on Boxing Day, Catherine is aghast that William even entertains the idea of him coming along. He’s a big boy, but not that big, yet! The way time flies, time will be here soon enough. Might this be the time for me to once again place ,y request for #4.☺️☺️💜
‘This cobra has no fangs
Madam, wherever on this planet she is, has been defanged. Whatever she held is being held no more. She is in a world/whirled of trouble, just the IRS back taxes alone! Plus any other alleged charges, l won’t go into because we are all singing from the same hymn sheet you know the words!🤣🤣😂😂
“The service, maybe bring C&G.”
YES PLEASE! I would LOVE to see them do the morning walk to and from church with all the other family members! THAT would most certainly be a Christmas gift for me!!!
“ The spring diary ma’am’ was thinking they could do The America’s and Canada” “ the Children too””what say you Philip?” “indubitable , old thing” “ Settled!!””Sidney’ more refreshments”
Saturday afternoon, morning of riding and now just having tea ☕️, refreshments and a good talk. The next few days will bring some major events, The NATO greeting and the banquet on December 3/2019, that has all been fully organized, arranged, menu, seating plan etc etc. LG speaking regarding the official Diary for 2020. Oh MM ANON , this riddle just keeps on giving and giving, it’s like Christmas morning! Sounds like an official Royal tour of America, and Canada with the entire Cambridge family!! If l were a 🐕 dog, my tail would be wagging so fast right now!!! This is very very exciting!!! HMTQ asks PP his opinion, and he very much concurs, then that’s that , it’s settled!! Cord pulled, and as usual he is there almost simultaneously,Sidney, a Boddingtons for himself and a Gin and DuBonnet for HMTQ!! Are you guys getting tired of my scenes of HMTQ, PP, the cord pulling and drinks??Or is it enjoyed? Because l LOVE it, they’re human!!
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦. 1410 hrs CST
After the horror of yesterday, thank you MM ANON for a fun riddle. I enjoy them all, but this might just be my favourite, for OBVIOUS REASONS☺️😁😁
Thank you dear PG! What a delight….such fun! And look at you! Known for your wrinkle cream! This was great! We love your stories….😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
130: Dec 2
MM ANON ……… the king in waiting ……… “Mmmmm , not many diversions left”……… in need of some TLC. ……… financial scrutiny ……… financial mutiny !!! ………… “ Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining!!!!!!”………… “Catherine ‘ it’s HM” ……… “ Catherine, I want your discretion”………… “ it would be my privilege ma’am”……… “ That’s a tough one, old thing” ……… “she can do it!! “…… “makes you proud old thing, he looks the part” ……… “backseat ,a Philip?” ………… “ dot The Is…………”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December 2/2019 0045 hrs CST RIDDLE #128
the king in waiting
This phrase has been used in regards to the Prince of Wales, for decades now. Since PP stepped down from official duties, HMTQ has been steadily handing over various patronages , to PC, The Duchess of Cornwall, William and Catherine, Harry, gosh even madam got the British Theatre patronage! Lots were delighted about that, NOT! Yet that one was part of the prolonged game of charades the Royal family has been forced to play, even though it’s a game they live, certainly not this variation of the game! PC has been successfully voted in as Head of the Commonwealth, that role does not automatically be bestowed on him. PC will continue to take on more and more responsibilities. In that, we shall observe some of that during the NATO visit, as well as decision making regarding several impending crises situations, which in all likelihood are made and done, we just have not been officially informed of as yet!
“Mmmmm , not many diversions left”
Madam has hardly been a peep heard from, her PR used to have 10-15 articles a day in the DM alone, it’s almost like she is contained somewhere? She used the rare old uncle cards a week or so back. She does not have a whole lot more to pull out of that giant rabbits hat/fedora she often wore! The will she won’t she et al about going to America thanksgiving game is over. The IRS is waiting!
in need of some TLC.
TLC, is a tv channel here with oddest shows, pimple popping doctors, married fiancés overseas, guy with five wives etc. We don’t need ,THAT, TLC. TLC is what nurses excel at, good ones anyhow, Tender Loving Care. Whose in need of that? PP is recovering from flu/cold? However he doesn’t strike me as a man that would like to be fussed and clucked around! HMTQ is strong as they come. I wonder if this is our Harry. Adjusting to life without madam, l wonder when and how this will all be made official? I know the surrogate baby is not Harry’s and l have no doubt the child is being lovingly anonymously looked after. Harry, whom,l think l was correct about him being on the bridge the other day, would have had his first active duty incident. He may need not described as TLC but rather debriefing as would the entire team. This is always done after a major incident, first to review protocol, was it carried out, do any changes need done. Then it’s the emotional debriefing, THATS THE ESSENTIAL part of keep a critical response team functional, make sure to debrief the emotions! I imagine , the debriefings, the formal ones are done, 72hours is the golden time window. I have led and been involved with quite a few debriefings, the mental health end of it. Often team members are assigned a mentor especially if they are new to the unit! Great work Harry! I have never ever given up on you, nor will l ever!! Notice they all wore balaclavas, for security! It’s what we wear here in winter to not have our face freeze off, if cross country skiing, snowmobiling etc etc.
financial scrutiny ……… financial mutiny !!!
This is what is keeping madam in the UK! I cannot even fathom how much money she owes her government since she last filed taxes, has she been honest in all her previous tax filings? Seriously? You think she has? The amount of money made in a zillion ways over her lifetime, and what has all transpired since she entered the orbit of the BRF , we are talking millions and millions! I am quite certain, given the fact Americans are still due to pay taxes even if a non resident and given her status and the wealth she married into, l have no doubt the IRS is auditing her, hence the word scrutiny. Mutiny , that a seafarers word for disobeying the captain and the crew takes over, is also a criminal conspiracy among a group of people to openly oppose, change, or overthrow a lawful authority to which they are subject. Now does this sound like a group of individuals we might know? Madam, MA, JM, etc, the families,in America, Mexico, all allegedly working in tandem.
“ Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining!!!!!!”
I love this phrase, my uncle used to say this, the horse rancher, whose son now runs it. In other words, Pissing on, means doing something bad to someone. Don’t piss on my boots and tell me its raining is a response to someone dressing up a bad situation — usually for their own benefit — by telling them to knock it off and stop lying. In other words madam has been doing this her entire life and using the raining excuse to explain her way out of everything! Well LG is having none of that, no more using that as an excuse or exit strategy. The game is over, in fact it never was a game to those she was pi**ing all over!
“Catherine ‘ it’s HM” “ Catherine, I want your discretion”“ it would be my privilege ma’am”
HMTQ rings Catherine, rather than a visit. I would assume, like , in movies, especially High Society with Grace Kelly and Bing Crosby, huge mansions/palaces, their phones have no dials, just labelled whose line it is, how old am I?🤣🤣🤣😂😂. But l am quite certain HMTQ would use a landline phone, because l do😁😁😁. After squidgygate, and other similar ghastly phone calls that were recorded, and then made public, plus intelligence and needs for security in today’s world, l have no doubt that everything is encrypted, and they likely have blocking technology so none of those fancy devices you can, it’s like a clear plastic umbrella, it gathers sound from a distance and you can listen in, you need a jamming device to block the signal, muddying it, if you like. I am sure technology is way way way advanced of that already.
William is away, is she asking her to sit with Harry at the NATO banquet and used discretion when others ask where madam is? I hardly think that would require a big private ask. I wonder if she is needed to witness and sign some legal papers referencing divorce or annulment. Giving her statement or witness to some madam has said or done.
Does this have something to do with the Marchioness of Cholmondeley????????
“ That’s a tough one, old thing” ……… “she can do it!! “…… “makes you proud old thing, he looks the part” ……… “backseat ,a Philip?”
HMTQ and PP, spending time near the great hearth, so warm , cozy, absolutely nothing like the feel of, sight of, smell if and sound of a crackling wood fire. Weather has a definite chill, time for wooden sweaters, and warm family time. Himself , a Boddingtons, 🍺,HMTQ gin and DuBonnet 🍸 . Discussing the next few days and what has happened in the last few. Pondering the decision HMTQ to call Catherine, tough decision, tough thing to ask. PP is reassuring HMTQ that Catherine is very capable, can be trusted and relied upon in any and all circumstances.
More changes in the offing so they can spend more time together. Makes them proud, PC has done, and with increased responsibility he very much looks the part of a King in waiting. If HMTQ does decide to make PC Regent, this conversation would be very much the same, trust and he looks every bit the Regent! Last abbreviated line, HMTQ says is rhetorical, meaning not expecting an answer but rather stating her intent, she is going to be taking a backseat for Charles to be Regent!
“ dot The Is…………”
Is it annulment as l hope? Or divorce? When one says, ESPECIALLY in legal matters, dot the letter i and cross the t, it means make sure everything is done 109% correctly, no way anyone can back out, Sue or twist it. So we shall very soon be hearing a press release of either an annulment or a divorce final between Harry and madam!!
0205 hrs CST. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦 🥂 🍾
Thank you dear PG! Fascinating read….much seems to be going on…..much appreciated!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
131: Dec 2
MM ANON … “when we are born, we cry , that we are come”…… “your RH. that’s why you didn’t go” ……… “Four” ……… ahhhhhrrr , I hate mornings!! ……… “give a dog a bone …” ………… “ yes , we’re all watching it! It’s very addictive “ ……… “ How the f***did they know that!!!”………… “ I told them Philip!!” ……… “bloody snoops” …… At the last count sir , all was Ticketyboo.
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December 2/2019 Riddle #129
1700 hrs CST
“when we are born, we cry , that we are come”.
Dear MM ANON returneth us to the bard, William Shakespeare’s King Lear.
Babies do not automatically cry at birth, some do, but some need a slap on the bum, holding upside down rubbing on chest to loosen any fluids that may have been aspirated(inhaled) during the traumatic birth process. It’s a physical trauma for mum to be sure but also babe. Going from, dark, warm, safe environment of dark, echoey sounds, to bright theatre lights, many staff, beeping of machines, it’s parents noise of joy, and than itself own crying noises.
The entire play, uses one similar stance as (Macbeth, Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing. )
Lear is full of cons and duplicity.
This whole life and the world madam moved in , nonstop using people to climb up the ladder, obtaining information and using that and on and on. This will be very shortly end and l truly believe Christmas will be enjoyed! BY ALL!!! Those who serve their dark master do not truly celebrate Christmas anyways!
“your RH. that’s why you didn’t go”
I think this is Catherine explaining to someone why she didn’t attend the TUSK Awards, for “childcare reasons “, was what we were told. l think, in light of the above news, it was childcare, just feeling unwell, and taking cate of her baby bump. Now l hope MM ANON you haven’t teased us or l over reading into the clues! If in fact, Catherine is expecting, this , if all her children would be her ‘easiest first trimester’ because previously her hyperemesis gravidarum, has required hospitalization and then that care at home for subsequent pregnancies. This would be marvellous news anytime but ESPECIALLY NOW!!! I can just the smile across the persons she is speaking with face, as they realize oh THATS why you didn’t attend!!
“Four” ahhhhhrrr , I hate mornings!!
William is awoken by a sound, one he knows all too well. He looks at the clock and makes the comments groaning. He gets up to go tend to Catherine in the bathroom. They look at one another, smiling! BABY NUMBER FOUR IS ON HER WAY!! Thank you ever so much for granting my repeated requests and congratulations!💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻PG🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
Harry continues his training, and duty, early morning, VERY early mornings are part and parcel of that.
“give a dog a bone …”
When you give a dog a bone, you not only give him a treat but something to tease him with, and dogs love that so much! The media has been giving us bits of flesh but no major bone, YET! It’s coming! I wonder what tomorrow’s headlines will read after the Panorama tonight. I wonder the next day after the NATO reception/dinner. There is so much neat, on the bone that is ‘madam%’, her lost years, her connections, behaviours you could cater 100 Royal receptions and still have plenty!!
“ yes , we’re all watching it! It’s very addictive “ ……… “ How the f***did they know that!!!”………… “ I told them Philip!!” ……… “bloody snoops” Royal family discussion night and blog reading time. They get on the topic of the Netflix show, The Crown. It sounds like they are enjoying it and find it addictive even, that’s high praise, l hope Netflix producers read Skippy blog!! PP is wondering how they knew something and HMTQ states unequivocally that she told them! Is she the unwritten/uncredited official Consultant? PP chimes in again, calling the press and it’s investigators bloody snoops.This is a good fun, conversation, not the invasive, boundaries crossed angry time.
At the last count sir , all was Ticketyboo.
LG receiving reports for tomorrow’s NATO events, dinner/reception. Ticket boo, means everything is perfect, just as it was planned to be, no anticipated issue! The capitalization of Ticketyboo, means Ticket, an actual invitation , likely numb and signed with allow entrance to the event. There will be zero gate crashes, if for some reason madam or anyone might try!
1750 hrs CST GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
Thank you dear PG….sounds like so much news coming! Can’t wait….I hardly doubt NetFlix is reading here though….I love your stories! Much appreciated….😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
132: Dec 3
MM ANON … email shemail ……this hole is getting deeper …… Christmas service treat🦄🦎…… “keep hold!! he’s a runner”…… a welcoming absence …… “ you can leave your scarf at home darling”…… “ Chaz & Don”…… Megan come Beggin…… “hope she stays for New Years”……Emmanuel & Don🎭]……… NATO,HATE-O…… “Philip, You’ll miss the banquet!!” ……… “bloody good!!”………” it’s your night old thing”………” Mmm , Catherine’s Tiara?” ………” Emeralds, would do the trick”……… “Sydney’ strong refreshments!!”…… “the Crown old thing?”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December 3/2019 Riddle #130
1110 hrs CST
email shemail
Email has been made public between from PA toGM, with the topic being VRG, asking questions. It kind of confuses him saying he never met her nor knew her, however he may have heard her name. If l am correct the email was sent January 3/2015. 0550 hrs so that’s early, sense of urgency? Or just a disciplined military man who rises early?
this hole is getting deeper
There is a focused multifaceted attack on the BRF! The more information, rather PR/media and interviews come out, instead of letting the legal system address any issues is further poisoning the water! Again, NOT DEFENDING ANYONE, but of all the high placed men WHY IS PA BEING BURNED AT THE STAKE? With high powered wealthy men, why is she so unafraid for her family?? Photos put buying beer and cigs? Who or whom are/is paying from this continued assault on the Monrachy!!??
Christmas service treat🦄🦎”keep hold!! he’s a runner”
Christmas pageant at Battersea, if Nanny Anon, is to be believed it’s tonight, l thought NATO reception was tonight, for weeks l thought it was the 4 th, l honestly cannot keep track. However, they each hVe a role of that l am certain, however Nanny says Charlotte is an angel, with a line to speak and George is rehearsing the role of his future, one of the three kings, NOT of Orient are🤣🤣🤣😂. Louis must a going concern, as we say here, constantly on the move. They best keep him firm in hand or he will do a runner through the audience and steal the show🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. There would be one shriekingly ticked off Princess if that happened!
a welcoming absence “ you can leave your scarf at home darling”
Madam will not join the family at Sandringham, the first Christmas in two years without her. Catherine joking with William he need not bring his scarf🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. His passive aggressive, sorry William but it was 🤣🤣😂😂, fiddling with his scarf whilst leaving the chapel on madams first unmarried Christmas , she was trying to engage him but he fiddled with his scarf . This went nuclear all over the internet and social media! I believe there is an actual official listing of the word scarfing!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 Oh man, and l had bought him the loveliest purple scarf, what shall l do with it ?🥺🥺😩😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
“ Chaz & Don”
PC and DT , abbreviated as Chaz for a Charles and Don for Donald, will spend time together today at this evenings reception. I firmly am thinking l was right all along and the banquet is tomorrow. I am sure PC role is expanding they will have plenty to talk about. PC is the consummate host.
Megan come Beggin
Madam begged pleaded shrieked, until she finally got her wish to not be forced anywhere near the person she hates , the President of HER country. MM ANON , l hate to ask, is this a typo, Megan, not Meghan? If it’s not a typo, who is Megan???
“hope she stays for New Years”
This is the general consensus, that madam can stay wherever she is until AFTER New Years.
However, if this is the special friend, this may be leaning in a
positive vibe of hoping she will STAY until the New Years Eve.
Emmanuel & Don🎭]……… NATO,HATE-O
Presidents Emmanuel Macron and Donald Trump have had an extremely dramatic almost theatrical relationship. When they first met, Macron was so huggy , touchy feely, the word bromance was used. They have had some cracks with the U.S. pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord. President Trump has issues regarding NATO, paying funds etc, there is much changing on the worlds stage politically, the U.S./NATO/BREXIT/EU etc etc etc. Not the least of which has been the double barrel attacking of the British Monarchy!
“Philip, You’ll miss the banquet!!” “bloody good!!”” it’s your night old thing”” Mmm , Catherine’s Tiara?” ” Emeralds, would do the trick”
HMTQ and PP conversing, less pressure on the agenda, with the words done by LG and his team, yet he is not up to attending the banquet, plus he has retired from the world stage. Which sounds TRUT H be told, he has had his fill during the many decades attending them!🤣🤣🤣😂😂. Just reassuring her it’s most important that she, HMTQ, is there, she is so amazing as a hostess, she is involved with every little single detail! Well, well, well madams hair will be on fire!! Catherine will be wear the Vladimir Kokoshnik, l think that’s the one, it’s most certainly the one with huge Emeralds,tiara😁😁😁😁. I can hardly wait to see those photos!
“Sydney’ strong refreshments!!”…… “the Crown old thing?”
To end of conversation, the pulled cord, and again, as always, Sydney arrives, smiling, anticipating their request, Boddingtons for Himself and gin and DuBonnet for HMTQ.CHEERS YOUR MAJESTY, SIR!!
1150 hrs CST
Thank you PG…interesting stuff today…I can’t wait to see which tiara Kate will wear…could it be that one! Oh my! Much appreciated dear PG!😊💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
133: DEC 5
MM ANON ……… lovers not-on or emerald??…… Alexander McQueen green machine??……… Clean sweep!!!……………Trump wants his ball back…… Banquetiquette ……… “ One has to watch the hot mike Donald!!”……… Meanwhile’ crying in a corner……” a clash of Wills”……… “come on old thing,tell me all the gossip”………” Sydney ‘ gin and Du……” “ Ones a tad exhausted “…… “ you looked stunning Catherine “……… “yes ‘ I saw your killer 👀side eye “…… 👑👑💕💕And so to bed Zebedee!!……… “ Lottie ‘turn your pad off!!”…George’ sleep!!
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December. 5/2019 0020 hrs CST
lovers not-on or emerald??
I was sooooo certain l had read months ago that December4/2019 there was to be a formal NATO Banquet. Maybe l was wrong , unlikely it was changed. Nonetheless there is a Diplomats Banquet next week, l could be wrong too😏😒😂. Catherine, for a number of such occasions has worn the Lovers Knot Tiara and done so brilliantly, l might add! There has been rampant rumblings of her wearing the Vlad Emerald Tiara!! It’s gorgeous, all those emeralds, imagine with her gorgeous eyes?? 👀 👀 👸🏻 Allegdly(ha ha) a certain someone demanded this for a gathering of very VERY unhappy people! HMTQ ABSOLUTELY PUT HER FOOT DOWN NO!NO! The banshee was heard screaming all the way up in Balmedie!!!🤣🤣🤣😂😂. So l will firmly say, whether it the Diplomats banquet or not, whatever the next black tie/formal event, Catherine will be wearing the Vlad Emerald Tiara!!! No ifs ands or buts!!!
Alexander McQueen green machine??
Did she not look stunning at the reception? Green or any colour she wears so beautifully! Even a red puffer and skinny jeans!! She slays! As the kids say now! The papers should get their designers right, they had it wrong on RS as well, that was a McQueen military inspired gorgeous piece she wore, one paper saint Caroline Walker. No offence but that was not her style. Last night dress was said to be Emilia Wickstead. So is it now McQueen? Either way that was the colour of envy for sure, did she purposely wear it? OF COURSE SHE DID!! I cannot WAIT for the Diplomats banquet or next formal/black tie event. The gown she will wear , and Of COURSE SARAH BURTON, from the House of McQueen, who designed her wedding gown, will have designed it, bespoke to go with the Emerald Tiara! Put your ear plugs in kids, madam will be flying her 🧹 broomstick over London screaming 🙀 at the heavens!!! Jealous much!OH YES JEALOUSY THE GREEN EYED MONSTER HAS BERN OBVIOUS SINCE SHE CAME ONTO THE SCENE!
Clean sweep!!!
This immediately makes thing if curling! Hurry hard! Hurry! Sweep Sweep! If you’re Canadian or Scottish you will be laughing now🤣🤣😂😂. A clean sweep in a game is winning the game with the opposing side having a score of zero, or Ina finals winning the games needed to take the Stanley Cup, example, to win the series. A clean sweep can also, and here l believe is MM ANON meaning, to sweep out the dust, filth, unwanted or unsavoury things when cleaning house. So the cleaning house, clean sweep metaphor may be related to a clash of wills in when to release the hounds on madam and what on earth to do about the VRG issues!!!
Trump wants his ball back. Banquetiquette. “ One has to watch the hot mike Donald!!”
This is a childish reference to PT leaving before the final press conference after our PM, BOJO, Macron and Princess Anne were on ‘ hot mic’ which is the news means you’re microphone isn’t live , that’s how the ABC reporter Amy Robach got caught out saying ABC quashed her interview with VRG years ago. So l guess DT , l have to be very care here to not upset my American friends whilst defending my PM. I will just lay facts no subjective opinion ok? They must be VERY VERY VERY careful what they say, when they say it, because sorry JT but even without the hot mic, with my poor hearing l am used to lip reading and using closed captioning on the tv, l could read your lips! DT was upset, called him two faced. You can all opine about them now.
It was a reception, not a banquet, however etiquette is etiquette and the rules still apply. Good manners, carry oneself well and be above reproach. I am afraid some , have your own opinions ok, but there was some etiquette not taken. See above clue please.
A short time later, DT himself was caught on hot mic, congratulating himself for calling our PM what he called him and for leaving without the last presser, press conferences are called pressers in America. Saying that was funny that he said that name. It happens to everyone, hot mic, in politics or celebrities, they have to be careful unless they just don’t care.
Meanwhile’ crying in a corner
Madam, just go back to your corner, you have misbehaved so much, get used to the corner! Oh she must be spitting bullets of jealousy, if she saw Catherine, just wait till she sees the Christmas photos!😄😄😄😄🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
“a clash of Wills”
William in back, he has proven himself a force of nature in becoming too. Dealing with family issues, is there disagreement regarding PA. There have been calls for him to lose his HRH status , is that on the docket? And great clashing of that? Wills was Diana’s name for William, wills is also ones determination to do or not do something
“come on old thing,tell me all the gossip”………” Sydney ‘ gin and Du……” “ Ones a tad exhausted “
HMTQ and PP again, indulge me, l know he’s at Wood Farm and she’s in London but indulge me, l love this, so do you, and so do some others. HMTQ finally out of her dress clothes, wearing comfortable nightdress, gorgeous purple velvet slippers and completely bespoke housecoat of the finest PUR velvet with silver seaming and luxurious embroidered collar with ER on the breast plate. PP in his nightclothes, grey slippers and matching bespoke grey robe with dark stitching along the seams barely there but if you look closely the beauty of each stitch is breathtaking. THANK YOU MM ANON FOR ADDING THE DRINKS I HAVE BEEN HAND TYPING FOR QUITE SOME TIME NOW!! PP already has his Boddingtons , cord was pulled just as she sat down, Sidney arrives, and PP orders her favourite cocktail, gin and a DuBonnet. She , you know it’s HMTQ when she speaks in third person, l do that a lot too😄😄😄😄😁😁, says she is a tad bit exhausted which means she is more tired than any of us have ever been! She is a force of nature! Majestic, strong, beautiful and tender when the needs be. They proceed to discuss all the goings on, at the reception and there was plenty!
“ you looked stunning Catherine “……… “yes ‘ I saw your killer 👀side eye “…… 👑👑💕💕And so to bed Zebedee!!……… “ Lottie ‘turn your pad off!!”…George’ sleep!!
William has returned from another successful solo Royal tour to the Middle East. I though the photos of him with the fisherman fixing their nets and then him giving it a go was amazing. He really , like his wife, has come into his own. Telling Catherine how stunning she looked last night and teasing her about her side eye, which she does very well! Remember the stolen pencil incident a few weeks ago? Louis long ago asleep, George and Charlotte keen to see daddy, imagine what did you bring me? A million times over and at a maximum volume!😂😂😂🤣🤣Zebedee, Zebedii, that was often what l heard or said for bedtime. A jovial memory of television and a cute sweet way to colour the word bedtime by making it fun because the word kids HATE is bedtime. Then when you reach adulthood and parenthood one prays for bedtime.🤣🤣🤣😂😂 l have never been a parent but l know many, enough to prove that statement!
Charlotte ever the controller of wifi and devices😂😂😂🤣🤣,we have read this in other riddles! Time for bed a George!!
0125 hrs CST
Thank you so much, especially doing this when feeling unwell. You are greatly appreciated. The Diplomatic dinner is December 11th. This is sounding good…😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
134: Dec 5
MM ANON …… “ no, not the service”……… Strip and rip…… IRSt in peace……” I think you’ll find it best ma’am”…… “ exactly ‘ peace and quiet”…… Distant thunder ……… “On Her Majesty’s secret service”…… No!! Not the whole enchilada………… The dossier, almost complete!!…… “Yes!! It certainly is personal”……… “she lived by the sor-did…… “gather thee rosebuds …………”…… “ not a word,old boy”. ……… “ Mmmm, unfortunate name for a club”……… “a sticky wicket,what!
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December 5/2019 1040 hrs CST
“no, not the service”
Prince Andrew has had virtually everything but his HRH ripped away. Papers saying now this morning that not only Prince Charles dressed him down, but Prince Philip did as well. He may be 98 and retired but a massive alpha male who can throw down with the best of them. Sounding like PA will NOT be permitted to attend church Christmas 🎄 morning as per usual. The Royal family walks and greets the public coming and leaving, HMTQ is driven.
Strip and rip
This sounds like a bikini wax or a back waxing . More like a search for drugs, substances, paraphernalia or weapons at a prison or psychiatric hospital, believe me, l have done many such searches, for those needing hospitalization. This clue could be twofold, firstly, reportedly three blackened windows Discoveries were seen high speed driving near Banbury, a day or so ago, evening l think actually, madam is rumoured to be near at SoHo or perhaps in Banbury, the hometown of a certain sycophantic royal reporter. Me oh my oh!! Has she been taken into custody by the Americans??? Did she fly back with the President?
Secondly this may refer to Prince Andrew, strip and rip him of everything including his HRH. Is that what is being ripped? The public and many are demanding it including his fellow military members! Might l again say, he has NOT BEEN INTERVIEWED NOR CHARGED! Just a fact, l hate sexual abuse and human trafficking it’s loathsome. But there seems to be a direct torpedo, pardon the wordage, directly at him.Why no one else? Whose agenda is this??
IRSt in peace
Madam is in a world/whirled of hurt with the IRS, America’s tax division. I have no idea her last filing, or how accurate she has ever been. Since joining the Royal family, although never really did, she has had a myriad of income sources and likely many we don’t know. Might it be not the literal death of her but in terms of finances, she will be if not already in process,be audited and may be garnisheed for the rest of her life to,pay what is owed?
“I think you’ll find it best ma’am”“ exactly ‘ peace and quiet”
I think LG is suggesting HMTQ head for Sandringham early, to be out of London when the walls come tumbling down so to speak. Peace and quiet, readying for family Christmas, although that too brings its own pains!
Distant thunder
Softly rolling distant, quiet, getting closer, more loud, and BABOOM CRASH!! The storm that has been brewing and slowly simmering in the background is coming, coming closer, when it arrives,it will be ELECTRIC!! The information and scandal will rock the globe. I am not just talking about when all about madam is revealed but her backers and their sordid dealings! BOOM CRASH FLASH! Winds howling! It’s going to be earth shattering.
“On Her Majesty’s secret service”
We have had several Bond references. This was the only Bond film that a George Lazenby ever starred in, did you know that? Connery or Moore?? The other actors don’t count! CONNERY LASS AM I , AYE TIS SO💜💜💜💜. I do believe our William has been on the intelligence gathering and l do wonder about our Harry. You kids remember me repeatedly talking about his wedding ring months and months ago and saying it’s no regular ring?Sure you do, one of you went hunting and posted a picture of a ring with GPS chip! It’s very unusual in the U.K. especially royalty, in my experience , for men to wear wedding bands yet Harry insisted, ask yourself why? Why? Why? By the way, great film, and great documentary l have pvr’ed , The Secrets of Her Majesty’s Secret Service. It was on PBS last week, an anon posted about it, so l pvr’ed it!
No!! Not the whole enchilada
So again, the whole enchilada is a metaphor for the entire sum of something, usually valuable. What and whom is this referencing? Again, is it PA, losing more? I doubt that, the phrase the whole enchilada , that is not a British expression it’s American. This must be regarding madam. Meaning, she has to give up everything, her HRH, every merching etc etc. She’s upset about it. What, to stay out of prison? Testify against someone? Tell the whole truth and nothing but? This woman cannot even spell truth. There are so many lies over so many decades allegedly, there is no way she knows who she was with when doing what.
The dossier, almost complete!!
Information is almost done, evidence, witnesses, intelligence, video, audio, photos, texts, emails, carrier pigeons and any other sort of stealth data to solidify alleged treason charges along with a boatload of other financial and Heaven only knows what from the past has raised its filth from the depth of those lost years! All the i dotted t crossed, airtight.
“Yes!! It certainly is personal”
Very personal, this attack was planned, guided, paid for, well planned, multipronged, family paid off, witnesses paid off or worse etc etc allegedly. So yeah it’s personal to HMTQ,PP, PC and PW.An attack on the thing HMTQ has spent her life serving! The very monarchy! Sordid plot to crumble the Monarchy! So hell yes ITS PERSONAL!!! To our a Royal family and TO ALL OF US!!
“she lived by the sor-did
Old saying live by the sword ⚔️, you die by the sword, you all know that one. Madam has allegedly lived a very sordid, deviant lifestyle for money and luxuries. This will be her downfall, any previous association with JE, l can only imagine what her role was and then became. This whole sick, satanic, house of cards is crumbling, the cockroaches are running for cover. Does she think the backers are going to pay for her attorneys or testify on her behalf? 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 She is crazier than l thought! ALLEGEDLY!
“gather thee rosebuds…
While ye may, love this .This beautiful piece of magic written by Robert Herrick hundreds of years ago but relevant now as then. Speaking how quickly time flies, make the most of each second, do not waste time on frivolous things or unsavoury things. Sadly, many lost souls here, and damaged ones, so evil. However we have HMTQ, PC , William and Catherine, the Monarchy, with them at the helm, is resilient, will cut the extras and forge a new Monarchy.
“ not a word,old boy”.
Someone is keeping schtum about something. I imagine there are many, likely most of the details will remain classified. The five eyes met at the NATO conference. I truly do wonder, although l love my little life, what intelligence was shared! PP likely speaking with Netty, and keeping things classified, most probably about when they plan to break and let loose! We all know who Netty is right? I have explained it in a few riddles!
“ Mmmm, unfortunate name for a club”
Tramp nightclub, the source of many stories VRG and PA. PA also was there many times with Fergie and that’s where he met Koo Stark way back when for those of us at a certain age! Horrible just horrible name for a club!
“a sticky wicket,what!
This is a croquet term, hitting the balls through the wickets. It’s also a cricket term! Jiminy 🦗 Crickets, that’s my new favourite saying😁. A sticky wicket in life refers to awkward, difficult, unexpectedly challenging time. Well doesn’t that just describe the last two years!! OR MORE! What detail is sticky still? Something needing sorting. I just cannot fathom what it is! But it’s important because it’s in the riddle!
1155 hrs CST GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
Oh my! Not sounding good for MM! We are getting there it seems! Fantastic job dear PG! Thank you so much!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
135: Dec 6
MM ANON …… megbots in crisis …… megs spotted on ISS…… megs searchers internet for archificial upgrade …… megs still breastfeeding …… frogcott staff witness meg and Harry in screaming row 😱……… meg accused of bugging KP……… meg and archbishop in risqué photo shoot …… Archbishop denies clergy gossip …… meg ,VF interview ‘ I hate my chicken legs ‘…… Harry in GQ interview, I want a divorce ‘…… GQ, shock ‘horror, Harry’s OK’…… meg pens, ‘confessions of my yachting years’. … $20 million advance.
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December 6/2019 1150 hrs CST
Thanks to the wonderful 💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻fortheheavenssake 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜who is documenting all my riddle interpretations, l apparently have used two numbers twice🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂 so this is RIDDLE #135
megbots in crisis
Madam has had zillions of ‘bots’ online to bolster or artificially , not archficially🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂, boost her numbers and popularity on social media and PR. The well is running dry,no new storyline , last uncle pulled out of the woodwork weeks ago, bots, they cost $$$$$#£££££££€€€€€, she is in serious overload and underfunded. The bots are sputtering, spinning, electrical charges sparking, powering down, all the things 🤖 robots do when system failure, permanent fatal error blue screen, does not cooommmmmppppuuuutttteee………….
megs spotted on ISS
Oh now she’s an astronaut??? Really on the International Space Station??🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂. Yes, like l said last week Sasquatch and Elvis hang out in my back yard! Has she gone there to get another moonbump direct from the source??🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
megs searchers internet for archificial upgrade
Oh my Jiminy Crickets!!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂, l just typed that! Well not the internet part. Yes at some point she’s going to have to show a child, growing bigger, however Archficial was already a big boy, they used to call them huggy l think. She is madly trying to find the cheapest price for the new model of archficial. Maybe retailmenot or some other sites like Rakuten has coupon codes!!
megs still breastfeeding
Is she now? Is she a card carrying member of the La Leche League? Breastfeeding until the child is 18 or wed! Yes, it’s a great excuse for privacy, because despite what her PR says, she definitely wants privacy, no pictures, no one talking about or to her, yet yammers because no one asks if she is ok! Pathetic instagram post, photoshopped photos, one year anniversary of Hubb kitchen visit. Talk about grasping at straws for attention, and using year old photoshopped photos😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😩😩
frogcott staff witness meg and Harry in screaming row 😱
I do believe this was/is a story in one of the American gossip rags, could be wrong but everyone reads here so look for that headline next week if you’re into tabloids😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣.Interesting, there are no staff at FC, because NO ONE LIVES THERE! Perhaps an old spirit, but they take care of themselves! They have never lived there, every celebrity or article about who has visited there and held/fed/played with archficial are all liars, allegedly.
meg accused of bugging KP
Not surprised at that, taking a page right out of MA’s playbook at SoHo. Secretly record, gather intel, blackmail=$$$$$$$$€€€€€€€£££££. I wonder what secrets she gathered! Add that to the charges, LG and Netty, Sirs! Please! Allegedly! 🙄🙄
meg and archbishop in risqué photo shoot
There has been something odd about everything madam does/has done. One of the most bizarre is Justin Welby, the A of C, he allegedly privately baptized her. He allegedly christened archficial, with one wee issue, he was hours from London at that time at a Church conference. Now he has come out defending her. So there is no confusion these are his exact words.
💜💜Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, defended the Duchess of Sussex against what he called the “totally undeserved” criticism she has received.
“She’s a person of profound humanity and deep concern for people, seeking to carry out her role with every ounce of her being, and I think she’s a remarkable person💜💜.
What’s gone on here? Are you suggesting she has something on him so he has done these things under blackmail allegedly. Not a thing in this mess would surprise me one wit!
Archbishop denies clergy gossip
Parishioners talk, clergy members talk, they’re human, when things don’t add up, it makes for lots of speculation and questioning. Is the A of C denying that other bishops or members of the clergy have been speculating and questioning some of the issue l typed above? This is all too weird. If we had a whole wall with every single odd event, altered facts, stories comments etc etc, it would be like string art we used to do way back when. Better still twist like Christmas lights, and trying to figure out which bulb is causing the whole string to not light up. I know most of you remember that, the good old days before prelit trees in weird colours that make noises and flash so rapidly you get a migraine. Jiminy Crickets, l sound like one of those two grumpy men in the balcony on the Muppets Show😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣.
meg ,VF interview ‘ I hate my chicken legs
Harry in GQ interview, I want a divorce ‘GQ, shock ‘horror, Harry’s OK’
Madam did the VF, wild about Harry, was all PR lies! I think in terms of madams legs millions would agree! Now now, is this how this is going to roll? Tit for tat, pun intended🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂, is Harry doing a GQ cover giving her the same treatment by shockingly wanting a divorce?? Oh please 🙄 JIMINY CRICKETS 🦗 l want ten copies!!!💜💜💜Please sir, l want some more! The first person who comments where that line is from gets a smile from me😁. 💜💜💜Imagine the worlds shock?! Oh MM ANON DON’T TEASE ME!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 LG your brilliance is only surpassed by your loyalty and dedication to HMTQ Tip hat 🎩 Sir!
meg pens, ‘confessions of my yachting years $20 million advance.
During the weekend when madam went to help her Bestie SW completely lose the U.S.Open, they didn’t want her there, she went anyhow, didn’t she do a great job? Flirting grossly with SW husband, ignored by SW’s mum and graciously using the ‘Markle effect’ and SW lost soundly! She was summoned there, post haste allegedly to meet with backers and take a meeting with publishers. There have been rumblings and rumours of a book. Good luck fact checking that one, the poor ghost writer and editor🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. I think she will have to forget a lot because the IRS apparently doesn’t like it if you do not declare income or not be truthful, allegedly. And also, law enforcement may have issues with some behaviours, in relation to those missing years. And a wee tiny issue of archficial fauxmegnancy, not of the body. Trying to pass off a surrogate baby, not Harry’s child, all allegedly of course! As a blood royal baby!! Just a minor treason charge. Then there is the SoHo issue…….bugging, recordings, blackmail, all from the plot of a juicy film! As far as a $20,000,000 advance, if that happens, l will eat my hat! I don’t have one, got toques, might have to eat one then!! Who in their right mind would give her that cash advance? Unless it was not the right but the left, the leftists globalists backers….yep that l can see!!! Help us oh Lord🙏🏻🙏🏻 please, the light needs to be shone on the horrors that have been happening. Our beloved HMTQ, it just is breaking my heart, she is so beloved.
1250 hrs CST
What fun! Loved this. Thank you MM Anon for the humorous riddle and PG your great interpretation! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
136: Dec 6
MM ANON …… Muffin the mule…… looby loo & Andy pandy …… 95 , time!!…… “no’ not chaz”’……… “ I’m Meghan Markle and I indorse this massage” ……” An American Christmas card”…… betrayal in B&W……… “ it’s HMTQ your talking about!!!”…… “ tell her to PO ‘ it’s the Boxing Day shoot”……… 🎼I’m dreaming of a right Christmas 🎼…… a shortie but goody
December 6/2019 1530 hrs CST RIDDLE #136
Muffin the mule
Muffin has a naughty meaning as well as the breakfast bit. Mule is a very stubborn animals or someone carrying something illegal across borders as in a drug mule. First thing l thought of was a Moscow mule, classic lovely drink. There was an article in the DM about madams Christmas decor ideas and menu, the Moscow mule in copper was her idea!🤣🤣🤣😂 Well, l can’t drink anymore, but to me l would have one anytime but they and the copper was all the rage about five years ago, so she seems to be a wee bit behind the trend! However in fairness, it was taken from the 2015 Tig.
looby loo & Andy pandy
I read in the DM and saw photos years ago, Prince Andrew dancing up a storm, with a Heidi Klum, didn’t look like her but she was in a wig, costume. Also another female. Apparently he liked to be massaged by two women simultaneously, not underage, or rude, fun. The loony loo is known here as the hokey pokey, a hand , leg, body action dance. Is this having a go at PA ‘skills’ on the dance floor?? The hokey pokey also has a naughty meaning too.
95 , time!! “no’ not chaz”
HMTQ will be 95 in 18 months. Double exclamation mark, someone or several are firm in her making PC Regent at that time! It sounds like a firm opinion that PC is not the choice for Regent. Might William be tapped to step up and put a whole new modern face on the Monarchy? My goodness, to quote London Scoop, up is down, down is up, the world is spinning too fast!! The winds of change are gusting stronger and stronger!
“ I’m Meghan Markle and I indorse this massage”
Ha ha. Is she doing adverts now for special yacht massages.🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂 Oh dear imagine the oils and other items she would smear around!!! 😫😫😫😩😩😩🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢Just imagine the worst grossest thing you can muster!! Is she going into politics or has she massaged major politicians???? The end of every tv ad during election, l am so and so and l endorse this message. Yikes, crazy world!
“ An American Christmas card”betrayal in B&W
Of course the Christmas card will be in black and white, what else do we expect from madam? Likely have her back turned as well. Will Archficial be backwards too? Ultimate betrayal of wedding vows, to the public. A child not Harry’s, and not of her body! Will this be released and dealt with before Christmas? I pray so🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
“ it’s HMTQ your talking about!!!”…… “ tell her to PO ‘ it’s the Boxing Day shoot”
PP is angry and someone has been disrespectfully talking about HMTQ, PP is soundly bringing them about. PP is laying it down, madam has no input in the shooting day, she’s to be told to PO! PP talking to Harry, l am confused about why Harry would be still bring requests or demands from madam. I am wondering if it’s LG, because l am pretty certain Harry is far away from her and no interaction. It’s about Christmas, Sandringham and the annual family Boxing Day shooting party. Madam has been aggressively against it, allegedly previous years. So is madam still in a position to make demands? Well it sounds like she will be told what’s what!
🎼I’m dreaming of a right Christmas 🎼
I watched the film White Christmas last night, gorgeous songs by a Irving a Berlin, fabulous, again movies when they were movies! I am thinking the wish is that Jeremy Corbyn loses and BoJo, the conservatives, oft referred to as the right. Corbyn is leaning left strongly and much upset about alleged anti-Semitic beliefs. I think all this crap with madam has to wait till after the election, December 12/2019.
a shortie but goody
Is this little Louis? He is toddling around, l recall the summer videos at the park garden Catherine designed, him running in the bridge arms wide to balance. I can hardly wait for the Christmas photos! I can only imagine running round now, he will be into anything and everything!Bless him🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻 l am exhausted, haven’t slept since Thursday morning. Two riddles, other posts sheesh JIMINY CRICKETS 🦗 I AM DONE💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
1605 hrs CST
Thank you PG…two in a day! MM Anon must know you love a great challenge….thank you for doing this…😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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ccarriganphotos · 5 years
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The following is a Twitter Chat between fellow authors Catherine Carrigan and Tim Lewis on Tuesday, Nov. 12 for the Alliance of Independent Authors.
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MANCHESTER, ENGLAND – SEPTEMBER 30: David Luiz of Arsenal warms up ahead of the Premier League match between Manchester United and Arsenal FC at Old Trafford on September 30, 2019 in Manchester, United Kingdom.…
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gamefanatics · 5 years
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less-than-hash · 5 years
Holes in the Firmament
Every dev I know has at least one dream game - stuff that they'd love to be able to make some day. The more ambitious these get - the more complex or long - the less likely they are to get made. And in a collaborative medium like games, the more people (and the more money!) involved in a project, the less control any given individual has over it.
This isn't intrinsically bad. (It can also be wildly valuable to a project and rewarding personally.)
But we devs still dream of those games we'd make if we had, say, the resources of a two hundred person studio, the backing of a major publisher, and absolute freedom.
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Three of mine are behind the cut.
As a note, none of these reflect upcoming Obsidian projects. Nor are they projects Obsidian would likely ever make. They don't fit the studio's brand. Which is why I'm dreaming about them here, and not pitching them internally. 
So, first up!
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A Squad-Based 1st-Person Firefighting Game with a Robust Relationship System and a Branching Narrative
I don't understand why there aren't more games about firefighting - though if I had to guess it's largely because making fire look good in-game is extraordinarily difficult. As is making an environment decay over time (though I suspect there are probably some pretty good, easy solutions for this using dev sleight-of-hand).
There are actually a Iot of interactive sim games about firefighting for training purposes. Much like war and flight, firefighting is something best trained without risking real life and limb.
Firefighting appeals to me as a gameplay space because it's actively protective - it's about limiting destruction and saving lives. But it can very easily be modeled with similar gameplay loops to shooters - ultimately both are about emptying rooms of danger - here it's just with water instead of bullets.
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I could be water!
In short, firefighters engage in almost unequivocal good. They're heroic. They’re human. They’re flawed. And they brave dangers every day. But our industry basically ignores them.
Firefighting would give us the opportunity to set games in the modern world with people who, during their off hours, experience much more relatable struggles than your average freedom fighter, super spy, or elite soldier - relationship difficulties, debt, children, and the like.
So what would this game actually look and play like? It would likely be mission-based (calls come in of their own accord, after all), make use of movement and environmental hazards (not unlike a cover-based shooter), and have simple companion-direction mechanics similar to the Mass Effect trilogy or Spec Ops: The Line.
(Alternatively, the action could be dialed down a bit to focus on positioning a la Valkyria Chronicles.)
The gameplay would be focused on keeping your squad alive while saving as many people as possible.
Between missions you hang out at the station, or the bar, or at home - or try to balance all three, a la Catherine. You build relationships, helping your squad perform better together. You never recruit anyone, but your companions, your fellow firefighters, can die in missions, altering the narrative in both tone and content.
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tl;dr: Mass Effect 2 meets Rescue Me with some dashes of Catherine
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Narrative-Focused Urban Fantasy RPG/Immersive Sim
How does this not exist yet? Where's our Dresden Files or Hellblazer inspired RPGs? Or even The Magicians or Harry Potter, for that matter?
Where my Chilling Adventures of Sabrina RPG?
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There's Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines, which, while fantastic, is 13 years old.
While I'm looking forward to Necrobarista, that seems like a pretty tight, focused experience.
We've plenty of games with magicians in fantasy realms or in space - AKA BioWare's entire oeuvre - but few in the AAA space set in the modern world.
Unless you count superhero magicians.
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Wait. Did Dr. Strange even get a game? Google suggests no. What’s going on here, videogame industry? Why won’t you suffer a witch to live?!
Honestly, I get to an extent why this is. There's a reason there've been Vampire: The Masquerade and Werewolf: The Apocalypse games, but no Mage games, either for Ascension or Awakening. Magic is broad, and often (especially in games) wildly destructive, which can be at odds with a modern setting (or rather what makes a modern setting interesting).
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Art by Jason Chan, from Reign of the Exarchs by White Wolf.
But it doesn't have to be.
The flexibility of magic actually allows for a lot of different gameplay styles. You can do straight up first-person action like The Darkness or stealth survival like Last of Us. If I were to adapt Phonogram, a comic I love deeply, you can bet your ass there'd be beatmatch spellcasting.
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A lot of gameplay mechanics we take for granted are actually damned-near magical. 
Maps that point you where to go and tell you where your enemies are? 
Dropping from a second story window without difficulty? 
Regenerating health? 
Items that make you smarter, stronger, or more likable? 
Bullet time? 
Rewinding to an earlier point in time to avoid death or a bad decision? 
So that's another question a developer has to answer: if magic comes in so many shades, what color is yours? What are you hoping to accomplish?
For me, the presence of magic in the modern world demands a layer of secrecy that implies other layers of secrets. A modern world in which magic functions immediately deepens. What else lurks out there? Where are the other magicians? How are they using their abilities?
Additionally, magic is surreal. Bend and twist reality, and you're forced to look at it from new angles. If you can tweak people's emotional responses to you, how do you know the relationships around you are real? 
And that's before you realize your dreams literally might come true - especially the nightmares. Is the face in the mirror a reflection, or something sinister and jealous? Is the ghost haunting you your literal past reaching out to reclaim you?
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My dream modern magician game is an open-world immersive sim in an urban setting. Drop Prey, Dishonored, or BioShock style gameplay into a sprawling city filled with physics objects ripe for transmutation and NPCs waiting to be enchanted. Add an otherworld accessed by stepping through mirrors (the entire map within is reversed).
It's about what power can accomplish, what justifies its use, and what its limits are.
Populate the world with a few powerful magician NPCs with their own agendas; dozens of NPCs to chat up, learn more about, seduce, and manipulate; and a threat that could consume reality's very soul if someone doesn't step up to deal with it. Shake. Serve.
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tl;dr: Dishonored meets Vampyr by way of Hellblazer and Hellboy
And finally!
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Friendship Simulator 2019
My favorite parts of the Persona games and Catherine are the things outside of the core gameplay loops. The bits where you're hanging out with your friends, chatting with them, finding out more about them, and guiding and supporting them (or tearing them down).
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Or hiding in the toilet to text your significant other.
One of the things I love about Persona 5: Dancing Star Night in Starlight is that the narrative is almost solely in this mode. It's entirely about learning more about your fellow Phantom Thieves.
Lest you think I uncritically and unabashedly love it, P5D has some major narrative problems - it entirely fails to pay off its initial premise, for example, and there's no persistence to the player choices or (player-driven) reactivity within the narrative.
Nor does the way the player "progresses" the narrative make a tremendous amount of sense within the fiction of the world.
Sorry I got distracted.
Point is, from a narrative perspective it's a game about getting to know people better - literally exploring their lives - and then supporting (or undermining, if you're terrible) them.
Similarly, nothing the player says in Persona (or, for the most part, Catherine) has any impact on the game. The player might progress a Social Link more slowly by being an ass to the protagonists' friends, but they'll still increase that Link over time, provided they put time into it.
And I don't want to be dismissive here. Time management is one of the major ways in which the player engages with the Persona games. Outside of combat and maybe monster-training, it's probably the most important mechanic at play. Taking longer to max out a Social Link means you're missing other content and missing opportunities to increase your stats. Or maybe the Social Link doesn't get completed at all. (Sorry, Haru.) Or maybe you’re not powerful enough to overcome the next Shadow in time and your game ends. Those are non-trivial consequences.
But the story of the Social Link, or the story of the game, will never change based on (the vast majority of) the player's interactions with their buddies.
Despite that, the games give the player a lot of freedom as to when (or whether!) they approach those relationships.
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On the other end of the spectrum, Life is Strange (and Before the Storm) does a fantastic job of letting the player get to know the characters around Max (and Chloe) and responding logically to the player's choices.
The kid who has a crush on Max (Warren, I think?) remembers what the player promises him and then responds to whether or not the player follows through on it.
If Chloe plays A Game That Absolutely Involves Neither Dungeons Nor Dragons with her friends, they'll refer to it excitedly later and ask her to join in another round.
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The TellTale games are also pretty good at this, especially Wolf Among Us, but that'll take me a bit far afield.
What Life is Strange does not provide the player is any control at all over the flow of the narrative. When the player completes a narrative beat within a scene, they're rushed along to the next scene, which is never one of their choosing. There's plenty of flexibility within the relationships (and within many of the smaller subplots), but little within the game's larger structure.
Ultimately, Persona provides little variability, while Life is Strange provides little narrative control.
I want to make a game that grabs the strong aspects of both of these while jettisoning their weaknesses.
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(Far, far easier written than done!)
Basically, I want to make a game focused on the exploration of relationships. Where the personalities are the mysteries to unravel, and the interpersonal relationships between characters the dungeons to be navigated. Where the inner demons are the beasts in need of slaying - not through mystically entering the subconscious and doing battle with the Shadow, but through conversation.
I want a game about building a community, a family, and helping it come to support itself.
I think that one essential change that would make this significantly more doable is discarding the larger threats to the characters, especially those supernatural in nature. The relationships among the cast of Persona 4 are propping for the story of the Midnight Channel Murders. Arcadia Bay's pending apocalypse distracts from the relationships that seem to be the actual core story of Life is Strange.
(I find Before the Storm a stronger narrative than the original Life is Strange in large part because it's not being torn in multiple directions.)
Which isn't to say that there can't be threats, obstacles, and dangers. The world presents all manner of difficulties. Most of them requiring far more challenging and interesting solutions than "stick a sword in it."
That's a lot of abstraction, so what would this game actually look and play like?
Well, as I mentioned above, I think the Persona games, esp. Persona 4 Golden and Persona 5 already do a fantastic job of providing the player the framework for exploring a space and approaching relationships at their own pace.
Add into this characters that the player can engage with in order to learn more about them (not unlike Vampyr), help with their problems, and build (or break!) relationships with them or others, and you have something of an open-world interpersonal relationship game. 
The narrative of these relationships would change based on the player's actions (both in regard to how they interact with the character and how they deal with (or fail to deal with) the character's problems). So would the player's reputation, which impacts their interactions with other characters.
(The reputation system is actually one of my favorite ideas in Pillars, but I think we sometimes fail to use it to its full potential. I certainly know I do.)
Side note: in this dream game, the relationships I'm describing are not expressed in a systemic way. They're not ranked like Social Links, and they don't have reputation bars like in Dragon Age or Tyranny. It's much more akin to Life is Strange here, with each character containing their own narrative(s) to be navigated.
Over time, you bring some of these characters closer to your protagonist, recruiting a tight-knit circle that helps you face the game's primary conflict. These relationships bounce off of one another. You can never make everyone happy, after all, and some people will never get along. Late game play requires that the player balance these relationships and help forge friendships or avoid catastrophic fallings out.
Yeah, but what is that primary conflict? 
Potentially anything the world could throw at a person. A lot of television shows have provided us a framework we can borrow from. Veronica Mars comes immediately to mind. (Or one of my favorite films, Brick.) Then there's Lost, which is overtly about building communities and relationships in order to survive. The Wire is another possibility. (Imagine playing as a Stringer Bell type trying to build a crew while maintaining relationships with rival crews.)
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My point being that we already know what these kinds of stories look like. We just have to be brave enough to make a game that's focused around understanding other people rather than shooting them.
tl;dr: Life is Strange meets Persona, minus the strange and the personas
And that’s three glimpses into my brain. Into my dreams.
You may have noticed a few through lines. I'm pretty clearly interested in making games:
Set in the modern day
That tackle modern, realistic (and I use that term extremely loosely) concerns
That are largely non-violent
With non-linear narratives
That involve exploring the lives and feelings of non-player characters
And give those interpersonal relationships systemic narrative bite
Obviously, the projects I've been involved in recently don't check off every one of those boxes on my wishlist. That's generally how it is, if you're making games with other people.
But if you're very, very lucky, you get the opportunity to work on projects that scratch at least one or two of those itches.
I've been very, very lucky.
Cheers, <3 <3 <#
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world-of-wales · 2 months
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This summer we’re heading back to Tudor England! Watch the new trailer for STARZ Original Limited Series The Spanish Princess.
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El lado lésbico de los Grammys 2019
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Brandi Carlile tenía el honor de ser la mujer más nominada de los Grammys 2019. Su disco, By The Way I Forgive you, es una oda a las personas inadaptadas, a quienes como ella se han atrevido a luchar contra lo establecido a costa de muchos dolores. Así que ha sido todo un placer verla llevarse tres Grammys a casa. Además, como ya habíamos hablado, C…
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maxwellyjordan · 5 years
Symposium: Undue burden, balancing test or bright line? Court should take the Louisiana admitting-privileges case to clarify the meaning of Whole Woman’s Health
Catherine Glenn Foster is the president and chief executive officer of Americans United for Life.
The U.S. Supreme Court’s last pronouncement on abortion came in 2016, in the jurisprudential netherworld between the death of Justice Antonin Scalia and the appointment of Justice Neil Gorsuch. Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt invalidated portions of Texas’ HB 2, including a requirement that doctors performing abortions maintain patient-admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their abortion facility. This requirement, according to the Texas legislature (to which the Supreme Court would have owed deference under the previous iteration of the “undue burden” test in Gonzales v. Carhart in 2007), was “reasonable and medically necessary” to “improve the post-operative management of serious post-abortion complications.” The Supreme Court majority didn’t see it that way, invalidating the measure 5-3 as an “undue burden” on abortion access. Justice Stephen Breyer, writing for the majority, appeared to characterize the court’s newfound test for assessing the constitutionality of abortion as a form of balancing test. The law “provides few, if any, health benefits for women, poses a substantial obstacle to women seeking abortions, and constitutes an ‘undue burden’ on their constitutional right to do so,” Breyer maintained.
The result was hailed as a landmark victory by abortion advocates. And what could be better for those advocating for unhindered access to abortion than a constitutional “test” that invites any of the hundreds of active federal judges to declare that the “burdens” on abortion access imposed by a given abortion regulation outweigh its benefit? Indeed, the Supreme Court is styling the federal judiciary as a “national abortion control board,” as it was described by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. And the Hellerstedt regime has steadily inflated the footprint of “undue burden” into new areas, turning juridical terra firma into quicksand and reviving the noisome hum of what Scalia called the “abortion post hoc nullification machine.” In the wake of Hellerstedt, federal courts have employed its eminently pliable test to invalidate laws previously held constitutional, such as parental notice laws, outpatient surgical regulations, and even, in one case, a prohibition on taxpayer funding of elective abortion.
Enter Louisiana, which (along with Mississippi) has continued to litigate its similar admitting-privileges requirement for abortion doctors after (and some would say in spite of) Hellerstedt. (Alabama and Wisconsin threw in the towel on defending theirs.) A full bench trial in 2015 (full disclosure – AUL’s now-general counsel Steven Aden was co-counsel for Louisiana), followed by re-briefing after Hellerstedt, resulted in a well-documented and carefully vetted record and argument.
Louisiana correctly argued that Hellerstedt did not mean that all admitting privileges laws are per se unconstitutional. Nor was there sufficient evidence that Louisiana’s law would close a large number of abortion facilities in Louisiana. The state took the Hellerstedt majority at its word, arguing that determining the impact of an abortion regulation is a fact-intensive inquiry that requires state-specific evidence that the law causes a substantial obstacle. In this case, the record was mixed; one abortion doctor had privileges, another one quit the practice for his own reasons, and another had his privileges deemed sufficient to satisfy the law (over the plaintiffs’ objection). In the end, abortion was still available in at least two geographically disparate locations in Louisiana, obviating the need for a “large fraction” of women to have to drive long distances to access abortion.
The district judge in Baton Rouge nonetheless ruled against the state, but the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit upheld the law 2-1, relying on “stark differences” between the facts and evidence in the Texas case and the facts and evidence in Louisiana’s case. Unlike in Texas, the appeals court said, there was no evidence that any abortion facility would close in Louisiana as a result of the law. June Medical Services appealed to the full 5th Circuit, but the en banc court voted 9-6 to deny rehearing.
Planned Parenthood sought an emergency injunction in the Supreme Court, and the court granted the request 5-4 on February 7, just hours before Louisiana’s admitting privileges law would have gone into effect. The hold on Louisiana’s law will automatically be lifted if the case is not timely appealed, if the Supreme Court decides not to take the case after all, or when the court issues a final judgment after hearing the case. As is typical for an emergency proceeding, the Supreme Court gave no rationale for its decision. Despite dissenting in Hellerstedt, Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court’s more liberal justices in (presumably) agreeing that there was a “reasonable probability” the court will agree to take the case and ultimately find the law unconstitutional.
Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh would have denied Planned Parenthood’s request and let Louisiana’s law go into effect. Kavanaugh wrote in dissent that there are many “factual uncertainties” involved in the case, and argued there is no reason at this time for the Supreme Court to put the law on hold because if abortion doctors in Louisiana are really unable to obtain admitting privileges, they can file an as-applied challenge later.
Because of the procedural posture of the case, June Medical Services will likely petition the Supreme Court to hear the merits and to permanently enjoin Louisiana’s law. At that point, the justices will have more time to look at all of the specific factual nuances in the case. Once they do, Americans United for Life is confident that the justices will vote to uphold Louisiana’s common-sense safety measure that will protect Louisiana women from substandard abortion doctors. Further, the case offers the Supreme Court – with a newly minted constitutionalist majority on the dais – the opportunity to revisit Hellerstedt’s “thumb-to-the-wind” test and clarify that state laws may not be struck down simply because a federal court finds them to be marginally burdensome for abortion access. The truth is that Hellerstedt has prolonged and exacerbated the national confusion over what kinds of health and safety laws are permissible. It’s time to get the Supreme Court out of the business of overseeing the “national abortion control board” and to restore this sensitive and politically polarizing issue to the states and the people – where it has always belonged.
Past cases linked to in this post:
Gonzales v. Carhart, 550 U.S. 124 (2007) Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, 136 S. Ct. 2292 (2016)
The post Symposium: Undue burden, balancing test or bright line? Court should take the Louisiana admitting-privileges case to clarify the meaning of <em>Whole Woman’s Health</em> appeared first on SCOTUSblog.
from Law https://www.scotusblog.com/2019/03/symposium-undue-burden-balancing-test-or-bright-line-court-should-take-the-louisiana-admitting-privileges-case-to-clarify-the-meaning-of-whole-womans-health/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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Riven For The Mac
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Riven: The Sequel to Myst by Cyan Productions and Red Orb Entertainment. Solution by Mike Marcelais: Version 1.1, November 1997 Do you have the most recent version of this file? Updates are always.
Riven the Sequel to Myst for Windows 10/ 8/ 7 or Mac has all the features which are seen in the game for the android or iOS devices. Below is the guide to let you know how to download and install Riven the Sequel to Myst for the Computers.
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'Riven' is the second game in the Myst series, and the fourth chronologically. It was released on October 31st, 1997 by Cyan, after four years of development. It takes place in the Riven, a collapsing age, which is where Catherine comes from. In it you must enter Riven, free Catherine, trap Gehn and signal Atrus. In this game we also see Gehn's 'Age 233' and the age of Tay.
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Discussion in 'PC Games' started by t0nymac, Oct 17, 2020.
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Thread Tags: Vagrus - The Riven Realms 0.5.16 macOS
Riven is the sequel to the highly successful computer game Myst. It was distributed initially on five compact discs, and was later released on a single DVD-ROM, along with a 14 minute long making-of video. The Myst style of gameplay in which the user clicked on objects in prerendered still frames and videos was maintained in this sequel; however, it was enhanced by many animated scenes. It is widely regarded by players of Myst and other adventure games to be the most difficult game in the Myst franchise. Which mac for music. Riven was released on Mac/PC CD-ROM disks on October 31, 1997 and was later made available on a DVD-Rom disk.
Riven expands to and is based on the ultimate past and historical background of Myst, fully described in the three books.
The game contains a great deal of information on the culture and language of D'ni. The D'ni language was first used in this game, both in written form and spoken by Cho, a Rivenese person trained to speak basic D'ni phrases. The system of D'ni numbers is also introduced in the game, and it is necessary for the player to learn and read D'ni numbers to complete the game. There is also a system of symbols used for describing colors that the player must learn and apply to solve a puzzle.
From Myst to Riven
There was an illustrated coffee table book made during the development of Riven. It details how Riven got its realistic look, which is a combination of two key factors: ray-tracing in rendering, which video games are only in recent years are able to achieve in real-time; and hand-crafting of each shot with intricate modeling, photo-realistic textures, purposeful lighting, and subtle effects. And of course, it's attention to detail which shows in every aspect.
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It was originally released a few weeks after the release of Riven. While no longer officially published, it can still be found via Amazon or eBay.
Graphics improvements compared to Myst
Riven Mac Installer
Simple geometry and low texture resolutions made high contrast between light and shadow in the original Myst. Renders for each Age was displayed in a palette of only 256 colors, which, though expertly devised, limited the tonal range of finished images. The screens had 543x332 pixels, taking up approximately three quarters of the screen. It took about two years to make Myst.
The screens in Riven has 608x392 pixels and 256 colors for each image, taking up almost the entire screen. Riven contains over 4,000 fully-rendered scenes and 1,000 QuickTime movies (over three hours of astonishing animation). Some of the scenes took over an hour to render on Cyan's SGI Indigo Workstations (they had 13 of them). At the time the game was made, the various islands which make up Riven was the largest wireframe models anyone had been working with. A single Riven island is represented by about 2.5 million triangles. Intricate detail can be found throughout Riven, from wind-shifted topsoil blanketing a mountainside, to the knotted woodgrain of a table top, to Riven shimmering water, which undulates, reflects and glints in the sun. Riven was in the making for over four years.
The models in Myst were quite simple. For example, there are whole forests of trees on Myst Island but no leaves. When Myst was originally constructed, each tree was modeled using just two cones -- one for the trunk, and one for the foliage. The ground cover for the entire island is a single texture image painted onto an extruded surface. In all, the island has one tenth of the geometric detail of a Riven island.
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Although the Graphics Engine for Riven isn't the exact same engine as was used for Myst, it is very similar. Brøderbund had been working on better visual effects since Myst, likening Riven graphics to those in the Mac version of Myst. If you've seen both the Mac and PC versions of Myst, you know the difference.
Riven For The Mac Torrent
Alias for rendering
DeBabelizer and PhotoShop for texture editing/compositing/touchups
Media Cleaner Pro for movie compression
HyperCard for prototyping the game/exporting data files to Broderbund/Sunsoft/etc.
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Concept Art
Riven For Mac Os
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Riven For Mac
Riven Macro Guide
Details from Wikipedia
Graphics improvements details from Myst and Riven Illustrated
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Power in Numbers
According to George Simmel, fashion has long been seen as a swinging pendulum between individuals who desire to follow trends and those who simply follow them. Fashion, as we know it, embodies this ideal to ensure we simultaneously fit in and stand out. However, what is there to say when this idea of individuality is abandoned in the name of making a political statement? Across the US, there have been mass movements that have used the power of fashion to make a statement about their views on issues pertaining to human rights. They have left behind the desire for individualism in the name of bringing attention to something other than what they’re wearing. One may go as far as to say they are using the lack of individuality in their fashion to showcase that their ideas deviate from the norms created by these systems of injustice, creating a counter-discourse, based on the definition provided by Catherine Connell. Whether it be through the wearing of a singular color or specific accessory, these large groups have collectively organized to stray from trends and ensure their fashion choices have the ability to speak for them when they are not being heard.
For example, following the 2016 election of Donald J. Trump as the President of the United States, despite his overtly sexist statements, people across the country took their anger to the streets and participated in the 2017 Women’s March against systemic sexism across this country. One thing that truly stood out from this event was the sea of pink ‘pussyhats’ across the crowds of thousands of people across the country. According to movement co-founder, Krista Suh, these hats were meant to showcase solidarity among women, and to be seen as a sign that they share the same beliefs and are safe among one another (Brucculieri). Women across the country who felt the same frustration towards the sexism happening around the world collectively organized to make a statement of pink that symbolized their demand for change, making it explicitly clear that those in administration should take notice of their outrage through such a large and collective accessory choice.
In addition, this kind of movement can be achieved through the collective choice to don a singular color. In 2018, women in Hollywood pledged to wear all black at the Golden Globes to express their solidarity to the Time’s Up movement, protesting the sexual harassment and sexism that is so prevalent in their industry. They collectively agreed to take away the glitz and glamour that usually drives award shows of this kind in order to make a serious statement about the current nature of their industry (Weaver). Instead of answering questions about designers while posing on the red carpet, these women used their style choice and airtime to bring attention to a much larger issue. Similarly, at the 2019 State of the Union address, women in congress used this event as an opportunity to pay homage to the women who came before them. They collectively organized to wear what is referred to as ‘suffragette white,’ to make a declaration that they are actively fighting for women’s rights and will continue to in the future. This simple fashion choice allowed them to showcase how much they stand out within the house, creating a little pocket of brightness among all of the dark suits donned by the men in congress.
Works cited:
Brucculieri, J. (2019, January 19). The Power Of Pussyhats: Co-Creator Reflects On The Impact Of A Little Pink Cap. Retrieved December 02, 2020, from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/pussyhat-project-krista-suh_n_5c424135e4b027c3bbc1b7a3
Connell, Catherine. 2013. “Queer Fa(t)shion Blogging as Counterdiscourse” WSQ, 41 Retrieved December 02, 2020, from https://fashioningsociology.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/connell-queer-fatshion-blogging.pdf
Lang, C. (2019, February 06). Why Congresswomen Are Wearing White at State of the Union. Retrieved December 02, 2020, from https://time.com/5518859/state-of-the-union-2019-white/
Simmel, George. 1957. “On Fashion” American Journal of Sociology, v 62, 6. 541-588. Retrieved December 02, 2020, from https://sites.middlebury.edu/individualandthesociety/files/2010/09/Simmel.fashion.pdf
Weaver, H. (2018, January 08). Golden Globes 2018: Black Dresses, Time's Up Pins, Activist Plus Ones, and Everything Else You Need to Know. Retrieved December 02, 2020, from https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2018/01/golden-globes-2018-red-carpet-times-up
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