#cats cast cath cast. the other one
disabledfurry · 7 months
i hate when i bring up congenital disability and i/dd and visible difference all together all at the same time i feel like i'm pushing and shoving and yelling. i feel like a tornado. i'm afraid people will think we have it better than them scoff and roll their eyes or they will go "lol that's not a real problem because it's so normal to make fun of or be disgusted by people like you that i can't and refuse to see it as a real problem"
i don't know how many people have either gotten mad at me or laughed at me for it
60's comedy show where they can't seem to go even a few episodes without making fun of people with strabismus or brain damage. an actor crossing his eyes on purpose gets hit in the head and goes "hey i can see!" i change the channel to kids's cartoons and a character gets hit in the head, crosses his eyes, loses his balance and slurs. two other characters just flat out have strabismus, one with an intellectual disability and people act like she's gross, and another with brain damage, both depicted as jokes. muffins/bubbles the horse's whole character is a joke about intellectual disability and she has strabismus
i go online and people are drawing their fursonas with exotropia as a joke. mom watches a tiktok where someone tells her friend to "look ugly" and her friend crosses her eyes. on fionna and cake the hypnotized princess bubblegum has strabismus randomly to make her look crazy. marcille talking in a baby voice while her eyes are far apart, and the orc with strabismus, making me not feel like mithrun's whole character arc matters that much
people making inbred jokes or remarking on the birth defect rate in some southern US american states when the birth defect rate in some "northern" states is the fucking same, especially when for me, both the place i was conceived and the place i was born are heavily fucking polluted
how many examples do people need before they go "oh yeah this is a real problem" and do the examples i gave even matter. do i need to write a whole fucking book of examples. i feel like i could. there is a whole fucking book's worth of examples. i know someone else has already done it because there's multiple books about this
everyone thinks people like me are weird or gross or funny or creepy and the only place i see people even remotely like me is on an autism dating show where they play quirky music every time someone does something autistic and the greater disability community doesn't care about us at all or even is repulsed by us because they think we have it better but it's "not a big deal"
and i don't fucking want lip service. i want to feel like i fucking belong, like i'm not just not supposed to exist because i have too many problems congenitally and having too many problems congenitally makes you evil and bad and wrong or whatever. i'm so tired
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cathyparrlyn · 5 years
We’re all just mirror shards
Hey everyone! It’s No One here, or perhaps you now know (if you have read a certain lovely, beautiful, baby tief’s post) that my name is Maddy. It’s great to finally post this next part, first update of 2020! Woo!....
Yeah, I know, it’s been a while. I’m sorry for that, but not only am I working on future chapters and a special writing project (some of you might have already heard about it, oops-), but like, school. Ugh. But don’t worry, I have plenty of content to give you guys, so I shouldn’t fall too behind with my updating schedule!
I want to shoutout two people today. First off, one of my writing friends, @justonemoretheatrekid who is super sweet and has helped me with my bi panic, so thanks friendo! I enjoyed chatting with you! :3
I also want to give a special thanks to another one of my writing friends, @toomanyfamdom for not only helping me edit this sucker (legit the only reason I was able to post today. Bless her soul for putting up with my comma crazy piece.), but also for being the sweetest and best baby in the world. She makes me a proud mama. :3 love you baby! And thank you for not joining in on the “(censored name) for the pole” chant. I know how much you like to troll me tho, so I guess will see what happens next time. Lol. <3
Also, good news and bad news! 
Good news! This chapter has the “read more” option! Bad News! It cost me all the pretty and colorful fonts. ;-; Also, it won’t let me edit my draft from my iPad now as I did the function on the computer. So like... I can’t fix it. :(
So now I have a dilemma. Which should I use, the read more function or the colorful and pretty fonts? Please reply down below if you have a preference. Anyways, enough with my long ass author note!
Without further interruption, the chapter! Woo!
Word count: about 2,212 words.
Warnings: Cursing, bullying. (Also, Anne being a useless lesbian gremlin and Cathy being a bi disaster. OWO UWU)
Part 11
Annie Boleyn
“Sorry about that, I’m just so fucking tired of bullshit,” Anne muttered, snapping Cathy out of her thoughts.
Cathy was a dumbass. She had to be. How else could she have fucked up so badly with her words? They were her thing! But with Anne, all she could muster up to say was ‘huh?’ Huh! Ugh, she just can’t with herself right now.
What’s worse, this is serious. Anne looks like she needs someone to talk to, Cathy can be that person, but not if she’s a disaster.
Parr wants to be there for Anne. She craves to develop their relationship, for them to get closer. To be able to share inside jokes and small smiles with each other. To have long conversations and calling each other late at night just to rant because they know the other will listen. For the comfort of knowing that she does, in fact, matter to Anne.
Right now she felt farther away from her goal than ever. Looking up, she saw an indescribable look on Anne’s face, the only thing she could note was the fear in Boleyn’s eyes as she held herself. An uneasy feeling washed over Anne as she realized she might have said too much around Cathy. She was nervous. Cathy couldn’t believe it. Anne was scared of her own opinion, and that worried Parr. Boleyn was speechless, not knowing how to respond. It was painful to see this side of her. Yet Cathy couldn’t help but stare. This new side drew her in, and Parr couldn’t stop herself from questioning more and more about who Anne really was. And what could have possibly happened to the Boleyn girl to make her feel so mortified that she couldn’t even express her own feelings.
Now Cathy was scared. She couldn’t just stand there and wait Anne recover on her own. No, Catherine wants to help her, she needs to help Anne.
So with a deep breath, Cathy had made her decision to keep moving forward with the conversation. She refused to make Anne start things, this time she’ll make the first move. For Anne’s sake.
“Hey, are you alright? I’m here for you if you want to talk about it.”
“No, no. It’s stupid, just, please. Forget about it.”
Cathy felt as if she was stabbed in the heart after hearing that statement. Anne was amazing, smart, talented, and said some of the most interesting things Cathy has ever heard. And here she is now, saying that her feelings are stupid.
Cathy doesn’t know who made her feel like this, but they are going to pay for it. Yet, that is for another time, right now Cathy has to focus on comforting the Boleyn girl.
“Hey Anne, we’re friends right?”
“Well, yeah, I would like to think so.” Anne tentatively mumbled. She expressed a blatant insecurity that Parr would reject the idea. But why?
Parr wanted to further analyze this side of Anne and try to figure out what might have happened to her, but she couldn’t. Not right now, when Anne needed a friend. No, especially now since Anne needed a friend, someone to be there for her, to reassure her things were okay. That is what Parr needed to be right now. Her friend.
Cathy smiled, bumping their shoulders together. Hence, grabbing Anne’s attention as Parr stared at her with a look that Anne wasn’t used to seeing: patience and love. With a gentle squeeze reminding Anne of their connected hands, Cathy let the Boleyn girl bask in the show of affection. Anne deserves to enjoy this moment, to feel comfortable with her own thoughts. What’s more, she deserves to have someone to listen to her. Cathy can very well be that person. All Catherine had to do was prove that she would and could be there for her. So she spoke up, determined to help Anne no matter what it takes.
“Then there you go. Your opinion matters to me, Anne. As your friend, I don’t think this is stupid. Not one bit. So please, don’t feel afraid to talk to me. You have a wonderful voice, and I truly think it should be shared with the world.”
Cathy observed as Anne stared at her in shock. A blush formed on Parr’s cheeks as she noticed a sudden change in the Boleyn girl. Tension had quickly left Anne’s face and was now replaced by a small, soft, genuine, and breathtaking smile. Really, Cathy could go on about the beauty of Anne’s smile, but she was rather focused on something else. It was way more important than her feelings. Gratitude, that’s what Anne’s expression conveyed instead of the fearful look she wore mere seconds ago. Anne gently squeezed Cathy’s hand back, returning the affection as she pulled Cathy in so they could be in closer proximity. The action cause both girls heart to race as they were lost in the moment, staring at each other in a comfortable, knowing silence. Both were thinking the same thing.
She does see me.
Finally after taking a few deep breaths, Anne was the first one to break the silence.
“Thank you, that… that really means a lot Cathy.”
“Of course Anne. Do you, um... Do you want to talk about it?” Cathy gingerly asked.
Anne looked down as she contemplated what to do. After a few seconds of thinking it over, she slowly nodded her head.
“Alright, I’m here to listen whenever you ready.” Parr, acknowledging that she was looking down, squeezed Anne’s hand again. Cathy hopes it would reassure Boleyn that Parr planned on being there for her. Seeing that Anne had mustered up the courage to look up at Catherine and start her explanation, Cathy thinks it’s safe to say that it worked.
"Ok, so, our generation is stupid, right?” Anne started off.
“100% agree, continue please.”
“It’s just, no one cares about others' stories. Make believe or real, every story matters. Yet we cast them aside and hold an egocentric viewpoint that mentally and physically tears others down. And I’m so fucking sick of it!”
“Of the kids in the halls?” Cathy hesitantly asked.
“Of basically everyone! They all piss me off! Like, no one even understands why I read, the majority of those people don’t even think I can read! I’m nearly eighteen, for Christ's sake! How would I be in an advanced English class if I couldn’t read?”
“I don’t know, kids are stupid.”
“I know, but… you’re the first person to understand this and believe me…”
“Yeah, Anna won't shut up about how I can't do math, Kitty doesn't like poetry and always whines about me speaking ‘gibberish’ when I rant about it, and the rest of the school thinks I text shit like, 'dat waz fun' smiley face, winky face, kissy cat." Anne rolled her eyes. "It's just..." she pursed her lips, then looked at Cathy and gave her a small smile. "It hurts after a while, y’know. So it's extremely refreshing to finally talk to someone who appreciates writing."
"I totally get that." Cathy nodded.
"Really?" Anne stared at her as if she had two heads.
"Yeah... actually, at my last school, I was teased for reading so much," Cathy elaborated honestly. She doesn't know why, but she felt a need to tell Anne this. It was as if that Boleyn girl elicited a strong desire for Parr to talk about herself. She wanted to know all about Anne, and for Anne to know all about her.
Even if it was about her embarrassing loser past. It's not like she can escape it, only accept it and move forward.
"What the hell is wrong with this generation? That's stupid!" Anne groaned.
Well, at least Anne agreed with her about the matter.
"They called me novel nerd," Cathy bluntly stated.
"... Fucking Alliteration." Anne said after muttering what Cathy assumed was French swear words. She then pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Yeah." Cathy bitterly laughed.
"Want me to fight them for you?" Anne offered, holding her fist up and pretending to punch the air to show she was being serious.
"No, but thanks... it's just like you said earlier, it's nice just to be comfortable enough to talk about these things with someone and know that they respect it." Cathy smiled at her.
Anne lifted Catherine's hand up a bit and gently stroked it.
"Cath, I got you." The gentle action caused Cathy to blush. Anne then looked up with a spark of mischief. "Let's run away to live in a library."
Cathy couldn't help but let out an unlady-like snort. A bit embarrassing, yes. But luckily for Catherine, Anne adored it. She couldn't stop herself from adoring it even if she tried.
"Sounds like heaven." Parr grinned, finally managing to calm her laughter.
They both stared at each other for a few seconds in silence, but after those few seconds of silence, they burst into a laughing fit.
Catherine then looked up at Anne. Something caught her attention about her suggestion. The way she referred to something, or rather, herself.
"Cath, Huh?" She raised an eyebrow, looking Anne over in a teasing manner.
It's time for some playful payback.
She noticed how Anne flinched, and for a quick second, looked embarrassed, but it quickly washed away and was replaced by her usual confident expression.
"Oh, yeah. I just think it's cute and, um, it suits you. Is it alright if I call you that?" Anne asked.
Cathy couldn't stop the dorky smile that was spread across her face. Just hearing Anne give her a nickname just like how she had given one to Katherine, warmed Cathy up inside. She was growing closer to Anne each second and her interest for the girl continued to grow.
"Sure, but only if I get to call you nicknames too!" She agreed.
"Go for it, you got two slots."
Catherine pondered for a second. What should she call her?
Catherine couldn't help but giggle at the first thought to come to mind.
"Okay, first one has to be gremlin."
Anne's smile dropped and her eyebrows furrowed.
"You know what Cath? Fuck you." She huffed, a small pout was plastered on her face. Ergo, causing Cathy to burst into a giggling fit.
After a few seconds of giggling and admiring Anne's pouty face, Cathy managed to calm down.
"Okay, um... Next is.... hm."
It took Cathy a few seconds as she looked Anne up and down. She didn't actually need to check the girl out, she just wanted an excuse too.
The action, however, had caused Anne to blush.
Then it hit Cathy. Her lips quirked up at the idea for what to call the Boleyn girl. Sure, it was simple, but so was Cathy. So it’s fine. No, Parr will do one better.
It was perfect.
"Annie," Catherine said, squeezing Anne's hand and beaming at her with a warm smile.
Anne's happy expression fell after hearing that. Cathy noticed the change in expression.
"Um, is everything alright?" She asked.
"H-huh? Oh, um, yeah. It's swell." Anne nervously looked away.
Cathy stared at her worried, but Anne refused to show any sign of pain. Instead, she just gave Cathy a fake smile and avoided eye contact.
There it is again. The change in expression, the change in tone, the change in the atmosphere around her. All of these changes thickened the air and added to the mystery of Anne Boleyn.
Who was she?
Just a second ago, she was all bubbly. But with just a single name, she instantly became a timid sheep. She wore nervous, wide eyes that were surveilling the surroundings as if she was watching out for a predator, fearing for her life. However, the only other person there was Cathy.
She did that. She did this to Anne Boleyn. She doesn't know how, nor why, but she did it. An god, did it feel awful.
Cathy could only do what she thought was right at the time, to check on the girl.
With a gentle squeeze initiated by Cathy, Anne's eyes slowly looked up. Her breathing was a little heavy and her face was a calm, serious. Cathy's anxiety grew with each lurid second passing. Finally, after making it all the way up the excruciating trail, Anne's eyes met Cathy's.
For a brief second Cathy swore she saw the corner of Anne's eyes filling up with tears, and her skin was slightly paler than usual.
But it disappeared in seconds as she hastily swapped her expressions, as if she was trying to hide something. She... she was trying to hide herself.
Anne had put back on her mask, yet it was too late.
Her perfect image had already broke in front of Cathy, not that she planned on telling Anne that.
So with a heavy sigh, Cathy acknowledge that she needed to do something.
"Anne I-"
"Stop it. There's no need for that." Anne interrupted her in a cold tone, yet she still had a "smile" plastered on her face.
"Huh?" Cathy looked at her confused.
"Really Cath, I'm fine." She muttered loud enough for Cathy to hear her.
Cathy knew that wasn't the case. It most certainly wasn't the case at all. Cathy wanted to convey to Anne that she knew this, and that she wanted to help her. She wanted to stop right there, tell Anne it's okay not to be okay, perhaps even give her a hug.
But she didn't know Anne. They weren't close. Anne said it herself, they just met recently. And although Cathy was connecting with her, Anne might not be as into it. She doesn't know. Boleyn is still a mystery to her, one she has yet to uncover.
So how could she break through Anne's mask? She didn't have the right because she doesn't know her. At least, she doesn't know her yet.
"Okay. If you say so...." she reluctantly dropped the subject.
Mark Cathy's words, she'll read Anne's backstory one day. Cathy might cry, she might laugh, hell, she might not know what to think. But she knows that she'll be there for Anne when the time comes.
Until that day comes, this is all she could do for now.
Tag list: @sarahzarahh @annabanana2401 @lesbabe6 @aveasorae @qnneboleyn @whenallthestarscollide @its-totes-gods-will @canadianharrypotter @epitomeofchaoss @obliviousasheck @heeleys4feeleys @liliocelotepremium @six-is-awesome @thatbolxyngirl @toomanyfamdom @the-queen-bee-is-here @a-slightly-cracked-egg @thatonedisaster-gay @aywdaimie @thegaywhokindalikesmusicals @everything-insanity @babeebobo @one-time-i-jumped-off-a-cliff @wicked-books-101 @33o9 @agustjnk @i-really-dont-use-this-anymore Please reply if you wish to join the tag list or if your username changes so I can update the list :D
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apawcalypsemeow · 6 years
Tag game
Rules: answer these questions and tag whoever you want
Thanks for tagging me @little-scribble <3 you are literally the best <3
Name: Erin
Star sign: Taurus, and all the chillness, reliability, stubbornness, and love of creature comforts that goes along with it.
Height: 5′6″
Middle name: Ellen (family tradition, I am very proud of it)
Put your playlist on shuffle and name the first four songs that come up:
“Amaranthine” by Amaranthe (of course it would come up with my first dance song skdjflskdjflkhEMOTIONSskldfjdslkh)
“Control” by Halsey (andddd my favorite fandom theme song. for young Ben Solo of course)
“Regretroid” by Starbomb (my favorite nerdrock group)
“Everybody Wants To Rule The Worlds” by Lorde from The Hunger Games: Cathing Fire soundtrack (angsty folk!rock is my jam and i sweartogod i did not plan this i just shuffled my surgery playlist)
Grab the book nearest to you and turn to page 23. What’s line 17?
“One of the troopers who had dragged Poe forward commenced a detailed and none too gentle pat down.” - The Force Awakens novelization by Alan Dean Foster (I don’t remember why this is sitting by my desk, probably to win an argument with my husband). 
Had a poem or song written about you: Actually yes, kind of. My first job out of school I was feeling very down on myself. One day I came into the office and the techs had written a poem about me on the whiteboard with the letters of my name and positive traits spelled out for each letter. I cried when I saw it. I took a picture and still have it saved on my phone. I look at it a lot when I feel down.
Last time you played air guitar: Ummm this weekend I think I did sarcastically for a bit. It was a crazy party.  
Who is your celebrity crush? Adam Driver and the entire cast of Lord of the Rings
Sound you hate / sound you love: Squeaking styrofoam (omg it makes me grind my teeth and want to claw my ears out just thinking about it) / cats purring (especially when it gets that excited little trill involved)
Do you believe in ghosts? Yes? ish? Idk, I’ve had a legit paranormal experience recently but I’m still not sure what to make of it. I swear I will post it soon. I promised people I would. And I’ve even made doodles to illustrate the setup. 
How about aliens? Statistically speaking it is most definite that there is other intelligent life out there. Has it made contact with our world? Idk, maybe? 
What was the last book you read? I am currently reading Defy the Stars by Claudia Grey. It is good. 
Do you like the smell of gasoline? Yes but I am ashamed of that fact =X
What was the last movie you saw? Oh jeez idk. My husband and I mostly watch shows together. The last movie I can really remember watching front to back and having a major effect on me was Silence. I mostly bought it because of Adam Driver tbh (and I also love religious drama/history), but I was not expecting to be so thoroughly wrecked by that movie. I’m still digesting it. In a very very good way. 
Do you have any obsessions right now? Always. Right now probably Reylo, Kylo Ren, 501st stuff, fangirl stuff in general always. 
Do you tend to hold grudges? No. If the person responsible shows even the slightest sign of conciliatory gestures, I accept with open arms. I’m kind of a pushover. 
In a relationship? Yes. And in fact today is 7 years to the day since I started dating my husband <3 <3 <3 I am so lucky to have found true love!
I tag: @usethehorseluke, @fernandabarrera, @mrsvioletwrites, @roxannepolice, @fernandabarrera, @reydarcy, @the-angry-pencil-wielder, @rubitrightintomyeyes, @fabradicalfem, @beverlymaarsh, and anyone else who wants to join!
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empresskatariah · 6 years
Lore: Irusan, King of the Cats
(Disclaimer: this is in no way actual lore and applies only to my story!)
The Fomorians were the ancient rulers of Britain before the Tuatha De conquered it. Like the Tuatha De, they were lofty folk who used magic as part of everyday life and possessed supernatural powers. They were responsible for creating many fairy races by taking ordinary animals and blessing them with both intelligence and magical abilities.
It was Eithne, daughter of the fearsome Fomorian king Balor, who created the first Cat Sith. Confined to a tower and beset by loneliness, she had one of her handmaidens capture a wild cat in hopes that she might be able to tame it. To her delight, the cat (which she named Arusan) was pregnant and gave birth to a small litter of kittens. But as time passed, Eithne realized that they longed for the wilderness and that keeping them cooped up would be cruel. She had the mother and kittens set free, but kept one kitten for herself; smaller and weaker than the rest, he had been rejected by his mother and Eithne had cared for him instead. She named him Irusan and loved him as she might love her own child.
Years passed and Eithne found that even though she loved Irusan’s company, she desired someone to talk to besides her caretakers. She used her power to imbue Irusan with reasoning, speech and fairy magic so that he might be her equal instead of her pet. He became her best friend and closest confidant, learning songs and stories from her and telling her tales of the outside world after returning from occasional forays out of the tower. He was utterly devoted to her and loved her dearly, vowing that he would only ever consider her his master.
Everything changed when the Tuatha De hero Cian, who gained access to Eithne’s tower thanks to his desire for revenge against Balor and a leannan sith’s magic, impregnated the princess. Irusan was out roaming the moors at the time and when he returned, he found Eithne sobbing as the enchantments Cian had used to seduce her wore off. Feeling violated and afraid of what her father might do if he learned of what happened, Eithne became quiet and withdrawn where she had once been vibrant and full of laughter. Irusan resolved to never leave her side again, ceasing his trips, and stayed with her as she decided to carry the pregnancy to term.
Eithne eventually gave birth to triplets and her father Balor, desperate to avoid the prophecy that his own grandson would kill him, had the babies thrown into the sea. One of them survived and would become the hero Lugh. But Eithne was unaware of this and fell into despair, believing that her father would always take away anything she loved. Irusan attempted to defend Eithne from her father but was easily cast aside and cursed so that instead of being immortal, he would only possess nine lives. In one final gesture of cruelty, Balor imposed upon Irusan a powerful geas: that he would leave Eithne and never return to her side. With that, Balor cast Irusan out of the tower and banished him into the wilds.
Irusan wandered for many years that turned into centuries. He witnessed the fall of the Fomorians, who fled to the sea and transformed themselves into eldritch beasts to abide in the depths. He then witnessed the fall of the Tuatha De, who fled to the Otherworld of Tir na nOg to escape the humans that conquered their lands as they had conquered the Fomorians. He became bitter and spiteful in his loneliness, though he granted other cats the ability to think and use magic as he did, for he pined after the lost Eithne and the love they had shared. Though he was clever and cheated death on many occasions, he took to consuming the souls of recently deceased humans that had not received proper funeral rites in order to bolster his own life-force. However, he did not hate humans and would show favor to them if they performed certain rituals like leaving cream out for him on Samhain night.
Over time he became known as the “King of the Cats,” a title given by humans due to his unusual size (sometimes as large as an ox) and tales that told of his wrath against people who slandered or mistreated cats. He was regarded as neither good nor bad, a wild creature that could bless or curse depending on its whimsy. Another name given to him was Cath Palug and some believed he killed King Arthur, though in truth he merely killed a great number of Arthur’s knights that tried to hunt him down. Though most forgot his association with the Fomorians of old, some legends retained the connection and painted him as a guardian of the Fomorians’ buried treasures.
Irusan’s powers include but are not limited to: shapeshifting, soul-eating, elemental magic, illusions, and the ability to regenerate quickly when wounded. He is not weak to iron like most other fairies because of his origin as an ordinary cat. His appearance is that of a large cat with long and thick hair, all black except for a white streak on his chest, and green eyes.
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bluestarsaber · 7 years
The Seven Deadly Sins Chapter 254 Review: I have the Power!
For some reason or another I’m doing what maybe just my pointless opinion in a review of the latest chapter of The Seven Deadly Sins manga chapter 254, whether or not I do more depends but for now lets begin.
Pointless summery: Zeldoris returns to Camelot to inform his now boss brother Meliodas that he failed to get Grayroad’s commandment from Merlin, oh that the archangels are back. Melidos the big bad demon inform little Zeldi that he knows as he saw Elizabeth and the sins formed a pact with, which leads to a slight burn from Zeldoris to Meliods “that ya gal ran off on ya”, which Meliodas response in no “problem I’m still gonna be King and once that happens no one can stop me” answer. Meanwhile Chandler is wondering what the sneaky Cusack was up to last night, but he won’t tell. We cut to finding out what progress Galand has been doing since being turned stone, which turns out birds are leaving their dropping on him while still conscious ouch. But just when things couldn’t get any worse for our favourite statue when Estarossa, only for him the break him into a million pieces to get his commandment, so much for teamwork. Back to Camelot we now follow King Arthur and his weird cat thing Cath wondering through the place like a maze because of Peronia is using some kind of illusion magic to keep them from the castle, this doesn’t last long as Cath eats her... what is up with that cat? Arthur counties on in castle only to run into Zeldoris and Cusack, which Arthur learns just how scary standing right next to them is, while Zeldoris finally learns that Arthur is the king Merlin was talking about and that he’s after the Holly Sword. Cath causes a distraction with telekinesis so Arthur can get away, only to run into Chandler though lucky enough from him not to notice the king otherwise he’d problem end up now like the late kings Drole & Gloxinia. Arthur finally reaches the Chamber where Excalibur is contained, but unfortunately Zeldoris and Cusack come busting holding a beat up Cath (that was quick couldn’t keep them busy for more than 3 pages, well is Zeldoris I guess that should be expected). 
But before the two can do anything to Arthur, Meliodas enters the scene saying chill guys I know him so I’ll tell him to leave. Arthur is of course given he has been absent from what’s been going on outside of Camelot for the last couple of dozen or so chapters, confused that Meliodas is alive seeing him die and all & shocked that he is back with The Demon Clan. With Melidos answering I’m evil again and ditched my firends so get lost. Arthur does like all people who react when our heroes that let us down, gets all emotional and teary eyed crying “how could I looked up to you” speach and then the “for betraying your friends and loved ones I’ll never forgive you” rant picks up the sword he-man style. Now having the power ready to face foes in what could his most shinning moment yet. My Thoughts: The Good: The opening scene at the current lair for our current legion demons where they discus the situation they are in now that their sworn enemies are back and team up with their current enemies was thrilling, as we see how each respond to current threat. Seems that Cusack and Chandler are taking them seriously given their silent response, while Meliodas prioritises gathering the remaining commandment powers believing the archangels and the sins to be no problem as he knows once he becomes demon king it’s check mate.  I laughed at the banter that gave one another particularly Zeliodas remark that Eliabeth as abandoned Meliodas and ran off to their enemies, still showing that fully on board with his brother’s plans to for when he becomes King. While Chandler is finally curious what his old pal Cusack was up to when Peronia told him something and he went flying off, with only leading to jabs at each others ages. Despite all the demons being on the side it’s clearly still a fragile alliance at best, as each have their own agendas and loyalty they want to go through. Estarossa continues to impress me with how ruthless he is, he wasn’t kidding when he asked if he could kill his former comrades in order to acquire their commandments. He could probably get Zeliodas to undone the curse like Galand suggested or could probably now do it himself, but slacker he is nah killing you is easier. Guess when is comes to the commandments he only really cares for his brothers and even they don’t fully seem to trust him. Also I found it amusing Galand that had now become a pit stop for birds ever since he ran away from Escanor inflicting his curse upon himself.
I’m glad we got a bit more focus Arthur again and we even got to learn a bit about his cat Cath, we learn he can get a bit hungry and has psychic abilities (I wonder if he is a pokemon?), make me wonder if that cat will follow the same story as the one from the legends that kills Arthur (sorry for any spoilers). The confrontation with Zeliodas and Cusack with fun as Arthur fear of just their presence keeps them hyped up and as a threat for Arthur, because it wouldn’t a thrilling for Arthur to try and take back his kingdom if it wasn’t a challenge. It also lets Arthur know that Merlin is okay, while Zeliodas confirms who the intruder he has been having trouble with is and that it is the Holly sword Excalibur he has been trying to pull out. But the real highlight is course Arthur finding out that Meliodas is alive but he evil now and he has pulled out Excalibur and ready to face him. Nakaba Suzuki really captured emotions of how Arthur felt seeing what Meliodas his hero has become, I assume Gilthunder might of had a similar reaction if he ran into Meliodas before Margret possessed by Ludoshel didn’t get to him first (I’m hoping we going to see a torn Gilthunder about protecting his lover now possessed by a Archangel and possibly having to face his hero now a villian.) The ending shot of Arthur pulling out the sword Excalibur he-man style (even though I have never watched anything he-man related) was the best drawn page for me. The Bad: Unfortunately I have a few issues with the chapter as well. “WHY DID GALAND HAVE TO DIE!”. Sadly my favourite of the 10 commandments got smashed to pieces killing him, kinda wished it was someone else like Melascula who got enough screen time in order to show how ruthless Estarossa is. I was hoping that since he was cursed and not killed he would come back and give us one more fight, be it a rematch with Ban or just another battle in order to hype up the archangels or even some of the side characters, but I guess that flashback fight was the best we were gonna get. Well he did fair better than most other commandments who weren't’ related to Meliodas I guess, plus the anime’s back on so I need to catch up and see his best moments animated. I just hope Derieri and Monspeet last a bit longer.
I also wish Peronia wasn’t killed off to, while it did hype up the mystery surrounding Cath a bit more, it also means we have less villains for our huge cast of characters to deal with and I fear some are gonna be left out again. The Pacing kinda felt rushed with how quickly everything was progressing with Arthur, might be because we seem to get long absents of him when he should really be getting more focus. Granted I know their are some special omake chapters about his past, but I we rarely got to see him progress once the demon clan took other camelot, nor his interaction with Nanashi more. Overall Thoughts and Hopes: For my score I give this chapter a rating of 8/10 as it leaves me hyped for Arthur vs Meliodas & co (even though i’m still bitter about Galand). I hope Arthur does not die as I want to see him interact with Merlin again and see if he knows what Merlin’s true form is, along with a chance to meet Escanor and clear things up between him and Merlin (why does  Nakaba Suzuki have to make to whole romance between Esconor and Merlin so weried and complicated). I predict the fight will last 2 chapters as that how most fights in the series seem to last, but we will see. 
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th-emptyhearse · 7 years
Part 1         Part 2
For @4wksoffluff .
Summary: Baz and Simon are locked out of school together for the night accidentally (the drawbridge goes up). Inspired by the snippet of Cath’s fanfic ‘Secrets, Stars and AeroBars’ in Fangirl.
 I wake up to the sound of scuffling. I sit up abruptly, opening my eyes to see it’s still dark. The scuffling continues, and I can hear that it is coming from somewhere in the trees, behind where Snow and I have slept. I look around and, as I’m scanning the treeline, I see a glowing pair of eyes peeking out of the trees.
“Snow!” I shake his shoulders and he jolts out of his soft snoring.
“What,” he says, still bleary with sleep.
“There’s something in the trees,” I get on my feet, swaying a bit from sleepiness, “get up.”
“Oh, Baz,” he groans, “I’m sure it’s nothing. It’ll be fine.” He closes his eyes again, but then the thing in the trees makes a ‘mroooaaarrr’ kind of sound, and he scrambles up, his sword in his hand a moment later. Then we just stand there, unmoving - him with his sword poised for battle, myself with my wand - like we’re posing for a photoshoot.
“Baz?” He whispers. “Are we just going to stand here, or are we going to do something.” He has a point, but I’m (not that I’d admit it to him) starting to feel jittery and nervous, and I don’t actually fancy going to provoke the thing.
“No,” I reply quietly, “let’s not give it the incentive to hurt us.” The Wavering Wood is full of some freaky stuff, especially at night time - I know from experience.
The thing steps out now, revealing first a sharply clawed paw, then a furry cat face with pointed ears, and a slinky body. It’s a bobcat, and oh - did I mention? IT’S GLOWING LIKE IT’S ON BLOODY FIRE AND IT’S STARTING TO RUN OUR WAY.
“Hold your horses!” I cast, but it only pauses for a minute, then keeps coming. “Hold your horses!” I bellow. Once again, just a pause and then it’s running towards again, all harsh orange glow and evil eyes. I can’t think of any other spells in the moment, and Simon looks terrified, just stood there poised to slice the cat’s bloody head off, so I take his hand and start running. I’m so full of adrenaline and muddled that I don’t even think about the fact that I’m holding his hand until he turns his head, still running beside me, and looks up at me with an inquisitive look in his eyes. Shit, I’ve gone too far. But he’s holding me tightly, like he might never let it go, so I don’t let go. Just keep running. We’re running horizontally since we can’t get back in past the drawbridge, and we’ve come a fair way. I’m panting when we stop. I look around quickly and I can’t see the orange glow of the bobcat at all. We’re safe. It’s cold and the stars are still out, and the grass painted with dew. It’s beautiful. I turn to Simon and he says my name, a soft, scared look in his eyes.
“Baz,” he says, “what was that?”
“I don’t know,” I say, “but I’ve sure never seen it before, and boy have I seen a lot of freaky things in the Wood.”
“When it was getting closer to me,” he’s looking right into my eyes, “I could feel the heat coming off it, like it really was on fire. I don’t know why I froze, but, thank you for saving me.” Saving him. Me, saving Simon Snow. He looks so sincere, and he’s still grasping my hand, and I just want to kiss him so badly. He’s standing there in front of me with his blue eyes and golden curls and freckled, tawny skin and I just think “Do it Baz. Kiss him. You’ve wanted to do it all this time, so just do it. Kiss him.” But I don’t. Because he kisses me. He’s warm and he’s right there in all his adorable, unabashedly Simon bloody Snow-ness. He’s kissing me and I can hardly believe it. After all this time of wanting it, it’s finally happening and I feel like I’m floating through the beautiful darkness up with the stars. I’m in an entirely different place, a new one, and it’s the most wonderful thing that’s ever happened to me. Simon bloody Snow. He breaks away, and I smile so brightly; he does too. I allow myself to look into his eyes adoringly, and lean in to kiss him again, because after all this time he kissed me, and I am no longer afraid. Simon Snow, I love you.
A/N: That’s it for this fic. I hope you’ve enjoyed it
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