#cats kilworth 2019
soh-da-meatball · 2 years
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Happy Blog-versary @storyweaverofgondor !!!! 🙆‍♀️♥♥ For the Cat-ucopia event I selected Cats Kilworth House 2019 because everything about that production is just so interesting and I've always wanted to draw something from it! For this artwork my initial plan was to just draw Tugger, but then I kept looking at the costume designs and set designs and going down a rabbit hole and AH what the heck let's draw the all three Doot Bros HAHA
I was struggling to paint like how I usually do when I was working on this painting so I changed it up a little and tried out something different this time! I referenced Kishimoto's colored art for Naruto and tried to replicate it with digital art, hopefully it works xD; it's definitely something different! Thank you so much to @storyweaverofgondor for hosting this event and for being such a wonderful member of the CATS fandom!! ♥♥ Here's to another year of funky lil cats dancing away 🥰♥
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thewizardofschnoz · 1 year
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I drew a whole bunch of different Tuggers, he's like those regional Pokemons, lmao!
Afterall, drawing a large amount of Rum Tum Tuggers is both a normal thing to want and possible to achieve.
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Fabrizio Angelini and Natalia Scarpolini
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The bracket for Round 1 is Determined!
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(I know some are cut off, sorry)
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storyweaverofgondor · 2 years
I wish i had footage of the Kilworth House Macavity fight.
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I just need more crumbs of this scene!
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missing-sock-misto · 26 days
Table of Contents- Part 2
Not everything is hyperlinked as that is just too many. Use search function.
Misc: pride cats, holiday, cats negativity, bows, text post, cats incorrect quotes, tumblr polls (brackets), art reference
Cats Productions, show reviews,
Vienna based: vienna 83, zurich, paris 1990, amsterdam
Asia: shiki, 2014, 2010, 2017, 2020, 2022 (Includes korea),
International Tours: 2019 international tour, 2022 international tour, cats german tour, cats dutch tour
London: London 90's london 2014 revival (Palladium), Uk tour 2
Broadway, Original- US Tours: Us tour 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6.2
South & Central: Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Santiago
Nonreplica: thunerseespiele, Tecklenburg (Circus), Gothenburg (emo tugger), melbourne (1920’s), wichita, warsaw, kilworth house (WW1), cats 2019, city springs, Santiago 2024, Cats pac nyc
Misc Cats: Rap Tap Tapper (street cat Tugger), Jellylorum, Gus, Growltiger, Rumpus Cat, Griddlebone, Psychic Twins, Coricopat, Tantomile, Cassandra, Grizabella. George the Jellicle Dog
The kittens: Tumblebrutus, Pouncival, Electra, Etcetera,
Misc Actors (May refer to understudies).
Mistos: Mukeni nel, Harry Francis, jal joshua, z downer, cj snide, Fergus Logan, alexander babenko, andrés pérez lópez, matthew levik, riccardo sinisi, timothy scott, christopher favaloro, ben tyrrell, ryan jackson, kieran macdonald, will geoghegan, Axel alvarez
Tuggers: Ben Colley (Those pictures) McGee Maddox, Sam lips, Gino emnes, Dan Partridge, Stanley Burleson, Ed Wade, Jack Danson, Dominik Hees, [Dominick- misspelled], Andrea Luca Cotti, Nathan Zach Johnson, George Hinson (Flippy boi)
Victoria: (g pazcoguin), F Dobinson (A), Mandais (A), Anneka Dacres (Dem, Cas), Taryn smithson (Teazer), Tayler Harris,
Munkustrap: Michael gruber, Jack Rebaldi, raffe watts, Roberto de groot
Songs: Jellicle songs, invitation song, Old gumbie cat song, the rtt song, Jellicle Ball, Pas de Deux, Pekes, catfight, memory, mistoffelees song,
Random Headcanons:
Katie as RTT's owner
Alonzo and his dogs
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ratherchaseamouse · 3 months
Pspspspsps, I have a question: What does "non replica" mean?
Hiiii!! Ok I can explain. A non-replica production (often “non rep” for short) is a professional production of a musical that does *not* seek to replicate the original production. It’s not something that is exclusive to Cats, but Cats is a show that is very malleable and fluid, so there are many more non replicas for Cats than, say, Hamilton.
Here’s some photos of a handful of non replicas!
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Kilworth House 2019• Tecklenburg 2015• Warsaw 2004• Gothenburg 2006 • Mexico 2013 (or 2018, not sure)• Il Sistina 2022
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nonreplicakitties · 4 months
nonreplicakitties’ non replica masterpost!
linked below the cut are the tags to all the productions i have covered, along with a little summary!
Thunerseespiele 2017
this production was set in an abandoned amusement park and was performed at an outdoor stage built over the water of Lake Thun, Switzerland. it featured new costumes with a cybergoth aesthetic. this productions’ Tugger also rode around on a motorcycle!
Italian Tour 2009
this production featured masks and costume design inspired by commedia dell’arte! while not the first production in Italy, it was the first to be performed in Italian. this productions’ Skimbleshanks uses a shopping cart for his train prop!
Tampere 2017
this production was directed by Georg Malvius, who has been vocal about his dislike for the original CATS. the show features a rat as the silent “narrator,” describing his dream of becoming a cat. it also features especially unique wigs, looking much closer to human hairstyles than cat fur!
Australia Circus Tent Tour (1999)
this production was performed inside a giant CATS-themed circus tent, and included many circus elements, including trapeze, tumbling, and ball balancing. it used mostly replica-style costumes, although several cats got new wigs. this productions’ Mungojerrie took on the role of a circus captain and would direct the other performers in their circus feats!
Opera Populaire 2017
this production, set in an abandoned train station, took on a steampunk aesthetic with unique and intricate costumes! notably, this productions’ Mistoffelees is played by a woman!
Tecklenberg 2015
this production was performed at an open-air theater, and was also circus-themed! it featured brightly-colored costumes that accentuated the theme, as well as brand-new stunts. this productions’ Mistoffelees danced on aerial silks, and its Macavity was a fire-breather!
Macskák Budapest 1983
this was the third production of CATS ever performed internationally! it took place in an abandoned theater and featured new costumes and swing characters. while it opened in 1983, it has continued to play on certain dates to this day. in this production, Grizabella ascends to the Heaviside Layer on a giant chandelier!
Brno 2013
this production stands out because the characters are intended not to be cats, but humans, participating at a masquerade ball in a nightclub. this productions’ Grizabella is reborn as a kitten, played by an actual cat!
Perth/Mandurah 2019
this production featured new, neon-colored costumes with intricate psychedelic patterns. reportedly, it also included aerial silks and roller skates. this productions’ Skimbleshanks number featured a Thomas the Tank Engine inflatable costume!
Lahti 2007
this production featured new brightly colored ‘space-age’ costumes and made several changes to the characters and plot. some of the most notable are that Munkustrap and Rumpleteazer were in a relationship, and that Jennyanydots was played by a man!
Lahti 2016
this production, performed on the same stage as Lahti’s 2007 production, mainly featured circus performers exhibiting stunts such as acrobatics, aerial silks, and cyr wheel. notably, this productions’ costumes don’t resemble cats!
Kilworth House 2019
this production is set in a WWII-era bombed out London Underground station. the costumes represent many different walks of life from that era, including boy scouts, evacuating children, and glamour girls, creating a mix of human- and cat-like features. interestingly, this profuctions’ Coricopat and Tantomile are portrayed as children!
Warsaw 2004
in this production, the word Jellicle is translated to Dachowiec, which literally means “rooftop cat,” but is best translated as “alley cat.” fittingly, this production is set on the rooftops of Poland. it featured all-new costumes and choreography, as well as several new ensemble characters!
Gothenburg 2006 / Cirkus Stockholm 2009
this production was set in an abandoned amusement park and featured unique costumes, reportedly inspired by anime. the costumes and sets originally used in Gothenburg were reused for the Cirkus Stockholm production, which saw a return of many Gothenburg actors!
Helsinki 1986
this production featured new costumes and a large ensemble of named chorus cats, alongside swings. many changes were made to characters, for instance Bustopher Jones became a full character, Coricopat was female, and Growltiger and Griddlebone were played by different characters!
Oslo 1985
while the costumes in this production look quite different than current replica designs, they were actually created by London production costume designers, and were the standard London costumes at that time. the most unique aspect of this production is that Jemima doesn’t sing with Grizabella in Memory, rather it’s Grizabella’s younger self!
Oslo 2009
this production appears to be set in an abandoned warehouse or factory, and featured brand new costumes. this productions’ Tugger has an electric guitar which he apparently plays in his number!
Ullensaker 2016
this production was still set in a junkyard, with oversized appliances such as an oven and refrigerator making up the set. it featured all new costumes and wigs, and its Grizabella was played by drag queen Geir Ove Bredesen!
Melbourne 2020
this production, taking place in a decrepit music hall, is set in the 1930s, when T. S. Eliot would have been writing his works. it takes on a very distinct ‘flapper’ aesthetic with all-new costumes and choreography!
NQOMT 2019
this production was set in a post-apocalyptic London, featuring a set overgrown with moss and vines. the all-new costumes are described as “waste-lander,” as they are “made of things the Cats have collected through their life, as though they’re wearing their memories.”
Harvest Rain 2014
this was the largest production of CATS ever performed, with a cast of over 800, each dressed in their own unique costume (even the orchestra)! the show was staged in a convention centre, with a raised center platform for the main performers with the ensemble dancing around it.
SALT 2018
this production featured all-new costumes and makeup, as well as new wigs that seem to be created out of yarn!
Blue Bird Theater 2016
this production quite a bit shorter than the original show, with several songs cut or reordered. it takes several liberties with the story, the largest of which comes during the Macavity fight, where Macavity appears to kill Sillabub, with the story diverging somewhat from there.
Firehouse Theatre 2019
this production, featuring new costume designs, incorporated modern dance styles into its choreography! some costume elements, wigs especially, seemed to be changed and updated over the course of the show. this production also held cat adoption services before each Saturday show!
BMMS 2014
this production seemed to be set within a clock tower, and included steampunk-style costumes and theming. it had a large cast of over 80 performers, ranging from adults to teens and children!
Festival Players 2018
this production was set in a speakeasy during the prohibition era, with all-new 1920s-style costumes. it reportedly featured a female Macavity, Mungojerrie, and Skimbleshanks!
New Zealand Tour 2019
this production was reimagined as a “darker, more sensual” version of the show, inspired by post-earthquake Christchurch and set within an abandoned Victorian theatre. fittingly, the costumes are also redesigned to be darker and quite unique!
Pilsen 2014
this production seems to be focused more on costumes, giving each character a unique and detailed costume with pops of color. the set, however, is kept rather minimal, relying mainly on neon lighting and simple set pieces.
MAČKY 2016
this production is set in an abandoned department store in the London suburbs, with many cats dressed in the store’s apparel. it opened in April of 2016 and still seems to be playing today. notably, this productions’ Jemima seems to be played by two actresses, an adult for the dancing scenes and a child for her singing lines!
CRT 2012
this production was set in the back alley behind an abandoned theatre, making use of old props and stage lights for set dressing. it also featured all-new costumes, including some very fluffy legwarmers!
Mexico 2013/2018
this production leans slightly more replica, but the costume designs are reimagined as much more colorful than standard productions, with bold makeup and bright colors. it originally ran in 2013, but was revived in 2018 and played over 400 shows throughout its tour!
Abbey Musical Theatre 2007
this production was set in an abandoned carnival, with the costumes fittingly taking on a “dark circus” style, with detailed, over-the-top designs!
Ostrava 2018
this production is set on the rooftops of London, with new and colorful costumes! it opened in 2018 and is still being performed today. this peoductions’ Old Deuteronomy watches over the ball from his seat in a satellite dish!
Footlight Productions 2008
this production featured an all-new, brightly colored set and new costumes with a distinct blocky aesthetic. this productions’ version of the jellicle moon set piece was designed as a giant cat face!
Chorzów 2022
this production uses the same translation as Warsaw, calling the jellicles “roof cats!” it features unique and bright costumes with bold colors. it also has some character changes, such as Tantomile being male and Mungojerrie being played by a woman (although the lyrics still refer to him as male)!
Theatre by the Sea 2013
this production’s costuming leaned more towards replica, but has its own distinct flair! brightly colored neon lights seemed to be a main feature, lighting the stage with purples and pinks.
Paramount Theatre 2014
this production featured a unique set and some new choreography, but what stands out the most are the costumes! with all-new designs, these costumes feature intricate patterns, bedazzlements, and detailing. this productions’ Jennyanydots wears a Union Jack dress for her tap number!
Il Sistina 2022
this production was set in Rome, with the set being constructed out of oversized works of art, statues, and archeological finds, with the Colosseum in the background. it also featured new choreo and new, very fluffy costumes!
Wichita 2023
this production was set in an abandoned amusement park, the production crew actually using old signage from the defunct theme park Joyland to create the set! the costumes, while replica-leaning, are distinct as well, with their own flair. this productions’ Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer have bags of popcorn and cotton candy as their stolen goods!
Theatr Clwyd 2022
this production seemed to be take place in a high school setting, with human clothes based on different teenage and teacher aesthetics, while still retaining cat-like makeup and wigs! Mungo and Rumple were classic 80s teens, Jenny had a Ms. Frizzle-eque look, and Bombalurina had a punk aesthetic, just to name a few!
ArtsEd 2021
this production took on a vintage aesthetic, with the all-new costumes drawing inspiration from many different eras, including a classic ballerina outfit for Victoria and a puffy babydoll dress for Electra!
Luisenburg 2016
this production was described by the director as “a celebration of the diversity and character of each individual.” fittingly, it featured new costumes representing many walks of life, such as a punk Mistoffelees, Jenny in a victorian gown, and lederhosen-clad Mungo and Rumple!
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namingofcatszine · 11 months
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⭐🌕Print Artist Spotlight: Carlandrea! 🌕⭐
Introducing our first Print Artist! Carlandrea will be creating a print based off of the Kilworth 2019 Non-Replica production! Please give them a huge welcome!
They/Them Tumblr: @carlandrea
"My favorite thing about Cats is that it has two girls singing a homoerotic duet about how hot their crime-lord ex-boyfriend is directly after he's kidnapped the mayor"
Favorite Cats!
Demeter, Bombalurina, and Victoria!
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I’ve seen your warsaw!Misto x 98!Munk posts, do you have any more crossover-y headcanons or ships?
I do have actually a bunch of headcanons and a few other crossover ships!
My main cats au is a crossover where both tribes are in London and while their interactions used to be sparse they get more friendly after 98!Munk and Fantazja (Warsaw og) become neighbours and then friends, and also cuz happenings of the most recent Jellicle Ball. This au also includes Mefistrap aka W!Misto x 98!Munk
2 other hcs in this au:
1. Bustopher Jones and Kot Bywalec (Warsaw Bustopher) are brothers and Bywalec is the father of W!Misto and grandfather of W!Victoria. They also got a little sister who is 98 Misto and Victoria's mother. Which Makes the twins W!Misto's cousins, and also aunt and uncle to W!Vicky
2. There is only one Macavity, it's Jellicle Macavity, he kinda sorta adopted Warsaw Bomba as his sister for a time, and Warsaw Deme was briefly one of his side chicks
As for other crossover ships/aus I got:
That one mafia au i talked about a bit here where I have W!Misto and 98!Deme fake dating for a time
Had a little human WW2 set au idea that would be W!Misto x either 98! or Kilworth! Munk, with both of them being pilots
Au where the 2019!Old Deuteronomy is actually elderly Warsaw!Victoria and she is friends with 98!Old D. Similarly 2019!Gus is elderly Warsaw!Quaxo. In that au the 2019 tribe was originally made up from cats that for various reasons left the Jellicles and from cats that wanted a new tribe after the Roof Clan fell apart for reasonsTM
A little au where the Jones brothers are a thing but 98!Misto is actually Warsaw!Cassoffelees' son and was passed as 98!Victoria's brother to protect him from Macavity
Jellicle!Misto x Warsaw!Munk crack ship that I made for fun of it being the opposite of Mefistrap
The accidental 98!Alonzo x Warsaw!Cassandra that I get every now and then in my head cuz I sometimes forget that replica Cass looks completely different, and then imagine Warsaw one in her place XD
Plus few others which are all human aus of various genres, all crossovers, the most notable ones being: one that is not only Warsaw x 98 but also has Batman/DC thrown in the mix; and one fantasy one that has in total 5 different versions of Mistoffelees running around XD
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Hey Lover by Wabie gives Kilworth house Platoria Vibes 😭
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I was wondering which non-replica of cats was your favorite?
That's a hard one..
I would say the Kilworth House Theatre 2019 production. I love the concept as well it being unique with the time period and how that effects the characters and the the songs themselves.
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catsnonreplica · 4 years
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Kilworth House 2019
This CATS production is set during WWII in a bombed out London Underground station. The characters are dressed accordingly, representing fashion and occupations from wartime England. 
The show ran from July 23rd 2019 to September 8th 2019.
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Cats Non-Replica: Kilworth House, 2019
Top Row: Cassandra, Jemima
Bottom Row: Jennyanydots, Bombalurina and Demeter
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storyweaverofgondor · 2 years
I wonder if cats ever come back to kilworth playhouse again? You seem to like it some much, is it one of your favorite productions?
I don't know. It might be neat if they kept to the WWII theme. I do really love it. It looks so good!
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