haveyoubeentothiscity · 10 months
Population: 23,670
Urban population: 13,350
Note that Kotor was historically known as Cattaro, its Italian name.
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stigmatam4rtyr · 1 year
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Le Bocche di Cattaro (before 1905) | Hermann Corrodi
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wandererinwonder · 2 years
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Beacon on the artificial island (built in XVth century) of Our Lady of the Rocks, Perast, Boka Kotorska
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italiasparita · 1 month
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Risano. Bocche di Cattaro
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josefavomjaaga · 10 months
Junot in Trieste
By accident, as usual, I came across this book on Gallica: Paul Pisani, La Dalmatie. It has some brief informations on Junot's short stay as governor of Dalmatia:
Junot arrived in Trieste on 25 May and, like his predecessors, wanted to inaugurate his government with a general inspection of all the provinces. After visiting the Croatian regiments, he went to Zara, but there his strength betrayed him, and instead of pushing on to Cattaro, he returned to Trieste. Afflicted by a strange illness, he loathed living in this city and pestered the Emperor with letters asking permission to leave a residence whose climate was harmful to him: only in Goritz, he said, could he be well. On 27 June, M. Séguier, the French consul in Trieste, wrote to the viceroy: "M. le Duc, following a stroke which he suffered in Trieste, is unfortunately no longer recognisable. From one moment to the next he suffers the most alarming fits of violence, his head is no longer his own; once the fits have passed, he falls into a state of despondency in which he is incapable of doing anything, even of signing". In July, Junot had a final crisis; he was riding in a carriage with a few officers; suddenly he climbed onto the seat and, leaving the road, launched the carriage down the steep slopes that put Trieste at the bottom of a funnel. From then on, the poor general was constantly delirious; he had to be tied up, and in the first days of July he was sent back to France under the escort of the gendarmerie.
I find it interesting that people first thought it had been a stroke.
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yoga-onion · 2 years
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The Quest for Buddhism (114)
Buddhist cosmology
Anapanasati - "mindfulness of breathing"
Anapanasati (Skt.anapanasmrti), meaning "mindfulness of breathing" that "sati" means mindfulness; "anapana" refers to inhalation and exhalation, paying attention to the breath. It is a type of cessation (samatha meditation Ref) in which consciousness is calmed and focussed by being aware of the in-breath and out-breath (breath), or counting breath. In a broader sense, it moves from there to the observation of the body and includes the area of contemplation (vipassana meditation), which corresponds to the 4 presences of mindfulness (Pali: cattaro satipatthana), that is one of the seven sets of thirty-seven qualities (Ref2).
It is the quintessential form of Buddhist meditation, attributed to Gautama Buddha, and described in several suttas, most notably the Anapanasati Sutta.
Derivations of anapanasati are common to Tibetan, Zen, Tiantai and Theravada Buddhism as well as Western-based mindfulness programs.
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仏教の探求 (114)
安那般那念 (あんなはんなねん、巴: アーナーパーナ・サティ、梵: アーナーパーナ・スリムティ)とは、「呼吸の心得」を意味する、呼吸に注意を向ける瞑想法である。「サティ」は心得、「アーナーパーナ」は入出息 (呼吸)を意味する。息を吸ったり吐いたりすること(呼吸)を意識すること、または息を数えることによって意識を静め、集中させるサマタ瞑想 (止行:参照)の一種、ないしは導入的な一段階を意味するが、広義には、そこから身体の観察へと移行していき、四念処 (しねんじょ、巴:チャッターロー・サティパッターナー)に相当するヴィパッサナー瞑想 (観行)の領域も含む。四念処 (しねんじょ) とは、仏教における悟りのための4種の観想法の総称で、三十七道品(参照2)の中の1つ。
仏教の瞑想の真髄であり、ゴータマ・ブッダのものとされ、安般念経 (あんはんなねんきょう、巴: アーナーパーナ・サティ・スッタ) をはじめとするいくつかの経典に記述されている。
チベット仏教、禅宗、天台宗、上座部仏教、西洋のマインドフルネスプログラムに共通するのは、安那般那念 (あんなはんなねん、巴: アーナーパーナ・サティ) が由来している。
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MUSEO IRREVERENTES: “La Bocche Di Cattaro” (1905)
Hermann David Salomon Corrodi  (1844-1905)Óleo sobre lienzo102 cm x 168 cm
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babbarsk · 1 year
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For one who always respects and honours those who are older and more virtuous, four benefits, viz., longevity, beauty, happiness and strength, will increase.
niccam vuddhapacayino
cattaro dhamma vaddhanti
ayu vanno sukham balam.
Via Maha Bodhi Society of India on Twitter 🤓
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anastpaul · 2 years
Saint of the Day – 9 November – Blessed Gratia of Cattaro OSA (1438-1508)
Saint of the Day – 9 November – Blessed Gratia of Cattaro OSA (1438-1508)
Saint of the Day – 9 November – Blessed Gratia of Cattaro OSA (1438-1508) Lay Brother of the Hermits of St Augustine, sailor, Born 27 October 1438 at Mul, Cattaro, Dalmatia (modern Kotor, Montenegro) and died on 9 November 1508 in Murano, Italy of natural causes. Gratia was known for his humility, spirit of penance, love of the Eucharist and for his zealous hard labour. Also known as – Gratia of…
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rhianna · 10 months
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AuthorVillari, Luigi, 1876-1959IllustratorHulton, WilliamLoC No.04031171 TitleThe Republic of Ragusa: An Episode of the Turkish ConquestCreditsProduced by Turgut Dincer and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net(This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive)LanguageEnglishLoC ClassDB: History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, SlovakiaSubjectDubrovnik (Croatia) -- HistoryCategoryTextEBook-No.55332Release DateAug 10, 2017Copyright StatusPublic domain in the USA.
THE eastern shore of the Adriatic from the Quarnero to the Bocche di Cattaro is a series of deep inlets and bays, with rocky mountains rising up behind, while countless islands, forming a veritable archipelago, follow the coastline. The country is for the most part bare and stony. The cypress, the olive, the vine grow on it, but never in great quantities. Patches of juniper and other bushes are often the only relief to the long stretches of sterile coast. Here and there more favoured spots appear. At Spalato and in the Canale dei Sette Castelli, on the island of Curzola, in the environs of Ragusa, the vegetation is luxuriant, almost tropical. But Dalmatia is always a narrow strip, and as one pro2ceeds southwards it becomes ever narrower, the mountain ranges at various points coming right down to the water’s edge. The land is subject to intense heat in summer, and is free from great cold, even in the middle of winter. But it suffers from fierce winds, from the bora, which, whirling down from the treeless wastes of the Karst mountains in the north-east, sweeps along the coastline with terrific force. Another curse from which it suffers is the frequency and severity of the earthquakes, which from time to time have wrought fearful havoc among the Dalmatian towns.
But in spite of these disadvantages, along this shore a Latin civilisation arose and flourished which, if inferior to that of Italy, nevertheless played an important and valuable part in European development. Many wars were fought for the possession of Dalmatia. Roman, Byzantine Greek, Norman, Venetian, Hungarian, Slave, and Austrian struggled for it, and each left his impress on its civilisation, although the influence of two among these peoples far surpassed that of all the others—the Roman and the Venetian.
Dalmatia has at all times been essentially a borderland. Geographically it belongs to the eastern peninsula of the Mediterranean, to the Balkan lands. But this narrow strip of coast, as Professor Freeman said,1 “has not a little the air of a thread, a finger, a branch cast forth from the western peninsula.” In its history its character as a march land is still more noticeable, and this feature has always been manifested in a series of civilised communities in the towns, with a hinterland of3 barbarous or semi-civilised races. Here were the farthest Greek settlements in the Adriatic, settlements placed in the midst of a native uncivilised Illyrian population. Here the Romans came and conquered, but did not wholly absorb, the native races. Then the land was disputed between the Eastern and the Western Empires, later between Christianity and Paganism, later still between the Eastern and Western Churches. The Slavonic invasion, while almost obliterating the native Illyrian race, could not sweep away the Roman-Greek civilisation of the coast. Again Dalmatia became the debating ground between Venetian and Hungarian, the former triumphing in the end. When Christianity found itself menaced by the Muhamedan invasion, Dalmatia was the borderland between the two faiths. A hundred years ago it was involved in one phase of the great struggle between England and France. To-day, under the rule of a Power which may be said to be all borderland, it is the scene of another nationalist conflict between two races. As before we still have a civilised fringe, a series of towns, with a vast hinterland inhabited by Slaves, by a race less civilised, yet wishing to become civilised on lines different from those of the Latin race. It is still the borderland between the Catholic and the Orthodox religions, and also between the two branches of the South-Slavonic people—the Croatians and the Serbs.
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agnesebascia · 1 year
La Garibaldi si vendicò
di Lucio Causo Incrociatore corazzato Garibaldi Il marinaio Ottavio Ravello, cannoniere scelto a bordo della nave ammiraglia “Garibaldi”, in quell’alba estiva del 1915, era veramente felice. La sua vecchia nave aveva magnificamente compiuto il proprio dovere, bombardando con tutti i “pezzi” di prua le coste nemiche di Cattaro. La gola dei cannoni era diventata rossa a furia di lanciare proiettili…
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austrohungarianfff · 2 years
My pronouns are: AHFFF the First, by the Grace of God Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, King of Bohemia, King of Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Galicia and Lodomeria and Illyria; King of Jerusalem etc., Archduke of Austria; Grand Duke of Tuscany and Cracow, Duke of Lorraine, of Salzburg, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola and of Bukovina; Grand Prince of Transylvania; Margrave of Moravia; Duke of Upper and Lower Silesia, of Modena, Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla, of Oświęcim, Zator and Ćeszyn, Friuli, Ragusa (Dubrovnik) and Zara (Zadar); Princely Count of Habsburg and Tyrol, of Kyburg, Gorizia and Gradisca; Prince of Trent (Trento) and Brixen; Margrave of Upper and Lower Lusatia and in Istria; Count of Hohenems, Feldkirch, Bregenz, Sonnenberg, etc.; Lord of Trieste, of Cattaro (Kotor), and over the Windic march; Grand Voivode of the Voivodship of Serbia. / AHFFF the First, by the Grace of God Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, King of Bohemia, King of Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Galicia and Lodomeria and Illyria; King of Jerusalem etc., Archduke of Austria; Grand Duke of Tuscany and Cracow, Duke of Lorraine, of Salzburg, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola and of Bukovina; Grand Prince of Transylvania; Margrave of Moravia; Duke of Upper and Lower Silesia, of Modena, Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla, of Oświęcim, Zator and Ćeszyn, Friuli, Ragusa (Dubrovnik) and Zara (Zadar); Princely Count of Habsburg and Tyrol, of Kyburg, Gorizia and Gradisca; Prince of Trent (Trento) and Brixen; Margrave of Upper and Lower Lusatia and in Istria; Count of Hohenems, Feldkirch, Bregenz, Sonnenberg, etc.; Lord of Trieste, of Cattaro (Kotor), and over the Windic march; Grand Voivode of the Voivodship of Serbia.
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mentalnahigijena · 2 years
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Prvi put u istoriji medija, u britanskoj štampi, Crna Gora pominje se prije knap 351 godina. Potencijalno i prvi put u istoriji žurnalizma! I skoro tri decenije prije vladike Danila, prvog od Petrovića na vlasti. Prije instant vremeplova u vijesti objavljenoj u listu ,,The London Gazette“, 17. aprila 1671. godine, koja je prije svega bila čista diplomatija – zera iz istorije žurnalizma. Dan-danas je ,,The London Gazette“ jedan od zvaničnih listova, poput biltena, Vlade Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Najstariji je engleski list koji je opstao, najstariji u Velikoj Britaniji koji izlazi u kontinuitetu... I da, jedan od prvih koji je izlazio na svijetu. Poređenja radi: ,,Relation aller Fürnemmen und gedenckwürdigen Historien“, priznat kao najstariji list štampan u istoriji, djelo Johana Korolusa nastalo u Strazburu (što je lekcija koju uče svi studenti žurnalistike i političkih nauka) – objavljivan je nekoliko decenija od 1605. godine. Švedski ,,Ordinari post tijdender“ izlazi od 1645. i ima najduži kontinuitet u istoriji. A ,,The London Gazette“ – od 1665. godine. Dakle, na drugom stupcu jedine strane cijenjenog uratka zvaničnog glasila Britanske imperije ,,The London Gazette“, broja 566. od 17. aprila 1671. godine – je Crna Gora. I otvoren komentar iz diplomatskog kruga, opomena za Britance da su ,,aktuelni događaji u Dalmaciji i zaleđu prostor za potencijalne razmirice Porte i naše zemlje“. General Barbaro podnio je izvještaj venecijanskom Senatu (koji je, naravno, došao i do britanskih diplomata) – da je bosanski paša mrtav; da su odredbe mira, ranije potpisanog sa Turcima, ,,na tankim nogama“. O čemu se radi: Crna Gora je bila, na strani Venecije, učesnica Kandijskog rata, koji se oko ostrva Krit (Kandije) vodio na Mediteranu. Rat je završen 1669. a Crna Gora je, kao jedna od poraženih, dobila novu obavezu plaćanja poreza Turcima, koju nije prihvatila. U izvještaju, general Barbaro podsjeća da su Venecijanci 1648. uspjeli da definitino zauzmu Kotor (Cattaro) sa okolinom - ,,veliku i važnu luku“. Nakon toga, podsjeća da su ,,Turci napustili izvjesno mjesto nazvano Rissano (Risan) i koji leži u podnožju Crne Gore i kojom su Venecijanci vjerovatno vladali, a koji je Republici ostavljen Kandijskim mirom“. Potom general Barbaro iznosi interesantnu vinjetu o Crnoj Gori: o tome da je ,,prošle zime jedan Philippovich (Filipović), istrajavao u borbi na strani bosanskog paše“, konkretno u Risnu i okolini. A da su Crnogorci, ,,koji odbijaju da su podanici Porte, preuzeli punu odgovornost za odbranu grada i luke“. Potom, izvještaj u boju: da je taj Filipović kojeg istorija nije zapamtila (vjerovatno iz čuvene begovske porodice iz Livna), u turskom napadu na Risan učestvovao sa oko 3.000 boraca; da su ih Crnogorci potukli do nogu – a da je na licu mjesta između 200 i 300 Turaka izgubilo život... Potom slijedi važna diplomatska prepiska koju general Barbaro navodi pred Senatom u Veneciji; takođe i ono što konkretno najviše brine britanske diplomate. O tome, da je bosanski paša nakon ovih poraza direktno pisao velikom veziru u Stambol, da se nekako pronađe rješenje za te Crnogorce; da je potom vezir lično ušao u intenzivnu komunikaciju sa vrhom vlasti u Veneciji... I konretno, tu dolazimo i do britanskih interesa: kako se uopšte postaviti između dvije sile sa kojima su im dobri odnosi vrlo bitni, Turske i Venecije, u jednom sukobu koji se očigledno ticao prevlasti u Crnoj Gori. I još malo šireg istorijskog konteksta: u Crnoj Gori na vlasti je tada suštinski bio vladika Rufim II Boljević (u dugom i bitnom periodu od 1662. do 1685. godine). Onaj koji je tih godina bio ključna figura i koji je uspio da izlobira da na području Kuča preovlada pravoslavlje. I koji u nizu sukoba Turske i Venecije u jednom dokumentu, ,,spominje veliku bijedu i nesreću kada se carstvo smjenjuje“... Za naš narod gola egzistencija, za Britansku imperiju diplomatska glavobolja i vrlo vjerovatno prvo pominjanje Crne Gore u žurnalizmu!
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wandererinwonder · 2 years
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St.George’s island, Perast, Boka Kotorska, Montenegro, August 19th, 2017 (iPhone SE)
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nessko · 3 years
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(zove mene)
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filipgeneve · 4 years
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Best friends, soul mates. 🐶
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