#cause I stan Vanya hargreeves
d1ana-m0nd · 1 year
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╭─► ❝The Servant: Umbrella Academy's Servant❞
Five Hargreeves × Female! Reader || Written by Diana (d1ana-m0nd)
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➢ Description : It's a well known fact that Sir. Reginald Hargreeves adopted 7 children to save the world from it's impending doom. Though, the number of children will change from 7 to 8 once a close friend of his, Rita Rossweisse was on her death bed and requested him to take in her child, who fortunately was born on October 1st 1989.
➢ Word Count : 9,537
➢ Links : Masterlist && Character Profile
➢ Note : I just wanted to give a heads up for people who like Luther, he's going to be a bit antagonistic towards the reader because she's an accomplice. Also, in S1 of TUA, the writers' focused on his mission driven trait which led to a snowball effect on his decisions and how he treated others (ex: Vanya), though that does not mean I will be writing him off as an antagonist throughout the whole series, just this season since he is still learning and growing. I mean no harm Luther simps / stans / fans. 🏳️
Also, it's been three years since I have done Wushu (Chinese martial arts) so the fighting scene might be crappy. It will be inaccurate as well since I never reached orange belt lol, I just watched YouTube videos of Agatha Wong and other Wushu martial artists. ;-;
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Chapter 3: Extra Ordinary
Blue light streamed through the window as Allison sat on the windowsill, a cigarette in hand; she took in the scenery from the place she once considered home. The sound of car horns beeping accompanied the lively city atmosphere, whilst the lights of the streetlamps came off harshly. Oddly enough, this loud environment felt homely to her. The rumor inhaled the cigarette then exhaled it, letting the flares of the smoke blow out the window. She let herself be more immersed to the atmosphere, which led her unaware of someone else's presence in the room.
"Ah, Miss Allison." The advanced chimpanzee announced his arrival. Allison hurriedly put out the cigarette, leading it to fizzle out. She faced Pogo with a sheepish smile, as though she was not caught red-handed.
"I was looking for you." Pogo returned her smile, then took a small step towards her.
"How did you, uh… did you know I was up here?" The rumor scratched her nape. She really wasn't expecting anyone to walk in on her smoking and emoting to herself.
"Oh, it wasn't hard. This is always where you used to come when you were upset."
"Who told you I was…" The girl in curls paused, then sighed as a certain someone came to mind.
"Luther." She said fiddling with the aged locket that was given to her by the same person.
"Actually, it was Miss Vanya."
Allison was taken aback by his words. Vanya… cared about her? For a moment, she felt regret come over her because her sibling went out of her way to check on her… then she recalled the book. The rumor would have openly showed her grimace at the thought of her sister but, Pogo’s next words took her by surprise.
"She called to make sure you were okay and if it weren't for Y/N reminding me, I would have forgotten to check in on you." Pogo said with a small smile, as though he was silently thanking the girls for caring about Allison's well being.
The girl in curls stood up from the windowsill as she inhaled deeply, stuffing her hands into her pocket. "Yeah, I, um… said some pretty unkind things to her." Though it sounded like she said it out of defeat.
The well dressed chimpanzee frowned at her words, but tried to be optimistic. "She's your sister. She knows you didn't mean it."
Allison scoffed as she looked away. "Doubt it. She doesn't know anything about me, which is fine, cause I don't know shit about her either."
"Language." Pogo said which brought a small smile to the rumor's face followed by a soft chuckle. "Sorry."
"It's just…" The woman breathed through her nose. "It's been a while since we've all lived under the same roof."
"Almost 13 years." He added, which added onto the emotional baggage that Allison was carrying at the moment.
"How did you do it? Alone in this huge house for so long?"
"Well, one grows used to things, even if, sometimes… one shouldn't." The chimpanzee looked away, not wanting to give away the sadness in his eyes.
Wanting to divert the young lass’ attention to something else, Pogo decided it would be a great time to bring her over the CCTV room and to follow through with Master Hargreeves’ plan till the truth is finally revealed.
"Come with me. I want to show you something. It might just cheer you up." The advanced chimpanzee was about to head out the room but he suddenly turned to where Allison stamped out the cigarette earlier. "And make sure you fully extinguished that cigarette. Wouldn't want to start a fire."
The girl in curls chuckles to herself as she now recalled Pogo never lets his guard down, it’s almost like nothing goes under his radar, he acted more father-like than their own father. She then quickly extinguishes the fire and hurriedly catches up with Pogo. The two walked side by side towards the CCTV room, and entered the room together.
The chimpanzee approached the monitors and turned them on to show the familiar memories the academy created back in their youth. "Your father stopped recording years ago. But, I still come here from time to time. When I'm missing you kids."
"Pogo, this is…" The woman was too stunned to speak but she managed to choke out a few words. "Most families have home movies to look back on. We have surveillance footage."
"I hoped it might cheer you up."
"It does…" Allison laughed, letting her guard down and allowed her inner child to be lured in by the memories being replayed by the monitors.
Suddenly, Allison's gaze turns to a monitor of Vanya playing the violin as a smaller Y/N sat beside the violinist cheering her on, though it looked like Vanya wore a fake smile accepting every compliment you gave her.
"And Vanya…" Her smile fell. Vanya was telling the truth.
"Why didn't we include her? I mean, if anybody ever treated Claire like that, I can't even imagine…"
"You were a child, Miss Allison." Pogo pointed out but Allison rebutted. "Yeah… but I'm not anymore and neither is she."
"If you're not in a hurry. The rest of the tapes are in that cabinet." The advanced chimpanzee gestured to the nearby cabinet, while his other hand took out the keys and left it on the table. "Make sure you lock up when you go."
"Things have been disappearing lately. These are too important to lose." He added as Allison softly chuckled at his words. She has a feeling, she knows who might be responsible for it.
Whilst she was busy reminiscing, Pogo stood beside her, double checking at the breadcrumbs he left. He needed the secrets to be unraveled as soon as possible, he can only pray it wouldn’t be too late. The chimpanzee took one last look at Allison then left the room.
Once he left, the woman in curls rummaged through the tapes and found a tape that stood out. It was oddly placed, it even seemed like that it was purposely placed there. She played the footage not expecting much. To her surprise, her expectations were surpassed by the content of the footage.
Her eyes widened, then she straightened herself. "Oh, God. Dad…"
Allison paused the tape, without hesitation, she began to frantically look for Luther in the academy. She checked from door to door only to be frustrated that Luther wasn’t home. She was about to give up until she heard the front door open then ran - more like fast walking - to where the footsteps came from.
The woman in curls grabbed onto Luther’s arm. "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you."
"What are you still doing here? I thought you were gone." He raised his brow in her presence.
"No, I was gonna go, and then Pogo showed me this -"
"Well, listen…" The larger male interrupted her with a defeated sigh. "I was wrong about Dad's death."
The woman was astonished by his words, it wasn’t like him. "What?"
"Yeah. I was wrong about Diego. You know, to accuse my own brother of that is just-"
"No, I, I know, I get it." The rumor tried to cut in but got interfered once again.
"- Seeing all of you and being back here… I should be the one who's trying to bring us back together, not tear us apart." Spaceboy said but it more or less it sounded like he was talking to himself in the mirror.
"Would you shut up?!" Allison shouted angrily.
"You were right, about Dad." She stated, now it was the male’s turn to be confused by the sudden turn of events.
"Come on, I gotta show you something."
Even though the larger male was silent, she took his arm and guided him to the CCTV room. As they head to the CCTV room, they happen to passby Y/N and Five. Luther and Allison checked on you guys - since you guys looked kinda messed up - but Five had a sudden outburst and you had to make random excuses to bring him to his room, whilst juggling to not drop Delores. Once they were a bit far, Luther finally had the courage to speak up.
"Does Y/N having a mannequin have something to do with whatever you were going to show me?" He asked.
To which Allison threw a look at his direction. "No, and I have no idea where she got that. All I know is she's been glued to Five's side since he got back."
Once they had arrived, the rumor was quick to replay the footage. Luther couldn’t believe what he was watching. At first he was in denial but, as he replayed the clip again and again, he was able to digest the information but he still doesn’t understand… Why would their mother - er robot, rather, “Grace” kill their father? He kept replaying the scene trying to understand what occurred during the night of the murder but, got no answers in the end.
"Play it again." Number one ordered again…
Allison had to refrain herself from rolling her eyes because of how mind numbing it was to replay the same scene over and over again.
"We've watched it over and over, it's the same thing every time." She pointed out.
Luther sighs, she wasn’t wrong, they weren’t getting answers. Reluctantly, the rumor rewind the clip, the VCR whirred indicating it was being replayed.
"Er… what is she doing?" He asked, gesturing towards Grace on the monitor.
"The tea. Did she poison him?"
"Uh- I don't know." The woman in curly hair uncrossed her arms, unsure of what she was witnessing.
The larger male sighed exasperated then turned his gaze towards hers. "Where did you find this?" He gestured to the footage.
Allison stopped leaning against the cabinet then sat on the chair beside Luther's side, "I was looking at old footage of us as kids, and I just saw the footage sitting there."
"Yeah, Dad must have started using the security system again." There was a pregnant pause present in the room.
"He was getting more and more paranoid. He thought people were out to get him." He muttered, recalling the call he had with his dad a month prior.
Back then, He didn’t think much of it but it did worry him that Grace and Y/N weren’t taking care of him. However, after calling Y/N, he felt reassured by her words and assumed that their father was just becoming paranoid for nothing. Now, he regrets taking his words for granted.
"Well… I guess maybe he was right."
"But Mom?" Allison refused to accept this.
"I mean she's not capable of…" She gestured to the footage but as her eyes landed the footage she began to have second thoughts, she sighs. "Is she?"
Suddenly, a memory from the funeral played in Luther’s head.
"Then there's the issue of the missing monocle." The ape hybrid added to his conspiracy. Even though it was silent, you could hear the others internally groaning as more words came out of his mouth.
"Y/N, while you were cleaning up Dad's room, was the monocle still there?"
"Last night I wasn't assigned to give him medicine, it was Mrs. Grace's turn. So I can't be too sure if he wore the monocle. Though the crime scene cleaners and investigators did let me know that they made sure to keep everything in the same spot." You reported, as your thinking pose shifted into your default one.
"Make sure to check the cameras around the time they were cleaning." He commanded, you bowed in return to confirm you will do as he says.
Spaceboy’s eyes widened at the revelation… What if…
"Where was Y/N last night? Why didn't she inform me about the footage?" He bombarded.
"I already told you! Ever since Five came back she's been stuck to his side." The rumor answered not catching onto Luther’s wavelength.
"But, it doesn't make sense, she had the time to check the footage whilst they were preparing the funeral, and didn’t Pogo and her switch shifts in monitoring the CCTVs?”
Suddenly, Allison went silent, as she began to piece the puzzles and see where Luther was coming from, now that he pointed that out, Y/N could be a possible suspect and lately, she has been avoiding the academy for days, ever since Five came back, she could be using him as her alibi. Which makes her even more suspicious but she highly doubts she has something to do with it murdering their father.
After all, it is a well known fact that the servant has always been neutral, that’s why she is given a number that is neither a prime nor an odd number. It would be rare of her to step out of line. Plus, she only does what needs to be done, she wouldn’t do anything if it wasn’t under someone’s orders.
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
It was silent as the duo- trio rather, headed to Five’s room. Five’s head was flooded with ways on how he should retrieve the information to stop the apocalypse with Delores’ assistance. While Y/N’s head was filled with questions for Five, you wanted to ask him questions about the masked people and the people who tried to shoot them down at the doughnut shop but it didn’t feel like the right time to do so.
If only Five was open with you as he was to Vanya then you wouldn’t be reluctant to ask him questions… The only good thing that came out of this was that he trusted you enough to keep you around which made it easier to monitor him.
Once the three entered his room, you placed Delores on a nearby chair as Five stumbled his way to the bed. He fell face first onto the pillow; It sounded like a fart but you had to keep your lips pressed into a thin line or he’d bark at you. To distract yourself from laughing, you glanced at the mannequin, expecting it to do something. Alas, it did nothing but look into where it was painted to look at.
"It might be of use later…” You told yourself but you highly doubted it would be more useful than you.
The servant sighed then turned her gaze towards the boy. “Master Five, let me patch you up.”
“No, I can deal with this myself, I’ll just sleep it off.” He shrugged you off.
Unfortunately for him, you were determined, the look on your face supported that notion. “I’m afraid I won’t allow that. Your wound might get infected if you neglect it. Plus, seeing as you are hell bent on avoiding others, I am the only one who you can order around who wouldn’t try to look over your shoulder.”
Five’s thin lips were ready to bare the teeth that were hidden underneath his lips but his mind intervened before he could do so. You had a point, even though you were unexpectedly dragged into this, you could be of use to him -
"Hey, you know, I've just now realized why you're so uptight. You must be horny as hell!" He laughed then added, "All those years by yourself. It's gonna screw with your head being alone."
"If you want to let the stress out, why not ask Y/N for help?"
"Y/N seems like she'd be good in bed, if you're the type to have a corruption kink and all. I wouldn't be surprised if you have one because you seem the type-" Klaus snapped his finger, "And, andd~! She wouldn't get arrested for dating you."
Warmth creeped onto Five’s cheeks as he recalled Klaus’ words from earlier. He was lucky that his face fell first, you wouldn’t be able to see how much you - correction, how much Klaus’ words affected him. In case his ears were reddening as well, he decided to bury his face further into the pillow to hide it but it was a poor attempt on his part.
“Do whatever you want.” His words were muffled by the pillow.
“What?” You asked, unable to hear his words.
The brown haired boy sat up and glared at your direction, which made you regret your words. “Do whatever you want but don't even think of watching me sleep.”
You nodded then, left his room to go get the first aid kit from the infirmary. Which made the boy sigh in relief then returned to lying on the bed but, this time he made sure to avoid lying on his injured side. As he stared into space, he began to silently plan out how he would get more information only to be disturbed by his beloved, Delores.
“Others would take a rest the moment their body hits the mattress yet, here you are letting your thoughts consume you rather than exhaustion.” Delores mused as she laughed at Five's situation.
“I assumed you would be grateful that I took the time to take you out for a stroll. That was no easy task.” The boy retorted, he knew she was going to piss him off for fun, she’s always been like that since they got together.
“Yeah I am grateful but, I would rather get to know my in-laws than be stuck in this room all day.” The mannequin teased with a knowing smirk, she knew Five was easy to play with when he's needy for someone's attention.
“Getting tired of me already? I thought you loved me.” The brown haired boy joked with a grin on his face. It was a rare sight that only Delores got to witness more often than the others.
“I do love you but, I recall you numerous times telling me off that I shouldn’t disturb you when you’re at ‘work’.” She rebutted which made her beloved chuckle in response.
“Master Five is everything alright?” You tilted your head, confused by what you had just walked in. The brunette was talking to someone just earlier…
“Oh! Is she the one you mentioned that’s always stuck by Vanya’s side?” Delores was ecstatic to finally meet one of the people Five grew up with. Even though he wasn't fond of you, Delores grew to love you whenever you were brought up with Vanya. She thought you both had a cute dynamic.
The physically young man wordlessly nodded to Delores, which you mistook as him saying that everything was alright. Assuming that everything was alright, you were quick to settle down by his bed and prepared what you needed: bandages, a surgical needle, a synthetic suture, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, a clean washcloth along with a small bowl of lukewarm water. Once prepared, you took care of his injured side. The room was silent as the boy let out small huffs and your breathing were the only thing audible but, Five was hearing other things besides your breathing.
"Sweetheart, why don't you introduce me to her? I'd love to get to know her. She seems like a nice girl." The mannequin requested.
The brunette could not tell if she was trying to press his buttons or not. They both knew perfectly well that Delores trying to interact with others would just cause confusion but, his beloved is quite a chatterbox. Five might as well play along, or she would make his ears bleed from constant pleading. The thought of doing so made him roll his eyes, which you caught.
Thinking you did something wrong, you raised a question. "Did I do something wrong, Master Five?"
"Nothing, Delores wants to get to know you." He reassured, as an imaginary grin on Delores’ face grew. If you were not so observant, he would have thrown a quick glare in the mannequin’s direction for her cheekiness.
The mannequin bursted out laughing which made the brown-haired male flustered. "AHAHAHA! We've been together for 31 years and I never knew you had this kink."
"Oh right!" The servant was weirded out by this. You knew that you had to play along if you didn’t want to be torn apart. "I didn't introduce myself. Hi Ms. Delores, I'm Y/N, also referred to as Number Zero."
"I won't lie, she is very adorable. I can see why you'd want to keep her around." Dolores added, a finger ghosting on her cheek that complimented that cheeky grin of hers.
"I'm not keeping her." He hissed at Dolores.
You didn't know what he meant by that so you ignored it, and decided to ask another question. "So uh, what did Ms. Delores say?"
"She said that you seem like someone she'd hang around." The boy lied through his teeth but the blush across his face said otherwise.
"That is a complete 180 from what I said Five~" The mannequin sang then giggled.
For a moment, the room went silent, you were busy with Five's wounds whilst the boy was busy keeping his eyes on the mannequin. Dolores watched from her chair, as though taunting the brunette. The silence was comfortable at first but then it began to grow awkward because it felt like you had to do something to fill in the silence.
Out of nowhere, you blurted out a stupid question. "So, Ms. Dolores, do you like cooking?"
The moment you were able to process what you just blurted out, you wanted to smash yourself into a bloody wall. How could you be so stupid? Who in their right mind would ask if a mannequin - a flammable object, mind you - if it loved to cook. Even if it did, how was it supposed to cook? It would make sense if you were asking a robot or an advanced mammal - actually, anything that is capable of mimicking human behavior - but, of all things you just had to ask, you asked a flammable object if it liked to cook!? You were on the verge of running away at this point and let Five deal with his injury.
"Is she serious?" Dolores asked, surprised by what she heard as well.
Five didn't know what to say to his beloved. Trying to look for confirmation of your sincerity, he turned to you and saw that you were covering your face out of embarrassment. It was kinda cute. Watching the usually blank-faced girl wear a different expression… it made you more human rather than a puppet that the other's usually claimed you to be.
To the other numbers (Five was no exception), the servant seemed inhumane, too perfect to be human, you were practically a doll. If we are talking about what kind of doll would describe you, then "barbie" would be a suitable description. A doll that every girl dreamed to be, a doll that was suitable for every job it came across.
However their assumption of you changed when they noticed the cracks you were trying to hide from them, like how you stiffened and forced yourself to smile despite the insults being hurled at you, how you did want to go against their father but decided against it because of hesitance, and how you try your best to not cry or scream whenever their father needed your blood or for experimentation.
You were just as messed up as them…
From that point on, they recognized that it didn't feel right to label you as a doll. Though it didn't diminish the fact that you acted like a puppet, how you wouldn't act unless someone pulled the strings, how you mimicked others to look natural, and how you spoke like it came out from a script instead of saying what you actually think or feel.
Though, Five supposes this is the reason why you were given the "Number 0", it is neither even or odd. A number that represents balance, you stood on neither side, you were just someone who’s responsible for neutralizing issues before things could escalate. Strangely enough, despite you trying to act normal, you were the one that stood out among the dysfunctional family, because of how mentally unaffected you were by the household. Even Vanya had difficulty expressing her anger for you in her memoir.
Whilst the two numbers were busy with their own thoughts, someone was watching the scenery before her, amused by the silence that settled within the room.
The mannequin internally laughed at what she was witnessing. She found it rather ironic that despite Five being blunt about his distaste for you, you kept chasing him and made sure if he was alright. It was even more hilarious that he was beginning to open up to you but his hostility is still present. He hated you, you disliked him yet, you both cared for each other in your own way.
Even though she didn't have a heart, she felt envious of you. To be able to hold Five, to be able to run after him, to be able to stop him from overworking. You had everything Dolores wanted. But, alas, those are merely musings of a soulless husk.
Although this was an unspoken truth, Five knew his beloved "Dolores" wasn't real, she was merely something that manifested out of thin air because he wanted to keep himself sane during the apocalypse. She even recalled that time when some people from the commission found out about Dolores' existence, and they judged Five's mental state for it, even though Five acted like it was nothing, She was worried for him. They both knew it was the truth but he refused to acknowledge the reality of her existence.
Putting aside her jealousy, the mannequin was glad that despite all the weirdness Five carried, he found someone who did try to understand him. The thought of your open-mindedness and kindness warmed Dolores' non-existent heart.
"Thanks." Five broke the silence, his gaze elsewhere.
"Huh?" You tilted your head, not expecting his words.
"I know you heard me, don't make me say it twice or I'll give you a reason to be deaf." The brunette threatened, usually his threats would make you flinch but, this time it made you smile, not a forced one.
Your genuine smile went unnoticed but the tone of your voice didn't fail to express your sincerity. "You're welcome, Five."
The boy froze up as he realized you were calling him by his name again. He didn't know whether to call you out on it or just let it go… In the end, he failed to notice you had already left his side.
"I didn't think you'd warm up to her considering you told me how much you disliked her." The mannequin teased a knowing look on her face.
The brunette merely rolled his eyes at her then laid down on the bed, avoiding to ruin the stitches you made. "She's one of the tolerable ones, I have no choice."
Dolores smiled to herself knowing that was a lie.
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
The next day, both the boy and the girl exited the house through the fire exit, with Dolores carefully placed into the duffle bag along with alcohol. The seance noticed you guys sneaking out and tried to join in but Five declined his offer. As Klaus was busy whining about how much he loved his 'little brother', you managed to hijack a nearby van and let Five drive to his desired location while you sat at the back with Dolores.
The brunette parked the van in front of the prosthetics building, watching people come and go while he fiddled with the glass eyeball in his hand. He mindlessly watched as a woman walked past the stolen van whilst a group of children played ball.
Seeing normalcy made Five sigh, he was envious of those people. People who lived a normal life had it better than him. He could not stop the feeling of envy creeping up on him. After all, they didn't have to worry about putting their lives on the line for others. Unlike them, the boy grew up in a dysfunctional household and got thrusted into the apocalypse at a young age. He was forced to grow up early and prioritize his life over others, which went against the old man's teachings.
As Five was busy with his own demons, he didn't notice you had let in uninvited guests.
You were bored out of your mind, and began to look out the window in hopes of finding something interesting, until you saw a familiar lanky figure heading towards the van. It was Klaus heading towards the van with Luther in tow, you opened the back door and waved at them to come in.
The lanky man skipped his way to the backdoor and began conversing with Dolores. As you tried your best to stop him from harassing it - because you had a feeling Five would rip him to pieces.
"I didn't think I would find a beauty like you in here." The seance whispered into Dolores' ear.
"Master Klaus you shouldn't-"
"Shh shh, let her speak." He said as he caressed the mannequin's cheek, even though it didn't say a word, Klaus giggled and started cradling Dolores in his arms.
"Does everyone in the Hargreeves family like talking to non-living things or something?" You questioned yourself as you bit the inside of your cheek.
At the front of the truck, it seemed like Luther was planning to sit in the passenger seat but it was locked. You unlocked the door for him since Five was unresponsive. You silently watched as the larger male struggled to enter the van due to his frame.
Suddenly, the brunette in the driver's seat screamed.
“No!” Five's scream caught you and Spaceboy's attention, you hurriedly went to his side and rubbed the small of his back.
“Five.” You murmured not wanting to overwhelm him with loud sounds.
“Five!” Luther called out, the volume of his voice made you flinch and cover the ear he screamed at.
“Hey Five!” The male shouted once again yet, it wasn't effective.
“NO!” The younger male screamed as he grabbed onto his hair whilst his eyes widened in fear, his breathing becoming ragged.
“Five!” You shook Five awake as the larger male shouted his brother's name like a mantra, trying to bring back the boy into reality.
When the brunette finally calmed down, you continued rubbing his back, concern etched into your features. “Are you alright, Master Five?”
He disregarded your words as he began to process the uninvited guest that sat on the passenger seat, "You shouldn’t be… How did you find me?”
“Um…” Space boy gestured to Klaus, who sat at the back of the van, cradling Five's beloved in his arms.
The seance murmured, “Hey baby…”
Once the lanky man noticed everyone's eyes were on him, he shooed away their lingering gazes. “Hey, a little privacy, guys. We’re really hitting it off back here.”
Out of irritation, the boy throws the nearest object at Klaus. The lanky man screamed and used the mannequin as a shield, in an attempt to protect himself. Luckily, you caught the object before Klaus got injured and threw Five a side eye, which made him roll his eyes.
“Get out! You can’t be here! I’m in the middle of something." The physically younger male hissed at his barely sober brother.
The seance dismissed his threat and approached his brothers who sat at the front of the van. “Any luck finding out your one-eyed man?”
“No.” Five whispered, internally groaning at the fact he even trusted his idiot of a brother with the secret of the apocalypse.
“What’s he talking about?” Luther brought up with a raised brow.
“Does it matter? It’s Klaus.” The boy quickly shot down.
At first, Klaus looked hurt but, he redirected his gaze to the larger male as though silently asking Luther to defend him but, nothing came out of Spaceboy's mouth. Defeated, the seance breathed through his nose and acted as though he wasn't hurt. Out of pity, you rubbed his back.
The small brunette sighed, “What do you want, Luther?”
“So…” Dirty blond male cautiously glanced at you, “So, Grace may have something to do with Dad’s death.” He paused and glanced at you again trying to read if you have a reaction. “I need you to come back to the academy, all right? It’s important.”
"Is something on my face?" You asked yourself as you started to feel your face if there was a bloodstain you forgot to wipe away from Five's wounds.
“It’s important.” Five mocked his brother’s words then scoffed. “You have no concept of what’s important.”
“Hey!” Klaus interrupted, “Did I ever tell you guys about the time I waxed my ass with chocolate pudding?”
The lanky man laughed his stomach out, sadly, the others weren't laughing along with him. “It was so painful!”
Luther and Five grimaced at their brother's words, while you looked at the seance as though he had committed a sin. Despite everyone's obvious disgust, someone else - besides Klaus - managed to laugh because of his shenanigans, it was Five. You witnessed the boy turn his head then hid his giggle underneath his breath. It was oddly adorable.
“What are you still doing here?” The larger man scrunched up his brows, his gaze on Klaus.
“I- What? I need an excuse to hang out with my family?” Klaus placed a hand on his chest, offended by the other male's choice of words.
“We’re trying to have a serious conversation here.”
“What, and I’m incapable of being serious? Is that what you’re saying?”
At this point, you couldn't help but frown and feel bad for Klaus. No one in the family took him seriously just like how they treated Vanya. He acts as though he isn't bothered but, you know it hurts him, just as much as how the others treated Vanya differently.
“Luther’s got a point, you should get out.” Five added.
Reluctantly, the lanky man crawls out of the van murmuring how it was unfair. Once he got out of the van, he screamed “FINE!” then slammed the door closed.
"I- I should go after Master Klaus…" You said quietly then followed Klaus to the convenience store. You had a feeling he'd cause trouble and it would be best someone would be there to prevent it.
Once you and Klaus left, the atmosphere in the van became tense. The unspoken rivalry, rather, the one sided rivalry between Luther and Five was becoming more evident to the naked eye. Since you left, Luther felt like he could finally bring up his suspicion of you to Five.
“What the hell are you up to?” Luther questioned whilst he observed the seance and the servant head to the convenience store together.
“You wouldn’t understand.” The younger male stated, his eyes narrowing at the prosthetics building across them.
“Try me. Last I checked, I’m still the leader of this family.”
“Well, last I checked. I’m 18 years older than you.”
The larger man inhaled deeply then turned to his 'younger' brother. “You know what your problem is?”
“Really hoping you’ll tell me.” Five sarcastically remarked, his hazel eyes never leaving the building across the van.
“You think you’re better than us. You always have. Even when we were kids. But the truth is, you’re just as messed up as the rest of us. We’re all you have and you know it.”
The brunette lets out a dejected sigh. “I don’t think I’m better than you, Number One. I know I am.”
Spaceboy chuckled at his words, Five just proved his point.
“I’ve done unimaginable things, things you couldn’t even comprehend.” the boy pointed out as his grip on the steering wheel tightened but it came off as an exaggeration to Luther, “Right…”
“Just to get back here and save you all.” Five added.
Unexpectedly, the convenience store from across the street was experiencing a commotion, catching the passersby's attention along with Five and Luther's. Out came Klaus carrying a huge amount of food in his arms followed by the security guard screaming for him to halt.
“Whoa!” The seance runs with the food he shoplifted as the security ran after him.
One of the security guards screamed with a baton in hand. “Stop!”
“Hey! Stop right now!”
The lanky man waves at the van, some of the food he stole fell behind. Due to his carelessness, he almost gets run over by a taxi, luckily it stopped halfway, though he managed to narrowly dodge the vehicle.
As for you, you were held back at the convenience store as you paid for the food your master shoplifted. You internally grumbled about regretting ever feeling pity for him and how you should have known he would have pulled a stunt like this.
After that whole fiasco, Luther was about to leave the van until he remembered something he had been planning to tell Five once you weren't around.
"Since you don't plan on showing up to the family meeting, I'll give you a heads up, Y/N might have something to do with dad's death." Luther said, his back against the boy.
Five's eyes widened and his grip on the steering wheel tightened as the puzzles in his head began to fall into pieces. "You have nothing to worry about. I've dealt with people like her."
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Luther and Allison gathered every family member in the living room, except Five since he was being stubborn. The monitor that he and Allison were playing with last night, currently sat on the bar, the video tape already in it. All he needed to do was play the footage…
The large male took in a deep breath then played it. The monitor replayed the night of the murder, Grace was taking care of the Monocle's needs, suddenly he started twitching and fell on his back, amidst him experiencing a heart attack, Ms. Grace did nothing but look down at him instead of doing what she was programmed to do.
The whole room went silent, Luther observed the other's reactions and noticed that only Vanya and Klaus were mortified. Number one expected that he and Allison were the only ones who wouldn't be surprised but you and Diego didn't seem surprised by the footage. Diego seemed a little too satisfied whilst you looked away from the monitor.
The dirty blond male narrowed his brows, "Suspicious."
“I mean, do you really think that mom would hurt Dad?”, Vanya broke the silence.
“You haven’t been home in a long time, Vanya. Maybe you don’t know Grace anymore.”
“If he was poisoned, it would have shown up in the coroner’s report.” Diego remarked with a matter of factly tone.
“Well, I don’t need a report to tell me what I can see with my own eyes.”
“Maybe all that low gravity in space messed with your head.” The lad in black leather approached the monitor and replayed the footage. “Dad has his monocle. Grace stands up. Monocle’s gone.”
Klaus laughed, “Oh, yeah!”
The Latino turns his back, “She wasn’t poisoning him. She was… taking the monocle, to clean it.”
“Then where is it?”
Everyone went silent not having an answer to that question. You, even as an accomplice, didn't even know where it was. You were pretty sure disposing of the monocle was not part of the plan…
“No, I’ve searched the whole house, including her things. She doesn’t have it.”
The kraken looked down as he took out his knife and fidgeted with it, till his eyes met Luther's. “That’s because I took it from her. After the funeral.”
“You’ve had the monocle this whole time? What the hell, Diego!” Allison exclaimed.
“Give it to me.” Luther commanded, taking a few strides towards Diego, his hand out awaiting for the monocle to be returned.
“I threw it away.”
The rumor scoffed at her brother's admission.
“You what? ” Number one’s voice boomed.
“Look, I knew that if you found it on Mom, you’d lose your shit. Just like you are doing right now.” The latino menacingly pointed at Spaceboy's direction with the pointed edge of his dagger.
“Diego, you son of a bitch.” Luther walks over to Number two but Vanya interrupts him before another fight starts, you mirror her actions as well and walk in front of Diego to prevent him from doing anything reckless.
“Hey. no. calm down.” Vanya said, “Look, I know dad wasn’t exactly an open book. But, I do remember one thing. He said Mom was, well, designed to be a caretaker but also as a protector.”
“Well, if her hardware is degrading, then… We need to turn her off.”
"Oh no." You thought. This was definitely not part of Mr. Hargreeves' plan.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. She’s not just a vacuum you can throw into a closet. She feels things, I’ve seen it.” The kraken angrily said as his glare hardened, along with the finger pointing becoming more abundant.
“She stood there, and watched our father die.” The dirty blond male pointed out as he gestured to the footage.
“I’m with Luther.”
“Surprise, surprise.” Diego sarcastically retorted.
“Shut up.” The rumor barked back.
Suddenly, the whole room looked at Vanya, expecting an answer out of her. “I- I don't-”
"Yeah, she shouldn't get a vote." Diego interrupted her before she could decide but Vanya snapped back at him. "I was gonna say that I agree with you."
"Okay. She should get a vote."
The Latino turned to Klaus, "What about you, stoner boy? What are you thinking?"
"Oh, so, what? Do you need my help now? Oh 'Get out of the van, Klaus!', 'Well, welcome back to the van.' -
"What van?" The woman in curls interjected, not following through with this whole van thing. Fortunately for her, she wasn't alone as Vanya didn't know what the van metaphor was for.
The large male released a sigh and changed the topic, "What's it gonna be Klaus?"
“I’m with Diego because screw you Luther! And if Ben were here, he'd agree with me." The lanky man replied while looking Luther in the eye, as though to intimidate him.
"So, that's three to two."
"Vote's not final yet." The actress stated which caused the whole room to raise eyebrows.
"Five's not here." She pointed out. You could hear everyone - except Luther who was silently thanking her - internally groan at her words. At this point, she was just stalling!
The lad in black leather scoffed and then argued, "You really think Five would show up to something as stupid as this?"
"Why don't we just let Y/N vote for him?" Klaus suggested as he pushed you forward like a sacrificial lamb.
"Master Klaus, I'm afraid I can't do that-"
"She doesn't have a say in this." You stiffened at Luther's words, "I don't like the sound of that."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean? That she is not one of us? She is treated like an experiment and got traumatized because of that bastard! How is she any different from us?" Diego fought back on your steed, while you looked at him like he had grown another head.
"Because we-"
"Just you, Luther." Allison corrected, looking away from the scene before her.
"I think she might be an accomplice in Dad's death." The larger male finished her sentence which made the living room feel unwelcoming as dead silence followed.
The Latino scoffed then taunted the big man, "I'm surprised your mouth hasn't retired from carrying all that shit your ass couldn't handle."
"And here we go again." The rumor muttered under her breath.
Luther ignored his brother's taunts and began providing arguments, "During dad's funeral, Y/N was supposed to check on the footage and report to me if there was anything suspicious but she didn't inform me."
"That's because I was with Five, I'm supposed to be watching over him in case the effects of time traveling were kicking in." You hurriedly replied which unknowingly raised suspicion in Luther's eyes.
"Didn't you and Pogo switch shifts whilst monitoring the CCTVs?"
"Yes but, I didn't have time to check on the tapes-"
"You didn't have time yet the tape was conveniently placed on top of the cabinet." The dirty blond male pointed out, your eyes widened in fear because you didn't know how to defend yourself… You felt helpless.
You were well aware that you were not the one who placed the tape there, so it could have been Pogo. As much as you would love to defend yourself, you couldn't exactly speak out either since this would ruin the plan but you were itching to stand up for yourself. In the end, you sucked it up and didn't say a word.
"You even told me that I should 'broaden your scope, especially your list of suspects'. " Luther's eyes felt like lasers being burned through your skull.
You gulped, looking down at your feet as your tears were ready to cascade down your cheeks. You even regretted leaving those clues for him because you didn't think you would be put into this position, "I- I was… I was trying to cheer you up…"
"Is that the only excuse you can come up with?" Luther scoffed, he almost sounded like his father… It scares you.
"Vanya, please keep an eye on Y/N for now." The larger male ordered the petite woman.
Desperately, you walked up to him, "I know it looks bad but, Can I at least attempt to get Five back? His decision might help finalize what to do with Ms. Grace."
"His decision won't save you."
At this point, you were trembling. The ringing in your ears became louder, your mind zoning out until you felt a hand on your shoulder, you turned to see it was Klaus wearing a reassuring smile though it didn't do much.
"That's enough Luther, you're scaring her." Allison finally stepped in.
The violinist approached your side cautiously then gently whispered, "Y/N, I believe it's best you listen to Luther for now."
"For now, let's wait for Five to return. The whole family has to vote. We owe each other that." The rumor ended the discussion and everyone began to part their ways.
Once Vanya finished conversing with Diego about Ms. Grace, she - gently - took you by your wrist and headed to your room. You were so busy in your head that you didn't realize that Vanya was the one taking you to your room.
The violinist wore a concerned look on her face, "Hey, Y/N, you alright? You seem so out of it? It's very unusual for you… I'm assuming you are bothered by what Luther said? You looked like you were about to cry earlier."
"I'm not bothered, just worried about Five. I was supposed to be by his side but I ended up getting house arrest instead." You answered jokingly but you could not bring yourself to fake a smile.
Vanya laughed, not noticing that your energy didn't match your tone. "If it helps, I don't think you would kill dad."
"You wouldn't know that…" You wanted to say that but kept it to yourself.
"So don't beat yourself up over this, if you're innocent you have nothing to lose."
You briefly replied with a fake smile, "Yeah. Thanks."
The petite brunette noticed the brief reply but shrugged it off then changed topics. "So, I've heard from the others that you and Five have been hanging out, is that true?"
You nodded.
"I didn't think he'd open up to you… with how he openly hates you and all- Not saying that it's a bad thing that you guys are getting along now! It's just… unexpected is all."
You relaxed for a bit and chuckled. You knew for a fact neither of you guys were getting along. At most, you guys were just tolerating each other because you all saw how you guys benefited from each other.
"That's one way of putting it." You murmured.
You and Vanya arrived in your room and sat on your bed. In sync, you guys laid down on your backs and stared at the ceiling above you guys.
"So how's Five doing?" The brunette questioned, probably worried about his mental state considering what happened the day before… or was it earlier?
"Well, from what I can tell, he's getting used to people…" you answered, trying to evade the topic of the apocalypse when answering her question.
Vanya exhaled through her nostrils, "I really should have insisted for him to get help."
"I understand your concern Miss Vanya but, you can't help someone who doesn't recognize they need help. You would only be wasting your energy."
"I'm sorry," She murmured, a habit of hers that she never got over.
You smiled then added, "You have nothing to be sorry about, you're just doing what you think is right."
"Y/N can I ask you something?"
You nodded giving her the go signal.
"Why would you try to comfort Luther by advising him to look into other people as well?"
You froze up. You couldn't lie to Vanya, something was telling you that you couldn't go against someone's orders. "I can't-"
Unexpectedly, a myriad of gunshots were coming from the hallway.
"Hide!" You shouted, before Vanya could protest, you urgently hid her in your closet as you hid under the bed.
Once the sound of gunshots and blades clanking simmered down, you got out of your hiding spot and readied your retractable bo staff. Vanya got out of the closet as well once she heard you got out of your hiding spot.
"Miss Vanya, I will be heading out to assist the others," You grabbed a ballistic shield you have been hiding behind the closet, "I'll be giving you this ballistic shield for your protection. Please don't make any sound."
"Wait, Y/N you shouldn't-" Number seven grabbed your wrist in an attempt to stop you but the determined look on your face made her grip loosen.
"I have to Miss Vanya, I'm sorry. It's my responsibility to protect you- I mean, protect the academy. I can't just stand by and watch them throw away their lives like that."
Vanya was left speechless with your words. You did not outright say anything about her being ordinary or not having powers but, it felt like the term "responsibility" became synonymous with the word “power”. It made her think that she didn't have the power to protect others nor herself, that's why other people had to get themselves hurt to protect her.
"Remember, do not open the door for anyone even if you know it's someone you think you can trust; We don't know what the intruder is capable of, so trust no one. I will let you know if the coast is clear so keep a lookout for my messages." You told her then left your room, unknowingly leaving Vanya to her thoughts.
You cautiously surveyed the hallway, you held the bo staff's body with high alert including your other senses actively looking for the intruders that entered the academy. When you reached the stairs, you witnessed Diego and Allison simultaneously attacking a familiar pink masked person. You were about to jump into the action until you heard Vanya's voice from the living room.
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"Hello?" Vanya went down the stairs, worry in her voice and facial features.
"Guys? Is everyone okay?"
"Hello? Guys?" She entered the living room unaware of the danger emanating from the lounge.
Once the violinist entered the room she tried to look for any signs of life but only saw the result of the fight, which was gun residue and bullet casings littering the area. As she was about to leave and investigate the other rooms, she heard chains rattling behind her.
The petite woman turned and was met with the intruder who wore a blue cartoony mask, who was wielding a morning star. He swung it towards Vanya but she ducked just in time. As he was about to hit her with his arm, a two-pronged spear stopped him midway, which created a distance between Vanya and the intruder.
The spear was a surprise to everyone in the living room except you, they turned their gaze and met your hues. Once the masked man's attention was set on you, Vanya quickly hid not wanting to be a liability.
"If you're looking for someone to fight, at least pick someone who can fight." You taunted the larger man.
With ease, you jumped from the second floor then dash towards the masked man, using the momentum you've picked up, you raised your foot and pushed kick his torso away. The impact made him stumble backwards and pause as he tried to gather his footing.
The spear that you threw at him earlier is now in your hands, you pressed the button that would retract the prongs and swung it towards the mask - his head was your main target - which made him stagger back again.
"This brat is too quick, I should've left her with Cha cha." Hazel grumbled to himself.
Despite the obvious large distance, you cautiously took a few steps backwards and used the staff as a boundary. An open hand supporting the head of the bo staff whilst a closed fist on the butt of the staff holding onto it with a strong grip.
Seeing as the double attack to his head was making him fall behind, you quickly withdrew from your defensive stance then, taunted the masked man by spinning your bo staff. Once he regained his footing, he swung the ball of spikes onto the body of the staff, so it would fall apart.
However, you decided to take a gamble and retract it. You dashed forward to tackle him but, due to the frame and weight differences, your attack didn't affect him. Unknown to him, this was all part of your plan, this was the distance you needed for your next move. You made the staff face upwards then unretracted it which propelled his chin thus leading him to fall backwards.
By now he was outside the living room, you were out of breath and so the masked man. Your main objective was achieved, Vanya wasn't within his reach but, you were not sure if you could hold him off any longer.
"Hey, asshole." Luther greeted. Despite what he did to you earlier, you were thankful for his presence.
"Y/N go look for Pogo and Grace!"
You nodded and headed off to where you usually see Pogo and Grace. Once you have met up with the advanced chimpanzee you guided him to the basement and reassured him that everything was under control. You were planning to go out and look for Grace this time but, curiosity got the better of you.
"Did you hire those people?" You questioned as your grip on the retractable bo staff tightening.
"Master Hargreeves never hired an outside party to get involved… It must be someone who knows what he is planning, or people after his fortune." He replied but you were not satisfied with his answer, it was evident on your face.
You scoffed then exclaimed, "What the hell is he planning?! Vanya almost got killed out there!"
"I'm afraid I can't tell you. Master Hargreeves made me swear to not speak of it, unless the truth is finally revealed to the whole academy."
You were livid but walked away from him with a huff, to go look for Ms. Grace. At this point, you have given up on trying to find out the truth. Even though you were one of the Monocle's loyal servants, he treated you like the other numbers and kept you in the dark despite his hesitancy to trust you, he gave you little to no information, so you would be left to figure it out yourself.
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Once you received Vanya's text, you went out of the basement and surveyed the house if there were lingering intruders. Suddenly, you ran to where you heard the crash come from and saw a fallen chandelier along with the other numbers who looked like they were still processing what they witnessed.
"What happened?" You broke the silence, it seemed like they were hesitant to answer but Allison managed to speak. "A chandelier fell on Luther, please check on him."
You bowed to the rumor, as you were ready to leave Vanya, Allison and Diego to their own devices.
Suddenly, the violinist's question made you freeze, "Who were those people?"
You were well aware that the question was not directed towards you but, the instinct - a rumor - told you to answer her but, then you saw Diego narrowing his eyes at you, as though silently questioning why you haven't left. You tightened your lips into a line then silently went to the clinic to prep for Luther's wounds.
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➢ Taglist : @igotanidea @incapableofanything @kumioon @buuhsworld @stray-npc @sunsunhe @instabull @theredvelvetbitch @yoashh @keowthedino @danis-stuff-is-here @sol3chu @cxlynv @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n
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lightshiningforth · 1 month
Maybe the way to have saved the world was to stay in the 1960s at the end of season 2. After the last battle, the Hargreeves all slip away and live quiet lives. Yes, they’re wanted criminals… but it’s also prior to a lot of technology that would make them easy to track. They could skip town, change their names, lay low.
What real reason is there to go back to 2019? Five believes that if they go back, the original apocalypse will not happen, but there’s no basis for that other than the Handler’s word, and the Handler is untrustworthy. The Commission wants them to go back, since they don’t belong in the 1960s, but they just defeated the Commission in battle. They’ve already mucked up the timeline, anyway - they met Hargreeves before any of them were born and told him things he wouldn’t have known, otherwise. They’ve also caused several national incidents. Going back to 2019 will NOT bring them back to the 2019 they knew. Five, of all people, should know that (and it always bothered me that he didn’t, and that everyone was shocked to find a new reality in season 3). They’ve changed history. It’s too late.
So, why not exist in this timeline? I think it would be hard for Allison, who would have to give up on the possibility of ever seeing Claire again. But this time, she would have Ray with her. This time, she would be able to mourn safely, and wouldn’t spiral.
Luther would find a new job, move on from his unhealthy fixation with Allison, come to care for her in a normal brotherly way and love Ray as his brother in law. Maybe he and Diego would live together as chaotic roommates.
Diego would get twitchy trying not to do things that draw attention to himself. Maybe he’d be a vigilante again. Maybe he’d be a small town cop. But when Lila comes back (and she will come back, there’s no reason she couldn’t try her trick with Stan in the 1960s), they work things out and build a life together.
Klaus would struggle for a while, absolutely. No Ben. No Dave. Freshly relapsed. But he would come out of it, too. Maybe Diego would help him, like he does in the first season. Or Allison would, like she does in the fourth. But he won’t be alone again. Perhaps Dave survives the war - don’t we see him join a different military branch at the end of the season? Perhaps Klaus changes the timeline just enough that he lives. Perhaps they meet again, by chance. Perhaps they hit it off.
Or perhaps not. Maybe that’s too much of a paradox (if Dave joins a different branch and never meets Klaus and lives, then how can Klaus have met him and lost him and gone back to warn him?). That wouldn’t stop Klaus from meeting another nice young man and living together as “roommates.” He still remembers his relationship with Dave. That’s real, that matters, he mourns it. But he moves on and he’s happy.
Five retires. Sure, he’s twitchy for awhile. Still waiting for the other shoe to drop. But finally he relaxes, puts on the retiree hat he does in season 3. Goes fishing and road tripping. Jumps in to see his family whenever he wants. He and Lila hate each other, but they agree not to kill each other for Diego’s sake. Hate eventually morphs into begrudging respect.
Ben is gone. It’s tragic. But he saves Vanya, and he crosses over. He’s at peace.
Vanya, Sissy, and Harlan would run away together. Vanya would become Viktor, making them all the more difficult to track. They would realize Harlan has powers, but it wouldn’t ruin his life with Viktor there to help him manage. He’d also help him cope with the guilt of having caused the death of his abusive father - who knows more about destruction and guilt than Viktor Hargreeves? Maybe Viktor would even remove the powers, and let Harlan be a normal little boy who grows up to be an ordinary man.
Now for the fun part. Since Harlan isn’t out of control in this reality, he’s not going to accidentally kill the mothers. So, all seven Umbrellas will still be born. Now what? Five is adamant that they don’t meet each other, but when have the others ever listened to Five?
The real question… will Reginald Hargreeves adopt the Umbrellas, or will he adopt the Sparrows? If he adopts the Sparrows, there’s the difficulty of watching another superhero team (plus Ben! A Ben who looks just like their brother!) go through their traumatic childhood. Plus wondering how their other childhood selves are doing out there. But if Reginald adopts the Umbrellas… oh boy. Now the clock is ticking on another apocalypse.
Imagine the Umbrellas, old now, trying to stop their younger selves from causing an apocalypse. When do they intervene? Do they try to stop Five from leaving? Save Ben? Tell little Vanya that she has powers? Threaten Reginald into being a better father? Or is it Leonard they try to stop? Or each other - does Viktor talk down Vanya, does Luther talk down Luther, etc.? Is this now another potential paradox - for if they prevent the apocalypse, then these versions of themselves won’t jump back in time, so how are they now here and elderly and preventing the apocalypse?
Anyway. This would be fascinating to me. And I’d like it more than whatever season 4 was.
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iheartsunset · 4 years
Nick is also a fun character, I would enjoy some HCs for him
Papa Louie Nick HCs
(I’m so sorry I forgot about this ask I didn’t mean to i just have way too many tests going on that I keep failing, and I’ll try to do these on time from now on)
-Nick Banks (haha get it like river bank hahaha i hate my sense of humor) is an 18 year old boy who’s fresh out of high school and currently wondering what to do with his life. He works from home as a multimedia translator (like fit foreign language shows and books and comics and stuff) and a language tutor for CommYouNicate, though he is currently unsatisfied with both of these jobs. He’s also a rafting champion and plans to make it his full time job, although his multiple health problems often hinder his outside performances. He lives with his overprotective parents in a riverside Tacodale cottage.
-Nick has asthma and a congenital heart disease that made him easier to exhaust the other kids. His family grew extremely overprotective and doting of him while his peers ostracized him or mocked him for this. Other kids used to exploit this and often physically bullied him, making Nick so jumpy that he became clumsy. Nick doesn’t let any of this get him down, as he’s completely determined to prove everyone wrong and succeed despite his health problems, which he has done with his many rafting awards.
-He once made a wattpad account and was immediately recommended “Bought By the Romano Family Quartet (Carlo Romano x reader)”. He immediately deleted the app and never went back. Yeah I got this from one of @ccwastaken ‘s asks and I can’t stop thinking about it even though it was so long ago
-Nick is very shy and bashful, yet he jokes around a lot and often laments on how much other people suck. Like imagine you’re in the among us dead player chat and you’re all talking about everyone still alive is so stupid for not realizing who the imposter is. That’s him. Although he always says it really quietly or in another language so that nobody beats his ass. Even though he’s shy, he still has a lot of confidence in himself and uses this for rafting. Around Koilee, he becomes a blushing mumbling mess though, and someone else always steps in to order for him during these times.
-This dude speaks so many languages and dialects, it’s insane. English, Spanish, French, Swahili, Japanese, Tagalog, Mandarin, you name it he probably speaks it. Since he spends lots of his time indoors, he watches shows from other countries and reads foreign books that allow him to learn other languages. Other than rafting, it’s his favorite hobby, but now that does it for a job, it’s a lot less fun.
-He net Mitch when they were kids at a summer camp, where the latter defended him from bullies. Now they’re both best friends and are almost always seen together. Nick likes to raft with Mitch to the Tacomia (but he hates enduring Maggie scolding them for using a dang boat to get to work). Nick also helps teach Tohru Japanese, Prudence German, and Nevada Chinese, along with many other Flipline residents. He’s good friends with all of his clients, but he’s closest to Mitch and Wally.
-He has 7 pet goldfishes named Number One, Number Two, Number Three, Number Four, Number Five, Number Six, and Number Seven. He talks to them all the time and keeps many pictures of them in his phone.
-He will cry in movies or documentaries where animals die. Like he despises Old Yeller with all of his being and refuses to even look at Marley and Me.
-He has a huge and obvious crush on Koilee. This stemmed from him deciding to accompany Mitch and Wally to Sakura Bay one day for fishing near the Pacific coast. He had somehow tripped off the boat and into the ocean without his life vest, and was drowning despite still being pretty close to the shore, so Koilee swam to save him. This, combined with his suspicion of her being a mermaid are the main reasons for his crush, although she always mistakes him for a child and is oblivious to his feelings. Carlo Romano hates hanging out near Tacodale and Mitch and Wally because Nick is always there and will awkwardly try to confess his love to Koilee all the time, despite he and Koilee obviously being a thing and Koilee definitely not being into him.
-He likes visiting interactive science museums since he enjoys conducting experiments and playing with the displays and activities. He hates art museums, though, because he hates analyzing anything and he just wants to look at the pretty art work without Brody hanging around him for some reason while being the art snob he is.
-He got into rafting after meeting Deano on his childhood trip to Portallini. Deano encourages him to take up boating as an outlet and mentored him. Deano also taught him Italian, which helped spark an interest in languages.
-He owns many different colored safety vests and life boat vests. He even has some decorated for fancy events and parties. His buddy Trishna thinks it could be a very good fashion trend, but Nick doesn’t think so, as he just wants them for safety.
-His favorite supernatural creatures are sirens and mermaids, stemming from The Little Mermaid.
-Sorry I don’t have too many quality hcs about my dear sweet boy, but I still love him with 1/4 of my heart cause the rest is reserved for Taylor and Wally
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xaeydnquartz · 5 years
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I'm just gonna leave this here.
I still havent seen this "Vanya hate" in main tags, but ive recently ran into a Luther hate post in a main tag.
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Vanya Hargreeves Appreciation Post 1/ ∞
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winter-came · 3 years
I would like to hear your opinions on vanya :’)
This was like an omen, dropping into my inbox. You want me to burn? You shall have it.
I didn’t prepare for this, so these are things I can think of right now.
First of all, and this is more of an issue of fandom than Vanya herself. But Vanya Hargreeves is bisexual and I am sick and tired of the erasement. Just because she dated an abusive manipulative dick doesn’t mean it was not affection/love! She dated a man in S1 AND a woman in S2 and both relationships were valid! Because guess what...it’s called bisexuality. Someone once tagged under my post that Vanya is lesbian and I’ve been pissed about it since then. Go on, block me.
Now, if you are still reading.
1. Vanya is NOT an innocent cinnamon bun that has to be protected and has small anger issues where she blows up the moon. OH NO. Vanya, before she got sedated by Reggie, was the most savage and feral one of the bunch. Or at least she had GREAT potential for it. Mrs. Vanya “I’m not in the mood for training, so I will blow these glasses everywhere.” & “I don’t wanna eat this breakfast so I will kill multiple nannies without blink of an eye until my father is forced to build up A ROBOT in order to make me eat breakfast.” Vanya was always dangerous and capable. [don’t come for me with the argument “she was a child.” So was Ben and had a monster inside of him and he was good. This was a temper of character.]
Reginald was horrible and a bitch [ I AM NOT DEFENDING HIM] but he knew what he was doing by stopping her from developing her powers. By all means, it was the shittiest way he could manage to do so but what he didn’t do in shittiest possible way?
And if you wanna excuse child Vanya, fine, let’s look at grown up Vanya.
Grown Vanya chose violence and utter savagery on two occasions. [I am not even gonna mention that accident with Allison, because yes, it was an accident but we all somehow forgave and forgot. Also who of them did not seriously harm or kill someone?]. However, let’s look at Leonard and Pogo. She killed them, fully conscious of what she was doing, in a brutal manner. That wasn’t poor moody child Vanya. That wasn’t sedated and overlooked Vanya. That was what Vanya has inside of her. Savagery, danger, brutality.
She is a complex character with flaws and sharp edges. But I feel that all fandom sees is “poor Vanya who was never loved and was treated like shit.” AND? You don’t get to kill people and blow up fucking Moon just because you were not loved. [I know I said I would blow up Moon if I got betrayed by Leonard like she did, BUT STILL?!]
She is not the sweetheart fandom pretends her to be.
2. I have a huge ass problem with her arc in S2.
What especially doesn’t sit with me is how she treats Five. She apologized to Diego without even knowing what she did. She never said A THING to Five [wasn’t it her after all who caused the wasteland where he got stuck?] Weren’t they supposed to be closest as kids? The way she left him in the streets after Luther told her she blew up the moon [again, something Five spared her of]. The way she was ready to fight him over taking Sissy with them. If she was so kind and innocent and sweet as her stans paint her, would she do any of that? I don’t think so.
I could excuse her while she didn’t remember. But after her memories came back? She bonded with Diego [“She is liability” & “Had enough material for your sequel yet?”] but DID NOT EVEN TALK TO FIVE??? Please, the fuck does that mean? Bullshit on her side.
3. And let’s talk about that book she published. On one hand, “ballsy” to expose her family like that. Good for her. I get it, spite and bitterness are my main motivators too. BUT the secrets she spilled weren’t just hers. Other SIX people [Reginald not even included cause he is dick] were included. Their traumas, their secrets, their fears, their childhood, their actions, their good memories and the bad ones. Everything they were and been through, was given to the world without their permission. Again, if she was such a sweetheart, would she do that? AND SHE HAD THE AUDACITY to throw puppy eyes on them for being pissed off with her. As if they were the ones who exposed her.
I would be absolutely angry with her for it. Because she had NO RIGHT to do so. Ya, go off, expose Reginald. But her siblings deserved to have at least SAYING into it [Steve from Haunting of the Hill House is an example → similar vibe].
Horrible things happened to her, without a doubt. She deserves better. Baby Vanya deserved better. BUT let’s not pretend she is a sweet angel who made a small mistake and has to be treated with gloves. You all were so keen to ride Luther to ground for locking her up but you did not blink once when she killed Pogo. You all called out Diego for trying to save Kennedy but you did not say a word about her being adamant bringing Sissy and Harlan with them. You don’t have the same measure on Vanya as you have with others.
I am not HATING her, but she would end up in last place if I had to choose. Precisely for her hypocrisy and blind attitude and playing victim. Parents fuck you up, you don’t get to fuck up others. And pretend you didn’t.
[And don’t even try to bring Five into this [because I am known stan]. Unlike some of you with Vanya, I fully acknowledge both the good and bad sides of him. What he had done, what he is like. I am not an apologist for him nor am I blindly excusing him and putting him on pedestal where he does not belong. Some of you however bathe Vanya in the sun she does not deserve.]
Now, I will escort myself off premises before you all burn me alive. But please, put your opinions under the post or in tags, I would love to read it!.
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malecacidd · 4 years
I'm kinda scared to make this post ngl because fandom spaces especially tua fandom spaces have been very toxic lately? But... I'm doing it anyways kfldkfkskd
SO, Luther Haters™ (or people who hated Luther before season two came out), hi, this is for you kdkzkdka
So! I can sympathize with you! Not for character bashing him and making fun of his trauma, but for just... Not liking him. Because I used to absolutely hate him! And I hate that, because I love him so much now and he's one of my favorite characters of all time.
When I first watched season one, I basically blamed him for everything. I blamed him for the apocalypse, hated him for locking Vanya in the vault. But then, while waiting for season two, I rewatched season one for the third time, and thought, hey, why not look into everyone's motivations for what they do and think about everything that could've caused the apocalypse?
And then I did, and then I realized, fuck. I was completely wrong.
The thing is, Luther isn't completely horrible for locking Vanya in the vault like I first thought he was. The reason for that is because of his intentions. He did it because he thought that he was stopping the apocalypse, he did it because he thought he was saving everyone, including Vanya. That doesn't mean what he did was right, it just means that his intentions were in the right place, hence the reason that what he did wasn't completely and awfully horrible.
If you want to say, "well, intentions or not, he did cause that first apocalypse, or at least helped it along," then you might want to think again.
If you're going to (or did) hate season one Luther for specifically "causing the apocalypse," Then you're going to have to hate every single Hargreeves for that reason.
They all helped the apocalypse move on or happen in some way. I can talk more about this if you want but it's not gonna happen in this post because it's already too long.
Personally, I never made any comments on here or in any fandom spaces about hating Luther. I never character bashed or anything like that. But, I still silently thought that everything was his fault. Which, fuck me. Kfkdkfkskd I hate that I did that so much, because it's very clear that I was wrong.
I know there aren't very many Luther Haters™ left after his apology in season two, but I still feel like this was important to make. I'm going to tag this post as character hate just in case someone might get those vibes from it.
tl;dr: Luther Haters™, I get it. I really do. But before you decide to hate a character look at their intentions and everything else.
Sidenote: Either way, making fun of Luther's Trauma (or anyone's trauma) is bad and I will never ever sympathize with people who do that. And, guess what? I rewatched all of season one yesterday and he literally talks about the moon less than ten times. Way less. (The day that wasn't doesn't count you fucking hoes.)
Side-Sidenote: I realize that a lot of Luther Haters™ are Klaus stans that are mad that Luther choked him and threw him across the room in the day that was. A lot of those types of Luther Haters™ also bash Ben, and basically any character that has done anything bad towards Klaus at all. Just know, that I get you're protective over you're comfort character. I get that, I am too. Just remember that when you bash other characters, those are other people's comfort characters too, and you wouldn't want to see Klaus get bashed. Also, Klaus is just as much of an asshole as the rest of them and does shitty things to the other sibs too. They're all assholes.
Very important side-side-sidenote: I do not think that all Klaus stans are Luther Haters™, I just recognize that a lot of Luther Haters™ are.
This is getting long and I realize now that the people this was aimed towards probably didn't actually read it, but I'm gonna post it anyways!
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Some thoughts from tua season 2, a little out of order
Finding love in a facility trope. I hate it. I hate it when it’s set in mental institutions, when it’s set in rehabs, when it’s set in recovery houses. They are there to get better, and to get better you can’t lean on someone who is also trying to get better. They will lean on you back. You inevitable become each other’s enablers. This doesn’t wholly apply to Diego and Lila since neither of them were really crazy, but I still hate that that’s where they met
Manic pixie Lila IMMEDIATELY pisses me off
Also we need to travel back in time to fix Diego’s hair, good lord
Luther self destructing isn’t new. He was never leadership material, but old man Hargreeves built him up on the pedestal. Diego too. You know who has real leadership skills? ALLISON. Five too, but he’s a lil aggressive ab it
“Dad should’ve left him on the moon.” Big facts
Oh the latent homoeroticism of being hit by a car
So Vanya, number five, and Luther walk into a bar—
“Imagine batman, but aim lower”
Is it just me or did they change how they animate I heard a rumor? I remember distinctly the chills I got every time I heard the way Allison’s voice rippled and the stillness of the air around it
I wouldn’t change Allison’s casting for the world, but I am disappointed that she can’t get away with disguising herself as Jackie Kennedy and killing the president by telling him she heard a rumor that she blew his mind
There was a nice reference to this in the beginning tho!
If I can force feed Luther a little more respect women juice we might be able to make a himbo out of him yet
Also Luther don’t fucking touch Allison and Ray. I stan them. They’re the OTP.
Vanya, at the hair salon with Klaus and Allison: “wait... aren’t we all brother and sister?” Sis called Allison and Luther OUT
It’s interesting to see that the rumors are addictive to Allison. She refrains from using it and loves that everything she has in her life is from her own work towards it. The second ray asks her to use it, you can see her control slipping. Especially in the diner scene. She knows what she’s doing is wrong, but the feeling of power is overwhelming. You can see the regret when Ray snaps her out of it. It was like she was a different person... the kind of person who would rumor her kid to sleep
“C’mon Diego, you’re really gonna walk away?” no he’s going to sprint away
Five can have a little killing spree. As a treat.
I will take this moment to say I fucking love Five with all that I am. It’s funny to me that compared to his older self, it’s so clear that five is so mean bc he’s been trapped inside is tiny little body again. The smaller he is, the more rage builds up. Best character, 10/10
“There’s been a coup de tat!”
“What’s that, a Cadillac?”
“Vanya’s the bomb... Vanya will always be the bomb.” CHILLS
Okay so Vanya always causing the apocalypse is string theory. Klaus causing Dave to sign up for the war early is the butterfly effect. DOES TIME TRAVEL HAVE NO RULES HERE?
Lila realizing Diego left as the background rings “loyalty isn’t a choice, it’s a lifestyle”
“Number seven chooses not to remember.”
The symbolism inside of Vanya’s head. She feels so small and out of control that she’s literally trapped inside her white violin, a weapon of destruction that she herself weilded
Aiden Gallagher’s aggressive walk is everything
“I’M THE DADDY HERE!” Following a spot on psycho analysis of Luther
The family love towards Vanya this season is truly the good shit
There are seven brain cells. Allison and Vanya each have one. Klaus has none, but Ben has one so he keeps him alive. Luther and Diego share half a brain cell. Five has four and a half.
Happy to see another wonder baby, but my dislike of Lila cancels that out
“Wait, we’re not actually related right?” Diego and Luther should start a club
When Carl tried to shoot his son... Harlan really said reverse uno lol
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my thoughts on The Umbrella Academy S2 [spoilers ahead]
so putting all my thoughts down was really hard. i decided to do it per character instead of like per appearance/episode - sorry if this is kinda hard to follow. this is also VERY LONG... hence the keep reading but here is a small taste -
he really overestimates his ability to time-travel
she told those men that she blew their mind + their heads literally blew up - mine about did too
he really overestimates his ability to time-travel
k - he really needs to learn to TALK to his siblings more
but also he needs to work on his talking skills...
seeing five just mass murder people is highly amusing because he’s in the body of a 13yr old
also but how soft five was with vanya - i cry
i wanted a mention of dolores but alas only klaus remembered
though i did enjoy the continued coffee obsession - even if it was subtle
she told those men that she blew those their mind + their heads literally blew up - mine about did too
the second she walked into that diner - i was pAniCKing
the way those women were READY to throw down when allison ran into their shop - we stan them all (one of them was wielding a piping hot curling iron)
her husband ray is the sweetest of men + just what she needed before having to go back to twentieth century/glamour
i really liked the way they showed the consequences of allison using her powers - how she quickly slips back into bad habits. how it makes her into someone she doesn’t like
i’m really glad they didn’t forget claire - i was gonna be mad if she wasn’t mentioned
i stan luther hargreeves + i run the luther hargreeves protection squad cuz all of you are meanies who like to blame him for everything when in reality the real problem is their father
controversial opinion that i will be making a much larger post on but i ship allison x luther - they aren’t biologically related, they were only raised as siblings, there is 0% wrong with them falling in love
luther didn’t bother me in s1 like he did all y’all but that’s cause i’m mature enough to realize all of the siblings are fucked up - so the fact they made him more likeable this season is so nice. maybe ya’ll will take a chill pill on your luther hate-train
it was very interesting seeing luther so apathetic for the first bit of the season, when he had such a hero-complex last season
listen his talk with vanya in the barn was amazing - some people might be upset about the gun but the last time any of them saw her she had just blown up the fucking moon mkay?
he apologized for failing as a brother
for not being there
and he even said he didn’t care if vanya was bullshitting him
last thing - luther underestimating his self-importance now because of how he overestimated his self-importance in s1. i love that psychological circle
him being in the nuthouse makes perfect sense - i won’t lie
his role-reversal with luther this season was so *chef’s kiss*
TEAM ZERO *gives diego the fist-bump he deserved*
the moment lila slapped him when he leaned in for a kiss was the funniest shit ever - ‘i don’t understand you’ - then she kisses him - i was cackling
she gave him so much shit + i love that about her
when reginald yelled at him + it made his stutter come back for the fist time since he was a kid - FEELINGS
so in that last battle when diego redirected those bullets - that’s a power of his in the comics isn’t it? or is that just his power? projectile redirection? cause that was a confusing ass way to introduce that. just saying
him interacting with grace this season was like... hard cuz it’s not really her
the fact he made a cult is just so... klaus
he very much so looks like a hippie jesus
i’m kinda glad they showed him relapse because in a lot of media once someone gets clean it’s all butterflies + roses + unicorns out the ass. in reality - relapses happen
the family still isn’t very nice to klaus but we can work on that - they are better than before. it’s a work in progress
klaus trying to stop dave from dying but instead moving up his enlistment date
that diner scene made me hurt
the fact he is so over getting klaus out of things -  I'M So tIrED oF YouR shIt Klaus
when the two of them were just fighting on the side of the road - i cackled
ben being the one to talk vanya down? what we deserved
‘hug me while i go’ - i cry
i can’t wait for jackass alive ben next season
poor girl is awake for a whole ass 5 seconds before getting hit by a car
i really thought vanya was pretending to have amnesia
may i say that s1 vanya dressed far too gay to be heterosexual + s2 vanya did not disappoint
as a gay i appreciate the fact the writers heard all of us saying vanya is 100% gay + being like ‘ok sure’
it makes me kinda sad how happy vanya was with no memories vs s1
her connection with harlan was just so - amazing
also, i think harlan always had powers + that’s why vanya was able to pull a moses at the lake + jesus harlan back to life
i liked sissy. i also liked how she gave us a glimpse into a very realistic thing that used to happen to women who loved women. they would marry men because it was the norm. they’d also have affairs.
and her choice to stay was one made by a good mother - she was putting harlan first. every good mom puts their child first. even if they so desperately want to be selfish.
in good news - vanya now knows she likes vagina!
the fact they legit used LSD on vanya while she was being electrocuted was A LOT
seeing inside vanya’s mind was super interesting - especially when she remembered + how she was trapped inside the white violin
she wanted to die - let’s all take that in for a second
she ASKED for her siblings help + they didn’t disappoint for ONCE
her POWER at the farm... she leveled an ARMY
i stan herb + elliot
the handler is super conniving - i wasn’t expecting to dislike her this much
ngl i was rooting for fish-man
lila had me convinced she was crazy the first half ngl - also i guessed she was one of their lost siblings when she first fought five
the three swedes weren’t as fun as hazel + cha-cha but still decent
reginald continues to be #worstDadever
anyone else a little confused why he peeled his face off? s1 flashback he was in human form on his home-planet but apparently it’s a mask???
we saw the original grace!!! she was just as perfect as the robot version too!
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kaseyskat · 5 years
Rant Time!
Okay, I normally try really hard to stay out of fandom discourse, but this is really starting to get on my nerves and I’m actually going to pop a blood vessel if I don’t get it off my chest. 
Fact: All of the Hargreeves Children were abused. 
All of them. Every. Single. One. They all went through trauma. None of them know how to be functional adults. All of them hold on to something that caused them the most trauma. Luther is overprotective. Diego is angry. Allison is manipulative. Klaus downplays himself. Five wants to do things alone. Ben is dead. Vanya is bitter and vindictive. All of this to say that we can’t accept the faults of one and abuse the faults of another - they’re all the same. Not one of them had a better upbringing than the other. 
Fact: We don’t know what caused the first apocalypse 
We don’t. Heck, we don’t even truly know if it was Vanya. We assume, and it probably was Vanya, given her relationship with Leonard, but we don’t know. What we do know is that it wasn’t the moon. It couldn’t have been, because not having a moon(or having a broken moon) probably would’ve been very noticeable to Five who spent at least 30 years there, and wouldn’t that have been a huge clue? Wouldn’t he have mentioned that “oh yeah, something happens to the moon during the apocalypse”? He didn’t. 
Fact: Vanya’s anger was, in part, because of her pills.
We know that her powers are based on emotion, which means the pills - the ones she took twice a day that made her feel numb - were probably a very strong antidepressant, meant to completely numb her emotions. And what happened with those pills? She went off them cold turkey. The pills she was taking for 25 years. Did she overreact with Allison and the others? Yes, she did. However, there’s no doubt that her body had developed an addiction to her medicine, which she suddenly wasn’t taking anymore, and therefore now she’s feeling things she’s never felt before. Can you imagine not feeling anything for years and then everything hitting you at once? Not pleasant. 
Fact: Just as Vanya’s actions are explainable, so are Luther’s. 
A lot of how Luther acts really does make sense. Reginald conditions him to be the “perfect soldier” - loyal, obedient, trustworthy. Luther’s been raised his entire life to believe that he is the leader: he has to protect his siblings, he has to lead them, he has to make the decisions. Add that to his already low self esteem and yeah, he may make some irrational decisions, and that’s okay! All of his self doubt and insecurity is completely pointed at himself, and it’s easy to forget that he’s suffered when he acts the way he was raised to be. 
I fully believe that Luther had no intention on keeping Vanya locked up forever. Cruel as the fandom makes him out to be, not even he would do that - especially without food or water, like come on guys, he is not that cruel. All he even knew about her was that she was dangerously powerful, mentally unstable, and had already lashed out at them - specifically at Allison, who had treated her the best all week. And that’s the real kicker - he wasn’t offended by the fact that Vanya hurt the one he loved, he was offended that Vanya had hurt the sibling that was currently closest to her. He was afraid of what would happen if she was close to one of the other siblings - like Diego, who had been cruel to her all week! And in that moment, Luther chose to protect his other siblings at the cost of Vanya’s sanity rather than chance her lashing out and hurting them. I really do think that he was planning to wait it out, let Allison rest, possibly even wait for Five to come back, and then discuss how to help her. It’s also possible that he put her in an (seemingly) indestructible cage so that she could release some of her pent-up anger without risk of hurting someone. 
Am I a Vanya stan? Yes. Do I think she meant to cause the apocalypse? No. Is Luther the villain of her story? Absolutely not. 
If we were to blame Luther for her dissociative state, we should also blame Diego for being accidentally cruel to her all week, and Five for leaving her and not bothering to check up on her, and Allison for not trying hard enough to connect with her(without criticizing Leonard), and does the fandom do this? No. 
There’s still so much I want to touch on(like how the reason Vanya didn’t believe Allison about Leonard makes so much sense considering that first Allison got on to Vanya for not having a love life and then when Vanya did get a boyfriend Allison wrote him off, like ouch, that would hurt) but I’ve rambled enough to make a lot of people on this site hate me and you know what? I don’t care. Somebody needed to say it.  
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b-rainlet · 5 years
You made me ship Lunya T.T but as a Allison stan this kind made me ship her with Diego... headcanon about the neglected couples? :O
Tbh, there are a lot of ship possibilities that could be seen as neglected couples since there are 7 main people who could be thrust into about 21 ship dynamics - not counting poly ships and not counting ships that aren’t sibling ships - like Klave or Vanya/Helen or even still incest stuff like Gracexthe sibs.
So you see, endless possibilities but there are only about 4 ships who are really popular? Klave, Kliego, Fiveya...maybe Horrance? And even then, most Horrance or Fiveya shippers still see their ship as a rarepair because compared to Klave or Kliego it more or less is.
Which may have to do with the fact that if you’re an anti but wanna ship something you have pretty limited options, so Klave it is.
So you probably want some Allison/Diego hcs but I’m gonna do a little more because Allison is less popular in general so her ships are not that often talked about.
I’ll leave out Alluther because I did some OTP asks about them, but y’all know I ship them because it’s the sweet story of childhood sweethearts meeting again and falling in love all over again and it’s just...*sighs dreamily* lots of possibilities.
Allison/Diego: A fun ship! At first you’d probably say: ‘We have a pretty much functional adult with a child and a guy who eats raw eggs to seem edgy’ so it’s easy to fall into a Hermione/Ron relationship interpretation where you have a dumbass and someone done with their shit - and I can see it being like that occasionally but not always!
When I think about them I mostly think about teasing. They totally do some competitive shit just because they wanna best each other but where that same dynamic could quickly turn into arguments for Luego I can see it staying mostly light-hearted with Allison/Diego.
(Quick question, do they have a ship name? Asking for tagging purposes).
And Allison would take none of Diego’s shit. Oh, Diego has one of his mood swings and tries to be an emo boy and pull that ‘I don’t need anyone shit’? Boy, Allison is a single mother who’s been through a divorce already, she doesn’t have time for your angst.
Lmao, Allison being like: “We’ll sit down and talk about our feelings now” after a fight and Diego complains the whole time but sits down like a good boy.
Also, Allison would do the vigilante thing from time to time because she may pretend to be an adult and above that kinda stuff but it’s fun and they definitely argue over who took out more people.
Give me that power couple pls.
Allison/Klaus: One of my favourite ships! Can be real whole-hearted or angsty depending on the angle you take.
Like, Allison who keeps busting Klaus out of prison with her status and her rumours and who pays for his rehab stay every single time, at first still telling him that she’s gonna fix him with that Hollywood ‘You can do it’ attitude - slowly getting more and more annoyed by her no-good brother, feeling like a babysitter - maybe even refusing to keep indulging his brother, to keep giving him money he’s only gonna use on drugs anyway.
And Klaus who despises Allison’s glamour lifestyle, her polished image and her nuclear family - we could even throw some biphobia in there because Klaus remembers their talks about how pretty girls are but Allison pretends that never happened because it wouldn’t do her career much good. (Just like being seen with her junkie brother, “isn’t that why we can’t meet anywhere that isn’t a back alley? Why you can’t talk to me without sunglasses and a hat? Why you keep your voice down even when I scream at you?”)
Plus, some added angst: Patrick telling Allison to just drop her brother already, he’s just gonna self-destruct and take her with him and that creates tension between the two of them, could even be one of the many reasons for their divorce.
And just like that, Allison loses all of it. And Klaus is there with a cheap bottle of Tequila, already high and grinning at her: “Welcome at the bottom, sister dearest!”
*insert the 30k story about the two of them slowly learning to understand each other and finally being able to heal - with the help from the other but also because they wanna change for themselves. I vote for added bed sharing and sleepovers and them doing each other’s nails but also them fucking once and not talking about it because they were both really hurt and not really thinking when it happened but it staying in the back of their minds until they realize that they could actually work together*
This got angstier than it was supposed to be, sorry! I love them, I swear!
Allison/Five: Probably the least popular one out of all the Allison ships!
I have to admit that I don’t think about Five ships much? Which probably has to do with the whole child body thing but I’m not opposed to ships involving them! (Especially when they’re enby, y’all know my brand).
Allison/Five would be that kinda snob couple who knows they are superior to you and they’re not above showing you. Lots of quibs, lots of sarcasm.
But also probably one of the more mature ones? I can see Allison being unsure at first because Five is- no, looks like a kid and who knows when that will get fixed? And maybe it’s because she’s a Mum but sometimes she just treats them like a child and Five hates it.
(Five probably has to do a lot of courting before Allison considers a relationship. Which is bullshit. They both know there’s tension there, why the fuck is Allison drawing back from that? Just because Five’s trapped in this body? Does Allison think they want that?)
Five aggressively flirting while Allison to herself is like: ‘Hoe, don’t do it.’ but eventually giving in.
And of course, depending on your take of Five’s body, things are gonna be weird. Like, a popular hc is to have Five in a 20ish body but even then, just imagine the headlines.
Allison Hargreeves, world star, dating a guy 10 years younger!!! Is she getting over her divorce with a boy toy?
(Not to mention the pseudo-incest part).
They’d get a lot of shit I’d say.
And Five would be furious about that. How dare they imply that their relationship with Allison is just some fling? They’ll show them. So they make a game out of proving the paparazzi wrong. Makes it their mission to treat Allison as right as possible.
(Also I have feelings about the whole Five - Claire - Allison thing. I mean, just Five mentioning wanting to meet Claire? Knowing her name? I am soft).
And I know I am rambling a little but whether you think Patrick was/is a nice guy or not (I personally think he is), I can see Allison being so obsessed with seeming flawless and having the picture perfect family - as opposed to her own family - that she felt like she could never really be herself? Like she had to hide a lot of her more ‘ugly’ sides to be desirable.
And Five doesn’t care about that shit. Five also doesn’t care about courtesy. Five will jump into her room at the beginning of their relationship, watch her scramble around to try and change into something nicer than her pajamas and apologize for her messy hair and her pimples- “I just woke up, I didn’t have time to put on my make up, can’t you come back later Five?”
And Five’s like: “You look like someone who just woke up. Your hair is sweaty and you have a pretty big pimple on your nose. Also, your morning breath is horrible. Can we cuddle now?”
(Five is the first partner Allison burps in front of. It’s pretty freeing).
Five on the other hand has someone they can be insecure in front of. Where they don’t have to pretend they know all the answers. Be dismissive with. (They’re trying to let all of their siblings in but it’s a process, okay?)
I’m sorry, I’ll stop now but I gave myself feelings.
Allison/Ben: This feels like an easier couple. Like, more normal, lmao. Just a couple of adopted sibs falling in love the old-fashioned way - after one of them gets brought back to live and they survive a near apocalypse their sister caused.
I like to spin some tale of being in love as kids (like with Alluther) but for me the two of them really work better as just being friends as kids and then once Ben comes back, Allison realizes how much she missed him and she’s like “What is this???? Am I....crushing on him??” (imagine the Beauty and the Beast song where they realise they like each other while playing in the snow).
Just...some good and nice slowburn. Maybe some added angst with Ben thinking Allison is confusing her relieve of him being alive with being in love or believes she’s looking for a rebound after her divorce.
Or maybe he believes he’s just touch-starved and that’s why he clings to Allison?
(Imagine the two of them chilling at the mansion together, just picking up where they left off, pretending to still be kids. Allison all excitedly showing Ben what he’s missed during all those years and what he only gets to experience now - let’s be honest this mostly boils down to Allison making him eat a bunch of stuff, not even waiting until he takes a bite himself but just putting it in his mouth because she wants to see whether he likes it).
(I hc that Allison can’t cook for shit but Ben has no real frame of reference unless you count blurry memories of what food used to taste like so it’s heaven to him and Allison is giddy).
They’re just cute, okay?
Allison/Vanya: ANGST. GAY ANGST. I mean, the guilt over what happened, Allison feeling like it’s her fault and treating Vanya all nice but Vanya stilll flinches everytime she sees the angry red scar across Allison’s throat. Plus, if Allison still can’t speak and will never speak again and Vanya tries her hardest to learn ASL with her so she doesn’t have to write down everything all the time.
Young Allison/Vanya with Vanya realising she’s queer and sneaking glances at Allison and immediately feeling guilty because she shouldn’t be looking, it’s wrong and dirty and Allison will hate her and-
Whereas she is completely missing the way Allison is looking back.
Also this ship can easily turn toxic with either of them - or both - getting overbearing after all that happened. And tbh, that’s just as exciting to write/think about.
That’s all I got for now but you’re welcome to talk more Allison/Allison ships with me!
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fyumbrellaacademy · 6 years
okay, so even before the show came out, I understand Ben was a favorite amongst some people in the fandom? I was wondering why/how he was people's fave since he was like. barely in the comic (unfortunately :( ). was it just cause he was dead??
Mod Moe: I will explain why I personally liked Ben and why he’s been my favorite character (in general, ever, not just in TUA) for the past decade! I might get sappy so watch out because he genuinely means a lot to me. (Also, if you want a fairly comprehensive write up of Ben’s incredibly minimal involvement in the comics so far, I have a post HERE on my main blog!)
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so here from a comic fan and Ben stan, here are some reasons why Ben was a fan favorite even when all we had was two (2) flashbacks where he spoke two (2) times!
From what we’ve seen of comic Ben, have have no reason to believe he was anything other than a HUGE ADORABLE SWEETHEART. As a child he was cheerful and loved ice cream, and we see him and Klaus team up a lot. When he’s an adult, we see him show genuine concern for his sibling’s safety and play with stuffed animals. See above image. It’s adorable. We also know that as an adult, he was the only sibling who still called Hargreeves “dad” which is also adorable in a very sad way.
Building more onto the sweetheart front, we have supplementary material from the comics, like excerpts from Hargreeve’s notes, Pogo’s journal, and Vanya’s book! Here’s what they wrote about Ben. Hargreeves: “Easily manipulated due to enthusiastic if naive nature. Must learn to suppress my nausea in order to study further.” Pogo: “None of the children wanted to be heroes, least of all 00.06.” Vanya: “[Ben was] the kindest of my siblings, but he was so eager to please Father. He was easily manipulated, drawn into Father and Luther’s little games. And those two simply let him die.”
All of that sweetness and innocence and naivety wrapped up in a body so grotesque even the villains find him disgusting? That he goes by the moniker “Horror”? A total angel whose superhero ability is that his body is a portal through which unimaginable monsters untwine??? THAT BILLOWING, GOTHIC CAPE??? TENTACLES??? Not to mention Ben is BEEFY in the comics, he’s the tallest and most built besides Luther. The juxtaposition of such an outwardly intimidating person being so naive and kind was EXTREMELY endearing. (And this is something I see reflected in TV Ben that I like- this gloomy little emo seeing the best in everyone, even if he has no reason to.)
It’s sappy time! Like a lot of comic fans, I started reading TUA when I was a young teen. Like many teens who like Gerard Way, I was going through some shit! Suffice to say there was something that really resonated with me about seeing a character who was so monstrous and scary, but still a genuinely sweet person inside despite being treated like a monster and having such a shitty childhood. And then compounding that with how the entire main cast, his family, seemed to have completely forgotten him? That hurt in a really compelling way. So Ben ended up meaning a lot to me. Also, I always liked side characters best anyway!
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 bean man
seriously though i just have a tendency to love sweet monster kids who are also dead and ben is the sweetest, monsteriest, possibly deadest kid of all. body horror baby. 
also am i currently working on an extremely emo comic about not feeling owenership over your own body starring our dear dear be-tentacled man??? yes. am i a mess whos running on 3 and a half hours of sleep?? also yes
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spkdnailbats · 5 years
Hyper-fixations!! (aka- my stan list)
yo so I've realized I always hyper-fixate on characters in media that I either relate to, wish to be like, or draw comfort from.... so bc I'm bored here's some peeps in this category:
•Taako (The Adventure Zone Balance) - want to be like - openly himself, multidimensional, fully realized creation, loved by many, charismatic, in a good and healthy relationship (thats also so supportive and cute and god wheres my gf version of kravitz???), unapologetic, went through some shit and came out different and with issues but is still just good, loves family, passionate
•Angus McDonald (The Adventure Zone Balance) - comfort character - hes just a sweet lil guy who just loves his weird found family and is just so smart and precious and i love him with my whole soul and being, makes me smile whenever he pops up
•Magic Brian (The Adventure Zone Balance) - comfort character - can never fail to make me laugh and smile
•Hurley (The Adventure Zone Balance) - relate to - a small ball of energy, typically a rule follower but likes to stray away sometimes, a gay!!, lowkey likes to race in my jeep (its only with my one friend and its not a legit race but we say it is and its v fun)
•Carey Fangbattle (The Adventure Zone Balance) - relate to / want to be like - tiny but big personality, a gay!!, fiesty, sneaky, tough cookie, loves a tall butch girl (i do not have a tall butch girl to love but maybe someday!!), badass little rogue (i wish)
•Virgil "Anxiety" Sanders (Sanders Sides/Thomas Sanders) - relate to - anxious ball of something, many people consider cute although deny it / dont believe it, self deprecating!!, needs a hug, tries to be intimidating but fails, the mom™ friend
•Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe) - relate to - felt lost, felt ostracized from friends (sometimes true sometimes not - gee, cognitive distortions are a bitch), found people and felt comfortable and at home with them, found family, self deprecating, separates self to not get hurt, wants to protect but also avoid, sad™
•Peridot (Steven Universe) - comfort character - had genuine growth as a character which is nice to see, is silly but also can be serious, makes me smile whenever i see her
•Howl (Howl’s Moving Castle) - relate to / want to be like - very much himself, overdramatic af (drama queen and a diva), sees the best in people, cares based on personality rather than looks (calls an old lady beautiful bc she has a good heart), a versatile lgbt (looks and acts like a gay but dates a pretty girl, the dream ngl), fashionable af and dyes hair fun colors
•Calcifer (Howl’s Moving Castle) - relate to - sassy little bitch, underappreciated until absolutely needed, small and typically seen as tame but can have a big personality at times
•Sophie Hatter (Howl’s Moving Castle) - relate to / want to be like - the odd one out, seen as ordinary, never the pretty one but always the average or forgettable one, always someone better and not often liked, when liked its always true and based on a beautiful personality, finds real love in an unlikely situation (wheres my love in life?), makes own path and doesnt care what people say/think, ambitious, does what needs to be done even if its hard, comforting maternal presence but also dominant and assertive when needed, gets shit done
•Kiki (Kiki's Delivery Service) - relate to / want to be like - is an outsider but finds her place eventually, inexperienced but trying her best, works hard in all she does, makes something of herself (i hope someday thats me), makes the best out of a bad situation
•Stitch (Lilo & Stitch) - relate to - lost, searching for home and family, feel constantly different from everyone else, runs away from problems before finally solving/fixing them
•Baymax (Big Hero 6) - comfort character - was there for hiro and did whatever possible the whole movie to help him (learning about grieving, sacrificing, etc), and there was a time in my life that I really needed that presence and didn’t have it that way at the time, but now 14 years later I’m in a much better state mentally but baymax still makes me cry bc he reminds me of stuff™, (tbh i got to “meet baymax” at disney when i was 16 and lowkey was so excited and cried a bit, and my friend bought me a stuffed animal baymax that afternoon for my birthday and i sobbed and carried it around in my bag for the rest of the trip)
•Hiro (Big Hero 6) - relate to - ((this is gonna get sad sorry ://)) so like hiro i lost a sibling (however i was much younger than hiro and my sibling was younger than me) in a way that it was inflicted by someone else but was “unintentional/collateral” and i didnt really deal with it for a while until i actually got help and started doing things again to get back into normal life. i sob beginning to end during bh6 bc i feel for hiro and i know what hes going through and what its like and it sucks
•Alice (Alice in Wonderland) - relate to - gets lost in own head a lot, kinda a wonky imagination, doesnt follow own advice (”i give myself very good advice, but i very seldom follow it”), happy doing own thing until lost or lonely which then leads to fear and anxiety, doesnt know who to trust, trying to find something that isnt easily found
•Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Disney) - relate to - ((please look up oswalds story if you dont know who he is- in brief terms, he was a cartoon walt disney made and abandoned when he made his own studio (c. 1920s) and was replaced by mickey and was forgotten about until 2006)) cast aside, forgotten about, replaced, wants to belong
•Carson Phillips (Struck by Lightning) - want to be like / relate to - snarky and sarcastic bitch, does what he needs to in order to get shit done, a “penetrating personality” (literally a quote from the mf book), ambitious, goals bigger than anyone thinks they should be, makes morally ambiguous decisions to get what he wants
•Veronica Sawyer (Heathers) - relate to / want to be like - got some shitty friends who we dont really like but stick around with for convenience or something, has ambitions in life, stands up for what she believes in and for injustice and is generally a brave badass (i wish i was)
•Heather McNamara (Heathers) - relate to - lost, follows “friends”, tries to fit in with those around, sad™
•Elizabeth Swan (Pirates of the Caribbean) - want to be like - brave, stands up for what she believes in even if it might get her killed, tough (literally the pirate king), does what she wants cause she a bad bitch, tough, literally so pretty??, found true love in an unlikely place at an unlikely time, literally got married while fighting next to her true love vs the undead fish pirated while the ship is stuck in a whirlpool, badass af
•Kurt Hummel (Glee) - want to be like / comfort character - open about who he is, fashionable af, in the actual cutest couple on glee yall can fight me about it, learned to love himself then never stopped, a sassy queen always (i have so many of his mannerisms smh), went from cute twink to muscle boy and wow we love a glow-up, went from being bullied into submission and scared to being open and standing up for others even if he gets hurt, always made me smile, first real lgbt person i saw in the media and helped me embrace myself fully
•Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) - relate to - outcast, lotta mental health issues, music lover and bad dancer, headphones always on, bad experiences and trauma formed self, kinda lazy
•Vanya Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) - relate to - pushed aside, never a priority, taken advantage of, has own skill no one acknowledges, sad™
•Elphaba Thropp (Wicked) - relate to - cast out, different from everyone else, unique in own way, never the pretty one
and some honorable mentions of real people I connect with comfort and strive to be like in my day to day life (like ive taken on a lot of their mannerisms or sayings):
•Patrick Stump (Fall Out Boy) - literally the sweetest person ever, super talented in so many different ways, so positive and inspirational (esp about mental health)
•Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance, Umbrella Academy) - always accepting of people (esp lgbt!! gay rights!!), multi-dimensional, versatile talents (singer, song writer, artist, comic book writer)
•Mitch Grassi (Pentatonix/Superfruit) - so openly himself, genuine, verbal about mental health (esp anxiety and depression), phenomenal singer, so kind to everyone, unique, fashionable, sassy as hell, lgbt!!, shows dreams can come true
•Chris Colfer (Glee/Author) - super talented (singing, acting, writing), lgbt!!, snarky as hell, super sweet but also super funny, (tbh ive stanned him since like 2012 and hes the only celeb ive ever met and i will always stan that man)
•Hayley Kiyoko (Singer) - lesbian jesus, came out even though she was told it could ruin her career, so truly herself, open about lgbt issues and mental health, positive towards everyone, encourages everyone to open up and be unapologetically themselves
•Eugene Lee Yang (Try Guys) - authentically himself, isn’t afraid of what people thing, does his own thing even if its different and odd to some, lgbt!!, a shady bitch in the best way, has his own style and kills it always
•Daniel Howell (Youtuber) - open about mental health and most recently his past as well as lgbt experience, can make you laugh and cry at the same time somehow, more talented than he thinks he is, shows you can get through anything
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