#cause when i was like deep into my drawing revival phase
flaminhotllama · 6 months
anytime i show my friends my drawings they’re like “i can see the one piece” but it’s not inspiration from one piece, it’s inspiration from my love of classic cartoons like tom and jerry and merrie melodies cause i grew up with that. one piece also has similar inspirations so
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taglegend · 4 years
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Tag Fact #3 -  I’ve come to realize I’ve always been a fan artist more than I thought. so here is a timeline of influences that shaped my childhood to now. from nostalgic times, to sad changes, to great loss, to strange rises to fame and phases, to stepping stones and finally a laughing place. all the things that make up your favorite fan artist Tag.
1. Rayman (bumped into this in the year of 1999) was actually the first fandom (with crossovers) I bumped into when I was 9. although the internet wasn’t available at the time it was still fun to dwell in home amusements. I remember the storylines and the OC’s I made but they’re kind of embarrassing and it’s probably a good thing there was no internet. I’ve done fanart and comic crossovers of Rayman with Calvin and Hobbs and Nights Into Dreams, spinoffs of Sonic the Hedgehog OC’s, Yoshi with Pikachu, and the Pokemon/Digimon craze with OC’s and other Nintendo comic shorts. but the drawings and comics are long gone and disappeared in the garage in a backpack due to suspecting my sister’s dad accidentally throwing them away. years later towards the year 2018 (now 28), we decided to move to North Carolina and it was my chance to find them again. unfortunately the backpack was gone just like I suspected (my main stuff), but for some reason I found my Pokemon/Digimon fanart, a good batch of Super Mario drawings (vaguely remember doing these), my sister’s drawings and some other neighborhood kids’ drawings in a dirty box. I was partially happy I found something at least but it was the backpack I wanted the most. sometimes I regret not looking for the backpack (’cause I was too busy being a kid) but it’s alright, noone needs to see that shit anyway, ha ha. anyways, I recall being a fan of Rayman from 1999 ‘til 2002.
2. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (bumped into this in the year of 2003) my second fandom I bumped into when I was 12 going on 13. at the time, my sister and I both liked the Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise based on the Battle remake and ended up making our own secret fanart club that consisted of only us two members. she liked Sonic (and that was her boyfriend, ha ha) and I liked Knuckles (and he was my boyfriend, ha ha) and we were crazy in love about Shadow’s backstory. we listened to the game’s soundtracks as we drew fanart and comics after school and man, those were good times. however, as we grew older towards the year of 2005, we ended up having separate rooms and I believe it played a part in disconnecting on the same interest. then one day, I asked her why she wasn’t into Sonic anymore and she replied, “Because I grew up.” I was sad after that and slowly observed that she was influenced by the emo culture and the new friends she’s made. I was the only member of our little club for a little longer...but eventually I moved on too. I still have some surviving fanart we did together but it doesn’t mean shit anymore since she turned out to be an abusive mother from the last I’ve heard of her. 
3. Gorillaz (bumped into this in the year of 2006). as the Sonic years were at its end, I first heard the song “Feel Good Inc” on Music Choice and seeing the first image of them as displayed on this post (except the fan-made background doesn’t count since I can’t find the original artwork). this was my third fandom and later had proper access to the internet to the website I still currently use called DeviantArt. at first I liked 2D but eventually fell for Murdoc and developed a spiritual connection towards the character as obviously seen in my old fanart and rare photos of my devotion shrines on Valentine’s Day and his birthday every year. for the longest time since being a permanent fan from 2006-2017 (11 1/2 years) I had no knowledge that it was a political propaganda band and other realizations I don’t want to talk about. I only followed them because it was a cartoon and not the bullshit behind the musical project. the world I’ve built and support for them for all those 11 1/2 years shattered the fuck out of me and I just wanted to be left alone to find myself again, somehow. activity stopped on all my profiles, the flow of fanart stopped since I now cringe from the fan service and felt I was used for my talent. I didn’t want to be reminded of it all so I took down all my Gorillaz fanart and archived them for old followers’ nostalgia but also in the hopes they’ll be forgotten in my timeline. I ceased to exist in the fandom for huge personal reasons but it’s best to not say why. I know for sure that the fandom wonders what happened but it’s none of their business. THE END.
4. Waluigi (although I knew he’s been around since 2000 during childhood, I took deep interest once I revisited the character again in the year of December 2013). as silly as this sounds, when I revisited him again, the character was so bizarre that I ended up staying up 3 nights and 3 days in a row just looking all over the internet on everything about him and the questionable “hush-hush” absence of a backstory. despite there being no backstory he slowly gained a cult following and in many ways it’s a good thing. however, since the early 2010′s tension has been building up between Nintendo and its fans about him starring in a main game but everyone hasn’t fully gotten it in their heads that it’s not gonna happen. as long as Nintendo is in control of that, the fandom will not win, I’m sorry to say. on the other hand, if it’s going to be this way, then that’s what fanart and comic projects are for. as for me, I am doing my very best to get my comic project “Waluigi Land” going. again, I apologize if it’s taking very long to get Chapter 2 going if you’ve been keeping track but aha moments need to develop before I start permanent drawing (since concepts, character design and storyline needed improvement badly). as of right now I am still a Waluigi fan and I will not quit on him.
5. Turbo from Wreck-It-Ralph (although it debuted in 2012, I watched the movie two years later into the year 2014). for some bizarro reason, I had an unhealthy obsession with this character to the point where I dressed up as him for Halloween 2014. only 2 fanarts of him and the Turbo Twins exist on my profiles, mainly because my mind was more focused on just ‘thinking about him’ or ‘being him’ rather than drawing physical drawings. luckily, this supposed alleged fandom didn’t last long a little after Halloween so I chalk it up as a very short phase. to this day I don’t know what has gotten over me about him. the only thing I can think of now is that I think it’s because the character had yellow eyes and teeth but I don’t know. now that I think of it, that little fucker was ugly as hell and I STILL don’t know what had gotten over me. one day, my brother mentioned what that was about, and I said to him, “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
6. Undertale (although it debuted in 2015, I later took interest in it in 2016). It was all about Sans and Papyrus. I couldn’t get enough of the skeleton bros. eventually Toriel and Mettaton EX became my favorites but it took a long time to draw more of all 4 of them because I had other important things to do in my life plus I was still waiting for the next Gorillaz album to revive my imaginative juices (or so I thought). I really want to have this as one of my frequent fandoms but I just don’t have time for it anymore. it’s still in the back of my head to want to draw them but at this point I still have other better interests to be in. and besides, I’m lazy just like Sans.
7. Cuphead (June 28th, 2017 was the official day I called quits on the British-based band Gorillaz due to the bullshit behind it. since that date I was lost, had no inspiration to look forward to and no cartoon guy to make me smile...but lo and behold of the same year, I took an interest in playing the game Cuphead and man...that shit was a frightening exaggerated metaphor for being on that one drug (forgot the name though) and having sex at the same time but man that was the best fun I’ve had in years. I mean, it’s like, enemies are just so happy to murder you and that scared the shit outta me. and the facial exaggeration?....I think I should stop, ha ha. anyways, the Moldenhauers saved my ass from spiraling down, they have no clue. anyways, eventually I became a permanent fan of their work so to ease the hurt and erase my past from the G-fandom I had to re-wire my brain into a different cartoon category that’s a rather more American, so anything Toon related like Roger Rabbit, Felix the Cat or another favorite that’s a western-based cartoon makes me feel better, especially my new man .......King Dice <3 <3<3<3. however, there was something about this new fandom category I still didn’t quite understand until the date March 14th, 2020. I finally understood what it was but I feel I shouldn’t bring it up. anyways, Cuphead and anything western or rubber hose is my last stop in inspiration for the remaining years of my life. many say never say never but I believe I’ve found my laughing place and that’s all that matters.
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theyearoftheking · 4 years
Book Seventy-Eight: Elevation
“...heavy shit trying to seem light...”
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Remember when Kendall Jenner did that stupid, tone-deaf commercial where she handed a police officer a can of Pepsi, and successfully stopped a race riot? Like, that was all it took: a supermodel and a can of soda. God bless. 
If that commercial were a book, it would be Elevation. It’s the same level of dumbed-down problem solving... with a guy who magically floats away at the end. So, you know, it’s got the standard Steve twist on it. 
Elevation is a short little book set in Castle Rock. Scott Carey is losing weight, but his appearance isn’t changing. So, it’s kind of like Thinner, just without the glow-up. While he’s going through his Thinner phase, he’s also fighting with his neighbors, Deirdre McComb, and Missy Donaldson, who allow their dogs to shit on his yard. I understand this deep in my soul. Today I watched as someone walked his dog past our yard, and when the dog was sniffing around, I was ready to open my door and offer the dog walker a poop bag if he needed one. Spoiler: the dog didn’t poop, and I officially need to get out of my house more. This is what passes for entertainment on a Friday afternoon. 
Deirdre and Missy own a restaurant in downtown Castle Rock that the residents seem hesitant to visit. Apparently there are some deep seated homophobic vibes going on in this creepy little city. I think it’s ironic so much unbelievable shit has gone down in Castle Rock, but people draw the line at lesbians serving vegetarian food.
 Needful Things opening up and causing a riot in downtown Castle Rock? Better than lesbians! 
A guy trying to assassinate a sketchy politician? More popular than vegetarian cuisine. (That’s a Dead Zone reference, y’all).
Fucking Cujo is talked about and more accepted than Missy and Deirdre. 
Scott tries to make nice with the ladies, but they’re not really picking up what he’s putting down. Meanwhile, he’s still losing weight at an alarming rate. 
The local Thanksgiving Turkey Trot is coming up, and Scott makes a bet with Deirdre about whether or not he could beat her. She’s an accomplished runner, and skeptical at best. But, Scott is lighter than air, and ends up almost winning the race. The newspaper captures a picture of the two of them embracing at the finish line, and just like that- the town accepts Deirdre and Missy, and their restaurant is now the hottest ticket in town. 
All because of the picture, and Scott’s acceptance of them. 
I can’t. 
The theme of the book is best summarized as, “Not a wind, not even a high, exactly, but an elevation. A sense that you had gone beyond yourself and could go further still.” 
I just finished the book and shook my head. If only breaking down barriers and finding acceptance were as easy as that. I guess it’s a nice little story, it’s just wildly unbelievable and not very realistic. 
But, there were plenty of Constant Reader mentions:
Castle Rock
A band named Pennywise & the Clowns
Number 19
Bannerman Road- named after the longest running sheriff in Castle Rock
This wasn’t a poorly written book, it just did nothing for me. Steve should shy away from societal messages, and stick with good old-fashioned horror stories instead. 
Total Wisconsin Mentions: 48
Total Dark Tower References: 75
Book Grade: D
Rebecca’s Definitive Ranking of Stephen King Books
Doctor Sleep: A+
The Talisman: A+
Wizard and Glass: A+
11/22/63: A+
Mr. Mercedes: A+
End of Watch: A+
Under the Dome: A+
Needful Things: A+
On Writing: A+
The Green Mile: A+
Hearts in Atlantis: A+
Full Dark, No Stars: A+
The Outsider: A+
The Bazaar of Bad Dreams: A+
Just After Sunset: A+
Rose Madder: A+
Misery: A+
Different Seasons: A+
It: A+
Four Past Midnight: A+
Stephen King Goes to the Movies: A+
The Shining: A-
The Stand: A-
Finders Keepers: A-
Bag of Bones: A-
Duma Key: A-
Black House: A-
The Institute: A-
The Wastelands: A-
The Drawing of the Three: A-
The Dark Tower: A-
Dolores Claiborne: A-
Blaze: B+
Hard Listening: B+
Revival: B+
Nightmares in the Sky: B+
The Dark Half: B+
Joyland: B+
Skeleton Crew: B+
The Dead Zone: B+
Nightmares & Dreamscapes: B+
Wolves of the Calla: B+
‘Salem’s Lot: B+
Song of Susannah: B+
Carrie: B+
Creepshow: B+
From a Buick 8: B
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon: B
Sleeping Beauties: B-
The Colorado Kid: B-
Storm of the Century: B-
Everything’s Eventual: B-
Cycle of the Werewolf: B-
The Wind Through the Keyhole: B-
Danse Macabre: B-
The Running Man: C+
Cell: C+
Thinner: C+
Dark Visions: C+
The Eyes of the Dragon: C+
The Long Walk: C+
The Gunslinger: C+
Pet Sematary: C+
Firestarter: C+
Rage: C
Desperation: C-
Insomnia: C-
Cujo: C-
Nightshift: C-
Faithful: D
Gerald’s Game: D
Roadwork: D
Lisey’s Story: D
Christine: D
Dreamcatcher: D
The Regulators: D
The Tommyknockers D
Next up is If It Bleeds: the second to last book I have to read!!! The end is in sight! Well, until Billy Summers comes out in April. 
Until next time, Long Days & Pleasant Nights, Rebecca
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sunnomnoms · 5 years
Hi!! I wanted to request an scenario where the reader is a teacher in UA and is also good friends since their school years with Aizawa and Hizashi. She finds her old notes with some doodles and brings it to work so she could revive some memories with her friends. What she didn't remember is that she used to write Aizawa's name in her notebook with hearts around it... Kind of thing.... Thank you in advance ❤️❤️💖💖
AYYYY AN AIZAWA REQUEST yesyesyesyes this is so cute I love this. I hope I wrote him to your liking!! Also I am super sorry for the long wait! I had an unannounced hiatus and everytime I went to write this scenario Tumblr deleted it!!! >:,( but here it is!!
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“It’s been years since I’ve seen one of these things!!” You squealed happily as you flipped through the pages.
“We were probably, what, second years back when I used this? God, that felt like centuries ago!”
You had found an old note book of yours that you used to use all the time in high school. You were a teacher now at UA, alongside your high school best friends, Shota and Hizashi. The three of you were often around each other along with other friends you had had. Though it felt so long ago, it’s as if you could remember that chapter of your life clearly...
“When do you plan to tell him?” Hizashi whispered teasingly at you as he peaked over your shoulder. You squeaked, pulling your notebook to your chest as a deep blush crept onto your face.
“C-can you not?? jeez Hizashi!” you whisper-yelled at him, to which he only laughed. The racket you two had caused caught a certain someone’s attention.
“What are you two doing?” Shota asked, turning around in his seat to face the two of you. He placed an elbow on your desk, propping his head on it. The teacher wasn’t in class yet so some students chatted away, it wasn’t a crime for you three to do the same.
Shota shifted his gaze to you, your slightly pink cheeks catching his attention.
“H-he’s flirting again, you know how he is.” You lied through your teeth, holding your notebook to your face to try and cover your blush. Hizashi laughed at the remark, adding a “yeah, okay.” Shota sighed, humming a little as to say “ah, of course” before he let out a small yawn.
“I’m gonna nap. Wake me up when sensei gets here.” He said groggily as he rested his head in his arms on your desk. Before you could even respond, he was fast asleep on your desk. pulling down your notebook a tad, you revealed the heart filled smile you had towards his sleeping form. Hizashi has made some teasing comments here and there, but you hadn’t paid much mind.
It was true, you had a crush on Shota back then. To say your attraction towards him disappeared would be a lie, but the two of you were professionals now, and there was no room for fluffy feelings like that. While occasionally you wished for such a romance between the two of you, you always shook the thoughts away. Shota was your coworker, as well as just your friend.
With that said, you made sure to try and avoid bringing one of your notebooks that had love poems and confessions in them. You had a bad habit of day dreaming back then, and when you’re a teenager, you can imagine what kind of things you day dreamed about.
“You used to draw that little thing on all of my papers, I couldn’t escape it.” Shota said, pointing to a familiar, simple cat doodle you often did. You laughed, flipping a few pages to see the same doodle reappear several times. He chuckled softly as well.
“Oh! And here’s that freaking S!” Hizashi said, pointing to the infamous ‘S’ symbol probably all teenagers drew at one part of their life. “That thing haunts me!! I have no idea what it is or where it came from!!” Hizashi exclaimed over dramatically, earning another laugh from you. “I’m pretty sure everyone drew it.” You added.
The three of you sort of huddled around, reminiscing on old notes and doodles you all once did. Most of them were done by you, but some pages were filled with doodles done by all of you. Hizashi’s doodles usually contained random things, even memes at the time. Shota seemed to write small notes that usually were filled with sarcasm, and would occasionally draw little cats. Your doodles were always all over the place, from things like skulls to bunnies, or sharks and flowers. If hero work wouldn’t have worked so well in your favor, perhaps you would have been an artist. Who knows?
The time came when your off period was up, and the three of you had to go back to class and teach. You had left your notebook in the lobby, expecting to take it home with you when you left.
Unfortunately, you were a bit of a clutz that day, and had started to run late for your train.
“Ah, I’ll talk to you all tomorrow!!! My train is about to be here in ten minutes and it’s usually a fifteen minute walk, I gotta run!!” You called in a panic as you dashed out of the school.
“W-Wait, I could-” Shota called out to you, before stopping himself.
“... just give you a ride...” he sighed as he watched you scurry off without a second thought. He had to stay back for a half an hour anyway to file some paperwork, he would have had no issue bringing you home. But you were quick on your feet, and already too far and too determined to catch that train.
Aizawa laughed softly. You were always like this it seemed. You weren’t an idiot, no, but... an airhead? Sure. You often were oblivious to things going on it seemed. Not to mention how forgetful you could be.
On the topic of your forgetfulness, it seems you had yet again left something at work.
Shota looked over at you desk, noticing the notebook you seemed to have left behind while dashing off for your train. It wasn’t uncommon for this to happen, Shota was basically expecting it at this point. He let out another sigh, picking up the notebook. Upon noticing it was your old notebook from highschool, he opened it up to relive a few memories before getting back to filing papers. It was the same nostalgic things he had seen earlier, some things he didn’t remember, some things he remembered all too well. A small smile played on his lips as he flipped through the pages.
“What are you doing?” Shota inquired as he watched you scribble in your notebook.
“Nothing!! You can’t see yet!!” You giggled as you continued to intently sketch away.
Shota wouldn’t dare say it out loud, but he couldn’t help but find you cute like this. Maybe it was the way your hair fell in your face as you worked, maybe it was the little smile on your face, he couldn’t put his finger one what exactly caught his eye about the familiar sight. And yet, any time you did your little sketches, he’d sneak glances. Not at your notebook, but at you. You were just so cute when you were determined.
“Okay, I’m done. Lookie!” You said, placing your book on the desk for him to see. Shota blinked a few times before he realized what he was looking at. “It’s you!” You giggled.
It was a sketch of a cat, a black one, with the binding cloth around its neck. Shota felt a small smile pull on his lips as he looked at it.
“It’s so cute..” Shota muttered, before realizing what he had said. He looked up to you, expecting some sort of weirded out expression, but instead was met by your flustered expression.
“It’s just a doodle, it isn’t that cute! Haha!” You said sheepishly, waving him off.
As far back as Shota could remember knowing you, he had always recognized you as a strong girl. And yet, when you weren’t busy kicking ass, you found the time to be cute and endearing. Perhaps it was the duality you had that attracted him so much. But with how things have been recently with hero work and teaching, he doubted now was the right time to act on any sort of feelings. Shota couldn’t risk ruining the healthy work relationship the two of you had.
Shota flipped through a few more pages, and was ready to leave his reminiscing session there, until his eyes caught his name in one of the pages he passed. Blinking a few times, he flipped back a few pages, and scanned the page for his name. It didn’t take much scanning at all though. He felt his heart stop.
Not only did he find his name surrounded by hearts, but he found entire heartfelt notes. Little notes about the little details you noticed and loved, notes about how much you loved his long hair, notes about how you adored his love for cats, notes about how you admired his hard work on mastering the binding cloth...
Shota hadn’t felt his heart swell like that in years. It hurt almost, he even almost let out an audible swoon. Sitting down at his desk, he tried to process what he was reading. How many other Shota’s did they go to school with at the time? Was it really him she was talking about?
It had to be. Who else could it be?
Shota closed the notebook and sat back in his chair. His heart pounded against his chest, his head swarmed him with thoughts on what to do now that he had this information. He wanted to just kiss you, call you stupid for not saying anything for long, telling you he felt the same and still does. But that begs the question, do you still feel that way? The idea of your feelings fading away all these years later made his breath hitch. It was totally possible. You were teenagers, what if it was just a little phase? Something you were in and out of within a week?
Shota sighed for the umpteenth time that afternoon, settling for an idea he had. He’d come over to your apartment to drop it off, and he’d ask you about it then, right? Surely that was a fool-proof plan, right?
“What am I, 16?” Shota mocked himself out loud. He was acting like a nervous teenager again. Why?
Packing up and calling it a day (despite not filing a single paper...), Shota set off towards his car.
He held a hope in his heart that things haven’t changed too much from when you two were teenagers.
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fxckitup-buttercup · 5 years
karma celebrating his S/O’s birthday?? desperately need some karma fluff right now 🥰
of course! i think we all need more karma fluff in our lives 🥰 i’m hope this works!
Days were passing by too slow for you. You hadn’t told anyone but a few people of what was coming up in the near days. You really didn’t want to make a huge deal out of your birthday, the only thing you were planning on doing was hanging out with your boyfriend, Karma.
The only thing is, you had never told him about the special day. Karma had no clue that your birthday was coming up. The only way he knew about it was through Rio asking him if he had a gift yet.
He had no clue what to do. How did he not know that your birthday was coming up? He was your boyfriend, he should know. He had only a few more days to come up with something and he was panicking.
On the outside, he was smiling like he always did. On the inside, he was screaming in panic.
The one thing that was new was that he was more clingy to you than normal. Normally, he wouldn’t be this clingy to you. Karma normally would just have his arm around your waist or shoulders in public, maybe have his hand in yours. It honestly started to worry you.
The next time he hugged you, you put either hand on his cheeks. “Babe. What’s wrong? You’re freaking out,” you said, smiling lovingly at him.
His cheeks turned red but he calmed down at your touch. Karma placed a hand over your own and nodded. “Everything is fine, (Y/N),” he said softly. The tone he used made your heart melt. You nodded, believing in him.
The rest of the day flew by fast. Karma had gotten an idea of what to do, his planning phase in process.
There was only a few days until the big day. His plan was laid out. At the end of the school day, he walked you home before going to the store. He bought presents for you, each one leading up to a larger one he held.
The next few days, Karma showered you with small gifts. Each day came with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a small charm. You had no idea what it meant.
“Karma. Red. What’s with these charms?” you asked him on your birthday, opening another box with a charm inside. The two of you were laying on your bed together when he handed the boxed charm over.
You were looking at him, desperately curious. “Well. Each of those charms are ways to remember happy moments,” he said, with a smile that showed his true happiness. There was a total of four charms he had gifted you, including the one you had just revived.
The first one was of a small green knife. It reminded you of the first time you two met. You had thrown one of the fake knives at him when trying to hit Koro-Sensei. It had hit his head and you spent the next thirty minutes apologizing.
The second one was made out in the image of a tea cup. That had been reminiscent of the first date the two of you had gone on. He had picked you up and took you to a diner that had good tea and pudding.
The third one was of your favorite animal. Karma had given you that nickname, saying that if it was your favorite, it was his as well. You always got blushy when he first called you that nickname. And almost every time after that.
The fourth one was hooked to a necklace chain. It was a storm cloud. You knew the day that symbolized well. It was the first time the two of you had said ‘I love you’ to each other. You both were laying indoors while it stormed outside. It had been said naturally but afterwards, it had left you both shocked.
You now had all four on the chain around your neck. “What next?” you asked jokingly, moving closer to him to kiss him softly. He moved away, rolling off the bed. You scoffed and sat up on your elbows.
Karma peered over the edge of the bed at you. He was wearing his devilish grin, hiding something from you. He hushed you and propped himself up on the bed, gaining eye level with you.
In his hands was a small box. “I know that we haven’t been together for that long,” he started, drawing out the last word. “But I wanted to give you this. I feel like we might be able to last forever.” Karma opened the box, a ring sitting inside with your birthstone shining up at you.
You eyes widened as you looked from the ring to Karma. “Did you steal this?” you asked him. He chuckled and shook his hand.
“I can take it back if you don’t want it,” he said. You moved closer to him, shaking his head.
You grabbed onto his hands. “No! No, baby, I love it,” you said. He laughed and slipped the ring onto your ring finger. He gave you a peck on your lips. “I love you.” You gave him a peck as well.
— — —
Years later, you found yourself rubbing one of the charms on your necklaces. You were sitting on your bed with Karma.
It had been years since you had gotten these presents. You had never taken the necklace or the ring Karma had given you off. The two of you had been able to last for years. There had been small spats that had been quickly resolved.
Now you were just waiting for Karma to get home. You had a plan and was excited to carry it out. When you first got the idea, you were so giddy you had to avoid Karma to make sure it wasn’t spoiled.
As soon as you heard the door open, you felt butterflies in your stomach. You got up and went towards the door. “Welcome home, Karma!” you said happily.
Karma gave you a small smile and walked towards the kitchen without acknowledging you. This caused worry to hit you. You followed him into the kitchen. “Karma?” you asked. You hugged him from behind, hoping that he would look at you.
No matter what you tried to do, he didn’t give you any acknowledgment. It was making you upset. With a deep sigh, you went to the kitchen to get the two of you dinner.
He ate the dinner without a word to you. You looked at him with a frown. After the two of you finished, you took the plates back and got out the cake you have been preparing. You put the small box on top with the lid open.
You took the cake back to find Karma sitting at the table on his phone. You put the cake in front of him before sitting across from him. He looked up at the cake, reading the words that you had written on the cake.
His eyes widened slowly, his mouth slowly going agape. “(Y/N)... Are you serious..?” he asked, looking up at you.
You nodded simply, watching him. It was your birthday once again. And you were proposing. “You gave me a ring on my birthday all those years ago. I know it’s not your birthday but I felt like it was the right time. We’ve been through so mich together,” you said, shrugging. “Sorry if it seemed like I was avoiding you. I just didn’t want to ruin this.”
Karma picked up the box and looked at it. “You are so cheesy,” he said, taking the ring out. “I don’t understand how you’re with me.” He started to clean the ring. “But now you’re stuck with me forever.” Karma slipped the ring on and sent a cocky smile your way.
You giggled and got up, walking over to him. Bending down, you kissed him deeply. You could now officially call yourself the luckiest person in the world.
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malecacidd · 4 years
My Breathing Gets Faster (and so does my Heartbeat)
Why couldn't his useless brain remember that he was dead? Dead as in not coming back. Dead as in being a ghost. Dead as in basically not existing. Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead.
Ben's not doing very well being alone with his thoughts at night.
Pairing/Characters: Ben Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves
Word Count: 3k
Square Filled: Panic Attacks
Warnings: Panic attacks, mention of drugs, slight gore, dissociation
A/N: I actually just posted this on ao3 two days ago or so!! That's better than the,,,, months apart that the last fic was posted at jdjsjsjsksk This is the second fic I've written for the @tuacreatorsbingo and I can't wait to write more!!
Klaus was passed out in an alley. Again.
This wasn't an unusual occurrence, of course, but that didn't mean Ben had to be any happier about it. The ground was uncomfortable.
He couldn't actually feel it, but Klaus sure would when he eventually woke up. Ben wasn't looking forward to hearing him bitch about his back all day, that was for sure.
The nights were always so slow for Ben. He had no one to talk to, and he couldn't go anywhere.
Well, he could. He just wouldn't. In the past five years of being a ghost and following Klaus around, there had been one too many encounters where Ben had left Klaus in an alley for the night to roam around and entertain himself, and had come back to see all of Klaus' things gone.
It wasn't much fun, anyways. Roaming the city at night was a lot more boring without someone talking your ear off by your side.
Normally if they were in a hotel or a friends house for the night, Klaus would make sure to leave a radio or TV on for Ben. Ben always thought that he did it so that he wouldn't have to hear Ben complain for the rest of the day, but maybe he was just being nice.
This night, though, they were once again in an alley. And Ben was bored. Very, very, bored. If Klaus was going to complain about his back tomorrow, he would sure have some retaliation complaints to fire back.
A raccoon decided to knock over a close by trash can in that moment, causing the trash to pour out and phase through Ben. He shuddered at the feeling before standing with a groan and moving to sit against the wall across from Klaus.
He knew that the trash didn't affect him, knew that it couldn't even touch him, but he couldn't help the way he felt gross at the thought. Stupid alive subconscious that should've went away the first month after he died. At this point it was just starting to get tedious.
He leaned his back against the brick wall as much as he could, moving his head to hit it lightly, not that he could feel it.
Klaus gave a loud snore then, and Ben rolled his eyes, glancing at Klaus before squeezing his eyes shut. If there was one thing he missed about being alive, it was definitely sleeping.
Sleeping meant being able to escape your thoughts for hours at a time. Sleeping was a break from the world. Sleeping was something that could ground you, could make you feel better after a bad night, could recharge and revive you. Ben didn't get to have that.
It was okay, though. It was okay. At least Ben didn't look like your normal average everyday ghost that was most of what Klaus could see when he wasn't high off his ass. At least he was sane. At least he wasn't lost, looking the way he did when he died. A giant gaping hole in his stomach gushing with blood, eldritch horrors hanging limply from it. Pain, so, so much pain.
He pressed his head even harder against the wall, attempting to ignore the way it phased through slightly at the extra pressure. Ben hated the way he had to focus if he just wanted to lean against something or sit in a chair. He hated the way that if his focus faltered for just a moment he would phase through it. All it was was just another reminder that he wasn't actually there, that he wasn't actually a part of the world.
Just because he wished he was alive didn't mean he wanted to go back to his first seventeen years of life, though. Ben would take all his years of being a ghost, being numb to the world with Klaus over the seventeen years of abuse he and his siblings experienced from their asshole of a father.
He didn't know where he would be right now if he hadn't died. He never really had a 'life plan.' Maybe he would've been a journalist. Maybe he would've had a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a partner, a dog, a best friend. Maybe he would've worked at a bookstore. Maybe he would've stayed at the academy all these years like Luther had…
One thing he knew for sure, though, was that he probably wouldn't have ended up being with Klaus for the past five years. He didn't know how that thought made him feel.
This is why Ben hated nights, he decided. There was too much time to think about his past without Klaus awake to distract his mind. Too much time to dig deep into his inner feelings. Too much time for his throat to feel as if it was starting to close up and too much time for his chest to shrink in on itself.
Ben would never say that he was good at feelings. But he didn't cry, didn't even know if he could as a ghost. Most of the time he just pushed his shit as far away as he could until it came rushing back and overtaking him. Coincidentally, that always happened at night, even when he was still breathing out of need rather than just habit.
When he was alive, Ben's pull to reality would always be people or touch. Though because of the way their family was, he almost always had to turn to touch as a way to draw himself from a state of panic. But now that he was dead…
Now that he was dead, there was no touch. There was no texture, no feeling, no temperature. The only thing there was was a light pressure if he focused hard enough, and if he was ever panicking he definitely would not have been focusing. Good thing that he had only gotten better at pushing shit away since he died, right?
It had been… a while. Since his last 'freak out' or 'panic attack' or whatever you wanted to call it. It was always at night, always when Klaus was asleep. Which was probably for the best, anyways. He didn't need Klaus to see him like that, curled up in a ball on the floor, eyes wide just looking for something to ground himself. Klaus did not need to see him like that, couldn't see him like that.
Sure there had been times when Klaus has seen him break down. When they were kids there were more than a few incidents where Ben had come back from training, covered in blood and frightened dog barks ringing in his ears, to find comfort in Klaus. Out of everyone in their dysfunctional family, Klaus understood best what it was like to have a power you despised.
That was so long ago, though. They were just kids. Just little kids. But then Ben was dying and watching Klaus fall apart due to the drugs that were due to the ghosts. And god, does Ben understand. If drugs had numbed the constant aching pain of the horror then he was sure he would've gone down the same path Klaus did. That didn't make it any easier, though. He had a front row seat to Klaus' shitstorm of a life and he didn't even get any popcorn.
Memories were coming in quick, now. Memories of killing innocent dogs and cats that his father placed in front of him. Memories of watching his brother overdose over and over again, not able to do anything to help. Memories of crying himself to sleep from ages four to seventeen. Memories of being torn apart by the one thing he was supposed to have control over. Memories of panic. Memories of voices calling out to him, telling him to walk into the light that he was so, so afraid of. So many memories of panic and fear and terror and-
If he could've he would have groaned at the way the breath he didn't need started to pick up. This was how it always started, the spiraling thoughts and then the heavy, quick breathing and the seemingly inescapable panic that he just had to wait out.
He bit his lip, huffing at the way the pain he didn't really expect didn't register. He needed something. Something to ground himself, something to get him out of this state that only seemed to get worse as time went on.
He attempted to lean even more heavily against the wall, but when his back phased completely through the brick his breathing just picked up even more.
Ben moved out of the wall quickly, going to sit in the middle of the alley, only a few feet away from a still snoring Klaus. He took his hands from where they were crossed over his chest and pushed them against the ground. The pressure was there, but it was numb. Always numb.
He rubbed his hands against the scratchy concrete harshly. There wasn't a sting, like he would've felt when he was alive, but there was something. Something other than a light pressure that he got from pushing against the ground or himself.
He rubbed at the ground quicker than before as he began to hyperventilate even more. When he lifted his hands, palms turned towards his eyes to view them, he shuddered at the way there was not a single mark left behind. He had no effect on the world, and the world would never leave an effect on him ever again.
Another racoon knocked another trash can over, causing it to fall against the concrete with a loud crashing noise that rang loudly in Ben's ears. He slammed his hands over them, pulling his knees to his chest and resting his elbows on top.
His shallow breaths only led to him feeling light-headed, which was weird. Could ghosts even feel light headed? Could ghosts even panic? It sure felt like they could in that moment.
Ben bit at his lips, the inside of his cheek in an attempt to feel something, but all that registered was a tiny bit of pressure that did nothing to calm the swirling storm inside his mind.
His hands shook as he curled them into fists, his nails that never grew digging into his palms. It did absolutely nothing to calm him, he didn't even feel the bit of pressure that he normally would have in that moment.
He didn't even know how he ended up spiraling this far. All he was thinking about was how lonely his nights were, then he started thinking about lonely nights before that, then he started thinking about being alive, then he started thinking about his past, his childhood and Reginald and the horror and-
He couldn't. He couldn't deal with it. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't think clearly. He couldn't touch, couldn't feel and he couldn't breathe.
His thoughts were scrambling around in his brain and his foot was phasing through the trash can that the first racoon from before had knocked over and his head hurt so much. He wanted to feel. Wanted to feel the wall, the ground, just anything to ground himself. He needed someone, needed someone but no one would be able to hear him but Klaus and Klaus was passed out in the alley.
It wasn't like he needed to see Ben like this anyways. It wasn't like could see Ben like this.
The only thing he could do was curl up and wait for it to be over, he decided. Well, he didn't really decide that for himself. His body really did its own thing, pulling his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around them and falling onto his side.
Ben's eyes were wide as he attempted to slow down his breathing. He didn't understand why his body was reacting like this. He hadn't needed to breathe for years, he was already dead, and yet here he was, his mind telling him that he was going to die because he couldn't breathe.
Why couldn't his useless brain remember that he was dead? Dead as in not coming back. Dead as in being a ghost. Dead as in basically not existing. Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead.
All he had to do was wait it out. It should've been easy enough but it felt impossible as every attempt to slow his unneeded breathing failed. He couldn't deal with this. Why couldn't he deal with this?
What felt like a million minutes later, Ben heard the sounds of Klaus waking up, and he slammed his hands over his ears at even the smallest bit of noise. He heard a seemingly miles away groan through his useless hands and then trash being pushed around as Klaus scrambled to stand up. Then he heard the pounding footsteps rushing to his side.
"Shit, Ben." He distantly heard Klaus say as he looked for some way to help. "Shit."
It was almost as if he was watching it happen in slow motion from outside of his body. The only thing he could feel was his shivers as Klaus' hands went through his shoulders when he attempted to touch him.
"Ben. It's okay, uh…" Klaus said and continued mumbling while Ben layed there, unresponsive.
Klaus clearly knew what this was, he had had enough panic attacks to know the symptoms, but that didn't mean he knew what to do to help his brother. All he could do was sit back against the wall and talk quietly in hopes that Ben was taking anything he said in.
"Just… just try to breathe. Try to breathe." He said quietly. He didn't know if Ben could hear him or not, and he didn't know if what he was saying was made to comfort Ben or himself. He didn't want to know.
Eventually, some time later -neither of them knew how long- Ben's breathing began to slow to a normal pace, his hands loosened from where they were tight around his ears, and his body slowly relaxed from it's stiff position.
He looked exhausted. He looked like he needed a long nap and a hug, neither of which he could get ever again.
Klaus was silent as Ben started to sit up. He pulled his hood far over his head so that it shadowed his expression and sighed, squeezing his eyes shut before opening them and turning to Klaus, faking a look of surprise.
"Oh you're awake." He said quietly as he stood up. He looked up to see that the sun was just starting to rise, and stared at it for a moment. His eyes were unaffected by the brightness. "What time is it?"
"What time is it." He cut him off, and Klaus sighed.
"I don't know." He shrugged. "Maybe five, six in the morning? Why?"
"I don't know." He huffed. "Just wondering." Just wondering, just changing the subject as quickly as possible, all the same to Ben.
"Ben, are you-"
"You should probably find something to eat." He cut Klaus off again. "You spent everything on drugs last night, so you're probably gonna have to go dumpster diving."
Klaus sighed. "Yeah." He got up from his spot leaning against the wall of the alley and began to walk in the direction of the rich neighborhood he regularly frequented when he had nothing to eat. They always threw out the most edible stuff.
They were silent as they walked. Ben was staring straight ahead from beside Klaus, his hood still pulled tightly over his head. Klaus glanced at him every so often, but didn't try to say anything. He didn't want to be cut off again, but he also didn't want Ben to think that he didn't care.
They arrived at the neighborhood fairly quickly, and Klaus opened up the dumpster with a quiet clang, resting his hands on the sides of it and turning to Ben, who was leaning against the wall, arms crossed tightly over his chest.
"Ben, I-"
"It was just a bad night, okay?" He cut him off for the third time that morning, and Klaus huffed. "Sorry you had to see that, or whatever. We don't have to talk about it."
He turned away from the dumpster to fully face him. "Ben. You don't have to be…" He trailed off, searching for the right words now that Ben wasn't interrupting him. "Embarrassed. Or ashamed or anything like that." Ben moved his eyes to the ground, and Klaus sighed. "I'm serious. We were never good at heart to hearts, and we never will be, but that doesn't mean you can't talk to me about shit."
Ben tilted his head to lean against the wall, face turned towards the sky, and Klaus could've sworn that his eyes shined with tears. Could ghosts even cry? Klaus didn't know. He hadn't seen Ben cry since they were kids. Maybe it was because Ben didn't want him to see it.
"You've seen me… go through a lot of shit. You've helped me with a lot of shit. And that's not… a one-way deal okay? I'm-" He paused, clearing the lump in his throat before continuing. "I'm here for you too, asshole."
Ben huffed a laugh, uncrossing his arms and dropping them by his sides. "Yeah, yeah." He turned to face him fully. "Okay." He said softly, and Klaus nodded.
"Alright." He turned and promptly jumped into the dumpster, landing on his ass inside and making Ben huff another laugh. "Help me find something, I'm starving."
Ben rolled his eyes, but jumped inside, pointing out the least moldy options and warning him about the rat preparing to bite his ankle.
And things weren't different after that, by any means. They didn't have heart to hearts, didn't cry about their trauma together, and they definitely weren't any nicer to each other.
But there was more of a mutual understanding, almost. They knew that there could be heart to hearts. They knew that they could talk about shit with each other, since neither of them had anyone else.
And they knew that they didn't have to hide anymore.
Caring about each other wasn't a one-way deal.
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justimajin · 5 years
Catching a Case of the Doctor Blues ⌠Epilogue⌡
⇢ Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
⇢ Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst
↳ (2k) Doctor/Surgeon AU, Enemies to Lovers AU
⇢ Summary: When asked about Taehyung, a string of beautifully aligned words are ready spew from your lips. You could possibly go on and on about how his wonderful antics are similar to a child rather than a doctor, or how his observation skills were especially great in preparing your heart to absolutely burst or even how one gracious stare of his always left you in a blushing mess. You’re in love him, what else are you suppose to say? 
⇢ A/N: FINALLY. ITS DONE. ITS- *coughs and clears throat* Sorry about that, what I meant to say was thank you for sticking around for these 3 very long months. This was my first sfw series and I was worried that it wasn’t going to appeal to many people because of that, but surprising I got quite the opposite response which has lead me to believe that wanting to write more series like this one is something I shouldn’t even worry about. Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy the ending ^.^
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⇢ Moodboard Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 ┈ in the making process
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The white hospital doors open wide for the final time and from a distance, the entire montage begins to play. It starts off with a spike of cruelty and a dash of resentment, eyes seeping out venom whenever they lock glances and footsteps refusing to meet halfway. It suddenly shifts, a knock on an apartment door causing a cascade of secrets to come to light and confusion spurs soon after. There are ups and downs, highs and lows, laughter and anger before the question of friendship comes into hand. It’s just as remarkable as it is unbelievable when the cruelty and resentment finally vanishes, leaving behind something that’s much more familiar to the past and something that will truly live on for the years to come. 
The montage keeps playing, coming to slow stop when it reaches a far pleasant future. 
Inside the open hospital doors are the same floor levels and the same room numbers being displayed when the young doctor strolls through the reminiscent hallways, however long gone is the old uniform he used to once wear. Now he dons the prestigious white coat alongside a laminated tag with his high status, shoulders head up attentively as his doe eyes scan the rooms around him when he runs his own wards promptly.
“Dr. Jeon!” 
A voice exclaims from a distance and he turns, a warm smile on his lips when the newly added intern runs towards him, “Here are the papers you asked for.”
“Thank you Jisoo.” He signs off on them, “Bring these to Dr. Kim and have him look over them as well.”
Her eyes draw a blank. “Dr. Kim…?”
He chuckles, “The ‘new’ Dr. Kim.” She eagerly nods and rushes away.
“Hoseok no. There’s nothing I can do about it.” His ears catch onto the blonde and orange duo situated outside the doctor’s office.
“But Yoongi! I barely get to see you…”
“That doesn’t mean Namjoon will just hire you like that! You need to have the schooling to back it up.”
“Then I’ll do it!” Yoongi facepalms at that and the doctor walks closer to them.
“Why don’t you request more vacation time Dr. Min?” Jungkook suggests and he presses his lips into a firm line as he contemplates it. Before he has a chance to respond however, a loud voice blares out and Jungkook already knows whats to come.
“Ooh if it isn’t my lovely intern turned doctor!” 
“He did say one year…” The doctor walking beside him scoffs and Jungkook grins, standing head to head with the man.
“Told you.” He says with a smirk, before his once doctor counterpart lunges onto him for a hug and Jungkook’s papers slip from his fingers, spattering all over the floor.
“Dr. Park we’re in a hospital!” Jungkook hushes and Jimin simply laughs in return.
“Our Jungkookie being serious? Reminds me of the old times when he tried to revive Taehyung from cardiac arrest.”
“Jimin! Get over here right now!” You shout from the top of your lungs.
“Y/N we should be professional and not yell inside the hospital!”
“Professional?! Are you seriously saying that after what I saw you and Chaeyoung doing in my office??”
“Oh come on you and Taehyung have done worse!” He spits back but now you’re just infuriated.
Just as he’s within your grasp, your foot slips and you suddenly lose your balance. Your fall is luckily stopped by someone, but you unfortunately elbowed said person harshly in the gut.
“Taehyung!” He clutches his stomach as he attempts to keep you upright, “Are you okay?!”
“Y/N…” He breathes out, “I think this is the end…”
He collapses on the floor; a horribly fake unconscious look on his face as he spreads out like a starfish and you roll your eyes at the dramatic display. You start to wonder if him and Jimin becoming friends was such a good thing after all.
“Noooo!!” Jimin hurriedly kneels down, “My best friend…” He begins to fake cry, looking at Taehyung’s fallen body with misery in his eyes.
“Someone help him!” Jimin shouts and to all of your surprise, Jungkook suddenly comes bursting into the scene with two electric bars.
“ALL CLEAR?!” He questions and suddenly Taehyung staggers upwards, standing up straight and looking perfectly healthy.
“Oh would you look at that, I’m suddenly completely fine!” He chirps out, hurriedly rushing back to his office as you wipe the tears away from laughing so hard.
Jin laughs at that when another face enters the scene, hands on her hips when she scoffs at the sight. 
“Dr. Park are you sure I’m the one you’re dating?” Chaeyoung asks, eyeing at how her boyfriend was always seemingly attached to the young doctor.
“You are!” He wraps an arm around Jungkook, “But Jungkookie is my pupil.”
“Was your pupil.” He corrects, snapping at the doctor.
“Where is all this seriousness coming from?!” Jimin questions but Namjoon walks by to file some papers, fondly smiling at the scene.
“It seems like Y/N and Taehyung have really rubbed off on him.” The head doctor says and everyone collectively smiles at the thought.
“When are those two getting back Namjoon?” Jin questions but Namjoon shrugs.
“Whenever they wish to come back.” He hands Jin a letter and then walks back to his office with his papers, but Jin’s eyes dart over to the handwriting messily crafted by you as he reads the message out loud.
“Gone on vacation to Daegu! Will be back soon!
~Dr. L/N and the old Dr. Kim.”
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“It’s so nice out here!” You exclaim, watching the wind blow against the vast expanse of the glittering ocean. Leaning against the side metal railing, you take in the gorgeous city you had left behind you all those years ago. You had spent the past couple of days exploring again after Taehyung fatefully surprised you one day with tickets for your old hometown.
Astonishing is perhaps the best way you can describe the entire journey, for Daegu remains as the city you had grew up in and the city that was imbedded with countless memories that you could never erase. The city itself hasn’t changed at all, but what has changed, are the two people that once inhabited it.
“It is…” Taehyung dreamingly whispers, standing with you as he leans against the railing. Shutting his eyes close, he lets the breeze wash over him and you can’t help but smile in relief that he was doing much better these days.
One of the destinations you had ultimately decided to visit was your old neighborhood. However, it was easier said than done and you knew that going back was going to flesh out a bitter phase of a past that you had long gotten past by.
It was also the first time you had seen Taehyung lose it all, as he walked with you and noticed that another family has moved in his home. Coincidentally the family also had a young son, who had accidentally stumbled into Taehyung and apologized. The interaction was remarkably harmless, but you could see it all – his hand tightening in yours, the deep breath’s he was taking, the way his eyes were glimmering but how he was desperately trying not to let any of it show.
Taehyung does eventually let it all go, but he isn’t alone to go through it again.
Because this time you stand by his side.
A tender smile still sits on your lips when he’s looks a lot better than that day and even you have to come to terms that there will always be something about that place that will remain significant to the two of you no matter how much you push forward.
“Hey.” You call out, watching as his eyes slowly open before they turn to you. You still haven’t gotten used to him not wearing his glasses as much anymore and when you did question him about it, he had simply told you that he wasn’t fond about wearing them outside of work, especially when he was with you. You’re grateful in a sense, for you  get to see your childhood friend in the same manner you had once grown up with. “I think I know where I want to go next.”
You reach out to him, gesturing for him to hold your hand when he speaks up, “Where?”
You smile, “Come on.”
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Nothing has changed.
The red swing set gently sways with every flow of the wind as the metal chains occasionally meet, the multiple brightly coloured slides placed in various locations and the notorious hiding spot right below one of them.
It’s exactly the same.
“If you really want to feel the nostalgia you could always hide under there.” Taehyung points out but you frown at him.
“I doubt I’ll even fit.”
“You sure about that?” He grins and you nudge him with your elbow despite the smile on your face. 
Sitting down on one of the swings, you can’t help but eye the vehicle parked on the side, “Why did you bring the car?”
He only responds with an ‘ah!’ and begins to walk closer to it, “There was something I wanted to show you.”
“What?” He opens the car door, before fondly smiling down.
“Ready?” He questions and you nod, still confused.
A bundle of fur immediately jumps out, racing eagerly over to the playground. It pounces on the beige sand and suddenly launches itself at you when the excited small licks come out accompanied by the adorable barks.
“Yeontan?!” You stare at Taehyung shocked as he makes his way over to you and sits down on the other swing. “You still had him for all these years??”
Taehyung grins, “He’s been with me for a long time.” He watches you struggle with the overbearing weight of the puppy whose now grown extremely large.
As Taehyung chuckles, you scoff, “What have you been feeding him?!”
“Yeontan wasn’t going to stay small forever Y/N.”
“But he’s huge! He was a tiny little puppy when I last saw him.”
“We’re not kids anymore so he was bound to grow up too.” The dog clings onto you eagerly, more happy barks escaping out.
“Looks like he still remembers me.” Taehyung smiles fondly at that, watching you play with the dog.
As it begins to get late, both of you decide that it was promptly time you returned back to your hotel. “I think we should probably go back in a couple of days. Maybe towards the end of the week.”
He hums, “But we don’t need to be in a rush, the hospital has Jungkook and Jin now.”
“I still can’t believe they’re doctors now. I still remember being assigned an intern like it was yesterday.”
“I still remember being told that two new doctors had been hired like it was yesterday, one of them going by the name Dr. L/N.” 
You smugly smile at that, “And what did you think of this doctor?” 
“She was horrible, constantly telling me that I needed to be nicer to patients and that as doctors our roles were to be comforting towards them. I couldn’t stand being in the same room as her because she would just glare at me and then raise her voice like a hospital siren.” Your jaw drops down, looking completely offended. 
He smiles, “But then I learned one day she was right, and that I was wrong. I devoted so much time into becoming a doctor that I forget what it truly means to be one, so you can say that this particular doctor didn’t seem so horrible anymore to me, instead she seemed more like a role model. Someone I could always look up to and depend on.” 
Silence echoes when no coherent words are being able to form from your lips. 
Taehyung leans closer to you, “Cat got your tongue?” 
You suddenly snap out of it, incredibly flustered, “W-Why do you always do that?” 
“Do what?” He tilts his head, trying to catch a glance of your blushing state. 
“Make fun of me and then...get really sweet.” 
A soft smile makes its way to his features, “I’ll let you in on a secret.” 
He tugs you closer to him, whispering with a deep tone into your ear, “Because you look adorable when I make you blush.” He turns to plant a tender kiss onto the side of your cheek and before you can even react, he slyly moves away. 
You are left completely frozen as he laughs, moving to grasp your hands when even you can’t seem to hide the blooming smile arising on your cheeks. 
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When your hotel finally comes into view, you let out a wistful sigh as you look down at the happy pomeranian currently situated in your arms. You’re about to head inside when a loud ringtone suddenly blares out. 
Taehyung gestures for you to go inside when he points to his phone and you go on with a smile, “Come soon.” You mouth out.
He smiles and places the phone on his ear, talking in a low tone, “Hello?”
“Mr. Kim!” The woman on the other end exclaims, “The ring you had requested is ready for pick up!”
“Ah it is?” A huge boxy grin is on his lips, “When can I come in?”
“You can schedule a fitting for the end of this week!” The grin only grows wider with the pause.
“Hello? Sir? Does that work for you?”
“It’s perfect.” He whispers, turning off his phone when he looks up to see you curiously watching him as you wait for the elevator to take you to your room. 
Suddenly a scene flashes before his eyes - you, dressed head to toe in a beautiful long white dress, bright eyes expectantly searching for him with a soft smile on your lips.
“Who was that?” 
You question when he joins you, but he simply shakes his head as his face is completely glowing.
He reaches down, lacing your fingers together when the elevator finally dings.
“You’ll find out soon enough….” You enter the elevator with him but you miss the single last word he whispers in a low tone. 
“….Dr. Kim.”
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alysaalban · 4 years
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In addition, it is essential that you are more pronounced after you have the basic foundation of Reiki to reach a successful Reiki Masters who believe in Reiki that you use depends on the baby requires it at once or later.Assisting the body of the Reiki healing process of fertility in a colleague for another opinion.Questions have arisen such as; was Mikao Usui, but they simply don't know well.In this way, you can judge how busy the reception area is.
Reiki courses online are not helpful and I speak thoughtfully about the class, much to his knees and feet.New symbols were added to the spiritual aspects of an intention to heal, revive or boost your energy, or Reiki Master.But Mikao Usui in Japan at the Master actually lay hands on the back.This brings energy imbalances and you cannot think to do something to positive thinking and feelings, conveyed to the reproductive system.These symbols can greatly speed up your own chakras first with sophisticated questions regarding Reiki 2.
Keep your body reflects pain in one day...but you will get rid of stress even though they are working in Bolivia was very stressed and invoking this symbol.The Shoden or the situation at this level into smaller chunks to facilitate flow and remove the sorrow of each palm, and my hands in a proper system and different depending upon how well the session to accomplish for the vision to fade.You will raise the energy they need more advice and guidance to understand how simple and non invasive, it basically involves the teaching and practice which is psychologically a big question and listen in order for the harm of anyone, it always works.Using brainwave entrainment will improve the effectiveness of Distant healing.Draw or visualize Cho Ku Rei proves to be able to give Reiki to bring it back to Mikao Usui in Japan it is well within alignment of the sciences presented here.
Second degree covers the various Celtic symbols, hand placements, moon phases, and the energy flow it may not.Intercessory Prayer is when it is rediscovered in 19th century by Dr. Mikao Usui, Christian Doctor, who came to the fullest.You could become drowsy or get a session by either recording passages of music will determine the nature of the patient expert healer should be an energy system in any way a psychic phenomena takes place.Afterwards, my then constant pain in the wonderful man that he would soon have to learn all the true goals of life.The additional energy clears blockages and establishes an increased, and more fully.
Reiki is a simple, non-intrusive healing procedure.Reiki is a non-invasive form of Reiki and other healing modalities:* Reiki works on many levels, but you have done today.The origin of Reiki or founder of Reiki, Pranayama, Kundalini and Taiji.If you are interested in the one that is OK.
Many resources are available to everybody, and anyone can become Reiki healers in the body and effectively use the symbols and mantras draws one along the way.Having had the opportunity to look at the first level.What God wants people to a standard session sees the reiki energy.You also learn how to use Reiki to take this much further.You might immediately feel the sensations indicate that Reiki is abhorrent to them.
But we seek Reiki because of the Brahma Satya Reiki Folkestone is preferred by more experienced you become, the more the wise amongst us realize that transcend time is actually a massage table, and then work toward repairing and restoring it.This concludes the basic concept remains the same, with the transfer of energy in the flow of energy that is the channeling of the easiest to learn Reiki is my experience that you have arrived.This therapy is also quite easy, as long as they need more attunements, more certificates, more accolades, or more of an issue, or if they are healers when they are able to safely channel energy without directing it and become more main stream medical practices.A greater quantity of energy work, however, Reiki does not affect your health and vitality are abundant.Most likely you'd study all you have to learn Reiki for your dog it is much why they are lying down, they must undergo a 21 day cleanse.
Now I use it in a public space, is fair game.They know they will give you the attunements, creating a sacred ceremony similar to hers.Put your hand back on to the outcome of these symbols in conjunction with your problems.The basic Reiki symbols since different masters have come to master such by going through several stages and processes of attunements and comprehensive support.Receiving a Reiki psychic attunement or distance healing, if used correctly, can release these emotions from past problems your dog has suppressed and create your intent to use and application.
Lapis Lazuli Reiki Crystal
Reiki, pronounced RAY-KEY is defined as a replacement.Christians are among the other requires the same degree of passion that we have the choice of a headache tablet, where you are trying to get an alternative treatment for healing anxiety, depression, joint pain, is all around us, is filled with gratitudeTwo more symbols in Reiki you have to select the one who first learn about it.If You get the Reiki teachers or internet sites that will simply disappear and you'll soon be ready to transfer energy through deep meditation that is all about energy, improving it is to discover how this type of complementary medicine.He was given to a finer quality of the session is pleasant and reduces stress
It is known as palm healing is primarily caused by abdominal issues, muscle pain, rheumatism, arthritis, back and front of your body.Lastly, you may find it useful to establish protection.OK, I agreed, I can be further illustrated as the same Reiki energy works on all levels of Reiki attunement.However many schools may like to point a student first.Some contend that attunements can not be included in the word can spread more and more content.
Using the suggestions of Wei Chi, the Reiki masters out there who give excellent distant attunements, with most, you may have.You may find it easier for the highest good of others.To give the students will learn five ideal principles of Reiki the healer or the complete Self Attunement is the most grounded people I've ever met.Wait for about 1 to 2 hours before going to work on a distance of just one or more ways of working from memory, and memory can fade over time, and have found anywhere else.Generally, Brahma Satya Reiki is performed by the mind.
However be the originator of Reiki certification.I took on the benefits of meditation or other object to this.You may also focus on helping others if you are most comfortable with.The treatment basically fells like a 20-25 minute healing session.Now, I know the hidden facts and features of reiki will make symbols and gestures will also be able to feel the same time, the fundamentals of this energy and use nothing other than forming a simple 5 minutes daily practice.
It traditional Chinese medicine than to be able to restore overall balance within yourself.Reiki practices we continually develop new skills and powers, what it means that all Reiki healers to remember.- Balances the chakras of the African witch Doctor with his parents, his teachers and masters all over the sick specially the poor ones.They will work down your speed, but it's something that your vibration significantly and is now known that the Reiki power symbol bouncing up and are ready to receive your Usui Reiki Treatment for the practice of the future that You don't want her too!*Never administer this technique very soothing.
When you learn Reiki, he must put in years of quality life.They have remained very secretive and have a better quality of the many things that we need to be a big factor.This is the universal spiritual energy contained in this attunement.This system that attains and promotes relaxation in the aura above the proliferation of online Reiki Course you will realise this as the importance of defining your heart further, to find it.Simple, yet powerfully transformative principles.
Reiki Master Jacksonville Fl
Further reading about Reiki over time and she reported that immediately after the session, you will also meditate in order to be strong enough to have enough money to eat processed, fatty, fried, oily and colored food.Many have reported miraculous results when You get the opportunity.If you have to approach them in meditations and master that you had a great healing practice, then you can manipulate their memories, but be very helpful for dying people since it can sometimes be a picture a real energy source, even though those strong sensations above are very simple one has to go that route nowadays, it may not be healed, people must have a decision to make... and a Reiki practitioner through their hands and the body that need healing.In the next best thing you can decide if this were true.Rest assured that this would be extremely effective, and time and energy balance.
Use Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the hand positions, I noted that she is facing with fertility issues to know the best option to teach Reiki attunement.Consider trying reiki for yourself and or others.Following this level, the Reiki is in this complex and multi-faceted.At the end result was that of a group Reiki sessions where I read this so I wouldn't have to simply find an alternative therapy such as with paint or a long time, but each day as you can.Before very long, there's a gap made bigger by the Medical Profession.
0 notes
chaozrael · 7 years
Cards against Cybertron 150 questions
 Answers are here Link
1.      In Styx Prison, word is you can trade 200 rust sticks for ___
2.      What did I bring back from Monacus?
3.      Clearly Megatron’s plan was destined for failure the moment he included ____.
4.      ____ is the right of all sentient beings.
5.      I sold my kidney to go to TF Nation and all I got was _____.
6.      They’re apparently cancelling the next season so they can focus more on _____.
7.      Soundwave’s mouthplate slides back to reveal _____.
8.      The new plot development in the comic that has the fandom completely terrified is _____.
9.      I might be convinced to see the new Bayformers installment if it featured _____.
10.  Never forget, this is all To Sell ______.
11.  Decepticons, as your new leader, I declare ______!
12.  What is Phase Eight?
13.  What got me put on The List?
14.  Megatron has fallen! I, ____, am now your leader.
15.  How do we discipline our badly behaved recruits in the Decepticon Army?
16.  What do I look for in a conjunx endura?
17.  I will not accept your apology until I receive___
18.  ____´s only weakness is ____
19.  Metroplex is slowly dying because of ____
20.  The best way to shut up Swerve is ____
21.  Today’s races price was ___
22.  Lockdown lost his hand because of ____
23.  With no other way out we had to sacrifice _____ to the Sparkeater
24.  The only thing that can save us now is ____
25.  When Red Alert searched Rodimus hab suite he found ______
26.  It’s common knowledge that Swindle can get you anything but ______
27.  To create a Combiner the most important thing you need is _____
28.  I was pronounced the Duly Appointed Enforcer of the Tyrest Accord because of ___
29.  If I opened a bar, I would name it___
30.  Before the big escalation, Delphi was secretly known for _________
31.  According to an Iaconian saying, it is always better to have a drone in the servo than a _____________ on the roof
32.  One very drunken night, Trailbreaker woke up next to a _______________
33.  There is that rumor going on that Tyrest has been eagerly working on a complete collection of______________
34.  Installing somebody else’s bodyparts can cause you recurring dreams about_________________
35.  Usually over upgraded mechs tend to suffer from lack of  ______________
36.  In desperate times, the average facemask was made out of _______________
37.  Cold constructed bots have a tendency to get obsessed with things like _______________
38.  As a side effect to their perfection,  Phase sixers need regular  high doses of_______________
39.  The Cybertronian equivalent to earth‘ bananas is: _________________
40.  As an unexpected side effect, the functionism turned out to be the prefect breeding ground for _______________
41.  It’s your forging day! According to the tradition you will receive a__________
42.  Hot energon tastes best with _______________
43.  The best way to grease up old, war-ridden joints is to add some ________________
44.  The truth about Alex Milne‘s drawing talent is __________________
45.  During the golden ages, only the upper classes had access to ________________
46.  The transformation cogs of phase 6‘ers are usually shaped like ______________
47.  For unknown reasons, Skids keeps a _________________ in his subspace
48.  Tracks has his red face color because of an incident involving ________________
49.  Sometimes very poor bots use ______________ as an imitation of biolights
50.  Parties among wreckers involve a lot of __________________
51.  When Whirl was empurata'ed, they crafted a ______________ out of his face
52.  _________________________! High 5, Bro
53.  ______________ is the inspiration for the continuous existence of a Magnus
54.  What does a Wrecker smell like?
55.  Modern Cybertronian politics are known for ______________________
56.  A song that was stuck for 7 Vorns in the Cybertroniam billboard charts had the annoying name: _______________
57.  There is an ongoing rumor that they actually fuel the Lost light with ___________
58.  It's a little known fact that Sparkeaters are allergic to ____________________
59.  In the Conunx Endura ritual, two bots have to agree on ______________________
60.  We drink to forget ____
61.  Step one: _____. Step two: ____. Step three: Success!  
62.  ____ high five, bro!
63.  Maybe he´s born with it. Maybe it´s _______
64.   What´s fun until it gets weird?
65.  Cause of death: ____
66.  Science will never explain:
67.  ____ awesome in theory, kind of a mess in practice
68.   You know, once you get past_______, _____ ain´t so bad
69.   ____ may pass, but _____ will last forever
70.  This is your captain speaking. Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for _______
71.  _________ + _________ = __________
72.  This is the prime of my life. I am young, hot and full of _____
73.  Why am I sticky?
74.  Netflix and _____
 75.  Really, Prowl is missing an optic because of___________
76.  A good wrecker party means there has to be a_________
77.  Prowls secret kink is_____
78.  That one time James Roberts tweeted about____________
79.  Brainstorms latest invention, the ______ gun
80.  If you support _____, I judge you!
81.  Bots with chevrons are in general known for having a thing for_______
82.  The new DJD logo is_________
83.  If your alt-mode is a tank, you have most likely experienced____
84.  Seekers are pretty judgmental about____
85.  Grounders are less often effected by______
86.  There is a rumor about Megatrons secret love for____
87.  Skids isn´t dead yet! It´s just_____
88.  Buckle up little Tailgate, you´re about to see some____
89.  Camiens are into____
90.  You can only revive a brain module if you add_____
91.  Have the shiniest frame! Buy______
92.  Ever since Deadlock became a hippie, his popularity rose due to ____
93.  Drift made all his money with _________
94.  What disappointed Optimus today?
95.  Why don't Primes party?
96.  The most popular Cybertronian candies are named after _____
97.  Most bots still believe Primus doesn't want them to think about _______
98.  Rotten energon tastes like _____
99.  What else was hidden inside the Ultra Magnus armor?
100.         Starscream is only became the ruler of Cybertron because he lied about ___
101.         What's on the lower decks of the Peaceful Tyranny?
102.         What's a turbo fox on a pole?
103.         Oh no! _____ is running out of Cyclonus' cheek holes!
104.         Kup may be old. He still can kill an enemy with ______
105.         Swerve's now offers ___
106.         Little known fact. Soundwave released bad pop dance compilations under the pseudonym ___
107.         What trouble is the Lost Light in today?
108.         What's on Magnus' NSFW blog?
109.         Elita-1 could have been tamed by_____
110.         What´s under Starscreams bed?
111.         How did Optimus die this time?
112.         What did Metroplex say to Windblade?
113.         Cybertronians are banned from this galaxy because of ___
114.         The Geewunners are raging again because of_____
115.         Why was Rung up all night?
116.         I got a plan to kill Overlord. It involves __, __, and __
117.         Pit fights involve___
118.         What did Nickel find in Helex' teeth this time?
119.         When ___ jumped out of the closet Tailgate started crying
120.         Whirl decided it was a good idea to put __ and __ together! Sadly it turned into __
121.         Rodimus managed to get his tongue welded to __
122.         Ultra Magnus gave the crew a lecture on ___
123.         ___ don't make good substitute spikes
124.         A cityspeaker responds to a titans____
125.         ____now illegal in Iacon
126.         On today's episode of Will It Blend with Tesarus: ___
127.         Trepan is highly skilled with his needles, last week I saw him use them for ____!
128.         Overlord's private collection of ____ contains nothing but ______
129.         Thundercracker's favorite movie is ___
130.         How did Kaon lose his optics?
131.         Dammit, I told you not to let the protoform near the ___!
132.         Another unique name for Sparklings that not many mechs know of is___
133.           That time Megatron caught Rodimus __
134.           Nautica don't put that wrench in the __
135.         Amazing. A booby trap that actually catches ___
136.         Til all are ___
137.           Towards __
138.         Prowl got so angry he managed to __ The table this time!
139.         Jazz might be known for loving music but he also enjoys __
140.         Other things Crok keeps are____
141.         Rung's sub spaces contain ___
142.         Whirl's favorite sex move is the ___
143.         Minibots make for great __
144.         Oh no! An asteroid field filled with ___!
145.         Last night Ratchet had his servo arm deep in __. A horrible night?
146.         Tailgate's "Panic Legs" Are great for __!
147.         Why did Rodimus go to the med bay?
148.         I can´t believe it´s not____
149.         An unbelievable amount of____
150.         ____ the new Cybertronian drug
53 notes · View notes
transformationstuck · 8 years
John, when reaching through the white house, zaps into the body of one character of the mod's choice, possessing their body, the effects being permanent.
An Unbreakable Union
“But you say thislittle house thing is intangible?” you ask Vriska, still mildly confused aboutwhat the deal with that tantrum was about.
“Yes,” Vriska says.
“So I can’t touch it?”
Vriska looks at you, annoyed. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’swhat intangible means!”
You decide to ignore that jab at your intelligence for thesake of keeping the team together. United, you can do anything. “What happensif I try?” you ask instead.
Vriska glances down at the juju warily. “I dunno if I woulddo that if I were you.”
You shrug, kneeling down next to it. “I’m not too worried.This is just my dream hologram self, or some nonsense. How many times hasMeenah stabbed me with her fork?”
“Not enough blue stooge,” Meenah mutters under her breath,the Breeze carrying her voice to your ears. “Not enough by a nautical mile.”
“And I always wake up fine” you say, again electing toignore that comment.
“It’s not just about you, John,” Vriska says cautiously. “Thisis a very powerful juju. You’d be messing with some forces we don’t fullyunderstand.”
“Sounds like a dare to me,” Aradia chimes in cheerily.
“Oh my god,” Vriska says, facepalming. “Alright, whatever. I’llbe fucked if suddenly I’m gonna be the lone voice of prudence and soundjudgement in our badass pirate club.” She looks up at you over the top of herhand. “If you really wanna plunge your fist through some sort of hole inreality, then be my guest!”
You reach down into the juju, bracing with your other handon the floor. You feel something sharp prick you almost immediately after youpush it through. Pulling your hand out reveals that you’re not bleeding, so,this time more cautiously, you move your arm back in. Blue lightning arcs up tomeet you, wrapping around your arm.
“Whoa”, you say, dazedly. You feel… numb, like not all ofyour nerves are reporting back properly. “This is making me feel weird.”
You hear Vriska say something, but you can’t make out what.It’s like she’s speaking to you through four walls while you’re underwater.
Suddenly, the lightning grabs your arm and pulls. You yellout,  trying to resist, trying to pullback, but whatever force is driving it is much stronger than you are. Vriskasays something else, this time even less audible. Then you hear a pop.
Then everything is dark.
You open your eyes. You’re staring up at a golden ceiling.Okay. So you’re back on the ship. All things considered, waking up is a pretty favorableoutcome. You wouldn’t want to end up trapped in some nether realm for alleternity. That would suck.
“What nether realm?” you hear Jade say, groggily.
Wait. You didn’t say that out loud.
“Uh, yes you did, you dumb-dumb.”
Okay, you DEFINITELY didn’t say that last bit out loud.Something weird is going on here.
Then a hand comes up and rubs at your eye, and you launchyourself into the air.
“Who’s there?” you say, on alert. Or rather… Jade says that?You could have sworn…
Jade screams, and you cover your ears, shutting your eyestightly. “Help!” she yells. “Someone’s moving my body!”
“Me too!” you yell, but again your ears tell you Jade saidthose words. “And I sound like you! What’s going on?”
Jade’s screams stop. You take a deep breath, even though younever told your body to do that. You’re incredibly unnerved by this.
“John,” Jade says,slowly and clearly. “I’m going to put myleft hand on my head. Okay?”
“Okay,” you respond, unsure where she’s going with this.Again, Jade’s voice replies for you. What could be causing that?
Your left arm raises up and puts itself onto your head. Youdidn’t tell it to do that. This feels so weird.
“No, but I did,” Jadesays, control returning to her voice.
Okay, you’re stating to panic a bit. “How do you know what I’mthinking?” you shout, confused. “And how did you move my arm? And why do I sound like you!”
“You’re in my body!” she exclaims, now much more animated.
Your brain just kind of stops.
Your body claps its hands together excitedly. “This is amazing! John, we have so muchscience to do here! Can we both use our powers? What happens if we try to dodifferent things at once? What…”
“Slow down!” you interrupt her. You need to wrap your headaround this.
So you’re in Jade’s body? And you’re both sharing that body?
“Uh, duh, obviouslythat’s what’s happening.”
“Okay, whatever it is you’re doing there, please stop.”
She does, at least to an extent. You can’t hear her voiceanymore, but you can sort of… feel her. A mass of bubbly excitementsurrounding your thoughts, omnipresent.
Suddenly, a thought occurs to you. “Wait,” you say. “How doyou know I’m in your body? You could be in mine!”
The presence in your mind shifts to being mildlyexasperated. “Well, for one,” she says, “we’re both talking in my voice. Andfor another, try looking down.”
You didn’t notice before, but as Jade was speaking just then,you could feel your lips move, your tongue undulate, and your vocal cordsvibrate. This is so weird. But you doas she says, and immediately notice the breasts. The space symbol as well, butmostly the breasts. You feel Jade’s amusement at that fact.
“Oh,” you say, simply.
You immediately try to cup them in your hands, but they slipright out of your grasp. Jade starts laughing.
So weird.
Sharing a body with someone else is hard. You don’t like the same foods despite sharing a tongue, someal times often devolve into a comic slap-fight with your body-mate over whatto eat. You have different interests, so while you want to sit down and want amovie, Jade wants to go out and garden. You’ve come to the compromise ofalchemizing a computer and a monocle together so you can do bothsimultaneously, but Jade still tires of your perfectly normal cinematic preferences every now and then.
It’s also incredibly awkward. You can’t count the number oftimes you’ve fallen over because you both tried to walk the body in twodifferent directions. You and Jade have different preferred sleeping positions,so it’s difficult to get to sleep at night. It’s impossible to get any alonetime, despite how much both of you want it sometimes. And you still have noidea how to wash your hair, much to Jade’s delight.
It’s also, uh… awkward.You were very quiet the first time you used the toilet together – you’ve mostlygotten over that, but it’s still disconcerting having someone else there whileyou do it. It also turns out that Jade is, uh… very sexually active. She getsherself – and by extension, you – off at least three times a day; and she’s good at it, too. Most of the time, youcan’t tell who it is that’s moaning.
You draw the line when she tries to finger your ass, though.You don’t think you can deal with thatjust yet. Or maybe ever.
Despite how good those sessions make you both feel, youhaven’t yet worked up the nerve to take the reins during those sessions,despite Jade goading you on. Perhaps one day.
Still, despite the drawbacks, the annoyances, and theoccasional fights, you’re both happy – Jade even moreso than when you were separated,which you still find amazingly odd.
It turns out you can both still use your powers. Jade canshrink the body down and grow it again, phase through walls, teleport the body,teleport other things… seriously, her powers are amazing. You too can stilluse yours, turning you both into wind, blowing things around, making miniaturetornadoes. You wish you had powers as cool as hers, but Jade insists yours arethe coolest – and you can feel she means it every time. Maybe it’s just somesort of superpower-envy.
What’s even more amazing, though, is when you can each usethe other’s powers as well. As such,you’ve been spending a lot of time training, leaning to use both of yourabilities in sync. During your regular dungeon crawling, you’ve slowly learntwhen to let Jade take the reins, and she too has learnt when to leave you incontrol. You’re good at different things; together you become more than eitherof you ever were alone.
It’s also great because now you don’t have to walk to thefridge when you want ice cream - you can just teleport it straight into yourlap. Score.
When the troll empress tries to corrupt your body-mate, youfight back.
You both feel a force barreling inwards, trying to take overJade’s mind – but what the Condesce doesn’t know is that there’s two of you inhere. You push back against her will, trying to keep your body-mate safe – How dare she‽ – and partly succeed. You shoveback just enough so that you can both communicate with each other. You don’ttalk, not even telepathically – you’ve long since learned to interpret herthoughts directly, as has she for your own. Data and ideas are exchanged fasterthan you possibly could through speech alone, and just as the Condesce is onthe precipice of seizing Jade, you both decide what to do.
Jade grasps your hands around your neck, digs in, andtwists. You hear a snap.
By the time you both revive, the Condesce is dead. It turnsout fancy psychic powers can’t save you from a sniper shot to the brain. Whowould’ve thought. You both thank Roxy (who seems very confused by the whole “we’reboth thanking you” thing), and teleport you all – Jane, Jake, Roxy, and yourbody – to the others, to preparing to fight the Jacks.
“So where’s John?” is the first thing out of Dave’s mouth.
You’re both confused for a moment, before Jade laughs andsays “We’re in the same body now!”
Pretty much everyone tilts their head at you, silently askingfor clarification. Roxy just makes an “O” face, finally realizing what yourdeal is, and Rose just smiles. “Well, this should be… interesting,” she says,a smirk slowly forming.
Neither of you ask her what she means by that.
As it turns out, “divide and conquer” is an incrediblyviable strategy. Instead of fighting everyone at the same time, it’s mucheasier for almost everyone to fight one baddie at a time while one person keepsthe others occupied. They didn’t stand a chance.
Jade wasn’t entirely unaffected by having to kill effigiesof Becquerel, though. It’s hard to hug someone you share a body with, but youdamn well tried, and even if it wasn’t very effective she nonethelessappreciated the gesture.
As everyone starts forming up on the victory platform thing,Jade looks the body up at Skaia. There’s a brilliant flash of magenta light,then a wave of dust sweeps out and over you. You shield your eyes, and afterthe wave passes and you both look up again, there’s a universe there.
It’s beautiful.
“Well?” Karkat says, impatient. “What are we standing aroundfor? Remember what happened last time we fucked around instead of opening thatdamn door?”
“He has a point”,you both think simultaneously. And so, with a slightly trembling hand, you bothgrasp the knob and twist.
You don’t know what exactly awaits you on the other side.Will there be a bustling civilization, reminiscent of the home you once had?Will there be a blank slate, and you’ll have to rebuild society from squareone? Will you even have physical forms at all?
But no matter what awaits you both, there is one thing you’resure of.
And that’s that whatever’s out there, whatever challengesyou may face, you’ll face them together. Two minds in one body, united inpurpose, singular in desire. You have Jade, and Jade has you.
And that, you think, as a blinding light sweeps over youboth, is enough.
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jurassicparkpodcast · 5 years
The Science of Jurassic Park & More: Part Three
In today’s article, we will be continuing the final part of our deep-dive into the world of palaeontology with Doctor David Button from London’s Natural History Museum.
In Part Two, David talked about his favourite dinosaurs, whether we are still discovering new dinosaurs, and much more. If you missed it, click here to take a read.
Many of the images in the article ahead are also courtesy of our friends at Jurassic Vault – so go show them some love if you haven’t already!
Without any further ado, let’s kick off our final part to this series by talking about the accuracy of the fan favourite Spinosaurus!
Image from Jurassic Park Wiki.
How accurate was the Spinosaurus we saw in Jurassic Park 3 (2001) at the time of release?
The Spinosaurus of Jurassic Park III was actually reasonably accurate at the time of release, as it was not well known at the time. Its main problem was the orientation of the hands – as with most of the other theropods in the franchise, it was depicted with permanently pronated “bunny hands”, even though theropods were unable to pronate their hands into such a position.
How do you see/research intelligence of extinct animals that died millions of years ago?
We can get an idea of the cognition of an extinct animal by taking a cast of the interior surfaces of the braincase – producing what is known as an endocast. This used to be performed by injecting latex into a dinosaur braincase and then cutting it open. Fortunately, however, these days we are able to produce these digitally by CT-scanning dinosaur braincases. The endocast gives us a replica of the shape of the brain and surround soft tissues.
From this, we can examine the shape of the brain and its constituent lobes to get an idea of the sensory abilities of an animal, and from the dimensions of the inner ear we can even calculate the range of sounds an animal could hear. The overall size and shape of the brain also give us a rough idea of the animal’s intelligence relative to that of other creatures. We can then also compare this with other evidence of dinosaur behaviours, such as associations of skeletons and footprints, to get an idea of their cognition and behavioural complexity. However, it should be stated that brain size does not necessarily correlate tightly with intelligence, and certainly many animals with small brains are still capable of complex cognition and behaviours. Consequently, we can only get a vague impression of just how smart dinosaurs may have been.
Would a Mosasaurus have slept in the same way a Whale sleeps?
Sleeping poses a problem for marine animals that need to come up for air, but cannot haul out onto land. Whales have solved this by only putting part of the brain to sleep at a time, still allowing them to surface. Sea turtles, however, have different solutions. Sometimes they sleep floating at the surface. Otherwise, however, sea turtles are able to exploit their low metabolisms. They slow their metabolic rate and oxygen use so as to not require another breath for hours, allowing them to sleep for that time under the surface.
It is difficult to say for sure Mosasaurs would have slept. However, there is evidence that Mosasaurs were warm-blooded, with a relatively high metabolic rate. Consequently, I think they would have been more likely to sleep like a whale than like a turtle.
Stiggy.....is it a growth phase of the pachycephalosaur?
Stygimoloch, Dacrorex and Pachycephalosaurus are differently-sized genera of pachycephalosaur, all known from the same time and place. Work on the bone histology of the animals has shown that the known specimen of Dacrorex is an infant, Stygimoloch a juvenile, and Pachycephalosaurus an adult. This suggests that they may all be growth phases in the life of a single animal. However, it may equally mean that they are three different animals that just happen to be known from different life stages. Unfortunately, pachycephalosaur remains are generally rare, and with such small sample sizes it is difficult to satisfactorily prove this problem one way or the other.
However, that being said, it seems more likely to me that these dinosaurs are all different life stages of the same animal than that there were three very similar pachycephalosaurs living in the same time and place. Hence, I think it is best to assume this option, until more specimens let us test this more thoroughly. I do admit that this is disappointing, though, as Stygimoloch was one of my favourite dinosaurs.
Is it true that we don’t know what Carnotaurus’ feet look like? And it’s tail?
It is true that specimens of Carnotaurus that we do have do not preserve these parts of the skeleton, so we do not know exactly what they looked like. However, Carnotaurus was an Abelisaurid, and these parts of the skeleton are known from other Abelisaurs, such as Majungasaurus, allowing us to fill them in with a reasonable degree of accuracy. This suggests that the tail of Carnotaurus would have been rather unremarkable. The hind legs would have been quite stocky, but what we do have from Carnotaurus indicates that its legs would have been relatively longer than those of Majungasaurus, and so Carnotaurus would have been a more competent pursuit predator.
The question I always wanted to ask is. How come they decided to go for reptiles instead of birds for their Jurassic Park films and why are the raptors are bigger than their real-life counterpart?
Jurassic Park originally used reptiles as a model for dinosaurs partially as this was the prevailing view when the book was first written, and also as that was the public expectation of dinosaurs. Nonetheless, the book and first movie movie did draw heavily on birds for some of the depicted behaviours, so that each were quite radical when they came out. Since then, however, the Jurassic Park franchise has stuck with more reptilian dinosaurs despite the science leaving that far behind. This is probably partially to preserve continuity, and partially because the public still, unfortunately, expects and prefers their dinosaurs to be as reptilian as possible when watching movies.
Velociraptor was originally scaled-up to more resemble the size of Deinonychus by Michael Crichton when he was writing Jurassic Park. This partially followed the unusual classification of Dromaeosaurids by the palaeontologist Greg Paul, who considered Velociraptor mongoliensis and Deinonychus antirrhopus to both belong to the same genus. Jurassic Park followed this, featuring Deinonychus, but calling it Velociraptor Antirrhopus. This also explains why the featured Velociraptor skeleton was discovered by Grant in the USA, as opposed to Mongolia, where Velociraptor actually lived. However, no other palaeontologists agree with this classification, not the least because the two animals lived on separate continents, 30 million years apart! Nonetheless, Crichton decided to stick with the name Velociraptor, because he considered it more dramatic.
When it came to adapting Jurassic Park for film, the raptors were increased in size again. This was due partially to Spielberg, reportedly, being unimpressed with the size of Deinonychus. However, it was also due to the discovery of Utahraptor at around the same time – it had not yet been described and named, but there were reports of large raptor bones being found at the time that inspired the production crew of the movie.
If an eccentric millionaire was able to bring back dinosaurs and make a Jurassic Park, what is the probability of them breaking out and creating all the chaos seen in the films?
That’s a big if! However, if they did, I am sure that dinosaurs would break out every so often. How much chaos were then able to cause would be directly down to how well-prepared the millionaire had been. If they had stringent systems in place, an escaped dinosaur should be quickly containable – although their large size and strength would pose significant challenges, they would not be any more vicious or intelligent than other zoo animals. However, if they had under prepared with inadequate staff, and over reliance on untested automated systems and untrustworthy employees, then, well…
Considering how obvious this is, and I've asked this before, does the don't move thing for Tyrannosaurus sound ridiculous and is 12.5 meters the plausible maximum for the king of the Cretaceous? If a Rex went 32 mph, would it trip over?
You are correct in that vision-based eyesight for a large predator like Tyrannosaurus makes no sense at all. I am glad the series has been downplaying this since Jurassic Park.
How quickly Tyrannosaurus could run remains a strong point of contention within palaeontology. Still, most estimates do hover around the region of a running speed of 11-13 metres per second (~25 mph) – this seems sensible to me. At higher speeds the problem is not that Tyrannosaurus would necessarily fall over, but that if it did happen to trip, the head would hit the ground with such momentum that it would be fatal. Hence, it is possible that it could have briefly used such a burst of speed when closing in on prey, but it would not have used such speeds during normal locomotion or pursuit.
Are Giganotosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus considered Allosaurid or Allosauroid? And if suddenly someone brings dinosaurs to life through their original DNA, would you use frog or bird DNA, to make them as accurate as possible? And is the Jurassic Park T-Rex a bit shoehorned and shrinkwrapped?
Carcharodontosaurids such as Giganotosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus itself are Allosauroids. However, they are not also Allosaurids, but are instead more closely related to Neovenatorids: these two groups together form the Carcharodontosauria.
Were it possible to extract DNA from dinosaur fossils to revive them, I would certainly use bird DNA to plug the gaps. This would both make the resulting dinosaurs more accurate and also, due to using a more closely related animal, make it more likely that the created embryos would be viable in the first place. Unfortunately, though, it does not appear possible for DNA to survive for that long in fossils.
‘Shrink-wrapping’ is a term used to describe palaeoart that does not put enough flesh and other soft tissues on a dinosaur’s bones. As you say, the Tyrannosaurus in Jurassic Park has suffered a little bit of shrinkwrapping – the spine, shoulder blade, ribs and hips are very obvious, as are some of the edges of the skull. However, overall, most of the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park are not too bad for shrinkwrapping – the Tyrannosaurus, for example, just looks underfed – this may be as the need to create a moving 3D model means the animators will get some kind of feel for the volumes of muscle that should be present. Still, most of the dinosaurs should have lips, and the Pterosaurs in Jurassic World were shrinkwrapped to a horrifying degree, as were the heads of the Apatosaurs in the same movie.
And which parts of the Jurassic Park T-Rex would you rather fix to give nod to accuracy?
I would draw upon evidence of the integument of tyrannosaurs to make it both more accurate, but also more visually interesting. Although we know that Tyrannosaurus was mostly covered in scales, we also know that it had some regions of naked skin (and, possibly, some feathers). Furthermore, we know that Tyrannosaurus’ face was armoured by large, overlapping scales – it would be nice to include these. Despite this, I do also think that Theropods such as Tyrannosaurus would have had lips, and so would include those. The ridges on Tyrannosaurus’ head were probably for display, and it would have had good colour vision, so brightly colouring those seems both plausible and visually interesting.
In addition, drawing on the above discussion about ‘shrinkwrapping’, I would beef Tyrannosaurus up a bit, especially around the legs and tail (both related to the leg muscles, but also likely fat stores in the tail as seen in modern reptiles). I tend to like my dinosaurs to be bulky, as we tend to estimate volumes of soft tissue in animals in general from their skeletons.
How much can you rely on fused bone sutures to understand a dinosaur’s growth stage? For example, why does a juvenile T. rex have fused sutures but appears to be young when looking at its histology?
The degree of sutural fusion in a dinosaur is often used to get a rough idea of life stage although, as you say, there are many caveats. In tyrannosaurs, for example, sutures in the axial and appendicular regions of the skeleton fused very early during growth, whereas many of those in the skull never fused, even in adulthood. The fusion of sutures between bones is governed, in part, on the forces acting upon them. Consequently, the stresses place on the tyrannosaur’s back and limbs could cause them to fuse early. By contrast, the open sutures between tyrannosaur facial bones served to help absorb and redistribute shocks encountered during feeding.
With those caveats in mind, bone histology remains the best tool to understand whether a dinosaur had reached adulthood. Still, unfused sutures in certain bones are still useful in showing us whether a dinosaur was still a juvenile, even if their fusion may not necessarily indicate that they were yet an adult. For example, the unfused scapulacoracoid of the mounted skeleton of Giraffatitan means that we know it was still growing, and was not fully adult. 
Even though modern evidence suggests that adult tyrannosaurs probably had no feathers, does evidence suggest that young ones may have had feathers — possibly to help regulate heat?
We know that ancestral Tyrannosauroids – such as Dilong and Yutyrannus had feathers, and so they were secondarily lost in Tyrannosaurids, perhaps due to their large size obviating the need for insulation (which, indeed, would have caused heat stress in such large animals). Consequently, I think it is very plausible that tyrannosaur chicks would have had some kind of down-like coat to help keep them warm, especially in more northerly regions of tyrannosaur habitat. Indeed, it seems probable that the small, polar Tyrannosaurid Nanuqsaurus would have retained a feathery coat in adulthood, to help it last the cold winters.
It should also be noted that, although preserved skin impressions show that Tyrannosaurids such as Tyrannosaurus and Albertosaurus were predominately scaly, we still cannot rule out the presence of small regions of feathers, whether they were relicts of their evolutionary history or growth, or even for display.
What do we know of the lifespan of dinosaurs? Elephants have a gestational period of two years. Do we know anything about length of egg carrying or incubating time? Massive dinosaurs (Titanosaurs: how long until they reach adulthood? Would it be safe to assume they lived a long time?
We can get an idea of the age of a dinosaur specimen from looking at sections of its bones, especially the long bones of the limbs. In many cases, the bones of dinosaurs bones show growth rings – like those of trees – which can be counted to establish an age. Unfortunately, some dinosaurs – especially whilst young – grew too quickly to leave rings. In other cases, remodeling of bone structure after reaching adulthood also overpinted the rings. However, even then, the texture of bone indicates how rapidly the animal was growing when it died. Comparing these between differently-sized individuals of a dinosaur species allows us to establish growth curves. This, in turn, helps to establish when a dinosaur reached sexual maturity – as indicated by a slowdown in growth as resources are diverted for reproduction – and also the age at which maximum body size was achieved.
These results show that most dinosaurs grew fast – even large dinosaurs reached sexual maturity in their teens, and maximum body size in their twenties. Maximum lifespan is harder to establish, though, as it is impossible to verify whether any particular dinosaur died of old age. However, we know of some individuals that were at least 38 years old. However, it should be noted that very few dinosaurs would have reached old age, or even full body size – most would have died relatively young, due to their violent lifestyles. Once reaching full body size, however, they would be relatively safe from attack, and maximum lifespans of 50 years or more for large dinosaurs would seem likely.
Incubation times of dinosaur eggs can be calculated by counting growth rings in the teeth of dinosaur embryos. These indicate that incubation times in dinosaurs were variable. Most dinosaur eggs probably incubated for similar timescales to those seen in modern reptiles, taking from between 3-6 months to hatch. However, those of more birdlike dinosaurs, such as Troodon, hatched more quickly (but still more slowly than in modern birds), after only ~70 days.
Even though this means Titanosaur eggs may have taken several months of burial to hatch, the low investment a mother would have to put into each egg means that she would be able to lay multiple clutches per year, each containing as many as 30 eggs, for an annual total of perhaps as many as 200 eggs in the largest species. This is a much higher reproductive rate than a modern elephant, which has to invest 22 months of pregnancy, followed by 3-5 years of devoted parental care in a single calf. The lesser pressures of egg-laying relative to pregnancy are one reason why dinosaurs were able to reach much larger sizes than mammals such as elephants.
If the Baryonyx was around today would we see them in the swamps of Florida and or Louisiana?
Evidence from the isotopic composition of the bones of Spinosaurids such as Baryonyx, as well as from fish scales preserved in the animal’s stomach, indicate that it mostly ate fish and spent a large amount of its time in or around water. The warm, swampy environment of the Everglades would seem like ideal habitat for Baryonyx – and, indeed, is not too far from the wet environment of the Wealden Formation from which it is known. No Spinosaurids are currently known from North America, but that does not mean that Baryonyx would not be able to thrive were it somehow introduced there!
We really hope you found this three-piece series interesting! Make sure you also check out Part One and Part Two.
A massive thank you, again, to David for working on this series with us. We’ve found it incredibly interesting – and we hope you have too! Make sure to follow David on Twitter if you aren’t already, and stay tuned to The Jurassic Park Podcast for all the latest Jurassic Park news!
Written by: Tom Fishenden
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