#cave stoy
cortachurrosyup · 6 years
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Save the puppies!
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bchanslvr · 3 years
oof- you sent this to me when you were struggling to write the astoria fic and i apoligze for not answering this faster but here's some that get me going either way :)
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daddy issues by the neighbourhood
idfc by blackbear
me & my husband by mitski
dancing with your ghost by shasha solan
moral of the stoy by ashe
traitor by olivia rodrigo , favorite crime by olivia rodrigo
as the world caves in by matt maltese
hold on by chord overstreet
arcade by duncan laurence
another love by tom odell
waves by dean lewis / it'll be alright by dean
let her go by passenger
water fountain by alec benjamin
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hteragram-x · 4 years
Sanders Sides Human AU
[Fair warning - this post is more like a stream of consciousness than a coherent set of ideas. I’m sorry...]
I was trying to think... what would be the most out of character set of jobs for the sides to have in Human AUs? Because there are normally three major options:
1) typical fandom arrangement, like barista, florist, or professor
2) all of them in one profession, e.g. sides as teachers or all working in one place (in one school, castle, hospital),
3) they have jobs inspired by the canon events and characteristics: Roman as an actor, Janus as a lawyer, Logan as a teacher, etc.
But what kind of jobs would be so unfitting that it would almost go against their very natures? I had a few ideas for potential AUs, so...
Remus as a nanny (or a babysitter). And a very good nanny, may I add. Kids absolutely adore him... parents not so much. He’s still very weird and looks daranged, but can be very gentle and thoughtfull. He’ll tell the most absurd and slightly scarry stories, make a mess playing with children, and is quite childish himself. But whenever parents want to change the nanny their kids start to protest and never like the new person that takes care of them after Remus. So he comes back despite parents’ different preferences. Seeing his attempts to teach other people better manners would be quite interesting.
Patton - the first werid instinct I had was: undertaker. This job has potentially some religious undertones so it may fit to a degree, so alternatively: coroner. Just something very much not cute and soft. A kind of job that would make people think that Patton lied about it for a joke when they ask where he works. They sometimes assume he makes the flower arrangements for the tombstones, but no. He buries people. Or checks what has killed them. Or both. He’s able to do it just fine, because he can easily take the emotionless, calm approach and not let the job drain him. Also he’s good at comforting the family of the deceised.
Virgil as... First I was thinking about something that requires a lot of bravery, but that would still fit his “fight or flight” nature. So nothing about being a soldier or a guard fits. There’s also a set of jobs that require some sort of reckless bravery... like skydiving instructor. Or scubadiver going to inspect very narrow caves. But I can also think about something that would directly contradict his “edginess”. Like the most boring, normal job you may think of. E.g. a very traditional job at the bank. So how about Virgil working with finances and sometimes skydiving during weekends. Then you mix the calm, not edgy job with something so potentially scary, that the embodiment of anxiety should not be involved.
Roman as... A boring job that goes against his extra-self would also fit. But maybe something that makes him stay out of the spotlight. Like an inspector checking very mundane things (if a bridge has a safe construction or if there are anough evacuation routes in buildings). Or something extremely complicated and professional that would require thorough and long education. I’ve recently has [THIS] idea about Roman being a scientist. And it fits, but I’m not sure if that’s enough. Maybe a taxi driver? You are largely anonymous, you are alone or with a person who don’t talk to you usually. That would be a nice addition if we want to combine all of them in one story, because he would get to know the others by driving them to work everyday. Ok. Roman as a taxi driver who annoys his clients by singing to all the songs on the radio. That’s decided.
Janus... I was thinking about a politician, because that would be a direct cooperation with the government and we can’t have that with Janus Classy We-Live-In-A-Society Sanders. That works, but being a politician also goes well with being manipulative, smooth, and with lying. So not a good option if we look for contrasts. If he were to have a job that doesn’t suit him it would be one that’s not very glamorous, silent, and probably not a profession where you need many qualifications. So a farmer maybe? He’d still have to know a lot, but being great at talking is not ecactly helpful when you just go around watering plants and collecting apples. (Although this farm, as much as he likes it, is probably some kind of cover up for a scam.)
Logan... Stand-up comedian. And specifically a one that makes a lot of jokes about himself. It’s still a Logan kind of thing, because he can talk a lot, but letting other people mock you is so not like him that I can let it slide. If he also dresses in very colourfull clothes it’s also a nice twist. When they all finally meet he can make a lot of jokes about a gay nanny, undertaker, accountant, taxi driver, farmer and comedian walking into a bar (all based on actual events). He may also, just like Virgil, have some additional job. I was thinking about something with graffiti, because you can combine artistic aspect, with a thing that is not taken seriously, and is often thought of as a destruction of property.
So yeah... We have a patient, delicate nanny/babysitter Remus, a calm and collected undertaker/coroner Patton dressed in all black, Virgil as an occasionally adventurous accountant with a white shirt and a tie, Roman as an anonymous taxi driver with worn out clothes, Janus as a farmer covered in dirt after a day of physical work, and a graffiti-making comedian Logan whose jokes are usually about himself... or about an eclective bunch of his friends from differents walks of life.
But outside of their career they are very much like themselves. Remus would laugh like a madman at the innuendos in cartoons he watches with kids, Patton would make puns about disecting a human body, Virgil would give seven thousands warnings about potential danger (no matter if he’s talking about opening an account or jumping from the plane), Roman would recite poetry to passenger trying to charm them while driving, Janus would win all the lawsuits despite being a serial tax-evader and use people’s stereotypical harmful thinking to make them believe he’s stupid, and Logan would make long jokes about climate change, proper sleep schedule etc. to sneakily teach people in the audience.
I’m really tempted to write a stoy about them now... Coming up with a plot explaining how they’ve met and stayed friends would be a nice challenge.
tl;dr - Giving the sides some unexpected jobs would be funny, so I propose a nanny (Remus), an undertaker (Patton), an accountant (Virgil), a taxi driver (Roman), a farmer (Janus), and a comedian (Logan).
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luckykatsranch · 5 years
Michele: I would like to hear your stoy. Can you please tell me?
Kats sighed. “Okay... So, a little over 10 years ago, maybe closer to 15, I entered this cave near Cerulean. Had just won my Kanto champion battle and was on top of the world, so to speak. I heard about this powerful pokemon that lived there, and thought what every teenager thinks: I can make this thing my friend by showing it how strong me and the rest of my friends are.”
“What I didn’t count on is the pokemon in question being a powerful psychic type that heard every single thought that occurred to someone in the cave. I may not have had any ill intentions, but he was not interested in whatever I did have in mind, and my cocky ass was too dumb to understand that.” He let out a sigh. “That pokemon I would later learn was called Mewtwo. A man-made pokemon created from the modified DNA of Mew. And it was, as far as I know, the first of it’s kind.”
“After what felt like hours of ‘playing tag in the dark’, he got the drop on me and attacked from behind. Nearly tore me in half.” Kats lifted his shirt and moved his hair to the side to reveal a jagged scar going across his back, from under his right arm to just over his left hip. “Woke up about a month later in a hospital in Saffron, and spent the next 11 months regaining my ability to walk.”
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artkaninchenbau · 5 years
My cat of little over 13 years will be put down tomorrow. A vet and a nurse will come to our home to put him to sleep peacefully, as we didn’t want to stress him out any more by taking him to the nearest clinic.
I just want to talk about my sweet little sunshine, so that’s what I’ll do. That’s all this post will be.
This whole shitshot began almost immiditiately in January. My cat (who I’m not going to name because he has a very generic cat name that easily reveals where I live, so I’ll just call him Sunshine here) started limping for what felt like no reason. I wanted to take him to a vet right away but my mother didn’t want to, first because she thought there’s nothing a vet could do to help aside from putting him down, then later because she thought Sunshine’s limp was getting better (honestly I couldn’t see it). 7 days after he began limping my mom was finally convinced he needed to see a vet and we booked an appointment to the nearest clinic (just 10 minutes away) where we went to have him checked on the next Monday
Somehow our indoors-only cat had broken a bone on his middle toe on his front left paw, the toe was swollen (we hadn’t noticed) and possibly infected. We started giving him some antibiotics (had a terrible time when I learned in the worst possible way that cats sometimes start foaming and drooling excessively when given liquid antibiotics, so that was changed to a pill) and painkillers while our vet had some samples taken from my cat’s toe to be analyzed
She was worried he might have feline lung-digit syndrome (where lung cancer starts metasizing in toes) so she wanted to see if they could find any cancerous cells in his toe. After a little over a week or so the results were back and they couldn’t find anything like that, but the antibiotics didn’t seem to be helping either, so our vet believed the toe would have to be amputated. That said she was still worried about that syndrome and wanted to have his lungs x-rayed just in case, so soon we took him to the clinic to get those x-rays. Two vets looked at the images and they couldn’t find anything, so we booked the amputation for a week later
Our vet was still worried though, so she sent the x-ray images to be analyzed by a third party over seas. We were all worried sick for four or so days until on Monday the 27th, just before the clinic would close around 8 pm, the vet called us to tell us the results.
There was a soft mass in one of my Sunshine’s lungs. A few centimeters wide. The vet said he’d have anywhere from a few weeks to a few months left. The amputation was canceled as she thought my baby wouldn’t survive it due to the tumor.
We continued giving him his antibiotics until we ran out, and he seemed to get better. He hardly limped anymore, a scab that had formed around the nail of his broken toe was getting smaller, he seemed to be okay.
But a little bit over a week after the antibiotics ran out he started getting worse again. Eating worse and worse, limping again, moving around so very little. So in mid-late February we took him to the clinic again to see if there was anything left we could do. The vet gave us some gabapentin for him, a painkiller that affects the nervous system (sometimes used to treat epilepsy/seizures).
The side-effects of that painkiller is ataxia (like, a loss of control when moving limbs) and sleepyness. For the first week it seemed like the painkiller was kind of helping, my cat was sleeping a lot but he also ate a little better. But then he didn’t eat as much anymore, and the ataxia started getting worse and worse. The worst part was that it was so hard to tell how much of it was caused by the painkiller and how much of it was just his condition getting worse and worse.
It’s so hard for him to move now that he doesn’t get up on his own to go poop or pee, for the past 5-6 days we’ve had to carry him to his litter box. He went from being a lil glutton, to picky eater, to only eating food straight from my hand, to only eating one cream-like cat treat. For the past week or two I’ve been feeding him liquids (water, cat milk, but mainly cat soup) with a tiny syringe (one we gave him his liquid antibiotic with) because I was worried he wasn’t eating enough and it was the only way I could pretty much force him to eat, but even then I can only feed him so much
His paw has swollen up so badly, it’s almost twice the size it should be. The infected toe had been bleeding out pus, the scab around the nail having grown massive, and now another toe on that paw has started bleeding a little too. And a toe on his left hindleg seems swollen as well
I hate myself for letting him get to a state this bad. There’s 16 and a half hours left before the vet comes to put him out of his misery- although the painkiller is pretty damn strong, he shouldn’t be in pain... But still
    I always wanted a cat when I was little, I was always asking for one but my parents always said no, until December 2006, when they finally caved in. A little bit after Christmas my mom found a kitten, mere weeks old, somewhat abandoned by its mother, looking for a home. When we went to check out the kitten at a farm nearby, we weren’t sure yet if we’d actually take the little thing with us. But seeing how the farmer didn’t really want it, how its mother seemed uninterested in it and how the farm with the many cows wasn’t a safe place for a helpless kitten... Well, we fell in love with him, at first sight. And we brought him home that same day.
We weren’t prepared at all, so my parents just dropped me and my brother off at home with the baby while they rushed into the city to buy supplies. We don’t know how old he was exactly when we got him, less than a month old for sure, but more than a few weeks. Small enough we had to bottle feed him, but eyes very much open and walking. He was our little baby. And he still is
He’s the most beautiful and soft cat in the whole world, and he means everything to me
When he was still a baby he pooped and/or peed under the Christmas tree. My dad had originally been against letting the little Sunshine sleep in their bed, but he warmed up immidiately and the cat has slept almost every single night in their bed ever since, the first time he specifically brought him to their bed and scared my mom who thought the kitten had escaped from the secluded area we were keeping him at the time. We thought him to raise his paw for treats
He rushed in and jumped straight into the toilet bowl once after I left the toilet (I had to chase him around desperately, trying to dry him- it had scared the shit out of me but my mom always loved telling this stoy about how one day when she came back from work she found me crying, trying to chase the cat around with a towl in hand because the cat had jumped into the toilet)
He loved, absolutely adored going outside in the summers, even when taking him out on a leash was a pain in the ass. He was so happy running around our yard, rolling in the grass. As he got older we stopped taking him outside (partially because it was my job but he’d always get really angry at me while we were outside, mainly because my dad was afraid he’d bring in ticks), but some 2-3 years ago we rebuilt our patio and turned it into a catio. He loved being there, he even learned the word “terrace”, so that everytime someone would say that word he would rush downstairs to the door, waiting to be let outside
His favorite toys were always hairties, a stick with a furry noodle thing sticking out at the other end, and a very long, very thick and slightly stretchy pink string
I was awful to him as an idiot kid, so he learned to hate me and distrust me, and I deserved that. And despite all that, he was the most patient cat in the world, letting me pet him as much as I liked while he was napping, letting me kiss his tiny forehead and rest my entire face against him. He wouldn’t purr to me, but he tolerated me so much, and I’m so grateful for that
After years of being given smooches, my cat started doing this thing were if someone gave him two kisses on the forehead/neck, he’d smack his lips twice in return. I think that was him trying to emulate the smooch sound, and it was so cute
I’ve heard people say that cats that’re separated from their mothers too early become weirdly like, licky? Like they’ll lick people’s hands etc a lot, and this was so true for him too. If you offered your hand to my Sunshine he’d give it a good ol’ bath, and it was the sweetest thing
I like keeping the doors to my room closed, so if my cat wanted to come in (which he didn’t want often), he’d either scratch at my door until I’d come open it, or like last summer, scratch at the door right behind me, and stare at me through the semi-jammed but slightly open door, until I’d open the other door for him. He’d often try to come to my room around 3-4 am, and he’d come almost daily to my room in the winter because I would open the window for him so he could get some fresh air even in a -25 C weather
My Sunshine didn’t like sleeping in my bed with me, he did it a few times when he was just a few years old until he stopped. Usually if he’d settle in my bed while I was still doing other things, he’d straight flee my room when I’d climb into my bed myself. In this January he started sleeping in my bed, sometimes climbing in while I was still there, or just not feeling when I’d come to bed myself. He didn’t do that every night, but he slept with me in that month more than he did in the past few years combined.
One “morning” (after his lung cancer diagnosis I think) he came into my room to sleep a little bit before noon, trying to escape the sounds of my dad vaccuuming downstairs. I had been struggling to fall asleep, but I managed after he settled in. I proceeded to see a few weird dreams, but the last one of them stood out;
In the last dream my cat had escaped outside, so me and my parents all rushed in to capture him and bring him back inside. It was summer, the weather was wonderful. We were running around in the yard, franticly searching for him, until I spotted him hiding amongst some wheat in the field next to us. He immidiately bolted out, running from that side of the yard to the other, towards the road, until he laid down under the birch trees next to the road. We were so worried he’d get run over by a car. We managed to get to him and grab him (not that he was fighting us), and we immidiately turned around to go back inside. I could hear a car approach us as I watched my mom hand my cat to me. He was so young and skinny, but looked somewhat upset as we were carrying him back inside.
And then I woke up, my cat sleeping quietly at the foot of my bed, against my legs. Call me nuts, but it felt like it was a message from my cat. How he had wanted to go already but we didn’t let him, and while he’s going to spend a little more time with us, sooner or later he will go, and we’ll never see him again.
Late last year my dad had appearently seen a dream where he was forced to eat cat paws. He feels like it may have been a prophetic dream.
A little over a month ago, I was so worried one night about my cat not eating properly I kind of started crying in my room while with my cat, asking him why he wasn’t eating. He came to inspect me almost immidiately, before leaving my room. I go check where he went and he was sitting at the stairs, staring at me. I went to dry my tears real quick and when I returned, he had gone downstairs. I found him waiting in front of his bowl, and when I gave him new wet food, he ate it. At that point, usually he wouldn’t eat anything if I didn’t offer it from my hand specifically.
I’m so grateful to my cat. For being such a sweetheart, for being so patient and kind and making us all so happy. I love him so much. And I’m so sorry I can’t do anything for him anymore except have him be put out of his misery
And while I know most indoors cats live to around 13-15 years old, meaning my 13 year old baby has reached the average age, I still feel like he’s too young to go and that its not fair. I’m going to miss him so much
Please don’t take my sunshine away
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wednesdaytoast · 4 years
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Simon’s Sunday Collection! Every Sunday we’re going to highlight a piece from Simon’s bad ass man cave! This week we have the Bandai SH Figuarts Thor Ragnarok Hulk! This portrayal of Hulk in full Ragnarok gear includes his armor, axe, and mace. The set also includes an optional face, and an optional set of hands. Check back next week to see what Simon has for us! ———————————————————————— ———————————————————————— #toycollector #toys #toyphotography #actionfigures #toycollection #toystagram #toycommunity #toy #vintagetoys #toyartistry #actionfigure #stoys #actionfigurephotography #toycrewbuddies #s #life #marvel #toyslagram #hasbro #collector #toyunion #toyphoto #funko #toyhunter #anime #starwars #instatoys #collectibles #toysofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CB_ojdih-1W/?igshid=nyo4meavvas9
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photo-snap-stories · 4 years
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Zamek Królewski na Wawelu, Kraków
Z historią zamku można zapoznać się pod wcześniejszym zdjęciem.
Dziś - najbardziej znana legenda związana z Wawelem - legenda o smoku, który zamieszkiwał pieczarę w zamkowym wzgórzu. Zajmował się tym, co zazwyczaj robią smoki: dręczył chłopów paląc ich plony, pożerał bydło, od czasu do czasu zjadł też jakąś dziewicę.
Legendarny król Krak, który nie mógł pozwolić sobie na takie występki, w dodatku pod własnym domem, postanowił pozbyć się problemu. Remedium na smoka miała być sowita nagroda za zgładzenie bestii - standardowo wór złota, kawałek królestwa i ręka księżniczki (oczywiście z całą księżniczką). Gdy wieść się rozeszła, do grodu Kraka zaczęli ściągać śmiałkowie. Żadnemu jednak nie udało się ubić bestii.
Król zaczął już tracić nadzieję, lecz nagle w zamku pojawił się niespodziewany kandydat na pogromcę smoka - lokalny szewczyk Skuba. Skuba nie wyglądał na wojownika, a zwykłego chuderlawego, mieszczańskiego chłopaka; nie posiadał ani zbroi, ani broni.
Jednakże zamiast stali i mięśni miał on coś cenniejszego- spryt i inteligencję. Wpadł na pomysł, jak wygrać ze smokiem podstępem. Owczą skórę wypchał siarką i podstawił nocą pod smoczą pieczarę. Smok, gdy się obudził i zobaczył swoje potencjalne śniadanie, bez zastanowienia skorzystał z okazji i capnął owcę. Siarka zaczęła go palić od środka, a bestia rzuciła się w stronę Wisły. Smok pił i pił, pił aż… pękł i taki był jego koniec.
Na pamiątkę tej legendy przed istniejącą naprawdę pod Wawelem jaskinią stoi ziejąca ogniem rzeźba smoka.
Wawel Royal Castle, Kraków, Poland
You can read the story under the previous photo.
Today - the most famous legend related to Wawel - the legend of a dragon that lived in a cave in the castle hill. He did what dragons usually do: tormented peasants by burning their crops, devoured cattle, and from time to time ate a virgin.
The legendary King Krak, who could not afford such crimes, especially in his own home, decided to get rid of the problem. The remedy for the dragon was to be a generous reward for slaying the beast - usually a bag of gold, a piece of the kingdom and the hand of the princess (with the whole princess, of course). When the news spread, adventurous people began to flock to Krak's town. However, none of them managed to kill the beast.
The king began to lose hope, but suddenly an unexpected candidate for the dragon slayer appeared in the castle - a local shoemaker, Skuba. Skuba did not look like a warrior, but an ordinary skinny, bourgeois boy; he had neither armor nor weapons.
However, instead of steel and muscle, he had something more valuable - cunning and intelligence. He came up with an idea to defeat the dragon by trickery. He stuffed a sheep's skin with sulfur and placed it under the dragon's cave at night. When the dragon woke up and saw his potential breakfast, he took the opportunity without hesitation and grabbed the sheep. Sulfur began to burn it from the inside, and the beast rushed towards the Vistula. The dragon drank and drank and drank until... he burst and that was his end.
In memory of this legend, there is a fire-breathing dragon sculpture in front of the real cave near Wawel.
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expcast · 5 years
VGM Interview With Viking Guitar
Stoy meets up with the guys from Viking Guitar, a VGM Metal Band from the U S of A!! Dan and Grant are also part of Metroid Metal as well. 
Erik Peabody (guitar) Dan Taylor (bass) Ryan Postlethwait (guitar) Grant Henry (guitar) Adam Henry (drums)
The guys share how they got together as a band, how they collaborate playing music together and hitting up live shows across the country (including a lot of great stories from MAGFest). They also talk about some of their influences and inspirations, some of their favorite songs they play live, and some great ones they've recorded. 
Songs in order of appearance: Street fighter: Sweep The Leg            Album: Viking Guitar Scortched Earth (Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)         Album: Warpath My Sweet SOPHIA (Blaster Master)      Album: Viking Guitar Charge Shot (MegaManX2)       Album: Warpath Whipcracker (Castlevania IV)      Album: Viking Guitar Pain Doesn’t Exist in this Dojo      Album: Viking Guitar From The Earth To The Moon (Cave Story)     Album: Made of Metal
Check them out! 
Bandcamp: Viking Guitar MegaBeardo Yes, Mayhem 
YouTube: Viking Guitar YouTube That Go Pro Incident HERE 
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ecotone99 · 5 years
`[TH] my first short stoy: fate
As he battled the waves, the wind roared loud and hard, only his 17 years at sea was keeping the boat afloat. The main sail was ripped from the deck, and he had no power from engine. He made make shifts underwater sails at either side of the boat that he lifted to steer. The white of the sea was blinding, rich with hopelessness. He tied himself to the deck, staring at pure fear. He screams at the top of his voice, “come ahead you won’t take me easy”. Gripping onto the steering wheel, white knuckles and grit teeth. As huge wave crashed into the front of the boat, rising it up so high he is dangling from the wheel. But still he refuses to let go, only his will power, and the love for a challenge was keeping him going. As quick as the boat raised up, it came crashing down the other side like a roller coaster. Slowly his boat was filling up with a watery death, he holds the wheel with his knee, grasping at the water pump, he cranks away. As he looked ahead, he could see a very faint grey outline, he knew it could not be water as it was not moving. He laughed with the roar of a lion; the storm had been taken him to land. Only time would tell if he could make It, he had no clue where he was, but he knew his chance of survival would increase with sold rock under him. This only spurred him on, cranking the pump faster his eyes only showing the very narrowing of gaps and the salt water stuck his face. The silhouette of the land grow in darkness and size as he gets closer. The boat stops with a massive crash, he is throwing from the wheel. he knew he is a rock, he had very limited time, his mind was saying can I swim the rest, how far to shore, will he need supplies from the boat, where was he. He could he the boat ripping her self apart, no time to think, he starts to untie himself. The knots are tight after the sudden pull from the throw. His fingers were sore from cold and water, his knife was out of reach. He rushed back to the wheel as he could hear the air rushing out the boat, quickly he starts to cut. As he turns around the whole front of the boat was just under water. He keeps cutting as fast as he can, the water is up to his ankles at this point. The fear was settling in, like a cloak of death. His heart was pounding and his wide open, his brain was firing neurons making it hard to focus. As he is pulled under, the water seemed clam, as it pulled him under more. He could not feel the cold, he was running on pure adrenalin, as he cut in to the last of the rope. He finally cuts him self free, as he looks up at the dazzling light of the surface, he pulls the cord to his life jacket. The rush to the surface only allowed him to wake up to how bad his situation was. The storm was still in full force, but now with his eyes lower, he could not see anything. Just water beating him from all around him. Only to be struck with the same rock that sunk him from behind on the head. His head was ringing, he was starting to fall asleep, his head was shutting down. Slowly he gave into demise.
After an unspecified time, he could hear water crashing into the shores, his head was still in pain. The sharp rocks sliced into is hardened flesh. he did not want to make any sudden moves right away; he had no clue what was broken. He slowly checked himself out, apart from a few cuts and his painful headache, he was fine, lucky escape he felt. As je pulled himself onto the rocks, he could see he was in a cave, the sea was still in full force, with no chance of swimming out, he decided to give himself a bit of time to sort himself out a bit. His head wound, was worrying him, he could feel blood, but had no clue what was going on back there. He rips his sleeve off his shirt and wraps it around his head. He squints his face as the pain increases while he does it. He looked behind him into the darkness of the cave, he did not know where it went, but he had very little options. The current of the water would likely kill him if he went out the way he went in. He took out his flip lighter and sparked it, it took a few try’s but it soon sparked to life. The cave had some depth, his small light source barely pierced into the darkness. His footing was not the best and he crouched into the walls of the cave, with one had over his head and one on the ground. He pushed on until he comes to the wall at the back of the cave, no other light, no wind from anywhere but behind, he knew it was a dead end but there might be an underwater passage. He felt this was a bigger risk that trying to go out the front. He was really stuck in a rock and a hard place. He makes his way back to the front of the cave and sits down looking out into the sea. A miracle is what he needed. No escape, no supplies, and an unknowing injure to his head. “Checkmate” he says, accepting his fate, he smiled looking out the cruel mistress of the sea. He felt no regrets and enjoyed his last view of life.
submitted by /u/gadwin_hawk [link] [comments] via Blogger http://bit.ly/2VI3LPD
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allwork-nopay · 11 years
I love this games music!
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