#cc carni
sillysymbol · 20 days
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FINALLY POSTING THESE AFTER 4 MONTHS UHM. new year new criminal clownery (it is april)
learn more about them here!
read about boundaries here!
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petit-monsieur-pain · 4 months
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Meet my new oc, yes, a mario oc,
They are babey (lies) :)
I will not elaborate
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coffteablogs · 4 months
Official System Headcount Post (Updates Often) (Sub Systems included in intro post)
CC!Tommy/Tom (🐞☀️)
C!Tommy/Sparrow/Castor (📀🍄)
Theseus/Exile!Tommy (💿🦷)
O!Tommy/Adyren (🐔🥕)
ARG!Innit/Ocean (🌊🔦)
C!Tubbo/Nuke (💥)
CC!Tubbo/Basil/Colley (🐝🌳)
CC!Ran/Kiya (😷☁️)
C!Ranboo/Boo (☔👑)
Eret (👑🍓)
CC!Willow (🌱🌎)
C!Will/Wilbur (🧨)
Rev!Bur/Rev/Crow (🌹🍷)
L'man!Bur (🇬🇧💣)
Ghost/Ghostbur (🌀🫐)
Lovejoy!Bur/Will/Castor (🎸)
YLYL!Bur/Pidge (🎬)
ARG!Bur/Rain (❄️)
Softboy!Bur/Finn (🌀)
Friend (🐑💙)
C!Shlatt (🥃🎙️)
Rev!Shlatt (🍾💥)
CC!Sapnap/Nick (🔥🏁)
Percy/Clay (🐄🍵)
Philza/Phill (🍏🐦‍⬛)
Admin (👾📚)
Rhinestone (💎👁️)
Toby (📕📌)
Amnesia (🏩💉)
Spencer (🌱🧷)
Smoke/Will (🩹☁️)
Dib (🔦 ☄️)
Elijah (🎸⚡)
Kadaver (🔪🫀)
Zetzugo (💧)
Carnis (🥩🔪)
Odysseus (👁️🪽)
Dipper/Mason (🌲)
Pup (🐾☄️)
Wally Darling/Walls/Apple (🏠🍎)
Flowey (🌈🌼)
Q!Will (🌻🧣)
Talullah/Tally (🌼🎵)
Q!Quackity (🦆)
C!Quackity (🎲🎰)
CC!Quackity (🦆🎥)
Sunny (☀️)
Moony (🌙)
Winnona (🎸🌼)
Sal/Sally Face (🎸🎭)
Jeff/Jeff the Killer ( 🔪🎸)
Ticci Tobi/Tobi(🪓)
Karl (Fuzztive) (🌀💫)
Transbur/Orca (🌟🏳️‍⚧️)
Sorry!Bur/Ashe (🔥⏱️)
Finn/Twig (🐌)
Stampy (🍰🍎)
Fizzy (🍪🌈)
Soda/Theo (🥁‼️)
Link (🗡️)
Dr.Spencer Reid (📗)
Clowny (🌈🎉)
Bear (🦦🔬)
Honey/Compass (🦊🧭)
Apollo Star (🌪️⛏️)
Punk/Hobie (🕸️🎸)
Izuku/Zuzu/Deku/Mydoria (🥬)
Katsuki/Katsu/Bakugo (💥‼️)
Denki/Denks/Kami (⚡)
Ura/Uraraka/Ochako (🍧)
Tomura/Shigaraki (🥀)
Luz/Tommy/Ranboo (🧃🐈)
Amity/Ami (🦕🌠)
CC!Techno/Alex (🐖)
CC!Guqqie (🎨🍄)
Juicy/Gage (🌭)
Russia/Nikolai (🇷🇺)
America (🇺🇸)
Canadia (🇨🇦)
Crow (☀️🎸)
Joel (🪨)
StudentBur/Pluto (📚)
Zomb!Bur/Satyrn (🪐)
Ethan (⚙️)
CC!Charlie (🪲)
C!Charlie/Slime (🧫)
Q!Charlie/Code/Vyr (🦎)
CC!Cellbit (☕)
CC!Jadien (🖌️🐦)
Q!Mariana/Vyix/Mari ()
König (🧊)
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lamilanomagazine · 6 months
Bologna: proseguono i controlli della provincia in merito alle verifica del rispetto delle leggi in materia di lavoro
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Bologna: proseguono i controlli della provincia in merito alle verifica del rispetto delle leggi in materia di lavoro. Bologna. I Carabinieri del NIL (Nucleo Ispettorato del Lavoro) di Bologna, unitamente a militari del Comando Provinciale CC di Bologna, hanno eseguito nell’ambito della provincia, attività finalizzata a verifiche del rispetto delle leggi in materia di lavoro e della regolare instaurazione dei rapporti di lavoro, al fine di prevenire e reprimere fenomeni di lavoro irregolare, di forme più gravi di irregolarità quali il c.d. fenomeno del lavoro “nero” e lo sfruttamento in ambito lavorativo. Le aziende ed attività ispezionate sono state 7 ed è stato individuato 1 lavoratore impiegato “in nero”, ovvero senza alcun contratto di assunzione e privo di regolare permesso di soggiorno. Nel corso delle ispezioni in materia di lavoro, sono state eseguite, inoltre, verifiche finalizzate alla corretta osservanza delle norme a tutela della salute e sicurezza dei lavoratori previste dal D.lgs 81/2008. A seguito delle accertate gravi inadempienze da parte dei datori di lavoro in materia di salute e sicurezza a tutela dei lavoratori e per le violazioni inerenti l’impiego in maniera irregolare di cittadini stranieri privi di titoli di soggiorno, gli stessi, nel numero complessivo di 7 datori di lavoro, sono stati deferiti alla Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Bologna. Le attività sospese, sia per la presenza di lavoratori in “ nero”, sia per gravi violazioni relative alla tutela della salute e sicurezza dei lavoratori sui luoghi di lavoro, risultano essere 5 su 7 aziende ispezionate. Elevate sanzioni amministrative e ammende per un ammontare complessivo di 70.000 euro. In particolare: Verifiche ed ispezioni di attività commerciali in Bologna: - 3 attività controllate; - Adottati 2 provvedimenti di sospensione di attività imprenditoriale; - Violazioni in materia di sicurezza e tutela della salute dei lavoratori. I militari del NIL (Nucleo Carabinieri Ispettorato del lavoro) di Bologna a seguito di controlli finalizzati al rispetto delle leggi in materia di lavoro e di sicurezza e salute dei lavoratori, procedevano in Bologna, al controllo di 3 attività commerciali e in 2 attività di rivendita di abbigliamento e calzature, gestite da imprenditoria cinese, è stato riscontrato l’impiego di nr. 6 lavoratori, senza la preventiva e obbligatoria formazione in materia di sicurezza e dei rischi presenti sui luoghi di lavoro. Per una delle due attività, inoltre, è stata riscontrata anche la mancanza della redazione del documento di valutazione dei rischi previsto dall’art. 29 D.lgs81/2008. In relazione a quest’ultima violazione è stato applicato il provvedimento della sospensione dell’attività imprenditoriale. Ulteriore provvedimento di sospensione dell’attività imprenditoriale è stato disposto nei confronti di imprenditore di nazionalità bengalese, per aver omesso, anche in questo caso, l’elaborazione del documento di valutazione dei rischi, in relazione alla attività di rivendita carni. Elevate sanzioni/ammende per circa 30.000 euro. Verifiche ed ispezioni effettuate ad attività commerciali in Imola e San Giovanni in Persiceto e nel settore agricolo in Sasso Marconi: - 4 attività controllate; - 1 maxi sanzione per lavoratore straniero “in nero” e privo di permesso di soggiorno; - Adottati 3 provvedimenti di sospensione dell’attività imprenditoriale; - Violazioni in materia di sicurezza e tutela della salute dei lavoratori. In Sasso Marconi (BO) i militari del NIL (Nucleo Carabinieri Ispettorato del lavoro) di Bologna, nell’ambito dell’attività finalizzata al contrasto del lavoro irregolare e tutela sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro, procedevano al controllo di un’azienda agricola, ove veniva riscontrato l’impiego di 3 braccianti, privi di idoneità sanitaria, in quanto non sottoposti a preventiva visita medica e privi di formazione specifica in materia di salute e sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro. In San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO) venivano sottoposte a controllo 2 attività commerciali esercenti attività di pizzeria/rosticceria, presso le quali veniva riscontra la mancata elaborazione del documento di valutazione dei rischi e pertanto, in entrambi i casi, è stato applicato il provvedimento di sospensione dell’attività imprenditoriale. In Imola (BO) i Carabinieri del NIL, nel corso di ispezione ad attività di ristorazione, riscontravano l’impiego da parte di imprenditore di nazionalità turca, di un lavoratore connazionale “in nero”, privo di contratto e privo di permesso di soggiorno. Per tali ragioni, è stato adottato il provvedimento di sospensione dell’attività imprenditoriale e il titolare dell’azienda veniva deferito all’ A.G. felsinea per violazione delle disposizioni riguardanti l’impiego di stranieri in ambito lavorativo. Elevate complessivamente sanzioni/ammende per circa 40.000.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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retfarcyroeht · 2 years
By now, there's probably 50+ Garuda/Garuda Prime guides floating around ahead of her release on Mar 28.
Here's one more...
IMO, Garuda is a jack of all trades (except cc); she can be a weapons platform or a caster frame or both.
Her Roar-esque passive gives more modding flexibility on both the frame itself and any weapons she carries. And the (up to) double damage isn't bad either (as long as mob density per player is good)
The ability that stands out to me is Bloodletting which allows you to sacrifice health to gain energy (scalable with Efficiency). This is part of what makes her such a great caster frame option (you could add Rage/Hunter Adrenaline but it isn't needed) but you need a reliable heal to keep that option on the table.
I start with Arcane Grace and Rejuvenation; for Nullifier/Eximus proof health regen. Blood Altar handles the rest. But does it need to be Blood Altar?
And this is where playstyle divergence starts to occur.
If I'm choosing a build built around Dread Mirror spam, I might decide that Gloom is a better option; spamming two abilities instead of three. I-framing, enemy cc, forward damage negation and a rapidly scaling nuke? Well, giggity, giggity!
If I'm doing a heavy melee build (Amar, Carnis or otherwise), then I may opt to take along a Sancti Magistar, Hirudo or Rakta Dark Dagger (or any heavy attack viable weapon with Life Strike modded in).
I might consider Fire Blast (with Healing Flame) for massively AoE cc, damage and armor strip.
Maybe I'd go full glass cannon and use Roar or Breach Surge with a Basmu kitted for ridiculous fire rate.
Or some misshapen hybrid of the above.
No matter my choice, it all lends itself to keeping pace with the speed of the game and team.
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sciencespies · 4 years
Astronomers report that Venus' atmosphere contains an amino acid found in DNA
Astronomers report that Venus' atmosphere contains an amino acid found in DNA
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Does it feel like all eyes are on Venus these days? The discovery of the potential biomarker phosphine in the planet’s upper atmosphere last month garnered a lot of attention, as it should. There’s still some uncertainty around what the phosphine discovery means, though.
Now a team of researchers claims they’ve discovered the amino acid glycine in Venus’ atmosphere.
The paper announcing the finding is titled ‘Detection of simplest amino acid glycine in the atmosphere of the Venus‘. The lead author is Arijit Manna, a Ph.D. Research Scholar in the Dept. of Physics at Midnapore College in West Bengal, India. The paper is at the pre-print site arxiv.org, which means it hasn’t been peer-reviewed and published in a journal… yet.
There are about 500 known amino acids, but only 20 are present in the genetic code. Glycine is the simplest of them.
Though glycine and other amino acids aren’t biosignatures, they are some of the building blocks of life. In fact, they’re the building blocks of proteins. They were also some of the first organic molecules to appear on Earth. Glycine is important for the development of proteins and other biological compounds.
The researchers used the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to detect glycine in Venus’ atmosphere with spectroscopy. They found it in the mid-latitudes, near the equator. That’s where the signal was strongest, and there was none detected at the poles.
In their paper, the authors write “Its detection in the atmosphere of Venus might be one of the keys to understanding the formation mechanisms of prebiotic molecules in the atmosphere of Venus. The upper atmosphere of Venus may be going through nearly the same biological method as Earth billions of years ago.”
Those two sentences pack a real punch. Could there be some kind of biological process going on in the clouds of Venus? It “might” be one of the keys, and it “may be going” through the same thing Earth did. What does it mean?
First Phosphine, Then Glycine
In mid-September, a team of researchers reported finding phosphine in the upper atmosphere of Venus (Greaves et al, 2020). Like glycine, it was also detected more strongly at mid-latitudes. Phosphine can be a biosignature and is on Earth. But it can also be created chemically, though that requires an enormous amount of energy. It’s been detected at Jupiter and Saturn, where there’s abundant energy for its production. But Venus doesn’t have the required energy to create it.
That team of researchers that discovered phosphine was circumspect with regards to their own findings. In their paper, they almost pleaded with other researchers to account for phosphine’s presence without invoking life. “Now, astronomers will think of all the ways to justify phosphine without life, and I welcome that. Please do, because we are at the end of our possibilities to show abiotic processes that can make phosphine.”
Then a couple of weeks later, another team of researchers did just that. In their paper, called a hypothesis perspective, they said that volcanoes could account for the phosphine.
“We hypothesize that trace amounts of phosphides formed in the mantle would be brought to the surface by volcanism, and then subsequently ejected into the atmosphere, where they could react with water or sulfuric acid to form phosphine.”
The detection of phosphine forms the background for this latest discovery. Both discoveries are part of the larger questions around Venus: Is their life or the potential for life at Venus? Or are these chemicals unrelated to life?
Researchers have identified a region of Venus’ atmosphere that might be able to host life. It would be a bizarre and unusual arrangement from our perspective.
Venus is extremely inhospitable, for the most part. The atmosphere is acidic, the temperature is hot enough to melt spacecraft, and the atmospheric pressure is crushing. But high in the clouds, between about 48 and 60 km (30 and 37 miles) above the surface, the temperature isn’t so lethal.
At that altitude, the temperature ranges from -1 C to 93 C (30 to 200 degrees F). It’s very controversial, but some scientists think a type of simple life could survive there, perpetually reproducing, without ever touching the planet’s surface. Phosphine is easily degraded, so it must be continuously produced for it to be detected. Life at that altitude could be the source of the phosphine.
This new discovery of glycine only adds to the mystery and the uncertainty. In their paper, the researchers propose that Hadley cells could be responsible for providing a home for life.
“The mid-latitude Hadley circulation may give the most stable life-supporting condition with circulation times of 70–90 days being sufficient for (Earth-like) microbial life reproduction.”
Also, the detection of glycine matches up with the detection of phosphine. “The latitude dependent distribution of glycine roughly matches (within ?10?) with the detection limit of recently detected phosphine and with the proposed upper Hadley-cell boundary where gas circulates between upper and lower altitudes.”
Don’t Launch the Spacecraft Yet
While an intriguing finding and worthy of more study, the presence of glycine is nowhere close to a knockout blow in the quest to find life elsewhere. The authors know this and are careful to point it out.
“It should be noted that detection of glycine in Venus’ atmosphere is a hint of the existence of life but not robust evidence.”
It’s an ingredient used by life, but not an indication of life.
Their paper points to some historic experiments designed to test the chemical origin of life on Earth. In 1953, the now-famous Miller-Urey experiment recreated the early conditions on Earth. The researchers created a chemical mixture of water, methane, ammonia, and hydrogen and then applied energy to mimic lightning. The result was a soup of more complex organic compounds.
The experiment produced glycolic acid, a precursor to glycine, and the results backed up the abiogenesis theory. The glycine detected in Venus’ atmosphere could have been produced via the same pathway as the Miller-Urey experiment. There are also other chemical pathways to glycine that are possible in Venus’ atmosphere.
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A simple diagram of the Miller-Urey experiment. (Carny/Hebrew Wikipedia/CC BY 2.5)
“In astrophysics, chemical physics and biophysics, synthetic reaction routes of the simplest amino acid glycine, from simple molecules have great significance with chemical evolution and the origin of life,” the authors write.
“The detection of glycine in the atmosphere of Venus may indicate the existence of an early form of life in the atmosphere of the solar planet because amino acid is a building block of protein. Venus may be going through the primary stage of biological evolution.”
Or it may not.
“Though in Earth, glycine produces by biological procedures, it is possible that in Venus glycine is produced by other photochemical or geochemical means, not common on Earth.” Venus is very different from Earth, and there are processes taking place there that are not present here on Earth.
Here’s where all the cautions come in.
The paper itself hasn’t been peer-reviewed yet. And there are some weaknesses in the results.
For example, the spectroscopic signal of glycine is very close to that of sulfur oxide, so it’s possible there’s an error in the detection of glycine. And this is only a single detection, not duplicated or verified. Also, glycine is the simplest of the amino acids and has been found elsewhere. It’s been detected on comets and meteorites, where there’s really no hope of life.
It also hasn’t been seen on any other planets than Earth, which means it would be surprising to see on a world as hostile as Venus.
To find out, we need more spacecraft visiting Venus. “A Venus mission with direct sampling from Venusian surface and cloud may confirm the source of glycine in the planet,” the authors state.
The detection of glycine, if confirmed, is another intriguing development in the quest to understand the rise of life. Or it may be showing us that chemistry that appears to be prebiotic is only prebiotic in rare cases, and the rest of the time, it means next to nothing. There’s so much we don’t know, and missions to Venus are the only way to find out more and to answer some of our questions.
But for now, we can rest assured that life hasn’t been found on Venus. Instead, we may have uncovered just one more piece of the jigsaw puzzle that is Venus’ complicated atmosphere.
This article was originally published by Universe Today. Read the original article.
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thehomemadehooligan · 5 years
10-64K Jenkins - Cody Saintgnue
Aashi Stone - Naomi Scott
Aayan Shaw - Jackson Rathbone
Abilene Wagner - Natalie Portman
Ace Chase - Sebastian Stan
Ace Spade - Taron Egerton
Adam Elliot - Leland Chapman
Addi Valiant - Allison Scagliotti
Addie Brewster - Idda Van Munster
Ae Chihu - Wooshin
Agent London Clark - Chris Evans
Agent Peter Burke - Tim DeKay
Agron - Dan Feuerriegel
Aiden Wright - Dean O’Gorman
Akkeri kom Podakru - Alex Høgh Andersen
Alana Meridian - Ksenia Solo
Alaric Saltzman - Matthew Davis
Alastair York - Jai Courtney
Alec Lightwood - Matt Daddario
Alec MacDowell - Jensen Ackles
Aleda Kingsleigh - Dove Cameron
Aleks Lubomirski - Bartosz Gelner
Alex Avanyu - Avan Jogia
Alex Fierro - Avan Jogia
Alex Rider - Alexander Ludwig
Alex Taylor - Richard Harmon
Alex Wright - Richard Harmon
Alf Tungri - Will Peltz
Alfred Pennyworth - Sean Pertwee
Alice Rula - Madeline Brewer
Aline Penhallow - Arden Cho
Alix Kirkland - Daniel Sharman
Allanon - Manu Bennett
Amber Amberjack - Dom Sherwood
Ambrose Spellman - Chance Perdommo
Amity - Elizabeth Gillies
Anand Morrígu - Sean Maguire
Anastasia Cloe - Eiza Gonzalez
Anders Johnson - Dean O'Gorman
Andreas Vasilescu - Luke Camilleri
Angel Eyes - DJ Cotrona
Angie Landers - Tatiana Maslany
Anjisnu - Kim Coates
Anya Price - Gina Rodriguez
April Hare - Theo James
Arawen Annwn - Stuart Reardon
Archie Andrews - Kat McNamara
Archie Andrews - KJ Apa
Ardal Cody - Kendall Schmidt
Arika Longan - Harry Shum Jr
Arrow kom Boudalankru - Tatiana Maslany
Arsena Larken - Zendaya Coleman
Art Gremellion - Daniel Gillies
Arthur - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Ash Houndsworth - Sean Teale
Atticus Bane - Will Tudor
Atticus Philo - Grey Damon
Austin DeSantos - Ludi Lin
Avery Durin - Aaron Paul
Axe kom Boudalankru - Aiden Turner
Azmodeus - Landon Liboiron
Baby Collins - Ansel Egort
Baby Driver - Ansel Elgort
Baby Grant - Garrett Hedlund
Balance Grant - Charlie Hunnam
Bane - Tom Hardy
Barclay Kirby - Zane Holtz
Bard Sinclair - Cameron Monaghan
Barnabé Klausen - Bradley Soileau
Baron Remi Goldwyn-Mayer - Michael Fassbender
Barren Guilderson - Iwan Rheon
Bart Putnam - Aaron Taylor Johnson
Bas Norsewood - Sam Steele
Bash de Poitiers - Torrance Coombs
Bax Adamson - Finn Roberts
Bea Cres - Bill Skarsgard
Bea Porter - Rachel Skarsten
Bela Talbot - Lauren Cohen
Bellami Blake - Shay Mitchell
Bellamy Blake - Bob Morley
Belle Amanita - Freeman Agyeman
Ben Bartlett - Jensen Ackles
Ben Fringe - Matt Daddario
Ben Hargeeves - Justin H Min
Ben Kilmartin - Jacob Elordi
Benjamin Heritage - Kellan Lutz
Bent Williams - Tom Payne
Bertie Cooper - Will Tudor
Berto Vega - Jai Courtney
Betsy Shrivatsa - Dichen Lachman
Betty Cooper - Lili Reinhart
Big Grant - Travis Fimmel
Bika kom Azgeda - Michael Eklund
Billy Barton - Brandon Flynn
Billy de Lauro - Cody Christian
Billy Hargrove - Dacre Montgomery
Billy-Ray Sanguine - Michael Fassbender
Bishop Smith - Jack Falahee
Black Hat - Karl Urban
Blade Hood - Grace Phipps
Blaise Caelia - Joe Manganiello
Bliss - Matt Daddario
Bo - Henry Cavill
Bo Grimm - DJ Cotrona
Bobby Mercer - Mark Wahlberg
Bobo Del Rey - Michael Eklund
Bod Chayton - Booboo Stewart
Bosse Ljung - Anson Mount
Bothain Gladstone - Skeet Ulrich
Bowyn Coke - Ian Bohen
Brad Coleman - Jaren Brandt Bartlett
Brennan Mulwray - Victor Webster
Brian O'Connor - Paul Walker
Briar Eglantine - Evan Ross
Briar Jones - India Eisley
Bridget Barker - Natalie Dormer
Brigid Nic Dagda - Kaya Scodelario
Brodie Reston - Jordan Connor
Bunnymund - Norman Reedus, Shawn Mendes
Burke - Michael Fassbender
Burn Milburn - Chris Wood
CA Cupid - Dove Cameron
Caden Lovell - Keiynan Lonsdale
Cai Ryers - Cody Saintgnue
Caine Dunbar - Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Cairns West - Alexander Skarsgard
Cal August - Aaron Jakubenko
Caleb Danvers - Steven Strait
Calleigh Rousseau - Sammi Hanratty
Cam Thompson - Max Thieriot
Capp Hertz - Mchine Gun Kelly
Captain Barbie Barbara - Mike Vogel
Captain Dutch Deadwood - Anson Mount
Captain Harriet Hook - Emeraude Toubia
Captain Jack Sparrow - Johnny Depp
Captain Jim Kirk - Chris Pine
Captain Mal Reynolds - Nathan Fillion
Captain Steve Rogers - Chris Evans
Cara - Allison Scagliotti
Carl Gallagher - Ethan Cutkosky
Carlos DeVil - Cameron Boyce
Carny South - Finn Jones
Carol Danvers - Brie Larson
Casi Riqui - David Castaneda
Cassidy - Joe Gilgun
Cassie Diaval - Lindy Booth
Castle Baxter - Jon Bernthal
CC Clair - Claudia Lee
Cerise Hood - Marie Avgeropoulos
Champion Barrow - Tyler Posey
Charlie Bradbury - Felicia Day
Charlie Stephenson - Willa Holland
Chase Collins - Sebastian Stan
Chase Stein - Dom Sherwood
Chef Daniel Addams - Christian Kane
Cheka kom Trikru - Blair Redford
Chelle Reilly - Sonequa Martin-Green
Cherry Cash - Colin O'Donaghue
Cheryl Blossom - Madelaine Petsch
Cheshire Liddell - Sebastian Stan
Chess Cat - Harry Shum Jr
Chev Arthur - Jason Statham
Chibs Telford - Tommy Flanagan
Chic Smith - Hart Denton
Chief Osprey - Tyler Posey
Choi Trio - Jeonghan
Chris Argent - JR Bourne
Chryso Brach - Hart Denton
Chuck Hansen - Rob Kazinsky
Chul Bora - T.O.P
Ciaran Byrne - Skeet Ulrich
Ciel Quinn - Hale Appleman
Cinda Wocky - Lucy Hale
CJ Hook - Kat McNamara
Clark Griffin - Austin Butler
Clarke Griffin - Eliza Taylor
Clary Helstrom - Tyler Blackburn
Clint Barton - Jeremy Renner, Luke Mitchell
Clove Sageseed - Jonathan Whitesell
Coco Cash - Dave Franco
Cody Pine - Logan Lerman
Col. Basher Moran - Michael Fassbender
Cole Higgins - Monty Geer
Colonel Jack O'Neill - Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Welch
Colonel John Sheppard - Joe Flanagan
Colossus - Danila Kozlovsky
Connor Angel - Vincent Kartheiser, Chandler Riggs
Connor Kent - Robbie Amell
Connor MacManus - Sean Patrick Flanery
Conrí Faolán - Cole Sprouse
Coop Lachlan - Dacre Montgomery
Cooper Rose - Konstantinos Laios
Copper kom Yujleda - Kristin Stewart
Corbin kom Ingranronakru - Shane West
Costin Comescu - Scott Eastwood
Cotton Thistle - Hansol Vernon Chwe
Countess Marishka Tepes - Kiara Glasco
Court Silver - Richard Harmon
Crawford Leather - Charlie Weber
Crina Demetra - Lyndsy Fonesca
Cyneric Ashworth - Nick Bateman
Daci Larken - Tammin Sursok
Dag Ryden - Daniel Di Tomasso
Daisy Diaz - David Castro
Dalia kom Azgeda - Sophie Turner
Damon Salvatore - Ian Somerhalder
Daniel Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Danihel Ranger - Alexander Calvert
Dante Fischer - Dylan O'Brien
Daria Sabriel - Jaimie Alexander
Darien Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Darius Sabriel - Samuel Larsen
Darko Pover - Dom Sherwood
Darling Charming - Eliza Taylor
Darya Ryden - Meghan Ory
Daryl Dixon - Norman Reedus
Daya Kitchell - Zendaya Coleman
Deadpool - Ryan Reynolds
Dean Winchester - Jensen Ackles
Death of the Endless - Summer Glau
Deck Chelios - Joe Manganiello
Declan Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Declan Harp - Jason Momoa
Del Clover - Jordan Connor
Delia Midford - Allison Scagliotti
Delirium of the Endless - Hayley Williams
Delta - Clive Standen
Denny Toombs - Greyston Holt
Deputy Avi Callahan-Constantine
Derek Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Des Carter - Frank Grillo
Desire of the Endless - Ruby Rose
Det. Kee Cavanagh - Tom Hardy
Detective Ainsley Mansfield - Christian Kane
Detective Danno Williams - Scott Caan
Detective Danny Messer - Carmine Giovinazzo
Detective Dyson Thornwood - Kris Holden-Reid
Detective Javan Bengal - Michael Fassbender
Detective Konstantinos Cruz - Colton Haynes
Dew DeWitt - Francois Arnaud
Diana Derrick - Brooke Williams
Diana Prince - Gal Gadot
Diego Hargreeves - David Castañeda
Dirk Gently - Samuel Barnett
Dmitry Kelso - Jay Ryan
Doc Holliday - Tim Rozon
Doc Holliday Jr - Matt Daddario
Domino - Keira Knightley
Dot Baum - Becky G
Doug Reston - Joe Manganiello
Dr Bones McCoy - Karl Urban
Dr Gryphon Trent - Chris Hemsworth
Dr Hank McCoy - Nicholas Hoult
Dr Harley Quinn - Hart Denton
Dr Hart Hansen - Tom Mison
Dr House - Hugh Laurie
Dr Jake Stone - Christian Kane
Dr Jill Holtzmann - Kate McKinnon
Dr Johann Stein - Richard Harmon
Dr Juneau Moone - Dane Dehaan
Dr Lane Reston - Skeet Ulrich
Dr Paddy Doyle - Andrew Scott
Dr Palmer Isley - KJ Apa
Dr Pamela Isley - Natalie Dormer
Dr Sindri Vidarr - Dane Dehaan
Dr Trick Grimsby - Ian Bohen
Draco Malfoy - Tom Felton, Miles Heizer
Drak kom Trishanakru - Alexander Dreymon
Draki Astarot - Troye Sivan
Dru Vritra - Santiago Segura
Dsimu Runihura - Michael Fassbender
Durant Fischer - Dylan O'Brien
Dusty Djura - Kat Dennings
Dwalin, Son of Fundin - Graham Mac Tavish
Eames - Tom Hardy
Eddie Brock - Tom Hardy
Eddy Williams - Adam G Sevani
Edric Lange - Anthony Mackie
Eggsy Unwin - Taron Egerton
Eight - Bob Morley
Eira Candace - Alycia Debnam-Carey
Eirlys kom Azgeda - Kit Harington
Eli Barros - David Castaneda
Elijah Mikaelson - Daniel Gillies
Eliot Spencer - Christian Kane
Eliot Waugh - Hale Appleman
Elise Gerard - Troian Bellisario
Elodie Kerstoph - Abbey Lee
Emerson Topper - Zach McGowan
Emery - Miss Psycho Cat/Minja Cvetković
Emma Austin - Scout Taylor Compton
Enzo Ferris - Brock O’Hurn
Enzo St John - Michael Malarky
Erik Lehnsherr - Michael Fassbender
Erin Strife - Ash Stymest, Cher Lloyd
Ethan Connors - Derek Theler
Evan Bilingham - Daniel Gillies
Evan Williams - Dan Stevens
Evgeni Shankarov - Paul Wesley
Evie Weiss - Max Schneider
Exy Enger - Caitlin Stasey
Eyes Auriemma - Rob Raco
Fabien Mariani - Bob Morley
Faith Firenze - Zoey Deutch
Faith Zora - Arielle Kebel
Falco LaPointe - Francois Arnaud
Fangs Fogarty - Drew Ray Tanner
Faolan Finn - Shawn Mendes
Faraday Jones - Chris Pratt
Farmer Quentin - Vin Diesel
Father Daine - JR Bourne
Father Gothel - Kim Coates
Father Robert King - Gabriel Macht
Felix Mosley - Jade Hassouné
Fergus Carter - Cole Sprouse
Fey Sprite - Natalia Dyer
Fi Kapua - Jungkook
Filarion Gaelin - Chanyeol
Fili, Son of Dis - Dea O'Gorman
Finn Collins - Thomas McDonell
Finn Liebrecht - Charlie Carver
Finnlee Camdyn - Hart Denton
Fionn Collins - Nina Dobrev
Fitz Luck - Lucas Till
Five Hargreeves - Aiden Gallagher
Five Voelkel - Dan Feuerriegel
Fletcher Herangi/Searanke - KJ Apa
Flick Fawkes - Lindsey Morgan
Flint Gladstone - Rob Raco
Flynn Addams - Norman Reedus
Flynn Rider - Jared Padalecki
Foma Comescu - Armie Hammer
Ford Waters - Jon Bernthal
Foster - Jade Hassouné
Fox Asterphilos - Michael Fassbender
Fox Tempest - Harry Shum Jr
Frank Castle - Jon Bernthal
Frank Martin - Jason Statham
Frazer Parkes - Zane Holtz
Fred Walter - Ellen Page
Freddie McClair - Luke Pasqualino
Freya Mikaelson - Riley Voelkel
Friday Ginger - Bradley Cooper
Garnet Porter - Danielle Harris
Garrett Burroughs - Amadeus Serafini
Gem Topaz - Jade Thirlwell
Geniy Kirova - Danila Kozlovsky
Geo kom Ingranronakru - Christian Kane
Geo Tyson - Christian Navarro
Gideon Kirkland - Nate Buzolic
Gil LeGume - Dylan Playfair
Ginger Breadhouse - Vanessa Morgan
Gladys Jones - Morena Baccarin
Gleb Mychajlovich - Luke Guldan
Glenn Dixon - Robert Buckley
Grace Zora - Claire Holt
Griffin - Jamie Bell
Gus Speedle - Jesse Metcalfe
Gwaine the Younger - Will Tudor
Ha Minsu - Yongguk
Haf kom Podakru - Clive Standen
Haihefa Roan kom Azgeda - Zach McGowan
Haiplana Rowan kom Azgeda - Olga Kurylenko
Han Seong-Jin - Seo In Guk
Han Seoul-Oh - Sung Kang, Jung Ji Hoon
Handsome Rob - Jason Statham
Hannibal King - Ryan Reynolds
Harley Keener - Ty Simpkins
Harp Wilson - Ashley Rickards
Harper - Gordon Michael Woolvett
Harry Addams - Sharlto Copley
Harry Hook - Thomas Doherty
Harry Osborn - Alex Høgh Andersen
Harvey Kinkle - Ross Lynch
Hayley Gold - Alberto Rosende
Hazel Haven - Kyle Gallner
Heave - Brock O’Hurn
Heda Lex kom Trikru - Greyston Holt
Heda Lexa kom Trikru - Alycia Debnam-Carey
Hendrix Mars - Odiseas Georgiadis
Henry Greyson - Brenton Thwaites
Henry Mikaelson - Richard Harmon
Herc Hansen - Max Martini
HG Graham - Jaime Murray
Hiram Lodge - Mark Consuelas
Hope Zora - Penelope Mitchell
Hush kom Azgeda - Tasya Teles
Hyde Jackson - Lucas Till
Ian Gallagher - Cameron Monaghan
Ianto Mumbles - Idris Elba
Iefan Mumbles - Idris Elba
Illyiad Barakan - Johnny Strong
Indigo Basile - Will Tudor
InDo Montoya - Cole Sprouse
Ink Marburg - Stephen James
Isaac Lahey - Daniel Sharman
Isias Apgar - Kim Coates
Issac Lawson - Luke Evans
Iva Malone - Stephanie Bennett
Ivo Ramsey - Keegan Allen
Izzy Swango - Matt Ryan
Jace Lightwood - Dom Sherwood
Jack Frost - Troye Sivan, Sean Patrick Flanery
Jack Morton - Jake Manley
Jacob Finnegan - Ian Bohen
Jade Jordan - Hailee Steinfeld
James Moriarty - Andrew Scott
Janet McCullogh - Emma Roberts
Jannick Boden - Robert Sheehan
Jareth the Goblin King - Brett Dalton, David Bowie
Jarvis Huish - Jake Abel
Jason Schuchard - Logan Henderson
Jason Todd - Bob Morley
Jasper Jordan - Devon Bostick
Jax Harley - Ricky Whittle
Jax Lewis - Noel Fisher
Jay Abanazar - Booboo Stewart
Jazz Hills - Nick Jonas
Jean Morau - Eliza Dushku
Jefferson - Sebastian Stan
Jem Fenrirson - Michael Fassbender
Jensen Ames - Jason Statham
Jensen Slick - Stephen Dorff
Jeremy Gilbert - Steven R McQueen
Jerry Lucas - Sam Heughan
Jess Gambino - China Anne McClain
Jett McCreighton-Hill - Cole Sprouse
Jia Nix - Justin H Min
Jim Moriarty - Andrew Scott
Jimmy Malone - Landon Liboiron/Tom Sturridge
JJ Jenkins - Megan Fox
Joaquin DeSantos - Rob Raco
Joe Addams - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Joe McAlister - Colin Ford
Joel Bissainthe - Andy Biersack
Joel Gregory - Benedict Cumberbatch
Joel Shmishlyaev - Ash Stymest
John Avanyu - Karl Urban
John Constantine - Matt Ryan
John Mbege - Keiynan Lonsdale
John Murphy - Richard Harmon
John Silvini - Ryan Reynolds
John Vaako Grimm - Karl Urban
Johnnie Cooper - Tom Ellis
Johnny Jaqobis - Aaron Ashmore
Johnny Law - Vincent Ventresca
Jojo Cash - Chris Pine
Jon Byers - Charlie Heaton
Jon Snow - Kit Harington
Jonah Howard - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Jones Templeton - Brock Kelly
Jordan Howard - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Jory Kulkarni - Tyler Hoechlin
Jostus kom Sankru - Brock O’Hurn
JR Murphy - Richard Harmon
JT Jones - Bill Skarsgard
Jughead Jones - Cole Sprouse
Juice Ortiz - Theo Rossi
Jukebox Jones - Hannah Marks
Julio Richter - Diego Boneta
Jumpcut Jones - Dylan Sprouse
Kacey Patton - Dylan Sprouse
Kade Arcino - Zachary Quinto
Kaede Oshiro - Sehun
Kai Anderson - Evan Peters
Kai Parker - Chris Wood
Kaios Godfrey -Bill Skarsgard
Kaleb Westphall - Daniel Sharman
Kara Kaa - Eiza Gonzalez
Karolina Dean - Virginia Gardener
Kaya Carter-Reston - Dove Cameron
Kayla Doll - Emily Browning
Kaylee Sanderson - Gal Gadot
Kelly Benton - Darya Goncharova
Kelly Pryor - Brandon Larracuente
Kensington Banning - Will Tudor
Kenzo Malikov - Kim Heechul
Keri Graves - Marie Avgeropoulos
Kerry Holt - Richard Armitage
Kesa Brandt - Tom Hardy
Kevin Keller - Casey Cott
Ki Tilo - KJ Apa
Kid Loki - Cole Sprouse
Kili, Son of Dis - Aiden Turner
Killian Salvatore - Scott Caan
Kim Hart - Naomi Scott
Kincaid Jericko - Victor Webster
King Aim Dagonet - Jordan Connor
King Asnee Ambrocio - Choi Min Ki
King Beem - Jordan Connor
King Ben French - Mitchell Hope
King Christoph Henderson - Henry Cavill
King Lionel Reginus - Jason Momoa
King Papi Palma-Picarzo - Rob Raco
King Ragnar Lothbrok - Travis Fimmel
King Rey Bolivar - David Castro
King Rí - Joseph Morgan
King Rook Smith - Thomas Doherty
King Rory Reagan - Richard Madden
King Sigourney Algernon - Francois Arnaud
King Tru I Tania - Clive STanden
King Vlad Tepes III - Luke Evans
Kingsley Hopkirk - Kris Holden-Ried
Kintsu Kuroi - Jhope
Kisa - Eiza Gonzalez
Kit Barton - Luke Mitchell
Kit Corwin - Rob Raco
Kit Pryde - Dylan Sprayberry
Kit Rook - Colin Ford
Kito Jewel - Kit Harrington
Kitt Banning - Dom Sherwood
Kitten Byrne - Kit Harington
Kitten Kirk - Chloe Grace Moretz
Kitty Cheshire - Alyssa Claire Joynson
Kitty Kole - Kay Victoria
Klaus Mikaelson - Joseph Morgan
Knight Jack Knave - Dom Sherwood
Kol Mikaelson - Nate Buzolic
Kona Leilani - Dacre Montgomery
Kostia kom Trikru - Adelaide Kane, Emilia Clarke, Nyane Lebajoa, Hannah John Kamen
Kostin kom Trikru - Kit Harington, Lucky Blue Smith, Jordan Calloway
Kozik - Kenny Johnson
Kristoff of Arendelle - Chris Hemsworth
Ku Yejun - Jaejoong
Kuba Kowalski - Antoni Porowski
Kurgan Reina - Daniel Gillies
Kyda kom Trishanakru - Josefin Asplund
Kyle Bathory - Jake Manley
Kyra Badd - Alexa Davalos
L Lawliet - Ken'ichi Matsuyama
Lace Rainer - Jason Ralph
Lachlan Camdyn - Reilly Dolman
Lady/Lord Lara Croft - Alicia Vikander, Tom Hardy
Lán Sé Límíng - G-Dragon
Lanta kom Trishanakru - Harry Shum Jr
Lara Montgomery - Shelley Hennig
Lark Malone - Chloe Bennet
Laveau McQueen - Richard Harmon
Lavrenty Comescu - Mike Vogel
Lee Christmas - Jason Statham
Lee Druitt - Brett Dalton
Leigh Trace - Christian Slater
Leith Camdyn - Will Tudor
Lena Crighton - Hannah John-Kamen
Leon Strong - Johnny Strong
Leonard Snart - Wentworth Miller
Leone O'Ray - Dylan Sprouse
Levi Livingston - Jackson Rathbone
Lexington Wallander III - Travis Fimmel
Lia Santiago - Eiza Gonzalez
Liam Dunbar - Dylan Sprayberry
Liander Tybalt - Harry Shum Jr
Libby Tazzno - Mollee Gray
Light Yagami - Tatsuya Fujiwara
Lightfingers Bourne - Colin Ford
Lilah Sanderson - Danielle Campbell
Lily Highsmith - Crystal Reed
Link Fawkes - Thomas McDonell
Link, Last of the Hylians - Austin Butler
Lip - Jared Padalecki
Lip Trembuey - Reilly Dolman
Lissa Anderson - Jessica Lu
Logan - Hugh Jackman
Logan Cale - Michael Weatherly
Lola Locorant - Eiza Gonzalez
Lolli Baxter - Vanessa Morgan
Lonnie Li - Dianne Doan
Lord Albrecht Holmes - Tom Hiddleston
Lord Marshall Richard B Riddick - Vin Diesel
Lorelai Vierra - Lana Parilla
Loren Knowles - Shannon Kook
Lorna Lexington - Emma Dumont
Lou LaBelle-Ferretti - Tasya Teles
Louisa Giroux - Danielle Campbell
Loullabelle Jones - Allison Scagliotti
Lt. Col Switch McKenna - Alex O’Loughlin/Brock Kelly
Lt. Col. Anders Fontaine - Chris O'Donnell
Lt. Faceman Peck - Bradley Cooper
Lucien Judith - Michael Johnston
Lucifer Morningstar - Tom Ellis
Lucilla Nike - Charlize Theron
Lucius Philo - Kellan Lutz
Luke Castellan - Jake Abel
Luke Collins - Zak Henri
Luke Dusk - Mark Pellegrino
Lupe Lito - Miguel Ángel Silvestre
M’Ari Walker - Ksenia Solo
Macallan - Shawn Mendes
Mack Wilson - David Guintoli
Maddie Moreau - Sarah Hyland
Maddy Trevor - Bella Thorne
Madrigan Hatter - Landon Liboiron
Mae Coombs - Lili Reinhart
Maeve Aella - Phoebe Tonkin
Magnus Bane - Harry Shum Jr
Magpie TwoSpirit - Ruby Rose
Magret Spector - Vanessa Morgan
Maj. Ty Fontaine - Stephen Amell
Mak Timoti - Wentworth Miller
Makena Kysely - Colton Haynes
Malachai - Nicholas Hoult
Mangjol Ji-Tae - Minhyuk btob
Marc Wilder - Avan Jogia
Marcus Addams - Kim Coates
Marcus Berry - Godfrey Gao
Margo kom Sankru - Natalie Dormer
Marie Thompson - Meryl Streep
Mark Hobb - Jensen Ackles
Marley McCaffrey - Skeet Ulrich
Martin Rowdy - Michael Eklund
Mary Qazi - Sofia Boutella
Marzio Altamura - Jimmy Quaintance
Mathew Paterson - Tom Holland
Matilda Zolnerowich - Sygin
Matt Jeevas - Luhan
Matt Murdock - Charlie Cox
Mattie Brightley - Asa Butterfield, Cillian Murphy
Maven King - Diego Barrueco
Maz Lorne - Charlotte Best
McCorrigan Holmes - Tilda Swinton
Mekhi Kennedy - Bill Skarsgard
Mel Putnam - Jackson Rathbone
Meliorn - Jade Hassouné
Merlin Emrys - Colin Morgan
Merrick Finn - Dylan O'Brien
Mi Se-Yeon - Jimin
Mick Sweeney - Pablo Schreiber
Mickey Finn - Callum Blue
Mickey Milkovich - Noel Fisher
Midge Conlon - Colin Ford
Midge Klump - Nick Robinson
Mikael Whistler - Wentworth Miller
Mike Plisskin - Colin Ford
Miles O’Shaughnessy - Robert Sheehan
Miller Petroff - Mike Vogel
Million Pearce - David Castro
Milos Toplaski - Tommy Flanagan
Mim Fayette - Katie McGrath
Minka Vodnik - Olivia Wilde
Mira Bellami - Victoria Justice
Misty Lombardo - Adelaide Kane
Mitchell - Aiden Turner
Monroe Lorenzo - Michael Malarky
Moose Mason - Cody Kiersley
Morbid Kitchell - Machine Gun Kelly
Morgan Julius - Landon Liboiron
Morrigan Wallace - Lena Headey
Morrison Wallace - Tommy Flanagan
Ms. America - Gina Rodriguez
Murphy MacManus - Norman Reedus
Murtagh Reston - Thomas Doherty
Natalia Miller - Ashleigh Murray
Nate Spooner - Toby Hemmingway
Nathan Miller - Jarod Joseph
Nathaniel Barton - Grant Gustin
Natshana kom Trishanakru - Chai Hansen
Nell Reba-Barnes - Steve Howey
Neptune Hollins - Noah Centineo
Nia Bradbury - Andy Biersack
Nic Janson - Troye Sivan
Nick Agave - Dom Sherwood
Nick Scratch - Gavin Leatherwood
Nick St North - Kris Kristofferson
Nico DiAngelo - David Mazouz
Nico Minoru - Lyrica Okano
Nico Prentís - Cody Saintgnue
Nicolai Duchamps - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Nik Ellis - KJ Apa
Nile Gwynnne - Nate Buzolic
Nix Arthur - Charlie Hunnam
No Preston - Max Riemelt
Noah Johnson - Mitchell Hope
Nolan James - Norman Reedus
Nonna Narrington - Caleb Landry Jones
Note Scofield - Cameron Boyce
Nova - Adam Lambert
Nysse Hamilton - Dayana Melgares
Nyx Greymark - Nyané Lebajoa
Oaklee Zaharis - Marie Avgeropoulos
Oddmund Bodilson - Brett Dalton
Oli Delfino - KJ Apa
Ong Minjae - Sehun
Onyx Frost-Haddock - Cole Sprouse
Opie Winston - Ryan Hurst
Orin Suelita - DJ Cotrona
Orion Hunter - Jai Courtney
Os Avanyu - Oscar Jaenada
Owen Anton - Devon Sawa
Owen Grady - Chris Pratt
Owen Palomino - Sean Patrick Flanery
Oz Keen - Cody Christian
Patricia Llewelyn - Scout Taylor-Compton
Paul Rumancek - Landon Liboiron
Paul Tristan - Nick Jonas
Paul Trubel - Miles Heizer
Paw Cavanaugh - Alisha Wainwright
Peg Simon - Joe Manganiello
Peilani Salvatore - Jason Momoa
Pen Carpenter - Hale Appleman
Percy Jackson - Cole Sprouse
Pern Sorrows - Colin Morgan
Perry Avanyu - Drew Fuller
Peter Hale - Ian Bohen
Peter Parker - Tom Holland
Peter Quill - Chris Pratt
Peter Rumancek - Landon Liboiron
Peyton Bennett - Dove Cameron
Philip Pearson - Reilly Dolman
Pike - Milo Ventimiglia
Pitch Black - Jude Law
Pixie Trix - Lena Scissorhands
Poe McCreary - Ruby Rose
Prali Kus - Sendhil Ramamurthy
Prince Alby Escamillia - Bob Morley
Prince Ali Ababwa - Avan Jogia
Prince Arthur Pendragon - Bradley James, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Prince Babylas French - Tom Holland
Prince Dubh of Dunbroch - Matt Daddario
Prince Fin Bratomil Leonidus - Jamie Campbell Bower
Prince Fionn of Dunbroch - Matt Daddario
Prince Greyson Rutherford - Robbie Kay
Prince Hans of the Southern Isles - Max Martini
Prince Hung Tae-Hee - TOP
Prince Kieran of the Wild Hunt - Nils Kuiper
Prince Kory Westergaard - Eddie Redmayne
Prince Mee-Dee Pendragon - Dom Sherwood
Prince Rapunzel - Jensen Ackles
Prince Tobias Morei - Pedro Aurelian
Princess Amberle Elessedil - Poppy Drayton
Princess Anna of Arendelle - Karen Gillan, Molly C Quinn, Miranda Otto
Princess Beth of Crims - Adelaide Kane
Princess Evie Grimhilde - Sofia Carson
Princess Merida of DunBroch - Rachelle LeFevre, Kat McNamara, Sadie Sink
Princess Ruby Henderson - Adelaide Kane
Princess Shuri of Wakanda - Letitia Wright
Professor Charles Xavier - James McAvoy
Professor Chuck Marks - Joe Manganiello
Professor Dai Ignotus - Frank Grillo
Professor Hartley Badeau - JR Bourne
Prudence Night Blackwood - Tati Gabrielle
Pubert Addams - David Mazouz
Pugsley Addams - Cole Sprouse
Q-ee Quire - Aaron Yoo
Quade Reeves - Froy Gutierrez
Queen Becci Doherty - Lucy Hale
Queen Elsa of Arendelle - Kathryn Winnick, Dove Cameron
Queen Juno Smith - Ariana Grande
Queen Lyria of Leah - Vanessa Morgan
Queen Rosalee Lette - Taylor Momsen
Queenie Scarlett - Bailey Jay
Quentin Coldwater - Jason Ralph
Quentin Cruikshanks - Zane Holtz
Quentin Quire - Machine Gun Kelly
Quinlan Cruikshanks - Zane Holtz
Quinn Dolan - Richard Harmon
Race Tabytha - Christopher Gorham
Rachel Summers - KJ Apa
Radley Finch - Stephen James
Radovan Zivkovic - Tom Hardy
Rainy Bright - Osric Chau
Raiven Reyes - Avan Jogia
Raleigh Beckett - Charlie Hunnam
Ran-Mao - Brianna Hildebrand
Randall Carpio - Adam DiMarco
Raphael Santiago - David Castro
Ratchet Rosston - Cher Lloyd
Raven Reyes - Lindsey Morgan
Ravi Enrico - Robert Sheehan
Ray Mantle - Ross Butler
Rayner Pope - Seth Gabel
Reggie Mantle - Charles Melton
Rei Kawahara - Dichen Lachman
Reid Garwin - Toby Hemmingway
Rell Hartfield - Chloe Bennet
Remus Godfrey - Bill Skarsgard
Rev. Jesse Custer - Dominic Cooper
Revolver - Lucas Till
Rex Rexford - Daniel Sharman
Ric Road - Gustaf Skarsgard
Richard Amore - Adam Levine
Richie Brooks - Andrew Scott
Richie Gecko - Zane Holtz
Rick Hobb - DJ Cotrona
Riko Velli - Niko Pepaj
Riley Barrick - Luke Bilyk
Rina Dust - Kat McNamara
Rip Finley - Arthur Darvill
River Green - Ezra Miller
Robert Lockshood - Taron Egerton
Robin Downes - Cole Sprouse
Robin Locksley - Colin Ford
Rocket Jameson - Alberto Rosende
Rogue - Jacob Elordi
Rogue - Victor Webster
Roman Godfrey - Bill Skarsgard
Roman Mercer - Avan Jogia
Roo Carter - Luanna Perez
Rory Harker - Cole Sprouse
Ros Carman - Emeraude Toubia
Rosco Domitan - Tommy Flanagan
Rose Parker - Sasha Lane
Rosie Dainty - Sarah Hyland
Ruairí Gunnrarr - Sean Patrick Flanery
Rune kom Azgeda - Jason Momoa
Rusty Ryan - Brad Pitt
Ryl Lytvynenko - Jamie Campbell-Bower
Ryl/Lyra Connors - Caleb Landry Jones, Holland Roden
Sadie Rosati - Jon Kortajarena
Saiya Erembour - Kiernan Shipka
Sam Lee Fisher - Kiersey Clemons
Sam Shankerov - Joel Kinnaman
Samael Abigor - Tom Hardy
Sameen Shaw - Sarah Shahi
Samira Avanyu - Rihanna
Samoset Ramirez Avanyu - Theo Rossi
Santa Muerte - Riae Suicide
Sassy Caitsidhe - Asa Butterfield
Schrödinger Cat - Godfrey Gao
Scorpius Malfoy - Troye Sivan
Scott Canterbury - Nate Buzolic
Scott McCall - Tyler Posey
Scott Summers - Tye Sheridan
Scout - Richard Harmon
Scud Buchanen - Norman Reedus
Sean Gallagher - Dane Dehaan
Seb Reid - Toby Hemmingway
Seb Shankerov - Joel Kinnaman
Sebastian Michaelis - Jared Leto
Sebastian Morgenstern - Will Tudor
Sébastienne Morgenstern - Dove Cameron
Seth Gecko - DJ Cotrona
Severin Moran - Michael Fassbender
SFC Bob Brown - Scott Foley
Sgt. Axel Miller - Jonathan Scarfe
Sgt. Bucky Barnes - Sebastian Stan
Sgt. Cougar Alvarez - Oscar Jaenada
Shalimar Fox - Victoria Pratt
Shalimar Rose - Emeraude Toubia
Shane Kilmartin - Noah Centineo
Shelby Kiyaya - Jason Momoa
Sheriff FP Jones - Skeet Ulrich/Cole Sprouse
Sherlock Holmes - Benedict Cumberbatch
Sherry Holmes - Benedict Cumberbatch
Sicario Montoya - David Castaneda
Sigla kom Podakru - Katheryn Winnick
Silas Kyle - Charles Melton
Silas Prince - Avan Jogia
Sim Chunho - Kiseop
Simon Bellamy - Iwan Rheon
Simon Cooper - Grant Gustin
Simon Jogia - Rami Malek
Simon Lewis - Alberto Rosende
Sinclair Lorentz - Aidan Turner
Siobhan Mbege - China Anne McClain
Siobhan Murphy - Lyndsy Fonesca
Sion Brass - Wentworth Miller
Sir Percival of Albion - Tom Hopper
Sky Vance - Dylan O'Brien
Sol Whitecrest - Nadia Hilker
Song Xieren - Xiao Meng
Sonnie Smythe - Dane Dehaan
Sophie Brightborn - Kat McNamara
Soubi Agatsuma - T.O.P
Sparkle Soleil - Virginia Gardener
Spot Conlon - Bill Skarsgard
Spring Heeled Jack - Jordan Connor
St.John Allerdyce - Aaron Stanford
Staff sergeant Jake Stingman
Stan Rotor - Machine Gun Kelly
Steffen Dumah Vigo - Aaron Stanford
Steve Harrington - Joe Keery
Steve Hopper - Tyler Hoechlin
Steve McGarrett - Alex O’Loughlin
Stiles Stilinski - Dylan O'Brien
Stirling Argent - Joel Kinnaman
Stuart Twombly-Stilinski - Dylan O'Brien
Sue Cash - Jeremy Renner
Suk Hyun-Woo - Jin Young
Suk Jung-Hee - Kim Jaejoong
Suk Pyong-Ho - Hong Bin
Sully Harper - Norman Reedus
Sunny Magnum - Ash Stymest
Sweet Pea - Jordan Connor
Syl Maier - Alex Watson
T-Bag - Robert Knepper
Takeshi Kovacs - Joel Kinnaman, Will Yun Lee
Takuya Rain - Jung Ji Hoon
Tali Bell - Stirling Knight
Talia Trent - Arden Cho
Tara Blackfeather - Taylor Momsen
Tara Orlov - Ksenia Solo
Teasaidh Addams - Aidan Turner
Teddy Altman - Alexander Ludwig
Teddy Lupin - Noah Centineo
Terry Jasper - Dwayne Johnson
Tex Malcolm - Dave Franco
Theo Abbott - Evan Crooks
Theo Crain - Kate Siegel
Theo Putnam - Lachlan Watson
Theo Raeken - Cody Christian
Thomas Addams - Jensen Ackles
Thomas Teller - Travis Fimmel
Thor Odinson - Chris Hemsworth
Tig Trager - Kim Coates
Tiger O’Hanigan - Sebastian Stan
Tihomir Bosko - James Marsters
Tim Blaise - Ben Barnes
Tim Drake - Cole Sprouse
Time Thorin - Brock O'Hurn
Tinkerbell - Dove Cameron
TK Bell - Emilia Clarke
Toby Cavanaugh - Keegan Allen
Todd Brotzman - Elijah Wood
Tokala Ramirez - Raphael Alejandro
Tolly Nichols-Dix - David Castro
Toly Sorrows - Cam Gigandet
Tommy Conway - Jensen Ackles
Toni Topaz - Vanessa Morgan
Tonio Oliver - Luke Pasqualino
Tony Parker - Dom Sherwood
Tony Stark - Robert Downey Jr
Tony Stonem - Nicholas Hoult
Tony Topaz - Keiynan Lonsdale
Tori Markham - Maggie Q
Torrance Green - Parker Hurley
Trace Georgia - Shiloh Fernandez
Tracy Rose - David Gandy
Travis Buchanen - Norman Reedus
Trevor Holden - Jared Abrahamson
Treyu kom Sankru - Charlie Hunnam
Tribute Jones - Thomas Doherty
Tristan Gaheris - Bradley James
Tulip O'Hare - Ruth Negga
Uma Scylla - China Anne McClain
Unity Candor - Dom Sherwood
Urban Candor - Theo James
Uriah Reyes - Peter Gadiot
Urumi Bello - Ben Barnes
Valentine Morgenstern - Nikolai Coster-Waldau, Ryan Kwanten
Van Torrence - Max Martini
Vanya Hargreeves - Ellen Page
Vanya Kalantarova - Theo Rossi
Vasily Kalanatrova - Ksenia Solo
Vel Grant - Garrett Hedlund
Ven Kuznetsov - Zane Holtz
Venus Van Dam - Walton Goggins
Verity - Ekilateral
Verity James - Cole Sprouse
Verna Piette - Victoria Campbell
Verona Lodge - Michael Trevino
Veronica Lodge - Camilla Mendes
Vex - Paul Amos
Victor Mancha - Alberto Rosende
Viktoriya Nadedja - Ivanna Anatoliyivna Sakhno
Vilko Rosenfeld - Tyler Hoechlin
Vivien Tancredi - Taissa Farmiga
Vogel Rowdy - Osric Chau
Vu Inlustris - Matt Lanter
Walden Sommers - Dylan Sprayberry
Walker Simon - Adam Levine
Warren Avanyu - Steven Strait
Warren Fafner - David Gandy
Warren Peace - Steven Strait
Wart Addams - Evwan McGregor
Waverly Earp - Dominique Provost-Chalkley
Wednesday Addams - Camila Mendes
Weiryn Cernonnus - Adam Copeland
Wes March - Avan Jogia
Will Herondale - Andy Biersack
Willow Queen - Katie McGrath
Win Palencia - Frank Grillo
Witchita Nichols-Dix - Jared Padalecki
Woda kom Floukru - Joe Manganiello
Wolfgang Bogdanow - Max Riemelt
Wood Woodley - DJ Cotrona
Wyatt Halliwell - Wes Ramsey
Wysteria - Aaron Stanford
Xander Harris - Nicholas Brendan
Xav Tanner - Richard Harmon
Xavier Nichols-Dix - Bill Skarsgard
Ya Min-Ki - Kan F.Cuz
Yara Preston - Armie Hammer
Ygraine Artio - Depika Padukone
Young Fred Andrews - KJ Apa
Yuki Musume - Freya Tingley
Yukio Hamada - Shiori Kutsuna
Zac Nicwood - Joseph Morgan
Zana Trembuey - Carlson Young
Zane Gallo - Andrew Lee Potts
Zarina Dust - Clara Paget
Zarina Tintagel - Holliday Grainger
Zeb Avenue - Chris Hemsworth
Zef Doe - Evan Peters
Zeke Benton - Manu Bennet
Zhu Bái - Park Soo Young
Zhu Jiāháo - Leo
Zhu Zhēn - Niel
Zin Kuznetsova - Dove Cameron
Zo Cezoram - Hale Appleman
Zuck Florentine - Luke Evans
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puroresu-musings · 5 years
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AJPW CHAMPION CARNIVAL 2019 Recommendations
Shuji Ishikawa vs. Yuji Okabayashi  ****1/2
Zeus vs. Kento Miyahara  ****+
Kento Miyahara vs. Shuji Ishikawa  ****
Kento Miyahara vs. Yuma Aoyagi  ****
Dylan James vs. Yuji Okabayashi  ****3/4
Zeus vs. Yuji Okabayashi  ****1/2
Suwama vs. Jake Lee  ****
Shuji Ishikawa vs. Zeus  ****1/2
Kento Miyahara vs. Yuji Okabayashi  ****3/4
2019 CHAMPION CARNIVAL FINAL: Kento Miyahara vs. Jake Lee  ****1/4
This years CC was pretty great. Perhaps not as good from show to show as last years tournament, and a lot of this (specifically some of the B Block bouts) were entirely skippable, but the good stuff was exceptionally good. I saw a lot of stuff this year that was thoroughly entertaining, with more high rated matches in one Carny that I can think of in modern memory.
The MVP in this thing, for my money, was Big Japan’s Yuji Okabayashi. The Golem had a fantastic run of matches, especially in the final week, with matches against foes as varied as Miyahara, Zeus, and Dylan James (of all people) being amongst the best of the year anywhere so far. He defeated old BJW rival Ishikawa in the main event of night one, in a classic battle of the big men. The match with James was a hard-hitting war that went to a 30 minute draw. These guys beat the hell out of each other with chops and lariats, and James ended up with his right eye busted up and being swollen shut. This was exceptional and believable stuff that was easily the best match of Dylan’s career. The next night was the Zeus bout (a guy who also had a great tournament, especially in his losses to Okabayashi and Ishikawa respectively), which was another hard chop fest, which Okabayashi won with his massive Golem Splash. And his tournament culminated in an A Block decision match against Kento Miyahara, which was outstanding. I wasn’t expecting Kento to win here, as I though Big Yuji was off to the finals, but alas, the champion pulled off the win with his Shutdown Suplex, in a fantastic and dramatic match.
The Triple Crown champion, and eventual winner, Miyahara, was the other guy who looked really outstanding in this thing too. He fell to larger opponents Zeus and Ishikawa in excellent contests. used the Shutdown to beat youngster Yuma Aoyagi in another great and heated bout, had the afforementioned classic with Okabayashi, en route to defeating B Block winner Jake Lee in tremendous tournament final, again with his Shutdown package German Suplex. He looked like a mega star here, and has done so for quite some time now, in all fairness. Kento is undoubtedly the Zen Nippon Ace, and has had some incredible Crown defenses this year too against KAI, Suwama and Naoya Nomura in particular. His presence and storytelling are tremendous, and whilst he isn’t as spectacular a worker of, say, Okada, he has a way of engaging you that is unparalleled. For whatever reason, his matches never feel as long as they are, which is quite the talent.
Of course, not everything in this tournament was roses. A problem with All Japan (dating back forever) is that the undercard is almost never great. Almost every show I saw on this tour featured a first half that was easily skippable, and some thoroughly boring to bad action too, which kept it from being G1 level. Guys like Gianni Valletta, a tall, Maltese, Brody-esque big man, Daichi Hashimoto, Ryouji Sai, Joel Redman, and to a lesser extent, Sam Adonis, did next to nothing of interest in this tournament, with Valletta in particular, doing nothing especially good. Pretty much anything with those guys names attached to it, isn’t worth your time at all. Also, even though he made it to the finals, Jake Lee remains a fairly divisive figure with me, with his input in this thing being profoundly hit and miss All in all though, the good outweighed the bad, and it featured a lot of very memorable action.
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sillysymbol · 3 months
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i havent drawn these losers in a while
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titleknown · 6 years
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So, for the Mystic Mountain setting, a character I had intended to debut in tonight’s drabble, it’s Machuit, or Mack The Scapel, with her claws that can cut anything solid and her deadly scalpel that can cut almost anything un-solid.
She’s basically a semi-treacherous lieutenant the King seemingly dug out of the earth. She’s ruthless and deadly and merciless, and very much treacherous towards the king.
She doesn't actively try to betray him mind you, she simply knows he's dumb enough that he'll eventually fail hard enough to destroy himself, and she can take over in the ensuing vacuum. So, she tends to prioritize more the welfare of the larger "dominion" rather than the king's orders himself, which infuriates him; but her successes due to such are perhaps why he keeps her around.
It’s unknown to most, but her form is mostly seemingly made from her own internal shine, almost like a hologram, with her many seeming “deaths” simply her retracting it inward and laying dormant temporarily. It’s rumored she may have gone by the name Itztli and that she may have worked with somebody by the nickname “Carnie,” but what that means is unknown.
And, of course,  she is free to use as you see fit under a CC-BY-Vanilla license so long as I; Thomas F. Johnson, am credited as their creator!
And, if you wanna support me, maybe check out my Patreon, which I previewed her on two days before now in fact, or even just send a Ko-Fi my way! Every penny is appreciated, and I am eternally grateful for those who donate!
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djhypnotize · 6 years
👻🎃⚔🕯☠🎃🔥⚔The #SkratchVlog - Ep. 128 (Season 2 Episode 67 Carny Cuts Check out the full video and leave a comment if you see value the in my work. I appreciate the support & #Happy #HALLOWEEN Freaks!! #SkratchSociety #NatureCuts #musicfromskratch #tablism #organicsound #Hypstyles #turntablism #portablism #realdjs #hiphopdontstop #love #shredded #scratchdj #skratchcorner #DjHypnotize #ironhypstyle #HZA #2018 #technics #thudrumble #portableturntablism #kutmasterrecords #skratchdj #scratch #vampirediaries Cc. @skratchsociety -H 🖤🖖🚀 https://www.instagram.com/p/BpmokcBBmUX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=166qfmchs5p0w
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
(This is gonna be fun! I’m sorry if she seems boring though!)
She’s definitely not boring! Themeatically a tiny bit of a mess, but this blog’s got a broom and a dustpan, so we’ll sweep her right into line. From reading through the profile, different things I noticed you mention were optimism, fire/fireworks/explosives, baking, painting, carnivals, phoenixes and therefore implicitly rebirth, a soothing nature and desire to help others… 
When you list them all out like that and realize you don’t have a connecting force, it can quickly get a little cluttered-seeming, right? 
Well, I have a connecting force. One that’s going to seem like goofily obvious. She should be An Actual Circus Clown. Like not just a fun juggalo ex-cult member but someone who truly believes in the humanesque Principle Of Clownery. 
It jives with her optimism and desire to help others because she just wants to make ‘em see the sunny side, she just wants to make ‘em see the funny side! She wants to make ‘em laugh until they cry with- okay I’m done making this carebears joke no one will understand. 
Fire easily works for a circus performer, paintings and carnivals obviously work, and rebirth? Well, just take one look at Pennywise.
So now that we’ve got that idea locked in here, we can begin!
Universe: Alternia!
Name: Raizna Ashraz. 
“Raizna” was made to sound similar to the word “Raising”, which always seemed to fit her, due to her baking themes (Raising agents), and her optimistic personality (Raising spirits)! Ashraz, simply means “A bundle of torches”, which fits with the fire theme she shares with her Moirail.
I liked the Ra sound and the justification behind the first name, so I wanted to keep it, but I want to do you one better, themeatically. How about Ramkin Ashraz? 
Ramkin comes from Ramekin, a small ceramic bowl often used to bake souffles, which, as anyone knows, tend to Rise in the oven. But sometimes they can get too hot and deflate. So, y’know. A fun fact is that etymologically it can be read to mean “little battering ram.” 
Age: 8 sweeps, close to 9
Story!: Raizna never really had much luck, with things that happened to her. Being quite unusual for her caste, she (due to no fault of her own, might I add), ended up living with a rustblood, who would later become her moirail. These two, often team up, to set things on fire, but mostly just like fireworks. Preferring to be passive, she tries to hide her own nature, to try and keep her friends safe, to various degrees of success, often baking, and painting to keep up this appearance. When things just started to seem good for the troll, the meteors began falling. This time? She is refusing to think of them as the end. If it would take fighting to survive, then fighting she would do.
I don’t know what the circumstances are, but maybe I can make some recommendations based on the circus clown suggestion I made? She could’ve been a performer for a higher-ranking purple. Then she ditched the church and is here to party with a pal and try to reform himself into someone happier and more pleasant to be around. Getting her anger under control is hard when it was something so accepted as part of a wider cultural persona, but… Baking helps!
Strife Specibus: Bakingkind. (Formerly, Clubkind)
Raizna’s whole theme, was based around baking, and art. So, with a little bit of help, she worked out ways to weaponize her own baked treats.. if only mostly for the aesthetic. She has a set of various pies, filled with explosives, weights and sharp shards of glass, so whoever gets hit with them, gets a nasty (and hopefully explosive) surprise. However, if those aren’t available, she will use a rolling pin, and quite gladly bash people around the face with it.
She could still have a clubkind specibus, since she uses rolling pins as a bludgeon. I think it’s nice for her to keep it on hand. Then she can also utilize, like, juggling torches to whack with.
Fetch Modus: Painting.
Raizna, always finds painting relaxing and loves doing it whenever she can! So, whenever she goes to take something out her modus, she has to paint an image of whatever she wants to get out. The worse she paints it, the worse the condition the item comes out in.
Blood colour: Purple
Raizna, is somewhat of a classic Purpleblood, although she tries her hardest to hide it… to a degree. She still wears her self designed paint with pride. She’s ambitious, stubborn, and a bit emotionally messed up, often hiding her own disappointment with dry and self depreciating humour. However, she is still quite.. volatile, becoming extremely violent when people she cares about are threatened. 
Symbol and meaning: Being both Rage, Prospit and Purple, she���s-
Honestly I think she might be better off as 
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But we’ll talk about that in a minute.
Trolltag: candiedCarnival [CC]
Candied, is used to reflect her sweet themes, and also to tie in with her sweet personality. It could also reflect her tendency to sugar coat things, that are going on in the world. Carnival, reflects the truth of herself, but also occasionally the fun of them, being places of joy and laughter, things she strives on making people feel.
how about conffectionateCarny, conffectionate is a portmanteau of confection and affectionate, which is a clever way to combine the idea of carnivalous cakes with the idea of her being a sweet person. Carny’s fairly straightforward, but it puts a singular person identifier on it instead of implying she’s the Whole carnival.
Quirk: Raizna isz szuper cheerful! Szo szhe talks with a ton of exclamation marks!  Szhe likes adding letters when szhe talks to fit with her name! It’s not like szhe’s bragging or anything! Szhe just likes how it szounds! :} 
I gotta be honest, I can’t tell where the sz comes from. She had z’s in her original names I guess? But certainly no sz’s. 
What if instead, she replaces her o’s with  °‘s? It’s a good reference to her baking interest as well as the theme of fire and heat. Maybe replace P with п? It’s derived from the greek letter Pi, which is a sly reference to Pie! And the letter name means ‘peaceful state’, which implies her interest in making things nice. 
Ex: Cheer uп, buttercuп! °r I’ll have t° thr°w a пie in y°ur face!
Special Abilities (if any): Raizna, if perhaps only by sheer nature, is ridiculously resilient . It’s incredibly hard to hurt her properly, or at least. Keep her down. But, if that isn’t counted, she’s just really good at calming people down. It’s like her words have something soothing about them. She does, however have a tendency to get increasing annoyed when doing this, almost like she’s taking their pain, or anger and keeping it for herself.
Now, this isn’t… Purpleblood abilities manifest as a way to keep the lowbloods down. That’s what it’s supposed to be. So maybe you could alter this to be something she really hates having? Something like hideous laughter, maybe? She can use her abilities to make people absolutely lose it with uncontrollable laughter. Maybe she’s trying to work on blunting the effect, somehow? Like making it so that she can make people giggle a little but, but having to suppress the power like that has a negative effect that makes her irritable and headachey?
Ancestor: The Vandal [Aleyna Ashraz, Witch of Rage]
Caught in a war and several rebellions, Aleyna was right at home. Rebelling against her own kind, She’d paint messages of rebellion along the walls of the nobles, with blood that she could find, her own, if necessary. 
Quickly gaining fame as a rebel, she kept this image up, stirring up rebellions with her works, and sending messages of danger to those who ruled. This did however, end up with assassins, coming to find for her, only to be led on a wild goose chase. Any of those, that did find her returned back home, scared, although they couldn’t quite describe why.
When the law eventually caught up, she didn’t surrender, and was taken away. What happened to her, was unknown.
Raizna was always interested in her Ancestor, respecting her for speaking up about what she thought was right, in a non-violent way. She often hopes that she had survived, and one day, Raizna hopes that she could do something just as cool.
Ancestors need 8 letter titles! How about The Graphein instead? It’s a Greek word that means To Write and is an etymological root for Graffiti. It still implies the same writing on the walls that you desired, but fits the lettering rules.
Lusus: Her lusus, is a weird combination, of a phoenix and a cat, that she affectionately calls her Birdmum and loves dearly. Raizna often takes food both caught and made to her lusus, as an attempt to return the favour of being brought up by her. Often being very defensive of Raizna, Birdmum often has to guard their hive, meaning she isn’t around very much. They have a mutually caring relationship, and if anything happened to her lusus, Raizna doesn’t know what she’d do.
Purple lusii need to be creatures that cross the land-sea barrier, so Bird Cat doesn’t really satisfy that requirement. Hmm… How about a phoenix turtle instead? Half phoenix, half turtle. It could have feathers on its wings, long tail feathers instead of the short turtle tail. This is because turtles are known to be long-living, so it fits the immortal theme alright. It’s also a sly reference to The Phoenix and the Turtle, which is about a lot of things but The Death Of An Ideal is one of the core themes and it fits well with the hope switch I’ve given to her.
Personality: Raizna is obnoxiously cheerful. Or at least, that’s what most people think. She often goes out of her way, to make people happy, either by feeding away their woes, listening to them, or calming them down with soft words. Often doing things out of her own kindness, many people are drawn to her for aid. She does, have a fondness for helping people, and will often go out of her way to do tasks for people, even if that means beating the hell out of somebody who hurt one of her friends, or stealing. Normally quite calm, she’s often cheerful, always fighting with her own dark urges. When she’s angry, or if her own nature takes over, she can be brutal, murderous and cunning, all the things she often hates about herself. With a deep hatred of lies, and lying, she’s incredibly honest, to the point of being brutally honest sometimes. However, at the top of everything, she puts others first, with very little care for herself.
I really like this base for her personality, like a LOT. I think you should pull some of the clowniness I’ve suggested, though. Maybe have her crack jokes for her friends, or do little performances. Maybe she’s willing to sacrifice her dignity to make her pals laugh. Maybe she’s always willing to throw a pie in her own face to get a giggle. She wants to be a good friend, and she tries to keep up under wraps with these jokes, maybe sometimes with pranks? Just trying to vent it out in any way possible. 
The rest of the stuff is really good. Give her a STRONG conviction for honesty, helping people, and doing what’s right. Because convictions are very important with hope-aligned players.
Interests: Baking, Painting, Writing, FLARP (to a degree. She doesn’t play much anymore), Sociology, Fire and “Magic” .
Maybe she plays FLARP but she likes to change the F to mean Funny. Funny Live Action Role Play. You know those people in MMOs who are like high level and terrifying and you’re so scared they’re going to kill your weak little level 1 character? and then they roll up and hand you like 4000 silver for literally no reason and tell you to go buy a horse? That could be her. 
You should add a general clowniness here. If she used to use clubs, she probably knows how to juggle! Maybe she could like fire spitting as well. And some pranks! Harmless fun! Fire crackers and noise makers and confetti poppers!
Appearence: Raizna, has never been one to draw attention to herself.  She keeps her long curly hair, that’s practically impossible to brush loose. You could probably find a plushie or two in there, if you tried hard enough. Often wearing a plain black shirt, and fluffy black pyjama trousers, she often seems like a mess, to the annoyance of a few of her friends. Quite.. disturbingly, she’s often covered in bright colours, from her painting. However, some lowbloods mistake the paint, for being the blood of people she’s killed, causing uneeded fear. 
At all times, she wears her makeup, flame like patterns coating her eyes, and brim of her nose. Streaking down from her lips, are swirls of white and red that stand out against her skin. She virtually never takes off the makeup, and just puts more on each day, without washing the previous day’s makeup off. To keep with her messy theme, she wears soft slippers everywhere. I mean. Literally everywhere. Even when dressed up formally.
She seems cute! I’ll see how I can communicate this in sprite form.
Title: Thief Of Rage.
I’ve always had her, as quite a soothing character, so I figured somebody who stole peoples negative emotions, could be quite a good idea, which is why I originally started with a thief. I couldn’t decide on if I should make her a heart, or rage player. 
I eventually decided on rage, and although I don’t think the go to version of the aspect particularly fits her. She can be selfish in a way, so I suppose it still fits! 
I think that she’s in a kind of good place, theoretically, as a person. So I think maybe Rogue of Hope might be a good title for her. 
She’s someone who cares a lot about others, who has a strong sense of justice and what is right and what needs to be done, and she’s not afraid to do it for others. AND she moves the anger around via her powers. She passively moves hope and positivity and potential onto others, lightening their moods, while actively taking on rage, which she turns into a weapon.
Land: The Land of Fire and Fear.
Raizna’s hive was just destined to be something fiery. I mean, with a phoenix for a lusus that was just fate wasn’t it. She just wasn’t quite expecting it to be on an active volcano. So when she eventually left her hive, and got hit by the freezing cold winds, she decided immediately. Nope. Don’t like cold. Cold things are bad.
So she ran inside again. Like a coward. That was, until said volcano erupted, lava burning away and melting the ice that covered her land. Just her luck. Right? 
However, despite all that destruction.. there was something beautiful about the whole ideal. As fire and lava ran across the land that was home, she soon decided one thing.
Maybe destruction can be pretty.
I see what you’re going for here, fire that’s pretty, but… I want to try to push that idea further than just lava flowing over the ground. How about…
Land of Glass and Paraffin, a land where leaping balls of flaming accelerant jump across the land, melting down the glassed surface, creating beautiful swirls, an ever-shifting pattern, molten-hot and deadly, but so wonderfully beautiful you can’t look away. There is always potential for something new, something beautiful, in the mutating surface. But she also has to find hope for the consorts, who live on a molten nightmare planet.
Dream Planet: Prospit.
Raizna, is a Prospit dreamer to a point. She’s optimistic, bubbly and cheerful! However, she does hold some of Derse’s dissatisfaction towards the world, simply due to just how wrong she finds everything. Following what some people do.. would just be lying to herself. Fate, however she does believe in. Fate, and Miracles.
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Horns: I wanted to make them look like the new symbol I gave her. So very curly, fun, and huge. 
Hair: I made it a big curly mess just like you suggested. I tried to make the curls come off a lot of larger round shapes, mostly because I wanted to summon the image of a clown wig at least tangentially. 
Eyes: Because I liked my own joke too much, I wanted to base her eyes just slightly off of Funshine bear from Journey to Joke-a-lot. And to make her just a little goofy looking, because that was kind of my goal for the whole design, I made her almost cross-eyed. 
Mouth: I wanted her to have big scary teeth to hint at her more dangerous nature. 
Makeup: I utilized red for some flamey eye makeup, some lines down the face, and the outer part of some cheek dots. I used yellow for her lips and the inner part of the cheek dots to try to bring a bright cheeriness, to hit on some more fire-themed colors, and to make her look goofy, once again. 
Shirt: I made the shirt slipping off one shoulder, to aid her messy image. I also like how it bunched the collar of the shirt, because now it’s vaguely reminiscent of a clown frill. I only added a few splotches of blood because her design was already busy color-wise and I didn’t want to overwhelm it. 
Pants: I made some loose pajama pants from Karkat’s pants and edited them to be purple. I wanted to carry the yellow down here, too, so she gets stripey pants! 
Slippers: They’re just edited from a fan-troll spritesheet to be in her purple color-family. 
She’s a really cute character! Thank you for sharing!
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OGGI .. Per merenda vi preparo i BAGHRIR .. Cos’è il BAGHRIR? Assomiglia ad un Pancake, ma non lo è… è simile ad una Crepes ma è meno compatto… Il Baghrir è molto usato in marocco durante il RAMADAN per spezzare la fame, ma è consumato abitualmente durante tutto l’anno. Si serve generalmente con una salsa a base di burro e miele, ma si può accompagnare anche con formagi, salumi, uova, carni e legumi. L’ingrediente principale è la farina di grano duro macinata molto fine. La carattestica del baghrir è data da tanti piccoli alveoli sulla superficie, che sono la conseguenza dell’aver mischiato lievito chimico con lievito di birra. Rispetto alle Crepes e ai Pancake, vanno cotti da un solo lato a fuoco medio forte, versando però l’impasto nella padella fredda. Questo determina una consistenza soffice e allo stesso tempo spugnoso. INGREDIENTI: 400 gr di farina di gran duro 100 gr di farina 00 1 tuorlo d’uovo 2 CC di olio d’oliva 1 pizzico di sale 1 pizzico di lievito chimico non vanigliato o di bicarbonato di soda 15 gr di lietivo di birra 2 bicchieri di acqua tiepida PREPARAZIONE: Porre in un recipiente tutte le polveri, aggiungere il tuorlo e sbattere energicamente con una frusta, aggiungere l’acqua tiepida poco alla volta sino a quando non raggiunge la consistenza di una pastella. coprire e lasciare lievitare circa un ora. Quando sull’impasto si sono formate tante bollicine vuol dire che è pronto (l’impasto deve aveve una consistenza fluida,se si fosse addensato troppo durante il riposo aggiungete un po di acqua tiepida e lasciate riposare altri cinque minuti. COTTURA: Come detto in precedenza occorre una padella antiaderente che va appena sporcata di olio ma NON va preriscaldata. Versate un mestolo di impasto e metterla sul fuoco medio alto. Quando sulla superficie si saranno formate tante bollicine e la superfice risulterà asciutta ma ancora lucida è ora di toglerlo dal fuoco. Adagiate la padella su uno strofinaccio umido ripiegato più volte affinchè la padella scenda di temperatura, ponete il baghrir su un piatto e ricominciate! Buon appetito #marocco #marrakech #inmaroccoconlaura #viaggiatori #raccontidalmondo #vacanze #viaggi #jemaaelfna #BAGHRIR https://www.instagram.com/p/CNDEc_MnwEE/?igshid=h21oawruq7fj
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palliddata · 7 years
The Capric Carnival by Elizabeth Lavenza
1. In Ancient Greece, during the time of Homer, there was a traveling bard who was known for wanton debauchery, dishonesty, and hedonism. This ne’er-do-well was even said to have affronted almost every member of the pantheon. So it came to be that when the bard swindled a dreaded warrior at a dice game, the only god left to pray to was Dionysus, god of revelry, madness, and theatre. Dionysus obliged and saved the bard, but only under one condition: the bard’s antics had amused the god of pleasure, and so the bard would be forevermore obligated to continue dazzling audiences and swindling rubes, even long after death. 2. During the heyday of the Elizabethan stage, there was a playwright who sought the patronage of a nobleman. However, the nobleman was naughty and vain, and demanded that the playwright devote every work and performance to glorifying him. The playwright’s work suffered greatly as a result, for the nobleman could not abide anything that did not exist solely to gratify his ego. Eventually, the playwright became so fed up with catering to the noble’s ego that he chose to finally go for revenge. When his newest play opened, it was not what he had promised the noble, but was instead a scathing satire, and the audience roared with laughter at the mockery of the nobleman. This enraged the noble so much that during the show’s intermission, he stormed the stage grabbed the playwright, brutally beating him to death. The noble, in his vain egotism, assumed that he could easily get away with killing a lowlife playwright. But the playwright’s troupe of actors hunted him down, and perform a profane ritual, sacrificing him among the remains of the writer, turning his body into a vessel for what remained of the dead man’s spirit to enter. The newly risen amalgamation of noble and playwright was granted a sort of immortality by the ritual, but a strange hunger burned within it. As its last and proudest work had been cut short, it would be forever compelled to continue putting on shows to fill this void. 3. In the late nineteenth century, in a rural town in midwestern America, there was a young woman who was desperate to escape the monotony of rural life. She was a notorious liar, thief, and shirker even at a young age, but she had a soft spot for the other outcasts of the town. Both of these things almost got her in a lot of trouble, but things would have been a lot worse if it hadn’t been for the Devil. Whether or not the being was the capital-D Devil is debatable, but whatever it was, it was there for her when she finally pulled one scheme too many and ended up with nearly the whole town on her heels. Surprisingly, the demon apparently offered her the chance to escape for free, uncharacteristic for crossroads tricksters. But the woman did not accept. She would not leave unless she could guarantee safety for the community of weirdos and exiles she had formed. This did cost her, however. The demon decreed that her entourage would only remain protected if they continually moved with her, and that she would have to be ever ready to take on new freaks and outcasts. The carnival aspect was more or less an inevitability- what better way was there for a traveling band of uncanny exiles to make a living? Character Creation: Being a carny isn’t exactly the easiest life. Always on the move, distrusted even by the townies you’re entertaining, a constant struggle to steal enough money to keep up with your operating expenses. But some have no other choice than the circus life, and others still prefer it to the drudgery of regular employment. There’s a sometimes-bitter pride in being a freak or a carny. You’re not like those dumb rubes, you live behind the curtain. But pride alone won’t get you far. These alternate character creation rules, however, will provide your characters with some extra rules to handle the entertainment business. These are of course optional, and depend on the general tone and challenge level of your chronicle. Characters with these bonuses will be slightly stronger than the average mortal, but below even most minor templates. If you want an even harder challenge, then jettison these bonuses entirely. And if you’re willing to let any of your players take minor or even major templates, be sure to recalculate the challenge level accordingly (alas, this article lacks the time to go over the knotty mess that is working out how to properly do a ChroD crossover). Creating a Capric Carnival character is as simple as following the regular character creation rules, then adding a carnival archetype. Each archetype grants one free point to an Attribute, two free points to Skills (each must be put in a different skill), and a pool of four merit dots, that can be used toward any of the merits listed for each archetype. All carnies can use their four merit dots towards the merits Allies (Carnies), Anonymity, Cohesive Unit, Fame, and Mentor. Agent: In carnival parlance, an “agent” is a skilled con artist and manipulator, who runs a “joint” or “store” (both refer to a carnival game booth) and makes their living by extracting the money of marks using their game of choice. The Agent’s Attributes are  Manipulation and Wits, their Skills are Larceny, Persuasion, and Streetwise, and their Merits are Common Sense, Fast Reflexes, Trained Observer, Sleight of Hand, Pusher, and Style: Fast-Talking. Talker: The Talker (note: real carnies never use the term “barker) is a carnival employee who introduces and narrates attractions such as freak shows, acrobatic performances, and so on. The Talker’s job is to “make the tip” (get the attention of a group of carnival visitors) and then “freeze” it (make sure that their attention is retained). Usually, the Talker will also provide narration for the show, introducing and describing the performers, and usually ending by offering the audience the chance to see an even more shocking show for extra money. The Talker’s Attributes are Presence, Manipulation, their Skills are Expression, Persuasion, and Socialize, and their Merits are Spin Doctor, Fast-Talking, Fixer, Pusher, Aura Reading, Trained Observer, Encyclopedic Knowledge. Huckster: This category covers those carnival performers who attempt to present an air of wisdom, usually for the purpose of showing off exhibits of dubious veracity and medicines of dubious efficacy. Often takes on the title of “doctor” or “professor”, despite rarely holding either of these titles. Hucksters are typically found selling curios and patent medicines, or presenting “museum shows”, such as pickled punk shows (exhibits of deformed fetuses), displays of mechanical curiosities, or strange biological specimens. The Huckster’s Attributes are Intelligence and Wits, their Skills are Medicine, Crafts, and Science, and their Merits are Tolerance for Biology, Encyclopedic Knowledge, Library, Eye For The Strange, and Style: Unintended Applications. Mystic: Carnies of this type are the magicians, psychics, and fortune-tellers of the carnival. While in our world, their abilities are entirely sleight of hand and smoke and mirrors, it’s quite possible that those in the world of darkness are closer to being what they claim to be. A Mystic character can be a clever faker or the genuine article, or perhaps a genuine talent who believes themself to be yet another scammer. The Mystic’s Attributes are Intelligence and Presence, their Skills are Occult, Empathy, and Expression, and their Merits are Unseen Sense, Trained Observer, Psychometry, Automatic Writing, Aura Reading, Clairvoyance, and Medium. Mender: While this category of carnival employee does not typically perform, they nevertheless perform a vital service. Even the best and most aboveboard carnival inevitably generates “heat” (hostility) among certain townies, and sometimes this heat comes from local government, police officers, sheriffs, and others who can make life hell for the carnival. That’s where the Mender comes in. In addition to performing legitimate tasks setting up the legal documents and financial tasks the carnival requires, the Mender is also in charge of sweet-talking police, delivering bribes, and other general skullduggery. The Mender’s Attributes are Wits and Manipulation, their Skills are Politics, Subterfuge, and Persuasion, and their Merits are Resources, Common Sense, Fixer, Alternate Identity, and Style: Fast-Talking. Performer: Performers are those who dazzle crowds without various demonstrations of skill, as opposed to mentalism or freakish appearance. However, some Performers are considered freaks: “working freaks”, such as sword swallowers, human blockheads, and fire-eaters are counted under this category, as are acrobats, jugglers, and so on. Their Attributes are Presence and Dexterity, their skills are Athletics, Weaponry, and Expression, and their Merits are Fighting Finesse, Double Jointed, Fast Reflexes, Sleight of Hand, Ambidextrous, and Style: Parkour. Muscle: The Muscle lifts things and carries them, both in a practical and an entertainment capacity. This archetype represents wrestlers and strongmen who show off their skills for carnival audiences, as well as those whose responsibilities are restricted to merely carrying around heavy things to help the carnival set up. The Muscle’s Attributes are Strength and Stamina, their Skills are Brawl, Athletics, and Intimidation, and their Merits are Hardy, Giant, Iron Stamina, Demolisher, Style: Grappling, and Style: Clinch Strike. Freak: What is a Freak, really? The definite answer to that question, of course, is that it’s an issue beyond the scope of this article. This archetype describes those carnival performers found in freak shows. While some carnivals, especially of the supernaturally evil kind, have been known to practice kidnapping, slavery, and abusive practices towards their freaks, the Capric Carnival is assumed to be fairly “aboveboard”: freak occupations are strictly voluntary, and fully paid with benefits. The Freak’s Attributes are Stamina and Presence, their Skills are Intimidation, Expression, and Stealth, and their Merits are Iron Stomach, Giant, Air Of Menace, Iron Skin, Iron Stamina, Small-Framed, are Double-Jointed. Plot hooks: 1. The Fireball Show: Your carnival arrives at its destination, only to find out that the townies are pissed. Seems this lot was “burned” by a carnival not too long ago…one that the locals claim looked identical to yours. Who’s trying to put the frame on you? 2. It’s a Clem!: Carnies are used to some hostility from the towns they stop in, but this one is…different. At first, they just seemed uptight, but it turns out that the town is under the control of murderous fundamentalist cultists following some obscure religion…and they want to make you their next human sacrifices! 3. Geek Flu: Your carnival arrives at Gibtown (Gibsontown, Florida: a town in Florida with a large populations of carnies and freaks) to wait out the offseason, only to find the whole town quarantined. Seems a mysterious “Geek Flu” popped up there that makes its victims crave human flesh…but, curiously, they can only eat it if at least one other person is watching them. Not only is it a health risk, but the kind of exposure this would give the carnival business isn’t exactly desirable. 4. If We Shadows Have Offended…: The carnival is abducted by strange otherworldly creatures (possibly the True Fae) and required to perform for them to win their freedom.   5. Punk Robber: The carnival picks up a shipment of new “pickled punks” (deformed fetuses preserved in formaldehyde) that start exerting malevolent psychic influence and luring people in to pour their blood into their jars so they can use it grow themselves into more complete forms. 6. Punk Heat: The “mother” of the punks finds out that her stolen children are in your circus, and she’s not exactly pleased. The quotation marks are there because no one’s quite sure if “mother” is the right term for a psychic ball of interwoven worms with human heads. 7. Hunting Ground: A visitor to the circus is preying on patrons in any number of ways (murder, cannibalism, vampirism, kidnapping…) and when the players confront him, he’ll be ready with bribes and threats to try to keep them from reporting him. And if they do…who’s gonna believe a bunch of carnies anyway? 8. Gaffed: Their memories are blurry, but a surprising number of freaks in Your carnival and in the others you’ve seen all have similar memories of an abduction, a laboratory, a scientist…it seems someone’s out there deliberately creating freaks, but for what purpose? To sell them? A twisted artistic statement? Attempting to create a perfect being? 9. Checkered Past: “Run away and join the circus” isn’t just a saying. It’s also what one of the carnival’s performers did, though in their case they were running from something rather more threatening than usual. Turns out that in their pre-carnival days, they pissed off the wrong people, and they joined the carnival as a way to keep on the run from them. But eventually, their pursuers are going to catch up to them…and the rest of the carnies. 10. Amusement Business: There’s a massive incorporated circus that wants to absorb your carnival, and if they can’t do that, they’re fine running you out of business. That would be bad enough, but if you take their offer or snoop around, it turns out their business is a front for something horrifying: slave trading, harvesting human emotions, trying to resurrect an ancient monster-god of dreams and revelry… 11. Cutting In: The carnival is approached by a mysterious inventor who offers to provide dirt cheap electricity to the carnival using an experimental generator. But his generator has a secret, though whether it generates radiation that induces homicidal rage or a canal of electric companies is desperate to destroy it (or something else!) is up to the storyteller. 12. The Long Jump: During a trip the carnival caravan gets drawn into a seemingly endless stretch of desolate road surrounded by lightless forest. As supplies grow low, someone’s going to have to venture into the forest to try to find a way out… 13. The Rube’s Guardian: You rip off a mark who turns out to have a supernatural guardian that wreaks havoc on anything toward which he feels anger. A Note On Time Periods: The traveling carnival, particularly the type that brazenly displays human oddities and exists primarily as a cover for nomadic con artists, is one of those things that isn’t seen very often in the modern era. The traveling carnival declined in the second half of the twentieth century, as the shocking and thrilling became not only cheaper and more abundant than ever, but also increasingly controlled by a centralized and regimented media-industrial complex that preferred more efficient methods of scamming rubes. That doesn’t mean that the modern world is entirely carnival-deprived, especially since the nature of roleplaying makes time flexible. There could very well be grimy, shifty carnivals still roaming rural America, especially in the darker, haunted, dangerous world of Chronicles of Darkness. That said, if you’re planning on using the Capric Carnival in the modern era, you might need to tone down the carny slang and change the attractions a bit, unless you deliberately want to play the carnival as something ardently anachronistic and out of time. The carnival makes a good contrast to the sterilized, micromanaged modern world of Disneyworlds and pseudo-events, and the players could end up fighting the ever-advancing steamroller of uniform corporate modernity. And in an age where people can’t just run off to join the circus and escape their lives any more, a circus that you really can run off to join is just that much more magical and unusual. Of course, if you want to bypass all of that, the Carnival is well-suited to historical games. Nomadic entertainers have roamed the roads since time immemorial, but the Capric Carnival is of a breed born near the end of the nineteenth century, when the 1983 Chicago  World’s Fair kickstarted the traveling carnival boom. The fad booked through the first half of the twentieth century, and by the thirties there were some two hundred traveling carnival companies operating across the United States. Carnivals flourished because they offered a taste of the foreign, the bizarre, the grotesque, even to the most remote towns that otherwise knew little else except agrarian Protestant piety. Any time period in the twentieth century can potentially work, but the major considerations are what level of technology you want around and what cultural milieu you’re most interested in exploring. An Abridged Glossary of Carny Slang:
86ed: Banned from the “lot” (the carnival’s location). Advance Man: Employee who travels ahead of the carnival to set up preparations for it (can include paying bribes to local officials) Agent: A skilled carnie who runs a game (referred to as a “store” or “joint”). Typically connotes someone who is good at extracting large amounts of money from the mark without the mark noticing. B.C.: “Be Cool”. Another carny telling you to “B.C.” means “stop what you’re doing immediately, it’s a dangerous course of action”. Bally: The pitch made by the “talker” to entice carnival visitors to see a sideshow. The “outside talker” is the one who gets the attention of people passing by the show (known as “building the tip”), and refers them to the “inside talker” who introduces and narrates the show. Beef: When a mark gets angry at the carnies, usually because he’s figured out they’re conning him. Blank: A stop with poor attendance, or a mark who turns out to have little money to spend. Blowoff: One of the most lucrative rackets in the carnival. After the audience has seen the free bally show (see above), the inside talker offers them the chance to pay extra to see an additional act, almost always something lascivious or grotesque. Burn The Lot: To conduct carnival business in a shamelessly larcenous way, enough to make a lasting bad impression on the townies that’ll keep them hostile towards carnivals for quite some time. Chill: To get someone to leave, or to use tricks or secret assistants to isolate them. Clem: A fight between carnies and townspeople. Ding: The various expenses involved in setting up and working a carnival attraction: space, electricity, etc. Fireball Show: An extremely disreputable carnival prime to burning the lot. Flat Store: A game that is impossible to win. Carnies who operate them are known as “flatties”, and are sometimes looked down on for the relative lack of skill involved in running one. “Flattening” a game refers to altering it to make it impossible to win. Geek: The most famous sort of carnival geek is the kind who bites the heads off live chickens, but in carnival parlance the term can refer to any unskilled performer whose act consists primarily of degrading themself to shock the crowd. Heat: Ire directed towards the carnival by townsfolk. A “heat merchant” is a carnie with a tendency to piss people off, often by scamming them in a particularly brazen manner. Hey Rube!: A shouted exclamation that signifies that a fight between carnies and townies has begun. “It’s a clem!” and “Wrang!” have the same meaning. Hole: An open space on the carnival lot where an attraction can be set up. Loc: Pronounced “loke”. The location of your booth on the midway. Lot Man: The carnival employee who decides where the various attractions are placed. Wields quite a bit of power this way and is often bribed for a better spot. Mitt Camp: A fortuneteller’s booth. The name comes from “mitt” being a slang term for a hand, something which fortunetellers often examine for clues about the future. Nut: The carnival’s operating expenses. Turning a profit is known as “making the nut” or “carrying the nut”. Pickled Punks: Preserved deformed fetuses. A fake, or “gaffed”, punk is known as a “bouncer”, as these are often made of rubber. Wrangy: Angry or irritable, usually used to describe a mark. Rhymes with “tangy”. Strong: Can be used to describe someone or something successful, but also often used to describe something explicit or grotesque. A “strong freak” is a particularly shocking act.
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inanews-blog1 · 5 years
Harley-Davidson Road Glide Tunggangan SBY yang Langka
Inanews - Tak banyak yang tahu mantan presiden Republik Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yuhdhoyono ( SBY), juga memiliki motor besar Harley-Davidson. Motor ini bisa dilihat di Telkomsel Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2019. SBY merupakan salah satu presiden Republik Indonesia yang juga gemar mengendarai kendaraan roda dua. Di beberapa kesempatan, SBY sempat terlihat mengendarai Harley-Davidson tipe CVO (Custom Vehicle Operations) Road Glide Screamin' Eagle lansiran 2009. Road Glide ini sukses menggeser posisi Road King sebagai CVO terlaris pada saat itu. Selama lebih dari satu dekade terakhir ini, program CVO Harley sudah menghasilkan motor-motor edisi terbatas yang dilengkapi dengan high performance parts Screamin' Eagle serta pengerjaan cat yang eksklusif.
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Inanews / Harley-Davidson CVO Road Glide Screamin Eagle milik SBY ini banyak diminati para pecinta moge Moge yang dikendarai SBY ini memiliki mesin V-Twin dengan kapasitas 1.802 cc, dan menggunakan transmisi manual enam percepatan. Motor yang masuk dalam kategori cruiser ini dibanderol USD 30.999 atau sekitar Rp 442,3 jutaan jika dikonversi dengan kurs yang berlaku sekarang. Dari sekian banyak CVO Road Glide Screamin' Eagle, SBY memiliki satu unit dengan warna oranye dan hitam, dengan gambar elang di samping fairing. Tipe ini yang paling banyak diminati para pecinta Harley-Davidson. Pengunjung Telkomsel IIMS 2019 bisa menjumpai motor ini di booth Telkomsel yang berada di area Center Piece of Carni di JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta. Read the full article
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luciamosca14 · 4 years
Torino, macellate carni di specie protette: l'operazione dei Nas. Denunciato ristoratore di Cuorgnè
Torino, macellate carni di specie protette: l’operazione dei Nas. Denunciato ristoratore di Cuorgnè
TORINO – Nel corso della mattinata di ieri personale del NASTorino, unitamente a personale CC Nipaaf Carabinieri Forestali di Torino, ha dato esecuzione ad un decreto di perquisizione emesso dalla Procura della Repubblica di Ivrea nei confronti di un cittadino del luogo abitante in Castellamonte (TO). Sul posto è stato individuato e sequestrato un macello clandestino dove veniva lavorata la carne…
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