searchsystem · 1 year
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Bendito Mockup / Supply.Family / ID Card (#ccc01) / Mockup / 2023
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shopsystem · 1 month
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Bendito Mockup / Supply.Family / Magazine (#CCC01) / Mockup / 2023
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gdbot · 1 year
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Bendito Mockup / Supply.Family / ID Card (#ccc01) / Mockup /... https://ift.tt/rx12EkX Telegram: https://t.me/gdesignbot
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Welcome to the First Quarterly CCC
Named the Clever Creators’ Competition, CCC is a little quarterly competition I’ve started for the Tumblr writeblr community (though you certainly do not have to be part of the community to participate).
For this competition, I will make a writing prompt for you to write based off of. The prompts will vary depending on what I feel like making them that quarter. For this quarter, I will send you a concept and you will write whatever comes to your mind for that concept.
When a month has passed, I will gather up all of my submissions and then it will be time for you guys to vote which one your favorite is. WRITERS OF THE STORIES CANNOT VOTE. I encourage you all to reblog the voting post so that your followers can (hopefully) vote for you. Only one vote per person so make sure you vote for your very favorite!
Finally, the final month will be for me to make the prizes. 3rd place gets a moodboard, 2nd place gets two songs dedicated to their piece and 1st place gets one song and an original song written by yours truly.
The prompt for this quarter is barbie doll. Write any genre. Up to 3 people can write together (let me know who wrote with you so I can tag all of you to the prize post if you win).
Have fun!!!
If you have any quesitons, feel free to ask me before you submit. You have one month from the date that I post this (11/14/2019) to complete the submission.
Please submit the posts to my submission box on my blog. You can find the link at: http://wineandpensareallineed.tumblr.com/submit.
Taglist for CCC:
@ren-c-leyn @lyssthewriter @souliloquyyy @honey-tee @dustypantser @her-dream-within-a-dream
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galaxayy · 6 years
Ravenclaw!Namjoon x Hufflepuff!Peach
A/N: for my sweet peach @luckykoya uwu
“Wingardium Leviosa!’ With a swish and a flick of her wand Jan levitated Andrea’s quill and notepad in the air.
“Jan, I get that you’re practicing spells but frankly it’s getting annoying. Especially since you’re only messing with me,” Andrea forcefully grabbed the quill and notepad but Jan lifted them higher and they escaped from the hands of the Slytherin girl.
“Keep messing with her Jan,” JL spoke from behind a book, “Drea made me look like a fool in front of Taehyung last week.”
“Tea time already? I’ve arrived just in time.” Fern gasped and Peach giggled at her comment as the two took a seat next to the group of girls who were currently hanging out in the great hall. Although today was a Saturday, it was tradition for the girls to meet up at the great hall to study or just hang out.
“Sorry Drea, but Professor Flitwick’s spell exam is this Friday and I need at least a C to pass the class,” Jan smiled apologetically before looking through her book of spells once again.
“Okay, but I wanna hear more about the Taehyung drama,” Fern eyed JL while Peach let out a small giggle.
“Listen, all I did was tell Taehyung that JL needed tutoring in Muggle Art and that she would meet him in the common room. And meet him she did,” Andrea explained nonchalantly.
“But, isn’t JL really good at art?” Rani looked up from her diligent note-taking.
“Taehyung is too, I think.” Peach mused while lightly tapping a finger on her chin. 
“I’m the highest in that class,” JL slammed her book shut with one hand, “So you can imagine how awkward the situation was when Taehyung was trying to ‘tutor’ me. I even ended up teaching him things he didn’t even know.”
“But, I heard he asked you to cheer for him at the next quidditch game? Comment?” Peach playfully raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t you have a spell exam to study for?” JL snapped, a shade of red washing over her.
“Actually, I do. I should be making my way over to the library anyway,” Peach got up from her seat and waved goodbye to the group of girls, “Later guys!.”
“Goodbye Peach!” The girls spoke simultaneously.
Walking down the halls of Hogwarts Peach was greeted by all students, from first years all the way to seventh years. At this school, it was a law to protect and be kind to Peach and no one ever dared to break that law due to the fact that she was so nice to everyone. It was practically impossible to dislike her reserved but energetic personality, a personality so gentle that it was similar to a porcelain doll; no one dared to break it. Professor Dumbledore himself even grew to have a soft spot for everyone’s favorite peach.
Entering the library, Peach was greeted with a type of serenity that can calm even the rowdiest of children. Of course Peach wasn’t even in the state of mind to study, but she had to force herself anyway because she wasn’t where she wanted to be academically. Yes, she relatively had good grades but it couldn’t hurt to aim higher.
Peach made her way to the aisle where most of the spell books resided and found a pensive Ravenclaw by the name of Kim Namjoon. Not wanting to disturb him she felt the need to hold her breath, or at least silence it. However, Peach’s presence did not go unnoticed by Namjoon; in fact, he had the audacity to smile and display his dimples. Truly those dimples were strong enough for anyone to succumb to the Ravenclaw.
Politely, Peach smiled back and continued to look for the specific spell book she needed. As she searched, she found herself slowly inching towards Namjoon who also did the same. Nervous eyes scanning the spines of the books, Peach was able to find the book she needed and reached for it. Little did she know that Namjoon also needed that book, his hand lightly brushing her own as he reached for it as well.
Peach quickly pulled her hand back, “I’m sorry. Go ahead.”
“What kind of guy would I be if I didn’t let you use it first?” Namjoon’s eyes seemed to pin Peach right in her spot.
“Well, you were clearly here first, so go ahead. I really don’t mind waiting.” Peach smiled innocently, a smile that caused Namjoon to softly chuckle. At that moment she felt her heart drop.
“Here’s an idea,” Namjoon grabbed the book off the shelf and held it in front of her, “Why don’t we share it? We can quiz each other and what not. What do you say, Maggie?”
“Oh, um, yeah okay,” Peach managed to speak out after he called her by her real name.
The two made their way over to one of the many empty tables in the library. Namjoon, unaware that he was pulling on Peach’s heartstrings, took a seat right next to her.
“I assume you have a test with Professor Flitwick?” Namjoon questioned.
“Wow, no wonder you’re a Ravenclaw. A true intellectual,” Peach joked, causing Namjoon to laugh in return.
“Well, we should study up. Professor Flitwick doesn’t joke when it comes to spell exams.” Namjoon flipped through the pages of the book, “What’s Riddikulus?”
“Easy,” Peach smirked to herself, “It’s a spell that turns something scary into something funny.”
“Not bad, not bad. Then what’s Accio?” Namjoon asked, knowing full well that he was asking the easy questions first.
“Another easy one. It’s the summoning charm. Namjoon, if I wanted the easy ones I would have said so.”
“An impatient one, aren’t we?” Namjoon teased. “Alright, alright”
The Hufflepuff and the Ravenclaw quizzed each other for what seemed like hours. The routine was to define the spells alphabetically and randomly. For extra practice, the two used their wands to practice the spells they were allowed to; such as lumos and nox. Nearing the end of their thorough study session the two conversed over their group of friends.
“So JL ended up teaching Taehyung things he didn’t even know about Muggle Art!,” Peach tried suppressing her laughter as did Namjoon. As soon as their laughter died down the two stared into each others eyes, longing to say something, anything.
“Well, it’s almost curfew. I’ll walk you to your common room.” Namjoon stood up and Peach followed his lead.
“Joon, you really don’t have to do that,” Peach uttered softly.
“It’s okay, I want to.” Namjoon looked down at her, displaying his dimples once again.
Once arriving to the Hufflepuff, the two stood in front of the door, sharing a silence so serene that it could last forever and neither would mind.
“With all the studying we did I’m sure you’ll ace it,” Namjoon smiled.
“Thanks to you, that is.” Peach giggled.
Before the two could speak another word, the common room door opened, a sly Yoongi sliding out of the door.
“Yoongi, it’s literally curfew if you don’t leave-” Came the voice from Fern who peaked out and turned red as soon as she saw Peach.
“H-Hey, Peach!” Fern greeted, “You might be wondering what he’s doing here, but he was just, uh, he was, um,-”
“Borrowing a book,” Yoongi calmly interrupted, glancing at Fern with a devilish look.
“Exactly!” Fern rubbed the nape of her neck. “Okay, I’m leaving good night.”
“Night, Joon!” Peach bidded farewell and pecked his cheek and went into the common room.
“Night Maggie!”
The door closed and Namjoon turned to Yoongi, “Should I even ask?”
All Yoongi said was, “Hufflepuffs are wild, man.” and proceeded to make his way to the Slytherin common room.
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g-sidhu52 · 5 years
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Newborn Baby Sleep Support Pillow
Filling: Polyester / Cotton Material: 100% Cotton Age Range: 0-3 months Age Range: 4-6 months Age Range: 10-12 months Age Range: 13-18 months Age Range: 19-24 months Grade: Grade A Special Features: Multi-functional Pattern Type: Geometric Feature: Anti-Static Shape: Concave Model Number: CCC01 Weight: 0-1 pounds Material: 100% Cotton
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la-pou-belle · 7 years
Everybody talking about a Sept. 1st boycott
Verizon owns Yahoo owns Tumblr. You'd probably get a much better response by flooding customer service than just @staff until there are better site policies against hate speech / the recent influx of neo nazi blogs.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
So. Three options: tweet Verizon/message on facebook; email Tumblr staff directly; leave Verizon feedback via phone or misuse a website feedback survey. A blackout might also help but I'm doubtful it would be effective. Contacting advertisers would be Extremely effective but also a pain. Eh.
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101kv · 8 years
does generic levitra work
good site: http://ccc01.bid/ ; http://levtrust.men/ ; http://viaph01.com/ ; http://canadianpharmacy.review ; http://cia01.bid/ Ссылка на источник: Читать дальше »
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helplinepro1 · 8 years
Verizon.Net Customer Support Number
Verizon.net is furnishing different services and an individual can choose one as per his requirement. If you are looking for a similar kind of facilities as provided by the Verizon.net then you can choose from the accessible ones. If you are new customers who are interested in moving or renewing service, then you can call the team at 1.888.392.3483 and get your trouble resolved. If you are looking for a solution related to the account or technical dilemma, then you can get proper support via calling at 1.855.480.4789. If you are ready to order new service, just give a call to the Verizon.net expert team and get assistance for your problem. If you want to add a TV or home phone, then also you can do the same by just making a simple call too.
Contact Timings and Ways
If you wish to have an idea about the timings on which you need to call the Verizon customer service number then you can have. It is better to make a call in the office timings that are according to your nation. If you are looking for the appropriate technical support then Verizon.net team with technical experts will be happy to help you troubleshoot your setup. You just need to call the professionals and everything will be sorted out. In case if you wish to report a service outage, then it is also absolutely effortless to do. Maybe you have tried troubleshooting and not happy with the end result, and then there may be an outage in your area which can be resolved by the Verizon team only. Therefore, you have to make a call to the Verizon.net number and require to report it. When you call, a representative will assist you the best. If you want to inquire about the Billing or payment, then also you can call the Verizon.net team and can ask your questions. There are lots of queries you may have and you can get them solved by visiting the FAQ section of Verizon.net. Perhaps you have an ordinary issue which is very easy to resolve and after knowing the solution you feel like oh it was this much simpler. Therefore, better to visit the frequently ask questions page before contacting the team.
Straightforward Option
Looking for an alternative where you can directly ask anything from the team then you can visit the link at https://collaborateext.verizon.com/aims/virtualagent/bot.jsp?isJSEnabled=1&sitecontext=GENERIC&chatSessionId=02041782354&userId=customerid-EXT-PRODUCTION-MIRROR-SERVER-2-25107&encUserId=2MRBLqOGMp7SUJr6ReFkhW83C/WIQ0sdKUE05du3prC2kVskY1/lPPZB9OJni5&entry= or can search the website of Verizon.net as well. You can also visit the website and contact options by visiting the link at https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/contact-us/ and get a few of them.
Feedback Alternative
If you are happy with the customer support, or you are not at all satisfied, in any of the cases you can also share your personal feedback with the higher authority of Verizon. You can do that either by visiting the Verizon site and there will be a sidebar named Feedback and you need to just click on the same. Otherwise, you can also visit the link at https://secure.opinionlab.com/ccc01/comment_card_d.asp.
The post Verizon.Net Customer Support Number appeared first on 1-844-835-0925 Helpline Pro.
Read full post at: http://www.helplinepro.com/verizon-net-customer-support-number/
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shopsystem · 1 month
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Bendito Mockup / Supply.Family / Sign (#CCC01) / Mockup / 2023
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shopsystem · 1 month
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Bendito Mockup / Supply.Family / Business Card (#CCC01) / Mockup / 2023
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shopsystem · 1 month
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Bendito Mockup / Supply.Family / iPhone (#CCC01) / Mockup / 2023
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shopsystem · 1 month
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Bendito Mockup / Supply.Family / ID Card (#CCC01) / Mockup / 2023
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shopsystem · 1 month
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Bendito Mockup / Supply.Family / Poster (#CCC01) / Mockup / 2023
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