#cecily frye
corvus-the-trickster · 4 months
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A Cecily lives au that separates the twins hee hee hoo
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lilborealis · 4 months
Listen, as much as I know Cecily Frye loved her husband, I’d imagine she’d have a few choice words for him when he got to the afterlife after literally traumatizing their kids and giving them issues 😭
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astronomiaa · 11 months
Headcanon (theory?): Jacob's shilling necklace was actually Cecily's
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It feels like there's always been a bit of a mystery to why Jacob wears the shilling necklace, ranging from it could just be a unique design choice or Jacob keeping a lucky coin on him since he has a tendency to try his luck. It's always felt like it's held some sort of significance - at least to me? Jacob's seen wearing the necklace even before he and Evie head to London, when he's still wearing his Simply Jacob outfit (his starter-mon outfit, if you will). A physical copy of the necklace was also included for anyone who pre-ordered Syndicate.
So it's kind of bumbled around in my head, until I discovered victorian love tokens while doing some research and it's like the dots have connected.
For anyone who doesn't know, like I didn't, love tokens were coins that were handcarved by a family member, a suitor to be, or friends, and given to a recipient to convey feelings. They weren't just romantic! They have a long history, but the victorians were crazy for them and love tokens became a pretty popular physical embodiment of ones love for another person. (Especially so, because they were usually made using coins - and the British already had a tradition of keeping lucky coins in their pocket? Fun!)
Most often they would be carved with names and dates, words to describe the relationship between the two, etc. In rarer cases (or at least considered rare to find for collectors of today), they would be carved with pictures that would be symbolically important for the giver and recipient.
I bring this up because for anyone who was lucky enough to receive an actual Jacob Pendant from ubisoft, or just bought of a replica off like... etsy or something, you know that Jacob's pendant actually has the Assassin symbol carved onto it.
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In my opinion, this definitely makes the shilling a token of some sort! It could possibly be a token carried by all English Assassins, a way to recognize one another, but I like to believe that it may have been a romantic gift from Ethan to Cecily. After all, they were both two VERY devoted Assassins who were considered to have come the closest to freeing London from Templar rule before Henry, Jacob, and Evie. Whatever reason for the token, we can at least assume the token was Cecily's!
How do we know it's Cecily's? How it's meant to be worn!
Since tokens were made out of coins, which were in turn made out of semi precious metals, tokens could be turned into jewelry. It was common for women to wear them as bracelets, pendents, necklaces, and earrings. Men would wear them as cufflinks and put them on watch chains.
Jacob's shilling pendant is well... a pendant. It's traditionally womens jewelry (though I don't think Jacob could care any less about the way jewelry is meant to be worn in relation to gender).
So yeah! Even if I'm connecting dots that may not quite be there, the thought of Jacob having something of Cecily's is... nice. Especially since... Ethan and Jacob did not have uh, the best of relationships.
Anyways, thanks for reading my silly lil headcanon and have a nice day!
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aiza-luna · 3 months
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A little WIP of a project I'm cooking! Basically, is the family tree of my OCs!! :3
I'll do one for my Watch Dogs OCs and my StS OCs, but so far, I'll start with my beloved Sol's heritage! 🥰💛
Since Sol doesn't come from any canon family in the AC universe, I had to create her while family line... Up until her, and later on, her grandchildren! 😭
Is taking a while but is being worth it, soon I'll post the complete Family Tree here! In the meantime, tell me what you guys think about it :3
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rubyle98 · 2 years
Ethan Frye and the love of his life Cecily
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deadlysequence · 1 year
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While Cecily was pregnant, she was realistic about the possibility of died at childbirth, since it was pretty common in those days. She shared her plans with her husband, however, Ethan fall into absolute denial. Refusing to accept the idea of his wife dying, so Cecily had to plan on her own for few days.
Until she decided to speak to Oberon Roth, her initiate. And even if he was sad at the idea of losing his mentor, he accepted to help her with the funeral preparations. It was pretty common for people of all ages, preparing any funeral service. Death was part of the Victorian lifestyle. So, she got help from both Oberon and her own mother and everything was ready when finally, she died after giving birth to the twins.
Oberon honored her wishes while Ethan left them behind out of grief.
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howtotrainabraincell · 3 months
The Ultimate Cinnamon Roll Deserves Better
A lot of people don't like Jacob Frye, but I DO and anyone who doesn't and trash talks my darling British boy can see my secretary Miss. FightMeYou'llLose. She has a doctorate in Sassology.
Jacob is such a sweetheart and needs more love. I'm being serious. He needs more love. A LOT more love. I understand that his personality doesn't suit everyone, and to each their own but I can't help but get this feeling that the majority of the crazy, risky, and 'stupid' things he does are for attention.
Not because he's like an attention whore or anything who revels in attention like an egotistical narcissist/sociopath/psychopath. But he does it for attention in the context of: Evie getting more attention in their childhood and him feeling lonely and emotionally neglected as a result.
I mean their father favored Evie because she reminded him of his wife Cecily who passed away giving birth to the twins, and then Jacob I believe in his opinion was just...a spare child who he wasn't willing to "deal with". He kinda seemed to see Jacob as a spare child like - "Oops we had two and I only wanna be a dad to one, so the other one gets the short of the stick." I'm not sure that Ethan Frye blamed Jacob for Cecily's death and I can't confirm something that I'm not sure of, but I don't quite get that vibe. But I mean it could be the case as from what I remember Ethan was a harsh father to Jacob, and he certainly gained my disdain even though he was never present in the actual game.
I think he does the things he does partially because he is - AND I SAY THIS WITH LOVE - an ADHD having chaotic dumba-s, but in the best way. Evie is so 'put together' and 'well read' and 'intelligent' and 'perfect'. Meanwhile he's regarded as the 'dumb, younger, annoying, risk taking' baby brother. I don't think he's stupid either. He has a different kind of intelligence than his sister Evie which IS in fact noticeable. She is traditional, academic, and book smart and Jacob is more street smart, creative, and combat/tactical intelligence.
I am just of the opinion that Jacob Frye doesn't deserve all the hate he gets for being 'dumb and annoying'. Everyone has their opinion, but this is mine, and to me his behavior is a cry for behavior due to being constantly neglected and overlooked. The shadow of his older 'perfect' sister.
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assassinshadowgirl · 4 months
Assassin's Creed Victory: A Final Farewell
Jacob sat by his father's bedside, his heart heavy with a mixture of emotions. The room was dimly lit, the air thick with the scent of medicines and the quiet sounds of Ethan Frye’s labored breathing. Pleurisy had taken its toll, leaving Ethan frail and bedridden. Jacob watched as his father's chest rose and fell unevenly, unable to find the words to bridge the gap created by their complicated, distant, and strained relationship.
Ethan's eyes, once sharp and commanding, were now tired and filled with pain. He reached out a trembling hand, holding a silver locket, and gestured for his son to take it.
Jacob hesitated for a moment before accepting the locket, his fingers brushing against the cool metal. He opened it to reveal a photo of Ethan and Cecily Frye, Jacob’s late mother. The sight of his mother's gentle smile brought a lump to his throat.
"Jacob," Ethan rasped, his voice weak but filled with rare tenderness. "I want you to have it... to remember your mother... and..." His voice trailed off as he cast his gaze downward. Slowly, he placed a hand on his son's cheek. The touch was gentle, filled with an unspoken apology and attempt to convey feelings long buried under years of neglect and distance.
Jacob reached up and held his father’s hand with his own, feeling the warmth slipping away. "I will, Father," he whispered, his voice barely audible.
Ethan managed a small smile before his eyes closed for the last final time. Jacob sat there, holding his father’s lifeless hand, the weight of the locket pressing into his palm. The room grew silent, the finality of Ethan's passing settling over him like a shroud.
The next day, the British Brotherhood gathered to pay their final respects to Ethan Frye before the burial. The funeral was held in a secluded grove, a solemn and sacred place known only to the Assassins. The air was filled with the scent of damp earth and blooming flowers.
Jacob stood at the forefront, his usual composed demeanor masking the turmoil within. He had pinned his father's locket to the collar of his black, buttoned-up trench coat, a tangible connection to the family he had lost.
The other Assassins, their faces hidden by their hoods, formed a silent, respectful circle around the grave as the casket was lowered into the ground.
The ceremony was brief but poignant. After the final prayers were said, Jacob stepped forward, clutching a handful of soil. He tossed it onto the casket, the earth thudding softly against the wood - a final farewell to his father.
The Assassins began to disperse, leaving Jacob all alone by the grave. He knelt, tracing the name etched into the headstone with a finger. He glanced at his side; his mother's grave lying next to his father's. His parents were now together in the afterlife, leaving Jacob feeling profoundly alone.
As he rose to leave, he glanced up at the sky, the sun breaking through the clouds and casting a soft light over the grove. With a final look at his parents' resting place, Jacob turned and walked away, his heart heavy with loss.
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peridot-tears · 1 year
Okay, but the mission where you escort the Maharajah in what initially seems to be an annoying errand he uses his status to force you into doing is amazing????? You don't expect what actually happens at all. This might be Evie's first exposure to what colonialism at home looks like (or colonialism period), not to mention a formulaic explanation of how the colonizer uses broken treaties and loopholes to slowly knuckle a nation under its rule (America learned well from England, huh). And the overt "white man's burden" narrative.
I also love how Evie gets a third party to gently chide her into reconsidering her father's teachings, especially considering she never had to reconsider them; they're the foundation of how she decides to live her life, but here is someone reminding her that her father was a flawed human who was grieving.
(Also, why is Evie referring to her own mom as Cecily. Is this a European thing. I am confusion.)
Anyway, we stan the Maharajah, who turned a power move into a pivotal moment for Evie's character development and the Frye twins' background (and a scathing reminder of what colonialism and imperialism look like). This quest was surprisingly chill, but one of the most impactful.
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warpaiint · 1 year
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Evie’s full name is Evangline Cecily Frye. However, Evie didn’t like how formal her name was and found she loved when her Grandmama would call out to her. “Little Evie, I have some fruit pie!” That was the first time Evie heard the nickname, and ever since it stuck with her. So wherever she goes, whoever she meets, she sticks to that name. Evie Frye. Only a select few people know her legal full name; she hasn’t even told most of the assassin’s she works with her full name.
The few privy to the name is Jacob, her father Ethan, and her Grandmama.
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corvus-the-trickster · 3 months
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holyfied · 1 year
@nectaric asked: you should tell me more about an assassin's creed verse for hunter. how does he fit in? is he still a ghost? how does he behave as a ghost? this ask is all over the place but basically he intrigues me and i wanna know mORE
omg  absolutely  !!
well  first  of  all  i  have  to  give  a  huge  shout  out  to  apis  ( @shadxwcd / @singofus ) for  introducing  me  to  this  concept  because  ,  full  disclosure  ,  i  have  never  played  an  assassin's  creed  game  🫣  but  i  have  done  a  fair  amount  of  cut  scene  watching  and  wiki  deep  dives  .  the  best  one  that  he  would  fit  in  with  ,  time  period  wise  for  his  main  storyline  ,  would  be  assassin's  creed:  syndicate  (  2015  )  .
hunter  was  born  in  1831  ,  enrolled  in  oxford  in  1849  ,  graduated  in  1852  ,  lost  his  mother  in  1853  and  began  to  become  a  man  ho  of  all  kinds  ,  and  was  murdered  in  1865  in  his  family's  country  home  during  a  party  .  by  1868  —  the  same  year  as  the  frye  twin's  father's  death  and  their  move  to  london  —  he's  in  much  more  control  of  his  ghostly  powers  ,  including  accessing  the  spirit  side  of  london  ,  where  the  dead  who  cannot  move  on  go  .  it's  a  sort  of  limbo  space  ,  and  it's  where  he  exists  when  he's  not  currently  manifested  anywhere  specific  in  the  living  world  .
he  can  use  this  ability  to  strengthen  evie's  connection  to  the  spiritual  world  (  something  she's  much  more  in  tune  with  than  her  brother  )  ,  by  bringing  spirits  to  her  or  acting  as  a  medium  .  in  more  touching  moments  ,  he  could  try  to  find  ethan  frye  (  or  even  cecily  frye  )  to  provide  some  closure  and  reassurance  to  evie  (  and  jacob  ,  if  he  ever  feels  like  listening  )  .  he  can  also  be  an  excellent  spy  —  possessing  people  ,  observing  thoughts  ,  standing  invisible  in  rooms  ,  moving  through  walls  —  it's  all  there  babey  !!
in  return  ,  he  hopes  that  the  living  can  help  figure  out  who  killed  him  and  perhaps  give  him  closure  so  he  can  move  on  .
the  most  helpful  he  can  be  is  definitely  during  the  events  of  the  syndicate  dlc  ,  featuring  jack  the  ripper  .  having  a  ghost  on  your  side  during  a  serial  killing  spree  is  very  helpful  —  and  reassuring  ,  when  he  says  no  one  has  found  your  missing  brother's  soul  anywhere  on  the  other  side  ,  meaning  he's  still  alive  .  somewhere  🙃  (  it  also  means  you  have  someone  who  does  not  have  to  sleep  who  can  watch  over  you  as  said  serial  killer  keeps  taunting  you  ...  making  it  hard  to  sleep & leading to hallucinations  😬  )
as  for  personal  development  ,  hunter  absolutely  was  upper  class  !!  his  family  profited  off  of  the  same  terrible  conditions  the  frye  twins  try  to  rectify  !!  and  now  that  he's  dead  and  he's  the  invisible  one  ,  hunter  has  to  do  some  growing  in  that  regard  .  it  teaches  him  a  lot  about  privilege  and  desperation  ,  though  he  does  remember  what  it  was  like  to  be  alive  ,  and  he  misses  it  .  he  thinks  he  would  be  a  better  man  now  ,  if  he  was  allowed  to  come  back  to  life  .
(  many  of  his  proclivities  are  lifted  from  simon  basset  and  placed  in  hunter  ,  though  i  recognize  hunter's  life  begins  after  the  bridgerton  setting  concludes  ,  as  it  is  not  regency  london  he  is  set  in  . i have also never seen bridgerton ... oops !!  )
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warmaiidens · 2 years
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Evie's full name is Evangline Cecily Frye. However, Evie didn't like how formal her name was and found she loved when her Grandmama would call out to her. "Little Evie, I have some fruit pie!" That was the first time Evie heard the nickname, and ever since it stuck with her. So wherever she goes, whoever she meets, she sticks to that name. Evie Frye. Only a select few people know her legal full name; she hasn't even told most of the assassin's she works with her full name.
The few privy to the name is Jacob, her father Ethan, and her Grandmama.
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stealingpotatoes · 4 years
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Decided to redraw my old designs of the Frye twins’ parents/ Ethan & Cecily Frye!
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deadlysequence · 3 years
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Happy Women's Day, featuring the lovely ladies of AC Syndicate!
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temeyes · 4 years
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redrew that [old frye family portrait] i drew a few years back, yaaassss
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