#ceiling speaker
audiovisualworld · 1 year
Innovations in Ceiling Speaker Technology
Ceiling speakers have come a long way from basic designs focused solely on delivering audio to becoming smart, multi-functional home devices. In this blog, we will explore some of the key innovations in ceiling speaker technology and designs that are revolutionizing the home audio experience. From innovative driver designs to built-in smart features, ceiling speakers are being transformed to do more than just play music. And we will also discuss disadvantages of ceiling speakers.
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Driver Design Improvements
speakers have traditionally struggled with several acoustical disadvantages when compared to standalone speakers. One area of focus for innovators has been improving driver designs to overcome some of the disadvantages of ceiling speakers.
Wide Dispersal Driver Technology
One issue with traditional ceiling speakers is their inability to adequately disperse sound in a wide area. This is primarily due to their form factor which positions drivers facing downwards into the room. Companies have developed new wide dispersal driver technologies that can spread sound over a much larger area, creating a more immersive soundstage. These innovating drivers use complex acoustic lens designs or additional extruded chambers to widen the sound dispersion both horizontally and vertically. This helps overcome one of the main disadvantages of ceiling speakers - their poor off-axis sound performance.
Coaxial Driver Designs
Another limitation of ceiling speakers has been mediocre treble response due to a lack of direct high-frequency radiation. To solve this, some manufacturers are implementing coaxial driver designs where tweeter and woofer elements are combined into a single unit. By positioning the tweeter and woofer in close proximity, coaxial ceiling speakers can deliver clearer, more accurate treble reproduction with improved off-axis fidelity. The coaxial configuration addresses another disadvantage of ceiling speakers where highs could sound thin due to lack of direct high-frequency aimability.
Built-in Processing
While driver innovations help optimize the audio engineering aspects, ceiling speakers are also benefitting from built-in digital signal processing capabilities. Manufacturers are starting to embed digital amplifiers, EQ filters and DSP algorithms directly into ceiling speaker designs. This allows for technologies like intelligibility enhancement, automated volume control and beams steering - capabilities that were simply not possible with basic analog-only ceiling speakers of the past. The built-in processing power helps address disadvantages of ceiling speakers related to lack of directivity control and ensures optimized, customizable performance.
Smart Home Integration
Beyond core audio functions, leading ceiling speakers are also adopting smart connectivity for seamless integration into smart home ecosystems. Driven by trends like voice assistants and multi-room audio, ceiling speakers are being equipped with networking radios, capacitive mic arrays and multi-protocol support for standards like Alexa, Siri, Airplay etc. With their concealed form factor high on walls and ceilings, ceiling speakers may actually be preferable smart speakers where aesthetic considerations are important. As more Intelligent features are embedded, ceiling speakers are transforming from basic hardware into smart home devices in disguise - elevating beyond their traditional audio only roles.
Heating and Cooling Applications
In addition to enhancing audio quality and intelligence, innovators are exploring creative multi-functional capabilities for ceiling speakers. Notably, manufacturers like Sony have developed electronically-heated, sound-emitting ceiling panels that combine distributed audio, infrared heating and ambient lighting control in one device. Such converged technologies demonstrate the potential for ceiling speakers to evolve into smart home controllers for thermal comfort, lighting and beyond - addressing whole-home automation needs rather than remaining dedicated audio solutions. As the ceiling speaker form factor lends itself to distributed HVAC applications, expect more innovations along integrated environmental control lines in the future.
Aesthetic Design Trends
To gain wider consumer acceptance, ceiling speaker aesthetics also require modernization. Here, manufacturers are experimenting with ultra-thin rigid-panel speaker designs, acoustically-transparent cloth-covered membranes and even decorative architectural cove lighting integrated with audio. The goal is to produce ceiling speakers, grilles and subwoofer enclosures that are as seamless and visually appealing as the surfaces they blend into - camouflaging raw loudspeaker components. With in-ceiling speakers starting to resemble high-end interior design elements rather than basic black circles, end users have many new aesthetically-pleasing options to consider that minimize one of the disadvantages of ceiling speakers - their obtrusive physical appearance in living spaces.
Custom Installation Market
Perhaps the most dramatic innovations are emerging in the high-end custom installation sector where ceiling speaker technologies are truly being pushed to new boundaries. Here, specialized companies are developing ultra-distributed, beam-steering in-ceiling arrays that can locally enhance playback based on listener position, ambient conditions and content metadata using smart DSP algorithms. Some installers are combining in-ceiling woofers, distributed satellites and even laser-targeted ultrasound transducers to deliver object-based audio formats like Dolby Atmos in the most diffuse, immersive manners possible with no visible hardware other than subtle in-wall/ceiling grilles or panels. While cost-prohibitive for many, these “invisible” custom installations represent the future potential for truly seamless, unobtrusive yet highly sophisticated ceiling speakers - overcoming most audio as well as physical disadvantages.
In summary, innovations across driver design, digital integration, smart home connectivity, functional applications and aesthetics are pushing ceiling speaker technology far beyond its original utility-focused design paradigm into a new generation of multi-functional, seamlessly integrated smart home audio devices. While traditional disadvantages like poor off-axis response still exist to some degree, carefully engineered improvements are continually enhancing overall quality and flexibility. Looking ahead, further convergence of audio, environmental controls along with experimental form factors promise to make ceiling speakers an even more robust smart home platform - expanding their roles without compromising discretion. Undoubtedly, the future remains bright as innovators find new ways to maximize the advantages of ceiling positioning while minimizing any disadvantages through clever engineering.
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av-industry-blog · 1 year
Ceiling Speaker Placement and Ideal Distance from Walls
Ceiling speakers have gained popularity for their ability to provide immersive audio experiences while blending seamlessly into the room décor. Whether you're setting up a home theater, a commercial space, or a multi-room audio system, proper ceiling speaker placement plays a critical role in maximizing sound quality and achieving the desired acoustic ambiance. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of ceiling Speaker Placement.
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Section 1: Understanding Ceiling Speaker Placement
Ceiling speaker placement involves strategically positioning speakers in a way that optimizes audio coverage and ensures balanced sound distribution throughout the room. By following best practices, you can create a captivating listening experience for your audience. Here are key factors to consider:
1.1 Room Size and Shape: The size and shape of the room influence the placement of ceiling speakers. Consider the dimensions, ceiling height, and seating arrangement to determine the number of speakers required and their optimal locations. For example, larger rooms may require additional speakers for even sound distribution.
1.2 Speaker Coverage: To achieve uniform sound coverage, aim to position ceiling speakers so that they radiate sound evenly throughout the room. Overlapping coverage zones help eliminate dead spots and prevent localized sound imbalances.
1.3 Speaker Directivity: Ceiling speakers come in various designs, including wide dispersion and narrow dispersion models. Wide dispersion speakers disperse sound over a larger area, making them suitable for open spaces, while narrow dispersion speakers provide focused sound projection and are ideal for smaller rooms or specific listening areas.
Section 2: Ideal Distance of Ceiling Speakers from Walls
Ceiling speaker placement is not solely about their position within the room; it also involves determining the optimal distance between the speakers and nearby walls. Consider the following factors when determining this distance:
2.1 Reflections and Acoustic Interference: When ceiling speakers are placed too close to walls, sound reflections and interference can occur, negatively impacting audio quality. Reflections can cause echo, phase cancellation, and muddiness. To minimize these issues, it is generally recommended to position ceiling speakers at least 1 to 2 feet away from adjacent walls.
2.2 Boundary Effects: The proximity of ceiling speakers to walls can influence the bass response in the room. Placing speakers too close to walls can result in excessive bass buildup due to the reinforcement effect caused by boundaries. Conversely, positioning speakers too far from walls can lead to reduced bass response. To strike a balance, aim for a distance of about 1 to 2 feet from walls to minimize boundary effects.
2.3 Room Acoustics: Every room has its unique acoustic characteristics, which can affect the sound produced by ceiling speakers. Factors such as wall materials, furniture placement, and room dimensions can impact sound reflections and reverberations. Experimenting with speaker placement and utilizing acoustic treatments can help optimize sound quality in your specific environment.
Section 3: Achieving the Perfect Balance
Achieving the perfect balance in ceiling speaker placement involves a combination of careful planning, consideration of room characteristics, and subjective listening tests. Here are additional tips to enhance your audio experience:
3.1 Experimentation and Fine-Tuning: Don't be afraid to experiment with speaker positioning within the recommended distance range. Small adjustments in speaker placement can have a noticeable impact on sound quality. Take the time to fine-tune the placement and listen to various audio sources to find the optimal configuration.
3.2 Professional Consultation: For complex installations or spaces with challenging acoustic properties, seeking the expertise of an AV professional can be invaluable. They can analyze room acoustics, recommend the optimal speaker placement, and implement advanced acoustic treatments if necessary.
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corvidaedream · 9 days
waiting for multiple packages to arrive today (one of which is my wallet that i dropped and @styrac0saurus is very kindly sending back to me ;_; ) and i feel like that one scene in scott pilgrim
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paxtonvaldovinos · 5 months
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Smart Home Solutions at Palm Beach Audio Visions
At Palm Beach Audio Visions (PBAV), we are passionate about delivering exceptional audio visual, home automation, lighting, and technology integration solutions for residential and commercial projects. From the initial concept to the final system deployment, we are dedicated to ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget while exceeding industry standards for quality. Our team of experienced professionals brings a wealth of expertise in the high-end market and a strong focus on building lasting relationships with our clients. Feel free to visit us!
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berryclownboy · 8 months
Edward would love car seat headrest, send tweet
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President Joe Biden will press House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) for a detailed list of spending proposals when the two meet at the White House on Wednesday, officials said ahead of the meeting.
Biden advisers Brian Deese and Shalanda Young said in a memo to reporters Tuesday that the White House would release its own budget in early March.
“It is essential that Speaker McCarthy likewise commit to releasing a budget, so that the American people can see how House Republicans plan to reduce the deficit,” Deese and Young wrote.
A Republican budget proposal, the advisers said, should specify whether Republicans would pursue savings through cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, health insurance subsidies, research or public safety spending.
Republicans should also specify “how much their budget will add to the deficit with tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and large corporations, as in their first bill this year.” House Republicans approved a symbolic bill cutting IRS funding for tax enforcement, which the Congressional Budget Office said would boost deficits by more than $100 billion.
Republicans have signaled they want a major spending showdown with Biden, and that they would use the so-called “debt ceiling” as leverage. The federal government is already butting up against a legal limit on how much it can borrow in order to cover expenses, and if Congress fails to raise the limit, the government would default — potentially triggering a financial crisis and a recession.
Biden has said he would refuse to negotiate over the debt limit, but has nevertheless engaged in a back-and-forth with Republicans, skewering them for suggesting they’d cut spending on popular retirement programs and demanding they be specific about what they want.
Republicans have struggled to define what they’d like to see cut from the federal budget. Some have proposed vague across-the-board cuts to discretionary spending, while others have suggested that it is Biden and the White House who should identify spending restrictions. A top House Republican on Monday said the GOP would seek to cut the “woke agenda” in negotiations with Biden.
Since last week, McCarthy has claimed that Republicans would not propose changes to Social Security or Medicare as part of their spending demands. GOP lawmakers typically sidestep political blowback over such proposals by promising to “strengthen” or “save” those programs instead — with changes for future beneficiaries.
Deese and Young noted Tuesday that the Republican Study Committee, a policy-focused group of House lawmakers, last year proposed cuts to Social Security and Medicare through higher eligibility ages and reduced benefits for some recipients.
McCarthy insisted Sunday those programs should be “off the table” for now and that it was a shame congressional Democrats had refused to produce a budget.
“They won’t even negotiate,” McCarthy said on CBS. “I want to make sure we have something responsible, something that we can move forward on and something that we can balance our debt with. So I’m looking [forward to] sitting down. That’s exactly what I’ve been asking for.”
The White House is expected to submit a budget proposal to Congress in the coming weeks, as mandated by federal law. But such plans are often ignored on Capitol Hill. It’s unclear whether the divided and narrow House GOP majority will also produce a budget of its own.
Asked Monday what his message was for McCarthy ahead of their sit-down this week, Biden told reporters: “Show me your budget, I’ll show you mine.”
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itoseyukis · 10 months
honestly want to shove my neighbor down a flight of stares. he is so fucking loud all night long and i havent gotten any good sleep because of him and my apartment complex nor the police do a damn thing about it
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melhorsemsutia · 1 year
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Transitional Basement - Basement Mid-sized transitional underground carpeted basement photo with no fireplace
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govtshutdown · 1 year
It's looking that way
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thursdayglrl · 1 year
I think the "discourse" around thermodynamic lawyer is hilarious because the idea of cancelling a song for having a lyric that mentions autism (in a way that... doesn't really say anything about autistic people?) when the song in question ends with the line "kill yourself and go die" is very very funny.
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av-industry-blog · 1 year
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dippyface · 1 year
Omg we were in the café and they were playing a kpop boy song that I could not recognize at all and I was like how can this be... then later Roly Poly!?!
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audiohitech · 1 year
Pearller HSR108-5T
With the Pearller HSR108-5T model equipped with high quality 5" Bass, this is a 2Way speaker with a Bass - Treble combination that produces a deep sound different from coaxial ceiling speakers.
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bloodstainedlovers · 2 years
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Sun Room Medium in Cincinnati Example of a mid-sized classic terra-cotta tile sunroom design with a standard ceiling
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Walk Out Basement in Minneapolis Example of a large classic walk-out carpeted basement design with white walls and no fireplace
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filosofablogger · 2 years
Fools Rush In
Well, friends, Kevin McCarthy got his wish … it took him four full days and 15 ballots, but he is Speaker of the House of Representatives … for now.  But here’s the thing … in order to get the necessary votes, he made numerous deals, promises, compromises and gave away some things that were not his to give.  For all who voted Republican last year or in 2020, I don’t want to hear a damn word of…
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