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serekiri · 9 months
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By ユキモト
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danggirlronpa · 1 year
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Seed A1 Masterpost
Mukuro/Mikan art by @digitalsnail
Celestia/Sayaka art by @snellyfish
What if. Okay hear me out. Forget DR3 exists for a second we’re moving past that. What if Mikan’s Beloved was actually Mukuro, who was told by Junko to drag Mikan into despair and actually fell in love with her along the way, and because of Junko’s influence on Mukuro she dragged them both down from what was two girls in innocent teenage love and compelled them both into tragedy and murder and despair on each other’s behalves. I think that’d be neat
Tenderly bandaging the wounds of your lover who is in an incredibly dangerous line of work? That Trope’s For The Gays
Ignoring the above AU entirely. Mukuro and Mikan could be to Junko what Shinobu and the Fukawa system could be to Byakuya. We are bonding over our ability to be weird and obsessive about the same person. At least we aren’t murdering while we do it!
I truly believe in Goodbye Earl celesaya au. Jennifer’s Body au. Killing Boys by Halsey au. Heathers au. There is simply something so compelling about being teen girls committing murders
Opposing aesthetics! Sayaka got a goth gf and we RESPECT her for that. And celestia had to overcome so internalized stuff to be okay with dating a pop singer but that’s okay and we’re proud of her too!
※To avoid spamming artists, I will only @ them the first time their work shows up unless told otherwise. If you want to check all the art I used, check here!
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tenkodyke · 1 year
Welcome to the DR Femslash Rarepair bracket: preliminary round!
Show off your love for rare Danganronpa sapphic pairings!! The form to submit couples is here and will be open until May 25. Afterwards the bracket will begin! Further rules are as follows:
Pairs that are automatically excluded due to popularity: Sakuraoi, Celesgiri, Tokomaru, Tsumioda, Tenmiko, Kaemaki
Pairs that are excluded for other reasons: Junko x Mikan, Junko x Mukuro, Hiyoko x any of her classmates
Pairs that can be included if you can explain why they should count as a rarepair: Chisakuraoi, Soniakane, Soniaki, Nanamiki, Tenkaede, Tenmaki, Irumatsu, Tenkangie, Tenmikangie
Chihiro is automatically included in this bracket, don't start arguments about her gender or I will ignore your submission entirely
Pairings that involve canon male characters with trans girl/transfem headcanons (for example: naegiri with transfem!makoto) are okay if you provide an explanation
Polyamorous pairings are also okay!
Multiple responses are okay, just don't spam entries
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rarepairronpa · 2 days
any particular thoughts on junko/celeste?? it’s one of my faves and i’m pretty sure it counts as a rarepair, but then i found out a decent amount of people like it too and now i’m confused about it (i don’t have ao3 so i can’t exactly check how many works there are under the tag (and we can’t even decide on a ship name as there’s both celesjunko and celeshima)
If you're wondering if it's a rarepair, it definitely is! I'm considering anything below 500 works on ao3 a rarepair, and Celestia/Junko only has 42 works! So while it's not the most rare pair (Yasuke Matsuda/Mikan Tsumiki has 2 works in the tag and they are both mine), definitely rare.
As for what I think of it, I wouldn't say I necessarily ship it, but I have read and even written about it. I think there's a lot to like about it, too. I feel like part of why I'm not super passionate about the ship is that I'm not super passionate about Celestia. The only ships I'm super passionate about with Celestia off of the top of my head would be Celesgiri, which isn't a rarepair, Celesaya, which is a rarepair, and Celesmatsu (Celestia/Kaede), which is probably my favorite for her and is indeed a super rarepair. Celesmatsu forever!
I also have a passing interest in Celestia/Mukuro, but Celesmatsu is by far my favorite ship with her.
But yeah, on the topic of Celestia/Junko, I think they're a perfectly fine ship. I would read and enjoy content about them, but I wouldn't say I'm necessarily "passionate."
I appreciate all the people making content about them though, you all rule! I can respect people being passionate about the ship, I think we are all allies together in the rarepair fight.
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danganwlw · 1 year
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Day 13: Sharing Secrets
you’ll never understand the elaborate secret dating Celesaya au in my mind
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isayakas · 2 years
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art by ハレタカ on pixiv
-> reposted with permission -> do not repost/crop or edit the art without permission from the original artist. -> all credit goes to the artist. please support them on pixiv too with follows, likes and comments! original post.
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tojoshi · 2 years
feminine urge to ship Sayaka with all the ladies
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immajustreblogthis · 4 months
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cryzono · 2 years
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t4t sayaka wlw ship icons! For when you're a fucked up trans badass in love
Free to use with credit!
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Hihi! This is Mod Chihiro! <3
This is some info on my posts! >,<
✅ Will Do:
❌ Will NOT do:
Proships (udg children x adult)
Toxic ships (abuser x victim, victim x abuser, etc.)
Incest (Chiaki x Chihiro, Kokichi x Maki or Kokichi x Celestia, Korekiyo x Sister, etc.)
Saiouma (discomfort) Most Kokichi ships, Chihiro x any woman.
Chi using she/her pronouns. (Unless in the script people are not aware of Chi being a boy, I will not do transgender Chi or use she/her pronouns when Chi is out.)
❌ Characters I will NOT write
Haiji Towa
Characters I don’t know well (I’m not able to name, but I will tell you if I don’t know them well! <3)
✅ Characters I WILL write
Basically every Danganronpa character. Though for some I may have a tougher time writing, I’ll still be able to do them!
Please know, I will NOT write smut or ships for udg kids, I will just do fluff with them hanging out w/ characters PLATONICALLY.
💕Ships I ship
Chihiro x Kokichi (Fujiouma, Chiouma.)
Hajime x Nagito (Hinakoma, Komahina.)
Kiibo/K1b0 x Miu (Kiiruma.)
Shuichi x Kaede (Saimatsu.)
Fuyuhiko x Peko (Fuyupeko.)
Mikan x Chiaki (Nanamiki.)
Korekiyo x Kaito (Momoguji.)
Kamukura x Nagito (Kamukoma.)
Leon x Mondo (Leowada.)
Mukuro x Genocide Syo (Syokuro.)
Celestia x Sayaka (Celesaya.)
Sonia x Gundham (Sondam.)
Sakura x Aoi (Sakuraoi.)
Makoto x Kirigiri (Naegiri.)
Ryota x ‘Twogami’ (Mitworai.)
Mahiru x Hiyoko (Soapies.)
Akane x Nekomaru (Akanidai.)
Tsumugi x Angie (Shironaga.)
Gonta x Ryoma (Goshi.)
Kirumi x Maki (Kirumaki.)
-🌸I’ll try my best to answer everyone, and I’ll try to get all requests done! Please know I will say no to certain things, so please don’t be offended if I do say no. Other then that, requests open!-
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ibuki-says · 2 years
Sayaka: That was so hot, Celeste.
Celestia: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenerate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets.
Sayaka: I'm so in love with you.
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
Nanami Anon: for the ship ask I submit to you my humblest of dangan rarepairs Celesaya (Celeste x Sayaka)
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Looking at you with my big BIG ole eyes
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ohsayaka · 2 years
do you have any kind of thoughts on celesaya to share? i'd love to see you talk about them :] - 🤍
This is such a sweet ask yes of course. Im not a Celestia expert by any means but i think they share such an incredible overlap regarding deceit and lies and pretending. In different ways and for different reasons (i could not tell you about celestias perfectly) (if anyone wants to add on to this post feel free btw!!!)
Their self image the image they present to the world their appearences..the things they communicate..i think they would deeply understand each other in a sort of sad way. like "oh we are fucked up. i can see what youre doing."
I always love art of them. I feel like celesaya is such a natural conclusion to arrive to. Like yes. These two deceitful girls may kiss
These two characters have such prominent similarities..I could not word this very well. But its so uncanny to me. & I love it .
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sir-sunny · 2 years
CELESAYA… ITS ABOUT!!! THE MASKS!!! they both project such strong images of who they are and who they want to be and neither of them know how to just like be real with a person because theyre terrified of what that person implies…. Sayaka is an idol she always has to care about her image and project this sort of. Perfect almost doll-like quality. Like you know how the idol industry is it’s brutal. Every aspect of your life has to be controlled so strictly. But Sayaka loves what she does! Any unhappiness that it could bring is nothing to her in comparison to the joy of doing what she does, so the idea of who she is without any restriction is nothing but the idea of her as a failure!!! And Celeste we all know her. She just… to put it simply she hates herself! She hates who she is and wants so desperately to be someone else that she crafts a whole new identity and grabs it tight and never lets go. 
And I just think…. I think if they sat down there would be a part of them that just Knows the other. And it really is just about the pure terror of someone knowing you so deeply. Seeing through a mask you’ve worked so hard to keep up seemingly without issue. The raw emotion that comes with unwilling vulnerability, the hatred, the curiosity, the love. It’s like… She knows me. She knows me and she doesn’t think I’m a failure and she doesn’t think I’m boring and she doesn’t hate what she sees and what does that mean for all I’ve worked towards? ITS ABOUT…. THE IMPLICATIONS. THE STRUGGLE THE BOND. It’s hard for me to explain properly but there’s only one fic I’ve ever found that sorta encapsulates how I feel about this ship properly. 
Its called Different Lights by Serahne… its a oneshot but its real good.
they can see past each other's facade, they can see how similar they are and its scary. but it also means everything to have someone who understands. .... i see the light now..
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