#celtic cross spread
I'm gonna try to revitalize this blog a little bit, sooooo I'm gonna do a little event!
I'm going to do a full tarot reading, in the celtic cross spread, including pictures and with your pick of a deck for one lucky winner!
If enough people enter, I may even do a second place winner, where they get a 3 card reading in the traditional past/present/future spread.
Now, in order to enter you must:
-be following me
-reblog this post, not just like but REBLOG
-thats it!
If this post gets 30 reblogs I'll do the second place winner thing!
*please* don't let this flop, and thanks for reading!!
Good luck!
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Nothing like a Strawberry Moon reading to yell at you that you deserve better at your job...
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themeowgician · 9 months
Celtic Cross Tarot Spread
"should I pitch my idea for a third year short film next year?"
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The Querent - Reverse Death
The first card represents the querent - yourself - and in this pull is represented by the reversed Death (which isn't a bad thing in Tarot, Death it represents change and renewal). This draw indicates that you feel some reluctance to move on - stubbornness, is the word called upon in the analysis of the card.
Immediate Obstacles - Five of Cups
The second card represents an obstacle or influences on your question. In this draw, it is the Five of Cups which represents grief and mourning. A fear of disappointment is getting in the way of your progress - which is only natural in pitching a creative idea.
Basis of the Matter - Ten of Swords
The third card is in relation to the question itself. In this pull, it's the Ten of Swords - which is not a good sign. It indicates betrayal and painful endings... Perhaps the idea at the moment needs refinement, or it'll end badly? Perhaps someone wants to plagiarize you and is banking on your hesitancy? I would personally urge you to remain rational and avoid paranoia.
Recent Past - Reverse Ten of Wands
The fourth card is for the recent past that is relevant to the question - with the reverse Ten of Wands, it tells me that perhaps you've already been asking lots of people about your pitch. Which makes sense, it's good practice for an artist to get feedback.
Highest Potential - Four of Swords
The fifth card represents your priorities and for this pull, is the Four of Swords. This card calls for rest and reflection - have you been anxious about your pitch for awhile now? Is the window closing to suggest your pitch? Perhaps the anxiety is getting weighty and the desire for a decision to be made is getting greater.
Near Future - Reverse The Hanged Man
The sixth card represents the near future and is represented by the reverse Hanged Man which indicates hesitancy and procrastination. Perhaps something will arise in the future that will change your mind and impede your confidence - or perhaps there won't be much good council to sway your current indecisiveness.
Fears and Concerns - Reverse Seven of Cups
The seventh card is your fears and concerns, which is the reverse Seven of Cups. It represents being overwhelmed in the face of too many choices - which aligns with the fifth and sixth cards of the spread. Are you deliberating over the potential responsibility that comes with a successful pitch? The cards suggest that you take time to ground yourself and not get lost in unrealistic possibilities.
Outside Opinions - Reverse Page of Pentacles
The eighth card represents other people's perspective on the matter and is represented by the reverse Page of Pentacles. It warns against rushing into situations unprepared or becoming lazy and cutting corners. Perhaps your peers worry that your indecisiveness is indicative of some underlying issue? Your lack of confidence might seem uncharacteristic of you.
Hopes and Wishes - Reverse Knight of Swords
The ninth card represents your hopes and wishes for the outcome, which is the reverse King of Swords. The King of Swords represents reason, order, rationality and most of all, utmost confidence - in reverse, it represents authoritarianism and abuse of the King's intellect. Perhaps, you desire logic and clarity on this decision, but (perhaps inline with Ten of Swords?) pursuing this clarity could lead to you being too controlling and severing some ties.
Overall Outcome - Reverse Ten of Swords
The tenth and final card of the spread is "the overall outcome." In this spread, it is the reverse Ten of Swords. This card typically represents theft and betrayal - and in reverse, it is theft and betrayal from one's self. Perhaps, your indecisiveness is robbing you of a valuable experience and, ultimately, you just need to decide.
Summation of the Reading
This spread contains much of the Minor Arcana (which are the suits, including the Page and the Knight in this spread) and ruled by The Swords. The large presence of the Minor Arcana indicates that the matter is directly in your hands - which is to say, that there isn't a greater force that could strongly influence the outcome. With the strong presence of The Swords, it represents conflict, communication, struggle and rationality - you should approach the situation calmly, but even if you make the right choice, what you want won't come easy. Notice also, that the card that represents you is Death and the card for the future is The Hanged Man. In this tarot deck, they share tropes - Death is the "isekai truck" (don't laugh, we're taking this seriously) and The Hanged Man is the newly isekai'd hero. There is something that you must abandon - you must "die" - in order to be remade as a hero. So perhaps the cards say that this is the start of a new chapter, you are going to begin your hero's journey, so to speak - and it won't be easy, most of the cards indicate struggle and hardship. What I think of the reading is that you should go for it, sure the disappointment of being turned down might sting (see the Five of Cups we drew) but ultimately, it's a valuable experience for you and at the very least, be a resolution to the matter. I advise that you should pitch the idea and that it'll go somewhere - it'll be hard work to see your vision realised, but it's the start of journey into unknown territory and with the presence of The Swords, rest assured that you are armed for the challenge.
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firewithinthewitch · 2 years
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Thanks to a good old-fashioned celtic cross spread, I now have a clear idea of how to move on from the past, and when to walk away from certain situations…
It’s time to really focus on my future and my goals, and to stop dwelling on how things used to be… the unknown is scary but it can also be exciting if I go about it the right way🌞
The cards never lie… thank you for showing me the light once again, old friends❤️
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paracawsal · 11 months
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the cards changed again!
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knightofchariot · 1 year
The two-card cross: A super useful, super short tarot spread
These two cards can be read in so many different ways. By subtly altering the position names, you can produce very different readings. Try adapting your spread using any of the following:
Aim / 2. Blockage
Here, the first card represents the desired outcome, the thing you want to achieve. The second is the thing that is preventing this from happening.
Blockage / 2. Solution
The first card is the problem faced by the querent. The second represents a way forwards, an approach which can help to address the blockage or solve the problem.
Querent / 2. Adversary
Here, the first card represents the person asking the question, and the second is a person — or the actions of a person — who is holding them back.
Ideal / 2. Settling for
The first card is what you really want, whereas the second represents the situation as is, what you are ‘settling for.’ Why might this be?
Situation / 2. Extra info
The first card represents you or your situation, right now. The second card offers you a little extra info into what’s going on.
The two-card cross is really useful for practicing interpreting cards in pairs. Rather than simply laying the cards side-by-side, there is the added information provided by the fact that one card is crossing the other. This could mean all kinds of things!
It’s also a very handy starting point for building your own spreads. If you feel so inclined, pull a third card after you’ve read the two, asking a further question as you do.
And if you’re super into this spread, you’ll enjoy The Heart of the Tarot by Signe E. Echols, Robert Mueller and Sandra A. Thomson, a book entirely dedicated to this little spread and filled with ideas for interpreting cards in pairs.
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tarot-tea-cafe · 1 year
12 spread reading
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a reading commissioned by @melodymogai
(really really sorry this is a bit late /g)
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i did a celtic cross spread for this reading.
question being asked: what does the future hold in regards to health (mental and physical), relationships, school, work and the state on the possibility of moving out.
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page of coins - reversed -"present position" - the atmosphere in which the question is being asked -reversed: a lack of common sense, immaturity, laziness, apathy -the question being asked may be coming from a place where you feel like you arent doing enough, possibly you feel youre apathetic towards things currently and feel as tho youre lost and being lazy or you worry this is the case. -this card specifically mentions welcoming the beginning of spring, fitting as thats where we're at now. -it sounds like the beginning of spring right now is starting out with a lot of uncertainty, and you need to look on the upside to see the start of a new season as a fresh start rather than the coming of negatives.
three of wands - upright -"immediate influences" - the influences and obstacles that lie ahead the closest. -upright: self-motivation, freedom, reward, romance -the things that are influencing your path of the desired future and the things that stand as a bump in your road first, seem to be the things you use to motivate yourself, your desire for freedom (your want to move out) and possibly a current romantic relationship (maybe the state its in or your partner) -the influence these things have arent necessarily bad. for example it could be encouraging you to continue to use/find self-motivation or that your lack of such is one of the obstacles. -this is best interpreted by you.
the hanged man - reversed -"goal or destiny" - a clear state on your goal and what is most likely to be accomplished with the current situation at hand -reversed: willfulness, useless sacrifice, rushing, thoughtlessness, martyrdom -the hanged man is a card that halts things to take time to reflect. know your goal, moving out and checking on the state of things in your life, as well as know what youre doing thats moving things forward or hindering and what you can do to improve. -your willfulness to push forward, to fix things, and willfulness in general is a good thing to have and something you should keep up as its helping you keep going. -however youre doing this all while sacrificing things that arent worth doing so, such as time, energy or health. as you bring up health in your question its likely youre willingly sacrificing your mental health to go forward with something and you shouldn't be doing that. -dont rush towards your goals, allow yourself to take time with things.
knight of coins - upright -"distant past" - the influences of events of the past that the current present is basing on. -upright: ambition, hard work, persistence, being efficient. -in the past you have been as the above states, persistent, ambitions and working hard towards your goal and desired future as well as with your work, schooling, health and current relationships. -this may have lead to some wavering thats caused doubts and then lead up to the current question you asked for this reading or may be a big factor in it that pushed the snowball. -your hard work and persistence will not go unrewarded, keep up your ambitions and you will get through things.
nine of cups - reversed -"recent past events" - more recent events and influences that brought about the present. -reversed: greed, devastation, pessimism, addiction, self-loathing. -it seems past influences where definitely a heavy amount of doubts and some form of vices, possibly the influence of other's words and actions like greed turning up the dial on your own negative thoughts and/or behaviours that brought our your question and current situation. -its possible past issues even after the hard work you put into things are what caused your current doubts now making you wary of the future.
eight of cups - reversed -"future influence" - overall influences in your near future for the desired path youre on. -reversed: aimlessness, fear of abandonment, depression, settling, hopelessness -this card serves to warn you of things that may come up and things you shouldn't give into. -dont let your fears and doubts drag you down, remember the good you still have during these hard times. the rough patches to come are just that, dont let yourself grasp ahead for something to hold onto blind in the dark, know what you have and that what you have is secure. -keep in mind that no matter how down things may seem, now or in the future, theres still reasons around for you to keep your head up and there always will be, be it people or coping mechanisms you have.
queen of wands - upright -"the questioner" - the card that lays out your current attitude and tries to steer you, the questioner, in the right direction of a better perspective. -upright: optimism, independence, confidence, passion, verve. -your current attitude and outlook is good! keep your optimism, stay positive, the passion and enthusiasm you have or need for things will help you -if youre worried that you seem childish or annoying because of how outgoing and passionate you are, you arent, its not bad, keep it up. -youre allowed to want independence, youre allowed to look forward to that and be hopeful towards a brighter future.
five of swords - upright -"environmental factors" - talking about your habits, influences on others and tendencies around others that all have an affect on you. -upright: surrender, betrayal, bullying, violence, crime. -this card refers to a fight won through deceit. it may reference that you have a habit of deceiving others to get through things but this doesnt necessarily mean you do it in a malicious or manipulative way, rather it may refer to masking as a coping or defensive mechanism around others. as in you have a tendency to hide yourself, your thoughts, behind a smile and a nod as to get past your current issues. -this may be causing you mental strain and emotional exhaustion and it might be best to avoid doing this. a "just smile and agree" attitude likely will only hinder you further rather than make you feel any better.
two of cups - upright -"inner emotions" - this card expresses just that, your inner thoughts, desires and emotions, current as well as future. -upright: a happy relationship, equality, partnership, attraction, connection -its clear you desire healthy relationships, which is a good thing to want, and your hope for the future is that things will still be in good light in regards to current relationships. -in the future these thoughts and hopes may still be there, but that does mean things will be, are or remain bad, just that you want the healthy, happy and positive aspects of things to be maintained. its good to have that outlook.
page of cups - reversed -"final results" - the overall results and conclusion based on the influences from the previous cards. -reversed: bad news, jealousy, obsession, childhoods problems, immaturity. -your past influences seem to be the heaviest of them, especially in regards to doubts. -the best prediction for a result, an answer to your question that youre looking for, is that so long as you keep your head up and dont let your doubts, worries and fears cause you to faulter in your ambitions towards your goals, things will go smoothly. you will make it, it will be okay, just keep a positive outlook, look after yourself and keep pushing through. -this specific card wants you to stay connected to your emotions and express yourself, be open with yourself. -the future holds promise. -your doubts, your fears, the negative influences of others will contribute to your bumpy road and obstacles in the future. -your optimism and persistence are the tools that will help you get through things and achieve your goals.
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the celtic cross tends to only have 10 cards to here i'll give an additional 2 for overall thoughts and a conclusion even though 10 pretty much already did that, these two may provide some better clarification and advice.
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11. ten of coins - reversed
-reversed: financial disaster, disputes, instability, broken traditions.
-the ten of coins talks about well earned rewards after a long time of hard work. the future always brings rough patches in life to show that things require that hard work, these obstacles could be financial issues (possible something requiring a price you wont be able to pay at that moment or a price that'll set you back, for an example), arguments with others, and of course your moving out could be seen as a broken tradition in some way, something your family might not expect. -its important to keep in mind that you will get over these hills and make it forward and the reward, the set goals you want to achieve, will have been well worth it in the end.
12. eight of wands - upright
-upright: speed, momentum, travel, excitement, results.
-these last two cards seem to heavily be pointing towards the end of your question, what the future holds/results about your plans to move out. -moving out to a better place can be an exciting thing, especially because it involves the freedom on independence. -this card wants to tell you things will move forward, that before you know it, you'll be there at the end of your path and have reached your goal.
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my conclusion:
things will turn out alright. the road will be a very bumpy one like a gravel or overgrown off-road path, but you'll still get there like you want to. dont be afraid to reach out for support, it'll be there when you need it, you have people around you who will be there for you. no matter how scary things may seem to get, do your best, you'll still pull through.
remember to look after yourself, dont lose sight of things, stay determined. you got this, in the end it will be good.
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adorabledaylilly · 8 months
So has anyone noticed and tried to read the Celtic Cross spread in Mikoto’s first MV MeMe or am I gonna have to do it myself?
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lavendertarot · 1 year
okay okay I have like -10000 coherency rn but as a milgram fan who does actual tarot readings as a hobby I feel like an underrepresented part of Mikoto's whole thing in like the little nook of milgramblr I'm situated in is that like, most tarot readings you really don't tend to take each card with it's meanings at face value separately from the other cards, especially with the kind of spread we see in Mikoto's trial 1. Now ofc ofc that's just how I've been taught how to do it and spiritual mileage may vary, but traditionally the placing of the card within the spread (not just whether it's upright or reversed) will denote which meaning of the multiple meanings a card may have and the context within which to read it. Ofc with the minor arcana it's easier to get one clear meaning from it but regardless having it in the context of past/present/future/feelings etc I feel like would help to solidify more information people who are way better at theorizing than me could use, y'know?
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sproutedlavender · 1 year
Beginner Spreads
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A ‘spread’ is the way you place and read your cards. Spreads can be very easy to use and you simply need the intention to begin.
There are many spreads in tarot and it can sometimes be overwhelming to choose one, so here are some beginner friendly spreads to start your tarot reading journey.
One-Card-a-Day spread
This spread works just as it sounds and is often used by all levels of tarot readers. You pull a single card and see how its meaning relates to your life. This can be done at any time of the day. If you pull a card in the morning, it’ll often represent the energy of your day. If you pull one at night, it might suggest advice or a message for the next day. Of course, this all varies depending on the questions you ask the cards.  
It may also be helpful to keep a record of your cards so you can look back and see any patterns which might appear.
The Three-Card Spread
This spread is one of the most effective and useful spreads you’ll come across and can be used in a multitude of ways. You can change the meaning of each position in the spread to accommodate your situation (Past, present, future; mind, body, spirit; the situation, the action, and the outcome etc.).
This spread works just as it sounds. Three cards are pulled from the deck and each card represents a different aspect of the question you asked. For example, if you decided to use the past, present, and future spread, the card to the left will represent the past, the middle will represent the present, and the card on the right will represent the future.
As you read your cards, first take a look to see how they make you feel. Try and connect with their energy and pay attention to the pictures, colors and symbols on the card. Then, look up their meanings and see how they relate to your own life.
You may find that some messages resonate while others don’t. This is the best time to use your intuition and take the meanings that feel right to you.
Five Card Cross
This spread is similar to the three-card spread but allows for a more in-depth reading. In this spread, there is more room to pull clarifying cards which help you to more deeply understand their messages.
This spread is often constructed to look like a cross, building upon the three-card spread. Three cards lay in the middle while one lays at the top and one at the bottom. You can give certain meanings to each of the positions of the cards, much like the three-card spread, or you can just ask the cards a single question and see how the cards respond together to form an answer.
Read more on my official blog,
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scarr-stuff · 2 years
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rhianna · 1 year
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Illustration of Celtic Cross Tarot Spread
for more information see also:  https://www.tarottotes.com/item.asp?iid=1618
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autumnalgrove · 2 months
Tarot Readings are open 🔮✨️
Below is a guide on what readings I offer and price range! You can place an order on my website or pay directly with PayPal!
$5 - Mini Reading (3 cards)
$12 - General Spread
$15- Career
$15- Deep Relationship
$15- Moon Phase
$20 - Annual Spread (A depiction of all 12 months)
$20- Celtic Cross
$20- In Depth Past, Present and Future
$25 - Zodiac Spread
$30- Major Arcana (In depth reading based around 1 Major Arcana of your choosing, multi card reading)
Readings will include a photo of the cards pulled and an in depth description of your message!
Not seeing a reading you want? Please message me and I'm more than happy to accommodate! :)
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irrevasazim · 2 months
🔮 Celtic Cross Like a Boss ✨
One of the most iconic spreads around and the bread and butter of professional readers is the Celtic Cross, a 10 card study on various influences in your life. Perhaps the best spread for general readings out there today we quickly break down its placements to help kick start your journey with the tarot. Music provided by RingingPyramid Come join your friendly neighborhood Satanist for a tarot reading LIVE on Twitch evenings 7PM-9PM EST
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teeztarot · 3 months
How To Harness Powers of the Celtic Cross Spread
For this Edition of Tailored Templates we will be Unlocking the Mysteries of the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread In the realm of Tarot readings, few spreads evoke as much intrigue and depth as the Celtic Cross. This ancient and versatile layout has been a staple in Tarot practice for centuries, offering seekers profound insights into their past, present, and future. Join me as we delve into the…
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tammythompsontt · 11 months
ARIES Saying Goodbye To The Past Isn't Easy, The Universe Nudges You Tow...
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