aphrodite1288 · 11 months
1/11/2023: Congrats to our New CEO Ouri Do KYUNGJA 👏🏻🎉🎂🎈🩷 🥳🎉 👏🏻
All Hail Our CEO-nim Do Kyungsoo!!
My dear Do Kyungsoo, you have proven, once again, that hard work indeed pays off! I’m so proud of you and your new venture, and I wish you strength, determination and perseverance in the face of challenges.
Congratulations again !May your new Journey get you closer to your dreams. Keep going! Congrats bro on realising your dream of becoming your own boss! You’re going to be amazing. Good luck!
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Cr. To owners of pics
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elysiangroundsforall · 3 months
In the Course of It ...
"You're my only Bambi, Bambi"
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Synopsis: INB100 is holding auditions and Y/N applies and gets selected but the CEO falls in love with Y/N. Pairing: Byun Baekhyun x reader Warnings: None Type: Angst, Fluff Started: 09/07/2024 (July 9th) Ended:
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"But I'm only a trainee."
"It doesn't matter to me."
"EXO member and INB100 CEO Byun Baekhyun reportedly dating a trainee under his company"
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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Severance - BTS OT7 CEO au Chapter 16
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So did anybody guess what was on the news? I thought it was rather obvious (it’s getting harder and harder to find gifs I haven’t used)
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“Care to explain this Y/n,” Junmyeon says, reaching for the remote and pressing play.
You feel your world freeze, the newscasters lips moving but the thumping in your ears drowns her out. Footage after footage of your dates, the three maknaes and you at the airport, date stamped proving you played hooky, there was nothing you could say to disprove the videos, not when in every single one they steal a kiss.
Your mouth opens but nothing comes out, not even a breath goes in, you’re stuck. You don’t see anything but the screen where the secret you so desperately wanted to keep was aired out for the world to witness. You don’t see Jongin desperately texting Jimin under the desk, what you do see is the channel cut to a newscaster introducing the last woman you ever expected to see, the shock filling your lungs with air so fast it makes you dizzy. Your eyes sting with tears as she starts talking, was this karma? Was this the universe telling you you made the wrong choice, that you should never have fallen for them, that you were too greedy for their love. Was this the price, the consequences? 
“I think she’s hyperventilating,” the voice sounds muffled, your ears feel like they're full of burning cotton but at least someone has the sense to turn the screen off. Baekhyun fills your vision instead, hands on your shoulders with worried eyes on your form. 
“Cars coming to pick her up, back entrance,” you recognise it's Jongin that’s speaking but the word’s go over your head. 
Someone hands you a tissue but you don’t register the gesture until you hear a sigh. Chanyeol gently wipes your tears away, the stern look on his face softening when you look up at him. The sound of the phone ringing sounds so distant, like it was at the end of the tunnel. Jongin answers it before handing it to Junmyeon.
“Namjoon,” he greets through the line, the sound of his tone cutting through the fog you were drowning in. Joonie, you wanted nothing more than to be buried in his arms away from all this, but he wasn’t here. Whatever he was saying though the line made your current boss stare at you with an accusation that didn’t budge.
“We need to get her out without any more commotion,” he says to the others stiffly after he cuts the call. 
“I’ll sort out the employees,” Kyungsoo states walking out. 
The silence that follows is palpable, the lead CEO breaks it with a sigh, and you know it’s due to the aftermath he would have to deal with because of your decisions. He moves to walk past you, but you grab his sleeve before he can. You try not to flinch under his stare, your hands trembling where they hold him. 
“I’m so sorry,” you say as sincerely as you can through a hoarse whisper. He acknowledges your words with a nod before he leaves. You’re quickly ushered to the corridor by the others, the sight of them shielding you like your own personal bodyguards would make you chuckle on any other day, but you were still shaking like a leaf. 
All that work, all those years of making something of yourself, all the sacrifices and it came to this. Your life exposed to the world in a way that would cause it ruin. Your future at e.xo was done, no other company would ever employ you, you could never go back to work for bangtan. Everything was gone. 
“Yeah we’re in the car, we got her out safe,” Seokjin says through the phone while Yoongi drives, his eyes glancing at you with worry. 
A question Namjoon asks on the phone had Jin tensing, looking at you hesitantly. Is she okay?
“She’s not saying anything, she’s just shaking,” he sighs, he wanted to say more, how you were staring at the floor despondently, how when Jin tried to hold your hand to comfort you, you tensed and turned away.
The fear in their hearts that you regretted everything you had with them made Jin pull away, all he could do was be grateful they got to you before the media did, and in the tinted vehicle you were at least safe. 
“It’s safe to go back to the mansion,” Jin tells Yoongi when he hangs up the call.
The drive is silent, they didn’t know what to say, everytime they tried the words died before they could form. Security was back in full force at their estate, running out any media outlet that tried to sneak close, their lawyers were having a field day. Not to mention the commotion at the office as they walked out, the whispers conjugated together so loud, not even Namjoon’s glare could silence them.
The gates open to the estate, and Yoongi can hear his heartbeat thumping faster and faster in his ears, it felt like they were coming to an impasse and there was no going back. The car slows to a stop, and as he kills the engine all they can do is stare at you.
Move. You had to move.
You could hear a faint commotion outside, the three maknaes running towards the car but a stern look from Yoongi stopped them in their tracks. Worry, anticipation, anxiety, no one knew exactly what concoction of emotions paralysed them, what made them hesitate to reach out to you.
“Kitten,” Yoongi starts softly, “you need to talk to us.”
That made you move, the door opening without a word in return. Your legs work against you, feeling like lead on twigs, a second away from collapsing. You couldn’t speak right now, your whole body felt empty and yet the weight of thoughts in your head made you need to bury it. You wanted your bed, you wanted to hide, and you wanted to be alone. 
Yoongi shares a look with Jin, the hurt flashing between both of them at your rejection but they try not to take it to heart. You never wanted your relationship with them made public, not yet at least, you weren’t ready for the backlash, but now the choice was taken from you in the most heinous way. 
“Noona,” Jungkook calls for you gently, a sadness in his eyes at the way you were walking with your head hanging low. Jimin holds him back, understanding better than anyone how you were feeling. He used to do the same, when something went wrong, when he made a mistake, he cut himself off from everyone, it would be a mistake to approach you until you were ready, until the voices in your head either broke you or quietened down. 
The steps to the front door took so much energy from you, you didn’t think you had any left. You could feel them walking behind you at a distance, and yet it didn’t feel far enough or close enough. Something inside of you was tearing its way out and you didn’t know if you wanted to be embraced through it or to suffer it alone the way you had before so many times. 
“Y/n,” Namjoon didn’t get the memo, he tries to embrace you but feels you stiffen against him, letting go immediately to look at your face with worry. “Baby girl, we'll fix this, okay? We-”
You push him away and he looks at you in shock, you didn’t want to hear it right now, you were barely holding yourself together. Voices were pounding inside of your head, the same repeated phrases over and over about how all your work was ruined, it was all for nothing, all your dreams, all your efforts. You couldn’t handle anything right now, you just needed your bed and to cry yourself to sleep alone. 
“Y/n talk to me,” Namjoon says sternly, brows knitted at the way you didn’t even look at him. 
He blocks your path when you try to walk past him, why didn’t he understand what you needed right now? You hear him sigh, as if his patience with you was wearing thin. 
“Baby girl, you always do this,” he says, holding onto your shoulders to ground you, to keep you from leaving him. “You shut yourself down, you punish yourself, you push us away and then you break.”
“You can’t do that anymore sunshine,” Hoseok says standing beside you. “We’re in a relationship, we’re in this together, your pain is our pain Y/n.”
They watch you shake your head, bowing your head down so low as they hear the telltale sniffle that turns into a violent sob. Namjoon is quick to catch you in his arms, hushing your softly, stroking your hair until you calmed. All the while guilt ate him up, this was his fault, he could see it in all of their eyes as they watched you fall apart. 
The house was solemn and quiet, you had retreated upstairs to your room, Jimin staying beside you while you slept. 
“We underestimated that bitch,” Yoongi breaks the silence with what they were all thinking. They’re all scattered around the living room, Jungkook sitting deep in thought on the headrest of the sofa, Yoongi on the seat beside him. Namjoon sat opposite them with Hoseok on the armrest, Jin pacing the room slowly while Taehyung sat on the floor with his face in his hands. The black face of the TV on the wall stared at them, taunting them with what it held inside. The face broadcasted alongside yours and theirs was one that they barely remembered, but she had the audacity to be interviewed by any news outlet desperate enough for a story. They didn’t want to turn on the TV and see her face. 
“She signed an NDA,” Namjoon says, a headache forming, “we didn’t think she was going to be a problem.”
“That’s where arrogance gets us,” Jin scoffs.
“Flower worked so hard for so long,” Taehyung says quietly, mourning for you. They all knew it better than anyone. 
“We’ll fix this,” Namjoon states, he wouldn’t rest until they did. 
“Namjoon be real for a second,” Hoseok sighs, “we might not be able to fix it.”
“No company is going to take her without an agenda,” Jungkook pipes in stoically.
“Or without thinking she’s a corporate spy,” Jin agrees. 
“We can’t control everyone and everything,” Hoseok finishes, patting the lead CEO on the shoulder sympathetically. 
“And we definitely can’t ignore a problem away,” Yoongi scoffs, staring daggers into Namjoon. 
“Let’s not start this now,” Jin warns, feeling Namjoon’s guilt from a mile away.
“What does he mean?” Jungkook asks, feeling confused. 
“Namjoon’s been burning threats concerning us,” Yoongi continues accusatively. 
“We never opened those letters,” Namjoon argues back, “we don’t know what they contained.”
“Well we know now,” Yoongi says mockingly. He hated when you were upset, the feeling made his own claws unsheath, ready to tear into anyone who was held responsible. 
“We don’t know the two things are connected,” Hoseok tries to defend their lead. 
“Don’t be stupid Hobi,” Yoongi seethes, “Kitten’s whole career has gone down the drain because of us, what the fuck is she going to do if she finds out?”
“You best hope she doesn’t,” Taehyung snapped, his earlier melancholy now fueled by fear. 
“We can’t keep this from her,” Hoseok shakes his head, disregarding the point.
“She’ll hate us,” Jungkook states, terrified it would manifest before his eyes soon. 
“She’ll be angry at us,” Jin corrects him, “but we have to tell her.”
“Not now, it’s too soon,” Namjoon says quickly, his own fear warping his judgement.
“You should’ve opened one fucking letter,” Yoongi can’t let it go, all of this could’ve been avoided if it wasn’t for Namjoon’s stupid stubbornness. 
“What good is bringing that up now going to do?” Hoseok sighs again. 
“We don’t know if it’s connected!” Namjoon yells exasperated. “What we do know is Shin Suran leaked the photos and the story, and she is going to fucking pay.”
“So you’re saying the CEOs fired you because you threatened to expose their relationship to HR?” Solar, the newscaster asks her aghast. 
“Honestly, I didn’t want to expose their… relationship,” she can’t hide the disgust in her voice at the word, “but I was concerned for Y/n’s wellbeing, I thought maybe they were holding her job over her head until I found out she was only entertaining them to climb the corporate ladder.”
Both anchors were shocked, the information sending them reeling.
“I mean what self respecting young woman would sell herself like that? Y/n was never a team player, or very good at her job but somehow she was always favoured by the CEO’s. It should have been obvious really.”
“Wow, that’s a lot of information to unpack Suran,” Solar says. “Aren’t you scared of the repercussions, these are the world’s business leads you’re going up against.”
“I only want to convey the truth,” Suran lies through her teeth. “It isn’t fair that the women who have worked hard and devoted themselves to Bangtan corporations are not appreciated or given the opportunities they deserve.”
“But Miss L/n left bangtan corporations,” the other anchor Hwasa finally speaks after having watched the little snake for so long. Something didn’t sit right with her and this woman’s sickly sweet attitude, it stank of deceit and she wasn’t blind to it. 
“I have it on good information that she was sent to spy on the competition,” Suran’s eyes narrow, not liking her tone of voice. 
“That’s a wild allegation,” Hwasa replies, every bit the professional. “I hope you have the evidence to back it up.”
“Bangtan corporations are under serious investigation after allegations of corporate espionage came from their former employee…”
She smiles at the screen plating in front of her, the chaos unravelling in so many wonderful ways. The Sun was shining despite the winter air, how many interviews could she fit into one day? Many it seemed, and while the day was over there was always tomorrow to cause more havoc to your life. Now she would sit and bask in the TV light, watching all of her fire ignite. 
She had only gotten cosy when the doorbell rang to her little flat, groaning as she went to the door to answer it.
“Shin Suran?”
The three piece suit should give away something serious was in the brown paper envelope in his hands but she couldn’t bring herself to show any respect to the figure. She sneered and rolled her eyes, this man might’ve looked intimidating but she was currently on a high from ruining your life, nothing was going to bring her power trip down.
“Wi HaJoon,” he continues in the absence of a greeting, handing her the envelope. “You’ve been served.”
“What?” That elicits a reaction out of her, for some reason she didn’t even contemplate there would be consequences for her actions, deluded into thinking she was untouchable.
“You’re being sued for stalking, defamation and breaking the nondisclosure agreement you signed.”
That wasn’t part of her plan, her jaw drops to the ground and she realises maybe she played her cards all wrong. In the violent web of wanting to destroy your life she didn’t realise all her defences were gone. Maybe he was right after all.
When you wake up, the sun begins to set and Jimin’s warmth engulfs you. The feeling is comforting but fleeting, unfortunately real life problems don’t fade just because you’re in his arms. You wanted to bury yourself in his hold, have him take everything away until you were ready to deal with it. Jungkook’s favourite grey sweatshirt swallows you whole, his smell calming your senses, you try to focus on it when your mind tries to swim through the thoughts that wanted you to drown. 
The door creaks open, two figures cautiously peaking in whispering to themselves. When Tae notices you’re awake he takes a seat beside you, caressing your cheek in his palm gently, his thumb soothing your skin. His eyes are downtrodden.
Jungkook kneels on the floor next to you, taking your hand in his and covering it with hard kisses, resting his cheek where they intertwined.
You try to get up but Jimin beside you grumbles in discontent, shuffling closer mumbling something under his breath without opening his eyes. A chaste kiss to your shoulder where the fabric hangs off your skin, lets you know he’s awake but refusing to let you go. The gesture brings a small but genuine smile to your face, one that turns into confusion as the commotion downstairs gets louder.
The younger two give each other knowing glances, one you don’t miss.
“What’s going on?” You ask, voice still hoarse from crying.
The hesitation in both of them fills you with dread. Did something else happen? 
“They’re just trying to sort things out bunny,” Jungkook tries to reassure you, “it’s nothing to worry about.”
Despite Taehyung not wanting you to find out, something sickened him at the idea of keeping secrets from you. He knew how the truth always found its way out, and he knew if you didn’t hear it from them, it would have worse repercussions. 
“Tae?” you could see a storm in his eyes, a battle between the loyalty to the others and his love for you. 
“The hyungs…” he hesitates, Jimin now fully awake and sitting up at his deep uncertain tone. 
Jungkook looks at him imploring him not to say it yet, it was going to be too much to deal with so soon after this morning. You grab Jimin’s arm, pulling yourself up closer to Taehyung who now avoided your gaze.
“Guys what’s going on?”
“I’ve been here with you,” Jimin mumbles half asleep, his hair a soft mess on his head. 
“Kookie?” you turn to the youngest who bites his lips nervously, doe eyes begging you not to ask him. 
“You’re worrying me,” your nerves were shot, the trauma from this morning making you beyond paranoid. What could be worse than this morning, what weren’t they telling you. 
“Jimin, Jungkook and I didn’t know,” Taehyung starts slowly, not wanting to put his hyung’s under the bus but he wasn’t going to let them shoulder the blame when they were innocent. Plus when this was over he had a feeling you would ostracise the older four for a while, he couldn’t handle being a part of that. 
“Didn’t know what?” you ask tentatively, urging him to continue.
“I still don’t know,” Jimin grumbles, getting annoyed with the suspense. 
“Namjoon Hyung has been getting letters,” Jungkook says when Taehyung pauses for too long. He sighs, cursing the hyung’s for keeping this from you when he knew the betrayal would crush you. 
“What letters?” 
Something ticks in Jimin’s brain, his sleep filled eyes going wide with realisation. The other day in the office, when the hyung’s went solemn, it was to do with that?
“We think…” Taehyung tries not to stumble over his words, “they were threats, about you or us, but we don’t know because…”
Threats? You’re sent reeling, did Namjoon know this was coming? And he did nothing to warn you, or confide in you?
“Because what?” you breathe, your voice heavy, eyes watering as your thoughts ran away from you. Jimin places an arm around your shoulders, trying to soothe you.
“He burned the letters before he opened them,” Jungkook finishes, feeling a deep rooted shame for his favourite hyung, and for selling him out. 
Jimin calls after you as you throw the covers off of you, storming downstairs to confront the men hiding things from you. 
“You’ve been getting threats and you didn’t tell me?” 
They startle at your accusation, as right as it was, the four of them confounded until the younger three stumble in behind you. All four hyungs glance at them disgruntled and disappointed, this was not the way to handle things, the thought was hypocritical but justified in their minds. 
“You didn’t tell me?” Your teary eyes pierce Yoongi with so much sadness, of all of them you never expected him to keep it from you, and for some reason it stung the worst.
“Kitten,” he tries reaching out to you, a vulnerable edge to his voice. He would let you scratch and claw at him until you were satisfied, anything to keep you from looking at him like that again. 
“Babygirl it’s my fault,” Namjoon sighs, taking the edge of his hyung and shouldering all the blame. “I told them not to.”
You turn back to him with anger in your eyes.
“Namjoon you’re the lead at work but that doesn’t make you the lead in this relationship,” you snap. “You had no right to keep this from me!”
“I know,” he says, his voice small.
“How long have you been getting these letters?” You ask and he hangs his head in shame. 
“Months…” he replies, “since you left the company.”
You stare at him appalled and it wounds him.
“You have the gall to tell me how to behave in this relationship Kim Namjoon,” Your voice is strained through the onslaught of angry tears. “And you keep this from me?”
“I didn’t know what the letters said,” he says as an excuse, and he knows it’s a feeble one. 
You shake your head in disbelief.
“I thought you of all people would get it Joonie,” the way your voice breaks cuts through him with shame. “You built everything from the ground up, I admired you long before I loved you. So how the hell could you play with my future like this?”
“Baby girl that was never my intention,” he begs you to understand him now, that he didn’t behave nonchalant with a potential threat, he thought he was doing what was best. 
“It doesn’t matter what your intention was! There was a clear right and wrong, and you know it.”
He bows his head again, you were right, he disrespected you when he didn’t discuss the letters with you, you should’ve made the decision together as to what to do with them. But in his heart he thought he was protecting you, protecting your peace and happiness, but all of that was a bubble set to burst.
“We don’t know that it’s connected beautiful,” Jin steps in between you, speaking as softly as he can knowing you were full of rage and sorrow, but he watched Namjoon take the blow and needed to shield him a little. 
“We don’t know that it’s not,” you argued back. “We have no way of knowing, because instead of talking to me about something unpleasant, you guys decided to bury it.”
“Sunshine, I get that you’re upset-” Hoseok tries but the look of incredulous shock shuts him up.
“Upset?” you repeat, the strain in your voice carrying tears. “Everything I worked for, all my dreams, are gone.” 
It was a struggle to get out every word, having to take a breath between each one, but you were determined to. 
“No company is going to employ me, even if they do I’ll be subjugated to whispers and isolation and we know how that worked out last time.”
You sniffle, wiping your nose and tears with your sleeve. You wanted to appear strong but you were breaking down, didn’t they understand what they had done? Didn’t they care? Or were they so comfortable in their gold seats so far above you they forgot about their struggles on the way there?
“I didn’t join your company to seduce you, I wanted to work hard and make something of myself, maybe start my own company one day, but all of that is gone.”
“Kitten,” Yoongi dares himself to try again, to console you even if you pushed him away. He walks over to you, remembering all the times you seeked him out for comfort. It used to confound the others, how Mr Stoic Stone was the one that you reached for, and even though it was unusual for him to step into those shoes, with you it came so naturally. He wanted to be the one you searched for when you needed soothing, he never wanted to lose that connection he built with you, ever. He knew it was a privilege, one he never took for granted.
He hates the way you look at him now, it breaks his heart, those watering eyes showing how truly hurt you were while you tried to control the trembling of your bottom lip, tried to look strong in front of him. 
“Whatever you think is gone, we can rebuild,” he takes your face in his hands, kissing the top of your head softly before looking into your eyes. “I am so sorry for not telling you, but I promise you whatever dreams you had will come true. It's just going to suck for a while and that’s our fault.” 
“We know better than anyone how hard you work sunshine,” Hoseok smiles at you sadly, regretting not telling you. 
“If you want a company babygirl, we’ll get you a company,” Namjoon’s own voice thick with remorse. “Whatever you want.”
“There’s enough space in the office for another desk,” Jimin tries to lighten the mood with a teasing lilt to his voice, but he’s not joking at all. “No one would dare to whisper about our angel CEO.”
You shake your head, removing Yoongi’s hold on you. They didn’t get it. You’ve worked for everything you had, it was how you had always been. You didn’t want to be handed a title you didn’t earn, or have your powerful boyfriends buy positions for you. 
“Why would that be such a bad idea, beautiful?” Jin asks softly. “You’re more than capable.”
“I don’t need anyone thinking I slept my way to the top,” you scoff. 
“Who cares what other people think, Kitten?” Yoongi sighs. “No one can deny you deserve a CEO position.”
You shake your head again, breathes of humourless laughter escaping your lips. They really didn’t get it. It was so easy to say that when you were untouchable to people’s words. 
“You guys made the decision by yourselves to keep this from me,” you state, not looking at them but to the ground. “My career has nothing to do with you, whatever happens next is my choice.”
“You don’t have the right Yoongi,” you try to keep the anger out of your voice. “None of you do right now. I need to figure this out alone.”
“Are you breaking up with us?” Jungkook asks in a panic, not moving from the doorway, he would block your exit, he would fall to his knees and beg you to stay. 
“No,” you reassure him with a syllable. “I love you, I always will, I’m just angry right now.”
“And you have every right to be,” Namjoon agrees solemnly. 
“I just have one last thing on my mind,” you frown, an obvious question was left unanswered. 
You face Namjoon, knowing he would hold the answer.
“You destroyed the letters before opening them,” it’s not a question but it sounds like one. 
He nods, wondering where you were going with this. 
“So how did you know they were threats?”
He hesitates, trying to build up the courage to tell you how he knew exactly who they were from. 
“The return address,” Jin answers for him. “It was from the penitentiary.”
The realisation hits you, and for some reason it makes the whole situation so much worse. The accusation in your eyes returns as you gaze at Namjoon. He knew exactly what he was dealing with when he got rid of those letters, and looking at you now he knew he would have to beg for your forgiveness. 
Bonus scene flashback:
Dear Kim Namjoon,
You haven’t responded to the last 6 letters I have sent, so either you’re not taking me seriously, or you haven’t read a single one. Both choices are not in anyone’s best interest, I don’t think you realise the situation you’ve put me in, I have nothing to lose. 
The deadline is approaching for you to transfer the funds and secure my release. I am not spending years in jail because of your jealousy. Enclosed are copies of the images I will release to the media, I bet you’re wondering how I was able to get these when you locked me away. 
It seems I’m not the only one you thought you could cross and toss away. For your sake, I hope you make the right choice.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Alexander Pettyfer
“They haven’t responded to a single one of your stupid letters, what makes you think they will now?” Suran scoffs at the news that he sent another. 
“Just be patient,” he replies, the usually clean cut male looking rugged and rough. “We need something out of this other than just ruining their lives.”
“Look, the images I got are proof enough about what that whore is doing, I say we release them.”
“Not yet!” The rise in his voice gets the guards attention, and he takes a deep breath to calm down. Stupid woman didn’t know when to listen, it was unfortunate that he had to use her, although he should count his blessings the day she came and visited for the first time with an idea to take the CEOs down. 
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exoluxionlove · 11 months
[INFO] EXO D.O. to leave SM & establish independent agency, will continue activities with EXO
"SM Entertainment, the agency, said in its official position on the 18th, 'The exclusive contract with Doh Kyungsoo will end in early November. In discussion with Doh Kyungsoo, we all decided he will continue activities as EXO with SM, and he will plan to carry out acting and personal activities through a new company established independently by a manager from the company.' Note: It was reported earlier today that Kyungsoo would leave SM but continue his future activities under a new agency by a management director who has been with him since debut. ETA: "Doh Kyungsoo is known to continue his activities at Company SooSoo, a company founded by Nam Kyungsoo, an independent director of SM Entertainment. Company SooSoo is a company founded by CEO Nam Kyungsoo. Doh Kyungsoo and CEO Nam Kyungsoo have been working together on a number of works and have continued their strong loyalty. In particular, Doh Kyungsoo has expressed his gratitude by calling out Nam Kyungsoo's name at awards ceremonies, so the two are expected to continue their collaboration" Source 1, 2
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aettuddae · 4 months
business matter — profiles 3.
↳ synopsis: two of the most important kpop companies covet a partnership with a huge global brand, only to be surprised when the deal is extended to both labels. fearing potential sabotage and cynical strategies to secure exclusivity for just one of them, both CEOs resort to desperate measures. in a bid to maintain trust and prevent betrayal before the signing, they come up with a pact: forcing a fake relationship between the leaders of their star girlgroups. if one side attempted to fail the other, they threaten to expose it all to the conservative south korea.
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masterlist | HeAVEN info | chapter 1
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KAI | kim jongin. soloist. karina's boyfriend, their relationship is not of public knowledge.
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RYUJIN. member of itzy. karina's best friend.
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JENNIE. member of blackpink. serim's best friend.
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KYUNGSOO. member of exo. serim's best friend.
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jongbross · 7 months
Hello ❤️‍🔥 Who do you believe would focus on a relationship a lot and who would neglect their partner to focus on career more? (Unfortunetly, it is what it is :()
this is so crazy, i was actually thinking about this but like, about myself. i was thinking about what i'm willing to put on the top of my priorities list and stuff. 🤨 anywaysss...
minseok: he's balanced, i think. minseok seems to me like the type of person to pay more attention to work when it's needed, and then more attention to his partner when it's needed, so no one and nothing could be neglected. the person should be understandable when he has to spend more hours/days away than he would like to (cause honestly if they don't, then they might not be the right one for him).
junmyeon: he's very work oriented, but maybe it's just because he hasn't met the right one yet? i can't see junmyeon stopping, but i can see him slowing down to focus on his family. at some point, i do think his partner/family would be his top priority, but he could never, ever leave his career and his eris behind him.
yixing: absolutely work oriented, i'm sorry. even if he loves his partner to death and wants to have a family with them, i don't think yixing would put his work aside. he seeks wealth and he wants to be the greatest artist he can be, and that's his main goal, that's it. tbh i can only see one thing making yixing slow down/stop and it's his health, and i hate to say it because i love him so much and i worry so much about him and how he overworks himself :( but yeah, his career is his partner for life, sorry to break it to you.
baekhyun: this is a tough one, tbh. he breathes work too and that can be a problem to some people i guess. i think he is or at least tries to be as balanced as minseok, but also doesn't plan to stop like junmyeon. at some point, especially if his partner gets pregnant, he would be all about them and slow down a bit - but then he would miss the hectic life of being a singer, a dancer, a ceo, and would go straight back to business. probably would have both career and partner/family as priorities, side by side.
jongdae: family oriented, and i'm not saying this only because he's already a father. i see jongdae as someone who cares so, so deeply for people, and that just got stronger as he got his own family. he plans to be an idol for a very, very long time - but he might stop at some point, though.
chanyeol: work oriented, but willing to drop some of it if he meets the right person. would never stop totally though, i can't imagine him not doing something, even if it's just producing and composing.
kyungsoo: kinda trick, i guess. at the moment he's very career oriented, he has a goal and i don't think he will stop until he accomplishes it. however, i can see him dropping a few of his activities if it means he could spend some more time with the ones he loves, especially if we're talking about partners and kids. will always be in the business somehow though.
jongin: the most balanced one, believe it or not. he's very workaholic, but he's also the definition of a family guy. can balance both things really well, so he would never make his partner feel like they're being neglected somehow. work and family will always be jongin's top priorities, side by side, no matter what (but tends to lean in the family side if he truly needs to choose it).
sehun: family oriented, he loves his job but nothing is as important as the people he loves. sehun doesn't want to (at least not now), but he won't hesitate to disappear from the public eye for a bit if he needs to prioritize his family or his partner. he's just so so loyal, i love him :(
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dks-smut · 11 months
Somebody… Part 2
Here’s Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
Pairing: Kyungsoo x female reader
Rating: Mature, Still Explicit af (now with more smut!)
Word Count: 8K
Genre: Smut, Romance, Slow Burn, Strangers to Lovers.
Warnings: Teasing, name calling, hair pulling, edging, alcohol, degradation, exhibitionism.
Feeling a bit self conscious you go and grab a large sweater and pull it over your head. “Aww, why did you do that? I love looking at your beautiful body,” he asks with an air of childish disappointment. His reaction to you covering up makes you chuckle. Now you’re staring at his body from across the room. He smiles, takes a deep drag from his cigarette and plops back onto your bed, exhaling smoke.
You walk back to your bed and sit next to him, still staring at his dick. Your thighs rub together, the wetness squishes against your labia, you continue to smoke your cigarette. You toss a throw blanket across his midsection to keep you from feeling so aroused, not that it was a bad thing. You’re trying to calm down, only the cigarette helping. He jolts at the weight suddenly over him and laughs deeply, his chest stretching.
“You are too much,” you say to him, tapping your cigarette out in the ashtray. He lifts his head to look toward you and says, “I could say the same about you. How about that joint?” You nod and grab it and light it up. You take a deep puff and exhale, coughing a bit, smoke swirling around you in the dim light of your bedroom.
He sits up, and takes it from you doing the same. The strong smell of sex and weed fill the air. You pass the joint back and forth when you say, “I really like you. This is insane, the events of tonight.” He grabs your neck and places a deep kiss on your lips. Feeling woozy and high already, you bite his bottom lip and place your tongue in his mouth. He moves closer and starts to place his hand under your sweater stopping at your hip. He whispers close to you, “The feeling is mutual. I never came so fast with someone. You’re incredible.”
You’re both feeling tingly and high from the weed. You smile and look down, his compliments are making you sweat. You sit back against your pillows and stare longingly into his eyes and ask, “Tell me what kind of person you are. You still seem so mysterious to me.” You take another toke and pass it off to him. As he reaches for it he answers, “Well, I’m just like everyone else. I’m human, I make mistakes, I like to cook, eat delicious food. I take my dogs for walks. I love watching foreign films and learning about different cultures. I have a little vegetable and herb garden on my balcony. Pretty boring and normal.”
You’re swooning at the length and substance of his reply. Partially due to his deep expressive voice and him maintaining eye contact throughout. “It’s fucking sexy how domestic you are. You gave off heartless CEO vibes at the bar. Your suit, you looking at your watch, your dark expression,” you say and laugh a bit, feeling kind of silly thanks to the ganja. He blushes a bit then starts to laugh deeply with you.
“I swear I’m not heartless. I’m just very reserved but once I get to know someone, I’ll open up. I’ve been told I have the male equivalent to resting bitch face. I can’t help it, it’s just my face,” he blurts out, feeling more and more comfortable with you. You smile at him and say, “Well you have a very handsome face and gorgeous lips. Like, I want to jump you every time I look at you. You have this sexual energy I can’t explain. Or maybe I’m just a horny person.”
His hand slides up higher under your sweater and starts to pinch and pull your nipple. You shiver and jolt and moan out, “Fuuuuck. I’m still wet. You turn me on so much.” He grabs you to bring you closer and places hungry kisses to your lips. You place your palm over the blanket that you threw over him earlier. He’s still hard and grinds up into your hand sighing. You place the joint in his mouth since he’s preoccupied by your body. He takes a long drag and you do the same until the joint is hard to hold and burns your fingertips. You tap out the rest in the ashtray.
He then leans into your body using all of his weight. Meanwhile, the blanket falls from him and onto the bed. You immediately grab ahold of his veiny dick, stroking it, as you two are still moaning into each other’s mouths. He pulls away to catch his breath, “You are insatiable. Are you always like this?” You look down, hypnotized by his hard cock, “Yes, I make myself come everyday. More on the weekends. Besides, you’re the one who called me a slut.”
As he’s hovering over you he gets your attention, eyes darting from your lips to your eyes and says, “Well, you’re the one who agreed. I think you liked my hand around your throat a little too much.”
You mumble, “Let’s find out what else I like. And I want to know what you like. Tell me please. I want to pleasure you the way you want. Any deep dark fantasies, I will fulfill.”
“Shit, you are so eager, I’m going to come so fast again. Your hand on my dick isn’t helping,” he manages to eke out. You’re stroking more vigorously as he’s staring into your soul, still hovering. You push your palm to his chest and push him back down flat onto the mattress. This shocks him and he moans your name, “I fucking can’t take it. The weed is making me so sensitive.”
“You’ll be fine. Let me show you,” you reply breathlessly as you straddle his legs and begin to lick up his shaft. He trembles and keens, his hips slightly lifting from the bed. You swirl your tongue around the tip making sure to leave lots of saliva behind. You fondle his cock while still licking, but never placing your mouth over it. You notice a few tears running down his cheeks, “Baby, it’s okay. Let me know if it’s too much.”
“It’ll never be too much. Too much is good, especially with you,” he struggles. He trembles when you place your lips around his tip, making a slight slurping sound. He grinds somewhat into your mouth, but not enough to thrust more of his dick into your mouth. He’s waiting for you, letting you know he wants it.
You stretch your free hand over his chest and you hold his dick in the other. You finally plunge your mouth down and he emits the sexiest noise you’ve ever had the pleasure of hearing. Your fingernails scrape him on the way down to his left hip, holding it with great strength. You rub your thumb along his hip bone as you're now deep throating him. The saliva, your lips and tongue are making the dirtiest noises which causes him to squint his eyes shut, and furrow his brow.
“God, I want to come in your mouth so badly. I also want to come on your body and inside of you,” his voice strained. You release him from your mouth to only say, “Please do. I want it. I fantasized about how you’d taste last night.” He reaches for your head to push you back down onto him. This causes you to moan which vibrates from your throat making him yelp. Your reaction to him controlling you furthers his need. He forces your head down as you come back up each time, now grasping onto your hair.
You move your hand from his hip down between your legs, because holy shit, this is fucking hot. You can feel your wetness and his come on your fingers as you begin to rub your clit under your sweater. His eyes open when your hand moves and sees how nasty you’re being. Your pace quickens on his dick and his tip begins to hit the back of your throat. Your gag reflex causes more spit to emit from your mouth onto him. Over the sounds of sucking cock you can hear him grunt out, “You’re such a dirty slut.”
You moan and your hand works his dick with more power. You can feel him throbbing and getting bigger, knowing he’s very close to coming. Your fingers rapidly circle around your engorged clit. He finally yells out, “I’m gonna come! Fuck, baby!” He releases everything he has and spurts of come drip down your throat. Your mouth continues to prolong his orgasm, he’s uncontrollably shaking and moans your name until he gets quieter and quieter. His dick becomes sensitive and you release him from your mouth. You sit up and swallow his come and wipe your saliva off your mouth with the sleeve of your sweater.
He’s gasping and trying to catch his breath, eyes are closed tight. He comes to and looks at you wide and glassy-eyed, they then roll back into his head. His chest is heaving still coming down from his high. His gaze meets yours as you’re still cleaning your face of spit. He reaches out for you and you fall into him, his arm around you, hugging you.
The last shivers and shakes subside and he kisses the top of your head that’s resting on his chest. You look up at him and smile, your eyes glinting. He looks down at you and says, “You’re quite the woman. There’s no way men aren’t breaking your door down to have you.” You cease eye contact in embarrassment and reply, “I don’t want any other men. Shit, you taste so fucking good. Your cock is delicious.”
“Please tell me you can rebound quickly, because I want your cock again. I really don’t understand what is happening to me. This amount of arousal is obscene,” you ask and sit up. “I can fuck you as many times as you want,” he says, while still laying flat on his back. “Would you like some water? I know I need some,” you ask as you stand from bed and walk to the bathroom. “Yes, please hurry. I want to feel you next to me,” he begs.
You return with a glass of water and drink half as you walk toward him with it. He sits up and guzzles the remainder. Once you sit next to him, he immediately forces his hand under your sweater and begins to massage your labia. You’re dripping, it’s covering your thighs.
“Shit, how are you still so wet?” he asks. You moan, “You. You make me this wet.” His fingers separate your labia and he begins to slide them up and down. You grab his nape and devour his plump lips. He delicately slides his fingers and rests on your quivering clit. He presses you onto your pillows with your legs open wide. He works your clit with more power and you moan aloud. He bites your bottom lip at your reaction. He moves away from you and he places his messy fingers in his mouth, licking and sucking them dry.
Your eyes roll and you shiver at his action. “You taste so fucking delicious. I really don’t know what is happening to me,” he says after cleaning your juices off. “Come here, now. Please touch me more,” you say with your dreamy bedroom eyes.
He lifts your sweater back off of you, finally able to suck and fondle your breasts again. While doing so, you lean back against the pillows and his hand goes back down to your vulva. He delicately teases you while you’re exhaling loudly. He becomes entranced by your pussy, never taking his eyes off it while he fondles you.
“Where did you learn to do this?” you ask as you notice he hasn’t looked away from your core. “I guess it’s something I’m naturally gifted at. I like to make you feel good and get off on knowing I’m making you come,” he shrugs as he leans in for a kiss.
You peek down in between moans and see his dick has gotten hard again. This puts your need into overdrive. You grind side to side on his fingers which makes him penetrate you. He eagerly fucks into you with two fingers, amazed at your reaction. You really want his cock inside you now since his fingers aren’t cutting it. It feels good and makes you feel sexy, but you want to feel stretched by his thick cock.
You’re running out of patience and place your hands on his chest, forcefully pushing him flat on the bed. He grunts out a loud ‘fuck’ and watches as you straddle him. You begin to slide your pussy back and forth on his dick with your head tilted back. He grabs at your breasts pulling your nipples.
Enough is enough and you raise your hips to grab his cock to place it at your entrance. You slowly fuck yourself onto his tip moaning, “You feel so good.” He looks deeply into your eyes as he whispers, “This is exactly what I dreamt about last night. But this is so much better. I can feel you, touch you. Fuck yourself on my dick like a good little slut.”
Your eyes roll back and you begin to shift your hips up and down, his thickness is almost too much. Your eyes glaze over when he slides his hand up to your throat again. He puts pressure on your pulse and whines when you start grinding faster. He looks down at where you meet and sees a white ring on his dick. Your pussy is dripping down onto him and you place one hand on your nipple and the other on your clit.
Your pussy begins to clench tighter and tighter around his dick. He puts his hands on your hips and starts humping to meet your thrusts, not going fast enough for him. It feels like your body is on another plane as you notice your orgasm is near.
His grip on your hip bones gets rough as does his thrusts. You go higher on your knees as your back arches and start fucking just his tip. Again, you like teasing and edging not only yourself but him. The look on his face is heavenly, half shocked at your movements and half amazed by the feeling of your tight cunt.
When you sink farther down his shaft and begin to really go for it, knowing you’re not going to last much longer. You’re now moaning his name over and over and yell, “I’m gonna come. Please come with me, Kyungsoo!”
You’re still grinding into him as your stomach flutters and the heat within builds. You’re reaching the apex and begin to sob when you snap, writhing and moaning. He feels your pussy clench so tight and this brings him over the edge. He holds your hips down and thrusts as deeply as possible. You’re both staring into each other's eyes again, coming together. The pulsing of both your pussy and his dick is otherworldly. You feel each blast of his come deep within you. He looks down to see it dripping down onto his cock and says, “I’m still coming.”
You’re still fucking yourself on his cock, wanting every ounce of his come. The throbbing of your pussy is never ending, and he starts to shiver from oversensitivity. You can’t fathom stopping and the sloppy sounds from your pussy are making it more difficult. The noise of him panting is so sexy and you finally come down from your high.
“Shit. That orgasm lasted longer than the first. At this rate, we’ll be coming for 10 minutes by next week,” you smirk down at him. He chuckles in reply, “I really think that is the most I’ve ever come before.” You want to see and rise slowly off his dick. The amount of come that drips from you is astounding, some landing on his toned stomach. You reach down and cup your fingers in an attempt to catch it. Once you do, you shove your fingers in your mouth licking and sucking as one would a popsicle.
He is speechless watching you suck his come from your fingers. When they’re clean, you lean down and start kissing him. Your hot tongues meet, and moans emit, replacing the silence in your bedroom. You lay beside him and stare into his eyes. He looks down at you smiling so wide.
“How about a shower?” you ask, “There’s still come dripping from me.” He nods and quickly sits up grabbing your hand to pull you off the bed. The bathroom light is blinding in relation to the low light from your bedroom. You are greeted by his amazing features as if you’re just now seeing him in high definition. His tan skin, his messy hair, sweat beading on his chest. And my god, those amazing and powerful lips.
He pushes his hand through his hair to get it away from his eyes. As you start the shower to let it warm up, you take a brush to your hair. It’s a matted mess from sweat and spit. You see that he feels comfortable enough to start peeing before hopping in the shower. You step in and close the curtain, letting him finish in privacy.
Within seconds, he pulls the curtain back to see you running your fingers through your hair, steam escaping. He steps in and grabs your lower back to let you know he’s there since your eyes are shut tight due to the water streaming in your face.
“Hey baby,” you say when you feel his touch. You move out from under the water to let him rinse off. His hair is slicked back which makes your insides tumble. You start shampooing your hair and he turns sideways to let you wash it off.
You grab your loofah and begin lathering it and place suds all over your body. As they drip and slide into your curves, Kyungsoo gives you a wanton look. He starts by touching your butt and squeezing then fondling your breasts. You yelp, “Hey you! That tickles!” Your reaction does not slow or stop his need. Now the steam is rising and inhibitions are falling.
Both of you are like magnets, opposites attracting. You take your loofah and start to rub it over his chest, the smell of honeysuckle filling the air. He grabs your waist as you continue to clean his body. He lightly glides his palm up your back, the sensation causing shivers.
In an instant, he turns you around and presses your chest to the shower wall, dropping your loofah in the process. He then pulls your hair down causing your head to tilt upwards. With this, your back arches making your ass stick out. You’re gasping for air since his palm is pressing your back hard against the tiles.
Without any warning he shoves his dick, hands free, between your ass. “Don’t say a word. You’re going to be my dirty whore,” he growls in your ear. You nod as best you can with his hand pulling your hair downwards.
Your palms are against the cold tiles, which causes your nipples to become hard and erect. In the next moment you feel his hard cock penetrate you. He grunts and then grabs your throat, your back arching even more, you feel like you're going to snap in half. His thickness still shocks you and at this angle, he’s reaching places he hasn’t before.
Over the noise of the shower and water hitting the tub, you yelp, “Yes! I love being your dirty whore! I’ve never felt this dirty taking a shower. Fucking use me!”
He fucks his dick faster into you, never hesitating, just full on railing you with no regard to your comfort or pain. “Do you like when I take what I want without asking?” he asks as his breath shortens between each thrust. “Yes, please. Fuck me harder!” you whine. Your ass bounces back to meet his thrusts loving the way he’s controlling you.
He delicately places kisses on your neck and behind your ear. It’s so gentle that it makes your insides boil. The juxtaposition of his soft kisses and his throbbing dick fucking into makes your vision go white. His plush lips and hot tongue on you is heavenly. You want to touch him but he has you trapped, only there for his use. He’s still fucking into you at breakneck speed, never faltering, never slowing. “I cannot stop. My dick hurts, but I can’t stop. Your pussy just feels too good,” he mumbles close to you. “You’re gonna make me come again! Faster!” you squeal against the wall.
The water sloshes between your bodies as you’re fucking each other over and over. He begins to push his dick into you and stops feeling you clench. He knows you’re going to come all over him, but he just wants to keep grinding into you. He lets go of your neck and hair and holds your hips not too tightly. He’s caressing you now as he speeds up his thrusts. He yowls as he’s getting closer to coming, “I’m going to come. I want to come on your tits and face. But please come all over my dick first. I want to feel you squeeze around me!”
You’re so far gone at this point. The steam, the water hitting your face, the cool tiles on your tits. He reaches in front of you and begins to graze over your pulsating clit. He deftly circles it and places more and more pressure. Your pussy begins to convulse and you come with a whimper, “I’m coming again! Please shove your dick in farther!” He heeds your advice and slams into you until his pelvis hits your ass. He has to hold you up due to your legs giving out from under you. You’re leaning farther and farther down and he wraps an arm around your stomach to keep you from slipping.
When you come down and open your eyes. He insists, “Fucking turn around! I’m gonna come!” You hurriedly squat down and hold onto his thighs. He starts to jerk himself and within a few strokes, he’s releasing come all over you. Mostly on your mouth and chin, and then over your chest. It drips down on your tits and then your stomach. He’s moaning and still stroking at his cock, making sure to give you everything he has. In the meantime, you dip your fingers into the come on your chest and swirl it around. He gazes down at you when you place your fingers into your mouth, sucking on them. “I love seeing you covered in my come. Fuck. This is the hottest shower I’ve ever taken,” he moans, still breathing heavily from his release.
You both rinse yourselves off and finally step out and towel off. Your body and pussy is sore from the sex marathon. “How long do you think we’ve been fucking?” he asks you while wrapping the towel around his hips. As you're drying your hair with your towel you answer, “I’m not sure. You came over a bit before nine o’clock. And what time is it now?” You step out from your bedroom and take a glance at your bedside clock, “Holy shit! It’s almost two in the morning!”
He comes out from the bathroom and starts to smile wide. “So, like four hours of raw dogging,” he jokes. “It didn’t feel like it had been that long. Luckily tomorrow is Friday,” he continues. He realizes he has nothing to wear to bed. “Did you want me to stay the night?” he asks with an honest tone. “Pretty please? You can always stay. I want to feel you next me as I sleep,” you reply, giving him puppy eyes.
He walks up to you, places his hand softly on your cheek and gives you the softest, sweetest, most chaste kiss yet. “Do you have anything I can wear? Or should I just sleep naked?” He asks as his pupils dilate. “We can sleep naked. It’s really okay, that is if you don’t mind,” you answer back with a cute smile.
You both hop into bed under the covers, getting comfortable. You of course are the little spoon as he holds you close. You turn your head behind you and ask for a kiss. His deep eyes agree and he gives you a precious kiss. “Thank you. Now I’ll be able to sleep better,” you say after turning back around. He nods in agreement. “Good night, baby. I’ll be dreaming about you,” he whispers. And you’re both out like a light.
Your alarm startles you awake. You grumble and shove your head back under the blanket. You don’t have to be at work until nine o’clock, but set your alarm for seven. This gives you plenty of time to get ready, eat breakfast, and make coffee with some time to spare. Just as your eyes begin to close, you pop your head out from the blanket, eyes wide. You remember spending a wonderful night with Kyungsoo. You start grinning as you remember more and more. Getting drunk, getting high, fucking over and over again. You’re sure you remember falling asleep next to him.
You roll over and see the space empty. Your heart sinks, and your mind is awash with everything you confided. He promised he wouldn’t leave after getting his dick wet. Your mind is reeling as now you’re two for two. Feeling used all for a night of passion and then he’s gone, just like you knew he’d be. You begin to quietly sob into your pillow, not sure how you’re going to face the day. I fucking knew this would happen, why did I place my heart in his hands?, you think as you’re beginning to cry harder.
You muster all the strength you can to get out of bed. Your legs and muscles hurt due to last night, which only makes things worse. Visions of drinking, kissing, and laughing fill your head. His lips on yours and your pussy, your neck, your breasts make you heave over the bathroom sink. You take a deep breath trying so hard to get it together to greet the workday. It’s Friday and at least, your workload screeches to a halt by then. You hope you can sulk at your desk and be miserable in peace. Your coworkers don’t notice or ask any questions. It’s just eight hours, you can do it. Then you can mope in the comfort of your empty apartment.
You start to wash your face, then brush your teeth, and finally dress yourself albeit mindlessly. Your thoughts keep going back to Kyungsoo through your routine. You’re not hungry. How could anyone eat with a broken heart? As you grab your purse and phone from the kitchen counter, you notice the silence, it is deafening. You expected to wake up to his hugs and his beautiful voice. Goddamnit.
You trudge to work, taking the bus, getting there just in time. A heavy sigh escapes as you sit in your office chair behind your desk. You coworkers glance at you, feeling your depressive mood and decide not to pry or greet you.
In between typing and making copies, you pick up your phone wondering if you should text Kyungsoo. You wonder if you should really lay into him or just send a simple ‘Good morning’ text. You can’t decide and abandon the idea altogether. It’s almost lunch time at this point and you’ve yet to hear from him.
Just as you were about to run into the bathroom to have a good cry, your phone vibrates, a text from him. It reads: “I am so sorry I left. I was called into work, some ridiculous emergency with the boss. I’ve only just now had a free moment and wanted to let you know that I miss you.”
You scoff at first, thinking if any of what he typed was true. You don’t even know what he does for work, so you’re not sure if it is a lie or not. You don’t really care what people do for work which is why it never came up last night, but now you regret not asking.
Carefully thinking of how to respond to his text you decide, “It’s fine. I’m at work right now.” A bit short and pointed. You really want to see if he actually cares or is telling the truth.
“Are you sure you’re fine? I’m sorry, really, very sorry,” he texts back and sends another immediately, “I didn’t want to wake you. You looked so beautiful.” Your lips purse as you respond back, “You know what I told you last night? Well, I woke up to a nightmare. I really thought you were gone forever. I’m so scared right now. Are you telling me the truth?”
“Why would I even text you now if I wanted nothing more to do with you? I apologize. I’ve been thinking about you nonstop until I was able to send a text.”
“I don’t know what to believe. I sobbed all morning thinking you had disappeared from my life. The feeling of turning over and not seeing you there made my stomach drop. I didn’t think I was able to make it into work. It was bad,” you type back. You start receiving important emails that need attention and place your phone down to start.
Time slips away as you realize you’ve worked through lunch and now are able to take a break. Your phone buzzed with many missed texts, all of them from Kyungsoo. “I am so sorry. Can I make it up to you? Wanna go out tonight for a nice dinner?”
And then another, “Please answer me. I can’t tell you how awful I feel. I should have written you a note. I fucked up, but I’m telling the truth.” And again just 10 minutes ago, “Baby, please. Are you there?”
You take a deep breath and start to respond, “I believe you, it’s just my mind goes into the worst case scenario for everything. Yes, let’s get dinner tonight. Sorry, pretty busy at work for a Friday. I miss you.” You sign with a kissy face emoji.
Still a bit anxious about his texts, there’s still a lingering feeling that he isn’t telling the truth. You decide to brush it off and stop catastrophizing everything. You busy yourself until finally, it’s done. You speed walk to the bus, then speed walk home.
You see another text from him as you’re getting ready, “How is 7:30 tonight?”
“Sounds great. Should I dress up? Fancy or casual?” you ask him as you’re perusing your closet. He types quickly, “It’ll be at my place. I’m going to cook you something to tell you how very sorry I am.”
“Shit, really?! Question still stands though” you excitedly type back.
“How about nothing? :-) But really whatever you’d like. Whatever you wear, you’ll be beautiful.”
His cheeky reply makes you turn red and your stomach flips. “All right, mister. Don’t get any big ideas. See you at 7:30.”
“I got something big for you.” He ended with a winky face.
Well, fuck. Here we go again, you think. Imagining all of the nasty things you could reply with and deciding to leave him on read. That’ll let his mind wander.
You finally opt for a nice, black A line dress. It goes right to your knees and hugs your waist fantastically. It’s not too fancy, simple yet classic. You want to make a good impression since he’s going to all the trouble of cooking you dinner tonight. You decide to leave your hair down and not too much makeup. Some mascara, blush, and lip gloss is enough. You know it’s just going to get ruined later when you’re sucking his dick. This makes you imagine what his place looks like. Is it minimal, cluttered, cozy? You feel giddy when you remember he has two dogs. You love animals and prefer cats, but you’re excited nonetheless.
He sends you his location which is about a 30 minute commute on the bus. He then tells you he hired a cab that should be there at seven on the dot to take you to his apartment. This makes you swoon, but also he’s really trying to make up for his fuck-up.
You arrive at his building and press his name. In the elevator ride up, you start fidgeting with your dress and touching your hair out of nervousness. The butterflies in your stomach become overwhelming, you start to feel hot, like you’re about to vomit. Then you take deep breaths, counting to 10 with each exhale. Your palms are sweaty too. Why are you like this? It’s just Kyungsoo. He’s fucked the life out of you, you’ve showered together, and slept together. Stop being like this, you yell inside your head.
You knock on his door and hear the muffled barks of his dogs. In a moment he opens the door. You’re greeted by the most handsome man you’ve ever seen. He has on black slacks, a white button up with the sleeves rolled up, all covered by an olive green apron. The best part is his black round-framed glasses that showcase his large eyes. You’re struck by the smell that wafts toward you, smells so delicious.
“Wow, you look amazing,” he says instantly, his eyes darting up and down your figure. “I was just about to say the same,” you respond, blushing at his compliment. “Come in please. Have a seat. Would you like a drink? And don’t mind the dogs, once they smell you, they’ll go lie down in the other room.”
You meekly walk in and have a seat at the kitchen island. The stove is right there and you see all the ingredients laid out neatly. “Beer, water, wine, or soda?” He asks as he stirs a pot of pasta. “I’ll have some wine, thank you.” You hope this will ease your nerves.
You stare around his apartment while he uncorks and pours you a glass. It’s very cozy. Not a thing out of place, quite minimal. It feels very warm, you start feeling more comfortable. He sets your glass down in front of you and says, “How do you like chicken cacciatore?” You smile, “I actually love it. It’s very rustic. My grandfather used to make it all the time.”
His eyes get big, “Uh oh, I have a lot to live up to I guess,” and he smirks. “Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll love it.” After he pulls the dish from the oven to let it cool. There’s a lull to which he fills by walking over to you. A watched pot, they say. You turn your head, following his every movement. He reaches abruptly for your neck and places a kiss on your lips. This surprises you, and you lean into him, not wanting it to stop. His tongue meets yours as you open your mouth. The kiss has turned greedy and passionate. You begin to moan as his hand rakes through your hair.
Finally parting, you whine, “Can we get through dinner first?” He chuckles, “I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I fucking missed you. Your face, your smell, your lips.”
You look down with embarrassment all over your cheeks. “I missed you too, then I found out you’re still into me.”
He apologizes profusely and comes back to shower you with kisses. “I’m sorry, so sorry. I really fucked up. My plan was to make breakfast for you this morning, but work screwed that all up. Please forgive me.”
“I forgive you. How could I not when you’re kissing me like that and cooking me dinner? And when you’re looking like a meal yourself. You’re so hot right now. Especially with your sleeves rolled up like that,” you digress and sip your wine.
Sitting at the table, you both dig in. The chicken is juicy and flavorful and the side of spaghetti and bread he prepared rivals your grandfather’s. You both eat without much conversing. You’re both comfortable without needing to fill the silence. Plus, you are starving and you know he is too after a long hard day at work.
He cleans up and asks, “Would you like to watch a movie?” You give him a look which he takes to mean, put on a movie then not pay attention to it after 20 minutes. You nod and walk towards his couch. He sits close to you and props his feet on the coffee table, sipping back a beer.
“Is this for dessert?” you question while lifting your dress up your thighs, exposing yourself. You give him heavy eyes, waiting for him to tongue you down. Let’s hope he takes the bait. How much self control did he have? Your heart begins to thump faster.
He looks down to see the top of thighs exposed, begging him to touch it. Your hips gyrate and your thighs press together. He looks up to lean into your mouth. Before he can touch his lips to yours he says, “And here’s yours,” kissing you deeply. Your eyes squint open and look down at him palming himself through his pants. You smirk into the kiss and he bites your bottom lip. Disconnecting you say, “I can’t fucking wait.” Now you’re breathless and panting, “Best dessert ever.”
He surprises you by swiftly grabbing your hand and dragging you into his room. He swings you onto the bed, your dress flipping up as your ass meets the bed. You straighten it out, afraid you just flashed him. He’s standing three feet away from you. His hand goes into his pants pocket, grabbing his phone. “Some music?” You ask him, deep down knowing the answer is no. “I want to record you. And us. I want something to remember you by,” he says in a serious voice, holding up his phone. You hear the shutter a handful of times. “Pictures too? What do you want me to do?” You awkwardly ask.
“What do you have under that dress? I’ve been fantasizing all night,” he asks, unbuttoning his shirt. You see the camera light reflect off of his ceiling to floor windows, not a curtain in sight. You look behind you and see other peoples’ TVs, laptops, and lamps that could be easily seen from across the courtyard.
You look forward again to see his shirt is off, holding the phone down at his side. His dark gaze has a whimper getting caught in your throat. He’s walking toward you, “Let me see,” he says, removing your hands from your lap to lift your dress. Your bottom lip gets caught between your teeth. Getting closer to you, he mumbles, “Does it make you wet thinking of all the people watching me fuck you?” He pauses then says louder, “Tell me. Are you wet? They’re all going to know you’re mine.”
Your face is flush and you begin to rock your hips back and forth at the edge of the bed. “Yes. I’m yours. Show them,” you say in a raspy tone, completely aroused. Where did this exhibitionism fetish come from, you think to yourself? You’re leaking from your panties and your thighs are slick.
He stands in front of you and slowly reaches for the hem of your dress, reaching beneath. He groans when he feels how wet you’ve gotten, your underwear completely drenched, sticking to your pussy. “So fucking wet. Dirty baby,” his chest rumbles.
He holds his phone up to record you. Your head is thrown back in ecstasy, moaning and grinding against his hand. He wants this when he’s lonely, if he has to travel, or is sick, he has these momentos. He slides both edges of your panties between your slit. He pulls up and sees your engorged clit peeking from under the satin. Still pulling up on your panties, he places three fingers across your clit, rubbing slightly.
You moan loudly and tightly shut your eyes, still moving your hips. You place both arms around his neck to bring his soft lips to yours. Now laying back he settles over you, pressing his weight into you. You grind up again on his hard dick that’s straining in his pants. He throws the phone so he can use that hand to slide your panties to the side. “You did wear something underneath your dress,” he states as if he’s really baiting you. He wants to hear your dirty thoughts and mouth.
“Did you think I wasn’t?” you ask incredulously. “I actually debated on whether or not to wear panties. On one hand, I’m your slut. On the other hand, I wanted to tease you and make you work for it,” you finish as he sits up and begins to tease your slit with his fingertips.
“That’s right baby. I knew you wanted my dick. You have no idea how difficult it is to hide a boner from your boss and coworkers. Luckily there were folders and binders that helped. Point is, I’ve been hard all day because of you. The feeling of your pussy on my dick. Your moans and yelps. Your smell. Fuck, I’m so goddamn hard right now. I’ve been saving it for you.” His fingers are still sliding up and down your wet pussy lips.
You move your ass up and down off the bed to match his strokes. You arch your back up and whine aloud, “Fuck that was hot what you said. Hard all day? Because of me?” What you say is barely audible due to your breathlessness. “Yes, you. I want you to come on my fingers, baby,” he asks sweetly as he thrusts his middle and ring fingers, palm up, deep into your pussy.
In shock at the sudden intrusion, you whimper and tears fill your eyes, threatening to drop down your cheeks. “Oh my god, that feels so good. Yes please, more,” you yelp. He listens to you and thrusts quicker into your clenching pussy. His hand is already covered in your sticky wetness, making obscene noises. While flicking his fingers upward, he places his thumb over your clit and you’re whimpering again, like a wounded animal.
He sits back onto his heels, getting a better view of your pussy. He pushes your left thigh up, spreading you out further. You help him by holding your thigh. He grabs his phone quickly and starts recording. “Baby please. Come for me. You look so beautiful,” he begs, adding a third finger inside you.
“Oh my god, yes! Please, I’m gonna come!” You’re yelling now, with eyes closed. “Look at me. Open your eyes. I want to see you come,” he commands. Your stomach tenses up, your knees go straight, and your hand grabs onto the sheets as you come. You’re moaning his name and ‘baby’ over and over again. Your cheeks and neck are flushed then you start to convulse, your pussy clenching and oozing all over his fingers. “Fuck baby, that was so hot,” he says, eyes wide as he puts his phone back down. “I’m definitely watching that one all the time,” he winks at you. He takes his fingers out, licks them dry and then slaps your clit.
Surprised and over sensitive, you whine out, “Fuck!” Now it sounds like you’re about to cry. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. Are you okay?” he asks and places his palm on your cheek. He leans in to kiss you and when you are separating you answer, “Yes. That was fucking sexy. That felt so good. Do it again.”
He does it again, but first he rips the black satin underwear off of you. He then forcefully pushes your knees apart, your legs wide open. The slaps he gives to your clit migrate to your inner thighs. Your pussy is wet and raw and there’s red handprints on your legs. The look in his eyes is depraved. He alternates slapping your labia to entering a couple of fingers inside you. It’s just for a few thrusts, teasing you until you grab his forearm.
You sit up and climb onto his lap. He twists you both and then you suddenly force him down. “My turn,” you say as you grab his phone to start recording. He strips off his pants and underwear, raising his hips with you top up in the air. You slowly start to slide your wet slit over his dick. He moans, his chest resonating, “Shit. You love this.” He grabs a handful of your breast pulling your dress down, pinching your nipple hard. He lifts your dress and pulls it off over your head.
Your free hand reaches up to trace his plump lips. He bites on your fingertip and you place your finger inside. His eyes never look away from your gaze as he sucks on your finger. Your pussy is still sliding back and forth on his impossibly hard cock. He’s been hard all day and never thought to relieve himself? “Do you want to fuck me?” you say in a sexy tone, your voice breaking at the end.
“Fuck. Turn around. Get on your hands and knees, now,” he requests, in a rageful tone. You listen immediately, assuming the position. You arch your back, sticking your ass out, legs parted wide. “Give it to me. I want your dick,” you say as you look back over your shoulder, resting on your elbows.
He takes hold of his shaft and slaps it over your wet entrance. Your butt wiggles at the contact and you whine, “Please baby.” He strokes his head over your slit, gathering all your juices. He places his tip at your vagina, he leans back to get a better view. He places just his tip inside, popping into your entrance. You both make prolonged groans of each others’ names. You move your ass back to take more of his dick, all of this teasing has you impatient.
He mutters, “Holy shit baby. Can’t wait, can you?” You start fucking back on his dick, he halts his thrusts. “You like when I fuck myself on your cock? I want it all the time,” you moan out as you look behind you at him. He’s mesmerized by his dick fucking into you, then he looks up. He brushes his bangs back, that sexy gesture again. It turns him on so much when you’re saying disgusting things to him.
Not able to take this much longer, he starts stroking into you with a skillful movement. He circularly gyrates into your pulsating pussy. He yells out, “I’m gonna come inside you! Please keep squeezing my dick! It’s so tight!” You clench around him and moan into the blanket, “I’m coming too, baby! Come in me!” You hope he hears you and in the next couple of thrusts, you come, clenching him tightly, then pulsating around his throbbing dick. You feel his come spurt into you over and over each time you pulse around him. He’s breathing heavily, leaning down, bangs in his eyes again.
He reaches to stroke his bangs back, this makes you moan again, lurching forward. Your legs go together and you fall onto your stomach. He smacks your ass and lands on his side next to you. He rubs his hand across your back causing you to shiver. He places his mouth to yours, smashing together in post coital intimacy.
He rubs his nose along yours lightly, “I really like you,” he smiles. “I really like you,” you repeat as you turn onto your side, knees bent, touching his.
The smile he gives you could rival all other smiles on the planet. You’re not one for hyperbole, but really. His eyes light up, his lips making the cutest heart, his cheeks asking to be pinched. He leans in again to make out with you, your lips are irresistible to him. He starts to peck kisses onto your mouth, then your cheeks, then your shoulder. He rubs over each kiss he leaves, not able to control himself.
You stretch out as his touch leaves you with goosebumps. You reach for his chin and stop him, “I think we gave the neighbors quite a show. Is this the encore?” He blushes as he remembers he never got around to buying curtains. “No, this is the intermission,” with that trademark smile.
Do you want another part? Any requests would be great!
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hydroyaksha · 2 years
Soleil’s fic recs
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Yixing- king! “The Lotus king and his jade” @sweetjekyll
Kyungsoo- hogwarts! “Spellbound” @whimsical-ness
Sehun- X-EXO! “GREED” @/quokkacore
Sehun -(X-EXO) “LIBERALITY” @quokkacore
Baekhyun - idols! “The rumors were true” @eomayas
Kyungsoo - yandere! “I love you, I love you, I love you.” (Made by me!)
STRAYKIDS - [separate link]
Chan/ Felix - polyamory! Hogwarts! “Detention” @dreamescapeswriting
Felix - demon slayer! “If you tell me about myself” @skazoo
Felix - enemies to lovers! “Strawberry kisses” @softsan
Felix - dick joke centered! CEO! “Penis heart” @staysuki
Felix - Agent! Scientist! “A normal Thursday” @abiaswreck
Hyunjin - mafia! “Ice” @healinghyunjin
Hyunjin - mafia! “Not a stranger” @straywrds
OT8 - ABO! “No control” @cherryeol04
Hyunjin - Hanahaki! (With a good ending) “forget me not” @hhjs
Bangchan - Indian performer! Idol! “Butterfly wings” @straykidshoe
Lee know - siren! “Call of the siren” @tasteleeknow
Lee know - hogwarts! “Green flames” @streetlight11
Jeongin - android! “Alive” @rainy-bangbeom
Felix - royalty! Best friends! “Fairy flowers” @hyunsvngs
Felix - bodyguard! “Your bodyguard, Felix” @skzdarlings
Jisung - ghostface! “It’s a scream baby!” @tyunphoria
Felix - dating show! “TOO HOT TO HANDLE” @seospicybin
Felix - prince! “Forgive me for what I haven’t done” @rachalixie
OT23 - yandere! Cult! “Connect” @mymoodwriting
OT7 - yandere! “Awaken” @/mymoodwriting
TEN - vampire!Hunter! “Blood wars” @things-we-cant-say
LUCAS - hybrid! “Please don’t bite me” @/quokkacore
NCT127 - yandere! Aliens! “Who is sticker?” @/mymoodwriting
Taeyong/ Yuta - Angels! Devils! Yandere! “Watching over you” @whiteteadreams
Jaehyun - Dog hybrid! “Competitive spirit” @flowerboykun
OT9 - vampires! Witches! “Black magic” @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l
Jaehyun - hogwarts! “Head over brooms” @sehunniepotwrites
Mark - supernatural! “grit your f*ckin’ teeth” @irtza
Haechan - yandere! “Inseparable” @mint-yoongi
Jaemin - athlete! “on the rebound” @lunena
Jaemin - “Crazy in love” @mayaflowerxs
Renjun - classmates! “Blondes are done with fun” @rrxnjun
00’ line + Mark - arcana! “Arcane” @neonacity
Haechan - hockey player! “Ice ice baby” @cozyjae
Haechan - uni! “Learning languages” @tonicandjins
Sungchan - superhero! “Through the webs” @yutafrita
ENHYPHEN - scenario! “How they’re protective over you” @foresdxw
NI-KI - scenario! Idols! “Cookies - shattered glass” @ilovehimyourhonor
JAY - bad boy! Good girl! Dancer! “Opposites attract” @dazed-hee
NI-KI spiderman! “Spider-Man loves you” @misoxhappy
Beomgyu- hybrid! “Until it hurts a little less” @horanghoe
Beomgyu - fae! “Dasies” @thru-the-grapevine
Soobin - AI! “Artificial love” @bb-eilish
Beomgyu- Spider-Man! “Not your average boyfriend” @slytherinshua
Yeonjun- fox hybrid! “Silly fox baby” @seowhorebin
Taehyung - Android! “A human touch” @snackhobi
KEY - A/B/O! “Out of love” @mymoodwriting
OT11 - android! “The boyz become human” @tbznewberry
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hajer12 · 8 months
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Oh my god Baekhyun at his Fansign Event at the same day with Kyungsoo birthday event
That day full of happiness and beauty and i was so in love
I just think how can she see all this sexy front of her and keep clam and take pictures in the same time so thankful to let us see all this handsome and sexy CEO Baekhyun 😭😭♥️♥️♥️🥵🥵🥵
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aphrodite1288 · 11 months
About the status of the group,
We need to know if the group is OT9 or OT8?
Is Zhang Yixing with the group?
Has he signed a group contract?
Please answer honestly
I answered this question few days ago in details please go back to the posts about Kyungsoo's situation with SM and EXO. You'll find me talking about Yixing as well.
Yixing can't use the "Exo" or "Exo's Lay" anymore you see him always stopping himself when saying " Hello this is Exo's Lay" which is why he changed his name to "LayZhang" he can't use "Lay" and he immediately apologizes. we gave example with Tiffany and SNSD and Kyuhyun and Donghae and Eunhyuk's cases from Super Junior with Sm. So he isn't with SM nor Exo "CONTRATly" if that's even a word. There's no contract tying them, because he didn't agree to renew his contract with SM after it expired after 10 years, but he still wants to persue the career as an Exo member he ain't ready to give up that name yet, so it was reported last year that he is in negotiations with SM to sign an exclusive contract between companies "LayZhang" official company and SM as CEO& CEO, Not as an employee and Company.
But I have no information on the updates regarding the negotiations. Wether it was settled officially and put into papers and actions or still in the process or stopped completely.
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elysiangroundsforall · 2 months
In The Course of It ...
"You're my only Bambi, Bambi"
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The next few weeks were a whirlwind of preparation. Now that the semi-final lineup was announced, our training intensified even more. Every day was packed with vocal exercises, dance rehearsals, and occasional media training sessions. The stakes were higher than ever, and the pressure was mounting.
One afternoon, we were in the dance studio practicing a new routine. The atmosphere was tense, with everyone focused on perfecting each step. The dance instructor, a stern woman with a sharp eye, watched us closely, correcting even the smallest mistakes.
"Y/N, more energy in your movements," she called out, and I nodded, pushing myself harder.
As the session ended, we all collapsed onto the floor, drenched in sweat but satisfied with our progress. Soojin handed me a water bottle, and I took a long drink, grateful for the break.
"You're improving so much, Y/N," she said, smiling.
"Thanks, Soojin. You too," I replied, catching my breath.
Just then, Baekhyun walked into the studio, and the atmosphere shifted. We all stood up, instantly alert. He had that effect on us—his presence commanded attention.
"How's the practice going?" he asked, his gaze sweeping over the group.
"Good, Baekhyun-nim," we responded in unison.
He nodded, then walked over to the mirrors, where we had been practicing our routine. "Show me what you've been working on."
We quickly got into position, and the music started. As we danced, I could feel Baekhyun's eyes on us, analyzing every move. I pushed myself to give it everything I had, feeling the music flow through me.
When the routine ended, we stood there, panting and waiting for his feedback. Baekhyun smiled, a rare sight that instantly lifted our spirits.
"That was impressive," he said. "I can see the hard work you're putting in. Keep it up, and remember to always connect with the music. Make sure your emotions shine through."
His words were like fuel to a fire, reigniting our determination. As he left the room, I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my chest. Over the past few months, my admiration for him had only grown, but now it was becoming something more.
Later that evening, as I sat in the dormitory common room with Hana and Minseo, I found myself lost in thought.
"What's on your mind, Y/N?" Minseo asked, nudging me.
I hesitated for a moment before speaking. "It's Baekhyun… I can't stop thinking about him."
Hana looked up from her phone, her eyes widening. "You mean, like, a crush?"
I nodded slowly, feeling my cheeks flush. "Yeah, I think so. It’s just… he’s so talented, and he’s always so supportive. I know he’s our CEO, but I can’t help how I feel."
Minseo smiled softly. "It's understandable. He's a great guy, and he's been there for us through this whole process. But just be careful, Y/N. These feelings can get complicated."
"I know," I sighed. "But it's hard to ignore."
Hana patted my shoulder. "We're here for you, no matter what. Just take it one day at a time."
As we sat there, I realized that this crush was more than just admiration. It was something deeper, something that both excited and scared me. But I knew I had to keep my focus. The upcoming months would be crucial, and I couldn't afford any distractions.
Still, the thought of Baekhyun lingered in my mind, making my heart race every time I saw him. It was a feeling I would have to learn to navigate, especially with so much at stake.
The morning after the semi-final lineup announcement, the air in the dorms was filled with a mixture of relief and anticipation. We were all thrilled to have made it this far, but we knew the real challenge was only just beginning. Every day was a chance to prove ourselves, to show that we were worthy of the final lineup.
Despite the rigorous schedule, I found myself growing more confident with each practice session. My voice was strong, my dance moves were sharp, and I could feel myself improving in ways I hadn’t expected. I wasn’t struggling with high notes or complex choreography anymore. Instead, I was focused, driven by the goal ahead.
The days passed in a blur of rehearsals and meetings, with every moment spent refining our skills. Baekhyun often dropped by to observe our progress, offering tips and encouragement. Each time he entered the room, I felt a flutter of excitement—one that I tried to ignore but found increasingly difficult to dismiss.
One afternoon, after a particularly intense dance practice, I found myself alone in the vocal room, running through the song we were working on. The notes came easily, flowing from me without effort. I was so lost in the music that I didn’t notice when Baekhyun quietly slipped into the room.
“You’ve got a great voice, Y/N,” he said, startling me out of my focus.
I turned, heart skipping a beat. “Oh! I didn’t see you there.”
He smiled, stepping closer. “Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to tell you that you’re doing really well. You’ve made a lot of progress.”
“Thank you,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady despite the nervous flutter in my stomach.
“You seem more confident now,” he continued, leaning casually against the piano. “It’s good to see. Confidence is key in this industry.”
I nodded, unsure of what to say. Being around Baekhyun always left me a little tongue-tied, not because I was intimidated, but because I was starting to realize just how much I admired him—not just as an idol, but as a person.
He must have noticed my silence because he gave me a warm, encouraging smile. “Don’t let anything shake that confidence, okay? You’re exactly where you need to be.”
I smiled back, feeling a warmth spread through me at his words. “I won’t,” I promised.
As Baekhyun left the room, I sat back down at the piano, my fingers gently brushing over the keys. The notes I played were soft, almost reflective, as I tried to process the strange mix of emotions swirling inside me. I was focused on my training, determined to secure my place in the group, but there was no denying that Baekhyun was becoming a bigger part of my thoughts.
That evening, as I lay in bed, I replayed our conversation over and over in my mind. I couldn’t help but smile at the way he had looked at me, the way his words had lifted my spirits. It was becoming clear that my admiration for Baekhyun was turning into something deeper, something I hadn’t anticipated.
But as much as I found myself drawn to him, I knew I couldn’t let these feelings get in the way of my goal. I had worked too hard to let anything distract me now. With a deep breath, I closed my eyes, focusing on the future I wanted to achieve—a future where I was on stage, fulfilling the dream I had worked so hard for.
Yet, as I drifted off to sleep, Baekhyun’s smile lingered in my thoughts, a gentle reminder of the new and unexpected emotions I was beginning to grapple with.
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After the semi-final lineup was announced, the atmosphere in the dorms shifted. While the nine of us who made it were excited and motivated, there was an undeniable tension in the air. The trainees who hadn’t been selected tried to remain supportive, but some couldn’t hide their disappointment.
One trainee in particular, Eunji, seemed to take the news especially hard. Eunji was incredibly talented—a strong vocalist with sharp dance skills—and many of us had thought she was a shoo-in for the final lineup. But when her name wasn’t called, she grew distant, barely speaking to anyone.
At first, I tried to reach out to her. We had been close during the early stages of training, and it hurt to see her so upset. “Eunji, I know this is hard, but you’re so talented. I’m sure you’ll have other opportunities,” I told her one evening after practice.
She gave me a tight smile. “Thanks, Y/N. I’m fine. Just need some time to process, you know?”
I nodded, hoping she would bounce back soon. But as the days went on, things started to change. Eunji’s distant behavior became more pointed. She would make snide comments under her breath when we passed in the halls, and I started noticing that small things of mine would go missing—hair ties, practice notes, even my favorite water bottle. At first, I thought I was just being forgetful, but then it became clear that something was off.
One day, I was in the practice room going over choreography when I noticed my dance sneakers were missing. I was sure I had left them in my locker the night before, but they were nowhere to be found. I searched everywhere, growing increasingly frustrated. It was just another in a series of strange occurrences, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that Eunji had something to do with it.
Just as I was about to give up, Hana walked in, noticing the distress on my face. “What’s wrong?” she asked, concern evident in her voice.
“My sneakers are gone. I swear I left them in my locker last night, but now they’re missing,” I explained, running a hand through my hair in frustration.
Hana frowned. “This isn’t the first time something of yours has gone missing, right?”
I shook my head. “No, it’s been happening a lot lately.”
Hana seemed to consider something for a moment before speaking. “You think it could be Eunji?”
I hesitated. “I don’t want to accuse her without proof, but… I don’t know. She’s been acting so differently since the lineup was announced.”
Hana sighed. “I’ve noticed that too. She’s obviously hurt, but that doesn’t give her the right to mess with you like this.”
We decided to keep an eye on things, but I couldn’t let it consume me. The final evaluations were coming up, and I needed to stay focused. But the strange incidents didn’t stop. My sheet music would be rearranged, my practice outfits were swapped with ones that were too small, and once, I even found my vocal warm-up notes in the trash.
Despite everything, I did my best to push through. I spent more time in the practice rooms, working late into the night to make up for any setbacks. Baekhyun noticed my exhaustion one evening and pulled me aside. “You’re working hard, Y/N, but don’t burn yourself out,” he advised, his tone gentle.
“I just want to make sure I’m ready,” I replied, not wanting to reveal the turmoil I was facing.
He smiled at me, his eyes full of understanding. “You’re doing great. Just remember to take care of yourself too.”
His words gave me a sense of comfort, but they also made me more determined. I wasn’t going to let Eunji or anyone else sabotage my chances. I had worked too hard to let something like this take me down.
The final straw came a week before the next evaluation. I walked into the practice room early one morning and found a note taped to the mirror. It was in Eunji’s handwriting, and it read: “You’re not as good as you think. Give up before you embarrass yourself.”
My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at the note. I knew I couldn’t ignore this anymore. It was one thing to deal with minor inconveniences, but this was an outright attempt to break my spirit.
I took a deep breath, crumpling the note in my hand. I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of seeing me upset. Instead, I channeled all my anger and frustration into my practice. Every dance move was sharper, every vocal note stronger. I could feel myself improving, despite everything that was happening.
When the day of the final evaluation arrived, I was ready. I walked into the room with my head held high, determined to show everyone, including Eunji, that I wasn’t going anywhere.
As I performed, I could feel Baekhyun’s eyes on me, watching every move, every note. When I finished, there was a moment of silence before he stood up, clapping slowly. “Well done, Y/N,” he said, a proud smile on his face.
I felt a surge of pride and relief. I had done it. No matter what happened next, I knew I had given it my all.
As I left the room, I passed Eunji in the hallway. She didn’t say anything, just glared at me with a look that could cut glass. But I didn’t let it faze me. I had come too far to be brought down by her bitterness.
Hana was waiting for me outside, her face lighting up when she saw me. “How did it go?”
“I think it went well,” I replied, smiling. “I think I finally proved I belong here.”
And as we walked back to the dorms together, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, I was ready to face them head-on. I had earned my place in this group, and I wasn’t going to let anyone take it away from me.
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Ch 7 >>
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skzoombie · 2 years
Série Sugar Daddy - D.O
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I did it all with a smile on my face (Oh yeah) - Smile On My Face
Ceo de uma empresa milionária que produz filmes e doramas na Coreia do Sul.
Conheceu você através de uma vaga de emprego para secretária(o) do setor dele.
Ele ficou bem impressionado com o seu conhecimento de produções, ficou com um olhar a mais para o seu lado.
Sempre foi alguém extremamente profissional, então ele não tomou nenhuma atitude no ambiente de trabalho, apenas ficava olhando e pensando em como poderia abordar longe dali.
Descobriria que dias você fazia plantão e ficaria te esperando do lado de fora da empresa até sair e te abordar discretamente para convidar para sair.
Seriam muito discretos no trabalho tanto que ninguém nunca nem chegou a suspeitar que estava acontecendo algo a mais entre os dois.
Kyungsoo tinha outra personalidade quando estavam sozinhos, gostava muito de cuidar você.
Cozinhava todas as refeições, organizava suas coisas pessoais e até lembrava dos compromissos que você precisava ir, ele fazia quase tudo no relacionamento.
Não se importaria muito com a questão da diferença de idade de ambos, você era maior de idade e responsável de suas próprias escolhas, isso era o bastante para d.o.
Quando os funcionários descobriram o namoro, kyungsoo apenas repreendia com o olhar quando percebia as pessoas comentando sobre a relação entre sussurros.
"Sem serviço? Não? Então porque estão de reuniãozinha aqui?" repreendia os pessoas porque sabia que estavam fofocando sobre você e ele.
Quando estão em casa todo o ambiente profissional e energia são deixados para trás, apenas relaxavam em casa.
Possivelmente ele saberia como convencer você a morarem juntos.
Kyungsoo lembrava de todas as datas comemorativas do casal, então sempre entregava presentes românticos.
Não teria costume de presentear com coisas "banais", joias e luxos, seriam presentes com significados para ambos.
Não teria ciúmes do pessoal da sua idade, ele tinha muita confiança em você e esperava que a mesma não fosse quebrada.
Na cama poderia ser "selvagem" e "doce", dependia muito de como ele estava naquele dia.
Em casa ele apenas sorria e se divertia ao seu lado mas no trabalho, era tudo sobre ser um excelente profissional e exemplos para todos.
Gostavam de fazer na cama, banho e sofá.
De qualquer forma o sexo não seria algo com tanta frequência, muitas vezes chegavam tão cansados que nem tinham energia para isso, apenas ficavam deitados abraçados.
Ele se importava um pouco com a opinião que os pais teriam em estar namorando alguém mais novo mas mesmo que eles não gostassem, d.o seguiria firme com o relacionamento.
Seria um relacionamento sério, d.o é um homem que não gosta de brincar com os sentimentos dos outros e não gostaria que fizessem isso com ele também.
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finalsurvivorgrp · 6 months
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finalsurvivorgrp is a multi muse blog featuring original characters that are based off major horror movies. Multi-ship and Multi-verse. Written by Kit (+18, EST). Like for a plotting DM/ Reblog for a random starter.
rules. muses. open starters.
Amanda Oswald. 29 years old. True Crime Writer. Nonbinary. Bisexual. FC: Snitchery. Survivor of Sinister.
Beatrice Strode. 22 years old. Psychology Student. Cisgender Female. Bisexual. FC: Florence Pugh. Survivor of Halloween.
Bryce Graham. 30 years old. Criminal Lawyer. Nonbinary. Bisexual. FC: Will Poulter. Survivor of Hereditary.
Caroline Kim. 31 years old. Graphic Artist. Cisgender Female. Bisexual. FC: Hyuna. Survivor of The Evil Dead.
Carrie Won. 25 years old. Seamstress. Cisgender Female. Homosexual. FC: Jeongyeon. Survivor of Carrie.
Cate Starling. 52 years old. FBI Agent. Cisgender Female. Heterosexual. FC: Winona Ryder. Survivor of The Silence of the Lambs.
Catherine Johnston. 38 years old. The Director. Cisgender Female. Bisexual. FC: Tessa Thompson. Survivor of The Cabin in the Woods.
Daiyu Wang. 25 years old. Fashion Designer. Cisgender Female. Bisexual. FC: Xie Anran. Survivor of Hostel.
Davy Torrance. 29 years old. Bartender. Cisgender Male. Bisexual. FC: Logan Lerman. Survivor of The Shining.
Deon Donahue. 30 years old. Director. Cisgender Male. Bisexual. FC: Jordan Fischer. Survivor of The Blair Witch Project.
Jacob Brody. 51 years old. Marine Biologist. Cisgender Male. Bisexual. FC: Patrick Wilson. Survivor of Jaws.
Jenni LaDomas. 33 years old. CEO. Cisgender Female. Bisexual. FC: Diane Guerero. Survivor of Ready Or Not.
Johnny Marlowe. 30 years old. Videographer. Cisgender Male. Bisexual. FC: Dylan O’Brien. Survivor of As Above So Below.
Jordan Cotton. 32 years old. Unemployed. Cisgender Female. Bisexual. FC: Tiffany Young. Survivor of Hellraiser.
Katsume Ito. 26 years old. Social Worker. Cisgender Female. Bisexual. FC: Momo. Survivor of Ringu.
Kyungsoo Kim. 29 years old. Police Detective. Cisgender Male. Bisexual. FC: Wonho. Survivor of The Wailing.
Laura Wu. 22 years old. Receptionist. Cisgender Female. Bisexual. FC: Jelly Lin. Survivor of Malignant.
Leah King. 27 years old. Author. Cisgender Female. Bisexual. FC: Megan Thee Stallion. Survivor of Friday the 13th.
Maria Thompson. 25 years old. Sex Worker. Cisgender Female. Bisexual. FC: Bella Poarch. Survivor of A Nightmare On Elm Street.
Noah Gordon. 26 years old. News Photographer. Cisgender Male. Homosexual. FC: Lil Nas X. Survivor of Saw.
Phan. 25 years old. Photographer. Cisgender Female. Bisexual. FC: Lisa. Survivor of Shutter.
Rei Nishina. 26 years old. Nurse. Cisgender Female. Homosexual. FC: Chanmina. Survivor of Ju-On.
Sanghwa Yoo. 28 years old. Scavenger. Cisgender Male. Bisexual. FC: Baekhyun. Survivor of Train to Busan.
Thomas Kennedy. 55 years old. STARS Officer. Cisgender Male. Bisexual. FC: Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Survivor of Resident Evil (The original series).
Travis Hawkins. 30 years old. Drug Dealer. Cisgender Male. Bisexual. FC: Bill Skarsgaard. Survivor of Cloverfield.
Trevor Fuller. 25 years old. Travel Vlogger. Cisgender Male. Bisexual. FC: Shawn Mendes. Survivor of From Dusk Til Dawn.
Trijal Kaur. 35 years old. Biologist. Cisgender Male. Homosexual. FC: Rahul Kohlii. Survivor of The Thing.
Trinity Prescott. 22 years old. Counselor. Cisgender Female. Bisexual. FC: Sydney Sweeney. Survivor of Scream.
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pajarinwrites · 1 year
EXO recs
directory | general masterlist
✨ favourites
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OT9 / Multi
an adventurer's guide to romance ✨ @guardians-of-exo & @softly-savage-mint-yoongi i'm not giving up hope that they'll still post Jongin, Jongdae, and Baekhyun TT, fantasy!au, i haven't read all of them yet but yixing and yeol are so good i refuse to believe any of the others could disappoint
EXO Mall ✨ @yehet-me-up i don't know why everyone and their mother does EXO series, but i am definitely not complaining, junmyeon's was adorable, xiumin's is brilliant, i'm sure the others are just as great
EXO as Rich Kids @spacequokka EXO has more group series than every other group combined, every time i find a good fic it's part of a series like what? so far i've read jongdae's it's super cute
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don't call it a love song (EXO mall series) ✨ @yehet-me-up 16.8k deserves it's own mention bc music nerd minseok?? rocker minseok?? bookstore owner!reader??? it's like this thing was written specifically for me, i ate this shit up it was so cute, their interactions were so cute, probably my favourite idiots2lovers ff, the snow scene, the singing scene, the dancing scene, the everything scene, minseok being a simp regularly, there is no fault in this ff, i'm gonna stop now i could keep going god help me
burning bridges @kwanisms 1.5k this hurt me, it's angst, it's not exactly happy, the synopsis tells you as much but every time i still read it and think maybe, maybe...
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the meet cute (EXO mall series) @yehet-me-up 4.5k also deserves it's own mention, dilf!junmyeon??? how does writer know all of my favourite things in the world?? TT the antique store thing suits our leader so well, why is he so attractice? and his sungmin is super cute argh, i have beef with this ff because why is it so short TTTTT
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you work too hard @cxsmicmyeon 0.7k just some domestic fluff with workaholic yixing, i'm projecting so hard onto this fic omg
extraordinary ✨ (an adventurer's guide to romance) @softly-savage-mint-yoongi & @guardians-of-exo 10k apothecary!yixing, yixing with glasses(!!!!!!), he's so sweet in this, they're both so cute, it's one of my favourites of the series so it deserves a special mention here
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inquiring minds @papermatisse 2.7k professor!baekhyun, i don't know what is up with exo-ls but y'all always find my most absolute favourite au versions for the boys like fr what's going on, anyway, this was soo freaking good! i read a professor one about woozi (svt) that was trying to do what this ff did but...., and now i get to read the concept executed perfectly, i'm screaming ugh
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disclaimer: these are obviously works of fiction and they take place in non-canon universes. we all wish jongdae and his family only the best, duh. if you're uncomfortable with reading ff about him, skip ahead. me, personally, i'd like to keep a little delulu corner in my daydreams available for him <3
CEO!Jongdae ( EXO as Rich Kids series) @spacequokka 0.5k it's so short TT but it's super sweet, the last line really got me, too
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kissed barely awake @irregular-idol-imagines 0.6k this confused me but it was so cute and fluffy that i didn't really care tbh
the doctor will see you now @kwanisms 4.5k this was kinda unhingend, in the best way possible, that's a high compliment in this context, incubus!yeol? i didn't think i'd like that premise but i did, i loved the slight horror aspects, the ending?? and how it linked back to the beginning? borderline genius, chapeau
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spellbound ✨ @whimsical-ness 6.7k ahhh this is soooo good, their dynamic is so nice, kyungsoo is such a freakin' cutie i cannot, and the other member cameos are so fitting ugh i love this so much
but you're warm... @kwanisms 0.5k ew this is so cute, i love cuddly, clingy kyeongsoo TT
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movie night @galaxybam2 0.8k reading this taught me things about myself i'd have preferred not to know. enjoy, sluts (affectionately)
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spellbound @navellera 6k this doesn't feel like 6k, it was over in the blink of an eye, one of the only sehun ff i've read so far that i could actually stand, most of them (that i've looked at so far) have really weird writing in that the author puts weird sentences in a row that feel disconnected and irrelevant to one another sometimes, this one didn't have that, also, i've been looking for some hogwarts!exo and this really scratched that itch
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fanficstwomoons · 11 months
Daddy Issues
Nobody does it like you do
I know how much it matters to you
I know that you got daddy issues
nas com o collant e uma calça folgada com um sobretudo fino sobre a roupa da aula prJongin não tinha palavras pra expressar a frustração presa dentro de si. As lágrimas quentes rolavam contra a sua face, enquanto abraça os próprio corpo, em alguma tentativa de acalentar a si próprio, ainda que fosse em vão. O frio do outono sequer o incomodava, mesmo que estivesse apeática que tivera pela manhã. 
O soluço estava preso em sua garganta, mas o moreno se recusava a chorar no meio da rua. Já não aguentava mais aquela situação acontecendo, já não aguentava mais ficar chorando pelos cantos por não conseguir lidar com a dor dos insultos e gritos que lhe eram direcionados com tanta raiva. 
Acabou por apertar ainda com mais força a alça da mochila, fitando o grande empresarial que havia do outro da rua. Pessoas bem vestidas entravam e saíam o tempo todo, o deixando levemente ansioso por não ver o rosto que tanto queria ver. O celular jazia sobre seu colo já que estava sentando no banco da praça, e não sentira qualquer vibração além do “Aguarde que estou descendo”. 
Estava tão concentrado à procura dele saindo pelas portas automáticas, que acabou se assustado com o barulho da buzina do carro negro que se encostava no meio fio. Jongin não conhecia absolutamente nada de carro, mas sabia que aquele deveria custar ao menos, seus dois rins. Suspirou baixinho, erguendo-se de onde estava, caminhando aos tropeços em direção ao automóvel. Não precisava ver quem estava dentro do carro pra saber quem era. Quantas e quantas vezes não entrou no mesmo e muitas vezes fora possuído sob o estofado de couro?
Abriu a porta levemente desajeitado, deixando que o corpo adentrasse o carro caro, enquanto jogava a mochila no banco de trás como sempre fazia. Colocou o cinto de forma mecânica e seu olhar ainda não havia caído sobre o outro. Sentia-se estúpido por atrapalhar o homem mais uma vez de seu trabalho por causa de seus problemas familiares. 
— Desculpa por te atrapalhar de novo. — Disse num choramingo baixo, ouvindo o outro suspirar, mas não dizer nada. O único barulho que ouviram fora da partida do carro.
Jongin abraçou o próprio corpo mais uma vez, encostando a cabeça no vidro da porta e deixando que as lágrimas grossas e salgadas continuassem a escorrer pelo rosto, soluçando baixinho. Sentiu uma leve carícia sobre sua coxa, mas não mudara de posição. Tudo dentro de si estava uma bagunça.
— Ele te bateu outra vez? — A voz grossa do homem se fez presente pela primeira vez, enquanto Jongin negava com a cabeça minimamente, parando para olhar o outro verdadeiramente naquele segundo, totalmente impecável em seu terno e feições duras.
D.O KyungSoo era um CEO importantíssimo na área de tecnologia, que havia conquistado muitas riquezas no seus trinta anos de vida. Era um homem sério, calado. Sempre tinha uma expressão fria no rosto e exalava um poder incontestável. O homem parecia mandar em tudo e qualquer coisa, sem ter nenhum ponto fraco.
Mas a verdade, era que o KyungSoo tinha sim um gigante ponto fraco.
E ele estava chorando em seu carro, ao seu lado.
Jongin e KyungSoo se conheceram da maneira mais imprevisível possível. KyungSoo entrava calmamente na cafeteria próximo ao escritório quando esbarrara com tudo no jovem Kim que saia tão desnorteado e choroso, que não vira o homem, até perceber que todo seu chocolate quente caíra sobre o caríssimo terno do CEO.
Tendo tanta coisa na cabeça e ao perceber mais uma burrada que acrescia para si, Jongin simplesmente abriu a boca e começou a soluçar alto, em meio a pedidos de desculpas, ditando várias vezes que o outro poderia lhe socar que ele entenderia. Claro que aquilo deixou KyungSoo levemente transtornado, que puxara um Jongin choroso para uma das últimas mesas, oferecendo seu lenço branco para que o moreno enxugasse a bagunça que estava em seu rosto.
A verdade era que KyungSoo acreditava que tinha se apaixonado pelo garoto de vinte e um anos ali, entre soluços e um gigantesco bico, que despertou todo o instinto de proteção que o Do guardava a sete chaves.
Após aquela ocasião, conseguira pegar o número do moreno, levando-o para sair algumas vezes, se encantando ainda mais pelo garoto envergonhado e manhoso, que não podia ter um mínimo de carinho que se agarrava no outro como um gatinho. Jongin era um garoto totalmente carente de atenção, com trejeitos levemente infantis que derretia toda a carcaça fria que o CEO ostentava com tanta convicção.
— Pra onde estamos indo? — Jongin ousou perguntar, finalmente se dando conta do caminho que trajavam. Achava que o CEO pararia em algum local mais quieto próximo ao empresarial, mas pelo visto, já estavam bem longe de tal lugar.
— Minha casa — Respondeu simplista, sem tirar os olhos da estrada.
— Você disse que tinha uma porção de reuniões hoje, até mais tarde.
— E tinha. Mas cancelei todas depois de sua mensagem — Respondeu ainda no mesmo tom calmo, fazendo o moreno ter um biquinho sobre os lábios carnudos. Acabava sempre atrapalhando o outro e sentia-se mal por aquilo.
— Desculpa por te mandar mensagem, mas…
— Baby. O que eu te disse sobre desculpas? — O olhar do CEO desviou por alguns segundo da estrada para Jongin, que se encolheu levemente no carro.
— Que não devo pedir desculpas por precisar de você. Porque é seu dever estar aqui por mim sempre que eu precisar — Disse baixinho, brincando com os próprios dedos — Mas não é justo eu atrapalhar seu trabalho toda vez que meu pai é um idiota. Só que… Eu só me sinto bem com você e quando vejo, já estou mandando mensagem.
— Não me faça ter que te colocar de castigo de novo, Jongin. Já conversamos sobre isso!
O moreno preferiu se calar, ainda encolhido sobre o estofado de couro, passando a observar a imagem concentrada do outro dirigindo com tanta destreza. E quando deu por si, já estavam entrando no condomínio que o mais velho morava há algum tempo.
O carro fora estacionado com facilidade e antes mesmo que Jongin saísse do carro, KyungSoo já tinha dado a volta no automóvel, abrindo a porta do carona e tirando o cinto que ainda estava contra o corpo do mais novo, ajudando-o a sair do carro. O pequeno contato fora o suficiente para Jongin agarrá-lo em um abraço apertado, afundando o rosto contra o pescoço do outro, voltando a chorar como havia se privado de fazer.
KyungSoo acarinhou suas costas, abraçando-o com a mesma intensidade, enquanto se desdobrava em levar o maior para dentro da casa, abrindo a mesma. Com cuidado, sentou em um dos sofás, puxando o garoto com carinho contra si, deixando que deitasse em seu colo para acariciar seus cabelos.
— O que houve dessa vez, baby? — A voz do CEO indagou baixinho quando o choro do outro diminuiu.
— Eu perdi outra vez a chave do meu armário e cheguei em casa de Collant e calça. Como estou agora, já que tive aula prática e… meu pai surtou de novo. Disse coisas horríveis. Horríveis mesmo. Cada dia ele diz coisas mais pesadas, e eu não aguento mais — O garoto choramingou, virando o rosto para fitar o outro.
— Mas ele realmente não te machucou dessa vez?
— Ele até tentou, mas eu o empurrei e fui direto pro seu trabalho.
KyungSoo suspirou, lambendo os lábios carnudos enquanto fitava a imagem frágil do garoto. Quando conhecera o menino, soube que estava desolado porque seu pai o havia batido. Seu pai havia recém descoberto que o mesmo era gay e em conjunto com a persistência do mesmo em fazer a faculdade de dança, levava todo o revés possível do patriarca da família Kim. 
Os horários das aulas do moreno eram complicados e em qualquer turno, não o permitindo trabalhar em um horário fixo, o fazendo depender completamente dos pais já que o mesmo não aceitava um tostão do CEO que já havia insistindo das mais diversas vezes que sustentaria o garoto até se formar.
A verdade era que KyungSoo não suportava mais o sofrimento do outro com os problemas de sua família, principalmente com o pai do mesmo. Sentia seu sangue ferver toda vez que encontrava algum machucado no corpo bonito do moreno, porque o homem mais velho se via no direito de machucá-lo apenas pela sua opção sexual.
Com cuidado, pegou o garoto no colo, sentindo as pernas do mesmo envolverem sua cintura enquanto caminhava para o banheiro que havia no andar de baixo. Sentou o garoto em cima da bacia fechada, ligando a torneira de água quente da banheira, deixando que a mesma enchesse enquanto despia o outro com delicadeza que já havia parado de chorar.
— Você quer? — Perguntou erguendo a embalagem de espuma, vendo o moreno assentir com a cabeça de forma infantil, arrancando um meio sorriso do outro. Seu menino era lindo.
Despejou o líquido, assim como o sais que tinha na pia, para puxar o moreno delicadamente pelo braço, e assim, fazê-lo entrar dentro da banheira. Com cuidado, começou a dar banho no moreno, que fechava os olhos com cada carinho que recebia. Não havia maldade nos toques do Do, que tudo que queria naquela momento, era apenas confortar o garoto das humilhações que havia passado.
Quando percebera que o garoto estava relaxado de fato, tirou-o da água, enxugando com delicadeza, mandando-o subir até o quarto e se vestir confortavelmente enquanto reorganizava o banheiro.
Quando subiu para o quarto, encontrou o moreno apenas com uma de suas camisetas folgadas e uma boxer escura, sentando no meio da imensa cama, com o típico bico sobre os lábios. KyungSoo sorriu.
Desfez o nó da própria gravata, tirando com facilidade, ao tempo que também tirava o terno e abrindo os primeiros botões da camisa branca. Os sapatos foram chutados de todo jeito e a preguiça não o permitiu tirar as meias da maneira devida, tornando-se pequenas bolas de pano sobre o chão.
— Daddy… Eu tô cansado de ficar mal — Jongin resmungou baixinho, enquanto o Do sentava ao seu lado na cama, puxando para seu colo. 
— Eu já falei pra você vir morar comigo — O outro respondeu no mesmo tom baixo, deixando pequenos beijos sobre a nuca do moreno que se arrepiara no mesmo instante.
— Não é justo. Não é justo que sustente a mim e a você, quando você não me deve absolutamente nada — Ditou o que sempre falava quando tocavam naquele assunto.
— Eu sou seu Daddy. Você é meu Baby boy. É meu dever fazer de tudo para que tenha uma vida confortável. Já lhe disse uma porção de vezes, não disse?
— Mas eu já te atrapalho demais. Já é a terceira vez nesse mês que você cancela reunião porque eu queria você comigo por estar mal.
— Sim… meu menino manhoso me fez cancelar reuniões mais uma vez por estar mal com problemas com seu pai. E por mais que eu odeie o que seu pai faz com você, eu amo a maneira necessitada com que você me busca por precisar de mim — Murmurou contra a tez bronzeada, mordiscando a região com delicadeza.
— Tá vendo que atrapalho? — Resmungou de maneira manhosa, tombando a cabeça para o lado, dando espaço para o outro fazer o que bem entendesse.
— Mas se morasse comigo, ninguém ia te fazer mal. E eu não precisaria ter que sair do trabalho mais cedo para cuidar desse baby manhoso.
— Não vamos falar disso, Daddy. Quero esquecer o dia de hoje, me ajuda, uh? 
KyungSoo acabou rindo, sempre achava adorável a forma manhosa e mimada que Jongin tinha consigo. Na maioria das vezes e com todas as pessoas, Jongin era um garoto alegre e doce. Mas quando se tratava do KyungSoo, o moreno deixava todo seu traço de manha aparecer, pedindo e implorando por carinho e atenção, que nunca era negado pelo CEO.
Não demorou para que KyungSoo deitasse o corpo do moreno contra os lençóis azulados ao mesmo tempo que beijava os lábios carnudos com gana, sugando o inferior com a típica fome que sentia quando se tratava de Jongin.
O moreno se derreteu quase no mesmo instante, era totalmente sensível aos toques de seu Daddy, que sempre sabia exatamente o que fazer para deixar o moreno totalmente excitado. Os botões da larga camisa fora desfeito um a cada um, deixando que a pele ficasse exposta aos pouquinhos, um selar sendo deixado a cada descoberta da tez. Os dígitos do moreno estavam nos fios negros e curtos do CEO, acarinhando ali por vezes, querendo retribuir as carícias.
Não demorou muito para que a camisa ganhasse o chão e os lábios carnudos do Do fossem aos botões marronzinhos, circundando um dos mamilos com a língua ao tempo que a destra estimulava o outro. Jongin já era uma bagunça de resmungos e gemidos, era tão, mas tão sensível naquela região, que KyungSoo gostava de passar tempos e tempos ali, apenas o provocando com chupões e mordiscadas sem a real intenção de machucá-lo. 
Não demorou para que a boxer também ganhasse o chão e a língua ferina do CEO estivesse estimulando o membro semi-rígido do moreno, que passava a gemer cada vez mais alto e manhoso como sabia que seu Daddy tanto amava. KyungSoo voltou a provocar, roçando a língua apenas na glande inchada, por muitas vezes pincelando a língua contra a fenda do órgão acabando por rir dos resmungos manhosos do moreno — Daddy… 
— O quê, baby? — Indagou ainda naquela risada rouca, masturbando o membro do outro de maneira devagar e levemente torturante. Os lábios carnudos deixavam beijos molhados por toda a extensão. 
— Me chupa, Daddy. Por favor, por favor — Voltou a implorar cheio de manha, puxando levemente os fios negros, forçando o Do encará-lo. Seu baby ficava tão lindo implorando… 
— Você não foi um bom menino, Baby. Então o Daddy não vai te chupar, uh? — Cantarolou, abrindo ainda mais as pernas do moreno, deixando-o completamente exposto para si. O indicador passou de forma delicada contra a entrada enrugadinha, vendo-o se contorcer na cama — Você vai ser um bom menino, Jonginnie? — Indagou deixando pequenos beijos e mordidinhas alternando com selares demorados pelas nádegas arrebitadas do moreno, que no mesmo momento, gemeu de forma manhosa.  A boca carnuda se aproximou da entrada alheia conforme traçava um caminho com sua língua agora, alisando a pele do moreno com seu músculo molhado até chegar às preguinhas, passou a lamber diversas vezes ao redor do orifício.
— Daddy… — Pediu carregado de manha, remexendo o quadril e querendo mais contato do músculo orvalhado enquanto o CEO se resumia a sorrir contra a pele alheia. Amava a forma necessitada que seu baby implorava por si. 
Não demorou para que finalmente penetrasse o garoto com o músculo orvalhado, a ponta rija passou a penetrar o garoto por diversas vezes ao tempo que apertava o bumbum farto, afundando os dígitos na carne abundante daquela região. 
Jongin era uma total bagunça, com os olhos espremidos em prazer e os lábios entreabertos. Grunhiu em meio a um choramingo quando sentiu os lábios grossos contra sua pele, afundando os dedos no acolchoado e apertando como forma de conter a tensão que corria em sua pele.
— O que você quer, meu menino manhoso? — Voltou a indagar, enquanto distribuía os beijos por entre as coxas bronzeadas, se deliciando com a imagem bonita que o moreno ficava quando estava desesperado.
— Me fode, Daddy. Eu vou ser um bom menino — Resmungou ainda manhoso, arrancando mais um sorriso do homem mais velho que logo ergueu o próprio corpo para ficar deitado sobre o corpo magro do mais novo.
— Vai ser meu bom menino, vai? — Indagou baixo contra os lábios fartos, vendo o rostinho bonito assentir positivamente por diversas vezes. Jongin era tão bonito… Segurou firmemente a cintura do moreno e deixou que a glande esfregasse minimamente na entrada que se contraía querendo-o desesperadamente — O Daddy só vai te foder, se vier morar comigo.
— Mas Daddy… — O moreno resmungou em manha, apertando os braços definidos do CEO.
— É só me dizer sim, Nini… Hmm… Assim, poderá ter todos os mimos do seu daddy e ainda vai ser fodido bem gostoso. Eu sei que você quer meu pau dentro de você — Tornou a ditar rouco, roçando os lábios contra a mandíbula alheia, deixando pequenos beijos ali.
— Sim daddy. Sim. Eu venho morar com você, eu faço qualquer coisa por você, só me fode! — Resmungou impaciente, ganhando uma risada baixa do CEO.
KyungSoo era totalmente controlador. Sua necessidade de ter o moreno era sempre gigantesca, mas conseguia abdicar das próprias vontades apenas para provocar o moreno no máximo que podia.
— Que menino impaciente! — Tornou a falar baixo, levando ambas as mãos as coxas fartas do moreno, puxando-as com força, erguendo-as em direção ao peitoral do maior, deixando-o completamente exposto para si.
Não tardou para que finalmente penetrasse o outro, de uma única vez, fazendo o garoto dar um grito esganiçado em conjunto a um gemido rouco do Ceo. Passou a se movimentar com força, justamente por saber que era a maneira que seu menino gostava, se arrematando com vontade contra o interior apertado, ganhando gemidos e murmúrios arrastados.
Os dedos do KyungSoo apertavam com força a carne bronzeada, às vezes deixando uns tapas na região sem muita força, continuando com a velocidade e força de suas investidas. Jongin era uma bagunça total de gemidos e suspiros. As unhas curtas desciam pelas costas alvas do maior, assim como os olhos estavam fechados com força. O choque de ambas as carnes começava a ecoar pelo quarto deixando o casal ainda mais excitados e inertes de prazer. 
Jongin pedia por mais, implorava por mais, afundando os dígitos na pele clara, rebolando contra o membro dentro de si, sentindo o pré-gozo escorrer no próprio abdômen, enquanto seu baixo ventre dava fortes fisgadas o fazendo grunhir em prazer, remexendo o corpo com mais força e vontade, num imenso topor de prazer.
KyungSoo movia-se rápido em estocadas curtas, num ritmo quase frenético, arremetendo-se contra o corpo alheio com força fazendo a cama balançar com cada movimento. O corpo queimava de dentro para fora, totalmente imerso nos cheiros que se misturavam e no prazer que tomava-lhe os sentidos. Não importa quantas vezes metesse em Jongin, ele sempre parecia apertado como da primeira vez e isso só deixava o CEO  louco para violar cada vez mais o corpo alheio.
— Você gosta, não é Baby? Você adora quando meto assim em você, não é? — Perguntou ao direcionar os lábios ao ouvido alheio, sussurrando rouco, entre ofegos enquanto diminuía o ritmo, começando a impor mais força que velocidade, indo fundo no moreno, chocando os corpos de modo violento e audível. 
As frases ditas contra sua audição fora suficiente para foder Jongin por completo. O garoto gemeu alto, sentindo o baixo ventre praticamente vibrar — Ah Daddy... T-Tão bom... — Disse quase gaguejando, a respiração totalmente descompassada. 
De uma maneira quase patética, Jongin gozou sem nem mesmo tocar no próprio membro, se derramando sobre seu abdômen, contraindo ainda mais as paredes internas, gemendo alto o nome do parceiro, totalmente satisfeito e em total êxtase.
O prazer consumia o CEO de forma absurda que tudo se tornou mais intenso ao sentir o outro se contrair em volta de seu membro ao tempo que espasmos violentos atingiram-lhe o corpo, indicando que seu moreno havia chegado ao ápice. Voltou a estocar com mais velocidade, num ritmo apressado sentindo o próprio corpo se aproximar do orgasmo, fazendo o Do apertar os olhos enquanto escondia o rosto no pescoço alheio, respirando contra a pele orvalhada do moreno. 
Não bastou muito para que o homem chegasse ao seu limite, derramando-se dentro do interior alheio em jorros fortes e contínuos, sentindo todos os músculos retraírem para depois relaxar, deixando-o meio mole pelo turbilhão de sensações que tomou cada parte de si.
Permitiu o corpo cair lentamente em cima do moreno e o CEO não teve coragem para mover um músculo sequer, a sensação dos corpos quentes lhe agradavam muito, assim como ter o interior apertado do outro ainda se contraindo contra seu membro — Porra baby... — Murmurou contra o pescoço alheio, ainda meio mole, o coração acelerado e a respiração descontrolada.  Kyungsoo estava uma bagunça assim como o Jongin.
Ambos passaram a controlar a respiração e um tempinho depois o CEO saiu de dentro do mesmo, fazendo-o soltar um gemido fraquinho, mas logo buscando o corpo do seu daddy para se aninhar sobre seu corpo de forma manhosa, sem se importar com a bagunça que estavam.
— Precisamos de um banho — KyungSoo finalmente falou, sorrindo baixinho enquanto deixava um beijo no topo da cabeça do maior.
— Teremos todo o tempo do mundo pra você me dar banho, Daddy. Quantos você quiser, quando quiser, uh? Agora, eu quero dormir — Disse de maneira manhosa, escondendo o rosto na curvatura do pescoço alheio.
— Quando eu quiser? Você sempre foge dos banhos, Nini! — Riu, vendo o moreno bufar baixinho.
— Vou está morando aqui, não vai dar pra fugir dos banhos sempre, não é? Mas agora, me deixa dormir, daddy — Pediu de maneira arrastada, inflando ambas as bochechas.
— Você vem mesmo pra cá? — Perguntou enquanto puxava os fios castanhos com delicadeza para pode fitar o rosto do moreno.
— Uhum. Você está certo. Só darei menos trabalho se estiver aqui… E eu serei mais feliz vivendo com meu Daddy, então, hmm… É isso, eu acho — Explicou um tantinho confuso, arrancando um imenso sorriso do CEO que não demorou para beijar-lhe nos lábios com vontade, completamente feliz.
— Eu amo você baby — Ditou rouco quando ambos os lábios se separaram, fazendo o mais novo sorrir.
— Eu te amo, Daddy. Agora… Me deixa dormir! — Resmungou por fim, fazendo o KyungSoo rir outra vez, mas não negando o pedido do moreno. Afinal, ele faria sempre qualquer coisas pelo seu baby, Jongin tendo ou não problemas com seu pai. 
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kaisooficpodcast · 2 hours
Pride by yeolimerent with Readers
I am Alexio Sospranio and you’re listening to the kaisoo fic podcast!
For new listeners, the kaisoo fic podcast is a space where we discuss literature found in the kaisoosphere. 
This month we will be looking at one fic for two episodes. First part is today, dated the 12th, second part will be on the 14th. Special kaisoo dates!
Today’s episode is slightly different, the kaisoo fic podcast is joined together with two kaisoo readers! And I am also very delighted to share that on the 14th, we will have the author themselves to share their journey with this month’s fic, give insight to the details of the plot and more, so stay tuned for that, coming out tomorrow’s tomorrow!
I would just like to share with you the sequence in which we will be sharing this episode. It is broken up into 5 parts.
Very first part I will share with you the story behind the episode cover art. Next, is introducing guests plus never before done on the podcast, but an important one for guests, we have a small ice breaker ‘never have i ever’ game.
Fourth segment i will introduce the fic, soon after followed by the experience of our two guest readers on reading it based on the questions i asked on the discord.
So generally about 5 general parts.
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Podcast Cover Art
This segment is on the podcast cover art because I would like to express my gratitude to Lyn who I commissioned for this episode’s cover art. Thank you Lyn for opening up commissions and being accommodating to my requests!
The story behind the podcast cover art is a reimagined take on one of the arcs in the fic. This specific scene we have Jongin giving Kyungsoo a bouquet and Kyungsoo looking at shreds of torn blueprints on the floor.
In the podcast cover art, Kyungsoo is wearing his collage outfit. Kyungsoo is looking down on his torn blueprints. This was 8 years ago.
Context for this particular position Kyungsoo is in: Kyungsoo got his work stolen by Soojung. Everyone sided with Soojung because there was no evidence of it being Kyungsoo’s work as he did not consult any advisors of the project. He is dejected, angry, frustrated, resentful because no one believes him. Kyungsoo ends up being all alone, it is as good as his hard work being torn to shreds.
In the podcast cover art, Jongin is wearing a suit as after 8 years, he is a rich, sexy CEO of a company. Jongin has hope in his eyes, he is holding out a bouquet of essentials for architect designers and flowers.
Context for this particular position Jongin is in: Jongin wants to freely show his love to Kyungsoo and make up for all the times it was hard on the both of them. Jongin later in the fic is then honest with Kyungsoo that he did not believe that Kyungsoo stole the work. So Jongin admitting that, is a second chance for kaisoo to truly work on their relationship. 
Intro Guests
Introducing the guests. A few episodes ago, I promoted the kaisooists discord community server. When first starting out the server I was happily surprised to find other keen kaisooists tuning into the server. The community server accepts all kaisooists in the spectrum of casual kaisoo enjoyer to chronically deranged person experiencing kaisooism.  
To celebrate having 100+ members in the kaisooists discord community server, now slightly more than 120 users, I asked users in the server to submit a comment of about 200 words on what their favourite fic is and why. We had two submissions, one by a regular author on the kaisoo fic podcast show, Haqiyin and a kaisoo reader, Jie. Haqiyin’s favorite fic is I Am Happy When I Am With You by Chesh_cat. But today we will be hosting Jie and Yu. Jie eagerly answered Pride by yeolimerent, and so that is the fic we will be going through for the day.
Introducing a bit on Jie, Jie has been in this fandom since (2013), that’s about (11 years). The moment that instilled her faith in kaisoo was when she kept seeing kaisoo as a regular pairing in wattpad fanfics when she was a newbie fan and wanted to find exo fics. 
Welcome Jie, we are pleased to have you on this kaisoo fic podcast! Before we begin, do you have any opening comments you would like to make?
Hello everyone! I’m jie and i’m an exo-l from both heart and mind. Been into kaisoo most of my teenage years (until now) and not regretting it at all. And kaisoo did truly change my life and even helped me during my hard times in the past. That’s why I treasure them a lot and will pass down to all of my generations that kaisoo is real XD. My journey as a reader started in 2013, as per the introduction, I didn’t have knowledge about the famous pairings or otps that the fandom had. But because i was into wattpad, I searched for any exo fanfics I could find and that’s where I found kaisoo. At first, I was thinking about it and then I saw them on twitter and saw lots of fans shipping them, I was convinced they’re real and the hype about them makes sense. After that I started reading lots of kaisoo fanfics I could find on wattpad.
Thank you Jie for sharing! It is very delightful to know that kaisoo helped you during difficult moments in your life. It just goes to show how important kaisoo is to us, how having them as our source of happiness really pulls us out of the darkness of life and gives us the strength to continue living. It sounds really delusional, but if it helps us to continue with life, continue with striving everyday and being hard at work with the things we do, then believing in kaisoo is worth the delulu and crazy.
While preparing for this episode I saw on my timeline, user Yu was rereading Pride and with that I approached them to ask if they would be willing to be part of this episode. Since this episode is an episode talking about pride with people from the discord, I thought it would be appropriate! 
So Yu is another kaisooists in the discord server as well. Like Jie, introducing a bit on Yu, Yu has been in this fandom since (2014), that’s about (10 years).The kaisoo moment that changed the trajectory of her faith in kaisoo was when kaisoo were (being dramatic on that EXO’s Secret Lotte Night event in 2016, after Kaistal was publicised).
Welcome Yu, we are also pleased to have you on this kaisoo fic podcast! Similar to Jie, do you have any opening comments you would like to make?
Hi everyone! I’m Yu and I’ve been an EXO-L since 2014. Like Jie, I was not really aware of OTPs and ships inside the fandom until I joined a roleplaying community back in 2014. That time, I was just roleplaying Kyungsoo because he’s my bias and my internet friends were shipping me with Kai roleplayers. I got really curious why “they” were being paired together so I researched a bit on them and saw a LOT of their moments. I thought, hmm, they DO have chemistry and they DO look cute together, not knowing that they will literally change the course of my life forever. That’s the time I started watching their moments together in variety shows, behind the scenes clips, and tours. After that, all I was reading on wattpad were kaisoo fan fictions, then I got introduced to AFF, livejournal, and AO3, creating this kaisoo-obsessed monster. Not only do I see Kaisoo as the people I look up to, but I think they’re the biggest reason I am who I am today. 
Thank you for sharing and joining us on a short notice! I actually personally have never come across a roleplaying community? Yu, is it like tweet fics but interactive? 
Yes, people have the option to roleplay their muse in an in-character way (like as idols) or they can portray their muse in an alternate universe way. People create their roleplaying accounts (at least during my time) using facebook or twitter. From that you can interact with other roleplayers and form friendships within the community too.
omg!! A fun fact is I know the roleplaying community!! . Even until now I’m still doing it as a hobby. It’s actually fun to try making accounts and interact with different roleplayers too. In that community, different idols are like friends and it could be enjoying or traumatizing lmao. I’m also a kyungsoo roleplayer and started roleplaying in 2014.
Ahhh, i see,that is interesting!
I just want to say that the both of you got into kaisoo out of curiosity. Which is very fascinating to me because it just goes to show that kaisoo’s relationship is not blatantly in your face, it is not what… Some people call a government assigned ship or fanservice. They are also not very loud in their interactions in terms of skinship and promoting together… It is a very genuine relationship because on the surface level for really casual fans, it may seem like they have a unique bond where they are more attentive to one another but not too alarming to the casual viewer. But those with sharper and inquisitive eyes may be able to read between the lines. 
My point here is that… okay, how young were you when you got into kaisoo?
Jie’s age: 12 Yu’s age: 13
So being at that point in life in the pre/early teens, we may not have caught on so quickly on their special relationship. Then for the both of you being in the wattpad and roleplaying communities, you probably interacted with slightly older fans who are able to identify that there is a bigger, more intimate kind of relationship for kaisoo. This is my assumption, and with the influence of others, it piques your interest to find out more. And when we see it with our own eyes, with rose coloured lenses, without a doubt, we see that kaisoo really really exhibits a sort of more than friends, more than colleagues relationship. And I love that for them. They are also my sense of strength.
Never have i ever (fic/kaisoo related)
Ice breaker time!
Since this is a three person episode, let’s do an ice breaker to slowly get to get to know each other a bit more before diving into the fic of the day.
We will be playing ‘never have i ever’, but make it fic and kaisoo related! So for the questions, we have to guess if the person has, or has never done said thing.
We have questions we want to ask, so mayb Jie can go first?
Jie’s fic qn: Never have I ever read a fluff/romantic fic with no happy ending
Guess Jie’s answer 
Yu - Since we’re talking about tags, it’s actually related to my next question, which is…
Yu’s fic qn: Never have I ever ditched a fic that has a good plot but has no proper tagging of who is the top/bottom
Guess Yu’s answer 
Jie - so since we’re in the talks about top and bottom which are quite related to the R18 topic,  the next NHIE is sort of related to it. The question is..
Jie’s fic qn: Never have I ever dreamed about the <intense> kaisoo fic scenes
Guess Jie’s answer 
Yu - So since we’re talking about real life things in related to fics and kaisoo, the next question actually is…
Yu’s fic qn: Never have I ever read intense smut in public and in broad daylight
Guess Yu’s answer 
Alexio irl qn: okay so consensus is that the three of us have read a fic in public. My question now issss: Never have I ever skipped an outing with friends/family just to read kaisoo fics
Guess Alexio answer 
Real life relation… 
Jie’s kaisoo qn: Never have I ever thought about kaisoo being the rumored bxb couple in k-industry by pannchoa (?)
Guess Jie’s answer 
Yes, we believe and we pray.
That was fun! Okay now I see the importance of ice breaker because I feel we have more energy now to go through with the episode.
Pride by yeolimerent
Now the purpose of this episode is to commemorate having 100+ users in the kaisooists community discord server. Jie, upon writing out your response, you DMed me on Discord with a screenshot of how you exceeded the server’s character limit of 2000 by double… Now, you really must have a lot to say for this fic to go on for 4000 characters!  
For this particular event, i asked server members to submit their write up by sharing with us five points: 
Brief summary of the plot, character and premise. 
The impact this fic had on you.
What has this fic taught you? 
What particular scene was it in the fic that moved you? 
Why do you love this fic?
Jie, first question of the episode is: Why did you choose Pride by yeolimerent to share with us in commemoration of the 100 users in the kaisooist’s discord community server?
Pride deserves to be promoted more especially for people who love tropes similar to it. Based on my opinion, as a silent reader most of the time, it needs more recognition because it is written to perfection. I’ve been seeing people’s recommendations promoting some overrated kaisoo fanfic (though they deserve it too and they are overrated for a reason) and I haven’t found one recommending Pride so here I am! Sharing this kind of fic is new to me actually because I’m not a hundred percent fan of tropes like enemies to lovers but surprise! I loved this one and it deserves love from everyone too.
I read this fic only after your recommendation, so thank you for putting this on the discord. Without you, we would not have gone through the fic!
I’m glad to hear that though :>>
I would also like to thank you for participating in the event at that point! The discord means a lot to me, and it is nice to see people engaging in it as well!
but oh! I just remembered something. I think back in 2022, if i am not mistaken Pride was the 3rd most recommended fic when kaisooficrec on twitter did a 30 day challenge in january to celebrate their birth month! (https://kaisooficrec.tumblr.com/post/674974951042891776/kfr-challenge). 
But before we dive deeper into the episode, let’s talk about the fic, plot wise and technical aspects:
Pride by yeolimerent is a 300+ thousand-word fic. Very dramatic with tags including: angst; sexual tension; break up/make up; timeskips; miscommunication; mutual pining; enemies to lovers; rags to riches 
Warnings: dubious consent; smut (bottom soo); minor character deaths.
The author warns readers that this is not for the faint hearted, and we quote:  I just have to warn you that this has so many flaws, characters and story-wise. So if you’re not into complicated things, please save yourself some time. 
The author warns readers because this is a massive work. Upon reading you see each time you think it gets better, something will freaking give you a whiplash. It is dramatic, it is emotional. 
Reading from the author’s summary:
The life of being a chaebol son should be easy, except that it’s hell. Do Kyungsoo has one goal—to escape and be free from this leash. So when a heartbreak from his first love gave him the reason to finally leave this hellhole for good, he grabbed the chance willingly.
Years later, he’s pulled back to the place, the life, and the man he thought he already escaped. What’s worse is when everything he had is taken away from him, by the very same man who just used to be his driver… but now surely isn’t.
first time vs second time
Now being a three person episode, we’ll take turns going through the fic, our experience reading the fic, what we are learning from the fic, the ways the fic impacted us and we will end with us reading extracts from our favourite parts of the fic.
Since Jie started off answering the first question, maybe Yu, you’d like to take this next one: 
While getting ready for this episode, we all recently reread Pride again right? How different was it reading it for the first time versus this recent time you reread it again? 
Personally, I felt like reading it the second time around made me look at the plot and the characters in a more in-depth perspective. Of course, the first time I read it emotionally wrecked me for days (XD) that I had to stop myself and pause from reading from time to time to process the events in the fic, and it surely did not change when I reread it again, but this time, I felt like I got to feel each of the characters emotions first-hand too. Like, I understood where Kyungsoo was coming from when he was being prideful and stubborn, and also why was Jongin bad at communicating which is more frustrating!
I see, so for Yu, you were able to immerse yourself in the characters and the meanings behind the things they do. I think usually for these kinds of fics, where it is fast paced. Very action packed, where there is always something happening and you are always kept on your toes. So naturally in your first reading of the fic you would want to know what happens next. So you read as fast as you can, taking breaks when it gets too overwhelming. 
Yes, I agree. The first time I read it I never realized the simplest things in the story will make sense in the plot in the next chapters. Rereading it was an enjoyable experience.
Indeed it was an enjoyable experience.  And what about Jie, did you have a similar or different experience?
I actually relate to Yu’s response! like the first time i’ve read the pride, some of the scenes are blurred to me and didn’t make sense so I was like ‘why is jongin like this and such’ since i’ve observed that the pov heavily falls into Kyungsoo’s rather than jongin’s. And also well i’m kind of scared of what’s about to happen every time since it’s my first time reading it (it’s my default emotion when i read long fics for the first time). but when i reread it, the plot became more defined in my mind and everything just makes sense! and one thing i’ve also observed is that, the effects of each scene are still the same for me when i reread it. I still have mixed emotions and despite knowing what to happen in the next scene, i’m still not prepared for it ><
The delightful thing of reading it a second time is that we sort of know how the plot unfolds… so we are able to revisit the scenes and slowly read through the details in the beginning of the fic where yeolimerent gives tiny hints of how the plot will develop in the later parts of Pride. Moments like the carelessness of Kyungsoo leaving his blueprint in the room without much thought. As a reader, we also did not give it much thought, but that became one of the most important points of the story that pushed Kyungsoo to be off the grid, and he continues to struggle with that problem until almost the end of the fic. So when we reread it again, we are more aware of the small bits of information yeolimerent gives. That goes to show how detailed a writer yeolimerent is. 
That is so true. I really admire yeolimerent as a writer. My twitter mutuals would know how annoying I can be when it comes to this fic because it’s always in my head like… Of course there are a lot of fics I love too, but Pride just really stood out because it has all the tropes I like in a fic; exes to lovers, CEO au, rags to rich, angst with happy ending, and slow burn.
I know right!! I actually love how important the small details in yeolimerent’s fic! She’s just so amazing despite knowing some of her fics late. My first fic from her is the smear campaign that i really love so much too!! But for this year, the pride just brought me the roller coaster feeling of emotions and I’m convinced that it will be the top tier fic I have encountered this year.
Omg smear campaign… I first read that one recently during my vacation. Mind you I read Pride BEFORE reading ’smear campaign’ and I was genuinely shit scared because what if yeolimeret decides to make one of them dishonest and to use the other for political gain… but thank kaisoo, that yet again we trust in the love they have for each other that we see kaisoo happy in the fic. 
Upon reading Pride, were there any thoughts that kept coming up? For one, the thoughts that kept recurring in my head were just… how is it possible for love to continue when both parties have hurt each other so much? How are they still somehow able to gravitate towards one another? It really pains me… this fic with its cruel twists and turns. When I say cruel here, it is not a slander against the author, but rather an acknowledgement of how their writing is very gripping and done wonderfully. The art of knowing when to say what happens, keeping the reader on their toes and sharing with us a beautiful story of how kaisoo’s love prevails yet again. Writing meaningfully so that readers are able to feel for the characters and love them in their imperfections.
Before I reached the ending of the pride where they mend their relationship in new zealand if i’m not mistaken, i was so so mad for like yeah i know kyungsoo is this prideful and have flaws but he didn’t deserve any of what people did to him including jongin (still completely unaware of jongin’s side here) because i know they have something stronger but it’s kind of cruel to have a love like they both have and kyungsoo needed to heal !! and honestly, i was ready to fall into the mode of “all of the forms of love sucks” hahahaha !!
I agree a hundred percent, I too was about to give up on kaisoo having their happy end… A scene that comes to me is the moment in the last few chapters when Jongin is seen on his knees and begging for Kyungsoo to stay. I couldn’t help but feel so many emotions. The most glaring thought I have is what a bastard Jongin is. He is definitely not one a 100% but he has a lot of flaws and so does Kyungsoo… but i was just wondering as to how Jongin has really hurt a person who means a lot to him, and this person in turn loves him, why issit when Kyungsoo wants to set boundaries, it is very difficult for Jongin to accept that… The premise is ridiculous to me, but that is a reflection of their choices in the fic, again it is not a slander against the writer, yeolimerent really does a wonderful job and it is evident when you feel so strongly for the characters. 
So my question for the both of you, Jie you go first: What surprised you the most in this fic? 
Probably, the scene that surprised me was when kyungsoo chose to run away with Seonho. because at first i kinda expected that kyungsoo will probably leave everything with the much pressure and issues happening in his life, but the last thing i expected for kyungsoo to do is him choosing to live somewhere far away with his ex 😭. i don’t know because my first hunch is like Kyungsoo will leave but like, alone but then the author is like ✨surprise!!!✨i have this second thought that maybe jongin will go with him but it’s kind of blurry when jongin and krystal interact in other scene again ughhh.
Oooh that part! I found that scene really heartwarming in a way? I didn’t expect that Kyungsoo would be running away with him too, knowing their history. Thank god they did that because I genuinely believe that Seonho, as a character, had a lot of potential, and yeolimerent took great advantage of it in the plot, which I love.
Right?! But i haven’t look deeper into seonho’s character there because i’m getting whiplash from kyungsoo’s feelings TT
I understand Jie’s point on it being surprising! You usually wont find exes spending time with each other… what more traveling and staying together…But interestingly enough it feels like a natural progression to have Seonho travel and stay with Kyungsoo. Yes they were romantically involved, but they are able to put the past behind and be genuine best friends without romantic feelings. And I also agree with Yu that Seonho was the best person Kyungsoo could have ran away with. They already knew and understood each other deeply because of their family backgrounds and I find their relationship to be very endearing… something very nice to read. 
Yu, were you surprised at that point too? Or what other moments of the fic made you feel surprised? 
When I first read this fic, I was convinced that Jongin had feelings for Kyungsoo the first time they met each other. I also feel kind of skeptical with my hunch since he always seemed like he’s siding with Soojung and setting Kyungsoo aside? (Probably because he lacked boundaries huhu) However, I was genuinely surprised and CRUSHED when I found out that Jongin was in LOVE with Kyungsoo during his POV chapters. Jongin LOVED Kyungsoo way more than I imagined and probably more than Kyungsoo could ever love him back. For Jongin, all he did, especially during the 8 years they were apart, will always be FOR Kyungsoo. So, to answer the question, I know that Jongin had the hots for Kyungsoo from the start, but I wasn’t aware that he was in DEEP.
I relate to what Yu said at her first statement. Like I was sooo convinced too! But keep getting sidetracked whenever there’s Jongin and Krystal interactions. But you know, i have half thought in my mind that i kinda expected that between kaisoo, one from them will be inlove hahaha my mind is like ‘come on! Someone should be whipped between them coz if i’m not mistaken i read a kaisoo fic and not kaistal or am raging lol’
HAHA, I too would be fustrated if it was a kaistal endgame… Okay so hopping onto that statement, that element of surprise of the fic yu, you mentioned being genuinely surprised and crushed upon finding out that Jongin was deeply in love with Kyungsoo. So how, upon going back to reading the fic for the second time, how did reading it impact you? 
Well, rereading this fic already knowing the twist or the surprising part in mind, it made me analyze every interaction they have before leading to that point. I always pay attention to how Jongin will react whenever Kyungsoo does something and I felt frustrated why this man sucks at communicating his feelings and lacks boundaries to the point where Kyungsoo got badly hurt by the woman he was trying to protect. But then again, I realized that they were young and immature. When they reunited again after years of being apart, I actually saw how they both grew and matured, making more rational choices and not giving in to their impulses or defense mechanisms immediately unlike when they were young.
Wahh!! I love hearing yu’s insight regarding the fic ><
Yu, when you mentioned kaisoo upon being apart then reuniting again, how they both grew and matured, i agree with you to a certain extent. I think it is also a common thing with life. In general when we go through something traumatic or difficult, we pull ourselves away from the situation. Which Kyungsoo does. 
Kyungsoo is soooo real for running away though like, that makes him a human and not like a true fictional character, if y’all know what i mean. Because it is human nature to run away when something inconvenient happens in our lives. And i do that too, but not like kyungsoo running away in other country, (i don’t have the money for that yet HAHA) to be honest, the scene where kyungsoo’s life was already fucked up (due to his dad) and no one believing him when his project got stolen, it is the maximum peak of pain tbh i’m GLAD he did ran away but i’m not glad that he got dragged back. Life sucks (with personal sentiments haha). 
Yes exactly, so he left, but then a cruel twist of fate forces them to meet again. And the almost 10 years apart really has them thinking they have grown out of each other. But very evidently so, within the 8 years, we see the both of them yearning for each other despite being apart even after they hurt each other so much. 
I agree! Despite lying to themselves that they only want revenge (in Jongin’s case) and they moved on (in Kyungsoo’s case), it is undeniable that did not stop thinking about each other for almost a decade they were apart. They are each other’s greatest and true love.
Even in life, fate has this thing where it will test you. It will see if you have learnt from your past, learnt from your mistakes and sometimes if we do not actively practice how to train ourselves to be better, when put in the same position as before, that is the test. Will we make the same mistake again? Will we consciously and cautiously make a more informed decision? Will we learn from the past? Or will we make a worse decision? 
And I think for Kyungsoo, after the intense shock he got from learning that Jongin is his superior, he slowly eases into the idea. Then he is reminded of his younger days where they were young college students. And because of the reminiscing, he falls into the same head space, the same habits that he had previously… 
I think Kyungsoo going back to his toxic ways is a proof that he was not able to properly heal at all and was just repressing everything all this time. 
and this time i found it to be worse? It is a very bad coping mechanism where both kaisoo are terrible at communication, so they resort to a very toxic cycle of sex… slowly overtime it does get better, but even when you believe everything is getting better, there comes a bigger whiplash that pushes kaisoo away from each other… i keep finding myself thinking wow, they really cant catch a break… and when they do it is very measured, you can feel the oncoming doom and it feels like a game. 
To be honest, if kaisoo has good communication here the pride will be just two shot fic LOL. 
Ok that is very true. That tension for conflict will always force the plot to move. 
I agree with the toxic cycle they have especially when one of them has a view of sex can be casual too omg. I can remember I had a phase while reading Pride: I was like talking, throwing side comments as if Kyungsoo or Jongin from Pride could hear me. That’s similar to when you’re watching a great movie and trying to talk with the main lead HAHAHAAHA. But i sorta think that kaisoo should have like longer periods of healing time before they go back as lovers :< 
And for Jie, how did reading Pride the second time impact you?  
I’m gonna be honest here because I don’t count myself as a huge fan of heavy angst stories because I know the effect they have on me. Yes yes I kinda expect that i’ll be asked why i decided to read when pride has complete tags. Sometimes, I have this mood where I want to read something beyond my comfort zone (tags like similar to pride, top soo fics and such) and I have that when I decided to save the pride in my bookmarks. My emotions during the first time reading Pride versus rereading it, didn’t change at all, despite knowing what to happen anymore. I felt like I absorbed kyungsoo’s emotions and I feel the pain too when everything is not falling to his plans. My mood shifts perfectly depending on the scenes and the feeling of being scared despite already knowing what’s about to happen in the next scenes never left me even reading it in the second time 😭. I’ve always been anxious of intense emotions and it’s like a default emotion for me. The intense scenes just always give me the thrum of a different adrenaline rush every time. 
I can relate to the adrenaline rush oh my! It is interesting that we are here today because Jie, you very passionately recommended this fic yet you are not a huge fan of heavy angst. So what are your favorite tropes to read if not heavy angst?
I believe I have a huge imaginative mind, because I love reading a lot of sci-fi and falling into the fantasy category. There’s always angst in every story, I don’t mind it as long as the story has an ending I’m satisfied with. Strangers to lovers is also an interesting trope for me hehe.
Your favorite tropes are almost the total opposite of Pride haha, so why Pride? What made you read this fic?
I’m gonna answer this with a different view of mine, the tags that the Pride have didn’t interest me a lot because as you said, it’s the total opposite of what the tropes I love. I think I have taken the risk to read it because I’m actually trying to explore different tropes now compared to before. This fic totally stood out a lot to me this year (from all the fanfic I’ve read this year) . I pretty much regret not choosing it to read earlier than necessary because it has been sitting in my bookmarks for a year before I read it. And also I want to read something beyond the capabilities of my emotions (this sounds like i’m applying for a job LOL) . But for real, I opted to be more open minded in the tropes that I didn’t quite like before and here I am! I loved it but probably it will take some time before I read something heavy like pride hehe. 
That is quite stimulating to explore different tropes, making the choice to be more open minded. Eventually what gave you the push to finally read it? Was it from the summary or the taggings or someone else recommending it…?          
I decided to read it amidst the stress I was having earlier this year. Maybe the stress or the will I have to be distracted at that time pushed me to reading pride. I’ve started reading the pride during my board exam (that’s like a national exam in the philippines that requires us to be a registered professional) but i managed to finish the pride after my board exam and got the results HAHA. Because I realized that I added more nerve wrecking emotions upon reading the few first chapters of pride. And I’m glad I did that instead of distracting myself during my review season. 
What about Yu, are you a heavy angst reader? 
I can’t say I’m a heavy angst reader but I CAN say I’m a fan of it. Like if I’m going to rank it, it’ll be in my top 5 fave fic trope, but I can never just casually read angst fics in my free time like it’s the morning newspaper, you know? I can only read angst fics when I’m in the right headspace for it, like reading angst that makes me sob on my bed at 3am haha.
Understand, understand.., reading angst when you are not in the proper headspace… may make your day suddenly gloomy.,,
Going back to the 5 questions that was asked for the discord submissions: 
We have covered the first question on, a brief summary of the plot, character and premise. And just a few minutes ago the question on the impact this fic had on you.
Lesson Learnt, Fav Scenes, Why
The next three questions will be on: What has this fic taught you? And what particular scene was it in the fic that moved you? And why do you love this fic?
Let’s start with yu. Yu, what has this fic taught you? 
Pride has taught me that pushing people away on purpose will not serve us any good and will just lead to more regrets in the future. Communicating what you truly feel to the one you love is really the key to resolve any issues or insecurities you have. I have also learned that what you think about other people or whatever their intentions are, may not be necessarily true and concluding things without properly talking it out will just result in more problems and as I have mentioned, regret and guilt. 
I like your points. I want to expand on it a bit more, but before that upon identifying the two learning points for this fic, what is your favorite scene from Pride? Or what is a prominent scene that you always find yourself  thinking about?
For me, my favorite scene in Pride was when Jongin went after Kyungsoo at the bar and he saw that Kyungsoo was kissing Seonho. Then their confrontation happened and Kyungsoo said a lot of hurtful things to Jongin and the latter was begging for him to talk this out. For me it was the turning point for Jongin to completely change his life and prove to Kyungsoo what he lost (which absolutely backfired because he’s still whipped as hell with Kyungsoo).
Yes and this scene happens in chapter 11 titled ‘Escape Plan’ right? Could you do grace us by reading an extract from the chapter? 
Jongin shuts his eyes, obviously bothered by the idea but chose not to acknowledge it. With pleading gaze, he takes Kyungsoo’s hand again.
“Soo…” he mumbles shakily, “What’s the problem? If I did something wrong… then I’m sorry. Let’s go now, please?”
“Get off!”
Something pierces his chest when Jongin’s eyes begin to glisten. But no, Soo’s far from done. He��ll end this once and for all.
“What? Still don’t get it? Fine, I’ll elaborate.” he exhales a deep breath and flashes his casual smile, “You’re an experiment. Get it? Flavor of the month, whatever the fuck you want to call it! And now I realize I actually prefer rich, fun assholes who can give me thrill—you’re not it.”
End of scene.
So, what I really love about this scene is the intensity of both the characters’ emotions. I love how Jongin was mad at Kyungsoo for almost making out with his ex, it then turned into him begging for Kyungsoo to stop hurting him. On the other hand, Kyungsoo is blinded by his anger and pain with what happened with his father and Soojung that he resorted to hurting Jongin and proving him “wrong”. For others, it might seem that this part is all just for the sake of drama, but I genuinely believe this was Jongin’s turning point into reaching for his dreams and taking Kyungsoo back in the next chapters. He may have had different intentions (revenge) in the beginning, but at the end of the day, Jongin cannot resist his first love.
Thank you for sharing that scene. Intense emotions indeed. And with that it forces kaisoo apart.
A point i have after Yu mentioned having learnt that pushing people away does us no good, the scene that comes to me is a while after Kyungsoo goes back to Korea. To set the context a bit more, I think it was a few days after Seonho went back to Korea. After the scene in the carpark, Jongin brought Kyungsoo to his mansion. Seonho purposely made it seem as though Kyungsoo still had feelings for him, so Jongin got mad. In the car it really is very heartbreaking to see Kyungsoo cry and cry and cry… The moment that gets to me is the following day. Jongin takes Kyungsoo on a ride of nostalgia… Brings him to the furniture shop and then the diner… the diner where his last memories of the place were just so terrible… let me read an extract from the scene.
These are two bits from chapter 24 titled Not Allowed. Extract goes like this:
Soo keeps his silence and the hope falters on the other’s face as he finally takes notice.
"Soo.” he calls, “What’s wrong?”
The designer shuts his eyes and firmly shakes his head again, “Nothing. Just tired.”
Even the familiar noise around brings him a headache. Do you know that nostalgia that pierces right through you?
This is more than that. When he left this country and this life so many years ago, this place is one of the things he buried. He marked his own words not to step foot here again but here he is now, with Jongin right in front of him as if his whole life is a big joke.
Do you remember that? Soo asks himself as bitterness begins to stand out among the other glaring emotions, the last time you were here, do you remember?
End of scene. 
You best believe i fucking CRIED! This moment, although short, you can feel the pulling of Kyungsoo’s heart. It is very distressing to read… 
Yoooo this scene is actually painful and all, like I wonder how disappointed Kyungsoo is in himself for going back to the past he’s trying to run away and forget omg!!!
The next moment I will be sharing is the point on what Yu shared on communicating what you truly feel to resolve any issues or insecurities.
This moment is slightly after the scene I read a minute ago, and the extract goes like this:
Soo grits his teeth hard before looking at him.
“Why did you bring me here?” he asks between heavy breaths, “Of all places, why here, Jongin? Huh? Why Kare?”
Kyungsoo finally takes courage this time. He gains the guts to look at Jongin and ask. He watches how the other man’s face completely softens. It’s like he never thought he would have to answer this question soon.
“Because…” Jongin sighs in defeat, sounding calmer this time, “because this place is special to us.”
Soo’s eyes begin to glisten. He swallows hard before weakly looking at Jongin.
“You’re being so unfair.” he mutters pleadingly, “You’re unfair. I don’t need this. Please… just stop.”
Jongin steps closer to him and Soo takes a step back by instinct.
“How am I being unfair, Soo?” he hates how hurt Jongin looks. Because this isn’t the image he needs to guilt him every night when it’s his right to move on, “You’re the one I want. If I need to prove it in any way, then I will.”
It feels like a strong blow for Soo. But more than anything else, he refuses to believe he’s hearing it, too.
End of scene. 
Here we find that Jongin does not understand why Kyungsoo is feeling and acting in a slight offensive manner. Kyungsoo actively and purposefully makes it very difficult for Jongin and builds up his walls so that he is unreadable… but these bursts of heavy and difficult emotions that bubble through the walls makes it very confusing for Jongin. Kyungsoo definitely does not share his true, honest and vulnerable thoughts. And as a reader the miscommunication part hurts.
Jie, how about your learning point of Pride? What did this fic teach you about life? 
This fic actually helped me to understand more and give me deeper insights about the flaws of each person, the differences we have and what we need to work out for ourselves when we’re making bonds to other people. And also adding that no matter what happens to your life, you only have yourself as your best pal because even the most trusted person you have, will not understand you and can be the reason for your downfall. BUT then no matter how painful we went through, moving on and forgiveness is important. 
I agree, moving on and forgiveness is indeed important in life.
And jie, share with us, what is your favourite scene from Pride? Or what is a scene that you think about when you think of this fic?
I think in all of the scenes in Pride, my favourite scene of all time will be the part where kyungsoo and baekhyun mend their broken friendship. I really love the part where despite being hurt, kyungsoo still cares for baekhyun and tries to help him in any way possible and all while protecting himself too. I can’t really put much into words but I do find it beautiful that they both still managed to fix their bond together and in the end, it’s baekhyun’s turn to help kyungsoo in a way for him to finally settle on the person that makes him happy. They both want happiness for each other and it’s just so genuine.
Ah, chapter 26 titled Make It Up To You… with that, Jie, Could you do us the honor of reading an extract from that chapter? 
“You can never lie to me, Baekhyun.” Soo looks in front, pausing to drink, “We could stop being friends and I’d still know you better than anyone.”
The other man’s expression is hard, obviously tugged in his most fragile spot. But then, his lips begin to quiver. Baekhyun bites it hard before looking away.
“Just tell me.” Soo tells him without any display of emotion once again. He doesn’t know what Baekhyun wants to get from him so he keeps it neutral.
“I thought we’re not friends?” Baekhyun grins again but the pain is slowly resurfacing on his face now, “I don’t really need your sympathy right now, Soo.”
“I’m not giving you sympathy. I want to hear it and by the end, I can decide if you’ve been an idiot or not. I can even make you feel worse if you’d like me to.” Kyungsoo says without batting an eye and the other boy is speechless again, “Just tell me everything and stop keeping it in, dumbass.”
End of scene.
I just love how Kyungsoo is not giving Baekhyun sympathy for what’s happening to his old friend’s life. But because it’s only Kyungsoo who knows him since day one, it’s also him who can only understand what’s happening to Baekhyun. Friendships are falling into platonic relationships already, so what Kyungsoo and Baekhyun have in this scene is a huge factor that helped them both heal from their personal issues. Friendships deserve closures too just like romantic relationships, and this scene gave them the closure they both need. I think it’s beautiful that when Kyungsoo managed to mend his bond with Baekhyun, his bond with Jongin came after. 
Thank you for sharing that scene. I really like the point that friendships need closure too. The people you meet in life, friends and family… Relationships and generally life as well, it is a journey. There are moments we may not necessarily get along and our relationship with them may not be the best, which we see from this fic that it is perfectly fine. Because who knows? 
Yes you may have a difficult friendship, but after the wound from the friendship has mellowed down a bit, there are opportunities, as Jie mentioned, to mend the friendship. As long as both parties are still well and alive, nothing is set in stone, there is always a choice to build that burnt bridge. 
Now ladies and gays and kaisoo listeners of the podcast, we have come to the end of the last segment. This segment we looked at three different points of learning from Pride and each of us read a moment in the fic that holds a special place in our hearts. 
We have reached the end of the episode, so yu and jie, do you have any other running thoughts that you have that we did not cover today, be it thoughts on the fic or your experience in the podcast today?
First of all, If I could, I would like to send a huge love for yeolimerent for writing such a masterpiece. She has put me on a thrilling roller coaster of emotions that I’m so torn from crying or loving her story. But as always, love wins!! She wrote the characters to perfection with their flaws and I think that’s just so amazing because I could never do that huhu. But anyway, I’m so glad that I took the risk of reading Pride because I got to learn a lot of things that I could put into real life. And I’m sooo happy that I get to share this experience with Yu and my dear Alexio. I honestly thought I wouldn’t be able to make this podcast but then, I’m so glad that you made the discord, and meeting you is one of the main highlights of my year. Sending forever love to kaisoo and kaisooists < 333 
Aw, you are so sweet. I am also very grateful. Thank you for joining the discord, thank you for coming on the show with Yu and I. 
For Pride, I really want to say thank you to yeolimerent for creating this masterpiece. Reading it every time is always an experience. The way the plot unfolded, the characters and their flaws were curated, and the emotions were unveiled is just chef’s kiss. As for the podcast, it has been an honor to be a part of this episode and the fact that I get to talk about something I’m really passionate about. I hope I get to do things outside of my comfort zone more often and I wanted to say thank you to you and Jie for having me here.
Yu and Jie, you are both most welcome, and it is a joy to have hosted kaisoo readers today. I will relay your sentiments to yeolimerent. This is the end of the podcast episode, but this is not the end of our journey together as kaisooists, and as kaisooists in the discord, because there are many things to engage in, in the server. I do hope to see the both of you, and our dear listener for this episode, coming in on the discord!
Dear listener, the link to the ao3 for Pride will be given below in the notes section. 
With that, as I mentioned earlier in the episode, we will get a chance to have a chat with the author of the fic. So tomorrow’s tomorrows’s episode will be with yeolimerent!
New episodes either every 13th of the month, in commemoration of kaisoo day in january, or 12th and 14th of the month. 
To reach me, i am kaisooficdrunk on twitter and if you want you can drop me questions on my curious cat you can do so with the same username. There will also be another link that brings you to my tumblr blog with the transcription for today’s episode. There you can also find the other scripts for other episodes as well.
Thank you for listening, have a good day, dear kaisooist, and we look forward to the next episode. Stay tuned.
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