#ceo sky
Sky: Ok @cosmiconix, I have gotten Ambrosia into their costume for your lovely ball! Although, they might not be as elegantly dressed as your other guests I’m afraid….
Sky: But don’t worry! I’ll make sure they get there on time, looking presentable in a chicken costume as anyone can look.
Sky:…..Ok slight problem, I can’t seem to find the invitation with the address info on it. I swore I kept it on my desk for safe keeping, maybe I- what’s this feather doing here?
Sky:……….I just realized I haven’t heard anything from Ambrosia, in a very long time.
Sky: Ok, I can’t find Ambrosia anywhere in the house. I did, however, find a man-made tunnel in my back yard… this could mean 1 of 2 things.
Sky: 1. Ambrosia got impatient and took it upon themself to dig to the party using the invitation as a guide.
Sky: 2. Ambrosia ran for the hills the moment I turned my back and I just simply lost the invitation.
Sky: I’m gonna hope it’s the first option. If they do somehow end there, I can only hope they don’t eat too much sugar, I’d hate to imagine what other property damage I might have to pay for…
Sky: Anyways, I hope you have a grand time at your Ball! Your gown looked absolutely gorgeous btw!
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excymothoa · 9 months
frantic :B
some sketches i made before falling asleep !!
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htis was a request from my partner!!
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danelloevee-sky · 1 year
Thinking about Crab Whisperer's memory.
You enter a large broken ship, walking from one end to another. Perhaps you're looking for something— or someone. But there isn't a single soul in this hollow vessel save for yourself and the crabs scuttering through the muck.
"A high vantage point gives you a clear view of things," someone told you that once.
You reach the top of the ship, a good spot for watching everything down below. Still nothing. You need to go higher. It's impossible for you to climb those steep walls and cliffs, but in the distance are pipes you can climb. You pull yourself over one dripping pipe and another, and at the top you find solid ground. And something else.
You're not by yourself anymore, but this just might be the loneliest you've ever felt.
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skyyguy · 2 months
ZEROED in on cock warming
I knew someone would 😂😂
It’s in Theo and my CEO John au :3c
John’s a CEO and Gale’s his secretary and also husband. Gale’s a trans man in this because I’m an adult and I pay taxes and I do what I want.
A thick, padded leather collar that buckles to John’s belt, holding him by the throat, a mere two inches from John’s lush bush of hair, forcing Gale to keep the man in his mouth, no matter what. Not that Gale particularly minded, he was always the one to suggest cock warming, always ready to let John rest his dick, hot and heavy, in his mouth for however long he wanted. Really, John didn’t mind either, more than happy to let his husband suckle his cock, half the time his mind drifting into soft oblivion, content to just be for once. So the collar really wasn’t the punishment it was designed to be. Well, maybe in the way it squeezes around Gale’s throat, pressing on John’s cock through it, making Gale feel impossibly fuller, choking ever so slightly. John let Gale rest at the end of the clips, not wanting him deprived of oxygen, his cock just tapping the back of his throat at that point. He couldn’t see Gale’s eyes, but he didn’t need to, to know how high Gale was drifting. So much for a punishment, John realized, rolling his eyes fondly. He thrust his hips forward, enticed by the way Gale keened around him, nuzzling even closer into John’s hair with the movement. He wanted to praise him, but he was still on his call, so that would have to wait.
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questintheskies · 6 months
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3/21/24 Starlight Kid Instagram Story Update
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lexa-griffins · 10 months
Wish-List with Alycia Debnam-Carey ✨️
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Hey guys, did you know Nightheart never said anything ableist to jayfeather and we were all played out? This happens when you don't actually read the book and y'all ready to cancel a fictional character
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senhorlevamepronto · 4 months
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shannonsketches · 10 months
wilds era complaining under the cut I just finally figured out a thing that's been making my brain itchy
Honestly as much more as I liked TotK than BotW because all I really wanted from BotW was more atmospheric spaces and more story, learning that Fujibayashi was an experience designer for horror attractions makes everything I hated about the last three big zelda titles (the ones he directed) make so much sense.
If you've known me for the past few years, you have definitely heard me complain about not being able to ride my horse in the desert, despite the reason for that limitation being a story beat that you have to resolve, and despite resolving it, you still cannot use that mechanic in that area.
I thought this was just a Me, Personally complaint -- but it's actually a perfect summary of the Entire Issue I have:
Fujibayashi's games don't prioritize story at all. By his own description, everything in his games are about mechanics and getting from point a to point b to make you use those mechanics. The story is just set dressing to get you to move around the map, which is true of all games to an extent. And because that's true of all games to an extent, I thought this was just an issue I had with open world games.
But Hollow Knight doesn't have that problem, nor does Psychonauts 2, nor Journey, nor really any other open world game that I've played. This is because -- per the developers -- those maps expanded organically and were built out as the story expanded.
So the issue is that most of those games use mechanics as a vehicle for you to explore the world and story. Fujibayashi's games use the world and story as a vehicle for you to explore the mechanics.
And Fujibayashi is a solid environmental storyteller, but he's also really not a storyteller. It's clearly not what he enjoys doing and not what he prioritizes. He likes planning routes and making puzzles, which is great! Games rely on that skillset! It's very important!
Except, people who play narrative games usually want a compelling narrative more than a trick to get from here to there. Fans will take the long road to find lore at the end of it. Aunoma was better at that, which is why traveling in OoT and WW sucks for 70% of the game but the stories are more devoted and the hints were more compelling, but now he just (by his own description) mostly nods or shakes his head at whatever Fujibayashi is doing.
For comparison, look at Journey, which is ONLY environmental storytelling. There is No dialogue or really any developed characters, and it is one of the most highly rated, heavily awarded games in recent history.
I genuinely did and do enjoy TotK. But it REALLY concerns me if the director hadn't thought of it as directly referencing prior games, despite considering himself a huge fan of the series. Especially because TotK even mimicked the plot of his OWN game (Zelda is whisked away, goes back in time, seals herself in an unreachable state to make a sword to defeat the evil that came from below and then is an immortal who magically turns human because of love, Impa is the only one who knows about it, the sky people inventing the kingdom of Hyrule, etc).
I do honestly assume that's a mistranslation of him not having heard that some people thought it was recreating Ocarina of Time, specifically, because he later seemed to be on team 'It's All Intentionally The Same Legend Being Retold in Each Game' (which is all well and good).
All this to say, I think Fujibayashi is a skilled engineer but that man needs a co-director who really prioritizes story. If Nintendo gets him one we'll probably get a really good game out of it.
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Happy Halloween from the OC’s!
Sky: Hello everyone, as we come to a very near end to October, I wanted to thank all those who stuck around for so long! Despite the fact that I have many drafts and a passion project on halt, I want to let you all know that I appreciate those who like my posts, even when I just basically take them from twitter 😅
Sky: Hope that I can continue this company for as long as I can, because even though I’m coming up with literally nothing for this blog, it feels pretty nice that many of you have stuck around since the beginning
Sky: Now I- Ambrosia? What are you doing? Wait-
Sky: NO NO NO! Put that down! That’s your costume for the party! DON’T- NO!!
*an audible tear is heard in the background*
Sky: God dammit. I had that specially made for you, what are you gonna wear now?!
*a growl and hiss is heard in response*
Sky: That’s it. You’re wearing the chicken costume, because I can’t call my tailor to fix your original costume on short notice!
*a string of angry hisses along with the sounds of curtains being ripped fills the entire house*
Sky: I’m so sorry about that everyone. The creature I found behind a McDonald’s is currently tearing up my house. I have to go stop them or else I might not have a house anymore.
Sky: Well, Happy Halloween everyone! Be safe out there!
Sky: Ambrosia, can you at least say goodbye to our customers?
*a frog croak accompanied by an elk call is heard*
Sky:……well that’s new. I’m just gonna assume they said Goodbye to you all.
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upperranktwo · 1 year
Searching for a job is seriously so soul destroying 😭
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orbiyoo · 1 year
so glad everyone agrees with me that william wisp is a loser my soul nearly left my body until I saw your comrade double down on my take
you understand the slime better than anyone i trust. im always on your side
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questintheskies · 1 year
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rvbelhearts · 1 year
@alwaysfought said: i thought you knew. (iyo to mercedes)
Sometimes it was so hard for Mercedes to be the bigger person, especially in moments like this, moments that seemed to be happening entirely too often lately, when she and Masami would get into it about how they felt about one another. It was so easy for Mercedes to tell the other woman she loved her, and sometimes she just wished she could get the same in return. Yes, she knew after everything her girlfriend had been through in the past that it was hard for her, she was hesitant, and scared to say those three words, because she had her heart so guarded, but at the same time, Mercedes wasn’t like anyone she’d been with in the past. Then for Masami to nonchalantly say words like, I thought you knew, it was so damn frustrating. “How am I supposed to know? Do I look like a mind reader to you? How am I supposed to know how you feel if you won’t just tell me?”
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skybristle · 2 years
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 2 years
I started playing no man’s sky with my friend at like 7pm. It’s 12pm. He’s still playing.
This man has a problem. But he also has like 30 million nanites/money.
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