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Drew some silly
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cerbreus · 2 months
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Painting night at a friend's house!! :-) had a good time, and it was nice to finish something for a change!!!
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hydatiid · 1 year
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moodboard. going crazy.
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ink-the-artist · 2 years
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Commission for @cerbreus !
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vandal-flower · 1 year
Spring Day Festivities!
Spring Date with Ror men.
Requested Characters: Loki, Buddha and Hades.
Warnings: Food, wine and kisses.
Notes: Live, Laugh, Love Ror men!
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• Going Wine Tasting!
• Unlike many Gods and beings in Asgard, Loki prefers wine over beer.(He hates the taste.)
• So, why not visit the expensive winery downtown to taste some exquisite wine!
• Walking through the fields of vineyards, eventually getting lost in them, only for Loki to steal a kiss from you!
• You wonder if it's the Sun making you heat up or Loki himself. (Bet it's Loki.)
• Loki's taste in wine is immaculate. Red, White, Rose, Sparkling and Dessert wines are put to the test.
• With Loki's flirting and a sprinkle of wine, what could go wrong? A lot.
• You face heating up, mind jumbled and butterflies in your stomach.
• Maybe a kiss could help solve your problem.
"Aww, what's wrong, cat got your tongue?"
• Picnic Date!
• Pick a secluded, but beautiful place to sit together with him and eat all the snacks in your basket.
• He's not all for something that so expensive, but your time with him is worth everything.
• Sitting down together talking about each other's lives and even smack talking about the Gods. (Ooh, scandalous!)
• Making flower crowns with him! He's an expert at making them, he'll make you your own and give you multiple kisses after.
• Just like Loki, he will tease you to oblivion. There's no going back no.
• He'll give you his glasses to wear and comment how it looks good on you. (You have Buddha privileges, I envy you 😔.)
• At certain moments, he'll steal kisses from you just to see your reactions.
• You wonder how he can be so calm compared to you, a blushing mess.
"If you want to get the sweet, you have to take it from my lips."
• Dinner on a Patio!
• Just you two together, enjoying a romantic dinner. No one to disrupt the time you two are having!
• He took so much time into preparing the dinner, that he made sure no one will disturb you two. (How romantic.)
• Foods of different kinds are on the table. If you don't like this one, you can have that one instead.
• Sweet talking? What's that? He is pouring out his whole heart to you, so just take it!
• Giving Cerbreus pats on the head is a bonus point for being with Hades. (How I envy you.)
• He has multiple things he would love to do with you when he's done with dinner. Cuddling, watching a movie, playing board games and more!
• Gives you kisses almost all the time. This man is just to fine!
• First class date with Hades is a one of a kind!
"My sweet flower, whatever you want, I can give it to you."
How do you celebrate spring?
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clericofshadows · 11 months
I’m working on some ME2-era Regis fics and holy shit he is one vicious bastard to the Cerberus crew (and even some of his former crew), and I’m here for it, but I’m also wondering if I’m taking it a bit too far in some cases...
oh well.  it’s more fun that way.  we need more angry and mean shepards anyway.  here’s a snippet of something I’m working on and I can’t decide if it’s too much or not... but I’ll probably keep it as is.  I like volatile relationships :)
A few minutes later, a knock sounded on his door.  With a wave of his omnitool, he allowed Joker to come inside.
“They really tricked out the place, huh.  Swanky crib you got here,” Joker commented, walking over to the couch.
“I think it’s utter bullshit,” Regis said, getting up from the desk to lean against the fish tank.  “Another way to think that I’m in a better place or some kind of manipulative crap.  I hate it.”
“You know, you could really lighten up a bit.  I think you’ve already scared half the crew to death with that announcement of yours.  Especially Chambers.” Joker said with a laugh, but quickly stopped after seeing the dark look on Regis’s face.  “Uh, sorry.”
“It’s because I don’t want to be here, Joker.  Did you really think I was going to accept having a nosy pseudo-therapist getting all up in my business at the CIC?” Regis asked.  “Chambers is just one more way to report on every little move I make to the Illusive Man.  She should be happy I haven’t decided to strand her with nothing when we get to the Citadel.”
“What’s next, you kick me off the ship?” Joker asked, crossing his arms.  When Regis didn’t immediately respond, he held up his arms in surrender.  “Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood.”
“What is this really about?” Regis asked.  “As you can see, I’m really not in the mood, so spit it out.”
“Do you blame me for what happened?” Joker asked in a startling amount of seriousness.
Regis tilted his head to the side.  “Do you blame yourself?  Is that why you joined Cerberus?”
“Just answer my question, Shepard!” He balled his hands into fists.
“Fine.  The only thing I blame you for is joining Cerberus.  I don’t give a single fuck about how you supposedly did it for me, and thinking they were any kind of answer to your current problems was a betrayal to me and all the victims of their experiments that we discovered.  Be happy we’re even having this conversation.  You did what you thought was right back on my ship, but then again, you thought joining Cerbreus was a good idea.  I don’t know if I can even trust your future judgment,” Regis said, staring Joker down.  
Perhaps he was being too harsh, but at this point, Regis didn’t care.  
It doesn’t matter that Joker was with him on the Normandy.  Regis was never close with the man, never meshing well with his attitude and sense of humor. They butted heads more often than not, especially about matters surrounding the ship. 
"If we're ever in a situation where it's you or the ship, choose yourself.  I know you're a talented pilot, but I also know you can recognize when it's gone FUBAR.  Abandon ship the moment you can while also keeping the crew safe." Regis said to them early on their Saren mission.  
"My piloting skills will be the only thing that saves our asses if we end up in that kind of situation. I'm the pilot. You trust my judgment."
"I grew up learning how to pilot shuttles and ships, Moreau. I grew up hearing similar disaster situations on all the ships my mother served on. This is an order.  You listen to my disaster plans, and we won't have a problem."
Joker opened his mouth to reply, his expression twisting with anger, but Regis beat him to it. "I know you remember that argument we had about what to do if we have to abandon ship.  I've run all the scenarios in my head, and guess what, I remember everything that happened up to the moment I died suffocating in space.  Maybe what you did saved more of the crew. Maybe what you did was the right thing. But we will never know, and you have to live with the fact that you defied my orders when you could've saved yourself."
"You're right, we will never know, but it doesn't matter, does it? We're here now, but you aren't going to thank anyone for the chance you've been given," Joker replied. "You're acting like a fucking child. How is that helpful to any of us?  I'm sure if Alenko was here you'll be getting on your knees for his oh-so-great decision."
Regis kept his face neutral, but if another biotic was in the room with him, they would feel his field about to roar to life.  "Moreau," he said, "get the fuck out of my quarters."
"You aren't denying it!  Regis Lucian Shepard, Butcher of Torfan and a hypocrite."
Regis activated his omnitool to open the doors remotely. He raised his voice, his field roaring to life in a bright violet glow.  Moreau flinched back. 
"I said, get the fuck out of my quarters!  And for your information, Kaidan would've never joined Cerberus because he was there for every goddamn mission we did unearthing their crimes.  I'd be treating him the same way I'm treating everyone on this fucking ship if he did sacrifice his morals to be here." Regis shouted. "Sure, I can excuse your bullshit jokes, but you've crossed the fucking line. You see that picture over there.” He pointed at the photo frame on the desk.  “You remember that picture being taken?”
He nodded, swallowing.
“And that’s why I’m so fucking angry.  That’s why I would rather space myself again than be on this ship.  But I can’t do that, now can I?  Because Lawson and Cerberus will just bring me right back again, except this time, with a new way to control me!” 
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crotchrottt · 2 years
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cool dude
care for this dude
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ru-ree-ru · 4 years
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[[ FF7 ; post-ACC , pre DoC ]] One of the commissioner’s plans is to bring in the Airfleet Division into the WRO, and who’s the best person to lead it? Captain Cid, of course.
(More pages under cut because it’s a bit long... still G rating btw )
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 (The record is the Cid’s speech about space in the OG)
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maggotbone · 7 years
cerbreus replied to your post “cerbreus replied to your photo “they are bbfs (best bard friends)” ...”
they're an interesting pair
they’re both Very Intense people who play instruments and I think that’s all they have in common which makes for a good dynamic
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shadow-traveler · 3 years
Thanks for tagging me @tagthescullion ! It’s been so long since I’ve been tagged in one of these and they’re so fun lol
Rules: Tag 4 mutuals and ask one question.
Your question: If you were in a story, what character would you be or want to be (main, sidekick, villain, etc)?
What character would I be? Realistically, probably the hero. I always feel like I have to help people as much as I can, even if I’m spreading myself too thin to do it. I feel like I just wouldn’t be able to not help someone in need, and I’d just end up being the hero a little unwillingly lol.
Which would I want to be? The villain. I wanna be unhinged. I wanna go feral. I think that would be very sexy of me. (But also I love picking apart the reasons behind a villain’s morality or lack thereof and getting into their heads so 🤷🏻‍♀️)
My question: What is your favorite romantic trope in books/fanfiction (friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, lovers in a past life, etc.), or do you prefer not to read romance at all?
Tagging: @cerbreus @sjgnormythomagic @monochlorobenzene @im-the-fuckin-hero
Only if you want, of course, and for anyone not tagged, you’re welcome to answer too!
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serabrus-archive · 5 years
🎅 – one of our muses is dressed as santa and the other sits in their lap. hades x cerberus give this to me right now min bc it'll only happen in au sidjfisdjf
The familiar was excited to see his surrise. He was a good boy every year but this one was supposed to be special. Persphone was smiling before letting him go. He gased at the sight. 
It was Santa Claus. He heard the mortals talking about him but he didn’t think he would come to the underworld. Cerby was laughing and crying in delight when he realzed who it was. 
“Dad!” Cerbrus said sitting on his lap. “Why are you dressed like Santa?” Cerbreus laughed again before hugging him. “You really are everything Dad.” Cerebrus laid his head down on Hades chest. 
“Can we go fishing in the human world?” He asked. It was an innocent wish but for Cerby, he wanted to pretend to be human with Hades. And for Hades, Persphone, and Thanatos to be happy. Even if it was for a little bit. “Thanatos and Persphone can come and we have a pinic but.” Cerby looked away. “I want us to be on that boat together.Like in thosee pictures in the human world.” 
Cerby looked up. 
“That’s what I want for Christmas.” 
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cerbreus · 1 year
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sudden impulse today to sketch the image that's been seared in my brain for months now that i can't find of two men in gas masks and rubber aprons standing in a river which I can't find anywhere and I don't know if my brain just thought it up...
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looser-club · 7 years
Yeah well the app is shit but i needed to get this off my chest. He is a beautiful person. I love him. Picture by @cerbreus i hope it's okay if I link to you.
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childbully · 7 years
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shes thanking her for the patch up 😋😚
my half of the pharmercy art trade for @cerbreus
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unntural-a · 4 years
i feel like meg was nearly the only person cerbreus really listened to after hades ( pre-persephone ). 
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maggotbone · 7 years
cerbreus replied to your photo “they are bbfs (best bard friends)”
who is this tall scene kid
maria’s werewolf bard man gorgoroth they’re good pals
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