bylightofdawn · 5 months
Making Bets With the Devil
I'm feeling spicy and I'm posting the first chapter despite having only written half the fic. This is my year of choosing chaos I suppose.
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icapturedthecastle · 6 months
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FFVII + some of my favorite shitposts, part 7
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marcepanowapani · 3 months
Rufus Shinra: Why none of you tried to stop my father?
everyone: 😰😰😰
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brilcrist · 7 months
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Compilation of all my Shinra member's art countdown without text l~
Enjoy fam!!!
Also Happy FF7R Release Day, worldwide!!!🔥
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
we need more Tseng content
Out Of Context Things Tseng Has Seen Around The Shinra Building
• Reeve walking into a board meeting with a paintball gun, going "This is no longer a safe space."
• Sephiroth and Chadley playing darts with cutout of Professor Hojo's head as the target.
• Rufus, Cissnei, Zack and Lazard playing soccer with the decapitated head of the President Shinra statue.
• Cait Sith and Sephiroth wearing matching friendship bracelets.
• Zack Fair screaming, hanging onto Dark Star's leash, being dragged around the Skyview Hall after a failed attempt at walking them.
• Reno and Rude attempting to domesticate a raccoon that had collar with the name "Princess" on it.
• Lazard beating Heidegger with a rolled up magazine, also during a board meeting.
• Angeal, panicked, heading into the elevator holding a fully grown cannabis plant while going "shit shit shit shit shit shit shit"
• During an interdepartmental meeting in the auditorium, the turks and SOLDIERs sitting on opposite sides, trash talking each other. What shocked Tseng was Sephiroth flashing Reno the middle finger.
• Cloud Strife braiding Sephiroth's hair. Genesis approached and began teasing them for being childish. Cloud calmly finished the braid before beating Genesis with it (repeatedly).
• Lazard and Rufus carrying a coffin at either end. Fearing the worse, Tseng intercepted them and demanded that they open it. Inside he found Sephiroth (alive). When asked what he was doing, Sephiroth replied "serving as a practice dummy"
• Scarlett walking in Genesis' direction, followed by Genesis diving under a nearby table, followed by Sephiroth pointing at said table and telling her "He loves to play hide and seek."
• Sephiroth happily coming back from Reeve's office carrying a box of legos.
• Cissnei holding Zack's legs while Angeal holds Zack's arms. They're carrying him to medical while Zack squirms and and shouts: "RELEASE ME! I DON'T HAVE THE FLU! I JUST DRANK ORANGE SODA TOO FAST AND THREW UP! WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?"
• Reno standing at a corner selling brownies. Fearing the worst, he intercepted, but found out that they were just regular brownies and Reno had just recently gotten into baking as a hobby.
Zack was standing in line and was very unhappy.
Zack: Aw, man. They're just regular brownies? This is false advertising!
Reno: What about the advertising indicates that they're edibles?
Zack: The fact that you're selling them.
• Cloud dropping down from the vents, followed by Zack, followed by Angeal, followed by Genesis, followed by Sephiroth. They're all wearing glow stick necklaces. When asked what they were doing, Sephiroth replied "friendship"
• The turks and SOLDIERs were made to put on a theater performance to promote interdepartmental bonding. Tseng was made to supervise the practices. Tseng gave up after he walked into the first practice and saw:
1) Cloud suspended from the ceiling, reciting Loveless boredly while a group of people panic, trying to get him down.
2) Reno and Zack fighting (loudly) over who gets to play the role of Tree #4. This argument quickly turned physical.
3) Genesis sitting in a director chair, shouting at Sephiroth through a megaphone, instructing him to sweep the stage better. Sephiroth grew impatient and thwacked the chair legs with his broom, breaking it. Genesis fell (violently).
4) Rude wearing a wig.
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accala · 3 months
I love how simplistic the clothing is in Advent Children compared to those in Rebirth. I know it's not what they intended (Rebirth is a fairly new game and AC Movie was back in the 2000's). But I like to think that characters had to improvise with their clothes because Shinra, who was the major supplier for everything, was gone after Meteorfall. Plus with Midgar down and in the middle of a wasteland, they had to scramble for resources, so any fabric had to be salvaged.
Here's some side-to-side references of Remake/Rebirth (RR) Clothing vs. Advent Children (AC) Clothing:
[Rufus Shinra]
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The buttons. The details. The extra fabric. The belts. And then look how more simple AC is. Sure he has a coat on top of three shirts, but his RR suit looks so extra and customized to fit him whilst his AC suit looks like something he scrounged up in his remaining closet. He lost all of his extra belts. His undershirts look like they’re made out of cheap cotton too. His coat in particular looks short on the sleeves and too loose on his form.
[Turks: Rude, Reno, Tseng, & Elena]
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(Top right photo from Advent Children)
Classic expensive suits for RR. Simple suits for AC. Look at those clean looks and small suit details for RR (ex. Rude has a patterned tie and Elena’s collar has a small button/pin on her collar). The difference is apparent with Reno, who has a fancy undershirt in Remake vs his simple cotton undershirt in AC. And if you zoom in on the AC photo, the coats have zippers!!! The AC coats also look loose compared to their form fitting coats in RR.
[Cloud Strife]
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AC!Cloud has more fabric than in RR. But AC lacks the details that RR has. For example, RR has leather gloves with metal encased on the wrist and fingers. His shoulder pad looks forged with giant metal screws as well. But AC mostly has leather and little to no metal except for its strap buckles and wolf insignia (And it's likely that Cloud made those wolf symbols himself). Although, he does have major upgrades (read: his sword and motorcycle; both things he probably made himself/with help from scrap materials).
(Extra note: This is a common theme on other characters where they replace their utility pockets and metal armor with leather/denim. It makes sense for their equipment to be replaced due to wear and tear. Lack of metal armor could be due to lack of weapon/armor production. Plus Leather pauldrons/gauntlets are faster to make.)
[Tifa Lockhart]
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Her outfit in AC looks more casual than in RR (ex. She got rid of her compression armbands; She switched out her red combat boots for look-alike converse sneaker boots; and put her utility pockets in front of her skirt/shorts combo). Notice how she doesn’t have gloves nor Materia slots in the movie (Although it’s weird that she DOES have gloves in other games/promos).
[Barret Wallace]
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In AC, he has a sleeveless puffer jacket and a fishnet shirt. He also lost his leather utility pockets (for ammo possibly) from RR. And it’s probably because he doesn’t need it, now that he has a new advanced weapon (it can transform from a metal arm into a high tech machine gun and vice versa). As an oil baron, he probably has more access to materials and utilities compared to other characters, that’s why Barret’s clothes don’t look so simple/improvised.
[Marlene Wallace]
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Obviously Marlene would have a different look when she got older. But look at her cute frilly pink dress vs. her white sleeveless collared shirt and floral patterned skirt (notice how her outfit looks like a mix of Cloud and Aerith’s outfits). The stitching for her AC outfit is way more simple. Also I’d like to think Barret gave her that floral patterned fabric for her skirt since it would have been difficult to get ahold of.
[Yuffie Kisaragi]
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Zippers galore. Her outfit is changed to black with a floral patterned shirt with a denim ensemble (I think her outfit is a little extra because she's a WRO member). Her shuriken’s the same but her metal and leather armor are gone and replaced with a wristband and a black cloth that covers her forearm. She still has her utility pockets though but it’s in denim (I wonder, did she break her old armor?).
(Edit: She also has these green converse knee high boots?? Again, as a WRO member, she probs got them outside of Midgar)
[Vincent Valentine]
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Nothing changed that much. He kept his coat. His AC leather straps and gauntlet are less detailed than the Rebirth one. The metal buckles look different in shape too. I think he changed those in AC. Makes sense if there were wear and tear during the years (I wonder how he does his laundry though lmao).
[Cid Highwind]
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Cid changed to a cotton blue shirt. He doesn’t have his pilot scarf anymore nor his flight jacket. Instead, he has a brown bomber jacket tied around his waist with a dog tag around his neck. As much as I think his clothes are due to scarce resources, I also don’t think he cares that much regarding fashion.
[Reeve Tuesti]
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The shoulder pads. The silver and yellow accents. The foot length blue coat. It's a major improvement on Reeve's outfit compared to his old businessman suit. As the WRO leader, he gets access to making his outfit a little fancy (more chances to trade with other towns/cities outside of Midgar). Although I do think someone made that coat for him, and he wanted to reject it because he considered it too much. But accepted either way 'cause it would be a waste.
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demialwrites · 3 months
FF7 x Reader
Annoying things about being in a relationship with them
Rufus Shinra
He knows how to clean surprisingly decently because of his time confined to Turk HQ in Before Crisis but stubbornly refuses to do certain things. It's 'beneath him'
Even if you're on birth control or otherwise can't get pregnant, it doesn't matter. He's wearing a condom and how dare you suggest otherwise
He takes up all the space in the closet because of all the layers he insists on wearing
He insists on taking his dog everywhere, even if you explain it terrifies some people. For example: your poor parents
There's a third wheel in this relationship and his name starts with a Re and ends with a No
Rude is very romantic. However, he only barely has time so his gestures happen spontaneously and it's hard to plan around his schedule
Often comes home with injuries and you're the one who has to patch him up and worry about him. He doesn't worry about himself
He prefers to show not tell. You have to learn how to read him with a glance
There's a third wheel in this relationship and his name is Rude
His insecurity randomly spikes and he gets mega jealous, sometimes with threats at the offending party
Very loud. All the time
Gets broody about things he has to do at work and sometimes nothing you do will help
Gets whiney when you don't have the stamina to have sex all damned night
Cannot communicate his needs. Does not know what his needs are. WHAT ARE NEEDS?
Everyone flirts with him but if you try to talk to him about it, he never noticed the flirting in the first place
Sometimes cute animals follow him home and oops, one day you have seven cats, fifteen chickens, four dogs, several chocobos, and one of those giant elephant fiends because it was injured and alone. You didn't sign up to live at a zoo but here you are, shoveling elephant shit every day
Occasionally, one of his hair spikes stab you straight in the eye when he's being the little spoon
Thinks he can fix everything himself when sometimes you just need him to listen
Like Reno, Barret can be quite loud. If you like peace, sometimes you have to take some space. It makes the big guy sad
Not very detail-oriented. Leaves little things like ammo all over the garage/shed floor and small bits of trash all over the house. He meant to pick it up, honest!
Occasionally breaks the bed
You can't be spontaneous for shit because he anticipates everything
He has certain cleaning standards but he doesn't always tell you. He just redoes it himself
Must be the one to clean and iron his suit himself or he will get annoyed
His handwriting is annoyingly perfect and it makes you feel bad about your chicken scratch
Puts herself in danger way too often. She doesn't understand your horrified reaction to her story of how she jumped out of a helicopter onto a moving dune buggy in the middle of the Corel desert
It can be hard to tell if she's actually angry or just venting
You know more about her work than is probably safe for you
Too spontaneous. She sometimes makes important decisions without consulting you first
Main bad habit: he is a workaholic
Sometimes puts others needs before yours. He's just trying to help
Doesn't take good care of his health
Uses the sad puppy eyes to get out of arguments more often than he should
Sometimes leaves spare cait siths and his parts all over the living room
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dresspheres · 1 month
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Screenshots
Here are all of the FFVII Rebirth screenshots I've taken. Please be aware that I've not gone through these with a fine tooth comb, so there might be blurry or out of focus screenshots. Feel free to use them for whatever, all I ask is that you like or reblog this post if you do! If you would like to support me, please consider buying me a Kofi or tipping me on PayPal.
Aerith Gainsborough - 46,853
Andrea Rhodea - 834
Barret Wallace - 30,675
Beck's Badasses - 2,630
Biggs - 1,659
Broden - 1,782
Cait Sith - 9,775
Chadley - 3,078
Chocobo Billy - 6,820
Chocobo Sage - 3,930
Chole - 881
Cid Highwind - 3,777
Cissnei - 2,730
Claudia Strife - 376
Cloud Strife - 82,837
Commander - 668
Dio - 3,328
Don Corneo - 741
Dyne - 3,250
Elena - 2,843
Elmyra Gainsborough - 2,279
Esther - 598
Geisel Bugenhagen - 6,038
Gi Nattak - 1,561
Gilgamesh - 4,021
Glenn Lodbrok - 2,302
Gobin Kid - 180
Gus - 2,282
Heiddegar - 1,191
Hojo - 3,153
Ifalna - 392
Jessie - 439
Johnny - 4,617
Jules - 223
Kotch - 530
Kyrie - 3,408
Leslie - 1,361
Madam M - 831
Marlene - 1,118
Mireille Dudley - 764
Myrna - 111
Nero the Sable - 86
Palmer - 924
Ramuh - 71
Rashard Zangan - 493
Red XIII - 14,613
Reeve Tuesti - 480
Regina Konigin - 703
Reno - 713
Rhonda - 1,704
Roche - 2,160
Rude - 2,418
Rufus Shinra - 5,992
Sam - 1,697
Scarlet - 1,404
Scotch - 547
Sephiroth - 8,971
Shinra Middle Manager - 396
Tifa's Father - 124
Tifa Lockhart - 38,574
Tseng - 2,167
Vincent Valentine - 2,446
Yuffie Kiseragi - 21,763
Zack Fair - 7,465
Zander - 290
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Reeve: I’m sure wherever Lazard is, he’s looking down on us.
Rufus: Lazard ’s dead?!
Reeve: Oh, no. He’s not dead. Just very condescending.
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getvalentined · 1 year
Friendly reminder that the only reason Genesis is the antagonist of Crisis Core is because Zack is with Shinra. Literally.
Once he's on the run, once Genesis knows that Zack can't help him, he literally brings Hollander to Gongaga for Zack to kill—he tells Zack what Hollander is planning under the guise of it being a joint effort, but once Hollander runs off, Genesis then tells Zack what he intends to do. He talks to him about Loveless and the Lifestream, he shoves a Banora White into his hands when Zack charges at him, and then he leaves. Hollander is left behind—in Zack's hometown, his own turf, so there's nowhere to run and nowhere to hide—allowing Zack to enact poetic justice at last by striking down Angeal's birth father with the very sword that the man who actually raised Angeal died to earn, the sword that honorless Gillian said represented all the honor the Hewleys had left.
And then, finally realizing what's actually going on, Zack sets out to to Banora to save Genesis from dying.
There's no point after Modeoheim that Genesis outright attacks Zack until he's cured at the Light of Doom; there, he calls Zack First Class SOLDIER even though he's not anymore, because Genesis isn't trying to strike down Zack, he's trying to reclaim the right to the only title he's ever had that felt worth anything, and he's trying to take the burden of that title from Zack.
If he wins, Genesis takes the guilt of killing both Angeal and Sephiroth—because he doesn't know Cloud's role, he doesn't know that Zack wasn't the one to strike Sephiroth down, he doesn't even know Cloud's name. Conversely, if he loses, then it's confirmation that Zack is the hero of the story, truly and completely, and that's all right too. If that's how the story ends, that's how it ends. (Minerva intervenes, pulls Genesis from the duel, and he never gets to see the ending. The final act, as in his beloved ancient poem, remains a mystery.)
Genesis is the main antagonist of Crisis Core, but he's never been the bad guy. The entirety of Final Fantasy VII has a single monolith of villainy, and that's always been—and will always be—Shinra. Shinra made the Reactors and dug up Jenova. Shinra made Genesis, Sephiroth, Angeal, and DeepGround. Shinra burned Kalm, Banora, and (partially) Nibelheim. Shinra used any corpse they found or made as research fodder. Shinra killed the last fullblooded Cetra and drove her only daughter to a place where the only way to save the people she loved was through her death. Shinra is the bad guy.
Zack is with Shinra for the majority of the game, and thus the story behaves accordingly. Shinra's enemies are Zack's enemies, because that's the side he's on. Shinra sees Avalanche as enemies, too, but no one ever refers to Barret or Elfe as "irredeemably evil" the way they do Genesis. Barret dresses up his quest for revenge in the guise of saving the planet, but all that matters to him is that anyone even remotely connected to the company suffers the way he's suffered. Elfe allowed Fuhito to experiment on people, to take the corpses of SOLDIER and make undead weapons out of them, violating the sanctity of their final rest and denying them entry to the Lifestream altogether.
"Genesis experimented on his men!" It was a desertion, not an abduction. People who become Copies when they aren't properly enhanced don't get the same enhanced abilities as a First and they degrade very quickly, we see that in Hollander and Lazard—meaning that every single Genesis Copy was one of those SOLDIER Seconds or Thirds that defected with Genesis of their own free will in Wutai after he grew a wing and the world turned upside-down. Genesis' men loved him and they went along willingly.
When Genesis locks himself up in the Light of Doom, his last hope for a cure, he has one last Copy in there with him. When Zack unlocks the gate, he's attacked by one last Copy, even though Genesis has been waiting for him, he's not antagonistic toward him anymore, he hasn't been for a long time.
Genesis took that last Copy, a man with a horrible disease who is definitely too far gone to save, and brought him along to the Light of Doom in the hopes that maybe, maybe things could be set right. When Zack unlocks the gate, that man throws himself at him to protect Genesis, because this is his last chance and Genesis' men love him.
When Zack fights Genesis' Weapon avatar and is attacked by incomplete and twisted ghosts of Genesis Copies, magical inhuman wisps that hold him back while Genesis heals—they're in the Lifestream then, the Light of Doom pulled them both in. Those Copies are literally the ghosts of Genesis' men, unable to diffuse into the Lifestream because of their Jenova infection, fighting to protect him from beyond the grave. Genesis' men love him. They want to save him. They went with him willingly.
"Genesis killed his parents!" The parents who lied to him his entire life in order to keep getting a paycheck from Shinra? The parents that funded his fanclub as a form of marketing for a company that literally wouldn't exist without Genesis' world-changing contribution to food processing as a teenager? Those parents?
Genesis has a little shrine in the Banora Underground where he keeps all his awards and achievements—a little desk with a lantern in an unfinished stone tunnel. They survived the bombing of Banora because they weren't in the house; the chalkboard has sketches of what would clearly become the Banora brand logo, which was presumably made about a decade prior to the Nibelheim Incident, not long after Genesis figured out how to make Banora White juice shelf stable, not long before he left for Midgar to enlist.
Having all the proof of every good thing Genesis has ever done shoved into a tunnel under his hometown, hidden from the public, while his family raked in huge amounts of wealth based on those achievements, indicates quite clearly that Genesis' parents were the exact opposite of good and loving.
But he buried them anyway, didn't he?
Genesis may not be a particularly good person, but he's never been evil, he's never been the bad guy. Genesis was right—more than that, he was justified. His methods were not. He did terrible things. He hurt and killed a lot of people.
But he was only ever the enemy because Shinra said he was. Genesis doesn't need a redemption arc because he already had one, and Minerva herself said he could serve the planet forever to prove it.
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bylightofdawn · 6 months
Cannot escape the brainrot
Someone send help. The Tseng/Reeve brainrot is consuming me alive.
I keep thinking about that scene where Reeve is having the lowkey time of his life causing chaos and getting up to tech shenanigans and Tseng tells him to not have too much fun. And then this motherfucker has the AUDACITY to give one of the sexiest one-sided, so fast it's there and gone smirks known to man.
I’m not saying Tseng is an emotionless robot. We’ve clearly seen him upset and mourning Zack. And tender with Aerith but who knew the boy had JOKES too?
This brain rot will not leave my head.
Also the shift my shipping has taken in my latest foray into this fandom is wild. Baby!El was all about that Tseng/Reno vibe like pretty much everyone else who were into Turks. Sure, you put a Tseng/Rufus fic in front of me I would read it. There used to be this huge fanfic series which was Reno/Tseng and then Reno/Reeve of all cracky things which has disappeared off the internet sadly. I've been trying to find it but alas, only fic title I remember was something like "Did I scare you?" which is prolly wrong and I cannot find anything online.
So my Turks/Reeve kink is hardly new. Then DoC went through and while I never even finished that game cause it was kinda...bad. I do remember shipping Reeve/Vincent.
But this time around? Somehow I never even considered the amazing not-so-crack ship but actually kinda perfect ship of Reeve/Rufus. Especially in a post FF7. You have Rufus, the corpobaby who decides he knows what's right for the planet because his ego is so huge that he decides he's going to take over his father's empire from the inside out. And Reeve, the hardworking guy seemingly from humble origins whose sheer idealism will not let him rot away in a corpojob and decides to say fuck it after the plate falls and is going to take Shinra down from the inside out.
And then the world ends and Reeve steps up to lead efforts to save the planet and Rufus is secretly funneling him money to run said world-saving organization?? (though I will admit my memory is a little shady on that last part. I think that happened but it could be fandom but what glorious fandom it is.) Also might I present to you Rufus and his two super hyper competent sidekick ship of Tseng/Rufus/Reeve who specialize in keeping his moral compass relatively on the side of good when the capacity to do so much wrong is right there.
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johanirae · 6 months
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FFVII: Rebirth | Chapter 9 (and OG game) spoilers
. Cait Sith has some insider info. (In his defence, Barret probably doesn’t want to know who Rufus is banging either. )
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flummoxx · 18 days
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genesis has been haunting my thoughts lately and I physically cannot stop thinking of him. I might be cursed for all of eternity.
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poly-hebdo · 5 months
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Shinra company party night
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pretense-pence · 16 days
Rufus Shinra Physical Disability Headcanons
So, I don’t know if this is headcanon, partially canon, or canon, but I believe that Rufus, after the events of On The Way To A Smile, is permanently physically disabled. And I decided to write some headcanons about it. 
(For reference, I’m physically disabled. I have chronic pain in my right knee that causes me to have to use a mobility aid. I don’t always use a mobility aid but I do when I’m having a bad pain day. So far, I’ve only used a cane due to the fact that other mobility aids are extremely expensive. These headcanons are based on what I’ve learned from other physically disabled people, along with my own experiences.)
Rufus, if I remember correctly, had injured his foot, ribs, and neck. Due to the fact that he ended up being kidnapped and mistreated multiple times, his injuries never properly healed. And even though he was cured of geostigma, he still had it for a while so it probably took a toll on his body. So, nowadays, he’s left with injuries that aren’t properly healed, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and all sorts of other issues. 
He doesn’t always use the same mobility aid. On bad days, he’s more likely to use a wheelchair. Or if he’s going anywhere long distance. But on better days, he’s more likely to use a cane or forearm crutches. And, not as often, he does have days where he doesn’t use any mobility aids.
If there’s ever a time where he gets a sudden flare up and he doesn’t have the proper mobility aid with him, he will have one of the Turks, preferably Tseng, carry him. Look, he may not be President of Shinra anymore, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be treated like he still is.
At first, Rufus was really self conscious of his disabilities. In his eyes, they were a weakness. A way of showing that he needs help from others. Which is something he always insisted he didn’t need. It took a while for him to accept that it isn’t bad he needs help with his disabilities.
Actually, this acceptance of his disabilities was because of the Turks. They always treated him like he was the same Rufus. They didn’t look down on him. They still took him seriously. 
In canon, we know that Rufus helps fund the WRO. I like to think that him and Reeve set up a program for disabled people. After the end of the world and geostigma, there was a definite increase in disabilities. So Rufus and Reeve decided to set up a program to help those people.
Rufus, as we see in Advent Children, isn’t afraid to be on the frontlines. Even if he can’t fight the same as he used to, he’s still quite the foe to face. I mean, he jumped out of an exploding building and shot Jenova in the head.
Due to geostigma, he’s developed chronic fatigue. He tends to take short naps throughout the day to help him. Rufus typically takes these naps by laying on Darkstar. 
Rufus tends to keep his mobility aids plain. He never decorates them. This is for a few reasons. One, stuff to decorate mobility aids with is rare to come by. Two, he likes the look of plain things. He wears very basic colors. And three, having a lack of individuality is safer if he ever needs to go out. Most of the world thinks he’s dead and it’s better if it stays that way.
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zhero123 · 5 months
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Midgar Elite Four and Champion Rufus
The artwork features FF7 Shinra characters (Rufus, Scarlet, Hojo, Heidegger, and Reeve) I tried it out in Pokemon art style.
I'm sorry, Palmer, for not including you in the group!
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