ryvenarts · 1 year
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First attack of artfight on Ceredon >:)c
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floundrickthewayfarer · 2 months
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Attack on Ceredon’s character, Kosaak, for Art Fight. :]
(Unfinished versions below the cut.)
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hallikset · 3 months
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HAPPY ART FIGHT. Here's this years first contender! The owner of this OC did one of my Mando's last year, and so I decided I had to return the favor. Character belongs to Ceredon
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dud-bass · 1 year
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Artfight against Ceredon
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ceredonart · 4 years
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What is art? Practice? Who’s she??
I haven’t done an art in a hot minute month,, so here’s a lil sketch of my char bein a pissy lil bastard LMAOOO
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garmmy · 3 years
artfight 2021 compilation post
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this year is my first time participating in artfight, and it was so much fun drawing everyone’s amazing OCs!! (and receiving gorgeous art of my babies...i love them all SO MUCH i’m still in awe T_T)
even though it’s all simple doodles, it proved more challenging than i thought it’d be (especially since i have a bunch of other projects going on at once and got more busy near the end..i need to learn to take a break 😆)
individual doodles under the cut, i’ve linked each owner’s artfight page so do check them out if their characters look interesting!!
Character name in bold, owner of the OC in (parentheses):
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1. Zalhad (Izalveri)
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2. Tyrfing (Gomis)
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3. Breeze (stokori)
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4. Cherrysun (TizzyHizzy)
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5. Ata (nanonova)
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6. Arian (ZoraTheDrolfuwu)
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7. Orange (sunflower_pop)
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8. Junjie (Rocco)
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9. Creat (Skeletondoggy)
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10. Guédille Painblanc (blazewyrm)
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11. Romeo (justida)
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12. Hala & Roshan (CanCrunchGoats)
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13. Forrest (Rhett)
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14. Snowfall (Talikira)
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15. Ego (Cinnatsuki)
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16. Slatski (YQSHI)
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17. Safran (douce-edel)
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18. Tanu (mistellix)
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19. Vice (voxollous)
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20. T. K. (MxPrincey)
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21. Odejiro (tsotea)
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22. Rakooin (Clem)
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23. Sokyo (steeleh)
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24. Tristan (Treslechesmagna)
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25. Kamaren (Starhuntinq)
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26. Swatch (Pixolms)
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27. Bits & Pieces (kitty4president)
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28. Beefcake (Komayto)
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29. Phips (Lurils)
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30. Lir (paras7i)
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31. Myca (SaikuronCiity)
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32. Keta (Aridani)
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33. Faust (TheHibiscusPoet)
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34. Komori Takami (Komori)
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35. "Rook" (RK-5859) (Ceredon)
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36. Atlas Asaix (daredevil)
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37. Zephyr (ArtistLeeAppeared)
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38. Asmodea "Patch" (guribot)
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39. Bete (0phidian)
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40. Tatian (ghostobow)
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41. Bylex (JumpJumpy)
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42. Hyperion (Talikira)
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cbsorgeartworks · 3 years
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Artfight portrait for Ceredon of Kazellach!
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eyrri · 4 years
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Strider for https://artfight.net/~Ceredon
drawing underwater effects is hard...! not sure if i pulled it off, but it was fun regardless.
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ausp-ice · 4 years
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AF2020-45: Crowned
Attack on @ceredonart ! Eldritch beings need wholesome times, too.
Ihlesi (blue/black) is mine and Kaz (yellow) is Ceredon's!
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ceredonthrivsk · 7 years
Rules: Tag ten followers you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: @princeskittles21 :D
Name: Dana
Nickname: Ceredon, Cere, Intern Dana, Sheepdog, Dane, too many others to list
Gender: I... honestly don’t care? IRL I usually stick to she/her pronouns but I don’t really care about what people use, as long as I know it’s me they’re talking about lol. (Feel free to use he/his or they/them if you want!)
Zodiac: Capricorn (and if you’re going by the Chinese Zodiac I’m a Rat!)
Height: 5' 0.5″ 
Sexuality: Asexual 
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw (apparently Pottermore couldn’t decide whether I should go into Gryffindor or Hufflepuff so I just put myself in a house after doing my own research lol)
Current time: 1:03 PM
Average Hours of Sleep: Uhmm... 6?
Cat or Dog Person: Animal Person.
Number of Blankets: 1 - 2
Dream Trip: Japan
Dream Job: If this is talking about my dream job when I was younger it was a toss up between Paleontologist or Artist. But since I’m about a few months away from graduating college with a degree in psychology, realistically I’d have to say either working HR for a company or working with soldiers with PTSD.
When I Made This Blog: Dear gods, uh... 4 - 5 years ago? Maybe? I haven’t kept track whoops.
Followers: 90 on my main and 43 on my art blog (ceredonart)
Reason for my URL: Ohmygod this is such a throwback. OKAY. So somewhere around my elementary school years - perhaps when I was like 5 years old? - my small group of friends and I came up with “nicknames” for each other. (These eventually ended up being OC/persona names, but it started out as nicknames.) Mine ended up being Ceredon Thrivsk, pronounced SIR-EE-DON because our smol minds hadn’t considered the pronunciation versus spelling. Anyways, we ended up using these “nicknames’ as online names/usernames as well so we could identify each other on game sites, forums, etc. Eventually it just became second nature to me when creating an online account to use “Ceredon” as a username. So when I made a tumblr, that’s what I went with. Actually, I never meant to share my tumblr with other people and I didn’t actually expect to gain even one follower that I didn’t know in real life (lol). So that’s why my URL probably looks like just a random jumble of unpronounceable letters to anyone who wasn’t part of that small group of like 4 other people from my childhood. But it’s stuck with me for the past 15 years of my life and will probably stay forever! :D
I TAG (and I’m mixing this up between my main + art blog): @ultragalaxyeyes @ragethegemini @scientificalstories @gallifreyanstarlord @moimoi5525 @malruvaaktheraven @givesomehugs @jellyfishpicks @myhammockisatimemachine @ angusmon and anyone else who’d like to do this thing! Love y’all! <3 
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phgq · 4 years
DA distributes P44.5-M agri-machinery to Ilocos Norte farmers
#PHnews: DA distributes P44.5-M agri-machinery to Ilocos Norte farmers
LAOAG CITY – Organized farmers and fisherfolk organizations in Ilocos Norte received on Friday their early Christmas gifts from the Department of Agriculture (DA).
In a ceremony at the Ilocos Norte Research and Experiment Center (INREC) in Batac City, the DA turned over more than PHP44.5 million worth of different agri-machinery and farm equipment to farmer-leaders of government-accredited agriculture and fisheries organizations and cooperatives, both from the first and second district of Ilocos Norte.
DA acting regional director Nestor Domenden said that in the midst of a national health crisis, it is important for farmers and fishermen to adapt to change and boost their productivity.
Among the agri-machinery and equipment that were distributed include five four-wheel-drive tractors, 21 units of pumps and engine set, 6 units combine harvester with baler, 2 precision seeder, five hand tractors, 11 units multi-cultivator, mobile corn husker sheller, mobile recirculating dryer, cassava pulverizer and cassava grater with a presser, among others.
“We hope that you will become more resilient now that you have these machines to help you,” Domenden told the beneficiaries in his speech.
With aging farmers and dwindling agricultural space due to urbanization, the DA is hoping to reverse this trend by pushing for farm mechanization and encouraging the younger generation to take up agriculture courses through various scholarship grants.
Governor Matthew Joseph Manotoc, who was present at the event, assured his administration’s all-out support to farmers and fishermen as agriculture remains to be the backbone economy of Ilocos Norte.
“May we continue to mechanize and diversify our crops. May we continue to upgrade and revitalized our soil and help each other in marketing our products,” said Marcos.
Rogelio Ceredon, one of the farmer-beneficiaries from Dingras town, lauded the government's effort to help farmers citing that t is in this time of crisis "that we feel we have a government that listens and acts on our needs".
Ceredon said he and his fellow farmers are inspired to try the new farm machinery entrusted to them.
Aside from the farm machinery and equipment from DA, the provincial government also continues to provide additional agricultural inputs to farmers. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "DA distributes P44.5-M agri-machinery to Ilocos Norte farmers." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1115162 (accessed September 12, 2020 at 12:02AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "DA distributes P44.5-M agri-machinery to Ilocos Norte farmers." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1115162 (archived).
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huntersbrotherhood · 6 years
Tipos de demonios
Dejando de la lado los demonios que se conocen de los panteones y cuyas características son comunes en todos, os presentamos los demonios de la saga. Mención aparte Malachai y Sepiroth.
Criaturas con cabeza de perro, cuerpo de dragón, y cola de escorpión. Protectores de Apollymi. Tienen prohibido salir de su reino (al menos, se supone que lo tienen).
Demonio Caronte
Antigua raza de demonios temidos por los Dioses olímpicos, pero los Dioses Atlantes lograron domesticarlos. Pueden vincularse a dioses, Hunters, y a humanos como compañeros. Una vez vinculados, pueden descansar en forma de tatuaje en el cuerpo del vinculado.
Los Carontes son dominantes, adoran ir de compras , matar y comer todo. Fácilmente irritables, peligrosos cuando se enojan y muy divertidos en las fiestas. Sin embargo, no quieres morir a manos de un caronte. Los Carontes no destruyen sólo el cuerpo de su víctima. Destruyen también el ousia, la fuerza de la vida que existe más allá del cuerpo o el alma. A un Caronte se le puede matar con un puñal Atlante. Los Carontes normalmente duermen con los pies en el aire (sostenidos generalmente contra una pared), y ellos roncan muy fuerte.
La venganza final de Enlil y Anu. Los Dimme son siete demonios sumerios femeninos diferentes a cualquier cosa que pueda imaginarme. Son incontrolables, incluso para los dioses. Fueron encerrados en una celda, desgraciadamente, tiene un tiempo de liberación que se debilita cada pocos milenios. Si los dioses sumerios están todavía vivos, vuelven a sellar a las siete hermanas demonio y la vida continua normal. Pero si algo le sucede al panteón y no hay mas Dioses sumerios para resellar la tumba, los Dimme quedarán sueltos para destruir el mundo y cualquier panteón que se les ponga por delante. Los Dimme fueron la última broma de los Sumerios contra aquellos que intentaron matarlos.
Antiguos demonios sumerios creados para combatir a los enemigos del panteón sumerio. (Específicamente, fueron creados para combatir contra los demonios Caronte). El horrible demonio Asag fue utilizado como el padre donador en su creación. Los gallu pueden convertir a los humanos en uno de ellos con una mordedura. Tienen dos filas de dientes muy afilados y a diferencia de los Daimons puede andar a la luz del día. Se puede atajar y cauterizar la herida de la mordida lo suficientemente pronto para evitar que se esparza el veneno por todo el cuerpo. El veneno de su mordedura podría infectar incluso a los Dioses y también los convierte en demonios.
Los Daimons pueden llegar a ser también gallu... e incluso más rápido, debido a que el metabolismo del Daimon es muy rápido. (Un gallu de Daimon no se muere con una cabeza o corazón perforados). Un gallu Daimon es una mierda grave. La única manera de matar a un gallu es decapitar a la criatura (golpeándolo justo entre los ojos o cortando la columna vertebral) y quemar su cuerpo (Estallan... y apestan cuando lo hacen). Es la única manera de destruir completamente el veneno de la mordedura y evitar que se regeneren. Sin, Zakar, y la hija de Sin , Ishtar, encarcelaron a los Dimme y a los gallu hace milenios. Sin embargo, después de la muerte del panteón sumerio, los gallu empezó a trabajar en una forma de liberarse de su prisión. Llegaron a ser más listos y más organizados. Los espejos muestran lo que son los gallu. Nunca se acercan a éstos. Los gallu no pueden infiltrarse en los sueños de alguien que nunca han conocido; deben tener el contacto físico primero. Debes saber que no puedes matar un gallu en el reino de los sueños. Afortunadamente para nosotros, tampoco nos pueden matar. Los gallu son bastante prolíficos. Después de tener sexo, una hembra puede depositar dos docenas de huevos fertilizados. (Ellos nacieron de huevos, para que sobrevivieran si la madre era asesinada. Los huevos son casi indestructibles). Su veneno es débil cuando son jóvenes, y sus víctimas no se convierten correctamente.
Sherrilyn Kenyon Spain
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ceredonart · 6 years
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN Y'ALL! (And to everyone who doesn't celebrate, I hope you guys have an awesome day!)
I aint dressin' up this year so I thought "why not stick my avatar in a costume?!". So voila! Enjoy your friendly neighborhood nerd as a skele (no I do not actually have a skeleton costume irl, but now i have a mighty need). Also, I totally had to throw in the MJ "Thriller" pose because, c'mon, the song is perf.
(Transparent version below because why not? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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ceredonart · 6 years
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Because I really wanted to watch the movie The Italian Job for the 50th time and fck around with digital art to make a new icon simultaneously.
*makes a fart noise and disappears*
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ceredonart · 7 years
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I call this doodle page "In which Ceredon discovers Sealsdramon and then enjoys drawing him far too much". Pardon the terrible lighting!
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