#Dark hunter rol
Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths - Sundered Bond Summary
I have immense brainworms and I feel like nobody has read this book and everyone keeps saying untrue things about Lukka and I am going to go feral. So instead of doing that I'm going to just post a summary of the book bc I have nothing better to be doing and I read it like 2 days ago so it's very fresh in my mind
Lukka is a Captain of a squad of Coppercoat Specials, the most elite of Drannith’s military forces, and has been for the last 2 years of his life. After 20 years in service for Drannith, the soldier of one of only a few sanctuaries to have remained permanently standing in Ikoria becomes involuntarily bonded with one of the monsters that calls Ikoria home, and he’s forced to abandon everything he’s ever known, lest General Kudro—chief-of-command in Drannith and father of his fiancée—execute him out of fear of his “bonding sickness” destroying Drannith from the inside out.
[More under the cut...]
Characters & Names
Lukka—a human man somewhere between 40-50 years old who has been in the Coppercoats for over half of his life, and in the Specials for at least 2 years of it. He lead a team consisting of 4 others (Epha (sergeant and trapper), Nik (sniper), Gedra and Gox (twins that serve as trappers/hunters)). He was engaged to Jirina, daughter of General Kudro, and thought very highly of her.
Jirina—Lukka’s fiancée. A brown-skinned, dark-haired human woman that has a unique position in Drannith’s military due to her modest status in the Coppercoats, yet also is the daughter of General Kudro. She respects her father deeply but fears his authority too.
General Kudro—Lukka’s would-be father-in-law and Jirina’s father, the seasoned chief-of-command in Drannith. His position in power is very much based on authority and how well people believe in his authority, and he knows it. He listens closely to the reputations his people and the Coppercoats hold amongst commoners, for he knows a quiet drone can become an insurmountable roar fast enough. He is not afraid of resorting to underhanded tactics to “maintaining the peace,” either, and believes bonding magic to be a sickness, having kept it hidden from much of Drannith, despite researchers being aware of it for some time prior to Lukka’s bond.
Vivien Reid—A planeswalker that was staying on the plane, visiting to explore its strange magic and unusual crystalline formations. She admits to Lukka that she helps him out of curiosity, and in hopes he can teach her more about Ikoria, as she passes through in search of a place yet still to call home. She finds the way of life Lukka is used to in Drannith very odd and uncomfortable (the kill-or-be-killed mentality).
Winged Cat—Lukka’s involuntarily bonded cat-clade monster, a great, winged tiger, which goes unnamed throughout the story.
Brin & Rol—A bonder and her bonded monster that Vivien and Lukka befriend through the course of the story. Brin is a pale-skinned teenage girl with pink, wild and spiky hair, leather and homespun clothing, and a tuft of pink fur strewn over her shoulders. Rol (short for Roland) is a raccoon-like monster with pink fur and a round body, about the size of a horse.
Mzed, Dogsbreath, Nightshade, Toothcracker, & Sedra —Hunters that General Kudro hired to track down Lukka so he could be returned to Drannith as a prisoner. They are generally unruly, banter often, and rude to one another and to Jirina (whomst is forced to join them in their mission). Dogsbreath wears a mask resembling a dog, Nightshade specializes in poisons, Toothcracker is very physical and confrontational, and Sedra is known for being a bit… well, crazy.
Captain Falk—A man from the sanctuary of Skysail that the Hunters hire to take them to the Ozolith to catch up better with Lukka via a skyship called the Vermillion. 
Abda (AKA “Spiky”) & Rigi—A bonder and her bonded monster that Vivien and Lukka befriend through the course of the story. Abda is dressed in leather and homespun, a brown jacket with a white shirt beneath, and carries a long spear with a double-point. She has dark brown hair done up into spikes. Her monster, Rigi, is a squat, badger-like monster with brown fur that fades to white on its belly, tusks that protrude from its lower jaw, and black thorns that cover its back and shoulders, which extend down to its brow and cheeks. 
Barrow & Zeph—A bonder and his bonded monster that Vivien and Lukka befriend through the course of the story. Barrow is dressed in gray armor with white furs layered over the top, his hair white and swept back aside from two prominent spikes of hair at the forefront of his head (Lukka describes them as “horns”). Zeph is a cat-clade monster twice the size of Lukka’s winged cat, with a wild mane of white hair, and a body resembling a white tiger. It has two ram-like horns and glowing yellow eyes, and holds some control over electricity.Colonel Bryd—A colonel whom Jirina has quarrels with throughout the story, usually to humorous effect. He briefly takes over as Chief-in-Command after Kudro’s death, but Jirina overrides his authority by simply ignoring him.
Lukka is on a hunt for a monster that has been killing livestock with his Specials team, Epha, Nik, Gedra, and Gox. He finds a sheep whose brain has been carefully extracted in an almost surgical manner. 
They come up with a plan for Lukka to stand as bait (implied that he always does this) after traps are set up in the area, and some hours later, the nightmare returns and attacks. The traps work at first, but the monster breaks free and rushes Lukka. The rest of his squad save him, and they end off the day happy to have succeeded, believing that they all will now have 4 days off-duty to do whatever they wish. Lukka intends to spend it on quality time with his fiancée, Jirina.
A scene from Jirina’s POV shows that she has much more stress going on in her life as General Kudro’s daughter than she lets on. Lukka doesn’t pick up on it, and tries to get her in the mood for some fun. She tells him “not in the office,” and they leave after Lukka convinces her to let him go with her to her room to relax. 
Interesting to note that despite Lukka’s high status in the Coppercoats, he admits to only having a cramped, shitty cot to sleep in, whereas Jirina, as daughter of General Kudro, has a bed big enough to accommodate the two of them with room to spare and a room on a higher floor of the Citadel.
After only a day off, Lukka’s team is called in despite their promised 4 days off, because a winged cat-clade monster has taken residence in a farm within Drannith’s third circle - the second-most wall Drannith has (it has 4, the first two being fairly weak and the first one hardly a wall at all, whereas the last two are thicker, and the final wall is enormous and big enough for entire troops to walk together, with ballistae and the like mounted there). 
Even so, farms and such are often kept in the third circle, because Drannith is forced to make use of all its space within its territory.
The winged cat has been said to have slaughtered 10-20 Drannith soldiers already and nobody can oust it, which is why Lukka’s team has been called in.
At the farm, Lukka is afraid of going into any buildings or crops, for fear of the cat ambushing them. Instead, he tries to draw it out, and sends his team to start setting traps and to get into position. He sets out some bait that is supposed to be brand-new from Drannith’s researchers (implied to be a division of the Coppercoat military).
They wait for hours, and while they begin to think the cat may have slipped past them (and Lukka starts privately panicking and worrying about what would happen if the cat has snuck further into Drannith without their notice), the winged cat suddenly bursts from the barnhouse. All while Lukka is still trying to reach for a weapon to figure out how to push his own attack, the following happens:
It shatters the wooden wall nearest Gox and slashes his stomach open with its claws, disemboweling him. He bleeds out.
The winged cat then fought briefly with Gedra, outmaneuvering her and slamming her to the ground, then ripped her throat open. She bled out as well.
Lukka started barking orders to retreat, and while Nik tried to listen, the cat caught up to her and picked her up, taking flight with her in its mouth, and shook her so hard that her neck was broken.
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Epha fled. The winged cat turned its attention to Lukka. He stayed behind, intending to sacrifice himself so Epha could survive, in hopes that Epha could live to tell others in Drannith about the severity of the creature they were dealing with as well as simply wanting her to live.
The winged cat advanced on Lukka, and he found himself thinking of Jirina and hoping Epha made it back before the cat was finished with him, but before anything could happen between them, a bolt of green energy fired between them and he was knocked unconscious.
Lukka awakens in Drannith in a private hospital bed, where Jirina comes to see him. She is discomforted by the presence of military personnel that are already interrogating him.
Lukka, none the wiser about what has happened, tells his questioners what has happened, and the personnel seem unusually satisfied and cagey about his answers. They leave to inform Kudro directly, telling Jirina that the general requested they give the report immediately, and that Jirina not be allowed to speak to him beforehand.
Jirina briefly speaks with Lukka and he recounts what happened. He asks why the cat didn’t kill him. Jirina, out of anxiety, posits that Nik’s bolt that she shot off before she was killed perhaps hurt it more than he thought. Lukka, not picking up on her anxiety, isn’t convinced.
Jirina leaves to speak with her father. Colonel Bryd keeps her out his office until the military personnel from earlier is done giving their report.
General Kudro, upon speaking with Jirina, tells her that he is saddened by the news of what has happened to Lukka and informs her of bonding magic, calling it a sickness, telling her that he fears Lukka has fallen victim to it, and that he can’t allow it to spread into Drannith. Though he doesn’t say it directly, Jirina picks up on the cues that he means to execute Lukka—and may very well already be on the way to do so.
Though she finishes the conversation with her father on amicable terms, Jirina decides that she can’t let her father do this, and that she must find a way to convince him otherwise. She leaves to help Lukka escape Drannith ASAP. 
Upon returning to Lukka’s room, she dismisses the doctors so she can speak to Lukka freely, calling upon her authority as the general’s daughter to do so. Lukka, starting to get worried, begs her to tell him what’s going on. She tells him and he’s dismayed, but agrees to leave and follow along with her plan.
She and Lukka devise a plan for him to leave despite the location being the heavily armed Citadel in the center of Drannith. She asks Lukka to pretend to have taken her hostage, to walk out while holding a knife against her throat, threatening them to kill her if they attempt to apprehend him; doing so will assure nobody will even attempt to touch him, as nobody will want to be responsible for the death of the General’s daughter.
Lukka is horrified by the plan, and hates every moment of it, as he finds Jirina’s acting very convincing (as he does his own), but the idea of waiting around to die scares him more.
Once on the fringes of Drannith, Lukka lets her go (where she assures him she will smooth everything over with her father, she’s sure of it, and they share a pleasant goodbye), and flees on his own from there. He uses his knowledge of paths designed for Coppercoat usage and backways to avoid confrontations until he is met with checkpoints and gates leading out of the city. 
Expecting the news of a rogue Coppercoats Specials captain to not have reached so far already, Lukka tries to bluff his way through the security of a gate that is rarely used, but they catch on anyway. He refuses to fight back, even when they threaten him, because he can’t stomach the thought of killing “teenagers and soon-to-be retired old men for following their orders.”
Vivien surprises him by saving him, shooting her bow and throwing an animal spirit to distract the guards, giving herself and Lukka the opportunity to flee.
While all of this is going down, Jirina has returned to her father in Drannith, revealing that she is alive and unharmed (but not telling her father that it was a facade, of course). He tells her that Lukka cannot be allowed to simply run free, for letting such intimate knowledge of Drannith run away with someone who bonds with monsters is unacceptable. He tells Jirina he has hired Hunters—mercenaries of sorts, but for monsters—to hunt Lukka down and bring him back to Drannith, because if he sends Coppercoats after Lukka, the news will be all over Drannith, and he wants to keep the situation on the down-low. He instructs Jirina to go with these Hunters, as she knows Jirina best. Jirina goes to object, but Kudro tells her that she will do it if she is still loyal to Drannith, forcing her to do so or imply that she is no longer loyal to Drannith. She believes that once she and the Hunters retrieve Lukka, she can still convince her father to change his mind, but she does secretly begin to wonder if something may be seriously wrong with Lukka due to her father’s paranoia.
It’s some hours after Vivien aids Lukka that Lukka and Vivien have finally made it fully out of Drannith, and Vivien has set up a modest camp for them. Lukka finally gets a chance to reflect on what all has happened that day. He asks Vivien why she aided him, and she claims that she felt the burst of magic that came from him and the winged cat. She came to search for it, and was surprised to find it coming to her, and decided to intervene so she could learn more about him, admitting that her goal is mainly sating her own curiosity.
Lukka is a bit less than enthused that his only friend is now a woman that wants him as something of a specimen, but he’s willing to take all the help he can get, so he thanks her.
Lukka says that he needs to slay the winged cat so he can return home, to Drannith, wanting nothing to do with it, given how its ruined his life. Vivien reluctantly agrees to lead him to the cat, telling him she can magically sense its location, to an extent. 
He tells her that before they get too far beyond Drannith’s walls, he will need to stop by an outpost to restock on his own gear. He hopes that, given how far out the farthest outposts are, the news of his rogue nature won’t have reached them and he’ll be able to merely flash his stature at them.
Vivien agrees and, to Lukka’s relief, it works.
When they find the cat again, Vivien and Lukka are being attacked by a nightmare-clade monster. The cat saves Lukka, and Lukka, confused and upset, demands to know why—’There it was. The thing that had ruined his life. He wanted to laugh and cry all at once. [...] “Why not kill me too?”’
Vivien informs him that he is bonded, which is when Lukka finally learns about bonding magic. He laments how he never wanted this and reasserts his hatred for what has happened, and how he just wants to go home, but he also tells Vivien that he sensed something through the cat. He sensed that the Ozolith, a crystalline formation far north of Drannith, was somehow speaking to the cat and was what had driven it to attack so violently; someone was driving monsters to destroy Drannith via the Ozolith. He also felt how the cat was scared and how despite its violence, it had hardly eaten during its stint near Drannith, and how it actually didn’t want to be that close to it or the ‘twolegs,’ as it called them.
Vivien and Lukka come to the agreement that they should go to the Ozolith to learn more of what’s happening there.
As this is going down, Jirina and the Hunters find them. Jirina tries to talk Lukka down, but the Hunters attack him ruthlessly, and the winged cat becomes enraged. Lukka becomes overwhelmed as the situation escalates; Jirina tells him that if he comes home, everything will work out, but he is afraid and not so sure, and Vivien fires off her bow, and then—the winged cat picks him up by his clothing and lifts him into the sky.
The cat picking him up shocks Lukka to his core. He is no longer thinking of killing the cat. He even willingly explores the bonding magic, briefly, to see if he can convince the cat to let him onto her back so he can be more comfortable (which it does). He uncomfortably finds himself considering whether he should name it or whether he should call it “‘it’ or ‘she,’” but shoves away the feelings by reminding himself that she slaughtered 3 of his squad. Despite this, he starts calling her she, and later, he strokes her fur and rests on her back, even falling asleep at one point.
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Before reaching the Ozolith, during their travels, the winged cat suddenly dives, and they meet Brin & Rol. Shortly after, they meet Abda & Rigi and Barrow & Zeph as well, who all agree to travel to the Ozolith as well after Lukka explains the sensations he felt through the winged cat about the voice that spoke through the Ozolith (though, hardly for the same reasons; Abda and Barrow are barely motivated at first until Brin points out that the Coppercoats will harm monsters en masse if they’re being driven to attack Drannith, much to Lukka’s annoyance).
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They fly on Lukka’s winged cat to the Ozolith together. During this, while stopping to rest at one point, Vivien tells Lukka the story of how she lost her homeplane and how she is a Planeswalker, and about Nicol Bolas. Lukka is disturbed and refuses to let that happen to him.
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At the Ozolith, they find nightmare-clade monsters guarding it. The bonders and Vivien agree to hold them off while Lukka swoops in and tries to interface with the Ozolith, to figure out what’s going on.
However, while this is going down, all hell breaks loose. The same Hunters from before, as well as Jirina, arrive via a skyship they rented from Skysail. It becomes a three-way brawl at the Ozolith, with Lukka and his allies, the Hunters, and the nightmare creatures all opposing each other.
Lukka touches the Ozolith and is overwhelmed with power by it. He speaks to an unnamed, unknown planeswalker through it. While in some sort of mental space where he can hear this planeswalker but not see them, he watches the raging battle as if from above. The planeswalker presses Lukka to accept the Ozolith’s power as his own, while Lukka rejects their proposals at first out of distrust (but admits that he just wants to go home and wants this to be over). The planeswalker has him watch Abda get shot with a ballista bolt from the skyship overhead, and after that, Lukka relents, allowing the planeswalker to grant him the powers of the Ozolith.
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Lukka is returned to the battle and he lashes out with power via the Ozolith, gaining control of all of the nightmare-clade monsters as well as Rigi. His controlled monsters brutally kill most of the Hunters, and he even succeeds in downing their skyship. He only notices at the last minute that Jirina is still among them, in the vessel, as it plummets.
In the aftermath of the battle, Lukka is confronted by the bonders and Vivien, who are unhappy with how he forced the nightmare monsters to attack in such ways that they often killed themselves or gave themselves lifelong injuries (Rigi also died in the course of the battle). Lukka is shocked at their response, given how he believed he had just saved their lives, and is already thinking of how he can use his newfound abilities to protect Drannith and prove his loyalties to General Kudro in a whole new way. He and the others argue briefly, before Lukka loses his patience with them, and attempts to seize control of their bonded monsters anyway.
He’s unable to, and a fight breaks out again. Vivien berates him, telling him that she thought he was a good man, but she sees now that she was wrong; Lukka lashes out at her anyway, and she fires off a shot that produces a ghostly elk. It charges him and while he scuffles with it, Vivien and the other bonders escape.
Lukka lets them leave, no longer interested. He gathers control of the remaining nightmare monsters once more, calling them his “army,” and starts to plan his next moves to return home to Drannith. He also decides to scour the surrounding area first, however, in search of Jirina, because he isn’t sure what happened to her after the battle.
Unknown to Lukka, his winged cat—in the chaos—caught Jirina as the skyship fell from the sky. It then carried her back to Drannith, where it dropped her off at its innermost wall. Jirina managed to beg people to capture it and not kill it, but her arrival on the back of a monster, and then subsequent request, caused rumors throughout the city that Jirina has become a traitor to humanity. Kudro, out of fear of otherwise needing to oust or execute his own daughter, plans a public display where Jirina is slated to execute the winged cat, so the townspeople of Drannith may see where her loyalties truly lie.
Jirina realizes the tenuous position she’s in, but hopes that her father will be reasonable when he sees how truly unwilling she is to do it. She refuses. Kudro is not reasonable; angry and sad, he has Colonel Bryd take her away, and he slays the winged cat, much to Jirina’s dismay.
Jirina essentially becomes a prisoner in her own home after that point, unable to leave or do anything freely as she pleases.
Back with Lukka, he watches, through his bond with the winged cat, the public execution of the winged cat by Kudro. He realizes that the winged cat saved Jirina, all because it realized she was important to him, without him having had to ask, and he’s overcome with emotion. For a long moment, he sits silently, crying, before he gets up and furiously starts to reach further and further with the power of the Ozolith, gathering yet even more monsters for his “army.”
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Lukka is desperate to go home and to return to Jirina, and has realized that if Kudro won’t let him by taking things out, then Kudro will kill him, and he refuses to let death be his only option forward. He starts to march his army towards Drannith.
Kudro amasses Coppercoat forces, and takes Jirina under the close eyes of guards, to meet Lukka and his army in the field after they spot him some distance away from Drannith, approaching. Kudro believes that they will not survive if they allow Lukka to meet their walls, but Jirina recognizes that fighting him in the field will cost an untold number of Coppercoat lives. Kudro later surprises her by revealing that Lukka has asked for a parley, and that he intends for Jirina to play an important role in it: she will assassinate Lukka. He gives her a dagger to keep in her pocket. Do this, and her name will be cleared, and she will no longer be a prisoner.
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Even so, Jirina doesn’t want to kill Lukka and doesn’t intend to during the parley.
Lukka attempts to talk to General Kudro and Jirina during their parley. It’s hardly under peaceful terms; the parley occurs on an island in the middle of a raging river, and Kudro has ballistae mounted facing it. Lukka has a single monster facing the island from the opposing side of the river, or so it seems at first.
Lukka explains his idea of using monsters to guard Drannith instead of Coppercoats, explaining how humans need not die anymore in place of monsters. Let them die instead. Kudro, of course, is unbudging in his position on the matter and still thinks of Lukka as “sickened.” Jirina tries to pull Lukka aside and speak to him alone, telling him that this idea will never be accepted in Drannith; she begs him to give it up and simply come back.
Lukka is frustrated, because the way he sees it, if he “gives up,” he will be killed. He doesn’t believe Jirina can convince Kudro of anything.
Lukka comes to the conclusion that Kudro will have to leave the picture, seeing him as all that is keeping him away from his fiancee and home.
The parley starts to go awry. Lukka viciously denies Jirina and Kudro’s terms. Kudro tells Lukka off.
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Lukka reveals that he was prepared for this eventuality on his own when monsters start bursting from the earth and the trees, disabling the ballistae and killing Coppercoats. In his fit of rage, he kills Kudro, and then turns to Jirina, babbling about how they can now have a life together—
…And Jirina swipes that dagger for him. She misses, only cutting his face in the process.
Furious and heartbroken, Lukka throws her into the raging river, snarling at her that she can die with the rest of the “traitors,” then—completing his arc of turning into the very monster Kudro was trying to prevent him from becoming.
Jirina escapes the river later, barely alive, and is confronted by monsters. Vivien and the other bonders that previously argued with Lukka save her and take her back to Drannith, where she asserts herself as chief of command despite the authority supposing to have gone to Colonel Bryd.
Lukka marches his monsters on Drannith, intending to force them to let him stay, or to drive everyone who fights him out so he can stay in their place. Jirina, however, has prepared Drannith by the time he arrives, and though there are hundreds and hundreds of casualties and plenty of damage, the city’s great walls hold. Jirina manages to get close to Lukka again and demands to know why he’s doing this, asking him if he really thinks he can just “come back” after this. He tells her that he intends to force them, that he’s not asking anymore. Jirina comments that he really has gone insane, and when Lukka goes to have monsters attack her again, the other bonders once again jump to her defense.
Lukka, once again, tries to seize control of the bonded monsters, as his army is spread thin at this point in the battle and no others are close enough to save him from the coming onslaught from Vivien and the bonders. The unknown planeswalker residing in the Ozolith warns him that if he does this, he won’t like what happens—but Lukka does it anyway, pulling more and more power from the Ozolith, until the great crystal shatters and explodes.
Pain floods his body and his army of monsters scream in agony as a reflection of his own. Fiery sensations course through him, as his spark ignites, and he internally laments how he just wanted to go home, just wanted to be with Jirina again. Then, he finally planeswalks away.
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He awakes elsewhere, in a swamp, where three canid creatures take interest in him. He notes that he feels mentally fragile, like if he “shook his head too hard, it might break,” (or something along those lines), but despite that, he instinctively attempts to reach out to control the animals ahead of him. He controls one, which fights the others off. 
Grateful he has some power left, Lukka vows to go home, even though he knows that’s completely impossible, both literally and figuratively, showing that he has lost it completely at this point. And that’s where the story ends.
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ronwe · 2 years
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Rol: Mangata - Amper y Dantalion.
Dark Hunters - Sarahawe
No rest for the wicked- XeniaCalvemort. 
Info base: Tu amigable instructor de gym demasiado orgulloso para aceptar que está equivocado. Pilar de su familia, homosexual del closet con miedo al abandono. 
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men-of-letters-rpg · 2 years
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Un espíritu indomable en forma de licántropo aterriza en Men of Letters rpg.
Inteligente, intuitivo, calculador, disciplinado y estratégico son solo algunos de los adjetivos que hacen de su personalidad única e inugualable. Eric McDraven es miembro del proyecto Dark Hunter y Héroe de Guerra por su pasado militar; un personaje lleno de matices perfectos para lograr un entretenido y divertido rol.
No esperes para crear trama con él cuanto antes. ¡Entra en https://menofletters.foroactivo.com/!
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huntersbrotherhood · 4 years
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Un libro, un hechizo y un hombre que debe cumplir todos tus deseos. Julian está deseando que aparezca la mujer que le salvó y le hizo creer de nuevo. PB: Angelina Jolie. Es obligatorio haber leído, por lo menos, el libro Un amante de ensueño. https://www.huntersbrotherhood.com/t5435-se-busca-grace
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strangermutants · 5 years
I am not who you think I am.
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Tras días de intensa búsqueda y seguir rastros, consiguió uno que parecía llevarle hasta un lugar concreto, una casa a las afueras de la ciudad. Tras forzar la puerta trasera, se adentró y comenzó a tomar aire despacio por la nariz para poder captar su olor, y lo hizo. Aunque percibió otro que le hizo fruncir el ceño. 
—¿Kala? Sé que estás aquí. Puedo olerte. Sal de donde quiera que estés. Soy yo.
—¿Qué haces aquí? Te dije que... Tienes que irte. Ahora. 
Al verle, la mutante sintió la tentación de lanzarse a sus brazos y pedirle que la ayudase, pero el Fénix en su interior pareció enfadarse, lo que la llevó a plantarse a unos metros prudenciales. Restregaba nerviosamente una mano contra la otra. 
—He venido a por ti, Kala. Estamos todos muy preocupados, todos te estamos buscando. Vuelve a casa, sea lo que sea, lo podemos arreglar juntos. Confía en mí. 
Al ver sus intenciones de acercarse, retrocedió asustada por si esa cosa que estaba en su interior reaccionaba violentamente ante la proximidad. De hecho, llegó a cerrar los ojos mientras respiraba de manera temblorosa. 
—Cállate —susurró para sí misma—. No lo empeores, ahora no. Por favor... 
Justo en ese momento, unas manos se posaron con cuidado sobre los hombros de la chica.
—¿Has venido a causar estragos? No te lo recomiendo. A fin de cuentas, deberías ser bien consciente de que Kala ya no puede confiar en ti. Deberías hacer algo bueno por ella de una vez: marcharte. Ya veo que sabes dónde queda la puerta. —Una sonrisa apretada, bastante socarrona, surcó de hoyuelos el rostro de la tercera persona en discordia. 
Desde que se marchó de la escuela, todo había sucedido más rápido de lo que Kala podía asumir, en especial la aparición de Alec en su vida. En un principio había rechazado la idea de vivir con él, pero ante lo sola y desesperada que se encontraba, junto a la labia del mutante, había tenido como resultado a la chica compartiendo techo con él mientras trataba de aclarar sus ideas. 
El semblante del indio mostró rabia y desagrado, incluso tuvo que presionar la mandíbula al ver cómo la tocaba.
—¿Y tú quién coño eres? Quizá el que debería hacerse a un lado eres tú, ¿no crees? Largo de aquí. Esto es entre ella y yo. —Sus ojos marrones bajaron hacia Kala—. Qué he hecho para que no puedas confiar en mí. 
Lejos de perder la compostura como el indio, Alec amplió la sonrisa e incluso apretó con más fuerza los dedos entorno a los hombros femeninos.
—Perdona, ¿me estás echando de mi propia casa? Vaya... Ahora entiendo muchas cosas. ¿No crees que es ella la que debe decidir entre quién es esto?
La mutante abrió los ojos y miró a Keme, tratando de contener las lágrimas. 
—Lo sabías —respondió, ignorando la disputa entre ambos hombres—. Sabías lo que me estaba pasando... Y no me lo dijiste. 
Varias grietas anaranjadas se abrieron paso por el rostro de la chica, que hicieron estirar las manos de Keme hacia delante.
—Kala, tranquila. Escúchame. Tú misma sabías qué te había pasado en el espacio porque me lo constaste. Recuérdalo. Yo solo quise ayudar al ver qué te estaba pasando para poder entenderlo, porque tú no lo veías. E intenté decírtelo. Acuérdate. Lo intenté y llegamos incluso a discutir por ello. Me dijeron que era la única forma de ayudarte. ¿Qué habrías hecho tú?
—Te lo habría dicho. Te habría contado qué te estaba pasando. Me mentisteis entre todos. Nunca habéis confiado lo suficiente en mí. Ni siquiera tú. Y ahora es demasiado tarde para enmendar ese error. 
—Eso no es cierto. Me dijeron que era peligroso para ti, ¿lo entiendes? Yo jamás haría nada que pudiera dañarte. —Keme trataba de contenerse, pero ver los dedos masculinos hundiéndose en los hombros de la mutante solo hacía que se enfureciera más—. Y tú, payaso, quítale las manos de encima a mi novia y borra esa sonrisita de la cara si no quieres que te la quite yo de una hostia. 
—Adelante —respondió el aludido junto a una risa despectiva—. Demuestra qué clase de animal eres. 
Varios cristales de la habitación estallaron en ese momento, sin poder controlar Kala los nervios ante la idea de ambos enfrentándose. 
—¡No! Basta. No es lo que tú piensas —habló, desesperada—. Solo quiere ayudar. Te lo dije. Estáis en peligro. No puedo volver. Quiere enseñarme a controlarlo, eso es todo. No os hagáis daño. Keme, le matarías.  
—¿Que solo quiere ayudarte? ¿Provocándome? Sabías que esto la alteraría. Y si te crees que eso me va a asustar, estás muy equivocado —su tono era claramente de reproche, señalando a Alec directamente con rabia—. Si de verdad quieres ayuda, vuelve a casa. Estábamos intentando ayudarte entre todos. ¿No conoces a este tío de nada y ahora es tu salvador?           
Alec fingió un gesto de inocencia, incluso alzó los brazos y miró a Kala como si no supiera de qué hablaba Keme, lo que hizo que la chica se sintiese más confusa. Una parte de ella quería volver, sin embargo, las últimas palabras del indio la hicieron quedarse helada. 
—Antes de irme solo te pedí que hicieras una cosa. Solo una y ya la has olvidado... 
A medida que hablaba, sus ojos terminaron de teñirse de naranja y la expresión de su cara varió hasta adquirir una más cruel, por lo que se perdieron gran parte de sus rasgos faciales.                               
—Pase lo que pase, recuerda que te quiero. Bien. Recuerda algo nuevo ahora: Yo no necesito a ningún salvador. Yo... soy... Fénix. 
La esperanza de Keme jamás se resistió, no hasta aquel momento. Parecía que ya la tenía hasta que el misterioso color de sus ojos volvió y todo comenzó a temblar como el día de la fiesta en la terraza. Fue lo único capaz de rememorar en aquel momento. 
Se cubrió la cabeza con las manos, dejando que algunos objetos le golpeasen sin piedad, rompiendo parte del techo que cayó sobre él. Y una sensación de vacío ancló su estómago como nunca antes. Sabía que no era Kala, pero aún así no pudo evitar sentirse de tal modo. Estaba desorientado por el ataque y la situación, tanto que permaneció quieto hasta que salió despedido unos cuantos metros debido a la energía que la mutante estaba utilizando contra él, atravesando las paredes hasta quedar en mitad de la calzada con heridas aparentemente de gravedad, hasta perder el conocimiento.   
| Con Keme Proudstar y Alec Hunter; @thedarkestnightrol , @xxxmystique​ |
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38. Case Of The Haunted Laboratory
The episode begins with a view of Dr. Light's lab at night. It is Halloween night. Mega Man, Roll, and Rush are sitting at the bottom of the steps outside of the laboratory. Roll is dressed up as Shantae, while Mega Man is dressed up as Ryu. Rush is dressed up as a monster from the Monster Hunter game franchise. They both have plastic pumpkin buckets filled with candy to give out to trick or treaters. They are both down that only a few trick or treaters stopped by tonight. Dr. Light calls them back into the lab. Mega Man asks Dr. Light "What did you want, Dr. Light?" Dr. Light tells Mega Man "Suspicious activity has been reported of that abandoned laboratory on the outskirts of the city". He wants them to investigate it. He tells them that there's rumors going around the laboratory is haunted. "Haunted?" Mega Man asks Dr. Light. Dr. Light tells him that it's very likely just gossip. He rells Mega Man to be careful there. Mega Man and Rush fly out of the lab with Roll following behind on her Jet Ski. All three of them arrive at the laboratory. They get a good look of the abandoned laboratory. "Real spooky!" Roll comments out loud. Mega Man replies "It sure is, Roll!" Roll is a bit intimidated by the derelict building. Rush whimpers and shakes a bit. Mega Man sees that Rush is scared and gently pets him to comfort him. "Don't worry, Rush." Mega Man says to him "We'll make sure nothing bad or scary happens to you!" Roll says to Mega Man "What about me!?" Mega Man chuckles and says "You too, Roll!" and tries to pat her head. Roll recoils. They go inside the laboratory. Mega Man tells Roll "Now don't get to carried away and go off ahead of us!" Unfortunately, Rush goes ahead of them. Mega Man cries out for Rush. "Rush! Stop!" he yells out. Rush runs into the laboratory's main lobby. He looks around as he is running through the lobby. Something catches his eye. A portrait's eyes are following Rush. Rush discovers that the portrait's eyes are following his every move. Rush messes with the portrait. He makes a face at it. The portrait scowls at the robot dog. This scares Rush. It then shoots lasers at him. Rush dodges the lasers and runs away from the portrait. Rush tries to look for Mega Man and Roll, but is lost in the derelict laboratory. He calls out "Mega!? Rol!? Heeeelp!" He howls out in distress. Mega Man and Roll hear Rush's howls for help and run through the lobby. They don't see him in the lobby. Roll suggests "Let's split up!" Mega Man isn't too fond of that idea. He tells Roll "Bad idea, Roll! We could both get lost as well!" Roll protests "But Rush could be in trouble!" Mega Man responds "Yes, but splitting up could cause even more trouble!" As Mega Man and Roll are debating, hidden security cameras capture their presence. Through the security cameras, Dr. Wily sees that they are now in the supposedly haunted laboratory. He presses a button on the control panel to call up his robots. Elsewhere in the laboratory, Proto Man, Guts Man, Cut Man, and Acid Man are relaxing in the acid baths. Dr. Wily yells at them to get out of the acid baths. "Get out of those acid vats!" Dr. Wily angrily barks out at his robotic henchmen. They quickly get out of the baths, nearly splashing corrosive acid everywhere. Acid Man asks Dr. Wily "What do you want from us, Doc?" Dr. Wily tells them "Mega Man and his chrome cronies have infiltrated the laboratory!" Acid Man tells Dr. Wily "We will scare them far, far away from the laboratory!" Dr. Wily tells them "Give them the fright of their lives!" He then laughs evilly. Elsewhere in the laboratory, Mega Man and Roll are still looking around for Rush. Meanwhile, Rush walks into a dark room. He calls out "Mega? Mega!" Suddenly, the lights turn on in the room. It is revealed that the room is full of preserved animal specimens. Rush is very creeped out by all of the jarred specimens. He runs to exit the room, but the door closes shut and keeps him in the room. Rush frantically paws at the door. The door will still not open. Rush steps back and super barks it open. He quickly gets out of the room. Meanwhile, Roll and Mega Man enter the library. They call out for Rush. "Rush! Rush! Where are you?" Mega Man yells out. Roll says to Mega Man "Aren't we supposed to be quiet in the library?" "Not in this one anymore..." Mega Man says to Roll. They go around looking and calling out for Rush. Cut Man is hiding in the library. He stealthy cuts one of the legs on the large table in the middle of the library. The table collapses. Roll says out loud "I knew this place was haunted!" Mega Man goes over to the large table. He examines it and sees that one of its legs has been cut off. He picks it up and looks at it. "I don't think ghosts did this! Mega Man says. He shows Roll the leg. Roll says "Looks like the laboratory is currently occupied!" Mega Man replies "Yeah, by our mortal enemies!" Cut Man sees that they are beginning to suspect their ownership of the abandoned laboratory. "I gotta tell Wily!" Cut Man quietly says to himself "But first..." Before he exits the library, Cut Man sneaks by them and cuts down a tall lamp that is behind them. The lamp falls on Roll, but her hair softens the impact. Mega Man sees that the lamp has been cut also. Mega Man yells out "Cut Man, we know that you and your greasy friends are up to! No use hiding anymore! Come on! Show yourselves!" Cut Man laughs evilly and says to Mega Man and Roll "Very well then, Mega Man!" He gets behind one of the large bookshelves. Mega Man readies his plasma cannon. Some books fall off the shelves. Mega Man turns around to see some gaps where the books once were. Rolling Cutters fly out of the gaps. Mega Man cries out "Watch out!" More Rolling Cutters fire out of the shelf on the other side. Mega Man avoids the cutters and fires into the gaps. Mega Man cries out "How about these selections?" One of Mega Man's shots damages Cut Man's left shoulder. Cut Man gets tired of firing at Mega Man and Roll and decides to push the bookshelf on them. Mega Man tries to push the bookshelf back onto Cut Man. Cut Man avoids getting crushed by the bookshelf. He runs out of the library. As Cut Man runs out of the library, he runs past Rush but is too busy with concentrating on his escape to notice the robot dog. Rush sees Cut Man running away and goes over to the library. Back at the library, Mega Man lifts up the bookshelf and sees that Cut Man has escaped. "Now who's going to put the books back in the right order?" Roll comments. Mega Man tells her "Now's not the time to worry about that, Roll, we need to-" Just then, Rush runs into the library. Mega Man cries out "Rush! You're alright! And in one piece!" Mega Man hugs Rush as Rush licks his face. Mega Man asks Rush "Where were you this whole time?" Rush whimpers. Mega Man chuckles and says to Rush "You'd rather not relive it, huh?" Rush nods his head. Mega Man tells Roll and Rush that he suspects that Dr. Wily is somewhere in the lab and that they need to find him. Roll thinks that there is either a control room or a security room that he has gone into in order to control the laboratory. Mega Man tells Roll "Maybe splitting up isn't such a bad idea this time..." He tells Roll and Rush to go their separate ways and call him up if they are in trouble. They each go into a hallway after leaving the library. Meanwhile, Cut Man runs into the control room where Dr. Wily is. He tells Dr. Wily that they now suspect that he has ownership of the laboratory. Dr. Wily tells him to just be on standby while he uses the newly built traps to take care of them. Dr. Wily turns to Proto Man, who is sitting at a chair next to him, and asks him where Mega Man is now. Proto man presses some buttons on the control panel. On one of the screens, Mega Man has entered a small room. Proto Man says to Dr. Wily "He's in one of the small storage rooms, your wilyness!" Dr. Wily says "Let's keep him in the closet, forever!" Dr. Wily pulls a lever on the control panel. Mega Man hears the ceiling beginning to slowly come down. Spikes come out of the ceiling. This scares Mega Man a bit. He fires at the ceiling. The shot is ineffective. The ceiling keeps going down. Mega Man focuses on the door instead. Unfortunately, the door won't open. The ceiling is descending further and further down. Mega Man charges up his cannon and fires a fully-powered blast at the door. The door burts open partially. Mega Man is upset that his blast didn't completely burst open the door. He groans in frustration. He pulls his fist back and punches the door literally off of its hinges. He manages to jump out before the ceiling crushes him under its spikes. He gets up off of the floor. In the control room, Proto Man and Dr. Wily see that Mega Man has escaped the trap. Proto Man looks at Dr. Wily and says to him "Looks like that trap failed to catch it's prey!" Dr. Wily groans and tells Proto Man "Check on the other intruders. Perhaps if we put them in danger, he will fall for the trap as well." Proto Man replies "Never thought of that. Good idea!" Proto Man presses a button on the panel. Roll and Rush show up on separate screens. Proto Man sees that they are wandering the halls. Proto Man is about to press a button, but on one of the screens sees that Mega Man is nearing the chemical lab. Dr. Wily tells Proto Man "I will inform Acid Man of the current situation. Hopefully he will completely dissolve him." Dr. Wily calls up Acid Man on the control panel's P.A. system. Acid Man asks Dr. Wily "You rang?" Dr. Wily tells Acid Man "Acid Man, Mega Man is heading for the chemical lab. Show him how chemistry works! Mwa ha ha ha ha!" Acid Man gives his master a thumbs up and heads to the chemical lab. Meanwhile, Mega Man is going through a part of the laboratory. Mega Man sees the door to the chemical lab. He says out loud to himself "There must be some clues here..." Mega Man enters the chemical lab room. He looks around the room. He checks for security cameras and anything suspicious. He looks at the large white screen that is at the end of the room. Acid Man suddenly appears on the screen, spooking Mega Man. Acid Man welcomes him to the chemical lab. "Welcome to the chemical lab, Mega Man!" Acid Man says to him. Mega Man asks him "What are you and your fellow henchbots doing here!?" Acid Man tells Mega Man "Why, I'm simply in my element!" The screen suddenly turns off. Mega Man asks himself "What was that all about!?" He hears glass rattling behind him. The beakers seem to levitate by themselves. They hurl themselves at Mega Man. Mega Man avoids a few and uses his plasma cannon to destroy the rest of the beakers. Mega Man says to himself "We might need a medium here!" He walks past shelves of bottles filled with chemicals. The shelves tip and the bottles fall off. Mega Man quickly avoids the sudden trap. The bottles break and spill in front of his feet. Mega Man shakes his head and comments "Who's going to clean up this mess?" He leaves the room. Dr. Wily sees on one of the screens in the control room that Mega Man has survived the trials of the chemical lab room. "Oh!" Dr. Wily says "Think you can stay out of danger that quickly? Well unfortunately for you, Mega Man, that's just the tip of the iceberg! Mwa ha ha ha!" Dr. Wily presses a button. The floor Mega Man is walking on suddenly freezes and become icy and slippery. Mega Man almost slips on the floor. He manages to get back up. "What the?" he exclaims. Icicles form on the ceiling. They fall down onto Mega Man. Mega Man fires at the icicles. Some of the icicles are vaporized. Mega Man dodges the rest of the icicles. He sees that a door is closing down fast, threatening to trap him in the hallway. Mega Man slides across the ice and barely gets past the closing door. He then gets up and remarks "Whew! Made it!" He calls up Roll on his arm cannon. Roll answers the call. She asks him "Any new discoveries, Mega?" Mega Man replies "If by discoveries, you mean death traps..." "Death traps!?" Roll responds. "Yes," Mega Man says "This laboratory is littered with traps! Be very careful where you go!" Roll says back "Roger, Mega Man!" She hangs up the call and puts her arm down. She hears a security camera moving around above her. She looks up and sees it. "Oh no!" she cries out. Back at the control room, Dr. Wily and Proto Man see that Roll has noticed the security camera on one of the many monitors. "Oh yes!" Dr. Wily evilly says "You and your brother and his robo dog are being watched!" Dr. Wily then says to Proto Man "Check on the other ones!" Proto Man presses some buttons on the control panel. Two of the screens show Mega Man and Rush. Proto Man observes them for a bit. He looks back to Dr. Wily and asks him "What'll it be this time, Doc?" Dr. Wily thinks for a moment. He then tells Proto Man "The Big Eye!" Proto Man says "Very good choice, doc!" He then presses a red button. As Mega Man walks down the hall, a secret door opens. Some Skeleton Joes emerge out of the door. They throw bones at Mega Man. Mega Man avoids the bones but is hit by the last one. He fires at the Skeleton Joes. The Skeleton Joes run back to the room that they came out of. Mega Man tries to run into the room, but the door closes quickly. Mega Man then tries to blast open the door. T he door opens again. Mega Man is about to run into the room, but a Big Eye comes stomping towards him. Its stomps shake the hallway. Mega Man quickly runs away from it. The Big Eye is still pursuing him. Mega Man fires at it as it is stomping forward. Meanwhile, Roll enters an office room. She goes over to the bookshelves. She looks at the bookshelf and says "This laboratory sure has a lot of books!" Suddenly, the bookshelf acts like a rotating door and turns around, trapping Roll in another room. Elsewhere, Mega Man is still being pursued by the Big Eye. He is chased into a large storage room. Mega Man sees that he can no longer run away from the Big Eye. The Big Eye comes stomping towards him. The floor underneath it falls apart. The Big Eye falls through the hole and crashes into parts. Mega Man looks down the hole and sees that the Big Eye now lies in parts. "Thank my lucky bolts!" Mega Man exclaims. He quickly leaves the storage room. Meanwhile, Rush is running down a hallway. Above inside the ceiling, Acid Man is watching Rush. He drips acid down in an attempt to destroy Rush. A drop of acid falls on the top of Rush's helmet. Rush looks up and sees acid dripping out of the ceiling. Rush runs to avoid the acid drops. Acid Man sees through the holes in the ceiling that Rush has escaped his trap. Acid Man calls up Cut Man and tells him "Rush is coming your way!" Cut Man laughs evilly and tells Acid Man "I'm going to give that dumb robo dog a trim, from the neck up! Ahe ahe ahe ahe!" As Cut Man says this, the cutter on his head snip rapidly. Below, Rush comes across a painting at the end of the hall. Rush sees that it is just a normal, regular, painting. Suddenly, Cut Man drops down from the ceiling. Rush jumps back in terror. The cutters on Cut Man's head get stuck in the floor. Cut Man ends up getting stuck. Acid Man groans at the pathetic sight below him. He uses his weapon to melt a hole in the ceiling. He jumps down the hole and stops Rush in his tracks. Rush yelps and runs away from Acid Man. Cut Man manages to free himself and gets up. He gets in Rush's way. Cut Man says to Rush "Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide!" Acid Man comments "Your end has come!" Rush howls. Elsewhere in the laboratory, Mega Man is in a storage room. The yellow buttons on his arm cannon glow brightly. Rush's howling plays through the buttons. Mega Man's eyes open wide with great distress. "Rush!" he cries out. He quickly runs out of the storage room. Back in the hallway, Cut Man and Acid Man prepare their weapons. Cut Man takes his cutters off of his head, while Acid Man aims his cannon at the robotic dog. Rush whimpers and curls up a bit. Acid Man says to Cut Man "Let me soften him up for you, Cut Man!" Cut Man sadistically laughs. "Sure thing, ahe ahe ahe..." Cut Man says. Rush howls yet again. Acid Man fires at Rush. Rush avoids the acid onslaught. Cut Man throws the cutters on his head at the red robo dog. Luckily for Rush, the cutters whizz by him. The cutters also go by Acid Man's head. Mega Man catches the cutter in his hand. Mega Man yells out "Right back at ya!" and throws the cutter back towards Cut Man. The cutter cuts off Cut Man's head. Acid Man fires his weapon at Mega Man. Mega Man dodges the weapon and fires at Acid Man. Acid Man, much to Mega Man's surprise, dodges the plasma shot. He fires his acidic weapon at Mega Man. The acid hits Mega Man's chest. Mega Man backs away a bit. He wipes most of the acid off of his chest. Acid Man fires again while saying "Want some more?" Mega Man slides between the acid robot master's legs and grabs Rush. Cut Man's headless body gets up and aims its arm cannon at Mega Man and Rush. As he slides by, Mega Man fires at Cut Man's body's arm cannon. The arm cannon gets badly damaged. Mega Man fires at the body again. The body finally goes down. Acid Man cries out "I'm not letting you slid away, Mega Man!" He fires his weapon at both Mega Man and Rush, but they have already gotten away. Mega Man calls up Roll on his arm cannon. Roll calls back and says "What is it, Mega Man?" Mega Man replies "Watch out for Acid Man!" "What about Cut Man?" Roll asks. Mega Man replies "Don't worry about him, Roll, I've already taken care of that orange nightmare puppet!" Roll then asks Mega Man where he and Rush are. Just then, Rush barks at Mega Man. Mega Man says to Rush "What is it, Rush?" Rush points with his nose to where the control room might be. Mega Man pets Rush on his head and compliments "Good robo boy!" They go to the control room. Mega Man carefully opens the door. He sees that the room is now a control room. He walks in cautiously and looks around. He sees someone at one of the chairs. He sees that the person is pressing buttons on the control panel in front of them. Mega Man walks up to the person. "Hey there!" Mega Man cries out "Who are you!? What are you doing here!? Why are you here!?" The chair turns around. Proto Man is in the chair. Mega Man is surprised and asks him "Where's Dr. Wily!?" Proto Man responds "Not telling!" Mega Man aims his plasma cannon at him and demands "For the second time, where is Dr. Wily!?" Proto Man shakes his head and says smugly "Still not telling!" Mega Man hears Roll crying out for help on one of the screens. Proto Man looks at the screen with a smile and says to Mega Man "Well, would you look at that? Roll has fallen for one of Wily's traps!" Mega Man tries to push sine buttons on the control panel, but Proto Man aggressively grabs his hand. Proto Man goes "Uh, uh, uh! You aren't trained for using the control panel!" Mega Man shoves Proto Man away. Proto Man falls off of the chair and onto the ground. Mega Man presses a button on the control panel and talks to Roll. "Roll!" he cries out "Are you okay in there!?" Roll sees Mega Man appear on a screen in the room. Roll yells out to him "Does it look like I'm alright!?" Mega Man tells Roll "Don't worry! I'll get you out of there!" Roll responds "You better hurry up! I can't wait any longer!" Mega Man runs out of the control room. Proto Man meanwhile gets up off of the floor and runs over to the other part of the control room. Proto Man calls up Dr. Wily on his arm cannon. Dr. Wily asks him "Have Mega Man and the others fallens for one of the traps yet?" Proto Man tells him "The trap in the office is about to catch its second victim!" Dr. Wily tells Proto Man "Great! Occupy the control room while I prepare the other robots for an ambush in case they should escape the trap." Proto Man returns to the control room's main control panel. He sits down, cracks his knuckles, and watches Mega Man attempt to rescue Roll. Mega Man enters the office. He calls out for Roll. He hears Roll crying out for him from behind one of the bookcases. He suspects that she is behind it, and fires at the bookcase. A hole is blasted into the bookcase. Mega Man goes through it and enters the secret room that Roll is now in. Proto Man sees that Mega Man is now also in the trap. A smirk crosses his face. He presses a red button on the control panel. A wall of lasers nears Mega Man and Roll. Mega Man grabs Roll's arm and they quickly get out of the small room. They think that they are safe for now, but Proto Man pushes another button on the control panel. Mega Man and Roll are about to leave the office, when the door closes shut. Mega Man tries to open the door, but it is closed shut. He is about to blast the door open, but Roll suddenly shouts out "Mega Man! Don't!" He asks Roll "Why shouldn't I shoot the door down!" Roll tells him "My arm device is detecting gas in here!" Mega Man can smell the gas. He thanks Roll for stopping him as the room is now filled with gas. They look around for another way to escape the office. Roll finds a vent in the ceiling. "Great eye, Roll!" Mega Man says to her. He can't blast the cover off, so Roll has to switch to her screwdriver attachment to unscrew the screws. Through the security cameras, Proto Man sees that they are trying to escape via the ventilation duct. "Escaping through the vent? I don't think so!" Proto Man says. He presses yet another button. Back in the office, Mega Man is helping Roll get into the vent. As he is assisting her, he sees something out of the corner of his eye. A taser-like device is emerging from the wall. Mega Man tells Roll "Hurry up!" The device is about to emit some sparks. Mega Man quickly gets into the vent just before the device shoots out some sparks, causing the whole room to explode. The resulting explosion destroys the security cameras in the office. Proto Man is upset by this. He pounds the control panel in frustration. "Blast it!" he yells out. He knows that there are no security cameras in the ventilation system, so he can't monitor Mega Man and Roll's position in the laboratory. He tries pressing some buttons. A screen turns on. It is on for a few seconds, then suddenly shuts down. Proto Man sneers at the screens. He then calls up Dr. Wily on his arm cannon. He angrily says to Dr. Wily "Where are you!?" Dr. Wily responds "Just a minute!" Proto Man asks him "What are you doing?" Dr. Wily is irritated by this question and snaps back "None of your business!!!" Proto Man says back "Okay..." and hangs up the call. He turns back to the control panel. "Now...where were we?" the red robot says to himself. Meanwhile, the three good robots are in the ventilation ducts. Roll asks Mega Man where they are in the laboratory. Mega Man shushes her. He leads Roll and Rush over to a grate at the bottom. Light is emitting from the grate. They look down the grate. They see Dr. Wily entering the control room. Mega Man quietly tells Roll "Looks like the control room is farther up..." They crawl through the ventilation ducts and make their way to the control room. Through the duct covering, they see that Dr. Wily has entered the control room. They see that Dr. Wily is talking with Proto Man. They listen to what the evil doctor is telling Proto Man. Dr. Wily is confiding in Proto Man that they may be hiding in the ducts. Roll and Mega Man look up at each other with great fear on their faces. Mega Man quietly says to Roll "Now's the time to strike!" Mega Man rips out the grid. "You go first, Mega." Roll says to her blue brother. Mega Man goes down the hole. Roll and Rush go down afterwards. They drop down into the control room. Proto Man is shocked that they had managed to find another way into the control room. "How-How did you?" Proto Man stammers in shock. He then looks up at where the grid was. He now realizes how the good robots manage to get into the control room. He looks back down at Mega Man. "Clever!" he comments to his brother. Roll sneaks past Proto Man while he is distracted. Roll is at one end of the room and Mega Man is at the other end. Roll switches to her toaster attachment. Dr. Wily sees that Proto Man has been cornered. Dr. Wily goes for the door. Mega Man fires at the door's handle. The plasma's heat melts the doorhandle, rendering it unable to be turned. Dr. Wily tries to turn the melted doorhandle. Mega Man tells Dr. Wily "You're not going anywhere, Wily!" The blue bomber aims his still smoldering plasma cannon at the evil robot scientist. Proto Man uses this as an opportunity to attack his blue brother. With a smirk on his face, he fires at Mega Man. Mega Man manages to dodge the blue plasma shot. He aims his plasma cannon at Proto Man. Mega Man fires a fully charged shot at Proto Man. Proto Man gets knocked out as a result. "That was too easy!" Mega Man quips as he goes over to a knocked out Proto Man. Mega Man copies Proto Man's weapon. The other robot masters see that Mega Man's cannon is now more powerful. They are reluctant to confront Mega Man. Acid Man fires his weapon at the blue robot. Mega Man jumps back to avoid the acid onslaught. The acid eats away at the floor. The acid creates a large hole that Guts Man falls through. Acid Man fires his weapon again, but Mega Man fires a powerful shot at him. The shot strikes Acid Man with great force. The pipes on Acid Man's body burst open. Acid Man crumples to the floor. Acid comes out of his body. The acid pools underneath him and dissolves the floor. Acid Man falls through the large hole. He lands on top of Guts Man. The remaining acid on him starts to eat into Guts Man. Guts Man quickly throws him off. Guts Man picks up Acid Man and catches up with Dr. Wily. Dr. Wily goes over to the control panels. Mega Man goes over to Dr. Wily and restrains him. Dr. Wily cries out "Guts Man! Get him off of me!" Guts Man drops Acid Man and grabs Mega Man. He gets Mega Man off of Dr. Wily. Guts Man hurls Mega Man at a wall. Guts Man then rips the melted doorknob out of the door and breaks the door down. He then picks up Acid Man and tells Dr. Wily "Alright! Let's blow this joint!" The bad guys run out of the control room. Mega Man gets up and sees that the villains have gotten out of the room. He, Roll, and Rush run out of the room after them. Dr. Wily and his robots quickly get into the Skullker. Mega Man runs up to the Skullker and fires at it. The Skullker fires back at Mega Man. The large beam knocks Mega Man back. Mega Man has been a bit damaged. Roll runs over to Mega Man. "Are you alright?" she asks him. Mega Man gets up. He says to her "Pretty much, except for a few dents here and there..." They see that the Skullker has gotten away yet again. "I hate when that happens!" Mega Man comments. They return to Dr. Light's lab. As they approach the steps, they see that there are a bunch of trick or treaters waiting at the bottom of the steps. Mega Man tells Roll "We should get our costumes back on!" Roll tells him "Race ya!" The episode ends with Mega Man, Roll, and Rush running up the stairs to quickly put their costumes on.
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goddamnmuses-a · 5 years
Star Wars OCs.
So.. I found this star wars character maker thing.. and I was messing around and ended up making like 2 OC’s from a bunch of different time periods. >.> So I’m gonna share them under the cut, probably not gonna rp them but if theres like immense interest in one of them then maybe... Most are force sensitive because im a huge nerd for Jedi and sith shit. 
Let’s do this in time order.. so the first is the Old Republic. Let’s go light then Dark.  Old Republic Light Side: 
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Name:  Dargo'alaosh'sose (Dargo for short) Race: Chiss Gender: Male Occupation?: Padawan.  Brief History: A Jedi fled into the Unknown Region to avoid Sith and crashed on a planet, Whilst he was there he met Dargo and found him to be strong witht he force so took him in as a Padawan, he’s possibly the first and only Chiss Jedi and feels very alienated because of that.  FC: Logan Lerman
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Old Republic Darkside: 
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Name: Morhis Race: Sith Gender: Male Occupation?: Sith Brief History: Morhis was the son of two Sith Lords who was indoctrinated into the Sith Academy at a very young age and trained in the ways of the dark side.  FC: Joey Batey
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High Republic Light Side: 
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Name:  Isad Race: Miraluka Gender: Male Occupation?: Jedi Brief History: Isad and his brothers were all taken to the Jedi academy and trained as younglings, he is a pure and good boy who went from youngling to padawan to Jedi Knight.  FC: Chris Ackerman
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High Republic Dark Side:
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Name:  Beyos Race:  Rattataki Gender: Male Occupation?: Dark Jedi.  Brief History: Beyos was taken in as a child, raised as a youngling and then a padawan but his master died in an ambush and Beyos let himself fall to the darkside, slaughtering those who’d killed his master. Enjoying the power he’d felt he returned to the Jedi Temple and began researching the darkside in secret until he was caught, then he fled.  FC: Anthony Carrigan
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Prequel Light Side: 
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Name: Rol Komad Race:  Twi’lek Gender: Male Occupation?: Padawan Brief History:  Taken into the Jedi order as a child he was raised there as a youngling to a Padawan, his master sacraficed himself during Order 66 and Rol went into hiding, never actually finishing his training and reaching the rank of Jedi Knight FC: Noah Schnapp 
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Prequel “Dark Side”: 
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Name: Shen Race:  Mirialan Gender: Male Occupation?: Ex-Jedi Brief History:  Shen was a Jedi youngling then Padawan and finally Knight but he fell in love and began to question the Jedi’s way of life, so he left. He’s not exactly evil and will help out when he’s needed, he’s just no longer a Jedi.  FC: Jesse Rath
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Original Trilogy Light Side:
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Name:  Vashta Kaal Race:  Togruta Gender: Male Occupation?: Smuggler Brief History:  Vashta grew up poor, saving up for a flight off the crappy planet he’d been stuck on, he eventually managed to get a smuggler to take him with them, however Vashta soon joined the crew and stuck with the smuggler. FC: Taylor Launtner
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Original Trilogy Dark Side: 
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Name:  Gor T’tob Race:  Human - Cyborg.  Gender: Male Occupation?: Bounty Hunter Brief History:  He started life with a different name, commiting petty crimes until things escalated and he ended up with a small bounty on him, the bounty hunter that came to get him was fully armoured. Managing to slip out of his bindings he killed the bounty hunter, donned his armour and handed in the body, esentially swapping places with him. Since then he’s been Gorttob the bounty hunter.  FC: Dominic Purcell
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Sequel Light Side:
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Name: Fenn Hekyl Race:  Pantoran Gender: Male Occupation?: Force Sensitive - In Training.  Brief History:  Born and raised on Lothal he was very young when the galaxy united to bring down the Final Order. He found out he was force sensitive soon after and began to train his skills.  FC: Alexander Calvert
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Sequel Dark Sider: 
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Name: Ketram.  Race:  Zabrak Gender: Male Occupation?: Self proclaimed Sith.  Brief History: Ketram was very young when he discovered he was force sensitive, he kept it secret, learning in private and keeping to himself until he discovered stories of another force sensitive Zabrak, he delved into research becoming somewhat obsessed with “The Shadow” until he fell deep into the dark side.  FC: Jason Statham  
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Todos los símbolos para ti ~
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Otra loca más... Me encanta! Justo estaba pensando... Pucha y si alguien más quiere saber algo...? Pero dude, jamás pensé que preguntarían TODO, TWICE!
Aunque mismo caso aplica, si a alguien le da curiosidad algo más específico puede preguntar xD
🌟 - Who was your very first rp muse?
Como comenté, Hikaru y Cloud fueron mis primeras musas, aunque durante un tiempo (aquí haciendo memoria) simultáneamente roleaba a Red Link de The Legend of Zelda. Ya sabes, el que es más "agresivo" y terco de los 4 Links cuándo se dividen.
⌛ - How long have you been rping?
Como dije, unos 12 años aproximadamente, y siguen en aumento xD roleo desde que tengo unos 8-9, y desde que tengo 12 roleo en internet.
Y pues para ser sincera no recuerdo bien todo ese tiempo, aunque mi estadía en Instituto Honan fue super graciosa. Pasa que entré al foro y los administradores se habían ido hacía un par de días (y no dejaron aviso) y un grupo de chicos que queríamos rolear nos reunimos en el Chatbox y empezamos a rolear por nuestra cuenta sin tener la ficha aprobada xDDDDDDDD creo que desde ese entonces dije "nunca me voy a retirar de esto, nunca". Así que son 12 años and going.
🌌 - What’s your favorite part of rp?
Como comentaba antes, pero ahora si me voy a extender un poco más... Las posibilidades del rol son literalmente infinitas. Podemos tener 8 Verses de un mismo personaje e inventarnos más simplemente porque podemos, porque nos provoca, porque es divertido. Es la capacidad y poder de creación lo que me enamora de esto... Y el poder usar personajes que amo mucho para darles la interpretación que creo es la correcta (al menos para mi) y tener la satisfacción incluso de corregir errores de juicio de los escritores originales (como me pasa con Adam Taurus de RWBY). Todo eso, y que de paso haya gente que disfruta lo que hago... Es fantastico. Esa es mi parte favorita.
💗 - Do you prefer angst or fluff?
Both, peeeero pensándolo bien, el angst dependiendo de qué sea se me da muchísimo mejor y me siento ligeramente más cómoda que con el fluff. Sobre todo cuando se trata de angst que tiene que ver directamente con el gore.
💝 - Who are some rpers you look up to?
Como comenté, ninguno en particular por ahora, pero si veo muchos roles y muchas Muns super geniales (incluyéndote aunque seas nueva aquí en Tumblr) que me hacen sentirme cómoda con lo que hago y me inspiran a mejorar. Más que looking up to someone, me gusta más el looking after someone y que se sientan bienevenidos y podamos hacer cosas e inventar de todo para aprovechar ese universo sin fin de oportunidades que tenemos en rol.
💙 - Are there any muses you’ve been considering trying out?
Lo había estado pensando y de hecho ahorita que le dedico más tiempo al pensamiento, me gustaría volver a rolear a Draco Malfoy de Harry Potter, y estoy considerando desde hace tiempo en si rolear o no a Asuka de Evangelion, así como a Senjougahara Hitagi de Monogatari. No recordaba eso cuando hice el otro ask xD
🎂 - When’s your birthday?
12 de Julio xd
🎊 - What’s your zodiac sign?
Cancer, ofc
💞 - How old are you?
22 pero cumplo 23 en Julio btw
💖 - What’s something you like about your muse?
Para no generalizar tanto y darle un approach distinto, me gusta mucho de mis musas femeninas que son maternales y comprensivas en su mayoría, pero eso no quiere decir que estén dentro de los lineamientos tradicionales de lo que es Femenino. Mismo caso con mis chicos, que aunque son todos bastante badass y tienen medio mal genio, creo que son buenos portrayals de lo que es una masculinidad no tóxica, cosa que se extrapola a las chicas. Creo que lo que me gusta de ellos es que justamente son estereotipos pero no quiere decir que sean bidimensionales (o al menos trato de que no lo sean).
💔 - What’s something you dislike about your muse?
Por el lado de los chicos, siguiendo la misma linea anterior, es que los chicos se esfuerzan demasiado las expectativas que se esperan de ellos. Que deben ser manly o fuertes y a veces por eso pecan de idiotas o de cerrados y cripticos (como Bakugo, Gilgamesh, o Shinya). De las chicas que no saben lo que es amar a alguien sin dejar pedazos de ellas en el camino. Las historias de amor de todas mis chicas siempre terminan en algún punto así. Igualmente, no es algo que me desagrade per se, pero simplemente es lo que a veces me da dolor de cabeza por es como "dammit pueden dejar de hacer eso? I've been there, done that, doesn't work!"
🍕 - What’s your favorite food?
Como dije, Sushi, pero en una nota especial, diré que una de mis comidas favoritas es el pasticho de mi mamá.
🌅 - What’s your favorite season/weather?
Invierno y temporada de lluvia uwu coinciden muy poco, pero me hacen feliz.
🎥 - What’s your favorite tv show/movie?
Creo que dado que mencioné el apartado de animación, diría que mis películas con actores reales y toda la cosa, probablemente es la trilogia de Batman hecha por Christopher Nolan. Me parece soberbia. Sobre todo la última entrega The Dark Knight Rises (nunca me gustó la segunda por Heath Ledger, sorry not sorry, era buen actor pero desprecio al Joker). Y Tron Legacy me gusta MUCHO.
🎼 - What’s your favorite song?
Otras de mis canciones favoritas son Hurricane y Night of the Hunter de 30 Seconds to Mars. Antes era Echelon, pero lastimosamente le agarré algo de idea a Jared porque creo que se le subió la fama a la cabeza después de ganar el Oscar y tanto su actuación como Joker (orrivle, oremos... Porque él de hecho es buen actor) y su último album son totalmente una ofensa al cine y la música.
Otros tracks que son mis favoritos son el instrumental oficial de Sakura Nagashi de Evangelion 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo, y Valse Di Fantastica de Final Fantasy XV (así como la versión lenta).
🎶 - Who’s your favorite singer/band/music producer?
Mi otra banda favorita es La Oreja de Van Gogh aunque me faltan un par de albumes para ponerme al día. Pero puedes ponerme casi cualquier canción de las viejas y yo puedo cantarla mil veces.
🎲 - Do you have a favorite board game?
Ahora que lo pienso... Dungeon World y Dungeons and Dragons no son juegos de mesa? Porque son mis favoritos xDDDDDDDD
🎮 - What’s your favorite video game?
Otro de mis juegos favoritos actualmente es Final Fantasy Record Keeper. AMO el juego, es perfecto. Oh, y Neko Atsume
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huntersbrotherhood · 4 years
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¿Quieres ser una de las gemelas más conocidas de la saga? Kyrian espera a su mujer Amanda.
PB: Megan Fox
Se pide una prueba de rol enviada por MP.
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eternaldarknessrol · 3 years
Flashback Acheron.... Que triste!!
// Digimons 9532 a.C
// Burdel de Didimons
Los nobles de mi hermano solían pasar por aquí a menudo sin embargo hoy había quedado con la dueña .
Me había bañado y perfumado para ella de vez en cuando me ganaba un día libre pero tenía un precio como todo, ninguno daba nada gratis.
La meretriz una mujer bastante mayor aunque aún hermosa se me acerco con aire de gata en celo , como siempre yo había tomado Eycharistisi así que andaba ansioso se me erizo el bello de la piel y unas enormes ganas de arrancarle el Quitón, deseaba el ese cuerpo bien torneado y pálido como leche, necesitaba explorar cada uno de sus rincones.
La apreté contra mí la quería cerca muy cerca.
Mis manos se deslizaron hará llegar al broche y quitarlo dejando que callera por su cuerpo a sus pies.
Hice lo mismo con mi ropa no podía esperar a tener el contacto directo de su piel.
La droga estaba en el punto álgido.
Ella me acarició el torso ahora fino y fibroso después de que por fin había estado comiendo decentemente al menos.
La Meretriz estaba muy caliente, ardía como la pobre llama que iluminaba la habitación encima de la pequeña mesa .
Esa luz dejaba ver nuestros cuerpos dioses la necesitaba .
Mordisque su cuello descendiendo hacia su clavícula , deje deslizar la punta de mi lengua dejando una tibia humedad en su cuerpo .
La tumbe sobre la cama con delicadeza tanto como si fuera algo frágil que pudiera romperse .
Mis dedos empezaron a tantear su parte más íntima con suavidad y calma buscando el botón de su placer.
Mientras mi cuerpo descendía por el suyo creando un hormigueo de gusto por su vientre dirigiéndome a su centro , mis ojos lujuriosos alimentaban ese deseo de desgustarlo.
La dueña se retorcía bajo mis manos , no podía contener sus gemidos .
Entonces me miró su mirada se centro en la mia , tenía los ojos oscurecidos y al mismo tiempo parecían llamas ardiendo por mi.
Mi cabeza estaba entre sus piernas y estaba a punto del orgasmo me hundo en ella profundamente vi como se mordía para no gritar con movimientos languidos y largo me movía en su interior hasta que un grito gutural salió de su garganta .
Poco después yo salía de su interior y me masturbe , heche la cabeza hacia atrás mientras ella me observaba tocarme y venirme .
Aún no estaba satisfecho las drogas no me daban descanso seguía duro y volví por ella no se cuánto tiempo quizás días estuvimos en la cama hasta que el efecto termino y el asco y los vómitos volvieron.
En la esquina me retorcía de dolor de estómago lo peor de todo es que no podías olvidar lo que hacías .
-Supongo que me lo he ganado ¿no? Mi día libre será mañana.
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kazvent · 4 years
Valve canceló Half-Life 3 entre otros proyectos antes de Alyx y ahora trabaja en un juego “top secret”
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Geoff Keighley ha publicado una “experiencia multimedia” llamada Half-Life: Alyx - Final Hours donde se analiza el proceso creativo y explica la historia que hay detrás del juego de realidad virtual. El metraje revela muchos detalles sobre la franquicia Half-Life desde el lanzamiento de Half-Life 2: Episode Two, incluyendo la existencia de múltiples proyectos desechados entre los que se encuentra Half-Life 3. También se habla de otros descartes, como el de un juego de rol inspirado en Monster Hunter, Dark Souls y The Elder Scrolls. Entre Half-Life Episode Two (2007) y Half-Life Alyx… Leer noticia completa y comentarios » from ElOtroLado.net https://ift.tt/3efrpbr via IFTTT
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haber-zeynart · 4 years
PS Store'da Temmuz fırsatları başladı: İşte dikkat çekenler
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PlayStation Store'da bu ayın ilk yeni kampanya dönemi resmen başladı. "Temmuz Tasarrufları" başlıklı kampanyada popüler birçok oyun önemli indirimlere girmiş durumda. Yeni kampanya dönemi iki hafta sürecek. FromSoftware'in popüler aksiyon rol yapma oyunu Dark Souls III'ün DLC'leri de içeren deluxe sürümü şu anda 74,75 TL'ye düşmüş durumda. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Deluxe Sürüm ise 257 TL'ye satılıyor. Ayrıca God of War, Devil May Cry 5 ve Resident Evil 7 gibi popüler oyunlarda da indirimler var. Temmuz Tasarrufları 23 Temmuz TSİ 02.00'da sona erecek. Kampanya sayfasına buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. Marvel's Spider-Man -- 124,50 TL God of War -- 89,25 TL Dark Souls III - Deluxe Edition -- 74,75 TL Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Deluxe Sürüm -- 257,04 TL No Man's Sky -- 89,50 TL Assassin's Creed Odyssey -- 84,00 TL Just Cause 4 Eksiksiz Sürüm -- 83,72 TL Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe Edition (with Red Orbs) -- 109,50 TL Resident Evil 7 Biohazard -- 42,00 TL Need for Speed -- 42,00 TL MediEvil -- 94,50 TL Generation Zero -- 67,00 TL Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition -- 155,40 TL Far Cry 3 Classic Edition -- 17,90 TL Far Cry 4 -- 59,07 TL WRC 8 FIA World Rally Championship -- 77,70 TL V-Rally 4 Ultimate Edition -- 69,80 TL Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr --35,80 TL Warhammer: Chaosbane -- 44,50 TL Code Vein -- 128,57 TL Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Deluxe Edition -- 123,69 TL Watch Dogs 2 Deluxe Edition -- 69,00 TL Journey -- 22,77 TL Read the full article
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kdfrqqg · 7 years
Revenge of a Clown Part 1
Garth x Plutonic Reader, with Sam and Dean, Crowley makes an appearance in part 2 Warnings: character death, violence, language, crying and angst, BMOL Word count: 2.2K
A/N: Written for @chaos-and-the-calm67 80s challenge. Prompt is: An American Werewolf in London. This follows season 12 pretty close to canon. I was really inspired by this prompt and I continued to add little bit and peices until I created something that I’m really proud of. I cried a few times when writing this so I’m sorry if you get emotional too.
Morning came too quickly for (Y/N), you and the boys had been trying to find Cas and Kelly all week, and you and Dean had been clearing out vampire nests that the British Men of Letters sent you on.  You didn’t like working for them but their method worked and you had never killed so many monsters so fast.  Drinking your first cup of coffee in the war room you heard a jarring knock on the old iron door.  Maybe it was Cas, you ran up the steps, you almost squealed in excitement when you saw your tall skinny best friend Garth. Before you made a sound he fell to his knees, it was like he had willed himself to get to you but once he saw you he couldn’t will himself to move any farther.  You pulled him into the bunker, wrapping your whole body around him.  He smelled like dirt and sweat and there was dry blood all over him.  Who the hell did this? “Guys! Guys!” You yelled and the brothers came running in seeing you up by the door on the floor.  They rushed up the steps and hovered around you while you tried to get Garth to talk. “Garth, Garth, you gotta say with me!” Your words were frantic. “What happened?” Sobbs only came from him, which made you and the boys tear up as well.  You didn’t know what was wrong or how to fix it, all you knew was he was hurting.  It’s was quiet, for a few moments, except for his crying, you’d let him cry until he was ready to talk, that’s what best friends do. “They killed her.” Garth somehow managed. “Who’d they kill?” You asked.   “They killed Bess.” He sobbed with his head on your shoulder. “No!” You screamed. Your mind was racing, all the hunters knew that Garth and his clan were off limits unless they started killing people. “No! Not Bess. Garth,” you wept with him, rubbing your hand over his back.  “Was it other hunters?” “I don’t know (Y/N).  It was these British guys. I didn’t catch much they said.” He explained, his voice was raw. “What after all that help we gave them they resorted back these methods?” You said out loud in disbelief turning your head to glare at Sam. Garth wiped his eyes and looked at you, “You know them?” You tried not to cry, “Yeah, we know them.” Running a hand through your hair, “we thought we were helping. See they’re the British Chapter of the Men of Letters.” “As in this place?” Garth questioned finally understanding why you work with them. “Yeah” you sniffed. Had your involvement caused her death? “But they’re heartless, cold and ruthless.  They are nothing like you or us.  I don’t expect you to forgive us.” You pulled him close crying on his shoulder. “You probably didn’t know.” Dammit he was comforting you and this should be the other way around. “No, Garth, hunny, we knew. We knew.” you sighed and sobbed at the same time. “They kidnapped and tortured Sam and I for days until Dean rescued us.” “Are you ok? How could you still work with them?” Garth continued to ask. “Garth,” Sam interjected, “I convinced everyone that we should team up, combine resources, do the most good.  Try and kill as many monsters as possible.” “Like Bess?” Garth looked up at the youngest Winchester. You turned Garth’s face to look at you, “No, not like Bess.  She was an amazing, wonderful woman, who just happened to be a werewolf, she is no more monster than you are.  Do you hear me?” He nodded. “Garth, I love you. I loved Bess. You were my best friend when I didn’t want one, you have always been there for me and I’m going to be there for you.  Let’s get you off the floor and cleaned up.” You stood and boys gently helped Garth up and down the stairs. “I got him.” You put your arm around his waist to support him. “When was the last time you ate?” “I don’t remember.” He mumbled. “Dean” his low head shot up at the mention of his name.  “Will you make him some food while I get him showered up?” Garth stood motionless almost catatonic still processing everything that happened.  You started the water and tested it when it ready. “Ok I’ll leave you be.” The look on his face was one you had never seen him wear.  He was defeated and you couldn’t leave him.  “Let me help you.” You stripped the hunter down, his naked form looked so fragile and weak. Your heart sank and you wanted to wrap him up in the warmest blanket in the bunker and protect him from the whole world.  But instead you quickly removed your shirt and jeans knowing that in his state he couldn’t even handle washing himself.  “Is it ok if I get in there with you?” He looked into the void and only grunted. With the dirt and the blood washed away, you had new hope that Garth would be able to heal.  You tied a white bath towel around his waist and draped one over his shoulders, you put your shirt and jeans back on over your soaked bra and panties, at this moment you didn’t care about your own comfort. You walked him down to Cas’ old room that you always kept made up, and sat him on the edge of the bed.  You searched through the dresser there was only an old pair of light blue boxers in the drawer, they were too big but they would work.  “I’ll be right back.” Running to Dean’s room, you grabbed a t-shirt, a pair of socks and a flannel pair of sleep pants. Trying not to manhandle him too much, you pulled on all of the clothes you had found for him as gently as you could. Dean rapped his knuckles on the door, he had a full plate of food that you thanked him for.  “Garth, sweetie, I need you to eat ok.” You begged, ripping a chunk of meat off of the chicken leg.  “Smells good right?” You looked over at Dean, he had a single tear rolling down his cheek. His concern was touching, he wanted to help but he knew that Garth only would respond to you.  Placing the meat to his lips he opened his mouth, “That’s good.  I need you to chew.” He slowly chewed the piece of chicken and swallowed, you forced him to finish the drumstick and a breast.  “Garthy, you should get some rest.” You put him to bed and before you were about to turn the light out, he whispered, “thank you” “Get some sleep, sweetie, you had a rough couple of days.  You’re safe now.” Garth slept most of the day and night you checked on him sporadically sometimes just peeking in and other times sitting on the bed and running your fingers through his hair reassuring him that you were there. He finally got up and made his way to your room. You woke when the hallway light shown on your face from the opened door.  “Hey” you sat up. “ Are you hungry?” “No, it’s lonely in there. I’m not used to sleeping by myself anymore.” “Oh Garth,” you pulled the blanket back, “come here.” In seconds, your legs and arms were surrounding him, pressing his head against your heart.  You peppered his forehead with gentle kisses as your played with his hair.  “I would have never gone along with all this if I thought you would get hurt.” “I know. You’re the best person I know.  I still love you.” “Thank you.” You kissed his eyelids, “I love you too.” In seconds, he was softly snoring, you pulled him as close as you could get him.  
“So what are we going to do about them?” You asked Sam and Dean the next morning about the British Men of Letters.   “Stop working for them for one.” Dean answered. “No, don’t stop working for them.” You heard Garth’s voice come from the hallway.   “Excuse me!” Dean exclaimed. “Keep working for them they need to think nothing’s wrong, that is how we take them down.” Garth explained. “What’s the plan?” Sam asked. “We lead a double assault.” Garth said. “Meaning what?” You questioned. “It’s not just good enough to take them down on our soil but we need take them down on their own soil that way they know never to mess with us again.” Garth gritted his teeth. “So you wanna go to England?” You covered his hand with yours. “I always wanted to see Big Ben.” He smiled at you. “They have London locked down. Garth, you won’t be able to make it two feet without them knowing.” Sam informed. You stared at the hopeful Garth, “I’m sure we’ll figure something out.” Part 2
I love all the likes and reblogs but I really do want your feedback. Please leave me a comment; let me know what worked or what didn’t. If you hated it let me know what I could do different. It may determine how I write my next fic.
“Give it to me! You know you want to!” Writer winks at reader.
MY MASTER LIST Thanks for reading! Let me know if you want to be tagged.
Everything @bandobsession98, @greenappleeyes, @honeybeetrash, @chaos-and-the-calm67, @18crazybutcutealsopsycho, @xdifsx, @winchesters-favorite-girl, @queen-of-deans-booty, @notnaturalanahi, @justanotherdeangirl, @samwinjarpad, @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel
Reader insert @jensen-jarpad
Crowley @boxer-pup, @fuschiarulerinthebluebox, @uselessace, @gettinjoyful
Garth girls @erin654, @surfin-the-sun, @hinata-redfox19
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huntersbrotherhood · 4 years
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Nuestro dark principal busca a su alma gemela.
PB: Nina Dobrev.
Para solicitar el personaje es obligatorio haber leído como mínimo los libros de Acheron y Styxx y pasar un pasar un pequeño casting.
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El pistolero contratado William Jessup Brady vivió su vida con un pie en la tumba, hasta el día en que finalmente encontró una razón para vivir. En un solo acto de brutal traición, lo perdió todo, incluida su vida. Traído de vuelta por una diosa griega para ser uno de sus Dark-Hunters, entregó su alma inmortal por venganza y juró que pasaría la eternidad protegiendo a los humanos que una vez había considerado una presa. Huérfana cuando era una niña pequeña, Abigail Yager fue acogida por una familia de vampiros y criada con una creencia: los Dark-Hunters son los malvados que se aprovechan tanto de su gente como de la humanidad, y todos deben ser destruidos. Reunidos por un dios enojado y perseguidos por antiguos enemigos para matarlos a ambos, William y Abigail deben encontrar una manera de superar su odio mutuo o ver cómo uno de los poderes más oscuros se levanta y mata a las dos razas que han jurado proteger. .
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