em-cosplay42 · 4 months
Artistic yeast
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I am just gonna drop it here because fuck yea I managed to not f it up too much XD It was growing two days at 28°C and then today it will be in room temp till tomorrow event. But I am so happy. The yeasts used for this are Saccharomyces cerevisiae of two different strains. (hence one is more red)
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strickology · 1 month
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Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) dyed with methylthioninium chloride.
This type of dye is used to differenciate between dead and living cells. Living cells usually attempt to dispose of the blue dye metabolically and therefore appear clear
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formidable-fermenter · 8 months
need you to know your username and that tag paragraph you left on a reblog one time have captivated me and that's why I followed. I know nothing about fermenting. I've spoken of you to my friends. tell me a fact about fermentation
I’m going to scream, this is my first ever ask and I’m so nervous!
Let’s see, a fact about fermentation.
There are too many so here’s a few that I find interesting 🤷‍♂️
SCOBY (the thing most commonly associated with kombucha) stands for (S)ymbiotic (C)ulture (O)f (B)acteria and (Y)east
Vinegar can also develop a SCOBY. However, instead of being called a SCOBY, it’s more typically referred to as a MOV - (M)other (O)f (V)inegar
Hot sauces can be fermented. Many famous hot sauces are fermented. And it’s generally agreed upon that fermentation hot sauces have a better blend of flavors.
If a bread had yeast in it it’s been fermented. The difference between regular bread and sourdough bread is that with the wild yeast some bacteria will also take root which helps give that nice tart taste!
Fermentation is just the process of having smaller microorganisms digest a food before you do. The most common fermenters are fungi and yeast, bacteria, mold, and enzymes.
All vinegar starts as alcohol
Even salamis and other dried/aged meats are fermented!
There’s so much more I could talk about, but these are a spread of facts that are neat!
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oaresearchpaper · 6 months
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Ekmek Mayası Bitkilerdeki Tıbbi Bileşiklerin Keşfini Hızlandırıyor
Ekmek Mayası Bitkilerdeki Tıbbi Bileşiklerin Keşfini Hızlandırıyor
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#Araştırmalar, #Aspirin, #BitkiEnzimleri, #BitkiTranskriptomik, #Bitkiler, #CornellÜniversitesi, #EkmekMayası, #EkonomikÜretim, #Fermantasyon, #FırıncıMayası, #Genler, #Ilaçlar, #Kemoterapi, #KratomEnzimleri, #MayaBazlıTarama, #Mitraginin, #Morfin, #ProteinProteinEtkileşimleri, #SaccharomycesCerevisiae, #TıbbiBileşikler https://is.gd/EPfBqU https://www.tibbivearomatikbitkiler.com/haberler/ekmek-mayasi-bitkilerdeki-tibbi-bilesiklerin-kesfini-hizlandiriyor/
Ekmek mayası bitkilerdeki Tıbbi Bileşiklerin keşfini hızlandırdığına dair araştırmaları sürüyor. Araştırmacılar, tıbbi bileşikleri nasıl ve hangi bitkilerin sentezleyebileceğini belirlemeyi çok daha verimli hale getiren yeni bir tarama yöntemi geliştirdiler. Tarama yöntemi, bitki enzimleri arasındaki protein-protein etkileşimlerinin yakalanmasına yardımcı olan fırıncı mayasına dayanmaktadır. Yeni yöntem, 20 adaydan altı kratom enziminin tanımlanmasına yol açtı.
Aspirin, morfin ve bazı kemoterapiler, bitkiler tarafından üretilen doğal bileşiklerden elde edilen ilaçlara örnektir. Ancak bitkilerin bu tür bileşikleri oluşturmasını sağlayan genlerin belirlenmesi sıkıcı ve pahalıdır.
Şimdi, Cornell Üniversitesi araştırmacıları fırıncı mayasını kullanarak uygun maliyetli ve oldukça verimli bir yaklaşım yarattılar. Hatta yeni yöntemi bir kratom ağacındaki anahtar enzimleri tanımlamak için bile kullandılar.
Maya nedir: Maya, mantar krallığının bir üyesi olan tek hücreli, yaşayan bir mikroorganizmadır. Bira mayası veya ekmek mayası olarak da bilinen Saccharomyces cerevisiae , binlerce yıldır fırıncılıkta, şarap yapımında ve bira yapımında önemli bir bileşen olmuştur. Fermantasyon işlemi sırasında şekerleri ve nişastaları alkol ve karbondioksite dönüştürdüğü için adını Latince Yunanca “şeker mantarı” anlamına gelen kelimeden almaktadır.
Angewandte Chemie’deki araştırmaya göre , yeni maya bazlı tarama yöntemi, bitki enzimleri arasındaki protein-protein etkileşimlerini yakalıyor ve bir bitkinin tıbbi bileşikleri nasıl biyosentezlediğinden nihai olarak hangi genlerin sorumlu olduğunu daha iyi belirlemek için diğer tarama yöntemleriyle birlikte çalışıyor.
Kimya ve biyomoleküler mühendislik yardımcı doçenti Sijin Li, “Geleneksel yöntemler, bitkide aynı anda bulunan protein gruplarını buluyor, ancak bizim yöntemimiz, bu gruplardan hangilerinin fiziksel olarak kümelenip birbirleriyle iyi oynadığına bakarak bunu tamamlıyor” dedi. ve çalışmanın baş yazarı. “İlaç için çıkarmak isteyebileceğimiz kimyasal türlerinden sorumlu olanlar bunlar.”
Gen adayları bitki transkriptomiği kullanılarak tahmin edildikten sonra, fırıncı mayası (bira yapmak ve ekmek pişirmek için kullanılanla aynı tür), hangilerinin birbiriyle etkileşime giren proteinler ürettiğini görmek için içindeki genlerle birlikte tasarlanır. Sonuç olarak biyokimyasal olarak taranması gereken genlerin sayısı önemli ölçüde azalır.
İyi araştırılmamış ancak farmasötik potansiyele sahip olduğu düşünülen kratom yapraklarıyla yapılan deneylerde, maya bazlı yöntem, mitragininin veya diğer hedeflenen kimyasalları ürettiği genetik taramayla tahmin edilen 20 adaydan altı kratom enziminin tanımlanmasına yol açtı. Daha sonraki biyokimyasal testler, atılan 14 adayın hiçbirinin işlevsel enzim olmadığını, maya bazlı yöntemle tanımlanan altı adaydan dördünün ise işlevsel olduğunu gösterdi.
Li, “Klinik deneyler için kimyasalın bitkiden saflaştırılması veya kimyasal bir yaklaşım kullanılarak sentezlenmesi gerekiyor ki bu çok pahalı” dedi. “Maya yöntemini kullanarak mitraginini ve bizi yeni ilaçlara yönlendirebilecek diğer kimyasalları daha ekonomik bir şekilde üretebiliriz.”
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prose2passion · 1 year
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hoantovet · 1 year
ENZYME TIÊU HÓA GIÚP CÁ KHỎE MẠNH, MAU LỚN – PHÒNG BỆNH ĐƯỜNG RUỘT CHO CÁ THÀNH PHẦN: Bacillus Subtilis Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Amylase  Protease Lipase  ß-Glucanase  Cellulase CaCO3 vừa đủ CÔNG DỤNG: Bổ sung enzyme tiêu hoá cho cá giúp cá tiêu hoá tốt thức ăn, khoẻ mạnh, mau lớn, phòng bệnh đường ruột trên cá. LIỀU LƯỢNG VÀ CÁCH DÙNG: Trộn đều vào thức ăn, cho ăn liên tục đến khi thu…
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whencyclopedia · 10 months
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Beer in the Ancient World
The intoxicant known in English as `beer' takes its name from the Latin `bibere' (by way of the German `bier') meaning `to drink' and the Spanish word for beer, cerveza' comes from the Latin word `cerevisia' for `of beer', giving some indication of the long span human beings have been enjoying the drink.
Learn more about Beer in the Ancient World
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calaisreno · 6 months
Drunk discussion, a Mitch Hedberg joke, and the Science of Seduction.
When Sherlock solves the case of the winery, the owner, as promised, sends them a case of very nice wine. Naturally, they have to open a bottle and try it. And another to compare. And a third to consolidate their findings.
“Is this cooking wine?” John takes another swallow and squints into his glass. “For dinner I was going to make that thing.”
Sherlock opens his eyes. “The thing with the peas?”
“No. It has chicken and… you know… things. Parsnips. Or carrots. Vegetable things. And you cook it in wine.”
“Red or white?”
“I dunno. White, I guess. Isn’t chicken white?”
“This is pink,” says Sherlock, clinking his glass against John’s. “Cheers. I don’t gen-er-ally like rosé, but this is… quite de-lect-able.” He’s pronouncing words carefully, he notices, because his lips are not fully cooperating. Speech is such a complicated thing.
“Green,” says John. “Those green grapes. Why isn’t there green wine?”
“Good question. No clue.”
“Should be. For holidays.”
“Not a vivid green, though,” says Sherlock. “Like ab-snith…absence… absinthe. Absinthe.” He says the word several times to make sure it’s right. Not an easy word. “Absinthe. I had it once.”
“How was it?”
“Disappointing. Could hardly taste the wormwood.”
“Wormwood.” John frowns. “That a mushroom?”
“Plant. Ornamental. Toxic, kinda.”
“Sounds dangerous.”
“Not very. Only one documented case. Idiot.”
“Idiot yourself.” John giggles. “Only you would know that.”
They’ll have to go to the shops if they want to make the chicken thing, with the vegetable things, and that sounds like too much effort. They open a packet of flatbread and slice some of the cheddar that isn’t hosting a mould experiment. Sherlock finds a bunch of grapes that are not very shrivelled.
John grabs the cheese and flatbread and another bottle of the wine, and moves the feast into the sitting room. Sherlock follows with the grapes and a packet of biscuits. John lights a candle and they sit on the floor, like a picnic.
It’s almost romantic, Sherlock thinks. “Almost romantic,” he says. “Did I say that out loud?” He pops a grape into his mouth.
John giggles. “You have to wait.”
He chews the grape. “Wha’ for?”
“Th’ grape,” John says. “It’s a grape.”
“I’m aware,” he replies.
“Still a grape. Not wine yet. You gotta wait.” He giggles again.
“Okay, I’m waiting.” He’s not sure, but maybe John has just told a joke. Interesting. “What does it mean?”
“Yer a wino,” John says. “Don’t eat the grapes. Gotta wait for the grapes to turn into wine.”
“We have plenty of wine, John. And grapes— I s’pose we’d have to ferment them. What we need is— Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” He’s not sure how he’s managed to pull these syllables out of his brain, but there they are. It’s like a magic trick, only the magician is completely pissed.
John snorts. “Just a joke. And now you’re doing that thing.”
“What thing? I’m not even wearing my coat. Or collar. What thing am I doing?”
“That thing. Where you seduce me with science.”
“Science,” he repeats. “My dear doctor, se-duc-tion ought to be an exact science, but I can see that you have once again attempted to tinge it with—“ He draws a breath, not sure where his sentence is going.
“Come here, you romantic seductor… deductor... deducer…,” John says, grabbing his dressing gown. “I deduce that you are seducing me.”
The kiss is sloppy, and tastes a bit like wine, but it’s the best thing Sherlock has ever imbibed.
“You’ve biased my judgment, doctor,” he says.
“About time.” John presses a grape to Sherlock’s lips. “I wasn’t ‘bout to wait any longer.”
The Mitch Hedberg joke: "I saw this wino, he was eating grapes. I was like, 'Dude, you have to wait.'" Maybe you had to be there.
Originally posted in Trifles, Chapter 10.
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sulkybbarnes · 3 months
Hello ! I have read -per your tags- that you are a fungi biologist !!! First this is very cool, second i have a question about MOLD if its ok :)
Can you eat jam where the mold has been removed ? What is the general rule if there is one behind NO eating bc mold or ok eating if removed ? Im really curious about it +is it true that mold can grow in your body ? (I had a pack of unfortunately moldy tobbaco and a friend insisted on smoking it and i had to use the argument that they would become Moldy From The Lungs to stop them.... but is this true ?)
Anyhow, thank you for your time and keep on fungin' <3
Hey pal! First of all, thank you for the question (and for thinking fungal biology is cool haha), it was absolutely delightful for me to get this. I wish people talked to me about fungi outside of work more often! 🍄
As a disclaimer: my work is mostly molecular biology work on Saccharomyces cerevisiae aka Brewer's Yeast, and occasionally Candida albicans, and neither of these is closely connected to the mold question. I'm by no means a food safety expert either, but with that out of the way:
The short answer is that I would not eat jam with mold on it, even if you remove the mold. I would say that the rule to go by is that if it's a soft food with mold on it, discard the whole thing. If it’s something "hard" like a hard cheese, then it's probably safe to cut away the mold and eat the cheese. I found this little guide that seems quite reasonable and helpful to me, and it’ll tell you more about what types of food grow mold and how to handle them if you scroll to the end!
The long answer: Molds, like a lot of fungi, grow multicellular filaments called hyphae (Brand & Gow, 2009; Brand, 2012) which are only micrometres long. Meaning that you would need a microscope to be able to see them. Think of them as invisible roots or arms that can spread through your food. The fuzzy, green/grey/white manifestation that you see of the mold is a “colony” or in other words a network of cells or hyphae (Miguélez et al., 1999) depending on the organism. If you can see it, it is because it has been growing for a while, and that most likely means that your food is already contaminated with the “roots”. And these aren’t harmless; because depending on the type of mold, they can produce mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are biochemicals the cell makes which can cause serious harm to your health (Gonkowski et al., 2020). They have been known to cause allergic reactions, gastrointestinal issues, and poisoning. This is all dependent on the type of mycotoxin and the concentration of it, and the individual’s health, but I reckon this is the case where you want to be safe not sorry. From Gonkowski et al: “It is known that mycotoxins may act on many internal organs and systems, including, among others, nervous, reproductive and immunological systems, metabolic processes and endocrine glands” (Rykaczewska et al., 2019). In some cases, bacteria can also grow with the mold and cause illness. So, the long answer also boils down to: no, don’t eat it, it’s really not worth the risk.
And, yes, mold can grow in human lungs if the spores are inhaled. Granted that is most likely to happen with immunocompromised individuals as far as I know, but! I would advise against sniffing it at any rate haha.
I'm including the references in the text and at the end for fun, in case you’re interested to read more about this or see the microscopy images in the papers!!
Happy and safe eating 🍄😊
Brand, A. (2012) ‘Hyphal growth in human fungal pathogens and its role in virulence’, International Journal of Microbiology, 2012, pp. 1–11. doi:10.1155/2012/517529.
Brand, A. and Gow, N.A. (2009) ‘Mechanisms of hypha orientation of fungi’, Current Opinion in Microbiology, 12(4), pp. 350–357. doi:10.1016/j.mib.2009.05.007.
Gonkowski, S., Gajęcka, M. and Makowska, K. (2020) ‘Mycotoxins and the enteric nervous system’, Toxins, 12(7), p. 461. doi:10.3390/toxins12070461.
Miguélez, E.M., Hardisson, C. and Manzanal, M.B. (1999) ‘Hyphal death during colony development in streptomyces antibioticus: Morphological evidence for the existence of a process of cell deletion in a multicellular prokaryote’, The Journal of Cell Biology, 145(3), pp. 515–525. doi:10.1083/jcb.145.3.515.
Rykaczewska, A. et al. (2019) ‘Imbalance in the blood concentrations of selected steroids in pre-pubertal gilts depending on the time of exposure to low doses of Zearalenone’, Toxins, 11(10), p. 561. doi:10.3390/toxins11100561.
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ivandurak · 5 months
Two of the published clinical reports of yeast infection say more about human desperation than the tendency of the fungus to cause disease. Both concern instances of self-inflicted Saccharomyces infection. The first, from Columbia, Missouri, in the 1970s, involved a sixty-eight-year-old man with an unusual diet. He was a health food enthusiast who medicated himself with vitamins and, in a vein unrelated to his belief in dietary supplements, drank a full pint of vodka every day. Then he began developing symptoms of influenza and was admitted to a hospital. Nothing in the case history alarmed his physicians until the patient admitted to swallowing massive quantities of brewer’s yeast. The clinical report says that he consumed up to three kilograms of dried yeast per day, which is equivalent to hundreds of the little sachets used in bread-making. There is likely a typo in the transcript. He would have needed much more than a pint of vodka to wash that down. In any case, this gentleman developed fungemia that was misdiagnosed initially as a bacterial infection. His condition improved when he “was instructed to discontinue use of brewer’s yeast.” The second case is more bizarre. It involved Vietnamese refugees in a Hong Kong detention center who injected themselves with yeast precisely in order to induce infections, and therefore to be admitted a hospital. One of the patients was a teenage boy admitted to hospital with convulsions. The other was a woman suffering from shock who presented with a serious abscess in her breast, presumably at the injection site. Once they were admitted to hospital they absconded. In the column of the table reserved for clinical outcome, the report says, “Seen running away.” One hopes that these victims survived. Concern about Saccharomyces infections has grown with reports that they are associated with the use of yeast as a probiotic, as was the case with the vodka drinker. Probiotics are microorganisms whose ingestion is thought to bestow health benefits. Probiotic yeast is sold in capsules as a treatment for a wide range of digestive disorders, and as a daily supplement to maintain a healthy bowel function. The capsules contain a freeze-dried preparation of Saccharomyces boulardii, which is probably a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, rather than a separate species. Nonetheless, it behaves quite differently from the strains of the sugar fungus used to brew beer and leaven bread. The association between the use of boulardii as a probiotic and development of yeast infections should not concern the majority of people who have benefited from the probiotic.
Nicholas P. Money. The Rise of Yeast: How the Sugar Fungus Shaped Civilization.
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Freshlyrisenbreaddoughgender is a xenogender that feels connected to, can best be described as and/or with, or can only be described as and/or with freshly risen bread dough. The bread dough in question can be any kind of bread dough, for example, freshlyrisensourdoughbreaddoughgender, would be a xenogender that feels connected to, can best be described as and/or with, or can only be described as and/or with freshly risen sourdough bread dough. Anyone can use this xenogender, it is not exclusive to anyone.
Possible neopronouns may include:
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luminarily · 1 month
Someone in one of my arts courses (i'm doing more critical/curatorial studies and he's in architecture) saw me spinning and asked if it was for an art project or if it was a hobby, so of course i gave the spiel about women and the art world and whether or not fiber arts counts as like, a Fine Art? How i've heard that people in the art industry disavow their fiber art roots and use different terminology to get their work into shows? And then he responded with "okay but like is it for an art project or are you doing it as a hobby... What are you going to do with it in the end?" my guy i know i didn't just tell you that fiber arts is disadvantaged in the art world for you to come back at me and ask if i'm spinning as a hobby 😭😭😭
(i said i'd probably knit it and asked if he'd consider a scarf to be art, so. And then we had another discussion where he said that he doesn't think i followed the workshop prompt because we were supposed to write about an object, i wrote about Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and he doesn't think a "bacteria" counts as an object. First of all it's a fungus, and second of all the prof said it was okay, third and last point, i know i didn't follow the prompt because we were supposed to give a visual description and i started talking about its use as a model species 😭😭😭-> we discussed what makes something an object, whether things that are alive are objects, what makes something alive, and when i said i was thinking subject/object of a sentence eg any noun, he said he's bad at english see you next week 😭😭😭)
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dicasetricas · 10 days
Levedura de cerveja
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O levedo de cerveja (Levedura de cerveja) desenvolve uma ação desintoxicante que é muito importante para o organismo eliminando de forma mais intensa as substancias nocivas, além de fortalecer o sistema imunológico e os nervos. Com base nas propriedades nutricionais pode-se imaginar os benefícios trazidos quando do consumo regular. O levedo, por exemplo, fornece energia ao corpo e ajuda a manter as células saudáveis, assim como protege do envelhecimento precoce, da queda de cabelo e de vários tipos de cancro.
Benefícios da levedura de cerveja:
- Desintoxica o organismo - Fortalece o sistema imunológico protegendo de doenças - Melhora a memória - Regula o funcionamento intestinal - Combate o stress e o cansaço físico e mental - Ajuda a regular a produção de insulina - Melhora a queda de cabelo e ajuda eliminar a acne Este alimento é obtido através da levedura da cerveja inativa -Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A levedura de cerveja é uma excelente fonte de proteínas, com todos os aminoácidos essenciais, é de fácil digestão e possui diversas vitaminas e sais minerais, indispensáveis ao bom funcionamento do organismo. Pelo seu alto teor de vitamina B12 é utilizado na alimentação dos vegetarianos, em particular dos vegan, tornando-se útil para evitar a carência desta vitamina, presente maioritariamente em alimentos de origem animal.
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A levedura de cerveja é uma excelente fonte de proteínas Pode também ser utilizada em regimes de emagrecimento, pois quando tomada antes da refeição induz saciedade devido ao conteúdo de proteína. Por outro lado, tendo em conta os nutrientes que comporta, em caso de necessidade de aumento de peso também pode ser útil, recomendando-se a sua introdução numa refeição, adicionada aos cereais de pequeno-almoço, sopa ou sumos, por exemplo, ou em comprimidos após as refeições. O levedo de cerveja pode ser consumido misturado em saladas, sumos, vitaminas ou então diretamente na água. Não é recomendado cozinhar o levedo, já que assim perde grande parte de suas substâncias benéficas. O produto concentrado também pode ser encontrado em cápsulas, tabletes, líquido ou em pó. Encontra o levedo de cerveja em casas de produtos naturais. Qual é o valor nutricional da levedura de cerveja? A levedura de cerveja é uma rica fonte de minerais - particularmente selénio; proteínas; vitaminas do complexo B, e crómio, um mineral essencial que ajuda o corpo a manter níveis normais de açúcar no sangue. A levedura de cerveja tem um sabor amargo e não deve ser confundida com levedura de padeiro ou levedura nutricional. A levedura nutritiva é uma excelente fonte de vitaminas, minerais e proteínas de alta qualidade. Um quarto de uma chávena de levedura nutricional contém: 60 calorias 8 gramas (g) de proteína 3 g de fibra 11,85 miligramas (mg) de tiamina, ou vitamina B-1 9,70 mg de riboflavina, ou vitamina B-2 5,90 mg de vitamina B-6 17,60 microgramas (mcg) de vitamina B-12 Contém também vitamina B-3, potássio, cálcio, e ferro. Existe alguma diferença entre a levedura de cerveja e a levedura normal? A principal diferença entre a levedura de cerveja e a levedura para panificação é que a levedura para panificação produz tanto álcool como CO2, enquanto a levedura para panificação produz grandes quantidades de CO2 e álcool insignificante. A levedura de cerveja é para fazer cerveja potável; a levedura de padeiro é para fazer subir a massa. Read the full article
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Hey Steph! I hope you're doing well. Do you have any fics where John didn't know he had a kid with Sherlock? I like that troupe, but it's unfortunately hard for me to find. Excuse me if this is a weird request, I hope you have a nice rest of your day, thank you.
Hey Nonny!
Ahhhhhhh hmm, I think I had one, let me check my MFLs....
OMG it's driving me nuts because I KNOW that there is one and it's escaping me. I have two where Sherlock has a kid with other people:
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Baker's Yeast) by yaycoffee (E, 60,879 w., 13 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Unplanned Pregnancy / One Night Stand, Drunken Sex, First Kiss/Time, Bit of Case Fic, Sally/Sherlock Drunk Sex First Ch.) – Sometimes, one makes an imprudent decision born of a devastating combination of drink and sentiment. Sometimes, the consequences of that decision take on a life of their own. And sometimes, the facing of those consequences shapes every aspect of one's life--from the hugely meaningful down to the seemingly insignificant. Part 1 of the Knows His Own series [NOT READ]
Albion and the Woodsman by Glenmore (NR [E], 54,437 w., 50 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post S3, Parentlock, Pining Sherlock, Angst, Family, Drug Use, Depression, Sherlock POV, Light Humour, Reconnecting, Declarations of Love) – Sherlock and John are devastated after Mary Morstan makes her final moves. Sherlock relapses at the crack house, John walks around the world … and a lot happens in between. Parentlock, in the good way.
But UGH it's killing me. I wonder, would this one count for you?
Nature and Nurture by earlgreytea68 (M, 203,273 w., 57 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE|| Parentlock, Cloning, Kidlock, Dev. Rel.) – The British Government accidentally clones Sherlock Holmes. Which brings a baby to 221B Baker Street. Part 1 of Nature & Nurture [NOT READ]
The one I'm thinking of was an Omegaverse one. Ugh.
Anyway, hope those are good for the time being... Anyone able to help out Nonny?
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blog-emagrecimento · 11 months
Benefícios da Levedura de Cerveja
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A levedura de cerveja, ou levedo de cerveja é o fermento de um fungo de nome Saccharomyces cerevisiae, utilizado na fermentação da cerveja. É uma excelente fonte de proteínas, com todos os aminoácidos essenciais, é de fácil digestão e possui diversas vitaminas e sais minerais, indispensáveis ao bom funcionamento do organismo. A levedura é considerada por muitos nutricionistas como um dos alimentos bastante ricos que a natureza nos oferece. Deve essa reputação ao facto de ser uma excelente fonte de proteínas, vitaminas, minerais e aminoácidos. É ainda um alimento com um importante teor de ferro orgânico. Existem vários tipos de levedura, mas a que mais se destaca pelo seu valor nutritivo é, sem dúvida, a levedura de cerveja, resultante do fabrico desta bebida.
Alguns benefícios da levedura de cerveja:
- Melhorar a memória - Regular o funcionamento intestinal - Combater o stress e a fadiga - Fortalecer o sistema imunológico protegendo de doenças - Proteger os nervos - Desintoxicar o organismo
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São também muitos os nutricionistas que escolhem a levedura de cerveja como adjuvante nas dietas de emagrecimento. Segundo estes, a referida levedura deve ser misturada com líquidos e tomada antes das refeições, com o objectivo de diminuir o apetite, devido ao seu valor proteico.
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Para além disso, os nutrientes da levedura de cerveja ajudam a colmatar algumas deficiências que possam existir em algumas dietas de emagrecimento mais carenciadas. Assim como a carne, a ela também oferece grande quantidade de proteínas, mas com a vantagem de não conter colesterol e gordura. Por isso é recomendado para as pessoas que precisam de proteína, mas têm dietas restritivas, como vegetarianos, por exemplo. As propriedades da levedura são controlar o apetite, regular o metabolismo, incentivando e ajudando a queimar gordura e emagrecer quilos. Informação nutricional dos flocos de levedura de cerveja/100g: Valor energético: 432Kcal Proteínas: 51,1g Lípidos: 4,0g Fibra: 22,0g Ácido fólico: 4400ug Vitamina B12: 44ug Ferro: 5,0mg Sódio: 0,07g As suas funções influenciam o corpo a oferecer melhor digestão e também a controlar o mesmo para eliminar as toxinas e fazer emagrecer além de desinchar a barriga. Ela desenvolve uma acção desintoxicante que é muito importante para o organismo eliminando de forma mais intensa as substancias nocivas, além de fortalecer o sistema imunológico e os nervos. Esses efeitos no organismo só são possíveis porque o levedo é rico em fibras, aminoácidos (formadores das proteínas), vitaminas, sobretudo as do complexo B e sais minerais, possui também um alto teor de ferro orgânico. A forte presença do mineral cromo faz com que seu sabor seja amargo e é muito importante no metabolismo do açúcar.
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Quantidade recomendada: Uma colher de café é uma boa medida para começar, dobrando a dose a cada dois ou três dias até atingir a dose recomendada de uma a duas colheres de sopa por dia. Pode encontrar este suplemento alimentar em casas de produtos naturais, disponível sob diversas formas: em pó ou flocos, que deve adicionar na comida (não deve cozinhar a levedura de cerveja, pois caso contrário, perderá o seu teor de vitaminas), comprimidos ou cápsulas, ou líquida (que poderá juntar a sopas, sumos, etc.). Read the full article
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