unbizzarre · 10 months
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Cetegandan concept sketches
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Wanted to try my hand at Cetegandan clothing. Not sure how Gem differs from Haut, though I'm leaning towards Gem being more flamboyant, space-grabbing and structured (left and right) whereas Haut is flowy-er and layered, with some lab attire with a both aesthetic and practical bent.
In general clothing styles try to evoke imagery of flowers, petals, and delicate layering. I'm playing around with incorporating butterfly shapes in the silhouette. (see swallowtail sleeves on far left). While the garments are light and flowy, very little skin is left showing. The clothing style is an elegant synthesis of Grecian drapery and certain elements from historic Japanese, Chinese, and Korean garments. My muse was also inspired to create a similar feeling to some of my favorite Star Wars costume design sketches I've run across. I also really enjoy having folds radiating out from a central point, or folding out like petals above and below a belt/waistline. Will probably do more studies to further explore the variety of ceta styles I've imagined.
tbh i imagine cetagandan womens clothing is actually a bit less colorful. maybe more whites and creams. But I just had fun messin about with butterfly colors
these specific designs pull from and synthesise shapes I found in
Roberto Cappuci Haute Couture 1987 "angel of god" or "Andgelo d'Oro" (angel of gold) depending on which pinterst image I reference
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this dress by Issa Hesso from the Rebirth Collection
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starwars concept art I enjoy:
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like fuck me this guys so good
you can find more by searching: iain mccaig padme amidala concept art
overall pretty happy with how these turned out :D! Feel like I successfully captured the space-elf-fairy vibes I was going for. If you notice any cannon clothing details I left out, or have your own creative ideas on how you imagine cetagandan cloting to look, feel free to leave a comment! I love hearing other people's insights :). Particularly curious how ceta clothing may have changed between occupation time period and modern miles-era ceta clothing. Given their heavily artistic bent I could imagine fashions may change wildly year to year decade to decade. But also given how long they live, perhaps the mainstream styles is actually less malleable? If so what are the common themes that are preseved?
thanks for reading!
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aurosoul · 2 months
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Here have a homemade meme
LMAOOOO oh this is leagues better than the original. got sent that one too so here it is for all future dolphin-based star wars meme opportunities:
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saltycetaceans · 5 months
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Miss Tina and her trainer having some bonding time with eachother during the husbandry segment <3
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sugargrim3 · 5 months
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Some work whales since I haven't been active in posting x)
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atolm · 4 months
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Quick dolphin doodle tonight! I didn’t really feel like mini painting or watercolors so it was a tv night with the art tablet!
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monorayjak · 7 months
More Wedge discussions
Blue, red, and green - Perfection through knowledge, action, and growth. Blue: Perfection. The ultimate goal. Green: Why? Blue: Why what? Green: Why is perfection the goal? Blue: Because it means we exist in the best way possible. Green: And what does that mean exactly? Blue: I don’t follow. Green: What is the best way possible? Blue: Well, I don’t know right now. Green: You don’t know? Blue: Right now, yes. It requires study and complex thought. Red: Ugh, thought. Blue: Oh no I’m with you two again aren’t I? Green: Yep, we’re all back here. Red: Fuck I’m tired of dealing with this. Green: Look, how about we all just agree to work together for a few minutes so we can get this over with and move on? Red: Sure. Blue: Deal, I suppose. Green: Ok… so I want to start with asking you a question Blue. Blue: Hm? Yes? Green: Will you define perfection? Blue: I just did a moment ago, its existing in the best w- Green: Yes, that's a definition, but not the one I’m looking for. Blue: I don’t follow? Green: Ok, I want you to lay out what perfection means to you, not as in the definition, as in, what does it mean to be perfect? How do we know we have achieved it? Red: Its been far too long since I’ve seen Blue stumped like this. Ha! Blue: Ok, ok… how do we know… I… Green: Hm? Yes? Red: Spit it out! Blue: …I don’t know. Red: UGH! Green: No Red, thats a perfect answer. Blue and Red: What? Green: You don’t know… because perfection is subjective. Red: Where are you going with this Green? Blue: Subjective? How can perfection be subjective? Green: Because everyone has a concept of perfection already. Very few of them are exactly the same as one another. Blue:  I… I actually see your point. Holy shit. Red: Wait wait wait, did you just get Blue, fucking BLUE, to admit that you made a valid point they didn’t see!?!?!? Green: Yes Red, I did. It isn’t that hard really. Red: Please teach me this power. Blue: Please don’t teach them. Green: Perhaps we should move on a bit? Red: Ugh, fine. Blue: Ok, so if perfection is subjective… Green: How do we achieve it? Red: OH! I have an idea! Blue: Is it explosions? Red: NO! Green: Ok, fine, what’s the idea Red? Red: Uh… well… you see… Green: It was explosions wasn’t it. Red: Yeah. Blue: Knew it. Red: Wait, I actually think I do have something this time. Blue: Are you sure it isn’t just explosions? Red: Yes. Green: Ok, good. Let’s hear it. Red: What if we stop trying to achieve perfection through society. What if we focus on the self? Blue: Hmm, maybe that could work… Green: I could see it. Red: So… what does that mean for all of us? Blue: Well, if it’s me looking for perfection, I want to achieve mastery over skills and understand everything I can. Green: If it’s me, perfection means finding my spot in the world and being home with it. Red: For me, it’s all about understanding myself and doing what I want. Blue: Ok, so… mastery, belonging, and identity. Green: I like the sound of that in all honesty. Red: Same here. Blue: Well… in all honesty I think mastery is kind of a natural progression from understanding yourself and your role… Red: So… belonging and identity? Green: Hm, belonging and identity. I could live with that. Red: Yeah, I think I can too. Blue: So… let me ask this… Red, what is identity? Red: It’s who I am. It’s my preferences, my memories, my connections, my heart and thoughts, my emotions. It’s everything that makes me, well, me. Green: Hm that’s interesting. Blue: Ok, now Green… what is belonging? Green: Knowing you have found a home. That you are with people who care for you and who watch out for you. Being with a group you’d be willing to die for. Home. Blue: Ok… so… we want to become… Green: …the best versions… Red: …of ourselves. Blue: There isn’t one way to home and happiness and perfection. Green: There are an infinite number. Red: And everyone walks a different one. Blue: Home and Identity. I… well, I like it! Green: Agreed, Red? Red: Motion carried!...or whatever the fuck I’m supposed to say.
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utau-bowl · 10 months
A brand new UTAU by chevrefee! CETA is a monopitch VCV with a bright, nasal tone.
Website + Download link
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*Art by chevrefee
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boyakishantriage · 10 months
"... Y'know what. I'm just going to stab you."
The threat seemed ridiculous. I mean, a short black haired hairless ape of some sort telling you off. Warning you to stop patting her and then-
The alien was grabbed by the collar, thrown over her shoulder as she grabbed a steak knife and slammed it into the alien's neck. Standing over the body, she rips it out before stabbing into his stomach, kicking at the fallen enemy as he slams into the ground.
It took several security guards for the Terran to quit kicking the body. They were currently scattered around the marketplace, bite marks around the body. I sighed. Why did my wife had to be so feral.
The other Terran grabbed their Terran's face, slamming lips together as she holds her face close. Holding each other, they whisper before standing and the girl walks with her other.
Pinching the governor's cheek down to her.
"next time you don't tell your soldiers to give civilian respect, and she does this again. I come down here, and burn this place to hell."
With a light tap, they walks off. Bickering.
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zozobr4 · 5 months
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algunas de las ftos q saqué a Confío en tus amigos hace algun tiempo para un trabajo de la u y q me gustaronnn🌀🖤
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toscanoirriverente · 2 years
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mostlygibberish · 1 day
Alistair Lindsay - Ceta (Rimworld OST)
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automundoarg · 3 days
La AFIP deroga el Certificado de Transferencia de Automotores (CETA)
Esta medida busca mejorar la eficiencia y la experiencia del contribuyente en la gestión de servicios relacionados con la compra y venta de vehículos usados.
La Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos (AFIP) ha decidido derogar el trámite del Certificado de Transferencia de Automotores (CETA), dando un paso significativo en la simplificación de los trámites administrativos relacionados con la compra y venta de vehículos usados en Argentina. Esta medida, que responde a las demandas planteadas por la Cámara del Comercio Automotor, marca un hito en…
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aurosoul · 8 months
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I’m finally reading Startide Rising and I am in LOVE with this hardcover design 🐬✨
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saltycetaceans · 7 months
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I miss this behavior, it was very sweet to see the whales do this out of the shows and on their own :] - Malia and Nalani, Nov 2019
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sugargrim3 · 5 months
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FINALLY finished this giant, two-paged piece in my sketchbook last night and I'm very proud of it!!
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Frankreich gegen CETA
Das Non des französischen Senats freut uns
... schreibt Mehr Demokratie e.V. in seinem aktuellen Newsletter und erinnert damit an einen fast vergessenen Dinosaurier. Vor mehr als 10 Jahren gingen mehr als 250.000 Menschen in Berlin gegen die sogenannten "Freihandelsabkommen" ACTA und TTIP auf die Straße. Beide Abkommen konnten verhindert werden. Nach umfangreichen internationalen Protesten lehnte das Europäische Parlament ACTA am 4. Juli 2012 mit großer Mehrheit (478 dagegen, 39 dafür, 165 Enthaltungen) ab. Nach der Wahl von Donald Trump zum US-Präsidenten am 8. November 2016 sollten die TTIP-Verhandlungen pausieren. Trump hatte in seinem Wahlkampf Freihandelsabkommen scharf kritisiert. Die Verhandlungen kamen zum Erliegen.
Auch gegen den Nachfolger CETA gab es großen Widerstand, doch durch die EU wurde das Abkommen unterschrieben und dann erst anschließend den nationalen Regierungen vorgelegt und durch die nationalen Parlamente gepeitscht.
Lange hegte man in Deutschland noch die Hoffnung, dass sogar Parlamente der Bundesländer wie Bayern und Baden-Würtemberg CETA kippen könnten. Dann verschwand das Thema - auch weil der Globalisierungshype angesichts von Protektionismus, Sanktionspolitik und Kriegen verschwunden ist. Nun hören wir von Mehr Demokratie erfreuliche Nachrichten aus Frankreich.
CETA steht vor dem Aus
Der französische Senat stimmte unlängst mit Vier-Fünftel-Mehrheit gegen CETA. Und auch in der Nationalversammlung, die dem Abkommen vor einigen Jahren noch zustimmte, haben die Freihandels-kritischen Parteien jetzt eine Mehrheit.
Dabei soll der freie Handel stets einhergehen mit einer Einschränkung der Demokratie. Aber können wir mit befreundeten Ländern wirklich nur dann Waren austauschen, wenn wir irgendwelchen "Ausschüssen" und "Schiedsgerichten" eine maximale Menge Macht übertragen? Genau das würde mit CETA geschehen.
Später Sieg der europäischen Bürgerinitiative
Schon 2014 sammelten wir zusammen mit 500 Organisationen über drei Millionen Unterschriften in ganz Europa. Das war die größte europäische Bürgerinitiative (EBI). Es entstand eine europaweite Bewegung gegen die Handelsverträge und für einen fairen Handel. Jetzt kommt der Erfolg. Es lohnt sich also dranzubleiben. ...
Zusätzlich haben wir zwei Verfassungsbeschwerden gegen CETA angestrengt. Die Zweite ist noch offen. Sie richtet sich gegen die Ratifizierung: Bundestag und Bundesrat hätten CETA nie zustimmen dürfen.
Vielleicht wird jetzt schon CETA vor dem Ausgang dieser Klage beerdigt. Denn in der EU gilt das Einstimmigkeitsprinzip. Alle Mitgliedsländer müssen CETA absegnen, sonst tritt es nicht endgültig in Kraft. Selbst das freihandelsfreundliche Handelsblatt befürchtet jetzt eine Kettenreaktion: "Ein 'Non' aus Paris könnte eine Dynamik auslösen, die den sicher geglaubten Deal mit Kanada ins Wanken bringt."
Mehr dazu bei https://www.mehr-demokratie.de/ und alle unsere Artikel zu TTIP, ACTA, CETA, Mercosur, ... https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/cgi-bin/searchart.pl?suche=ceta&sel=meta
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3Ad Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8755-20240424-frankreich-gegen-ceta.html
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