#cfwc asks answered
Why did you call people worms?
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Is this like the bog thing? Are we late to the game again? lol
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jerzwriter · 8 months
Who pays for the CFWC prizes?
I do. Sometimes, artists donate one in addition to the ones that are paid for, but I always want to pay something. We have so many talented artists, and they deserve to be appreciated in every possible way.
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angelasscribbles · 6 months
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So... how would your pairings do? lol
A Bird in Hand
Series: None, this is a one-shot and you can find those here.
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x Riley
Rating: G
Warnings for this chapter: none
Word Count: 392
A/N: I feel like Liam does not sit in traffic and that gave me a whole idea!!
My other stuff: Master List.
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“Seriously, what’s the holdup?” Liam grumbled as he lowered the partition.
“Sorry, sir.” His driver gestured to the gridlock traffic sprawled out in front of the limo as far as the eye could see. “But I think we’re stuck for a while.”
“Shit!” Liam swore softly under his breath. In Cordonia, they cleared the roads when he needed to travel somewhere, but this was California and he had little recourse.
He closed the partition and pulled out his cell phone with a mischievous grin.
Riley’s eyes narrowed. “I know that look. What are you up to?”
“Getting us to dinner on time.” He winked at her.
Riley shook her head from side to side. She knew Liam was a prince and used to getting his way, but he was on her home turf this weekend. He was about to get a lesson on how little his title meant in her world.
Spago Beverly Hills was the place to eat for everyone who was anyone in Hollywood and they did not hold reservations.
He finished typing into his phone and returned it to his pocket with a satisfied smirk. Riley Brooks was a woman not easily impressed. The American version of royalty, one of Hollywood’s brightest stars, she already had the world at her feet. He had to up his game.
He was determined to woo her, win her, and wed her.
She smiled at him, and his heart tried to leap out of his chest.
Riley leaned forward and patted his hand. “Really, Liam. It’s okay. We can just go to—what is that noise?”
The smug grin on Liam’s face got bigger. “That’s our ride!” He slid the moon roof open as a helicopter hovered in the air above them. A ladder fell out of the sky and clattered on the roof of the limo.
Riley’s mouth fell open. “You have got to be kidding me!”
Liam pulled himself through the moon roof and onto the top of the limo before reaching back and offering her his hand. “Oh, I’m dead serious. Shall we?”
She shook her head in amused astonishment. Delight and mischief spiked through her as she took his hand and let him help pull her through the opening in the car’s roof.
This man was a complete adventure, and she couldn’t wait to see what happened next.
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cariantha · 9 months
Book: Open Heart, Book 1 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: General Category: Angsty Fluff, Christmas Word count: 2.5K Summary: Sawyer is worried that her crush is getting the wrong impression and is later hurt when she thinks he has taken advantage of a situation. A/N: This takes place during intern year (pre-Miami) shortly before the events in Merry Christmas, Rookie.
Events/Prompts: • Photo prompt from @jerzwriter • Participating in CFWC Holidays 2023 • Participating in Choices Flashfics Holiday Prompts 🎄12: “The tree isn’t the only thing getting lit this year.” 🎅21: “It looks like Santa threw up in here.” 🎁67: “What’s wrong? Do you not like your gift?” • Participating in Choices Flashfics Week #64 Prompts 👨🏻‍⚕️2: “I’m not in the mood for a lecture.” • Participating in Choices Holidays Winter 2023
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While waiting in the lunch rush lines in the cafeteria, Sienna reminded her roommates of their party assignments. “...I’ve got the treats covered, Elijah is handling the music, Jackie is making jingle juice-”
“Hell yeah!” Elijah exclaimed, giving Jackie a high-five. 
“The tree isn’t the only thing getting lit this year,” she said coolly.
“Oh, and don’t forget your white elephant gifts!” Sienna also reminded them.
“Shit, I forgot about that. What are the rules again?” Jackie asked.
“The only rule is you can’t buy anything,” Sienna answered. 
“I’ll go shop the lost and found when we’re done here.”
“Or, I saw some pharma reps in the atrium earlier. You could try to hit them up for some swag,” Sawyer chimed in. 
When the group reached the front of the line, a heavy arm slipped around Sawyer’s shoulders. “Thanks for saving my spot, Brooks,” Bryce winked, cutting in line.
“Do you meatheads have to cut into everything?” Jackie barked.
Bryce chomped into the apple he hadn’t yet paid for. “Yep,” he nodded with a big toothy grin. “I’m just trying to get on the naughty list. If you all want to join me, we could save Santa a trip this year,” he joked.
“You’re already looking at Santa’s favorite ho,” Jackie quipped.
“Brooksie, I actually am in a hurry. I need to scrub in for a lymphadenectomy. Do you mind?” he asked seriously.
Sawyer tilted her head to the register, gesturing for him to go ahead.
“Thanks.” When the cashier asked if they were together, Bryce said yes.
“Bryce, you don’t have to-”
He placed a hand on the small of her back. "I've got you, Ipo. I'll see you later," he promised before hurrying away.
“Girl, what are you holding out for? He's hot and he's totally into you,” Sienna teased, once Bryce was out of earshot. 
Sawyer lifted her tray and turned to her friend. She opened her mouth to say something, but froze when she spotted a six-foot-four-inch, blue-eyed attending at the adjacent register. Not knowing how much he saw or heard, a blush of embarrassment colored her cheeks. Feeling like a shy teenager at a school dance, Sawyer hoped the interaction with Bryce hadn’t given her crush the wrong impression. 
As Ethan raised his eyes to her, he gave no indication. Pocketing his wallet, he stoically turned and exited the cafeteria. 
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As their shift ended, Sawyer approached her roommates who were walking in the opposite direction down the hall.
“Locker room is that way, Brooks,” Jackie pointed. 
“I know, I just need to run and check on one more patient before I clock out.”
“Do you want us to wait for you?” Sienna asked.
“No, don’t wait up. I’ll be right behind you.” 
After making sure the coast was clear, Sawyer slipped behind the plastic curtain that sealed off the construction wing. Naveen spiked a fever earlier in the day, and she wanted to check on him before going home. She found him fast asleep, and after checking his monitors and medications, she quietly tidied the room. When she finished, she softly closed the door behind her, whispering, “Goodnight, Dr. B.”
On her way to dispose of some trash, Sawyer’s phone buzzed in her pocket.
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Bryce knocked and let himself in, making a beeline to the kitchen to find Sienna. “Help?” he asked, lifting a roll of wrapping paper and tape.
She looked at him puzzled. “Where’s your gift?”
“You're looking at it.” He beckoned her to the living room, where he laid down on the floor. 
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” she laughed, kneeling next to him.
A few minutes later, Sienna placed the last piece of tape, securing the wrapping around Bryce’s torso. Using all of her body weight, she rolled him to his back and slid him under the Christmas tree. 
“Si?” he called, his voice muffled. “Do me a favor and start the game sooner than later. I already have to pee.”
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In the locker room, Sawyer traded her white coat for her winter one. As she gathered her things, her phone buzzed with an incoming call.
“Hi,” she answered.
“Hi. By any chance, are you still at the hospital?” Ethan asked.
“I am.”
“Could I ask you for a favor? I’ve had something come up at the last minute. Would you be able to stay with Naveen for a few hours?”
By now, Sawyer had come to know Ethan Ramsey well enough to know that he would not ask for help unless he was desperate. “Sure. Is everything okay?”
“Yes. I’m pressed for time right now, but I’ll explain later. I’ll relieve you as soon as I can.”
“No problem.”
“Thanks, Rookie.”
Sawyer was about to text Sienna when Danny entered the room.  
“Hey, Sawyer,” he waved. “I thought you’d be at home getting ready for the party. I’m heading there now if you want a ride.”
“Danny, I’m so glad you’re here! Could you take something to Sienna for me? I’m not going to make it home for a while.”
“How come?” 
She made sure they were alone and lowered her voice. “Dr. Ramsey got tied up with something and asked if I would look after Patient X for a few hours.”
“You should go and have fun with your roommates, Sawyer. I can stay,” he insisted, having been recruited by Ethan shortly after Naveen agreed to be treated.
“That’s really sweet of you, Danny, but I know you traded shifts so you could be off tonight. Besides, Sienna baked a batch of peppermint chocolate chip cookies just for you.”
“She did?” he smiled.
“Yeah. Go. Have fun. I’ll be there as soon as Dr. R gets here.”
After Danny left with what appeared to be a wrapped bedpan, she updated her roommate.
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Later, Sawyer was in Naveen’s room, scrolling through Pictagram when her phone vibrated with a new text notification.
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Several hours had passed when Sawyer felt a hand on her shoulder. 
“Hiiiii,” she managed through a yawn. 
“I’m so sorry,” Ethan apologized.
“Huh? What time is it?” Sawyer reached for her phone, noticing several missed calls from Sienna and Bryce. 
“It’s almost four in the morning. I would have been here sooner, but I accidentally dozed off,” he explained, helping her to her feet.
“It’s okay. There's no doubt you probably needed it. And it’s been quiet here. His fever finally broke a little while ago.” 
“Good. Go home and get some sleep,” he instructed, “I’ll tell Ines that you’ll be in this afternoon.” 
“Okay.” Sawyer shouldered her bag and headed for the door. “Good night."
“Thank you.”
With a shake of the snow from her coat, Sawyer entered her apartment and found Landry eating breakfast at the kitchen table. “Oh boy. It looks like Santa threw up in here.”
“Smells like it too,” he grumbled. 
“I’m surprised you’re still going in early after…,” she circled her hand in the air, “all of this.”
“Yeah, well, not all of us are lucky enough to get preferential treatment from Dr. Ramsey.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“What? This is the second time he’s personally assigned you a case. To my knowledge, he hasn’t assigned cases to any of the other interns in the competition.”
“Wow. Well, maybe if you ever crack the top five, he will.” She let him chew on that as she hung her coat and walked to her room.
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Bryce turned from the surgical board and spotted Sawyer approaching. “Finally coming to collect your prize, Brooksie?”
Sawyer rolled her eyes.
“What’s wrong? Do you not like your gift?”
“You’re ridiculous,” she shook her head with an amused smile.
“So I’ve been told. By the way, this gift comes with a night on the town.” 
Unbeknownst to her, Dr. Ramsey inconveniently emerged from a nearby patient’s room, catching the tail end of their conversation.
But before she could protest, he backed his way down the hall. “I’ve gotta run. Check your schedule and let me know when to pick you up. And you should know, I have a strict ‘no rejections’ policy.”
She sighed deeply once his back was to her, then turned to find Ethan standing a couple feet away, his eyes focused on the tablet in his hand.
“Dr. Ramsey,” she acknowledged sheepishly.
Ethan glanced at her with a side eye. “Brooks.”
“Rrrrr! Of course he is here right now!” As they moved on to their next tasks, Sawyer told herself it was time for a heart to heart with Bryce.   
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"Excuse me, would you please page Dr. Ramsey?"
A few minutes later, Ethan met an attractive woman at the nurses’ station and led her away from the busybodies seated at the circular desk. As they walked down the hall, she handed him a small box. “Thank you, Jen. I really appreciate this. I’ll send you the outcome report as soon as the trial period ends.”
Stepping in front of him, Jen pulled him to the side until their shoulders hugged the wall. "It was great to see you again." She paused as a couple nurses walked past. "We had a good time last night, didn’t we?"
“It was nice to catch up.”
She didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but when Sawyer heard the familiar voice, she wondered if her ears were deceiving her. 
“Listen, I would love to see you again tonight,” Jen continued, reaching for the end of his tie and running it through her fingers. “I’m staying at The Langham. Come have drinks with me and…,” she shrugged, "we can see where things go from there.” 
Stepping out from the vending machine alcove, Sawyer turned her head in their direction. 
Ethan’s surprised eyes met hers, finding only hurt. He moved Jen’s hand back to her side as Sawyer spun and walked briskly in the opposite direction. 
“Jen, you’ll have to excuse me. I need to go,” he apologized, watching the woman he longed for retreat and disappear from sight. “I appreciate your assistance. I will speak with you later.” 
“Later tonight?”
“I’ll text you,” he said as he sidestepped her.
Ethan’s long strides carried him down the hall quickly. He nearly collided with a visitor as he rounded the corner. “I’m sorry. Excuse me.”
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In the far corner of the cafeteria, Sawyer watched the snow fall in the empty courtyard. The sound of metal chair legs scraping against the tiled floor jarred her from her thoughts.
“I’ve been looking all over for you.”
“Why? Need another favor?” she said, words laced with disdain.
“Rookie, that-”
“Dr. Ramsey, I haven’t been helping you to win favor or get a leg up in the competition. If you want an intern to run errands and cover for your ass, then let me suggest Dr. Olsen. He'd be more than happy to fill that role.”
She lowered her voice, hurt replacing anger. “I canceled plans with my roommates last night, because I believed that if you were asking for help, it must have been important. If I had known I was only covering so that you could go on a date and get…” She let the rest of the sentence die on her tongue. “Sorry. I know it’s none of my business how you spend your free time, but I won’t let you take advantage of mine.” 
Visibly disappointed, she avoided eye contact. Ethan keenly observed that her disappointment went beyond merely thinking he would take advantage of her kindness. If he was reading the situation correctly, it was the same disappointment he had felt seeing her with the surgical intern.
“Sawyer, let me explain. Jen works for Phlaum Pharmaceuticals. They are currently conducting a trial on a new antibiotic for sepsis. I reached out to her when I heard about it. Her team is in the area promoting a new product this week. You may have noticed her reps in the lobby. She made herself available to meet with me last night. And after some convincing, she agreed to pull some strings to get Naveen into the trial. She was here this afternoon to drop off the treatment.” Ethan pulled a small vial from his pocket and placed it on the table.
“It sounded like you convinced her all right,” she muttered.
“Rookie. I know we haven’t known each other long, but do you honestly believe I’m the type of person who would trade sexual favors? I agreed to a testimonial and a couple expo appearances. That’s all.”
“What? Can you blame me for going there? She said she had a ‘good time,’ and you told me you were late because you ‘accidentally dozed off,’ then she asked you to meet her again tonight…At. A. Hotel.”
He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose at her teasing dramatization, failing to hide the crack of a smile.
“So, how’d you get out of it?” she wondered.
“I told her I would text her later.”
“You don’t text.”
“Exactly.” His knee touched hers, but neither one attempted to move away. “I need to get back upstairs. Can you meet me later to review the trial protocols?”
“I have a few patients to check on. I’ll page you after?” she answered.
Ethan scooted back in his chair, but before standing, he covered Sawyer’s hand with his own. 
“Sawyer, your contributions and the sacrifice of your time have not gone unnoticed. And as far as I’m concerned, you are my partner on this case. I should have filled you in on the drug trial. I just didn’t want either of us to get our hopes up.” 
“Thank you, Dr. Ramsey.” When he moved to stand, she followed. “I’m finished here. I’ll head back up with you.”
The elevator doors were halfway closed when a fellow intern squeezed his way through. 
“Hi, Brad,” Sawyer greeted.
“Sooo, who’s the lucky guy?” he quizzed, embarrassingly indiscreet.
“Come on, girl. Why else would you ditch us last night? Your roommates say you’re never home. You rarely come out for drinks anymore. And, you’ve parked Bryce in the friend zone.” Brad nudged her shoulder with his. “Spill the tea.”
“Sorry to disappoint, TMZ, but I’m not dating anyone. I got stuck here with a last minute case.” She made her eyes big and subtly tipped her head toward Dr. Ramsey as a warning. Luckily, Brad picked up on the cue, sparing her from having to tell any more white lies. 
Ethan hid a smile, pretending not to notice the act.
“Any chance you guys will host again for New Years? You’re the only ones with an apartment big enough,” Brad asked as they exited the elevator together. 
“Talk to Elijah. He’s the party planner of the group.” 
Once Brad was on his way, Ethan reached for Sawyer's elbow drawing her back. “You skipped your own party?” 
She shrugged. “You needed my help, and our patient wasn’t in any condition to be left alone.”
“You should have told me. I would have figured something else out…” He looked into her eyes with a sense of wonder. “Thank you. I owe you one.”
She smiled up at him. “You’re welcome.”  
“So, what excuse did you give your roommates?” he asked as they walked side by side down the hall.
“About that…” she said with a tense grin, “I’m gonna need you to assign some of your cases to the other interns in the top five.”
“Come again?”
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @peonierose @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter @queencarb @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @jamespotterthefirst @liaromancewriter @zealouscanonindeer @tveitertotwrites @tessa-liam @youlookappropriate @kyra75 @socalwriterbee @txemrn @choicesflashfics
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moominofthevalley · 1 year
Crimes of Passion Masterlist
Crimes of Passion | Asks
Emily | Dossier | Moodboard/Playlist
Trystan | Moodboard/Playlist
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Written Works
Crimes of Passion, Book 1
Made with Love | Trystan follows up on his promise, much to Emily’s dismay.
Crimes of Passion, Book 2
I Will | A murdered body brings light to the detective’s past. A grieving Trystan seeks comfort from the person he loves the most.
Crimes of Passion, Post Book 2
Sullen Girl | After returning to New York from a few grueling months in Drakovia, Detective Rose looks into her past.
A Kiss Left of You | Emily enjoys a rainy Sunday morning.
Future Days | While searching for answers to her past, tensions rise between Emily and Trystan.
The Girl with the Glass | Trystan finds a mysterious scrapbook. Emily has a deep conversation with a stranger.
Turpentine | While snowed in together, Trystan asks his friends a morbid question.
Well Timed Levity | Santa keeps taking candy from children, but unlucky for him, Emily and Trystan are all about justice.
Sempervirens | If all else fails, write some letters.
Alternate Universe
Do You Hear Singing? | 1/2 | Trystan and Emily are invited to a party on Halloween night.
Do You Hear Singing? | 2/2 | A talk with a friend forces everyone back into action.
Gifts & Commissions by friends
Emily Rose | Created by coffeesforchloe | Gifted during the Choices Trick or Treat Event
Trystan & Emily | Created by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd | Giveaway hosted by CFWC for their Choices Holiday 2023 Event
A Special Gift | Created by @thosehallowedhalls | Gifted for my birthday
Spring’s Eternal | Created by @jerzwriter | Gifted for the Choices Acts of Kindness Event
To, Emily Rose | Created by @choicesmc | Gifted for the Choices Summer Secret Pal Event
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The Ring Fiasco
Book : Open Heart (post series)
Pairing : Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Meera Bose)
Summary : When Ethan misplaces his engagement ring, Meera and her girls come up with a plan to teach him a lesson.
Category : Fluff
Warnings : None
Rating : General
Word Count : 2041
Trope : Friends Intervene, Jealous
A/N : This fic was originally written in August of last year, but I was waiting for CFWC's you go girls event to post it and then accidentally deleted it while making space for notes during finals week. 🤡 So I wrote this very quickly and on very less amount of sleep, so please be kind. Participating in @choicesficwriterscreations You Go Girls Event, @choicesflashfics Week #31 prompt, which will appear in bold and @choiceschallenge-may2023 : Engagement. Happy Reading. ❤️
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Meera stood near the nurse's station, not so secretly watching her fiancé talk to an overly friendly woman. She forcefully tore her eyes away or she might just blow up from jealousy.
“Damn Bose, if you wanna stalk someone atleast don’t make it that obvious,” Jackie handed over her tablet and stood beside her.
“Ooh! Stalking? Sounds fun! Who is the target though?” Sienna followed shortly, smiling at the nurse at the station and picking up a patient report.
“It's nothing guys,” Meera sneakily looked up at Ethan and the mystery woman, but it was enough to draw the attention of the two other doctors.
“Yikes!” Sienna remarked, as the woman in question laughed at something Ethan had said, playfully hitting his arm.
“Jeez, go easy on the PDA, the man has a ring on him,” Jackie followed.
“I know!” Meera sighed.
"But who is she?" Sienna asked, quickly stealing a glance.
"That question has been burning in my mind since morning!" Meera replied. "Who is she and why the hell is she flirting with my fiancé?"
"Should I reverse image search her?" Jackie suggested, "because it looks like the identity of this mystery woman is eating your soul."
"Who, she?" a third voice made Meera look up, she was greeted with Tobias' smug face. "That's Dr. Emily Chester," he informed.
"Who?" the girls said, collectively.
"Professionally or personally?" Tobias asked, but Meera's glare didn't make him wait for an answer.
"Both. Got it. Professionally, she is one of the biggest names in endocrinology. Personally?" Tobias deliberately stopped enjoying Meera's agony a little too much. "She was at Hopkins, a couple years junior to us, and she had a huge thing for Ethan."
“And?” Meera pressed for more information. “What about Ethan?”
“In true Ethan manner, he didn’t reciprocate her feelings, too heartbroken over she-who-shall-not-be-named and walls too high and thick to let anyone else in.”
“But what is she doing here?”
“I hit up Kyra, apparently, she will be joining as an attending, as Dr. Stanley is stepping back to go into research after receiving a grant from NIH,” Sienna informed. “She was supposed to join from Monday but decided to come in today to settle in before starting work, Ethan is showing her around.”
“Nice! She hasn’t changed at all,” Tobias smirked and was immediately met with three angry glares, “I… I think I’m being paged… be right back,” Tobias exited.
“The settling in excuse is utter bullshit!” Meera said.
“Agreed! She just wants to get into his pants,” Jackie stated.
“Jackie! Don’t say stuff like that!” Sienna reprimanded.
“What? It’s the truth!”
“Don’t listen to her! Kyra texted she can cut their tour short and get Ethan back in the office under the ruse of a meeting,” Sienna showed Meera her phone. “What do you say?”
“I don’t know Si, it seems a little far fetched, and besides I trust Ethan,” Meera looks at him once again, enthusiastically speaking about the latest testing technology, completely oblivious to the flirtatious looks he receives from his audience.
“You are a better person than I am,” Sienna squeezed her hand.
The familiar sound of a pager made Meera look down, “I gotta go, my intern’s paging 911.”
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The remaining two doctors get to work, and shortly after Ethan walks up to them, Emily Chester following him like a puppy.
“Good morning Dr. Varma, Dr. Trinh,” he greeted.
As Jackie fixed him with a stone cold glare Sienna put on a fake smile and greeted him back.
“I was meaning to introduce you to Dr. Emily Chester, the newest addition to our Edenbrook family. Dr. Chester, this is Dr. Varma one of our finest young attendings and Dr. Trinh who is already board certified in internal medicine and is now pursuing a fellowship in pediatrics,” as Ethan made introductions, pointing to each of them, both Sienna and Jackie noticed something unusual. They looked at each other making sure that they weren't imagining things.
“I thought I saw Meera here?” Ethan asked.
“She is busy, you know saving lives, managing a team being freaking awesome,” Sienna blurted out.
“What she means to say is Meera has a consult,” Jackie tries to avert, “and so do we. So if you’ll excuse us.”
With a small smile and a curt nod the two of them disappear around the corner. Ethan stares at their retreating figures, confused about what just happened and amused at the very weird conversation he had.
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“Did you see it? Please tell me I’m wrong,” Sienna said.
“Nope. You are correct, it's missing,” Jackie replied.
“We need to find Meera ASAP.”
The two of them didn’t have to wander the halls of Edenbrook much longer as Meera’s angry Ramsey-like voice blared through the hospital floor.
“The incompetence is unacceptable! You work with literal life and death, so you can’t afford to make mistakes,” Meera shouted at an intern who seemed like she was about to cry.
“I’m… I am… sorry Dr. Bose,” she mumbled timidly.
“Sorry? What am I supposed to do with your sorry? Apologize to that man’s wife and kids…” “Okay, that's enough,” Sienna stopped Meera before she could continue with her rage fest.
“I think Dr. …,” Jackie glanced at the intern’s ID badge, “Baker has learned her lesson, and we can continue with our day.” With that she dispels the crowd that had formed.
“That was very unlike you,” Sienna said, worried.
“And very like Ramsey,” Jackie added.
“I don’t know guys, Emily Chester just doesn't feel right to me, and I might be taking it out on the wrong people,” Meera sighed.
“Yeah about that…” Jackie shared a look with Sienna, “we found out something.”
“Ethan doesn't have his engagement ring on him.”
“Wait a second. Pause and rewind … what did you just say?”
Jackie and Sienna quickly update Meera about all the incidents and their findings.
“But why?” Meera asks, hopeless.
“Told you men are no good,” Jackie says and quickly receives a nudge from Sienna.
“Look we don’t know, but I believe there is an explanation,” Sienna consoles her fellow dolphin.
“I… I can help,” the intern from before said shyly.
“Not now Baker!”
“I mean I… might know why Dr. Ramsey didn’t have his ring on.”
The three older doctors stare at her.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear.”
“Spill. Now,” Meera said.
“Okay,” the intern takes a deep breath before steading herself, “I had to call a code blue on the third floor today, and I panicked. There weren’t any attendings or senior residents nearby, so Dr. Ramsey came in. I saw him removing his ring before slipping on gloves and taking over CPR.”
Meera visibly relaxed, as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.
“See! I told you there was an explanation,” Sienna chimed joyfully.
“But why hasn’t he put it back on?” Jackie retorted.
“He might have just forgotten. He is the chief, cut him some slack, Jackie.”
“It might be a mistake,” Meera said thoughtfully, “but he needs to learn a lesson. Baker, did you see where he put the ring after removing it?”
“In his pocket!” Dr. Baker replies without wasting a second.
“Good! Get me your intern friends, I have a plan,” Meera smiled mischievously, the wheels of her brain already turning.
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Later that day Meera crossed the atrium, she looked at her watch, according to the intel she had collected from Kyra Ethan was supposed to be here any minute. Five minutes later she spotted him descending the stairs, undoubtedly followed by none other than Dr. Emily Chester. They make eye contact and Ethan smiles at her, taking long strides to reach her. Meera looks over to Baker from the corner of her eye, who was hiding in plain sight. It was time to set her plan in motion.
“Hey! I have been trying to catch you all day, where have you been?” Ethan said, holding Meera’s hand.
“Hi, I know, it’s just been one of those days,” Meera replied, smiling.
“Anyways, I wanted to introduce you to Dr. Emily Chester, world renowned endocrinologist and a fantastic diagnostician as well.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you!”
“Likewise, Dr.?” Emily looked at Ethan to complete introductions.
“Dr. Bose. Our best diagnostician, head of the DT, my favorite mentee, and my fia…”
Right on Meera’s signal, a horde of interns led by Baker swarm Dr. Chester.
“OH MY GOD! Aren’t you Emily Chester?!” one said.
“You are literally my medical hero,” another one added.
“I am so fascinated by your latest paper,” a third joined.
As the crowd separated Dr. Chester from the couple Meera takes advantage of the chaos and stealthily picks up the ring from Ethan’s pocket.
“What is wrong with them?” As Ethan is about to reprimand the interns, Meera brings his attention back to her.
“Babe don’t you think you are missing something?”
Ethan’s brows furrow, he thinks about all the important birthdays and anniversaries, date nights and meetings, when unable to come to a conclusion he follows Meera’s gaze to his fingers and notices the missing ring.
“Christ!” he curses under his breath. “Listen rookie, trust me this was an honest mistake…” he searches for the ring in all his pockets.
“Looking for this?” Meera holds up the ring in front of him.
“Look, Meera I am deeply sorry, I meant to put it back on after running a code and one thing happened after another and it slipped my mind. I am extremely sorry, it won’t happen again.”
“I know babe,” Meera smiled. “But I’m not about to hand it over to you that easily.”
“Don’t do something stupid rookie,” Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose very familiar with the mischievous gleam in his fiancée’s eyes.
Meera went down on one knee, holding the ring in hand. The entire hospital had been gushing about Meera’s reverse proposal to Ethan by the dreamy Lake Louise a couple months back, so when given the chance to witness it in person and with the power of the Edenbrook rumor mill, quite a crowd had gathered around, clicking pictures, cheering and hooting.
Ethan shaked his head, a smile lining the corner of his mouth.
Meera looked at Emily, enjoying the look of pure disbelief and surprise on her face.
“Dr. Ethan Jonah Ramsey, will you let me be a colossal pain in your ass for this lifetime?”
Ethan joined Meera on the ground, “a hundred times over.”
They kiss with the Edenbrook crowd going feral. Everyone comes up to them to congratulate the happy couple.
As the crowd thins out Dr. Chester speaks, “well I guess congratulations are in order, “ she smiles politely. “But I’ll have to say, I had never imagined Dr. Ethan Ramsey would tie the knot.”
“I agree with you Chester, I had never imagined myself as well, but what can I say she brings out the best in me,” Ethan replied grinning ear to ear at Meera.
“So when's the wedding?”
“In a month,” Meera informs.
“In a month!” Emily shouts, surprised, “don’t you think it’s too soon?” She looks at Ethan, convinced that he has been wrongfully roped into a marriage.
The couple chuckle, a knowing look between the two, “we have been engaged a long time now,” Ethan said.
“This is the third proposal between the two of us. I just meant to include our Edenbrook family and that also means you, now that you are supposed to join us as well,” Meera fixes Emily with the most innocent smile and earnest look.
Dr. Chester matches her smile, “well, then I won’t keep you two from your celebrations. I’ll sign the papers on Monday, Eth…,” she stops, quickly rectifying herself, “I mean Dr. Ramsey.”
As Dr. Emily Chester moves away, their friends surround them.
“That was one hell of a way to prove a point,” Sienna declared.
“Yes you might have just peed all over him to mark your territory,” Jackie joked.
“Great idea!” Meera exclaimed. “Let’s save that for when he misplaces the wedding ring!”
As the entire group breaks into laughter, Tobias says, “you are in for a rollercoaster ride, my man!”
“I know, but she is so worth it,” Ethan says, kissing Meera, deeply.
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Thank you so much if you have read till here, it means the world to me. Hope to see you go on other different adventures with me, Ethan and Meera, till then sending love and hugs your way! ❤️
Perma : @starrystarrytrouble @quixoticdreamer16 @coffeeheartaddict2 @liaromancewriter @tessa-liam @gryffindordaughterofathena @crazy-loca-blog @zahrachoices @bex-la-get @potionsprefect @schnitzelbutterfingers @a-crepusculo @custaroonie @aishwarya2 @jamespotterthefirst
Ethan x Meera : @jerzwriter @wanderingamongthewildflowers @takemyopenheart @mvalentine
+ @openheartfanfics , @choicesficwriterscreations , @choiceschallenge-may2023 , @choicesflashfics
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed. 💜
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 1 year
Book: Open Heart (post series)
Characters: Casey Ramsey, Aurora Emery
Warnings: none
Rating: General audiences
Category: fluff
Word count: 1109
Summary: Caroline steps down as CEO of Edenbrook, her parting gift is a clinic that is also apart of Edenbrook that is located in one of the more working class and culturally diverse areas of Boston.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry
Authors note: Submission for cfwc You go girls event. Prompt used is offering career advice
To Dr Ramsey,
As you are aware, my parting gift to the hospital when I step down as CEO later this year is a clinic based in one of the more working class areas of Boston where there is a large population that is ethnically and culturally diverse. The main focus of this clinic is to focus on Women’s health, family planning, education and health clinic for those who identify as LGBTQI+, as well as general health practices.
Given your current Advocacy work in the Women’s health and LGBTQI+ space, I am pleased to offer you the position of Director of the Delores Hudson Women’s and Community Health Clinic.
The offer is attached. I am giving you two weeks to think it over and for you to give me your final reply.
Caroline Bloom
CEO Edenbrook Hospital
Casey sits there stunned. She knew that there was going to be a new clinic and she knew it was going to be named after Delores, but director?
The team under her and Aurora’s leadership over the last two years had gone from strength to strength, the research arm overseen by Tobias was going great also.
The offer was generous, but she was still not sure if she was the right person. Yes she had done advocacy work within the lgbtqi+ and women’s health space but a white woman directing a health clinic in an area where she was the minority?
Casey was deep in thought when Aurora entered.
“What’s up Casey?” Aurora asked.
Casey startled and then calmed down.
“Sorry, was just in thought” said Casey.
“About the case?”
Casey shakes her head and shows Aurora the email.
“Oh my gosh Casey!!!” Exclaims Aurora, “this would be an awesome opportunity.”
“I know it is but a great one but answer me honestly. Would teenaged you or heavily pregnant you be willing to accept medical assistance from someone like myself?”
“I get where you are coming from but you do have a good profile within the community for the work you have done and continue to do.”
“That is true but will it be enough…”
“When do you need to give Caroline your answer?”
“Two weeks”
“My thoughts, have a think, have a chat although I know Ethan will say to take it but I really think you will do well.”
Casey however was not so sure. She did have a good reputation sure but was that enough. Casey wanted the endeavour to succeed.
A few days later she had her regular meet up with Tobias. He already knew of the offer from Ethan and if Tobias was being honest, he was surprised that Casey was unsure of taking the position. He knew that she would do a great job so when Casey asked him if Aurora would be a good fit for the role he was surprised. His initial reaction was why am I being asked.
Casey stated that you worked with Aurora at Kenmore, you have worked with her here, you saw first hand how she did in a leadership role last year when I was on maternity leave so you would be a good person to ask. And besides if I am going to decline and send a recommendation for whom I think should be in the role then it would look good if there is another endorsement. Tobias saw Casey’s point but he thought that the clinic would be a success but he also agreed that Aurora would be a good fit too.
Casey then thought some more and she was convinced that Aurora would be a better fit. She met with Aurora a few days before her answer was due.
“I have thought long and hard, discussed, written a pros and cons list, you name it I have done it. I have decided not to take the role. I will be recommending that you get offered the position”
Aurora was shocked.
“I was sure you would take the position. What swayed you?”
“I feel the clinic will have more success if there is people running and on staff that are more representative of the area we are going into. Where the clinic is, I am a minority, yes I have done much work in the women’s health and LGBTQI space which would make people receptive but you have a good reputation in the same areas also but I think with you at the helm, you will attract not only the clientele but also doctors who are culturally diverse and fit in better with the area we are going into.”
Aurora reflects on Casey’s words. She does agree with her that she too has a good reputation in the field but it is one thing being team leader for six months and running a clinic full time.
“Am I experienced enough, running a team for six months is different to running and building a clinic up full time.”
“I get where you are coming from, we all remember how I was when I was initially offered the team. I think you are ready. I will be willing to help and also work some time at the clinic as I think it will work well in the rotation. Other doctors in the hospital I am sure will be willing to offer advice and help also.”
“This is true…”
“You are not the woman I met in residency Aurora, the woman eager to escape the legacy of Harper and was convinced everyone only wanted you because of her.”
Aurora smiled.
“So I will be turning down the position but recommend that you be offered it and Tobias will also be sending in his recommendation for you also.”
Later that day Casey sent the following email to Caroline.
To Caroline
Thank you for the generous offer of employment as Director of the Delores Hudson Women’s and Community Health clinic.
After much deliberation I will be declining the offer.
I feel this endeavour will be more successful under the directorship of Dr Aurora Emery.
Again thank you for considering me and I look forward to working with the director of this endeavour, whomever it may be.
Dr Casey Ramsey
Director Diagnostics team, Naveen Banerji Community Health Clinic, Edenbrook.
Caroline received the email from Casey and the accompanying one from Dr Carrick. If Caroline was honest, Aurora was someone she had considered also, but Casey won out to be offered the position first.
Caroline got to amending the offer and sent it to Aurora, like Casey giving her two weeks to think before deciding.
Two days later Aurora accepts the offer. She is excited for the opportunity and so is Casey.
Authors note: The clinic is a huge success. Most of the staff is reflective of the area. Casey does some work at the clinic also, especially in the Advocacy space. The clinic when it is fully established is added into the clinical rotation and the residents really enjoy the differing perspectives and challenges that arise from working with culturally diverse staff and clientele.
The clinic was named after Delores at Ethan’s request and with permission from Alma. Ethan did not want her death to be in vain, Delores also lived near the area that the clinic is situated so it seemed fitting.
Caroline is well into her seventies when she retires. She retires so she can enjoy life instead of just working.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @crazy-loca-blog @bex-la-get @a-crepusculo @potionsprefect @liaromancewriter @cariantha @schnitzelbutterfingers @binny1985 @lucy-268 @trappedinfanfiction
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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silma-words · 3 years
Hey if you’re still accepting prompts then can you do #2 and #19 from prompt list 1
N/A: Thank you so much for the prompts Anon, and sorry for the delay! I hope you will like this, and that you are ready for some angst! :)
Choices: Bloodbound
Pairing: Adrian Raines x MC (Ellie)
Rating: PG / Warning: None
Genre: Angst
AU Chronology: Bloodbound AU (after book 1 – the events of book 2 never happened) – ‘Inevitable - Arc II: About time’ (Masterlist) - Sequel to "The right thing to do" and “Seventy-two”.
Summary: She was ready to leave everything behind, but Adrian shows up at her door step.
Inspired by prompts #2 and #19 from Prompt List #1: 2: “Please don’t cry. I can’t stand to see you cry”; 19: “I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me”
Words: 2900
**Disclaimer: Characters and background plot are the property of Pixelberry.**
Picking up the pieces
What the hell was he doing here? Why now? Why did it take him that long to do what she had been hoping he would for over two months? What was he expecting of her? Drop all of her plans and crawl back to him after he had shattered her heart?
Unable to control the flow of questions that were rushing through her head, Ellie was shaking. Her back still against the door that she had quickly shut in Adrian’s face after finding him crouching on her doorstep, she could not stop the flow of tears either.
It had been so hard for her to wrap her mind around Adrian’s unilateral decision to end whatever was blooming between them and find a way to pull herself together, she now felt dragged back to that night in his apartment where he had delivered the blow. Just like that night, she felt her body being twisted and pulled apart in every direction from the inside, confusion mingling with anger, hurt, heartbreak, and love.
Why did he have to come back here and plunge another knife into the wound had barely started to heal? Wasn’t she doing what he wanted? He wanted her to chase her dreams and get out in the world without him tying her back, and that was what she was forcing herself to do. That’s why she had decided to take a leap and try her luck away from America, on neutral ground. Why would he change his mind now that she was about to leave? Had he always expected her to remain in his midst, close enough so she would never forget him? Close enough for him to reach her if he ever changed his mind? Or had he been waiting for her to come back to him all along?
*Ellie… please… Please come home… I miss you*
The sound of Adrian’s voice from the other side of the door tore through her. It brushed aside the million questions that had been invading her head as it reminded her how defeated he had looked at her feet in the corridor just a few minutes before. It was such a clear contrast with the resignation that she had read in his eyes the night he had delivered the blow.
She had believed him when he had claimed that this decision had been difficult for him as much as for her, but somehow part of her had tried to convince herself that he did not want her as much as she wanted him. That he had known that she was in it deeper than he was, and had been kind enough to end it before she relied on him too much. He had never hinted as much, but to her, it made more sense and hurt a little less than to believe that he had been really willing to sacrifice what they had just to give her a chance at a normal, mortal life. He had claimed he wanted her safe. But safe from the dangers of supernatural beings, or safe from the heartbreak that he would inevitably cause her?
Now that he was here, begging for her to come back to him, she was even more lost than when he had left her with no hope to convince him to let her stay. Her entire body physically ached at the thought of Adrian waiting desperately for her to answer his plea. But the idea of facing him filled her with dread.
Would she be strong enough to push him away? Did she want to? Would she even be able to reason properly and decide what to do with him standing before her?
She could feel his presence behind her despite the wooden door separating them. It was heavy. It was familiar. It was tearing a hole through her chest at the thought that he might turn around and leave before she could hear what he had to say. She could not ignore him a minute longer.
Drawing a deep breath, she wiped the tears from her cheeks, straightened herself and fumbled with the lock with trembling hands, bracing herself as she slowly opened the door. The guilt and yearning that she found in his eyes the second their eyes met drew her breath away, as if she had taken a punch straight to her guts. As much as she had wanted him to hurt as much as she did, it was a sight that made it all even worse. God, she cared way too much for that man.
“Adrian, I…” she started feebly, not sure what she really wanted to say. “I don’t understand what you want from me… I did as you asked…”
His silence was terrifying. He did not seem able to move away from the door frame, staring at her in shock as if his earlier plea behind the door had stunned him as much as it had her. Or was he surprised that she had accepted to face him, one last time?
“Adrian, please…. You have to explain, I… I… what the hell do you want?”. She had aimed her last words to be sharp and assertive, but they only came out as a desperate whisper. That seemed enough to shake him from his trance.
Closing the space between them, he wrapped his arms around her without a word, cradling her against his chest so tightly that she thought he might crush her. He let out a heavy sigh, burying his nose in her hair and swaying them both gently from side to side, as if trying to shake a nightmare away. A nightmare that they had both shared and were desperately trying to wake up from.
Ellie wanted nothing more than to let him sooth that ache away and forget all about the past two months. She would have never thought that the feel of his body against hers and the scent of him surrounding her could have so much power, stronger than any balm, any medicine, or any drug that had ever been designed to relieve unbearable pain. She felt like she could just fall asleep right there, lulled by the vibrations of his heartbeat and by the way his chest was heaving against her ear with every dragged breath that he took.
“I am so sorry, Ellie…” he finally spoke, a soft whisper blowing through her hair.
*I am sorry*. Words that she had been craving to hear from his lips but that now sounded like a joke to her ears. No matter how good it felt to be in his arms again, she could not forget the pain and anger that had been eating her up for weeks because of him. She could not let him win her over like this so easily. She would never forgive herself if she did.
Pressing her palms flat on his chest, she gently pushed against him to force him to take a few steps back and let her look at him in the eyes.
“What are you sorry about, exactly?” she asked, her voice sturdier now that she felt confident enough to confront him. “Sorry that you pushed me away? Sorry that you hurt me? Or sorry that I am leaving because of you?”.
She could see the hurt flashing through his eyes at her words, although guilt was still masking his beautiful features painfully.
“I am sorry for all of it, Ellie.”. There was no hesitation in his voice. No lie and no false chivalry. She could tell that he was offering her the whole truth. “And I am sorry that I never left you a choice in this, that I assumed that I would know better what would be good for you… I was so wrong… so wrong…”.
He tried to reach for her, but she took a step back, wincing, and shaking her head slightly.
“What makes you think now that you were wrong? Has anything changed between now and the night you told me I needed to move out from your life? Am I any less mortal? Are you any less of a vampire? Is your life any less dangerous now?”.
Adrian looked like she had slapped him. Turning against him the arguments he had used to make her leave was the last thing she wanted to do, but she knew she had to. His words were engraved in her mind forever, and she was convinced that not even Scholar Jameson would be able to erase that from her memories. The words had burned so slowly and so bright through her skull throughout the past two months that they had become a truth that she had forced herself to accept.
“No, you’re right” Adrian conceded. “These things have not changed. There is still so much that I wish a life with me could not deprive you of, but… what changed is that I thought I could be strong for the both of us by letting you go, but… I was fooling myself… I cannot stand the idea of you moving away while I never really gave you a choice in this….”
“So…” she started tentatively, raising an eyebrow betraying her confusion. “This is about giving me back my right to choose? I could either go and start a new life somewhere else, or stay here and get back to you?”
Adrian nodded silently, letting the idea sink in her head.
Not having to make a choice had somehow made things easier for her before. She could not have done anything else but to move on. But now that he was here and offering her a way back to him, she was clueless about what to do. She felt raw, exposed, vulnerable. His piercing blue eyes seemed to be digging through her soul, trying to read her mind and to find the emotions she had been desperate to hide.
“What do you want Ellie?” he asked softly, raising a tentative hand towards hers to reach her cheek. “This is what I should have asked you from the start, and I am sorry I didn’t. So I am asking you now: what do you want to do, Ellie? What does your heart tell you to do?”
She closed her eyes, letting her cheek lean into his touch, forcing her breath to calm down to find the strength to finally pull out of her these words that she had wanted to say for so long. “Adrian, I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me.”
She felt her body weaken at her admittance, feeling more vulnerable and exposed than ever before now that her heart was on display before him, bare and beating erratically in despair.
As if knowing this, Adrian instantly wrapped his other arm around her waist to pull her back against him, preventing her from seeing the reaction on his face, but allowing her to feel him tremble against her, and to hear his heartbeat mirror the irregular pattern of hers.
But she could not stand the silence. Nor could she stop the flow of thoughts and doubts that now seemed to want to pour out of her soul now that her love for him was all out in the open.
“Maybe you were right, Adrian.” She whimpered against his collarbone, repressing the urge to cry at the realisation that Adrian’s doubts and worries had now taken siege in her mind like weeds with ever-growing roots. “Maybe us was all too much, all too soon…. I don’t…. I think it would just consume me if I stayed and then you changed your mind and pushed me away again….”.
She felt Adrian jerk against her, his hold on her tightening dangerously as she heard him swallow painfully. “I won’t… I promise…”. His voice was rough, nearly strangled, betraying the emotions that were clearly overtaking him.
“How do you expect me to believe that?” she insisted, blocking her tears by burying her eyes into his shirt as deep as she could. “The situation is the same… nothing has changed… you think that now because you think irrationally but… we both know your doubts will never truly go away…”.
For a moment she thought he had stopped breathing, his hand in her neck tightening to the brink of pain, and his face sinking at the top of head as if he was trying to smother his breath in her hair. When he finally relaxed and released his hold to bring trembling hands around her head, there was nowhere left for him to hide his tears as he leaned to rest his forehead against hers.
“I will never push you away again… I promise… I don’t think I could even if I wanted to…” he breathed against her lips, his tears now falling freely from his lashes to her cheeks, a vivid testimony of the truth behind his words.
Bringing her hands to frame his face, she gently stroked her thumbs against his wet skin, before tentatively pushing forward to get closer to his lips, close enough to feel their shaking breaths mingle and their damp eyelashes brush each other’s skin.
“Please don’t cry”, she murmured with a feeble smile. “I can’t stand to see you cry”.
When their mouths finally met, it was the most gentle and careful caress that she had ever experienced. It was like discovering the softness of his skin for the very first time, and the way he moved against her felt like he was exploring every inch of her lips one at a time, as if trying to draw a map so that he could never forget his way back to them.
Their kisses were short, a little weak and breathless, the salt of their tears gradually invading their mouths as they could not refrain from caressing each other’s skin, smearing the wet trails of their tears with their fingertips.
This felt so familiar and yet so foreign, the intensity of what she felt threatening to make her crumble at his feet if he ever released his hold on her. Would she ever be able to reason and think straight when she was in his arms? In this moment, she did not care. All she wanted was to relish every breath, every shiver, and every tremor coursing through him, pressing her body as close to him as she could to let him feel how much her love for him was possessing her.
“Ellie...” he whispered against her lips between two kisses, his gaze betraying the exhaustion he felt from everything that just happened, but filled with a softness that seemed to wrap her like the softest fabric that could ever be made. “You have no idea how much I love you and how much I missed you...”.
If she had dared to doubt his words, his next kiss would have proved her otherwise, as she felt his entire being shake with relief and the tension instantly leave his bones, as if these unspoken words had been a burden that he would not have been able to carry any further. His warm lips had captured hers avidly, hungrily, gentle but yet urging and demanding, roaming and pressing against hers as he was relinquishing the last remaining bit of restraint that had been holding him back.
Ellie was gasping for breath but she did not care. She was blinded by the raw emotions that were washing over her in the darkness of the room. Mere minutes before, it had been like she was being slowly dragged underwater, weakened and bared by her admission that she loved him. Now, it felt like she had finally been yanked out of the terrifying depths by the strength of a few words, Adrian’s confession filling her lungs like the air she had been gasping for.
“I missed you so much”, he kept repeating between kisses, unable to stay still or silent anymore, and probably eager to make sure she believed his promises to never push her away again. “I missed you so much, please... come home with me”.
Staring into his eyes as she was finally able to steady herself and catch her breath, she could not repress the smile that was starting to form on her lips at the sight his beautiful dishevelled face, love, warmth and tenderness finally finding their place back in her chest after weeks of being forbidden to take a seat too close to her heart.
She was not entirely sure yet what she was going to do with her choice, but she surely could not ignore what she felt for Adrian anymore. Tonight, they had laid the shattered pieces of their hearts at their feet, and picked up the largest pieces, hand in hand, willing to start putting them back together one at a time. Whether they could mend their hearts together, side by side, or whether they would have to do this alone, was something that only time would tell. But for now....
“I am home”, she simply answered his request, her voice soft and calmer now, her eyes darting across his face to take in all of the tiny perfections and imperfections she had missed so much. “Stay with me, please, Adrian... Stay with me tonight”.
N/A: Thank you again Anon for the prompt, and thank you for anyone who read it all the way! This segment is far from over, so more should come soon, hopefully!
If you liked it, any comments and/or reblogs would be deeply appreciated! J
Tagging @adriansbiss , @itsjustwinter , @shanzay44 , @purvishraick, @thefrenchiemama
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genevievemd · 3 years
Sunday Six?
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Of course, peanut! Another peak at TYB because I’m not writing anything else atm
The Year Between (8/?) - The Birthday Enthusiast
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Genevieve McClure)
She giggles, remembering the obnoxiously pink card that sits in a box under their bed.
He looked so nervous giving it to her, they’d just barely started to become friends at that point, four months into her intern year, and he’d just opened up about his and Naveen’s secret.
They were at the nurses station, going over a patient chart when he handed it to her. Her name written across the front of the envelope. She didn’t expect a card from him, let alone for him to remember her birthday.
She opened in hesitantly, and Gen can still remember the way the butterflies took flight in her stomach, the way her heart beat ten times faster. The card was a bright shade of pink, with a white cake on the front and happy birthday sprawled out in swirling letters.
He did no more than sign it, his signature small on the inside and when she’d asked him why he gave her a card, Ethan had simply shrugged. And when she asked why a pink card, he gave her a small smile, a rare sight four years ago, and muttered how he recognized that it was her favorite color.
The difference between then and now is unmistakable, even without the weddings bands adorning their hands.
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stygianflood · 3 years
Six Sentence Sunday, please?
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Murmurs (Ethan x F!MC)
Her breath hitched for a moment and her fingers quivered for the slightest spell of a dream. He felt before he saw it, and wrapped her hand in the warmth of his own.
Very slowly, slower than the fall of her breath, he drew it and pressed soft, lingering kisses on her knuckles before resting it against his chest. The softest of sighs escaped her and she curled up to him.
Rookie, he thought overwhelmed.
Will try to finish this soon, but I really (no honestly, I really) need motivation at this point in the book 😓
Thank you, beautiful anon. Love seeing you here every week 💕💕
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Have you thought of sharing information to help people write LGBTQIA characters or couples?
Hey Nonny,
I'm not opposed to this, but it's not really the purpose of our blog. We're here to promote fandom creators and bring them together with those seeking content. A secondary role is to inspire creativity and, hopefully, create a little fun. We're not a writing resources blog.
That said, there are a lot of resources out there. If anyone is interested in them, I'd recommend contacting me on my personal blog, @jerzwriter. I'm happy to discuss or provide links to resources that can help you.
Thanks for asking!
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jerzwriter · 8 months
Will names of the CFWC board be public? I would like to do it, but I admit I worry that could lead to attacks from some people.
Hi Nonny,
I'll put this on the "to be determined" list. However, I am inclined to say the names will be public.
This ask really breaks my heart; it's sad your mind went there, but, unfortunately, you're not totally wrong. Doing anything publicly in this fandom seems to open the door to being attacked/getting hate. .
I'd say this is something you have to take into account when deciding if you'd like to be involved. If you can ignore it, fine. If not, you may want to reconsider. Hopefully, it won't be an issue. But sadly, there are no guarantees.
Thanks for asking!
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
United Front: A Drabble Me This/Bad Romance Story
Series: Drabble Me This and Bad Romance, specifically Bad Romance Continues
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Drake, Drake x OC!F (past)
Rating: MA
Warnings for this chapter: Mature Themes
Word Count: 1,710 (I decided since it falls into the Bad Romance Continues category, I wouldn't hold myself to the word limit for a drabble. Yes, I'm just making up and changing the rules as I go!)
A/N: This takes place not long after the end of Bad Romance. Drake has just come back from Texas.
My other stuff: Master List.
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Bad Romance Riley and Drake (obviously… because I’m an unabashed Drake stan… but can’t seem to resist torturing him either 😅): One of Drake’s old flames shows up with a kid, claiming it’s Drake’s. How does Riley — and Drake — react…? 👀👀👀
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“Hey, Riley uh…..can I come in?” Drake stood in the doorway of her office gnawing on his bottom lip, something he only did when he was nervous.
“Sure….” She motioned him in and told Max, “When my next appointment gets here, just have them wait.”
“Will do! Hey, Drake!” Max slapped him on the shoulder on his way out.
Drake stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.
Riley’s smile faded as she watched his face, “What’s wrong?”
“I…uh…got an email from an ex-girlfriend….”
“Okay….I thought you didn’t really date, you told me you were more of a one night stand kind of guy before me.”
“I was. But this girl had a hard time taking no for an answer and when you’re drunk, and booty delivers itself…sometimes available is available.” He shrugged.
“Alright. I get that. Why did she email you and why are you telling me?”
“She has a kid now and she…uh…she says it’s mine.”
Riley sat straight up at her desk as jealousy surged through her, “Let me see the email!”
He handed his phone over. Her eyes scanned it, then she looked up at him in surprise, “You haven’t responded?”
It was Drake’s turn to look surprised, “Oh…n-noooooo! I wanted to show it to you first! I just got you back, Riley, I’m not doing anything to fuck it up!”
She considered that for a moment, her hand on her own pregnant belly. Was she being a hypocrite? Here she was pregnant with Liam’s baby. Whatever. It was different. “Ok. But if it’s true, Drake, you have a right to know your child.”
He nodded, relief crashing through him, “Yeah. But….I’m just not sure how to proceed.”
“Do you trust me?”
His response was immediate and unequivocal, “Yes.”
“Then let me handle it. Forward this to me, I’ll reach out and set up a meeting with her. We’ll get a DNA test and go from there.”
“That…that sounds good. Thank you, Riley.”
She looked up at him in astonishment, “For what? Not keeping you from finding out if you have a child out there?”
“For being so reasonable about it.”
She rose from her seat and walked into his arms, “I love you. We will figure this out, together. Ok?”
Two days later the woman in question was escorted into the Riley’s office personally by Max.
The woman was tall, with legs that went on forever and long blond hair. She was gorgeous. Riley’s jaw clenched as she fought the onslaught of emotions inside her. Of course, she was gorgeous.
Riley surreptitiously checked the other woman out. She didn’t look like she’d had a baby, she looked like her body was immune to fat cells. Why was she blond? Did he like blonds? Riley could be blond. She considered for a moment what she would look like if she bleached her hair. Her eyes traced up from the woman’s impossibly small waist to an impressive set of what had to be double D’s. She shifted her seat. She might not have double D’s but at least her C cups were real. There was no way those were real, right?
The woman’s face broke into a bright smile when she spotted Drake, she ran across the room and threw herself at him. “Drakey! I’ve missed you so much!”
Drake stumbled back two steps as her body crashed into his, but his arms didn’t go around her to steady them both. Instead, he held both arms out to the side as he windmilled them a little to keep his balance. Fuck all of that. Let her fall, he thought as his eyes darted to Riley.
Riley suppressed the rage clawing at her chest from the inside as she cleared her throat. “Excuse me…Sasha, is it? What’s that short for? Is that a nickname? That’s not your real name, is it? Is Sasha a real name?”
Sasha stepped away from Drake with disappointment on her face and glanced at Riley, “Are you…are you the queen?” She looked back at Drake, “Why is she here? Why didn’t you email me back? This meeting was set up by someone named Maxwell Beaumont!”
“My assistant.” Riley clarified, “And Captain Walker is the head of my queen’s guard, so I’ve taken an….interest in his life.”
Sasha’s eyes narrowed, “An interest huh?”
“Yes.” Riley replied with more equanimity than she felt. “The first order of business will be a DNA test, to confirm paternity.”
Sasha looked back to Drake, “Come on baby, can’t you and I go talk somewhere in private? This isn’t her business!”
“The fuck it isn’t!” Riley jumped to her feet, but Drake held his hand up to signal that he had it handled.
Turning back to Sasha, he said, “First of all, I’m not your baby. You and I barely had a relationship, and even if we had, I ended it a while ago if you’ll remember.”
“But we were so good together!” Sasha took another step closer, biting her lower lip, “Remember that thing I do that you like so much?”
Riley bit back a laugh as Drake replied, “Not really.”
“Ok, Sasha, here’s the deal.” Riley interrupted as she stalked around the desk to plant herself firmly next to Drake, “If the child is his, you will get whatever financial assistance that’s needed. Money won’t be an issue. He’ll want shared custody, eventually. I understand the child doesn’t know him yet, so he can start with visits with you present so your daughter feels safe and build up to alone time with her then overnights and eventually fully shared custody.”
Sasha snorted in derision, “I don’t think so! If he wants to see his daughter, he’ll have to go through me! We’re going to be a family!” She spun back to Drake, “Right, baby?”
Drake opened his mouth to answer but Riley held her hand up as she answered instead, “No. The only thing you will be is coparents.”
“I want to speak to him alone!” Sasha yelled, “Clearly you have some kind of crush on him or something, but you already have a husband and he’s the goddamned king so keep your hands off my man!”
Riley lunged at Sasha, but Drake caught her around the waist and pulled her back. Spinning her around and putting his back to Sasha, he murmured into her ear, “Don’t give her the satisfaction, kardia mou. You know I love you!”
She knew. And she knew that, as queen, she shouldn’t be acting crazy in front of people. Then she remembered Bastien’s words about using the royal guard to take care of her problems and she felt a smug calmness descend upon her. She could make this bitch disappear if she wanted to. To Drake, she hissed, “Don’t make me put her on the list!”
His eyes widened at the mention of her revenge list. She still had that? Weren’t all of her enemies dead already? He should know, he’d taken out most of them.
When Drake was sure Riley wasn’t going to physically assault anyone, he turned back to Sasha, “If she is my daughter, then you and I will have plenty of conversations about how to proceed. Who is or isn’t present with me when those conversations happen is my business. But before we can move forward, I’m going to require proof.”
“I….” Sasha looked back and forth from Drake to Riley back to Drake, taking in their rigid demeanors, then deflated, “Never mind. Fuck you! You’ll just have to live the rest of your life knowing you’re a deadbeat dad!”
“Oh, I don’t think so!” Riley said, “You will present the child for a DNA test. If she’s his daughter, he has a right to know. And so does she.”
“You can’t make me do a DNA test, bitch!”
“Well, that’s where you’re wrong.” Riley said calmly.
Drake’s eyes tracked from Riley to Sasha, knowing that calm Riley was her most dangerous form.
Riley continued, stepping into Sasha’s personal space, voice low and level, “I’m the literal fucking queen, I can compel whatever the fuck I want, and you could be arrested for speaking to me like that.”
The other woman paled as she remembered who she was talking to. “Shit! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-“
“It’s ok, I understand that emotions are running high, it’s forgotten. But you will provide a cheek swap for that DNA test…today!”
“Ok, fine, she’s not his! I just thought-“
“I’m sorry, but that’s not good enough! You made the claim, I have to do my due diligence and follow up on that.” Riley walked back to her desk and pushed a button on the intercom system control panel. She gave Sasha a gloating smile as she spoke into it, “Marco, come in here, please. I have an errand for you.”
No way she was trusting this stalker, who was clearly obsessed with Drake, who was hers by the way, to deliver that DNA sample without benefit of an armed guard. And if they didn’t put the paternity issue to rest, one way or the other, Riley had no doubt Sasha would be back with her claims, up in Drake’s inbox, DMs, or whatever. Nope, it was put up or shut up time.
Two days later, Riley lay in Drake’s arms as he asked her, “What if the baby had been mine?”
The DNA test had ruled him out as the father.
Riley sighed, “Then I meant what I said, we would have figured it out together, but I wouldn’t have had a problem with you being in your child’s life.”
“Are you sure?” He teased, “Because I thought you were going to rip Sasha’s head off!”
“Can we just never say her name again, please? I really don’t like her!”
Drake laughed out loud, “Baby, you know you have nothing to worry about, right? You’re the only woman for me!”
“I know.” She smiled as she snuggled closer to him, “But I like to hear it, say it again!”
He paused between each word to deliver a kiss to a different part of her body, “You. Are. The. Only. Woman. For. Me.”
“Damn straight!” She pulled him on top of her and let him prove it to her.
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karahalloway · 3 years
A Winged Wish
A Choices Twelve Days of Fictmas One-Shot
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This is my submission for the 2021 Choices Twelve Days of Fictmas writing event. This year, the theme was 'All Of My Favourite Things' and the prompt that I'd received was 'Angel Tree'. This is also my submission for the CFWC Holiday Celebration.
Fandom: TRR
Pairing: Drake Walker x F!OC (Harper Gale)
Synopsis: On a special December night in the lead-up to Christmas, Harper has a tough choice to make...
Word count: 2,000
Warnings: PG-13 (very minor swearing, one slightly steamy kiss, lots fluff)
Theme song:
A/N: So... A couple of things... (1) I appreciate that strictly speaking, an 'angel tree' is a charity-based gift-giving initiative that is run by the Salvation Army to collect items for in-need families in the lead-up to Christmas. However, when I saw the prompt, the first thing I thought of was literally an angel tree (as in a Christmas tree decorated with angels). And when I thought of angels and Christmas, I thought of wishes, which is how the idea of this fic was born. (2) While I make references to some European Christmas traditions and beliefs (which are factual), the concept of an 'angel wish' is something that I came up with for this fic and has no tie-in (at least none that I could find!) with Saint Lucia's Day, so any similarities to actual beliefs/traditions is purely coincidental. (3) Chronologically, this Christmas takes place in the same year as the social season and the engagement tour, but contains no real spoilers for the as yet untitled and unwritten Book 3 of the Harper and Drake trilogy.
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"Something on your mind, girl?"
I feel Drake's arms wrap around me from behind, and I lean back against him with a sigh.
"Just trying to decide what to write."
"For the past thirty minutes?"
"It's not been that long!" I peek up at him uncertainly. "Has it?"
"Sure has," he assures me. "Was on the verge of calling in search and rescue."
"I do have a phone..."
"Which you weren't answering."
I feel a blush rise up my cheeks. "Sorry... Got a bit lost in thought."
Drake rests his chin on my shoulder and glances down at the words that I've written down, then scribbled over. "It's not a fancy speech or press release, y'know... It doesn't need to be perfect."
"I know..." I huff. "But I want it to be meaningful."
"Then write from the heart."
I twist around to look at him with a quizzically raised brow. "Since when does Drake Walker give sentimental advice?"
"Since it's the most WON-derful time of the year...?" he carols with a grin, deepening his voice in imitation of the Andy Williams Christmas classic. "And I get to spend it with you."
His lips meet mine in a tender kiss as he pulls me into him. Laying a hand on his cheek, I breathe in his spicy scent, taste the whiskey on his tongue as I melt into the moment.
Our first Christmas together... the first of many.
"What did you write?" I ask him when we eventually pull apart.
He fixes me with an impassive look. "That's between me and Santa Lucia."
Now I was intrigued! "What did you write that's such a big secret?"
"Hey," he protests. "Did you run around sharing the contents of your letter to Santa?"
"No, but—"
"It's the same thing," he insists. "It only works if it stays private."
"Sentimental and superstitious," I declare with wide eyes. "The festive cheer really has addled your brain, Walker."
"My brain's perfectly fine, thank you," he replies dryly. "But, there are some things that you just don't mess with. Time-honoured holiday traditions being one of them."
I roll my eyes. But... I had to admit that he had a point.
Though, that still didn't help me decide what I was going to write...
I glance back down at the piece of paper in my hands, hoping that inspiration would finally hit me, and I could write a heartfelt 'winged wish'.
For on Santa Lucia – or Saint Lucia's feast day – every Cordonian took a moment out of their day to record a secret wish. For kids, it tended to be the special toys they hoped to receive for Christmas (delivered by Baby Jesus, rather than Santa Claus in this part of the world... the logistics of which I have not quite received a satisfactory explanation for, apart from maybe that Baby Jesus had unquestionable magical powers of teleportation). For adults, meanwhile, the wish was usually a bit more amorphous – good health, finding love and happiness, more money... basically the stuff that keeps people up at night, hoping for a miracle. But, in both cases, the process was the same. People would write their wish onto a piece of paper, fold it up to resemble angel wings and tie it to a branch of the Christmas tree, so Saint Lucia's spirit could fly them up to the heavens to Baby Jesus.
When Maxwell had innocently asked me whether I'd be writing a winged wish, I had stared at him in confusion. But, after he'd given me the low-down of what it entailed (and I'd received unbiased confirmation from Drake that this was actually a thing, given that I hadn't been sure whether I should take Maxwell on his word on something that sounded so alien to me, hailing, as I did, from the land of the Coca-Cola Christmas commercial), I had decided that yes – I did want to take part in this rather sweet and poignant Cordonian tradition.
And since I wanted my first time writing a special wish to be special, I had spent the whole day trying to decide what I wanted to ask for, motivated by the highly probable chance that I'd eventually need to repeat this story to my kids and possibly even grandkids. But, as the morning had ticked over into afternoon, and we had started getting ready for the Night of Light ball at the Palace – Saint Lucia being the patron saint of festive, holy light – I was still trying to home in on my one-true desire.
So, here I am, at the tail end of the night, standing in front of the gigantic Norway Spruce that had been set up in one of the corners of the ballroom, already chock-full of little paper angel wings ready to bear their author's hopes and dreams skywards, no closer to narrowing down my wish than I had been at the start of the day.
Should I wish for something material? That felt cheap – asking a higher power for something that I could just buy for myself. Should I think bigger? Like world peace? The end of hunger? Poverty? Or was that just wishful thinking on my part? What about love and happiness for everyone? Eugh… That just sounded so cheesy…
A low sigh of frustration escapes me.
Why was this so goddamn difficult?! It was just a stupid little wish... That probably wouldn't even come true anyway.
Drake's voice floats across my consciousness.
Looking up, I see that he's moved around to stand in front of me, his warm mocha eyes gazing down softly into mine.
Taking my hand in his, he says, "You're really overthinking this, girl. Just pick something you want. It's not rocket science."
"But, that's the problem!" I exclaim. "I don't know what I want!"
"You were eyeing up those boots pretty hard last week..."
"I was window-shopping! A girl's allowed a self-indulgent, Confessions of a Shopaholic moment every now and then!"
"I have no idea what that is, and I definitely do not want to know, but if you're struggling that much, just wish for those." He leans in conspiratorially. "You never know... Your wish may come true."
My mouth drops open. "You did not!"
"Did not what?"
"Buy them for me!" I cry. "They were almost $1,000!"
Even though I'd been here in Cordonia for over six months now, I was still converting everything back to US dollars as that was my instinctive baseline. And as awesome as those Louboutin black suede, kitten-heel ankle boots with statement bows on the back had looked in the store window, no shoe was worth that much money!
"I never said I did," he replies evenly. "And anyway... it's Baby Jesus who—"
I thump him on the chest. "I'm not five, Drake! I know how Christmas presents work! And you can't spend that much money on me!"
"Why not?" he asks, snaking his arm around my waist to draw me into him.
"Because it's too much!"
"I think that's for me to decide..." he murmurs, reaching up to brush my hair behind my ear.
"And I haven't gotten you anything nearly as expensive!"
"So? It's the thought that counts, not the price tag."
A sound of exasperation escapes me. "You're impossible..."
"Why is this still a constant source of surprise for you?" he drawls with a smirk, tilting my face up to his.
"I don't know..." I grumble ruefully. "I keep thinking that I've got you all figured out, but then you turn around and do something that takes my breath away."
"You complainin’?"
"No, but—"
"Then stop complaining."
Dipping his head, he gently brushes his lips against mine. My mouth parts with a soft sigh in anticipation of him deepening the kiss. But when a moment, then two passes, I blink my eyes open questioningly.
Drake is staring down at me with that impenetrable look of his, and I feel my heart skip a beat at the intensity of his gaze.
“What?” I ask softly.
“Nothing…” he murmurs, reaching up to cup my face in his palm.
“It’s obviously something…” I counter. “Or you wouldn’t be looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re expecting to wake up.”
“Because I am.” He closes his eyes as he heaves a breath. “Honestly, Harper… I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that we’re here right now… Not only together, but engaged... of all things!” He shakes his head. “I… I know this is gonna sound cliché and stupid, but I wish we could freeze this moment… make it last forever. Because it’s goddamn perfect.”
Before I have a chance to reply, his mouth comes crashing down on mine. A low moan escapes me as his fingers tangle into my hair, pulling me to him, as if he couldn’t bear the thought of having even the tiniest sliver of space between us. My arms wrap around his neck, my body arching against his as his tongue—
My eyes fly open. "That's it!"
“…the hell?”
Extricating myself from his embrace, I rush to the table that held the writing implements. Dropping the dog-eared piece of paper I was holding, I pick up a fresh sheet and quickly jot down my wish. Giving it a quick read, I fold it up, tying a piece of string around the middle before popping it triumphantly into a branch.
Turning around, I see Drake eyeing me with a raised brow. “Care to explain?”
“You just gave me a brainwave,” I inform him, looping my arm through his.
His brow arcs higher. “You’re… welcome?”
“Oh, don’t look so put out,” I say, patting him on the cheek.
He scoffs as he leads us back to the main part of the ballroom. “How else am I supposed to look when you turn tail in the middle of us making out to go scribble on a piece of paper? Happy?”
“Yeah…actually,” I admit. “Because thanks to you, I now have the perfect wish.”
He throws me a sidelong look. “I told you… It doesn’t—”
“—need to be perfect,” I finish. “I know. But what you said… It made me realise that I’d been thinking about the whole thing wrong.”
“How so?” he asks as we arrive at the dancefloor.
“I was so focused on trying to choose something to receive in the future, that I forgot that I could actually choose something from the present.”
Drake glances down at me as he pulls me into a close hold. “You… wished for something you already have?”
“Yes,” I reply with a smile. “I wished for—”
“Don’t tell me!”
I shake my head with a laugh as he twirls us around. “Drake… You’re my fiancé, soon to be my husband. Surely I can tell you…”
His face remains impassive. “No.”
“Why not?” I press as he drops me into a dip.
“Because. It won’t happen if you do.” He bends down to whisper into my ear. “And I want all your wishes to come true.”
I tilt my face up to his. “They already have.”
It was true.
I already had everything I could ever want. I had found and fallen in love with the man of my dreams, who loved me in turn and had literally crossed mountains and oceans for me. He had proposed and I'd said 'yes', and our wedding was a few short months away. I had family and friends on two continents I could count on come what may. I was doing well physically, emotionally, and spiritually… and everything felt pretty damn perfect.
So, that is what I had wished for – to be able to find a moment of perfection in each day that I could hold onto and cherish… whether it be a smile… a kiss… something that made me stop and stare… or something that reminded me of how immeasurably lucky I really was.
Because when all was said and done, the only things that really mattered were those special moments in between…
…and I couldn’t wait to have a whole lifetime of them with Drake.
Moodboard credits
Tree - Angel - Dance - Drinks - Drake - Harper
Permatags (let me know if you want to be added!)
@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @petiteboheme @aussiegurl1234 @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @angelasscribbles @drakewalkerisreal @nestledonthaveone @tinkie1973 @lunaseasblog @indiana-jr @twinkle-320 @choicesficwriterscreations @knaussal @differenttyphoonwerewolf @texaskitten30
12 Days of Fictmas Writers (not already included in my permas)
@katedrakeohd @sirbeepsalot @alj4890 @ofpixelsandscribbles @queenrileyrose @burnsoslow @darley1101 @blackcatkita @debramcg1106 @cordoniansgonewild @leelee10898 @kat-tia801 @emichelle @arosentinel @bebepac @txemrn @thegreentwin @annekebbphotography @cordoniantrash @sincerelyella @boneandfur @thehonorarybeaumont @chemist-ana @lucy-268 @jerzwriter @mynotsohealthyobsession @camillemontespan @axwalker​ @argylemnwrites 
12 Days of Fictmas Readers (not already included in my permas)
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lilyoffandoms · 2 years
Honeymoon (Open Heart) - Bryce x OC (Kyrie)
Warning A/N: (T for implied nsft and nudity if you squint). Based off this edit I did for MC Monday and for the CFWC celebration event. 500+
The early morning sun peaks over the horizon and into their room on the ocean. Bryce shifts and pulls Kyrie closer to him, the two still a tangle of limbs, as he plants kisses along his neck and shoulders.
“It’s too early for that,” Kryie giggled and tried to shift away only to find himself trapped more tightly in Bryce’s arms.
“Never,” Bryce whispered.
Kyrie blinked, rolling over, as he rubbed sleepily at his eyes, looking up at Bryce. His hair, while a mess somehow looking just a perfect as it always did on him. He rubbed at his eyes once more and allowed Bryce’s devastatingly gorgeous smile to come into view.
With one hand he cupped Bryce’s cheek with a whispered good morning, before his hand slid to his neck and he pulled him into a kiss.
“You ready?” Bryce asked as he kissed Kyrie again.
“For what?” Kyrie asked dreamily as Bryce’s lips found his again.
“Surfing. The report sounds great. Probably not going to have a better morning to be out there,” he said brightly with one last kiss as he hopped from the bed.
Kryie rolled over and propped himself up on his elbows, watching as Bryce strutted across the room and rummaged through their bags they had tossed hastily aside when they had entered the room the day before.
“You do realize what time it is right?” he asked, admiring the view.
“And you do realize you promised me some time out on the waves?” Bryce asked as he grabbed his swim trunks and walked back across the room.
The bed dipping beneath his weight as he leaned in to leave a lingering kiss to Kyrie’s lips.
Kyrie gave him a playful shove and buried his face in the pillow, mumbling, “I didn’t realize it would mean being up before the sun.”
“Sun’s up, gorgeous,” Bryce chuckled and pulled the sheet off Kyrie’s body.
“Still too early,” Kyrie pouted. “And if you keep doing that, you will miss your perfect surf day,” Kryie shivered as Bryce ran his hands down along his back and further along.
“Well, it is our honeymoon. I’d not be opposed to-“
The knock sounded loudly on the door and Bryce swooped down to kiss his way quickly up the same path his hands had traveled until he found his lips. And then slipping quickly into his swimsuit, he threw the covers back over Kyrie, who snuggled beneath them, and went to answer the door.
Kyrie listed to the muffled conversation in the other room and sat up as Bryce returned to the bedroom.
“Is the coffee?” he asked.
Setting the small tray down on a table, Bryce climbed back up the bed.
“It is,” he whispered into a kiss.
“And is it for me?” Kryie smiled.
“It is,” Bryce smirked and locked eyes with him. “And breakfast. But only if you get your gorgeous ass out of this bed and join me on the beach.”
He laughed into a final kiss as Kyrie sighed. Eventually climbing out of the bed and finding slipping his own swimsuit on, he grabbed the breakfast tray while Bryce grabbed his board and they made their way down the beach hand in hand.
Choices Tag: @storyofmychoices @peonierose
Other Tag: @choicesficwriterscreations
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Do you have a Sunday Six lovely? ❤️
Rubyyy! After months of starting several wips and completing none, I finally completed one last night and I am so excited to share it, tysm for this ask. Love you! 💜
Honest Mistake
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"But who is she?" Sienna asked, quickly stealing a glance.
"That question has been burning in my mind since morning!" Meera replied. "Who is she and why the hell is she flirting with my fiancé?"
As if on cue the three heard a very hearty laugh which undoubtedly was from the woman with Ethan and she even dared to pat his shoulder playfully.
As the three rolled their eyes Sienna chirped, "jeez, go easy on the PDA, the man has a ring on him."
"Should I reverse image search her?" Jackie suggested, "because looks like the identity of this mystery woman is eating your soul."
"Who, she?" a third voice made Meera look up, she was greeted with Tobias' smug face.
"That's Dr. Emily Chester," he informed.
"Who?" the girls said, collectively.
"Professionally or personally?" Tobias asked, but Meera's glare didn't make him wait for an answer.
"Both. Got it. Professionally, she is one of the biggest names in endocrinology. Personally?" Tobias deliberately stopped enjoying Meera's agony a little too much. "She was at Hopkins, a couple years junior to us, and she had a huge thing for Ethan."
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