#ch: gabrielle delacour
veelatrouble · 2 months
Here's chapter 5 of Veela Paradise! Fleur and Gabrielle get to have a go at Harry, when Monsiour Delacour suddenly arrives!
Hope you enjoy :)
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dramiones · 6 years
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ship posters | gabrielle delacour & colin creevey. 
↳ requested by @rainfiresnowearth
“ no damnation ever looked as cozy as this, but you fit over his hips like they were made for you. you fit, you fit, you fit. ”
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lumiena-archive · 6 years
PATRONUS LIST ( not all of these character can actually cast a corporeal patronus; those who generally can are bolded/italicized ) 
lily evans : doe 
andromeda tonks : badger
marlene mckinnon : gray seal
hannah abbott: field mouse 
alicia spinnet: dog (beagle) 
aurora sinistra: nightingale 
modesty barebone: mountain hare 
katie bell: dog (husky) 
gabrielle delacour: fox 
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breaniebree · 3 years
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Here's how I imagine Ginny's bridesmaid dress to look like...
ASC Chapter 285 Sneak Peek -- The One With Blood, Marriage, and Politics
“What kind of plan?”
Ron shushed him. “I’ll tell you later.”
That didn’t assure him.
Tomorrow they needed to add Ginny’s blood to the potion, but they had no idea how they were going to get her blood. According to Ron, she was against the antidote which meant that she wouldn’t be giving any blood willingly. If they didn’t add her blood tomorrow, Harry didn’t know what would happen. Worst case scenario, they would be forced to start the potion over which meant another full month before she could even be given the antidote and from what Ron and Hermione had said, Ginny would be even worse off by then.
Ron and Hermione had both told him about the dark veins on her neck and face. Hermione claimed Fleur and her bridesmaids had worked extra hard to make sure they were all covered for the wedding today.
“How is she?” he whispered.
Ron’s expression was grim. “Her left leg has a dark bruise. She said she got it from flying yesterday, but after what Borage said… it’s only one bruise, Harry.”
He nodded, his stomach in knots. One bruise could easily turn into more. “You’re sure she’s all right otherwise?”
“Right as rain. She was happy this morning.” He turned to look at Hermione. “What does that mean anyway? Right as rain? Why is rain right? Is it sometimes wrong?”
Hermione shushed him just as Angelina took a seat on the other side of Harry. He said hello to her and noticed that she also looked beautiful in a form fitting dress in vibrant blue that left one shoulder bare and had a high slit in the leg. George sat next to her in black dress robes and Audrey sat on the other side of him in a halter-style purple dress that flared at the waist with lots of tulle. Harry noticed Mr Weasley’s parents sitting in the row in front of them, Cedrella was holding her great-granddaughter, who was decked out in a pink and black dress with tulle and a big bow on her head. Aydin had her fingers in her mouth as she looked around at all of the people curiously.
Music began to play and Harry turned to watch Mr and Mrs Weasley walk Bill up the aisle as Mrs Weasley dabbed at her eyes. Then Avril came up with one of Bill’s friends whose name Harry couldn’t recall, Lizette was with another curse breaker named Fisher, but it was the next couple who Harry stared at. Bill had chosen Charlie and Percy to stand up with him and it was Percy who held Ginny’s arm as they walked up the aisle.
Harry thought that she’d never looked so breathtaking in all of her life. The gown she wore looked like it was held on by magic. The material was almost translucent and made her look as if she wore nothing but gold flowers made of lace and tulle, outlining her breasts in a provocative way. Her red hair was in big red curls, partially pulled away from her face and pinned back as the beautiful locks tumbled down her back and over her shoulders. He knew that he was staring, but he couldn’t look away from the vision before him.
Charlie and Gabrielle came up next and he only tore his eyes away from Ginny when Hermione nudged him as Mr and Mrs Delacour walked their daughter up the aisle. Fleur looked incredible and Harry found himself turning to look at Bill’s face. The dumbstruck expression of awe and love he saw there made him smile.
Harry listened with half an ear, his eyes on Ginny and how beautiful she looked. He took in every inch of her in, wanting nothing more than to pull her into his arms, to kiss those perfect lips, to put his hands in that incredible hair…
The sound of Bill’s breaking voice made him focus on the bride and groom.
“Fleur, you are the m-most incred-dible woman I have ever… known. You’re kind and ch-ch-arming, beautiful, intelligent… and p-powerful. I knew you w-w-were special the m-m-moment I laid eyes on you. I knew you were someone who… was going to c-c-change my life and it t-t-terrified me. The first time I kissed you, I knew… you were it for me. I knew that no m-m-atter what hap-pened, my life would never be complete… if you w-w-weren’t in it. I love you, Fleur.”
The minister smiled, his eyes on Fleur.
Fleur held Bill’s hands in hers, a big smile on her beautiful face. “The first time I saw you, I wanted you. You were zis mysterious curse breaker with a nice smile and kind eyes and it didn’t take me long to realize zat you were also ze most stubborn man on earth. I wanted you to kiss me every day and every time I thought maybe you might like me, you made up some excuse about how we were coworkers. You took your time getting zere, but I’m glad you did because you’re ze bravest, sexiest, and most incredible man I’ve ever met. You have such a big heart and you’re selfless, kind, and caring. I love you more every day and I want nothing more zan to be your wife and for you to be my husband.”
Bill’s smile brightened as he stared into her eyes.
The minster cleared his throat. “Do you Fleur, take William Arthur to be your lawful wedded husband, to love and to cherish, to care for in sickness and in health, forever and for always?”
“I do,” she said, her eyes glistening in tears as she stared into his eyes.
“And do you, William, take Fleur Apolline to be your lawful wedded wife, to love and to cherish, to care for in sickness and in health, forever and for always?”
“I do,” he said, clearly.
“The rings?”
Charlie and Gabrielle each passed Bill and Fleur the rings with big smiles.
Harry watched as they placed the rings on each other’s fingers and then said their vows with their crossed wands. Bill’s voice cracked a few times, but Fleur only beamed at him, her eyes full of unshed tears of happiness. When the minister proclaimed them husband and wife, their lips met, and everyone cheered.
The wedding party was called forward for photos and everyone else was invited to go to the tent for drinks and appetizers. Hermione linked her arm through his when he watched Ginny.
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pottermetaarchive · 8 years
They pulled Fleur’s sister through the water, back towards the bank where the judges stood watching...
Goblet of Fire, 
As convenient as this is, it doesn’t work. Harry swam for over half an hour before he found the merpeople’s village, and that was with his flippers and webbed hands. He was going quite fast and would have covered a lot of distance. 
But when he rescues Ron and Gabrielle, they go more or less straight up to reach the surface yet manage to return to shore in no more than a few minutes. It’s wrong in the movie too, even though they have those platforms in the middle of the lake.
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vapcrss-blog · 9 years
“Where’s my goodnight kiss.” “You look so cute when you’re sleeping.” “I have no intention of giving you to others." pansy and gabrielle
“Where’s my goodnight kiss.”
      “So demanding.” Gabrielle chuckled as she dodged yet another attempt from her girlfriend to steal a kiss. “Ma soeur est en bas.” The blonde hissed, still giggling as Pansy seemed to give up on a goodnight kiss and moved her sights lower. “Elle va entrendre. Do you want that?” Her words seemed to have little effect, but with the way that Gabrielle was twisting her fingers in Pansy’s hair, tugging and guiding, it didn’t seem that she wanted the girl to stop either. It was pointless murmuring now caught between gasped breaths and light laughs before she was pulling Pansy up and wrapping her arms around wiry shoulders. She could never deny kissing Pansy for long and it was disgusting and loving and extremely dependent, but to ask Gabrielle Delacour if she cared would to ask if she wanted to ever wanted to encounter a wild dragon: she didn’t.
“You look so cute when you’re sleeping.”
      A sleepy smile pulled over Gabrielle’s lips as she cracked one eye openly slowly. Pansy Parkinson. This lovely, dark creature that graced the younger girl with her presence repeatedly and somehow had been charmed into her bed, this ethereal witch that left Gabrielle wondering if she was truly real and how no one saw her beauty but the quarter-veela herself ---- this object of the girl’s affection, and possibly obsession, was staring back lovingly and the blonde was slipping between consciousness and the dream world as she closed her eye and let out an airy laugh.
      Her hands reached blindly for the curve of Pansy’s spine and she soon found it, pressed her fingers against the grooves of bones while she moulded their abdomens and chests together. “Regarde-tu toujours moi quand je dors?” Her voice was sleep roughened and her lips found more interest in mapping the expanse of Pansy’s neck than forming words, yet she compelled them to keep speaking. “How creepy and cute.” 
      Opening her eyes once more, she found her gaze held and it brought a slow smile to her lips. “Je t’aime.” She whispered, moving up to kiss the brunette’s forehead then her nose, cheeks, jaw, and finally her lips.
“I have no intention of giving you to others." 
      Tilting her head, Gabrielle watched her girlfriend move behind the counter with unabashed fondness and adoration. It was laughable to think that she’d want anyone else in the first place, but it was undeniably cute watching Pansy seethe with jealousy as she tried to appear normal and stock shelves with wands. The blonde, forever tempting fate, leant over the counter and reached out to take hold of Pansy’s robes and drag her forward. “You are a very silly girl, Pansy.” Her hand rose to trace a finger over the brunette’s bottom lip and her eyes stayed trained on the motions as she spoke. “Who else would I have but you? Who else could interest me when you exist? Everyone here is the same and I wish for something different. I like your darkness. I like your moodiness. I like your insecurity and your reservations and every part of you that you want to hide from the world. Why would I even entertain the idea of someone else when I’ve got my hands filled with you?”
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lumiena-archive · 7 years
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MOODBOARD :  @brvckens ; the delacour sisters 
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lumiena-archive · 7 years
some tiny gabrielle delacour headcanons: 
pink and powder blue are her favorite colors 
her long hair is almost always worn down
she’s very deliberate in the way she uses her veela charm. she’s highly aware of it, and very in-tune with that part of her identity ... in good and bad ways 
she has strange dreams of the sound of water and a language she can’t understand for months after the triwizard tournament. they resurface from time to time as she grows older. they’re not particularly frightening, just strange
she absolutely adores fleur and looks up to her in every way
she’d cry whenever fleur returned to beauxbatons after holidays, and cries for days when fleur moves to england
she genuinely likes the weasleys, even if things are a little strained between her and ginny at first. 
she has sort of a surprisingly dry sense of humor
has been training in ballet since she was very young
her wand core is, much like her sister’s, made with a single veela hair, one belonging to her grandmother
she can be self-centered and selfish but not overall unkind
first impressions are extremely important to her - - it’s hard to recover in her esteem if you don’t offer a good one 
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lumiena-archive · 7 years
👫 gabrielle & fleur!
i. gabrielle highkey goes through a phase in her life where she tries to be almost identical to fleur. she dresses the same, does her hair the same, takes on the same interests, etc. and by “phase,” i mean “the first ten or so years of her life”
ii. although she eventually grows out of her copycat phase and develops her own manner, tastes, and style, gabrielle always adores and looks up to her sister. many of her mannerisms are variations of fleur’s, and fleur’s influence can often be seen in some details of her dress and appearance
iii. their wand’s share a core source: hairs from the head of their veela grandmother
iv. gabrielle spends every possibly holiday with fleur at shell cottage, and she absolutely dotes on her nieces and nephew - - she never shows up without presents for them, and she spoils them rotten at each opportunity 
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons about our muse’s relationship (accepting)
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lumiena-archive · 6 years
fun fact : if you call gabrielle by any nickname made up of the first syllable of her name, she’ll refuse to acknowledge you
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