#ch2 preview
Well, it's been a year since the last episode came out, and the rest of ch2 still isn't done. I am well aware that this is the case so there is no need to remind me.
Working on ch2p2 is very difficult and tiring, and it is more time-consuming than usual. So it seems it will take a long time. I will not go into reasons as to why this is the case. I rewrote this post many times trying to express my feelings or explain the reasons things are taking this long, but it seems like it always comes out as sounding really miserable. So instead, I'm just going to say nothing about the matter and move on.
It would be nice to post some preview of ch2p2, but it would either be spoilers, or it would be so generic to avoid spoiling anything that it kind of looks indistinguishable from the first half of the trial. It feels pointless. That is why, for the time being, it's possible I might be posting a lot more about things unrelated to ch2p2, like my other Fangan. This is just because I feel compelled to make a post once a month, yet I am running out of things I can say or show about DRDT.
I can make no promises about the release date of ch2p2 at this time. But I promise that it will be done one day. No matter how painful it becomes or how many difficulties I face, I want to see it through to the end. It might take a long time, but I can't give up. So please put your faith in me.
As always, thank you everyone for the support you've given me.
Some addition things that are of no concern to the casual viewer ↓
There is a lot of discussion about the "progress bar" and sometimes I receive questions about it, so I will talk about it for a bit.
Yes, I update it frequently. But it reflects "time left in the story before completion", not "time left in real life before completion."
Basically, it poorly accounts for things that take a long time to make, like the argument armament, the closing argument, the execution. For example, it's lucky if I can sketch out a single panel of the closing argument per day, but once it's all finished it will only look like a few percentage points increased. Even if it's at 90% I feel like there would still be a long time before things were finished.
As they say, "the final uphill stretch is the hardest of all"... Or something like that................
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stockered · 8 months
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Long time isn't it?here's my preview of my page from the @conanredraw! I'm in ch2! And now I can't wait to see it completed!!!!!
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abitohoney · 11 months
Bend and Break (Not Just the Rules)
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Chapter 1 of 5 - More Than Just a Crush AO3 link
CH1 || CH2 || CH3 || CH4 || CH5
Sevika x female reader
Rating: Explicit, MDNI, NSFW
Tags: Sevika/Reader, Modern AU, College/University AU, Professor Sevika, Student Reader, Humor, Porn With Plot, Eventual Smut, Teacher-Student Relationship, a lot of this is probably super cliché and a bit silly, but I don’t give two shits cause it’s fucking hot and funny, Drinking, Masturbation, Smoking, Teasing, Size Difference, Enthusiastic Consent, Dom Sevika (Arcane: League of Legends), Sub Reader, Light BDSM, Impact Play, Praise Kink, Degradation Kink, (yes I like the emotional whiplash of both kinks), Vaginal Fingering, Strap-Ons, Orgasm Delay, Choking, Multiple Orgasms, Cunnilingus, Aftercare
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: When a hot professor in your field of study enters your radar, you’re quick to jump at the opportunity to get closer by taking her class. Temptations eventually lead the two of you to bend and break more than just the rules.
AN: This is already in process over on AO3. Trying to catch up here. Dedicated to the sweet and lovely @frooopsen (who makes much wiser choices in life than our silly reader does here 😆) Banner used with permission from @gabrielsellesty. You can find their original post here AAAnd one more thing. If you haven't seen it yet, please check out @sevikascrown's gorgeous artwork of Professor Sevika here.
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The first day of a new class was always nerve-wracking, but there was one class that really set your nerves aflame, just in an entirely different way than one might expect.
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You were the first one to arrive that day, and chose a seat closest to the professor’s desk. Nothing out of the ordinary, but you were rather excited for this class in particular. Not for the subject matter. Hell, you’d already taken the class the previous semester and passed with flying colors. But there was a new teacher that had taken over after the previous had retired. One you’d been dying to have a class with since you’d first spotted them when passing their office. Professor Sevika.
Though she was by far the most feared professor by a majority of your peers, known for her stoic appearance, short temper, and damn near impossible to pass exams, she was- at least in your mind- the most alluring woman you’d ever laid eyes on. She was the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome, only she also held all the softness and delightful curves of a woman.
So when she strode through the open door, her attention on the pile of textbooks and papers in her arms, you couldn’t help but beam at her. You just prayed she couldn’t see how your legs bounced excitedly beneath the table.
“Evening Professor!” you chimed.
Sevika, not expecting anyone attending one of her classes to ever arrive early, glanced towards you in restrained surprise before her signature scowl set back in place. She continued towards her desk without a word before dropping her books on it with a dramatically loud thump . Without looking your way, she murmured a curt, “You’re early,” and took a seat at the desk.
So I can have more time with you.
“Just excited for this class,” you replied, still beaming and hoping she’d give you at least a small glance.
She did, but only that. Her gray eyes peered over her reading glasses your way briefly before dropping to one of the textbooks she’d opened. A murmured, “Hm,” was all she offered you.
Short on words. That’s fine. Plenty to just look at.
You fidgeted with your pen, slowly clicking the button to extend and retract it while you let your gaze wander over the woman before you.
She wore a dark red button-up blouse that fit snugly over her chest. Though you couldn’t see it from her seated position, you knew she always wore it tucked neatly into her pants. The sleeves were rolled back to reveal a sneak preview of biceps that she could easily use to crush a man’s head, or a woman’s- specifically yours if you had your way. She also donned a simple golden chain that hung teasingly low, slipping beneath her blouse and most assuredly resting between her cleavage. Gods, you were damn near salivating at the sight of her. How on earth did the other students not see this? Granted, most of your fellow students were male, and you were quite certain your professor was only into women. Not to judge a book by its cover, but her cover screamed ‘LESBIAN’ in all caps and bright neon letters. Mind still wandering over all those reasons, your gaze rose from her chest to her face, only to be met with a narrowed pair of gray eyes.
She caught you gaping at her fucking tits.
“Do you mind?” she grumbled.
Your cheeks could not possibly get any hotter as you fumbled stupidly for an apology- an excuse- anything to cover your shameful mistake. “I- I’m so sorry I-”
“If you need something to keep that hand busy, I suggest you review the first chapter of your textbook.”
Wait. What? Keep that hand busy?
Your attention dropped to your hand, which you only then realized was rather frantically clicking the pen in it.
Oh. Oops.
You immediately set the pen down and mumbled another feeble apology. As suggested, you quickly opened your textbook; Fluid Mechanics. Yet another thing about her that drove your infatuation to such a high level. The fact that she taught such a class- that she was that fucking smart- was just so… hot .
Try as you might, you couldn’t focus on any of the text before you. Your mind was reeling at the sound of her voice in your head. At the words she spoke.
If you need something to keep that hand busy…
Dozens of alternative endings to that statement rolled through your head in that low, rich voice of hers, none of which were by any means appropriate for a professor to speak to their student. 
Curious if she had returned to her task, you slowly peered up from your textbook, only to quickly look back down when you found her narrowed eyes still on you from over the ridge of her glasses. Good god did she look good in those glasses too! But you could understand why most of her students were scared shitless of her. Given her large stature, noticeably toned muscles, and a stony glare mean enough to put even the mouthiest punk in their place, she was definitely a scary lady. However, to you, that was undeniably attractive. Hell, maybe you even preferred your women a little mean .
So began your silly little crush. Always the first to arrive to class, and always the last to leave. Greeted her each time with a big smile and received at least a glance from her, and at most a succinct reply. It did little to deter you though. If anything, it encouraged you to keep at it. Urged you to try breaking through that rock-hard exterior of hers. To find a weak point and grab her attention and approval. You started asking more and more questions during class- questions you already knew the answers to. You were the only student to excitedly raise their hand at any of her difficult questions. Surely she’d be fond of a student so engaged, eager to learn, and capable of proving they have learned.
It wasn’t until nearly halfway through the semester that you had the sudden realization that this had become something more than just a crush. That this had turned into a dangerous infatuation. One incident, in particular, became the real eye-opener. But, by that point, you were too far gone to go back.
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In your typical seat front and center, you found yourself struggling to focus on the lecture. Not because it was boring or old news to you, but because Professor Sevika had apparently been rather warm that day, having undone one extra button on her blouse. Try as you might to keep your eyes locked on hers as she lectured, your attention repeatedly fell to the bit of cleavage revealed and the shiny gold chain that rested between it.
Her words quickly started to blur together as your mind drifted into a daydream. A fantasy .
Your eyelids eventually grew heavy as your surroundings began to blur and fade until it was only you and your professor in the room.
In your mind, she was no longer giving a lecture. She was speaking directly to you.
You couldn't quite make out what exactly she said, just the sound of her deep, sexy voice. You licked your lips as you watched hers move when she spoke. They looked so dark, soft, and… kissable .
She walked around the front of her desk to lean back against it, gray eyes on you as she spoke.
Your gaze drifted down to her legs, covered in the most deliciously tight gray slacks. They hugged literally the full length of her legs- from her toned calves to her thick thighs. Thighs you could imagine your head between. Thighs you did imagine your head between.
You could see it play out behind your closed eyes so vividly.
She sat at the desk chair, thighs spread wide as always. Her scowl quickly faded into a cocky smirk as she peered down at you from where you knelt between her legs. You eagerly, but obediently, waited for her approval to touch her. She ran the back of her hand- her so delightfully large hand- gently across your cheek. “Such a good girl. So patient,” she said softly. The praise left you rubbing your thighs together, trying desperately to relieve some of that ache- that desire. She gave you a simple nod and your hands immediately went to the tops of her thighs to run along the muscles beneath her pants. If only you could feel the skin beneath. Your gaze darted to the dark leather belt that rested along her curvy hips. You weren’t sure why she even needed a belt given how her pants fit like a damn second skin, but more importantly- it was an obstacle. Something preventing you from removing her slacks, from getting to that rich, brown skin of hers.
Your vision started to lose focus and the image behind your eyes blurred until you found her thighs positioned directly in your line of sight. That damn gold buckle on her belt taunted you. It made your fingers twitch with the urge to loosen it, remove it so you could slowly peel back her pants and reveal whatever treasures lie beneath. Your half-lidded eyes drifted further down, to the apex of her thighs where her pants fit so fucking tight .
Then, you heard your name- spoken in that low, sultry voice of hers- and as if with a mind of its own, your hand slipped between your thighs to ease the sudden throbbing that induced. Your lips parted, allowing a quiet, soft mewl to escape. Your eyes slowly drifted up to your professor’s, and you realized entirely too late that your little fantasy had gone way too far. That it had bled into your reality and you had made a terrible scene.
Without warning, Sevika’s hand came crashing down on your desk. The loud, resonating slap echoed through your muddled head and instantly ripped you from your little reverie. You were thrown back into reality, hit hard with the realization that you were rubbing your thighs together, touching yourself beneath the table, and fucking moaning while ogling your professor.
Oh god, shoot me now.
“I’d like to have a word with you after class,” she said sternly.
You peered up at her meekly, feeling terribly ashamed, cheeks red hot with embarrassment. "Y- Yes ma'am," you managed to quietly squeak out.
To your surprise, she didn’t really look angry. Just… confused? Concerned? Either way, it did nothing to ease the nauseating feeling that took over the earlier pleasant ache low in your belly.
As Sevika made her way back to her desk, you glanced around the room. It seemed none of your classmates were privy to what exactly you had done, but all eyes were wide and honed in on you.
You’d need to come up with a damn good excuse for your behavior, but as your eyes darted to the clock on the wall behind your professor, you found that was unfortunately not going to be possible.
“Test this Friday,” Professor Sevika called to the class as she took a seat.
While the entire class erupted into simultaneous groans and sighs, you sat quietly panicking over what the hell you were going to tell your Professor about your behavior. How the fuck do you cover up the fact that you were touching yourself to filthy fantasies of her?
As the rest of the class quickly filtered out of the room, you slowly gathered up your items and stuffed them into your bag, all while trying desperately to avoid eye contact with your professor or anyone around you.
Once only you and your professor remained, you reluctantly made your way to her desk, head hung low and eyes on the floor.
From her seat at the desk, Professor Sevika simply peered up at you, brows furrowed. In complete silence .
You’re not sure how long she let you simmer there like that, watching as you nervously shifted from one foot to the other, but it was long enough that you decided to finally lift your gaze to meet hers. You instantly regretted it, because she then removed her glasses, drawing your attention to those smoky gray eyes, which she had trained on you. Any words you’d had prepared to explain yourself vanished. Poof! Just like that. Gone. Replaced with useless thoughts. Thoughts that would only get you into deeper trouble.
Her eyes are so intense. So pretty.
Thankfully, your professor finally spoke up, breaking the awkward silence and disrupting your trailing thoughts.
“You’ve been paying less and less attention in class over the past couple of months, and I understand why now.”
Your heart sank back into the pit of your stomach again. You’d been caught acting horribly inappropriate and you were about to get chewed out for it. Maybe even kicked from the class. Your gaze dropped again and the heat returned to your cheeks.
“I’m so sor-”
“However-” she interrupted, grabbing your attention again, “-you’ve been outperforming your peers. Your test and quiz scores have been near perfect. I’m… impressed.”
Your eyes darted to hers.
Did- Did she just say she was impressed?
You remained silent, just waiting for her to get to the part where she scolds you for fantasizing and touching yourself during class.
“I looked at your transcript this morning. I see you’ve already taken this class. Passed with the highest grade even, so I can understand why you wouldn’t feel the need to pay attention.”
Wait- what?
You tried not to let her see how baffled you were, but it was damn near impossible to hide when you’d been so damn sure the conversation would go in an entirely different direction. How could she not have noticed what you were doing?
“What I don’t understand is why you’re taking this class again.”
Relief washed over you. Not only did she apparently miss your little show, she also seemed calm, not angry. She even seemed… intrigued ?
Thankfully, you were able to come up with something quick-witted, because you sure as hell couldn’t tell her the real reason.
“I needed extra hours for insurance purposes, and I really enjoyed this class.”
She simply stared at you for a moment– and good god that heated gaze of hers was somehow both terribly unnerving and incredibly arousing at the same time.
“Your talent would have been put to better use in a class you haven’t taken yet.”
You thought hiding your shock before had been difficult, but she’d just dropped the second compliment in the short span you two had been talking.
“I- I suppose so, but this is my last semester. I don’t need any more courses.”
“Hm. Interesting,” she replied, and you could have sworn you caught those dark lips of hers pull up at the corner just a bit, but it was gone so quickly you weren’t sure if it had just been in your head. “Well, I’d like to ask that you at least pretend to pay attention so as to set an example for the rest of the class.”
“Understood, ma’am. Again, I’m terribly sorry.”
With a simple nod, she dismissed you and turned her attention to the pile of papers on her desk.
You left as quickly as you could, desperately trying not to look as crazy as you felt.
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CH2 >>
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oldfashionedmorphine · 6 months
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on the same frequency
📝 by @oldfashionedmorphine
🎨 by @kaiminluu
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pairing: will byers/mike wheeler
rating: mature
word count: 57k
tags: alternate universe, not canon compliant, major character death, graphic depictions of violence, grief/mourning, ptsd, blood and injury, supernatural elements, time shenanigans, butterfly effect, thriller, emotional manipulation, abuse, grooming, implied/referenced suicide, angst with a happy ending
Ever since his best friend Will Byers was murdered back in 1985, Mike Wheeler wanted nothing more than to leave his hometown of Hawkins, Indiana and never look back—only each and every year he’s forced to make an exception when it comes to the holidays. And when Mike visits for Christmas in 1995, his mom asks him to help clear out some junk in his room and down in the basement before he returns home to Indianapolis. But when he comes across an old trunk containing his Supercom walkie-talkie and ham radio, he discovers something strange that has the potential to change everything…
(or an AU based on the movie Frequency from 2000)
➜ read it here!
➜ check out the art!
🎶 soundtrack 🎶
✨ chapter moodboards/previews ✨
ch1 | ch2 | ch3 | ch4 | ch5 | ch6 | ch7
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special thank you to the @bylerbigbang mods for hosting this event!
@greenfiend @total-serene560 @across-thestars @boahey @magentamee @daydreams-in-the-moonlight @soyboystan @foodiewithdahoodie @booksandpaperss @likegoldintheair @mandycantdecide @hazmatazz @sparks-olivarpente @1-tehe-1 @karenchildress @rebellius @maru-chu @septembr-moon @kamomillatea @trvbblemaker
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ota-chan · 9 months
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here is my preview for the @conanredraw project! I'm in ch2. I'm excited to see the full project. Everyone did a great job! 😍
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liloinkoink · 2 years
Lamplight AU
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What is Lamplight? Short answer, a DnD/Fantasy Third/Last Life Renchanting AU!
Long answer, here’s 20 Questions, the ficlet meant to introduce the concept.
Medium answer, Ren is a powerful god stuck in the form of living fire. Martyn is his sole follower. Martyn and Ren help free one another from imprisonment by the Watchers and are now traveling the world on a two-man adventure of fond companionship and occasional arson.
This AU has been written as I feel like it with absolutely no regard for chronology. If you have any questions about it feel free to ask! I also have a tag for it, “lamplight au,” which is where any writing, asks, or art go.
I’ll update this post with writing and art as it happens. Writing is organized chronologically, art is organized by artist and as it’s posted.
This AU was planned with the help of @/unexpectedly-haunted, whose designs for Martyn and Ren are linked at the start of the art section!
You can also find an archive of Lamplight on my writing blog, @driflew, under the same tag.
[AU itself is platonic, but ship content gets made for it]
And, for some other fun notes...
The (unofficial) Lamplight fan Discord Server can be found here!!
Martyn replied to my post saying he knows what Lamplight is, which is a wild thing to be able to say.
[Please do not spam the chats or the askboxes of Martyn, Ren, or anyone else with talk of this fic! Don’t need to annoy anyone with it, thank you!]
[Now that it's confirmed Martyn does know what Lamplight is, here are my thoughts on reading it on stream (he can can if he wants!)]
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Lamplight writing
(for any works posted on both ao3 and tumblr where there are differences in content, consider ao3 the ‘correct,’ ‘updated,’ or ‘canon’ version. The AO3 versions are better, edited for quality, pacing, and often with extra bits not found in the tumblr versions)
The AO3 series with all works can be found here.
[If you enjoy Lamplight, I have a kofi? Please don’t feel the need send me anything excessive! The option to tip simply exists if you enjoy the series and are feeling generous.]
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Torchlight Arc
[Torchlight short fic: Ren POV] [this scene is also on Ao3, in Moonlight ch2]
Heliography (multi-chapter, complete)
[tumblr preview scene, incl in Heliography ch1]
Lamplight Arc
Strange Traveler (ao3) (tumblr)
From Here to There (incl 20Q and other scenes)
Incident at the Sleeping Hound (ao3) (tumblr)
Winter's Herald (ao3) (tumblr)
Moonlight Arc
Moonlight (multi-chapter, in-progress)
(ch one is also on tumblr, but significant edits were made when it was moved to ao3. i’m leaving the first version here unchanged, just for fun, but be aware it’s different)
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worship the ashes (ship, noncanonical)
featherlight (Treebark Week D2: Light/Dark. ambiguous on both the ship status and the canonical status… anime filler arc status lmao)
somniphobia (ship, noncanonical) (og version is also on tumblr, a fic from taking treebark Lamplight requests: Ren doesn't sleep)
Heat Haze (Treebark Week D4: Warmth/Breeze) (ship, noncanonical)
the only place i don't feel cold (Treebark Week D3/4: Build/Burn, Infernal/Divine) (ship, noncanonical) (og version is also on tumblr, a fic from taking treebark Lamplight requests: God of...)
Leaflight Series (Lamplight Roleswap) [ask about the Leaflight concept]
Cover Me in Roses
Ficlet of a different Lamplight offshoot
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Other Writers
Help with plotting the AU has come from my friend Haunted, whose contributions to design, plot, and general function as a rubber duck have been greatly appreciated
Desert Duo subplot series by @/cosmicretribution (Haunted's designs)
Boat Boys subplot series by @/boatboysrowout
i said fuck it long ago
Canon-divergent horror series by @/sixteenth-days
so no head?
Oneshots (non canon)
the heart of the pyre by Zeph
striking steel by Apollo
guiding light by Apollo
Devotion of a God by Tide
Trespassers by Tide
Bog Bodies by Tide
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Lamplight Art
if you want to draw Lamplight art, go ahead! i would love to see it! @ me and/or Haunted and i’ll put it here! if i don’t see it, send me a message! and be sure to check out these artists’ work and show them some love!
Haunted’s Lamplight Official™ Martyn design
Haunted’s Lamplight Official™ Ren design (ft. Martyn)
Haunted's Lamplight animatic, FIRE--this is an animatic for the latter half of the fic Torchlight and is really cool!
I hit the fucking link limit so the rest of the art can be found HERE
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blondiest · 14 days
first chapter of the sequel to it's friday, i'm in love tomorrow [not clickbait] [hopefully] [it's been fully written for over 6 months but i'm editing tn] [absolutely no idea when ch2 will drop to be so 1000% honest with you]
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libras-interactives · 10 months
🌑UtDM 1.1.7 + Beta🌕
I have no idea how to label this, LOL. I've been fixing a lot of silly bugs thanks to some awesome people, and drafting on Ch2 is going v. well! 40% done, and it's only the first week of August... .... Kind of unnerves me 😅
Because Ch2 is shaping up to be much longer than Ch1, I'm going to code each scene as I finish rather than doing it all at once and melting my brain. It'll be a separate beta version for those who want to read the story and don't mind the wonky bugs - if you'd rather read everything at once and have a much neater experience, wait for 2.0 at the end of this month :>
Anyway, you can get the beta version where you find the other version. Version 1.1.4 is all of Chapter 1, with bugfixes and only a small Ch2 preview. It'll stay that way until Ch2's full release 👀
This Beta covers:
Multiple Scenes in Chapter 2. So far it's up to four: The phone call, a chat with Malwina, your first job with Mordecai and Viktor, and a long conversation with Lottie.
There's also a few additions to the Character Creator - I am not taking suggestions for new content here. It's very low priority compared to drafting the actual story.
Being able to skip directly to Chapter 2! You'll still get to choose your Tarot reading. Please note if you chose a Tarot that normally wouldn't be available to you - i.e., choosing Star if you don't have a kid - text won't make sense. Chapter Selection is going to look nicer in 2.0 (ideally, lol).
A proper, multiple save/load system! (It can be weird sometimes!)
(Current version: 1.1.7 as of 10/1/23.)
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kaizsche · 3 months
tonight i can write (preview)
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note: so... another WIP gets added to the list days after i posted a snippet of mystified ch2... thing was... i was supposed to write that fic but my american lit professor sent a neruda poem we can work on for finals and i just snapped and re-read it again like 4 hours ago and here is the product of my neruda obsession (i'm blaming spike and spuffy authors for this)
inspired by pablo neruda's tonight i can write
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He lifted her closer in his embrace and whispered lines of poetry in her ear. The words depicted her fortitude and compassion. His prose sang praises of her victories, big and small.
She loved me, sometimes I loved her too. How could one not have loved her great still eyes.
Until he had gone out of words. Until he felt the last embers of her warmth seep away. Elijah could no longer find the words. He simply held her and instead hummed a lost song to occupy the silence. It was an ancient song to lull the children into sleep. Henrik had requested it of him the night before he was found dead, torn up by wolves. Elijah barely remembered the words now, having not spoken the ancient language in many years. He hoped Henrik would find it in himself to sing it to her.
Tonight I can write the saddest lines. To think that I do not have her. To feel that I have lost her. To hear the immense night, still more immense without her. And the verse falls to the soul like dew to the pasture.
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tideswept · 5 months
First post of 2024, let's go!
First off! I'll be picking up my goal of 100 books a year again and will post a tracker next, feel free to join in and/or give recommendations as the year progresses. ❤ I'm a voracious but lazy reader, so I don't venture outside of my usual circle of authors as often as I should, which is actually the point of the tracker!
Secondly, I want to show off the podfic @sweet-cynic did of stubborn in the bones and the delicious Padobi/Masterkin @ossidae-passeridae wrote for silly ol' me. 💕
stubborn in the bones (podfic)
surrender | be moved and shaken
Yessss, yesss, look at the pretty, look at it!
Third, and really what you're interested in--State of Fic Updates and Previews!
[Hartwin] a tender gasp of inevitable ache ch2: 3k in, rough outline written out. Guesstimating something like 6k for this one.
Then Merlin pipes up.  “God, I thought you two couldn’t get more obnoxious.” Neither of them starts. Kingsman trained them too well for that. But Eggsy’s fingers curl around the stem of his fork before relaxing. Since there’s no data being fed into his glasses, he assumes this is an informal check-in.  He places another forkful of tender, exquisite salmon on his tongue, closing his lips around the tines and dragging the fork out without breaking eye contact with Harry. This might be mainly to yank Merlin’s tail, but he can’t deny that Harry watching him make a slaggy spectacle of himself ignites a forbidden, heady thrill. It’s better than the cock of a well-oiled gun—better even than firing off a snazzy one-liner when taking out bad guys.
[Hartwin] always be something sacred ch3: 1.6k in, some thorny things to work out. Might be a split POV chapter, might also end up being 5 chapters total after all, we'll see!
“Opinion on a blockade?” Harry asks, shrugging off his jumper, heading for the hidden armory beneath the staircase. He’d long ago bought and hollowed out the neighboring houses that bracketed his own for security and usage—pressing his palm against the wooden panel reveals a hidden entrance.  It’s amazing that Eggsy, despite all his rightful suspicions and cleverness, has never figured this secret out. He would have loved it. There’s no need for Harry to close his eyes and imagine that boy’s delight, he knows the exact grin that Eggsy would flash, his choked, skeptical laughter, his glee. How carefully Harry would have to watch his hands to ensure that Eggsy didn’t pocket anything.  Pain digs sharp claws behind his breastbone. He ignores it. Regret can come later, after Eggsy isn’t at the mercy of an unknown enemy. 
[Obikin] Untitled -- Alpha!PadObi/Beta!Masterkin: smutty irredeemable oneshot, ahoy!
Obi-Wan groans again. He stumbles onto his sleeping bag and lies there, gritting his teeth. Through their bond, Anakin experiences an echo of the pure need threatening to drag the nineteen-year-old into a feral state.  Or that will kill him.  Anakin swears in Huttese. If he were better at mind suggestions or at meditation, if he could karking heal, he could help. If he were an alpha, he could superimpose his will and force Obi-Wan to calm down. And if he were an omega… Well. Anakin didn’t successfully see one Padawan through an intergalactic war only to lose his second Padawan to something as ridiculous as this.
[Obikin] Untitled2: another irredeemable smutty oneshot, yay!
“Are you sure that you’re alright, Anakin?” Obi-wan asks for the third time, exasperated to the point where no matter what Anakin claims, he’s going to stop their walk and examine Anakin from head to toe. But instead of lying again, Anakin, who has been making the strangest noises as they pushed through the wildly lush jungle that covers the planet, groans piteously and stops so suddenly that Obi-Wan almost runs into him.  “Anakin?”  “I’m—kark, don’t make me say it.”  Since Anakin stubbornly refuses to face him, Obi-Wan circles around to find Anakin flushed and sweaty, his lips torn from biting down.
[Obikin] Untitled3: probably still irredeemable but not actually smutty! for @sweet-cynic, a bit of a... TMA-SW fusion AU? (featuring Priest-Wan because we could always use more of that.)
The day Obi-Wan Kenobi stumbles over the bedraggled figure curled up tight at a corner of the stairs leading up to the church is already one of exhaustion and fury drowned in alcohol. He is in no charitable mood, but discovering a small child wedged tight against the stonework in the middle of the night, with the chill of an early winter creeping in, horrifies him into action. Are they dead? Obi-Wan wonders, leaning down carefully. Wrapped up in misery and in shapeless, grimy garments, the child is nothing but a genderless mop of blond hair and too-pink ears peeking out from the collar of the jacket they’re wearing, some cast off business jacket for an adult repurposed for warmth against the bitterness of October.  He clears his throat. “He—” Blue eyes snap open.  Too blue, too bright, there’s not enough light that I should be able to see the color. But Obi-Wan doesn’t pay that thought as much attention as it deserves. “Hello there. That doesn’t seem terribly comfortable." The poor creature—Obi-Wan still cannot pinpoint a gender, the face dark with dirt—shifts away from him, inching to regain space as if they don’t trust him despite the markers of his office, the collar, the coat, the cross weighing heavy on his chest.
airline Obikin shenanigans for @virahaus
even more shenanigans set in bones of a miracle for @gretchenzellerbarnes
A coda for all things unsaid
I'm hoping Untitled2 will be finished today, but we'll see. :) After some of these go up I will finally get back to working on fear the crown and the devil is a gentleman. They're long overdue for updates. (Also have my eye on you should see what we do in my head--definitely want to finish that this month.)
And that concludes the State of Fic! ❤ If I have forgotten anyone or any thing or you have a question about a fic not mentioned, please give me a poke.
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azrielgreen · 1 year
Rooms (Whose Thighs Are Lilac Rose Gardens) Preview: CH2
Eddie wakes with a hot, wet mouth on him.
It’s this thing about Steve, he’s slutty when he’s happy. Like, it’s his natural default, it’s where he lands. Effusive and bright and openly tactile, but undeniably underlined by his tendency to slut himself around and weaponise it for fun.
No surprise whatsoever then to wake up with his pretty fucking mouth wrapped around Eddie’s dick.
OK, yes, maybe some surprise because holy fucking god, the boy’s got no gag reflex and his nose is buried in Eddie’s dense, dark curls—fuck.
Eddie’s back arches before he’s even fully awake, his body responding and he’s barely fucking conscious, but he knows he’s like ten seconds from coming, Steve’s too good, fucking hell.
‘Baby,’ Eddie utters, half slurs. ‘Stevie.’
It’s not an objection, it never would be. Steve can do whatever he wants. He just wants to say his name, just wants to speak it into existence.
Eddie’s arm stings still.
It hurts.
He loves that so much.
And when he looks over, Billy is there too.
Waiting, not like Steve who wouldn’t wait to dispense pleasure, not when he’s so happy.
But Billy waited.
Eddie kisses him.
He thinks there’s a ghost of something caught in a mirror inside him. Shattered, bright and sharp, it’s not normal, none of this is, but it’s so obvious when he’s kissing Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington is sucking his god damned soul right out his cock first thing.
Eddie thinks it’s this house.
This country.
Earth and the moon, their Momma, as Steve calls her.
Only Eddie knows why.
Only Eddie knows the story of that night.
Maybe Steve will tell Billy soon, Eddie’s not sure.
Billy’s kisses are fresh and minty where Eddie’s are not, but the older boy doesn’t seem to care. He kisses warm and slow, rumbles contentedly, but he grips Eddie hard, almost painful, especially when he comes.
Comes in Steve’s mouth, all over his tongue.
Sharing, nourishing, loving.
Then Steve emerges from the covers, his hair all static-fucked, lips red and cheeks blush pink, eyes bright.
Steve crawls over, nudges against his face, closed mouth secret smile and Eddie grins indulgently, knows what he’s got.
‘You wanna give me somethin’, baby boy?’
Steve strokes his face, nods.
He is the personification of sin; angelic and so lovely it cuts all that it touches, demands nothing less than blood.
Lips touching, but not to kiss, Eddie opens up and lets Steve spit his own come into his mouth.
Eddie swallows, drags Steve against him to kiss him stupid, to fit all that love where he breathes so it’ll live inside.
They’re all cut up, the sheets are bloody and ruined.
Eddie says, ‘I love you,’ to Steve and Steve just smiles.
Then he pulls off, kisses Billy too.
‘Can we make waffles again?’
Billy makes waffles and Eddie smokes outside.
It’s cooler in the morning.
His arm hurts.
Eddie touches it, presses down on the sorest parts.
Nicotine and smoke and the low burn when he lets it get too close to his fingers, but it’s good, it helps.
Eddie thinks about the man whose throat opened up when Steve sliced it, he thinks about sharp objects and blades and the first time someone realised they could use tools to kill rather than teeth.
He’s shirtless.
Likes the bite in the air.
Clean and fresh, it runs counterpoint with the cigarette he finishes.
There’s waffles inside, he can smell them.
And he kinda wants to stay outside, look at the sky, but Steve calls him in, so that’s where he goes.
Steve eats waffles and drinks milk from the bottle and Billy watches him sometimes, Eddie helpless but to watch them both. This far from the gritty demands of their usual life together, this place, this house is something removed from time.
They’re wearing each other’s scars.
Shapes cut into skin.
Eddie thinks of the first time someone cut him, the shock of it, how he’d cried later, all alone. Didn’t realise he could be split, ruined, hurt in such a way.
Now, it’s just love.
The rose in his arm, the one on Billy’s chest and the newest blossom on Steve’s thighs. They’ll heal well, Eddie thinks.
Steve’s energy though, it’s a little fractured.
His knee is jogging, expression blank and calm as it so often is, but there’s just something off.
‘You OK?’ he asks Steve.
Steve smiles at him, nods and then takes his plate out to the kitchen. Eddie and Billy share a brief look.
‘He’s not OK,’ Billy tells him quietly.
And Eddie, he could be real fucking smug, he could be a bitch, say shit like, ‘Yeah, no, I think I’d know, seeing as how we’ve been together for years, thanks.’ He could say that, remind Billy whose claim to Steve is greater.
Eddie doesn’t want to, though.
What scares him is that he doesn’t even believe that.
‘I know,’ he simply says. ‘It’s the Vegas thing. Always takes a while for… well. Bad shit comes in like the flu for Steve.’
Billy nods slowly. ‘What do you wanna do?’
‘Keep him safe.’ Eddie leans forward, elbows on the table. ‘What do you wanna do?’
Billy’s eyes are blue, they’re steady.
He’s like a mountain.
He is Nebraska.
He’s this house.
‘I want whatever you want.’
They go shopping.
It’s a small gathering of local stores; no chains, no big brand names. Billy warns Eddie not to shoplift.
‘I wasn’t gonna,’ he chuckles, and Billy grins, seemingly charmed by the brashness of the lie.
Steve is humming to himself as he wanders through the rows, examining medicine and greeting cards. Eddie thinks he recognises the song, which brings dread to his core. He can count on two hands the number of times he’s heard Steve singing that fucking song and every single time without fail, it has preceded a breakdown.
And because sometimes, Steve would call Billy, because they would talk alone without Eddie in the space of the last (first) time they saw Billy, Eddie’s not sure.
He gets noodles for himself and Lucky Charms for Steve, dumps them in the cart and throws Billy a glance, measuring.
‘What?’ Billy asks.
‘Did he tell you about Texas?’
There’s no reaction at first.
And Billy’s the kind who thinks slow, feels slow, but Eddie’s looking for a specific reaction which, when he doesn’t find it, says all he needs to know.
He won’t be the one to tell Billy, not in a million years, but he did wonder. They seem like they know each other, those two. Strange familiarity that Eddie sometimes feels side-lined by.
‘Is it to do with the song he’s singing?’
‘Kinda. Doesn’t matter.’
‘He was humming it in the car while you slept.’
‘It’s fine. Just.’ Eddie stops at the dog chew toy section, scans for whatever is cutest. ‘Sometimes, when he sings that song, it means he’s headed for a bad few weeks.’
He chooses a fluffy black dragon without a squeaker. Something that’s intended to be playfully torn apart and shredded, he knows Steve likes to rescue them. Never buys a toy intended for a life of love, only the rescues, the strays, whatever he can keep from the jaws of happy death.
Billy selects a plush squid.
‘I’m here,’ he says.
It’s two words.
They don’t mean much, and yet they mean everything.
Eddie might not have to face this alone.
He’s never had that before.
Risks touching Billy’s hand where anyone could see, grasping it briefly.
Billy’s thumb rubs over his knuckles and then he lets go first, pragmatic as ever.
Eddie won’t trust it¸ of course not.
Billy doesn’t know what Steve gets like sometimes. Nobody does, only Eddie. If anything in the world is gonna shake Billy Hargrove awake, make him see sense about the both of them, it’ll be the storm that’s coming.
I’m here.
Eddie doesn’t fully trust it.
But he dares take a little comfort from it all the same, and feels no guilt in spending Billy’s money at least.
He still shoplifts a beaded bracelet just for the hell of it, Steve will like that he stole it. He’ll like the way the cheap glass beads catch the light.
Old habits die hard, don’t they?
(Touched Preview coming a little later today💜💜💜)
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chihoshisai · 2 months
♡ Perona's Diary ♡ ch4
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Goth Family (Perona, Zoro, Mihawk)
cw : found family, fluff, comedy, chaos // this is a preview, the full chapter is on ao3 !
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A Red Guest
Closing her journal and gleefully looking forward to the present that would come her way after today’s events, Perona carefully placed her diary away before retiring from the night. 
"Who's that?" Perona asked, fixing the vague outline of a figure that seemed to be heading their way. Clutching her parasol in one hand, she squeezed her eyes as though it would help her see better.
"Probably your imagination," Zoro vaguely answered, not bothering to look at the mentioned sight. Instead, he frowned at the well put afternoon tea table that laid before him and which contained no trace of alcohol. Once again he had been deceived — forced — into having tea with the Ghost princess on the castle’s patio.
"My eyesight isn't that bad," Perona whined with a frown. The gloomy weather of the island, mixed with the thin fog constantly made it quite hard to tell what lay around one's surroundings, but Perona would wager her entire teddy bear collection that it was not a Humandrill monkey. 
"It can't be Mihawk either since he said he'd be back this evening," Perona added with pouty lips, mostly for herself, eyes filled with suspicion. The warlord had left last night to attend a meeting with the marines, and after much pleas and shrieking from Perona — who insisted she couldn't survive more than a day alone with Zoro — he promised to cut his journey short and return the next day.
As the figure approached with a steady step, seemingly unbothered by the atmosphere of the island, Perona started distinguishing their overall features — tall, with a cape, a white shirt and red hair.
Perona shrieked.
The yell, highly pitched, the type that would cause eardrums to throb, echoed throughout the area, and probably well into the castle too. A few birds, scared by the clamor additionally let their presence known by loudly chirping as they flew from the trees. 
Startled, Zoro yelled back at her, "what's with you this time?!" His eyebrows were furrowed, yet the look of surprise could be read from his widened eyes.
In an exaggerated fashion, Perona turned to face Zoro, eyes filled with tears, who seemed to be seconds away from falling. The swordsman shot her a quizzical glance, urging her to speak, but as she was too emotional, Perona simply lifted a finger towards the walking individual.
But because no sound came from Zoro, while he squinted his eyes to see what could possibly have alarmed Perona in such a way, she felt the need to tell him the answer, "it's red haired Shanks !" 
“What?” Zoro grunted with a frown. The incessant heavy breathing and tribulation from the ghost girl were quite hard to ignore, “calm down there’s no way someone like him could be here,” he said flatly. Though there was no telling what emperors did in their spare time, so how could he know ?
Perona risked another glance towards the forest, and surely enough it seemed to look more and more like Shanks, except that the earlier commotion had caused him to quicken his pace. “He’s coming right at us!” She shrieked in fear, clutching her parasol with force, shoulders shaking.
Scanning the forest once more with a bored look, the flamboyant crimson hair of the pirate reflected upon the swordsman's eyes like a flame. “So that’s an emperor,” Zoro stated in a whisper, owning him an awful expression of irritation mixed with anguish from Perona. If only he could take this seriously !
This time, with fear getting the upper hand, tears descended down her cheeks. "Are we gonna die? I'm not ready to die yet!!" she whimpered at the thought. In this moment, Perona realized how cruel life had been to her ever since she had left Moria’s side. A swordsman, a warlord and now an emperor. Who would be next ? 
Her wailing, like that of a child, resonated throughout the open area, irking Zoro some more, "he's not gonna kill us so quit your crying!"
His voice, like that of his usual grunt, caused Perona to momentarily pause, "what makes you say that?" She asked, eyes brimming with tears and lips trembling in a pout. 
Raising a corner of his mouth in a confident grin, Zoro replied, "just a feeling."  
"You!" The inkling of hope Perona had due to his words caused her to feel foolish for believing them in the first place. "We should call Mihawk for help while we can," her sobbing voice added, thinking of the ridiculous possibility that the warlord could teleport himself from the marine's base.
“Are you guys alright?” Shanks' voice, filled with worry, made itself heard from nearby. He had reached them, arriving as silently as the snow, without their notice. 
The gasp that escaped Perona’s mouth ended up dying in her throat due to the sheer pressure that emanated from red hair. In fact, it caused her body to reflexively float to hide behind Zoro, who remained sitting with crossed arms, eyeing the emperor with a frown.
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chromiusmixin · 3 months
(Oh hey, thumbnail updated! It's standard affair now, original desc below for archive's sake) It's okay to wipe me off the planet for this thumbnail, but either way, come get your Deltarune damage speed up meme mod Ch2 preview!!
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oldfashionedmorphine · 7 months
hi! happy sunday everyone! here’s more snippets of:
on the same frequency
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-.-. .... .- .--. - . .-. / ....-
December 25, 1995
“But… ten years is a long time—I… I haven’t even known you for ten years yet.”
Shit. The thought hadn’t even occurred to him—that Will had already been gone for longer than the years they had together. And it makes him sick to think about it—how little time they had. Especially when some of his earliest memories of Will were so fuzzy now. And then thinking about just how young Will was when he died—only three months shy from turning fifteen. It just wasn’t fair.
December 26, 1985
And with that thought, Will sets his half eaten bowl of cereal down on the counter and without hesitation he runs out back to the shed where his mother kept a rifle—grabbing it off the wall and then sets it on the workbench while he searches around for a box of ammunition. Once he finds it, he loads it up with a pair of shaky hands, and then cautiously returns to the house. Will locks the back door and then double checks the front door too, and for good measure he ensures that all the windows are locked with the curtains drawn as well. To say he was paranoid was an understatement. But even though everything was secured and he was now armed, he still felt vulnerable. Maybe it was just his anxiety talking, but there was an eeriness in being all alone. And if not for the ticking of the clock on the wall in the living room, the house would be dead silent, which didn’t help his nerves at all.
Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick…
🎶 a song from chapter four 🎶
rating: mature
tags: alternate universe, not canon compliant, major character death, grief/mourning, ptsd, blood and injury, supernatural elements, time shenanigans, butterfly effect, thriller, angst with a happy ending
release date: 11/26/2023
✨ previous chapter previews ✨
ch1 | ch2 | ch3
@kaiminluu @greenfiend @total-serene560 @across-thestars @boahey @magentamee @daydreams-in-the-moonlight @soyboystan @foodiewithdahoodie @booksandpaperss @likegoldintheair @mandycantdecide @hazmatazz @sparks-olivarpente @1-tehe-1 @lucasvenkman @rebellius @maru-chu @septembr-moon @kamomillatea
(if you’d like to be tagged/untagged for the next preview, please let me know!)
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honorthysalad · 6 months
alright so the preview of the hgsn light novel came out. I plugged it into google translate so obviously whatever I got isn’t completely accurate, but it wasn’t hard to get the gist.
so far there’s only the first chapter of the light novel out along with a few pages of the second chapter. This first part goes over Hikaru’s death from CH10 and then the entirety of CH1 and CH2. Mostly told from Yoshiki’s perspective, but we have Hikaru’s for the beginning and then Matsuura’s perspective for the beginning of the second chapter before she dies.
It follows the manga pretty much exactly. Any extra information is entirely supplemental and useless to the plot, which is what I expected. I guess the most interesting thing was that when Hikaru and Yoshiki were talking about their post-graduation plans, Yoshiki hoped that Hikaru would want to go to Tokyo as well, but he never did. And Yoshiki thinks ‘Hikaru’ is beautiful.
there was some expansion on the village. It’s long since merged with Kibogayama (idfk im going off memory) town, so it can’t really be considered a village, but the ppl who live there still call it one. Also it’s an hour long bike ride from Yoshiki’s house to the school.
Orange things were repeated a lot. Orange rice fields, orange breadcrumbs, orange light, orange glass. Probably to show that Hikaru’s influence lingers everywhere since orange is his favorite color.
Yoshiki thinks about how he isn’t nice because people who are nice forgive others (might be because of google translate tho) and i think that’s interesting.
We saw a little bit of Yoshiki’s mom. She’s got an angry voice and complains about his hair a lot.
all in all, it’s about what I expected. I am looking forward to them adapting CH3 because that has a section where we get ‘Hikaru’s perspective at the end, and that’s easily the part I’m most interesting in seeing in written form. However I don’t really think they’re going to go too wild with it. I’m guessing that it’ll end at adapting CH7 because that’s kind of the actual end of the vol 1 and will just stick with the plot.
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I love the footy fic!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH that is all. No thoughts just footy AU.
[teeny tiny ch2 preview, hopefully it’ll be up later today!]
‘okay, next question,’ yasmine says, and you fight the impulse to groan, but then ava kicks out her foot to tap you on the shin with the biggest smile, and it’s impossible to be too annoyed.
‘ready!’ ava says.
‘great.’ both you and yasmine — and camila, off camera — fight a laugh. ‘what is ava’s go-to pump up song?’
you share a glance with ava and you know, immediately, you both have no idea how to answer this in any way that’s appropriate. you bite your lip and then write on your board, and ava gives a thumbs up when she’s done. you turn them around at the same time and, to no one’s surprise, at this point, you’re sure, you’ve both written rico nasty.
‘honestly,’ ava says, erasing the marker with a grin after yasmine announces you get yet another point, ‘we couldn’t write the name of the song itself. you’d have had to cut that question.’
it’s true — this is for the club’s family-friendly social media so pussy poppin was definitely not suitable — and this, ultimately, is what finally gets a laugh out of you.
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