#chain link fencing sydney
rebarwireauspro · 1 year
Professional Chain Wire Fencing Supplies Near Me
Upgrade your property's security with our chain wire fences! Our high-quality chain mesh fencing supplies are perfect for both residential and commercial properties. Contact us today to learn more about our chain wire fencing supplies near me.
RWAP has extensive experience supplying and installing chain wire fencing supplies mesh fences to meet your specific needs and specifications, such as length, width, and gauge. Chain wire can be galvanized, PVC coated, or stainless steel. Call us today at 1300 355 666.
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mintfencingsydney · 8 months
Enhance Security with Reliable Commercial Fencing In Sydney
Securing the boundaries of your commercial or domestic premises is only possible with strong and durable commercial fencing in Sydney. Various fences are available nowadays that provide you with the utmost security to your boundaries and enhance the aesthetic appeal of your premise.
Aluminium Slat fencing and gates are made up of parallel aluminium bars or slats. These fences come in various designs and styles and need a low maintenance cost. Since aluminium is corrosion-free, these fences can resist bad weather conditions and are thus long-lasting. 
How Can You Enhance Security With Commercial Fencing?
Perimeter Control 
Commercial fencing can be installed around the perimeter of a property, creating a physical barrier that restricts unauthorised access and deters intruders. 
Commercial fencing can be made of see-through materials such as chain links or mesh, which can help improve the property's visibility and deter potential intruders. 
Commercial fencing can be installed at varying heights, depending on the level of security needed. Higher fences can provide better protection against intruders. 
Lockable Gates 
Lockable gates can complement commercial fencing, controlled remotely or with access codes to provide controlled access to authorised personnel only. 
Commercial fencing can be equipped with lighting to deter intruders and provide added security during nighttime hours. 
Commercial fencing can be customised to fit specific security needs, such as integrating surveillance cameras or sensors. 
Prevent Hazards 
Commercial fencing can provide a safe environment for employees, protecting them from hazards and accidents.
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fencingandgates · 6 years
Bring Rusted Fencing Installations Back To Life with These Tips
A very frequent problem associated with metal fencing is that no matter how well it has been treated, it will start getting rusted in some month’s time. Upon being left unattended, things could get in really bad situation and when this happens, the only option left is of getting the replacement done.
However, experts project it as a decision taken in a hurry because they say that there are certain methods that can help you revive a lifeless, rusted metal fencing Sydney.
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Removing the top layer
The process would start by removing the top layer of rust build-up by using sandpaper.
However, the rust is more than you have imagined and the area too is larger, you can use a grinder machine (rotary tool with a sanding disc).
With this machine, you should try and remove as much rust as possible from the fencing Sydney and experts say that you should not ignore even the smallest slots, holes and narrow spots.
Once done, the second step is to brush the fence with a stiff-bristled brush to remove all the traces of rust.
The next step is to rub the surface thoroughly using a tack cloth to get rid of the dust caused by sanding of the fencing installation.
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Rust inhibiting primer
According to those offering different kinds of fencing installations, a very important step that follows the sanding process is the application of the rust inhibiting primer.
Remember that this has to be done right after the sanding and rubbing of the dust.
Apply a layer of topcoat. Let it dry and apply the second coat if needed.
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poetrex · 5 years
Excerpts from an Oration, Delivered in Corinthian Hall, Rochester, by Frederick Douglass, July 5th, 1852:
[Full Text] .... We have to do with the past only as we can make it useful to the present and to the future. To all inspiring motives, to noble deeds which can be gained from the past, we are welcome. But now is the time, the important time. Your fathers have lived, died, and have done their work, and have done much of it well. You live and must die, and you must do your work. You have no right to enjoy a child's share in the labor of your fathers, unless your children are to be blest by your labors. You have no right to wear out and waste the hard-earned fame of your fathers to cover your indolence. Sydney Smith tells us that men seldom eulogize the wisdom and virtues of their fathers, but to excuse some folly or wickedness of their own. This truth is not a doubtful one. There are illustrations of it near and remote, ancient and modern. It was fashionable, hundreds of years ago, for the children of Jacob to boast, we have "Abraham to our father," when they had long lost Abraham's faith and spirit. That people contented themselves under the shadow of Abraham's great name, while they repudiated the deeds which made his name great. Need I remind you that a similar thing is being done all over this country today? Need I tell you that the Jews are not the only people who built the tombs of the prophets, and garnished the sepulchres of the righteous? Washington could not die till he had broken the chains of his slaves. Yet his monument is built up by the price of human blood, and the traders in the bodies and souls of men, shout-" We have Washington to "ourfather."-A las! that it should be so; yet so it is.
"The evil that men do, lives after them, The good is oft interred with their bones." .... At a time like this, scorching irony, not convincing argument, is needed. O! had I the ability, and could I reach the nation's ear, I would, to day, pour out a fiery stream of biting ridicule, blasting reproach, withering sarcasm, and stern rebuke. For it is not light that is needed, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake. The feeling of the nation must be quickened; the conscience of the nation must be roused; the propriety of the nation must be startled; the hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and its crimes against God and man must be proclaimed and denounced. .... But the church of this country is not only indifferent to the wrongs of the slave, it actually takes sides with the oppressors. It has made itself the bulwark of American slavery, and the shield of American slave-hunters. Many of its most eloquent Divines, who stand as the very lights of the church, have shamelessly given the sanction of religion, and the bible, to the whole slave system. - They have taught that man may, properly, be a slave; that the relation of master and slave is ordained of God; that to send back an escaped bondman to his master is clearly the duty of all the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ; and this horrible blasphemy is palmed off upon the world for christianity. For my part, I would say, welcome infidelity! welcome atheism! welcome anything! in preference to the gospel, asp r eached by those Divines! They convert the very name of religion into an engine of tyranny, and barbarous cruelty, and serve to confirm more infidels, in this age, than all the infidel writings of Thomas Paine, Voltaire, and Bolingbroke, put together, have done? These ministers make religion a cold and flinty-hearted thing, having neither principles of right action, nor bowels of compassion. They strip the love of God of its beauty, and leave the throne of religion a huge, horrible, repulsive form. It is a religion for oppressors, tyrants, man-stealers, and thugs. It is not that "pare and undefiled religion" which is from above, and which is "first pure, then peaceable, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy." But a religion which favors the rich against the poor; which exalts the proud above the humble; which divides mankind into two classes, tyrants and slaves; which says to the man in chains, stay there; and to the oppressor, oppress on; it is a religion which may be professed and enjoyed by all the robbers and enslavers of mankind; it makes God a respecter of persons, denies his fatherhood of the race, and tramples in the dust the great truth of the brotherhood of man. All this we affirm to be true of the popular church, and the popular worship of our land and nation-a religion, a church and a worship which, on the authority of inspired wisdom, we pronounce to be an abomination in the sight of God. In the language of Isaiah, the American church might be well addressed, "Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me : the new moons and Sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. Your new moons, and your appointed feasts my soul hatest. They are a trouble to me; I am weary to bear them; and when ye spread forth your hands I will hide mine eyes from you. Yea! when ye make many prayers, I will not hear. YOUR HANDS ARE FULL OF BLOOD; cease to do evil, learn to do well; seek judgment; relieve the oppressed; judge for the fatherless; plead for the widow." .... I, therefore, leave off where I began, with hope. While drawing encouragement from "the Declaration of Independence," the great principles it contains, and the genius of American Institutions, my spirit is also cheered by the obvious tendencies of the age. Nations do not now stand in the same relation to each other that they did ages ago. No nation can now shut itself up, from the surrounding world, and trot round in the same old path of its fathers without interference. The time was when such could be done. Long established customs of hurtful character could formerly fence themselves in, and do their evil work with social impunity. Knowledge was then confined and enjoyed by the privileged few, and the multitude walked on in mental darkness. But a change has now come over the affairs of mankind. Walled cities and empires have become unfashionable. The arm of commerce has borne away the gates of the strong city. Intelligence is penetrating the darkest corners of the globe. It makes its pathway over and under the sea, as well as on the earth. Wind, steam, and lightning are its chartered agents. Oceans no longer divide, but link nations together. From Boston to London is now a holiday excursion. Space is comparatively annihilated.-Thoughts expressed on one side of the Atlantic, are distinctly heard on the other.
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jeremystrele · 3 years
A Minimalist, Semi-Prefabricated Beach House
A Minimalist, Semi-Prefabricated Beach House
by Sasha Gattermayr
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The Bundeena house comprises two pavilions wrapping a courtyard. Photo – Katherine Lu.
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The rear pavilion contains the living, dining and kitchen spaces separated by a large fireplace in the centre of the room. Kitchen under bench joinery painted with Dulux Karori Sanctuary. Kitchen overhead joinery painted Dulux Bottle Green. Photo – Katherine Lu.
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Garden landscaped by Christopher Owen of Fieldwork flanks either side of this wing of the building. Interior Walls painted Dulux Linseed. Photo – Katherine Lu.
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The raw and unfinished material palette works to achieve Hannah’s vision for a relaxed, simple and somewhat nostalgic space. Photo – Katherine Lu.
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A simple timber frame is perched atop a concrete slab, flanked by sliding glass doors that provide important connection to the native garden. Photo – Katherine Lu.
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‘The joinery is painted in a series of colours that are experiments with alternative neutrals,’ says Hannah. ‘We have used an undercoat/band-aidy pink in the bedrooms, a dirty green on the rangehood and an almost black but weirdly bright blue in the kitchen joinery.’ Photo – Katherine Lu.
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There are no windows on the street-facing facade as all rooms face towards the internal garden and gain natural light from the connection to the outdoors. Photo – Katherine Lu.
Bundeena is a small coastal town on the fringes of southern Sydney. Its architecture consists of classic weatherboard cottages separated by chain-linked fences – a local style architect Hannah Tribe of Tribe Studio was keen to draw on when designing her own family beach house in the area.
‘There are lots of historic vernacular precedents for this kind of house, and Bundeena has a charming fisher-cottage feeling,’ she said. ‘We wanted to create something that used the familiar materials, and was modest in the streetscape to support the character of the place.’
The low-lying weekender comprises two pavilions separated by a courtyard garden. A simple timber frame is perched atop a concrete slab, flanked by sliding glass doors that provide important connection to the native garden designed by landscape architect Christopher Owen.
Sleeping spaces wrap the courtyard near the front of the property, while living spaces face the rear.
‘This is a busy beach house, full of kids and dogs and salt and sand. It is designed to be hose-out simple!’ says Hannah of the raw and unfinished material expression. The palette works to achieve her vision of a relaxed, simple and somewhat nostalgic space.
‘I am really interested in colour and had a good time experimenting with how applied colour would work with the inherent colour of the blackbutt doors and the concrete slab,’ Hannah explains.
‘The joinery is painted in a series of colours that are experiments with alternative neutrals. We have used an undercoat/band-aidy pink in the bedrooms, a dirty green on the rangehood and an almost black but weirdly bright blue in the kitchen joinery.’
The rest of the interior is painted Dulux Linseed, an orange-based grey that feels ‘like a hug’.
Though the Bundeena House has been an all-round success, widespread availability is still a little while off.
‘This was the first prototype. We are still in development, refining minimising waste and balancing out providing local jobs with partial prefabrication off site,’ explains Hannah.
Pretty good for a trial run!
See more projects from Tribe Studio here. If you’d like to register interest in a kit-home from Tribe Studio, get in touch with them directly here.
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pandsdumpers · 3 years
Different Types Of Mixed Waste Removal Services
When you are dealing with a large amount of toxic or harmful waste, it is very important to find an environment-friendly and appropriate mixed waste disposal system to place at your residence. This is necessary in order to protect the health of the residents within your vicinity and to avoid any kind of damage to the ecosystem. It will also be ideal to comply with the strict municipal laws pertaining to the collection, handling and transportation of such waste materials. The best part about all this is that Sydney has an efficient and well-organized waste removal and recycling service provider to cater to all your needs.
There are various trash companies that operate within the confines of Sydney. All these companies and many more around the country serve the same purpose - to haul trash. However, their specialization lies on how they do so. In Sydney, you can avail of a wide range of services from the most professional to the most affordable. Trash-hauler trucks are some of the most efficient and reliable service providers around. These trucks transport trash anywhere in the city and have a special permit to enter and exit the city.
Aside from carrying trash, these trucks are also capable of hauling other mixed waste rubbish removals such as cans, cardboard, glass and plastic bottles. They also have special arrangements for small domestic issues such as cleaning your house. These machines can even remove hard plastic bags or wrappers. A trash hauler truck is a versatile machine that can be used for a variety of tasks. The size and weight of the machines are matched to the amount of trash that you wish to be moved. If you have a lot of trash to be disposed of, then you can even opt for a big truck with three stages to make your work easier.
The trash companies that provide this service are known as hauler trucks. They have to make regular round trips in order to fulfill the clients' orders. In order to get hired by one of these companies, there are a few requirements that you need to fulfill. For one, you should have a valid license or an identification card from the state where you reside. You must also have signed a written contract with the company that stipulates the amount of money that you will be paying them and other terms and conditions.
There are many kinds of garbage services that are provided by the Sydney based garbage companies. Some of them are vehicle services wherein the company sends its trucks and equipment to your house for the garbage disposal. Others are home pick-up services, wherein the company will personally visit your house to do the garbage pickup. Garbage services may also include commercial and industrial services. They provide equipment and machines that are needed for handling the large amount of garbage. Some of these are chain-link fence that is used to enclose large areas for garbage collection, high towers that trap solid mixed waste and dumpsters.
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You should also know that Sydney has two classifications for garbage companies. These are based on the size of the company and the amount they generate each year. There are also companies that are classified according to the kind of service that they render. The most common types of companies are as follows:
One of the most common types of companies is that of a curbside service. These companies will come to your house and perform the job of collecting your garbage. You may choose to have your bins picked up from your own property or you may hire a company that will pick up your bins. The cost of these services depends on the distance that the company has to travel and the type of service that you have chosen. Other services include roadside picked-up of residential and business properties.
Garbage services may also include mobile refuse and recyclable removal. There are many mobile refuse and recyclable removal companies that can be found in Sydney. These companies provide their clients with proper packaging, collection, and pick up services. Some of these companies will also provide hauler trucks so that the work can be completed at the driveway or street. Mobile refuse and recyclable removal companies will also help you to dispose of the mixed waste properly.
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kentonramsey · 4 years
Leather Can Be Sustainable OR Ethical — But, Can It Be Both?
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Sustainability and fashion are notoriously disagreeable bedfellows with goals and ideals that are often at odds. This stalemate is most apparent when it comes to leather: a beloved and ancient material whose star is simultaneously enjoying a precipitous rise on the trend scene while also lighting up charged environmental controversy. In one camp is the argument that leather is a naturally sustainable material to be consumed consciously and passed on to future generations all while putting a byproduct of the mass meat industry to use. On the other side of the fence is the ethics-driven argument against animal cruelty and advocation for vegan leather — which, despite its organism-free composition, is often heavy with high-polluting synthetics. This begs the question: if animal-derived leather is sustainable, then can it also be ethical? And if a leather-lover wants to adhere to a lifestyle free of animal byproducts, then is their only option an environmentally harmful polyurethane substitute? “You can argue until you’re blue in the face about those kinds of things,” said Lyndsey Butler, founder of New York-based leather goods brand Veda. Below, with the help of industry experts, we dive a bit deeper into this conscious-fashion paradox. And, spoiler alert: while we may not land on one definitive resolution, we can provide context that will hopefully help inform more thoughtful consumer decisions for the future.
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We do a lot of work to make sure that all the leather that we use is a byproduct, which would otherwise be waste. It would either end up in a landfill or burned.
Ricky Lupp, head of product at Nisolo
When choosing to shop for leather with an eye on sustainability, it’s crucial to commit to pieces of the highest quality; it will ensure the item’s durability, longevity, and ability to be repaired (as opposed to replaced) over time. Silver & Riley founder Lola Banjo explained that shoppers should choose full grain leather (the highest-quality cross-section of the material) for a product with maximum heft. “It just [improves] as time goes on, because it has all the grain in the hide,” says Banjo. “Leather should get stronger, and not weaker.” Environmental harm also lurks in the often chemical-intensive finishing process, so shoppers should “look for vegetable-tanned or chrome-free [options],” advises Veda’s Lyndsey Butler. “Those are two ways that you know that the process of tanning is a little more environmentally friendly. The Leather Working Group is a great resource,” she adds, “because they can tell you [which tanneries] are meeting certain standards.” Leather is also inextricably linked to the meat industry, and most of what’s used to make garments is excess from industrial food production. Shoppers shouldn’t be shy about ensuring that the leather they’re buying is part of this supply chain. “We do a lot of work to make sure that all the leather that we use is a byproduct,” says Ricky Lupp, head of product at artisan-goods imprint Nisolo, “which would otherwise be waste. It would either end up in a landfill or burned.”
It’s always a lesser-of-evils question with all of this.
Sydney Brown, Vegan footwear & handbag designer
For shoppers in search of the most cruelty-free leather alternatives, there are a host of options on the market — but, many contain PVC or polyurethane (plastic compounds made up of imperishable toxic chemicals) and will degrade quickly. With these alternatives, explains Anna Fahle Björcke, head of communications at footwear brand Vagabond, “you must face either the durability issue or alternative environmental issues — in other words, materials deriving from nonrenewable fossil sources.” With these options making up the bulk of the leather-alternative world, shoppers have to dig deeper to find substitutes that are driven by natural materials. The goods news is, they do exist. Vegan footwear and handbag designer Sydney Brown explains that natural materials like cork, fennel, pineapple, mushroom, and even algae can be woven into materials with a hide-like hand that contains significantly less plastic than their synthetic counterparts. (While some of these options are not entirely plastic-free, explains Brown, “It’s always a lesser-of-evils question with all of this.”) One standout fibre, Piñatex (a leather invented by Dr. Carmen Hijosa, who spent seven years and a Royal College of Art Ph.D. developing the material) makes use of the 40,000 tons of pineapple-leaf waste that’s generated annually and has been used by H&M and Hugo Boss. “[There’s] a lot of trial and error,” explains Brown, when it comes to innovating new materials. “Research and development is our biggest part of the company, and we’re constantly testing things.”
[Consumers] should challenge the brands that they’re excited to buy products from.
Perhaps the most significant thing that a shopper can do is use their spending power to take companies to task. “[Consumers] should challenge the brands that they’re excited to buy products from,” says Nisolo’s Lupp. “They should demand information from those brands and transparency and clarity around that. I think it’s impossible for the consumer to shop consciously if there’s not brands creating product consciously.”
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At Refinery29, we’re here to help you navigate this overwhelming world of stuff. All of our market picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team. The product details reflect the price and availability at the time of publication. If you buy something we link to on our site, Refinery29 may earn commission.
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Bethany Williams: Fashion's Sustainability Saviour
Meet The Women Decolonising Sustainable Fashion
11 Of The Best Sustainable Denim Brands
Leather Can Be Sustainable OR Ethical — But, Can It Be Both? published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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beaumontwrites · 7 years
Aftermath, Chapter One.
patreon supported.
Fruit had become strangely bitter in the aftermath. The ashes had stained into the flesh of the apples that grew in great groves across the Illawarra, and the sulphur in the air permeated the winds across the entire state.
The scent of baking damper slowly overpowered that smell, mingling with the scent of roasting apple - caramelising butter and cane-sugar to sweeten it - and a herbal tea that steeped in a cast-iron pot.
The small camp-site on the edge of a small quickly desertifying town, in a small fenced in car-dealership lot. The rusted wrecks of the cars had already been stripped for useful parts. The heavily boarded up dealership was a safe-house for the Pathfinder patrols that crossed the suburbs. Forward scouts for the resistance against the living and the dead.
Sam leaned her head against her friend’s shoulder. Jess, too busy drinking to stop her. Patrol 36, eight unfortunate souls, sat around a campfire made from scavenge and dreams. It was mostly silent, until someone spoke, a long day had taken most of the joviality from them. A few ‘chem-lights’ - glow-sticks - lit the road beyond the dealership’s thick chain-link fence with bright yellow and orange lights. Nothing was out there yet. But it was probably due for some rain.
The newcomer, a young woman a few years Sam’s junior, sat across from her, hand still clutching their rifle as they drank the thick soldier’s beer. Two meals a day, three litres of water and two bottles of the thing the commissariat was generously calling beer.
Jess: “Got any smokes still on you?”
Sam pulled a tin-box from her breast pocket and took a peek. Still a few left.
Sam: “Three.”
Jess was her second-in-command, her last remaining friend from before the end. Nearly as fucked up as she was. Jess rummaged through their pockets.
Sam: “Here.” She offered a cigarette, “Don’t worry about that shit.”
Jess: “You sure?”
Sam: “Yeah, I gotta quit anyway.”
Jess took the cigarette, those things’ll kill ya. Herbal cigarettes, half the time they were padded with saw-dust because it burned but didn’t fuck up your lungs or the taste quite as much.
Jess lit up, then wrapped an arm around her shoulders and held her close. Dinner took a long time, and most of it was just spent in silence staring at the flickering flames. A few sips of soldier’s beer and a bite to eat, then it was time to sleep. Nights out on patrol became bitterly cold, so it was always welcome to have Jess to share them with. The entire Greater Sydney Basin had started to turn into a desert, ashen and grey. The small town where they made camp was too small to retain much heat and she could feel the ache in her bones as she laid in the back of their truck to rest.
Had it only been five years? She had lived in this town once, her school was just down the road from here. Everything that had happened in the aftermath; death, misery, suffering, darkness. Everything from before felt like a dream, another reality. The only thing that reminded her it was real once upon a time was Jess.
It had begun with a cough. A small outbreak of an unknown virus in the heart of Manhattan.  It was entirely innocuous, life went on as everyone simply struggled through another bad flu season. Then people started to die, it spread so quickly that the world was on-fire before anyone had any clue what had happened. It went from a sniffle to a pandemic in a month. Governments went into crisis, the world locked down, quarantined the sick.
Whatever it was presented itself, bleeding membranes and bruising on the more delicate skin of the body.
In a month one percent of the entire world’s population was dead. Nearly eighty million people. And that would have been survivable, if they had stayed dead. In two months, five percent of the population had died. Then they stopped keeping track. It was pointless to quarantine the sick, so they quarantined the healthy.
Every single healthy person they could fine boarded the long-train west. The sick but not yet dead were rounded up and told to die fighting. Ten percent, the population of the world that was resistant enough to the virus that they weren’t killed outright. Half of one percent, those who seemed physically immune. It wasn’t immunity, they were carriers, with no symptoms and no need to fear.
Sam and Jess were two of them, they were torn from their family. They all died in the war as Sam and Jess boarded the long train.
Day Zero, the last day of the war, when the dead had overcome the living. A broadcast echoed out across the world, the final radio signal to reach out and transmit what little the Australian Government knew about the virus. It had broadcast on all frequencies, it cut through all the static, it interrupted broadcasts and it said the same thing for a week.
It is airborne, it is airborne, it is airborne.
There was no escape, simply breathing the air was enough to infect you. And you could tell if you were going to die just by how the bruising spread across your body. If it was only isolated to the eyes and mouth, you had a good chance of surviving.
The government was gone, and rather than descending into anarchy, fear brought the remnants of society together. Those that filled the power vacuum had a few ideas about how the world had come to end. As a punishment for the sins of the living; the queers, colours and heathens. Hedonism and addiction, the old world had to be eaten to cleanse it for the righteous.
Fire-brands in the shell of the old Commonwealth, the entire world started to burn.
“By the fires of the grace of the Fallen God, we are cleansed of the impurities of the soul. Be they called as Jehovah, Allah, or by any other name, the Fallen God lights the path to our salvation.”
They took root in the quarantine camps, and immediately began their reign of ‘correction’ and ‘cleansing’.
“It is upon us to correct the sins of those who do not walk in the light of the Fallen God.”
Being a young girl trapped in the confines of a cell, surrounded by monsters, having them know you are with another girl. Seeing the pyres they light, hoping that is your fate over the alternative - yet knowing the real fate for you.
“You are too precious to burn.”
Death is a kindness.
“Through the grace of the Fallen God, we were made. And yet by our hubris we rebelled and slew them. With no guide to take our souls to eternal paradise, instead we shall return to consume our own flesh and drink our own blood until the final body is devoured and nothing remains but the purgatory.”
Sam woke, she had missed her shift. A grumpy Ashley, one of her closer friends, had no issues taking over.
Ash: “Boss needed her sleep, she’s been running herself into the ground.”
Elizabeth: “What’s her deal anyway?”
Sam laid listening to them.
Elizabeth: “Why’s she hate them so much?”
Everyone here hated those pricks, that’s why they rebelled, why they fought two wars instead of one.
Ash: “It’s not my place to tell that story. But there are worse things you can do to someone than killing them.”
Sam got up, there was no point delaying it. It was nearly dawn, just the slightest hint of colour had made it into the sky. She approached the still burning fire and sat down. They noticed her, greeted her with a nod.
Elizabeth: “It’s not really the best I’ve ever made, but...”
Elizabeth was making something from the left over bread and apple. Tea was reboiling.
Elizabeth: “Beats the alternative.”
They offered her the first slice, it was toast. Toast with some kind of crushed apple spread.
She took a bite, it was surprisingly good. Crushed apple paste, a hint of something she couldn’t put her finger on, maybe some butter in there, nice and brown with a bit of a char to the ashen bread.
Sam: “You’re good at this.”
Elizabeth smiled warmly: “Thanks, I taught myself how to cook. I didn’t have much else to trade.”
Ash: “What’d you get for that sort of thing?”
Trade was pretty simple, if you didn’t have a service to offer, you needed a good to barter. The Pathfinders were a good place to scavenge up some stuff, but the Free Colonies of Sydney that the Pathfinders were a part of also gave them rations and a few luxuries for doing their job. Luxuries were basically the only thing worth trading because there was always a shortage.
Elizabeth struck Sam as a pragmatist: “Coffee, smokes, condoms, grog.”
Sam: “So why give that up?”
Elizabeth: “Boredom.”
Ashley drank a morning beer and stoked the flames: “Gotta do something ‘til you die.”
Ashley definitely was a pragmatist, the kind of girl that traded all her smokes for condoms so she could spend some time earning some more smokes.
Sam: “Thanks for letting me sleep in.”
Ash: “No worries, mate,” Ashley took the slice of bread offered to them, “I figured I’d get Jess on my good-side for once.”
Ashley was one of those country-town girls that had been rounded up for the long-train ride. Wouldn’t know it by looking at her though. A grimy, scarred, messy kind of a girl that scrubbed up alright with a bit of steel wool and elbow grease. They were all like that though, Sam supposed. Ugly young women in tattered repurposed clothes designed for a different world, torn and gnawed and cut into a thousand pieces. The only real difference was her hair. Digging through ruins, killing undead, crawling through mud and dirt and marching through rain. Sam had been such a delicate girl in her youth, Jess was the tomboy.
Ash: “This is pretty good, you should do some cooking back at base.”
Sam agreed: “I’ve got nothing to offer, but I know people that’d give an arm and a leg for something decent to eat.”
Plus people hoarded up cigarettes and alcohol just because they liked to feel like they’ve got something to their name. They’d definitely part with a little of their stash for some proper food.
Ash: “If I weren’t on the hook to Jess for fags-uh, sorry.”
Ashley chagrined. Sam shrugged.
Ash: “I already give her smokes.”
Sam was curious, she’d never actually bothered to ask: “What does she trade you anyway?”
Ash: “Rubber.”
Sam traded them the same thing for their coffee...: “Wait, then how are you always complaining you need more?”
Ashley shrugged: “Sun’s up, I’ll go wake everyone.”
Ashley dashed off before any more questions could be raised. Elizabeth poured herself a cup of tea. Coffee had been in short supply for a while now, whatever the substitute was they’d been having trouble getting more.
Sam: “She’s gonna be pissed when she finds out I’m giving up smoking.”
Elizabeth laughed, Sam chuckled.
Elizabeth: “She can have mine if she wants, I’ve got no use for ‘em.”
Sam: “I’ve still got no clue where they get half this shit from. Logistics is fucking magic to me.”
Elizabeth nodded thoughtfully: “I guess it’s no less impressive than the dead coming back to life.”
Sam: “Guess not.”
Elizabeth: “I bet you’ve seen some shit. You’re a career soldier right?”
As far as occupations go, she was a philosopher. She’d never actually trained to be a soldier, she just refused to die easily.
Sam: “Yeah, guess so.”
Elizabeth: “You’re a black-shield, right?”
Sam nodded. The whole shield thing always kind of bothered her. It was a pseudo-rank thing the Free Colonies did and all it really meant was that you had logged a lot of time out in the field. Every three months you got a different colour, from White which was untrained, Green which was trained but under three months. All the way to Black, which was an entire twelve months spent in the field. Her actual military rank was captain. Ashley who was a red-shield, nine-months, was also a captain and Jess who was second-in-command was a lieutenant but also a black-shield. Elizabeth was a green-shield, and a private. In the end, it meant fuck all, it was just some revolutionary bullshit the high-command was pulling because they were worried about any associations at all with the Commonwealth. They had even considered renaming Sydney but never came up with a good name for it.
Elizabeth: “How many times have you been bitten?”
Sam: “Twelve, maybe as high as fifteen.”
The others started showing up for breakfast. Elizabeth passed around the food and the tea. The eight women of Patrol 36, much more cheery than last night, but all still looking like death.
Jess: “So, where to next Boss?”
They wrapped an arm around her, hugged her to their side as they ate.
Sam: “Well, I’m out of cigarettes, so I say we head back to base.”
She offered Jess her last cigarette. They were getting low on supplies anyway.
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rebarwireauspro · 1 year
Enhancing Pool Safety with Rebar Wire Aus Products Pty Ltd, a Leading Pool Fence Manufacturer in Sydney
Introduction: Swimming pools are wonderful additions to any property, providing a refreshing escape during the hot summer months. However, ensuring the safety of those around the pool is of paramount importance. That's where Rebar Wire Aus Products Pty Ltd, a reputable pool fence manufacturer in Sydney, comes into the picture. With their commitment to excellence and dedication to pool safety, they have become a trusted name in the industry.
Unparalleled Quality and Durability: Rebar Wire Aus Products Pty Ltd takes immense pride in producing high-quality pool fences that meet and exceed industry standards. By utilizing the finest materials and employing skilled craftsmen, they create robust and durable pool fences that offer reliable protection.
Compliance with Regulations: As responsible pool fence manufacturers, Rebar Wire Aus Products Pty Ltd understands the importance of adhering to safety regulations. They ensure that their pool fences are designed and manufactured in accordance with the stringent requirements set forth by local authorities. This ensures that the pool fences not only provide safety but also comply with legal obligations.
Customized Solutions: Every pool has its unique characteristics and design requirements, and Rebar Wire Aus Products Pty Ltd acknowledges this fact. They offer customized pool fences tailored to the specific needs of each customer. Whether it's a residential pool or a commercial water park, their expert team works closely with clients to deliver pool fences that seamlessly integrate with the surroundings while maintaining optimal safety.
Variety of Materials: Rebar Wire Aus Products Pty Ltd provides an extensive range of materials for pool fences, allowing customers to choose the option that best suits their preferences and requirements. From sturdy steel to sleek aluminum, they offer versatile materials that combine strength and aesthetics.
Attention to Detail: When it comes to pool safety, every detail matters. Rebar Wire Aus Products Pty Ltd pays meticulous attention to the construction and installation process, ensuring that every aspect is handled with precision. From the height of the fence to the gap spacing, their pool fences are designed to eliminate potential hazards and provide a secure environment for pool users.
Exceptional Customer Service: Rebar Wire Aus Products Pty Ltd believes in building lasting relationships with their customers. Their friendly and knowledgeable team is always ready to assist clients, providing guidance and support throughout the entire process. From the initial consultation to the final installation, they prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to exceed expectations.
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Conclusion: When it comes to pool safety, Rebar Wire Aus Products Pty Ltd stands out as a reliable and reputable pool fence manufacturer in Sydney. With their commitment to producing high-quality, compliant, and customized pool fences, they ensure that swimming pool areas are secure for everyone. By choosing Rebar Wire Aus Products Pty Ltd, you can have peace of mind, knowing that your pool fence is designed and crafted with utmost care and dedication to safety.
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mintfencingsydney · 9 months
Best Fencing Companies in Sydney For Best Installation
Where fencing is an integral part of the safety of your property, selecting a reliable company among numerous fencing companies in Sydney is equally essential. Installation of a robust, durable and presentable fence gives your property safety and aesthetic view. 
Aluminium fencing in Sydney has gained popularity due to its durability, strength and beautiful look. Aluminium fencing can resist all types of weather and needs minimum maintenance.
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Significance of Fencing Companies in Sydney
There are various fencing companies in Sydney, ranging from small, family-owned businesses to large, established companies. 
These companies offer a variety of fencing materials, including wood, metal, vinyl, and chain links. 
Many of these companies offer custom fencing solutions and can work with customers to design a fence that meets their needs and preferences. 
Some fencing companies in Sydney also offer additional services such as fence maintenance, repair, and installation. 
Choosing a reputable and experienced fencing company in Sydney is essential to ensure the work is completed to a high standard. 
Customers can research fencing companies in Sydney through online directories, customer reviews, and personal recommendations to find a company that best suits their needs. 
Aluminium fencing is a type of fencing that is made of aluminium, a lightweight, durable, and low-maintenance metal. In recent years, aluminium fencing has gained popularity due to its various advantages over traditional fencing materials such as wood, iron, or vinyl. 
With the increasing demand, more companies are offering aluminium fencing, making it more accessible and affordable for consumers. Aluminium fencing also enhances the aesthetic appeal of your property offering you growth in your business.
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fencingandgates · 6 years
Top Options Present In Terms Of Commercial Fencing
When it comes to commercial fencing, you would be surprised to know that the options are literally too many to pick from. The range in which they are present can confuse even the smartest of buyers and therefore, we have come up with a post that discusses the top versions used in Australia.
Wooden fencing
The first version that we discuss here is the wooden fencing that is undoubtedly the most versatile and functional version present in the markets.
The top feature is that it can be cut and customised to add to the present aesthetic appeal of the area.
Another feature is that you can pick from a vast range of wood and the top names in the list are pine, cedar, etc.
You can enhance the looks as well as the life of the wood you are using by using treatments such as painting, staining, anti-termite treatment, etc.
According to fencing suppliers, these treatments will also decrease the effects of weathering, and maintenance is relatively easy.
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Aluminium Fencing
Aluminium is the most used version in terms of commercial as well as residential fencing because is durable, long lasting and does not need timely maintenance as we see in case of wood.
Furthermore, it can be treated with different kinds of colours to enhance the visual appeal as well as the life.
Comparatively it’s an inexpensive alternative to other metals such as steel or iron.
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Chain-Link Fencing
The next name in the list is of chain link fencing that is often used as divider boundaries between two areas.
According to the sellers and suppliers, this version is considered ideal for those homes that have pets at home.
 The biggest USP of this version is that chain-link fencing is easy to build and install.
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marlaluster · 6 years
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. 1 adult Book with Delta Ads MX$25,034 www.delta.com/... CONTINUE 2 more booking options One way Round trip One way Multi-city 1 Mexico CityMEX SydneySYD Wed, Nov 14 Track prices Monitor the lowest price for this itinerary, and receive price alerts and travel tips by email DEPARTING FLIGHTNOV 14 4:45 PM Mexico City International Airport MEX 4h 5m flight 6:50 PM Los Angeles International Airport LAX Delta DL 574 Economy Airbus A319 Ticket also sold by Virgin Australia Average legroom (76 cm) Wi-Fi In-seat power & USB outlets On-demand video 3h 25m layover Los Angeles LAX 10:15 PM Los Angeles International Airport LAX 14h 55m flight Overnight flight 8:10 AM+2 Sydney Airport SYD Delta DL 41 Economy Boeing 777 Ticket also sold by Virgin Australia Average legroom (79 cm) Wi-Fi In-seat USB outlet On-demand video BAGGAGE INFO 2. https://www.google.com.mx/amp/s/nationalpost.com/news/canada/canadian-passenger-alleges-firefighters-stole-his-phone-and-us1000-from-plane-that-crash-landed-in-guyana/amp 3. Canadian passenger alleges firefighters stole his phone and US$1,000 from plane that crash-landed in Guyana BY NICK FARIS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED: NOV 13, 2018 Email Twitter Facebook Pinterest Google+ Linkedin When he finally got his luggage back late in the afternoon, after surviving a crash landing and spending the next 14 hours without his asthma medication, Invor Bedessee discovered that his ill-starred flight home to Canada from Guyana had one last nasty surprise left in store for him. His cellphone, power cords and keys had all been stolen from his carry-on luggage — as had more than $1,000 he’d been carrying in American cash. Bedessee, a 48-year-old businessman from Pickering, Ont., believes his possessions were taken by firefighters who were called to attend to Fly Jamaica Flight OJ256, which careened past the end of the runway and stopped just short of a steep embankment at a Guyanese airport around 2:30 a.m. local time last Friday after a mechanical issue compelled the pilot to turn the plane around and make an emergency landing. Six people were injured, but no one died. Police in Guyana said this week that a dozen firefighters were arrested on Friday for allegedly stealing from some of the 120 passengers who were on the flight, as well as from the pilot and crew members. While the two friends with whom he travelled to Guyana still haven’t been able to return home, Bedessee managed to catch a flight to Toronto via Trinidad on Saturday. Wracked with nerves, he said in an interview on Monday that he hasn’t gotten much sleep and has been shaking persistently. “Material things, I don’t really care (about). Those things can be replaced,” Bedessee said. “But my mental health is not the best right now.” Invor Bedessee stands in his home on Nov. 12 holding an iPhone image of the Fly Jamaica flight that crash-landed in Guyana three days earlier. The photo of the plane was taken by Denis Chabral for AFP / Getty Images. Peter J. Thompson / National Post Bedessee was one of 82 Canadians aboard the Fly Jamaica aircraft when it left Cheddi Jagan International Airport near Georgetown, the Guyanese capital, 40 minutes after its scheduled departure time. Crew members had struggled for a while before takeoff to close the front door of the plane, and 10 minutes after they made it into the air, the pilot announced that a hydraulic malfunction was forcing him to circle back to the airport. As the plane approached ground level, the landing gear deployed properly and the touchdown was comfortable, Bedessee recalled. But it soon became evident that the brakes weren’t slowing the plane’s forward momentum. Bedessee said the aircraft blew down the runway over spikes that popped a couple of its tires. Part of the landing gear tore off; so did the right wing. The plane swerved to the right, smashed through a chain-link fence and stopped in a pile of sand three metres away from the edge of a ravine. The drop-off from there was another nine to 12 metres. “Only with the light of dawn were we aware of how close we were to that ravine and how close we came to be a statistic of airline tragedies,” another passenger, Cyril Bryan of Toronto, said in an email. “We thank the universe for saving us to live another day.” The Fly Jamaica plane that crash-landed and overshot the runway at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport in Guyana on Nov. 9. Adrian Narine / AP Ordered to evacuate by inflatable slide, Bedessee left his knapsack and another bag at his seat in business class. He said the plane began to emit smoke five to 10 minutes after he got outside. As firefighters were summoned, he gave his contact information to the flight crew, went to a hotel to eat and shower and later returned to Cheddi Jagan around 1 p.m. It took until 5 p.m. for a customs agent to retrieve his luggage, at which point Bedessee, rifling through the knapsack to find his inhaler, noticed that his cash, keys, chargers and the iPhone he uses for travel were all missing. Guyana Police Force Assistant Commissioner Marlon Chapman, who oversees the division that is investigating the alleged thefts aboard the plane, said officers detained 12 firefighters on Friday after finding in their possession phones, cash, jewelry and other items that appeared to belong to passengers and crew members. Chapman wouldn’t say if police plan to lay charges, but noted that there are no other suspects. The Guyana Fire Service said its chief, Marlon Gentle, was not available for comment. When asked what action, if any, Global Affairs Canada plans to take in response to reports of theft on the flight, a department spokesperson said in an email that, “Canadian consular officials are in contact with local authorities and stand ready to provide consular assistance to Canadian citizens if needed.” Invor Bedessee is shown with his mother, Evelyn, at his home on Nov. 12. Peter J. Thompson / National Post Bedessee, meanwhile, said he and a group of fellow Canadian passengers are considering a class action lawsuit against Fly Jamaica to seek damages for the stress of the ordeal. He’s also waiting for his travel partners to be able to fly out of Guyana, hopefully by this weekend. He said one of them is a man in his 70s who had his passport and phone stolen off the crashed plane. As he waited for his bags last Friday afternoon, Bedessee called his travel agent and asked to be booked on the next flight to Canada. It left Guyana on Saturday morning, and save for a hiccup during a layover in Trinidad when a mechanical problem, of all things, forced him to change planes, the journey was smooth. It was a relief for a man who’d cried at his seat before takeoff, troubled by what had happened a day earlier. “The passenger beside me gave me a little comfort,” Bedessee said. “He just said, ‘Take a deep breath — relax, relax.’” • Email: [email protected] | Twitter: @nickmfaris Read the feature rich experience YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Fly Jamaica Airways plane headed for Toronto crash lands in Guyana shortly after takeoff Guyana's dense rain forest: Waterfalls, cliffs, tiny golden frogs on South America's North Atlantic coast With a suicide rate higher than North Korea, why is Guyana the world leader in self-inflicted death? Guyana, by Élise Turcotte: Review Forks & the Road: In the land of fabled Demerara rum POPULAR NOW CANADA Canadian passenger alleges firefighters stole his phone and US$1,000 from plane that crash-landed in Guyana NEWS Canadian Forces safe after targeted car-bombing in Mali, jihadists claim responsibility WORLD Trump was quick to claim midterm victory, but it's the Democrats who are riding high on a slow roll of wins CANADA The forgotten ruthlessness of Canada’s Great War soldiers CANADA Canadian passenger alleges firefighters stole his phone and US$1,000 from plane that crash-landed in Guyana NEWS › CANADA 4. Map of Canadamap expand icon Canada Country in North America OVERVIEW TRAVEL GUIDE Canada is a North American country stretching from the U.S. in the south to the Arctic Circle in the north. Major cities include massive Toronto, west coast film centre Vancouver, French-speaking Montréal and Québec City, and capital city Ottawa. Canada's vast swaths of wilderness include lake-filled Banff… MORE Prime minister: Justin Trudeau Trending Capital: Ottawa PLAN A TRIP Canada travel guide 4 h 25 min flight 5. Track prices Monitor the lowest price for this itinerary, and receive price alerts and travel tips by email DEPARTING FLIGHTNOV 14 5:30 PM Mexico City International Airport MEX 2h 10m flight 7:40 PM George Bush Intercontinental Airport IAH United UA 1838 Economy Boeing 737 Average legroom (76 cm) Stream media to your device 1h 52m layover Houston IAH 9:32 PM George Bush Intercontinental Airport IAH 4h 18m flight 11:50 PM San Francisco International Airport SFO United UA 385 Economy Boeing 737MAX 9 Passenger Average legroom (76 cm) Wi-Fi In-seat power outlet Stream media to your device 10h 55m layover San Francisco SFO Overnight layover 10:45 AM+1 San Francisco International Airport SFO 2h 39m flight 1:24 PM+1 Victoria International Airport YYJ United UA 5296 Economy Canadair Reg. Jet Plane and crew by Skywest DBA United Express Average legroom (79 cm) BAGGAGE INFO Estimated bag fees for your entire trip: Personal item: Included Carry-on: Included 1st checked bag: MX$616 ($30) 2nd checked bag: MX$1,129 ($55) Learn more about United's bag fees Total price includes taxes + fees for 1 adult. Additional bag fees and other fees may apply. Displayed currencies may differ from the currencies used to purchase flights. Learn more Send feedbackPrivacy & Terms 6. VancouverMX$4,692 CalgaryMX$3,274 SUGGESTED TRIPS CANADA Toronto Connecting MX$3,210 Vancouver Connecting MX$4,692 Montreal Connecting MX$3,274 Calgary Connecting MX$3,274 Quebec City Connecting MX$3,803 Ottawa Connecting MX$3,210 Edmonton Connecting MX$3,274 Victoria Connecting MX$2,871 Whitehorse Connecting MX$6,474 Yellowknife Connecting MX$6,474 Halifax Connecting MX$5,116 Winnipeg Connecting MX$3,274 Sault Ste. Marie Connecting MX$4,706 Baie-Comeau Connecting MX$6,262 Saguenay Connecting MX$6,262 Campbell River Connecting MX$7,342 Nanaimo Connecting MX$6,474 Castlegar Connecting MX$6,474 Deer Lake Connecting MX$5,570 Fredericton Connecting MX$5,023 Kingston Connecting MX$4,706 Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec Connecting MX$9,585 Hamilton Connecting MX$7,890 Kamloops Connecting MX$5,415 Total price includes taxes + fees for 1 7. https://www.google.com.mx/search?client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&q=flights+from+Tlalnepantla+de+Baz+to+canada&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONQ-DT36m1mEw5GIQMuTv1cfYMUAzODdCEuIwNDC11DQ10jSyko20jXwFiBXwusKC0rN6UKAFm7k_M8AAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjP7urXitLeAhUQP6wKHe22C1gQri4wFXoECAoQHw&biw=412&bih=751&dpr=2.63#flt=MEX.r/m/0d060g.2018-11-14;c:MXN;e:1;sd:1;t:e;tt:o 8. https://www.google.com.mx/search?q=quebec+city+canada+map&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwio06PqktLeAhWHUawKHWY_CvYQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=quebec+city+canada&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.1.1.0l5.21703.30424..37285...0.0..0.99.1561.19......0....1.........0i13j0i7i30j0i67.F3t0RwbC27I&ei=0CvrW6irCYejsQXm_qiwDw&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&prmd=minv&biw=412&bih=695&hl=en#imgrc=FCPNtqZf8YCPSM 9. https://goo.gl/images/2TaMvD 10. https://images.google.com.mx/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fontheworldmap.com%2Fcanada%2Fcity%2Fquebec%2Fquebec-location-on-the-canada-map.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fontheworldmap.com%2Fcanada%2Fcity%2Fquebec%2F&docid=Sv4PigmyN-d6IM&tbnid=iuDL2VbuVvNAJM%3A&vet=1&w=1000&h=865&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim 11. Travel articles 21 Things To Do In Ottawa If You're Broke AF 21 Things To Do In Ottawa If You're Broke AF Narcity The 11 Best Things to Do When You Visit Ottawa The 11 Best Things to Do When You Visit Ottawa US News Travel - US News & World Report 25 Best Things to Do in Ottawa, Canada 25 Best Things to Do in Ottawa, Canada VacationIdea.com Top 10 Things to Do in Ottawa with Kids Top 10 Things to Do in Ottawa with Kids Travel Mamas 15 Romantic Things to Do in Ottawa 15 Romantic Things to Do in Ottawa TripSavvy 11 Hidden Gems In Ottawa You Didn't Know Existed But Have To Check Out 11 Hidden Gems In Ottawa You Didn't Know Existed But Have To Check Out Narcity Ottawa's Best Contemporary Art Galleries Ottawa's Best Contemporary Art Galleries The Culture Trip A hipster weekend in Ottawa – Vanessa King – Medium A hipster weekend in Ottawa – Vanessa King – Medium Medium A Comprehensive Gay Guide to Ottawa, Ontario A Comprehensive Gay Guide to Ottawa, Ontario TripSavvy Most Beautiful Parks in Ottawa, Canada Most Beautiful Parks in Ottawa, Canada Culture Trip 9 Scenic Waterfalls You Need To Visit Around Ottawa 9 Scenic Waterfalls You Need To Visit Around Ottawa Narcity Ottawa Ottawa National Geographic Great Runs in Ottawa – Great Runs – Medium Great Runs in Ottawa – Great Runs – Medium Medium Cycling in Ottawa - Ottawa Tourism Cycling in Ottawa - Ottawa Tourism Ottawa Tourism Ice Sculptures at Night - Winter in Ottawa | The Planet D Ice Sculptures at Night - Winter in Ottawa | The Planet D The Planet D About Ottawa - Ottawa Tourism https://www.ottawatourism.ca › discover ottawa canada from www.ottawatourism.ca Ottawa is Canada's capital, a dynamic showcase city of more than one million people located in Ontario at the Quebec border. 12. https://www.google.com.mx/search?q=ottowa+canada&oq=ottowa+canada&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.4543j0j9&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 13. https://www.vicnews.com/home2/video-newcomer-kids-see-first-canadian-snowfall/ 14. LOCAL NEWS VIDEO CLASSIFIEDS VIDEO: Newcomer kids see first Canadian snowfall Children arrived in Canada with their mother and two siblings last week from Eritrea THE CANADIAN PRESSNov. 12, 2018 5:05 p.m.TRENDING NOW A woman who shared a video of two Eritrean children reacting gleefully to their first Canadian snowfall says the overwhelmingly positive reaction to the clip is reaffirming her faith in the country as a welcoming place for newcomers. Rebecca Davies shot the video on Saturday, 48 hours after the children shown in it arrived in Canada with their mother and two siblings as privately sponsored refugees. In the video, the seven-year-old girl and five-year-old boy twirl, dance and revel in the snow shower in the backyard of Davies’ Toronto-area home. The clip has since garnered nearly two million views and been shared thousands of times on Twitter, often with accompanying hashtags and messages welcoming refugees in general and the children in particular. Davies, who helped sponsor the Eritrean family through the private Ripple Refugee Project, says the video’s reception gives her hope. She says she encounters racism and anti-immigrant sentiment in her work on behalf of refugees, but says the positive responses to the clip have left her feeling more confident about the society the family is eager to join. “When a universal, lovely little vignette of kids playing in snow gets this kind of response, it gives me some hope for humanity,” she said in a telephone interview. Baloney Meter: Is flow of asylum seekers at Canada-U.S. border a ‘crisis’? Davies said the Eritrean family landed in Toronto on Thursday, bringing an end to a lengthy saga. She said the single mother fled the war-torn east-African country in 2013 and spent the next five years in a refugee camp in Sudan. Two of the four children who accompanied her to Canada were born in that camp, Davies said, adding all the kids are under the age of eight. The family’s first full day in Canada was marred by steady rain, limiting opportunities to explore Toronto, which they plan to call home. Conditions didn’t seem too promising on Saturday either, with high winds sending daytime temperatures plunging to near the freezing mark for the first time this season. Davies said her family had tried to explain the concept of snow to the Eritrean newcomers. So when flakes began unexpectedly descending from the sky, she lost no time in pointing them out to the family. The two youngest boys stared out the window in fascination, but the eldest boy and his sister appeared to run away after the first look outside. Michelle McQuigge, The Canadian Press Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter Previous story Just Posted City of Victoria passes new cannabis retail bylaw ‘Spread love’: UVic Pride replaces white supremacy posters in Victoria Alleged child abduction attempt in Langford a family issue, RCMP say BC Ferries passengers wait to leave Vancouver Island after Remembrance Day Grumpy Taxpayer$ offer Saanich News reporter inaugural media award VIDEO: Amazon to split second HQ between New York, Virginia B.C. cheese linked to 5 E. Coli cases Search and rescue piggybacks plucky injured senior out of Vancouver Island woods Canada Post no longer guarantees delivery times amid more rotating strikes B.C. city councillor resigns as AutismBC director amid SOGI controversy McGill students vote overwhelmingly to change Redmen team nickname B.C. to invest $492 million in affordable homes Around the BCHL: Surrey Eagles sliding and Cassidy Bowes flows Pit bull cross, chihuahua owners must split costs for dogfight damage, judge rules Most Read 5 ways to help senior friends and family this winter McGill students vote overwhelmingly to change Redmen team nickname B.C. VIEWS: Seniors home worker discrimination finally ending Canada Post no longer guarantees delivery times amid more rotating strikes Alleged child abduction attempt in Langford a family issue, RCMP say VIDEO: Marvel Comics’ Stan Lee dies Around the BCHL: Surrey Eagles sliding and Cassidy Bowes flows Explore Victoria News NEWS SPORTS TRENDING NOW BUSINESS ENTERTAINMENT LIFE COMMUNITY OPINION VIDEOS WEATHER OBITUARIES SPECIAL SECTIONS MARKETPLACE CONTESTS CONTACT US BLACK PRESS MEDIA Goldstream News Gazette Oak Bay News Peninsula News Saanich News Sooke New Mirror Monday Magazine Black Press Media Contact UsOur TeamPrivacy PolicyTerms of useVictoria NewsVictoria WeatherVictoria Classifieds © 2018, Victoria News and Black Press Group Ltd. 15. Locations: Ottawa, Gatineau. Contact Us About Us Call +1 613-688-2222 Ottawa Rentals Adwww.4rent.ca/ Rentals Simplified Make Yourself at Home. One-Stop Solution. Launched In 2010. Register Online. Place An Ad. 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VIDEOS Canada.ca · Citizenship and Immigration Canada / Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada PREVIEW 2:07 Claiming Refugee Status in Canada: What You Need to Know Jan 2, 2018 MSNBC.com 0:47 Refugee children celebrate first snowfall in Canada 5 hours ago PerthNow Young Eritrean refugees experience their first ever snowfall in heart-warming video 17 hours ago YouTube · News Nation 3:28 Super 50: Watch how Canadian refugee kids delights seeing its first snowfall 7 hours ago CTV News Refugee children see snow for the first time 8 hours ago MSN.com PREVIEW 0:43 Heartwarming video shows African refugees playing in the snow for the first time 13 hours ago YouTube · The Canadian Press 1:57 Reaction to refugee kids' first snowfall video gives sponsor 'hope' 5 hours ago YouTube · Rebel Media 2:54 Pakistani Christian refugee Asa Bibi isn't safe in Canada 3 hours ago Applying as a Convention Refugee or as a Humanitarian—Protected Person ... - Canada.ca https://www.canada.ca › application › ap... Nov 5, 2018 · meet the definition 19. https://youtu.be/vu8akYbX0kk 20. Review Booking We weren't able to process your payment. Please check the payment card number and expiration date, and make sure to enter the card number without spaces or dashes. If the problem persists, ensure your card is valid by contacting your issuing bank, or try using a different card. One of these steps will usually correct the problem. If you still receive an error message, contact Air Canada Reservations Opens in a new window. 4807 Miss Marla Luster Ticket Number Click to see the flight details of this passenger. Departing Mexico City to Toronto
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infinityknight25 · 8 years
Tyron Owens Ghost Rider origin story part 2
“Now there is a crime in progress nearby can you feel it?” The man with the English Accent. The newly deemed Ghost Rider sensed the direction of the crime. He looked that way. “Yes! Splendid! Now I want you to get on your dirt bike and go deal with it.” The rider reached for the knob of the hotel door with his skeleton hand. Bones on fire yet no damage came to the door. The rider made it down stairs unseen. His dirt bike was on an open air trailer.
He undid the straps and kickstarted the bike right up. It became black and almost brimstone like. Fire surrounded the wheels and spat out of the exhaust like a dragon. Ghost Rider took off in the direction of the crime. His two stroke motor screaming like a demon from it’s furthest depths. The sense took the newly created Ghost Rider to the edge of Sydney. He stopped outside of a house. It was a tan color of siding with a brown door. The windows were dirty. There was a slightly rusted chain link fence on the perimeter. The rider could hear screaming inside the house. It was a woman’s scream. Ghost Rider hops the fence and heads for the door. He opens it quietly. “Now , you know your punishment for burning my eggs at dinner don’t yah?” The woman was crying. There was a sound of heavy chain rattling mixed in. He walked around the corner seeing the man cast the chain back. Ghost Rider caught it. “You’d let go of that if you knew what was best for you.” The rider stood still. The chain taut in his hand. Suddenly fire crept down the chain from the riders hand. “Yahhhhh!“The man screamed as the fire hit his hand. He was a bigger build of a man. Wearing a grey t-shirt and lounge pants. His hair black with brown eyes. His left hand now blistered. "Alright mate. You’ll be sorry you did that.” The man said as he came in with an over hand like punch. Ghost Rider caught it. Dropping the chain he picked the man up by the throat. His feet off the ground, now looking the rider in the eye. The fire from the rider’s skeleton hand engulfed the man. His scream vanished as quickly as they had come. The woman burst in a fit of screaming and crying. The rider never acknowledged her. Only picking up the chain and headed out the door. The woman heard the bike take off outside. She scrambled to make it to the window to get a look. It was too late. All that was left was a trail of fire that the bike left behind. The rider made it to a small country area. There was a hill covered in a wild grass. The rider laid the bike down and began to walk up the hill. As he walked up the hill, he turned back into young African American fmx and bmx rider Tyron Owens. During the change Owens began sobbing uncontrollably. He laid down on the grass. “Well done!” The man with dark English accent said. “The first one is the easiest, yet the hardest at the same time. Anyway you will get used to it.” Sobbing and screaming Owens with his head still on the ground replied. “What’d you do to me!?!” “What did I do? Your the one who said you weren’t ready to die. You! Now quit being so dramatic and go live your little life. I’ll pop every so often at first to help you with this and then it will become more sparingly. I believe your online schedule said you have bmx very demo in Georgia?” Less sobbing and getting to his feet, Owens faced the salt and pepper haired man in black “You turned me into a murder.” He said showing his teeth.“ The man calmly…. sickeningly calm. ” Now, you with your knowledge of the word are going to tell me one sin is greater than the other? You looked back from the plow.“ The man began to walk away from Owens "You know what it says about that.”
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fcsuper · 5 years
Sydney 2019 Vacation
Alice and I had a great time in Sydney, Australia.  Originally, we planned to use our 9 days in Australia to visit a couple of areas.  That plan changed as we became aware of just how much Sydney itself offers.  So, we spent all 9 days in Sydney.  We were able to visit many points of interests and other locations.
Our favorite places for this trip are Featherdale Wildlife Park, Scenic World (despite its unimaginative name), The Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney ("botanic" and "garden" are not typos) and Taronga Zoo.
  All of these locations should be at the top of the list when planning a vacation to Sydney for the first time.
Sydney Opera House Nonoperatic Concert
We enjoyed Peter Bence's concert at Sydney Opera House (What's on in Sydney: November 30 - December 1 (backup link), Peter Bence Tour (backup link)), called "Peter Bence: The Awesome Piano Tour".  Alice was originally concerned about seeing a concert by a pianist, but now feels this is one of the most enjoyable concerts that she has experienced.  It was an awesome surprize.
Dinner Cruise
We also thoroughly enjoyed our "Sydney Harbour Sky Deck Gold Penfolds Dinner Cruise" (backup link).  Because I upgraded the experience to "Gold" level, we had a particularly special night, including a priority boarding, welcome reception on the upper deck, special window table, our own dedicated maitre d' and a specially prepared 6-course dinner with wines to compliment each course.  Even without the Gold level status, this would've been a very enjoyable evening.  That said, we were the only Gold level passengers for this particular cruise, so this made things seem even more special for us.  We were literally the only passengers at the upper deck welcome reception.  For a short period, we had an entire deck to just ourselves.
Michael's Tour
My friend Michael Lord joined us for almost a whole day to show us around town on an incredible walking tour.  I can tell Michael loves his hometown!  We met up at Queen Victoria Building and then stopped by at Archibald Fountain in Hyde Park, St. Mary's Cathedral, The Mint, Parliament of New South Wales (no one chained themselves to the fence on this particular day), The Domain before visiting Art Gallery of New South Wales.
Afterward, we had a terrific lunch at Otto Ristorante on the Finger Wharf.  Then, we walked around Farm Cove to Sydney Opera House.  We had dessert at Guylian Belgian Chocolate Cafe before taking the ferry to Manly, where we found an interesting Christmas Tree that seemed a bit lost.
After returning to Circular Quay, we explored The Rocks and Darling Harbour, including a light dinner at Pho-mo in Barangaroo.  Heading back, we passed by a large all-white outdoor dinner event at Tumbalong Park.  Passing by Paddy's Markets, we headed back.  I don't know the exact number of steps, but I believe Michael's pedometer app counted well over 23K for the day.  Thank you Michael for the Grand Tour!
Alice and I shopped at many locations, and there are many more that we missed.  Just to name a few places where we shopped: Market City, Queen Victoria Building (and adjacent underground and aboveground shops), Westfield Sydney, Westfield Bondi Junction, Central Park Mall, The Strand Arcade and Circular Quay.  For mementos, we really tried to focus on buying "Australian Made" products, just because it seems silly to buy non-Australian made products on a vacation in Australia.
Other Points of Interest
Sydney Tower Eye was a good diversion one morning.  The entry point can be hard to find within the Westfield Sydney mall due to contradictory direction signage. We also found ourselves exploring the mildly interesting Museum of Contemporary Art one afternoon. 
Sydney is a very walkable city, with several well-placed T (train) stations.  Since our hotel was near Central Station, it was easy to get out and around town.  One thing to mention is that the railway public transport cars aren't friendly to large luggage (if you are travelling from or to the airport), particularly during busy hours.  So, if you don't rent a car, you still may wish to use Uber for the airport.  Other than that, you can walk most of the time.  We only used Uber when we were under specific time constraints, such as our dinner cruise and the concert.
Other Restaurants of Note
Basket Brothers has quirky breakfast choices.  Peacock Gardens has some great lobster dishes.
         via Blogger http://fcsuper.blogspot.com/2019/12/sydney-2019-vacation.html
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beege-blog · 5 years
Banksy in Boston: Overview of the NO LOITRIN piece on Essex St in Central Square, Cambridge
Posted via email to ☛ HoloChromaCinePhotoRamaScope‽: cdevers.posterous.com/banksy-no-loitrin.
• • • • • • • • • •
Interestingly, both of the Boston area Banksy pieces are on Essex St:
• F̶O̶L̶L̶O̶W̶ ̶Y̶O̶U̶R̶ ̶D̶R̶E̶A̶M̶S̶ CANCELLED (aka chimney sweep) in Chinatown, Boston • NO LOITRIN in Central Square, Cambridge.
Does that mean anything? It looks like he favors Essex named streets & roads when he can. In 2008, he did another notable Essex work in London, for example, and posters on the Banksy Forums picked up & discussed on the Essex link as well.
Is there an Essex Street in any of the other nearby towns? It looks like there are several: Brookline, Charlestown, Chelsea, Gloucester, Haverhill, Lawrence, Lynn, Medford, Melrose, Quincy, Revere, Salem, Saugus, Somerville, Swampscott, and Waltham. Most of these seem improbable to me, other than maybe Brookline, or maybe Somerville or Charlestown. But they start getting pretty suburban after that.
But, again, why "Essex"? In a comment on this photo, Birbeck helps clarify:
I can only surmise that he’s having a ‘dig’ at Essex UK, especially with the misspelling of ‘Loitering’. Here, the general view of the urban districts in Essex: working class but with right wing views; that they’re not the most intellectual bunch; rather obsessed with fashion (well, their idea of it); their place of worship is the shopping mall; enjoy rowdy nights out; girls are thought of as being dumb, fake blonde hair/tans and promiscuous; and guys are good at the ‘chit chat’, and swagger around showing off their dosh (money).
It was also the region that once had Europe’s largest Ford motor factory. In its heyday, 1 in 3 British cars were made in Dagenham, Essex. Pay was good for such unskilled labour, generations worked mind-numbing routines on assembly lines for 80 years. In 2002 the recession ended the dream.
• • • • •
• This is a scan of this Banksy photo running in the the Boston Globe on May 13, 2010. This is the first time I’ve made the newspaper with one of my photos 🙂 (The Globe later ran a longer article, titled Tag — we’re it: Banksy, the controversial and elusive street artist, left his mark here. Or did he? with a photo taken by one of their staff photographers, Essdras M. Suarez.
• This photo appeared on Grafitti – A arte das ruas on Yahoo Meme. Yes, Yahoo has a Tumblr/Posterous-esque "Meme" service now — I was as surprised as you are.
• The photo has also appeared, among other places, on CafeBabel, a European online affairs magazine based in Paris.
• • • • •
Banksy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Banksy • Birth name Unknown
• Born 1974 or 1975 (1974 or 1975), Bristol, UK[1]
• Nationality British
• Field Graffiti Street Art Bristol underground scene Sculpture
• Movement Anti-Totalitarianism Anti-capitalism Pacifism Anti-War Anarchism Atheism Anti-Fascism
• Works Naked Man Image One Nation Under CCTV Anarchist Rat Ozone’s Angel Pulp Fiction
Banksy is a pseudonymous[2][3][4] British graffiti artist. He is believed to be a native of Yate, South Gloucestershire, near Bristol[2] and to have been born in 1974,[5] but his identity is unknown.[6] According to Tristan Manco[who?], Banksy "was born in 1974 and raised in Bristol, England. The son of a photocopier technician, he trained as a butcher but became involved in graffiti during the great Bristol aerosol boom of the late 1980s."[7] His artworks are often satirical pieces of art on topics such as politics, culture, and ethics. His street art, which combines graffiti writing with a distinctive stencilling technique, is similar to Blek le Rat, who began to work with stencils in 1981 in Paris and members of the anarcho-punk band Crass who maintained a graffiti stencil campaign on the London Tube System in the late 1970s and early 1980s. His art has appeared in cities around the world.[8] Banksy’s work was born out of the Bristol underground scene which involved collaborations between artists and musicians.
Banksy does not sell photos of street graffiti.[9] Art auctioneers have been known to attempt to sell his street art on location and leave the problem of its removal in the hands of the winning bidder.[10]
Banksy’s first film, Exit Through The Gift Shop, billed as "the world’s first street art disaster movie", made its debut at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival.[11] The film was released in the UK on March 5.[12]
• 1 Career •• 1.1 2000 •• 1.2 2002 •• 1.3 2003 •• 1.4 2004 •• 1.5 2005 •• 1.6 2006 •• 1.7 2007 •• 1.8 2008 •• 1.9 2009 •• 1.10 2010 • 2 Notable art pieces • 3 Technique • 4 Identity • 5 Controversy • 6 Bibliography • 7 References • 8 External links
Banksy started as a freehand graffiti artist 1992–1994[14] as one of Bristol’s DryBreadZ Crew (DBZ), with Kato and Tes.[15] He was inspired by local artists and his work was part of the larger Bristol underground scene. From the start he used stencils as elements of his freehand pieces, too.[14] By 2000 he had turned to the art of stencilling after realising how much less time it took to complete a piece. He claims he changed to stencilling whilst he was hiding from the police under a train carriage, when he noticed the stencilled serial number[16] and by employing this technique, he soon became more widely noticed for his art around Bristol and London.[16]
Stencil on the waterline of The Thekla, an entertainment boat in central Bristol – (wider view). The image of Death is based on a 19th century etching illustrating the pestilence of The Great Stink.[17]
Banksy’s stencils feature striking and humorous images occasionally combined with slogans. The message is usually anti-war, anti-capitalist or anti-establishment. Subjects often include rats, monkeys, policemen, soldiers, children, and the elderly.
In late 2001, on a trip to Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, he met up with the Gen-X pastellist, visual activist, and recluse James DeWeaver in Byron Bay[clarification needed], where he stencilled a parachuting rat with a clothes peg on its nose above a toilet at the Arts Factory Lodge. This stencil can no longer be located. He also makes stickers (the Neighbourhood Watch subvert) and sculpture (the murdered phone-box), and was responsible for the cover art of Blur’s 2003 album Think Tank.
The album cover for Monk & Canatella‘s Do Community Service was conceived and illustrated by Banksy, based on his contribution to the "Walls on fire" event in Bristol 1998.[18][citation needed]
On 19 July 2002, Banksy’s first Los Angeles exhibition debuted at 33 1/3 Gallery, a small Silverlake venue owned by Frank Sosa. The exhibition, entitled Existencilism, was curated by 33 1/3 Gallery, Malathion, Funk Lazy Promotions, and B+.[19]
In 2003 in an exhibition called Turf War, held in a warehouse, Banksy painted on animals. Although the RSPCA declared the conditions suitable, an animal rights activist chained herself to the railings in protest.[20] He later moved on to producing subverted paintings; one example is Monet‘s Water Lily Pond, adapted to include urban detritus such as litter and a shopping trolley floating in its reflective waters; another is Edward Hopper‘s Nighthawks, redrawn to show that the characters are looking at a British football hooligan, dressed only in his Union Flag underpants, who has just thrown an object through the glass window of the cafe. These oil paintings were shown at a twelve-day exhibition in Westbourne Grove, London in 2005.[21]
In August 2004, Banksy produced a quantity of spoof British £10 notes substituting the picture of the Queen’s head with Princess Diana‘s head and changing the text "Bank of England" to "Banksy of England." Someone threw a large wad of these into a crowd at Notting Hill Carnival that year, which some recipients then tried to spend in local shops. These notes were also given with invitations to a Santa’s Ghetto exhibition by Pictures on Walls. The individual notes have since been selling on eBay for about £200 each. A wad of the notes were also thrown over a fence and into the crowd near the NME signing tent at The Reading Festival. A limited run of 50 signed posters containing ten uncut notes were also produced and sold by Pictures on Walls for £100 each to commemorate the death of Princess Diana. One of these sold in October 2007 at Bonhams auction house in London for £24,000.
In August 2005, Banksy, on a trip to the Palestinian territories, created nine images on Israel’s highly controversial West Bank barrier. He reportedly said "The Israeli government is building a wall surrounding the occupied Palestinian territories. It stands three times the height of the Berlin Wall and will eventually run for over 700km—the distance from London to Zurich. "[22]
• Banksy held an exhibition called Barely Legal, billed as a "three day vandalised warehouse extravaganza" in Los Angeles, on the weekend of 16 September. The exhibition featured a live "elephant in a room", painted in a pink and gold floral wallpaper pattern.[23] • After Christina Aguilera bought an original of Queen Victoria as a lesbian and two prints for £25,000,[24] on 19 October 2006 a set of Kate Moss paintings sold in Sotheby’s London for £50,400, setting an auction record for Banksy’s work. The six silk-screen prints, featuring the model painted in the style of Andy Warhol‘s Marilyn Monroe pictures, sold for five times their estimated value. His stencil of a green Mona Lisa with real paint dripping from her eyes sold for £57,600 at the same auction.[25] • In December, journalist Max Foster coined the phrase, "the Banksy Effect", to illustrate how interest in other street artists was growing on the back of Banksy’s success.[26]
• On 21 February 2007, Sotheby’s auction house in London auctioned three works, reaching the highest ever price for a Banksy work at auction: over £102,000 for his Bombing Middle England. Two of his other graffiti works, Balloon Girl and Bomb Hugger, sold for £37,200 and £31,200 respectively, which were well above their estimated prices.[27] The following day’s auction saw a further three Banksy works reach soaring prices: Ballerina With Action Man Parts reached £96,000; Glory sold for £72,000; Untitled (2004) sold for £33,600; all significantly above estimated values.[28] To coincide with the second day of auctions, Banksy updated his website with a new image of an auction house scene showing people bidding on a picture that said, "I Can’t Believe You Morons Actually Buy This Shit."[6] • In February 2007, the owners of a house with a Banksy mural on the side in Bristol decided to sell the house through Red Propeller art gallery after offers fell through because the prospective buyers wanted to remove the mural. It is listed as a mural which comes with a house attached.[29] • In April 2007, Transport for London painted over Banksy’s iconic image of a scene from Quentin Tarantino‘s Pulp Fiction, with Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta clutching bananas instead of guns. Although the image was very popular, Transport for London claimed that the "graffiti" created "a general atmosphere of neglect and social decay which in turn encourages crime" and their staff are "professional cleaners not professional art critics".[30] Banksy tagged the same site again (pictured at right). This time the actors were portrayed as holding real guns instead of bananas, but they were adorned with banana costumes. Banksy made a tribute art piece over this second Pulp Fiction piece. The tribute was for 19-year-old British graffiti artist Ozone, who was hit by an underground train in Barking, East London, along with fellow artist Wants, on 12 January 2007.[31] The piece was of an angel wearing a bullet-proof vest, holding a skull. He also wrote a note on his website, saying:
The last time I hit this spot I painted a crap picture of two men in banana costumes waving hand guns. A few weeks later a writer called Ozone completely dogged it and then wrote ‘If it’s better next time I’ll leave it’ in the bottom corner. When we lost Ozone we lost a fearless graffiti writer and as it turns out a pretty perceptive art critic. Ozone – rest in peace.[citation needed]
Ozone’s Angel
• On 27 April 2007, a new record high for the sale of Banksy’s work was set with the auction of the work Space Girl & Bird fetching £288,000 (US$576,000), around 20 times the estimate at Bonhams of London.[32] • On 21 May 2007 Banksy gained the award for Art’s Greatest living Briton. Banksy, as expected, did not turn up to collect his award, and continued with his notoriously anonymous status. • On 4 June 2007, it was reported that Banksy’s The Drinker had been stolen.[33][34] • In October 2007, most of his works offered for sale at Bonhams auction house in London sold for more than twice their reserve price.[35]
• Banksy has published a "manifesto" on his website.[36] The text of the manifesto is credited as the diary entry of one Lieutenant Colonel Mervin Willett Gonin, DSO, which is exhibited in the Imperial War Museum. It describes how a shipment of lipstick to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp immediately after its liberation at the end of World War II helped the internees regain their humanity. However, as of 18 January 2008, Banksy’s Manifesto has been substituted with Graffiti Heroes #03 that describes Peter Chappell’s graffiti quest of the 1970s that worked to free George Davis of his imprisonment.[37] By 12 August 2009 he was relying on Emo Phillips’ "When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised God doesn’t work that way, so I stole one and prayed for forgiveness." • A small number of Banksy’s works can be seen in the movie Children of Men, including a stenciled image of two policemen kissing and another stencil of a child looking down a shop. • In the 2007 film Shoot ‘Em Up starring Clive Owen, Banksy’s tag can be seen on a dumpster in the film’s credits. • Banksy, who deals mostly with Lazarides Gallery in London, claims that the exhibition at Vanina Holasek Gallery in New York (his first major exhibition in that city) is unauthorised. The exhibition featured 62 of his paintings and prints.[38]
• In March, a stencilled graffiti work appeared on Thames Water tower in the middle of the Holland Park roundabout, and it was widely attributed to Banksy. It was of a child painting the tag "Take this Society" in bright orange. London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham spokesman, Councillor Greg Smith branded the art as vandalism, and ordered its immediate removal, which was carried out by H&F council workmen within three days.[39] • Over the weekend 3–5 May in London, Banksy hosted an exhibition called The Cans Festival. It was situated on Leake Street, a road tunnel formerly used by Eurostar underneath London Waterloo station. Graffiti artists with stencils were invited to join in and paint their own artwork, as long as it didn’t cover anyone else’s.[40] Artists included Blek le Rat, Broken Crow, C215, Cartrain, Dolk, Dotmasters, J.Glover, Eine, Eelus, Hero, Pure evil, Jef Aérosol, Mr Brainwash, Tom Civil and Roadsworth.[citation needed] • In late August 2008, marking the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and the associated levee failure disaster, Banksy produced a series of works in New Orleans, Louisiana, mostly on buildings derelict since the disaster.[41] • A stencil painting attributed to Banksy appeared at a vacant petrol station in the Ensley neighbourhood of Birmingham, Alabama on 29 August as Hurricane Gustav approached the New Orleans area. The painting depicting a hooded member of the Ku Klux Klan hanging from a noose was quickly covered with black spray paint and later removed altogether.[42] • His first official exhibition in New York, the "Village Pet Store And Charcoal Grill," opened 5 October 2008. The animatronic pets in the store window include a mother hen watching over her baby Chicken McNuggets as they peck at a barbecue sauce packet, and a rabbit putting makeup on in a mirror.[43] • The Westminster City Council stated in October 2008 that the work "One Nation Under CCTV", painted in April 2008 will be painted over as it is graffiti. The council says it will remove any graffiti, regardless of the reputation of its creator, and specifically stated that Banksy "has no more right to paint graffiti than a child". Robert Davis, the chairman of the council planning committee told The Times newspaper: "If we condone this then we might as well say that any kid with a spray can is producing art". [44] The work was painted over in April 2009. • In December 2008, The Little Diver, a Banksy image of a diver in a duffle coat in Melbourne Australia was vandalised. The image was protected by a sheet of clear perspex, however silver paint was poured behind the protective sheet and later tagged with the words "Banksy woz ere". The image was almost completely destroyed.[45].
• May 2009, parts company with agent Steve Lazarides. Announces Pest Control [46] the handling service who act on his behalf will be the only point of sale for new works. • On 13 June 2009, the Banksy UK Summer show opened at Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery, featuring more than 100 works of art, including animatronics and installations; it is his largest exhibition yet, featuring 78 new works.[47][48] Reaction to the show was positive, with over 8,500 visitors to the show on the first weekend.[49] Over the course of the twelve weeks, the exhibition has been visited over 300,000 times.[50] • In September 2009, a Banksy work parodying the Royal Family was partially destroyed by Hackney Council after they served an enforcement notice for graffiti removal to the former address of the property owner. The mural had been commissioned for the 2003 Blur single "Crazy Beat" and the property owner, who had allowed the piece to be painted, was reported to have been in tears when she saw it was being painted over.[51] • In December 2009, Banksy marked the end of the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference by painting four murals on global warming. One included "I don’t believe in global warming" which was submerged in water.[52]
• The world premiere of the film Exit Through the Gift Shop occurred at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, on 24 January. He created 10 street pieces around Park City and Salt Lake City to tie in with the screening.[53] • In February, The Whitehouse public house in Liverpool, England, is sold for £114,000 at auction.[54] The side of the building has an image of a giant rat by Banksy.[55] • In April 2010, Melbourne City Council in Australia reported that they had inadvertently ordered private contractors to paint over the last remaining Banksy art in the city. The image was of a rat descending in a parachute adorning the wall of an old council building behind the Forum Theatre. In 2008 Vandals had poured paint over a stencil of an old-fashioned diver wearing a trenchcoat. A council spokeswoman has said they would now rush through retrospective permits to protect other “famous or significant artworks” in the city.[56] • In April 2010 to coincide with the premier of Exit through the Gift Shop in San Francisco, 5 of his pieces appeared in various parts of the city.[57] Banksy reportedly paid a Chinatown building owner $50 for the use of their wall for one of his stencils.[58] • In May 2010 to coincide with the release of "Exit Through the Gift Shop" in Chicago, one piece appeared in the city.
Notable art pieces
In addition to his artwork, Banksy has claimed responsibility for a number of high profile art pieces, including the following:
• At London Zoo, he climbed into the penguin enclosure and painted "We’re bored of fish" in seven foot high letters.[59] • At Bristol Zoo, he left the message ‘I want out. This place is too cold. Keeper smells. Boring, boring, boring.’ in the elephant enclosure.[60] • In March 2005, he placed subverted artworks in the Museum of Modern Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Brooklyn Museum, and the American Museum of Natural History in New York.[61] • He put up a subverted painting in London’s Tate Britain gallery. • In May 2005 Banksy’s version of a primitive cave painting depicting a human figure hunting wildlife whilst pushing a shopping trolley was hung in gallery 49 of the British Museum, London. Upon discovery, they added it to their permanent collection.[62]
Near Bethlehem – 2005
• Banksy has sprayed "This is not a photo opportunity" on certain photograph spots. • In August 2005, Banksy painted nine images on the Israeli West Bank barrier, including an image of a ladder going up and over the wall and an image of children digging a hole through the wall.[22][63][64][65]
See also: Other Banksy works on the Israeli West Bank barrier
• In April 2006, Banksy created a sculpture based on a crumpled red phone box with a pickaxe in its side, apparently bleeding, and placed it in a street in Soho, London. It was later removed by Westminster Council. BT released a press release, which said: "This is a stunning visual comment on BT’s transformation from an old-fashioned telecommunications company into a modern communications services provider."[66] • In June 2006, Banksy created an image of a naked man hanging out of a bedroom window on a wall visible from Park Street in central Bristol. The image sparked some controversy, with the Bristol City Council leaving it up to the public to decide whether it should stay or go.[67] After an internet discussion in which 97% (all but 6 people) supported the stencil, the city council decided it would be left on the building.[67] The mural was later defaced with paint.[67] • In August/September 2006, Banksy replaced up to 500 copies of Paris Hilton‘s debut CD, Paris, in 48 different UK record stores with his own cover art and remixes by Danger Mouse. Music tracks were given titles such as "Why am I Famous?", "What Have I Done?" and "What Am I For?". Several copies of the CD were purchased by the public before stores were able to remove them, some going on to be sold for as much as £750 on online auction websites such as eBay. The cover art depicted Paris Hilton digitally altered to appear topless. Other pictures feature her with a dog’s head replacing her own, and one of her stepping out of a luxury car, edited to include a group of homeless people, which included the caption "90% of success is just showing up".[68][69][70] • In September 2006, Banksy dressed an inflatable doll in the manner of a Guantanamo Bay detainment camp prisoner (orange jumpsuit, black hood, and handcuffs) and then placed the figure within the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad ride at the Disneyland theme park in Anaheim, California.[71][72]
Asked about his technique, Banksy said:
“I use whatever it takes. Sometimes that just means drawing a moustache on a girl’s face on some billboard, sometimes that means sweating for days over an intricate drawing. Efficiency is the key.[73]”
Stencils are traditionally hand drawn or printed onto sheets of acetate or card, before being cut out by hand. Because of the secretive nature of Banksy’s work and identity, it is uncertain what techniques he uses to generate the images in his stencils, though it is assumed he uses computers for some images due to the photocopy nature of much of his work.
He mentions in his book, Wall and Piece, that as he was starting to do graffiti, he was always too slow and was either caught or could never finish the art in the one sitting. So he devised a series of intricate stencils to minimise time and overlapping of the colour.
Banksy’s real name has been widely reported to be Robert or Robin Banks.[74][75][76] His year of birth has been given as 1974.[62]
Simon Hattenstone from Guardian Unlimited is one of the very few people to have interviewed him face-to-face. Hattenstone describes him as "a cross of Jimmy Nail and British rapper Mike Skinner" and "a 28 year old male who showed up wearing jeans and a t-shirt with a silver tooth, silver chain, and one silver earring".[77] In the same interview, Banksy revealed that his parents think their son is a painter and decorator.[77]
In May 2007, an extensive article written by Lauren Collins of the New Yorker re-opened the Banksy-identity controversy citing a 2004 photograph of the artist that was taken in Jamaica during the Two-Culture Clash project and later published in the Evening Standard in 2004.[6]
In October 2007, a story on the BBC website featured a photo allegedly taken by a passer-by in Bethnal Green, London, purporting to show Banksy at work with an assistant, scaffolding and a truck. The story confirms that Tower Hamlets Council in London has decided to treat all Banksy works as vandalism and remove them.[78]
In July 2008, it was claimed by The Mail on Sunday that Banksy’s real name is Robin Gunningham.[3][79] His agent has refused to confirm or deny these reports.
In May 2009, the Mail on Sunday once again speculated about Gunningham being Banksy after a "self-portrait" of a rat holding a sign with the word "Gunningham" shot on it was photographed in East London.[80] This "new Banksy rat" story was also picked up by The Times[81] and the Evening Standard.
Banksy, himself, states on his website:
“I am unable to comment on who may or may not be Banksy, but anyone described as being ‘good at drawing’ doesn’t sound like Banksy to me.[82]”
In 2004, Banksy walked into the Louvre in Paris and hung on a wall a picture he had painted resembling the Mona Lisa but with a yellow smiley face. Though the painting was hurriedly removed by the museum staff, it and its counterpart, temporarily on unknown display at the Tate Britain, were described by Banksy as "shortcuts". He is quoted as saying:
“To actually [have to] go through the process of having a painting selected must be quite boring. It’s a lot more fun to go and put your own one up.[83]”
Peter Gibson, a spokesperson for Keep Britain Tidy, asserts that Banksy’s work is simple vandalism,[84] and Diane Shakespeare, an official for the same organization, was quoted as saying: "We are concerned that Banksy’s street art glorifies what is essentially vandalism".[6]
In June 2007 Banksy created a circle of plastic portable toilets, said to resemble Stonehenge at the Glastonbury Festival. As this was in the same field as the "sacred circle" it was felt by many to be inappropriate and his installation was itself vandalized before the festival even opened. However, the intention had always been for people to climb on and interact with it.[citation needed] The installation was nicknamed "Portaloo Sunset" and "Bog Henge" by Festival goers. Michael Eavis admitted he wasn’t fond of it, and the portaloos were removed before the 2008 festival.
In 2010, an artistic feud developed between Banksy and his rival King Robbo after Banksy painted over a 24-year old Robbo piece on the banks of London’s Regent Canal. In retaliation several Banksy pieces in London have been painted over by ‘Team Robbo’.[85][86]
Also in 2010, government workers accidentally painted over a Banksy art piece, a famed "parachuting-rat" stencil, in Australia’s Melbourne CBD. [87]
Banksy has self-published several books that contain photographs of his work in various countries as well as some of his canvas work and exhibitions, accompanied by his own writings:
• Banksy, Banging Your Head Against A Brick Wall (2001) ISBN 978-0-95417040-0 • Banksy, Existencilism (2002) ISBN 978-0-95417041-7 • Banksy, Cut it Out (2004) ISBN 978-0-95449600-5 • Banksy, Wall and Piece (2005) ISBN 978-1-84413786-2 • Banksy, Pictures of Walls (2005) ISBN 978-0-95519460-3
Random House published Wall and Piece in 2005. It contains a combination of images from his three previous books, as well as some new material.[16]
Two books authored by others on his work were published in 2006 & 2007:
• Martin Bull, Banksy Locations and Tours: A Collection of Graffiti Locations and Photographs in London (2006 – with new editions in 2007 and 2008) ISBN 978-0-95547120-9. • Steve Wright, Banksy’s Bristol: Home Sweet Home (2007) ISBN 978-1906477004
External links
• Official website • Banksy street work photos
Posted by Chris Devers on 2010-05-12 22:39:13
Tagged: , NO LOITRIN , Banksy , graffiti , Central , sq , square , Central Sq , Central Square , Cambridge , Cambridge MA , MA , Massachusetts , 2010 , Camera: iPhone , art , Bostonist , Universal Hub , street art , exif:aperture=f/2.8 , exif:flash=No flash function , camera:make=Apple , meta:exif=1273714167 , favorite , camera:model=iPhone , meta:seen=elsewhere , flickrstats:favorites=1 , flickrstats:galleries=1 , exif:filename=DSC_.JPG , meta:exif=1350398490
The post Banksy in Boston: Overview of the NO LOITRIN piece on Essex St in Central Square, Cambridge appeared first on Good Info.
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makeover-blog1 · 5 years
Banksy in Boston: View of F̶O̶L̶L̶O̶W̶ ̶Y̶O̶U̶R̶ ̶D̶R̶E̶A̶M̶S̶ CANCELLED on Essex St, Chinatown, Boston, with rush hour traffic
Interestingly, both of the Boston area Banksy pieces are on Essex St:
• F̶O̶L̶L̶O̶W̶ ̶Y̶O̶U̶R̶ ̶D̶R̶E̶A̶M̶S̶ CANCELLED (aka chimney sweep) in Chinatown, Boston • NO LOITRIN in Central Square, Cambridge.
Does that mean anything? It looks like he favors Essex named streets & roads when he can. In 2008, he did another notable Essex work in London, for example, and posters on the Banksy Forums picked up & discussed on the Essex link as well.
Is there an Essex Street in any of the other nearby towns? It looks like there are several: Brookline, Charlestown, Chelsea, Gloucester, Haverhill, Lawrence, Lynn, Medford, Melrose, Quincy, Revere, Salem, Saugus, Somerville, Swampscott, and Waltham. Most of these seem improbable to me, other than maybe Brookline, or maybe Somerville or Charlestown. But they start getting pretty suburban after that.
But, again, why "Essex"? In a comment on this photo, Birbeck helps clarify:
I can only surmise that he’s having a ‘dig’ at Essex UK, especially with the misspelling of ‘Loitering’. Here, the general view of the urban districts in Essex: working class but with right wing views; that they’re not the most intellectual bunch; rather obsessed with fashion (well, their idea of it); their place of worship is the shopping mall; enjoy rowdy nights out; girls are thought of as being dumb, fake blonde hair/tans and promiscuous; and guys are good at the ‘chit chat’, and swagger around showing off their dosh (money).
It was also the region that once had Europe’s largest Ford motor factory. In its heyday, 1 in 3 British cars were made in Dagenham, Essex. Pay was good for such unskilled labour, generations worked mind-numbing routines on assembly lines for 80 years. In 2002 the recession ended the dream.
• • • • •
This photo appeared on Grafitti – A arte das ruas on Yahoo Meme. Yes, Yahoo has a Tumblr/Posterous-esque "Meme" service now — I was as surprised as you are.
• • • • •
Banksy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Banksy • Birth name Unknown
• Born 1974 or 1975 (1974 or 1975), Bristol, UK[1]
• Nationality British
• Field Graffiti Street Art Bristol underground scene Sculpture
• Movement Anti-Totalitarianism Anti-capitalism Pacifism Anti-War Anarchism Atheism Anti-Fascism
• Works Naked Man Image One Nation Under CCTV Anarchist Rat Ozone’s Angel Pulp Fiction
Banksy is a pseudonymous[2][3][4] British graffiti artist. He is believed to be a native of Yate, South Gloucestershire, near Bristol[2] and to have been born in 1974,[5] but his identity is unknown.[6] According to Tristan Manco[who?], Banksy "was born in 1974 and raised in Bristol, England. The son of a photocopier technician, he trained as a butcher but became involved in graffiti during the great Bristol aerosol boom of the late 1980s."[7] His artworks are often satirical pieces of art on topics such as politics, culture, and ethics. His street art, which combines graffiti writing with a distinctive stencilling technique, is similar to Blek le Rat, who began to work with stencils in 1981 in Paris and members of the anarcho-punk band Crass who maintained a graffiti stencil campaign on the London Tube System in the late 1970s and early 1980s. His art has appeared in cities around the world.[8] Banksy’s work was born out of the Bristol underground scene which involved collaborations between artists and musicians.
Banksy does not sell photos of street graffiti.[9] Art auctioneers have been known to attempt to sell his street art on location and leave the problem of its removal in the hands of the winning bidder.[10]
Banksy’s first film, Exit Through The Gift Shop, billed as "the world’s first street art disaster movie", made its debut at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival.[11] The film was released in the UK on March 5.[12]
• 1 Career •• 1.1 2000 •• 1.2 2002 •• 1.3 2003 •• 1.4 2004 •• 1.5 2005 •• 1.6 2006 •• 1.7 2007 •• 1.8 2008 •• 1.9 2009 •• 1.10 2010 • 2 Notable art pieces • 3 Technique • 4 Identity • 5 Controversy • 6 Bibliography • 7 References • 8 External links
Banksy started as a freehand graffiti artist 1992–1994[14] as one of Bristol’s DryBreadZ Crew (DBZ), with Kato and Tes.[15] He was inspired by local artists and his work was part of the larger Bristol underground scene. From the start he used stencils as elements of his freehand pieces, too.[14] By 2000 he had turned to the art of stencilling after realising how much less time it took to complete a piece. He claims he changed to stencilling whilst he was hiding from the police under a train carriage, when he noticed the stencilled serial number[16] and by employing this technique, he soon became more widely noticed for his art around Bristol and London.[16]
Stencil on the waterline of The Thekla, an entertainment boat in central Bristol – (wider view). The image of Death is based on a 19th century etching illustrating the pestilence of The Great Stink.[17]
Banksy’s stencils feature striking and humorous images occasionally combined with slogans. The message is usually anti-war, anti-capitalist or anti-establishment. Subjects often include rats, monkeys, policemen, soldiers, children, and the elderly.
In late 2001, on a trip to Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, he met up with the Gen-X pastellist, visual activist, and recluse James DeWeaver in Byron Bay[clarification needed], where he stencilled a parachuting rat with a clothes peg on its nose above a toilet at the Arts Factory Lodge. This stencil can no longer be located. He also makes stickers (the Neighbourhood Watch subvert) and sculpture (the murdered phone-box), and was responsible for the cover art of Blur’s 2003 album Think Tank.
The album cover for Monk & Canatella‘s Do Community Service was conceived and illustrated by Banksy, based on his contribution to the "Walls on fire" event in Bristol 1998.[18][citation needed]
On 19 July 2002, Banksy’s first Los Angeles exhibition debuted at 33 1/3 Gallery, a small Silverlake venue owned by Frank Sosa. The exhibition, entitled Existencilism, was curated by 33 1/3 Gallery, Malathion, Funk Lazy Promotions, and B+.[19]
In 2003 in an exhibition called Turf War, held in a warehouse, Banksy painted on animals. Although the RSPCA declared the conditions suitable, an animal rights activist chained herself to the railings in protest.[20] He later moved on to producing subverted paintings; one example is Monet‘s Water Lily Pond, adapted to include urban detritus such as litter and a shopping trolley floating in its reflective waters; another is Edward Hopper‘s Nighthawks, redrawn to show that the characters are looking at a British football hooligan, dressed only in his Union Flag underpants, who has just thrown an object through the glass window of the cafe. These oil paintings were shown at a twelve-day exhibition in Westbourne Grove, London in 2005.[21]
In August 2004, Banksy produced a quantity of spoof British £10 notes substituting the picture of the Queen’s head with Princess Diana‘s head and changing the text "Bank of England" to "Banksy of England." Someone threw a large wad of these into a crowd at Notting Hill Carnival that year, which some recipients then tried to spend in local shops. These notes were also given with invitations to a Santa’s Ghetto exhibition by Pictures on Walls. The individual notes have since been selling on eBay for about £200 each. A wad of the notes were also thrown over a fence and into the crowd near the NME signing tent at The Reading Festival. A limited run of 50 signed posters containing ten uncut notes were also produced and sold by Pictures on Walls for £100 each to commemorate the death of Princess Diana. One of these sold in October 2007 at Bonhams auction house in London for £24,000.
In August 2005, Banksy, on a trip to the Palestinian territories, created nine images on Israel’s highly controversial West Bank barrier. He reportedly said "The Israeli government is building a wall surrounding the occupied Palestinian territories. It stands three times the height of the Berlin Wall and will eventually run for over 700km—the distance from London to Zurich. "[22]
• Banksy held an exhibition called Barely Legal, billed as a "three day vandalised warehouse extravaganza" in Los Angeles, on the weekend of 16 September. The exhibition featured a live "elephant in a room", painted in a pink and gold floral wallpaper pattern.[23] • After Christina Aguilera bought an original of Queen Victoria as a lesbian and two prints for £25,000,[24] on 19 October 2006 a set of Kate Moss paintings sold in Sotheby’s London for £50,400, setting an auction record for Banksy’s work. The six silk-screen prints, featuring the model painted in the style of Andy Warhol‘s Marilyn Monroe pictures, sold for five times their estimated value. His stencil of a green Mona Lisa with real paint dripping from her eyes sold for £57,600 at the same auction.[25] • In December, journalist Max Foster coined the phrase, "the Banksy Effect", to illustrate how interest in other street artists was growing on the back of Banksy’s success.[26]
• On 21 February 2007, Sotheby’s auction house in London auctioned three works, reaching the highest ever price for a Banksy work at auction: over £102,000 for his Bombing Middle England. Two of his other graffiti works, Balloon Girl and Bomb Hugger, sold for £37,200 and £31,200 respectively, which were well above their estimated prices.[27] The following day’s auction saw a further three Banksy works reach soaring prices: Ballerina With Action Man Parts reached £96,000; Glory sold for £72,000; Untitled (2004) sold for £33,600; all significantly above estimated values.[28] To coincide with the second day of auctions, Banksy updated his website with a new image of an auction house scene showing people bidding on a picture that said, "I Can’t Believe You Morons Actually Buy This Shit."[6] • In February 2007, the owners of a house with a Banksy mural on the side in Bristol decided to sell the house through Red Propeller art gallery after offers fell through because the prospective buyers wanted to remove the mural. It is listed as a mural which comes with a house attached.[29] • In April 2007, Transport for London painted over Banksy’s iconic image of a scene from Quentin Tarantino‘s Pulp Fiction, with Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta clutching bananas instead of guns. Although the image was very popular, Transport for London claimed that the "graffiti" created "a general atmosphere of neglect and social decay which in turn encourages crime" and their staff are "professional cleaners not professional art critics".[30] Banksy tagged the same site again (pictured at right). This time the actors were portrayed as holding real guns instead of bananas, but they were adorned with banana costumes. Banksy made a tribute art piece over this second Pulp Fiction piece. The tribute was for 19-year-old British graffiti artist Ozone, who was hit by an underground train in Barking, East London, along with fellow artist Wants, on 12 January 2007.[31] The piece was of an angel wearing a bullet-proof vest, holding a skull. He also wrote a note on his website, saying:
The last time I hit this spot I painted a crap picture of two men in banana costumes waving hand guns. A few weeks later a writer called Ozone completely dogged it and then wrote ‘If it’s better next time I’ll leave it’ in the bottom corner. When we lost Ozone we lost a fearless graffiti writer and as it turns out a pretty perceptive art critic. Ozone – rest in peace.[citation needed]
Ozone’s Angel
• On 27 April 2007, a new record high for the sale of Banksy’s work was set with the auction of the work Space Girl & Bird fetching £288,000 (US$576,000), around 20 times the estimate at Bonhams of London.[32] • On 21 May 2007 Banksy gained the award for Art’s Greatest living Briton. Banksy, as expected, did not turn up to collect his award, and continued with his notoriously anonymous status. • On 4 June 2007, it was reported that Banksy’s The Drinker had been stolen.[33][34] • In October 2007, most of his works offered for sale at Bonhams auction house in London sold for more than twice their reserve price.[35]
• Banksy has published a "manifesto" on his website.[36] The text of the manifesto is credited as the diary entry of one Lieutenant Colonel Mervin Willett Gonin, DSO, which is exhibited in the Imperial War Museum. It describes how a shipment of lipstick to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp immediately after its liberation at the end of World War II helped the internees regain their humanity. However, as of 18 January 2008, Banksy’s Manifesto has been substituted with Graffiti Heroes #03 that describes Peter Chappell’s graffiti quest of the 1970s that worked to free George Davis of his imprisonment.[37] By 12 August 2009 he was relying on Emo Phillips’ "When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised God doesn’t work that way, so I stole one and prayed for forgiveness." • A small number of Banksy’s works can be seen in the movie Children of Men, including a stenciled image of two policemen kissing and another stencil of a child looking down a shop. • In the 2007 film Shoot ‘Em Up starring Clive Owen, Banksy’s tag can be seen on a dumpster in the film’s credits. • Banksy, who deals mostly with Lazarides Gallery in London, claims that the exhibition at Vanina Holasek Gallery in New York (his first major exhibition in that city) is unauthorised. The exhibition featured 62 of his paintings and prints.[38]
• In March, a stencilled graffiti work appeared on Thames Water tower in the middle of the Holland Park roundabout, and it was widely attributed to Banksy. It was of a child painting the tag "Take this Society" in bright orange. London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham spokesman, Councillor Greg Smith branded the art as vandalism, and ordered its immediate removal, which was carried out by H&F council workmen within three days.[39] • Over the weekend 3–5 May in London, Banksy hosted an exhibition called The Cans Festival. It was situated on Leake Street, a road tunnel formerly used by Eurostar underneath London Waterloo station. Graffiti artists with stencils were invited to join in and paint their own artwork, as long as it didn’t cover anyone else’s.[40] Artists included Blek le Rat, Broken Crow, C215, Cartrain, Dolk, Dotmasters, J.Glover, Eine, Eelus, Hero, Pure evil, Jef Aérosol, Mr Brainwash, Tom Civil and Roadsworth.[citation needed] • In late August 2008, marking the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and the associated levee failure disaster, Banksy produced a series of works in New Orleans, Louisiana, mostly on buildings derelict since the disaster.[41] • A stencil painting attributed to Banksy appeared at a vacant petrol station in the Ensley neighbourhood of Birmingham, Alabama on 29 August as Hurricane Gustav approached the New Orleans area. The painting depicting a hooded member of the Ku Klux Klan hanging from a noose was quickly covered with black spray paint and later removed altogether.[42] • His first official exhibition in New York, the "Village Pet Store And Charcoal Grill," opened 5 October 2008. The animatronic pets in the store window include a mother hen watching over her baby Chicken McNuggets as they peck at a barbecue sauce packet, and a rabbit putting makeup on in a mirror.[43] • The Westminster City Council stated in October 2008 that the work "One Nation Under CCTV", painted in April 2008 will be painted over as it is graffiti. The council says it will remove any graffiti, regardless of the reputation of its creator, and specifically stated that Banksy "has no more right to paint graffiti than a child". Robert Davis, the chairman of the council planning committee told The Times newspaper: "If we condone this then we might as well say that any kid with a spray can is producing art". [44] The work was painted over in April 2009. • In December 2008, The Little Diver, a Banksy image of a diver in a duffle coat in Melbourne Australia was vandalised. The image was protected by a sheet of clear perspex, however silver paint was poured behind the protective sheet and later tagged with the words "Banksy woz ere". The image was almost completely destroyed.[45].
• May 2009, parts company with agent Steve Lazarides. Announces Pest Control [46] the handling service who act on his behalf will be the only point of sale for new works. • On 13 June 2009, the Banksy UK Summer show opened at Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery, featuring more than 100 works of art, including animatronics and installations; it is his largest exhibition yet, featuring 78 new works.[47][48] Reaction to the show was positive, with over 8,500 visitors to the show on the first weekend.[49] Over the course of the twelve weeks, the exhibition has been visited over 300,000 times.[50] • In September 2009, a Banksy work parodying the Royal Family was partially destroyed by Hackney Council after they served an enforcement notice for graffiti removal to the former address of the property owner. The mural had been commissioned for the 2003 Blur single "Crazy Beat" and the property owner, who had allowed the piece to be painted, was reported to have been in tears when she saw it was being painted over.[51] • In December 2009, Banksy marked the end of the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference by painting four murals on global warming. One included "I don’t believe in global warming" which was submerged in water.[52]
• The world premiere of the film Exit Through the Gift Shop occurred at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, on 24 January. He created 10 street pieces around Park City and Salt Lake City to tie in with the screening.[53] • In February, The Whitehouse public house in Liverpool, England, is sold for £114,000 at auction.[54] The side of the building has an image of a giant rat by Banksy.[55] • In April 2010, Melbourne City Council in Australia reported that they had inadvertently ordered private contractors to paint over the last remaining Banksy art in the city. The image was of a rat descending in a parachute adorning the wall of an old council building behind the Forum Theatre. In 2008 Vandals had poured paint over a stencil of an old-fashioned diver wearing a trenchcoat. A council spokeswoman has said they would now rush through retrospective permits to protect other “famous or significant artworks” in the city.[56] • In April 2010 to coincide with the premier of Exit through the Gift Shop in San Francisco, 5 of his pieces appeared in various parts of the city.[57] Banksy reportedly paid a Chinatown building owner $50 for the use of their wall for one of his stencils.[58] • In May 2010 to coincide with the release of "Exit Through the Gift Shop" in Chicago, one piece appeared in the city.
Notable art pieces
In addition to his artwork, Banksy has claimed responsibility for a number of high profile art pieces, including the following:
• At London Zoo, he climbed into the penguin enclosure and painted "We’re bored of fish" in seven foot high letters.[59] • At Bristol Zoo, he left the message ‘I want out. This place is too cold. Keeper smells. Boring, boring, boring.’ in the elephant enclosure.[60] • In March 2005, he placed subverted artworks in the Museum of Modern Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Brooklyn Museum, and the American Museum of Natural History in New York.[61] • He put up a subverted painting in London’s Tate Britain gallery. • In May 2005 Banksy’s version of a primitive cave painting depicting a human figure hunting wildlife whilst pushing a shopping trolley was hung in gallery 49 of the British Museum, London. Upon discovery, they added it to their permanent collection.[62]
Near Bethlehem – 2005
• Banksy has sprayed "This is not a photo opportunity" on certain photograph spots. • In August 2005, Banksy painted nine images on the Israeli West Bank barrier, including an image of a ladder going up and over the wall and an image of children digging a hole through the wall.[22][63][64][65]
See also: Other Banksy works on the Israeli West Bank barrier
• In April 2006, Banksy created a sculpture based on a crumpled red phone box with a pickaxe in its side, apparently bleeding, and placed it in a street in Soho, London. It was later removed by Westminster Council. BT released a press release, which said: "This is a stunning visual comment on BT’s transformation from an old-fashioned telecommunications company into a modern communications services provider."[66] • In June 2006, Banksy created an image of a naked man hanging out of a bedroom window on a wall visible from Park Street in central Bristol. The image sparked some controversy, with the Bristol City Council leaving it up to the public to decide whether it should stay or go.[67] After an internet discussion in which 97% (all but 6 people) supported the stencil, the city council decided it would be left on the building.[67] The mural was later defaced with paint.[67] • In August/September 2006, Banksy replaced up to 500 copies of Paris Hilton‘s debut CD, Paris, in 48 different UK record stores with his own cover art and remixes by Danger Mouse. Music tracks were given titles such as "Why am I Famous?", "What Have I Done?" and "What Am I For?". Several copies of the CD were purchased by the public before stores were able to remove them, some going on to be sold for as much as £750 on online auction websites such as eBay. The cover art depicted Paris Hilton digitally altered to appear topless. Other pictures feature her with a dog’s head replacing her own, and one of her stepping out of a luxury car, edited to include a group of homeless people, which included the caption "90% of success is just showing up".[68][69][70] • In September 2006, Banksy dressed an inflatable doll in the manner of a Guantanamo Bay detainment camp prisoner (orange jumpsuit, black hood, and handcuffs) and then placed the figure within the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad ride at the Disneyland theme park in Anaheim, California.[71][72]
Asked about his technique, Banksy said:
“I use whatever it takes. Sometimes that just means drawing a moustache on a girl’s face on some billboard, sometimes that means sweating for days over an intricate drawing. Efficiency is the key.[73]”
Stencils are traditionally hand drawn or printed onto sheets of acetate or card, before being cut out by hand. Because of the secretive nature of Banksy’s work and identity, it is uncertain what techniques he uses to generate the images in his stencils, though it is assumed he uses computers for some images due to the photocopy nature of much of his work.
He mentions in his book, Wall and Piece, that as he was starting to do graffiti, he was always too slow and was either caught or could never finish the art in the one sitting. So he devised a series of intricate stencils to minimise time and overlapping of the colour.
Banksy’s real name has been widely reported to be Robert or Robin Banks.[74][75][76] His year of birth has been given as 1974.[62]
Simon Hattenstone from Guardian Unlimited is one of the very few people to have interviewed him face-to-face. Hattenstone describes him as "a cross of Jimmy Nail and British rapper Mike Skinner" and "a 28 year old male who showed up wearing jeans and a t-shirt with a silver tooth, silver chain, and one silver earring".[77] In the same interview, Banksy revealed that his parents think their son is a painter and decorator.[77]
In May 2007, an extensive article written by Lauren Collins of the New Yorker re-opened the Banksy-identity controversy citing a 2004 photograph of the artist that was taken in Jamaica during the Two-Culture Clash project and later published in the Evening Standard in 2004.[6]
In October 2007, a story on the BBC website featured a photo allegedly taken by a passer-by in Bethnal Green, London, purporting to show Banksy at work with an assistant, scaffolding and a truck. The story confirms that Tower Hamlets Council in London has decided to treat all Banksy works as vandalism and remove them.[78]
In July 2008, it was claimed by The Mail on Sunday that Banksy’s real name is Robin Gunningham.[3][79] His agent has refused to confirm or deny these reports.
In May 2009, the Mail on Sunday once again speculated about Gunningham being Banksy after a "self-portrait" of a rat holding a sign with the word "Gunningham" shot on it was photographed in East London.[80] This "new Banksy rat" story was also picked up by The Times[81] and the Evening Standard.
Banksy, himself, states on his website:
“I am unable to comment on who may or may not be Banksy, but anyone described as being ‘good at drawing’ doesn’t sound like Banksy to me.[82]”
In 2004, Banksy walked into the Louvre in Paris and hung on a wall a picture he had painted resembling the Mona Lisa but with a yellow smiley face. Though the painting was hurriedly removed by the museum staff, it and its counterpart, temporarily on unknown display at the Tate Britain, were described by Banksy as "shortcuts". He is quoted as saying:
“To actually [have to] go through the process of having a painting selected must be quite boring. It’s a lot more fun to go and put your own one up.[83]”
Peter Gibson, a spokesperson for Keep Britain Tidy, asserts that Banksy’s work is simple vandalism,[84] and Diane Shakespeare, an official for the same organization, was quoted as saying: "We are concerned that Banksy’s street art glorifies what is essentially vandalism".[6]
In June 2007 Banksy created a circle of plastic portable toilets, said to resemble Stonehenge at the Glastonbury Festival. As this was in the same field as the "sacred circle" it was felt by many to be inappropriate and his installation was itself vandalized before the festival even opened. However, the intention had always been for people to climb on and interact with it.[citation needed] The installation was nicknamed "Portaloo Sunset" and "Bog Henge" by Festival goers. Michael Eavis admitted he wasn’t fond of it, and the portaloos were removed before the 2008 festival.
In 2010, an artistic feud developed between Banksy and his rival King Robbo after Banksy painted over a 24-year old Robbo piece on the banks of London’s Regent Canal. In retaliation several Banksy pieces in London have been painted over by ‘Team Robbo’.[85][86]
Also in 2010, government workers accidentally painted over a Banksy art piece, a famed "parachuting-rat" stencil, in Australia’s Melbourne CBD. [87]
Banksy has self-published several books that contain photographs of his work in various countries as well as some of his canvas work and exhibitions, accompanied by his own writings:
• Banksy, Banging Your Head Against A Brick Wall (2001) ISBN 978-0-95417040-0 • Banksy, Existencilism (2002) ISBN 978-0-95417041-7 • Banksy, Cut it Out (2004) ISBN 978-0-95449600-5 • Banksy, Wall and Piece (2005) ISBN 978-1-84413786-2 • Banksy, Pictures of Walls (2005) ISBN 978-0-95519460-3
Random House published Wall and Piece in 2005. It contains a combination of images from his three previous books, as well as some new material.[16]
Two books authored by others on his work were published in 2006 & 2007:
• Martin Bull, Banksy Locations and Tours: A Collection of Graffiti Locations and Photographs in London (2006 – with new editions in 2007 and 2008) ISBN 978-0-95547120-9. • Steve Wright, Banksy’s Bristol: Home Sweet Home (2007) ISBN 978-1906477004
External links
• Official website • Banksy street work photos
Posted by Chris Devers on 2010-05-13 00:27:34
Tagged: , F̶O̶L̶L̶O̶W̶ ̶Y̶O̶U̶R̶ ̶D̶R̶E̶A̶M̶S̶ CANCELLED , Follow your dreams , cancelled , Follow Your Dreams Cancelled , Banksy , graffiti , Chinatown , Boston , Boston MA , MA , Massachusetts , 2010 , Camera: Nikon D50 , art , Bostonist , Universal Hub , street art , painter , painting , man , exif:aperture=f/3.5 , exif:exposure=0.033 sec (1/30) , exif:exposure_bias=0 EV , exif:flash=Off, Did not fire , exif:focal_length=18 mm , camera:make=NIKON CORPORATION , meta:exif=1273714161 , F̶O̶L̶L̶O̶W̶ ̶Y̶O̶U̶R̶ ̶D̶R̶E̶A̶M̶S̶ , chimney sweep , Irving Penn , Lens: 18-200VR , camera:model=NIKON D50 , Central Boston , meta:seen=elsewhere , flickrstats:favorites=1 , exif:filename=DSC_.JPG , exif:lens=18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 , exif:orientation=Horizontal (normal) , exif:shutter_count=43302 , exif:vari_program=Auto , meta:exif=1350398485
The post Banksy in Boston: View of F̶O̶L̶L̶O̶W̶ ̶Y̶O̶U̶R̶ ̶D̶R̶E̶A̶M̶S̶ CANCELLED on Essex St, Chinatown, Boston, with rush hour traffic appeared first on Good Info.
0 notes