#chained soilder
acidd-attack · 1 year
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Mato Seihei no Slave
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starlightshadowsworld · 4 months
Jason takes promises seriously. Doesn't matter how small, if Jason promises something he will never break it.
Because Jason believes if he breaks it, he will be abandoned again. His mum broke her promise and look what happened.
No one ever told him that wasn't the case, because Lupa and those at Camp Jupiter used it to keep him in line and controlled.
Because if you get Jason to promise you on something, he will obey without question.
Even if it's at the cost of his own wellbeing.
Just like a good little soilder.
(I did write a oneshot where one of his friends does this by accident a while back. It's called Chained Wolves by SparkyIceblaze.)
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doodlesbf · 4 months
Chain's dynamic
First line is green
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He's the all father of the chain
Time & warrior dynamic: trauma time jumpers
Time & twilight dynamic: family
Time & wild: adopted child
Time & wind: father figure
Time & legend: Gamble/thief in crime
Time & hyrule: normal
Time & sky:??????????????
Time & four: chit-chat/ info drop
Twilight :
Twilight & time: family
Twilight & warrior: silbing rivalry
Twilight & wild: Brothers
Twilight & wind: big brother figure
Twilight & hyrule: find him lost with wild
Twilight & four: normal
Twilight & legend: animal secrets
Warrior :
Soilder boy
Warrior & time:trauma time jumpers
Warrior & twilight: silbing rivalry
Warrior & wild: babysitter
Warrior & four: info drops/friend
Warrior & legend: sassy roasters
Warrior & sky: normal
Warrior & wind: big silbing vibes
Wild child
Wild & time: father figure
Wild & twilight: Brothers
Wild & warrior: lives to annoy him
Wild & wind: trouble makers
Wild & four: ???
Wild & hyrule: lost buddies
Wild & sky: normal
Wild & legend: ????
The all Mother
Sky & time: ????
Sky & four: normal/parent to son
Sky & warrior: normal
Sky & hyrule: chit-chatters
Sky & legend: item collection
Sky & wind: normal
Sky & wild:worrying on wild
Sky & twilight: naps on him
Legend :
Bunny boy/rage quitter
Legend & hyrule: descendant/friend
Legend & wild:????
Legend & warrior: trauma/sassy buddies
Legend & sky: normal
Legend & time: normal
Legend & twilight: animal secrets
Legend & four: normal
Legend & wind: normal/ thief gamble
Hyrule :
Sweet baby boy
Hyrule & legend: descendant/friend
Hyrule & wild: lpst buddy
Hyrule & time: respect friend
Hyrule & twilight: friend
Hyrule & warrior: normal
Hyrule & wind: ???
Hyrule & sky: chit-chat
Hyrule & four: adventure buddies
Mystery box (for a very good reason)
Four & time: respectful chit-chat
Four & warrior: info drops
Four & twilight: normal friend
Four & hyrule: friend
Four & wind: silbing vibes
Four & wild: ????
Four & legend: thief of games
Four & sky: chit-chats/parent
Trouble maker/pirate
Wind & four: normal/friend
Wind & hyrule: normal
Wind & legend: thief gambling buddies
Wind & warrior: secretly pranker
Wind & time: ??????
Wind & twilight: little brother
Wind & sky: motherhen
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luimagines · 10 months
(( sparring match & don't make the child mad imagine ))
The chain and blind are in warrior's hyrule and lucky in the castle training ground were soilders train as warrior zelda notice the chain with impa. Blind holding wind hand and listening to all the sounds around them til they feel a magic presence of zelda and smile.
Zelda: link you return.
Warrior: hey zelda good to see you.
Warrior induction his zelda and impa to the chain and blind and she smile greet them all and ask the chain, warrior help on help training the soilders since some of them are untrained and blind can hear from their right to faintly hear a group of soilders talking about the chain in not a good light and the child grip their hand tightly that wind flinch since he holding their hand.
Wind: Heya blind ease up on-
Blind: sorry big brother ,zelda?
Zelda look to the cute child and smile answer the child with a yes.
Blind point their finger to the small group of soilders to their right.
Blind: can I spar them?
Time was going to step in to say something but blind owly look to were they think their papa is with a look of let me do this and zelda allow it and she take blind hand to walk them to were the main training ground is as the chain follow worry for blind as those soilders that was speaking ill of the chain get armed with wooden swords.
Zelda hand blind a wooden sword too and blind test out the wooden sword by touch then lightly tap the tip to the ground to how were the tip is as the three soilders chuckle saying how easy this sparring match will be but when impa give the ok to start the match blind listen to the three soilders move and swings go and use the wooden sword to block them all and swing back calculated and fast. That two of those soilders fell to the ground since the child swings hard.
The first soilder try to do a dirty trick on the blind child but blind can easily tell he's lying and dodge so blind upper cut and the angle that that the tip of the wooden sword break off but the chain flinch to see that soilder is going to have a hard time walking later but the spar match is over.
Blind: say mean things about my family again and I'll make you regret saying it.
Zelda giggle and take blind hand to walk th back to their family *chain*
Blind: sorry big brother warrior, this wooden sword is broken.
Warrior sign and glad that they did it because someone talk bad about them but seeing two soilders groan to the bruises and the other well need a ice pack wind very very glad he's their silbing cause he doesn't want to get a hit like that ever in his life.
The soilders fear the child more than Ganondorf and doesn't dare speak about the chain in fear they'll upset the blind child.
Fierce is grinning his grandchild on their first sparring and have the child by his side since time ask him to watch them.
Wow... that's one tough six year old.
Gotta admit though- I have trouble with this one since I don't think the chain would have allowed them to spar to begin with. It would be one thing if the child used their magic to attack from afar- but this doesn't match my perception.
Good on them.
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trippygalaxy · 7 months
It took some time for the chain to take in that those kids are warrior kid but warrior himself taken more time to understand that Those are his children and both are marked as well that hyrulian soilders try to kill them and he failed to save his wife?!?!?!?
Time: warrior-
Warrior: but I'm single so those kids-
Time: they must be your future kids and this war is still going of yous.
Warrior sign and look over to see his son scar up face watching hyrule and wild tend to the sick little girl and he place his head back to his hands.
Warrior: what to do...
Time: well for starters we can't leave th Herr so they'll come with us and second your their father so be with them as much you can. Warrior pull his face away from his hands to hear time words and get up to shake his hands of what's left of the nervous feelings and walk over to check on his kids but it'll be hard to gain his son trust since he nearly died but he'll try.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YES PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE loving this so much more more more more more more pleaseeee :3
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rilianelol · 2 years
Daughter of Evil
(I'm really bored so have some translyrics I made at midnight)
Now, kneel to me!'
Let us recall back to history,
Once was a kingdom that ruled with such cruelty
And the one reigning atop this entire mess,
A 14 year old noble so called a princess
Everything she wished for was granted no matter
Also a servant had the same appearance as her
A beloved white horse, Josephine, the name it bore
Without a doubt, she could claim anything before!
As they witness the cash running low fast,
Simply take some from the crowds that wouldn't last
If they think opposing her is child's play,
Soon shall their head be on display!
'Now, kneel to me!'
Over the garden, sits an evil rose
Blooming with vivid colors, elegant as it grows
Surely it won't take long for the weeds to die
Ah, they'll be covered with such selfish lies
The princess had fancied a man, so you see
The King of Blue that hailed from across the sea
However, her love was one-sided for he,
Fell in love with a woman in green who brought him glee
Her envy grew worse as the days went by
Those surrounding her could not deny
Voice low and hoarse, she made an order to cause mayhem,
'Disrupt the country of Green, kill all of them!'
Numerous houses succumbed to the blaze
Numerous died due to the fire rays
Admist all of this, was the princess calm
Sipping on her tea, sumptuous and warm
'Oh my, is it snack time already?'
Over the garden, sits an evil rose
Blooming with bloodied colors, maddening as it grows
Yes, the rose is lovely, quite impossible to disagree,
But with such thorns, no one dares to touch it despite its luxury
The citizens grew sick of their suffering,
Thus, they stood up to end the princess, toughening
And their leader, seeking for the royal's head,
A lady knight who came with armor donned in red
All their rage by this point was teeming,
Not long, it was felt by everyone, steaming
Soilders, swordsmen, knights, exhausted by war,
Didn't even hold a candle to the revolts anymore
In the end, they had surrounded the castle,
Servants fled away quickly, fleeing from the battle
Now, all alone, the fragile and adorable princess,
Had been apprehended by the rebels
'You... how bold of you to disrespect me!'
Over the garden, sits an evil rose
Blooming with sad colors, depressing as it grows
The heaven that she'd created using their misery,
Ah, finally, it's met its doom; ending the tyranny
Let us recall back to history,
Once was a kingdom that ruled with such cruelty
And the one reigning atop this entire mess,
A 14 year old noble so called a princess
3 o'clock was the time she'd meet her demise,
When the church bells would sound, as said in compromise
Now the princess, from riches to rags,
What must she be thinking, jailed, with chains and gags?
Finally arrived the moment awaited all by,
The church bells kept singing the girl good-bye
Not even sparing a glance to the angry mob,
The former royal said this with no sign of sobs:
'Oh my, is it snack time already?'
Over the barren land, sits an evil rose
Scattering with vivid colors, elegant as its petals flows,
Nowadays, all talk ill of her story in the Medieval,
'Ah, that Lucifenian princess was truly the "Daughter of Evil"'
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invisibleraven · 2 years
I wish you would write a fic that...is completely out of your comfort zone! Let's say your favorite ship, but a style or genre you feel is challenging. (This is me wondering what you feel your comfort zone is, fic-wise, haha)
A shiver went down Julie's spine as she got closer and closer to the decrepit shack, but there was no turning back now. Now after wading through the fetid bog, smacking away a thousand mosquitoes and various other creatures intent on her blood. Yet she still hesitated a mere five feet from the home. Could she really do this?
The locket around her neck hung heavy, hitting her heart as she toyed with the chain. It reminded her of why she set out on this quest in the first place. So despite her fears and doubts, she soildered on.
A light rap of her knuckles against the door, a creak of wood from inside. Julie held her breath, awaiting the crone that was said to inhabit here. The person who would hopefully have a solution for all her problems.
The woman appeared to be ancient as she swung the door open; flesh so wrinkled and dotted with spots, she seemed more reptile than human. A few strands of wispy hair sprouted from her head, and her smile was gaping and yellow. "Come in dearie," she said, her voice sounding musty from disuse.
No turning back now, Julie thought, and stepped over the threshold, the door closing shut behind her with an ominous slam. "I've come-"
"I know why you've come. It's the only reason anyone comes," the old woman cut her off, easing down into a chair that looked to be carved from a tree stump. "Now the question is, did you bring the payment?"
Julie gulped, and nodded, holding out her bag of gold, the last of her coin. She had prayed it would be enough for a miracle.
"Pssh, no, none of that. I live in a hut in the woods dearie, what use have I of gold?"
Julie looked at the woman, confused. "B-but I have nothing else."
The crone eyed her up and down. "You could give me that pretty locket you wear. I do enjoy the odd trinket."
Julie's hand flew to the locket, clutching it in her palm. "No, anything else I have is yours, but this is the only thing I have left of my mother. Please, name another price."
The crone considered for a moment. "Well, I stopped asking for first borns a long time ago, and I've no use for a slave. Perhaps a fraction of your soul? A lock of hair? Your voice?" Then the woman stopped, grinning widely, and Julie shuddered. "A drop of blood. Maiden's blood is always useful."
"And then you will help me get my mother back?" Julie asked.
"You will be reunited once more, yes." The crone extended her hand, "Do we have a deal?"
Julie looked at the withered hand in front of her, and lifted her locket, the one containing the last portrait of her and her family, strands of their hair wound together. Her papi and Carlos had cautioned her against making deals with sorceresses, but Julie could no longer bear missing her mother so much, and had set off. She would do anything to bring her mother back, anything. So she thrust her hand forward, shaking the frail hand in front of her.
Only for the hand to become an iron vice as the crone grinned. Pulling out a large jagged knife, she drew it across Julie's wrist in a flash, blood immediately welling to the surface. The crone giggled with glee, wiping the stained blade against the rim of a flash, droplets of crimson falling into it.
Julie finally wrenched her hand free, pressing a handkerchief against the wound, praying it would not become infected. "You have your blood witch, now what must I do to bring my mother back from the dead?"
"Careful how you speak to me girl, I have your blood now, who knows how I may use it," the woman said with a sinister air. "If you wish to bring back a departed soul, you must find the spot in which they have been laid, at midnight under a full moon, and lament for them, letting the tears of purest love fall upon their grave. A drop of blood, a breath of air, and one kiss to the cold hard ground, along with a prayer to give them life once more. Then they shall rise, if they deem your sacrifice worthy."
The full moon was the next night, so Julie offered the crone thanks and rushed back out through the bog, the woods, ignoring how the trees seemed to watch her, how the night almost closed in as she reached her door. Her family gathering her into their arms, yet she didn't speak of her bargain, or her plan to bring back what was lost. Simply assured them that she was hale and whole, and done messing with magic.
Of course, that was a falsehood, as she snuck out the next night, creeping towards the cemetery. Counting the plots until she sat by her mother's final resting place. The dahlias starting to wither, but Julie knew if this went right, there would be no need to fetch fresh ones. She could hear the steeple clock chiming the hour, and thought of her mother, the overwhelming loss she felt at her passing, the emptiness it had left behind in their lives. Let the tears fall onto the soft ground.
The next part was harder, but her hair pin was sharp enough to draw a small pinprick of blood from her finger, the scarlet bead landing among her tears. She blew a breath over the mixture, and pressed a kiss to the damp earth, praying with all her might to return to her what was lost.
The problem was that the crone had not said how long it would take for the spell to work, so Julie sat, and sat, and sat. Wondering if she had been swindled. Perhaps her sacrifice lacked something? Was her love for her mother not strong enough? Had her tears not contained enough grief?
Julie laid down on the grave and wept, wanting nothing more than for the power to bring her mother back, for life to be fair, for someone to help her through the arduous task that was life. Eventually she fell into a fitful slumber, stretched out next to her mother's plot, the tears drying on her face, but not before one last droplet fell to the ground.
Pale dawn light awoke Julie, and she blinked open her heavy eyes. She felt stiff and sore from her night on the ground, and foolish for believing that anything could reverse the sands of fate. Yet when she blinked her eyes again, there was a hole in the ground beside her, and an empty casket within in.
But wait... that casket was not the one they had buried her mother in. It was too simple, too small to contain a woman grown.
Who had Julie mistakenly awoken?
"Good morning," came a rough and sandpapery voice. Julie shot up and stared. There before her was a young man, scarcely a year or two her senior. His skin was ashen though, and when Julie looked closer, she couldn't spy his lungs moving, nor the flush of life.
The man sitting there was dead, yet sitting and speaking to her as if they had met at the town square.
"W-who are you and what are you doing in my mother's grave?" Julie demanded.
"This is my grave. Has been for some time." Julie looked around the plots surrounding them, noting that most were covered in growth, and vaguely recalled the tickle of grass on her lips the night prior. Yet the plot at her back was fresh tilled earth, a recent burial, and Julie cursed herself for not insuring she had the right one.
"Anyways, I'm Reggie. Nice to meet you. Thanks for bringing me back I guess? How did you do it?" The man asked, smiling at Julie in a way that would be downright charming if it weren't coming from a corpse. "Are you a witch?"
"No, but I met one trying to bring my mother back to life. Only I got the wrong plot. Guess I have to try again next month." Julie then assessed Reggie. "Now what to do with you?"
"Letting me go back to my life seems like an option," Reggie offered. "I miss eating, and singing. Oh, and my dog, I really miss my dog."
"I don't think I can in good conscience let a dead man just wander around," Julie replied.
"You were going to let your mom do it," Reggie retorted. "Plus, you can't kill me, I'm already dead."
"Maybe I can't," Julie said, an idea forming in her mind, and a wicked gleam came to her eyes. "But I know someone who can."
Reggie gulped, and stumbled up, dashing away. Julie rose, feeling a power rushing through her, wondering if the old crone knew of her mistaken and wanted her to rectify it. Or was simply infusing her blood with unknown magics. Either way, Julie started off slowly towards the direction Reggie had headed, wondering how hard it could be to catch up to a corpse.
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nievea · 3 months
❛  do you want to tell me about it?  ❜
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ dreams ask meme.
IT WAS THE SCREAMS AGAIN ⸻ this time it was those of the children. pleading, begging, & she could do naught. each day was she CHAINED like a dog, her wrists a dark purple with bruises, stained a deep red with blood ⸻ old & new. forced was she to listen to what HE chose to do. all to make her a better soilder for them. she often thought how easy it would be to flee once unbound. once primed ⸻ but the screams echoed in her head. they kept her rooted within the iron kingdom. 
but she took his life. it was over. those lives ( she ) he cost would never return, though.
❛ no it's alright. ❜
an apologetic look is shared in his direction. she must have startled him with her shouting. he shared the same look as his brother. a breath. standing, composing herself. she held herself high despite the thoughts that circled within her mind after such a nightmare. ( was it really just a nightmare if it was once her reality? )
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a glance to her wrists before returning her gloves. they were still scarred, but there were no new cuts, no new bruises. just an everlasting memory.
❛ we have work to do, don't we? if you all put me to rest again I fear nothing will get done. ❜
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brandon34k · 2 years
Brandon:training with kumandra soldiers
Brandon:cmon on guys bring your best shot
Solider 1:charges
Soilder 2:charges
Brandon:blocks,torndao kick
Demon namaari:takes over namaari body
Brandon:flying wheelkick
Brandon:punches soilder2 jaw,back torndao kick
Namaari :sharp blade
Demon namaari:hello namaari
Namaari mind:get out my head
Demon namaari:grabs blades
Raya:u ok undercut your eyes glowing green
Brandon:senses bad energy
Raya:have flashback
Flashback:demon namaari throws raya out window Brandon charges at demon namaari,Brandon:flying wheelkick,demon namaari:dodges grabs Brandon,Brandon:gah,demon namaari:bodyslams Brandon,Brandon:gah,demon namaari:die Brandon, raya:pulls out blade,flying wheelkick, demon namaari:catches raya leg,demon namaari:cuts raya leg,raya:gah,Brandon:runs,jumps,superman punch demon namaari jaw,demon namaari:gah,raya and Brandon:punch demon namaari face,flying torndao kick,demon namaari:gah,raya and Brandon:twister uppercut,demon namaari flys out namaari body
Back to reality
Raya:it's you demon namaari
Demon namaari:so it's you again raya
Raya:pulls out dragon blade
They both hear motorcycle coming
Brandon:park motorcycle
Brandon:pulls out hell blade and chains
Demon namaari:bring it on
Demon namaari:charges
Part 2 coming soon
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beeinahailstorm · 3 years
Piglin Culture
Gold is not only viewed as Shiny, it's viewed as something that helps protect people. They can't really use netherite from what I can tell, so gold is the only thing Piglins can use to defend themselves.
Non fighters will commonly have earrings or rings, maybe some gold lined clothing if they are upper class. Maybe rich piglins put ancient debris in their earring for that extra Status.
Fighter piglins — so like general piglins and piglin brutes — however tend to have gold necklaces, chains, or bracelets. They will still have rings and earrings, don't get me wrong, but they usually have more concentrated pieces of gold. Piercings are also common because I said so <3
When raids happen it's often that people look at the shiniest person for protection, which can be helpful in blind panic! It also is a good way to show your dominance. Yeah you're invading my bastion, but I am shiner and therefore more protected, get rekted.
Because of the hierarchy of Gold, younger piglins tend to have stud earrings or small loops. These smaller jewels are often unique and have a gemstone. When the piglin grows older, this can be a brand of who they are, like a second name.
Pack dynamics:
Piglins exist between these roles commonly, though they can some what branch out if other things are needed:
Elders council
HOWEVER, to different groups the roles might appear differently. Brutes tend to care more about the elderly, young, handymen, and other regular people. Young are on their highest priority! It is often for brutes to be separated from young unless in high stress situations, so they can complete their jobs.
Don't get it twisted, brutes are sweethearts deep down. Just don't mess with their family and you will meet one of the chilliest people in the nether (no pun intended).
Brutes don't really care about their leaders, actually. Piglins who carry out military duty and value leadership are soldiers! They have the same hybrid mind as regulars, just with the added bonus of kicking ass. They highly respect their leaders and the elder council and often get into disputes with brutes over their conflicting instincts. They do however grow bigger due to different environments when being raised, though they definitely aren't as big as the brutes. I would make Techno a soldier or brute class, but whatever one you choose is up to you.
Leaders are pretty self explanatory. With a combination of gold usually worn by civilians and fighters alike, leaders wear long golden robes. Their robes are probably made of the material of the "leaves" of the trees in the nether, because I feel like that would be a hard material to refine. Depending on the climate that also makes their get up different colors. Leaders also can wear heavy armor. Piglin brutes can not be leaders. It goes against their instincts, since in general they don't really care about leading people. Leaders are usually ex soldiers. They are valued for being coldhearted and brutal to enemies, but a guiding firm hand to their bastions.
Leaders and brutes don't always get along, but they have heavy respect for each other. Brutes want the best for their pack, and someone who tells the others what to do and organizes their efforts seems to be the best! If the brutes don't like the leader, there will be no leader 😊.
The elder council is made up of old brutes and soldiers. These individuals have seen many battles and often help the much younger leader with advice and guidance. The elder council also handles legal matters, but the leader acts as the supreme court.
Handymen make the tools, weapons, armor, and clothing of the bastions. Usually the role is tied to a bloodline, but sometimes they can take apprentices from other families or even from outside of the pack. Becoming a handyman after joining a bastion is actually easier than becoming a soldier, since the other role is highly respected and valued.
Handymen are still really important to bastion life though! Mess with a brute or a soldier's favorite armor maker and you will end up six feet under 😀. Often you will have a handymen who gives advice to a general or something because they hear a lot of shit in their shops, man. People just enter the store and think no one is listening.
Regulars are usually lesser handymen, family people, hunters, or merchants. They grow to be smaller and can be easily thrown by brutes. Not that a brute would ever do that. For fun. When bored on a Saturday night. I have no idea what you mean. Just because they are the lowest class do NOT think they are pushovers. They are still piglins and can put up a good fight. Also every family of regular piglins — and handymen for that matter — have a brute assigned to them. Mess with their little found family, and the brute will find you.
Teenagers have their own class divides depending on who they are going to be. Between their young and teen ages is when this role is picked, and afterwards they are raised and trained to be that role. Teenagers are often doing whatever job they are trained to do poorly or goofing off.
Young! Babies! Children! Literally do nothing but look cute and get everything for it. Probably would bite you and get away with it. Hurt a young, and everyone in the bastion will hunt you down <3. Better know where your nether portal is, bitch, it's the only thing saving you right now.
(I would put Tommy under teenager or young depending on the fic. Take that as you will. Like I know most people would make him a young, BUT IMAGINE TECHNO TEACHING HIM HIS TRADE!!! THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE. BRUTE TECHNO BEING LIKE “you are doing good with your cobblestone making stuff” WHILE ABSOLUTELY HATING IT BECAUSE HE MUST SUPPORT??? AMAZING.)
Wait but, what are Phil and Wilbur then:
Okay, listen. As I said, piglins can have other roles. Wilbur fits both the elder and regular role in my eyes, so Techno would probably view Will with respect, but also view him as someone to be protected for the good of the pack and not because of status.
Phil? He’s probably a leader to Techno! That could have a funky dynamic if Techno is a brute, because his instincts don’t give a shit about Phil, but it’s fucking Phil, man. Techno has to listen to him smh. I love the concept of Techno telling Phil his hybrid brain considers him an elder just to mess with him. “Phil. Phil, look, I’m not saying anything, but the little voice inside my head — well one of them — tells me you’re old. That voice has never led me astray. I think you should lie down,,, for a couple of years.”
Honorable mention, but when Tommy grows up, I heavily see him in the soldier role. He respects authority and is eager to fight, it’s so him. I feel like this implies that Tommy would be the soldier under Wilbur who is his leader, so you could also write a fic where Techno feels like crimeboys have left his pack and made their own. Betrayal,,,,
Another honorable mention, Ranboo. Ranboo is totally a teenager right now, but when he grows older? Probably a Regular.
Displays of Affection (we know why this is here):
Cleaning. IRL pigs are some of the cleanest animals. If they clean your house for you, it means they care. This can also tie over to sharpening your swords or even taking care of your animals.
Resource sharing. Sharing is caring, literally. If someone shares food, clothing, or weapons with you, it means they trust you! Water is a heavily limited resource in the nether, so if a piglin shares water with you assume they would die for you.
Headbutts. Need I say more?
Brutes really hate being thrown off their Duties, but young and teens are 100% allowed to infodump the more boring shit to them. I see many a bedrock bros moment with this.
Music. When everything is on fire, you rarely have time for some sick lofi beats. Sharing music with someone is a way to show that you are completely relaxed with that person and have your guard down around them.
Piglins don’t actually like hugs and cuddles as much after a certain age. Not that they hate it, it just isn’t their most common way of saying “I love you.” They will put up with it for other cultures.
MENTIONED BY A FRIEND, BUT CUTENESS AGGRESSION AND CAIN INSTINCT!!! I could see brutes getting in trouble because of biting a young </3. Techno would smack Tommy upside the head (affectionate). Though, Tommy would probably bite back, and he has rabies.
This is over 1k words, so will stop writing … for now. If you want to see me infodump about bird culture then SMASH THE LIKE BUTTON AND HIT SUBCRIBE/j/j/j/j
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
The Grace siblings were the first and there was a price to pay.
Jason is bound in chains, an eternal reminder to know his place.
That he's nothing but a prisoner, a soilder.
He uses them in battle in place of any weapons, he can use weapons he just chooses not to.
The thing is Jason doesn't need one, he is one.
He leaves fights covered in blood, dust and ichor and none of it is his.
He's ruthless and fights every fight like it's his last.
Just as Lupa taught him, he bares his teeth and turns every battle field into a massacre.
Every Roman fights for honour but Jason fights to survive.
They say he fights to wild, almost like a Greek but don't dare voice it knowing he could kill them without using his hands.
He can't and he won't... But he could.
When Jason runs towards a fight, you run the other way, that's what every camper is told.
Lighting sparks off his skin and he glows like he's been set alight.
The terrifying thing, is that this is him holding back.
Those chains were forged by Hephaestus himself.
No matter how many fights Jason ends up in, they've yet to snap.
... And who knows what will be unleashed if he was ever released.
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luimagines · 1 year
(( no....please not again imagine))
The chain found a inn that have available rooms and half the chain doesn't have enough rupees to paid for some rooms but Ethan help them out since everyone is very tried from portals jumping into a fight or they end up lost in some place. Warrior look ready to hit the bed,twilight,wild and hyrule look ready to faint now. Wind is sleeping on the floor, legend,time are moody by the looks on their faces and four, book both yawn to being tried, sky look asleep but is bearly awake but once they have rooms to sleep in which they have to buddy up with someone but the chain doesn't care. They need sleep and Ethan lay on a spare bed as he hear time snorts through the wall and legend asleep in the other spare bed. Ethan fell asleep but instead of a normal blank nothingness he see his hyrule but on fire people fighting screaming of soilders or monsters then see the king glare down at him with so much hatred and Ethan panicking he doesn't understand what this means til he see the Fierce deity appear and with his sword out and stab him in the chest were the deep big scar is as ethan cough up his blood and look scare,panic til sudden he open his eye then.. Ethan sit up in the bed shaking,sweat drop down his head and mute panting tho his scarf hands are on his chest or wrap around his body as tears ran down his face to still feel the pain from the nightmare stab is, clearly having a panic attack about a nightmare or a vision.
The book sense his owner is awake flowing to him and whispered to him trying to comfort the panic attack teen due to legend being sensitive hearing he wake up slowly and groan and turn his head to see where the noise is coming from and was going to speak but stop to seeing Ethan in a panic state even seeing tears coming down his face as the book try to whispered comfort to him but legend star, he never seen Ethan cry or this state of a panic attack ever. He seen him fight,gentle and helpful with the others when injured or need help with something.
Book *whisper*: ethan..it's not real. Your okay, the others are okay.its only a nightmare, dont grip too tightly on your chest dont want you crush yourself on accident. no one is going to hurt you-
that he quietly get up to go get four or sky since they both know better on how to handle this situation better than he can tho felt bad he couldn't help but best to get the ones who know how too.
Legend gets up and manages to drag Sky out of the bed he was in. After fighting him and the deadweight through the hallway, Sky wake sup a little more once they reenter in the room- seemingly more aware of the emotional atmosphere.
He goes up and sits on the bed next to Ethan and taps him on the head a few times.
Once he has Ethan's attention, he flops over his lap, practically falling asleep on the spot.
Legend doesn't know whether he should be annoyed or thankful. But given the confused look on Ethan's face and the way he almost instantly stops crying, Legend is willing to lean toward thankful.
Between confusing Ethan and using his own body as pressure therapy, Legend is glad he made the right choice. Any other attempts would mean he would have to go get the Rancher and get Wolfie. But he would rather not deal with the fur in the morning. So he's glad that this is working.
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trippygalaxy · 7 months
⛩️ want to share this idea imagine with you))
The chain are confused on what timeline their in but warrior can make out some but the state the landmarks look bit older or have damage on it but lucky they see a town and go there for information gather and quick pick up for supplies only to hear a shop owner yelling out and the chain turn to look to see what look like a someone steal something from the shop and twilight the closest try to stop the thief to be a good bystander but the thief quickly use wind magic to blast twilight away and the thief still running away as the chain see pay the rest of their stuff and help twilight then track/chase after the thief.
Twilight track the thief by scent as wolfie leading the chain to what look to be a ruins and time look to the chain and form a plan making the group split up to make sure the thief can't escape in case the plan failed.
Warrior, twilight, wild are the first to be bait and walk inside the ruins but stop dead in their tracks to not only see the thief but see that there's a little girl sick on the bedroll. The thief use the stolen goods to make medicine for the girl til the thief which is bearly around wind age notice the three and he glare daggers at them like the three are truly a threat to himself and the sick girl.
Wild try to take a step forward to spreak but the thief(boy) jump up to pull out a dagger to defend himself and the sick girl who's sleeping on the bedroll .
Thief: leave or I'll gut you from were you fucking stand.
Wild step a step back shock to the immediately death threat and look back to warrior and twilight on what to do now since the situation clearly have changed so twilight try to walk forward to talk but the thief point his hand to the three way using wind magic again to blast them out of the ruin room the two kids are living in.
The Thief then drop his dagger and cover his mouth to be coughing up blood fall to his knees as the three quick to get up and wild ran back to inform the group as warrior and twilight try again but they see the thief well kid notice and blood hand grab the dagger but warrior quick to stop him and pin him down while he try to clam the kid down as twilight check the little sick girl and the thief kid try struggles to free himself to see the teen close to his sister but warrior held him down.
Warrior: hey clam down we're not!-
Thief kid: fuck you bastard! Stay away from my sister!
Warrior: clam down!
Thief kid: fuck off dad!
Warrior and twilight stop to hear him call Warrior dad both shocked but by the way the kid glares to Warrior their history must be bad enough that Warrior wonders what have happened that made his own *future * children hate him that much.
Eventually the rest of the chain came and they allow the thief to be near his sick sleeping sister but without his dagger but the thief refused any the chain near his sister but warrior asking questions and the thief glare at warrior.
Warrior: we're is.....your mother?-
Thief: she's killed by Ganondorf.
Warrior: what-
Thief: we waited for our parents to return only for hyrulian soilders to come to the house, then they lock us inside the house to set it on fire! The fire burn me but I got my sister and myself out, where were you dad?! You left us!
The thief pull down the hood to show his face that looks like warrior, eyes are pale blue but having a big burned scar on the right side of his face down to end on his neck only at the right side. The chain look horribly so does warrior to hear not only Ganondorf survive but killed his future wife and he never returned to his two children and seeing his scar burned face.
Little girl: ..big brother?..
Warrior look to see his daughter to see her eyes are blue, hair curly brown and skin dark but stop to see theres tears in her eyes as the thief look to his sister with a gentle eyes and move closer to her to comfort her to try get her back to sleep but the chain can see the two child's hands, the little girl have the Triforce of wisdom and the thief have the Triforce of courage glowing lightly making Warrior felt despair that his children have the cured marks and is trembling that the cycle continues.
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lilyharvord · 3 years
I have to ask about the chain au. But first, lemme just say i appreciate your writing so much, it makes my day to read it and is always a way to get my mind of stuff, and you should make sure you don't pressure yourself and I hope your schools going good and easy! Make sure to take care of yourself <3
now that that's been said, CHAIN AU but opposite, how? THEY GO INTO THE FUTURE. and like ngl I imagine mare and cal having twins (inspired by ur works ofc) and like ones the boy, who's technically the oldest since he came out first and he always teases his little sister for it. The older one is a teleporter and the girl is a burner, but heres the twist. She's not a silver right? Shes a red, well newblood. So her abilities is different but before we get into that, imagine cal giving her his bracelets and like she uses them and his is literally sobbing 😩 but anyways. She can control fire like mare controls lighting. Cal can summon fire ofc but this girl, she can control it. Without her hands, she uses her brain and the fire responds to her. The fire can be totally harmless if she wishes. The fire is hers to control and hers only. (Can imagine cal saying that idk I'm sorry 💀) and she can make the fire surround her like a wall of protection or smth ! And she and cal would have a special bond because they both would be so alike ! And and and (also inspired by your work) I remember you writing about cal having a 'soilder mode' his daughter would have it too !! Idk bro he would be so protective and happy for her.
MY LOVE! We are on the same page. ((((((:
Coriane is 100% a BURNER. Period. End of Phrase. There is no debate here. She and Cal are very close because of this (she is a daddy's girl, again Period. Stop. End of Phrase. Do not pass go, do not collect $200). I go back and forth on when she finds out she has an ability, whether she is younger or older (in which case it would be this massive explosion of an ability that takes her and everyone around her off guard, always imagined for this moment her not knowing she has an ability and stepping in front of some wall of fire or something and managing to hold it back by accident). She has far more control than Cal because she is an Ardent, and she 100% can produce a flame on her own, no need for bracelets like Cal, although for her birthday on year, he does have a pair specially made for her (they're decorative but they mean the world to her).
As for the babes being twins, I am on that train, have been on it for a while. And I'm also on the they’re separate babies train. The first very much so being Coriane and her being a woopsie baby (they weren't really trying or they were trying and every time they failed until they ended up pregnant by accident), and the second most likely being Shade and him very much so being planned.
And as for the Chain AU. MY LOVE I WISH I HAD KEPT MY ORIGINAL DRAFT IDEA CAUSE IT WOULD HAVE PLEASED YOU I THINK! When I first drafted the chain, before I knew who Giselle was and what she really wanted, she was actually someone who teleported people through time, and she sent the Marecal from her present back in time and switched them with the ones from the past. So the past Mare and Cal came to the future and the future ones went back. It causes chaos of course. We would have bounced back and forth between the two sets of them trying to figure things out, but it was just too complicated... ): I mean it was going to be a mess of a story line (not that what I ended up with wasn't, but hey, it was a bit more coherent than that mess would have been XD)
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sammachu · 3 years
HOLY SHIT the scp au !!!!!!! omgomg could you plz tell us more backstory about it plz ?? i LOVE it :000000
Omg thank you so much!! I'm glad to hear you like it!
Get ready for some angst!
I already implied on that drawing that Shinsou "used to be human". Technically, he still is human, but he is held at the SCP foundation against his will after his powers are discovered after an accident - he probably had to defend himself in front of a crowd of people. He is locked up, gets dubbed SCP-0701 and lives in awful conditions fro years, with the whole facility under the impression that he is "just another anomaly". He is muzzled and chained, the staff fear him greatly and are ready to use physical force at the slightest sign of agression. The harsh treatment makes Shinsou resentful and non-compliant. He nearly breaches containment on multiple occasions out of petty defiance and the wish to see his sister again.
The only person in the whole facility who gives him the benefit of the doubt and treats him like a normal person is Dr. Kaminari Denki, a researcher and a scientist, who after proven to be very effective in taking care of and keeping SCP-0701 in check, gets assigned to Shinsou on full-time. He makes great progress on getting Shinsou to be more compliant and realxed around him and later on around other faculty members as well.
The only way they had been able to communicate so far was by Dr. Kaminari asking yes or no questions and SCP-0701 nodding or shaking his head because of the stict prohibition of the removal of his muzzle.
After these developments, Dr. Kaminari gets offered the chance to run tests on SCP-0701's abilities. The tests go really well, Kaminari managing to convince Shinsou to talk beforehand, and offer interesting results, shining some light on how SCP-0701 functions. This is the first time Dr. kaminari hears Shinsou's voice.
After seeing how beneficial the tests were, Kaminari is allowed to talk to Shinsou directly, naturally with supervision.
They talk about the weather, favorite foods, suprisingly mundane things and no matter how many times Kaminari tells SCP-0701 that he can brainwash him, he doesn't.
The scientists assume Kaminari to be immune to SCP-0701's abilities and Shinsou gets to be de-muzzled whenever Dr. Kaminari enters his container.
That's when shit hits te fan because without other prying eyes, Shinsou gets honest. He gives Kaminari his name, tells him about everything that was done to him and nearly begs him to help him escape.
At first, kamianri is conflicted. SCP-0701's file lists his manipulative capabalities as a very dangerous quality of the anomaly.
But on another occasion when Shinsou gets to talk to him, he tells him about his life, his little sister, his parents and his childhood. How he wanted to go to university to major in psychology and how Kaminari reminded him of an old classmate of his. He told him about how he got here, how yound he had been when he was first locked up. And finally Shinsou tells Kaminari that he'd been the very first person who could see him as a human being and he loved him for it. Loved. Could an anomaly really do such a thing?
The illusion of whatever bullshit the faculty has been feeding it's employees shatters in Kaminari. Shinsou is just as much of a person as he is. How many other "anomalies" are just people trapped in here?
Kaminari comes to the conclusion that the real manipulator isn't Shinsou, but the foundation itself and wonders how many of the dangers housed within are truly just faculty members.
He starts formulating a plan to free Shinsou and escape this nightmare himself.
He makes photocopies of all documents he finds suspicious and keeps them on his person to take notes. He collects dirt on the faculty and tries his best to find a way to get around the security system.
He isn't a techie by any means and he'd need help to pull off a sneaky escape.
But who could he turn to when he can't trust anybody within these walls?
He reitarates his plan and tries to complete it on his own. He abuses his clearence level to tamper with containers and let "anomalies" loose, causing a major outbreak. He tells Shinsou to meet him on floor one after his cell opens.
Sirens are blaring and he holds a speech to cause uproar within the staff. He is succesful.
All the commotion offers him a chance to get to Shinsou and make their escape.
Gunshots ring out behind him, he can't look back, he is running as fast as he can.
He faintly hears on the speakers how a lady tells the capturing units about a shape-shifting anomaly posing as faculty, most likely a blonde researcher by the name of Kaminari Denki. He runs faster.
He makes it about half-way to their meeting point when a gunshot pierces his abdomen. He shrieks and takes a sharp turn, holing himself up in a vacant lobby. He scribbles a few quick notes onto Shinsou's file. He knows he won't make it.
He wonders if Shinsou did. He hopes he does but etches a plea on the bottom of the page regardless.
Most of the faculty doesn't make it out alive. Either shot by the soilders or killed by an "anomaly".
The few remaining souls try finding their way out of the facility.
A member of the cleaning staff stumbes upon the long-cold body of a scientist in an abandoned lobby. His labcoat is torn, he's covered in blood and his ID is missing. He is clutching a few papers to his chest.
You start reading.
"Don't trust them."
Hopefully you liked this little backstory, I might write a full fic of this someday, who knows ;)
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ameshowdown · 3 years
Early life
Born as a shogun’s first daughter and 3erd child not much is known about the time or year. She was born a healthy baby with a small birthmark under her lip. she was said to have jewel like eyes and singed dark brow- to black hair. A baby who never cried, and well behaved was adored by her parents and older brothers.
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Her mother passed away when she was still a toddler, sparking a chain of her fathers madness. Before Ame was conceived her father started to lose father with the Emperor, desperate to keep his honor, social standing and family security. He was easily swayed by Hannibal Roy Bean, searching for a perfect test subject for the Loa Mang Lone soup. But the potion of the dragon was incomplete, faulted and missing a something. While it gave him power, it came at a price. Instead of immortality, it began to age him. Quicker and Quicker, but his thirst for the potion and violence only increased.
Ames mother passes due to consumption, whatever was keeping her moralities bound to this world died with it.
by time Ame could walk her and her 2 older brothers started intense and cruel training. Both of them perished along the way. But Ame during one especially cruel and deadly training exercise (being dropped into a frozen lake) fire powers awoken.
for many years Ame trained with her sword Enbu No Hono, a shen gon wu like blade that increases ones fire elemental abilities, Along with the star hanabi (both gifts from her mother.)
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Ame fights in her fathers war regaining the Emperors favor.  Ame not only works as her fathers top general but also as a dragon hunter. Culling the species to near extinction. To satisfy her fathers desperate and growing need for the soup.
Ame is a emotionally shut off person, she may go weeks without speaking during this time. She is a perfect solider and never fails. But unfortunately due to living under such tight and traumatizing control Ame is unable to make a single decision for herself. If she is not ordered to eat she would starve. During times when Ame is made to think for herself, she asks the Star Hanabi simple yes or no questions. Flipping it, heads yes and tails no.
After Ames father betrays the Emperor her moves the Shogun palace north causing death and destruction in his wake. During this time, a man over in china hears about this, none other than Grand Master Dashi and decides to do something about it. Taking Wu he can carry he crosses the sea. As dojo is fearful of Japan due to the dragon killings. Its during this time that Dashi learns more about the “Shogun no Zetsubo”. It turns out that the people think Ame and her father are one and the same.
Her fathers monster form is that of a giant black dragon. Razor sharp teeth, bird like talons, red demon eyes and covered in spikes. Told to give off a smell of rotting flesh and ash.
Dashi learns here that his master, the one whom he gifted the shen gon wu Star Hanabi to, and the one who taught him how to weave magic into objects. Was married to the Shogun. He understands why they call him the warlord of despair.
after seeing the devastation caused by him, dashi feels he has no choice but to confront him. But instead he finds a girl
Ames father had left her alone in the palace, searching out a haylin witch over seas to try and “cure” him. He left Ame alone, with the only order to protect the fortress. Here she meets Dashi. Who takes away her star hanabi after it landing on tails 3 times (sparing his life when Ame did not know what to do).
Dashi is sadded to find out the girl before him, says she has no name. That she is only called daughter. And her only goal is to follow her fathers orders. She tells Dashi he will die if he defies him, and she will be the one to kill him. Dashi always the cool guy rejects her logic, and tells her she should abandon a father who cant even name his child.
Then Dashi shows her a vision through the crystal glasses shen gon wu. Were Ame sees her father curing his curse, by devouring her. Horrified she successfully kicks Dashi out and spares his life.
Her father retuns and gives her news that the heylin witch Wuya will cure him. but for a cost.
The Grand Master Dashi’s head. He gives Ame the order to find him and kill him. Ame never disobeying an order accepts and sets off.
Ame being born from someone who drank the potion has above human level scenes. Using her adapt sense of smell and hearing she is able to chase after Dashi. But she notices that were the ash once fell for miles, killing the land around them-
it is now spring, people have already started farming. She passes a group of farmers and is outwardly bewildered. But without her star to ask questions she forces herself to not think about it, nor do anything about it. -
after a week of tracking she finds him, and nearly kills him. But Dashi traps her in the Spear of Yun. Draining her of all her powers. Unknowingly severing the link between her and her father. The thing was that Ame’s father was too much for his feeble body to handle, so he had created a psychic link, moving his evil power between him and his daughter.
For the first time that Ame can remember she can think clearly. Causing her to have an emotional almost childlike out burst. But Dashi just leaves her in the sun to cool off. Ame unable to escape the sphere begins to meditate to find some sort of clarity, were she relives her dream of her father. HIs proclamation of how now that hes devoured her flesh, he can regain the power hes lost.
Dashi is able to cox this information out of her, after a long time trying. It doesnt actually take a whole lot to convince her to leave her father. And to stop him.
Ame had always been a soilder and choice was a frightening thing. But her instinct told her she could not kill this man before her, and going home empty handed would be death.
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Together, and slowly Ame and Dashi formed a bond, he was also the one who gifted her, her name Ame. After a rain shower one day that made him think of her.
They spent a total of 9 months together. Defeating her fathers evil soldiers, saving towns folk, and teaching Ame some martial arts of his. Along with showing her just how beautiful the world could be . (dojo eventually joins them)
At the height of mount Yari, they are ambushed by her Father, 10x his last size and decaying all over. Its a grueling fight, pushing both of them to their limits. Ame severs her fathers head with the very blade he gave her.-
after deafening her father Ame fell curse to the very thing killing her father, in a last stitch effort to save her life, Dashi used magic and Wu to turn her to stone, saving her life temporarily. And stone she remained for 1500 years.
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