#chakotay fanfiction
starfleetimagines · 10 months
Hello hi! I love your idea to do fics based on Spotify Wrapped! 💕 I'd like to request a reader-insert Chakotay fic if that's alright! (I feel like there's a real shortage of Chakotay fics that don't include a pairing with Janeway.) And let's go with numberrrrrr 38! Thank you, can't wait to see what you come up with! ☺️
Hiii I agree - there aren't enough reader insert Chakotay fics! Hope you like this xx
So Good [Chakotay]
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Prompt: So Good by Halsey Word count: 1.8k Pairing: Chakotay x femme reader Notes: Let me know if you like the third person POV! Also I'm battling a head cold rn so I apologize for any errors or mistakes.
“I can’t.”
Y/N exhaled slowly, breath fanning Chakotay’s lips. “Then why are you here?”
Chakotay shut his eyes and leaned his forehead against Y/N’s forehead. “I don’t know.”
Y/N ran her hands down his sides and felt him shiver beneath her touch. “I saw it on your face, Chakotay. I know you feel this, too.”
“I do. I do, I just…” He shook his head and moved back, staring at her with mixed emotions: yearning, confusion, hurt, guilt, want. “I can’t.”
Y/N stared at him, stomach twisting. She swallowed hard, then pulled away. “You should go, then.”
Chakotay didn’t say anything for a few moments, and for a split second, he looked like he was going to kiss her. Then he shook his head and looked away. “I’m sorry.”
“Me too.”
When Y/N was assigned to Voyager, she had no idea how emotionally strenuous their first mission would be. She knew the commander of the Maquis ship was a previous Starfleet officer, but she didn’t know it was Chakotay. The man she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about since their last encounter years back; when he walked out of her apartment, likely to go hold his girlfriend’s body closer to him so he could forget about what he and Y/N had almost done.
Nothing had happened, not really. The two had been working together for several months and one night they’d been at Y/N’s apartment celebrating their project’s completion. They’d been sleep deprived, a little intoxicated, and had gotten a little too close. Y/N had known Chakotay had a girlfriend. She’d known he was unavailable, and it wasn’t until she felt his body heat radiating towards her on her couch, seeing his soft eyes linger on her face, that she’d realized how much she liked him. How she wished they could be more.
She knew it was bad. But they could have been so good.
Nothing happened, but oh how Y/N wished something had. She never would have wanted him to cheat on his girlfriend, but she’d been desperately hoping he’d tell her it was over. That what he and Y/N felt was real.
But that was years ago and she hadn’t seen him since.
Never in her wildest dreams did she think the two of them would somehow both wind up thrown across the galaxy and find themselves on the same ship, one which they’d likely spend the rest of their lives.
At first, she didn’t believe it. Through all of the chaos and danger, Y/N hadn’t really learned or met the Maquis until after the array had been destroyed and their fates had been sealed. She didn’t really get a chance to encounter more of them until she was trudging her way through the corridors of the ship, eager to collapse on her bed and pray she woke up back home on Earth. She passed by unfamiliar face after unfamiliar face—some in Starfleet uniforms that she just hadn’t had the chance to meet yet, and some still in their Maquis uniforms.
She was nearly at her quarters when she heard his name being uttered in passing. She stopped dead in her tracks and looked to the couple of Maquis talking to themselves down the corridor. She must have been hearing things, because there was no way…
“—I can’t believe Chakotay agreed to all this,” one of them said, “Letting Starfleet be in command of us all.”
“Yeah,” said the other. “Just because he used to be Starfleet, doesn’t mean we all want to be shoved into their stuffy system.”
Y/N stopped listening after that. Chakotay was there. On Voyager. In the Delta Quadrant. Stranded with the rest of them for who knew how long.
“Computer,” Y/N said. “Locate Chakotay.”
“Commander Chakotay is in his quarters.”
Y/N’s heard raced. She had a brief thought of, he’s already been promoted to commander? but quickly shoved that aside and asked the computer for the location of his quarters. She made her way there as quickly as she could without looking weird. When she reached his door, her hand hovered over the doorbell.
She didn’t even know what she was going to say to him, but she needed to see him. They’d have to speak to one another and work together eventually, so she might as well rip the bandage off.
Taking in a deep breath, she pressed the console and the chime rang.
“Come in.”
Y/N’s stomach flipped at the sound of his voice. She opened the door and stepped inside, heart beating so loudly she could barely hear anything else.
She turned and her lips parted. There he was, standing not ten feet from her. He looked the same, albeit with a new facial tattoo. He was still as handsome as she remembered him being.
“Hi,” Y/N said quietly, taking another step in to allow the door to close behind her.
Chakotay’s eyes darted around her, as if he couldn’t believe she was standing there. She could practically hear the gears turning in his head.
“I… heard you were on board,” she said slowly. “Thought I would… say hi.”
Chakotay took a small, hesitant step forward. “Y/N, I—wow. It’s… been a while.”
Chakotay offered her a smile. “It’s nice to see a friendly face.”
Y/N tilted her head to the side. “Who says I’m going to be friendly?” she mused lightly.
Chakotay chuckled. “Wishful thinking.”
Y/N returned his smile. “It’s good to see you.”
“You too.” He waved to his couch. “Sit. I’d offer you a drink or something, but, well, you know the replicators are still down.”
Y/N nodded and moved to the couch. “It’s alright.”
Chakotay sat on the other end. He stared at her for a few moments in silence. “What are the odds?”
“I’m wondering that, myself.” Y/N shook her head slowly, still having a sense that all of it was just impossible; maybe she’d still wake up tomorrow and learn it was all a dream. But if it was a dream, she wanted to make the best of it.
She reached out her hand tentatively, resting it on the cushion between them.
A genuine smile spread on Chakotay’s face. He placed his hand atop hers and she took in a sharp breath. The warmth of his palm was comforting and familiar. She intertwined their fingers and Chakotay squeezed gently.
“I can’t believe you’re here,” Y/N murmured, staring at their hands. “I didn’t know you joined the Maquis.”
“When the fighting started on my home world, I had to go,” he replied simply. “I couldn’t just sit back and do nothing.”
Y/N nodded. “That makes sense.”
Chakotay made a soft, thoughtful sound.
Y/N looked up and met his gaze. “What?”
He smiled. “Nothing. Just nice that you aren’t ridiculing me.”
Y/N shook her head and gave him a funny look. “You know I wouldn’t do that. Especially not for something like that. Starfleet may deem the Maquis to be terrorists, but… If someone came by Earth one day and said we had to give the planet to, say, the Xindi? Yeah, pretty sure a lot of people would also rebel against that.”
Chakotay’s smile widened. “I knew there was a reason I liked you.”
Y/N’s cheeks flushed and she ducked her head. “I know the fight must mean a lot to you—you never were one to resort to violence unless absolutely necessary—but… I’m glad you’re here away from it.” She cringed. “Not that I want you to be stranded in the Delta Quadrant for the next seventy years, but—”
Chakotay’s quiet chuckle cut her off. “I know what you’re trying to say.”
She nodded silently.
Chakotay gave her hand a squeeze. “We should probably talk about things. If we’re going to be working together for the rest several decades.”
Y/N’s stomach flipped. She nodded because of course she wanted to talk about it, but at the same time she just wanted to keep talking to him about anything but. It was just so nice to be with him like that: close but not too close with a comfortable, unspoken trust between them. “Yeah, I know. Look, I—I’m sorry. I know it was bad—that I didn’t push you away or stop you more. I know nothing really happened, but I shouldn’t have let things get so… emotionally complicated before that night.”
“It isn’t your fault,” Chakotay said. “You aren’t responsible for my actions.”
“Still… I should have respected your relationship more.”
“I appreciate you saying that,” he said softly. “So should I.”
Y/N bit her lip and looked at him for a few moments. “Are you two still together? I know… I know a lot of people on board are struggling with the realization that they won’t see their partners for a long time.”
Chakotay’s look softened. “No, we broke up.”
“Oh.” Y/N’s heart fluttered, but she instantly felt guilty because she shouldn’t feel happy that his relationship didn’t work out.
“That night,” he said slowly, carefully, “after I left, I… I did a lot of thinking. No matter what happened with you and I, I knew I had to end things with her.”
“Oh,” Y/N repeated, unsure of what else to say.
“So I did. I broke up with her and there wasn’t anything I wanted more than to go to you and tell you how I felt.” A look of guilt passed over his features. “But it didn’t feel right. Not right after I broke up with her. So I waited to let the dust settle and see if space between you and I would change anything.” He shook his head. “But you were all I thought about, Y/N. Everything reminded me of you, but then more time passed and it just never felt right to reach out to you again. The project we’d been working on had ended and we both had new assignments… But I never stopped thinking about you.”
Y/N shifted closer. “I never stopped thinking about you, either. I felt awful for what happened. I knew it was bad, and I knew that reaching out to you so soon after would be even worse. But… but I never stopped thinking about what we could have been.”
Chakotay lifted her hand and feathered his lips to her knuckles. “It isn’t too late to find out.”
Y/N’s breath hitched. “I guess not.”
“If you want to give it a try,” Chakotay said, staring at her. “I won’t beg or force you, and I will back off immediately if you tell me to. But we’ve been given a second chance, and I… I think we could be good together.”
Y/N pulled her hand out of his and hurt flashed across his features. But then she took his face in her hands and moved closer and just before she kissed him, she saw him smile.
Tag list: @agent-catfish-kenobi, @make-me-imagine, @plaguedoctorsnake, @gatefleet, @shadyfirecollector, @space-helen, @thisismysecrethappyplace - I apologize if the tag list is incorrect, it's been a while lol
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You think you can hurt me? I write star trek fanfiction knowing absolutely nothing about the medical and scientific fields
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go-tell-the-bees · 5 months
Ok so my latest bookbinding spree has been in full force, and completely Star Trek Voyager obsessed haha. I thought I’d share some of my latest binds ❤️ highly recommend all these works and authors… and ive got more binds in the works👀
Shout out to @mia-cooper @elephant-in-the-pride-parade @n_squared for their amazing fics 🎉❤️
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bumblingbabooshka · 7 months
Neelix could hack it in dungeon meshi...I believe this with my whole heart
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Fandom: Star Trek: Voyager
Character: Kathryn Janeway
Sample Size: 8,252 stories
Source: AO3
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flappielxx123 · 5 months
Chakotay/janeway one shots + fan art - Hoofdstuk 1 - Flappielxx - Star Trek: Voyager [Ons eigen archief]
Perhaps it was the fact that this was the only chance they ever got or the burning feeling inside both of them that had been lingering for too long now.
Whatever it was,one moment they stood there staring at one and other, desperately wanting to forget their time together, the next they found themselves in each others arms.
Made my first fanfiction, had a lot of fun making it, will probably add more chapters in the near future thought I'd share it here.
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NET.SPACE! This week, Emily and V surf their way to the earliest days of being able to connect with other human beings in cyberspace, and also, once again bow to the king of fandoms that takes place in actual space. First, Emily explains the pure haterade that was the Die, Seven, Die! Challenge after the series finale of Star Trek: Voyager. (Also, we looked up how to pronounce "Chakotay.") Then, to give some context for this unconstrained summer hatefest of fun, we look into what, exactly, Usenet was, and why Alice was the fucking best. Did you Usenet? Were you a September nuisance?
This Week In Fandom History is a fandom-centric podcast that tells you… what happened this week in fandom history!
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aquarterpastfour · 2 months
I’m trying to rewrite portions of season 7’s Repression, but forcing Chakotay to be sinister is like asking a golden retriever to not be a literal ray of sunshine.
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xchronicles · 8 days
I wrote another fanfic lmao
As usual, canon compliant, but this time the main protagonists are Chakotay, Dal and Gwyn :)
I want to thank Aaron Waltke for answering my technical question and, in doing so, helping me figure out how to continue my story. You're too kind, sir.
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marshmelonlover · 2 months
It's a slow day on Voyager. Kathryn is doing reports in her ready room, so Chakotay goes in to see her.
For the wonderful @flappielxx123 ❤️
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the-lady-hestia · 7 months
so in the past month-ish there have been two separate instances where a friend of mine has had reason to show me that the fandoms I enjoy (namely star trek and a niche book series I'm obsessed with) have thriving fanfiction communities (context: While I did already know this about Star Trek, I have never read fanfiction or dove into that corner of the internet b/c I find it a little intimidating lol)
Anyways I've been thinking about Star Trek Voyager a little too much, specifically the ending and how unsatisfying it is.
There's a little voice in the back of my head telling me to spend what little free time I have writing something from the perspective of various crewmembers like a month after the Voyager gets back to Earth. It would inevitably be bad and I know this but like what iffffff?????????
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For May 10th! A double J/C whammy from @muizeke83
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go-tell-the-bees · 4 months
Ok round 3 update in my Voyager fanfic bookbinding spree. Got around to binding Desperate Measures, an absolute classic by @mia-cooper, Unbroken by @elephant-in-the-pride-parade which she just recently posted and I read waaaayyy too quickly because it was so good, and lastly a quarto bind of Albatross by LittleLynn which I absolutely love and was requested by @terribly-late-for-tea. <3
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I couldn't finish the Prodigy fic in time. So here is my entry for @what-happens-to-the-heart.
@theredheadedcaptain kicked me out of my writers block by saying to: "Just write the angstiest opening scene you can think of."
So here it is. 😁😈
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phantomstatistician · 2 years
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Fandom: Star Trek 
Character: Seven of Nine
Sample Size: 2,737 stories
Source: AO3
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flappielxx123 · 3 months
So I was recently watching the episode year of hell and I got a little prompt idea: ''what if Chakotay and Janeway would have gotten some time together before collesion and forgeting everything.''
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