#chanakya niti life lessons
epicforwards · 1 year
Chanakya's Quotes: Life Lessons from Chanakya Niti to Avoid Regret in Old Age
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maabhakti · 2 years
Chanakya Niti lesson on life and success during young age in Hindi | Chanakya Niti: जवानी में इन आदतों से रहें दूर, नहीं तो पूरी जिंदगी होगा पछतावा!
Chanakya Niti lesson on life and success during young age in Hindi | Chanakya Niti: जवानी में इन आदतों से रहें दूर, नहीं तो पूरी जिंदगी होगा पछतावा!
चाणक्य ने अपनी पुस्तक में बताया कि युवावस्था जीवन का एक ऐसा चरण है, जिसके आधार पर हमारा कल तय होता है। इसमें गलती की कोई गुंजाइश नहीं है, क्योंकि यह हमें आगे की सजा के रूप में परेशान करती है। जानिए उन बातों के बारे में जिनसे जवानी में दूरी न बनाई जाए तो पछतावा ही हासिल होता है। चाणक्य नीति: जवानी में इन आदतों से रहें दूर, वरना जिंदगी भर पछताएंगे! छवि क्रेडिट स्रोत: फाइल फोटो आचार्य चाणक्य एक…
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Chanakya Niti: मुश्किल वक्त में लड़ने की ताकत देती हैं ये 3 चीजें, आप भी जान लीजिए
Chanakya Niti: मुश्किल वक्त में लड़ने की ताकत देती हैं ये 3 चीजें, आप भी जान लीजिए
Image Source : INDIA TV Chanakya Niti Chanakya Niti:  आचार्य चाणक्य की नीतियां आज भी समाज और परिवार में जीने के सलीके सिखाती हैं। आचार्य चाणक्‍य ने अपनी नीति म��ं पैसे, सेहत, बिजनेस, दांपत्‍य जीवन, समाज, जीवन में सफलता से जुड़े तमाम चीजों पर अपनी राय दी है जिसे चाणक्य नीति के नाम से जाना जाता है। अगर आप इन्हें  जीवन में उतार लिया जाए तो आप कभी धोखा नहीं खा सकते हैं। आचार्य चाणक्य के इन्हीं विचारों…
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parichaytimes · 3 years
किसी व्यक्ति में अचानक आ जाए इस तरह का बदलाव, हो जाएं सावधान...आप पर पड़ सकता है भारी
किसी व्यक्ति में अचानक आ जाए इस तरह का बदलाव, हो जाएं सावधान…आप पर पड़ सकता है भारी
Image Source : INDIA TV chanakya niti-चाणक्य नीति आचार्य चाणक्य की नीतियां और विचार भले ही आपको थोड़े कठोर लगे लेकिन ये कठोरता ही जीवन की सच्चाई है। हम लोग भागदौड़ भरी जिंदगी में इन विचारों को भरे ही नजरअंदाज कर दें लेकिन ये वचन जीवन की हर कसौटी पर आपकी मदद करेंगे। आचार्य चाणक्य के इन्हीं विचारों में से आज हम एक और विचार का विश्लेषण करेंगे। आज का ये विचार बदले हुए व्यवहार पर आधारित है। चेहरे पर…
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atscorpsblog · 3 years
मनुष्य के जीवन में दुखों का कारण हैं उसके कर्मों का फल
मनुष्य के जीवन में दुखों का कारण हैं उसके कर्मों का फल
नेचुरल तरीके से वजन कंट्रोल करने के लिए डाइट में शामिल करें सोंठ, ये 6 बीमारियां भी रहेंगी दूर जीका वायरस, डेंगू-चिकनगुनिया से कैसे करें बचाव? स्वामी रामदेव से जानें योग और आयुर्वेदिक उपचार ये लोग ज्यादा ना खाएं केला, जानें क्या हैं इसके साइड इफेक्ट्स भीगे हुए चने का पानी वजन कम करने में असरदार, जानें किस तरह से करें सेवन भिंडी को डाइट में जरूर करें शामिल, एक साथ कई बीमारियों से रखेगी…
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newsyatra · 4 years
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सामने वाले को हराने के लिए मनुष्य पार कर देता है सारी सीमाएं, फिर चाहे अपनाना ही क्यों ना पड़े ये रास्ता खुशहाल जिंदगी के लिए आचार्य चाणक्य ने कई नीतियां बताई हैं। अगर आप भी अपनी जिंदगी में सुख और शांति चाहते हैं तो चाणक्य के इन सुविचारों को अपने जीवन में जरूर उतारिए। Source link
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sandhyabakshi · 4 years
Chanakya Niti: ऐसे स्वभाव वाले व्यक्ति से हमेशा रहना चाहिए सावधान, जाल में फंसे तो निकलना मुश्किल
Chanakya Niti: ऐसे स्वभाव वाले व्यक्ति से हमेशा रहना चाहिए सावधान, जाल में फंसे तो निकलना मुश्किल
आचार्य चाणक्य ने नीति शास्त्र में जीवन से जुड़े हर पहलू का जिक्र किया है। भले ही आपको विचार या नीतियां कठोर लगे, लेकिन जीवन की हकीकत यही है। आचार्य चाणक्य ने एक श्लोक में बताया है कि किस तरह के स्वभाव वाले व्यक्ति से दूरी बनाकर रखनी चाहिए, वरना वह खुद के साथ दूसरों का भी अहित करता है।
ये है वो श्लोक- “वन की अग्नि चन्दन की लकड़ी को भी जला देती है, अर्थात दुष्ट व्यक्ति किसी का भी अहित कर…
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authenticnewshindi · 4 years
इस जीव की तरह व्यवहार करने वाले मनुष्य की नहीं करनी चाहिए इज्जत, पड़ गया पाला तो कांटों से भर जाएगी जिंदगी
इस जीव की तरह व्यवहार करने वाले मनुष्य की नहीं करनी चाहिए इज्जत, पड़ गया पाला तो कांटों से भर जाएगी जिंदगी
India TV पर देश-विदेश की ताजा Hindi News और स्‍पेशल स्‍टोरी पढ़ते हुए अपने आप को रखिए अप-टू-डेट। Live TV देखने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें। Religion News in Hindi के लिए क्लिक करें लाइफस्टाइल सेक्‍शन
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Chanakya Niti: अक्सर परेशानी से घिरे रहते हैं ऐसे घर, जानिए क्या कहती है चाणक्य नीति?
Chanakya Niti: अक्सर परेशानी से घिरे रहते हैं ऐसे घर, जानिए क्या कहती है चाणक्य नीति?
Image Source : INDIA TV Chanakya Niti Chanakya Niti:  आचार्य चाणक्य को अर्थशास्त्र, राजनीति और कूटनीति के ज्ञाता कौटिल्य के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। आचार्य चाणक्य ने अपनी नीति में कई ऐसी बातें बताई हैं जिन्हें यदि जीवन में उतार लिया जाए तो आप कभी धोखा नहीं खा सकते हैं और न ही आपको आगे बढ़ने से कोई नहीं रोक सकता है। चाणक्य ने अपनी नीति में मानव समाज के लगभग हर पहलू के बारे में बताया है। उन्होंने…
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karandm-blog1 · 6 years
5 Life Lessons From Chanakya Niti To Deal With Kalyug
Kalyug is also known as the 'Dark Age'. Nirbhaya and Asifa's cases are a proof that there can't be an age darker than this.
Where humankind stoops to a new low each day, you are your own obligation. You can never again depend on another person for your prosperity. Sadly, not even on your family and companions, on occasion.
During a time where you can't believe anybody or when there are once in a while people around who needs just the best for you; Chanakya's lessons act the hero. His brilliant words are what we need today to prudently deal with Kalyug and live as keenly as could reasonably be expected.
For more information you can check this page Samachar Live.
Chanakya Niti Life Lesson No. 1: Honesty isn't generally the best arrangement
 Have a go at telling your manager that he doesn't know his work. Have a go at telling your mom that you don't put stock in the organization of marriage however wouldn't fret a live-in relationship. Take a stab at telling your dad you spend the pocket cash he gives you on lager and sees what occurs straightaway.
 I trust the evidence speaks for itself!
 Chanakya Niti Life Lesson No. 2: Look for the positive qualities in awful. Try not to fall prey to counterfeit appearances.
 Nothing is the thing that it appears. In Kalyug, there may be poison around. You must concentrate nectar from it. On the off chance that you see the rottenness, wash it and check if gold has been shrouded in the earth. In the event that you enable the soil to deceive you into trusting that there is no gold for you, it's your misfortune. Another person will wash the foulness and remove the gold which initially had a place with you. What's more, never under any circumstance overlook that the blockheads show you the most critical life exercises. Focus!
 Chanakya Niti Life Lesson No. 3: Your mysteries ought to have a place just with you
 Kalyug is the age where none has the best goal for another. Regardless of whether the other individual is your accomplice, companion, kin, or a well-wisher, sooner or later in time, there will be envy. Individuals may not generally exasperate your life purposefully but rather when envy is conceived, they may utilize your insider facts against you. This can be anything - from a fantasy materializing, a relationship you would prefer not to uncover, or chasing another activity while officially working for an organization. It's smarter to stay discreet to yourself except if and until the plans are executed and dreams - satisfied.
 Chanakya Niti  Life Lesson No. 4: A snake changes his skin, not his teeth
 Regardless of whether you tame a tiger, you can't ensure that he won't eat you when hungry. The equivalent is pertinent to abhorrent individuals. Gone are the days when love and empathy used to change individuals for good. In Kalyug, even love is abused and mishandled. When you see poisonous individuals around, it's smarter to leave them.
 Chanakya Niti Life Lesson No. 5: Do not bring down your standard
 Contending with nitwits will just deplete you, sincerely and rationally. It is okay to give them a chance to believe that they are unrivalled. They will never raise their scholarly standard. What's more, it's not your business to clean their keenness.
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parichaytimes · 3 years
चेहरे पर मुखौटा लगाकर आते हैं इस तरह के स्वभाव वाले व्यक्ति, नहीं पहचान पाए तो हर तरह से हारना तय
चेहरे पर मुखौटा लगाकर आते हैं इस तरह के स्वभाव वाले व्यक्ति, नहीं पहचान पाए तो हर तरह से हारना तय
Image Source : INDIA TV chanakya niti – चाणक्य नीति आचार्य चाणक्य की नीतियां और विचार भले ही आपको थोड़े कठोर लगे लेकिन ये कठोरता ही जीवन की सच्चाई है। हम लोग भागदौड़ भरी जिंदगी में इन विचारों को भरे ही नजरअंदाज कर दें लेकिन ये वचन जीवन की हर कसौटी पर आपकी मदद करेंगे। आचार्य चाणक्य के इन्हीं विचारों में से आज हम एक और विचार का विश्लेषण करेंगे। आज का ये विचार उन लोगों पर आधारित है जो आपको हराने के…
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newsyatra · 4 years
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इन 3 कार्यों को करने में मनुष्य को कभी भी नहीं हटना चाहिए पीछे, वरना जीवन हो जाएगा बेकार खुशहाल जिंदगी के लिए आचार्य चाणक्य ने कई नीतियां बताई हैं। अगर आप भी अपनी जिंदगी में सुख और शांति चाहते हैं तो चाणक्य के इन सुविचारों को अपने जीवन में जरूर उतारिए। Source link
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4 Greatest Teachers Who Redefined The Idea Of Education In Ancient India
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Summary: On the occasion of Teacher’s Day, let us celebrate the most celebrated teachers of India who have redefined the meaning of education.
“Knowledge gives us power, love gives us fullness."- Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.
Every year on the 5th of September, India celebrates the teachers and the essence of their direct contribution to building the nation’s future. But do you know why we celebrate this day?
Though teacher’s day is celebrated across the globe on different dates, India celebrates it on the 5th of September every year as a tribute to the contribution of India’s former President- Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was knighted in 1931 and was made an honorary member of the British Royal Order of Merit in 1963.
Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was born on September 5. He was a great philosopher and scholar and was conferred with Bharat Ratna. Born in a poor family in Andhra Pradesh’s Tiruttani, he was a bright student and continued to pursue his studies through scholarships.
When he became the President of India, his students approached him and requested him to celebrate his birthday. To this, he replied, “instead of celebrating my birthday separately, it would be my proud privilege, if 5th September is observed as Teachers' day." From then onwards, India celebrates the 5th of September as Teacher’s day every year.
Along with Dr. Radhakrishnan, India has been blessed to have a lot of other legendary teachers who have given valuable lessons without being preachy. And their lessons can still be implemented in today’s world.
1.            Savitribai Phule
“Sit idle no more. Go get an education.”
Whenever education is mentioned, Savitribai Phule is the name that deserves to be known as one of the best teachers who has ever walked on Indian soil. Savitribai Phule is also known as India’s first female teacher. In 1848, when the country was under colonial rule and facing various caste issues, she along with her husband opened a school for girls who were tagged as “untouchable.”
It was not an easy decision as she faced extreme opposition and criticism from her community. But she did not give up on something she truly believed in and continued to teach girls in her school. Later, she even opened five more schools and her efforts were appreciated by the British Government. Throughout her life, she stood up for women’s rights and raised her voice against the atrocities inflicted upon women.
2.            Chanakya
The list of best teachers in India is incomplete without mentioning the name of Chanakya. Also known as Kautilya and Vishnugupta from the 4th century, he was an ancient Indian polymath who was active as a teacher, author, philosopher, strategist, jurist, economist, and royal advisor.
He was a royal advisor to the emperor Chandragupta Maurya of the Mauryan Dynasty. His two books Nitishastra which is popularly known as Chanakya Niti and Arthashashtra are still perceived as the best books of ancient times as they consist of thought-provoking ideas which are still applicable. Both books reflect his wisdom as it mentions a lot of experiential realities from his time.
3.            Swami Vivekanand
Swami Vivekanand needs no introduction. His unparalleled intellect has made him one of the great Indian reformers. Many people think he was just another spiritual leader. However, he was much more than that. He was a prolific thinker, a great orator, and a passionate patriot. Born on January 12, 1863, as Narendranath Dutta, into an affluent Bengali family in Calcutta, Vivekananda was one of the eight children of Vishwanath Dutta and Bhuvaneshwari Devi.
He carried on the baton of the free-thinking philosophy of his guru- Ramakrishna Paramhansa and worked tirelessly towards  betterment of the society. His message of universal brotherhood and self-awakening remains relevant even today. His birthday is celebrated as the National Youth Day in India.
4.            Gautam Buddha
 Born in 480 BC, Gautam Buddha was born as a prince to king Buddha. He was the founder of the greatest religion on earth. In a constant search for freedom, purpose, and peace, he renounced his kingdom and luxurious life. He followed a strict penance under a Bodhi tree and later founded Buddhism. He then went on to spread the teachings of Buddhism across the world and went on to educate humanity through his Eightfold Path.
Teachers are the pillar of strength and the guiding force in a student’s life. They are not only responsible for building their student’s future, but also contribute in a great way to building a nation and its society. Teachers pass on values to children and prepare them for further education. They influence students and students learn from them.
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Source: https://news.badabusiness.com/motivational/4-greatest-teachers-who-redefined-the-idea-of-education-in-ancient-india-11233.html
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infobuzzadda · 2 years
Chanakya Niti: These 3 things that make a person old quickly.
Chanakya Niti: These 3 things that make a person old quickly.
Chanakya Niti: Acharya Chanakya is the great knower. Many important things have been written in the Chanakya Policy written by him. The main theme of this book is to teach the human society practical lessons at every time of life. Chanakya, on the basis of his principles, installed King Chandragupta Maurya on the throne. Today we are going to tell you about some of the topics said in The Chanakya…
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pooma-education · 3 years
Education is the only tool to transform the country
• Mr. Neeraj Mohan Puri, Principal
“Education is the only tool to transform the country”
Every alternate government experiments with the education system. Its situation is similar to a rat over which drug is tested several times.
Every citizen of this country claims himself to be an educational leader, motivational guru and (uncertified) counselor. Presently, there is lot of hue and cry about skill development and vocational education.
Thank God, off late but authorities rose from slumber. Perhaps, it is a boomerang. I wonder why to make the system so perplexed that everyone associated with this industry is baffled. It is absolutely like an old wine in new bottle.
This reminds me of ancient pre-historic time education system of Gurukuls. If we run down our memory lane, the primitive education system of India was unparalleled. Go back to the period of Kings Dynasty, where every child willing to study including royal kids were sent to gurukuls to seek education.
Purpose of education was to transform the personality of a child with sole emphasis on harmonious development.
Education imparted was absolutely skill oriented. Focus was on training of mind, soul, senses and spirit. Real life preparation through training of warheads, spiritual knowledge, lessons on economics, physical endurance and astronomy in boundary less classrooms without any discrimination. The character and competency of teachers was unchallengeable.
Modern education system is contrast to our conventional teaching system. Educational institutions are mushrooming up with mammoth infrastructure providing world class facilities but the irony is there is dearth of eminent teachers. The only objective is to strive and survive.
There is a buzz about Blooms Taxonomy but creativity of a child is crushed by making them pen pushers. Our promotion system is rotten which incentivizes the crammers and recognizes the number crunchers. In this technology driven era of big data, robotics, analytics, AI, we are still busy with testing the memory driven retention. Instead of projects and internship we still conduct outmoded and biased practicals as internal assessment, which is merely eyewash.
Children are overburdened with the monotonous curriculum which no ways contribute to their thinking skills, logical reasoning, decision making and cognitive development.
Innovation, global competitiveness, entrepreneurship, leadership and preparation for future seem to be unrealistic distant dreams under the prevailing scheme of education. It is gargantuan task for the educators to kindle the flame of curiosity within 21st century kids.
Only remedy to prevent our ailing education system to succumb to annihilation is revolutionary progressive amendments without further dissections. Abandoning conventional practices and then re-introducing them with modern terms would not strengthen our education system.
For an instance, isn’t value education equivalent to spiritual education, isn’t algorithm equal to astronomy, today’s HPE is what it was physical activities in the past, learning in laps of nature is similar to open theatres, MBA & Economics is same as Chanakya Niti, nowadays diversified campus were Gurukuls in the past, visual-performing arts-music and vocational education are not new skills they were the professions of our great grandfathers during yesteryears.
Nevertheless, I leave you to ponder upon where is the innovation and novelty. Ultimately we are back 2 basics.
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Chanakya Niti: घर में दिख रहे हैं ये संकेत तो न करें नजरअंदाज, समझिए जल्द शुरू होने वाला है बुरा समय!
Chanakya Niti: घर में दिख रहे हैं ये संकेत तो न करें नजरअंदाज, समझिए जल्द शुरू होने वाला है बुरा समय!
Image Source : INDIA TV Chanakya Niti Chanakya Niti: आचार्य चाणक्‍य ने अपने नीतिशास्‍त्र में काफी कुछ लिखा है। उनके द्वारा बताई गई हर एक बातें हम सभी के जीवन में लक्ष्य पाने के लिए प्रेरित करती हैं। यही कारण है कि आज भी लोग उनके द्वारा कही गई बातें को जरूर अपनाते हैं। आचार्य चाणक्‍य कहते हैं कि बुरा समय आने से पहले ही उसका आभास होने लगता है। उन्होंने बताया है कि यदि हम घर या आसपास घटने वाली कुछ…
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