#chance the fgm
„why do you even care just let trans people exist“ i did not care or more so even supported and empathised with trans people until trans activists started to redefine what a woman is, even changing the legal definition, and reversing progress feminists fought for, such as female scholarships and quotas to ensure better and fairer chances for girls and women, having our bodies recognised in medicine and safety regards instead of treating men as the default, fighting misogyny very much related to being female (fgm, menstruation, pregnancy, abortion, which also affects women who dont have it, insults targeting the vagina like „stinky“ „stretched out“ „ugly“ for having a big vulva, shaving, women with big breasts being sexualised and women with small breasts being degraded, ETC ETC), and so on.
why do i care. they redefine woman. i am a woman. and i care about my sisters.
i oppose the narrative that we cant support trans people while still acknowledging that sex matters. i oppose the idea that one can change sex (i actually think this claim is more detrimental to trans people than actually helping anyone). who are womens rights for if woman cant be defined? if woman is a feeling one has or doesnt have and not a fixed characteristic? who are womens rights for if one can identify in and out of womanhood? why cant we work together without denying material reality? without making feminism about everyone?
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ms-revived-frogs · 4 months
So like classic pro-choicers, people are lying about me that I'm some religious fanatic that blindly follows my boyfriend, and that I've lied for years about being a feminist and being bisexual. I'm not even sure why I'm clearing this up, but I don't like having my private life pried-into like this especially when it's false.
1) I have been reading into the pro-life stance for longer than the few months that have recently passed. Only recently, in the last month or so, have I really come to be confident in my pro-life ideas. No, I did not switch up and immediately become pro-life after I left Radblr in September. I was interested in it far longer than that, only when I was off Tumblr did I have the chance to really read through it.
2) I have had a boyfriend for longer than the few months that have recently passed. I did not get a boyfriend immediately after leaving Radblr in the September. And neither did he "convince me" into being religious (which I was before I left Radblr and before I met him) or pro-life (he was mostly neutral on abortion, I brought the topic up to him as I learned more about it)..
3) I still consider myself a feminist because I believe in women's liberation. I am still fervently anti-rape culture, anti-prostitution, anti-pornography, anti-surrogacy, anti-FGM and what not, all for feminist reasons. I have experienced misogyny in my personal life, and I've seen it in the lives of women around me. I do not, however, consider myself a radical feminist anymore, although this change was not immediate after leaving Radblr in September.
4) I never lied about my sexuality. I am still bisexual, I am simply dating a man. I gradually stopped the "febfem" label ages ago and I can't remember the last time I called myself that. However, I know for certain that the last time I called myself a "febfem" was far before I left Radblr in September.
This narrative that I left Radblr in September and became a radically different person is wrong. I was always religious, my being pro-life is not all that sudden, my having a boyfriend is also not all that sudden. I would appreciate if people did not make lies about me especially since they do not know me. I hope this clears things up.
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Debunking an absolutely full-of-shit post by @/gender-sexuality-and-happiness. This is the post if you want to go report it.
This post is especially insidious because it hides overt antisemitism and ableism and misogyny.
So, I will lay out their claims one by one, and then one by one debunk them.
Boundaries: I will not tolerate antisemitism or islamophobia on this post. If you comment or reblog anything antisemitic or islamophobic on this post, I will block and report you immediately.
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No, no it's not. You are doing a disservice to the horrors of FGM by comparing circumcision to it. Male circumcision has had thousands of years to be perfected as a legitimate medical procedure. It is done in a safe, sterile environment with sterile tools and trained professionals. It's better to do circumcision on a baby because it gives the area more of a chance to recover better. FGM is a horrific procedure involving the partial or entire removal of the labia and clitoris. Male circumcision is the removal of the foreskin, an unnecessary flap of skin surrounding the shaft of the penis. FGM is a procedure that leaves its victims unable to have pleasurable and painless sex, and sometimes even unable to reproduce, and more prone to infection. Male circumcision leaves no lasting side effects other than you know, not have a foreskin, which doesn't interfere at all with sexual or bodily function.
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Well this is just a chock-full of blatent lies.
Let's start debunking every single sentence in this paragraph.
Jews do do circumcision in America, even non-religious Jews. I don't know where this person is getting their statistics from, but Israel, the country with the highest Jewish population outside of the US, has 91.7% of the male population circumcized. And no, before you go all antisemitic, it is not a requirement to be circumcized in Israel. Jews do not circumcize their male babies because of sanitary reasons, it's because we were commanded by G-d to do so, and because we are honouring our ancestors who did so before us. Yes, like all medical procedures, there is a very very low risk to circumcision. But it's not riskier than any other procedure. In fact, studies show that there might be benefits to circumcision, but this is besides the point. According to the NIH, "However, it has been shown that there is no difference between circumcised and uncircumcised men in their ability to sense extroceptive and tactile stimuli on the ventral and dorsal surfaces of the glans." So there's no difference between penile sensation in circumcised and uncircumcised males. All of this fear-mongering about circumcision is the result of antisemitic and islamophobic propaganda.
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While it is true that Europe has lower rates of circumcision, this is because they have less Jewish and Muslims per population. Penile cancer is extremely rare, and actually Jewish men in Israel have the lowest rate of penile cancer. Hey, remember the statistics showing how most men in Israel are circumcised? So clearly there is no concise connection between penile cancer and circumcision. Circumcision also has no connection to UTIs, and may also decrease the risk of certain STIs.
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I can't find any actual research to support this inflamattory claim, but I can provide evidence that one of the first actual recorded documentation of hemophilia is in the Jewish Talmud, in which Rabbis discussed the disorder and ruled that circumcision is expressely forbidden for hemophiliacs, or even for a baby who has hemophiliac family members, becaue they understood the genetic factor of this disorder.
All in all, this post is antisemitism and islamophobia and misogyny trying to hide behind just a whole thread of helpful infographics. It's deeply insidious that they try to hide this propagnda inside this post. The post's OP is smart about what they're doing. They're hiding pure lies and bigotry behind a mask of progressive language. I would report this user immediately.
Anti-circumcision activists like to spread the misinformation that circumcision is dangerous and barbaric, when mounds of scientific research and evidence show otherwise. Additionally, the rhetoric spouted by anti-circumcision activists is deeply ableist- they often imply that circumcized people are "incomplete" and "missing something" by not having their foreskin. This rhetoric is very similar to ableist arguements about how disabled people are "missing something", especially amputees, and also is the rhetoric behind the forced genital "reconstruction" of intersex infants.
Every body is different, and every penis is different. Some people are born without a foreskin at all, are they missing something? No penis is better or worse than another, and implying that being circumcised makes a man less of a man stems from age-old antisemitic and islamophobic rhetoric.
[id in alt text]
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thatsonemorbidcorvid · 10 months
All this stuff makes me feel powerless. Like, i can care for and help the people in my space and do my best to make sure everyone is respecting each other.
But the world is so big. It's scary.
I hear you anon. I’m going to copy across my advice from this post, which I’ve found has helped me. Sending love your way.
Find a creative hobby that allows you to relax, and express your frustration. Make art about it. No one else has to see it, including you once it’s done, but get it out of your head and into the world.
Pick a short term goal that is achievable, and work towards it. That might look like getting period products provided free in your place of work or education, organising consciousness-raising meetings for other women, or raising money for a meaningful cause. Make it something that’s realistic, and that you can see change as your work pays off. Get local, if you can.
Pick a long term goal that you can work towards by incorporating it into your life. That might involve your employment, volunteering for an organisation that you believe can make a difference, or constructing your life in such a way that you can work on the project independently. This goal should be one that you feel a personal connection and drive for, something you feel is hugely important, but also something you think you, specifically, can do something about.
Allow causes that are not central to your goals to pass over and through you. These should be causes that you don’t have a personal connection with, and that you can’t contribute to. For example, anti-FGM is not a cause I can help with - it’s not a place where I belong. What I can do, is make space for women who can work on it, and support their efforts when and where I can. Overwhelming yourself with the enormity of the task only leads to paralysis - letting the weight be shared, while taking up your portion, allows you to move forward.
Find like-minded women, who can support you, and who you can support. You can also work together on your mutual short and long term goals, and network to find other women who are knowledgeable and experienced in the areas you want to focus on. Plus, you can have running jokes and share silly memes.
Rest and recharge when you need to. Trying to grind through burn out doesn’t help anyone, you included. Taking time out allows you to come back stronger, more determined, and more effective. This goes especially when something hits close to home - give yourself space and time to mourn when you need to, but don’t allow the enormity of it to overwhelm your defences more than it absolutely has to.
Act on your principles when you can. Choice between amazon and a female-owned local business? Act on your principles. Chance to raise awareness of an important cause with people in your life? Act on your principles. Opportunity to defend another woman’s character? Act on your principles.
Have hope. It hurts like hell and makes all the difference.
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fierceawakening · 1 year
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I was wondering if a radfem might brave that post to tell us what we got right. Hi there @capybarad , I appreciate your stopping by and being civil. I disagree with you on a lot of things most likely, but I appreciate your civility.
So I’m going to reply, but just so you know, I’m non-binary and many of my friends are trans. I don’t know if you’re trans exclusionary or not, but if you put trans people down, I’m no longer going to engage, as I care more about them feeling safe here as they’re my friends than I do about this discussion.
I cant speak for others but the reason why I personally don’t post about things like fgm but do post about things like US conservative traditionalists who are misogynistic and gross and such is just that… I’m not sure what circulating posts about fgm actually does. Where if I’m commenting on something going on in my own culture, I might very well have a chance to sway someone who’s tempted by that rhetoric. I pick my battles now because trying to pick them all in years past just made me exhausted and too drained to fight well for anything.
I appreciate you mentioning that pornography and the harms you see in it are the biggest issue for you, and I can see why you’d want more mainstream feminisms to ally with you there since it’s important to you. The problem is… again, I can’t speak for other people as well as for myself, but what I read of radical feminist theory on pornography as research for the I’ll fated dissertation just… was unconvincing to me.
First there’s my personal experience. Male partners who liked porn were non abusive; the lesbian I met and got together with in feminist circles was. One person’s experience proves very little; there’s surely someone else out there (maybe even you yourself) who’s had the opposite experience.
What would adjudicate this would be clear data. What percentage of people who watch porn go on to pressure or abuse their partners? Is the correlation solely with porn watching, or is it porn watching AND something else (so maybe someone who is low on authoritarian values and watches porn has no problem relating to a partner, but someone who is highly authoritarian sees it as a justification of sexual cruelty and does)? While radfems would claim to have data, it always seemed that it was old, or funded by odd organizations, or not shown to have been repeated consistently. Consequently I doubt that most people who watch porn coerce their partners.
Similarly, it’s clear that exploitation exists in the industry, but the claim seems to be that all participants are exploited more so than any other job under capitalism and that we don’t need actual data to show this. ThT theory alone can tell us that sex work is uniquely and inherently degrading, even if people who do it say this is not so. I’m unconvinced that theory alone can tell me what other people are experiencing, so again, I want data. How much of the industry is exploitative? What are we defining as exploitative, also? What trends are there in’s h in workplaces are better than others?
Relying mainly on theory here just seems as wrongheaded as “I have a theory that most feminists are traumatized, so you can’t possibly care about Women’s issues for rational reasons.” It just doesn’t make sense. Where if there is a fact of the matter, careful research will bring it to light.
Then there’s the theory itself. It may have changed some since I was studying this, I’ve kind of avoided radfems since. But I do have Pornography Embodied on my bookshelf (if it didn’t get spring cleaninged into the trash), and the theory in that was that orgasm is uniquely good at training humans into behavior patterns in ways that other pleasurable experiences aren’t.
Again though, it seemed to me like this was presented as theory, not as something with evidence to back it. And without that evidence I’m not convinced.
(Again, anecdotes are not data, but I can’t think of any time in my life that I laser focused on one particular fantasy over all others, and I have purchased and looked at porn made by lesbian creators. There are some fantasies that I really enjoy and go back to many times, but I don’t experience that as needing x over and over, much less as needing increasingly intense versions of it. That doesn’t mean it’s not a thing people do, but again… which people? What percentage of humans? How do we know when this is happening?)
So if you’re aiming to sway me personally, the best projects would probably be ones where you discover that a particular performer or studio is violating the ethics standards of the industry itself. In cases like that I’d be glad to call for someone’s firing or maybe even for a particular studio to close down.
But opposition of the whole industry based on theoretical principles? No, I’m highly unlikely to be convinced that way.
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burningtheroots · 1 year
(TW!!!) On Female Genital Mutilation and why it‘s incomparable
We need to raise more awareness to this topic. Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a serious and massive crime against young girls and women, and their humanity.
There are a lot of men comparing male genital mutilation to female genital mutilation, asking questions and making discussions about why it’s not treated equally by society and especially feminists, but it honestly CANNOT be compared.
To make this clear, most people are against the circumcision of young boys. And as far as I know, every single feminist, whether liberal or radical, doesn’t condone it. It‘s inhumane, should be forbidden and has to be punished.
Nevertheless, circumcision and FGM are not on the same page — not even in the same book!
The "simplest" form of FGM is the removal of the clitoris, to which the male equivalent would be the removal of the glans.
But now let‘s dig deeper: FGM can go even further in many (most) cases. It includes the removal of the inner and outer labia. It includes sewing the open wounds together until the entire vulva is practically gone, and only a tiny hole for peeing, menstruating, intercourse and childbirth remains.
As a result, young girls and women are in constant pain for the rest of their lives and struggle with severe health issues. They have to pass blood through their mutilated body parts monthly, have to urinate painfully and can‘t sit or walk without repercussions.
Furthermore, when they‘re married to a man, the penetration tears the hole apart and "widens" it. So not only any form of sexual pleasure is taken from them, but intercourse (and let‘s be honest, these girls and women are RAPED) is incredibly painful. Every. Single. Time.
Then, they get impregnated and have to birth a child through their horrifyingly mutilated body parts. Pregnancy and childbirth are already terrifying for women who didn’t suffer FGM, so imagine how it must be for these girls and women.
And I need to add that the procedure itself is already life-threatening. It‘s oftenly done without anesthesia, and in an unhygienic environment with amateur tools. Many girls DIE because they get infected etc. and none of this is an exaggeration.
So, instead of drowning in comparison and whataboutism, we should be able to focus on prevention, intervention and HELP for these girls and women without someone throwing in boys‘ circumcision (which, again, is also cruel and shouldn’t happen).
There are resources and methods to un-do some of the FGM done to these women, and they should be explored and advanced as much as possible and we should fight for these girls and women as much as possible. It‘s treated like a non-issue although chances are disgustingly high that right now, in the very moment you read this, several girls are tortured and traumatized.
The psychological harm is immense. The physical harm is immense. And the awareness and solidarity is so small, don‘t you see?
These girls and women are worth fighting for. Their health and safety have to be a priority. It‘s a long way but it doesn’t get shorter when we choose to wait and refuse to take action.
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golden-moonchild · 1 year
neverafter episode 3
okay so. this is full trailer speculation and also just blind hope BUT from what we’ve seen of the trailer, only ylfa’s(?) (could be not-ylfa, someone on discord mentioned emily’s voice didn’t have the snotty affectation but i am ELECTING TO IGNORE THAT) line of ‘it’s only gotten harder to make friends now’ hasn’t been said yet. since emily was the only player to hit the charisma save AND was the only character to figure out the ‘once upon a time’ trick, ylfa might get some storybook do-over? or just be the last one standing/only one allowed a redo next episode?
also i don’t think brennan was planning on a tpk, but i also think he was prepared for it? if that makes sense? nobody’s dice liked them today (some of the wildest death saves i’ve ever seen), even with a +6(?!) to hit brennan very rarely hit with any of his constructs, and that one away from instadeath on gerard nearly stopped my poor little heart. also i think the dice really just wanted us to know it was episode three. all. those. fucking. threes. and like lou said, they all regressed back to FHFY brain as they dove in carcasses and jumped up and down hills LMAO if they had all rushed FGM while the hex was still up they had a slim chance! idk maybe this is my brain on copium that is very possible
anyway the editing was impeccable this episode (brennan into FGM both times was inspired), pinocchio’s waddling gave me so much serotonin for the brief amount of time we had it, i’m feeling some trope subversions and inversions i’m liking, and i’m incredibly hyped for next episode, where i’ll actually be able to throw my full concentration on it instead of studying in the side!
(also i WILL be drawing gerarmoire to cope. and maybe hot gerard as well idk we’ll see)
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I hate seeing moids online blame women for the FGM that goes on in African countries. “You’re blaming men but the women are the ones performing the operation!” FOR WHO? FOR WHO?
These women grew up being told that if they don’t mutilate their genitals they’ll be poor, and starve to death in the streets because a man won’t want to marry them.
In Africa, studies and observations have established the fact that the justifications linked to the practice of FGM are quite numerous and in some jurisdictions, compelling. Noteworthy is that the practice varies among several communities, although they are hinged on some common themes such as family honor sake, health, marriageability, and women's status in the communities, among others [25,26,27]. On many occasions, these justifications are presented in a positive manner while less credence is lent to its consequences in order to emphasize its advantages in line with the social-cultural perspective [25]. In fact, in numerous practicing communities and tribes in Africa and the Middle East, FGM is considered a requisite for marriage, and any uncircumcised girl has no chance of being married.
The mothers carrying this out isn’t any less abhorrent to me, and I wish they would beat these men, kill them, for demanding this be a marriage requirement. For marriage being a requirement to live itself. That doesn’t make this any less a patriarchal concept that was started by, and made to please men.
And then you have the loser scrotes who compare circumcision to genital mutilation, when the reality is it’s a much less damaging procedure. Girls who have had FGM performed on them deal with the pain of it every day from tissue damage. They experience many UTIs, genital ulcers, reproductive tract infections, increased risk for HIV, and more. But yeah Sheldon, tell us about how circumcision is “just as bad” because you didn’t get a say in the matter. I’m not saying they shouldn’t get a say but you expect me to give a fuck that your fully functioning dick doesn’t have skin on the outside, and treat that as equal to little girls, are being subjected to an excruciating process that can kill them and will lead to life long health problems? So that they can be married off in CHILD MARRIAGES and forced to give birth to babies when they are babies themselves? Actually go fuck yourself.
Go support women like Dora Nyambe, and Theresa Kachindamoto who help girls escape from child marriages, and build schools for them.
Dora Nyambe’s: Go Fund Me, YouTube, Instagram
Unfortunately I can’t find anything to help fund Theresa’s mission, but if you have anything please, PLEASE share. Aside from that, here’s a link as well to Girls not Brides.
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menalez · 1 year
This in regards to the, western radfems who don't want to stop dating men thing. Hi, I'm an European radfem so pretty privileged. And I'm also pretty sure I'm solely SSA, and even if not then I'm at least very far right on the Kinsey scale.
I remember that when I thought I was bi and I had just broken up with my then-boyfriend, I decided to stop dating altogether. Over the years I had horrible experiences with men. From rape, to just... well, you know what I mean. That last boyfriend traumatised me so much that I swore off dating *everyone.* Despite me thinking I was bi at the time. Eventually I came out as a lesbian after some soul-searching, but...
I'm sorry, but seeing this discourse and seeing OSA radfems throwing these temper tantrums gives me a goddamn headache. How can you not realise how privileged you are? Non-westwern radfems do not have the privilege to give these men the benefit of the doubt, they are going through literal hell. And the moment they dare to talk about it, there is such backlash. And what I can only describe as a temper tantrum. You can't claim you want to get rid of the patriarchy, but then turn around and do this. Being anti-porn, anti-kink, anti-beauty industry and gender critical doesn't make you a radfem if you also aren't prepared to make hard choices and put the lives of women above your desire to have a boyfriend.
I firmly believe that they are still stuck in this patriarchal idea of what a family is, and that women can't find fulfilment without a man. Even if I woke up tomorrow, or even a few years from now realised I was bi, I still wouldn't date a man because the chance that he's going to be decent is basically none. I would also swear off dating women if it meant little girls in another part of the world would never have to go through another forced marriage, rape, or FGM.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to speak over you or other non-western radfems. This is just making me emotional and so angry.
i will disagree partially that they like Need to practice separatism otherwise they're neglecting the lives of other women, however i do think that at the very least they should consider not sitting there actively discouraging other OSA women from separatism, attacking separatists, and even being racist to eastern women for practicing separatism. the bar is very low i know but like please... at the v least do that!! ive even seen some of them insult febfems and call them self-hating for not wanting to date men & for exclusively dating women (esp if theyre lke that for separatist reasons). its baffling to me.
i can understand the difficulty to personally practice separatism. i can understand it being a big ask for especially heterosexual women. but sitting there shaming other heterosexual and OSA women for being separatists and discouraging other women from pursuing separatism etc is like. antithetical to radical feminism to me
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hyzenthlayroseart · 2 years
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Eileen's deep love of cinema goes back all the way to its infancy in the 1890s and has continued throughout her life.
In the 1930s Eileen auditioned to be in a Busby Berkley film, but despite being a talented dancer and singer she failed the audition when she was unable to perform due to massive stage fright. The thought of ever trying to audition again terrified her too much so Eileen just accepted that being an actress wouldn't be for her. 
Centuries later in the 2020s, Eileen decided to give the film industry another chance, but this time as a filmmaker. Of course by now she already has a successful career as an author, but one day while sitting down to start a new book, the idea of instead doing a documentary film came to her mind. 
In 2026, Eileen releases her first documentary film Gynocide, a dark documentary detailing female oppression throughout the globe including femicide, female infanticide, FGM, trafficking and other horrible things with Eileen traveling the globe to interview actual victims and survivors. 
Eileen was nervous about her first documentary being about such a serious and disturbing subject, but in 2027 she ended up winning an Oscar for Best Documentary Feature. 
Throughout the 2030s, Eileen makes several more documentaries about social issues, as well as nature documentaries (mainly because she wants to make things her daughters can actually watch lol).
Eileen still has a career as an author alongside her new career as a director, but her most important job is still being a wife and mommy.
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josnashak69 · 3 months
Save girls and abolish circumcision
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According to incomplete statistics, at least 4 million girls among the Maasai tribe in Kenya and neighboring Tanzania have undergone circumcision between the ages of 12 and 15. Just like killing a lion is HE Tuber considered a rite of passage for a Maasai boy, being circumcised is considered a rite of passage for a girl to become a woman in Maasai culture.
In 2011, Kenya joined other African countries in calling for the outlawing of female genital mutilation (FGM), which the World Health Organization also defines as a serious violation of women's physical and mental health. Victims suffer postoperative infections for the rest of their lives and are adversely affected in secondary education, underage marriage and family planning.
With so many negative health consequences, how did this practice become a tradition?
 Legend has it that long ago, Maasai husbands often left home for a year to hunt or protect the tribe, only to find their wives pregnant with another man's child when they returned home. FGM is designed to solve this problem and prevent the wife from enjoying a normal life, thus reducing the chances of infidelity. Over time, it became a tradition and started becoming a rite of passage for girls to become women and get married.
Unfortunately, efforts by governments and non-governmental organizations to change the Maasai's FGM traditions have largely failed, through only education and legal action. Education may occasionally convince a mother to save her daughter from being cut, but the family then risks being ostracized by her own ethnic group.
To achieve lasting and rapid transformation, tribal customs must change. Alexander Cappelen's team proposed an incentive scheme to abolish circumcision based on an economic perspective.
Traditionally, if a girl undergoes FGM, her "value" in the marriage market is higher; her parents can get more bride gifts (more cows) by getting her married early, and the girl can find a husband with a higher status. Faced with these financial incentives and intense social pressure to follow tradition, most Maasai parents are willing to risk their daughters' health, even if their mothers have experienced the same tragic traditions.
In the plan to abolish circumcision, as long as the mother does not let the girl undergo FGM, the high high school tuition fee will be waived. After a girl successfully graduates, she gets a high-paying job, which not only brings economic returns to the family, but also increases the value of marriage and childbirth as her social status increases.
After the program was implemented, many high school graduates who had not been circumcised before were very successful in the village's marriage market, dispelling their parents' concerns. Additionally, in Kenyan boarding schools, FGM among women is publicly condemned and teachers educate about its associated health consequences and risks.
A girl who has attended high school and understands her rights and the risks of FGM is more likely to successfully resist her parents' attempts to perform FGM on her around the age of eighteen. The goal of the Abolition of Circumcision Incentive Scheme is to allow them to grow up to that age safely.
Through the above-mentioned African legendary stories, we can easily find that the role of motivation is far beyond imagination. Since it is powerful enough to change regional traditional customs, it is even easier to assist business management, help individuals identify problems, change behaviors, and design incentive policies for users.
2. Management common sense: avoid mixed signals to ensure successful incentives
In enterprise management, the effective use of incentive mechanisms is a necessary means to improve employee work efficiency and enhance employee initiative. Most companies will develop corresponding incentive mechanisms based on their own business and goals.
Incentives can lead people to do things they would not otherwise do by sending signals. But different incentive signals will lead to different behaviors. When multiple different incentive signals appear at the same time, "mixed signals" appear, which is what leads to the failure of incentive policies.
1. Example analysis: Why does mixed signal fail?
Types of mixed signals include: emphasizing the importance of quality but paying for quantity; encouraging innovation and risk-taking but punishing failure; encouraging long-term goals but incentivizing short-term results; encouraging teamwork but incentivizing individual success.
(1) More is less: Encourage quantity at the expense of quality
Increase quantity at the expense of quality, and the consequences may be irreversible.
Take fossil recovery, for example: In the 19th century, paleontologists in China recruited local farmers to help find fossils at dig sites. They incentivize farmers by paying a reward for each fossil fragment submitted.
Savvy farmers broke the bones they found, which significantly increased their income but of course reduced the scientific value of the artifacts.
Simple incentives are easy to implement, but the dimensions of incentives created by paleontologists are too one-dimensional. If you add another dimension to the incentive mechanism, such as the size of the fossil, the incentive can be truly effective.
Why add dimensions instead of replacing dimensions? Let’s take a common phenomenon as an example. When we take a bus in the city, we find that no matter whether there is a traffic jam or not, the bus driver will not choose shortcuts to improve driving efficiency. The reason is simple: bus drivers are paid based on hours worked, not based on the number of passengers or route efficiency. Taxis charge based on mileage, and sometimes the driver may take detours in order to earn more mileage. The above experience is not good for passengers.
Later, Uber emerged and added another incentive dimension, allowing passengers to rate drivers. When you book a ride, the driver's cumulative ratings for many passengers are displayed on the screen. If the rating is lower, you may choose to book a different driver. Uber's algorithm monitors these ratings, and drivers who don't meet certain thresholds are no longer available.
This rating system is a simple solution that incentivizes drivers to provide good service by retaining the mileage fee incentive model while putting user experience and customer service back into focus. Later, all taxi-hailing apps followed this strategy, and the passenger experience was greatly improved.
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cherppray · 7 months
Anyway one in four black girls will be victims of sexual assault and are the demographic least likely to seek and receive follow-up care. For every black woman who is a reported victim of rape, 15 do not report. For the women who are assaulted in childhood, 13 percent are likely to be re-victimised in adulthood. I understand you guys have to get off and that’s the most important thing, but the hyper-sexualisation of black bodies and objectification comes with a human cost, one buried beneath the careful campaign of dehumanisation that begun with the enslavement of black people. Now you’ll be rolling your eyes and telling me how overdramatic i’m being, and that it’s actually fine to depict black characters as exotic outsiders, exuberantly sexual animalistic beings who exist outside the wholesome realm of whiteness. Sounds familiar!
When education will reduce the large size of the Negro's penis …as well as bring about the sensitiveness of the terminal fibers which exist in the Caucasian, then will it also be able to prevent the African's birthright to sexual madness and excess.
- William Lee Howard, "The Negro as a Distinct Ethnic Factor in Civilization" (1903)
There’s a reason why you find these tropes so hot and sexy, and it’s white supremacy. And when you’re done jerking off to the fantasy of a big scary black man brutalising a white woman, you can simply pack up the fantasy and put it away. You will never be told cautionary tales of black boys being murdered for talking to white women. You will never be kept awake at night by images of lynchings on souvenir postcards. Your congress with the black body begins and ends at typing ‘BBC’ into the pornhub search bar, and at the end of the day ‘frightened little white cuck’ as a costume that you can discard just as easily as exiting that tab. For the little black girls and boys who are exposed to sexual violence this shit is not a game, or a kink, or a ‘ship and let ship’ badge. This shit is real, with real affects outcomes that affect real fucking demographics of people. ‘We all know raceplay is fine, but you guys have problems with ageplay?’ For fucking shame. For shame.
Here is where you can donate to a charity that supports black survivors of sexual assault and FGM in the UK.
Here is a website that supports black victims of workplace sexual harassment.
Here is where you can donate to Ujima, resource centre that supports black victims of sexual assault and domestic violence.
Hopefully you guys get a chance to engage with the African diaspora beyond a porn category. Maybe if you spent as much time donating to us as you do jerking off to us, we’ll resolve some of the issues begun with unfettered access to our bodies granted by slavery and white supremacy.
Now get the fuck off my lawn.
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sadcatstuff · 1 year
about 42
"posted this 3 months ago"
I never had a positive relationship with sx until I met this guy. Sx was just sx but I loved cuddling after.
When I was 19 I met an older guy on an app because I was looking for an orgy, I just wanted to cuddle really and missed the intimacy of being close to someone. 5 cuddly guys are better than 1 right? Instead of the orgy, I met a 25 year old.
He picked me up in a truck. When we first met he scared me by talking about archeology and burying bodies. I was afraid he was going to hurt me and wanted to leave. I asked to get in the back so I could open the door and run but I saw him grab his gun. I didn't know what to do so okay I just got in the back. He did whatever to me.
Things started off slow but he was always into me, I didn't really understand why but the attention made me want him more. We never used protection and he never pulled out either, I don't know how I never got pregnant. It was so rewarding. He invited me to his house. Everytime I didn't want to have sx but he would push liquor into my hand and pressure me to drink it. Liquor burns my throat so I always used that excuse to not give him a blowjob. Sometimes I would stay overnight and he would wake me up by rolling over and putting it inside me and cg again before going off to work. He would do this frequently without asking. When he slept, sometimes he would grab my wrist or put his hand on my stomach so I couldn't move. I thought he loved me, he didn't want me to leave. After about a year of this I told him I loved him but he didn't say it back. That's ok. I meant it, if he wanted me to stay there forever and be his house toy I would have done it. The way he smells, his moans, everything about him was warm and his arms were so strong. We never did anything outside of his house honestly. He would send an Uber or pick me up and we'd stay there all night.
We went to Starbucks and something weirded me out. Then another time we ordered food and something weirded me out too but I couldn't figure it out. I asked to see his ID and he wouldn't give it to me. We kinda play-scuffled for a bit and I saw something on his ID that didn't make sense but when I asked him about it he didn't really answer. I didn't see his full birthday but I knew something was wrong. I started to hate him but the sx was great so I kept inviting him over and coming over whenever he asked.
We slept, cuddled, and fucked for 3 years. Turns out he lied about his age and was really 42. 42. I felt violated. I hated this. I wasted so much time. He lied about his age, his degree and the school he went to, created a fake linkedin profile, and even lied about the age of his dog. He made jokes alluding to dying his hair but really what bothered me is the fact he pitched his voice. Are my feelings a lie too? All this for 3 years.
I got mad and yelled at him for like a year. I verbally abused him and he let me get all my frustrations out. Then I pushed it too far and he called me a bitch because I questioned him? I don't know why but it broke my heart and I cried. I was furious and felt disgusted with myself, but I want him back so much. I don't want him to hate me. I would boil water and use a towel to scrub his memories off of me. I asked my gyno for referrals for FGM.
For 3 years everything I had known was a lie. I loved a lie. He apologized for lying and said he wasn't trying to hurt me, he just wanted me to fulfill my urges with someone safe. He said he felt angst because I let him use me. I think we made up. He still calls me. He called me pretty and texts me at night sometimes. I'm going through some stuff and haven't reciprocated his flirting... but I don't know if there's still a chance he'll use me again. Last time he told me he would start fucking someone else. I was jealous but didn't question him this time. I don't reach out to him, he texts me when he wants to. If he does again I'll be a good girl and flirt back. I still feel violated but he was really sweet to me when I listened. I want to kiss him deeply and apologize for everything I did to push him away.
Life hasn't been fulfilling since, my heart feels empty.
I tried to move on. I don't have patience for men my age anymore. I tried dating but my boyfriend's dick was much smaller than his. I can't get him out of my head honestly. No one else turns me on, just memories of him over me. Caressing me, complimenting me. He was patient, yet demanding. And careful not to crush me when he was on top even though he often lost control and I couldn't breathe everytime he came. I miss him so much. I trusted him, I felt comfortable and safe even though I didn't at the same time. I wanted to give him children too but he didn't want any. Of course that's all gone now. Probably traumatized but its been a year since I saw his face. I tried to find something similar but literally can't find any man as depraved and perverted.
As I've gotten older I realize women are meant to be submissive. I hate the corporate race. If he takes me back I would fully submit every corner of my body to him and let him have as many children as he wants. I'll give him a blowjob too, he always told me to give him one but I only did it once. I should have listened.
I love him so much
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hellodenisestuff · 2 years
Week 5, Oct 17-22
Goodbyes and hellos.
It is always sad to say goodbye to fellow volunteers but a few hours later new ones arrive.  This week brought Scarlett and Remy a couple from the Netherands and Megan an activist from British Columbia and Jing a lovely young woman from Taiwan.  We are a potpourri of different races from different countries.  Lovely.
We were treated to some wonderful sights of animals this week which I shall post.
Joanne spearheaded a delightful afternoon where the volunteers from 2 million trees in Kenya who brought 50 trees to be planted at a school.  This was a primary school outside the conservancy that served 125 children from 5 to 11 from a 5 km radius.  I hardly saw any houses in that area so a lot of kids per house which were made of adobe. the school was made of corrugated metal., three class rooms around 20 by 30 feet. All 125 children were seated in one of the rooms awaiting our arrival of  the 11 volunteers from African  Impact and the 11 or so volunteers from the planting trees project.We all filed into the one tiny classroom with two small windows and an open doorway. The children wore their uniforms of white shirts and red sweaters and print skirts or shorts for the boys.  They must have been sweltering and uncomfortable but there was not a peep out of them. So well behaved.
Their was a lot of presentation of the two groups and the tree people asked the children of the benefit of trees and the answers were right on.  The tree people also told of Global warming and FGM. I am sure many did not grasp all of this but at least they were introduced to the topics.  Language was in Maa the Maasai language and Kiswahili and English.  It was impressive. 
 Finally we were moved outdoors for more talk to the children in the shade. we were paired with a volunteer from the tree project  and 5 or 6 children to go to the pre dug sites for the tree planting.  The children were so eager to do so.  
There was only one small plastic container for watering the 50 trees so I went and got our large cookie container from the truck and took out the cookies and brought it back to facilitate the watering.  The trees were all planted in time and the children then played with all the volunteers soccer or what ever til the gong rang at 4:30 to go home, ending the day that starts at 7:30.  No school buses to take them, they must walkover the bare windswept overgrazed land to their homes.
It is a nobel endeavor to school these children in these remote areas.  Educated girls will wait longer to marry and the more they know about Feminine genital mutilation the  less chance they will be victims of this practice.  As it stands now 78% of Maasai girls are subjected to this torture. 
The land has been depleted of trees due to charcoal making and use of wood for fences and houses.  The two million tree project is a wonderful initiative and I was thrilled to meet the young men and women volunteers.
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you know what I forgot I love doing? drawing facial expressions
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golden-moonchild · 1 year
feeling like the tpk might’ve been set in stone only after a bunch of them got downed? like it’s easier to reset a whole party rather than four out of six awkwardly and having to accommodate for weird old/new clashing
because i still feel like the whole extraction was doable. the table had six (6) passive perception. if murph hadn’t rolled a two and failed, i think team extraction with the hex could’ve done some real shit out there. rosamund hit the FGM once (1) for 12 damage and brennan was like ‘she can’t take much more of those, haha!’ FGM also had no strength mod or proficiency, and it seemed like she was out of spells pretty quick? like the intrepid heroes have pulled off much crazier shit. they all just reverted to FHFY brain and started splitting up and hopping tho </3
idk. i don’t think the tpk was planned from the start bc even for camera actual play, rolling six pc death saves can get boring! and the nat 20 pop back up was very VERY possible - 3-6 rolls from each pc when a nat 20 is a 5% chance makes it way more likely. if someone hit that number we’d be in a totally different boat right now. i feel like the tpk was a safety net he laid out for level one combat (what a wild thing to type), but he was very welcoming of any other outcome. mule ex machina was very fun and i wish alphonse’s gambit worked ngl
also the whole thing of ‘it takes all six of you to do this job’ or however it was said last episode. something something connected fate lines if one dies the world revolts or something? fully spitballing now but the ‘straying together’ also feels important in this context. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and that’s all on rambles with mimi folks i just had to get my thoughts out of my head!
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