#changed formatting let's goooooo
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♡ 𓂃 RA*BITS self-indulgent icons ❞
rb + credit if using ! no kin/id/me for hajime.
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bengiyo · 7 months
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat 2 Eps 17-20 (Finale)
Last week gave me everything I wanted and more. The whole squad went over to Yako's place for a curry party and everyone had a great time. Later, Nagumo got a diagnosis for her condition and got to have personal time with Yako. Kasuga and Nomoto continued to work on their communication and making sure they aren't trampling over each other. They're continuing to work on this move. Seriously, we had a curry party and a s'mores party last week. We planted strawberries together. Let's finish this.
Episode 17
Looking for housing is so stressful. I was wondering if we'd get into housing discrimination in this.
Red beans in Japan are different from what we eat here. Theirs carry a naturally sweet profile that doesn't mesh well with creole cooking.
I feel like those beans needed to boil longer, but that's me thinking in my home cooking terms.
Yes, ladies, tell each other how happy you are to see each other.
@furritsubs thank you for the note about Azuki beans.
I'm really enjoying the way they're handling this situation. The realtor wasn't trying to be homophobic, but the systems he was upholding with the landlord references reinforces the status of same sex households. I also like that they acknowledged how circumstances closet people in ways that hurt them. This is good payoff from the news bit we saw earlier in season with Kasuga.
Getting a tasty treat in before going back into the fray is so valid.
Kasuga being even more affectionate about Nomoto's food now that they're dating is exactly what I wanted.
Episode 18
Oh fuck yeah, let's continue to unpack how structural homophobia makes people scared to share something that should be a joyous occasion.
Amused that Yako is the primary person using Nomoto's given name.
Are we going to have a takoyaki party next??
COME THROUGH, YAKO!!! You gotta help your folks get through this bullshit, but never let them forget that it's bullshit!!
I am relieved that we checked in with Ms. Fujita about divorcing her husband at the same time as we're working through LGBT housing issues. Single divorced women likely also face huge challenges in housing when marriage is the goal we're being pushed into.
Wow, Sayama, you are in contention for the Yihwa Best Girl Award this year. You are an ally. Love the way she examined how what she said might have been hurtful.
Feeling like you somehow failed because you didn't get married in your 20s is so real. I sometimes struggle with this in my 30s.
This show uses its characters to illustrate its political points in a way that feels gentle and accessible, but also carries a sense of urgency. Women are facing extreme reproductive pressure right now, and it's clearly not making those who don't already want husbands and children happier. Hell, it's making them resentful to the point of divorce as they get older.
Hold on. Gotta cry a bit about Nomoto telling Kasuga that being told outright that hiding who they are upset her made her feel better got me.
Episode 19
Takoyaki Party let's goooooo!!!
A party where you cook together like this is always so much fun. We had fun with some friends' kids a few weeks ago teaching them how to make pancakes and letting them add their own toppings before, during, and after cooking.
Nagumo managed to enjoy a bite of food with them. Hold on. Crying again.
We've seen takoyaki a few times lately, and I am very impressed with this cooker.
Yako, tactful as always, is gonna check on Nagumo. I love her.
This is so important. Couple formation does affect the friends around them, and I'm really glad Yako let Nagumo voice that she supports her friends even as she knows she's going to miss the dynamic they've had. Yako is so right to point out that a change doesn't mean it's over, and their friendship will last if we all continue to reach out.
This realtor scene is so good. I like how politely she asked for them to disclose their relationship with the express purpose of securing ideal housing, and we're getting into how the financing of housing can affect people's privacy. She's also owning that landlords can discriminate against couples. I also appreciate that their meeting room was private.
I'm ready for the moving in party!
Episode 20
They got the house!!
A crab cream croquette party!!!
Wait, where's Nagumo? I wanted her to try a croquette too!
We are on the bed together. This is not a drill.
Yes, let's acknowledge that they have liked each other since season 1.
The intimacy question is on the floor!
They are finally hugging!
That was very sweet, and felt right for them. I'm glad they had that moment in the old place before they moved.
Cried because of Ms. Fujita and Nagumo possibly getting hired.
So glad Yako and Nagumo are still hanging out! That's really how some friends groups will be. Two people will just gel at a party and grow close.
Oh hell yeah we're at casual intimacy now.
I'm so excited to see where the TV goes next season!!
Oh my goodness Kasuga is wearing a lighter sweater!!!!!!
Final Verdict: 10, Go Watch This Immediately and Then Show it to a Friend. Seriously, do not make excuses for yourself. You owe it to yourself to watch this show. Between this, Ossan's Love Returns, and What Did You Eat Yesterday? coming back, we cannot stop supporting our shows about older people getting together and forming their own forms of family. This show built on the foundation of its first season and made every little detail feel so potent and impactful. I did not expect the pen pal to grow into a trusted confidant and core member of this friend group, nor was I expecting the women at the supermarket to help Kasuga as much as they did. This season was excellent, and will be joining WDYEY on my comfort watch rotation.
Big thanks to @furritsubs and friends for making this watch possible.
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coldflashevents · 7 months
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Hello, all! Thank you all for your patience, and for your responses for the interest check. I'm back to let you know the results, and with some exciting announcements for the year ahead.
First of all, I'd like to announce that we have another mod on board! Everyone please welcome @burdenedwithpointlesspurpose, who'll be helping myself (@coldflasher) and @moriavis run the events this year! We're very excited to be running these events for you :D You can reach out to any of us on this blog or on our main blogs with any questions.
And now, onto the events!
Most people wanted three events, and the most requested event types were prompt-based events, including both mini weekend events and longer week-long events. People also expressed interest in bingos and big bangs.
The majority of respondents had greater availability to participate in the summer months, between April and August.
That being said, I'm excited to announce that our first event will be a mini weekend event that will take place on the 27th and 28th April 2024. This will be a prompt-based event very similar to Cool for the Summer, an event we held in July 2022—we'll provide a list of prompts chosen by you, and then everyone can create works inspired by the prompts, or a combination of them. These types of events are very chill; there are no sign-ups and no commitments, just lots of Coldflash content!
You know what that means—we need prompts! Please drop your prompts in our askbox (you can do this anonymously, if you'd prefer) and once we've got a good number of prompts, we'll give everyone the chance to vote on their favourites.
If you're interested in a slightly more involved event format, I'll also be announcing zine sign-ups for our Coldflash 10-Year Anniversary zine very soon, so stay tuned! We're currently looking at a provisional publication date of March 24th, 2025, which will be the ten-year anniversary of 1x16: Rogue Time, the episode where Leonard learns Barry's identity, and an uneasy truce is struck between them...
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I wanted to choose a date with significance to the ship whilst also ensuring that everyone has plenty of time to work on their submissions, and to give us time to put the zine together once we've received them all.
Right now, the aim is for everyone to have their final submissions in by the end of December 2024. Please note that these dates have not been finalized, and are still subject to change, so watch this space for more details.
More information on sign-ups will be released shortly!
If anybody has any questions, please let us know. Until then, happy coldflashing!
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deltastra · 2 months
My Thoughts on Tower of God Season 2 Episode 1
Hey guys, I hope to make this a regular thing every week! Before I begin, I want to state that I watched episode 1 and 2 when it first aired, but I didn't have the time to write anything about those episodes. Now I do! At the time of writing this, I have not watched episode 3. Anyway! Let's go!
Rating: 9/10
Summary: A solid premiere that showcases what this new season will offer with the change in studio and artstyle! Some scenes felt a bit off but it wasn't too much of a bother!
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I like the short recap at the beginning of the episode! It lets us adjust to the new artstyle and direction the show is going while also giving us a bit of a refresher as it has been 4 years!
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This scene is interesting because first, AWWW ENDORSI NOOOOO SHES CRYING, and two, does this mean that they will add in the Bam and Endorsi scenes that were skipped? I sure hope they do their best to add in key scenes for characters that were changed or skipped in season 1!
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Why did Yuri's VA change? It will take some time for me to get used to it, but it's alright.
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I like her look, they made sure to design her as closely to the webtoon as they could.
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If y'all are curious, I already gave my thoughts on the new OP here.
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Loving the voice acting for him!
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Maybe it's just for Wagnan, but I love the expressions!
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I'm not ready.........
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I love how the inspirational music playing as Wagnan steels his resolve gets cut out with a loud chanting ost when Viole comes into frame.
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Love the details on his eyes. He looks tired. First glimpse of Bam as Viole!
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The start of a beautiful friendship!
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Yup. this scene was funny years ago, and it's still funny now.
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i liked the music here! And love this scene because it shows how nice Wagnan is despite his strong personality.
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Jokes aside, it was VERY well done. I smiled like an idiot watching it and even replayed it many times.
I am unsure if it was done by a solo animator, but I hope they save their resources for this type of animation during very important fights.
Season 1 had very animated fight scenes too but they all felt slow to me. This? I love, the dynamic camera really adds to the action. Music is great too! Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying its better than other popular shows' fight scenes with sakuga animation. I'm just saying that if they maintain this current standard, I will be satisfied!
I do wish it was slightly longer and I am worried that this episode may be the only one with good animation for its fight scenes due to how much it was being used for promotion. However, I will keep my fingers crossed that they are cooking for THAT important fight later in this cour.
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Istg guys this ability only appeared like once and never again. Maybe I just don't remember. Anyway, close enough. WELCOME BACK TOKYO GHOUL!
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I LOVED the ending to this episode. Viole's flashbacks, and him standing in that elevator with the music playing. It gives you so much regarding Viole's feelings about his life and his surroundings at that moment. And the way the music distorts at the end adds to the tragedy of Viole in my opinion!
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To me, this ED not only pays respect to the source material and how many of us read Tower of God. But also a way, in my opinion, of telling the audience that "Yes, we know about the source material, and we will follow it this time." And I like that it will show more every episode. (Also covering up all the events with Jahad's symbol like its "blocking memories" is kind of funny. I doubt the studio did it with that in mind but its still a neat coincidence)
Overall, a fantastic premiere to the new season! If they maintain this quality, we are in for a treat!
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lunathehungry · 2 years
Plot Structure Analysis for Love in the Air (so far. Spoilers to Ep 6)
Wrote this for my fave subreddit. Posting here too.
Some Notes:
1. Feel free to jump in fellow romance and writing lovers if you feel my beats are placed wrong. Haven't done this in awhile and it's a lot easier to do this on a novel than a drama series.
2. Plot breakdowns can sometimes break immersion for viewers and ruin the viewing experience because your brain starts thinking analytically and you can't just ride the story wave anymore. If this is you, don't read this, treat yourself by fully experiencing the romance. You deserve it.
3. This’ll probably be long and i'm drunk. Lets goooooo
The Romance Is The Plot
I know, I know, people might be saying “what plot does LITA even have?” But these are people who forget romance novels exist, even though the genre sells so hard that it rakes in nearly double the dollars of the next closest genre (which is crime/mystery, in case you're curious).
This is not a surprise because, especially in the west, romance novels very rarely get adapted.
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Can you sense my derision at western media for looking down on romance? Because it's there.
Not all romance novels are the same, some have a lot more external plot stuff.
General format:
A Plot (aka Romance Plot) = 51% to 100%
B, C, D plot (aka everything else) = 0% to 49%
Love in the Air is like, 94% romance plot, 6% everything else. These are numbers I just made up, but I feel in my drunkenness that they are 100% correct.
So What Is A Romance Plot?
It's a character focused plot, driven by 2 (or more for poly/harem) individuals who are lacking something that they find in each other in order to achieve their HEA (Happily Ever After or Happy For Now).
This means that all the tension and excitement that comes from watching the story unfold MUST come from the character's interactions and relationship progress. Each moment builds upon the next to take another step towards their HEA. Even when a character takes a step back, like Rain does when Payu bans him from visiting, it's because something needs to change for that character before they can move on in the relationship.
If you, as a viewer, do not feel the tension between the main characters and get invested in their relationship, then you will find a heavy Romance Plot very, very boring. It's like reading a mystery, but not caring what the reveal will be. You might not connect with the characters, you prefer romance's with bigger side plots, or you just aren't into romance at all.
Love in the Air relies on Payu and Rain's relationship and their interactions to drive the story. That's the only plot available to attract viewers (except for PrapaixSky fans who diligently look for crumbs each week - my heart goes out to you all). Luckily, Boss and Noeul have great chemistry and the script has a good build up of the relationship beats.
Time To Break This Plot Into Parts
Story Theme: This is easy, it's "Love always wins" (or any variation of this). This is ALWAYS the main theme for a romance, though it doesn't have to be the ONLY theme.
I'll be using Gwen Hayes' Romancing the Beat for the beats because ICONIC.
The flashforward of the race is technically a Prologue so...skip!
Intro to Rain and Intro to Payu
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These first 2 beats generally introduce the character's 'regular life' before they're disrupted by each other. However, LITA has Payu and Rain run into each other immediately when Payu changes Rain's tire. Although this is a meet cute, it's not THE Meet Cute beat. It just serves to show the difference between our characters-- Rain gets a flat, doesn't know what to do and panics, but Payu is capable and friendly enough to help a stranger. It's a tease for the relationship to come, shows there's a physical attraction component, and adds to the 'nice guy' Payu persona (with some ominous musical hints that he might not be so nice).
Switch to the classroom the next day.
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Rain's External Goal is introduced here, which is to date Ple. But his Internal Need is actually stated here as well, when he's talking about Biker Guy to Sky. He wants someone who'll listen to his talking and who doesn't find his exuberance annoying.
This is brought up again later in the series, when Rain worries Payu finds him annoying after telling him not to visit anymore and also when Sky tells Rain he doesn't actually find him annoying, just determined. it's the basis of Rain's character flaw/wound/desire thing.
Here we also get an inaccurate intro to Payu, described through the eyes of Ple and Sky, he's practically perfect. There are tiny clues here that this might not be the full picture, like how no one knows what business his family owns, but otherwise it's meant to lull Rain (and us) into a false impression of Payu.
Side note: This is actually why I wish they'd left out the flashforward, so that we could have really fallen for this fakeout.
Meet Cute
This beat is actually their second meeting, at the frat party thing. We already know Rain finds Payu hot, this is where we find out it's the same for Payu. They're attracted to each other, but Rain's oblivious.
Payu: "If you're trying to seduce me, do it better next time."
Rain: Doesn't deny it while staring deeply into Payu's eyes, proceeds to hold onto his hand, and lets Payu rub him with a towel on his bed. 🌈✨🏳‍🌈
Payu: "Let me know if I'm too rough."
Rain: This is totally normal bro stuff. He's not hitting on me at all.
If you use Save The Cat to analyze story structure, the Meet Cute beat lines up with the Catalyst.
No Way 1
Rain finds out Payu is not the nice, perfect gentleman the rest of the world thinks he is. While Rain finds Payu handsome, he's not ready to face his feelings and just jump into bed with him so he hits him with a pillow, and proceeds to tell him he'd never get with him. (never ever ever).
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This beat is Rain finding out Payu fixed up his car and didn't charge money for it. This debt is (supposedly) why Payu keeps seeking out Rain. But this is just an excuse created by Payu to stay in Rain's orbit. Anything to flirt with Rain, amirite?
This is also the section where we get the first introduction of what Payu's character desires/needs. brought up by Saifah when he says, "Then get into a serious relationship if you want to be like me." So Payu wants a serious, long term relationship, but he's been single a long time.
Payu’s a very self-aware character, since his internal and external goals are very similar, he won't have as much of a character change as Rain.
Internal Payu: Form a serious relationship with someone who welcomes the challenging demands he puts on a partner.
External Payu: Get Rain to date him and see if he's the guy who can handle it.
No Way 2
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This beat is Rain kissing Payu and telling him he's going to make him fall in love with him toward the end of episode 2. I know it might sound counterintuitive for this to be a No Way beat, but here, Rain is outwardly denying his own feelings. He's going to make Payu fall in love, but not get entangled himself. Payu also plays it cool to Rain, challenging him and acting as if he's not affected by Rain, but since us viewers get to hear him talking to himself, we know better. The other 'no way' moments, like the ones that occur earlier in the university bathroom, build up to this bigger moment. They aren't the actual No Way 2 beat.
Payu comforts Rain after he gets chewed out by the professor. This beat usually has a slight perspective shift for our characters. While we see the growing attraction throughout episode 3, it's not until this moment that Rain wonders why he went to Payu when he felt so down.
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We also see a small shift in Payu. He said he wouldn't comfort Rain, but he's unable to resist and turns back to do it anyway. Payu starts taking Rain more seriously after this point and brings out a tougher challenge by banning Rain from visiting.
If you use Save The Cat to analyze story structure, this and the next couple beats line up with the Fun & Games section.
Deepening Desire
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Rain decides to go all in and continue pursuing Payu, showing that he can handle school at the same time. His external goal has changed from Ple to Payu, which now matches his internal goal - a partner who listens to him talk and doesn't find him annoying. Payu has a conversation during this section with Saifah about how none of Payu's other partners have stuck around this long because of his tricks. As Rain exhibits his determination to have a relationship, Payu falls deeper and deeper.
This is the 'getting vulnerable and opening up to each other' beat. Rain's confession in the rain to Payu and the beginning of the First Sex Scene.
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This is pretty much just,
"Rain belongs to P'Payu now. Say it"
"Rain belongs to Payu."
And a little of the happy-morning-after before Rain takes off. It's the sweet moment before the down beats start.
This is a low angst drama so all these following down beats get resolved very quickly. If this was high angst, they'd be drawn out a lot longer, some resulting in actual fights or breakups.
Inkling of Doubt
Payu shows up at Rain's, upset that he took off without telling him. Payu pulls away from Rain before it's resolved by Rain's apology. Here we get the introduction to Payu's fear (plus foreshadowing), telling Rain not to disappear on him again.
Note: I'm not sure Payu's breakup fakeout is part of this beat, but honestly, I'm not thinking about it too hard because I'm flagging, the Long Island Iced Teas are leaving my bloodstream, is this even coherent? I need a nap.
Save The Cat: Bad Guys Close In beat.
Deepening Doubt
This is where the real world starts to intrude on their relationship. Rain finds out Ple and Som🍎🍊 are after his boyfriend. He feels jealous but doesn't want to admit it to Payu. This section is also when Sky runs into our couple on their date and Payu admits he wasn't sure Rain would want to tell him about their relationship.
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The movie date scene is where we get a nice visual of how each of them have satisfied their internal goals. Payu listens to Rain as he goes on nonstop about the movie and he now has the serious relationship that he wanted.
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This beat kicks off when Saifah suggests taking Rain to the race and Payu initially doesn't want to because of the rich assholes who'll attend, then covers most of the night race scenes. Rain is visibly hesitant when he's there. He's finally entering Payu's world, but is unsure of himself. He starts to realize how dangerous it might be and this becomes the foundation of his new fear revealed in the next beat. Payu lets the arrogant rich kid get under his skin. He gets upset and Rain has to coax him out of it.
Shields Up
Payu's race isn't really a romance beat, it's an external plot point that's a catalyst for this beat. Payu wants to race the rich boy jerk and Rain doesn't want him to. Since we've covered a lot of ground for Rain's character arc, it's time to introduce a new fear - fear that Payu will get hurt. Payu admits he doesn't exactly have a logical reason for the race (it's just pride/ego).
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This is resolved by Rain not letting his fear get in the way of supporting Payu and Payu realizing during the race how unimportant this loser is. Sex with Rain is more important. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Break Up
The kidnapping (sort of). This beat is PROBABLY Payu finding Rain missing. It usually involves the characters fear which, for Payu, is Rain disappearing. And for Rain, Payu getting hurt.
One interesting thing Mame has chosen to do here, that helps maintain the low angst romance style, is had them reach their internal goals early, but started slowly introducing external troubles in order to maintain tension in the back half of the drama (of PayuxRain's section). Kidnapping may not seem low angst, but within the Romance Plot structure it is because it's not an internal conflict causing them to fight/breakup. Their relationship remains solid.
What's left? Pretty much all of Phase 4.
Dark Night of the Soul
Wake up/Catharsis (Save The Cat: Break Into Three beat)
Grand Gesture (Save The Cat: Finale beat)
What Hole-hearted Looks Like
It looks like we have a lot of beats left for this couple, but these final ones usually happen quite quickly, sometimes even in the same scene. They all deal with overcoming your fear and the Happily Ever After. I have some ideas, but I prefer to just watch it all play out instead of solidifying my predictions. It's more fun to watch when I turn off Writer Brain.
I can't believe I wrote this all up. Love in the Air, what have you done to me?!
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luckylewis · 2 years
consider this a speed-run of all things beta that may be causing legacy users issues. if there's anything else that needs explaining, i'll update this post! let's go beloveds. 🤭
if you've been previously using new xkit, you will need to download xkit rewritten. that can be found:
here for google chrome users.
here for mozailla firefox users.
once you've installed it, you can install whatever add ons are your preference from new xkit. the one that you'll need to install and enable to cut posts on beta is called trim reblogs and it looks like this:
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switching is pretty straightforward for any former legacy users and you only have to do it once.
step 1: new text post.
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step 2: a pop up for the new editor will show in the top right corner. click lets go!
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step 3: press let's go again.
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step 4: voila, shiny new editor.
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for the most part, beta has condensed features of legacy to be more intuitive, which means you need to remember less keyboard shortcuts. once you've written anything in the editor itself, highlighting it will bring up this dropdown.
the list of functions in the vertical dropdown are for the following:
regular is tumblr's standard font.
bigger is, you guessed it, bigger.
i think u can figure what biggest is KSJGSHJ
quote is for if you want any part of your post to look like the quote function.
chat will turn your font into the chat format (typically used for text/sms threads!)
indented will put your paragraphs into a blockquote for those that prefer them.
bulleted list is how you create a bulletpoint list like this one you're reading.
numbered list is same as above but with (spoilers!) numbers. 😎
the list that goes horizontally is for the following:
s with a strikethrough allows you to strike through text.
b is for bolding (the keyboard shortcut still works for this).
i is for italicizing (the keyboard shortcut still works for this).
<s> is for small text (the keyboard shortcut no longer works)
the link symbol is for adding or removing links (will be utilicized further in the gif url section of this tutorial)
and the paint can symbol is for changing the font colour if that's something you want to do.
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for any of y'all that are like stark, we don't care ab this, we just wanna cut our damn posts. firstly, feel that. secondly, it needed it's own section so let's goooooo. once you get used to cutting posts on beta it becomes seamless.
there's two ways to do it.
the first one is: after drafting a reply.
the process for that is as follows:
step 1: draft your reply.
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step 2: once the reply is drafted, locate the scissors symbol in the bottom row of functions.
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step 3: click it and trim the post you want to be rid of, in this case for me it's my previous reply.
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step 4: click trim! and hey presto, you have a cut post that's all pretty and ready for you to reply.
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the second one is: after posting a reply.
step 1: go to reblog the post.
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step 2: write a reply (a better one than this one SHGSHJ) and click reblog.
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step 3: i know, i know, it looks like a triple reply but it only will for a second. just like step one, locate the scissors, click it, trim! your previous post and then it will be cut.
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step 1: paste in your gif.
step 2: click the link button in the bottom left of the gif.
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step 3: highlight or backspace and delete the url, click done.
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step 4: no url under your gif.
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this is the button for read mores, for all u spicy legends.
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this is to upload an image.
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this is to post a song.
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editing tags: you no longer have to delete every tag that follows if you made a typo in one. siiiick.
auto saving drafts: a life saver (especially for this post!!) tumblr auto saves your post to your drafts as you type into it.
feel free to hit me up and i'll help you if i can for anything specific!
this post will be updated with anything i forgot about.
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fetabathwater · 1 year
pls pls tattoo + seven for jen (jennifer? i saw your tag and think that's her name)
questions here!
Tattoo: Did they keep the tattoo with Seven’s initials? Why/why not? What was that decision/execution process like? (Bonus: What do they think of Seven keeping their tattoo?)
Jen definitely still has the tattoo. She's sentimental and gooey on the inside and a Sad Girl™ and like despite sometimes getting all like 'whatever I'm over it, let's fkn GOOOOOO' and booking in for a tattoo to cover it up or remove it, she changes her mind right as she sits in the chair, and moves the location of the new tattoo away from the initials. It's like a messy game of chicken with herself to convince herself that she's moved on.
And it messes with her a lot that Seven still has their tattoo. Like it's one thing for her to still have it, but seeing that she still is there on their wrist. The game of chicken expanded into like a personal competition with Seven they are unaware of - because that will clearly help her move on. Obviously.
Seven: Do you have headcanons about their friendship and/or romantic relationship (past or future)? What do you imagine some of their best memories are? What do you think some of Seven’s favourite things about your MC were/are?
Those few early songs that were recorded (and aren't available to have a physical copy of) still live on an old ipod. Teenage Jen thought it was So Cool to own one and liked the crunchy noise that came out of it, and how it was their thing. Even pre-actual band formation, her and Seven definitely put their heads together and wrote far too much and messed around with way too many programs, doing covers and remixes and trying to 'find' their vibe. As far as Jen is aware, because most of it was recorded on his laptop, it's probably all long gone and she can't say she blames them for it either. Even if she doesn't listen to them anymore, it just is something she carries around with her, with scratches on the metal and long peeled and worn stickers.
Jen was blind to the feelings on Seven's behalf, because to her it never really needed to be said? It was just always there. Like yeah, she knew that her feelings were like no longer friendly, and yeah sure she thought about the way they smiled or brushed fingers or how they would talk and be close and warm and whatever. But for her like. She's dumb as a brick and then went oh! Light bulb moment, and finally kissed Seven. Like oh shit bitch, maybe should've verbalised that sooner.
When considering the slippery slope that is starting a relationship with your co-lead, to be fair, Jen didn't expect them to vote him out. She also didn't expect to be such a coward towards the end. Part of her does think about what would've happened if she quit, or pulled the whole 'us or nothing', but it crushed her. Now of course, she's in charge, and well. BOTB really doesn't want to give her any chance of moving on fr this time.
Seven liked that she was kind of every part the other half. Just as loud and funny and stupid and rebellious and even if they hadn't kissed, it still was like losing a limb. Jen snorts when she laughs and has a scar on her cheek from the one time they tried to play a team sport and Seven tripped her up accidentally. All her stuff that they never got to return is still sitting in boxes and it's messy and cluttered but there's old ideas for outfits and her insane love of diamantes. Seven always liked that there was a reckless streak in her a mile wide that only they ever got to see, and there was always a 5am text of her thinking up another set of lyrics. And yet, they insist that they used to like this, now it just annoys them - hurts them. So they don't really like anything about Jen at all.
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what’s your favorite-
•reality tv show
•book that is not on your huge bookshelf
•chip and flavor
•picture of ashton
love ya 🤪
Let’s goooooo
Reality tv show: I don’t watch much of it, but every time there’s a new season of The Circle I binge watch the shit out of it
Book that is not on my huge bookshelf: The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation An incredible Chinese novel that I read that in pdf format because the printed version doesnt ship here
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Chip and flavor: We don’t have many chip flavors here tho… and the ones we do have are very meh so Pringle’s Originals
Picture of Ash: as of right now cause that does change every hour or so
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Ask me about my favorite things
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oonajaeadira · 3 years
Sunday Seven: November 28
I started doing a Sunday Seven to urge myself to read more and support more work and work on my enormous reading list, and I’m happy to report that the experiment worked! Now that I’ve made a dent and I’m reading more regularly, I’m still gonna do the seven, but I’m changing the format slightly.
I’ve definitely branched out on the boys I read, and I’m sure that will continue to grow. Instead of my prescribed 6 boys+ wild card, I’m simply switching to seven. Seven different boys by seven different writers. 
I really just wanna tell you about some things I’ve been loving on. Let’s goooooo!!!!
💖indicates love for soft 🔥indicates spicy stuff
DIN: untitled by @honestly-shite​ 🔥 I knew what I was asking for and what the consequences might be if I did. And Maia went for the jugular. If you're not reading her Darkroom Din series and want some hot hot tension, some sexually playful gruffness, and also some photog nerdery for good measure, please for all that is holy, get on it.
PERO: Up, Up And Away by @mishasminion360​ 💖 I love watching Pero take in the modern world and this plane trip with him has my whole heart. MY WHOLE HEART. 
JACK: Kentucky Welcome by @fromthedeskoftheraven​ 💖 There was a moment after reading the last line of this that I had to shut my eyes and curse Raven because this is just so soft and sweet and lush and pretty and the descriptions and Jack's love and that last line is magic and the place is so pretty and I just--
FRANKIE: The Loveliness of Loving You by @criticallyacclaimedstranger 💖 Baking cookies with Frankie? Yes please. Loving on his tummy? Of course please. Sweet all around? You bet please.
MAX PHILLIPS: untitled by @brandyllyn 🔥 HOLY BALLS. I dunno if anyone saw my reblog notes on this one, but I have never been so in thrall to a smut fic in my life and there was a lot of flailing. This one hit me squarely in the kinkbits. I. Made. Noises. I am such a sucker for really good food beautifully made. I am a sucker for lap sex. I am a sucker for Max. I cannot tell you how incapacitated I was after reading this and I will declare here and now that I stan Max P, no matter how much I have railed against it in the past, I am a true believer now. You heard it here first.
THE THIEF: Marking - A Thief Drabble by @songsformonkeys  Short, sweet, a little spicy, the thief takes what he wants, but reverently, and lays claim in the way he knows how. This one kid of killed me dead in my tracks, y'all. Hanna's my yearnmaster. 
PEDRO ACROSS THE STREET: Do Me A Favor by @yespolkadotkitty 🔥 I know this one's been up for a while, but it's new to me. And damn, was it good for me. Pedro ATS is a naughty boy and it's nice to see just how relentless he can get. That last line kinda made me go brrrr...
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writingblackpink · 4 years
If You Leave Now, You Lose Everything (pt. 1)
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read pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4
genre: angst (sorry)
word count: 3.5k
pairing: jennie x reader
You and Jennie have been together for two years now. While the relationship has been rocky as of recently, will you find a way to make it work before it's too late?
A/N: Hi! First fic on tumblr let’s goooooo! I hope you enjoy it :) Let me know what you think!
Her voice never sounded so cold.
“This can never work.” Her voice came out tired and weak. “We both know it yet we keep going around in these circles and it’s not healthy. For either of us. Sooner or later we were bound to hit a wall.”
Your eyes were filled to the brim with tears that threatened to spill out of your glassy eyes and over and out onto your flushed cheeks. You were standing behind Jennie, maybe ten feet or so, staring at her back facing you. She was holding her bags and was only mere seconds from taking a few steps and walking out your door for the very last time.
Your mind was a mess, but you shook it back and forth as if that would help your thoughts get in formation to help sort this out. You felt paralyzed in your spot; unmoving, barely breathing for fear of being too loud and breaking the deafening silence. You didn’t know what Jennie’s next move was, and for the first time in the two years you both had been together, you were afraid.
The relationship wasn’t all bad. You met Jennie when you were out shopping. You could see someone looking at you out of the corner of your eye as you sifted through some jeans on the rack and looked up just as she averted her gaze and easily jumped back into conversation with her friends, making it seem like it was all an illusion; like you made it up. You caught her doing this a few times while you were in the store, but didn’t think much of it. You knew she was a celebrity, in fact she was on a billboard right outside the store, but pop culture didn’t interest you much so you couldn’t say you were a big fan of her or her group. Not that you didn’t like them, you just didn’t know much about them.
Her group left the store and you finished your shopping uninterrupted. After checking out nearly half an hour later, you left the store with your head down, organizing your wallet in your purse when you heard a voice behind you. Not thinking anything of it, you kept walking until you heard the voice again.
“Hey! Hey, I know you can hear me!” She exclaimed. You briskly turned on your heels and not expecting your sudden movement, Jennie quite literally ran right into you. Catching her in your arms, you couldn’t help but think this felt like a movie scene. You looked down at her for a brief second, getting lost in her eyes. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. You figured the same was happening for her because as soon as you both realized what was happening, you jolted away from each other like you touched something you shouldn’t have.
She averted her eyes when she spoke next.
“I’m so sorry. I..uh...I saw you in the store and wasn’t sure how to approach you so I ended up leaving,” She meets your eyes, unsure, “but I came back when I realized I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to ask a beautiful girl like you out.”
That was the beginning of the relationship you thought was going to last a lifetime. For a while, it really seemed that way.
You and Jennie spent the first year of your relationship in absolute bliss. You were a lawyer and she was an idol, and being from different worlds meant you were both very busy, but you made it work. Not a day went by that you didn’t see Jennie, or at least heard her voice.
Just as the two of you began to talk about moving in together, your law firm offered you a job to start and lead the new branch in New York. After long discussions with Jennie that ended in promises to make the long distance work no matter what, you accepted the position and two weeks later were on a flight to the U.S.
If you would’ve known that would be the beginning of the end, you would’ve never stepped on the flight.
The second year of your relationship was the most tumultuous year of your life. Six months into your move, you could tell Jennie was starting to distance herself. You attributed it to her growing fame and the growing schedule that came with it. You were guilty of it too. With everything that went into starting this branch, you worked many late nights and long weeks and the time zones were much more difficult to sync up for a simple phone call than you had originally imagined it would be; trying to squeeze in ten minute conversations here and there throughout the day just so you could hear her voice on the other end of the line.
You two never even argued until just a few months ago. You had started something with her on a skype call after a few too many glasses of wine and a long stretch of loneliness, and after that night the argument seemed to never end. When she came to visit or you went to visit her, it seemed forced and anyone could see that you both were holding on to the miniscule threads remaining of your relationship.
To make matters worse, because of both of your busy schedules, your visits seemed to get shorter and shorter. What used to be an entire week together slowly morphed into a half of a week together that turned into only weekend visits maybe once a month. There wasn’t enough time to work on your problems even if you realized what they were before it was too late.
Now, here you are in your New York apartment. Another weekend visit gone awry, but you’re becoming increasingly frightened that this might actually be the end this time.
“If you leave now, you lose everything.” You croaked out, voice strangled from the effort of keeping the tears in. It seemed to be a lost cause as they suddenly overflowed down your cheeks and onto the floor.
“You lose us.” You continue when Jennie doesn’t respond. You were hoping that she was searching for the voice inside her that was telling her to stay just a little longer this time.
“Our friendship.” You keep pleading, your voice lowering to barely a whisper. You could hear your own pain seeping through the words.
“We said we’d still be friends if this didn’t work. What happened? What has changed?” This sounded more like a plea to yourself, but Jennie wasn’t sure, so she turned to face you.
It wasn’t a lie. When you started dating Jennie, she promised that even if you guys didn’t work out, that you would still remain close. She claimed you were just too special to not have in her life, either romantically or platonically. You had taken her word for it because you too felt Jennie as being someone too special to just cut out of your life. How things have changed.
She met your eyes and you could see the internal torment splayed out across her features. She was hurting too.
“Honestly?” Her voice softened, barely a whisper. “I had never thought that I would actually fall in love with you.” tears were now brimming her eyes as well. She remained standing by the door, bags in hand, eyes glossy and red.
You couldn’t hold it in any longer, collapsing onto the couch behind you and placing your head in your hands, hoping it would help muffle your sobs. You searched for a reasonable explanation for all of this. You guys could figure this out, right? All of the promises you made to each other had to be for something, right? You couldn’t accept that this is really how it was going to end.
“Why would you promise me-” is all you managed to get out, no longer able to complete a coherent thought in between sobs.
“I’ve never been in love like this before,” she said. Her voice was coming out stronger than before. “I didn’t know how to love another person until I met you. I barely even knew what it actually meant to ‘fall in love’. I can’t go back to being friends with you because nothing will ever be the same.” Tears were falling in tiny trails down her cheeks.
At those words, you quickly shot up from the couch and closed the gap. This time you were the hostile one. You ripped the bags from her hands and tossed them onto the couch behind you.
“Then tell me why we can’t make this work, Jennie. Tell me why you have to go. Tell me why you can’t just stay one more night and we can talk about this in the morning.”
Your pleas were sounding desperate, but you were running out of ways to get her to stay. At this point, you were just trying to slow the inevitable. You wanted to remember what it felt like to have her in your arms just one more night. You knew that as soon as she walked out the door, she’d be gone for good, and this time you wouldn’t have a date for when she’d come back.
You could feel your eyeliner melting off your face with your tears, but it was the least of your worries. You dug your index finger into her chest.
She quickly grabbed your arm and moved it down as she continued.
“I never see you. Even when we plan time to see each other it’s always a month after we last saw each other. An entire month.” She emphasized the last part, looking directly into your eyes, trying to get you to really understand. “My career-both of our careers are really just now starting to take off. If we keep this up we’ll only see each other once every six months.”
You looked down, realizing you were standing with Jennie’s hands in yours, and you watch as a single teardrop falls on them. Just like the day your relationship started, everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. You don’t even know who the tear came from at this point, not that it matters anyways. You looked back up with her with sad, pleading eyes.
She continued. “I can’t be friends with you because,” her voice pitched up as the tears became more frequent, “I can’t stand talking to you knowing that I still love you. Knowing that we had something, and now we don’t anymore and there’s nothing we can do about it. It won’t work.”
Her words shot through your veins like ice, and for a brief moment you closed your eyes, hoping that the stinging would go away, or that you would open your eyes again and all of this would be a dream. When you opened them and realized that this was very real, you didn’t have any words to say. Instead you moved your hands up to hold Jennie’s face. You stood like that for a moment before bringing your lips to hers. She returned the soft pressure, but nothing about this kiss felt right. Not after all the words you had just exchanged. Not after thousands of warm, passionate kisses you had shared in the past two years. It was forced, but it brought you some more time to process everything that was going on.
Jennie pulled away first. She used the sleeve of her sweater to wipe the tears from your face, and walked past you to retrieve her bags that had long been forgotten.
“Um, I’ll, uh, call you when I get home.” She said. Her voice was low. You stood paralyzed in place again. There was some metal clinking behind you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to turn towards the sound. She walked up to you, facing you, but you kept your gaze at the wall just over her shoulder. She took your hand to open up your palm, place something in it, and close your fingers over the hard metal. You didn’t even have to look to know what it was.
Jennie turned to leave, looking over her shoulder one last time before closing the door. Your gaze moved to the door as she closed it, and shortly after you opened your palm to see Jennie’s key to your apartment laying between your cold fingers.
You couldn’t remember how long you stood there before your limbs collapsed onto the hardwood floor. There was no strength in your body to pull you towards the couch that sat just a few feet away from you.
It was sometime in the middle of the night before you felt your eyelids flutter and sleep overtake you on the cold ground. Your phone laid on the ground near your head, waiting for her call. Maybe once you both had time to think about this you could figure it out.
Your brain rattled with ideas on how to make the relationship work, but you couldn’t tell if they were good or not in your current state, so you slept.
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harseik · 3 years
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Protagonist name drop - let's goooooo!
Marcus and Lupe's dialogue has been completely changed from that of the script because I thought I would poke fun at how bewildering (I weep) the creature's appearance from the previous few pages turned out to be. So now, they're just as confused as you are! Lupe's entire personality distilled into a single passive-aggressive sentence. "You're being a lot right now", I lifted from a TheOdd1sOut vid, timestamped here, because it amused me so. Wow, compare the characters' faces in the earlier pages to this one. Everyone's looking SO MUCH BETTER. Still not great, but I'm slowly learning what an appealing character design is. I just need to feel things out more. Less daydreaming. More pen scritches. As much as I want Noah to actually get into some exposition now, knowing him, I get the feeling he's gonna suck at delivering it... Thank you for your patience once again!
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hatsukeii · 4 years
okay i haven’t finished aot yet but i would simply die if you wrote an x reader one shot with the prompts “you can’t die, i won’t let you” + “this is all my fault” for levi 😌 i’m a simp for him and i need some angst hehe
I’m about to make myself cry>:))
(Not really but you get the point)
Also this is set when they encounter the beast titan and commence the suicide charge, but I’m gonna be changing quite a bit of stuff so it fits this angst a liiiiitle bit more:) That includes changing out the part where he has to choose between Armin and Erwin. I’ll keep both of them alive and replace it with this instead because it’s easier for me to make sense of everything that way lol
Let’s goooooo
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You were good to me//Levi x Reader
Word count: 3000+ (New record!)
Warnings: Mild swearing, a shit load of blood, minimal violence, character death (This is a warning it’s not gonna end well)
Summary: Your mission with Levi does not go according to plan.
“Are you out of your goddamn mind? You really went ahead and requested to be a part of this mission without telling me? You are absolutely not going with us. It’s too dangerous for you, I can’t put you under that much risk. Whatever you say, it’s a no. Don’t even try and change my mind.”
You didn’t like arguments with Levi. They were rare, but they managed to break your heart every single time. You were one of the older cadets from the 104th training corps, but you still managed to make it into Levi’s squad. You would’ve thought he trusted you more than this now that you two were in a relationship, but you were wrong apparently.
“Seriously Levi? I’ve been on countless expeditions with you. I’m going to be fine. We’re not even going out of the walls properly, we’re literally just reclaiming lost land. Erwin’s already confirmed that I’m going with you guys tomorrow, there’s no stopping me. Plus, I want to be there when we finally see the basement. I’m going with you guys. If you’re so scared then just tell Erwin to put me next to you in the scouting formation or something. It’s not that hard.”
Levi raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. It was at times like this he absolutely hated your persistence. It was hard to deal with when he was trying to keep you safe, considering you have such a huge desire to contribute something to the victory of mankind. Almost all your arguments have been about not letting you join in on an expedition or mission. He knew fully well you’re a perfectly capable soldier, and that you could handle tricky situations well. However, his old squad was also capable of that. Isabel and Farlan were also outstanding soldiers. He shuddered at the thought of their dead bodies laying on the battlefield. He couldn’t afford to lose anyone else. He swore on his life that he would continue to protect you, whatever the cost, even if it meant keeping you from doing what your heart desired. Don’t think he feels good about this. He knows just how frustrated you feel. He knows you tend to feel useless if you don’t get to fight alongside everyone else, but this was for your own good.
“Why can’t you just listen to me? I can’t lose you-”
“And you won’t, silly. I promise.”
“Who’s to say you won’t get eaten tomorrow? Even worse, trampled by that buff piece of shit titan? Hm? Answer me, how are you so sure?”
“I’ve fought them before, I’ll be fine.”
“No, you won’t. They have backup this time. Half of us probably aren’t even gonna come back alive. Even I couldn’t take down Reiner and Bertholdt the last time they struck, you still think you’re gonna be fine?”
You were getting more and more irritated by the second, your usually calm voice raising to a shout. “Why can’t you just trust me more? Are my skills not enough for your liking?”
“They’re plenty enough. You’re a proficient soldier, and I know that. But that doesn’t change the fact that this is a dangerous operation, and that by joining us you are putting yourself in grave danger.”
You rolled your eyes, completely done with Levi’s bullshit. You liked the protective side of him, you really did. However when it came to denying your requests to go on expeditions with him, it eventually appealed to you as one of his negative traits far too easily. Sighing, you turned on your heels and headed for the door, looking back at him as you grabbed the doorknob. “You can’t stop me. I’m coming with you tomorrow. You can try defying your superior if you have any objections.” You twisted the metal, slamming the door in his face as you walked back to the dorms. “Jesus, and I thought he would’ve been fine with it. He really thinks I’m that weak? I can still knock him down while sparring. He’s really gotta stop underestimating me.”
“Erwin, are you serious right now?” Levi was fuming. He didn’t expect his superior to actually permit you to come with. “I specifically told you to keep her safe. What do you do? Exactly the opposite.” Erwin’s head hung low as he contemplated his decision. “I had to. She’s a valuable asset that can benefit us in battle. Plus, she refused to give me my hair gel back until I approved of her request.” The shorter man’s mouth hung open. “COMMANDER WHAT THE HELL?-” “Calm down Levi. I assigned her to a spot right next to you. That way you can keep an eye on her.” The soldiers were slowly starting to mount their horses. “This better be worth it Erwin, or you’ll never hear the end of it.”
“I told you you couldn’t stop me, I was gonna come regardless of what you said.” Levi let out a low growl, glaring at you from his horse. “We’re having a very, very serious discussion about this when we get back.” You dryly chuckled, speeding in front of him as you yelled. “PERSON WITH LESS TITAN KILLS HAS TO CLEAN THE OFFICE!” Levi’s mouth curled up into a tiny grin. Still enthusiastic as ever, eh? “We’re still having that discussion, but with the addition of your devastating loss to me.” From the front, Erwin fired a green smoke signal, before yelling to everyone behind him. “ALL SOLDIERS BEHIND ME, SWITCH TO THE GEAR! LEFT AND RIGHT WING, STAY ON YOUR HORSES!” Wires zipped through the air, attaching themselves to buildings. You and Levi landed on top of a roof. “What the hell is that...?” A few miles away from you, a hazy image of a hoard of titans was enough to make your eyes widen with rage and confusion. “Why aren’t they charging?”
Everything that went down in the next few moments happened too quickly for either of you to comprehend. Sickening crunches rang throughout the battlefield as blood splattered on your face. Red painted over the buildings within a three mile radius, the air going a sickening shade of red. A look of terror washed over Levi’s usually stoic face as he pushed you behind him, shielding you while he braced himself from the pieces of debris and the rocks that were thrown towards the troops. “SHIT, GUYS FALL BACK!” You crouched down, covering your head as you curled up. “What’s up with that thing?” The raven haired man clicked his tongue, looking up carefully once the rocks stopped coming. “That piece of shit furry titan is pitching boulders like no tomorrow. We’ve gotta get out of here, fast.” You and Levi made it off the building just in time for the second wave of boulders to hit, the rocks sending even more scouts flying as blood went everywhere, strained screams and sobs echoing in the air. This wasn’t just a bloodbath. This was a massacre.
“Erwin, you can’t do this to them. Half of them haven’t even finished training. By conducting a suicide charge, we’re talking about bringing at least 200 soldiers to their graves. If you’re leading it, chances are you won’t survive either. You’ll never get to see the basement. There has to be another way.” Erwin shook his head solemnly. “This is the best plan I can think of. I’m sorry my friend. I guess I’ll go out fighting today.” Levi shook his head as you teared up, covering your mouth with a bloody hand. “Soldiers! We will be conducting a charge. Scream as loud as you can, fire your green signals towards the titan. In the meanwhile, Captain Levi and Squad leader (Y/N) will take out the rest of the titans. Am I clear-” “There’s no way we’re gonna make it! Everyone’s gonna die!” Your head hung low, a stoic expression plastered on your face. “Yes. You’re right.” The scouts looked at him in shock and horror. “You’re telling us to let go of everything we care about and die?” “Yes. Give up your dreams, and die. Die fighting for humanity. Die fighting for a better future. For your children. For your family. For your siblings. Devote your hearts, and die doing just that. Levi, (Y/N), go now while we still have time.”
“Cmon (Y/N), let’s go.” You nodded, firing out your gear towards the wall next to Levi. “Race you to the titans!” You flew towards the first titan, slicing its nape, before looking back to see how your boyfriend was doing. His brows furrowed as he wobbled on his gear, clearly struggling to balance. “Levi?” You screamed as his gear gave out and sent him tumbling towards the ground. You audibly gasped, turning back and rushing down to him. “Shit, just great. My gear’s broken.” You sensed something towering above you. From afar, an unfamiliar voice boomed. “You really think I wouldn’t have noticed? Titans, kill them.” You looked up as the gruesome being above you, as well as the other ones, snapped their heads towards you two, bloodlust clouding their eyes as they advanced towards Levi first. You tried your best to clear out the titans, slicing off nape after nape. You heard a yell, turning your head toward the sound. There Levi was, being picked up by one of the titans as it slowly brought him to its face. The man was thrashing wildly, desperately trying to wiggle his way out of the thing’s hand. It’s grotesque eyes examined the raven haired soldier, before raising its arm to lead him into its disgusting mouth. “OH NO YOU DON’T.” You screamed, zooming towards the titan at an inhuman speed. You pulled a slippery Levi out of its mouth, landing him safely onto the floor as you headed back up towards its nape, slicing up everything you could, before sending a devastating blow towards the back of its neck, blood spraying everywhere.Levi was obviously terrified, breathing heavily as his eyes widened. “Holy shit, thank god... oh Jesus, you could’ve died.” You made your way towards him, about to wrap your arms around his shaking figure, when your breath hitched in your throat. “(Y/N) NO!” You looked down, blood dripping from your side as you fell to the floor. You looked down at your uniform to see blood pooling around your body, staining your shirt crimson. You looked in front of you, to see a boulder, dried blood coating it. “Ah, it was that.” Your partner snapped out of whatever trance he was in, now running as fast as he could towards you. “No... NONONONO PLEASE DON’T!” Levi was a complete mess, screaming while he tried to take your gear off. Finally succeeding, a weight lifted from your hips, and a pair of strong arms hoisted you up and onto their back. Cool air grazed your face as you felt yourself being lifted off the ground and into the air, your consciousness slowly fading as you laid your head on his shoulder.
Meanwhile, Levi was about to break down. “No, please, (Y/N) please stay with me.” He saw your eyes flutter open, your mouth now bloody. “Huh? What’d you mean? I’m right... he... here...” You coughed a little bit, clotted blood landing on Levi’s cloak. “Shit, please stay awake. You have to. Don’t close your eyes even when it hurts like hell. Keep them open.” You nuzzled your face into his shoulder. “But I’m tireeeed-” “You are staying alive on my watch. Please, you can’t die. I won’t let you. Keep your damn eyes open. We’re almost at Hange...please, don’t leave me now. This is an order.” He knew the blood loss was getting to your head, judging by your dopey smile and idiotic statements. The stench of blood now filled his nose, the crimson liquid dripping off his boot. Normally he would’ve wiped it straight off as soon as possible, but he didn’t care right now. He didn’t care if amateurs were being slaughtered down there. He didn’t care how Erwin was. He didn’t care about what was happening on the other side with Eren and his squad. The only thing he could focus on, was your body that was relaxed against his. The peaceful expression you had despite being on the brink of death. A whimper left his throat, tears spilling out like a waterfall as he made his way up the wall. 
“SHITTY GLASSES! OI! HANGE!” The tall woman turned towards you two, her eyes widening in shock. “Levi, put pressure on the wound, I’m gonna go get help.” He frantically, but gently let you down, taking his cloak off and pressing the fabric onto your wound as you screamed, blood sputtering out of your mouth and onto his face as his tears mixed with the red liquid. “STAY AWAKE... please-” Your hand went up to his arm, grabbing onto him tightly. “Levi... I’m sorry....” The man shook his head, tears flying off his face. “No... don’t be. You can’t die on me. Please don’t die on me today....” You felt your vision go hazy, the once clear image of your lover becoming all but a blurry mix of colours. “I-I’m not gonna make it-” A loud sob resonated through the air. “YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT... please! For me, for your squad, for everyone....” You smiled to yourself, black dots making their way into your vision. “(Y/N)! Don’t you remember? We still have that discussion about you coming with me! We still have to go home! You killed more titans, I have to clean the office, remember?” You chuckled, one single teardrop finally leaving the corner of your eye, before coughing vigorously. “You... you were good to me, Levi.” Those were your last words, before your body gave out and your eyes shut completely. “No... NO! SHIT! WHY? IF YOU WEREN’T IN FRONT OF ME... YOU COULD’VE JUST LET ME DIE! IT WOULDN’T HAVE MATTERED! YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULD BE FINE! YOU PROMISED!” Hange jogged towards Levi, bandages and cloth in hand. “I got the ban...dages.” Her face darkened when she saw your motionless figure and Levi’s bloodshot eyes. His face was now terrifyingly stoic. He felt numb, tears rolling down his cheeks as he tried to keep his sobs in. “Levi....” Grabbing onto his comrade’s shirt, he shoved his face into the fabric, screaming and sobbing until his lungs gave out. His tears mixed with the blood on his face, staining her jacket a dirty red. Hange let out a shaky breath, patting her best friend on the back as he continuously punched her shoulders, fists clenched so hard they started to go white.
That evening, no one dared say a word to Levi. Not even Erwin. The short soldier walked along the graveyard, knowing he was going to see your name on one of the tombstones. How he wished for some life changing miracle at that moment. Maybe this was all just a twisted fever dream. Maybe he was in bed, and you were sound asleep in the dorms with the other girls. He knew it was impossible, but it didn’t hurt to imagine how it would be like if you didn’t sacrifice yourself out there for him. He should be the one that was buried underground, bloody and all. It shouldn’t be you who was in the dirt. Other scouts that were mourning their comrades’ deaths moved over to give him a path, not wanting to get on his nerves. His demeanour was way darker than usual. His bored eyes were filled with sorrow and rage, his grey irises dull and glossy. Just the mention of your name from another soldier’s mouth was enough to drive him over the edge at this point. He blamed himself for what happened. He should’ve checked his gear more thoroughly. Maybe then you wouldn’t have had to step in. He should’ve been more aware and shielded you from the boulder. He should’ve been able to see it. He should’ve removed your gear quicker, maybe that would’ve bought you more time to get treated. A million possibilities circled through his head. There was so much he could’ve done both before and in that moment, that would’ve prevented all this. His footsteps stopped in front of a tombstone. There was nothing there. No one has even realised you went out yet. Levi bit his lip, trying to suppress the tears that threatened to leave his eyelids. No. He wasn’t going to cry in front of the other scouts. He dropped the flowers in his hand in front of the stone plate, kneeling down to its level. “You didn’t have to shield me from that boulder, brat.” Jean and Connie, who were next to him stared at him in shock. Never have they ever heard their captain say the word brat in such a soft tone before. Levi sensed the weirded out looks he received, but proceeded to ignore them. His knees hit the grassy floor as his head hung low, his bangs covering his eyes. “Shit....” He couldn’t hold it in anymore. His body shuddered as the waterworks came. Hot, salty tears spewing out of his eyes as he sobbed. Everyone around him was properly shook, staring in disbelief as their no bullshit captain broke down in front of your tombstone. “It’s all my fault! You could’ve just left me there! Why? Why did you have to go out instead of me? Why does everyone I care about have to meet a cruel end? Why?” Hange glanced at her friend from across the field, a bunch of flowers now presented in front of Moblit’s grave. She trod over to where Levi was, pulling him up and giving him a pat on the back. “Calm down Levi. You can’t change anything now. Might as well accept it.” That didn’t stop the tears from falling. His loud sobs reduced to strained whimpers, his hand going up to cover his mouth in a pathetic attempt to silence out the noise he was making. The younger scouts stayed silent as they watched their captain, slowly letting some of their tears out too. Levi thought back to your argument the night before. The little competition you started in the middle of the field. The rage you showed when you completely mutilated the titan that threatened his life. The last words you spoke before dying with a smile.
“You were good to me too, love.”
Three hours of nonstop writing for this piece of shit-
I’m sorry I just think this is terrible idk why ahsgdhsge I spent so long on it but I don’t know if some parts are boring im so sorry if it’s bad feel free to tell me🤡😔
Okay but I still hope you liked it🥺
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This goes into the short kings clan oop
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Puck Daddy Countdown: Lamoriello, Game 7 and Rangers find a coach
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Nicklas Backstrom and Alex Ovechkin haven’t had much luck in Game 7s over their careers. (Photo by Bill Wippert/NHLI via Getty Images)
8. This story
If you read only one story today about a college hockey player having his season ruined by a 25-inch intestinal parasite, make it this deeply unpleasant one.
7. Losing Mark Hunter
This was the kind of change that you knew was going to happen, right?
You have to say, well the Leafs gave the right guy the GM job, so there was no way Hunter was going to stick around and let Dubas be his boss, especially not when he has other options available perhaps including for other teams’ GM jobs if, say, things open up.
Interesting, though, that he can’t take a new job elsewhere until July. Wonder what that means for what the Leafs are planning at the draft, in free agency, etc., and how Hunter could potentially throw a wrench in that. Obviously you don’t want a guy who just sat in on months’ worth of meetings talking to a new team about everything you want to do, but Lou Lamoriello was under no such restrictions, so y’know.
Speaking of which…
6. Lou on the Island
“Full authority.” 

This should be a worrisome phrase for Islanders fans. There is certainly the plausible deniability among the analytics crowd that comes with being able to say “Every bad move the Leafs made was Lou’s fault, and every good one was Dubas’s idea” but the most likely scenario is that a bunch of guys sat around in a meeting and talked out trades and signings until a consensus could be formed.
This is, from what I understand, how lots of organizations work and that’s good. You want groups of smart people making decisions instead of things being done unilaterally by one guy.
And maybe that’s what will happen in Brooklyn too, right? But full authority for Lou Lamoriello might mean a lot more of “signing guys like Matt Martin” than “signing guys like John Tavares.” Which, I guess that’s not entirely fair because the Tavares thing has nothing to do with Lamoriello being there or not being there, but you see the point.
The kind of hockey Lamoriello seems to think works in 2018 is more Casey Cizikas than Mat Barzal.
5. David Quinn
Really interesting “pending” hire by the Rangers.
On the one hand I never thought Quinn would leave Boston University, his alma mater where he earned a very good salary and was widely hailed as one of the best coaches in college hockey. Sure, you want to test yourself professionally, but you probably need one hell of an offer to leave a cushy gig like that.
The Rangers gave it to him. He will make in five years something akin to what he would have earned in 10 to 20 years at BU (depending upon whose reports you believe about his BU salary). That’s a life-changing offer, and not least because even guys who flame out hard as NHL head coaches will always be able to get a job in pro hockey, somewhere.
The question, I guess, is what the Rangers expect from Quinn. Anyone who’s around college hockey a decent amount knows Quinn is regarded as a great communicator and motivator, especially for younger high-end guys. That’s something the Rangers definitely need as they start their rebuild in earnest. His teams also play a modern, up-tempo brand of hockey. However, it’s also fair to say that Quinn’s results, routinely with one of the two or three most-talented teams in the NCAA, have been a little lacking. One Beanpot, two regular-season league titles, two postseason titles, one NCAA final appearance (with the worst third-period meltdown in recent memory). A lot of that came because Jack Eichel came to campus, which was of course Quinn’s doing.
So if you’re concerned about the Rangers underperforming with Quinn, well the good news is they’re rebuilding and as long as young players get better, he’s doing his job. Wins and losses shouldn’t really enter into the discussion too much if other indicators are there.
But at the same time, well, this is a lot of money for a totally unproven coach who, by the way, was seemingly their second choice. Jim Montgomery, now the coach of the Dallas Stars and ex of Denver University, reportedly turned the Rangers down first. Interesting times.
4. Managing the Jets’ cap
Everyone seems to think the Jets will be very good for a very long time but I went to their CapFriendly page after they lost the conference final and jeeeeez.
They have to re-sign nine restricted free agents this summer, including useful players like Brandon Tanev and Joel Armia (who won’t be that expensive), Josh Morrissey (maybe a little expensive?), and both Jacob Trouba and Connor Hellebuyck (very expensive).
Wonder where that leaves them, right? Because it would be nice to bring back Toby Enstrom and Paul Stastny, but how much cap space will be available for them, especially since they will also have to re-sign Kyle Connor and Patrik Laine in summer 2019 as well. Yeah the cap is going to go up for next season, so Winnipeg probably has like $25 million to spend on all the guys they need to re-sign, but you gotta keep some of that powder dry because Laine and Connor are going to cost a fortune.
It’s nice to have all these players and be able to meaningfully compete for the next few years, but I can’t envy Kevin Cheveldayoff putting together a five-year plan for this stuff.
That being said, it’s a nice problem to have.
3. Paul Fenton
A less-nice problem to have: Being the guy whose job is now to wring more out of this Wild group.
Paul Fenton has the ignominious task of improving this group that’s already largely locked in for another year or two and doesn’t really have a lot high-end talent coming any time soon. They have about $12-13 million to spend this summer, with only four non-star RFAs to re-sign (Jason Zucker and Matt Dumba certainly top-line the group).
Most of the roles are spoken for. There’s not much in the way of roster space for a, say, second-line scoring winger available. So I guess Fenton’s job is to improve the prospect pool or something, right? He should do well with that. That’s his whole thing.
But as with Quinn, you wonder what the expectations are from his bosses. Should this team be able to meaningfully compete with Winnipeg and Nashville, the two best teams in the league that also happen to be in their division, under the current playoff format? I don’t think that’s reasonable to put on anyone.
2. Not Alex Ovechkin
That’s a big Game 6, baby.
Ovechkin didn’t score or even have an assist — Devante Smith-Pelly did, though, baby!!!! — but he was active. Seven shot attempts, four on net, in less than 17 minutes (what the hell?).
Instead, it was Nicky Backstrom who brought the serious heat: the Caps out-attempted Tampa 23-8 with him on the ice and he had two assists, including an absolutely clinical one to T.J. Oshie to open the scoring.
Ovechkin, on the other hand, was content to just try to murder people and unload it on the power play. Which I guess is his whole thing.
1. Game 7
We haven’t had enough of these and frankly it’s good that at least there is some drama for either the Bolts or a conference final on the whole. Let’s goooooo!
(Not ranked this week: “Don’t call them a Cinderella team.”
Dawg if you don’t think an expansion team making it to the Cup Final in Year 1 is some serious fairy tale material, might I remind you that they have a guy in a suit of armor come out and fight mythical beasts and stuff before every game.)
Ryan Lambert is a Puck Daddy columnist. His email is here and his Twitter is here.
(All statistics via Corsica unless otherwise noted.)
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oonajaeadira · 3 years
Sunday Seven: December 12
I started doing a Sunday Seven to urge myself to read more and support more work and work on my enormous reading list, and I’m happy to report that the experiment worked! Now that I’ve made a dent and I’m reading more regularly, I’m still gonna do the seven, but I’m changing the format slightly.
I’ve definitely branched out on the boys I read, and I’m sure that will continue to grow. Instead of my prescribed 6 boys+ wild card, I’m simply switching to seven. Seven different boys by seven different writers.
I really just wanna tell you about some things I’ve been loving on. Let’s goooooo!!!!
💖indicates love for soft 🔥indicates spicy stuff
DIN DJARIN: untitled by @letterfromvienna 💖🔥 Touch-starved Din that gets turned on by your skin is totally my jam and this piece...oh, this piece...
EZRA: Blind Trust by @brandyllyn 🔥 This is our rough and scruffy space scoundrel, finding something he likes in a brothel and paying triple price to have it. Fresh off of losing his arm and without the ability to use his voice, Ezra's still got it...
JAVI GUTIERREZ: Never Let Go by @songsformonkeys 💖 This is the funniest, most endearing thing and I was half squealing and half laughing through it. I...don't know what to say but that I am just in love with his sincere enthusiasm for watching movies and everything ORANGE. He's so cute. The pan flute broke me.
JAVIER PEÑA: You Make It Feel Like Christmas by @fromthedeskoftheraven 💖🔥 Raven's writing is just so soft and lovely and easy and full of delicate expression. I'm just in awe. Seeing Javi so relaxed and happy at Christmas, to have his face in my hair and tell me he's happy I came to celebrate with him and his family, I can see the glow of his skin in this fic and I just want to put my hands all over it. Damn. Just gorgeous.
MARCUS MORENO: Everyday by @radiowallet 💖🔥 Cat's been over here making a believer of me with her 31 Days For Marcus Moreno. And every day I think she's written the one that absolutely sends me...and then then the next day she tops it. This little proposal story is just so damn sweet and beautiful and I just just can't I-- *melts*
MAX PHILLIPS: Choice by @wyn-n-tonic​ 💖🔥 Soft!Max comes with his own warning indeed. The reasons Max has for not feeding on you are just... Oh my heart. THE AFTERCARE IN THIS. THE FINAL LINES. I believe donor is on my ID but just so you know you can cremate me after that because DED
PERO TOVAR: Wedding Night by @absurdthirst 🔥 Tovar may seem like a brute, but he's a real man when he does whatever he can to make sure to dispel everything the village women told you to expect for your wedding night. Loved this. Keri keeps our grumpy man but shows us that he knows how to treat a lady and how to gain her trust and affection.
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