#raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens… yeah just ask me
what’s your favorite-
•reality tv show
•book that is not on your huge bookshelf
•chip and flavor
•picture of ashton
love ya 🤪
Let’s goooooo
Reality tv show: I don’t watch much of it, but every time there’s a new season of The Circle I binge watch the shit out of it
Book that is not on my huge bookshelf: The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation An incredible Chinese novel that I read that in pdf format because the printed version doesnt ship here
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Chip and flavor: We don’t have many chip flavors here tho… and the ones we do have are very meh so Pringle’s Originals
Picture of Ash: as of right now cause that does change every hour or so
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Ask me about my favorite things
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dilemmaontwolegs · 3 years
Tied Up With Strings
Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Raindrops & Roses || Whiskers & Kittens || Tied Up With Strings
Summary: The secrets of your deams come to light after you are kidnapped and Bucky desperately tries to get you back, no matter the sacrifice. Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, violence, fighting, blood, death. WC: 3165
The final instalment in the Favourite Things Trilogy.
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Bucky knew something was amiss the moment he arrived at the apartment he shared with you, there was damage to the door jam that wasn’t there when he left so he carefully nudged it open. A half eaten meal was left on the table, flies sprawling across what was probably your breakfast a few days ago, and Alpine was meowing loudly from beside his empty food bowl. It only got worse and he ran through the rooms, his nose wrinkling at the smell of the overfull litter tray in the laundry.
“Babe!” He called out just to be sure, but you weren’t there. Ripping his phone out of his pocket he dialled your number but it went straight to voicemail before he called Sam, panic eating him alive. “She’s gone, Sam. She’s gone and I can’t find her!”
“Woah, woah, slow down.” Sam said as he pressed his phone between his ear and shoulder so he could get Joaquin’s attention. “Have you called her?”
“Sam, she’s fucking vanished, everything is still here.” He hissed as he picked up her phone from where it had been left turned off and plugged into the charger beside the bed. “Including her phone, goddammit!”
“We will find her, Buck, we are already on our way back to you now.” Sam said calmly.
“I told you the information you had been given was full of shit.” Bucky growled as he paced the room, his vision narrowing as chest constricted. “Should never have left her.”
“James! I need you to get your shit together so we can find whoever took her. Now go and access your building's CCTV, it might have picked up a face we can run through the recognition software.”
Bucky could breathe again as he was given an order and the soldier made his way to the door, stopping to knock the top off the cat food container and tipping the whole lot over the bowl. Alpine didn’t care about the mess as he dove into the huge pile of food, he hadn’t known a hunger like this since he was a lost little stray and his tummy rumbled loudly as he began to fill it.
“CCTV now.” Bucky ordered as he slapped his vibranium hand on the desk of the security guard.
“Uh, you need a warrant for that, Buc- Sir.”
Bucky grabbed the man by the shirt and pulled him closer as his patience ran out. “Someone took y/n, so you’re gonna give me that fucking tape or I’ll get it by force.”
“I-I can’t give it to you, I’ll get fired, sir.” He whispered. “But there’s a camera behind me, if you pull me over the desk I’ll be in the blindspot. Pretend to knock me out then do what you need.”
Bucky nodded and pulled him over, his fist narrowly missing the guard's face before he leapt over the counter and rewound the footage to when he left on his latest mission. He hadn’t even been gone for four hours when six shadows moved across the screen, keeping to the blindspots that suddenly seemed to appear on every floor that led to your apartment. It wasn’t until they reached your door and their weapons were no longer hidden that he realised who these people were but they shouldn’t exist anymore. STRIKE had been dismantled but the evidence was clear to see as they lifted their M4A1 Carbine guns to their shoulders and braced to break the door in.
“Sam, we got a problem.” Bucky said as he redialled the number and left the desk.
“You know who took her?” Sam asked as he stepped out of the van Joaquin had driven over and met Bucky at the front of his apartment building.
“Yeah and they were fucking Hydra.”
Not Too Far Away…
You felt like a passenger in your own body, you were present but you were definitely not in the driver's seat and had no control over your own movements. The men who had broken into your home hadn’t even needed to force you to go with them. They spoke a set of words in a language you didn’t recognise, and with each word you felt your mind growing dull until you could no longer think for yourself. As the dullness grew, you began to remember another time you had felt this way, a memory that you could never recall when you were in control.
“Sir, she’s fighting the reconditioning.” A man beside you noted as your brain waves spiked. “She’s trying to reach out to him.”
“Good, it’s time to call our soldat home. Put her to sleep.”
You felt a prick in your neck before your eyes closed only to open as you found yourself in the rolling green fields you had loved. Everything you had built in this world was gone, the house, the lake, the swinging hammocks, everything was back to being endless green fields. Dark clouds cast shadows across the terrain and all too soon large drops of rain began to cascade around you, drenching you as you sat in the long grass and wrapped your arms around you for comfort.
“Please don’t fall asleep, Bucky.”
Your pleas went unanswered as hours, days or even weeks passed sitting in the rain. Time was irrelevant in this place, it could have been an eternity that you had been there before a warm hand came to rest on your wet shoulder. A sob broke free as you felt him collapse into the mud and pull you across his lap.
“You shouldn’t have come.” You cried as you buried your face in his neck and clutched his shirt in your fists. “They are after you.”
“I know, I’m sorry I got you into this.” He whispered as he kissed your forehead.
You shook your head. “I remember now, I remember everything. I’m so sorry.”
Bucky pulled away to pin you with his steely gaze, confusion and doubt filling those eyes you had fallen in love with. “What do you mean you remember?”
“I was a Hydra experiment.” You admitted and felt his absence when he pulled away colder than the rain. “But it wasn’t me…I don’t know how to explain it. I’m scared, Bucky.”
His eyes softened and he pulled you back into his embrace, understanding more than anyone else ever could the confusion of hydra brainwashing. “I’m gonna find you and we will figure it out, doll, I promise. I just need you to tell me anything you can remember about where they took you.”
“They want you to find me, I can’t let you come here alone.” You shook your head, knowing exactly where they had taken you.
“I’m not coming alone. The Winter Soldier did things alone but that’s not me anymore. Tell me where you are, I need my best girl back.”
You sighed as your resolve flailed and you nodded before indulging in a kiss before he left. “The old Avengers compound. The underground levels on the east wing weren't destroyed when it collapsed.”
“Thank you.” He said as he pressed his forehead to yours. “I’ll see you soon. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You couldn’t help feeling that you were leading him to his death but you hoped his back up was enough to fight the group of highly skilled mercenaries that Hydra had at their mercy.
Your fingers tried to hold on to him as he pulled away but the cold, wet weather had left them weak and numb and the fabric of his shirt slipped from their grasp as he disappeared.
“Good girl. You have played your part perfectly.”
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The kevlar vest weighed heavily on your chest as your body fell into step with the rest of the STRIKE team led by Jack Rollins. There was a stiffness in the way you moved, a rigidity that had come from the training Hydra had put you through under their control. You hadn’t realised you knew how to assemble a rifle or what pressure points could render someone unconscious in under a minute, but now that you were riding the tailcoats of your consciousness you knew it all.
“Y/n, take the central position and let the asset come to you.” Jack ordered as the elevator opened to a large empty hall close to the surface. “Use this.”
Your hand closed around the syringe filled with some unknown substance and you saw your hand tremble slightly as you tried to drop it. No one else seemed to notice the small movement and you slipped it into the pocket of your combat pants as your almost unrecognisable voice answered for you. The tone was so cold and sharp that you would have shivered if you could.
“Movement on the south border, sir.”
Rollins was practically bouncing with excitement that he was finally able to get his revenge for his imprisonment. If the Winter Soldier hadn't failed to protect the Triskelion, Hydra would have risen to dominate the modern world. Jack had been content to just kill the soldier but management had other plans, something much worse than death. They were going to capture and recondition the soldier to use his newfound popularity for Hydra’s agenda.
A crash echoed around the hall as the metal doors were crushed in and you saw Bucky’s silhouette fill the space. Your feet twitched as you tried to run to him and a pained groan slipped past your lips as you tried to open your mouth to scream at him to go. You knew he heard the sound as his head snapped to your direction and the earpiece you wore gave you your orders.
“Bucky!” Your cold voice tried to sound helpless and your feet began to make their way towards him as everyone else held back in the shadows. “Don’t.”
Your words broke through and he paused mid step at the voice that sounded more like you before continuing to walk deeper into the room, laying himself open for a well aimed shot. He was risking his life for you and you knew that your body was going to betray him.
“Run.” You muttered quietly, unable to put any more volume behind your words that were straining to break through.
“Not without you, doll.” He promised as his eyes darted around the room. “How are you getting on, Cap?”
“Seven targets, eyes on them all.” Sam answered as he and Joaquin moved into position. “You just worry about getting ya girl out of there.”
You were almost in front of him as he held his hand out, expecting you to place yours in his and you itched to but your body wasn’t listening. You stared at the hand, palm up and open with no weapons anywhere to be seen. He was trying to show you that he wasn’t a danger to you, you only wished he knew that you were a danger to him. Your own hand moved from where it was resting against your thigh and drew the Ka-bar knife from the pocket before slashing it across his palm.
A pained hiss erupted from his lips as he tore his hand back and fisted his hand over the cut that was already leaving steady drops of blood across the polished concrete floor but he didn’t back away. “Y/n, I know you’re in there, doll. I need you to come back to me.”
You pressed your body against his and raised the blade to his neck, your head tipped back so he could see your cold, empty eyes. “Your precious y/n is gone. She was never real.”
You screamed into the void that was your mind and imagined slapping yourself with all your might, your hand jerking at the thought and nicking the skin of Bucky’s neck. His eyes widened as your pupils dilated and he swore he saw a glimpse of your soul behind them before a smile broke across his face.
“There’s my girl.”
“Take him out, now.” Jack ordered as he saw the control slipping from the brain wave readings he had on his tablet.
You dropped the knife at his throat, catching it with your other hand as you reached for the syringe and tried to plunge it into his neck. His vibranium hand blocked your attempt and bent the needle as he knocked it away but still he didn’t advance on you, merely defending himself from your attack. Finally, he managed to catch your fist in his metal one and ripped the syringe from your fingers to crush it, letting the fluid empty over the floor.
“Fuck.” Jack swore in your ear. “Kill him.”
Your attempts to stop yourself were futile and exhausting as you raised the knife offensively and pointed the tip towards his heart. A tear was the only thing that escaped as your fingers tightened around the knife’s handle and your heart failed to beat right.
“It’s okay.” He whispered as he reached out and wiped your tear away. “It’s okay. I love you.”
Your scream filled the air as the blade met the slight resistance of his skin and slipped between his upper ribs to bury itself in his shoulder. His face was twisted in agony as you destroyed the one good thing in your life and he fell to his knees when they gave way. Unadulterated rage filled you as his face paled and his chest shuddered from his collapsing lung.
Jack’s voice no longer held the authority it did moments earlier and you realised something had broken within you, like the knife had severed more than just Bucky’s body. You were back in control. You whispered you were sorry as you kissed Bucky’s forehead and turned away from him.
“Sam, get her out of here.” Bucky groaned into his own comms piece as you pulled yours out.
An explosion rocked the back wall that had hidden the elevator you had come from and two of the STRIKE members were tossed away from it before Sam appeared. His silver wings sheltered him from gun fire and you ran to the closest opponent while they were preoccupied with Sam’s entrance. You put them in a choke hold and let their unconscious form fall to the floor before moving on to the next.
“Torres, how’s he doing?” Sam called out as he smacked away another soldier with a swipe of his wing span.
You turned to see Joaquin had arrived while you were busy and he was opening a large first aid kit fearlessly as the fighting went on around him. You made the mistake of looking at Bucky whose eyes hadn’t left yours for one second and you expected to see hatred or anger but found something warm you could only describe as pride. You lost focus as you realised after what you did he still loved you and you hoped it was still true after this ended.
“Seems to have missed everything major.” Torres yelled back as he pressed a bandage to the bleeding area. “You’ve got some serious luck on your side man. As long as you don’t pull that knife out, we should be good to get you fixed up.”
He grunted a laugh but it died as he saw Jack raising his weapon behind you. You saw the fear fill his eyes and began to turn but you would be too late. A glint of metal flickered across your vision as you came face to face with the barrel of Rollins gun but the gunshot never came. Instead a gurgle of blood spouted from his lips as your knife buried itself to the hilt in his throat and your heart stopped.
A trio of concerned voices all screamed for Bucky as you realised he had torn the knife from his own chest to save your life. Jack hadn’t even hit the floor and you were sprinting towards Bucky, Torres desperately trying to keep pressure on the open wound but the bandage was quickly blooming red.
“You idiot!” You hissed as you slid to his side, the wind of Sam’s wings signalling his arrival at the same time. “Why would you do that?”
“Saved her life and this is how she treats me.” Bucky joked before coughing, a spittle of blood clinging to his lips.
“Sam, please, get him to the hospital!” You begged as he shook his head.
“I can’t carry him and keep pressure on the wound.” He said sadly. “There’s already an air ambulance on the way-”
“Air! There’s a helicopter, they flew me here.” You clapped. “Get him to the helipad and I’ll meet you there.”
“Do you know how to fly one?” Torres asked as he looked at Sam who shook his head.
“I think I do.” You said unconfidently as you recalled the ‘other’ you being trained. “Guess we’ll find out.”
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The whir of the helicopter blades was a familiar sound after the length of the journey and your fingers gripped the collective lever, adjusting the controls so you could land gently on the makeshift helipad below. It was only as the rotors came to a stop and the engine fell quiet that Bucky stirred, blue eyes peeping out from beneath his dark lashes, and he stretched as much as the harness allowed him to.
“Did I sleep the whole way?” He asked, surprised as he looked around, a slight wince with some of the movement.
“You’re still healing.” You said as you unbuckled his harness around the sling he wore. “You need your rest.”
“It’s not like I haven’t been stabbed before.” He said with a smirk. “Though last time it was from someone far prettier.”
You rolled your eyes at his reminder of the worst day of your life when you thought you had lost him for good. He had barely survived the bumpy helicopter ride from the compound to the closest hospital but somehow he had held on long enough to make it into the emergency surgeon's care. Your piloting skills had certainly improved since then and thankfully he hadn’t needed any more high speed extractions since then either.
“Well now you have no choice but to rest.” You said as you helped him out of the cockpit and towards the cabin you had rented for a week. “There’s no cell service, no internet, nothing to distract you at all.”
“I still have you.”
“I guess I should leave you here alone then.”
You turned back to the chopper only to be pulled back by Bucky’s vibranium arm. You crashed against his chest, careful not to touch his wounded arm as you caught his shoulders with a laugh.
“You’re never leaving me again,” he growled as he laced his slinged arm behind your back and held you closer, “you’re mine forever.”
You grabbed his left hand and ran your fingers over the intricately designed panel that had been replaced on his ring finger when you married. “Till death do us part.”
Taglist Join Form @jessica11133 @nash-dara @buckyisperfect @itswanktime @slutforsexyseabass @sea040561 @matchat3a
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aaliyah-babe · 4 years
Pilot: Part One
Pairing: eventual joey x reader
authors note: i do not own anything from friends, all credit goes to their respective owners. feedback is always appreciated.
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together!
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the group of five sat in the coffee house, monica and pheobe on the long sofa with chandler on the arm of it, and then joey and y/n sitting on the chairs next to it, as monica explained her ‘not a date’ date,
“there’s nothing to tell! he’s just some guy i work with,” she explained,
“come on. you’re going out with the guy, there’s gotta be something wrong with him,” joey pushed her to tell him, which made y/n hit him on the back of his head,
“now, now, joseph. play nice,” she warned before turning to monica, “does he have twelve fingers?” she joked,
“so does he have a hump? a hump and a hairpiece?” chandler joked which made everyone laugh at his comment.
“wait, does he eat chalk?” pheobe asked, which made everyone stare at her in confusion, once she noticed the stares she explained her question, “just ‘cause i don’t want her to go through what i went through with carl- oh,” she sighed at the memory.
“okay, everybody relax. this is not even a date. it’s just two people going out to dinner and not having sex,” she said which made chandler speak up,
“sounds like a date to me,” he said which made everyone nod in agreement,
time had passed and they hadn’t left the coffee house, but moved seats, monica and chandler were still on the couch, pheobe was on the ground, joey was sat on the green chair, and y/n sat on joey’s lap.
“i’m standing in the middle of the cafeteria, and i realise i am totally.... naked,” chandler explained,
“oh yeah,” joey nodded, implying that he’s had that dream,
“i’ve had that dream,” monica laughed,
“then i look down, and there is a phone.... there,” chandler explained further.
“instead of?” joey questioned him,
“that’s right!” chandler yelled, which made everyone shake their heads no this time,
“cant say i’ve had that dream, bing,” y/n sighed,
“all of a sudden, the phone starts to ring. and it turns out it’s my mother, which is very, very weird because, she never calls me!” he said, making everyone laugh a little.
it was a while later and they were still in the coffee house, joey and y/n we’re talking,
“okay so if i win, you have to buy me a cookie,” y/n explained,
“yes, but if i win, you have to buy me a cookie,” he said holding out his hand,
she shook it before replying, “deal!”
“or you two could just eat the cookies chandler bought,” monica motioned to the plate of cookies, y/n and joey shared glances before reaching over and taking one each.
the coffee house doors opened and ross walked in, with a sad look on his face,
“hi,” he said sadly, and joey leant over to y/n,
“this guy says hello i wanna kill myself,” she pushed his head back to ross and the rest of them,
“are you okay, sweetie?” monica asked her brother,
“i just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out my mouth and wrapped it around my neck,” he said walking over to chandler’s side of the room, where chandler raised his plate of cookies to him,
“carol moved her stuff out today,” monica explained for ross,
“oh, i’m so sorry honey,” y/n said to him,
“let me get you some coffee,” monica said, getting up,
he thanked her before sitting down, pheobe immediately gasped, and started cleansing ross’s ora,
“no. oh, no. no, don’t!” he yelled at her, making her stop for a second, “stop cleansing my ora,” she continued anyway, “no just leave my ora alone,” making her stop ross said,
“i’ll be fine, all right? really, everyone. i hope she’ll be very happy,” ross lied,
“no you don’t,” monica said from the counter,
“no i don’t. to hell with her she left me,” ross declared,
joey shook his head before asking, “and you never knew she was a lesbian?”
“no. okay? why does everyone keep fixating on that?!” he asked angrily, “she didn’t know, how should i know?”
“sometimes i wish i was a lesbian,” chandler said, still focused on the paper, he looked up before realising, “did i say that out loud?”
“alright ross, look. you’re feeling a lot of pain right now. you’re angry, you’re hurting. can i tell you what the answer is?” joey asked him and he nodded, “strip joints!” he said which made mos of the group roll their eyes. “oh, come on. you’re single. have some hormones!”
“see, but i don’t want to be single, okay? i just, i just, i just wanna be married again,” he stuttered, just as he said those words a woman in a soaked wedding dress ran into the coffee house, frantically looking around.
“and i just want a million dollars!” chandler motioned to the door,
y/n noticed something about the girl, very farmiliar and she saw that monica noticed too, monica looked at y/n, “is that?” and y/n nodded excitedly, her and monica getting up,
“rachel?” they both asked,
“oh god, guys, hi!” she smiled looking at the two, she hugged them both before continuing, “i just went to tour building and you weren’t there and then this guy, with a big hammer told me that you might be here and you guys are! you are,” she hugged them again, before y/n walked back over to the couch couch,
“can i get you some coffee?” the woman behind the counter asked,
“decaf!” monica pointed at rachel before walking her over to the couch,
“okay, everybody this is rachel another lincoln high survivor,” monica introdouced everybody to her before she introdouced ross.
“and you remember my brother ross,” monica said in more of a question tone.
“sure!” she smiled, and held out her hand,
ross got up to shake it but when he did the umberella popped open, invading the space between them, making them jump.
rachel sat down, as if she isn’t wearing a wedding dress,
“so you want to tell us now?” monica asked her,
“or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids?” y/n laughed a little at her comment.
“oh, god. well, it started about a half an hour before the wedding. i was in this room where we were keeping all the presents, and i was looking at this gravy boat; this really gorgeous limoges gravy boat. when all of a sudden,” she started but the lady walked up with her coffe, “sweet and low?” rachel asked, the woman nodded so rachel continued.
“i realised that i was more turned on by this gravy boat than by barry! and then i got really freaked out and that’s when it hit me; how much barry looks like mr. potato head. you know? i mean, i always knew he looked farmiliar but.. anyway, i just had to get out of there and i started wondering, why am i doing this and who am i doing this for? so anyways i just didn’t know where to go and i know that you, you and i have drifted apart but you guys are the only people i knew that lived here in the city,” she said pointing at y/n then at monica,
“who wasn’t invited to the wedding?” monica asked her and y/n raised her eyebrows,
“oh, i was kind of hoping that would’nt be an issue,” she said.
they decided to head back to the apartment and watch some tv, while rachel was on the phone to her father.
on the tv was a spanish telenovela,
“so i’m guessing that she bought her the big pipe organ, and she’s really not happy about it,” monica guessed,
“daddy, i just. i can’t marry him. i’m sorry, i just don’t love him... well it matters to me!” rachel said to her father over the phone.
there was a woman on the stairs of the show and she was wearing pants that she should not have been wearing,
“oooh, she should not be wearing those pants.” chandler said,
“i say, push her down the stairs,” joey said and everybody started chanting,
“push her down the stairs! push her down the stairs! push her down the stairs!” and when the woman pushed the other woman down the stairs everybody cheered.
“come on daddy listen to me!” rachel said which made monica turn off the tv and everybody turned to her,
“it’s like all of my life, everyone has always told me, your a shoe. you’re a shoe, you’re a shoe, you’re a shoe! and then today i just stopped and said, what if i don’t want to be a shoe? what if i wanted to be a purse? or-or-or a hat?!” rachel frantically said, “no i don’t want you to buy me a hat, i’m saying i am a hat- it’s a metaphor daddy!” she yelled into the phone,
“you can see where you have trouble,” ross said walking back and sitting down next to y/n.
“look daddy, it’s my life. well, maybe i’ll just stay here with monica!” rachel yelled into the phone and everybody turned to monica,
“so i guess we’ve established she’s staying here with monica,” monica said, and everybody turned back to rachel,
“well maybe that’s my decision. well maybe i don’t need your money. wait, wait! i said maybe!” rachel yelled before placing the phone down, her father had hung up on her.
the guys were in the kitchen while the girls sat in the living room with rachel, who had a brown paper bag over her mouth to calm her down,
“okay, just breathe. that’s it,” monica soothed her,
“don’t worry rach, just keep breathing,” y/n told her,
“just try to think of nice calm things,” monica told her,
“raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, doorbells and sleigh bells, and- something with mittens, la la la something with string, these are a few...” pheobe began singing, poorly when rachel cut her off.
“i’m all better now,” rachel told her, making her stop singing and smile,
pheobe turned around and faced the guys, “i helped!” she smiled.
“okay, look, this is probably for the best, you know?” monica asked her, motioning for y/n to help her,
“yeah! independence, taking control of your life,” y/n side-hugged rachel.
“and hey, you need anything you can always come to joey,” joey said, putting his hand on rachel’s shoulder, “me and chandler live right across the hall, and he’s away a lot.”
“joey!” y/n hit him on his arm,
“joey stop hitting on her, it’s her wedding day!” monica reminded him,
“what? like there’s a rule or something?” he said.
the intercon buzzed so chandler checked who it was, “please don’t do that again it’s a horrible sound,”
“uh, it’s-it’s paul!” paul shouted through the speaker,
“buzz him in!” monica told him and he did,
“who’s paul?” joey asked her,
“‘paul the wine guy’ paul?” ross asked from behind her,
“maybe,” monica smirked,
“wait- so this whole time your ‘not a date’ date was with paul the wine guy?!” y/n screeeched excitedly,
“he finally asked you out?” ross asked her,
“yes!” monica exclaimed,
“ooh this is a ‘dear diary’ moment,” chandler joked,
“i can’t believe this!” y/n said excitedly,
“wait- rach, i can cancel,” monica said to rachel,
“please, no, go! i’ll be fine,” rachel insisted and monica turned to ross,
“ross, are you okay? i mean, do you want me to stay?” monica asked him,
“that’d be good,” ross said,
“really?!” monica and y/n said,
“no! go on! it’s paul the wine guy!” ross exclaimed, and right on cue, paul knocked on the door,
she opened it and said, “hi! come in,”
he walked in and everybody stood watching him, “paul, this is... everybody,” monica introdouced,
“everybody this is paul,” monica then turned back to paul,
“paul the wine guy!” everyone yelled,
“i’m sorry, i didn’t catch your name. paul, was it?” chandler asked him,
“sit down, i’ll be two seconds,” monica said running into her room,
y/n, joey and chandler went to sit down with paul,
“so paul, long time no see huh?” joey asked him,
“you’ve never met me before,” paul said making y/n and chandler laugh a little,
“right,” joey said embarrassed,
“so, how’s working in the restaurant?” y/n asked him,
“good, it’s uh, it’s good,” he stuttered,
it went silent and awkward until joey pulled y/n away, leaving chandler on the couch,
“what’s up, joey?” she asked him,
“nothing, just didn’t want to be there for any longer,” he told her, handing her a beer,
they stayed in the kitchen as ross talked to rachel, before chandler joined them,
“anyway, if you don’t feel like being alone tonight, joey and chandler are helping me put together my new furniture,” ross said to rachel,
“yes and we’re very excited about it,” chandler sneered,
“thanks, but i think i’m just going to hang out here tonight, it’s been a long day,” she said walking to the bathroom,
“hey, pheebs? you wanna help?” joey asked her,
“i wish i could but, i don’t want to,” she said which made y/n laugh,
“y/n/n, what about you huh?” joey asked her, squeezing her shoulder,
“meh, okay i guess, but i got to leave early though, because i got these new bath salts i want to try,” she smiled
“can we join you, or...” chandler joked, and she laughed, pushing him away,
it was later on and the guys and y/n had headed off to ross’ apartment, and started putting the furniture together, which was not working out so well,
“i’ve finished with the bedside table,” y/n told ross and everyone looked at her with their mouth open, as they were not close to being finished,
“okay, great! thank you! go take it in that room, please,” ross told her and she nodded, walking into the bedroom, she placed the table next to a bed, probably ross’ bed.
she walked back out, “anyone need any help?” she asked them and instantly, three arms flew into the air,
“okay...” she walked to ross since joey and chandler were working together,
“so what are we doing?” y/n asked him,
“well, i’m supposed to attach a brackety thing to the side things, using a bunch of these little worm guys. i have no brackety thing, i see no worm guys whatsoever, and i can not feel my legs,” he said standing up,
ross walked over to the kitchen and y/n joined chandler and joey,
“what’s this?” y/n picked up a piece that wasn’t on the bookcase,
“i have no idea,” chandler told her, while joey shook his head and shrugged,
joey grabbed it off her and tossed it into the plant pot before shouting, “done with the bookcase!”
ross walked in sadly, holding a canned beer, “this was carol’s favourite beer,” he told them,
they looked at eachother, before looking back at ross, “she always drank it out of the can, i should’ve known,”
“hey! wait a second, i drink out of the can and i’m not a lesbian,” y/n said grabbing her beer, “see, look,”
she took a sip of her beer, from the can, after she finished she turned to joey and grabbed his face, pulling him in for a kiss, the kiss only lasted a few seconds before she pulled back,
“see!” she smiled at joey who was smiling happily at that,
“okay, uh ross, let me ask you a question.” joey started after he stopped smiling, “she got, the furniture. the stereo, the good tv. what did you get?” he asked him,
“you guys,” ross told them,
“you got screwed,” joey replied,
“not a good trade,” y/n said at the same time,
“oh my god!” chandler exclaimed.
“well kiddos, i’m going to head home, take that bath,” she said and saw chandler about to say something so she interrupted him, “alone!”
“let me walk you out,” joey said, walking with her,
they got outside of the apartment and joey closed the door, “well, that was... interesting,” joey smirked,
“oh joey! shut up!” y/n smiled at him,
“i’m just saying, you’re a good kisser!” he smiled at her,
“thank you, you are too,” she said.
joey called a cab and y/n got in it, waving at joey who started walking back to the apartments.
she got back to her apartment which was next to monica and rachel’s, before walking in.
she took her coat off and set it down on the kitchen chairs and got changed in her room, before watching tv.
there was a knock at her door, she got up and turned the tv off, opening the door to reveal rachel, a sad rachel,
“honey, come in,” y/n hugged her and she layed with her on the couch for a bit.
“want to talk about it?” y/n asked her and she shook her head no.
“well i’ve got something that might cheer you up,” y/n said running into her room,
she went into her closet and pulled out a black dress, that she didn’t like on herself, but knew it would suit rachel,
“i’ve had this dress for quite some time now, and it’s not my style, so here, take it,” y/n handed her the dress and rachel thanked her,
“oh it’s beautiful, thank you so much y/n/n!” rachel hugged her greatfully.
it was later on and rachel had went back to her apartment and y/n had decided to go to sleep.
read Part Two here!
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soda-drabbles · 4 years
My Favorite Things | Dan x Arin x Reader
Synopsis : Another weekend rolls around where you and your two lover boys spend time together which somehow turns into a cute musical moment.
Type : Fluff
Pairing : Arin/Dan/Reader
A/N : I got this idea from listening to the 'My Favorite Things' song so please enjoy! :) Also, this idea was based off this song.
The weekends were always the best parts of your week and the ones you mostly looked forward to. With all of the work that you and your lovers dealt with during the week, it felt refreshing to have a time just to crash and relax. The three of you normally spent time at each other's houses, as you weren't at the point where you lived together yet.
You and your trio were lazily draped over the couch playing video games. Dan mostly had hold of the controller while Arin watched on the sidelines. You also watched, your own spot being in between the two. The game in question was Mario Maker, a game that was easy when it came to passing time. Gaming with the two was never boring, as Arin knew exactly what to say to get everyone laughing.
While he played the game, you could hear Dan's soft humming. You always loved listening to Dan sing or just talk in general. His voice was so soft and flowed off the tongue in just the right way.
It was unlike any voice you ever heard and, in a way, you found yourself being addicted.
With your head gently rested on Dan's shoulder, you peered up at him. “Dan, could you sing for me?”
Dan, although focused on the game, was easily surprised at the sudden request. “Sing?”
You nodded. He thought for a moment and ended up sighing, as he met another game over screen. His eyes looked down at you, “Sure. Got any specific requests?”
Your lips smiled as you thought of what song you wanted to hear speak through Dan's voice. A slight twinkle lit your eyes as you finally knew what song you wanted to hear. “ ‘My Favorite Things’. ” You finally suggested. It was one of your favorite songs. It was just so catchy and rhythmic.
Arin whistled. “Ooh~ Classy.”
Dan grinned and rolled his eyes at his boyfriend. “Shut up, Arin.” He then nodded towards you. “Sure, I could give it a shot.”
He then cleared his throat and grinned sheepishly. “Just so you know, I probably don't remember most of the lyrics so try not to bust my balls if I mess something up.”
“Oh, trust me, they won't.” Arin smugly said, eyes still on the screen. “That's my job.”
The comment caused you both to laugh. Dan snickered as his laugh died down. “Shut up, man. Don't throw me off my groove!”
It took a moment for your chuckles to simmer down and finally, Dan began to sing.
“Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens.
Brown copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.
Brown paper packages tied in their strings, these are a few of my favorite things.”
Your first intuition was right. His voice was practically perfect for the song, the lyrics effortlessly rolled of his tongue with his own Dan flare. It almost sounded ethereal.
After he cut the song off after that verse, he awkwardly chuckled. “That's, like, the only part I know.”
Suddenly, from the other side of you, Dan and you were both shocked to hear Arin finish the next verse himself. Of course, he sang it in a more joking way. Still, it surprised you he even knew more than just the one verse.
“Arin,” Dan started, a smug grin on his face. “You never told me you listen to ‘The Sound of Music’.”
You also played along, brows wiggling. “Yeah. You never told us you were into music like that.”
Arin then groaned, as he yet again lost to a leap of faith in the game. With furrowed brows, he turned to the both of you. “Look, man. I only know that one song.” He nonchalantly said.
“Well then.” You said, flopping down and sprawling over the laps of your two boyfriends. Your head tilted up to Dan, who you were facing since your head rested on his lap. “What are y'all's favorite things?” You asked, gently playing with the bouncy curls of his hair.
Dan snickered, “Really? Is this what we're doing now?”
Arin huffed, game controller laid in his lap. “This game isn't my favorite thing, I'll tell you that much.” He grunted in a grumpy tone. You laughed and lightly slumped your fist against Arin's shoulder.
“Be serious.” You ordered. “Seriously, what are you guy's favorite things?”
With a small 'hmm', Dan took it upon himself to answer first. “Well, there's singing. The nostalgic sounds of video games and the flames from candles on Hanukkah.”
You smiled softly, as all of Dan's favorite things were innocent and aesthetically pleasing; pretty much what you expected of him. One of your favorite things was hearing him talk about his favorite things. Especially because you could see the warm smile on his face and the genuine brightening of his eyes when he talked about something he truly loved.
“My favorite things are the laughter of two dumb boys,” You began with a stifled chuckle, your chuckle turned to a laugh with the looks you earned from your lovers. “the smell of coffee brewed in the morning and the dew in the grass when it's really early.”
Dan ruffled your hair, which made you snort. The two of you then looked to Arin expectantly, to which he looked back and cocked a brow.
“Spit out your favorite things bro.” Dan pretty much demanded.
“Hold on,” Arin then moved his lips around a little as he thought to where you could nearly see him picking his head for an answer. “..I guess the color pink, cool socks and cuddling up in a big blanket when the room is really cold.”
It was also riveting to see how Arin talked about what his favorite things were. Depending on what it was, he sometimes would be a burst of in awe energy or just an infatuated soft smile. It could vary and honestly, you were down for either.
Honestly, you loved how different they both were. Dan was the soft sweetheart with a and Arin was the energetic, sometimes domestic comedian. Best of both worlds, some would say.
You stretched and placed your hands behind your head. “I don't know about you guys but I could stay here for hours.”
“Honestly, me too.” Dan agreed with a chuckle. “My legs are kinda getting numb though.”
Arin then got an idea. “Speaking of staying here for hours, why dont we? I'll get blankets and junk so we can chill here for a couple hours.”
You then sat up, still yawning. “Actually? That sounds like a really good idea right about now.”
Dan yawned as well. “Yeah, it really does.” He then brought his arms around your waist and pulled you gently back by him as he moved his legs.
Meanwhile, Arin gone to grab one of the thick covers and a couple pillows. He returned with them. He then made the both of you get up in order to place the pillows down. Arin got on the couch himself and opened his arms, gesturing the both of you to join.
Just what the both of you needed, and Arin cuddle pile. Before he knew it, Arin was being smothered by the both of you. He laughed, which of course brought laighs out of the two of you as well.
The three of you snuggled together. Dan's arms were around the two of you, his head buried in between. You were snuggled up into Arin's chest, Dan's hand and arm hugged you all close.
With another stuffy yawn, you fluttered your eyes shut. “I love you guys.”
You could hear the smiles in their tired voices.
“Love you too.”
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slaxl-rose · 4 years
[ FRIENDS ] [ Season 1 - ? ] [ Joey Tribbiani x OC ] started: 12th/dec/2020
-> I obviously don't own F.r.i.e.n.d.s
-> This is a slow burn book
-> Updates will probably be every week. If not, every second week. (I've finished school for this year and i have a lot of time on my hands :) )
-> This book may include mature and triggering scenes
-> There are more chapters of this story published on my wattpad account @ -rogerscar   
"I just....I just want to be married again!..." Ross Geller sighed.
A woman wearing a wet wedding dress pushed open the door and started frantically searching the room.
"And i just want a million dollars!" Chandler says as he extends his hand hopefully.
"Charis?" Monica says as she walked up to the woman.
"Oh Monica hi! I just went to your building and you weren't there and then this guy with a big hammer said you might be here and you are, you are!" the woman rambled as she spotted her dear friend Monica.
"Can i get you some coffee?" the waitress calls.
"Decaf" Monica says as she points to her friend.
"OK, everybody, this is Charis! Another Lincoln High survivor" Monica says as she pulls Charis towards her group of friends. "This is everybody, this is Chandler, and Phoebe, and Joey and- you remember Rachel? And my brother Ross?" She says as she points to each person.
"Sure!" Charis smiles as she waves her hand at Rachel. One of her old-time friends. She then extends her hand and walks over to Ross but his umbrella opened causing the two to jump back slightly. "Hi, oh!"
Ross sits back down with a defeated look washing over his face. Joey gives him a friendly pat on the back.
Once Charis sits down in between Phoebe and Ross on the couch, everybody looks at her expectantly.
"So you wanna tell us now, or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids?" Monica says
"Well...it started about half an hour before the wedding. I was in the room where we were keeping all the presents, and i was looking at this gravy boat. This really gorgeous Limoges gravy boat. When all of a sudden- sweet and low?" Charis looks up when the waitress hands her, her drink. She then continues her story "I realised that i was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry! And then i got really freaked out and that's when it hit me.. how much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head. I mean i always knew he looked familiar, but..... Anyway, i just had to get out of there and i started wondering, 'why am i doing this? and who am i doing this for?' So anyway i just didn't know where to go, and i know that you and i have drifted apart... but you're the only person i knew who lived here in the city"
"Who wasn't invited to the wedding" Monica replies
"Oh, i was kinda hoping that wouldn't be an issue" Charis says as Ross picks up a teaspoon and stirs her coffee.
»»————-  ————-««
Later on, everybody was at Monica's apartment watching a Spanish soap on T.V and trying to figure out what was going on.
"Now, i'm guessing that he bought her the big pipe organ and she's really not happy about it" Monica says while pointing at the screen.
"Daddy, i just- i can't marry him!" Charis says as shes on a phone call to her father.
"Ooh, she should not be wearing those pants" Chandler says amused while looking at the T.V
"I say, push her down the stairs" Joey answers
Phoebe, Ross, Rachel, Chandler and Joey begin to cheer "Push her down the stairs! Push her down the stairs!"
"C'mon daddy listen to me! It's like all of my life everyone has told me 'you're a shoe! You're a shoe, you're a shoe' And today i just stopped and said 'what if i don't want to be a shoe? What if i wanna be a.. purse! or a..a hat!.... No i don't want you to buy me a hat, i'm saying that i am a hat!.. It's a metaphor daddy!"
"You can see where he'd have trouble" Ross chimes in.
"Look daddy, it's my life.....w-well maybe i'll just stay here with Monica and Rachel!" Charis says.
Everybody turns around to face Monica.
"Well i guess we've established who's staying here with Monica and Rachel" She says.
"Well maybe that's my decision... well maybe i don't need your money. Wait, wait! I said maybe!" Charis says loudly as her father hangs up the phone.
»»————-  ————-««
"OK, just breathe, that's it" Monica says to Charis as she holds a paper bag up to her face and breathes heavily into it. "Just try to think of nice, calm things"
"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens..doorbells and sleigh-bells and some..thing with mittens. La,la,la something with string" Phoebe sings.
"I'm all better now!" Charis says while pulling the bag away from her face.
"And hey, you need anything, you can always come to Joey. Me and Chandler live right across the hall and he's away a lot" Joey says while placing his hand on Charis's shoulder.
"Joey! stop hitting on her... it's her wedding day!" Rachel says.
"What? like theres a rule or something?" He says.
"Please don't do that again, it's a horrible sound" Chandler says while pressing on it.
"Uh- it's- it's Paul!"
"Buzz him in!" Monica says immediately.
"Who's Paul?" Joey questions.
"Paul the wine guy, Paul?" Ross asks his sister.
"Wait a minute.. your 'not a real date' tonight is with Paul the wine guy?" Joey asks.
"He finally asked you out?"
"Yes!" Monica says while Ross pulls her in for a quick hug.
"Ooh, this is a 'dear diary' moment" Chandler says from the kitchen.
"Charis, wait i can cancel" Monica says while looking down at her friend sitting on the couch.
"Please, no! go! i'll be fine" Charis reassures her.
Monica then turns to her brother "Ross are you OK? i mean- do you want me to stay?"
"That would be good" he replies
"No! go on! It's Paul the wine guy!"
Paul knocks on the door. "Hi come in" Monica says as she opens the door. "Paul, this is...everybody" She says as she notices everyone standing in a line behind her.
Monica motions for Paul to go sit on the couch and he does so.
"So Charis, what're you up to tonight?" Joey asks.
"Well i was kinda suppose to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon, so, nothing!"
"Well, if you don't feel like being alone tonight, Chandler and I are going over to help Ross put together his new furniture!"
"Yes, and we're very excited about it" Chandler says sarcastically.
"Thanks, but i think i'm going to hang out here tonight" Charis says.
"Oh sure, okay"
"Pheebs, do you want to help?" Ross offers
"Oh, i wish i could but i don't want to" she says.
»»————-  ————-««
"Isn't this amazing?! I mean I've never made coffee before in my entire life" Charis says while placing two cups in front of Joey and Chandler.
"That is amazing" Chandler says
"Congratulations, while you're on a roll- if you feel like you got to make an Western omelette or something" Joey says before taking a sip of his coffee.
He scrunches his nose before tipping it in the plant that sits on the middle of the table. "Actually, i'm really not that hungry this morning"
"Morning" Charis says as she notices Monica step out of her bedroom. Paul steps out after her.
"Morning Paul" Joey says. "Hi Paul"
"Hi, Paul is it?" Chandler asks sarcastically.
Monica and Paul step out of the apartment and Joey, Chandler and Charis shuffle closer to hear what they are saying. "I had a really great time last night"
"Thank you, thank you so much" Paul says.
"We'll talk later"
"Yeah" Paul says before leaning in and kissing Monica. She waves goodbye and steps back inside. "That wasn't a real date!" Joey says while smiling. "What the hell do you do on a real date?" he asks suddenly.
"Shut up and put my table back" Monica replies while walking away.
They all move to shift the table back into it's original spot when Charis speaks up "So like, you all have jobs?"
"Yeah we all have jobs, see that's how we.. buy stuff!" Monica says.
"Yeah i'm an actor" Joey replies.
"Wow, have i seen you in anything?"
"Oh, i doubt it, mostly regional work" Joey says.
Soon, Joey and Chandler both leave the apartment and Charis sits down at the table beside Monica. "Did you sleep ok? Did you talk to Barry? I can't stop smiling" Monica says
"I can see that, you look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth" Charis says.
"I know.. he's just so... you remember you and Tony Demarco?" Monica asks. "Oh, yeah"
"Well it's like that, with feelings"
"Oh wow, are you in trouble" Charis says while smiling at Monica. "Ok, i'm just going to get up, go to work and not think about him all day"
"Or else i'm just gonna get up and go to work" Monica finishes.
"Ooh wish me luck!" Charis quickly stands. "What for?"
"I'm gonna go.. get one of those job things" She says.
Monica smiles at her and heads out of her apartment.
»»————-  ————-««
"Guess what?" Charis says as she runs into central perk where everybody else was sitting.
"You got a job?" Rachel asks
"Are you kidding? I'm trained for nothing!... i was laughed out of 12 interviews today"
"And yet you're surprisingly upbeat" Chandler replies
"Well you would be too if you found Joan and David boots on sale" she says while pulling out a box from her bag. "50% off"
"oh, how well you know me" chandler says
"They're my new i-dont-need-a-job, i-dont-need-my-parents, i've-got-great-boots boots"
"How'd you pay for them?" Monica asks.
"A credit card"
"And who pays for that?"
"uhh.. my father"
»»————-  ————-««
"C'mon you can't live off your parents your whole life" Rachel says as everyone sits around their table at Monica's apartment.
"I know that! that's why i was getting married" Charis says
"Give her a break, it's hard being on your own for the first time" Phoebe defends.
"Thank you"
"You're welcome, i remember when i first came to this city. I was fourteen. My mom had just killed herself and my step-dad was back in prison, and i got here, and i didn't know anybody. And i ended up living with this albino guy who was like, cleaning windshields outside port authority, and then he killed himself, and then i found aromatherapy, so believe me, i know exactly how you feel" Phoebe says.
"The word you're looking for is...'anyway'....."
"Alright, you ready?" Monica asks
"i-i don't think so"
Everybody starts chanting as Ross holds out Charis's card. "Cut, cut, cut, cut"
She grabs the scissors and cuts the card in half then into quarters. The group all cheer for her as Monica gets up and hugs her.
"Welcome to the real world! It sucks. You're gonna love it"
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barnesthesarge · 5 years
ok idea! reader singing ‘my favorite things’ to bucky when he needs it most and bucky finding himself humming it when she’s not there... idk it just popped into my head
My Favorite Things
A/N: okay I love this and I hope you like it! Thank you for the request 💜
Warnings: swearing, brief mention of gore, some stupid stuff
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You heard him before you saw him, and he was hurting. It wasn’t always the same thing, but you knew he was in constant pain. Sometimes it was the heavy metal appendage weighing him down, sometimes it was the flashbacks that came with long missions, sometimes it was nightmares. Bucky struggled.
“Babe?” You called out, the bathroom door shut all the way and you slipped out from beneath the covers.
Your feet padded quietly against the cold hardwood floor, you tapped the door softly, “Did I wake you?” He asked softly, pretending to be alright.
“Can I come in?” You asked, the door creaked open and you stepped into the light.
Bucky was a mess. His hair was matted with dirt and most-likely blood, tear tracks dripped dirt along his cheeks, his combat gear was torn in a couple places, where blood came out. “I’m sorry for waking you up, I didn’t want you to see me like this.”
You tilted your head and pushed a strand of his hair out of his face, “Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?”
He nodded sheepishly, you sat him down on the toilet and started up the shower, you put the shower chair in the tub. You started humming mindlessly.
You turned back to him as the water heated up quickly, moving into the compound with Bucky had its perks. You pulled him back to his feet.
Bucky had gone the liberty of removing his boots, so you started unbuckling his tactical vest, he sighed and watched you carefully.
“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens”
When he was standing bare you helped him sit down, “Is the water a good temperature?” You asked and he nodded, you gently started spraying him with the shower head, working the water through his hair.
“Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens brown paper packages tied up with strings these are a few of my favorite things”
Bucky leaned his mouth into your palm and pressed a kiss to it. You smiled and tapped his nose, he seemed relaxed in seconds.
*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚
Bucky held open a newspaper and took a long sip from his coffee. He froze for a moment and set his mug down, he stopped reading and set down the paper, leaving the room without another word.
You furrowed your brows and looked to where he was reading, the headline read in big bold letters:
You scoffed and followed to where he disappeared and heard his heavy breaths in the bathroom. You tapped lightly and he stopped.
“Bucky, can I come in?” You waited and didn’t hear anything, “I saw it.”
You could only imagine the horrible things running through his head, “You know it’s bullshit, right?”
He didn’t answer, but you heard him sniffle, “Can I come in?”
“I don’t want you to look at me.” His voice came barely above a whisper.
“Alright, that’s fine. How about we talk?” You suggested.
“Can you sing to me?” He sniffled again.
“Of course I can.” You sat down against the door.
“Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings these are a few of my favorite things”
*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚
Bucky groaned in his sleep, and sat up abruptly, his breath coming out in low rasps. “Buck?”
He looked at you, the fear in his eyes slowly being replaced with safety, he laid back down and cuddled onto your chest. “I saw it again, the chair.”
You ran a hand through his hair slowly, “do you want to talk about it?”
“No.” He pressed a small kiss to your neck, “Sing to me?” He pleaded.
“Of course.” You pressed a kiss to his hair and continued running your fingers along his scalp.
“Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes silver-white winters that melt into springs these are a few of my favorite things”
Bucky hummed along quietly, and you felt his breaths become slower until he was asleep again. You didn’t stop petting his hair until you fell asleep.
*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚
Bucky missed you. You were states away visiting your family and he couldn’t go, worried about the constant threats the world faced. Either that or he was too scared to meet them. It was a bit of both.
He knew you’d be home tomorrow, so he was making your favorite cookies, and wearing his shirt that smelled like you. He started humming quietly and could hear your voice like you were right beside him.
“When the dog bites when the bee stings when I'm feeling sad I simply remember my favorite things and then I don't feel so bad”
He sighed and continued stirring the chocolate chips into the cookie dough, grateful for his metal arm. He started the song again and chuckled, it was like a mantra for him.
Lately on tough missions, or whenever you weren’t around, he would hum the song over and over, and pretended you were there beside him. He couldn’t help it.
It was you. Always you. You were his favorite things, everything about you was his favorite things. He hoped maybe you felt the same.
When a day had passed and you were home again, Bucky laid in your lap and you ran your fingers through his hair again.
“Doll?” He grabbed your wrist softly and you halted your movements.
“Yes?” You asked as he pressed a kiss to your palm.
“I love you.” You grinned down at him.
“I love you.” You replied, tapping the tip of his nose and starting through his hair again.
“You’re my favorite thing in the whole world.” He turned onto his back and stared at you with that tiny smile he reserved for you.
“Ditto, love.” You replied and he knew at once you meant it.
“Sing it for me?” He asked and you cupped his cheek, clearing your throat with a nod.
*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚
A/N: I hope this was good !! A bit short but I’m exhausted. My winter quarter at college just started and I’m already burnt lol.
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rl800 · 4 years
Vampire Hero (Chapter 1)
(yn) your name (yln) your last name (yfn) your full name I hope you guys already know what these mean so yeah this is all I'm saying
The moment my small hand gripped the weird stick with a bat everything changed.
Daddy was a hero and Mommy was a retired hero who collected very old things. One day Mommy came home with a weird looking walking stick wrapped in a towel while Daddy was on the couch drinking his weird looking apple juice. "Odoriko! Look at this antique walking stick! This could be the best thing ever!" Daddy looked at Mommy, as I stopped playing with my All Might toy. "Yeah and how much did you pay for it Kyoku?" Mommy looked very excited, like how excited I get when Daddy tells me how he saved people! "Well nothing! This woman just pushed it into my hands with a panicked look and ran off."
Daddy froze. "What did this woman look like?" Mommy tapped her chin like she usually does when she's thinking. "Well she was wearing a purple dress, short brown hair, and glasses. She looked very... scared. Like something was after her, but before I could ask her if she was alright she was just gone." Daddy shook his head with a very sad look in his eyes. "Ah well I can tell you this... that woman is dead...(I'm sorry fans of Missi!!!!) she was found in an alleyway with slash marks on her, we are thinking it's Stain."
That's sad. I hope she's okay up in heaven. "Well how about I make us dinner now? What do you two want?" Daddy and I looked at each other smiling. "PIZZA!!!!!" Mommy just laughed at us and nodded. "Okay okay." She put the walking stick down and she and daddy walked into the kitchen. I looked at the walking stick and slowly reached out to touch it. That's when there was the sound of breaking glass in the kitchen. I grabbed the stick to protect myself when a man covered in blood walked in.
He looked very strange. He had 2 scarves that looked ripped and strange grey boots in his hands were 2 swords covered in blood. Tears blurred my vision, "Huh those two pieces of trash had a kid?" He grinned at me. "Maybe I can take you and make you my sidekick? We can stop all those heroes who are after money and fame!" I ran at him holding the stick ready to hit him but he blocked my hit with one of his swords, but had a shocked look. "Well aren't you strong, kid?" I had managed to push him back? How I was quirkless... That's when another strange man crashed into the door. He was tall and pale. "Well there it is..." He looked from the man in front of me to me. "Well what have I stumbled upon?" The scarf man frowned at the new person. "Who the hell are you?" Tall man grinned and that's when I noticed, he had fangs. "V-vampire." The tall man looked at me "That's right sweetheart and my name is Duke, I came here to get my cane back but I see it has chosen a new host. Also you killed Missi." He growled and grabbed the man and threw him out of the window. He looked at me one last time with a grin. "Well til we meet again Ms (Y/N).~" He jumped out the window.
~Time skip: Half a year~
It's been 6 months since Stain, as I figured out who he was, killed Mommy and Daddy. I had to take care of myself. I taught myself how to use the stove and oven. I taught myself how to read, since Mommy and Daddy can't read me my bedtime story anymore. I could feel myself breaking everyday. I see little things out of the corner of my eye. I think I'm going crazy.
~Time skip: 3 weeks later~
I sat in the corner of my room rocking myself singing the song Mommy always sang to me to calm me down. "Raindrops on roses And whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens Brown paper packages tied up with strings These are a few of my favorite things Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels Doorbells and sleigh bells And schnitzel with noodles Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings These are a few of my favorite things Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes Silver-white winters that melt into springs These are a few of my favorite things When the dog bites When the bee stings When I'm feeling sad I simply remember my favorite things And then I don't feel so bad Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens Brown paper packages tied up with strings These are a few of my favorite things Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings These are a few of my favorite things Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes Silver white winters that melt into springs These are a few of my favorite things When the dog bites When the bee stings When I'm feeling sad I simply remember my favorite things And then I don't feel so bad." I could feel the tears fall down my cheeks and chin. There was no more power to the house and I ran out of food about a week ago. I'm hungry and thirsty. I want my mommy and daddy back. I played with the cane that I had learned the bat could open and there was a flame. That kept me occupied. That's also when someone kicked down the door. I had to close my eyes because of how bright this person was. "Hey there's a kid in here!" Said a gruff voice. Then I realized who it was, my eyes widened. "Endeavor..." He looked at me and then I blacked out succumbing to the darkness.
~Time skip: 2 1/2 weeks later~
I woke up to bright lights. I hissed in pain and looked around I was in a hospital? That's when I saw a blonde skinny man sitting next to me with his eyes closed. Who is this? Is he a policeman? No then he would be wearing an uniform. Maybe he's here to take you to a mental hospital.~ I gasp and look around. "Who- who's there?" my voice sounds all scratchy. Oh deary I'm not actually there I'm in your head.~ I will be here when you succumb to your insanity.~ Now I must go. Till we meet again, dearie.~ I was shaking. "Hey kid are you alright?" the man had woken up and was giving me a worried look. I tilt my head he kind of sounded like All Might but less... loud? "Are you All Might?" he started to panic slightly. I just giggled he was funny. "Y-yeah, but don't say it out loud. Okay kid my name is Toshinori Yagi and I'm going to adopt you." Someone opened the door. A man in a trench coat came in. "Hey Toshinori is the kid up?" All Might nodded with a sigh. "Yeah she's up, Tsukauchi." Tsukauchi nodded. "Okay kid I'm gonna ask you some questions, okay?" I nod.
I sat up. "Okay firstly what is your name?" "My name is (y/f/n)." "Okay um how old are you?" I puff out my chest. "I am 6 years old! And I'm already a big girl!" Toshinori and Tsukauchi both chucked. "Okay can you tell me what happened to your parents?" My mood dropped. "They are gone. Stain killed them..." Silence filled the room. "Ah do you remember what happened?" I looked up at Mr. Tsukauchi. "Well he came out of the kitchen and I had grabbed the cane that a woman gave Mommy before she was killed, her name was Missi. So Stain came into the living room and was gonna take me, but Mr. Duke saved me!" The two men looked at each other. "Who's Mr. Duke sweetheart?" "He's a vampire, but he's a good one! He threw Stain out the the window." I told them everything.
After a week I was let out and given the cane. I said thank you and took my new Daddy's hand. "Can I call you Dad Might?" He looked at me, "Only at home sweetheart, you can call me dad in public so people don't get confused." I nod. My new dad is gonna be the best!
So this is chapter one. If you are disappointed welp sorry. More will come in the next chapter~
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rainbowsylvie · 5 years
Attempt at chatfic type thing but with discord
Are you all okay Today at 1:37 AM
...Is anyone awake?
diccs in dead chickens Today at 1:37 AM
No one is okay Today at 1:38 AM
If you’re not having a sad both of you go to sleep
diccs in dead chickens Today at 1:38 AM
I’m trying to but the happy chemical in my brain is dummy thicc and Penny’s smile keeps alerting the happy maker
minecraft’s gay fuck you Today at 1:39 AM
No one is okay Today at 1:39 AM
Okay then tell her to go to sleep
whiskers on kittens Today at 1:41 AM
I would be but I’m in pain and it’s keeping me up so I’m distracting myself with memes which is making me make inhuman noises because it hurts to laugh which is also making Chrome laugh, keeping them up
Also are you okay Gale? Why you asking if people are awake?
Are you all okay Today at 1:43 AM
Yeah I’m okay, it’s just :sadchromewhip: sad stressed boy hours and I need someone to talk to and I don’t wanna wake anyone up
No one is okay Today at 1:44 AM
Okay if you only need someone to talk to I think anyone awake can be here, but anything else and we probably won’t be able to do fuckall because we barely know shit on how to help people and we all got our own shit
Are you all okay Today at 1:47 AM
Okay I was gonna ask something but it was just reiterating my name here and the answer would be your name here so I’m just gonna say yeah I just need to talk and maybe some distractions and that’s it
minecraft’s gay fuck you Today at 1:48 AM
Oh distractions? You wanna try to do the creeper meme?
whiskers on kittens Today at 1:48 AM
diccs in dead chickens Today at 1:48 AM
No one is okay Today at 1:48 AM
Raindrops on roses Today at 1:49 AM
Everyone PLEASE go to sleep
diccs in dead chickens Today at 1:49 AM
Raindrops on roses Today at 1:50
Minecraft’s gay fuck you Today at 1:51
I thought you learned not to ask what Chrome means by now you’ve been living with us for at least a week
Also we’re distracting Gale from his stressed sad boy hours so let us be
Raindrops on roses Today at 1:51 AM
Well can you not be so loud while doing it?
whiskers on kittens Today at 1:52 AM
Bro we can’t be that loud that you can hear us from the basement
diccs in dead chickens Today at 1:52 AM
I dunno my yell was pretty loud when Axel suggested aw man
Raindrops on roses Today at 1:52 AM
I’m in the kitchen right now...
Are you all okay Today at 1:54 AM
Okay you know what? Forget I asked anything, I’m too tired to process all this, I’m going to sleep, what the frick guys, Lewis is awake so I can talk to him
Raindrops on roses Today at 1:53 AM
And I’m going to the couch and putting this server on mute so I can actually get some sleep and not be cold, frick you guys, go to sleep
Are you all okay Today at 1:54 AM
No it’s okay, you go sleep, I forgot why sad stressed boy hours happened anyway so you guys did your stuff well
minecraft’s gay fuck you Today at 1:55 AM
Fuck yeah I did good
Okay I have no reason to stay awake so I’m fuckin out, please don’t die while I’m asleep
whiskers on kittens Today at 1:55 AM
No promises
diccs in dead chickens Today at 1:55 AM
You can’t tell me what to do fuckin dies in sleep
No one is okay Today at 1:56 AM
Wait don’t
Are you all okay Today at 1:57 AM
:fuckincease: :illfite:
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annebrontesrequiem · 7 years
Hello! Could I request the RFA and the Minor Trio's reaction to finding out the MC is terrified of thunderstorms? MC tries her best to be brave and hide the fact that she's scared, but she gets found out. If you decide to do this, thank you in advance! I really love the way you write these headcanons!
When your internet crashes and everything deletes. Help! Lol, I’m dying inside
Thank you so much! And I’m sorry about this being late, I was working a lot on getting my Masterpost up, as well as school and such. Yeah, not fun. Anyway!!!!! Let us begin!!!
Written April 8th 2017
Rewritten here
He was going to an acting workshop for the day, and it ended up thunder storming about fifteen o’clock (three o’clock in the afternoon)
He didn’t think much about it, until fifteen minutes later when you called
��Jagi, everything okay? Did the power go out?”
“Oh, um nothing! I was just wondering how things were going? But I won’t bug you I just wanted to say hi! Um, have fun and see you later!”
Before he could say anything you hung up with a quick and loud burst of static
He looked confused for a second, but went back to his workshop
When he got home you were no where to be found, all the lights were off, and there was no sound
You weren’t in the living room, the bathroom, the kitchen, your room
He went into his room and hear a sound from the closet, a sort of sniffling
He opened the door to find you, curled up on the floor in the very back of the closet, one of his shirts in you lap, your face stroking the blue plaid
“MC is everything okay?”
You jumped at the sound of his voice and tried to play it off
“Oh, oh hi Zen! Yeah, of course everything’s okay! Yeah, just um…”
He kneeled down and scooted next to you
“Are you sure?”
“Oh Zen! I just hate the thunderstorm so much!” You leaned into him
Just then a crack of thunder echoed through the room and you jumped, practically diving into his lap
“Oh Jagi.” He whispered affectionately, before scooping you up and petting your hair and you tightened your arms around him
Singing in your ear he decided to try something
“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.”
You jerked your head up at the familiar words and he smiled
“Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens”
“Brown paper packages tied up with strings” You replied softly
“These are a few of my favorite things” You two sang together, before erupting into giggles
He carried you to the living room, popped in “The Sound of Music” and you two spent the night to beautiful music, humming along to your favorite tunes
It ended up being a good night
He actually didn’t mind thunderstorms
To him they were quite calming
Unfortunately, you didn’t think the same way
It started thunder storming quite loudly one summer night and you bolted up out of sleep
Yoosung heard a small creak of the floorboards
“MC?” He asked groggily
“Yoosung, it’s really loud, do you, do you think it will pass soon?”
Yoosung sat up, reaching his arms out to you
“You okay?”
You accepted and ran over to him
He wrapped his arms around your back and you nuzzled up close to his chest, happy for the second body
It didn’t matter how muggy it was, or the weather outside, you two were happy to be in your small cocoon together
The next day it was still raining
Thankfully it was Saturday so Yoosung didn’t go to class
He managed to convince you to walk to the bookstore with you, despite you jumping forward every time you saw a flash of lightning in the distance
You picked out a book, as did he
“Here MC! A book about thunderstorms! That was you can study about it so you won’t be so scared!”
You thanked him gratefully
Outside you two walked home hand in hand, close under the umbrella
You didn’t feel as bad
And right before you two hit the house you gave him a quick peck on the cheek
He blushed thoroughly as did you lightly
You nuzzled up to him and he felt like the luckiest person alive
She sort of had her suspicions
You were always jumpy when it was stormy out
She figured
She was getting ready to go grocery shopping when it started thunder storming
“I’m going out MC, see you in a bit!”
“But Jaehee it’s storming outside!” You jumped up quickly
“MC, are you okay?” She asked in reply, “You seem kinda antsy.”
“It’s just, well, I, I really hate thunder storms, I mean, what if you get struck by lightning!” You reddened slightly at this admission
Jaehee just smiled, despite herself
Kissing you softly your cheeks flushed again
“Want to come with me?”
You began to shake your head, but ended up agreeing
At the store you were on edge the whole time
Staring out towards the tinted windows, jumping at any sound the came from it
Jaehee noticed this, so decided to buy ice cream for the both of you
You went home and had it for desert
“MC you have some on your cheek.”
“Ahh! I’ll get it!!”
“No, it’s okay, I’ll do it for you.”
By the end you were so red and distracted to notice the storms ;)
Jumin was unfazed by everything
Including weather
There could be a tornado on fire outside and he’d still be in his office, looking up the highest quality cat back scratcher products on sale
You, unfortunately, were much less like that
It was storming especially bad outside
And you were pacing around the whole house nervously
Jumin was at a conference, but came home early
Right as the power went out
He hear you shriek and ran over to make sure you weren’t hurt
He found you tangled in your sheet
He couldn’t help but laugh at that picture, but you were wriggling in frustration
Untangling you he realized you were shaking slightly
“Are you okay” He asked, voice full of worry
You held onto his shirt
“T-thunderstorm” You whispered softly
He smiled again, wrapping you in a big bear hug
You were swept up to your feet with a slight gasp of surprise
He put on a CD and you two danced around the room, the light of the moon being the only possible chance for you to see
It was altogether very relaxing
He knew just how to make you feel better
He was typing up on the computer, half buried in his thoughts, trying desperately to ignore you
When the first crack of thunder sounded
You were lying on the couch, huddled up, trying to ignore the person in the same apartment as you, the bomb, everything, when the sound made you jump up and run for the hills
At first you ran to talk to him, but when you saw him you had a moment of recognition, and instead headed towards your room
He heard sniffs, and his first instinct was to run towards you, but he forced it down
But when it didn’t stop for five minutes he gave up
“MC?!” He ran around the house, trying to locate the sound, which seemed to echo everywhere
Finally bursting into your room, knocking be damned, he saw you surrounded by blankets, pillow in your arm, sniffling
A flash of lightning passed, and you burrowed deeper into the pillow
You jumped when he went behind you and put a hand on your head
You turned to see him crush you in a big hug
You were still slightly shaking, choosing to wrap yourself around him, arms tightly around his neck
He kept stroking your hair and you kept holding on tightly
“I’m sorry.”
You looked at him in disbelief after hearing those words
“I’m sorry MC, I need to stop pushing you away. You’ve done so much for me, and I’ve done nothing to help you.”
You nodded at those words, leaning into him once more
“That’s all I’ve ever wanted to hear.”
He held you closer, determined to never let you go like he had before
He was blind, so he didn’t care much about it
But you hated the lightning
One time you two were driving home and a huge flash sparked across the sky, like ones in pictures in meteorology books
He noticed you stopped talking, but thought you just wanted to focus
You were gritting your teeth the whole way
When you two got home you excused yourself and V sat down on the couch
He noticed you were gone for a very long time, so he went to look for you
“MC?” He called out to you
Stepping into the bathroom he heard you
Even though he was practically blind he could still see that there was not nearly enough light in the bathroom to be normal
“MC, are you okay?” He asked worriedly
He heard sharp rustling, and almost sighed in relief when you pressed yourself against him
“Yeah, it’s just, well I really hate the lightning in thunder storms, but I shouldn’t bother you.”
“MC, don’t be ridiculous.” He kissed you lightly on the forehead
“It doesn’t matter what, if you are distressed about something then it’s not a bother to me.”
Scooping you up, he was very good at carrying bridal style, he brought you to couch and turned on Outlander
He knew you loved it, besides the music was very relaxing to him
You fell asleep to the sound of Scots running around the pastoral lands of Scotland
V was glad you could get your mind off the lightning
Let’s face it this boy would not care at all about thunder storms
So, when you acted jumpy around it he would always say with disbelief;
“MC are you really scared of some thunder?”
And you would say no, trying not to dive under the table for fear of the winds whipping about outside
He didn’t understand how someone could be scared of it, and let’s face it, despite your every effort he knew you were scared
He felt like he shouldn’t care
It’s just a storm
But one night you were especially nervous, and no one was home
Saeran was outside, walking along the beach like he would sometimes, when it began thunder storming
Walking a bit farther, he finally turned back and began to walk home
When he got home you were pacing in the kitchen
You jumped when he got it, completely soaked to the bone
“Saeran are you okay?”
“Yeah MC why wouldn’t I be?”
“Oh, no reason.” You looked away, and began to walk to get Saeran a towel
When you came back Saeran was sitting on the couch
You gave him the towel, just as thunder sounded and you flinched
“MC, really, are you okay?” He asked
“No, seriously.” He pulled you down onto his lap, and ignoring his sopping clothes you wrapped your arms around him. “Look MC, please tell me.”
“Well, I know that you don’t really care, and that it doesn’t bug you, but I really, I really hate thunderstorms.” You buried your face in his shoulder, trying to avoid eye contact
He pulled your chin up gently, and could see you were shaking slightly
Kissing you gently he picked you up and carried you to the bathroom
You looked confused and he replied; “Due to my carelessness you are sopping. Care to join me in the bath?”
You blushed profusely, but nodded slightly
“And don’t worry MC,” he added, “I don’t care if you hate thunderstorms, if you really hate them then I will make sure that they will never bug you.”
Hugging you tighter he put you by the side of the tub
You two had fun in the bath, and Saeran finally knew what it was like to worry about someone
They honestly didn’t notice
Vanderwood we love you, but you’re super dense
You didn’t even have to hide it, they wouldn’t realize it
But during the summer when there was a string of huge storms, they had a chance to realize
The first day you dealt with it, but by the second night you were practically running around screaming
When you had to go out to the grocery store you practically rammed your cart into some random stranger
It was a draining day
When you got home there was no Vanderwood in sight
And when an especially bad part hit you dove under the table
Vanderwood was practically dead on their feet
“MC?” They called out, but there was no answer
Looking around they finally found you
“MC? Tell me, what’s wrong?!”
“Thunderstorms.” You replied, barely over a whisper
They nodded, as if processing the whole thing, then coaxed you out from under there and sat you on the table
“I’m going to cook tonight, Ratatouille?”
You nodded shyly, they knew exactly what your favorite food was
After dinner there was cuddling, and Vanderwood made sure you didn’t notice outside
You were very grateful
Yay! Updated it!
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luminoustico · 8 years
How Many Times?
So, due to conversations with @@introspectivenavelgazer  I ended up doing a YouTube binge of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend songs. Came across this one, and well, my brain leapt in and things snowballed on from there. 
“Did you two do it on the sofa?” asked Sherlock, dressed in a crisp black suit with aubergine shirt. His buttons strained against his chest as he stretched.
“Mm-hm. The fireplace?” said Tom, accountant neat in a bought navy suit and jazzy striped tie, and his curls dangling over his forehead.
“In front of,” replied Sherlock. “On the rug. Wall?”
“Only foreplay.”
“Hm. Interesting.”
“Oh!” Molly stamped her foot, turning on her heel out of her living room, throwing a quick glare over her shoulder.
“Get out of my head!” she snapped.
“You put us here,” said Sherlock languidly, suddenly leaning on the stair bannister, brushing his fingers through his dark curls. He ran his other palm over the painted wood. He raised an eyebrow. “I seem to remember an occasion on the stair as well.”
“Bottom or top?” Tom called up, sat on the bottom step. Sherlock smirked.
“I believe we switched.”
“Shut up!” Molly snapped. Two glasses of wine after work, it had seemed like a good idea, but the side effect of imagining her two most significant lovers haunting her flat was decidedly adverse. “It’s bad enough you’re both figments of my imagination, you don’t need to be slut shaming me!”
She stormed up the staircase.
“Who said anything about slut-shaming?” asked a still smug Sherlock. “Do remember Molly, we are inside your head—”
Molly slammed the bathroom door shut. She caught her breath, leaning against the pine wood. Her breaths even, she went to the sink, turning on the tap. She washed her hands, humming softly to herself, dried them. A yawn came from her. Eyes flitting up to the clock above the toilet, Molly ran her toothbrush underneath the cold running stream.
“Also in here.”
“Ah!” Her toothbrush fell into the sink with a clatter, glancing up at her reflection. Behind her stood Sherlock.
“On the floor. And underneath the shower,” he added, pointing. Molly hurried to pick up her toothbrush, furiously ignoring his words.
“I only got the bath,” Tom remarked, now lying in the empty bath, flicking through a magazine about knitting patterns. He’d glanced over it once and called her attempt at making him a scarf ‘alright’. Everything had been just ‘alright’ with Tom. “Got a bit of a bum deal, didn’t I?”
“I suspect we both did,” Sherlock mused. Molly growled, switching off the tap and storming out of the bathroom. Stamping down the landing, she burst into her bedroom. Locking the bedroom door, she squeezed shut her eyes. She clenched her fists tight.
“Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens,” she sang underneath her breath, desperately. An earworm was better than one more minute of this. Repeating the verse over and over, she sat on her bed, wriggling out of her trousers and kicking them off into the laundry basket. Letting the song fade to a hum, she toed off her socks and pulled her hair from its bun. Her hands fell against the buttons of her blouse, undoing them with expert flicks of her wrist.
“On the rare occasion, we did do it in your bed—”
“For fuck’s sake!” Molly groaned, covering her face with her hands, falling back onto the duvet. Her half-undone blouse fluttered down her sides, exposing her bra to the cool air. Drawing her hands away from her face, she rolled her eyes up to the ceiling. “Go. Away.”
“Which was a pity,” Sherlock continued, now suddenly crawling on top of her. A lock of his curls fell down over his forehead as he brushed a stray hair behind her ear. He ran his thumb along her bottom lip. “As it was most comfortable—”
“No! No, stop it, Molly!” She shook her head, sitting up and swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. Behaving like the most overzealous of teenagers. She hurriedly dropped her thumb from her lip. She closed her eyes again. “Bright copper kettles and warm woollen mittens…”
A grinning Irish face popped round the doorframe. "I also feel inclined to remind you that we too, did some rather unspeakable things to one another in this house," Moriarty drawled.
Grimacing, Molly left her bedroom and went down to the kitchen, pulling down the blinds. She made herself busy with tea, switching on the kettle.
“Brown paper packages tied up with string—”
“Definitely the island—”
“Over the sink—”
“Oh, and somewhere around or near the fridge, if I recall—”
Molly’s jaw tightened. Her breathing hardened. “These are a few of my favourite things—”
“The table!” Tom exclaimed. Molly groaned low and hard.
“Oh yes, the table, lots of memories there!” Sherlock looked at her, breaking the volley of shame he and her ex-fiance had shared in. “We can stop any time you like, you understand.”
“Yeah,” Tom said, “no offence Molls, but singing Julie Andrews ain’t going to help.”
Molly let out a frustrated screech as the kettle boiled. “I know! I just – you two were really annoyingly creative.”
“Just thank God, or whoever is up there, that we’re not in Baker Street,” Sherlock smirked again. Wherever, whenever, however, she imagined him, he always carried traces of that smirk; even if the real life one currently looked at her like she was a wolf and he was a sheep about to be consumed. 
Tom raised an eyebrow.
“Baker Street?”
“When John was out with a girlfriend,” Sherlock explained, “and while Mrs Hudson was partaking in her ‘herbal soothers’. There was the sofa… the armchair… John’s armchair – the staircase – both staircases – the hallway—”
“Shut up, Sherlock.”
“In your head!”
“No shit!” Molly laughed. She poured out a cup of tea for herself, stirring the honey and mandarin tea and letting it infuse.
“Those took me some effort to get if you remember.”
“Oh for God’s sake. You bought me tea, so what.”
“It’s only available in America.”
Molly frowned, blowing on the hot liquid. “Is it?”
Sherlock raised an eyebrow in return. Molly sighed, waving a hand. “In my head, I know. You only know it’s from America because I know it’s from America and that it takes at least two months to get here because of customs—”
“And when exactly did my real-life counterpart deliver that tea to you?” Sherlock asked, insistently edging closer to her, with a memorable heat in his eyes. Molly shrank instinctively against the worktop, arousal pooling in her belly before she had the sense to put him on the opposite side of the kitchen island. He still had that insistent look about him.
“Two days after Sherrinford,” Molly answered. “It was a gesture. Not much of a gesture, you just shoved the box at me and ran away—”
“Oh for God’s sake Molly, stop for a moment and do what others don’t do: think. Even with my connections, I could not perform a miracle of time and get that tea sent all the way from America to the front door of your flat in two days. Conclusion?”
“You ordered the tea beforehand,” Molly said quietly. Avoiding Sherlock’s eye, she took a sip.
“It was expensive. And difficult to get. What did you get me for Christmas?”
“Can we go back to listing sex places?” Molly asked, looking wildly about for her ex-fiancé, but he seemed to have vanished from her imagination.
“Hm – oh, the landing! Not quite as comfortable as your bed.” The heat returned to his eyes.
“An antique surgical set. I thought it would fit into your whole—” she gestured vaguely, “look. Took months to come, had to chase up the seller, only arrived the evening of the party, that’s why I was late – oh you bastard!” she shouted, realising. She whirled on Sherlock, but he was gone. She was alone in her kitchen, in her bra and pants and half-undone blouse. With a warm mug of honey and mandarin tea that, despite everything, Sherlock Holmes had made sure she’d got. Just as she’d made sure he’d got that set.
The doorbell rang, and Molly ran to answer it before she could remember the state of her clothes. A whirl of cold flipped about her, bringing her attention to her bare skin and she yelped, staring into the eyes of Sherlock Holmes, flesh and blood Sherlock Holmes. She blushed.
“Wait a minute,” she said, slamming the door in his face. Quickly, she put the tea to one side.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Every step she took up her staircase was punctuated by that curse, and she sprinted into her bedroom, pulling jeans and a loose clawed t-shirt from her wardrobe. Tugging the t-shirt over her head, shoving her cold legs into the jeans, she ran back out onto the landing, doing up her flies as she sprinted back down the stairs. She wrenched open the door.
“Did you chase up the seller about that tea?”
His eyes flicked towards the mug on her side table. He gave a curt nod, folding his hands behind his back. “They said it would take another two weeks. I thought after—” he faltered, “Sherrinford – that wasn’t ideal.”
“Oh God – Sherlock – just another quick question. Tell me as quickly as possible; don’t worry about hurting any feelings. Was it real?”
“First time, no.”
“First time?” Molly racked her brain but came up short.
“I said it twice.”
“Oh.” She’d forgotten there was a first. It had all melded into one declaration, which she’d gnawed on and chewed over for a fortnight.
“Second time, yes.”
Molly supposed she should feel shocked, or bone-shaking relief, but she found herself reacting with actions instead of words. Clutching the lapels of his coat, she pulled him down as she reached up to kiss him. It was softer than she planned, their initial contact, but he soon deepened it and all at once, she was pinned to the wall, his hands on her hip and in her hair, her front door kicked closed. Molly rested her hand on his bicep, pulling away from him.
“Yes? Really, yes?”
Molly glanced down at his blue shirt, back up to his eyes. She bit her bottom lip. “Do you want some tea?”
Heat entered his blue-green eyes and his wolfish smile. It was a heat that shot straight through her body, made her gasp and bite her bottom lip. The heat that her mind had given to Sherlock’s eyes was a poor, poor imitation.
“Later,” he said.
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for the color ask! yellow: if you could have any view from your bedroom window what would you choose? what’s your favorite thing to do on a sunny day? what do you consider lucky? what made you smile today? what makes you happy?
Thank you friend!
If you could have any view from your bedroom window what would you choose? 
Mmmm... I’m pretty satisfied with the view I’ve got right now, actually. I’ve got a NW facing window, so a very decent shot of the sunset, gilding a silver maple. My room faces the backyard and we’re on a hill so I have a pretty undisturbed view of the horizon, it’s the best view in the house in my opinion. I thought that the minute we moved here. But if I could have ANY view... I miss the hills of northern California, I always fucking have. I miss having the horizon blocked by those big, jagged hills, marked by the occasional black walnut tree. I’m parted from those hills for years at a time, but whenever I go back, it still feels like home. And wherever I am, something always feels missing, no matter how beautiful, until I see those hills again.
What’s your favorite thing to do on a sunny day? 
Mmmm... hot and sunny or mild and sunny? Because one of these is a lot more attractive xp On a hot and sunny day, virtually the only options are air conditioning or swimming, that’s it. But on a mild, sunny day, you walk around, stretch your legs, eat out doors, say hi to the neighbors. You refuse to go in, even when it gets dark. Mild and sunny, you just find excuses to stay outside, it’s a nice time.
What do you consider lucky? 
Well, my sister and I got out of a fire alive, I think that’s pretty lucky xp
What made you smile today?
My girlfriend just said when I smile, I’m prettier than Emilia Clarke. Emilia Clarke guys. I just... I need a moment. When someone asks you if true love exists, remind them of this moment.
What makes you happy?
Not that Pharrell Williams song for a start ^^; I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but that song does not do it for me. But lots of other music makes me happy c: Singing, telling stories, time with friends, card games, whiskers on kitten and raindrops on roses, wait, that’s plagiarism... plagiarism does not make me happy. Mmm, doing things with loved ones for the first time. Finishing a piece of origami, finishing any of my creative projects. The existence of Mads Mikkelsen. Yeah, that’s it. That makes me happy.
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