#chanyeol seh
guardians-of-exo · 7 years
EXO scenario: kissing in the rain
Tries to talk you from it by saying you would catch a cold but he eventually gives in and kiss you while spinning you around in his arms
He would be so into it. Looking deeply into your eyes and while caressing your cheek he would slowly lean in and kiss you passionately.
It would be his idea in the first place and he would do it just like they do in in the movies.
He would have so much fun doing it. Splashing water on you with his feet and teasing you by pulling away just when you’re about to kiss. Before you go inside he would pull you into a tight hug and give you one of his rare serious kisses that shows just how much he cares for you.
He would give you a quick peck before he starts whining about how cold it is while dragging you inside.
He would make such a big deal out of it. He’d probably been waiting for days for it to rain and had planned everything out. He would pull it off nicely and be way to cocky about it afterwards.
It would be a quick but passionate kiss because he wouldn’t want any of you to get sick.
Would dance around with you in the rain before he pulls you in for a kiss.
Doesn’t really understand the fuss about kissing in the rain, but does it to make you happy.
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aphrodite1288 · 3 years
I apologize for the misleading question. Do you think Suho and Sehun in relationship? Is the Seho couple real? I felt something different in their interactions. Am I the only one feeling it? 😕
No need to be sorry babes.
SEH/UN had a lot of Gfs.
Recently he stopped dating for quite a while! (A long time now)
For Su/ho he has quite a history! But he has commitment issues because of his dedication to his job as an artist and leader. He should loosen up a bit and stop worrying too much about the well-being nsa the future of the band and the members, he should start being selfish and think about his own happiness. And he should go and date and settle down, I think He, SEHUN and Baek are the ones who aren't settled down in a long term relationship, chanyeol was in one but after his 10gfs scandal they broke up.
As for seho, as far as I know they're brothers more than just best friends. They had gone through a lot. And if it was not for Chan and Jun I don't think SE/HUN would have made it this far in life 👌🏻
I don't mean to pop your bubble but if I ever anything regarding them being a couple once or now or in the future I will let y'all know. But for now, I only know they dated girls (many girls 👌🏻) and Jun was in very stable relationship but they broke up because he is work centric and doesn't give much time to his private life and I guess that's the problem why most females avoid him for. He is known in the industry for being a workaholic and and he is studying business and international relations, I think he is so focused on making his own company (my opinion) and he set this goal and he's working on it for years because he couldn't forget the mistreatment and lack of responsibility and interest Essem has treated them with. So I think he is very busy making a future for the members? And he is very interested in Musicals and theater 🎭 and he is always willing to learn more in every field! He loves to know everything around him! He is much like Yix/ing they both never get tired of studying new majors and learning new things and trying new adventures and experiences.
@Queen_Aurore ✨👑👸🏻👑✨
@Queen_Aurore ✨👑👸🏻👑✨
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oshbluepacific · 3 years
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Type: Angst/Fluff
Character: Park Chanyeol x Reader
Words Counted: 3k+
questions and request are available / masterlist
You don’t know why you were built like this. Socially, you aren’t active. You don’t like meeting new people. You don’t like being in a social events or even being in the crowd. You don’t like going to the mall because most of the people who goes there are the people who actually have friends to hang out with or work colleague to meet up with. You don’t start the conversation—you don’t like getting into a conversation with people. You avoid going to parties or even joining a club. You would much rather spend time at home, in your room, reading your favourite novel while listening to music and spend time with yourself.
On the other hand,
Park Chanyeol was the complete opposite of you.
He was everyone’s favorite person. The go-to call. The social butterfly, the most popular kid on campus. He could bring a room to life with his presence and personality with a snap of a finger. He could easily get along with people—new people—so fast. He loves to make people smile and laugh, maybe that’s one of the reason why people love him and all the girls would go head over heels for him.
           But out of all the girls has been trying to get to him, all the text messages, all of those confessions, all of those bouquet of flowers and chocolates he received on the daily. He never really lay his attentions to any of it and he choose to date you.
           The first time you actually talked to Chanyeol was because he needed your help with a class he was failing.
“Hey, (Y/N), right?” He asked, walking closer to your locker.
           “Yeah, is something wrong?” You asked him, feeling yoru cheeks getting red as your heart races a marathon.
           “Oh, nothing is wrong… Sorry if I startled you or anything.” He said, sounding cautious.
           “N-no, it’s fine, I guess you just took my by surprise.” You laughed off, and he just gave you a warm smile.
           “So, I’m failing Mr. Sun’s class pretty bad, and I know you’re the ace in the class, so, I was wondering if you could tutor me for a bit, just for like a couple of days until I get it all straight up.” He said.
           You were surprised by his favor and you couldn’t give him an immediate answer, but he knew that he was giving you too much pressure.
           “I’m sorry, if this came so sudden to you, you don’t have to give me the answer today, I’ll let you think about it—or don’t, if you already made up your mind on answering no, is totally fine too.” He said cooly.
           “I’ll do it…” You answered him.          
           “Really?” He asked you, and you nodded your head.
           “I don’t want to see other people fail, so I can hand you some of my notes, and if you have any questions about anything, you can just text me.” You told him. And you can see that light on his face as his smile grew.
           “Really? Woah, that’s great thank you!”
From there, you both exchange phone numbers and he began texting you back on forth until there was a day where he didn’t get anything from your notes or even through your explanation. So you both decided to meet up somewhere.
           You remembered that you were wearing a pair of black pants with a gray knitted cardigan over your white t-shirt. You remembered the sky was grey as if it was going to rain that day. You remembered how happy Chanyeol was to see you. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a black hoodie over his beige coat. You never really pay attention to him, but you found him very attractive that day.
           He slowly try his best to keep you comfortable in the conversation as you both walked the street. Buying coffee on the way, visiting various of places until you both actually got to the place where he had plan on taking you.
           He took you to his favorite place which was also your favorite place; the library. Both of you eventually got to know each other really well during this meeting, and you taught him all the things he had been missing out on, and he was so happy that you’re having a good time with him. When it was time to go home, he insisted on walking you back to your place because it was getting dark and he was worried about you, so you gave in.
”I really had a great time with you Chanyeol, thank you.” You smiled at him.
           “Don’t mention it, I should be the one that thank you.” He winked and you felt your cheeks getting red as you giggled.
           “We should do this again sometimes!” He said, and he saw how surprised you were but you smiled at him.
           “That would be nice.” You told him.
After 4 to 5 more “dates” with Chanyeol, he finally asked you to be his girlfriend. You thought about it long and hard before saying yes to him. You can’t even imagine yourself, someone like Park Chanyeol dating a girl like you. A guy who loves social activity, dating somone who avoids and dread them.
The first first two months of your relationship was rocky, because most of the time you were doubting him, and you were just so insecure about yourself that you thought to yourself, you don’t even deserve to be with Chanyeol. He reminded you that he loves you on the daily, he always make time for you, when people—mostly girls—try to drag you down, he would always make you look the other way, and kept reminding you that they’re just jealous, until eventually you don’t care about what other people say about you or about your relationship with Chanyeol anymore.
He the rock in your life. The living, breathing constant thing, that knows you inside and out.
“Hey, I was wondering…” He said suddenly, shifting his position.
           You were planning on going out to see a movie, but it suddenly rained as you got to Chanyeol’s place, so he decided to stay in and enjoy Netflix instead.
           And you couldn’t complain there.  
           “What?” You asked, turning your attention to his face.
           “So my best friend just opened his new coffee shop in town, I want to go there with you, and you know… Maybe introduce you to my friends.” He said.
           You stared at him for a brief moment before you could draw your eyes back to the TV screen.
           “It’s a small place, so there not going to be a lot of people.” He added in.
           “What if people sees us? I mean, what if someone talks bad about us?” You asked him.
           “Then let them talk, and I know deep down you don’t believe any of the things people say about us… correct?” You nodded your head.                        “Good.” He smiled, kissing your temples. “You’re going to love the place—and the coffee too!” He said excitedly. You can’t help but to smile over his excitement, when really you were pushing all of your anxiety away.
“Are you ready?” Chanyeol asked, as he could feel your presence coming out of you room. He was stunned to see you in a pair of black tight jeans and long sleeves turtleneck. Your hair tied into a bun and keeping your make-up to the lightest.  
“I can’t find my jacket, I think I left it at your place the last time—“ “Stop talking right now, because I want to come near you and I want to hug you.” He said, wrapping his arms around you.      
“What…?” You asked confusedly, looking up to him.
“You look beautiful today.” He smiled warmly, and you could feel your smile grew from ear to ear, he leaned down pressing his lips to yours as you wrap your arms around your neck.  
“Thank you…” You thanks him as his lips parted from you.
He pulled away from the hug before taking off his jacket off and putting it on you.  
“Wear mine.” He told you. “You still look beautiful in it.”
Even though his jacket were always too big for you, but you always find them comfortable to wear.
“Okay, now that we got that out of the way…” He clapped his hands together before walking towards the door.
           “Shall we?”
You couldn’t help but to admire the little place. It was small, yet felt warm. The smell of fresh coffee, the sizzle of the steamers and just the sound of distant and small chattering in the room didn’t make you feel bothered at all.
           “Park Chanyeol! I’m glad you could make it!” A tall man wearing  brown apron approached from the bar.
           “Oh Sehun! Of course I came!” Chanyon said happily before they exchange handshakes.
           “Oh right—Sehun, this is my girlfriend (Y/N)!” Chanyeol introduced you as he put his arm around you.  
           You lift your hand, giving Sehun a small, shy smile.
           “Ah… So this is the (Y/N) I’ve heard so much about, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Sehun smiled warmly to you, bowing his head slightly.  
           “Go pick a seat, drinks on me today, what are you having?” He asked.
           “I’ll have Americano.” Chanyeol answered him.
           “For you?” Sehun asked you.
           “I’ll just have a vanilla latte.” You answered him.
           “Right on.” Sehun then went back to the bar before both of you could choose an empty seat next to the window.
           “So… how are you liking the place?” Chanyeol asked as he took a seat.
           “This place is nice, I love it here.” You told him truthfully, and Chanyon was just so happy to hear it.      
           “Glad to hear that.” He smiled.
Minutes later, Sehun came with two drinks on his hand but his apron was off.
           “Ice Americano for Chanyeol, and Iced Vanilla Latte for (Y/N).” He placed the drinks one by one before you thanked him.
           “Mind if I sit with you guys?” He asked.
           Chanyeol nodded your head but he looked to you as you were nodding your head.          
           “No, please join us.” You smiled at Sehun before he could pull up a nearby chair.  
           “So, (Y/N), how are you liking the place?” Sehun asked.
           You sipped on your coffee before you could answer his question. Putting  the glass down.
           “Oh, I love it here—I just told Chanyeol about it, I might come over again if I need some refreshing.” You told him, before taking another sip of your coffee. “And the coffe’s great! What made you want to open your own coffee shop?” You asked him.
You could see the bright smile on Sehun’s face before he excitedly explained.
           Chanyeol listened to Sehun’s story, but his eyes were always distracted by you. He couldn’t help but to feel proud of you and super happy that you can comfortable talk with Sehun. Sehun is one of his closest friend, and so it means a lot for Chanyeol that you’re comfortable with someone he’s close with. He watched you laughed and smiled at something Sehun told you. As you were listening to Sehun, you caught Chanyeol staring at you and you turn your attention to him.
           “Yeol, what are you looking at?” You asked him.
           Chanyeol snapped out of his own thoughts and shook his head. “No, it’s nothing.” He smield at you, and you smiled back before turning your attention back to Sehun.
           “It’s the typical Chanyeol, always dazing in his own mind.” Sehun commented and you just giggled.
           “Okay, I’ll let you both be, I should probably get back to the bar… they need my help I guess…” Sehun said, looking over his shoulder towards the bar.  
           “Okay.” Chanyeol smiled.
           “Okay, if you guys need anything, I’ll be over there—and (Y/N), it was really great talking to you!” Sehun smiled before trotting back towards the bar.
           You turn your eyes towards Chanyeol who’s already smiling ear to ear, looking at you.
           “What?” You asked him.
           “Sehun is one of my closest friend, and seeing you getting along with him, being comfortable here, and of course Sehun being warm towards you and being… Sehun obviously, it just made me really happy.” He said.
           You gave him a small smiled, before reaching your hand for his. He took yoru hand before binging it up, kissing yoru knuckles.
           “I need to go to the bathroom, you good?” He asked, and you respond by nodding your head.  
           “Okay, I’ll be back in a jiff.” He said, leaving the table.
           You looked out the window where you could see the sky was getting grey and you could see people walking by, pulling their jackets tighter. Judging by the looks of the woman’s hair, the wind must be blowing hard outside.
           “(Y/N)?” You heard a woman’s voice.
           You turned your head to see your classmates. A group of girls. And the one that called your name is the one you’ve always try to avoid whenever you’re hanging out.  
           “Can’t believe that you’re actually here, what are you doing here?” She asked, taking a seat where Chanyeol was sitting before the other girls sat down as well. You could feel yoru heart racing, and your palms getting sweaty. You turn your eyes to the bar, and you could see Sheun had his hands full on the bar.
           “You’re here alone?” She asked raising her eyebrow. You shook your head.
           “I’m here with Chanyeol.” You answered her, letting out a heavy breath.
Where is he??You asked, yoru eyes moving to every corner of the room, searching for Chanyeol.
           “I’m still wondering why Chanyeol would want to go out with you, when really—he could have me as a girlfriend.” She said, but you just stayed silent. Holding off every inch of your anxiety.
           You could feel your eyes burning, your breathing started to get heavy.
           “What does he see in you anyway.” She asked, leaning her face closer to you.
           “You’re weird, you don’t socially fit, you’re not as popular as I am.”
           “Have you ever thought that maybe Chanyeol is with you because he’s just using you for his grades? He never truly loves you? do you think he loves you??? you’re kidding right, if you actually believe that he loves you—“
           “JUST STOP!” You suddenly shouted, and before you could say anything else, you suddenly found yourself getting hard to breathe, the room was spinning, and you could feel your heart was just racing like nothing before.
           “Stop… stop, stop, stop!” You repeated, and before you could even break, you could feel familiar pair of arms wrapped around you. You looked up and you could see Chanyeol glaring at the woman’s direction.
           “Come on (Y/N), let’s get ouot of here.”
           You forced your wiggly legs to get up. You stumbled, your way out but Chanyeol caught you.  Everything was a blur, all you could hear was your own heavy breathing, eyes to the ground, focusing on your steps to you won’t trip. You heard Sehun asking something, but you couldn’t make up any words.  
           Chanyeol brought you to his car, getting to the backseat with him.
           “(Y/N), baby, hey, hey focus on me.” You could hear Chanyeol’s voice.  
           “I can’t Yeol, it’s get—it’s getting hard to breathe…” You gasped for air, shutting your eyes, your hands gripping on his shoulder.
           “Baby, hey, hey, look at me… look at me.” He said, cupping your face with his hands.
           Youoepedn yoru eyes, looking at his eyes and you could feel your breathing starts to get stable, your heart slowing.
           “Breathe… inhale…” He inhaled his breath together with you. “Exhale…”
           Chanyeol repeated the steps three times before you could feel yourself getting calm and relaxed.
           “That’s it… Come here…” He pulled you into his embrace and you reflexively wrapped your arms around his stomach.
           “I’m sorry.” You sniffled.
           “Don’t, don’t be sorry… None of us saw them coming, everything was doing great until they came along.” He said.
           “Everytime I see her, I just got a panic attack because—she said that you’re dating me because of your grades, she said that you don’t love me, she said that I don’t deserve you and that i—“
           “Shhh…. Don’t—stop, please, you don’t believe in all of that do you?” Chanyeol asked. Lifting your face up.
           “I mean... I’m a freak Yeol, I don’t fit in the social life, I don’t fit with your crowd—“
           “You’re progressing… Baby, I saw the way you talked with Sehun, and that’s something!” Chanyeol said proudly.
           “I never want to push you to change your social behavior overnight, and I never expected you to do so, for you, it takes time and adjustments.”
           “And to see you having conversations with Sehun, slowly being comfortable in public, that’s a progress I want to see! I’m proud of you!” He said hying the situation, and you chuckled.
           “I want you to change for you, I don’t want you to change for me.” He finally said.  
           “I love you okay? I hope you don’t believe anything—any words that came out of their mouth.” He added and you nod you head, trying to process everything he said to you.
           He kissed the top of your head before he could move down to your nose then you leaned in to press your lips against his. Moving rhythmically, full of love and passion.
           “Thank you Yeol…” You thanked him, and he smiled.
           “Thank you for giving me the chance to be with you.” He smiled.
You heard chatters outside the car, and your attention turns to the coffee shop. You and Chanyeol saw the girls walking out, looking disappointed with Sehun behind them, shaking his head talking about something you can’t hear. Your classmate—the main girl looked so disappointed before he could walk away from the place. Sehun’s eyes caught yours, and he waved his hand to come over.
           “I think Sehun just kicked them out, do you want to go back?”
           You pulled a long breath before exhaling as you pulled away from Chanyeol’s embrace.
           “As long as nobody destrying my vibe again, let’s go!” You told him and Chanyeol smiled, looking at your excitement.
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seihun · 4 years
7:53pm // can i be your boyfriend? — a bbh social media au
ϟ prev ◂ part 19A ▸ next
ϟ pairings: byun baekhyun + oc:reader
ϟ word count: ahaha 
ϟ notes: i am so sorry for dropping arguably the climax of this whole au and then going ghost for three weeks 😬😬 why you all put up with my clownery is beyond me. i don’t have much to say here except thank you to all to lovely anons who encouraged me and to all the readers who stuck around waiting for this. i apologize that this is completely over the top drama, but hey that’s college. (lowkey inspired by real world experiences haha) enjoy 🥺
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Sehun can hear Minseok and Baekhyun asking rapid fire questions behind him, but he’s too busy seeing red to focus on them. He follows behind Johnny almost uncomfortably closely, ensuring that the younger boy is in fact leading them in the right direction and not trying to pull at fast one on him.
Sehun swears on every deity above him that he’ll knock out Jongdae if even half of what Johnny has said so far is true. He couldn’t care less about Minseok reasoning with him to slow down or Chungha telling him to calm down. He’d had it up to here with the games.
It was almost a decade in the making anyway; he’d be the one to knock the lights out of those two one way or another. He doesn’t care to be rational or relax.
Jongdae and Jongin not only had no considerations for your feelings or dignity as a person, but for Kyungsoo’s either—or rather, Baekhyun’s, kinda—either. They’re willing to cross a line—and for what, Sehun’s not really sure. To make a point? Get validation? Piss him off?
At this point, it didn’t matter. Sehun was relishing in just the mere thought of seeing Jongin’s stupid surprised face when he walks in the room. So, imagine his disappointment, when he doesn’t get to see the idiots’ stunned expressions; because you seem to have beaten him to the punch.
“—Are you out of your mind? Jongdae, I’d expect this shit from you, but—”
“[Y/N]?” Sehun blinks, taking in the scene in front of him: your finger pointed at a very nervous looking Jongin, whilst a panicked Jaehyun sunk behind his laptop screen, with Jongdae leaning against a desk—looking far too nonchalant for Sehun’s taste—and Kyungsoo standing just a bit behind you, “Kyungsoo?”
“Sehun?” you question, eyes widening as you look past him to see possibly every person you know at the university filing into the room, all with similar murderous expressions on their faces, “Chung—Minseok? Baekh—what—”
“What are you doing here?” The two of you ask at the same time.
“I—Johnny messaged me,” you explain briefly, “I didn’t believe it, but then I caught Jongin walking into the building, so I followed him.”
Sehun narrows his eyes. “Johnny messaged me too,” he explains, stepping forward and in Jongdae’s direction.
“What a lovely family reunion,” Jongdae sniggers, looking over Sehun’s shoulder, “Junmyeon, long time no see, buddy. You look well.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Sehun growls, stepping directly into Jongdae’s line of sight.
“You all need to relax,” Jongdae lolls, crossing one leg over the other and resting his palms on the desk, “I tried explaining that was just a prank, her little boyfriend over there wasn’t gonna get hurt or anything.”
Jongdae nudges his head in Kyungsoo’s direction, whose eyes are now wider than Sehun has ever seen them before. He looks briefly to you, watches as your eyebrows crinkle together.
“Boyfriend—are you talking about Kyungsoo?” you ask Jongdae, then snap your head towards Jongin, “Is that what this whole thing is about? You think we’re together so you were gonna try and publicly humiliate him?”
Sehun might not have gotten to see Jongdae’s surprised face when he walked in the room, but he thinks seeing the shorter boy’s eyes go wide with horror at your words is even better.
“You’re not—?” Jongin stutters, gesturing towards you and Kyungsoo.
“No we’re not!” you screech, turning swiftly to Kyungsoo, “No offense or anything.”
Kyungsoo shrugs, “None taken.”
“He’s not my boyfriend, you imbecile. I don’t have a boyf—well, I kinda—it’s none of your business, anyway!” You shout, stomping your foot.
“Then—who—but we saw you!” Jongdae counters. Sehun takes a deep breath, counts to three in his head, remembers that murder is a crime.
“It’s called having a friend, you should try it sometime,” Sehun says, in lieu of breaking his jaw.
“[Y/N], look, I—I’m sorry, we—I didn’t know,” Jongin apologizes hurriedly, taking a step forwards towards you. A little too close for Sehun’s comfort; too close for Chanyeol’s too, by the way he pushes forward towards him. “We’ll go and change everything back right now, I swear—”
“That’s not the fucking point!” you cut him off, making him pause in his place, and effectively stopping Chanyeol’s strides too.
“First of all, I don’t know what or how you’d have been changing anything. Yeah, we send them to the TA’s, but then the head TA compiles them into one PDF for the showcase,” you explain frustratedly, “So nothing you changed would have shown up anyway. Not to mention we submit the final versions 24 hours beforehand. It’s protocol to make sure students don’t change anything, and the board can review for plagiarism. I used to think it was a stupid rule, but I guess I was wrong.”
Sehun watches as Jongin, Jongdae, and Jaehyun’s mouths fall into tiny o-shapes. An embarrassed blush spreads across the latter’s face as he attempts to quietly close his laptop screen. In his periphery, he can see Johnny pulling his hood over his head. Sehun rolls his eyes. He’d deal with Johnny some other time; he’s not off the hook in his book yet. 
“But you were willing to completely sabotage Kyungsoo on the odds that I was dating him,” you continue, but your tone is different now. Sadder than before; not quite disappointed, but almost somber, like you’d come to a harsh realization, “I tried to get you to come with me to this for two years, Jongin. I can’t even count how many times I’d rambled to you about how much of an honor it would be to give my own presentation—about how many opportunities and important people there are here tonight—and you were willing to ruin that for Kyungsoo? For what? For what! I don’t fucking get it!”
Jongin shakes his head, has a jerk reaction to move forward and try to comfort you. “I’m sorry—it was wrong, stupid! I just… I just wanted to have your attention for a little bit.”
Sehun’s seen this scene before; the one where Jongin upsets you, and then somehow makes you believe he’s the only one who can comfort you from his own wrongdoings. He’s a smooth talker, Sehun will give him that, but he’s seen it all before. It almost hurts him to watch it unravel at this point; he can’t even think to look back knowing Baekhyun’s about to witness it, too.  
But it doesn’t play out like that; not like it has before. Jongin doesn’t get close enough, but you’re already stepping back, almost stumbling into Kyungsoo.
“You did all this for attention?” you cry out in disbelief, “You wanted to embarrass me in front of my entire faculty and all my friends, for my attention?”
Sehun watches you ball up your fists, the somber timbre of your voice gone; now filled with a kind of anger and frustration he doesn’t think he’s ever heard from you in regards to Jongin.
“Jongin, when we were together I couldn’t hold your attention for more than a few fucking weeks, and now you want me to give you mine, completely undivided? Are you out of your fucking mind?”
It’s a good look on you, Sehun thinks. He likes what he’s hearing, he likes what he’s seeing; he likes this scene much better.
“[Y/N], I—” Jongin reaches out again, but you’re already moving back. Sehun smiles; you might not even realize it, but ironically your backwards movements were a huge step forward.
“Don’t touch me,” you seethe, turning your back to him. You make eye contact with Sehun briefly, then Chanyeol, then some of the others; you look at Baekhyun the longest, a kind of silent message—before sighing.
Jongin doesn’t hear you though, because he tries again, extending an arm, and aiming for your shoulder; but all he gets is a fistful of his own shirt in Chanyeol’s hands.
“She said not to touch her,” the blonde growls, shoving Jongin backwards, letting him stumble into a few desks before standing upright again.
“I—we have to go,” you mumble, shooting Chanyeol a thankful expression before pulling Kyungsoo with you by his sleeve to the door, “Soo and I should go prepare with whatever time we have left.”
You pause at the door, briefly, looking at Baekhyun again, nervous; but it’s all smiles in the shorter boy’s eyes. “We’ll be out there when you guys are up, promise,” he says to you.
That seems to be enough to put a smile on your face, small as it is, before you and Kyungsoo walk out of the room completely and back to the presentation hall.
It’s quiet with you gone now, a palpable tension in the room with Sehun and Chanyeol staring down Jongin, Chungha grilling Jaehyun and Johnny, and Jongdae and Minseok looking like they’re three seconds away from ripping each other’s hair out.
Sehun kinda feels bad for Baekhyun, caught in the middle like this. He sticks close to Junmyeon, the only other neutral party. Well, neutral enough.
“So you’re the boyfriend, then, huh,” Jongin is the first to speak, eyes aiming for Baekhyun, “Dae got it wrong.”
Baekhyun brings a hand up to his neck, “Uh, well… kinda? Not that—it shouldn’t really matter to you, now, anyways.”
God, does Sehun wish Baekhyun was the trash talking type right about now. He sighs; he supposes it’s for the best that he isn’t.
“Well then you should watch out for blondie, and eyebrows over here,” Jongin warns him, “They never let her think for herself. Not to mention, Sehun follows her around like a lap dog, probably because he’s in love with—”
Jongin doesn’t get the chance to finish before Sehun’s fist collides with his jaw, knocking the older boy over, and leaving him hunching over one of the empty desks. Jongin barely gets the chance to gather his bearings before Sehun’s got his fist in his shirt, and pushing his back into the blackboard.
“This is the last time I’m going to tell you to shut that dirty mouth of yours and leave her the hell alone,” Sehun orders, voice so low it could be a whisper, “Do you understand me?”
Jongin only has the strength to groan in response. “I fucking mean it, Jongin, or so help me god,” Sehun’s mouth twitches, his free hand almost coming up to hit him again, but he’s pulled back by Chungha.
He looks at her, huffing as his resolve washes away, and lets go of Jongin completely, not caring for the way he stumbles around to find a desk for support to hold up his weight. Jongdae looks entirely too un-punched for Sehun’s liking, but he’ll leave him to Minseok. For now.
“Do you fuck around with [Y/N] like that because you’re jealous of her?” Baekhyun asks, his question leaving them stunned.
He directs his gaze to a hunched over Jongin, Sehun stepping out of the way with Chungha at his side to give him a better view. All eyes are on Baekhyun, now.
“You don’t like that she has friends who care about her. And you didn’t like that she might have cared about Kyungsoo like you want her to care about you,” Baekhyun reasons, “She has people who love her in way than one, but it’s obvious you don’t have any real friends. Not anymore, at least.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jongin replies, voice strained with coughs in-between his words.
Baekhyun frowns, hands in his pockets. Sehun’s never seen him like this either.
“I think you do,” Baekhyun corrects him, “I think you know you fucked up so bad—not just with her, with Sehun, and Chungha, and Chanyeol, too—they were all your friends before, right?”
Jongin doesn’t answer him, but Sehun nods at Baekhyun in confirmation. His lips fall into a pinched line.
“I used to think you and Jongdae were different,” Baekhyun drawls, “But I get it now. You both had people who loved you, but you thought it was unconditional right? You thought no matter how badly you fucked up, they’d forgive you. But you’re wrong.”
“Sehun doesn’t fight for her blindly; she does the same for him, for Chanyeol, and Chungha, too. It goes both way, like any functioning relationship,” Baekhyun continues, “She was even willing to do the same for you. And Minseokie for Jongdae. But they don’t have to, not if you don’t keep up your end of the bargain; love isn’t unconditional like that. They don’t need you, either of you, but you want them to. Badly.”
It’s evident Baekhyun’s words put a sour taste in Jongin’s mouth, but just enough strength for him to pull himself upwards. “And what makes you think you’re so much better that she’ll need you instead?”
“Nothing,” Baekhyun shrugs, “Because I know she doesn’t.”
Sehun finds himself smiling at Baekhyun’s words, looks around to see that everyone else seems to be in agreement.
“Come on,” Chanyeol speaks up, “We have to be out there before Kyungsoo is up.”
They all nod in agreement, everyone filing out the room. He doesn’t think to look back, not caring for the four left behind. Sehun throws his arm around Baekhyun’s shoulder as they walk towards the presentation hall.
“You know your little speech was pretty kickass and all,” Sehun starts, “But let’s talk about the boyfriend title, shall we? Or, rather, lack thereof.”
Baekhyun chuckles nervously, gone is the serious tone in his voice from before. “Well I didn’t want to call myself her boyfriend because I’m not!… Yet… And, also, she didn’t before!”
“Because you have to ask her, dumbass,” Minseok interjects from behind the pair.
“I am going to!” Baekhyun squeals, composing himself as he realizes they’re now inside the lobby, which means inside voices, “Or, well, I was going to. I don’t think now is the time, anymore.”
Sehun frowns, removing his arm from Baekhyun’s shoulder. He’s probably right. With the way things have gone tonight, he doubts you’re going to want to do anything but go home and eat your weight in fried rice when this is all over.
Still, looking at Baekhyun and Chungha groan over the lack of use of their “beautiful masterpiece of a sign” as they take their seats has him smiling. You and Baekhyun are good; official couple terms or not.
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As soon as the showcase was over, he and the others met you and Kyungsoo outside of the building, with a mountain of hugs and compliments.
Junmyeon shoves a bouquet of flowers into Kyungsoo’s hand, forces him to take pictures with all of them, and Baekhyun even gets a piggy back ride from his friend for all of three seconds before he’s thrown off of his back. Baekhyun also brought a flower crown for Kyungsoo, but none of them could keep it on his head for more than a minute; now it sits atop Maize’s instead.
Baekhyun also gifts you a flower crown, albeit a little bit bigger, and more expensive than Kyungsoo’s, which you accept happily, along with telling him how much you’d loved his very bright decorative poster.
Chanyeol, Sehun, and Chungha, however make his little grown seem obsolete, as they shower you with baked treats, an expensive looking yellow rose bouquet, a homemade sash that reads “best presentation,” and falling confetti from a small confetti gun that Chanyeol had managed to wrangle into his pockets.
By god do you have some good friends.
“Thanks for the… everything, guys,” you say, speaking for both you and Kyungsoo, “I know we wanted to go out to eat after, but honestly, I think I need to call it a day.”
Baekhyun’s hunch turned out to be right, much to Chungha and Chanyeol’s chagrin; both of whom seemed to be looking forward to eating out as a group. The complaints soon settle into small talk, everyone agreeing that tonight had been a whirlwind of events, and some greasy take out and two respective movie nights at Junmyeon and your apartments would suffice.
You’d all get together to celebrate some time later in the week, and at that point there would likely be even more to celebrate for, as it would be after a joint interview you and Kyungsoo were offered for your work in the showcase.
Baekhyun thinks about the other posted rolled up in the one you’d seen, both currently in Chungha’s possession (who’d promised to keep it safe until he was ready to use it again). He’d have another opportunity to ask you, he was sure of it.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” you snap him out of his train of thought, loosely wrapping his hands in yours. Baekhyun crinkles his eyebrows as you continue, “That tonight didn’t go as planned. With—”
“You don’t have to apologize!” he cuts you off with a light chuckle; however, you seem startled, confused even by his reaction, “Babe, you did absolutely nothing wrong; you have nothing to apologize for.”
“Yeah, I guess,” you reply, unsure of yourself, “I don’t know, I just—if they’d thought to go after you instead, who knows what they’d of done and—”
“[Y/N],” Baekhyun calls—that laugh of disbelief still airing through the syllables—wrapping his fingers around yours more firmly, “You’re not responsible for his actions, you know that?”
“I know, but still,” you frown, “I should have known he was up to something. I know I kinda told him off but I just—I don’t want anything to happen to you as a result of their antics, you know?”
“I think the punch Jongin took to the face should prevent them from bothering you again,” Baekhyun chuckles as you eyes go wide.
“Punch—who punched him! Not that he didn’t deserve it, but I told them not to punch anybody. Was it Chungha?—I keep telling her that’s not safe, even if—”
“No it was Sehun,” Baekhyun fills you in, “I don’t think you could have prevented it. Seemed like a long time coming.”
“Yeah, I—I guess it was,” you say, finally, “I know. I’m sorry—about being sorry for them, then.”
Baekhyun laughs from his stomach this time, removing his hands from yours to wrap an arm around your shoulder, pull you into him, and press a kiss to your forehead. “You’re cute.”
Baekhyun sees that you’re about to open your mouth to reply, when you’re cut short by the flash of a camera. When he looks up he finds the culprit to be none other than Chungha, who’s holding her phone up right, and lets out a disappointed groan.
“Ugh, I didn’t get the kiss,” she whines, shoving her screen in Chanyeol’s direction before flipping it around to face the two of you, “You guys look pretty cute still, though, so you’re welcome.”
“Alright, that’s enough of that,” you say, a worn out lilt in your voice as you slowly pull yourself from his hold, “I need a nap. And egg rolls paid for by Chanyeol, so time to get going.”
“But I just volunteered to pay for the later celebration dinner!” Chanyeol exclaims, pouting excessively.
“Don’t worry, Junmyeon can pay when we all go out to eat,” Baekhyun grins, “Won’t even leave a dent in his pockets, right hyung!”
His comment is enough to make everyone chuckle, except Junmyeon who merely shoots him an unamused glance; but Baekhyun knows it means no harm. As if he’d let anyone else pay for a meal.
This information seems to pique Sehun’s interest, however; as the taller boy finds himself stalking towards Junmyeon and wrapping a friendly arm around his shoulder. “Is that so?” Sehun starts, dragging Junmyeon along with him and prompting the rest of the group to start walking towards the parking lots, “I don’t think we’ve met yet, hyung, I’m Sehun.”
“I think I’ve been replaced,” Minseok lolls, watching Sehun and Junmyeon’s silhouettes as they walk ahead.
You chuckle, finding yourself walking between him and Chungha, Maize on his other side, as you head towards the cars. “Don’t take it personally,” you tell him, “Anyone who’s older with a bank account is of interest to Sehun. At least as far as lunch goes.”
Minseok laughs lightly at that, the four of you making small jokes at Sehun expense about his need for companionship and affection in the form of food. It’s a few minutes later when Chungha jokes that if Minseok really needed a new friend to dote on, he should get to know Chanyeol better.
“Hey, Chan, you hear, Min—” you call out to the taller boy, turning your shoulder to face him, but he’s not there. Neither is Baekhyun—not anywhere near the rest of you, anyway.
You stop completely, and turn around, prompting Maize, Minseok, and Chungha to do the same. In the distance, you can see Baekhyun and Chanyeol; it’s as if they hadn’t seen the rest of you walking ahead. And, unfortunately, it looked like the two idiots were… dancing in the middle of the street.
“You think they’ve been hitting the whoah this entire time we’ve been walking?” Maize questions, staring ahead at them like they’re a spectacle. They might as well be.
Chungha sighs, “Probably.”
“I think Chanyeol and Baekhyun are gonna be a little busy becoming best friends,” Minseok laughs, “It looks like they’re already half way there.”
“What could they have possibly been talking about that led them to dancing like that?” Chungha questions. 
You’re next, crossing your arms and shaking your head, too. You have to admit, it makes you smile a little bit. That doesn’t make them any less embarrassing.
“Do you see why I avoided introducing them to each other now?”
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ϟ tag list: @artfulbarnes @bat-shark-repellant @baek-byunies @baeklooming-day @bbh-kji @cosmins​ @etsjusoa @exuwu @elyxion1485 @fifiaaaaaa @haechanspudu @honeyboocal @httpschoisan​ @junkfoodwriting @just-a-sad-writer​ @j-pping @joyfulponyoafhuman​ @kokomaesadie​ @kkpoptrashhh @littleflowercrown13 @loeytingz @marina-del-rey98 @mangobaek​ @minseokscock​ @miraculyfe @mochahyuck @oasissehun @ohwosehun @p-polaroid @peachesyeol @peacherparker​ @penguinsoo-l @rikachusworld @sakura-uji @shesdreaminginoverdose @sekshi-namjas @smolpeyy​ @strawberrychannie​ @takoyakkun​ @to-all-the-stories-i-love @vaiva @writingindaisies @xiutingmyself @xxbluestrifexx​ @yourexotextplus​ @zaez​
ϟ more notes: once again sorry about the long wait hehe but i hope you liked it!! also, friendly reminder that the taglist is closed!! also, yes i’m sorry this is part 19A which means there is a 19B but it’s not written so don’t worry you won’t have to read through my excessive commas anymore LOL
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chogisad · 5 years
Run-ins | Part Three
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Part 1 | Part 2
Genre: Angst.
Length: 3K
Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader. Sehun x Reader.
Summary: "Maybe you should let her decide," Chanyeol challenges and Sehun's nostrils flare. This is familiar ground, rivalry and retaliation. Their eyes meet and the crowd presses forward, feels the sharp tension, the whisper of ferocity a pin-prick on their necks.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jongdae asks as he turns the wheel to park alongside the curb.
You wring your hands in your lap, as if you're clutching an imaginary rosary. Its an absent minded habit, to second-guess yourself minutes before jumping, but your determination wins out this time.
"What's the worst that could happen?" You try, and Jongdae only shakes his head.
When Chanyeol had extended the invitation to one of his infamous house-parties, your knee-jerk reaction was to type out a decline. You'd heard the rumors; Chanyeol's parties weren't just college blowouts. They tested the limits of legality. If you wanted something illicit, this was the place to get it. If you wanted to be self-destructive, this was the place to do it.
"Sehun wanted me to live a little, right?" You say, more conviction in your voice, now spurred by a remembered bitterness. Jongdae only sighs, coming around to open your door for you.
He knows this game. He's watched you and Sehun dance around each other since he first met you during your first year of college. He never really understood it; this twisted game where you both pushed each other, where you both tried to gage when the other would break.
The music is already too loud. Cars trample the dying grass and empty beer cans and shattered bottles litter what was once a perfectly manicured lawn. Two people are making out on the porch, hands travelling dangerous territory for such a public place and you feel yourself blush before you even enter the stuffy living room.
You cough a little as the front door opens and the smell of marijuana and cigarette smoke hits you like a wall. Its cloying, the space too hot, too crowded, and almost immediately, you're swallowed into the mass of bodies.
You lose Jongdae in the jumble of people trying to dance. Every available surface is scattered with liquor bottles and people brandish their red cups like trophies, like this party is their greatest triumph.
You spot Chanyeol on the other side of the room and something in your stomach churns-- anticipation, anxiety, fear. He detaches himself from his friends and makes his way over, broad shoulders and infamous reputation easily parting the sea of people.
"Hey," He greets simply, planting himself close, his eyes drinking in your figure.
You blush under his gaze and pull nervously at the hem of your top. You feel a little unsteady, unsure, among all these bodies lost in oblivion.
"Thanks for the invite," you say, too aware of everyone bumping into you. And maybe he can sense it, your hesitation, your precaution, the way you're starting to lose your footing in the noise, in the masses of people being reckless.
"Here," Chanyeol hands you his cup. "It'll make you feel better."
You take it with a grateful smile and down the liquid in one go. It stings, awful and rancid and you hate the way it sits in your stomach, hot.
Chanyeol takes your hand and guides you through the crowd. The muscles on your shoulders loosen a little as the fresh air from the backyard engulfs you. Chanyeol hands you a second drink and you sip this one more carefully as you both come to lean on the balcony.
"I didn't think you'd come," Chanyeol says, taking a quiet taste from his own cup.
"Why not?" You wonder, turning to look at him.
Chanyeol calculates his words, paces himself through this because he knows what he wants; he knows the reaction he wants.
"Sehun talks about his roommate a lot," He begins, and watches as you bristle. "Once said you spend a lot of time in your room studying for exams you know you'll pass."
He watches as your cheeks redden. He can see it, the way you're pushing back against the staleness of your life, against the perceptions of who you are, against Sehun himself.
"Sehun doesn't know me as well as he thinks he does," you snap, and you tip the red cup down your throat. You clench your teeth as the vodka scalds your throat, but you don't care.
Silence holds suddenly, a little tense, as Sehun hovers over the both of you. Even here, you hate him for being the way he is.
"I'm glad we're out here," Chanyeol says, breaking through the estranged quiet. "It was getting too stuffy in there."
You look at the people around this space. The moon bares witness as drunk college students try the impossible and toss a ping pong ball into cups of questionable liquid. Someone is taking a piss into a bush, and someone else is napping on the grass.
"You have one of these parties every weekend?" You ask, curious, eyes taking in the unfolding chaos, the uncaring abandonment.
Chanyeol only shrugs. "It keeps the loneliness away," he says offhandedly, not realizing the implication or depth of his words.
"Why are you lonely?" Chanyeol hears you ask him, your voice too genuine.
And maybe he's had too much to drink already. Maybe he's tired. Maybe he's feeling a little empty again, but he likes the way you are up at him, all innocent eyes begging for answers, begging to have your heart broken. And maybe this is the part Sehun's been missing, why he's never been able to understand you; to take, you have to give.
So in that moment, like before, like calculating a music note, like calculating before winding a string, he decides to give you something you can hold onto. He knows girls like you; always careful, always wanting to fix the world around them, and he figures, this is how he draws you in.
"I don't know," Chanyeol says, drawing the answer from somewhere within himself, knowing this is what you want. You want someone to figure out, someone to unravel, someone to put back together.
The alcohol is hitting you now in gentle pulses. Your heartbeat is a little quicker in your ears, a little more volatile, and you don't like his sad smile. You don't like the way he swishes the alcohol in his drink, too pensive, so you get a little brave for the both of you.
"Maybe you don't have to be," you murmur, before leaning up to kiss him.
Chanyeol tosses his drink aside so he can pull you closer. He likes this side of you, likes that maybe you're not as good as Sehun thinks, because he knows you're using him. But a part of him doesn't care. Because Chanyeol also likes the way you feel, small, breakable in his hands, so willing to toy with something you could never understand.
So you go from there. Chanyeol hands you another drink and then you're kissing on the dance floor. Everything feels loose, feels perfect, feels vibrant and alive. His hands press into your hips as you grind back into him, as the music courses through your bloodstream alongside the liquor and you love this feeling, love being wanted. You don't get why Jongdae thought this was a bad idea because you're having fun, buzzing with energy, and Chanyeol's laughter is melodic in your ear.
The floor vibrates with the beat, and you spin in his arms. You run wandering hands over his chest and he pulls you in for another kiss, drunken, messy, smiling into your mouth. God, you press even closer to him and you're burning, uncaring that people could be watching. He brings a leg between your thighs and you moan into his mouth, feel his fingers gripping your forearms to steady you and you get the message, you understand his intentions even through the fuzzy haze.
Chanyeol guides you away from the crowd and your back slams a wall. You rope him back in, needy, desperate, and your fingers pull at his hair when his lips find your neck. Its overwhelming, the heat, the noise, the sheer risk of someone watching even in this dark part of the house.
"Do you want to try something?" Chanyeol murmurs against your skin, and you shudder in his hands as he licks a stripe up your neck. You nod, of course you do, because nothing makes sense except him, except his touch, except his taste, except his smell. You'd say yes to anything in this moment, precaution thrown to the wind.
Chanyeol pulls out a little white pill from his pocket, and you don't think twice. You don't consider the repercussions, the implications. You don't think about appearances as you let him place it on your tongue.
"Welcome to the dark side, princess." He breathes, hot against your ear and your knees almost give out as you swallow.
You don't really know how much time passes between Chanyeol inviting you to something new and the rest of your life. You take to the dance floor, feel so many eyes on you as you let the music consume you, as you weave through colors and sensations and somewhere, Chanyeol only watches you with sweet amusement.
You don't register when Sehun first arrives. You don't see as he careens through people until he finds you.
"What are you doing?" Sehun questions you, grabbing you by your forearms to keep you still. He pets your sweaty hair away from your face and you blink, rapid and languid all at once, unsure of what he's asking. The entire world is pulsing with different shades of color, and you could swear the walls are moving, playing hopscotch across the entire room.
You pull away from him. "Isn't it obvious?"
Sehun only gapes at you. He registers your state, your bloated irises, the unsteadiness of your feet.
"What did you take?" He demands, holding your face in his hands to inspect you closer.
"It doesn't matter. I'm having fun," you snap, trying to step away, and Sehun is furious. His mind is whirring, angry blame already coursing through him but his worry is louder. Sehun carefully tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Come on. I'm taking you home." He says through gritted teeth. He eases out of his jacket and begins to throw it over your shoulders, but you're done with this. You're done with him.
"I'm not gonna keep following you around, Sehun." You lash out. "This is what you wanted, right? For me to live my life?"
Sehun holds silent for one second, maybe two, before he grabs your wrist.
"You're out of it. Lets go--"
"Maybe you should back up, Sehunnie." Chanyeol suddenly appears. He steps in front of you and Sehun is forced to let go, to stare at the both of you with disbelief that instantly transforms to rage.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Sehun rounds on him, shoving him back. Chanyeol only smirks, revels in the promise of chaos.
"What did you give her, Chanyeol! You--"
"Nothing you haven't tried before."
"You know she's not like this-- what the fuck are you playing at?!" Sehun yells and he lunges. His fingers clasp around Chanyeol's collar and people are gathering, vultures drawn to the possibility of violence.
"You need to calm down--"
"I'm taking her home." Sehun growls, and he unhands Chanyeol, a snarl of disgust on his face.
"Maybe you should let her decide," Chanyeol challenges and Sehun's nostrils flare. This is familiar ground, rivalry and retaliation. Their eyes meet and the crowd presses forward, feels the sharp tension, the whisper of ferocity a pin-prick on their necks.
"You don't know what you're getting yourself into," Sehun breaks the trance, the game, and extends his hand to you. "Let's go home."
Someone snickers behind you and your anger returns tenfold. You hate him all over again for always thinking he's right. Vengeful, you set your feet firm at Chanyeol's side and wrap an arm around his waist. The world is shifting underneath you, in more ways than one, but you let your fingers curl around the material of Chanyeol's jacket to keep you upright. Sehun is coming in and out of focus, and you don't really recognize him anymore.
"Please," he says, only to you, his hand still extended.
"You don't want to be here." His voice is quiet, somehow still reaching you over the noise and the pressure and the uncertainty. His eyes are pleading, showing a growing desperation, and your heart softens. Your resolve waivers; you feel the shiver of your body as you reach for him too, as years of familiarity recognize someone that has always felt like home.
But just as quickly, you remember the other party and all the times he threw your own caution back in your face. It burns you from the inside, the resentment, the realization that you don't know how to trust him anymore.
"You don't know what I want," you spit out, and Sehun winces, recoils away from you. His jaw clenched, he looks between you and Chanyeol once more, unbelieving, before he spins on his heel and storms out, shoving onlookers in the process.
The entire crowd lets out a collective breath no one realized they were holding. You sag against Chanyeol, for some reason feeling defeated, and Chanyeol intertwines his fingers with yours.
"Come on-- let's dance." He says, pulling you back toward the lull of the music, the enchantment of the crowd, toward all these unfamiliar sensations running rapid through your entire body.
You reach up to kiss him in the dark, just like last time. Something savage and raw is burning your throat, and you blink away the tears before they ever have the chance of emerging. Chanyeol follows your lead here; he lets you bring his hands to your waist, his hands on your hips, his hands travelling up your neck. You grind on him, dirty, reckless, just like the other strangers searching for something to keep their indecisive hearts distracted. You let go-- of your convictions, of your caution, of a lot of things besides Sehun.
You grab another red cup of vodka or whiskey or whatever, but Chanyeol's long fingers pry it away before you can take a sip.
"You've had enough for tonight," Chanyeol says, an amused smile gracing his pretty lips. He holds the drink above his head, only chuckles when you jump up to reach it. You lose your balance, come crashing down onto his chest, and almost on instinct, his free arm wraps around your waist.
He keeps you upright, holds you firm against his own body and the moment stills. Chanyeol gazes down on you; something in his eyes softens, and your chest tightens. It's a moment that sits unabated, organic, sits alone without the shadow of retribution hanging over the both of you and you get lost in it, in never having been here before, not like this.
"Yeah," you breathe in the space between you both. "Maybe I have."
Its slow, the way his lips barely graze yours; no urgency, no demand, no invitation for anything else but a simple kiss at the end of a long night. His lips are like satin, as gentle as the flutter of a butterfly's wing, and you feel something behind your ribs shiver, uncertain.
"Let's get you home, yeah?" Chanyeol says, taking your hand in his.
Chanyeol is too drunk to drive so he finds a sober Jongdae. He walks you to Jongdae's car parked on the curb and when you begin to shiver as Jongdae fishes for his keys, Chanyeol shakes off his jacket, and gently, helps you get your arms through it. Jongdae catches a glimpse of the unfolding scene, and he locks eyes with Chanyeol, curious. Chanyeol only shrugs.
"Text me when you drop her off," Chanyeol requests, leaning on the car's door, after he helps you buckle your seatbelt. Your movements are still hazy, still coming undone, and you lean your head back against the seat.
"I'll see you soon," he says, petting your hair once, and again, Jongdae only watches in silence.
The drive back to your apartment is quiet, almost tentative. The world is spinning, the passing lights blending into each other, creating a luminescent disarray.
Jongdae doesn't really know what to say, what to ask, because he can already see a bruise blooming on your neck where Chanyeol got carried away.  He doesn't want to pry, but he also doesn't want to play middleman. His phone is still vibrating, still lighting up with messages from Sehun asking that he please get you home safely.
"Are you alright?" Jongdae asks, testing the waters, trying to remember whether he has a water bottle in the car or not.
You nod. You like the way your limbs feel weightless, unencumbered. You like that things don't hurt as much, don't matter as much, when you're in this state. It makes it easier to think about losing someone when you have another to kiss over the wounds.
"I had a good time."
"Are you gonna talk to him?" Jongdae tries, and you both know who he's referring to.
Some of it comes in flashes, other parts in waves; Sehun asking you to come home, his anger, his rapprochement. He'd offered you his hand, like so many times before; when you were younger, on the playground, it was his hand lifting you off the ground. At graduation, it was his hand helping you up the staircase to the stage. When you turned 21, it was his hand you held as you walked home, drunk and happy and grateful. You'd never declined, not like this.
"I don't have anything to say to him," you reply, and the words sting. They make something uncomfortable stir in your chest, maybe grief, maybe misunderstanding,
Jongdae pulls up to your apartment and you suck in a deep breath. Before you let the car door close behind you, Jongdae leans over the passenger seat.
"I just don't want you to get hurt, okay?" Jongdae says, and you only sigh.
It's far too late for that, for any of you.
© Chogisad
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kuntys · 6 years
chanyeol: hey seh-
sehun: kyungsoo spent his bday with me and only me and what he do with you nothing! so eat dust and stay mad
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biaswreckingfics · 6 years
Forsaken: Part 2
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Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader
Genre: Angst
Word count: 1.8k
Previous Chapter  |  Next Chapter
That’s Chanyeol’s girlfriend… they’ve been together for three months now…
That message continuously repeated itself over and over in your head. Chanyeol has a girlfriend.
Park Chanyeol has a girlfriend.
Park Chanyeol, who told you that he didn’t want a girlfriend because it would be hard on him.
Park Chanyeol, who said it’d be better for him if he was single.
That stupid, big-eared, giant.
You were angry. You were hurt. You felt abandoned? Did he stop talking to you because he met her? How did he meet her? Was it instant attraction?
After you had gotten home from the café, you did what any normal girl would do. You stalked her social media. You had hoped to see a party girl or anything that’d make her seem like a bad person. Instead, what you found was nothing but a nice, innocent-seeming girl, of course.
You didn’t know why you were upset. You and Chanyeol hadn’t talked in months. Did you expect him to come back, and everything would go back to normal? You hoped… but you knew that wasn’t realistic. However, every other time they had gone on tour, they came back, and everything had gone back to the way it was... For some reason, this time was different. You just needed to put on your big girl panties and tell your heart to get over it. Ha. Okay.
Baek: Are you free today? Like in an hour?
Were you free? Yes. Did you want to see anyone? No.
Baek: Y/N… please… I miss you. We haven’t seen each other in months. Let’s go to lunch. It’ll be just you and me…
Baek: It’ll be just you, me, and Sehun, apparently.
Sehun: I will drag you out of that apartment.
You read Sehun’s text just as you were taking a drink. You managed to choke on laughter and spill your drink at the same time. Oh Sehun. That boy. You did miss them. They were your best friends. Sehun was the little brother you didn’t know you wanted, and Baekhyun had been there for you through everything.
You grab your phone and reply to both men.
You: Okay… count me in.
An hour later, you were walking into a beautiful restaurant, a few blocks away from your apartment. You told the hostess that you were meeting two friends, and she let you know that they were already there. You followed her to the table, and when you spotted the two beautiful boys, your heart started pounding in your chest. Holy crap did you miss them. Both were dressed in all black, wearing black baseball hats, probably trying to look incognito but failing slightly. When they spotted you, they broke out into giant grins.
When you got to the table, Sehun jumped up and gave you a giant bear hug, “Y/N! I missed you!”
You hug him back tightly, “I missed you too, Hunnie!”
You then pull away and turn towards Baekhyun, who was standing behind you smiling. He grabs you by the waist and pulls you into a hug.
“Y/N, you look just as gorgeous as the last time I saw you.” He pulls back and winks at you. All you could do was smile. You were so happy.
You all sat down at the round table, and before they could bring you up, you ask, “How have you guys been?”
As you talked, you examined the two men. Baekhyun had a fresh face and was trying to keep smiling, but you could see bags under his eyes. Sehun, who had model looks when he woke up, had tired eyes as well.
“You guys look exhausted! Are you getting any rest?”
Baekhyun began to say, “Of course we are- “
“Don’t lie to me, Baek. You guys look like you’re going to collapse.”
“It’s not that bad!” Sehun grunts, calling out your slight over-exaggeration.
“There’s just a lot going on”, Baekhyun states. “But now that our interviews are mainly done, and we don’t have any more appearances for a while, we can get some rest.”
“Well, good. I don’t like seeing you like this.”
Sehun, trying to comfort you, quietly replies, “It’s part of the job, little one.”
Little one. The nickname the boys gave you when you were younger. They told you they were the only ones allowed to call you it. You thought it was silly but happily agreed. You haven’t heard someone call you little one in nearly nine months. It went right to your heart, and you almost got teary-eyed.
Baekhyun quietly asks, “How have you been?”
They both look at you with worried expressions. With everything they’ve been enduring, you didn’t want to make it about you. You put a smile on your face and say, “I’ve been fine. Busy with dance, work, and whatever crazy idea Jia has come up with.”
“Y/N… come on…” Baekhyun responds, clearly not believing you.
“What? I’m serious. Do you know what she made me do last week?”
Sehun, wanting to let you know they weren’t buying it, ignores you. “Y/N. You can talk to us. It’s okay.”
You look at the two boys who were waiting for your response. Do you tell them the truth?
“Honestly, I’ve just missed you guys way too much. I’ve hardly talked to any of you. I know you’ve been busy, and I really try to understand that, so it’s okay.”
Baek, going straight to the point, quietly asks, “What about Chanyeol?”
You close your eyes as his name comes out of Baekhyun’s mouth. You quietly reply, “If he’s happy, that’s all that matters.”
They were both silent for a moment, and then Sehun startles you.
“Seh- “
“Y/N, you’re not okay with it. I know you. Hell, I’m not even okay with it.”
What Sehun said had shocked you, “What?”
“I don’t like her.”
Baekhyun sighs, “It’s not that you don’t like her, it’s the situation you don’t like.”
Sehun counters back with, “No, I’m pretty sure it’s her.”
You had to ask, “Why? Did she do something?”
Sehun mutters, “No, not yet.” Then more clearly, “She’s not you.”
“Sehun- “
“Y/N, you’ve been in love with Chanyeol for how long? I can see it when you look at him, as cliché as that sounds.”
“He’s right. We both thought it’d be you and Chanyeol. Daeun came out of nowhere.” Baekhyun agrees with the younger man.
You look down at your lap. “How did they meet?”
Baekhyun is the one who answers you. “One of the variety shows that we did. She was working behind the scenes. They met, and Chanyeol was instantly smitten.”
You felt your eyes start to burn. Instantly smitten… He fell for her as soon as she looked at him, like some stupid romance movie. He had never been smitten with you. It was years before Chanyeol and you started acting like you liked each other. Were you not good enough?
Baekhyun, interrupting your thoughts, says, “Stop. I see where your head is going.”
“Does she treat him well?”
Sehun, again muttering, “So far.”
Baekhyun then asks, “What has he said to you about it?”
You jerk your eyes up and look between the two. “Chan hasn’t talked to me since two months into the tour…”
Both of their mouths drop open. Then Baekhyun says, “What?” While Sehun growls, “Are you fucking serious?”
You slowly nod your head, “Like I said, I haven’t talked to you guys.”
Baekhyun was the first to recover from the shock. “We thought Chanyeol was still talking to you…”
“I’m gonna beat him”, Sehun angrily says.
Baekhyun, stopping him before he could say anything else, “Sehun.”
“What? I don’t care if he’s older. He literally just dropped her? After the way they were with each other?”
You interrupt him before he can say anything else. “It doesn’t matter. He’s moved on, so obviously I need to do the same.”
“You’ve been in love with him forever. It’s not gonna be that easy.” Baekhyun reminds you.
As he had been speaking, Sehun was just giving you the “are you for real?” look.
“What do the other guys think of her?”
“Minseok, Kyungsoo, and Jongdae love her.”
Sehun, interrupts Baekhyun, “Only because they somehow haven’t figured out you like him.”
Baekhyun, continuing like Sehun didn’t even speak, “The rest of us are more guarded. She is a super nice girl, though.”
Sehun, again, “He means they tolerate her. I don’t even bother with her.”
You give Sehun a small smile. Sehun was always loyal to you, even when you were in the wrong. He would absolutely let you know you were wrong but stand by you, regardless.
Baekhyun must’ve decided that it was time to change the subject. “Let’s move on to a happier note.”
“Like what?”
The boys half shout, “Your birthday!”
That’s right. Your birthday was less than a month away, but this year you didn’t feel like celebrating. “Guys, I don’t want to do anything for my birthday.”
Baekhyun stops you, “Not acceptable.”
“I’m thinking a mini personal party.” Sehun contemplates.
“We celebrate our birthdays together every chance we can,” Baekhyun says.
“Just invite close friends and have a chill night.” Sehun continues.
“Please, let us do this for you,” Baek pleads.
You couldn’t help but laugh. The boys seemed like they were talking together, but they were really having two different conversations. Shutting them both up, you say, “Alright, let’s do it.”
Both boys excitedly launch into a conversation about what they should do. Before they got too far, you stopped them, “You have to let Junmyeon help you, though.” This way, he could keep some type of control over the two boys. Who knew what they would come up with. To your relief, they both agreed.
The next three weeks, things felt almost back to normal. Besides work and hanging out with Jia, you spent a lot of time with the boys. You were often dancing with Sehun and sometimes Jongin, going to the movies with Junmyeon, and doing various things with Baekhyun. You didn’t realize how much you missed this life with them and how much you needed it. The only thing that was wrong was the lack of Chanyeol in your life. You missed him, no matter how much you didn’t want to. He had ended up being your second half, and his absence made it feel like a part of you was missing, even if it had been months since you talked. You felt kind of stupid feeling this way.
The boys had invited Chanyeol to your birthday. You weren’t mad. You knew it’d be awkward for them if they didn’t. You were excited to see him, but the thought of seeing him also made you want to throw up. How would he act? Would he talk to you? Would he bring Daeun? Did she even know who you were?
You felt an entire range of emotions, everything from nervous to excited. This would be interesting.
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euphoriacafe · 7 years
EXO Reaction to you calling them daddy | DADDY! AU |
Okay I’ve been needing some DADDY! EXO help me outttt 💕 - Anon
It was both of your honeymoon- you both came back to the room that was in the hotel inside of Hawaii the night was beautiful everything sounded peaceful and the colors made the evening sky match everything around the ocean. As he held your hips walking towards the door. Opening it you saw Rose petles on the floor of the room leading to the bed and bathroom. You were in awed you both clearly didn’t set this up but the hotel did it for free. You smirked and spoke slowly but purring a little bit “Jongin~” you saw him in his black pants and white shirt that was tucked into his pants. You motioned him to come near and said “Can you go get the bath ready please.” You smiled he nodded slowly looking at you with hungry eyes. As he walked to the restroom you quickly switched your panties to lace ones and put on the silk robe you packed from home. You waited with the robe slipping off your shoulder and you looked out to the ocean. “The bath is ready...” his words trailed off as he eyed you up and down. You turned around and smirked. You walked over to him slowly and sat him down on the bed “Daddy I’m going to give you a little show then you can have me~” you purred. He smirked and pulled you onto him “Daddy can’t wait to see this show sweetie, show daddy what you got.”
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You were in the kitchen listening to music as you swayed your hips side to side enjoying listening to the song “Freak” by Little Mix (I recommend you listen to it.) you felt you’re self feeling yourself a lot. You didn’t even notice that Suho came back early from practice he watched you sway and grind/twerk a little bit and his emotions were hot and steamy. He came up behind you and automatically put his hands on your stomach only his fingers in your shorts and under the band of panties you were wearing. He held you by your hips and you froze knowing the scent of him from everywhere. “Daddy, I’m cooking.” You whined continuing your little dance and cooking. Until he turned off the Stove. “I want someone else for dinner right now, you’re a full meal.” He kissed your neck and turned you around. “I know some things you’ll love to try for daddy right now.” He grinned and you blushed. This’s going to be fun.
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“Daddy~” You whined- Yixing was so focused on the music he practically forgot that he invited you to the studio. You tried to get his attention by kissing his cheek multiple times, calling him daddy, rubbing his shoulders, sitting on his lap, making sassy comments towards the music industry, even tried to yell- but nothing. Then suddenly a dirty idea popped into your brain. You smirked walking to the door locking it and started to take off your clothes behind him and since he was working so much he didn’t notice that you crawled under the Studio DJ Desk only in panties and a bra as you did so you started to touch up from his thigh to his zipper quickly biting you lip. You felt him tense up and freeze. You smirked you finally got here where you wanted as you unbunckled and unzipped his pants you didn’t waste time by rubbing his crotch through his boxers. He finally pressed away from the board and looked at you with lust and happiness. “Honey what are you-“ He quieted down as you came out as he admired your body up and down. “I wanted your attention but you wouldn’t listen to me daddy.” You pouted he smirked. You knew you were in for some trouble.
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You both were like little kids just thinking about the word ‘Daddy’ made you both cringe a bit. But tonight during dinner the way the word slipped from your lips made Sehun go hard and he kept dark lustful eyes on you and you didn’t notice. The boys mocked and teased him but he wasn’t listening he kept quiet the both of you were on your way back to the apartment and once you got there. You felt him watching you like a pray it wasn’t until you walked into the apartment and you grabbed you harshly shoved you against the wall and rolled your dress up while his lips attacked your lips. You couldn’t remember the last time he was rough but you were enjoying it. He smirked “Mmm, the way you said daddy towards me made me want you to say the word more and more for me .” He grinned and his hand disappeared into your panties rubbing against your crotch. “Seh-“ You were cut off by his growling “I’m daddy (Y/N)” you moaned into his lips. “Fuck Daddy-“ he smirked licking his lips. “Let’s go to the bedroom baby doll.” He spoke harshly watching you run to the bedroom gigglying.
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It was 2 AM in the morning and he was in the club. You were weird and afraid you have major trust issues and Chanyeol made it seem as if you and Baekhyun were going to sleep around with other people. You laying in bed watching the clock count away until you heard the door open slowly to quiet singing Baekhyun. You kept your same position until you heard him sink into the bed beside you and tried to pull you close to him. “Fairy are you up?” He asked lovingly. You hummed turning around you usually smelled alcohol when he came back but this night it was different. “I’m sorry were you asleep?” He asked. His eyes were dark and lustful- You shook your head in response. “Good well I was just thinking about how I could’ve stayed home and treated you the way I’ve been thinking all day,” he said slowly- the moon light wa the only thing bright inside of the room. “You don’t have to do anything let me take care you Fairy.” He smirked and you were confused you saw him crawl under the covers and you never wore clothes to bed but you felt a hot and hungry kiss and long lick against your crotch making you thrust your hips upwards. This night was going to turn quickly.
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You were opening up for your work since you owned a bakery and Chanyeol was helping you move boxes in. You went behind the counter and started to count the money in the cashier and felt Chanyeol rest his body onto your back. He was grinding and trying to slip his hands up your shirt towards your bra. “Chanyeol we’re at work we can’t-“ you said quietly. Still feeling up against him he grinned “Then I guess I’ll take you under the counter give me a few minutes I just need to taste my baby doll.” You rolled your eyes knowing he wouldn’t do that........until he sat down on the ground in front of you and rolled up your dress up to your hips and your panties being pulled down quickly you felt a hot wet lick against your crotch and a a lot of sucking. You bucked your hips feeling his mmm smile. “Damnit you need to hurry I have to open in a few hours-“ He pulled away “what’s my name?” He arches his eyebrow you moaned out “Daddy.” And looked down seeing his face disappear back into your crotch.
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You both were inside the car listening to music and it was a very long car ride to the mountains. It was your 4 year anniversary of dating each other and you wanted to give him something special but you couldn’t wait. “Jongdae pull over.” You said purring. He looked confused but pulled over on the side of the mountain it was around 2 AM and he looked tired but alive. “What is it?” He asked. You got out of the car and opened his door “Jongdae pull down your pants .” You said bluntly. He didn’t ask questions but he stayed in the drivers seat pulling his pants down. You pulled down your shorts and panties smirking and tried to straddle him fully settling downwards onto his crotch moaning and feeling yourself tighten around him he groaned holding your wrist. “Fuck daddy...” you smirked moaning.
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Xiumin is your best friend you both do everything together whether it’s shower together or fight like elderly couple. Minseok was in the middle of a argument and you both just weren’t having it tonight. You were sleeping over at his house. “WHATEVER FUCK YOU RIGHT NOW YOU ASSHOLE IM TAKING A SHOWER.” You yelled tired of him right now. You got inside of the shower just standing in the water until you felt a shove to the cold shower wall and it was by the one and only Minseok. “My name isn’t asshole it’s daddy to you now.” Before you could make a sassy reply he Position his crotch against yours and pushed in. You moaned thrusting backwards wanting more. He has never done this before but it was a total turn on for you and you wanted more from him.
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You both were in the office you sitting on his lap working on your computer for a essay and he was working on music. You felt his crotch harden under you as you kept grinding against him. Soon enough you had no panties and he was doing all the work from under you. His crotch thrusting upwards into yours quickly and his breathing heavy. You were a moaning mess but you kept typing away stopping for a few minutes until he slowed down. He smirked and started to fiddle with your breast hungrily you pulled your shirt up but laid into his chest. “Fuck Daddy...” he loved the way ‘Daddy’ came from your lips making him want to pound into your faster and make you say it more and more. This night was the most greatest time you had.
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zyx-bot · 7 years
Tag Masterlist
A simple guide to my tags - what tags i use for what posts 
updated* 27/05/17 
xing {{ main lay tag
curls {{ lay’s curls appreciation. yes i have a separate tag for this
smile {{ sue me i have a tag for this aswell 
airport fashion {{  yes
lotto {{ lotto era is the only era
dancing {{ you’re welcome
being rude  {{ you’re welcome
being soft  {{ you’re welcome
bf looks  {{ you’re welcome
domestic looks  {{ you’re welcome
ceo  {{ you’re welcome
videos {{ yup
memes {{ lay specific memes cos im that sad 
xiuxiu {{  main xiumin tag
being rude  {{ yup
being soft {{ yup
bf looks  {{ you’re welcome
blonde  {{ because xiu’s blonde hair is a thing
videos  {{ xiumin vids
seh {{ main sehun tag
purple {{ sehun in that purple oversized thing. yes
lotto {{ the lotto era is the only era
vid {{  yes
dae {{  main chen tag
being soft {{  you’re welcome
junmyeon {{ main suho tag
baek {{ main baek tag
being rude {{ you’re welcome
yeol {{ main chan tag
jongin {{ main kai tag
ksoo {{ main do tag
being soft {{ you’re welcome
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sidigame20g · 4 years
Página 3 de aproximadamente 46.100.000 resultados (0,23 segundos)
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EXO 엑소 'Lucky One' MV - YouTubewww.youtube.com › watch
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▶ 4:00
EXO has released their 3rd full album “EX'ACT” with double title tracks “Monster” and “Lucky One”. Listen and download on ...8 jun. 2016 - Subido por SMTOWN
EXO-SC 세훈&찬열 '10억뷰 (1 Billion Views) (Feat. MOON ...www.youtube.com › watch
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▶ 3:30
EXO-SC's 1st album "10억뷰 (1 Billion Views)" is out! Listen and download on your favorite platform: https ...hace 2 días - Subido por EXO
Comienza la cuenta atrás para el regreso de EXO | Música ...los40.com › los40 › 2019/10/29 › musica
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La exitosa banda de K-Pop se prepara para su nuevo repertorio musical. Comienza la cuenta atrás para el ...29 oct. 2019 - Subido por SMTOWN
EXO 엑소 'Lotto' MV - YouTubewww.youtube.com › watch
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▶ 3:22
Listen and download on iTunes & Apple Music, Spotify, and Google Play Music http://smarturl.it/EXO_LOTTO ...18 ago. 2016 - Subido por SMTOWN
EXO Integrantes 2018 - YouTubewww.youtube.com › watch
▶ 17:04
Una visión general de los 9 miembros de EXO. Comenta, me gusta y suscribirte para más! Deja sugerencias ...14 ene. 2018 - Subido por K&S
EXO 엑소 '전야 (前夜) (The Eve)' Dance Practice - YouTubewww.youtube.com › watch
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▶ 2:55
has reached 30 million views! Enjoy the Dance Practice Video for '전야 (前夜) (The Eve)' and send lots ...4 ago. 2017 - Subido por SMTOWN
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EXO-L, tras bailar al mejor ritmo de We Young, es el momento de disfrutar del primer trabajo de Chanyeol y ...22 jul. 2019 - Subido por SMTOWN
EXO pudo haber sido víctima de plagio | Nación Rexwww.nacionrex.com › kpop › exo-cravity-plagio-break-a...
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CRAVITY debutó el 14 de abril de este año y presentaron el video de 'Break All The Rules', aunque recibieron ...18 abr. 2020 - Subido por SMTOWN
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Compra en Under Armour para Zapatillas de running UA Charged Intake 4 Exo para hombre en nuestro ...Estar informado de los resultados de EXO.
Crear alerta
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je0n-jeongguk-blog · 8 years
group chat » DADS FT. NOT DADS YET
Mino: [audio: IT STILL WORKS]
Yongguk has changed the group name from "saranghoes" to "[mino voice] IT STILL WORKS":
Chanyeol: SE PASAN
Namjoon: CHICOS
Namjoon: Perdón por interrumpir, es que quiero contar alguito
Mino: omg can u plz stop
Mino: y u wanna steal my spotlight
Namjoon: ESTÁN TODOS????
Yongguk: Callate Mino sos adoptado
Jeongguk: No sabe ni hacer ni una vuelta carnero y le pedís que te haga un handstand, vos me hacés reír
Namjoon has changed the group name from "[mino voice] IT STILL WORKS" to "DADS FT. NOT DADS YET":
Namjoon: BITCHES
Namjoon has changed the group icon:
Jeongguk: KE
Yongguk: AH LISTO
Mino: POSTA???????
Namjoon: SEH
Bobby: [chanyeol voice] AMO LOS BEBÉS
Chanyeol: ey
Jeongguk: lpm nadie coge con forro en esta villa?
Yongguk: Vos lo dijiste, es la villa.
Mino: ^ agreed
Bobby: Y bueno, hijo. En la villa es así.
Bobby: Tenemo que morfar y teniendo críos nos pagan así keee
Bobby: vofi~
0 notes
aphrodite1288 · 5 years
So Kyung//soo was seen with Chan**yeol at the cinema at 1am watching Aladdin movie, while Jong/in was having dinner in a restaurant with Suho after shopping with Sehun n Chanyeol n Chen all together!! 
Don't u see that SM is pushing too much Chan/soo on us? Like doing their best to separate Kaisoo n not let them interact! 
I'm so sure Ji would die n go on movie dates n dinners with Soo in the most expensive restaurants as a treat for him before his military service enlistment! I'm sure Ji won't waste a day to spend it with Soo n take him on public dates (n I'm sure they're doing this so privately) like how he goes eating so freely with the other members or Moon/kyu n Ra/vi. But SM is doing it's best not to let them hang out tgt...
Like heck! Ji n all the members wouldn't waste a day to spend it with Soo yet we only see either Soo with Chan/Seh*un or with his other members or friends or mom n dad but never with Ji!
 Dear S/M ur only making it TOO OBVIOUS that u hide smtg. It's impossible for Ji not to hangout with Soo in his last days with them before his enlistment. It's so impossible!!! I'm sure all members would take Soo n treat him fancy meals n hangout with him cuz they gonna miss him n we get all the previews but never abt him n Ji!!! 
It's impossible! Ur making Ji look bad n that he hates Soo n doesn't give a fuck abt his enlistment n instead goes on café dates or public scooter ridings with his homies! But never seen spending time with Soo like the other members who seem like they're taking the most advantage of Kyun/gsoo's last days to hangout with him n shower him with luv cuz they gonna miss him. But NEVER Ji is in the picture!!!
But guess what dear S*M... you're just being obvious. Cuz we know they hangout in their secret apartment enjoyng makeout sessions n making luv n taking advantage of every single minute they spend tgt n appreciating the last days with each other while You're there making them look like they AIN'T EVEN FRIENDS! 
Dear FUCN S*M...  I hope you won't push Ji to go live with his squad in the day of Ksoo's enlistment to make him look bad n that he doesn't give a fuck! I dare you! If this happens it will only prove what I said is true! N that S*M is really separating them n taking it to the extreme levels!
Hey S*M if u don't let Ji attend Ksoo's enlisting day n be in the pic with the rest if the members caressing Ksoo's bald head,  we will know ur behind it all! 😉
Don't play us, cuz we know who loves Ksoo's bald egg the most!!
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