#chaotic sugawara
haikyuu-moments · 2 months
suga is not included in the starting lineup but everyone knows if he's on the court the game is gonna change
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chaotic sugawara, my beloved <3
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leviiackrman · 2 months
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HIDEKO SUGAWARA - Haikyuu!! [full colour]
more art || character page || commissions
Tag list (ask to be added or removed): @carrionsflower @statichvm @risingsh0t @simonxriley @tommyarashikage @kanos @bbrocklesnar @confidentandgood @unholymilf @florbelles @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @roofgeese @aezyrraeshh @faerune @tekehu @jackiesarch @minaharkers @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @rosenfey @greenecreek @queennymeria @heroofpenamstan @alexxmason @tethrras @jamessunderlandgf @a-treides @solasan @bigbywlf @delzinrowe @fenharel @imogenkol
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Murderer: *swings bat and misses*
Suga: strike 1
Murderer: that's not how this works *swings bat again*
Suga: strike 2, one more and you're out
Murderer: *under breath* fuck
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zmbiesuga · 3 months
every time a sugamama joke is made an angel loses its wings
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gatitties · 2 years
─ Karasuno (sligh Aoba Josai) x fem!reader
─ Summary: You have a club job to do and you choose your favorite team to do it
─ Warnings: oikawa
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"We are all, who are we waiting for?"
Daichi was in charge of counting that no one was missing, however Kiyoko told him that someone was missing, it took him a second to understand who the remaining person was until he saw your figure running closer, you smiled innocently shouting.
"HEEEY, how long Daichi?! Good morning Kiyoko beautiful!"
The girl nodded at your greeting getting on the bus, laughing at your silly compliments to her while the Karasuno captain rubbed his temples, why? Why of all the people traveling with him today was it you?
"Do you have at least one good reason, or do I have to kick you out like when you interrupt our practices?"
"Aww, your words offend me Dadchi, I have a justification to be here!"
You cooed, hopping onto the bus, ignoring the vein that grew on your friend's forehead. You had business with your club, the photography club made you do photo sessions on the subject you chose from time to time and what better session than a practice game with your two best friends.
"Noya, Tanaka! Guess what!?"
The others were startled to hear you scream and settle into a seat near the chaotic second-year duo, you were also a second year and you found yourself attached to this pair of idiots because well… you also shared half a neuron with them, as if you were the missing part to make things more chaotic, of course, you were also in Kiyoko's fan group, but you were much smooth, you know, privileges that those two couldn't have, wink~ wink~.
The whole Karasuno team knew you, somehow they always ended up calling you to the principal's room through the megaphones for having broken something, whether accidentally or not, it was funny that the first years knew your name before your person, the first time you came into the gym with the Rugby kit to run over Noya, everyone yelled your name for you not to do it and the four first years stood there like, oh, so she's the famous girl they keep calling for megaphone.
If Ennoshita was the one who usually kept Nishinoya and Tanaka at bay when Daichi couldn't, it was Narita and Kinosita's job to take care of you when you entered the gym, because one, if you were there it's because you had a lot of free time and two, you were going to do the biggest stupid thing your brain could think of. Yes, it's not that you have very good ideas and many times you worry Sugawara about your physical integrity, he has seen you more times than he would like to admit with some part of your body in a cast, it didn't help that Noya and Tanaka helped by sharing collective idiocy together to you.
Tsukishima hated you so much my god, most of the time you didn't understand his hints or salty comments towards you, but what irritated him the most without a doubt was that you connected so well with Hinata on some occasions that you both made fun of him or spent him some jokes. Yamaguchi was always there to smooth things over, and since you loved this little cinnamon roll, he was the only one you couldn't play tricks on.
Kageyama didn't understand how you had such good grades, as far as possible, compared to the stupid things you said, he secretly admired you and considered that some of your ─absurd─ thoughts made some sense if you stopped to reflect on them.
"Yo yisus, I found out that you tried to offer drugs to a girl the other day, I didn't know you were that kind of person."
And poor Asahi… you loved making fun of him for all the absurd rumors about him, seeing him nervously denying having done such things was too funny for you, but poor person spreading those rumors, oh boy, the last time you heard a guy talking shit about Asahi you bit his arm and kicked him in the balls.
The trip to Aoba's institute was not calm as expected, Noya, Tanaka and you just laughed so loud and so much to the point of crying with laughter for God knows what nonsense, at least Daichi was grateful that you were just noisy and don't even think of sticking your head out of the roof window of the bus… like last time.
At least they knew that when you were concentrating on your hobby, you were a completely calm and focused person, so they weren't going to have the problem of you showing up with a hockey stick to block a good spike in the middle of the game, because you already had done it before. So you were allowed to stand on the bench next to Kiyoko to do your job and take as many photos as you wanted, catching the curious eyes of the Aoba Josai students because they didn't understand what the hell you were doing there just taking photos.
Oikawa really wanted to approach you and ask you to take photos of him too because they were going to be much better than those of your friends, Iwaizumi saw his intentions and a simple look made him tremble, no asking you anything for now. It's not like you haven't taken photos of the blue and white team anyway.
Before halfway through the match you finished the reel you were asked to deliver so… you started to get a bit bored, a stupid smile grew on your face as you watched as in one of the breaks the guys seemed really concerned about the outcome of the simple practice match, you used your half neuron to stop them from making those serious expressions.
"What's up with you guys? You are more tense than Doraemon in a customs control! Come on! Pose like French whores for me!"
Your camera flash went off, grabbing the attention of all the players—opposing team included—even though they had already been paying attention to you since you started speaking. You laughed at the captured image, Daichi staring at the camera with the most serious expression in the world, Suga with a small goofy smile, Asahi holding back his laughter just like Yamaguchi, Noya choking on the water and splashing Tanaka, Hinata letting go a laugh while Tsuki had a grimace that you couldn't tell if he was irritated or amused and Kageyama had this creepy smile on his face.
"Geez…everything would be perfect if Daichi didn't have that resting bitch face- EEEK-" you ducked just as one of the balls flew towards you, the throbbing vein on the captain's forehead told you enough to get you start to pray because he had heard you, you began to run dodging the balls. "Jesus Christ, forgive my life! I didn't mean to say that you have the face of a bitch- although yes-, but not like that! OWW-"
Finally one of the balls hit your neck, almost making you stumble, luckily instead of finding yourself on the ground, you found yourself with a frown and completely angry look.
“Oh, thank god a cute guy got me, huh- thanks man."
You patted his blonde head, leaving Aoba's team completely shocked to see the tips of Kyotani's ears turn red, Oikawa losing it in the background because you had called Mad Dog cute boy before him.
After Daichi scolded you for entertaining them, you sat like a scolded dog next to Kiyoko, who just looked amused at your interactions, all it took was a pat on the shoulder as comfort from her and you had already melted right there, luckily the videos on your phone kept you busy enough not to interrupt the game.
Matsukawa and Hanamiaki definitely came up to you after the match ended to ask for your phone number, you shared that weird energy with them, they knew it the moment they saw you laugh at Tsukishima comparing him to Chicken Little and hearing how you called Tanaka 'my favorite bald friend'.
Your boys get a little jealous because you found another duo that shares the same stupidity with you and on top of that they are their rivals, Oikawa is also jealous because you shared the photos you took of them with Mattsun and Makki but not with him.
You assure Tanaka and Noya that they're your favorites as you wink knowingly at the other duo, they chuckle, winking back as they promise Oikawa that they'll pass on all the photos you took, just before you sent them for the new group you had with Makki and Mattsun you gave them a little touch up with Photoshop.
Matsukawa laughed reading the message you sent, an attached file with the photos you took that day of his team, Hanamaki accompanies him with a giggle, sending the files through the team's group chat.
"Why am I bald in all the pictures!?"
"Mmm, you have a certain appeal with that glowing skull."
"Iwa-chan you can't be serious! Who edited this?"
"No idea."
The duo shared a look, shrugging at the same time as they watched their captain complain about the images you had 'minimally' retouched.
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mantou-rin · 3 months
The moment the boys realise they are head over heels for you
Characters: Kenma, Sugawara, Yaku
A/N: The amount of things I am able to come up with while at work should be studied. As usual not proofread I am sorry but I hope you like the silly thoughts that go through my head on a daily basis.
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Kenma couldn't help but look up from his game to stare at you.
You were at the other end of the classroom talking with a few of your classmates. Your voice wasn't exactly loud, but your presence was more than enough to catch his attention. Kenma admired the way you spoke and the way your face lit up everytime someone said something interesting. You weren't exactly an extrovert, but you had a bubbly and bright personality, and often got along well with pretty much anyone. 
Kenma kind of envied you for that. Not that he was the kind to draw attention to himself, but being able to comfortably talk with people sometimes seemed nice. 
From the corner of your eye, you caught sight of him looking at you, and you turned to give him a smile while waving towards him. He instantly panicked, and quickly turned his attention back to his game console, trying his best to calm his rapidly beating heart. 
He wasn't sure for the longest time about this feeling he had towards you. Was it fascination or just admiration, or was it something more than that. To him, you seemed so interesting, almost as if he wanted to study - no, get to know you better. His racing heart finally confirmed it as a crush, but how does he even begin to ask you out? 
He nearly jumped when he heard that familiar voice of yours. Slowly he put down his console and directed his attention to you. You were standing next to his desk, the sunlight hitting your face gave you the prettiest glow he had ever seen. 
It was real, he wanted to get closer to you, he wanted to understand everything about you. 
“There's a new cat cafe that just opened, would you like to go there together? I hope you don't mind that it'll just be the two of us.”
Two of us? Did he hear that correctly? Of course he wouldn't mind, if anything he was more than happy that it was just the two of you.  
“Mhm.” Came his silent reply, to which you happily told him that you’ll message him the details when you get home. 
Turns out that your feelings for him were mutual as well. 
Suga was not having a good day right now. He felt he didn't do a great job at practice just now and now he couldn't get rid of the constant worry that his team would be disappointed in him. For the most part, he knew the Karasuno boys would never be upset with him, but what if today it was different. 
Before he left just now, Daichi had already told him to cheer up and not think about it, but he just couldn't help himself. He wished he wasn't the kind to mull over his mistakes over and over, but unfortunately, he wasn't that kind of person. 
He really wanted to call you right now. He often told you how you were his comfort after a long day, and he felt that he really needed you today. He was about to make the call when he realised that you told him that you were going out to run some errands that night. 
Right. It wasn't polite to disturb someone when they were busy.  Suga figured to simply drop you a text instead, the both of you could talk about it later tonight.
Sighing, he shoved his phone back into his pocket and looked up at the sky. It was so quiet and calm, contrary to whatever his mind was right now - noisy and chaotic. 
“Suga!” He heard someone call from behind him. 
Hang on. That voice was familiar, one that he has heard many times, there was no way it was - 
Suga wasn't sure why he nearly cried when he saw you, heck he wasn't even sure why you suddenly showed up. 
“Sorry if I’m a little late, but I saw your message and figured that I should come right away. Also sorry I couldn't get something better, but I got you some ice cream from the convenience store on the way here.”
Suga panicked a little, he worried that his message to you came off as something that needed immediate attention, that wasn't what he intended for it to be, although now that he saw you the chaos that was in his mind just now seemed to have died down. 
“Eh, I thought you had to run errands? Sorry if I bothered you.” 
“I can always go another day, besides, you having a bad day is something more important than the groceries I have to buy.” 
Suga wasn't aware, but he was sure he let a tear slip out of his eye when he felt your hands reaching towards him to wipe them away. He never noticed because he was always the one doing the comforting, but right now with you next to him assuring him that everything was going to be alright, his mind became a reflection of the night sky - calm and quiet.
“I'll go run your errands with you tomorrow, and will you allow me to bring you out for dinner afterwards?” 
Yaku was glad you decided to join the volleyball team as a manager. Even though the two of you were childhood friends (and neighbours), any extra minute he got to spend with you meant a lot to him. 
You were attentive and smart, always promptly taking care of the team’s needs and giving out advice as needed. Your presence alone sometimes helped boost the team’s morale. 
Water was running low? You had already prepared new bottles for the boys long ago before they even noticed they were running out. 
There was a spot on the court that seemed a little slippery? The next thing Yaku knew you were ready to swoop in with the mop to clean it up. 
The team needed extra balls for practice? There was nothing to worry about because you would have a new basket of volleyballs ready by the side.  
You were talking to Yaku halfway after practice when you excused yourself to find the coach for something. Yaku couldn't help but glance over at the extra bag he had seen you carrying around recently. You happened to leave it open, and Yaku caught sight of a pair of knee guards - specifically the ones he was using. Yaku didn't want to peek, but he was too curious as to why you had that in your bag. He pried the bag open slightly and saw a towel as well as a pouch filled with first aid supplies. 
Perhaps you were playing volleyball too? 
When you came back, Yaku asked if you started playing volleyball too, referencing the items he saw in your bag. 
“Ah, no it's just emergency stuff in case you get injured. I've seen you getting many new bruises because of practice so I wanted to be ready just in case.” You replied softly, slightly embarrassed by the fact that you had been found out. 
Yaku felt his heart do about a thousand backflips. He was always under the impression that you cared for each team member equally, but now knowing that you put in a little more effort to look out for him made him somewhat flustered. 
“Ah, thank you.” Was the only thing he could splutter out.
There was a brief silence before he mustered up his courage to speak again.
“Would you like to go get dinner together after practice tomorrow?”
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bokutosbabe · 2 months
It's Nice to Have a 'Friend'
( soft launching with the haikyuu boys )
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a / n — these are fun to make so i thought i'd do one for my favorite boys. find the blue lock version here !!
content — haikyuu characters x gn! reader, takes place during timeskip, fluff, tried to make it as gn! as possible, but the photos have women, lmk if i missed anything!
synopsis — soft launching with the haikyuu boys <3
✿.。. “ sun sinks down, no curfew, ” .。.✿
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has a great following for being 'aesthetic' even though they rarely try. most things they post have photos of things they've done in the week like pictures of their food or them working.
their followers are used to aesthetic photo dumps with 10 photos each that have no rhyme or reason to them, so when they get online and see a post from their favorite account with only 3 photos and the caption
" my love " with the song 'my love mine all mine' by mitski attached? there was immediate reactions, some trying to find out who this mystery person is while others seemed to be happy with just these little snippets of the relationship.
theyluvmeee: OMG?? anyone know who this is??
↳ anon2001: it's a soft launch for a reason. that's like- common sense i fear.
they don't think of themselves as a 'content creator', they just like posting their photos. however, they did like how much strangers on the internet would stand up for them and your relationship.
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ AKAASHI KEIJI, ennoshita chikara, ARAN OJIRO, daichi sawamura
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has a decent amount of followers, mostly just people they'd known in high school and family, but there were a few hundred people who followed for the cute quotes that they would post before one of their chaotic photo dumps.
their usual feed was filled with the first picture being a quote that really made you think and then the craziest pictures. them face down in a puddle after a night out? yep it's there. pictures of them at a scenic dog park? also there
people began following them for the stark contrast that showed in every post they made, but when they posted something with no quote and it was a soft launch? their fans had immediately blown up the comments.
volleyballfreak: A SOFT LAUNCH? with who? omg.
and they had replied to almost every comment asking just who you were with...
' my lover <3 '
oh he was down bad.
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ YAMAGUCHI TADASHI, aone takanobu, SUGAWARA KOSHI, osamu miya, NISHINOYA YUU, kita shinsuke, TANAKA RYUNOSUKE
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so so so sooo many followers (that came with being a professional volleyball player you supposed) many people who didn't even enjoy volleyball followed them because of the silly stuff they posted.
their fans watched their stories where they would post memes and such, something that many pros didn't do on the daily...because they had a reputation to upkeep. to be fair, all of their followers never knew them to be the brightest, so nothing they posted caused up a stir.
until they posted photos they took with, what was supposed to be, some mystery person with the caption ' a soft launch on MY minecraft server ? '
and it would have been an AMAZING soft launch...if they didn't tag your PERSONAL ACCOUNT on every. single. picture.
you weren't a pro volleyball player, you weren't an actor, you weren't even a manager, nope! you were just some normal person who lives an everyday normal life.
they had the spirit, just not the execution, but that's why their fans (and you) loved them <3
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didn't get a chance to soft launch you before the paparazzi put out the tabloids of the both of you. the titles always saying something like "STAR VOLLEYBALL PLAYER WITH MYSTERY LOVER??"
the article was posted ten times over on every single social media platform there was, with many people with many different reactions replying to it
MSBYmomma: ur joking. he's literally mine
goofgoob: thank god one person on this team is in a loyal relationship.
the two of you hadn't even gotten the chance to open your own social medias before hundreds of texts invaded both of your phones. only from the people who knew of your relationship and were worried about the both of you.
so what did they do? reposted the photo on their story with two simple emojis...
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI, kageyama tobio, OIKAWA TORU, sakusa kiyoomi
✿.。. “ twenty questions, we tell the truth. ” .。.✿
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i love soft launches and haikyuu <3
likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!
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jiuwi · 3 months
hiiiii noa !! (hope that u don't mind if i call you by your name even if we aren't mooties :3) so i have request for you : beach date w the hq boys (you get to choose who) and who would do what activities !! for example, who spends the whole time in the water ? who tries to impress reader by surfing (and maybe failing) ? who stays on the beach to play beach volley ? who buys all types of items from the venders on the beach (ice cream, hats, ect. . .) ? i think it'd be quite funny — and chaotic :)
𖦹 ft. haikyuu men
ᯓᡣ𐭩.ᐟ ⊹ a/n: tysm for this req!! this was so cute 🥹
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he spends ( probably ) a whole day in the water. so much so that his skin gets all wrinkly. sits or lies down on a floatie and possibly sleeps while he’s floating on the sea ( he doesn’t wake up until a strong wave pushes the floatie and he almost falls )
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doesn’t swim and just stays under the shade. brings one newly bought body moisturizer and sunscreen. “i don’t want my face to burn.” he says. he also loves to borrow your hairclips and put them on his hair while doing his skincare ( he looks adorable while doing so )
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tries to impress you by surfing and failing miserably. doesn’t give up and continues trying. he’s fine if he keeps failing as long as he gets to see your bright smile and laughter.
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plays beach volleybal like his life depended on it. loves to try it for the “experience”.
“it might be helpful for the future, y’know.”
( bonus: his ego 100% deflates when he misses the ball )
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buys all kinds of souvenirs from local vendors. hats, ice cream, keychains, bracelets—you name it. he might also find you beautiful seashells by the shore.
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4unnyr0se · 3 months
hhii 🫶🏼💕 I know you're probably busy and I visible kick my feet n twirl my hair when you post, your writing is so amazing 💕💕 I would love any sort of p!tskp sugawara content 🥹 he doesn't get enough love
❥ elysian | koshi sugawara
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warnings: timeskip! sugawara, fem! reader, coworkers to lovers, mentions of alcohol, reader went to shiratorizawa, making out, sugawara is a flirt bc i said so, hickeys, cunnilingus, fingering, sugawara is a gentleman, protected sex, rough(?) sex, fluff at the end, not proofread
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 5.3k (lol)
a/n: hiiii omg im sorry this took so long to make but i hope u like it!! koshi is my fave <3
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Art has a funny way of bringing together people they would never meet. “It’s a catalyst of romance,” your professor used to say when you were in art school. But that was a year ago, and so far, there was nothing: no romance, no dates, nothing. However, you didn’t mind one bit. Your art degree landed you a job teaching children at the local elementary school, and they brought you constant laughter. Sure, it was pure chaos the second a gaggle of second graders entered your classroom. But it was innocent chaos formed by nothing but the innocent minds of children longing to create something out of nothing. Getting paint on their hands or glue in their hair was chaotic, but it was free. Besides, it wouldn’t be your problem if they returned to the homeroom covered in glitter. That was for their homeroom teacher to take care of. You were the fun teacher, the one who had all the neat stuffed animals and who put on cartoons in the background. Honestly, your job was perfect.
It became even more perfect when the homeroom teacher for your most recent class actually came to collect the children instead of you having to escort them back to their classroom. The children were happily giggling in line as you clapped your hands together. “Okay, guys, who’s ready to return to Mr. Sugawara’s room?” the children raised their hands in the air, various versions of yes filling the room. 
“Miss!” one child pointed out. “Mr. Sugawara is outside the door,” he said, his little voice slurring his words slightly. You turned around to see a green sweater in the window frame.
“Oh, he must be coming to collect you today,” you smiled, patting the child on the head. You opened the door without looking, waving goodbye to your students.
“Thanks for watching my kids for today, Miss,” his soft yet deep voice filled your ears. It sounded like warm honey rolling off of his tongue. “I know they can be a real handful.”
“It’s no probl-” your words stopped in your throat once you turned around. Holy fuck, Sugawara was handsome as all hell. He had such a kind face, and his silver hair matched him perfectly. And that beauty mark on his cheek? Fucking ethereal. He looked like one of the great masters painted him, jumping to life off of their canvas.  “O-oh, hi, Mr. Sugawara! Yeah, your kids are no problem at all. In fact, they’re a delight to teach.” you stammered, placing your hands in front of your belly. 
Sugawara chuckled. “Maybe they just behave because you put on cartoons,” he playfully winked, instructing the child at the line's font to follow him. “Well, I’ll see you next week.” 
And with that, he left, the children obediently following him like a line of baby ducklings. You sighed happily, leaning against the doorframe until they were out of your sight. The door closed, and your hand lingered on the knob, mind being filled with thoughts of him.
“Oh no,” you mumbled, running your other hand through your hair. “I have a crush on my coworker.”
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You began to long for the days when you taught Sugawara’s class because it meant you could see his handsome face outside of the window. He would even come in occasionally, greeting you with a friendly smile as he ushered his students out of the door. He was so caring, so kind and attentive. The way his students looked at him with such admiration in their eyes, there was no word for it other than adorable. Koshi Sugawara made you swoon every single time, and he had absolutely no idea that he had that power over you.
Today was a messy day in particular because the children got to make macaroni crafts with glue and noodles on construction paper. It was a reasonably elementary project (it’s an elementary school, after all…), but it was so chaotic. Macaroni noodles were found in places that macaroni noodles should not be, and glue was somehow covering every surface it possibly could, including the ceiling. You will never know or hope to understand how a gaggle of giggling children managed to get glue atop a roof. 
“Alright, kiddos, line up for Mr. Sugawara to come collect you for pick-up time.” you breathed out, wiping your forehead while the students shrieked in delight, fighting for the spot first in line. Your hands rested on your desk as you took a deep breath, glaring at the mess across your otherwise elegant classroom. “I’m gonna be here a while,” you mumbled, waiting for the doorknob to turn. 
The children’s conversation stopped as their eyes turned to the now-open door, Sugawara smiling happily. “Did you all have fun today in class? You’re so messy!” he chuckled, bending down to be at eye level with his students. “The librarian is gonna bring you guys to your parents, okay? Be good for them now.” 
Various shouts of “Okay!” and “I can do it!” faded into the distance as the children left the classroom, holding their sticky hands together to follow the librarian’s lead. Sugawara sighed and ran his hands through his perfect wavy gray strands, winking at you. “Were they a handful today? It looks like it.”
You pushed off your desk and stepped towards him, secretly doing backflips in your mind. “Well, kind of. But they’re delightful and-”
“You don’t have to sugarcoat it. I know they can be monsters sometimes.” he chuckled.
“Yeah, they were monsters,” you sigh, shoving your hands in the pockets of your floor-length cardigan. “They’ve been so good thus far. I don’t understand why they went insane today. It’s just glue and pasta noodles.” you groaned, looking at the mess across the rainbow-colored table that the children painted themselves. “I’m probably gonna have to stay after-hours to clean this up,” you rolled your head to the side in exhaustion. “Which blows because I had dinner plans. And by that, I mean I was gonna order Chinese food and watch soap operas in my pajamas. It’s Friday, after all.” the exhaustion from the students overrode your anxiety around your crush, making you much more candid. 
“Look,” Sugawara took a step forward. “I know my kids were a pain in the ass today. I love them, but they were a pain. Let me help you clean up the classroom. It’s the least I can do for causing you to miss Chinese food and pajamas night.” he shrugged off his green sweater vest, rolling up his white sleeves. You suppressed a groan at the sight before you. Did he know how tantalizing he was being?
“Are you sure? I can do it by myself,” you snapped the hair tie around your wrist, pulling your disarray of strands into a messy bun. “I’ve cleaned up after them before.”
Sugawara shook his head, smiling. “Don’t be silly, I don’t mind at all. It’s equally my fault, too. Now,” he stretched, exposing the tiniest bit of his midriff. “Where are the cleaning supplies?”
You pointed to the cabinet under the sink, blushing softly. “Uh, there’s sponges in the sink. They’re ancient, though.”
“Old things still have use. That’s why we keep them around for so long.” he chuckled, holding a bottle of cleaner and a sponge. “I’ll start on the tables. Maybe you can get the counters? The tables are the messiest.”
You shrugged off your cardigan, letting it fall onto the swiveling chair that the children loved playing on. You wore a simple black tank top, which was permitted by the school’s dress code as long as it had a cover-up that was buttoned. Sugawara’s soft brown eyes lingered on you briefly, returning to scrubbing the tables. The minutes you were passed by with tasteful conversation between the two of you, ranging from various subjects such as what high school you attended to what made you want to become a teacher.
“No way, you went to Karasuno?” you laughed, throwing away the third empty box of macaroni you had found. “I went to Shiratorizawa!”
“You did not!” Sugawara laughed, cracking his back as he scrubbed the second table to a sparkling shine. “I can’t believe you went there. You don’t seem like the type.” he flashed you a smile; it was so pretty. All of his smiles were pretty.
“What, you don’t think I could be prude and stuck-up?” you pretended to clutch your pearls. “I’ll have you know that I was bullied constantly. Thank you very much.”
“Crap, I’m sorry. I didn’t-” 
“Dude, relax. I didn’t care one bit. The volleyball team you destroyed before going to nationals was always kind to me. Especially Goshiki, for some reason.”
“The kid with the awful bowl cut?”
“Exactly!” you giggled, enjoying the moment the two of you were sharing. “They were always nice to me, even though I was the weird kid. I hung out in the art room most of the time, painting and sculpting,” you paused your scrubbing for a moment, nostalgia taking over your thoughts. “I kind of miss it.”
“Tell me about it,” Sugawara scrubbed off the final table, sitting beside you on the caterpillar rug. “You know I taught Hinata how to receive a ball and how he plays professionally? I feel proud but also sad. He’s doing so much with his life.”
Your hand hovered above Sugawara’s shoulder, landing on the soft fabric of his shirt to gently massage it. “Hey, we’re doing just fine with our lives. We teach little people things they didn’t know before, which has to count for something.” you offer him an assuring smile, your cheeks happily blushing.
Sugawara smiled in return, topping your hand with his own. “Yeah, I guess it does count for something,” his gaze focused on the classroom, which was about three-fourths of the way clean. “Hey, what time is it?”
“Maybe six o’clock?” you shrugged. “The clock in this room is broken. A kid from another class threw a pebble at it.”
“Do you still think you have time for your evening plans?” Sugawara got off of the caterpillar rug, dusting off his slacks. He offered his hand for you to take, pulling you off the floor. 
Nodding, you went to your desk to check the time on your phone. Yup, it was six o’clock. “I mean, probably. Why?”
“Would you mind if I joined you?” Sugawara blushed. “This is going to sound stupid, but I’ve meant to ask you out for a while. I just don’t exactly have the guts for that sort of thing, that’s all.”
You covered your mouth with your hand, giggling. “You wanna ask me out? That’s…wow. I mean,” you were at a loss for words, the prettiest shade of pink flooding your cheeks. “I’m more than happy to, Sugawara.”
He beamed at you, grabbing your wrist. “Well, would you wanna go to your place and order some Chinese food? I can pay. I’ll be a total gentleman.” he chuckled. His laugh was so gentle. 
“You’re cute,” you grab your purse, walk out of your classroom, and lock the door. Sugawara stood behind you, the grin not yet leaving his handsome features. “How the hell are you single?” you joke, the two of you making your way to your car.
“I haven’t the foggiest clue,” Sugawara giggled.
 You took your keys and unlocked the vehicle. “You didn’t drive here?” you tugged the handle of your car.
“Oh, I did. I just wanted to walk you to your car. Was that not okay?” he looked worried.
You shook your head and smiled once more. “You’re so sweet, Sugawara. Do you need my address?”
“Yeah,” he typed your address on your phone, double-checking to ensure everything was correctly spelled. “So, I’ll see you in thirty minutes?”
You nodded and got in your car, turning it on and driving away. Once you were out of the school’s faculty parking lot, you screamed joyfully as the radio played your favorite band. Your manicured fingers tapped on the steering wheel with the tune of the music, and the windows rolled down. You felt like you were in a romantic comedy, and it felt fucking incredible. 
You entered your apartment, checking out your reflection in the mirror. There wasn’t any use in changing into something more presentable; it was supposed to be a casual date. Your thoughts began to wander, focusing on Sugawara’a’s handsome features. The way his gray hair swayed when he walked, the beauty mark under his left eye. He was beautiful, and he wanted to date you. Your hand caressed your cheek, your face breaking into a smile that rivaled that of a lovestruck schoolgirl. Did the hands on the clock suddenly get slower, or was it just the anticipation that filled your stomach with dancing butterflies?
The thoughts that raced through your mind made you groan, sliding down onto the chair in your kitchen. “Hm, I should probably put out some wine…is wine casual? No, right? But we’re both adults…so maybe it’s okay?” you grew frustrated, staring at the bottle that had been gifted to you by a coworker for your birthday. “It’s a special occasion, after all…what’s wrong with a little wine and Chinese food?” 
Your eyes wandered back and forth, following the tail of your cat clock until it was around when Sugawara said he would arrive. You waited anxiously by the door, excited to hear a knocking. Were you being too weird about this? You shook your head. Absolutely not. This was perfectly normal. Just two coworkers on a date—what could go wrong?
Knock-knock. You jumped out of your thoughts and gulped, carefully turning the doorknob. Sugawara stood in front of you, still in his teaching outfit. Green sweater, white shirt, black tie. He held a small bouquet of roses in his hand, blushing softly. “I missed you,”
You leaned against the doorway, inviting him inside. “It’s only been thirty minutes,” you said, trying to keep it cool. Then, shutting the door, you walked away.
“It was still way too long. Where should I put these?” he kicked off his shoes.
“I’ll get a vase,” you said, taking the roses and bringing them to your nose. Their scent was extraordinary—smelling of romance and morning dew. It was no wonder they were such a romantic flower. “These are pretty, by the way. Thanks, Sugawara.” You grabbed a tall, empty glass and filled it with water, placing the roses into it. 
“Koshi,” he insisted, standing behind you. “You can call me Koshi. I insist,” his hand trailed up your arm. “Please, call me Koshi.”
You squeaked, goosebumps appearing on your arm. “W-wow, we're on a first-name basis already. You must really like me.” You tried to use humor to cope with the ever-growing tension.
“Maybe I do,” his husky breath whispered into your ear. Forgive me if I’m being too forward,” he snuck his arms around your waist, pulling you back into his chest. But I want you to be as close to me as possible.”
“Koshi!” you squealed, nearly dropping the vase. “I-I thought you were a gentleman!” your bottom lip trembled.
He hummed, resting his top atop your head. “I am, but I got the sense that you don’t want me to be a gentleman right now,” he purred, his fingers snaking to the hem of your top. “Ever since I saw you, I felt you wanted the same thing I did. We just never had the means to interact, at least not before today.”
“What are you saying…?” you turned your head to gaze into his eyes.
“I’m saying,” his hands slid under your top, his fingertips burning your skin. “Even though I want to sit on your couch and eat Chinese food with you,” his lips hovered above yours. “I’d like to kiss you first.”
Your breath hitched in your throat, the words you were about to say dying on your tongue. You could only nod, your face cartoonishly flushed as Sugawara held you closer to his form. 
He chuckled and pressed his lips against yours, kissing you gently and softly. His lips were plump and plush, faintly tasting of caramel and vanilla. Your lips rolled along with his, smiling into the kiss. He turned you around so you were pressed against the counter, your hands gripping the granite countertops. His hands rested snugly on your waist, rubbing the tiniest bit of exposed skin. 
Sugawara broke the kiss after several blissful moments, snickering. “I’ve been wanting to do that ever since I saw you in that classroom with my students,” he said, pulling you further into his chest. Your hands gripped his sweater. “It took all my restraint not to pull you into a janitor’s closet and make out with you. All. Of. It.” he punctuated his sentence with pecks on your nose. “Did you…did you feel that way about me, too?”
You chuckled. “Of course I did. I was just too nervous to say anything,” you assured him, leaning upwards in the hopes that he would kiss you again. “Now, are we going to get back to what we started, or are you gonna keep teasing me?”
Sugawara smirked, slamming his lips against yours with newfound confidence. His hands roamed further down your torso, landing on the curve of your ass. He squeezed it, earning a cute little moan from your pretty lips. He slipped his tongue inside your mouth, pulling away after a second. He only took a moment's pause before forcefully tilting your head to the side, brushing your hair out of the way so his pillowy lips could better pepper your neck in kisses.
You gasped, your fingers finding purchase in his silvery locks. He groaned against your neck as you tugged, biting down gently onto the spot just above your collarbone. He relished in the noises that escaped your lips, sucking a perfectly circular bruise to mark you as his. “Y’can just cover it up with a turtleneck or something, right?” he mumbled, slapping your ass. “God, you look so fucking sexy right now. Do you know that?”
“Koshi, I wore this to teach today. How the hell is it sexy?” you breathed. 
“Because it’s on your body,” he growled, nipping at your bottom lip. “This kitchen isn’t the proper place for what I wanna do to you. Where’s your bedroom?”
His words made you weak at the knees. “A-around the corner,” you pointed.
“Fantastic,” he grabbed your wrist, dragging you out of the kitchen with a devious smirk. You giggled, both nervous and excited. He flung open the door to your bedroom, scooping you up in his arms and throwing you onto the neatly made bed. 
You landed on the plush pillows behind you, giggling as Sugawara climbed over you. His hands landed on either side of your head, another smirk decorating his lips. “You have an eye for decor,” he leaned down, hovering his lip against yours. His husky breath was like a drug. Who knew someone who seemed too gentle could be a completely different person in the sheets? 
He crashed his lips against yours once more, your legs immediately wrapping around his waist as his tongue explored your mouth yet again. He groaned, sending shockwaves through your body. He was gentle yet dominant, making you want him all the more. Sugawara pulled away with a harsh smack of his lips, breaking the saliva strand connecting your lips. 
The pads of his fingers danced on the hem of your top. His brown eyes bore into yours for permission to take it off. He thanked you with a peck on your now exposed abdomen, tossing your shirt aside. Sugawara’s voice rumbled in his throat at the gorgeous sight of your bra, black and lacy. “Fuck,” he cupped your breasts, the lace dancing with his fingers. “You look so fucking pretty. Did you wear this just for me?” he leaned down, pecking the exposed portion of your pillowy breasts. 
“Maybe,” you purr, gasping as his hand slid around your back, fidgeting with the clasp. “D’ya want me to take it off, Koshui?”
“Please,” Sugawara moaned, loosening his tie to unbutton his shirt better. “I love it when you say my name, fuck.”
Your bra was tossed aside, your nipples instantly perking up at the cold air in your bedroom. Sugawara’s hands practically flew to your breasts, his shirt being tossed aside as well. His mouth found your pert nipple, sucking on one breast while his hand toyed with the other. He relished in your moans, but his brow furrowed when he heard you choking back the louder ones.
“Don’t be quiet with me, princess,” he growled, his tongue flattening across your breast. “I wanna hear those moans of yours.” he bit down on the supple flesh, sucking another perfect purple bruise on the delicate flesh.
You gasped and tossed your head back into the pillows behind you, letting out the guttural moans that Sugawara craved. He smirked against your breast, stopping his sucking with a wet pop!
“Good fucking girl, did you hear how pretty you sounded?” he purred, his thumbs in the loops of your jeans. “M’gonna take this off you, okay cutie?”
You nodded and sighed, shimmying your legs so he could throw your jeans behind him. He took in the gorgeous view, prying your legs apart. “Those are some pretty panties you have on,” he chuckled, nudging your clothed core with his knee. “What do you want me to do to you, baby? I wanna make you feel so fucking good. You deserve it. My girl,”
His girl. Those words rang through your ears, your pussy getting wetter. “J-just make me feel good, Koshi. Wan’ you so badly.” you looked into his eyes, your own filled with lust and desire for him.
He snickered. “Whatever my girl wants, she’ll get,” he pulled your panties down to your ankles, your goddess-like body now on display for him to admire. He took a thousand mental pictures of it, silently hoping you would stay like that forever. 
“You have such a pretty pussy. Look at her,” his fingers gathered some of your slick, bringing it to his lips. “She tastes so fucking good.” he shoved his face in between your legs, licking a fat stripe up your folds. You gasped at the sensation, your legs instantly squeezing his face upon reflex. 
“Fuck!” his tongue was somehow both cold and hot, eagerly lapping at your soaked folds. You clenched the bedsheets, your thighs securing his head between your thighs. He didn’t mind one bit, groaning into your core at every squeeze of your luscious thighs. He adored your taste; it was sweet and addictive. Sugawara couldn’t get enough of you. He needed more. He craved more. 
He ate your pussy like a starved man, acting like he hadn’t drunk in weeks, and you were an oasis in the desert. His nose brushed against your clit, the added stimulation ripping whimpers off your lips. His index and middle fingers slipped inside your soaked entrance, curling inside of you, searching for your sweet spot. You cried, bucking your hips into his face.
“That’s it, squirm around f’me, princess,” he demanded, his deep voice sending vibrations through your core. “Show me how good I can make you feel without even fucking you.” 
You hissed in pleasure, continuing to buck your hips into his face. Finally, his fingers curled inside you just right, acting as a catalyst. “M’gonna fucking cum, Koshi!” you sobbed, your release coating his fingers and lips. He pulled his fingers out of your pulsating core, replacing them with his tongue as he lapped at your release, the filthiest of sounds leaving his lips while his tongue fucked you through your high. Your thighs squeezed around his head, so tight and firm.
He reluctantly pulled away from your core, smiling while covered in your shimmering slick. Sugawara climbed atop you once more, slipping his covered fingers past your lips. “Can you taste yourself, princess? See how addictive you are?”
Your tongue rolled over his fingers with purpose. You knew what you were doing. “Mhm,” you let go of his fingers, licking your lips. Your chest moved up and down, still attempting to recover from that mind-blowing orgasm. “S’good, Koshi. You make me feel so good.”
“I’m about to make you feel even better, princess,” he got off the bed, unbuckling his belt to place on the vanity chair and his pants. There was a stain on his boxers, no doubt caused by his tip-gushing precum. The briefs were forgotten about as well. He stood before you just as naked as you were before him. 
Sugawara was toned, that’s for sure. All those years of playing volleyball had reaped their rewards, and he was fucking proud of it. He didn’t quite have the most defined six-pack, but his abs were prominent, accompanied by a silver happy trail. His biceps rippled along with his shoulder muscles; he was beautiful, and you both were. 
His cock slapped against his abdomen, glistening with precum. “Do you see what you do to me, princess? D’ya see how fucking hard I am?” he crawled above you, his hands caging your head in place. 
His cock wasn’t girthy, but it was long. Not so long that it would be painful, but long enough to make you see stars. It teased at your entrance, begging to push past your soaked folds. “Princess,” Sugawara kissed your cheek. “Do you want me to use a condom? I brought one just in case.” his voice was reassuring. Even though he wanted nothing more than to demolish your insides, he would do whatever made you happiest. Whatever brought you the most pleasure, whatever could turn your vision white.
“Condoms are in the dresser drawer,” you pointed to the table next to your bed. He lunged over you and rummaged through it, eventually rolling the foil packet between his fingers. He ripped open the packaging with his teeth, moving the latex over his cock with ease. He made sure it was secure, tugging at the base of the condom. 
“For what it’s worth, you would look so pretty covered in my cum,” Sugawara purred against your lips, teasing your entrance with his tip. “Are you ready, princess? How do you want me to fuck you?” he clenched the sheets beneath him with knuckle-whitening strength.
“H-however, you wanna fuck me s’fine, Koshi,” you assured him, wrapping your legs around his waist. “I just want you to fuck me, please.” 
Shit, you sounded so pretty when you begged for his cock. Sugawara mumbled something incoherent and pushed past your entrance, slowly filling you up until the head of his aching cock touched your cervix. He hissed at the sensation of your tight walls fluttering around him, trying to pull him impossibly deep.
“However I want, yeah?” Sugawara leaned down, his face buried in the crook of your neck. “Then I’m gonna fuck you like you’re mine.”
He snapped his hips against yours, each thrust more brutal than the last. He bottomed out each time, the head pressing against your cervix so deliciously. “All fucking mine,” he groaned into your neck, sending electrical pulses throughout your core. Your legs locked around his waist, not letting him escape. Not like he wanted to, he could fuck you forever. 
“Koshi! Oh, fuck, Koshi!” you sobbed, your hands clawing at his lean back. Your long, rainbow-colored nails left wild, catlike scratches that would likely be sore tomorrow. Sugawara fucking loved it. He loved how you reacted when he bullied his cock into your cunt, how it squeezed around it shamelessly. He fucking loved your pussy. Why did it take him so long to get the balls to ask you out? “Love y’dick Koshi, fucking love it!”
“I love you do, princess. You’re being such a good girl and fucking taking it.” his hands moved your pelvis, hovering it over the bed so he could better pound into you. This new angle somehow made you take him even deeper, his balls slapping against the cleft of your ass. “Your pussy feels even better than I could have imagined, fuck.” he moaned as your cunt fluttered around his cock, driving him closer to the edge. 
Suagwara’s punched forward over and over again, getting drunk off your sickly, sweet heat. He left an open-mouthed kiss on your neck, nibbling at the sensitive skin until you were covered with his teeth marks. He pistoned in and out of your weeping cunt with reckless abandon, whispering filth into your ear as he approached his release.
“Fuck, is my cock stretching you out, baby? You’ve been, oh my God, you’ve been whimpering all this time. Am I too much for you?” he teased, squeezing harshly on your breast. “Don’t worry, princess. I’m gonna give you what you need, I promise. Just lemme keep fucking this cunt, yeah?” he rasped against your neck, desperately chasing his high. His hips lost all sense of rhyme or reason, throwing sloppy and uncoordinated as his cock twitch deep inside of your core. 
“Fuck, I’m close. Y’feel so fucking good, baby, fuck. Got me addicted to this pretty pussy, shit.” he whimpered, setting a relentless pace. The sound of your sweat-covered bodies slapping against each other in unison filled your apartment, the atmosphere thick with the scent of sex. 
“Koshi! Feels so fucking good, need more,” you choked back tears, cupping his face to bring his lips to yours. Sugawara rasped against your lips, his kiss bruisingly passionate as he fucked you both through your lustful tremors. 
“Shit, I’m gonna fucking cum, fuck. That pussy’s milking me for all I’m worth, princess,” he tore himself away from your lips, his hips snapping once, then twice, then stopping their motions completely as he came. He moaned, his seed spilling into the condom. 
He pulled out of you, tying off the condom and tossing it onto the floor. “I’ll get that later,” Sugawara whispered before slumping onto your chest, burying his flushed face in your tits. You giggled and lazily kissed his forehead, treasuring this moment.
“I can confidently say that this has been the best first date I’ve ever been on,” you giggled, your thumb rubbing across Sugawara’s beauty mark. “I mean, I’ve only ever been on a couple of first dates, but this has been the best one by a long shot.”
“I’m so glad, princess,” he groaned, pulling his face from in between your breasts. “I’m so lucky you’re all mine. T-That is if you still want to be.” his brows furrowed.
You chuckled and brushed his hair to the side. “Of course I do, Koshi. I’ve had a crush on you for a while now, dummy.”
“I’m not a dummy. I’m a teacher!” he joked, a bright smile gracing his features. Sugawara’s expression then softened. “I’m so glad you’re mine. This feels like the best dream ever.” he lazily pecked your lips, pulling up your comforter to warmly envelop you. 
“Do you wanna just order food and lay here for a bit?” you mumbled, giggling as Sugawara repositioned your body so he was holding you.
“I would love that, princess,” his voice was soft and warm. “I can’t wait to go on more dates with you,” he pecked your cheek. “And I especially can’t wait to see my sexy new girlfriend at work wearing those cute little outfits.” his hands squeezed your breasts, causing you to yelp.
“Koshi!” you pretended to scold him.
“Sorry, princess, I couldn’t help it. You’re way too pretty.” he giggled, pulling you closer to his chest. You heard his heartbeat; its smooth rhythm instantly made you calm. The two of you lay there, cuddled under your covers as you talked the night away.
Art did have a way of bringing people together, after all.
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marikosenwrites · 5 months
karasuno boys - dating headcanons (pt. 1)!
a/n: sen here!! heyy obsessing over our haikyuu boys are we <3 yes i am i'm only on season two right now though, almost season three!! i'll be doing aoba jousai, nekoma, and fukuroudani gakuen! enjoy!
characters: hinata shouyou, kageyama tobio, tanaka ryuunosuke, sugawara koushi (suga-san🥹), sawamura daichi, tsukishima kei (TSUKKI🥹) [pt. 1], yamaguchi tadashi, takeda ittetsu (just me and one of my favorites), ukai keishin [and in that order] {pt.2}
pt. 1 || pt. 2
notes: in this au, kiyoko can't be married to tanaka...yeah. they're still in highschool, btw
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↳ ❝ [ 日向翔陽 HINATA SHOUYOU ] ¡! ❞
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-this cutie omg
-probably the first to confess
-gets all blushy when you're around at the start of the relationship
-you love ruffling his hair
-if you watch him practice until the end, he treats you to meat buns!! if he doesn't have enough money, he'll just share one with you
-kageyama is jealous omg and tsukishima is just like "the chibi got a girlfriend??"
-loves you so very much
-his love language HAS to be words of affirmation and physical affection
-you just can't help but return the affection
-if you don't know how to play volleyball, he's gonna teach you!!
-if you know- he's going to ask you to talk to him
-dates will be chaotic and affectionate
-often cooking dates!
-you love his family especially natsu
-also love them amusement park dates with him
-he's so fun loving and all
-kisses are very innocent, close to no spice at all except when he's feeling super annoyed or something
-loves cuddling with you when it's bedtime <33
-does NOT have a specific schedule rest assured
-calls you his dove (aww)
-you love calling him sunshine <333
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↳ ❝ [ 影山飛雄 KAGEYAMA TOBIO ] ¡! ❞
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-a sweetheart actually
-he's so cold on the outside but lights up when you're there
-kisses have a little bit of spice
-he's too prideful to confess first ig so you make the move
-loves it when you come to his practice to support him
-at some point he has requested you to become a manager because sometimes ukai thinks you're a distraction for him so asks you to walk out for a bit to let kageyama concentrate
-you bet he has worried over it because he didn't know where you went
-ok onto the main shit
-dates are always somehow sport related (HOW DOES HE KEEP FINDING THEM)
-sometimes an outing or two when he's actually free and not busy with volleyball stuff
-you'd think he isn't clingy...WELL IT'S THE OPPOSITE ALRIGHT.
-he actually craves YOUR attention and YOURS ONLY
-i think you two would have a cat together (named it NOTHING after the other volleyball players you know :/)
-loves your cuddles too
-aww the little (wait he's tall) guy
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↳ ❝ [ 田中龍之介 TANAKA RYUUNOSUKE ] ¡! ❞
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-the hot-headed guy just can't get enough of you
-you sometimes make fun of him for being almost bald-
-but he's okay with it because he loves you (as long as you dont do it that often)
-one second he's dumbfounded by your beauty, the other he's confessing to you already
-like you reject him first few times
-it's uh "Y/N-SAN! I LIKE YOU CAN YOU GO OUT WITH ME?!!!" and then you're just like "ah- yeah. mhm."
-he's just like :o WHAT
-okay that's it for the confession
-dates are always what you want
-if it happens you want to make cake, go for an ice cream shop, an amusement park- whatever, you name it and he can afford it? YOU'RE GOING
-they're all so sweet...
-he's also needy at some point when you're dating
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↳ ❝ [ 菅原孝史 SUGAWARA KOUSHI ] ¡! ❞
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-i'm gonna bet 100 dollars that he's the one confessing
-STEP ONE: get you as his girlfriend
-firstly he's going to ask you to meet him during lunch in the morning
-second when you're both there he confesses
-to his surprise you accept to go out with him and one date turns into two, into three and ON
-always ice cream dates and baking dates
-always appears to get flour in his fluffy hair
-sometimes picnics too <333
-STEP THREE: there is none for now but THERE WILL BE SOON. SOON ENOUGH.
-his way of giving you affection is by kissing you, cuddling, and giving you praises...
-do you have a praise kink (nvm forget i asked that)
-cuddling in bed is one of his favorite ways to go to sleep
-you stroking his back is too
-you guys are always the talk of the karasuno vb boys group when you guys get together for gatherings (the perfect couple?!?!?!?!)
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↳ ❝ [ 澤村大地 SAWAMURA DAICHI ] ¡! ❞
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-he's definitely the one to confess first being the big boy man he is <3
-literally will kiss you when you accept
-so taken aback you felt like you were going to faint
-his kisses are so gentle help
-ok maybe not sometimes but we all know when that is
-love playing with his ears mayybe?? i know there's nothing different with the rest, but i just feel like it's with daichi
-your first date is an amusement park one ✨✨
-p.s. you shared the cotton candy lmao-
-he literally walked you home and your parents invited him in for dinner
-they like him very much thank you
-relationship has been approved now your parents are urging him to marry you even though it's only one week into the relationship-
-now HE'S the one that pats your head every time he passes you in the hallway or whatsoever
-you can choose the flat, the decorations, the vibes, the furniture- EVERYTHING
-loves you that much yes
-the sweetest guy ever NO DEBATE
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↳ ❝ [ 月島蛍 TSUKISHIMA KEI ] ¡! ❞
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-i swear bro
-he has rizz though that's for sure
-he confesses to you first (it was during lunch you remember the day like it was yesterday)
-his kisses are half spicy (igg since tsukishima is that kinda person)
-the mean to the public and only kind to you kind of person <3
-dates are usually home dates (he's an introvert (i headcanon))
-perhaps if you can persuade him (it's a 50/50)
-first date was a movie date
-then you went home with him (you went to his house)
-and met his parents
-they liked you very much <33 now treat you like their daughter
-the next time you went on a date, you brought him to yours and he made a good impression but they don't love him as much as his parents do to you
-i will write the time skip arc for this because i am biased and you literally can't stop me (but tell me if you want more i'll reblog it with more hcs)
-you were so happy for him when he joined the sendai frogs
-cheered for him on every game (LIKE THE SHIRT AND THE SIGNS AND STUFF)
-facepalmed himself out of spite ya bet he got a scolding for that
-"KEI KEI KEI GANABTTE," that was you, screaming at the top of your lungs at your HUSBAND.
-"oi, tsukki, who's that?"
-tsukishima facepalmed himself, earning a glare from you, "my wife."
-lmao the most normal occurrence
-after that koganegawa would often come to you and ask for dirt on kei (screw him for facepalming)
-saltyshima (in the public) → sweetieshima (in front of you only)
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©marikosenwrites 2024-25 all banners, dividers, and work. please do not steal. i own none of the HAIKYUU!!/ハイキュー!! characters mentioned. reblogs, likes, and comments are welcomed. <3
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dira333 · 3 months
Cupid on a mission - Sugawara x Reader
Featuring: @screamin-abt-haikyuu x Asahi and @6okuto x Akaashi
Tagging: @lees-chaotic-brain can you spot the fic exchange I put in here?
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"Whatever you can do, I can do better," you say, chewing at the straw of your drink as you flutter your eyelashes up at Sugawara and Sawamura.
Daichi groans. “Don’t start,” he mutters under his breath, but Koushi’s already leaning in, teasing smirk dancing on his lips.
“Oh? You think you’re better than me? Please.”
“Tanaka and Kiyoko? That was me,” you beam, pointing at yourself with your thumb. “What do you have to show for yourself?”
“Going to Nationals?” Daichi asks only to raise his hands when both you and Koushi turn to send him an unimpressed glare.
“Listen, hotshot,” Koushi’s putting an arm around your shoulders as he speaks. With anyone else, you might think he’s trying to flirt, but this is Koushi. You’d know if he flirted with you.
“Why do you think Kageyama is the favorite Volleyball player in all Karasuno? Among the girls, at least.”
You furrow your brows and pout. “That’s not that hard. You’re working with a quiet canvas here. As long as he doesn’t try to smile, he’s pretty good-looking.”
“You want something ha-”
“Asahi,” Daichi interrupts, “You could try and set up Asahi.”
You turn toward him and Koushi follows, his arm still snug around you. He’s wearing one of those ridiculous cardigans today that make him look like the sweetest little librarian ever, although you’ve learned to fear the prankster behind the facade. It’s also ridiculously soft and you want to curl into it, not that you’d ever try.
“With whom?” Koushi asks, one step behind you. You’ve had your eyes set on a particular pair for a while now, but Asahi is already anxious enough. You don’t want to give him a heart attack.
“I think he has a crush on-”
“Already ahead of you,” you interrupt Daichi and pat Koushi’s hand, slipping out of his grasp. “Watch and learn, young Padawan.”
You feel his eyes on you as you walk on, slip through the open door from the kitchen into the living room, where Nishinoya has challenged Hinata to a dance battle. 
It’s not that hard to spot Asahi when you know what you’re looking for. A quiet spot, away from the spotlight, but where he can keep an eye on either Nishinoya or… ah, there she is.
Zaira’s chatting with Yachi and Kiyoko, wearing a cardigan not unlike Koushi- whelp, no time to think about him, you’ve got work to do.
“Hey,” you greet your friend with a smile, “Sorry, I got distracted. Daichi brought his mother’s Pizza Pockets. Can you play along for a moment?”
“Play along?” Zaira asks, a little confused, but takes your hand. 
“Sorry,” you say to both Yachi and Kiyoko, “I gotta steal her for a second. I’ve got something to prove.”
Yachi’s mouth is hanging open - but Kiyoko just grins, probably because she’s already figured out what this is all about. She knows the Third-Years better than anyone else.
“Where are we going?” Zaira asks as you make your way through the room toward the door to the backyard.
“Asahi, Hi!” You smile, “Wanna come along, get some fresh air?”
He blushes, but nods, eyes flickering between you and Zaira as he steps out into the chill of the evening.
“Oh,” you say as if you’ve forgotten something, “Could you hold this for me, Asahi?”
You look into his eyes and drop Zaira’s hand, small and warm, into his.
His hand closes around hers and they follow along for a few steps until it registers.
Asahi’s face bursts into flames and Zaira stutters like the fool in love that she is. 
“It’s really nice outside, don’t you think?” You say, walking toward the trees in the back where the leaves have turned red and gold. From the corner of your eye, you can see that they’re still holding hands, looking in opposite directions, unable to speak.
And behind them, illuminated by the lights in the house, Koushi’s leaning in the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest. He looks cozy and warm and like he might admit that he’s lost this bet.
“I’m sorry,” Zaira rips her hand out of Asahi’s grasp at that moment, ruining your little fantasy of rubbing your win into Koushi’s face. “I didn’t- that wasn’t- I didn’t…”
Asahi’s staring at his hand, completely missing the look of betrayal Zaira throws you as she storms away.
“Why did you do that?” Asahi asks, his voice strangely broken. He blinks at you. 
“Because she knows that you like Zaira,” Koushi announces, stepping closer. “And she’s not above using steamroller tactics to get you two together.”
“But I don’t want that-” Asahi croaks and Koushi has the audacity to wink at you as he wraps an arm around his friend. “I know, I know. Come on, let’s get inside and we’ll talk about it. I do have an idea…”
“Koushi’s still in bed,” his mother announces when you show up at his house the next morning. 
It worries you a little that she’s not the least bit concerned about you barging in on her son. Has she too already picked up on the fact that Koushi’s not into you? But who could he be into? Yachi? No, she’s too timid. 
You’re still debating that question when you hammer your fist against his door, wait one second, and then burst through.
Koushi blinks at you, shirtless, hair a mess, with a crease on his cheek from the pillow.
“Am I dreaming?” He asks, voice raspy from sleep.
You stare at him, speechless for a good minute before you catch yourself.
“I need to know what you told Asahi last night.”
“Mhm,” he hums low in his throat, curling into his blanket again. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“I do.” You step closer. 
His room is unusually tidy for a guy his age, not that you don’t know that already. You’ve spent more than enough hours in here, studying for exams. 
On the chair by his desk rests a jacket that looks oddly familiar.
“Is that mine?” You ask, walking over. 
“The jacket.”
“I think so. You left it here last time you came over.”
“And you didn’t give it back to me?”
“I was going to, but I forgot about it,” he waves it off like it’s nothing.
“We see each other every day in school and you forget about it?”
“I had other things on my mind.”
“Like what?”
“Graduating, for example?”
You press your lips together. You can’t argue against that.
“What did you say to Asahi, Koushi? Are you sabotaging my plan of getting them together just so you can pretend you’re better than me?”
“I am better than you. At least at this game.”
“Please,” you scoff. “Name one couple you made happen?”
He smiles, clearly pleased that you asked.
“Oh, gladly,” he slips out of bed, grinning when your eyes immediately shoot to his face. It wouldn’t be the first time you saw him in just his boxers, but the last time happened so long ago, it doesn’t really count.
“Takeda-Sensei and the cute Journalist.”
You scoff. “That was too easy. She was basically throwing herself at him.”
“Coach Ukai and his childhood friend.”
You bite down on your tongue. That one was a hard one, you had to give him that.
“Fine, that one was good,” you begrudgingly give in, “But so was-”
“Ah,” he grins, holding up one hand. He’s halfway in his pants and you roll your eyes as you wait for him to continue. 
“Akaashi and that girl that went to Nekoma… what was her name again?” 
“Nia. And it doesn’t really count if you don’t even know her name.”
“Please, they both needed that push.”
“Still-” He interrupts you again.
“And there’s that really cute couple… ah, no, I can’t tell you about that yet.”
“Yet? What does that mean? Who are you- Koushi! Are you planning on setting someone up? Who?”
“Not telling,” he smirks and pretends to close his mouth and throw away the key.
“You’re a menace.”
“You love it.”  You grimace behind his back. He’s right, but you’d rather die than admit it.
“Where are we going?” You ask half an hour later when he steps out of the bathroom, hair now just as messy, but in a different way. You wanna drag your hands through it, but you’d rather chew off your fingers one by one than admit that.
“Follow Asahi around as he confesses his feelings to Zaira.”
“What?” You’re on your feet in a heartbeat. “When? Why? How did you manage-?”
“I told you,” he preens, “I am better at this than you.”
“You’re not.”
“Am too. Mom, we’re going out.”
“Okay, stay safe you too.” She pops her head around the kitchen door. “And come over more often. It’s nice having you here.”
“Oh, erm, yes, thank you,” you stammer. This invite might have been cute when you were kids, but now it just feels weird. 
“Why are you staring at me?” You ask Koushi. You don’t know where you’re going and he’s refusing to tell you, but that doesn’t mean you won’t notice if he keeps looking at your face for over five minutes. If he’d been anyone else you might have thought he’d finally noticed your beauty or found some hidden feelings for you in the back of his ink-black heart. But this is Koushi, and you know to expect the worst.
“Nothing, just… are your eyebrows uneven?”
“They’re not!” You exclaim on instinct, though grabbing your phone to check. 
“Take a picture,” Koushi orders, and the tone in his voice has you follow through, starting the timer. Usually, when his voice sounds like this, something fun is going to happen.
He leans in, face serious, so you keep yours similar. Then, right when the countdown runs out, he presses his lips to your cheek.
Your heart lurches into your throat and you have half your mind to turn your phone away, not yet ready to examine the face you made.
“What was that about?” You all but whisper-yell, trying to be conscious of the people riding the train with you even though your heart wants to lurch out of your chest and slap him in the face.
Koushi grins and rests his head on your shoulder. “Not telling,” he hums low and even though you try to push him off, he’s staying exactly where he is. A menace, clearly.
There is no sight of Asahi whatsoever.
“We’re pretty early,” Koushi guides you toward a coffee shop, the colorful pastries literally screaming at you to get one. “Let’s get breakfast first.”
“I just had breakfast.”
“And now you’ll have it again. You still drink Chai Latte?”
“Yeah, but-”
“Let me guess, the lemon pie?” He points at an adorable little creation, the yellow color brightening your mood just by being in your field of vision. You pout.
“I don’t like it when you know me that well.”
“Sorry, not sorry. What do I like? You know that?”
“Of course,” you boast, “I’ve been forced to be around you for far too long not to know that. You like everything spicy, so I’d get the chocolate chilli parfait for you. And you’re a wuss, so you drink Hot Chocolate.”
“I do drink Hot Chocolate,” he confirms with a smile, “but I think I’d prefer something sweet today.”
“Ah,” you cock your head to the side to look him up and down. “That doesn’t sound like you.”
“Well, but it is me. - Yes, we’d like one Chai Latte, one Hot Chocolate, the Lemon Pie and the Unicorn Roll please.”
“The Unicorn Roll?” You ask him, voice dropped low. 
He smiles in a way that leads all attention back to that awful mole next to his eye. It looks like it’s winking at you.
“Yes, The Unicorn Roll.”
It’s a monstrosity of cream and marshmallows, decorated in colorful sprinkles and topped with a tuft of rainbow cotton candy. You’ve wanted to try it ever since it came into fashion, but just looking at it has your teeth hurt and you can never betray your loyalty to everything lemon flavored anyway.
But looking at it now, sitting in front of Koushi as if it’s just a normal dessert, it wipes everything Asahi out of your brain.
It almost makes you miss the fact that Koushi’s paying.
“I can pay for myself,” you insist, a little too late, but he’s already pushing you forward, a warm hand at the small of your back.
“Can I try yours?” Koushi asks and you’re still a little out of it, pushing your plate toward his.
“You wanna try mine?”
“I- yes…” You blink, before digging your fork in, taking out the left eye of the poor little Unicorn.
“I don’t think this qualifies as breakfast,” you groan once your mouth is empty again, thinking fast how you could possibly get another forkful of this delicacy.
“Doesn’t matter though, right?” Koushi digs his fork into your lemon pie and you take that as an invitation to take out the right eye as well.
“You know…” you ask between bites, now taking freely from both plates, “I apologized to Zaira. I said I was sure Asahi was going to confess now, and that I’d give him a little push. I still need to know what you told him so I don’t lose a friend as well.”
“Mhm…” He puckers his lips as he’s thinking, now slightly tinted pink by the cotton candy. “I suppose I could tell you.”
“I suppose you could.”
“I told him I’d confess my feelings if he’d confess his.”
Your fork drops loudly onto the table and you almost toss your cup off it as you try to grab it, trying to look as if you didn’t care about his words at all.
“Pretty… uh, pretty bold of you, don’t you think?”
“Well, not really. I’m pretty confident she feels the same way.”
“Oh, but does Asahi know that too?”
“Well, yes. He said it wasn’t a fair exchange, but he’d still try.”
“And how is he going to do it?” You ask, hand curled around your fork in a tight fist. You don’t want to talk about Koushi confessing. Asahi confessing is a much safer topic.
Koushi checks his phone. “He’s doing it right now. He’s meeting up with Zaira at that little park across from her house.”
Your mouth falls open.
“At the park?”
“Obviously,” Koushi smiles, eyes twinkling. “Do you think he’d confess in the open? Where all the people can see him? No way.”
“But… but why are we here then?”
Koushi’s smile changes to something softer and your heart lurches, slipping into your throat. Breathing is suddenly impossible.
You need to get out of here, fast.
“I need to go,” you manage to push out, grabbing your bag from beneath the table.
You don’t look back, but all the way down the street you don’t hear him follow you. 
Well… it’s settled then. You’ll have to move to Tokyo. 
No way you can show your face again after booking it out of there like this.
Now he’s surely going to think you like him.
The swings are vacant, the ground covered in leaves.
You pull your phone out of your bag, not surprised to find a flurry of messages from Zaira, each one of them more ecstatic.
And even though you gave them a push, it’s pretty clear that you’re not the one responsible for her happiness. At least not this time.
“Chai Latte, slightly chilled for the Miss?” A voice asks behind you.
“I’m not in the mood for jokes,” you tell him, not surprised when he still settles on the swing beside you.
“No jokes, I promise.”
You huff, but accept the paper cup of Chai Latte, sipping it instead of looking at him.
For a while no one says anything.
“If you’d confessed first, I’d have won a bet,” Koushi announces eventually, making you halt your movement to turn to him.
“You bet on me confessing to you?”
“First. I bet on you confessing first.”
“With who?”
“My mom,” he admits, blushing slightly. “She called me out on my crush during Junior High.”
Your jaw falls open. “That was when you used to pull on my hair!”
“It looked really cute!” Koushi defends himself. “And you always got all huffy and paid me more attention than anyone else.”
“That’s disturbing.”
“It’s honest. But I… I really like you. And you are better than me in some things. Not all things, but some things.”
You purse your lips. “For example?”
Koushi smiles. “Wouldn’t you like to know? I’m better at kissing though.”
“Prove it,” you hiss and his smile turns into a grin.
Dread’s creeping up your spine. 
“Oh no,” you announce to the table, interrupting Yachi and Zaira’s quiet conversation. “Koushi’s getting bored.”
“How can you tell?” Yachi asks.
“Can’t you?” You ask, just as the door opens.
“Baby?” Koushi asks, dragging the syllables, “You’ve not paid me any attention for at least fifteen minutes, that can’t be healthy.”
“You’re a big baby.”
“And you love me. What does that say about you?”
“That I have no taste?”
“No, you have a lot of taste.” He grins, propping his head on your shoulder and squinting down at the table. “Oh, I like that color for your nails. I saw some shoes that would fit really well the other day.”
“We cannot buy another pair of shoes.”
“Mhm, we cannot, but I can.”
You huff and roll your eyes. “You’ll never save money that way.”
He grins and presses a kiss to your cheek. 
“Girls,” he addresses your friends then, “I have to take her away for a minute or two. Important business, you understand. Zaira, Asahi’s in the kitchen. You should join him, maybe, because Tanaka’s trying to talk him into cutting his hair. Oh and Yachi, Tsukishima is-”
“Tsukishima is being annoying?” You interrupt your boyfriend, sending him a glare. He will not ruin your plans for Yachi. “We already know that. You can stay here if you want, I’ll be back shortly.”
“Mhm, not if I have anything to say in that matter,” Koushi announces, dragging you out of the room. The giggling of your friends follows you, but you don’t really think too much about it.
There are other things on your mind. 
Koushi’s hand in yours, or the smile he’s throwing at you, or the fact that he’s not pulling you into the living room or an empty bedroom, but outside, where it’s freezing..
You might love him, but you’ll shove his face into the snow for that.
Tip me?
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suplicyy · 3 months
What kind of aesthetic do you think the characters go for? Like what aesthetic would they be attracted to in a partner, purely based on vibes. You can answer this sinply as an ask, or create hcs out of it, completely up to you :-)
Type of "aesthetics" that Haikyuu boys would like in a partner
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— Summary: Vibes/aesthetics that the characters would like in a partner, whether due to clothes, personality, tastes, etc.
— Multiple characters!!
— Fluff | Gn!Reader
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ᡴꪫ₊˚⊹. 》 He would certainly fall in love instantly with someone very lively, extroverted and playful, someone who shared his same chaotic personality, joining in on his crazy ideas. His ideal type of date would definitely be busier places, such as amusement parks, arcades, festivals, etc.
Someone who wasn't afraid to express themselves in with vibrant colors, even if it makes you the center of attention. The most important thing is that you can wear clothes and accessories that express your personality and lifestyle!
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— hinata, nishinoya, inuoka, lev, goshiki, koganegawa, bokuto.
ᡴꪫ₊˚⊹. 》 Someone shyer, cute, almost as if they just came out of a shoujo anime, certainly catches his attention. A person who has a loving personality, and who cares about him, makes his heart skip a beat.
Many of your dates would be something simpler, like a picnic or a day watching movies at home, but these are the moments when you create the sweetest memories. <3
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— sugawara, kageyama, kenma, tendou, osamu, aone, oikawa.
ᡴꪫ₊˚⊹. 》 Someone who has a unique style and way of thinking, in a perfect balance between chaos and tranquility. One moment you would perhaps be at a show, and the next you would be walking through the deserted streets at dawn, uncovering the secrets that the dawn hides in the shadows.
A person who was bold, both in personality and in the way of dressing and expressing themselves, but who gave off a strange feeling of comfort.
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— iwaizumi, kyoutani, semi, atsumu, suna, kuroo, taketora.
ᡴꪫ₊˚⊹. 》 He are looking for someone who is mature and responsible, and who has a calm personality, but don't forget to remind him every day and in every possible way that you love him. Be it song lyrics, quotes in books, and even drawings, you would always find a new way to make him rosy-cheeked.
Whether in a coffee shop, library or museum, he would always feel calm and comfortable with your presence, because just you being by his side was enough for him.
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— asahi, daichi, tsukishima, ushijima, shirabu, kita, akaashi.
꒷꒦︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ ⭑꒷꒦꒷꒦︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ ⭑꒷꒦꒷꒦︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ ⭑꒷꒦
— A/N: I'm sorry if that wasn't exactly what you wanted, this "aesthetics" thing I don't really understand because it's a very vague concept, so I tried my best to write something that could include everyone who is reading!!
Besides, this is my first time writing in this type of style, so I'm sorry again if it's not good💔 And if a character you like isn't here, you're free to imagine which one of these he would fit into!
383 notes · View notes
kairiscorner · 11 months
first kisses with them are like . . .
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being greeted with the feeling of soft, sunflower petals.
when they kiss you, it feels like the world slows down a little. they had no idea how to fit their lips with your own, they sort of feel like your lips are too beautiful, too sweet for their own to touch; but you want them to interlock their own with yours, anyway—you don't mind how inexperienced or anxious they may be, or how much overthinking they've done—you just want them to know that your lips are theirs to kiss; theirs. they gulp a little, give you a dorky smile that you can't help but chuckle a bit at, and slowly lean in forward, and give you a brief, chaste kiss that sends butterflies in your stomach and a light feeling that sends your heart soaring.
it feels like that kiss could last forever, and you both wished it did; they really downplay themselves a lot, for someone who says they aren't a good kisser, they certainly know how to make you all giddy and giggly after their gentle peck on your lips.
after they pull away, it's like you both start wondering just how magical that frozen moment in time was; it was straight out of a fairy tale, how easily they romanced you with the mere feeling of their lips on yours, with all the love they had for you in that loving kiss that probably didn't even last for a minute, but felt like an eternity that you wished you two could live out forever.
yamaguchi, sugawara, asahi, daichi, yachi, aran, goshiki, aone, lev, ennoshita, alisa.
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having the sparks of firecrackers dancing on your lips.
they always seemed so confident, daring, and unafraid of anything—anything, that was, except confronting their feelings about you, because if anyone could get them this restless and enthusiastic, be it in obvious or subtle ways of their own, only you could do that. they had reputations for being a bit hard-headed or too cocky, some of them being a bit chaotic and intimidating at times... but they were very, very passionate lovers at heart—and they really, really wanted to let you know just how much they loved you through this kiss that you let them share with you.
out of excitement, they stole that kiss from you the minute you puckered those sweet little petal-like lips of yours; you hadn't realized it, but they had already placed their lips on yours—and it felt like a flame had kindled in your chest, and your cheeks burned with so much fluster in them.
they kept your lips firmly locked with theirs, telling you without words that you were theirs... and they were yours. they hated sharing, no matter how good their facade could get, that was the one thing they couldn't mask up. as long as you loved them and their kisses, their lips would be the only ones on yours, making your heart burn and your lips sear with so much love—love they could only give to you, and only you, because you're the one for them, the only one their lips, heart, and selves belonged to.
hinata, bokuto, nishinoya, tanaka, terushima, iwaizumi, atsumu, tendou, yaku, oikawa, kuroo.
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feeling a cold frosty blanket of snow melt into warm greenery.
if they were being honest... they didn't quite know how to kiss; or rather, they had no clue just how kisses were supposed to feel like. sure, romance and romantic gestures could be read about, heard about, but never truly experienced by them. until you came and changed the flow of their lives. their lips always ached with this fervor, this burning need, that was overshadowed by their cool, composed, sort of aloof, personality. if only they could show more than what you're used to, then you'd know how much they want you, how much their lips yearn to touch with yours.
when you finally let them kiss your lips... a blossoming feeling in their hearts grows, and they feel a blooming passion erupt from them that is released through the soft kiss they plant on your supple lips. they were more enamored with you than you had realized—and it makes you all the more in love with them.
to think that someone so beautiful, so perfect, so out of your league had wanted, so desperately, for this moment to happen is just... phenomenal to you. when you kiss them back, they give a soft whimper—oh, they're soft... both physically, and internally. you can't help but appreciate the vulnerability behind their austere, indifferent gazes; it makes you just want them more, and more, and more, and they're more than willing to give you all of them, always.
kenma, osamu, suna, akaashi, ushijima, kiyoko, kita, tsukishima, semi, sakusa, kageyama.
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tsukkisdinocollection · 3 months
first highschool date with Sugawara and Kageyama? 👀👀👀✨✨
Fem!Reader or GN!Reader ^w^
First Date
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⭑ Pairing : Koshi Sugawara x Reader (Romantic), Tobio Kageyama x Reader (Romantic) (Separate)
⭑ Content Warning(s) : Reader is gender-neutral with no pronouns specified, Tobio being awkward as shit, not proofread
⭑ Synopsis : The two setters of Karasuno take you out on a first date.
⭑ Author's Note : I am so sorry this took so long omg...shit's been going crazy in my life and I haven't been motivated to write as often anymore. I might start writing SMAUs and things like that in the future so stay tuned for that sort of thing. <3
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Koshi Sugawara
I think Koshi would want to take you somewhere serene and tranquil – it contrasts his chaotic and mischievous behavior, but he doesn’t want you to know that side of his personality just yet. He’ll probably take you to a surprise picnic, buying a nice outfit for you (with the advice of Asahi), foods you like, and a gift or two.
He treats you just as a gentleman should. A soft kiss pressed against your hand before he leads you to a hill, where the picnic is set up. There’s a wooden bench with a straw basket, covered with a white and red plaid cloth.
He’ll make small talk with you in the beginning of the date, before going into deeper conversations. You get to know him better through these conversations, and he tends to let his “chaotic” personality through throughout the date. You don’t mind, though.
He’s overall a sweetheart the entire date. He walks you back home, and as you say goodbye, you place a kiss on his cheek. You don’t decide to kiss him on the lips just yet – but maybe you will when you go on your next date.
Tobio Kageyama
I’m thinking Tobio’ll bring you to a fancy restaurant. He’s not really sure how dates work, and as much as he believes the rest of the volleyball team is incompetent in helping him (besides the third years), he asks them anyway. He mainly listens to the third years’ advice, taking you out to an expensive restaurant. It’s not like he can’t afford it, anyway.
He almost wears something casual to the date, not liking the feeling of the stuffy suit he regrettably bought. But after a lecture from his older sister, he decides to wear it.
He’s a bit awkward during the date. Whether it’s because you look jaw-dropping in that outfit or because the feeling of the fabric from his suit against his skin is killing him, he doesn’t know.
He relies on you to start the conversation, and keep it going. He’s more of a listener, and he wants to know more about you so he can get a better idea of what your interests and likes are so he can take you out on the ideal date.
When you ask him what he likes, he goes on a huge tangent over volleyball – not like you mind.
Like Koshi, he’d probably walk you home, to make sure you don’t come across any creeps or get in any other sort of danger. He wants to kiss you so badly, but he refrains himself from doing so. He decides to finally do it another time, when you two are much closer.
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romaevelizz · 5 months
Thinkin bout you ˖ ࣪⊹
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A. AZUMANE x blk!fem!reader ˖ ࣪⊹
Sum: Asahi never realized how in love he was till that moment, maybe commitment wasn’t as scary as everyone made it out to be..
Warnings: long-fic, cursing, suggestive(barely), fluff, blk! Coded reader(everyone is welcome ofc!), mentions of piercings and the reader being a foreigner! Not proofread!
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.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
The new year had started, He wasn’t expecting much of the new year. He didn’t want much to happen he just wanted to get it over with, keep quite and to himself wouldn’t be that hard. Yet when she sat next to him he couldn’t help but look over, his eyes meeting hers. Asahi felt his heart stop as she offered him a warm smile. That’s all it took, a smile that was genuinely kind.
With that small interaction Asahi continued to steal glances over to her, he took in her appearance very carefully. How the Sun from window made her dark tone glow, how her face rested with mean look to it, that on her lower lip and nose she had punctured holes for pearcings he guessed, how her curls were quite long for their texture. He hated how her eyes would meet his as if she knew he was staring, he hoped every time she caught his eye she didn’t think of him as a creep. But that he was simply admiring her.
And he would continue to for the ongoing week before she even said something. Sitting in her seat she turned her body twords him leaning against the desk, Asahi tensing up when she just stared. “ Considering how much I’ve been catching you staring you haven’t introduced yourself.” She hummed her right leg crossing over her left one.
His face went red “ Huh- no! I’m sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable!” He panicked.
He watched as she smiled lightly “Hey, you’re alright!” She laughed softly. “I’m L/n Y/n, transferred from Nekoma.”
That’s how it started, they became close quite fast. Conversation with her came easy and never felt forced. He found out a lot about her. That she grew up in the states lived in Japan for the past eight years. Her hobbies, favorite foods and drinks, her favorite color, about her family, that she was a manager for Nekomas Vollyball team before moving. That caught his attention especially after he rejoined the team.
While walking to the gym he asked her why not, worse she could say is no.. to be honest he’d probably cry if she said no. “If you’re not doing any clubs we’re looking for another manager..” he spoke softly.
She looked up at him a brow raised “O-Only if you want to!” He laughed nervously. What was he thinking right of course she wouldn’t it was stupid to ask. He covered his face with his hands groaning.
She noticed his internal panic “Ahh, hey don’t panic just yet I didn’t even answer you!” She laughed jumping in front of him.
Asahi felt her hand grab his wrist lightly pulling them from his face. A smile displayed on her pretty features her head tilted to the side lightly, “I’ll come take a look! I mean why not got nothing better to do.” She laughed, god did her laugh make his heart flutter.
So they walked to the gym together, as soon as she stepped into the gym she was crowded by the two chaotic seconded year’s and their first year follower. Asahi panicked trying to get the out of her face but failed, yet she didn’t look panicked only laughed as they asked her questions and complemented her.
The three boys crowding her turning towards the voice quickly. “How about you move away from the poor girl and let her breathe she just walked into the gym for Christ sake.” Daichi spoke
“How about you introduce us to your pretty Friend, Asahi-San.” Sugawara spoke his hand falling on to his shoulder.
Her eyes met with his, to be fair everyone’s eyes were on him. “Well, umm, this is L/n Y/n. She’s coming in to looking at being a manager hopefully.” He stuttered.
“Hopefully?” Daichi asked.
“He mentioned it to me, so I said I’d come in. I was a manager before, I’m new.” She spoke laughing nervously.
Needless to say she did become a manager, which Asahi was over the moon about yet so nervous about. She got to watch him every practice now every game.
Weeks had gone by and things had been going great she was now a manager of the team, she got along great with everyone she was a very lively person and everyone liked that. Asahi had fallen hard, and his teammates could tell. Of course Daichi and Suga pushed him to ask her to have lunch with him a bit more often, walk her home and even flat out ask her out. But Asahi always said No, that what if she doesn’t see him that way or he simply couldn’t.
It gave the two third years a headache because of how obvious his feelings were towards her and that she very much reciprocated them. How she would simply boost his confidence when he was feeling down or asked him to help her with small things how she always had her foucus on him. Even Kiyoko had spoke up but the ace always denied it.
Soon enough the Summer training camp had come up. A six hour bus ride, and she just so happened to ask to sit with him. He couldn’t say no, he didn’t want to say no anyway. So they sat together the two talking back and forth, sat in silence even but when he felt her weight on him he froze. Like a deer in headlights he froze up, staying as still as he could stealing glances here and there. Taking in her appearance and new hairstyle, she had mentioned to him that she was getting it done but couldn’t decide if she wanted to get beads or not that maybe it wouldn’t be a good idea that it could be noisy that she needed a second opinion. Yet Asahi thought her points were valid all she had to do was show him a picture of her with her hair done like that once before, “you should get them.” So she did, little did he know multiple of her friends gave different opinions ever her mom she took asahis and got them, pinks, clear, and even reddish tones.
“If you keep staring you might start drooling Asahi-San.” A voice behind him spoke, the short second year teasing his ace.
Asahi had soon fallen asleep his head resting on top of hers, in the picture his friend showed him Asahis hand rested on her thigh as her arm wrapped itself around him they were comfortable both of their mouth wide open. To be fair that his how he woke up, obviously apologizing for touching her, “Asahi, hun, i literally drooled on your arm if anything I’m sorry.” She laughed. The simple nick name though she call many ‘Hun’ or ‘Babes’ it still ringed through his ears.
“I still can’t believe that happened.” He covered his face as his friends shoved a phone in his face with said picture.
“I couldn’t help it! You both look so cute!” Suga teased.
Asahi pushed his friend causing him to fall over.
“Kiyoko I DROOLED ON HIM!” She cried.
Kiyoko only laughed, “You both looked.. comfortable.” She smiled.
“Plus this picture of you I couldn’t help myself.” Kiyoko laughed.
Later that evening she couldn’t find him, she wondered is she scared him of or if his friends had said something. She continued looking around even asked Daichi only to hear he didn’t even come in for dinner. So taking it upon herself she made him a plate going if to find him eventually finding him sitting on some stairs.
“Asahi?” She called out.
Asahi had excused himself from the group to collect himself, more to get away from his friends teasing. He watched as she offered the plate out to him “I heard you didn’t make it to dinner.”
How could he forget? “Thank you..” he smiled softly taking the plat form her their hands touching.
Maybe it was the way she seemed to be the nervous one, how when she sat next to him she played with her fingers picking at the nail polish on her nails. She was nervous, he could tell by her body language she had something to say but just couldn’t say it. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry if me falling asleep on you on the bus made you uncomfortable, I just really hope I’m not coming of to strongly- and I- oh my god.” She stuttered.
“I like you. A lot, if I haven’t made it obvious haha..” she laughed nervously her eyes avoiding his as she made that confession.
Then the silence came back, for moments, Asahis eyes didn’t leave her frame. “I’m sorry! Im not really good with confessions..” her voice shaky as she stood up. “I get it if you don’t feel the same I really hope didn’t ruin our friendship, because I do really enjoy your company.” She smiled awkwardly, she sounded as if she was gonna cry.
He was about to let her walk away, the girl he’s been smitten about for months was about to walk away after confessing her feelings. “I like you too.” He muttered.
Putting his plate down he stood up “I like you to Y/n.” He spoke loudly, his body bowing down. “I’m sorry I was a wuss who couldn’t confess first, because I really do like you a lot!” He confessed.
He stayed like that for a moment, soon he felt her hand touch his shoulder. His body moving up as her hand traveled down to his bicep. “And please believe me when I say you’ve never made me uncomfortable..” he whispered.
He watched her take a deep breath, and nod tears welling up in her eyes “H-Hey don’t cry I’m sorry!” He panicked pulling her closer, his large hands holding her face up whipping away the stray tears.
“I’m sorry I’m a crybaby sometimes.” She laughed.
The feeling of her arms wrapping around his torso made everything better. How his own arms wrapped around her frame his head resting on top of hers. With her he was safe, with her he was confident and nobody could break that wall she build for him.
As the months went by Asahi had never been happier, all the dates, her support. The support he gave her, the happiness he brought her, that small things the had for one another. Asahi could imagine leaving her behind and he wouldn’t, he wanted them to be forever maybe it was because she was his first love, his first kiss.
His first. The way her lips fitted with his how she tasted of bubble gum and strawberries, his hands learned to touch her so tenderly and rough touch her in the ways her breath got caught in her throat. How his name fell from her lips so effortlessly, she was his. That the way he had her under him was only for him, the goosebumps that formed on her stomach as he kissed down her body. She was his.
The way her hand never left his as the walked through the markets day or night. The way she smelled intoxicated him, how her smile and laugh continued to make his heart flutter.
He remembers the moment he feel in love with you, the first time he let I love you, a word that meant so many things. Three words that meant so much commitment, three words that meant everything. Right before the Mach with Shiratoriazawa. The way you spoke to him as your wrap his fingers just like any other match, how you praised him, building his confidence, “I’m so fucking proud of you, and I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else because I want nothing more to be here with you.” She spoke her eyes never leaving his her words filled with so much love her body close to his.
“I love you.” He whispered, letting his forehead touch hers.
“I love you too, you’re gonna kill it right..” she said a smile on her face.
“I’m gonna kill it.”
He did just that, that final point being set. His body moved quickly towards her his body running twords her picking her up in a hug. Her legs wrapping around his waist, as she hugged him back. This was the first time they kissed in public. Yet with happiness like that there’s also the loses, the last match the played in the Spring tournament. Her holding him tears in his eyes his hand tugging on her jacket. That would be the last time he play Vollyball with them his friends, god and he tried so hard for them. For you.
“‘Sahi, my love you did so good.” She cried with him.
“My love you were amazing, you are amazing. I cant thank you enough for letting me get to know you to know you, to know your friends to let me into your heart.” She spoke holding his face.
“Thank you for loving me.” A sick sob left his throat.
“I will always love you.”
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Maybe I’ll make a little series out of this fic! Hope you liked it please let me know is you want to see more!! xx
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bookskeepers · 3 months
a million dreams - sugawara kōshi
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pairing: timeskip ! sugawara kōshi x nb ! afab ! reader
word count: 2,843
content warning: angst. angst. angst. (or at least an attempt to write angst idk if it's successful), established relationship, afab ! reader (because pregnancy sorry gang :( ), suga DIES, car accident (mentions), pregnancy, birth, omgomg, you have a daughter that looks exactly like suga too B)
a/n: why does my mind do this to me (i'm listening to the greatest showman while writing this) (Also i don't speak japanese so if the whole 'kanji' thing is wrong pls lmk)
also i feel like i accidentally veer it towards daichi x reader at some points but i promise it's only platonic between them
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"We're gonna have two kids," he said in the dim lighting, his hands entwined with yours. "And a big house with a big backyard for a dog." Your head was tucked into his chest, and you could feel his soft breaths against your forehead. His arms were securely wrapped around you. The vibrations of his voice felt in time with your heartbeat, and you were content. Wholly, truly content in your boyfriend's arms, finding yourself drifting off to sleep as he rambled about his future plans that involved you.
As your eyelids grew heavy and finally closed, you heard him murmur: "We'll name the daughter Harumi and the son Koji, of course."
"Don't I get a say?" you asked then, a playful edge in your tone as you nuzzled further into his chest.
He chuckles into your hair, and you can feel his chest shake. "Of course you get a say," he replied when his laughter died down, "after all, you're going to be their parent too."
It was as if everything in Sugawara's life went according to plan. The next morning, the two of you had your marriage ceremony and wedding. The guest list was on the smaller side, with close friends and family being invited; you recognized familiar faces from Sugawara's time in his high school volley ball club. Your parents were present, along with other extended family members. The event itself went off without a hitch, and, after six years together, you could finally call Sugawara your husband.
After that, it felt like time flew. Before you knew it, you were moving out of your small, shared apartment into a much larger house. Although it wasn't huge by any means, it had enough space for Sugawara's plans: two kids and a dog. And soon, the dog joined the family.
Sugawara had insisted on naming the dog Cheeseball (despite the dog being a Bernese Mountain Dog mix), and Cheeseball was perhaps the second light of Sugawara's life. When he was home, most of his time was spent on the couch, you nuzzled into his side, and Cheeseball laying across both of your laps.
A year or two after Cheeseball joined the family, your first daughter was born. Despite giving Sugawara sass for his choices in names, the two of you ended up agreeing on Harumi, and it was spelt with the kanji for 'sunny'. She had been born at the crack of dawn, hence her name.
As Harumi grew up, it became more and more evident that she was a carbon copy of Sugawara, save for the beauty mark. Her hair was a silky silver and her eyes were a deep brown. She even had a personality similar to that of your husband's: bright, cheerful, and chaotic.
Your life with Sugawara was picture perfect. Of course, of course, it all came crashing down.
It had happened while you were pregnant with your second child. Right after the ultrasound that revealed the baby's sex, no less. You had wanted it to be a surprise, so the technician had told Sugawara. Once the two of you got home, you nestled into your usual spot on the couch and smiled at him sweetly as Cheeseball hopped up and rested his head on your lap.
"Kōshi," you began, your voice dripping with honey, "can you do me a big, big favor?"
He returns your sweet smile with a knowing look, giving you a soft snort before responding. "Yes, my love?"
"I'm really craving cake right now." As if to prove your point, your stomach chose that moment to grumble rather loudly. "And I was thinking, maybe you could get a blue cake or a pink cake for the baby?"
He ruffled your hair before walking towards the entrance of the house, the car keys jingling in his hand. "I'll be back shortly with your sex reveal cake," he called out. The sound of the door slamming shut followed soon after.
You took a quick look at your phone to check the time -- 11:29am -- before turning the TV on to watch something while you waited for Sugawara to return. One hand stroked Cheeseball's soft fur while the other manipulated the remote to try and find a movie or show that piqued your interest.
After settling on a TV show about forensic psychologists and criminal profiling, you found your attention rapt by the show. After watching several episodes, Cheeseball barked. The sound of a door opening indicated that someone was home, and your brow began to furrow after Harumi entered the living room.
"Where's Papa?" Harumi asked, setting her backpack down on the table. Her silvery hair was in two pigtails, a bright gleam in her eyes. "He said he'd tell me if I'm gonna be a big sister or a big brother!"
You chuckled lightly at your daughter, patting the spot on the couch next to you. Another quick glance at your phone revealed that the time was 2:37pm -- four hours since Sugawara had left for the grocery store to get a cake. Anxiety began crawling its way through your system, heading for your heart.
"I don't know where he is," you told your six year old. "I asked him to go to the store and get cake to celebrate finding out! And, you're going to be a sister regardless of what the baby is. We get to find out if you're getting a new sister or a new brother."
Harumi nodded, hanging on to your every word. "I knew that," she huffed. After a brief period of silence, she added a tentative: "Maybe you should call Papa?"
"Good idea," you replied, kissing the top of her head before unlocking your phone and making your way to your contacts. As your finger hovered over the call button next to Sugawara's name, the home phone began to ring.
The anxiety that had been making its way through your body suddenly sank its claws into your heart. No one ever called the home phone. The only reason Sugawara even insisted on one was because it fit his idea of the perfect house. Standing up on shaky legs, you made your way over to the TV stand, picking the phone up from its cradle. You didn't recognize the number.
"Hello?" you asked quietly, cursing the slight tremor in your voice. Your heart began to beat rapidly in your chest, roaring in your ears -- you wouldn't be surprised if whoever was on the other end could hear it.
"Is this the Sugawara household?" the strannger questioned.
You recognized the voice almost instantly -- it was Daichi Sawamura, one of Sugawara's closest friends from high school. All it took was those five words for your world to start breaking apart.
"Hi, Daichi," you whispered. You glanced over your shoulder, meeting Harumi's big, brown eyes as she looked at you curiously. "Um, this is the Sugawara household, yes. If you needed something, you could've called my cell. Is everything alright?"
It took a tremendous amount of effort for you to speak in an even voice, to try and seem like you didn't know the next words that were going to come out of the phone.
You heard Daichi take a trembling breath from the other side of the phone, and you tried your best to steel your nerves for whatever he was going to say. Cheeseball chose that moment to get off the couch and pad over to you, as if the dog was aware of what was about to happen. Before Daichi even spoke, you found that tears had begun to stream down your face. "Sugawara -- no, Kōshi -- was in an accident." Another deep, shaky breath. "He didn't make it."
When you officially received the news, it had taken every ounce in you not to fall to your knees. Instead, you expressed the terror coursing through your veins by placing a hand underneath your small-but-noticeable baby bump. "Thank... thank you for telling me, Daichi." You placed the phone back in its cradle, not willing to wait for his response.
The hardest thing in your life was breaking the news to Harumi. How does one tell their child that their faither's never coming home again? How do you explain death in terms that a six year old will understand?
The sobs that tore from your daughter's throat when you told her moments later broke your heart even more. Beyond the pain in your chest, you felt numb, as if what was happening was happening to someone else, as if someone else's husband died on the way back from the grocery store with a blue cake in the passenger seat, as if it were a scene in a movie that you were watching.
You had slept in your once-shared bed that night, longing for the feeling of Sugawara's weight making the mattress dip beside you. You tossed and turned, and sleep didn't come until Harumi had made her way into your room. "Mommy, I can't sleep."
You sat up straight in the bed, holding your arms open for her. "Come here, then," you whispered into the dark room, watching her vague form clamber onto the bed before nuzzling into your chest.
You finally fell asleep with your daughter in your arms.
After that first night without him, you had gone through the motions. Harumi had insisted on going to school, saying something about not wanting to break her routine and "get stuck in the sad." For a six year old, she was wise.
You had covered the shrine in your house with white paper and closed its doors. You had set up a small table next to Sugawara's side of the bed, adorning it with his favorite flowers and jasmine-scented incense. You had called a temple, both grateful for and disgusted by the lack of emotion in your voice when you scheduled your husband's funeral service.
You're now standing next to his coffin, watching as people who knew your husband mill about the temple room. Harumi's by your side, her hand tightly gripping yours. You spot the familiar orange of Hinata's hair, the broad frame of Tsukishima, the angular jaw of Daichi. Your heart squeezes painfully in your chest as you notice the three of them approaching you.
You find yourself wondering, in that moment, what it must've been like for Daichi -- your husband's closest friend -- to not only find Sugawara in the car, but to have to report it to you. You watch as his features mold into a soft, sad smile. Tsukishima and Hinata have similar expressions on their faces.
The three of them each hand you one of many black envelopes you've already received, and you hand them to Harumi. You watch as she scampers off to place them with the rest, that silky silver hair of hers flowing freely behind her.
"How's she handling it?" Daichi finally asks, breaking the silence. Hinata and Tsukishima seem to take this as a sign, offering you their condolences before retreating back into the crowd. Your eyes don't miss the approaching form of your husband's other close friend, Asahi Azumane.
"She didn't want to stop going to school," you reply after a few moments. "She said it was because she didn't want to get stuck in her sadness."
"Wise kid," Asahi comments as he finally reaches the two of you. "May he rest in peace." He tilts his head towards Sugawara's coffin before nodding at you.
You nod in return, engaging in mindless conversation with the other two. You listen as they reminisce over their shared experiences in their high school volleyball club and watching their underclassmen become world-famous pros. You listen as their words flow in one ear and go right out the other. Before long, the wake begins in earnest. The priest goes to the front of the room and begins reciting a sutra, and you and Harumi place incense in the urn a total of three times.
The rest of the day passes in a blur.
That night, you're in your much-too-big bed, staring at the ceiling. Sleep stays a fair distance away from you until Harumi reappears in your doorway, around the same night she's done it every time. She nestles into the comfort of your arms, and you can feel the soft rise and fall associated with her breaths.
"Mommy," she says softly in the dark. "I miss Papa."
As if to make up for all the emotions you hadn't felt since his passing, the grief and the guilt come crashing down. You're suddenly too overwhelmed to speak, instead opting to hold your daughter tighter. She returns your squeeze with one of her own, being mindful of the bump of your stomach.
"Do you think my new brother will look like him?"
It takes you some time to trust your voice to speak. "I hope so," you manage to whisper. Harumi doesn't respond, and you can tell that she's fallen asleep.
At the end of the funeral on the following day, you watch as Sugawara's friends place a variety of flowers around his head in the coffin. You watch as Asahi lifts your daughter up with ease so she can add some flowers of her own. Your eyes follow their movements as they close the coffin and nail the lid shut with a stone.
You're grateful for the presence of Sugawara's family at the cremation afterwards, thankful for the steady hands of his parents as they assist you in picking the bones out from the ashes. You're thankful for Asahi and Daichi as well, since they've taken it upon themselves to babysit Harumi while you're preoccupied with this.
You, along with Sugawara's parents, walk towards the temple's lower rooms with the urn holding his remains in your arms. You're the one who places the urn in the small box. A small screen next to the locker-esque grave turns on, and your husband's face smiles at you brightly.
A sob escapes your throat, and tears begin to stream down your face. Sugawara's mother echoes the sentiment as the photo of her son shines brightly in the otherwise dim room. You take shaky, gasping breaths as the photo stares at you before you turn on your heel and leave.
It's been several months since his passing. Your baby bump has only grown in size, and you're met with ferocious kicks at every time of day.
During the day, Harumi goes to school as normal. At night, she no longer tries to sleep in her own bed before coming to yours, instead opting to just start the night off in your bed. You find that sleep overtakes you with more ease when your arms are wrapped around your daughter.
It's not long before the sharp, stabbing pains of labor overwhelm you one day while you're at home. Daichi had forced himself to be on your phone's speed dial ever since you told him about the baby boy's kicking, and he is who you call when the time between contractions dwindles from hours to minutes, when the contractions themselves start lasting longer and longer. He's at your door quickly, ushering you into his police car and using the sirens to clear traffic. In between the bursts of pain, you find yourself wondering if it's legal.
When the two of you reach the hospital, you tell him to go get your daughter from the school before you're whisked away by the nurses. As your labor progresses and the baby's closer to being born, you hear Harumi's excited voice from the hallway. It's at this point that the door is closed so you can focus on your task at hand.
Within several hours, your new son is born. The sound of his cries echo throughout the small hospital room, and you watch as the nurses clean him up and wrap him in a soft blue blanket. They hand him to you before one opens the door and beckons for those who are waiting to come in.
Sugawara's parents enter along with yours after Harumi dashes in. She's at your bedside in seconds, jumping on the balls of her feet out of excitement. Your breath catches in your throat as the light shines on her silvery hair, your heart stinging at just how much she looks like Sugawara.
"Mommy, mommy, what's his name? Have you given him a name yet? Can we name him... can we name him Cheeseball?"
Your own mother laughs in response to that as your father picks Harumi up off the ground. "You can't name him Cheeseball," he says, "that's the name of your dog!"
Their conversation fades out of your focus as you gaze down at the little bundle in your arms. The faint hairs lining his forehead are the same shade as your own. You softly rub his nose with your finger, and you watch as his grubby arms escape the blanket and grab at your digit. His name comes to you with ease.
"Hi, Koji," you whisper.
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